Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 16, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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obligations when this country op
poses it.
Circumstances being thus favor-
able to exercise of the Influence of
published by The Oregonlan Publishing Co., the United States as decisive, it is
im oixin street. orllana. uregon.
Manager. fcdllor.
attack and to beat down the screen
protecting- an enemy fleet.
When such monster ships take to
the seas, screened from attack by
small craft on, under and above the
1 C. A.
The Oregonian is a member of the Asso
clated Press. The Associated Prei la ex
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; i I of all news dii-patches credited to It or not
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i: !U
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fortunate that American representa- , water by submarines, cruisers, de
tives have resumed their place in al- I stroyers and airplanes, comparisons
lied councils, if only as observers, of navies by numbers of battleships
The opportunity is open to deter will be dangerously deceptive. They
Britain from going to extremes of could overhaul and sink a fleet of
moderation toward Germany, as dreadnoughts before the latter could
some British statesmen, with German get within range. If within range of
leanings and as ultra-pacifists coun- a great number, they could punish
sel; also to restrain France from re- them severely while retreating and
sort to independent military action could soon outrun them. Then com-
or from putting the new alliance in parisons of gunpower and speed
motion. must be the chief guide in the fu
ture. Otherwise numerical superior
ity In ships might conceal absolute
inferiority in fighting power.
The British people are ready to
join the United States in establishing
-'3 T-i,.. ... 1 IT
.60' .raiiurts ui iub ttiuipt -u .
2. SO
mammals on these islands, seeking
their nesting places. IS, so, they
should be given the same protection
as the other birds."
Those Who Come and Go.
Tale of Folk at the Hotels.
Details n f ffc- n-(n n . 1 1 .1 n ... Ifnunl
Tk r,A t K A: I . 7 " " -"" "
book on deportment has long been counted by Dr. A. G. Belshim of Trout
felt by the leisure classes. These are Lake upon his arrJval at tna Irnperlal
uuy m ujc luie iii.ii, w nuuiu ljotel, Trout Lake Is
icim 10 miBappueu, uui oi me uttre
free strollers who refuse to be driven
to any occupation, even by ennui.
Vachel L.indsay the poet, who re
vived for himself the old mission of
a settlement
near the southern Washington snow
cap, and the phenomenon was
watched with Interest by the resi
dents of th6 village. On Sunday
the troubadour, has to some extent nlfrht when tho citizens retired the
answered the demand for a reliable wun us coat or winter
reference nrrvrfc Severn! vir np-n SnOW, DOre its Usual white. ErliStenlng
he tramped from Illinois to New Monday morning there was a
Mo-rlnn rinrln. ... h wonr ThA f . . ulK Palcn Upon e WMie
- . Dackground, a patch in the shape of a
back-door approach, the' handout, tranezoM tn.jTi.r-...
the brindle. bull-dog, the winsome feet from the summit of the moun
country lass and her iron-visaged pa. tain. As far as could be Judged from
t! V. i
Fred A. Williams, chairman of the
Oregon public service commission, as peace and in disarmament, but they
i x. ,l. . Bn.-.J nf v.v. en holH linrloilhtpd tia.VB.1
lartrelv increased telephone rates, supremacy that they are Jealous of are all familiar to Vachel. On his below, the patch of mud extended for
largely increased teiepnone . rates, ... . return from this extensive . ramble about a mile at Its toD and two miles
?" ?, " U'Vn, , to thiV;:: the poet not only found his muse the bottom on the slope of the
tuwicin, miu mo luvictwy., .vo- - - , , u,. j k I luuuniain. iossi Dlllt lea of Interna.
faction with the telephone rate is tional life that they dare-not take refreshed but foTind prof t in pub- eruption were sugges ld by Julius E
. tou. if ini.Lhon Th navai onliev of their Ushing In prose an account of his,
cate, and unmistakably, is that Ore- government indicates that, if invited v.aa.bndafe- ,T , downfand guide, who accompanied Dr.
I Dciaiuiu io t-ortiana. Wang, who has
r.eep away irom toe cities, aavisea spent most or his life in the vicinity
the troubadour: keep away from the of the mountain and who knows its
railroads; have nothing to do with moods as well as any living man, said
money and carry no baggage: ask hat he had often seen vapor arising
tor-dinner about quarter after 11; ii .Der "ae t(?K
ask for supper, lodging and break- Z."' -f ""j ,n ro
forf .h-i k. .1.. arranging for the establishment of a
tron'B r-itizfins do not believe in the I to a conference of the three princl
recall as an instrument to adjust ad- I pal naval powers on disarmament. It
mihistrative policies. By the failure would suggest delay until the Ward
to RoiMirA sufficient signatures to the ing policy of world organization de-
petition for recall it is evident that velops. When that policy has
.iHor,i talrn rnrefiil thoueht hfifore reached tne poini oi actual uuaruia-
; : verree - - i - . ,
A Conklln Sl..r huilrllnv rhlrun' Vr. ItViec InvnV- mum tit nPnf. Ittlfint tO B.TI agTCeQ PrOPOTUOn DV ail
ree Conklin, Free Press building. De- Tn - moral issue In one arisine from naUons. Britain would gladly annul fast about quarter of 5; travel alone: motor stage from Portland to Trout
lr. !.,"lcS::..,y57e I S?.nA,.,n' s.e"ln .r,".' . a r.rtt it. nisn. tn buUd auDer-Hooda and neat, deliberate, chaste and civil; Lake by way of Hood RivPF. th
vuiiuiiiK. ruruiuu Dan u ruciBUO levits- i liiaiicaMULo iu viiivw w - - i t. 4v. i m i i . -
entative. R J. BidwelL trlt ro.n netltinna wonld receive share with the United State ui sP . s win leave Portland at 1:30
pnrmt. Thoneh nrincinal part In policing the eea . 'mere is great store or wisdom in o ciock in the afternoon and will ar
;j i i; i THE cjqted STATES AS arbiter, plainly . angered by the telephone
;!';': The sharp conflict of opinion that
' ;i ; has arisen between Premiers George
i: ; ! and Briand in regard to the Polish
i . it ! uprising in Silesia bodes ill for the
! I' I ..i m -c T. :
;tl i : suiure peace oi iuruye. 11 la a oigu
i!t j .of growing divergence between Brit
Ish and French policy. Britain and and chary attitude of the public to
rive at Trout Lake by 6:30 In time
for dinner.
