TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN. SATURDAY, MAT 14, 1921 15, RKAL ESTATE. For Sale Lois. BEAUTIFUL IRVINOTON. PRICES CUT FOR 30 DAYS ONLY. Block bounded by E. 20. E. 21, Clicki tat and Fremont. To further the "Build-Your-Owu-Home" movement, the Hughes estate authorizes the sale of all inside lots in this block at $1250 each and all doubln corners at $3000 each. Sale closes June 10. Drive out today and make your choice. Remember only one block to Broadway carline; beautiful shade trees; Ko-foot paved street; all improvements paid. 9 BITTER, LOWE Co., Realtors. . 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Ifldg. MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY FOB CASH. Lots 23 and 24, block 10, Syndicate ad dition to East Portland, 1 block south of Sandy: lots 25x100, sidewalks, paved and sewers in. WHAT WILL. YOU GIVE? Phone Broadway 828. from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. FOP. LOT BARGAINS SEE DELAHUXTY, LAL'RELHL'RST AGENT. TRACT OFFICE E. 39TH AND GLTSAN Twelve years selling Laurelhurst property exclusively. Nice lots for $S00 and up. Not many left. Phone for auto or come to the office. E. 39th and - Glisan sts. MV car. P fa one Tabor 3433. evenings East 7738. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. GO LOOK SUNDAY. Salesman will meet you at East 15th and Fremont Sunday from 1 P. M. to 5:30 P. M. These are choice lota with all improvements paid. $750 and $875 for inside, $1000 to $1125 for corners; only a xew icrt, mhj aown, iu montn. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 377. LOTS. $HStt .10x100 lot, paved street, all lm provements in and paid, in Westmore land; lit per cent cash, balance $10 per montn. COE A. McKEXNA CO., REALTORS, 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. PORTLAND BLVD. lot, 2 blocks from car, near Willamette blvd. : priced very low for quick sale; makes excellent invest ment; $2oO. COE A. McKENNA CO.. REALTORS, 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. $150 R0S3 CITY PARK. 125 feet xrotr.ags on 58tb at., 3 sewer connections, all assessments paid, two blocks north Sandy blvd., bet. Siskiyou and Klickitat; block 112, lots 6, 7 and north half 8. H. J. Dcupe, Ilwaco, Washington. CHOICE Rose City 50x100 lot, 2 blocks off Sandy blvd., on 48th; choice location In heart of Rose City: $104(0. with terms. COE A. JIcKENNA CO., REALTORS, 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. For Sale Houses. ROSE CITY $21 rm EASY TERMS FOUR-KOOM BUNGALOW. EXCEL LENT CONDITION. PARTLY FUR NISHED, VULCAN GAS RANGE, RA DIANT FIRE, DINING TABLE, FINE IRON BED, CHAIRS. ETC.. NEWLY PAINTED AND DECORATED: TWO SCREENED PORCHES, GARAGE, 5 FRUIT TREES, ROSES. FULL LOT: A BARGAIN. C!H E. 74TH ST. N. R. SOMERVILLE. BRDWY 2478. BY OWNER. $2400, terms, have been of fering at $2000, needing- money make this reduction to make an immediate sale. 5 - room cottage, porches, walks, basement walls, semi-kitchen, floor of cement; good plumbing, bath, private pantry, electricity, goa, paved street, sewer, fruit trees, near Union ave. car lines. See owner at 875 East 7th st. X.; between Mason and Shaver sts. " SIX-LOT BUNGALOW HOME. Ground all in cultivation and set out to fruit and berries; good 6-room bun galow, 3 bedrooms, full basement with large porches.-linen closets, all kinds of built-ins, good wood lift, splendid view, on macadam! a-d Htreet; a real bargain $."00 cah. $20 monthly. Total price $30.o! Fred W. German Co.. Realtors. 732 nam. or om. HAWTHORNE ADDITION. o-room oungaiow with all the latest vum-ius aim iiecoraiions: st. imps, all 1 ana paid. This place will be open foi inspection this afternoon and Sunday MK cash. bal. like rent. Drive out to 44tt E. 4."ilh st. BL'RKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS. nan rung. Kealtors. Main 7027. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. Brand new bungalow: go and see it large airy rooms, Dutch kitchen. oreaaiasi book, rimsheii in Ivorv an mahogany: oak floors, papered and dec orated throughout; floored attic; garage, un mi, iew nice irees; reasonable term located at 65 East I7th at. N. F. J Turner, owner. Tubor 5:4. 4-ROOM COTTAGE FURNISHED. $tfc)ft Down, $25 Month. Modern 4-room cottage furnished all gooa new furniture, paved street, all Im provements in and paid, full cemen basement, nice lawn, fruit and flowers. rnone liawy. ji. Montgomery & Leap, to i y iiM-iii, pi unm. $1000 SAVED. You m-fll save $1000 on this Moun uoor nome ot fi rooms and sleepin porch. Strictly modern on a lot 50x150. jei us snow it; $4'.hiii. MARSH A McCABB CO., Realtors. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Mar. 33. FOR SALE at cost. new. modern bunea low; cement basement, hardwood floors, oreauraAt nook. Dutch kitchen, tile Are piace. r rencn aoors and windows; de siraoie location; lot Tuxioo; terms. Build er. F. P. Nelson. Gladstone, Or. Phone . wregon iiy ;tm-j ROSE CITY BARGAIN. A modem 5-room bungalow, furnace. fireplace, hardwood floor, in choicest part above the hill. $.2T0, terms. J. R. HAIGHT, 82 4th St. Main 4522. COE A. McKENNA CO. ROSE CITY SNAP 3-room bungalow, h. w. floors, fur- nacre, fireplace, nil built-ins; garage, oement cellar, $45nO; $2700 cash, bal- ance stmignt mortgage. Inquire 643 E, 4th St.. after 1 P. M. No mpnti AaWTHOKNE BUNGALOW BY OWNER Modern o-room, ivory finish; fireplace, cement basement and walks, paved St., small garage; near S7th st. ; vacant. terms, i i 14 r:. tsn e nj a n. N b . attractive, modern 4-room hnn- gaiow wun su-eping orch, well fin ished floors, tapentry paper; In Irvlng- iou on cmt iine; iuu joi. everTning paid A bargain at $350. Phone East 4040. GOOD 5-room hou&e. close la on eat side snap at $2750. terms. L. A. MATHISEN CO.. 201 ALISKY BLDG PHONE MAIN 762? MT. SCOTT. $2300. -room modern bungalow, half ban. ment, garage, frutt trees, half block to car and paved street: $400 cash. 7125 om ave. a. e. Automatic R23-02 ROSE CITY DISTRICT Modern 6-room bungalow full base ment, garage. K4xl0 lot. paved street block from car. $",00. Terms. Less for cash. a.Y' East 4 2d North. Owner. BEAUTIFUL 6-room bungalow, furnace fireplace, built-ins. paneled dining room! beamed ceiling; Improved street, sewer good neighborhood; $4550, terms. Wood lawn 3114. BEAUTIFUL Irvlngton home, large rooms flowers, etc Phone owner. East 3069. GOOD chance for small family, cozy 4 room furnished bungalow, garage block to Union ave., $450 down. Wpodlawn 4 '4 432 Brown st. No agents " " IRVINGTON 75x100. lovely 8 rooms, very modern, garage: priced reasonable. Zim merman. 