TIIE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, MONDAY, MAY 16, 1921 1J V REAL ESTATE. 1 reu KSTT15. I WEAL ESTATE. I WANTED REAL ESTATE. . FOR BALE. ; rOB SALE. I roR SALE. , TOR BAI.g-ArTOMOBn,E. 1 . ' . 1 I . . I Mnnu v.hiri llintiu 1 Fonltrr. MIcrIlanroua. I H A U-THIBN'E Eight-room bungalow, five rooms and bath down and three nice rooms and large hall up; fireplace, full concrete basement, furnace, wash trays, lots of built-in, garage, some fruit. Improve ments all In ana paid. Owner says sell it. and the person making the best offer sets It. The place is a bargain at JojOO. Mome one will get tt far below this price. Only been built four years, will submit any offer. Will give some terms. This is one chance in a lifetime. Se FRANK MAHONEY COE A. McKENNA CO.. ? Fourth St. Main ftSil. LADD ADDITION. $i.ViO. TERMS. Close to Hawthorne are.) fine 7-room house, partly furnished; 3 bedrooms, tine furnace. Ruud beater, beautiful lot. roses, shrubbery; must be sold In the Aeat lew daya FOR APPOINTMENT. EAST 499L GREEN .HILLS CHOICE VIEW. Large lot and '-room modern house, hardwood floors, open fireplace, sleeping and dining porches, furnace, gas, elec tric light. Eaty terms. See owner, John Sain, 607 Spalding bids. BUY FP.OM OWNER. 1019 East 2Mb Bt. North. 137110 Terms Just completed, double constructed, modern 6-roorn bungalow; fireplace, bookcase, writing desk, buffet, solid hardwood floors, full set plumbing, paneled dining room, plate rail, Dutch kitchen, breakfast table and benches, electric fixtures. Inside and outside en trance to a full cement casement, an rooms nicely tinted and finished In Ivory, walks, east front: open 3 to w F. M. Auto 322-04. One block south of Alberta car on 28th sL HAWTHORNE DISTRICT BARGAIN. $6.10 DOWN, BALANCE MONTHLY PAYMENTS. A fine 2-story S-room house; every thing in perfect condition: exceptional buy. Shown by appointment only. Tele phone East 4J9L RICHMOND district, 1H blocks to car. 5 rm. modern bungalow; large. well arranged rooms, large white enameled Dutch kitchen, lota of built-ins, full ce ment basement, wash trays, furnace, fireplace, street paved, flower and anrubberv. $.1900. Terms. CLEVELAND CO.. REALTORS. 308 Bd. of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 1150. JAWIlIOilN-K AVE. QUARTER BLOCK. $1.7.500. A splendid i-story 8-room house, with full quarter olodk; house Is modern and In good condition; street work all paid: $.-.000 cash. bal. to suit. This property will have great enhancement in value. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. REALTORS, 732 Cham, of Com. " MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. Fine 7-room home with 4 pedrooms, fine condition throughout. 50x100 lot. on ?aved street and sewer connections, only blocks to Hswthorne car. close to Catholic and public schools, garage. Only $3700: $-W0 cash. Photo at office. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO.. 426 Henry bldg - Bdwy. 47.14. PORTLAND HTS. ATTRACTIVE HOME. EXCEPTIONALLY WELL BUILT AND SUBSTANTIAL; LARGE GROUNDS, BEAUTIFUL SHRUBBERY. HARD SLR FACE. IDEAL LOCATION. GOOD VIEW- MUST SEE IT TO APPRECI ATE IT: SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY; COOP TERMS OWNER. MAIN 105 "" WHY PAY RENT 7 " $2750. good 5-room house, large lot. 14 fruit trees, lots of small fruit. This house has 3 rooms downstairs. 2 up. good basement. In fact, a good home and $200 down will handle 1U balance QUICK sTLES CO.. 406 COUCH BLDG. u'iiott PARK BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, strictly modern, H block from ear. This was built awut years ago and la a fine home. .". easy terms. J. R. HAIGHT. 82 4th St. Main 4522. COE A McKENNA. nnsB CITY BARGAIN. a mndarn 5-room bungalow, furnace, flrentare. hardwood floor, in choicest Bart above the hill. $."250. terms. 9 J. R. HAIGHT, fii 4th St. Main 4523. COE A. McKENNA. A I.AM EDA PARK. Equity in modern 7-room house on 2d. near wryce. ior miv, f-v vu v-aHnf 14700. tr0 month. Includ- ing interest; absolutely clear, principal on:r. Woodlawn 3ni. price $s;o : aown. tat. tio PER MONTH. 6 PER CENT. 1875 Houghton street. 2 blocks from Lombard and Wall streets. St. Johns car. Two-room ahack, lot 78x165. corner. A. H. AKERSON. 420 H-4iry Bldg. Ve HAVE a good list of 4 and 5-room bungalows from $2000 to $3000. with $500 down and $25 monthly payment. 41UM WMtftl AC REALTORS. 437 Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 31P,. DEAR HOMESEEKER: Am leaving city. will sell my lovely B-room moaern nome, sun room, sleeping porch, 3 fireplaces, garage. 8.1x100, location; Just where you want to live; reasonable term. AJ 670, Oregonian. 22O0 7-ROOM cottage, street sewer paid, lull piumuinK, lot uuaiw, sa, eicti., S4iK) cash. baL easy. A grand snap. J. P. McKenna. Realtor, 1151 Belmont at 38th. Tabor IH'.'S. JiEW APT. bungalow, owners home; 8 rooms, dining alcove and bath, gas, fur nished; hardwood floors; close In; one block to car: $3750. $1000 down. bal. ance to suit. 800 Cleveland ave. iRVINGTON PARK Modern 6-room bun galow, 1237 E. 31st su Fireplace, fur nace, etc., 100x100, nicely located, ner car and school. Price $5000, half cash. Owner, Woodlawn 5325. OWNER MUST CHANGE LOCATION. Richmond bungalow. 5 rooms, 34th St., 1 block car. furnace, fireplace, garage, only $4000. excellent condition. See it; some tfrms; no mortgage. Sell. 2706. EAL'TIFUL lit. Tabor home, every con venience, hot water heat, 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, built for own home, very best material and workmanship. Owner 34H E 60th st. ROSE CITY. Beautiful corner on 41st: 5-room bun sTalow, built-ins. hardwood floora. garage: improvements in and paid $.W10; $1T.OO handles. 4"2 E. 41st st. N. Tabor 5'212 $ 2UO0 S N A P $ 2000. -room modern bungalow, A-l plumb fng. full basement. 40x100 lot, fruit. $300 cash, bal. at 6. ' SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXOH. WESTMORELAND. 6 ROOMS. $420(T Hardwood floors, furnace, large rooms, ast front, $1250 cash, balance monthly; a real bargain. See It- Sell. 2706. Suburban Homes. . GOOD TO LOOK AT. Better to live In: shingled bungalow with nice front porch. 5 rooms and bath, dandy aleeping porch, lots of Inclosed shelves and built-ins In handy kitchen; built-in bookcases and writing desk In the living room: closets and shelves and cabinets; Just what a woman likes; also lots of wfndows. back porch 12 feet quare for a summer kitchen; the house Is on a gentle slope and faces the sun rise; the soil is wonderful and' the spring garden Is started; peas, lettuce and radishes up- quantities of berries, black raspberries and strawberries; the best of neighbors in neighborly neighbor hood: 333 feet from the station, 22 min utes from Portland by Oregon City car or auto: come out and look: the price Is so low that we will not put it in for feat you will misjudge property by the pries and you can have Immediate possession. George C. Hazieton, Evergreen Station. Onk Grove 139-.V. $100 DOWN $100 DOWN. OWN YOUR OWN SUBURBAN HOME. These beautiful one acre tracts with city water, electricity, gas. phone, located in the close in. fast growing east side, out the hard-surface Powel Valley road, lies level wltn excellent view, and pleasant surroundings. ONLY ONE HUNDRED DOWN, balance easy monthly paymenta MOVE OUT AND SAVE YOUR RENT. PRICE $750. Act quickly as we only have a few left. Phone or come irnd we will take you out In one of our 30 autoa always ready at your service. Ask fof F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 203 Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Third St. bet. Wash, and Stark. MR. WORKING MAN! Do you want to own a llttl farm, where you will be Independent of the boss In future years? If you answer, yes. then you should see us and Investi gate the properties we are putting on the market in the Willamette valley, the fineat loganberry land known. Right at the electric station, postoffice. school. tores; $150 will start you on one of our farms. See PARRISH A PARRISH, 2"9 Falling Bldg. L SUBURBAN HOME My 5-acre home, near Council Crest. In beautiful valley, all -planted. Bull Run water, gas, ga rage; am forced to sell at $4S00, part terms. Call Main 9503, or Marshall 2245. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near car line, from $1800 up. Inquire 3d houso north of Rialey station, on Oregon City car line. ON PACIFIC hignway and Oregon City car line, beautiful modern suburban bom. ciABAP. (' nuibali. iiH 2d, at. FOR SALE Suburban or country gentle man s home, near state highway over looking 'wo vallevs and mountains; "Million Dollar View;" 7 acres with new and strictly modern 6-room bungalow finished In Ivorv, large ftreplao. furnace, polished oak floors; bullt-ln features, fine garage, tenant house wltb fenced park, .spring water with city pressure; 6V seres in nrnduclnr fruit: only halt mile to electric cars: nothing better In a suburban home near Portland lor money. J. A WENDELL. Newberg. Or. For Sale Bnalnes Property. ni'?IYS, fnrnar -narTment and StOrP.1 income 175 month, heart of Sunnyside; inooo. terms. 1000H Belmont. For Sale AcrewgeT $23 DOWN. $7.50 MONTHLY. A .r.T.niii .niuirM tract. gOOd SOU, small creek, fine for chickens, berries and fruit. 1 miles from city limits. Total nrire 1300. we have only JO of these tracts left In this platting, some as large u tti acres and proportionate ly on the same terms. Get In on the ground floor. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. REALTORS, 732 Cham, of Com. 41-ACRE farm, 10 acres In Al bearing prunes, balance hay, rrain and pasture; first-class buildings, running water, seven-room plastered house, good garden and family orchard, on graveled road, miles from town, close to school. Would take good late model car or small property In McMInnvllle or Sheridan in part traqe. cox ay ww, vjic.uiii.u. TUALATIN VALLEY HOM ESITK $421M. 4 acres, right on paved highway, 8 miles from courthouse; all in cultivation, acre of orchard. of a mile to elec tric station. This would make an Ideal summer home. $1000 cash FRED W. GERMAN CO.. REALTORS, 732 Cham, of Com. ACRE.S. HALF ACRES $10 Alberta car. Why buy ordinary lots further out and pay big assessments? fib down. R. W. Cary. 1216 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 1643. Residence. Main 187. on AfTiirs. nartlv ImDroved: Clarke coun ty. Washington; 12 miles from Vancou ver. 2V4 miles paved highway. W mile ePnm L.r.v.1 roan. level, good soil; $1400, terms. Address R. 6, Box 219, Vancouver. Phone Vancouver "! in. WRITE for map of western Washington, showing location, low price and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAU8BR TIMBER CO., T.icoma. Wash. FOR SALE ISO acres timber, Port Or- ford sedar, llr ana oatc, in curry county on Elk river; placer and quarts gold mine on property. Terms part cash. H 6S9, Oresonianr FOR QUICK SALE 80 acres, $1200; house and outbuildings; 6 acre clear; 6 mile from Beaver, Or., Tillamook Co. Woodlawn 2227. CHOICE, close-In acreage, suit Owner. East 745. quantity to 15 ACRES, also house-moving outfit. 6131 2d st S. E Thomas Allen, elty ACRE, 3 biocKS from Hawthorn car line. I1QOO. Owner. East 3860 Homesteads. Relinquishment. I AM LOCATING HOMESTEADS trom 40 to 160-acre tracts, either Portland or Rosbeurg district, farming or timber land; am In a position to give you as good. If not better, service than anyone In the state; government map, checked up to date. E. W. Helm, 314 Board of Trade b:dg. 3 RELINQUISHMENTS. O. A C. land; one well improved: owner spent $2ooo cash on It; at edge or town: price 3750 for this: one unimproved, close to town, practically a level piece on Pacific high way, aouth of Roseburg, $400; another one. heavy timber, worth $5000. tor $400. 301 Corbett bldg. COPY govt, maps showing western Oregon homestead lands. $1. Our charges are reasonable and our service the best on locations. References given. M. J. ANDERSON. 531 Railway Exch. Bldg.. , Portland. RELINQUISHMENT for sale. 820 acres for tsoo, in central Oregon : nousenoia goods. Implements and lot of other things too numerous to mention. Call at Sim s. 3d after 8 P. M. Sunday, other days all day until Wednesday evening. Irrigated Lands, 8TJNNT BURBANX ON THH COLUMBIA. . Get some Irrigated land cheap In the garden spot of Washington. The best of growing facilities for prohibition grapes, asparagus, early potatoes, strawberries; theso crops net from $500 an acre up, according to how well they are taken care of. These crops ar absolutely certain and never both ered by frost- We have no mud and no rain but an abundance of water and eunshlne; 60 trains a day through the Three Rivers country, best of transportation fa cilities to markets. If at all in terested in Irrigated land it would pay you to investigate. Land with paid-up water rights $100 to $180 an acre. See Earle C Miller, with THOMPSON, SWAN A LEE, Third and Main, Vancouver, Wash. . Fruit Lands fur Sale or Rent. FIVE ACRES, 3Vs miles from Amity, all In walnuts and cherries, 13 years' old; bargain at $1250. worth $2500; forced to sell. BF 668. Oregonian. For Sale Farms. AN IDEAL DAIRY AND STOCK RANCH. All the elements necessary to making this the finest ranch In Oregon; 1000 acres of cutover land, good soil, all of.lt: no rock, no waste; over 200 acres rich alder creek bottom, about 60 cleared. 8 in orchard; plenty of outrange; 2 .line creeks, lots of living snrlngs. large oond. water power for electri lights, water piped to buildings and barns; good school; free auto bus service to high school; dslly mail and telephone; 24 mllles good town, railroad, boat landing and Columbia river highway; 2 hours' drive from Portland: attractive price and terms; might consider part trade. J. B. Laber, owner, 703 Broadway bldg. Main 769. 120 ACRES. $0000. Hour and a half from c:ty, snort aurtanco pxi nara-unacea pavement on rocked,' road; beautiful large stream through place forjialf mile. About 35 acres In cultivation and similar amount eaay clearing; fine river-bottom land; one of most picturesque and charming place near Portland. Partic ularly desirable for city man. Hart. 615 Ry. Exch. bldg. Phone Mar. 15S5. luo ACRES Santiam river bottom land, 65 A. under cultivation, ail in crop, oaiance in good pasture and timber, 10 A. prunes and cherries and small fruit; located 5 miles from town on main graveled road. 2H miles from store and postoffice; 200 yards from school and R. R. station; old house, small barn, crop, stock equipment, all for $13,000. Terms. Box 67, R. 1, Crabtree. Or. NOW IF YOU WORK MY PLACE WILL MAKE YOU RICH. 160 acrt.8, f"ery best loam soil, on paved highway, 18 miles out: 40 head cattle, ready to start. I'm old and must quit. See my agent, T. O. Bird, 626 Chamber of Commerce. ON HIGHWAY. 95 acres. Forest Grove district. 85 in crop. 6-room house, x barns, rsmily or chard, crop, stock and machinery; $14,- 000, $3,100 casn, Dal. 10 years, 6 per cent. liJ fatton roaa. rortiana. Alain 8380. S10-ACRE Willamette valley dairy or stock rancn; river Dottom; no mil, gravel or poor soil; weHs, river, springs: good new buildings; iruit; n. n. station on place; tor sal or part trade; sacrifice for quick sale. Lendell Stock A Poultry j arm, mmira, Oregon. 