Skull Would Give
Choice of Levlcju
High Rents Drive New York Families Director
to Park Tents.
High rents and the scarcity of PORTLAND, May 14. (To the Edi-
apartments ana of employment have tor.) The Oregonlan editorial "Five
combined to cause a rush of applica- Mills or Nothing?" .r.i Mr. Wood-
tions for tent space during the sum- ward's letter printed the same day
mer in New York state and municipal would not call for a letter from me
parks which are thrown open to except for goma references made to
campers. Hundreds of New York: lam- my Dost!on reeard to the school
iKea are planning to eliminate rent tax nroarramme. In the interest of
Dills during the warm weather, )eaPneM. therefor, t m nresnmine
LruBung 10 iuck to oDtain nomes again up0n your space.
wun me coming or autumn. More Mr-. Woodwara gays that the at
peopie win pass tne coming summer temI,t to m.k- fnr ,-. veal.. of
under canvas in the city and vicinity building abstention with a three-mill
than ever bexore, according to the I levy is well-nigh futile, but no one
Joseph P. Hennessey, park commis
sioner in the Bronx, is being swamped
with applications for tent space on
Orchard beach, City island. He said
has even suppested that a three-mill
levy will bring the schools up to the
desired standard.' The issue is slm
ply whether it Is best to get along
with a reasonable amount of money
for another year, when building will
More Truth Than Poetry.
By James J. Moatagne,
that S00 requests had already been be cheaper and general conditions
received. About 325 families were ac- I better, or whether we should Bpend a
commodated there last year, and the larger amount of money and make
nitv rivH . r... tmnnn Tt considerable progress In doing some
i. Lit .v - . x.' in things that should have been done
ia ucuc.ea lae win toiuiij iiitio durinir repent veara.
be double the size of the one last The wrlter refer to a swimming
summer. There Is room for nearly I nool. "not swimming pools," for
2500 camDers on Orchard beach. SDace I the reason that it was included In the
on the waterfront costs (25 for each recommendation or the superintenaent
tent, although interior space may be fenoou ana upennieni o. pr
. . ertles. The officials mentioned rec
ODiameo. tor o less a season. m , v..,- tha romnletion
It was said at the office of the in- of certain bulldinars and the construc-
teratate park commission that appll- I tlon of a new high school. Their estl-
cations for camninr nermlts were I mates ahow that 95 rooms can be pro
nonrlnir In t that thA mmlnir aea- I Vlded at a COSt Of about 3900.000. In
son gave indications of breaking all
records. The camping space nearest
the city Is at Twombley's Landing, on
the western bank of the Hudson river,
addition 26 rooms will be added by
the completion of the James John and
Rose City Park schools. These will
take care of the expected increase in
the school copulation and give a con-
these brief instructions to the wan
n-v. .v .i t.t award, it is apparent that patrons slcv government to ALASKA. "ZJIL "V fJiJr. rr",T.A..
liiuueil- ."v-c n.o j - I Will fall mlBOrahlV In IIS I napHnAnt roronno. tn moolo Nnta . . uu 1UI HCW
the petition circulators, and answered . 7 , ,7 " ' nt l'l , LV t nX. i AT1C" Legion war memorial and
.i. ti, ' I duty if it Bhould end the present that he-does not follow the urban auditorium at The nan, win
. i. i. I fcsaion without casslne a law trans- I error of terming dinner a luncheon, mence within a month, said Hai s I were given over to various organUa
acuuuiuuuus '"'' "' I . ... . I or of mlc.mln,. a. dinner n,rl,o m.. x.,iT I . I .1 v.. ....lj...l . ,
inclination to recall Mr. Williams, ferring the government or Aiasia ; ,.v . " nV.: . . " ,. r " . T " T" . controversy on the subject
m.. .9lv .nrml VI. tn v.dl.. i. !,. ..rritnnr a . nronoswd c" vc' , s at tne JHU1I- ramliy permit are 10 D ISSUea. In th writer', nninion I
"t'. .;,...."""' "VV . selected those auspicious hours when "Oman. ine edifice will be a monu- Two miles and a half north of .ituatinn" as if the voters should
the berry-pie w a f t s - its aroma " C1VIC Pr'de and will serve an Twombiev' iandlnir th commission not .nnrnv. a five-mill levy, we would
in the Curry bill now before the
nearly opposite the Yonkera ferry. 1 siderable number of rooms in addition
Last season the camp aitea there to replace portables. Considerably
lza- more could be said on tne suojeci. uui
ons. but this summer Individual and " ' " u"'r 1,1
family permit are to be issued. , th wrlter., ooinion it is a serl
'! :
.1. - .1 I A V. nor f Ihl . . .1"'" ' J " - - 1 . , , , . T '
t u,TS UTUl nmu tuo -u" n: house. The present government or through the kitchen door, mingled r.' " "s- we."- lne OIIlces t,,. ,tn-! mnfn around, near not have funds to house the new pu
thmCall must0 ook6 to r exTcutton of sTfently reTesvef the a"g- Alaska is little better than that with te uate'd ITlllZ, 1 Alpine. N. J. Th. A U an abundance P,s who will -t- the schools next
: . ..... m. .... j - I ooinot wni. tna Amorir-nn rolnnlea I ham and the aromatic pungency of I . , ... v.. -j... trr year, would not tne boiuuum oi iuw
; the peace terms by uermany ana lor grevea patrons, mere waa - of boiling coffee. At such times the Th : h Vk-.K. Vl'"f e.e! ."a 7 matter be to place on the balld a re
: firm repression of any renewal or a reeling that tne situation may nave -" - " Iord the manor is more to en- At rana,itV W uLu weel uno f """" t" tor three mills, and a so tne op
J that country's aggressive
ambition. If they should drift
the incentive would be great for Ger
militarv been capitalized bv opportunists, and democracy. It is government py an t - Pty. tne nan will seat 1400 not larger than 10x12 feet and con- ,io. of votlnir for flve mills so that
ft apart, that a recall would thrust some one oligarchy of absentees. rxa . casual granger . - p.. aitnougn ,. . planned for th. taining not more than four persons. the people may decide as to how much
it nas oiten oeen naiu mai. 5." ;, 7, 7J-T"- Th. AlDlna camDine grounds are to money they wish to proviae tor ouuu-
lng .purposes next yeari
of these, or their candidate, to the
. ' . . - - I . . . . . t i . , . t . . ii . .ii nn n nil. .nil. i.e. . r 'i i I ui.ii.liii i 11 hi n i i i .n. miiii. i ii n mi m r. n v
i ! many to break from restraint or for fore if Mr. Williams were ousted, s a storehouse or weaun. it woum t.m ZC- of the road shows, which otherwise be divided into four sones this sum
bolshevlst Russia to renew its cam- Pondering this phase of the tele- oe more lomiuj u..u I ,un,i .ch ,i ,ih.. t I might pass up The Dalles. The audi- mer. One sone will be restricted to
Mlo. In nvilnllnnl7 tltA vnrlrl I nhon a tmhrnirlio th A nilhlle preferred I COld Storage WarenOUSB OI utiuui. '"' " -.w.v. torium Will also ha - I .nntk.r ,nmn onrf tha re.