818 Chamber of Commerce Main S052. SUNNYSIDE DISTRICT. " 6 large rooms. Queen Anne tvpe, full bast., garage, fine condition, onl'v $.50 $5O0 cash, bal. easy terms. M a i n 4 S03' $2000. PORTSMOUTH AVE., is a big bar gain In real estate. 8 25-ft. lots, 7-roum modern house. Have a look; it can't be bettt 0-ROOM modern bungalow with garage, a nice coxy little home. $:t,7u0, no less than $luoo cash will handle; 1183 Tib bets st., nar .tl'th. 8-IiooM houi, hardwood floors, furnace. ova union 1. exenange equity for small nouw. riiunt niornings. nqwy, 1766. li v-vaij you nouung for eau mates on .ami uuiiio, pins lurniincu. tail Sell wood lM'7. Biand now, 3 r nrepiace. oak flrs real surprise; Haw. dwL ; easy term Owner Main 4SQ$. MODERN 5-room R. C. bungalow, vacant garage; any old terms. Owner, Aut. POR S ALL. Modern 7-ronm house with double r rm: on corner lot at 265 E. 15th st. A REAL BUNGALOW for $4000; could not be built today for less than $5nmi; ..ti.- T-tMr last... .Mam . i Jti. ALBERTA BARGAIN 5-room bungalow, clean and homelike, modern, and con venlnt. $3000. Call R16-79 5-ROOM modern bungalow. half acre ground, frutt, berries, garage, chicken house. Call Automatic 643-14. HOUSE on Ru City carline tor sals or trade for acreage; terms. Inquire 655 K. Kverett Automatic 235-60 ROSE CITY &-rown bungalow; modern, SOx 100. garage. $3.'rt cash payment. $30 per month Main 7036. BUNGALOW ready for finish, move In and finish to suit: price $2Hoo. terms. Ill East Russet street. Wood!awn 6247. IRVINGTON bungalow; large rooms: $620. 11000 eaaa. $40 month. asi 1347. VPTT REAL ESTATE. For Pale Houses, rilHR-CAREY. Main 7487 Main 0983. On 72d street, a very good-looking double constructed bungalow with two large bedrooms, all kinds of built-ins, most modern plumb-in?, for only $2tH0, with $350 down. This Is a snap. Six fruit trees. On 74th street, a modern four-mora fcungalow with fireplace, full plumbing, lots of bullt-ins, good district: well con structed and attractive; only $23.50, with $350 down. Near Peninsula Park, a modern six room bungalow, with fireplace, near park, walking distance of Jefferson high school, three bedrooms, best of plumbing, restricted district: orlce only S2450, with $650 down. Furniture $250 aaaitionai. This bungalow is easily worth $3000, ii is unusually well constructed, hand some, on hard surface street, has fiv large well arranged rooms, in a fine neighborhood. The price is only $2700, with a small down payment. In Rose Cltv Park, a verv exeellen 5-room bungalow of attractive design and of double construction, two large bedrooms, built-ins of every description, cement basement, laundry trays; VA CANT; garage, near school and car; only $3400, with $500 down. BTHR-CAREY. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg., Stark and xnirrt .sts. Mam 747, .Main ;tN3. $1000 BUYS 3 rooms, woodshed, lot 40x105. $1600 buys 4-room cottage, bath, toilet, gas, electricity; lot 50x100. $2700 buys very neat 4-room cottage, bath, toilet, gas; lot 04x100. cov ered with fruit; sidewalk in; easy terms. $4000 buys fine modern fi-rnom house, full basement; lot 60x153, covered with fruit, fine location; Sunny side. $12,000 buys an Ideal O-room modern highly finished home, located on a beautiful 100x100 corner, walk ing distance, best home buy in the city. CHARLES HOUCK. REALTOR. f32 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WE START In the basement and finish with the chimney, ready to move in when we move out. . We handle all details and save you time and money by our spe cial unft system. Fancher-Mc-Lean Co., building contractors. 308-9-1O Lewis bldg-. Phone Broadway 3852. WALNUT PARK. $7000. Eight-room house and something fine; hardwood floors, fireplace, full concrete basement, lot 50x100. improvements all In and paid; in best part of district: this is priced to sell quickly; will sell on any reasonable terms. FRANK MA HON E Y, COE A. McKENNA CO., REALTORS. S2 Fourth St. Main 0871. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. $500 DOWN. New, five rooms, tapestry paper, fire place, furnace, French doors, old ivory finish, Dutch kitchen and nook, hard wood floors, wash tray, cement base ment with drainage, garage, driveway, corner lot 50x100. This is a birdof a home, one block off Alameda drive. 024 EAST 40TH ST. N. Call Sunday. No agents. Broadway 3107. ON- HAWTHORNE! AVE. Six-room house, lot 50x100, close In. Owner wired us to sell and submit any offer; chance for investment as a home. You can fix this up a little and make from $1000 to $1500. Now see this and make an offer. Small payment dewn. See FRANK MAHONEY. COE A. McKENNA CO.. Realtors. 82 Fourth Street, Main 6871. IRVINGTON. ON 17TH. BET. BRAZEE AND THOMPSON. $6300 TERMS. Large rooms, two fireplaces, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, full lot. garage. BARGAIN. EAST 419. SEE THESE HOMES. Built by owner, not for speculation. One 5-room, one 6-room. on extra large lots, paved streets; have every conven ience, including garage, furnace, hard wood floors, sleeping porches and not ordinary construction. See owner, H. Phillips, at house, 453 and 460 E- 58th st.. noar Division Rt. BEAUTIFUL Alameda Park home. 8 large rooms, downstairs finished In quarter sawed oak; sun porch, sleeping porch, hollow tile basement. This Is one . of the best built homes In city; grounds 100x100 corner, paved streets, never ad vertised before. Owner non-resident, at premises for few days. No. S05 Skidmore st. Price $12.000. terms. Call and see It. NIFTY 5-room bungalow. Rose City, near Sandy, all In Ivory, tapestry paper, sil ver shower fixtures in dining room. n direct an'd side lights in living room, fireplace and bookcases, Dutch kitchen, large attic, full cement basement, fur nace, laundry trays. Oolng to the country, Must sell. Call owner. Tabor 7853. OWNER WILL SACRIFICE QUICK SALE. 1 rooms, naniwood rioo3, fireplace, vii pum-in Features. iJutch Kitchen, mod ern in every respect, one block from car line, and near school, this is a real bar gain. SEE IT QUICK. BRUCE HOLMAN, REALTOR. 200 Falling Bldg. Main 6327, OWNER MUST SELL. S3100 for a fine modern 5-room bun galow on Prescott street; full concrete basement, Dutch kitchen, bath, toilet and wtun trays; onty suuu caah, bal. terms. L. L. BLANCH A RD, Realtor. 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Marshall S20 or E. 21 34. IRVINGTON 7 rooms, oak floors, old ivory iinisn, nrepiace. good furnace, sleeping porch. 4 bedrooms, double ga rage; lot 50x150; price $K500. Wojild ime casn as 1 irsi payment, bal ance terms. East 4198. or see house at 4io is. 21st st. ri., near Tillamook. Owner. WILL sell to responsible party two-story 5-room mouern nouse. naruwood floors: 75x100 foot lot, all kinds of fruit, fine garden. Price $2700, $100 cash, balance $15 a month. Place can be seen Satur day and Sunday only. Take St. Johns car to Columbia blvd., go 8 blocks north to 1400 Olympia st. BEAUTIFUL ALAMEDA. 