150-ACRE farm, good soil, located 10 miles from Vancouver, wash., on good road. gooa oiags. biio, 10 cows, an macmnery and tools to run the farm. Price $23,000. $3000 cash, rest for 6 per cenL For more Information see Joe Gentemann. 210 Railway Kxcnange oing.. fortland. Or. 80 ACRES, on creek good dairy farm. 5 acres in gooa- oeanng trees, good house and barn; an stock ano machinery. Price $7500, or will consider Portland home in trade. Inquire of W. C. Hanna, Dnfur, Or. WILL ALMOST GIVE 10 ACRES NEWBERG. Cost bungalow, now vacant: mnrl em east luesaay; maae oner; all cultivated; beautiful location. 536 Chamber of Com. HOOD RIVER 30 acres. 11 acres orchard. fine conauion. prospect or rine crop meadow; 7-room house, bath, beauti fully situated. Phone East 1137 or ad- drPSS A OH. LT'-tjonian. 93 ACRES, six mile south of Lebanon, 63 in cultivation, well fenced; a good buy or will trade. Owaer, Tabor 6308. NEAR NEWBERG. On rock road, 100 acres, 80 In crop house, barn and family orchard, all live stock and machinery; $8000. eaay terras 732 Pation roau. mniaou. aiain B3S0. CHICKEN. FRUIT GARDEN RANCHES near Portland. $50 to $500 per acre; easy terms, best soil; farms for sale, all sixea McFarland. realtor. 208 Falling bldg FOR SALE 80 acres. Lane Co.; some buildings, Ireek. spring, young orchard -31500. M 674. Oregonian i ACRES for $luoo, oU down and lu a month; 8 miles from Portland; good rock road. AV 736, Oregonian. iVi ACRES, level, fenced, clear; good 4-rm. house, near Wlllamina; terms; loganberry land. J. R. Sharp. 83 4 Third at. 80 ACRES on Lewi river, bottom land, $3200. house, barn, timber, fishing, lie Farland. Falling bldg. Mar. 3672. EKE COLE for bargain In rsrms. or etaarde 426 Lumbermen bldg. Hi OR 10 ACRES level, tlmberd land, near eavrton; coed id. J. R. Btiarjj. S3ia d. FOR SALE 340 acres river loam; 133 cultivated; balance rood pas ture, lightly timbered: good house, three fair barna; some stock and machinery; 9 miles from Corval lls; 1 mil off paved highway; road to place all the year: ship ping points miles. Price $60 per acre. 1J4 acres; all tillable: fenced new woven wire; buildings fair: good gravel macadam road; near paved road: 6H miles from Al bany. Price $74 per acre. 680 acres, excellent river loam, with sufficient timber to pay for place; nearly all ash and maple some fir and balm; the timber Is of the beat.elarge and good stuff, easily logged; Willamette river borders, paved road 1 mile, R. R. shipping point miles, 6 miles from Corvallis; 60 acres cleared; all the land is first-class for ber ries, fruit, alfalfa, clover or Brain. Frio $23,000. 430 acres. 250 acre wheat land; fO acres under ditch; all crops go with place; 10-room modern house, hot and oold water, chicken house, granary, barn 40x60 feet: all grain and feed included: about 80 ton or alfalfa; tool shed 24x100 feet; all farm machinery; 7 horses, 8 cows, registered bull; 7 hogs, about 100 chickens; on main highway, 1 mile from town. This is one or very best equipped eastern Ore gon farms: 200-miles from,, Port land, on railway and main high way, creek on border of place, running water all year, abundance of water for . irrigation. Frio 121.000. terms. Choice river loam for berrlea and "fruit, in small or large tracts, within 8 mile of the O. A. C. and Corvallis. HUGHSON TAYLOR. Fhone 1513. Corvallis, Oregon. REAL VALUES IN FARMS. C LARKS COUNTY 40 acre of best shot soil. 17 acre In cultivation, good trout creek, about 10 acres of bottom land. 6-room house, large barn and other outbuild ings, family orchard, on a rock ' road. Vt mile from town; price $4000. $1600 cash. CLACKAMAS COUNTY 60 cre with 45 acres in cultivation w crop: full set of buildings, all kinds of fruit, spring water piped to house and barn: place is rfM.kri mnA fuilv eaulnped: six ii . ...... limits nf Port land: saved road most of tn way: "price $13,000, $6000 cash. . fT.ArjTA mas rmiNTV 54 acre wltn or) i tlvtlnn and -rnr fnll set of building, family orchard and berrlea 6 mile east of Oregon City. Stock and '"J"'0. ment Included in price. $8000, . 'i tA LINCOLN COUNTY 60 acre. dr farm, stocked and equipped. Jlgnt en the Pacifio highway, trout -. ... . ih.n, i i nlace. full set of buildings, best of soil. 5 miles from railroad town: i"'" ' absolute sacrifice at $4250 cash. CLACKAMAS COUNTY 108 acres with 65 acres in cultivation, full set of buildings and family fruit, run ning water, maoadamiied road. . 1!4 mllles from railroad. Place is stocked and equlppea inciuuiue tractor: price $10,000, $4500 cash. WASHINGTON COUNTY 135 acres, practically all m cultivation, best riv.r bottom laud, full set of buildings, water system with water piped to house and barn. K mvrma nf orchard. stOCK Sn3 equipment included in price; $35, nnn tiFinnn ai The above farms have been personally Inspected. Let us show you any or u of them. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. Realtor 732 Cham, of Com. LOOK AT THIS $2700. TOT a t ttti .v. a-ABlur RIGHT AT TOWN. lfV .;r,;T. ahnrrhu. ft blocks tO lectric station, city water and lights available. 6tt acres, all In crop, 6-room house, IK acres strawberries, Stt cTe oats, acre potatoes, laimu a with berries, 8 cows, some poultry, all for $2700. $2000 caah. Can you beat it? Come and e us. 2i ACRES $4200. All In cultivation, 60 bearing P"? so l.v.i r-old Drune. 80 cherry, 25 iJ . . ...n.nrr., rraoea. currants. etc 4-room house, spring water piped to house, 10-grade school Just across road; 1V4 miles to station. Can't be beat for th price, uniy eiw vmu, ti auiL See) this, you will buy. ni. a rrv TP A RM STOCKED. 60 acres cleared. 6-room house, barn 48x80, granary, machine shed, milk house, garage, 3 cows, 3 horses, 9 sheep, all farm machinery, 75 chickens. 2-acre orchard. U acre prunes, all crops. Price $116 per acre. Will take house and lot to the value ot $3000. $1500 caan. oaiance 8 years at 6 per cent. T7 ACRES $9000. 85 eleared, 4-room house, barn 82x36, 3 cows, horses, 60 chickens, 1 brood sow. 7-acrs prune orchard. 4 springs and a creek; mortgage $3500. will trade bal ance for home in Portland. We ha-ve many other places, both small and large that are good buy, com In and ses us before you buy. PARRISH A PARRISH. Farm Land Specialists, Main 6327. 200 Falling Bldg. SELL TOTJ THIS SPLENDID 40 ACRB EQUIPPED RAN C H, THROW IN 40 HIGH-GRADE FAT CATTLE, COWS, CALVES. $6500 FOR ALL. .25 acres In clover and timothy, harvest 60 ton a year: fence hog-tight, fine Mil, creek, well, good team, horses, necessary farm implements, big new barn 116x60 ft.. 3-rm. house, split cedar: gar den, berries, good orchard, 9 stand bee, over 7000 acres of splendid outrange, 1 mil to school. ,5 mile to good R. R. town and Paclflo highway, 53 miles from Portland, an easy money maker. See BAM HEWET at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANT. (Realtor). 