, s-B-.n.. .c.w.wv. i -"- - r l i..i I oHiaa moRt folk havB lost toiinh with ., . " -i i " -
' T'l i : A 11... 1 4 - ....... mnf,A.a rsc tnAV Of. O U" a t T I p Or 1 1 1 !1 1 1 V I 'MI n I:U11K1C39 Utt;tV,lCU I . I rinn niPTllrA nm Aff An 'I'V, n Tl 11 . . . 1 J . ,. -J
x-isiiiuiB 110 buuuc. vcu I i x " r . t!.- camararlaria and iruard their viands . " . " maining two aones are iu uo u-.m..
I the
: r
ignung no sooner ueascu man 10 leave uiaucn no mcj ic, o..- ' - - - j., j .,ri1 tHalr vinnH-j , , ' j-"-" uuta is maining two zones are to
conflict of aims between the two ing the ordinary routine of political to pass any laws for the territory 'L1 IZ we VnBfn't '? a bUS'ne8S Tay to family camping parties.
Hnal allies bpiran to anDear In remedv and when it began to do something, jealously. mere tne nungry oara and we all expect to see a monster
i?M7h.rtaSSr It passed more laws to prevent than "Heir, broe tocj u
order that it should not prove
trous, Germany should have been so
utterly beaten that the conviction of
defeat would have been carried to
every perman mind, and the treaty
I . . , . t." : i i rfintl will flnri that nnln rtoenlsun ann I ina nnxr nnpnilA Th. rata il.. . n. ln I 1
Sn.Tttt.todU classified as a new variety favor of Portland Is sending through VlZL"?
t- .1 n .v.. "IUO .VD"i "t nt Bi,i.ttin win nn nim the Columbia river eatewav much aa he displayed a bleeding arm ana
is ii uui uuuui uuie mai, uib uie- inn hands or me trovernment. uu " ,,,..ul...i,u ..... . I .. . 1 .... - i k..ji. .. t.-i.-j :--.
ntar, wn informal !n a frInHI . -.- t itlr. h aWBV SUDDerleSSL p.iili w?o OU lot CDIDe II118 Wiy rwcwa lr Willi I iv. l,"
Another Jndgment as to Leaders in
American Field.
Erie Railroad Magazine.
Please etve me a Hat of 20 of th. best
A sclentiflo piece we read
Which caused us very grave dis
quiet, Because the learned author said
Tomatoes are a risky diet.
"They lack in calorlea." said he:
"Ofthat there Isn't any question.
And If you eat them you will be
A prey to chronic Indigestion."
And though we like them when w
And eke for dinner and for luncheon.
We straightway gave tomatoes up.
Selecting oher things to munch on.
But though to find a lood we sought
That for oirr system would be safer.
We did not flourish a. we ought.
And shortly wasted to a wafer.
And then another piece we saw
(Of such things we are always
Which said to eat tomatoes raw.
For vltamlnes Is very needful.
"A man who's lacking vltamlnes,"
This sclentiflo piece continued,
"Invariably droops and pines
And can't get stout and lusty
We eat tomatoes once again.
But on the brink of death we hover.
And as these fleeting words we pen
We fear that ws shall not recover.
But If we should buck up a bit
it Dy and by our strength Increases
We've vowed that we are rolng to
Perusing sclentiflo pieces.
. Always a Shorts.
The neoDla of th Tni- eA..
have about ten h!llion in
w hich explains why the stocking mills
..w.c. nave io snut down.
We can Imarln what tha tcv in
me Dam tuo trust must be like.
Wa are not surprised tn
the Eskimos are eating one another.
They were never- accustomed to an
appetizing diet.
(Copyright. 1921. hy the Boll Bnydi
oate. Inc.)
should have been made and executed way that their constant and repeti- 300 reservations of various kinds. In
Wo rlaliht to think that Vachel KLUr.- OB oecision win prove its
. . , , worth in more ways than one."
: 1
! ! 60 promptly
that no onnortunitv tiou Propaganda against Sunday ord6r a man may acquire any holds the unspoiled country places in
n 1. Tthe .I mv to blue laws is becoming an Insufferable of the land that remains or Is In- such nigh esteem. Down the dusty,
Bn b 1 c II me eueillj XV , . TTT , . , I . 1 ..vinv ln,n.l t -l..nll-n nnnreaa
He had just come down from the
fo'csle head of the Cunard liner Caro-
H. A. D., Meadville.
Th dlfflmiltv In renlylnsr to this
Inla' anA hta matea In thft Chin fihOO I , j t.