6-ROOM CORNER HOME. $6500 FU RNISHED. Large rooms, full basement, three fine bedrooms, one has alcove. EAST 419. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into income? We design and build apartments. ga rages, residences, anything; furnish plans and finance. Established 10 years. We offer SECURITY, SERVICE, SAT ISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co.. 024 N. W. Bank Bldg OWN BR leaving for the east; 7-room house wun sleeping porcn, freshly painted and tinted, nrepiace, nardwooa floors, full cement basement, new light fixtures, furnace. Sell below market price; terms. Phone Auto. 314-98. Ad dress 5S4 E. 38th st. N.. near Knott. PARK ROSE. Newlyweds, attention ! Small 4-room cottage; gas, electric light, two 12x20 garages, woodshed, etc.; 100x100 cor ner, two blocks from car, church, club and school; six 4-year-old fruit trees. Broadway 37fiS. Owner. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. 0 rooms and Inclosed sleeping porch, cement basement, garage, bouse excep tionally well constructed. very large living room with beamed celling; dining room with cove; part terms. Phone owner. Tabor 4610. $2000. 5-room house. Russell-Shaver car stops at door. Improvements all paid ; a small car and $500 down as part pay ment, balance $25 month. 205 Mon roe st. $1000 CASH. Balance easy payments, massive 7-room residence, on the Rose City hill, absolute ly modern. SEE AGENT. 209 Failing Bldg. $1250 CORNER lot, S rooms, rough house, lights, gas. some plumbing, comfortable. just outside city limits, low taxes; do as you please; all city conveniences. 1545 Fremont, corner 59th. Rose City. MODERN 6-ROOM BUNGALOW, $3900. On Going st.. Albina dist., 50x100 lot; fruit trees, chicken runs; would con sider exchange for acreage close in. 317 nam, or i om. mag. Hrtwy. 4IN1. RENEW the rooms with Columbia Plaster Wall Board. Can't bulge. Jolntless. Fire retarding. Oregon made, OhsfoJdt, 145 Pirst st. LEAVING town, will sell my 6-room bungalow cheap; lot 50x100, garage, fruit, berries, place (or chickens; $3000, terms Owner. Tabor 60SS. 3 ROOM Rose City bungalow, furnace. built-ins. hardwood, plate glass; $4650. terms; $250 will handle. Phone owner. Main 1249. BY OWNKR. mod. house. 6 mil., sleeping porch, hot-water heating system Call bet. 2 and 6, 566 E. 35th t. S.. RM car. HOMES, any cost and type, designed and built. See F. C . Rose. 264 Mill at. i.'rnnm r-ntto inrl fta.L -2 Aa-w a. aumo. jjy owner. I REAL EPTATE. For SaleHouses. LNDISPTTED NATIONAL RECORD fVK HUME SELLING See FRANK L. MrGUIRE, REALTOR. To Buy Your Home. i V" Photographs of Homes for Sale LAntibsT HOME SELLER ON THE rALiMU COAST. , Deal With An Old Reliable Firm. u.very one of the mnm than inn h tographa of homes for sale in our offi has first been personal lv insn.cterf at appraised before being offered for vour consideration. We protect your every ...tcicoi. khu pui you in immediate tou with the home of your requiremen cr. ina or nome in everv district the city. Prices range from S50 sn.imm. if necessary we'll help you .none j i uuwn payment. 2-7 Salesmen at Your Service. Open Every Evening Until 9. 100 PER CENT SERVICE. LOVELY PIEDMONT BUNGALOW. $-800 This is Without r,iie,t,-.n sin- the most beautiful, substantial constructed bungalows in the en tire district. 6 rooms, hardwood floors, massive built-ins, cheery oreaKtast room orr model white Dutch kitchen, furnace, fireplace, Karate, DIOCK lO WmS. SVi car on Emerson st. CONVEX I E X TO JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL. van arrange terms. A "STAR" BARGAIN CLOSE TO SAvnv $4475 An ideally pleasant 6-room shi . giea bungalow on E. 24th st. Hardwood floors, massive built-in ounei, uutcn kitchen, furnace, .Karage, run lot With 6 fruit trees, roues, etc. Don't delav if vou' wanting something good. Terms. AX UN DUPLICATED FIND. ww-An ideal Alberta home. A beau ijiui o-room. very homelike bun galow containing every modern reature: bulit-lns, best plumbin and lighting fixtures: sleepin lumace, iaunary trayi 100x100. Trees, flowers, etc. Thl ts a value you can't often find, .Wd. Terms. $200 DOWN. ALBERTA $-49o -Look at this. For $200 down you can buy this 4-room cozv. prac tically new Alberta bungalow on i"wnw corner jot; Hot man if you haven't the $200. we'll "eip you make it. EAST SLOPE OF MT. TABOR! $300 DOW.V ' 1 nn-t on i $3250 VACANT! IMMEDIATE POSSES SION! LOOK AT THIS! $300 down! 6-room home in excellent cunuiuon: Newly renovated White enamel olumbine- -ran - electricity. 100x100 with fruit, etc. uux l WASTE TIME GOIN FURTHER! SEE THIS! Mad, son street. WEST SIDE FORrrn c t c- $2100 A very neat and nice "liftie west side cottage on GIbbs st., H block io car; rooms with white en amel plumbing, electricity, gas. h u Bireei paia. practical! your own terms. It won't last ee FRANK L. McGTTIRE. To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1068.- Third St, bet, Washington and Stark. (NOTE.) We cordially invite you to visit our booth at the Auditorium this week. May IU 1. PENINSULA DISTRICT $1450 I rooms, lot 100x100. 1250 cash easy terms on balance; two blocks to car. Laurelhurst. large, modern 7-roora aiory ana nan Dun galow, garage, all im provements in and paid! $6500, $1500 -a. icriiin un uaiance. New 3-room modern bunmlnv full lot. bearing fruit. fuU basement, sewer aim waiKs paid ; sirduu. easy terms. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 24K stark Street. Main 5429 0-kuo.yi boutte, full basement, bath. lot 60x100, in fruit and garden, cement walks paid, near carline and Arleta cuuni; nouse is completely furnished has wood and raw m n c? npi ini,,t ing furniture. $2100; cash payment $440 and $20 month on balance with 6 per cent interest. If not sold by the 20th win rent, xurnisned lor $28. NEIL SMITH. Phone 628-7S. 6611 Foster Road "A HOME FOR EVERYBODY.' tJAKGAINS. $210fl-r5-rm. cottage. 50x100 lot. $2250 $400 down, $20 per mo., 6. . 5-rm. bung., new, 50x100. $2600100x100 lot, 4-rm. bung.- $27MO 100x100. 5-rm. bung. Dandy. $3itw Alberta. 5-rm. bung. Fine. wiL'T, OTHBRS- CALLUS. MARSH & McCABE CO., Realtors. 