8 Cham, ot Com. bid?. 90-ACRH STOCK RANCH. ACCEPT $20,000 GOOD TRADE. Ha fin new modern house, large barn, numerous outbuildings; considera ble stock and equipment and furniture in house goes Wltn ueai; an xencea ana cross-fenced with woven wire; Improve ments alone worth $20,000; price for all $50,000, $20,000 trade; $10,000 cash and long time on balance; owner has large interest elsewhere and wishes to get '"ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., 405 Panama Bldg.. Third and Alder. ONE OF th best proposition In a farm in the Willamette valley, 100 acres, all In cultivation, crop can go with the place, large bam and alio, only half a mile from Paclflo highway between Gerval and Sa lem. $12S per- acre will get thla WHALLEY, 612 McKay Bids. CANADIAN FARM LANDS Last ,-reat block of Canadian Pacific Railway Com pany' reserve lands; remarkably cheap, on long and easy terms; landseekera ex cursion party leaves Portland for Cal gary, Alberta, on Saturday, May 21; re duced railway ratea For further par ticular see Canadian Pacific Railway Company, 208 Railway Exchange bldg., L. P. Thornton, district representative. $2300. 20 acres good land. He wen to the east; largest part surfaced, cleared and in clover and potatoes, other crops; 5 room bungalow, large barn, 2 cows, 1 mare, 8 springs, furniture; 8tt miles ast of Clatskanle on county road; old age reason for selling. Ja. A. Grubb, Box 55. Clatskanle. Or. FARMS. FARMS. J FARMS. Over 1000 choice listings in the Wil lamette valley and eastern and south ern Oregon. Any size or kind you want Many of these all stocked and equipped. On some can accept good city property for part. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 405 Panama bldg.. 3d and Alder. EXCELLENT apartment house site, Eaat 9th and Pine sis., 7uuu; river front acreage near Oregon City car line'; 932 acres logged-off land, 40 acre cleared, building and water system. 2 hour from Portland, $18,000. RISLEY. STARKWEATHER A BLACK. 602 Broadway Bldg. Main 6199. 6 ACRES GOOD LAND, ALL IN CULTIVATION. 1 acre In full bearing trees., comfort able 6-room house, barn, etc, city water and gas. Price $4650 ; 2 miles eaat of Montavilla, mile south of Base Line road, on Taylor ave. H. H. Johnson, owner. i.nilGED-OFF lands, $10 acre ud: runnina water, guuu boh, -is uiiohio, ncnooi, easy tciM-i, S. fibArpa, 83 & Third at, H-KARAT diamond, est In white gold, as . - " . .', infill i. ii u i ir-niuiu , iv. . , .. house; prefer Hawthorne or Sunnyside. Can pay $30 per month, including inter est. Call Marshall 4400 before 12 and after 6. BUNGALOW wanted from 13500 to $5000. on easy terms: must be In a good dis trict. J. B. Ransburg, 509 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 1963. Evenings, Marshall 2531. . WANTED In restricted district. 6 or 6 room bungalow with furnace, hardwood floors, attic and built-ins; must be real bargain, not over $4500; will pay cash, N 650. Oregonian. TO WEST SIDE property owners, I have at any time buyers for west side houses and I oan sell your house providing your Erice Is right. John Singer, 420 Cham ' er of Commerce bldg. WANT six-room modern house or bunga low In Rose City Park. Laurelhurst or Irvlngton; price about $5000: good pay- . ment down. K 650. Oregonian. SMALL tract of land on Columbia high way: must have view and spring or creek. Tabor 6UL 497 E 40th N. F 492 Oregonian. FROM owners. MODERN 6-room bungalow. Irvlngton. Alameda, Laurelhurst or wal nut Park; not over $7500. K 661, Ore gonian ; WANTED 5 or 6-room modern bungalow on east side. Will give my 1918 velie as part payment. Wdl. 4737. WHY PAY TAXE3 on Idle land? Many buyer for little tracts. Let u cut u up and sell It for you. H 661. Oregonian, YOUNG couple wishes to buy 3, 4 or 5 room modern bungalow on easy terms, $100 down, $30 per month. Tabor 6795. WANT a lot or cheap house; will trade good team, harness and wagona Colum bia Hit. i WANTED A. lot In Alameda Park. cash. Wdln. 3076. Wanted to Rent Farms. WANTED TO RHNT. SMALL PLACES. Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small farms: close to Port land preferred. Some people will buy the plac after leasing for year or more. Wa make lots ot sale this way. Will buy equipment if priced right. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger Building Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast RKP'INF.D married couDle. no children, would like stock ranch on snares; live years' experience; bet of references. Address C. W, Chrlatensen, Oregon City. General dollvery. WANT to lease orchard or take on shares. AV 738, Oregonian. TIMBER LANDS. in nnn ooo Trrr.jr.T red fir. 10.000.000 feet first-growth red fir for sale, cash or stumnaRe: level ground, down-hill haul to railroad: a bargain to the man who's ready to put in mill. J. M. Kennedy, Appleton. Wash. for kai.it irto arrcji econd-erowth tim ber land in north Lincoln Co.: rolling land: nv.r 3 000 000 faet of timber, fir. hemlock, cedar; only $13 per acre; close to new K. R.. wmcn is now unaer con struction. AG 664. oregonian. TKI.11W PINK. Going sast. sell 120 acres Wheeler county; make offer; caah or terms. Own er. Main 3S3ft LATH CAR STRIPS LATH. We want several care. Writ or see as, 804 Lewis bldg., Portland. FOR RENT FARMS. 300-A. RANCH FOR RENT. STOCK FOR SALE. Stock consist of 71 head cow, six horses, 120 tons feed, 1000 bushel oats and all tool and implements necessary to operate a dairy ranch; on Columbia river, near Portland; terms. COVER & GREGORY. Phone East 243. TO EXCHANGF REAL ESTATE. CHANCE OF A LIFETIME. To exohange one of the best little farms for the money In the state of Ore gon; 2S acres cleared, good 4-room house, fine large barn, good outbuildings. Ranch contains 70 acres and la an good soil. There is Included with this place 6 good milking cows, 2 heifers, 1 bull, 2 good horses and harness; also machin ery consisting of mowing machine, hay rake, files, cultivators, 2 good wagons and cream separator. I will take as part payment, bouse up to $3000 either in Portland or Astoria and $2700, or I will take $2500 down, balance on terms to suit, with interest at the rate of 6. Price of place, including stock and ma chinery, $5750. QUICK SALES CO., 406 COUCH BLDG. EXCHANGE TOUR REAL ESTATE! CALIFORNIA FOR PORTLAND. fSOOO TO f200.000. (JOHN P. HOLLAND) WICKHAM HAVENS. INC.. 11300 Franklin at.. Oakland, Cal REACH LOTS. , EXCHANGE FOR PAINTING OR BUILDINO. Lot are well located at Tillamook Beach, near station and ocean. Address AP 648, Oregonian. 4-ROOM house, 2 lots, garden and fru't. 6-room house, a lots. 20 fruit trees and garden, 6-room furnished house. wiP take auto. 7504 60th ave. S. E. Phont Auto. 627-98. S20 ACRES In central Oregon, half In cul tivation, improveo, water, gooa tana, for 6-room house or good rooming house, apartment or any good property near city. J 000, uregonian. SNAP 10 acres, 22 Irrigable, good al falfa land, water proviaea, mostly in cultivation; will exchange for good 6 or 6-room nouse or good automobHe. See owner after o f. ai., 200 mn st. a. 43Vj ACRES, building and crop, on paved road: $12,000. Will take $3000 trade. J. B. Atkinson, 120 W. 32d St., Vancouver, wasn. none baj-j. BUNGALOW, SOxlOO-ft. lot, $1800; also 100x125, fruit and berries, 9th St., cor. of Harrison, Oregon City; trade one or both for house equity. East 6779. TO EXCHANGE 14 lots on East Killings worth: will trade for small house in rood district or for lot close In. - QUICK SALES CO.. 406 COUCH BLDG. MY NICE suburban home, Oregon City car; price $6000; will assume. Write to Box 45. Oak Grove. Fhone 179 W. Oak Grove. S3 ACRES choice Irrigated land adjoining Tucson, Ariz., where sunshine and health reign forever. 887 Franklin sL Sellwood 2737. $2800 EQUITY 40-acre Improved farm, near-Kelso and Pacific highway, for acreage or city property. G. A- Norby, l 'O E. 83d. Tabor 8497. FOR EXCHANGI5 1 acre In Portland. Or. Want small bungalow or lot in or near Los Angeles, Cal, AV 666. Oregonian. 