There r. thr.. m.n in Trti-n r ' ' question is tnat we are pounu lu ...ii.
bore? We think so. eluded in-the reservations, he must aching throat of the stroller courses who are intensely interested in the .. .. , , some mighty good ones, but we be-
The average man is not above en- a hn. in norson or throueh a a cup of rich milk, cool from the weather. One of them Is Edward L. wnais lM row now. jonn. .. . follownir to be the best In
Joyment of a good scrap, but the iawver with one or more of thirty- cellar, and yet another cup. bpurious wens, whose duty it is to forecast the t"y xunocn, tne setuna th6 UulteQ states regardless of pollt
averae-e man also tires miirklw of tha j, Kn,,.. at Wnahlne-. counts and blatant prophets of the weatner ana tnen see if he has made -tjuttierisn. Biggest in tne Atlantic, . . ,, K..t nited most
executed the? would have fellow who is always beating up an ton. 6000 miles distant, who have preposterous may hoodwink the city od least. He is interested because just been washed up over the .tar- larKeIy patronIzed by advertisers, and
execuieameywouiu.uo.vei. . .i,i, vu .v. I ' ... . j v. inin canarnna antartnlnmant. hut ne 13 Paid to be. The other two are I Knarrt how anawerad Tae-E-e.rt. "Tried I : . . . ..... -j
G. B. Manley and-Harold Janes, both "" " ' I'Tj " A , having the largest circulations iu
would have been given the enemy
profit by the inevitable conflict of
national alms. The allies have held
together under the compulsion of ne
cessity, for by dividing before the
treaty was
Jlrt -uth. r-si-en the te7ritory af who Intc . generous entertainment but - is paito be. xother .o at.
xioniH hav Jft Garmanv free. with In short, there is no recognized cam- usuany act on the theory that the when the real rover feels the fleed of whom are registered at the Mult-
i !!
Li'; I
; i , . . , in snort, mere is no recognized cam- ,,i.-,iiv
till I strength far less impaired than Psn In behalf of blue laws. There man wants to defraud the govern.
!M 1 thirf t uv nw aiiiancaa no to l only a campaign against them, a ment
,. . " ,! nnnt In I ... 1 IV. -n
1 .. . ., . . . m i. t .. . . LaiuiiainU wiab vuo bauuu, wvn -u i n a . nrrv nil iiiM.(-.tfs Liita kuvou
any house of amusement - ment of Alaska and disposal of its
The rough and tumble comedian ianfj a the hands of a commission
sings about it, the soubrette chirps f five members and transfers it
about it, the legitimate actor, if cur- I from Washington to Alaska, where
tain called, sneers about it- it tha commissioners must reside. Even
attack them singly at the first favor
able juncture. But France's Insis
tence on coercion and Britain's re
luctance to resort to it prove that
they are pulling apart, while Italy's
refusal to participate in military
measures shows that it has become a
merely consenting member of the al
liance. . Partly as a result of Germany's ex
tinction as a naval power, partly as
result of France's new military
. . , , . . . .... i 1 1 , I " . . i- icftiumtcu ai me muu
ror xneuosnip ana ineu ciuies it m nomah hotel- Maniey Is production
me cuuuirj maun uui uetiuu. manager lor a motion Dlctnra com.
houses and red barns, and blossom- I pany and Janes is head cameraman.
Ing apple trees, and a great sense of The company is In Portland for six
freedom and whetted anDetite ves. I weeKs to take scenes for a forthcom-
at all hazards, keep away .from the inS Production. "Every day of cloudy
,H- ... , I weather when we cannot 'shoot' costs
I,i . rrrA . .. I. J 1 . i .11 I
... . . . - , n . ,, I "3 niaiiy iiuniireus or auiiara.
All mesa ueneuLa. o.iiu muio, am aaM Janp w M taV
to get him bare-handed and he got
me in the arm with his cuttle bona
Show me the fish, John." said Tul-
looh. "You remind me of the chap
who swore he killed a bear, and if
you didn't believe him -he was quit,
willing to show you the gun." .
Taggert made no reply, but fled up
stares at one in the printed word I the Roman emperors did not impose summoned in fancy by the trouba- pictures without bright sunshine, but the companionway with the gang
.from programmes and moving pic.
ture screen, and one
to wait for the feature
show runs off a satirical
subject. A sensitive person
is reverting t'o its traditional policy
of preserving the balance of power
In Europe. Its aim for centuries has
been to prevent .any one nation from
absentee government on their distant dour a rules of the road, .tain would then the results are not nearly so Lfrom the chip shop at his heels.
Sure enough, wedged in between a
winch and the forward hatch was the
monster contribution from a cumula
tive wave that had been over the
13 llKeiy to have provinces for they sent procOMUU we a wiues uui wiuuimn snu Suui ne wiien me snots are taxen
while the ; govern them. The only active op- amble away in the general direction unaer ciear sKies. reopie like to see
film on the .n of the plan appear to be the of nowhere In particular, pausing at p.c tures. an a tnese are nest
no longer ' i iv. ' .a .linn, of Quarter after 11 to compose a sonnet "i BU"-
a result or Tance s new military - T I remu'"u VL ulov-"-"";" 1 . ". n tll. snine. vvnile the actor is the chief I tlve wave mat naa Deen o
A .' supremacy on the continent, Britain are. EO to see Hamlet or Lncle conservation fanatics. Their oppo- on the new silo a nd nose In on the consideration in a picture, good strong Cunarder's bow and swept aft
- ..... .... . I Tom a Ann Tor Tpar a nomi v n n i : . ; .. i a i-nnnnimonfiniinn i nnrn iiociuj miu muuaKc. aim iauw i v, ., i - ,,..,,.. .1 ... . . . . . . .....