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. M a r. 3003. MR. HOMESEEKER. ir you are looking for a home let me show you this Ideal 5-room bungalow in ose city Hark; hardwood floors uiruugnom; rurnace, rirepiace, buf It-ins. wash trays in basement : in fact all modern conveniences; this can be seen appointment, labor 5215. BEAUTIFUL HOME. ALAMEDA. ONLY $1200 CASH DOWN 7-room buagalow and breakfast nook paved street, infact modern. Listen wic. n.c tj.uu. mis is really R. C. OttrvrcR . snap. Rls'4 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Phone Main 8052. Main fiOKO $i50 $100 CASH o.rnnm ,i, r, 3-room house and woodshed: $1050 1150 cash; $ijwn $300 cash. 5 rooms and '""' casn, tt-room bunga low; $1050. $150 cash, large 2-room house, V, acre; $2500. $500 or more cash house just completed. 40xl25-ft lot and 20-ft. alley. Fred V. Spear. 5520 65th st. S. E. Automatic 619-lfl JWFhRsOX HIGH 7-RM. BUNGALOW Attractive, modern bungalow, hard wood floor, fireplace and furnace The owner has held it Tor $7000 but instruct ed us to offer it for $.4)K) on terms DO t J. R. HAIGHT, 82 4th st. Main 4522 vva A. CiV ISA N A . MODERN new house. 7 rooms. 2 rooms un finished second floor; glassed-in sleep ing porch; corner 100x125: all kinds big bearing fruit trees, grapes and berries chicken house and barn, part rented for garage; paved street. 18 minutes out. 2 blocks Sellwood car; $5200. terms. 607 WALNUT PARK BUNG A T.oiv fi rom," atrictly modern block from car. This was built about- 3 years ago . ..w.... eaay terms. , J- R- haioht; COEA.SfcKEX.VA CO. ROSE CITr PARK 13500. TERMS." "-ii-Duni tory-nnrt-hHlI modern home, larire livinif room., den. hall, panel dining room, oak floor,. ltitchn. tir place. furnace, ful! cement basement: 3 bedrooms, closets, bath; fruit, berries and n.f.r. aast ..in St. A. -ROOM house. 1 acre of ground, on corner near Cornelius. 20 milea went of .uiiu.uu. uu pavea roan, near S P. & Orefron Electric lines: fruit and berries, city water electric Hunts and Ras: a snap at 12000. Lock Box 43. Cornelius, Oregon. WILL sacrifice modern fl-rnnm hD i in on .East Taylor st.. living room with I" oearooms. dining, kitchen, bath, full cement basement, furnace, fine lawn, fruit and shrubberv; this Is worth investigation. Owner. Main S067. Sunday. Wpodlawn 1405. J; don.t di"own, in this ocean of ads. 014-41, apt. 4, will connect you with I kn,honVe,t or business, from $1000 to $20,000. that the increasing value ought to make hair grow on a bald head : find your niche. Call 614-41 spartment 4. AM COMPLETING a beautiful bungalow; purchaser can select fixtures and in terior finish; all improvements In. close iarw!fiaKnd ?iho,ois- Just right for four. Will be sold close to cost. V L. Shepard. owner and builder, 66 Terrv street. W. ' e"y $4 500 $ 1 000 DOWN. 5-room bungalow for sale by owner: old Ivory woodwork, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace. Dutch kitchen, china closet, bookcases, sleeping porch and attic: 2 blocks from car on paved street Phone Sellwood 1354. reet. RESPONSIBLE party wanting well-built home, on easy terms, will do well to call at 83 East Yamhill; owner must make quick sale; good condition, close In, nice garden: block from Sunnyside car. Tab or oOZ9 FOR SALEN By owner. 6-room Wuse. on full lot; in beautiful Irvington: in fine clean condition; full cement basement' furnace heat, fruit and flowers; price $4750; $1750 cash, balance 6 per cent. Phone East 8195. 1 OVVNER will give clear title to o-room bungalow, all built-ins, furnace, garage near school, bet. Division and Haw- JSVS11 CU moPninB' and evenings. T142 East Ci rut hers st. SAVE COMMISSION. 6-room bungalow. $2500; bath, built tns. light, gas, 40x100 lot; $425 down, balance $25 month, including 6 per cent Interest. No agents. Auto. 22S-67 ROOMS, full basement. Alberta district $1350, $600 ca?h, $15 per month. Jones with Interstate Land Co., realtors. "24 Stark st. Main 5429. $6000. $4.i00. BY OWNER, two modern houses, garage, paved street, carline lota fruit, garden, walking distance; terms 469 East 11th st. Sellwood 214K FOR SALE Partly finished, or will finish to suit. 5 rooms. Dutch colonial house on 100x100 corner lot. In restricted dis trict. Phone Col. 227. 7-ROOM residence, now vacant, at 1504 iani rayior si., win no ham ror $4fiun. xerma; wo rux wuu. . juaat 0223. REAL ESTATE. For Sale H oases. NEW LAUREL HURST HOME. PRICE $7150. This house is in the heart of beautiful Laurelhurst and Is a great bargain at the price asked. Do not consider it in the same class as the many cheaply constructed houses now being built. Every thing Is modern and complete. Reasonable terms or slisnt re duction tor cash. 1233 EAST PINE ST., EAST OF 41ST-STREET. BRAND NEW ONLY $650 CASH Balance $35 per month buys this neat 4-room bungalow on a 50xl00-foot lot close to Sandy blvd. The price is only $3000; where can you beat it? Take Rose Cfty car to 72d st., see Gregory luv. Co., 1808 Sandy blvd. HAWTHORNE. ON DIVISION ST. Here is an 8-room bungaJow that must sell today, and party, making best offer gets it; only been built four years; hardwood floors, fireplaee, built-ins, full concrete oasement, rurnace, garage; sure see this today and make ..offer and terms. 4 r I A 1 IV MAMUA Ci 1, -f COE A. McKENNA CO., REALTORS.' 82 Fourth SL Main 6871. FOR SALE In Irvington. . Laurelhurst Alameda Park and Dixon Place, severa modern homes, also choice lots in these additions, or will build on anyone's lot it desired. All kinds cf building done. nave ount juu nomes m Portland. RICE CONSTRUCTION CO.. A. R. Rice, Manager. Auto. 320-85. Res. 610 B. 15th st. N, R. B. Rice, Solicitor and Selling Agent. East 2432. 690 Wasco St 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. $300 DOWN. This is a nice 5-room bungalow, pias tered, bath, etc.. nice hade. 1 block to carline and good school on 64th st. ; price $2500, $300 down, balance $20 per month. 122 North 6th at, Broadway 4381. IRVINGTON. $8500, terms: beautiful corner lot modern 7-room house; fireplace; must oe seen to oe appreciated. We also have a number of other homes m me same district rrora .(hju up, Broadway I608. 210 Oregon bldg. Ask lor r uirord. UMDENSTOCK & LARSON CO., 210 Oregon Bldg. LADD ADDITION. $0500. TERMS. Close to" Hawthorne avenue, fine 7 room house, partly furnished; 3 bed rooms, fine furnace. Ruud healer, hoan. tiful lot, roses, shrubbery; must be sold iu mo next iew days. FOR APPOINTMENT. EAST 4991. LOOK AT THIS ONE! Five room, modern, 50 feet from pavea street and car; lot 40x100; there are pears, prunes, cherries, plums and apples in bearing; a regular snap for -tuu, very easy terms. Let us show you today. REEDY A CO.. REALTORS. 