20 ACRES on Columbia hlgtavay; will take car as part payment or nous and lot In the city. 3504 4aast 68th st, 8. E. 40 ACRES near Redmond;; 15 acres irri gated, clear, for Portland or auto. A. H. Ackerson. 420 Henry bldg. 40 ACRES land, clear, and 4-room beach cottage, clear, for house and lot. In city, j 654. Oregonian. FOR BALE. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. PONY Shetland and Arabian stock; milch goat, 2 kids, Toggenburg stock; 2 white doe rabbits. 4319 Woodstock ave. SelL 1257. COME and aee at 12th and Flanders, Nobby stables, beiore buying eisewnere; two teams. ,3300 each, and get bargain. BARGAIN Must sell 1 pair of 2S00-!b. horses, harness ana farm wagon. lt i E. Stark st., corner 78th; trial allowed. WE HAVE a couple of good young, heavy team of horses lor sale Apply 20 Grand avenue. GOOD 1100-lb. all-around work horse and harness lor sale cneap: nave no us zor him. 69 East 7th st. 8. . K.L1STONS FEED STABLE Horses for sale or hire, stalls to- rent. 881 Water St., foot Montgomery. Marshall 8.115. " PASTURE! Ladd-1 Canyon farm. Canyon road, close In: no business Sundays, Main 4819. JERSEY COWS 12, splendid type; for quick sale win sen oeiow value; ages 4 to 7 years. Telephone' Tabor 1107. 11 HEAD fresh dairy and family cows, Holsteins, uurnams, uuernsey ana Jer seys. 735 E. Ash st. 2700-LB. TEAM, both good workers, and 8-in. farm wagon; no junk; cheap. 4010 67th st-, Mt. Scott car. FOR SALE Six horses: reasonable pricea Holman Fuel Co.. barn E. 6th and lvoa streeta MULLS AND HORSES with harness for rent by carload. Williamson Ranch. Lathrop. CaL DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. Phone Mllwaukle 69J for best service. FORTY good 6-weeks-old pigs. S. T. Llnd, 2 miles east of Gresham. Phone 28x1. V ETltlUNARiAN. HOWES TABOR t668. DR. FOR SALE Good family cow. F. Peters, Metzger. Or. TWO COWS for sale, one fresh with calf. 2518 & Slat it., near Division st. HnnsRs in mttt.es. Shipment of horses and mules, win arrive Sunday. This stock Is all young and In good shape. Sold very reasonable, also several good saddle horses running in price from $50 up. Horse for farm by day, week or month. G. K. Howltt, Columbia Stables, Front and Columbia st- U, B. STABLES. 25 head of horses and mares, weight 1300 to 170O pounds, 5 to 7 years old; all first-class stock; some well-matched teams. If you're In the market for horses, come and look thl stock over. 865 Union South, corcer Stevens st. G. D. Williamson A Glass. CALVES WANTED. PHONE MAR. 2178. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. CASH BUYERS. ATTENTION. flf.1ir1tv SlnH.. rn CnflnD- fl-ArBnCS. 450 Emerson upright cash "J $573 New upright, out of storag J-;Ix TJ.ir, J Sr iT. T-J7h g'5 $75 ST. ANDREASBERO ROLLERS (Import tZl r "a ZZT,?rZ fin .ha'pe $215 d. guaranteed; fine tralnir. List of $52i V' A' '"51- 'lnD ! ,,95 birds on request. E. B. Flak. 690 $575 Davi-. A Rons lares oak ...$296 $-50 Pianola player lncl. 30 roll . $-5 Di. ..,-..- AO m'.lm $36o Four parlor organs. $18.' $-'5. $34 and $38 jio icntn St.. cor, atara .l aa.. $10 MONTHLY a before the war buys new .)- pianos ior . ' home; $6. $8 or $10 monthly buys $5. $196. $295 to $395 used cieraos; $10 to $15 monthly buys u.ed plaver pianos: $3 monthly buvs $28. $35 to $38 organ dur ing anniversary sale. (45 years In th piano business.) Pchwan Piano Co.. iui K3 Ten t h St.. at Washington ana guru, WIT WTt t. TR1T1K YOIT A BEAUTIFUL NEW PHONOGRAPH FOR YOUR OLD PIANO. TXTITV vnT" COME UP AND LET US TALK IT OVER. SEVENTH FLOOR. LIPMAN. WOLFE A CO. A. Tt P.H ASM ft-octnve orsran (walnut). 3 40 $150 Straiiivara phonograph, new... 90 Brunswick phonograph (like new).. 135 Brewster piano (oak) (00 FortoDhone excellent for camping (new) 85 HAROLD S. GILBERT SS4 Y.imhlll Sr. i : PIANO FOR SALE: IN GOOD CONDITION: $175 CASH. NO DEALERS. T 60. OREGONIAN. HARRINGTON PIANO. Almost new; latest style plain ma hogany case; a wonaenui instrument, terms given. RE1BERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St., Between Wash, and Alder. R. S. HOWARD PIANO. Latest style, plain walnut case; beautiful Instrument and a snap; terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St., Between Wash, and Alder. KIMBALL PIANO. A snap; see it; almost half price; terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St., Between Wash, and Alder. FISCHER PIANO. Fin mahogany art case; equal to new; see thla snap: terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th SL DECKER & SON PLAYER PIANO. $275. Biggest player bargain w nave naa; terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St. WELLINGTON PIANO. Plain mahogany case, $275. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St., Between Wash, and Alder. KIMBALL PLAYER PIANO At a Big Saving. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St., Between Wash, and Alder. SCHIRilER UPRIGHT PIANO, $150 A Bargain. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St., Between Wash, and Alder. SPOT CASH PAID FOR PHONOGRAPH OR RECORDS. BRASS OR STRING INSTRUMENTS. 128 First. Main 44l'5. Auto. 827-46. $140 BUYS $225 model Brunswick phono graph, lumea oait nnisn; cannot be told 1 from new. can monaay. liio taut An- keny. Phone 214-23. FOR SALE Stelnway grand piano, styie B, in good condition. Address 324 N. st.. Centralis, ivasn, H. P. NELSON concert grand piano. nearly new, sou. oou jueimont sr. East 6703. CABINET pnonograpn, latest model; am moving, win soii cneap. alar. 4730 morninTffl. WANT ;o trade my equity In beautiful upright piano as iirst payment on Ford touring car, r none niarsnail luott. tion BUYS $475 used Emerson upright piano. lo casn. sa montniv. downstairs store Schwan Pia-no Co.. 30th and Stark VERY fine Bush & Lane piano. Ilk new. reasonable. 1-40 lain sr. WILL PAY cash lor a good ueed piano or player 11 price is rignt. Auto. 011-20. FOR RENT GRAFONOLAS, late muale. $3.00 per monin oroaaway laa. PIANO w AN i eli cash, from private parties. 11 uargAiii. jnaraiiail 1O0Z. TRADE VICTROLA foi used piano. Good proposition. main eooo. PIANO Emerson, 1 142 E. 24th St. fine N. tone. $235 cash. FOR SALI Kimball piano. Mra E. G. isewman, zowt Aiaer mi., niugene. Or. PIANO WANTED '-'ash deal. Main S.189 Furniture for Sale. SAVE MOltei. Try our sales department If yon want to buy or sell household goods. Reduced freight rates to most all points In our tnrougn pool cars, expert packing, re palrlfg and reflnlshlng. Money loaned on gooas in storage. Fireproof storage Low insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. 63 4th St., opp. Multnomah HoteL Phone Broadway 3715. JEWEL gas range, $10; 6-hole range with coll, $10; couch. $2.50; dining table, $5; dining chairs, $2.75; sewing machine, $6; iron beds. $2.50 up; springs. $1 un: stands,. $1.60: cupboard, $5; aideboard, Slo; rocker, SI. 00; leather-seated rocker. $6; several rugs cheap; lawn mower and garden tools. East 6957. 113 Grand ave. DON'T sacrifice your furniture if going east or to caniornia. we can save you money on your freight in our through cars; xireprooi storage. c Al. Olson 1 ransrer & storage Co.. 248, Fine st. DAVENPORT AT A BARGAIN. New davenpoi'i with Turkish arm: a bargain for anyone wanting a fine piece 01 iurnuure. mono, any aay but bun oay. Auto. ai4-aq. 1 GARLAND gas range, nearly new: 1 porch awing, 1 dresser, z rocking chairs, 1 bed spring ana mattress, s carpeta aoo Warrington at. VULCAN gas range, $30; breakfast table, $4; Bridge Beacn range with coll, $30 42-lnch dining table, $18; wringer. '50-ft hose. 36i Marguerite. ItLbor 3325. RANGls, xnaiaeabie, present value over! siuu, tor a-tu. lapor zia. FOUR-HOLb gas range, 2 bird cag-ss. A ruviier. riiwiio r.aat toil.. Office Furniture. 