J e i uu mivuiu wo a. . ... ... , I 1 ""una am a. vcijr uuuorian i I t h In w movahla xcent thft clinBrlnflr
hina law. haa hean in ternoia tart ..-a tk.i. r..iA th n?aln at auarter of 5 to Draise in I u,.!.. , ' tning movaole except mo
J 'I . -" " ' " - .w.M.fcw w I lOr OB Ulll. lUr UUUCI . I. I U.U I 'J - I " ., yai J 1 HIO )J1 UUUlillUU I nanlllilH
rr-U i :nntn . nv4AA I ... . . . . . I I rh vm Art nrthm tha most rommoniOHS 1 a nrt T . Ii.-i v o 1 .1... A 1. 1 ... i-j.
mis i-uiiiMixiii. uiuuiue ii Duirjct.1 white population nas ueeieaneu unc-
on which the public mind is already I third in ten years. But the great joy
made up is liKeiy to react, xnere nf a conservationist is a Howling
are & great many persons who are I wilderness.
willing to let others spend their Sua
'jr?'".:! becoming so strong as to dominate
;iv"" the continent and thus to become a
tTC-: menace to British independence,
r -'-which hangs on naval supremacy.
ir :: r Britain also has aimed to extend its
' commerce and to fortify its naval
power by splitting the Baltic prov.
i?. r-w ; inces of Russia into a number of
T.'amall republics and by preventing
tJ;---- Poland from securing sovereignty
V.v'i- over Danzig. Commercially it has a
,S'Jr.:. strong Interest In Germany, for their
'""i"-- trade before -the war was extensive,
" - and Britain as well as Germany
would profit by Us revival.
Impelled by consciousness of mill
tary power and of the divergent ten
dencies of British policy, France has
been compensating for the incom
pleteness of the victory and for fail
ure to secure the desired guaranties
from the1 peace conference. It has
formed an entente for mutual de
fense with Poland, which has taken
tha place of Russia as an eastern
bulwark against German aggression,
It has encouraged Czecho-Slovakia,
Jugo-Slavia and Roumania to form
the little entente for protection
against restoration of the Hapsburgs
and against possible aggression by
'- Germany, Austria and Hungary. As
the inspirer of this combination,
f(. which walls Germany in on three
i'J ' sides, France might dictate to the
'"Opposing policies In upper Silesia
are evidences of this conflict of aim,
Never having been friendly to Po-
land, Lloyd Georoge readily yielded
"L'v 60 far to German pleas for retention
of that province as to bring about
.7jt the concession that a plebiscite
should decide between Germany and
-i Poland, Wilson saw' a point to gain
f for his pet idea of self-determina
f if. ii tion, and the concession was made.
. The Poles have undertaken to set
; aside the verdict by force, and the
British premier openly suggests use
of German troops to expel them.
Briand in the most public manner,
by addressing the assembled corre
spondents of the world, angrily re
sents the suggestion, holds the Ger
mans to blame equally with the
Poles and insinuates that if British
troops had done their part in the
occupation of the province, the in
surrection could have been averted.
When allies talk to one another in
this tone, there is danger that they
may become enemies and that Eu
rope may become the scene of new
-i. rival alliances. In this prospect
i j, there is much comfort for Germany,
V but not anv for the United Statesi
H r.r
l ....
f whose chief interest lies in peace and
revival of a wrecked Europe. Though
this nation has no interest in the
fate of upper Silesia, it has a vital
. interest in preservation of peace,
which might be ruptured by the
i : Sileslan dispute. Its relations to the
' ; Z two disputants are such that its ln
i'.t fluence in bringing them into agree-
ment might prove all-powerful. The
-irn-i a'.
whole course of recent events in re
gard to reparation indicates American-
warning to Germany that it
must pay and American refusal to
mediate as the Influences which
overcame both the British reluctance
to impose penalties and French
haste to occupy the Ruhr basin,
while driving Germany to accept the
ultimatum. Britain and France are
each careful not to drive President
Harding into the arms of the other,
thus placing this country in the posi
tion of arbiter between them, while
days as they please, but' who for
themselves choose quiet and seclu
sion. The Sunday observers who are
tolerant of others' rights go to the
While a challenged citizenry Is
rhvmert rvrhm tha m ost r OmmnrilOllS I a n T . 1 u-i v o n1 .In. tA 1.
red barn in seven townships. But harmony between action and setting." The carpenter wung his ax and
we have met the farmer on his na- " about to cut the creature to
tive heath, even as Vachel has. And Your Willamette valley, it Is beau- ribbons when he was halted by the
certain experiences have taugrft us "rul' sala .y'0"- timberman skipper's voice from the bridge.
that he is a staunch advocate of the " "" J;"-; " lnJ The gift of the great wave was, a
theory that strollers should eat their Portland t0" Saiem in a smooth-riding flne P. too big to hack to
bread by the sweat of their faces, automohn- th dnn- w ,,nn nrt pieces, and the captain had the publl
searching tnrougn encyciopaeuiaa i indeed, ne is api to say, in uncon- i warm, and the Journey was one of museum or iiiverpooi in mina.
theaters on other d.vs than Sundav. for tha answers to Mr. Edison's ran- scious parody of Tennyson, Come the most enjoyable I have ever made. I Under direction of the skipper, the
There they cannot escape the impll- Lnm .tions. it mav not be amiss into the garden, guy, and hoe a few The Columbia river highway is won- cuttlefish was lashed to the wine
cation that a war is on between the- fat that nlt ra- rows of spuds; later we may have i"r"'. ln..-Vi. iam2."! and a spike was driven through its
pie say. where did you get them "V v7 ?. . .7. ... head.
duds?' trees a mas of hloom. mad tha aiu-ht I It reposes on ice and will go to the
a picture which I shall never forget. I museum for mounting when the Caro
to mention the fact that quite re
cently a New York legislator vowed
that Dante was formerly a star
right-fielder of the New York Giants.
The solons were urged to appropn-
lmen is of the sepia officinalis species
aters and churches and that all
church attendants are bigoted and
inquisitorial. What, wonder if they
cease attending theaters? rlgnt-neiaer oi me new im A man who has jived m0re than The city of Salem surprised me. It is Inla returna to Liverpool.