518 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4190. FOR SALE 1 acre, good black soil. 4- room house, beamed ceiling, 2 fireplaces, good barn, poultry house, wood house, garage, fruit and berries of different kinds; city water and gas in house; good fence. $3000, with terms, $300 cash: lo cated near Lents Junction. Kern Park Realty Co., 6707 Foster road. Automatic 635-28. ROSE CITY bungalow, 5 rooms, attic, ce ment, oasement, turnace, nrepiace, Dutch kitchen in white, living room full widih of house, large dining room with bay window, buffet, nice lot of shrubbery in yard; close to Sandy; carpets, linoleum, shades and porch awning go with the place; a wonderful buy at $4500. Some term s. Tabor 7853. $5750 A LAMED A $57 50. 5 rooms and breakfast'' nook, hard wood floors, fireplace, tanestrv oaner. enameled throughout.-a corner lot 50x100, improvements all in and paid. Owner is going east and must sell. Only $1700 cash. To see this bargain call Mar. 3352. LB. ROCK. IRVINGTON'S BEST. Hardwood upstairs and down; sun- room and very large sleeping porch; ivory enamel finish: eood saraee: a com modious. artistic residence at. the orlce of a mall bungalow: $7000. 1100 North westernt Bank Bld. EW. BEAUTIFUL Dutch colonial, con sisting ot seven rooms, two fireplaces. tiled bath with expensive plum bin; all rooms finished in ivorv and white en amel, papered, hard wood "Boors through out; this is a fine home and the price is right. 402 E. ,18th t. North. Tabor 6334. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Reduced to $7250; could not duplicate Tor $wiuu; moaern o-room bungalow, flrat-claaa condition! select neighbor hood; unsurpassed view; nice yard, shade trees; going east ; casa or terms. .N agents. Main 336. JUST THE PLACE YOU ARE LOOKING irutt. This Is a snap of a bungalow, contain ing 5 rooms, for only $5500; corner lot easy terms. See owner. J. R. Griesel, 375 Washington st.. or pnone Main 185 440 E. 21 ST.. N. Reception hall. Living room 16x3L with Frencn doors to sun room: din n room, kitchen and 1 bedroom and bath downstairs: 3 ncorooms on secon floor. Beit of plumbtng. Full cement basement; garage, mast 7976. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW BARGAIN Artistically furnished, hardwood floors. fireplace, furnace; all in old ivory; al most new; lot 60x100, $3850 complete, Terms. JOHN M. PAYNE & CO., Main 9012. BRING your plans and specifications i and let us figure your home. You 11 ge ins iui pi inc tii juui inc. SUN HOUSE BUILDING CO., 'Jti Abington Bldg. On 3d bet. Stark and Was h . WALKING DISTANCE. On EaBt 20th st., 5-room bungalow, modern, exceptionally well built: fur nace, paved etreet, fine shrubbery; snap for $4000, terms. See Mr. Boehm, 209 Oregon bldg. Broadway 16o8. A HOMB FOR EVERYBODY. Will sell my o-room bungalow In Rose uny rarK. corner lot, ior only $5500; easy terms; no agents. See owner. Mr. J. R. Griesel, at ?75 Washington St., or ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 5 nice rooms, nice bath, all the usual buf It-ins, cement basement; yes, a good furnace, too; for quick sale will sell for $3450; a wonderful home for the money. Tabor i.i. . NOB HILL SACRIFICE, $7500. " Ill-health compels me to sell 7-room modern home, finished attic, hardwood floors up and down, all kinds built-ins, 2 fireplaces, 50x100 lot, fruit trees, etc; you miss a snap, we me, 340 Wash. st. ROSE CITY PARK. By owner, beautiful 7-room bungalow, all large rooms, modern In every respect. lull cemeni unvenay, targe garage, lo cated at 458 East 51st st. N. For In formation call Tabor 530. HOUSE PLANS. "Distinctive Homes." Illustrated book of over 100 designs, si; blueprints, $10. DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY, 924 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 4-ROOM house, nice lawn, roses: base ment. wasn trays, rruu trees: 12600. must have $700 cash; take less for all cash. Mt. scott car. Stewart station. Come to 6030 50th ave. S. E. PORTLAND HEIGHTS IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A REAL HOME. SEE 978 COLuil. enc&i jUKivjj.; JMME Til ATE POSSESSION. J.V J. arm. STRONG, OWNER. PHONE MAIN 3476. $2700 MT. TABOR $2700. 7-room modern house, except base ment; two lots, fruit, berries, street, sewer, gas. electricity: $300 down. 136 E. 61 st. m BEAUTIFUL ML Tabor home, every con venience, hot water heat, 4 bedrooms, aeleping porch, buit for own home, very best maienai iuu worn-xuansaip. UWner 849 E. 60th St. . BUILD NOW. But first get figures from HEDSTROM CONSTRUCTION CO., 614 Henry Bldg. Phone Bdwy. 1831. QUALITY, hativ-aumuw, MSHV1CB. LOVELY suburban, 5-room bungalow at Roth station, riwer frontage; owner must sell, leaving city; terms very reasonable East 2299. -. HERE it Is: Beautiful 7 rooms. Holladay, furnished or unfurnished; 60x123; terms. Owner. East 7154. REAL snap; walking distance, east side; 6 rooms; $3500, terms. 720 E. Davia St., near 20th. East 8303. $4000 WEST SIDE. 7 rooms, gas. bath, electricity. 2 fireplaces, cement base ment: lot 50x100. Owner. 467 10th st. SNAP Fine 4-room cottage, 2 fine lots, block from car. See owner, S49 fi 0th st. - DANDY G-rm. Aouse. $2600. terms. J 642, ure gonian. $yoo- Easy terms, new bung., fireplace, hdw. flrs.: Haw dist. Owner Tabor S104. BY OWNER Modern 5-room bungaJow. 1S0S East Koyt st. Tabor 15 REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. . - $1150. 4-rooro cottage In fine condition; ga rage, chicken house, lots of fruit and quarter acre; hard surface road; near car. Just outside city limits. $250 cash, balance monthly. $150 cash buys a modem 5-room bunga low. Very neat, near car and just outside city limits. Total price $1S50. $200 cash buys a neat 4-room cottagw! garage, chicken house, lots of fruit, quarter acre, hard surface road, near city limits. Total price $1150. $500 cash buys one acre of nice land; Trutt, modern o-room oungaiow, nice barn and garage. A wonder 4 ful place for $35O0. hi mile outside city limits. . The house on either of the above places would cost more than tne toiai price asked for. CIOlSE IN ON E. 20TH ST. 5-room modern bungalow. Owner leav ing, must sell quick. Only 4ioii, easy terms. Main 483. AN IDEAL HOME, LARGE LOT, $4500. Consisting or six room s. large base ment with 6-Inch concrete floor, wash trays;' nice reception hall, sitting room with nice reception hall, sitting room with nice built-in bookcases, nice iir nlace. also pi pel ess furnace, dining room, built-in sideboard, floors all quarter sawed oak: nice breakfast room, nice large kitchen, large pantry with all modern conveniences and built-ins of all kinds: the upstairs consists of two large bedrooms 14x16, with two large closets In each room; bathroom 7x12 with extra nice fittings; nicelawn with five young fruit trees, currants and berries,-with a large garden patch of very fir.e garden soil, size of lot 150x82V ft. Street grad ed, sidewalks, sewers all in and paid for. This place id situated in the Crescent district and adjoins the New Crescent park. Only 500 feet from paved strest. Apply to owner, D. McGregor, -4419 Sth ave. S. E. , AX ATTRACTIVE HOME IN THE MOST CHOICE PART OF ALAMEDA ; e- w AND COMPLETE: CAN'T BE BEAT fUK M C L.M MUKt, ltl.A. T a .