1 T. W. DESK and chair. 2 tablea. 3 roll- too desks, z Ilat-tOD desks, a bookkMn. ers' desks, 8 chairs, 8 filing cabinet. 2 ales BUSHONG A CO.. 91 Park 8t NEW AND USED equipment, typewriters. aaaing macmnes. Hies, sate caolnete, desk, files, etc.; prices lowest, service best. Wax Office Equipment Houae. 24 N. atn St. Broadway .39. 1 60-INCH oak flat top desk, practclally new; l typewriter aesa. 111 fiston rllng CO.. euu nurnsine st. 1 none awy. 1356. $40 SANITARY roll-top oak desk, new. a 000, urfBoniaii. Typewriters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THH WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. B2l wasmngton Mt. Main otisi. REBUILT typewriters, all makes, rentals. repairing, supplies. Distributors CORONA portable. SUNDSTRAND, adding ma chines. Main 2285. E. W. Peas Co.. 110 Sixth st. ALL MAKES rented ana repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94 otn at. Mam 3668. NEW rebuilt, second-hand, rentals, at cut rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark St. Main 140i REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell; supplies. Type writer Inspection Co., 312 Stark. M 6549. FOR RENT Underwood-Remington, $3.50 month. Empire Transfer. Bdwy. loa. FOR RENT L C. Smith A Bro type writer. Mam 074. A SET of Dictaphones, almost new; cheap. 207 Oregon Ping. WILL trade good trunk for Royal type- writer. Broadway 2iU9. Poultry. EGGS FOR HATCHING. o A C. White Leghorn. Barred Rock. R. I. R. and Brown Leghorn eggs, 10c each for balance of season. J. R. Ma guire, 787 Oregon st. BROWN and white leghorn hens, year old, and excellent layers, $1.10 each. J. R. Maguire, 787 Oregon St., near E. 24tn. WHITE LEGHORN year old hen. $1: guinea fowl, $1.25 each. Ml Scott Poultry Yard. Phono Auto. 621-54. 6348 84th St. S. E. R. I. RED hatching eggs. Meade stralu. $1.50 for 15, $8 per 100. 1128 Macadam road. Phone Marshall 2178. BABY CHICKS Six varietiea best stock. prices reasonable; corresponaenc In vited, C, Jtf. Ndham, Salem, Or, O. A. C. WHITE LEGHORNS, 500 day-old chicks. May 13. 500 on May 16. 500 on May 18. 150 each. $14 per 100: R. I. Reds and O. A. C. Barred Rocks, $20 per 100. Wire your order at my expense and I'll ship C. O. D. Two weeks' old White Leghorns, 20c each. Week-old Rocks. 250 each. J. R. McGuire. 787 Oregon st. WHITE LEGHORN baoy chicks for May and June delivery from a heavy-laying hoganlxed stock; safe arrival of full count: live, strong chicks guaranteed. $12.50 per hundred; 1120 per thousand. PIONEER HATCHERY. 441 Sixth St. Petaluma. Cal, BUFF Leghorns, eood laying strain. Co lumbia 836. Dogs. Rabbits, Birds and Pet Stock. BOSTON puppies from best pedigreed stock. Well marked and prices reason able. Call 1S0U E. 8th or phone Mala 2363. CHOICE SINGERS AND FEMALES. CALL THE STUDIO MAIN' A ALASKAN Spitz and Esquimaux pupa fnone labor bl4 BEAUTIFUL Imported Hartz mountain roller. 2 years old. East 556. Boats. Launches and Marine riqulpment. FOR SALE Houseboat No. 2. moorsd at Oregon Yacht .club, fully furnished, sil ver, dishes. Diano. dance floor, all ship- .' shape. J. H. Klosterman, 810 Board of l rage bldg., city. FIVE-ROOM HOUSEBOAT Furnished complete; must be seen to b appre ciated; leaving city, must sell. No. 10 Holgate moorage. . FOR SALE Furnished houseboat: rlflce. Call Tabor W6. , . a aac- Coul ana Wood. GUARANTEED best old growth cordwood, $9 per cord, $8.50 in four-cord lots; 4 ft. heavy country siab, $6.60 and $7.00 per cord. Bdwy. 4110. BUY YOUR winter wood now; good heavy first-growth fir. s.50 per cord. F. E. Bowman A Co., Main 3026, . NORTH BANK FUEL CO. Wood and coal, small orders solicited. 659 Upshur st. Phone Auto. 626-36. SLAB WOOD. $t).25 per cord in St. Jnhns, Kenton and Peninsula districts, wood lawn 1339. ALDER cordwood, $8 a cord; or $7.50 in 2-cord loads; south of Hawthorn ave.. on east side. Woodlawn 3049. ' WOOD. " Dry heavy block wood and green. Main 80G5. . FIRST-GROWTH cordwood, $9 cord de livered; special price on larger, lots. Wdln. 6312 BLOCK and alsbwood. also siao wood and cord wood : 4 it. lengtn. reast 6362. ROUND OAK cordwood, $12, delivered. F. E. Bowman A Co. Main 8026. FIRST-GROWTH red fir cordwood. Wood lawn 6233. BLOCK AND SLAB. SPECIAL IN 2-LOAD LOTS OREGON Fl S.L. CO.. W UN. 4102. BLOCK and Slab, 2-load lota, $11.60. Na tional Fuel Co.. East 2U41. BEST old-growth fir cordwood, $8.50 per cora. sen. 314. flllV lft-IVClT 1 and 2-inch IllmhAr trim. mings. $6.50 per load. Woodlawn 2528. CORDWOOD for sale. $4 per cord; 9 miles out. East 9(13. DRY CORDWOOD. $7.50. Call Woodlawn 4011 after 7 P. M. BLOCK WOOD. MARSHALL 24S8. Machinery. FOR SALE Merchon resaw. 68 In., good condition, tt. u. coins. East t6o WANT steam shovel. 1 to lit yards. H. C'OUls. East S66 Miscellaneous. LADIES, let the Vogue sell your misfit and slightly used garments, 10 per cent, room 403 Allsky bldg., entrance on 8d near Morrison.. Alain 310Z. NEW SINGERS," $5 down. $3 monthly. Expert sewing machine repairing. MORRISON STREET SINGER STORE, 3X2 Morrison. Marshall 721. HEMSTITCHING. plcoting attachment; works on all sewing machlnea. Price 32. personal check 10c exra. Lights Mali order House, box 127. Birmingham. Ala. THREE new electric washing machines. $75 each, guaranteed; 1 Jadd used elec tric washer, overhauled. $70. Scott Electric Co.. 5th and Oak sts, OFFICE FURNITURE. Bought, sold and exchanged. HANSEN-W A DENSTEIN DESK CO.. 105-107 Twelfth St. Bdwy. 1877. DO YOUR spring cleaning with an Apex electric auction cleaner; oemonstration will prove its superior merit. Phone this morning. Main hOlL Smith-McCoy Elec Ir'c I fun sale, ivory oressers, biiikio uu, I rugs, rockers, stand tables; Acorn range; gooa as new. A oargain. ro dealers. Phone East 8493. . SAVE MONEY Have your safety razor bladea sharpened by A. LauterDaon, t '4 Sixth st. All kind of grinding, work guaranteed. ; PINK SILK poplin sport suit, size 38, price $5; black wool sweater, trimmea with white angora, size 38, price $5; all nearly new. Main 6114. SAFES AND VAULTS 70 Sixth St., near Oak, new or 2d hand Herring-Hall-Marvin safes for sale or exchange. Terra. Bushong &ss'o.. phone Broadway 1262. COMPUTING scsles. cashe- register, coffee mills, meat choppers ana general stor fixtures at 226 Stark St.. between First and Second sta. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. can or writ nr. uean, Second and Morrison. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners 24-hour day, ooc; aenverea; guaranteed good condition. Wdln. 1259. THE ROYAL APPAREL EXCHANGE will sell ladles' new or siignuy usea gar ments. 350'4 Morrison st. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton- Beech electrto carpet wasner; also vac uum cleantngdoneIEast4j045. FOR CORRECT time call Main 3579; for scientific watcn repairing see aiuier, next door to Majestic tneater. CT.nWEB Plants for borders, tubs and boxes, losu Eanoy uivu., ueiween ou ana 51st. ranor uu.u. KODAKS. We buy, sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy. 329 Washington at. HAVE some extra show cases, cash regis ter ana cara laoics, reaaouauio price. 287 First street. ' SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED. Guaranteed work done by experta 193 4th st. Main 6S33. WE REPAIR everything electrical, call and deliver service, nynson i.ieciric co., 82 8th st. Telephone Broadway 4293. r- a DWELL CAMP TABLE. 0x6x42 folded. 30x40 open, supports BOO pounds. 