There are effective ways of fore- J-ne o" u,6f" Fi"FK half a century ought to know better a nandsome city, one well fitted to According to the captain, the spec
stalling blue-law sentiment without sever! """"' than break any law; yet Judge Bean ue "p.1"1 ol. a great state, une
boring folks to death about it. Just jeath a plea fund lt necessary to send to Mc "'Sr.rSta TmI wri of -octopoda. which swimps in deep
now the moving picture houses can .X mutee ' Catch! Neil's Island for three years an em- Zti tuLltz am'dal'ly morTpleas"! water, off the Irish coast. It was
get more firmly Into the graces of 'errf"0omTnr d scussion Ploye of tno home for the feeble- with-Portland and Oregon. The city washed aboard April 18, when the
the.public by relinquishing the Sun- mg ai uie irase ' i "' " minded who persuaded an inmate of and the state have wonderful possi- Coronla was about 600 mllea west of
day morning film runs, lt would be ZVZumZ to tender years to elope with him. Men bilities and certain futures." Queenstown. Its tentacles were about
guilty of some crimes snouia anow
themselves to die and get orr tne
they are entitled.
a courtesy to the churches to which that ne was unaueraoiy "Wu u
any expensive uiuuie uan;
player. This unique slant at the
deathless Florentine gave rise to
SCPER-HOODS AND DISARMAMENT. ,owl of laughter from those who
News comes from Washington I knew that Dante's forte was con-
1Z. foot In lona-th New York Herald
fi 1 . . . . 1 . . i . - m 1 ' o
lJ, "".H ' r:" " ,mthC.K; The pulse of the great Napoleon Is
the M in hia name stood for "mourn- 8ali to have made only EO beats a
Time was when a Sunday after- I er." Mr. O'Connell, who Is head of a minute. Eighty is not an unusual
that should influence the senate In I ducting a literary excursion through noon alarm would draw thousands, lumber camp of the same name, didn't I number. But, supposing the case of
Heart mai ueais 10 limes uuiiuie,
xpelling 10 cubic inches of blood at
each "stroke," lt is apparent that the
that Britain intended to go slow in I ufe is whimsical in its demands, silent and speedy to attract more
building new warships and that we For years and years lt will require than a rew. limes cnango
were already making such progress no more than a knowledge of when
as to be easily able to reach naval to get the seed corn in, and how to When Linn county purposes to
its action on the ioo,ooo,oou ad- Hades, and that his home-runs were That was in tne uays wneu ucn aim r
dition to the house naval appropri- confined tcf Saturday evening calls whistles sounded the box number, l"8' fa fc .T"'r,ffy e..w" f2
ation. An impression has prevailed on tha has.nt.tful Beatrice. Now a run of the apparatus is too . " ,7i. La v..
equality with that country and keep ( gauge the potato season by my lady I celebrate an occasion-its first act is
wen ahead or japan, iience some moon. Then, wholly without warn- to secure Hon. Milton Miller; that
"That M is iroinir to tand for monev PuraP uvers a cuoio incnes
pretty soon," he prophesied. "Things In one hour, over a million cubic
are looking up again in the lumber I Inches in a day, or (as may easily be
game. The camps are opening up reckoned) about 7000 tons of vital
again, and If we can weather the I fluid In a twelvemonth.
next few weeks, I think that condi
tions are going to shape around again
In figuring this out, the Scientific
who had regard for our national se- hng it will flip a question at you done, arrangements are perfected. a right. ! always said that we American calls attention to the fact
n . i .-I t .r m n v kva Vi n 1 n Inlin. I Ia I .t. i I . J I . 1 n n-1 fnvalffn tn ... 1 A 1 V. n H.T amm.tnlrtol V. . . I . l . l . . .n ....
-w"ij i.j ww.. i..,..,vui iu I tnai is uiocuuuci tiu6ij ivn'b xiq spea.it3 at Aiuanj mcbiuiiai uoj. i needed a cnange in tne administration 1 ulttt numan ucn. uao iwm tumuni i
favor Senator Borah's disarmament your own particular field of re- To be a real "favorite son" is great, at Washington."
amendment as narmiess ana possmiy 1 search. Stripped of conceit you
conducive to good. That impression I make the discovery that others are
ments two auricles and two ven
tricles. The auricles are merely res
ervoirs. The energy developed by the
pump is furnished by the right and
left ventricles the right one sending
-C wnl.l- . . 1.. 1 n 1 .
n-1 II ...J.- tlnl nr.torllisl hoal " .uuvo w w.o 6.iiu IVME tUIl-
was sunoorted bv the announcement .n nn.uinn of rnltiiral common- x ... . vention of Oddfellows to be held this
that the British admiralty proposed pThe lack of which convicts J""- Veur metropoHs ed S. tf..VM.
to inciuae oniy iour Datuesnips n anyone of dawdling away the golden has filed on the waste from the Portland hostelries. R. Alexander of I Impure blood to the lungs and the
Its programme, to lay keels for only hours. why Is it that the Congo is w rm Springs canal for city irriga- Pendletos. who hasn't missed many left one forcing the pure blood into
t ii-n n f tham thla vear onrt to nrnnoon I - . , . l i. i.Hu In ln,.l V I .1 . . . ., . .. .. I
grana loose meetings in, tne past ou circulation.
years, registered at the Imperial and
The proprietor of a union bakery nther dav. othnra reo-iaterrt .t th. day enough energy to raise one ton
at Spokane has been cited to court Imperial on their way to the conven- 90 feet- Au the blood pumped by
Germany despairs of escaping treaty fleet of planes would rise to ward off
two of them this year and to proceed I falsely reputed to hold in trust the u
slowly with construction. world's store of ivory? j
Now comes the announcement The New York legislator need not
that the new ships are to excel all (eei lonely because he never had
imagination. The Hood is a super- Deen properly introduced to Dante,
dreadnought, many elements of it is probable that a similar situa-
power and strength having been tlon WOuld arise in congress itself,
added to the original design as were the identity of the great Italian
learned from the war, but the four poet suddenly resigned to that au-
new ships are to be super-Hoods, as eust company. Recently there ap-
far superior to that vessel as it and I peared a letter from a-southwestern
the latest American battleships are I congressman, dwelling upon his first
superior to the original dreadnought, impression of the capital, that should
They are to have a displacement of tweak the envy of Ring Lardner.
55,uuo tons, exceeding me wood oy Fiction would falter before this mas
15,000 tons, the new American battle .miace of the genuine. And we re-
cruisers by 12,900 tons, will be 950 can an incident of several years ago,
feet long and will have a speed of July recorded in the Congressional
35 or 36 knots. They will have 20- Record, when' another member of
Inch guns; capable of outranging any rhn lower house convulsed his col-
existing battleships. They will cost ieagues by his unique conceptions of
from $40,000,000 to $50,000,000 each, biology.