-v o iv , TERMS AGREEABLE: LOT 85x100; SOME NATURAL TREES AND CHOICE SHRUBBERY: CONVENIENT GARAGE: ' H W. FLOORS: 4 BEDROOMS. COM PLETE KITCHEN WITH INLAID LIN OLEUM. RANGE. BUILT-INS AXE BREAKFAST NOOK: INCLUDES ALL DRAPERIES. SELECTED WITH TASTE. TWO RADIANTFIRES; ONLY PEOPLE OF REFINEMENT CAN AP PRECIATE THIS. CAN BE SEEN AT ANY TIME BY APPOINTMENT. MAR. 1684. BERRY & BERRY. Beautiful Walnut Park home; 6 fine large rooms, thoroughly modern. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace trays; 50x100 lot. beautiful yard, an abundance of cherries, 2 blocks to car and near two fine schools. Located 1058 Cleveland ave. t Price $5500, and worth it. Terms. THE LAWRENCE CO., Realtors. 212 Corbett Bldg. . Main 6015. . BEAUTIFUL WAVERLBT Three lovely homes almost ready to move into: lots 168 feet deep; all street improvements in and paid for; this is close-in prop erty; fireplaces, hardwood floors and all built-ihs. cement floor in basement; prices $4500 to $5000; we are building 20 more houses in this district: come out and let us build one to suit you; reason able terms; take Richmond car to 35tn st. ; property on both side of carline. Owner, Automatic 218-32. FOR SALE By owner, real bargain, a cozy 4-room bungalow, just tinisneo. double constructed, hardwood floors, fireplace, tapestry paper, all white en amel Dutch, kitchen, cement basement with laundry trays; improvements in and paid; in Irvington Park: take Alberta to Killingsworth, half block to carline and store. Call Sunday from 1 to 5 P. M.. all day on week days; price only $3850. 929 Ktningswortn avenue. ALAMEDA PARK 5 ROOMS. Moderq bungalow, fireplace, built-ins, large living room, old ivory finish, tap estry paper in living and dining room, cement basement, lot 50x100 corner. Price $6500. terms. BL'RKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS. 415 Piatt Bldg. Realtors. Main tv-t. Suburban Homes. GOOD TO LOOK AT. Better to live in; shingled bungalow with nice front porch, 5 rooms and bath, dandy sleeping porch, lots of Inclosed shelves aJid built-ins in handy kitchen; built-in bookcases and writing desk in the living room; closets and shelves and cabinets; just what a woman likeB; also lots of window back porch 12 feet square for a summer kitchen: the house is on a gentle slope and faces the sun rise; the soil is wonderful and the spring garden is started; peas, lettuce and radishes up; quantities of berries, black raspberries and strawberries: the best of neighborhood in a neighborly neighborhood; 333 fet from the station. 22 minutes from 'Portlsnd by Oregon City car or auto; come out and look ; the price is so low that we will not put It in for fear you will misjudge prop erty by the price and you can have Im mediate possession. Geo. C. Hazleton, Evergreen Station. Oak Grove 139-M. FOR SALE Suburban or country ifcntlo man's home, near state highway over looking two valleys and mountains; "Million Dollar View;" 1 seres wun new and strictly modern 6-room bungalow finished in ivory, large fireplace, furnace, polished oak floors; built-in features, fine garage, tenant house with fenced park, spring water with city pressure: 54 acres in producing fruit; only half mile to electric cars; noininK Deuer m suburban home near Portland for money. J. A. WENDELL, Newberg, Or. MULTNOMAH DISTRICT BARGAINS. Prippd If-aa than half today's values, 50x100, $250; quarter acre, $500; half acre, $1000 for choicest level view home- sites; gooa uregon ,.ciecixic car service, cheap fares, water, gas, electricity, 319 nan way axtnangu Diug. aittm uw, evi dence East 768. LAKE SHORE HOME. 10 miles from Portland, facing station, lot and half; attractive bungalow cot tage, electric lights, water, A-l condition, with boat; leaving; for quick sale will give it for $2000 less than price. Main 7568, Gadwa. Mornings 211 I4th st ACRE, with 4-room house, near Mult- noman station, iruit ireea, an niiiuo 01 berries and flowers, garden all in; be tween two highways, close to station. Main 5626. IDEAL SUBURBAN HOME. One acre, fine level land, near paved street, almost all cleared; $850, $100 cash, $8.50 per month. Main 7854. 890 Savter streeL CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near car line, from $1800 up. Inquire 8d house north of Risley station, on Oregon City car line. RYAN PLACE 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, 2fa ACKbB flCiAtVlAU fftUAA. PA RAGE ; $5800, ON TERMS. MAIN 1038. EVENINGS MARSHALL 5509. A BEAUTIFUL counLry home place on Willamette river, one acre or grouna, 7 room colonial house facing- paved drive. Main 3477. For SuJe BuwlneHs Propeity. 22-ROOM HOTEL. S-story brick building, steam heat, hot and cold water in every room; one block from Washington in heart of business section ; always full, high-class furni ture ; neat and clean. On account of me today. O. B. Rlppy. Realtor, 610-11 I McKay Bldg. Main 22U. For Sale Acreage. 20 ACRES, 7 cleared, on" Estacada car, 5-room house, gooa Darn, uxou cnicKen house ; $3500, $400 cash, balance easj terms. 5 acres with house, on Salmon creek, north of Vancouver; $500. $100 cash, balance like rent. INTERSTATE LtASSu ;u., iteaitors, 248 Stark Street. Main 542a 1.36-ACRE HOME $3000. Brand new 4-room ceiled and papered bungalow, concrete foundation, city wa ter, patent toilet, septic tank. 1 block away from gas. 3 blks. front S. P. electric at Aloha; young family orchard, some berries; $400 cash. $25 monthly. Fred W. German Co., Realtors, 734 Cham, of Com. HERE IS A SNAP. 20 acres level land, good soil, 8 miles from Vancouver, 1 mile from electric station and town, 1 mile to paved high-, way; 2 acres cleared. Price $2000, terms. Irvine. 300 Hawthorne ave. ACRES, all under cultivation, good 7 roora house with modern conveniences, on good road, just out of city; will take auto or diamond as first payment. Own er, AP 649, Oregonian. 12 hi ACRES, 80 rods east of Beaverton on &aved road, running water, good 6-room ouse with barn; immediate possession; price reasonable. C J ae person, Beaver ton. Or, WRITB for map of western Washington. showing location, tow price and easy terms offered to settlers. WBYERHAUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma, Wa?h. 1500 CORDS TIMBER. 10-aere tracts heavily timbered, mile station; good soil. Carlos Marsters. Realtor, 83 H 4th St. FOR SALE 2 & acres, between Bryant ana xuaiatin, ur., waiKing distance or Oswego lake. Write Box 78. Tualatin. Or. 10 ACRES on east fork or Hood River; no inuumurtiiii-e, u ue iut tr, even UP. XtOOm a. -a v awn, ACRE at Ryan place. 