650 Thurman, Broadway 34. POOL table, 4x9, fully equipped and In laid, cost $1000: will deliver and set up for $225. K 'i3, oregonian. FOR QUICK sale. H-kl. blue diamond in . .. 1 till Dl.... . T 1 1 w n lie goiu acinus. -..- 3324. FERTILIZER. Cow or horse manure, also top soil, da ily e r e daiiyplaceasj7j636i DIAMOND, platinum cluster, a snap; worth $750, $330 tor quica sale, ua Dioca fx. bldg. LICENSED Independent electrician wires 3 rooms lor l-; o lor e-w. uunrameeu to oass Inspection, wooaiawn aini, CIRCLE Exchange. 41ft Fliedner bldg., up stairs, lUtn ana wasninLun. r ine lot 01 one-piece dresses very ch-ap. Bdwy. 220. AM LEAVING town; 6 rooms furniture; also can rent nouse; Blew omnuara eiec- tnc meat scales. App.y 411 railing at. REAL hair switches for saje. combings made up. O. PL. A-ierce. ; Aviiiingswortn. Woodlawn 4380. FOR SALE CHEAP fl modern up-to-date house wagon. r.at i.n., WILL sell equity, records. lo0 graph- onola, tor -o. aiaranan eu.w. DIAMOND, weight karat, white gold; price Sl-O. call ra,ai:e jiutei, room -11. IVORY reed milky with top; good condi tion : Z1-. wooiiiawii 4Q4. FOR SALE Royal vacuum cleaner, good shape, cheap. .ast 04i.-. 6 MIRRORS 2"4x5. also automatic water -heater o. o. marsnaii .timx. DIAMOND, ltt-kt., a nap at $273. B 666, Oregonian, A DIAMOND cluster ring, 8 diamonds set in platinum, sio. r-none -laocr i6. HATS -made to order, trimming and re modeling a specialty, cqwy. aj4o. FOR SALE Casn register, safe, addin-; machine, showcase, ej ist St.. near Aan. OFFICE safe In good order: First reason - able oner tayes it. w -og, uregoman "STAR A STAR" shingles direct from mill. Call Taylor-street aoca. jiain suiia. SAFES, trucks, scales, coffee mills, cheese cotters. 48 f ront St.. near rine. VACUUM cleaners for rent. 85c per day, delivered anywnere. wain. 34o. WRECKAGE wood, long-distance hauling or moving, i aoor oo-ia. ONE RAG RUG. 9Vix5Hi feet, nice for bath room, reasonaoie. j-none auio. oj-na SECOND-HAND tents and cover for sale. Pacific Tent a: Awning -o.. r.o. A 1st St. ELEC. vacuum cleaners sold, exchanged. repaireq. liny m-mii-j. mam -ai'm. BARGAINS IN ATTRACTIVE USED AP- PAREL. 1132 unsan st. i aoor 2325. WOODSAW for sale. 512 Eaat Harrison st Call evenings. EXPERT rug cleaning, 15 per cent off on phone orders until May 22. Bdwy. 1200. SACRIFICE $1200 value diamond ring. 1". carat. 0 pts.. lor ,.u. labor 8119 CASH register, showcases, scales, safe, other uxiuru. aa Beuoaiu FOR SALE by Penny Arcade. 26 N. Third st.. large shooting gallery, complete, with rlflea $1000. Three box bowling alleys, food con d It Ion 1200. Automatic raior blad sharpening ma chine, like new. $100. Automatic card printing machln nd outfit, with about $25 worth of stock. $125. Will sell all or part, ' I). B. SCULLY CO.. DOWNTOWN LUM BER STORE. 171 FRONT ST.. BET. MORRISON AND YAMHILL. FHONS Main 4213. Lumber, lath, shingles, doora windows, molding and mill work, screen doora fruit and vegetable box ahooka See our odd stock of sash, doora SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safea new and second-hand at right prices bought, old and exchanged; easy term if de al red NORR1S SAFE A LOCK CO.. 105 Second St. Main 2045. SOWING machines, new ani second-hand, aold for less; no agents employed; com plete lines of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Msln 9431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 Third St.. near Taylor. " CAN YOU USE THIS? The finest pocket billiard table made, in Circassian walnut, with Inlaid pearl, black ebony and white maple, cost $10 and 1 brand new. Will sell for $500. Owner, N 653. Oregonian. FOR SALE A few slightly used sewing machines at reduced prices. We are headquarters for hemstitching, pleating, button and button-hole making. See us for first-clans work. Singer Sewing . Machine Co.. 4U2 Was h. st . FOR SALE cheap, gas heating plant. Rec tor system, consisting one 12. two eight, one four loop radiators, -H. P. motor, blower and 60 ft. 2-lnuh galvanised pipe, all In good working order. Apply 463 Durham ae. Ph o n e Wdln. 702. FOR SALE Soda fountain complete, flooi cases, card table, dlshea check protec tor, refrigerators, scales, root beer bar rels. Iron gates, sacririe cash, credit. -40-2-12 Salmon. SPOT CASH PAID FOR SHOT GUN OR RIFLE, WATER OIL STOVE. AUTO CAMPING OUTFIT. 1JH rutST. ALTO. 627-40. MA1.N 4411.1, WHY AN everlasting aggravation by leaky roof? Why not a oorofortabl and durabl roof? Vv'a reDair Rubbe Bond, and rejuvenate all kind of leaky roor. Work guaranteed. Main 6120. PRINTING PLANT Good Job and coun try news outnt, no machinery, lnvoic about $700, for $275; no Junk, but owns has no use for it. Dr. Cliff Ackiey, Cen irana. v asn. FOR SALE OR RENT Steam shovel. Revolving type, on traction wheeta First-class condition, ready to work. RAILWAY EQUIPMENT CO., 235 Stark. Main 2363. HOT WATER tanks HU-..1 17- 40-..I $9; tested and guaranteed; stove and furnace colls, gas heaters Installed, ex Pert plumbing, repairing. East S'de Welding Shop. 203 Adam St. East 8516. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. TERMS TERMS TERMS WE ARE 6 TILL OmNO TOTJ TERMS, AND WHEN WE SAT "TERMS" WE MEAN "YOUR OWN TERMS IN REASON." WE ARB NOT CHARGING ANT BROKERAGE. WE WILL TAKE TOUR OLD CAR IN TRADE ON A NEW OR USED CAR. WB HAVE BOTH NEW AND USED CARS. . STUTZ. MOON, REVERE. DIXIE FLYER. CHEV ROLET. STVDEBAKER. PATER SON, 6CRIPPS - BOOTH, COLE AND VELIB. WE ALSO HAVE NEW AND USED TRUCKS. DON'T FORGET. "YOUR OWN TERMS IN REA SON" AND NO BROKERAGE. AMERICAN WAREHOUSE A SALES CO., 415 E. ASH ST.. COR. E. SIXTH ST. PHONES: EAST 6752. EAST 6482. FOR SALE Lste 1920 84 -C Oakland se dan. Wire wheels, snubbers, full equip ment; in first-class condition. Run only 6000 mllea A bargain for someone. Phone Brosdway 32S7, Mr. Burg. BIG STOCK- USED CARav PRICES RIGHT. No Mlsrepresentatlona COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. NEW 1921 NASH. 5-PASSENOER. Run only 600 mllea, real bargain. Se owner at 184 Laurelhurst ave. Tabor 9116. 1921 DEMONSTRATOR NASH. Driven 90 days; attractive discount Mr. Railsback, Bdwy. 621. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO. REPAIR PARTS for all makes of cara PORTLAND AUTO WRECKINO CO. 631 Airier -t. near 17th. We fill mall orders promptly. Bdwy. 5254. FORD touring, late 1918: perfect condi tion; beat cah offer lakes it. You will have to com out and se it. 464 Jarrett dt LATE 1U19 Bulck Six. cord tires, clock, spotlight, top and upholstering like new. Will sacrifice for $1150. Term if neces sary. East 421 LOOK AT THIS. Hndson super-six. Ilk new, will dem onstrate with any of them, $1250. om terms. Phone wooaiawn 2344. 1917 MAXWELL, new top, new paint, new tires; line mecnanicai conuition: a bar gain at $425. terma 80 Grand av. North near nurnsine. 1921 OLDSMOBILE EIGHT. 1921 Oldsmobile eight touring, used 8 weeks; brand new; save fooo; terms. Tabor 1512. 1920 STEPHENS roadster; fine mechanical condition; oe sure to see it. air. rnnr grass. Northwest Auto Co., 18th and Al der. Bdwy. 1400. ESSEX! ESSEXI You'll be the loser If you fall to e this wonderful llttl car, $1200, terma Phone W din 2344. FOR SALE Bulrk touring car, newly painted. Just overhauled, new top, cord tires, can sen. 1919 9B FRANKLIN touring, fine condi tion throughout; will sacrifice for $1600. :i7 Stark 1918 OAKLAND six, overhauled and re- painted, iook mu mm una new, fjuu. t: L. Weaver. 333 Burnslde 1920 BELL, Just like new: will sacrifice at $1080. terma 80 Grand ave. North, nenr isurnsme EI KCTRiC car. $100, good order, sedan top, good tires. 