So far is the British admiralty He had spoken In behalf of a bird
from accepting the opinion of Sir reserve appropriation, designed for
Percy Scott and the midshipman certain Inland waters of his own
whom he quotes as saying that a state, and had held the rapt atten-
battleshlp is "not worth a damn" tion of his fellow members by his
t V. . tl l,ao ..aonlirart 1 nnnnn"..,. . . . ... i. 111. .. 1
iree-ana-easy lamniarity witu ven
ous varieties of ducks, ,geese and
swans. The islands to be included
in the reserve, he said, were the
nesting grounds of the delectable
canvasback, the swift teal, the clarion-throated
Canada honker, the
lordly trumpeter swan. Protected in
these domestic sanctuaries, by fed
eral law, they would insure the pres
ervation of their species.
"And are there any mammals on
these islands?" inquired an enthused
colleague. The house awaited with
almost boyish interest an authorita
tive reply.
"I have no exact Information on
this bird, the mammal," returned
the bird reservist in substance. "I
that it has resolved to "concentrate
the power of the fleet in a small
number of large units. It is not de
terred by fear of the submarine, for
it appears to believe that effective
means of combating that vessel were
successfully developed in the last
ear of the war and it has provided
special armor for the vitals of the
new monsters. It does not fear air
craft, for bombing from the air
failed to do material damage to the
Goeben when she lay stationary on
the beach at Gallipoli and would cer
tainly accomplish far less against a
rapidly moving object, itself de
fended by an airfleet. The British
fleet of the future will include aircraft-carriers,
from which a great
The left ventricle alone uses In
to show why he should not be re-I tlon Included S. F. Bowman and wife I one heart engine in one year would
strained from interfering with the and A. A Crlder, all from Pendleton, suffice to fill a tank 61 feet long, 61
open-shop bakeries. That is a new The Bowmans and Mr. Crlder motored feet wide and 61 feet high. Or. if the
angle. to Portland from the eastern Oregon tank wer9 cylindrical and CO feet in
diameter, it would have to be 115
The "impressive dignity" of the The party of motion picture celeb- reet high in order to hold roe 1,700,000
Japanese crown prince at the Lon- rities registered at the Multnomah gallons pumped by a single heart In
general all-around reputations:
New York Evening Sun.
New York Times.
New York World.
New York Tribune.
New York Herald.
New York Evening Post
New York Evening Journal.
Chicago Tribune.
Chicago Daily News.
Springfield Republican.
Milwaukee Journal.
Kansas City Star.
Portland Oregonlan.
Philadelphia Record.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
Washington Post.
Los Angeles Times. ,
St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Cincinnati Enquirer.
Boston Transcript.
There-are other newspapers with
one or more features of excellence,
but if we were to select 20 daily
newspapers for a general advertl3er
the above would be our list. If we
were choosing dally newspapers for
the reading room of a library or a
club, we would use one evening and
one morning New York newspaper
and the Chicago Tribune, the MU
waukie Journal, the Springfield Re
publican, the Kansas CityStar, the
Portland Oregonlian, the Washing
ton Post, the St.' Louis Globe-Democrat,
the Louisville Courier-Journal,
the Boston'Transcrlpt, the Cincinnati
Enquirer, perhaps one or two others.
Veteran Hopes for Evener Justice.
PORTLAND. May 14. (To tha Edi
tor.) The communication "Things
Bolshevism Feeds On," by James H.
Ounoe. In The Oregonlan is a fine
statement of facts which ought to
weigh heavily on the minds of judges,
lawyers and jurymen.
I think lt very pertinent ana mat
it should attract the attention 01
every good citizen of Portland and
of the United States, which says to
the world: '(Equal rights for all, spe
cial privileges to none.
I am one of the boys wno wore tne
blue from 1861 to 1865, leaving some
of my blood on the field of battle in
the rear of Vlcksburg, Miss., May
22. 1S65. I have a relic of the war,
a brass button from a blouse which
wore. I have it attached to my
watch guard. I am proud of lt I
love to look on our flag, the Stars
and Stripes, which represents fidelity,
purity and sacrifice, showing to the
world a government of the people, by
the people and for the people, and I
am grieved when juries, lawyers and
judges use their positions and offices
to pervert justice.
I am looking and hoping for a
change for the better, and that soon.
Burroughs Nature Club.
CopyrlEb(, IloDSktOB-.tiltflla Co.
don reception probably was resent
ment at being "made a monkey of"
by the rabble. The oriental mind is
Obnoxious bachelor sea lions on a
California island are to be extermi
nated in the interest of harmony.
Some time a paternal government
may do just that with bachelor hu
mans. The mountaineers on the West
Virginia border probably ran out of 1
ammunition and declared a truce.
Enough have been killed to score.
while they pass six weeks in the the course of a twelvemonth.
vicinity of Portland taking scenes for
a new play, visited the Columbia river I The fact that women authors con
nignway yesterday for the first time, tlnua to uaa nan name, that are cal-
and went into raptures over the Lulated to carry the impression that
imoUplctVpeop- ST'doT The th6 Writ6rs ar6 f th" th" Mt'
party which took the excursion up "raiiy tansies up me readers, says
the highway, consisted of Priscllla the (Cleveland Plalndealer. From
Dean, well-known star, Herbert Raw- George Sand and George Elliott down
linson, leading man, Stuart Paton, di- there seems to be an odd desire among
Can Yon Answer These Qarstlonar
1. Are buffaloes all exterminated?
2. When Ice cakes form In maple
ap. or cider do they consist of pure
3. Where does a kingfisher build
her nest, and what does ahe build
lt of?
Answers In tomorrow's nature notes.
Answers to Previous Qnratiitnn.
1. How does a bird breathe under
water when getting food?
A diving bird cannot Inhale under
water, but It can and doei exhale, let
tin? out the air stored In Its lims-
and hollow channels in Its hones. Hy
thus exhaling, the bird also makes
diving easlor. by changing the upeclflo
gravity of Its body. Usually birds are
not actually under water as Ions: as
appears, for they come to tha surraca
and let Juat the bill and noatrila up to
get air.