15 minutes from Portland ; very desirable location ; bar gain at $1600, terms. East 7200. ft ACRE, 8 blocks from Hawthorne car une. siuuu. uwner, Hast asou ACRES, also house-moving outfit. 4131 B2L st. tt. .Mi. Jflomas Aiisn. eitx. REAL ESTATE. For 8ale Acreage DON'T PAY A BIG PRICE ftor acreage sway out of town. We can sell you a half acre for $275. a full acre for $550; city water, gas, good car serv ice; just outside city limits,Woodstock : beautiful district: pay $10 monthly; we charge no interest on contracts: you'll make a mistake if you buy before see ing these. Call us at once. COMTE & KOHLMAN, Main 6550. 20R Chamber of Com. Bldg. ACRES. A fine tract near Sylvan, close to Canyon road, Beaverton high way. 15 acres fine bottom land Close" to paved highway and car line in Clarke county. Wash. These can be nur chased on essy terms from owner. Joh a B&in, 507 Spalding Bldg., Portlsnd, Or. ACRES. HALF ACRES; $10 PAYMENTS. Alberta car. Why buy ordinary lots lurtner. out and pay big assessments? $10 down. R. V. Cary, 121 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 143. Residence, Main law. 10 ACRES at Sherwood, 17 miles from Portland, on good road ; well ; partly cleared; bargain at $2O00, terms. Tele- pnone Kast 72im. Irrigated Lands. SUNNY BUR BANK ON THE COLUMBIA. A small Irrigated tract of land, say 10 or 20 acres, will make you independent. You can raise any thing that grows in the temperate zone, except citrus fruits, and be first on the market with- your products. NO CROP FAILURES. NO MUD! BIG YIELDS! Good markets. Best of transportation facilities. Sunshine and water In abundance. Land with paid up water rights $100 to $180 per acre. Clear property accepted as partial payments. If at all Interested in irrigated land investigate. ' See Earl C Miller, with . THOMPSON, SWAN & LEK, Third and Main Sts. Vancouver, Wash. 'Homesteads',' Relinquish ment s. I AM LOCATING HOMESTEADS from 40 to 100-acra, tracts, either Portland or Rosbeurg district, farming or timber land; am In a position to give you as good. If not better, service than anyone in the state; government map, checked up to date. E. W. Helm, 310 Board of Trade bidg. 3 RELINQUISHMENTS. O. A C. land; one well improved; owner spent $2uu0 cash on it; at edge of town; price $750 for this; one unimproved.' close to town, practically a level piece on Paotttc high- ' way, south of Rosebarg, $4oo; another one. heavy timber, worth $5000, for $400. 301 Corbett bldg. ' HOMESTEAD relinquishment, 640 acres in Montana. oil fields, will sell cheap on ac count of my health. 013 Broadway bldg. Mr. Henry, Main 679. nr Sale Farms. CLARKE COUNTY FARM. 120 acres fins river bottom, no over flow, rich sandy loam; works perfectly the year round. Last year 100 bushels oats per acre. Unexcelled for potatoes, corn, everything; two fine springs, many natural advantages. Right party can make wonderful farm home; on Lewis river, good fishing, lotr of birds and wild berries; 5-room cottage and ad ditional small house; good barn and silo. Half acre In berries, 70 acres in grain and clover, including 15 acres being planted in corn and potatoes. Price $12,000. Carries $4750 on 30-year federal f lUKa, v per cent. tKti ana tarn wun the-owner's son; will take you out any time. SIDNEY G. LATHROP, 515 Abington Bldg. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED $1500. 40 acres of land, with 7 acres in cul tivation. 2 acres of bearing orchard. 5 room house, barn 30x:8. not completed, other outbuildings, good spring: 5 miles from railroad town; stock consists of two cows, yeaning neirer, 1 '-year-om heifer. 1 dozen chickens, separator, plow, cultivator, harness. Total price $1500. $1100 cash. Fred W German Co.. realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. CANADIAN FARM LANDS Last great block of, Canadian Pacific Railway Com pany's reserve lands; remarkably cheap, on long and easy terms; landueekers' ex cursion party leaves Portland for Cal gary, Alberta, on Saturday, May 21; re duced railway rates For further par ticulars see Canadian Pacific Railway Company, 208 Railway Exchange bldg., L. P. Thornton, district representative. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. 15 acres, 5 miles east of Vancouver on Mill Plain road; 10 acres in cultivation, 3 acres in prunes, 5 acres in wheat, bal. in pasture and garden. Good 5-room house, large barn, chicken house and other outbuildings; 5-ton prune dryer. Widow lady alone, must sell; win give terms. Mrs. Beyer, take river road to Ellsworth store, go 1 mile north. $2300. 20 acres good land. Res well to the east; largest part surfaced, cleared and in clover and potatoes, other crops; 5 room bungalow, large barn, 2 cows, 1 mare, 3 springs, furniture; 84 miles east of Clatskanie on county road; old age reason for selling. J as. A, Grubbe, Box 55, Clatskanie, Or. OIL, WHEAT, STOCK. 820-acre Montana farm, 160 in crop, prosper l- of 40 bu. per acre; 260 acres in. cultivation. Right in oil dlstricL Ar rangements made to start drilling. Might consider good grocery or general merchandise for part. Price $40 per acre G. Gleason, 05 East 67th st. N Portland. Or. PLEASE READ THIS. I have on TheDalles-Californla high way in eastern Oregon 165 acres of fine wheat land. 85 In cultivation; good houte and barn; fine roads; irrigation ditch runs through place; price $S0O0. $4000 cash, balance 7 per cent: would like o tell more about it. Write to Box 672. The Dalles. Oregon. 310-ACRE Willamette valley dairy or stock ranch; river bottom; no hill, gravel or poor soil; wellsr-river, springs; good new buildings; fruit: R. R. station on place; for sale or part trade; sacrifice for quick sale. Lemlell Stock & Poultry r arm, ninura, uregon. PAYING poultry and dairy. 35 acres. depot, store. P. O.. school, church; near Faciflc highway; 7-rm. house, barn 45x 4t. suo. 4 n en nouses, garage Truit ber ries: price $5500. with 3 cows, loo hens te rms. Qwnfr box 36. Welled ale. Or, Vi SECTION STOCK RANCH. $3000. Central Oregon, building, fenced and cross rencea; plenty water; trade for fortmna or near- fortiana. 615 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. FOR SALE On easy terms, 15 acres two miles normeasi oi niusooro, all unde: cultivation: fair house and barn. Price $6000 Address G. A. Wehrung, 1470 W asnington ai-. niiiaouro, ur. HOOD RIVER 30 acres. 