650 Belmont St.. 603 mi-Kav bldg. iTv vlf-K little veils t sacrifice Price. $750. I-ooks Ilk new. Call Tyderaan. Auto. 634-3S. 1918 LIGHT 6 MITCHELL, run very little, $720 laaee 11 - J a-runt st , cor. Jefferson. Msln 1423 "t-niin Heiiverv. Al condition, psnel hodv K .n,p at $300. terma 30 Grand ave. North, pear Burnslde. SALESMEN Look at my Scrippa-Unoth roadster. Just what you want, very rea son a h 1 e.10713t lijetitajjtanilw AUTO OWNERS' SALESROOM. You wish to sell your car? Can get quick action at 168 King st? Main 184. WE PUT eteel teeth in your old flywheel, crankshaft turning. H. B. Black ma chine shop. 534 Alder st. Bwdy. 2681. 1918 FOKD touring, good rubber, good me chanical condition. Call aialn ii'J. 261 lUth St.. near Jefferson. GRANT six. Just overhsuled. In good con dition; will consider Ford In trade. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnslde. WANTED 1920 overland. Urant or 1UI9 Liberty; have 1920 Chevrolet to trade; owners only. Bdwy. 21158. FORD touring, '17, A-l condition, shocks and other extras: a bargain. 227 Salmon at rest. FORD roadster, good condition: a bargain at $300. Terma 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnslde. lyl FORD touring cheap; starter. 107 13th Bt., bet. Stark ar.d Wash. HAVE good lot In Alberta district to trade for automobile. Phone Automatic 818-68. BUICK D-45. 4 new tires, new battery, overhauled, repainted; bargain. B. 17UU. FOR SALE Bulck bug, $300. Phone Eaat 3491. FOKD cheap. 107 13th sc. beL stark and Wish. 1918 CHEVROLET touring, need th mon ey bud Sell. 3415 ' LATE 191 Dodge, ilk new, $700. 419 Gllsan st. 1918 FORD touring, in good condition, -nod t re: S32.1. Call WQin. D-IU. SPECIAL 1920 Studebaker machine. Al ! condition. Appiy - uraaa av, nana. BETTER USED CARS AND WHY. W rebuild both Hudson and E-se used automobiles and sell them with a warranty the ssm a given with the purrhsse of new cars. We also give 90 das' free service, th ism a I glvea on new care. On other makes of automobile that w trade In, we repair and overhaul them so that used cars that are not so;d with a warranty ar In flrsl-olass con dition and ars sold with 10 days' free trial, subject to their being returned with full credit on any other oar you may select. 1919 Essex automobile, rshullt and repainted, sold with th war amy $1263 1920 Essex. Ilk new, sold with th warranty 1300 1920 Essex, run Just long enough to limber It up; there was no work to do on It; sold wltb the warranty $1430 1917 Hudson Super fix. rebuilt and repainted, looks Just like new, sold with th warranty $1273 1918-1010 series IIurton Super fix, rebuilt and repainted, sold with th warranty $1600 1920 Hudson Super SI, rebuilt and repainted, sold with th war anty 177J 1020 Hudson Speedster, like a brand ' new ear: an a Ih ttie anty .$2050 Practically brand-new Maxwell cars, used by us as demonetra tors, sold st bargain prices; one driven (0 miles at a dlr. rnunt of $200. Others to $323 off. 1920 Veil 6. S passenger $1250 Dodge roadster I 600 1910 Mitchell light six, sold In 1920. A real bargain $1150 1910 Maxwell automobile $ 850 1917 Maxwell automobll $ 375 1918 Maxwell, all gon over, re paired and repainted; fin lit tle car f 071 1920 Maxwell roadster, a dandy tit tle car $ 7S Our store for these ned ear bsrgsln at 40-46 Broadway, which Is Brnsowsy and Couch st. I'hon Broadway 6730. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. HI BOUGHT Tackard and left hi 8ttara-k' fe al Th car In delay np. As Itt trrt tires, apotllght. motometer. look Ilk new. If you want a real buy and a car that ha had th best of care, ooro and ses thl on at tb,. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO., 10TH AND BURNSIDE. A SNAP. LIGHT SIX FOR $606. B-PASSENGER CHALMERS.. CAR IN FINE CONDITION. GOOD TOP. PLATE ULASS WINDOWS. UPHOLSTERING IN FINE SHAPE, GOOD TillEa I HAVE LEFT THIS CAM AT A R BUCKLE'S OARAGE, AT 86 TENTH, JUST BELOW STARK. NOW IF YOU ARE REALLY LOOKING FOR A SNAP CALL AT THE AROVR ADDRESS AND ASK TO SEE THIS CAR. Buy Your REBUILT CHEVROLET From the USED CHEVROLET DEPOT. Owned and Operated bv THE CHEVROLET DISTRIBUTORS GUARANTEED REBUILT CHEVRO LETS All Model. All Prices Exc lent Terma Grand av. between Ankenv and Bura alda Onen Dally and Sunday. Phone East 490. -The House With Chevrolet Pride." CUNNINGHAM. PRACTICALLT NEW. MUST BE SOLD. The most beautiful ear In Oregon; 6. passenger, 6 cord tires, fully equipped; forct-d sale. Se O. C. Gilbert, Mult nnmsh Hotel. STAGE AND FOR-HIRB OPERATORS MARMON 41. superb condition....! fn CHALMERS, superb condition .H PAIGE. 1918, superb condition,... 150H These have always been used as fam ily cara MR. AROO. Brosdwsy H2l. Cook A Gill Co.. 11th and BurnsM. HAVE brand new Chevrolet model, still la dealer's salesroom, st the new low price. Will consider used Ford In trad if prlc is right, l'bons East 80 4 A PAIGE light 6. Fleetwood model; new paint, good new tires, fin mechannM condition; spar tire, new battery: $050 eh or terms. Call at 43 N. Oth. Phone Rdwy. 2168. Private owner. Car must be f.o!rt. bi'ick nun'K hi'ick 1917 BUICK GOOD TIRKS. Original paint. In good mechanics) con. dltion. $675. If you want a BUICK see thl -car. riiriNB TABOR 3(21. HAV.VKS light "6"; good paint, good rub. ber; one spare rim end tire; nearly new top and aide curtains. Will demomtrai to any teat you wish. Bsrgaln at $93. Rrnadwav 1719. REO SIX, 7-paaisengpr, i-oiiil-lely r-lifvi-1 and refinlshed; look st thla before buy ing: special price and tonus. Mr. Khrett. Northwe-t Auto Co.. 18th and Alder. Bilwy. 1460. 1017 HIT.MOUILE. The fsmous big Hup; this Is In excel lent condition In every way and splen did bargain at $9im. terma Se lu Mr. Argo. Broadway 32H1. Ill -'il CHEVROLET, by o ner. extra tires. Ppuilllllli riu, a.iuu. i, ill IBKS CnSV'O- et or other make of car In trade. Caei be seen after 6 o'clock. 134 North lrita street. 1918 MARMON chummy roadater: tills I a special csr; fully equipped; will detn onatrste; car In excellent condition and guaranteed. H. C. Ohis. Bdwy 4ti0. Northwest Auto Co, 12th and Alder :.(. buys 7-passenger 6-cyllnder Studebaker; overhauled and refinlshed; terms $200 down. MP ARCIO. Brosdway 87t. YES. SIR. 1920 Veil lx. like ni flee for $1250, sums terma lawn 2344. will earri Cail Wood- NEW ALLEN. 6-pasacngcr. never hoait Used. If you want a ri-nl bargain see thla one. See Mr. Ehrett. Itdwy. 1460. North west Auto Co. lith snd Alder. DODGE TOURING. Run like new. look th aame. Phone East 490; will give terms to rlgnt party If desired. MUST sell Crow Elkhart louring at $430; $200 crtsh, balance terms, or would trade for light bug snd some cash. IX G. Stlrh'er, liur'lngton Ferry. THERE are several elaiiiUril makes of cars being sold dully at the greatest sacrificed prices Portland has vsr seau. Mr. Uwson. 618 I'ltturk block. OVERLAND roadster. 8-pssa. This Is tn exceptionally good buy; muat be see to be appreciated. Northwest Auto Co, 18th snd lder. Mr. Khrett Bdwy. 14H0 LATE 1919 Dodgs, Ilk new; $2u0; extras. Call Tabor 16e after P. at ; all day Sunday. MITCHELL; absolutely guarsnteed; dem onstration any time. Thl Is a real bar gam Mr. Jennings. Wdln. 8:i2 1U21 FOKD coupe, run 3o0 mile, looks Tike new. wire wheels snd othet cxllaa. Phone Wdln. 5012 after 8 P. M. RKO SPEED WAGON; a sacrifice, slightly used. Northwest Auto Co., 18th and Alder. Bdwy. IjilO. FOR SALE 1913 Cadillac fur $210. Apply Covey .voter v r CHEAP Ford delivery, no further us for It Atia woouarii, o-i r tuny m. FORD touring, a bargain at .uu. '"fuia. " '