Where, and in what nh.tse nf d.
velopmcnt, do crickets spend the winter?
The crickets spend the winter In
galleries in the ground, which Istelf
may freeze, but the insects do not
appear to.- They are probshly pro
tected by some sort of arid whioh
their bodies secrete, though thla is
oniy a guess. They are In a dormant
state, with all the machinery of life
brought to a standstill by the cold.
The new generation Is in the egg
form, laid in the ground. In autumn.
3. Do animals keep the same mate
year after year? Do birds?
A few of the hlcher animals are
monogamous, but by far the greater
number of species are polygamous or
promiscuous. There Is no mating or
pairing In the great bovine tribe, anl
none among the rodents, that w
know of. or among the bear family,
or the cat family, or among seals.
Many birds probably do mate for life
a similar question was answered recently.
In Other Days.
rector, Peggy O'Dare. Hector Sarno.
Knute Erickson and Martin Murphy.
When G. C. Sturman of 'Ritzville,
Wash., registered at the Oregon hotel
Saturday night with Mrs. Sturman, he
handed a check to A. Doyle, the genial
desk man. "Trunk?" inquired Doyle.
"No, suitcase," Sturman replied. In
due time the bag was brought from
the station. Several old shoes, two
Wool at 12 to 16 cents In the
Klickitat country is "normalcy" with
presume, however, that there are ' a vengeance.
Oregon pumpkin is to be dehy
drated to supply a world demand. A
punkin" pie nowadays is a work of I alarm clocks, a tin can, and a big red
art. but as good filler as ever. cara raiuea ana Dangea as tne porter
Laincu 1110 1111 kilo uu.oi
Inhhv. The tounirers looked in won.
The fifth husband of the much- derment and then smiled, for the red
accused woman alreadjt has tried to I card bore the explanatory legend
take out some insurance. She is a I "Just married.
ti niton
Mrs. .i. 11. Auwcy, w lie 01 .uo ri
Abbey, joint owner of the well
, ine proposed recall 01 jommis- I known Abbey house at Newport, ar
sioner Williams must have had a I rived at the Oregon yesterday with
filed trigger, as it went off too soon. I Captain and Mrs. H. M. Brown. The
party maae tne trip irom newpon to
( Rainier in a coastwise vessel and
then motored from. Rainier to Port
land over the Lower Columbia River
I highway.
some authors to masquerade in this
It is no secret, according to her
publishers, that Robert Orr Chippen-
field is the same person as Isabel
Ostrander, writer of mystery stories,
but there are people etill unaware of
the fact.
A reader who liked one of the Chip
penfield stories walked Into a book
store recently and asked for some
thing along the same line.
The bookseller offered him Miss Os
trander's latest story. The customer
looked at the title page.
"What!" he cried. "Read a mystery
story by a woman! I should say not!"
And there, seemingly, was a per
fectly good sale In jeopardy.
Montreal has a tax on ' bachelors,
among other means of war days for
raising revenue, and is enforcing the
tax so generally that last year the
city received more than $100,000 from
the unmarried men living there. .
Error Was Reporter's.
PORTLAND, May 14. (To the Edi
tor.) I have just read your editorial
of even date concerning "The Birth
place of Jason Lee." I did not say
that Jason Lee was "born within a
mile of Maiden, Mass., where I now
reside." I did say, what your edl-
orlal affirms, that he was born in
Canada "probably within a mile of
my present Episcopal area, and where
the near influence of Vermont must
have had their effect on him."
Any historical blunder was not
made by myself, but by some one who
made a report of the address.
Resident Bishop of Boston, Mass
Twenty-l ive Inn Ago.
From Ths OrtRonltn of May 16. 1R9.
The senior class at the University
cf Oregon numbers 20 members this
Expounders of the theory that
weather is governed largely by the
moon are damp In spirit with the con
tinuous rainy weather although there
has been a change In tha moon.
The Sellwood volunteer fire depart
ment has made application to the city
council for assistance In the erection
of a new fire station for their district.
Approximate reports Indicate that
about 60 persons were killed and 100
Injured by a cyclone which cleared a
two-biock path across ths cltv of
Sherman, Texas, yesterday afternoon.
Flfiy Tears Ago.
From Tha Oreronlsn of liny in. JST1.
The sale of 2000 bushels of Yamhill
county wheat was reported yesterday
at $1.30 per bushel.
Vancouver Is planning to balld a
new courthouse and Jail this summer.
Regular train schedule is now In
effect between Portland and Hslsey,
making direct connections In that city
for the Oregon-California stage Una.
'High School English.
. PORTLAND, May 14. (To the Edi
tor). Is lt entirely owing, to the
well-known capacity of the human
mind to resist information that a re
cent graduate from a Portland high
school writes: "We each have to
carry our one lunch"?
Or can lt be possible that the meth
ods of Instruction In spelling and
English used by the local school sys
tem may be partly responsible for
this weird effort to express an idea?
O. E. S.
Tse of Got."
PORTLAND, May 14. (To the Edi
tor.) Will you kindly advise If it is
considered incorrect from a grammat
ical standpoint to use the expression:
"I have not got the shipment."
We do not contend that It ths
best usage, but is it absolutely Incor
It Is not incorrect. .
With tha families of nature go up.
By the trails of the mind and the
And midwife the doe and her fawn,
And sit with the bear at his kill.
Go up to the banquets of Pan,
There's always a place for a man;
Learn knowledge and eat to your
There strange feasts of mystery are
Which the dreamer delights to behold;
There are books which the angels
have read.
With leaves that are popples pure.
There are wines from the grapes of
Which the Angers of folly have
And nectars distilled from the lyre
Which throbs in the throat of a
The manna of shadows far-thrown;
The honey of beauty'a pure smile;
The unseeded fruits which are grown
By the waterless lengthening mile;
The date palms of passion have sprend
Their sun-gendered clusters of
And regret heaps a mountainous
From a mingled and maddening
The chalice of wisdom brims o'er.
Fresh plunged In a Platonic well.
And 'Instinct has bounteous storo
Of olives to give or to sell
Truth gathers her ripe flga apart
To bear to the most and the least,
For the hall of that feast is the heart.
And the heart is the whole of the