11 acres orchard line conaition, prospect or fine crop meadow: 7-room house, bath, beauti. fully situated. Phone East 1137 or ad- clrews A n4, urcgonian. HAVE o4U acres gooo lana, is miles from Glendive. Mont., directly in oil belt' would trade for Portland property or seli 5072 or 833 E"Tlih S VWm FARM for cash by owfter, 2Uu acres all under cultivation, 60 acres fn crop farm machinery, tractor, cows, horses, sheep- ivi ..urioiou nrop. 03 ACRES, si mnes soutn or Lebanon. 65 in cuiuuuu, ' 'cu,;ru gooa buy or will, trade. Owner. Tabor 6308. 102 ACRES. 80 in cultivation; $3000 cah" balance 15 yrs., easy payments. R0ut 1. POX Qg. CHICKEN. FRUIT GARDEN RANCHES near Portland, $50 to $500 per acre: eaav terms, best eon, larms ror sale, all sia. McFarland, realtor, 208 Failing bldg SU ACRES, level, fenced, clear: a-oort a. house, near Willamina; terms; loganberry LOGGHD-OFF lands, $10 acre ud: running water, good soil, tillable; school, easy terms J. R. Sharpe, 63 H Third st. SALE or trade, 28 acres, good place, close to city. Write owner, Carlson, Route 1, Box 10, Grants Pass, Or. 400 ACRES land. Montana. Cat creek rtia trict; close in. J. W. Browne, 312 Teon mag, wain qqj. 7 OR 10 ACRES level, tlmberd land, near Beaverton; good rd. J. R. Sharp. 834 3d. BBB CO LB for bargains hs farms, or eharda 426 LnmbermsDs bldg. . WANTED RKAL ESTATE. WANTED FOR CLIENTS. Brick store building, east side, valne $10,000 to $30,000; must show good In come. See Mr. Shefler. Fred W. German Co., Realtors, T32 Cham, of Com. WANT six-room modern house or bunga low In Rose City Park. Laurelhurst or Irvlngton: pries about $5000: good pay ment down. K 650, Oregonian. HAVE 1018 good Dodge car as first pay ment on good 5-6-room house up to $3000, Hawthorne district. Address A 672, Oregonian. $ ACRES with creek, on lower Columbia river, ana casn to pay on farm Phone Tabor 361. Maud Casey. 2067 East Madison St.. city. EXPRESS and storage business for equity in imai 1 noma, nave other interests. East 6434. WILL sell cheap or trade on a bouse or acreage 1P20 1-ton truck, same aa new. Sft6 Powell Valley road. $1000 EQUITY in Mitchell automobile to trade for goed clear let. Give location. G 647. Oregonian. WANTED 5 or 6-room mod era house. . Bdwy. &00a. WAVTEI RKAL FffTATTff. WANT B or 6-room hou near Franklin high. Sunnyside or Hawthorn district might consider Sellwood. Have lot in Irvlngton district nd seller's contract to exchange. Don t care to go ove: '-". t'nnne Tator era. I WANT a home In anv god district 1 Have contract on a house, $3300; brings netter tnan 0 oer month, in aduni can pay $23 per month or in all $5 each month. V ill nut un contract . security. Give full description. AC 660, t )rego man. WANTED 5-room bunsrslow in Sunny side or Hawthorne: .Mix 100 lot; $HHM) down ; 1 2.1 and Interest per month. -price of house not ov.r $;t.M0 ; anyone interested call East 5N98 mornings and evening: owners only. MOl vt ANTED 1 HO acres unincum bered land near Grants Pass, mostly tillable, good soil, low value. $1000; wiM give or take difference for equity In house. Marshall 746. WANTED In restricted district, ft or 6 room bungalow with furnace, hardwood floors, attic and butlt-ins; must bs real bargain, not over $400; will pay casa Wanted to Rent Farms. WANTED TO RENT. SMALL PLACES Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small farms: close to Port land preferred. Some people will buy tne piace aner teasing ror year or more We make lots of sales this way. Will buy equipment tr priced naht. JOHN FERGUSON, Uerlinger Building Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. A.r to lease orchard or take on snares. AV 7o, Oregoman. TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 160 acres second-growth timber land In North Lincoln Co.; rolling land, over 3.000.000 feet of. timber, tir, hemlock. ceuur, oniy io per acre; ciose 10 new R. R., which is now under construction. AG 604, Ore gonian . FOR SALE 100 acres second-growth tlm ber land In north Lincoln Co. ; rolling land: over 3.000.000 feet of timber, nr, hemlock, cedar; only $15 per acre; closs to new R. R.. which Is now under ctn- struction. AG PK4. Oregonian. YELLOW PINE, Going ea.nL sell 120 acrei Wheeler eeunty; make offer; cash or terms. Own er. Main 330. FOR R RNT FA RMS. PASTURE PLENTT OF RUNNING WATER; $3 A HEAD PER MONTH; 0 MILES WEST OF PORTLAND. ON CANYON ROAD. "TH E OLD M EAlMJ'W FARM." W. B. WALKER. TO KXCHANGK REAL ESTATE. VACANT LOTS AS FIRST PAYMENT . ON ANY OP THESE. $2000 Neat litt e 4-room cottage with ground 80x125. some fruit. In Mt. Scott district; vacant lot up to $500 or $600. $2100 4-room cottage, bath, toilet, elec tric lights and gas. concrete foun dation. Alberta district; vacant lot UP to $700. $2400 A house of ft lerre rooms with bath, toilet, electric lights and gas. full basement, corner lot. 75 X100. 18 large assorted bearing fruit tree, all kinds of berries: wlH take vacant lot la viclplty of Linn ton. and $1000. $25O0 4-room cottage in Mt Tsbor dis trict, bath, toilet, electric lights and gas. full basement. brick foundation, 7 assorted fruit trees, some berries; will take lot uo to ' $Su0 or light car. $2500 4-room cottage la ML Tabor dls- blocks from car. lot Bi l-axux ; will tske vacant lot up to $1000, or light car. See Mr. Stephens. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. Realtors. 732 Chamber of Commerce. EXCHANGE YOUR REAL ESTATE! CA LI FOR NI A FOR PORTLAND. $5000 TO $200,000. JOHN P. HOLLAND) WICKHAM HAVENS, INC., 1500 Franklin st. Oakland. Cat BEACH LOTS EXCHANGE FOR PAINTING OR BUILDING. Lots are well located at Tillamook Beach, near station and ocean. Address AP 643. Oregonian. "A REAL COUNTRY HOME." 54 acres of strictly choice garden land; 1 acre loganberries and 3 other sorts berries. 2xr0 bearing fruit trees, in good condition; an h-room strictly mod ern house: city water and gas. garage barn, chicken house, on pavement. cloe to rv. sta.. 11 mi es fortlann: orlce sin. 000; will take all or part in city house. R. M. GATE WOOD ft iX. 1H5M. 4th st 160 ACRES ALFALFA RANCH. 80 acres In alfalfa. 50 seres spring grain. I matilla county, paid-up water right, $20,000; will take good residence or income to iia.hou. see owner, 3U Cham, of Com. Bdwy. 4181. EVERETT city property, or Snohomihh county acreage to exchange for south western Oregon or northwestern Cali fornia. Give location and price. Albert N. Smith, 2034 Colby. FOR EXCHANGE 10 acres, 6 acres In clover, on highway. cloe In; fine soil ; bal. in tir trees; for 5-room bungalow. What have you? Harper & Morns. 418 Railway Exchange bldg. BUNGALOW, 50xHM)-ft. lot, $1800; also 100x125, fruit and berries, 0th st., cor. of Harrison, Oregon City; trade one or both for house equity. East 5770. MY NICE suburban home, Oregon City car; price $6000; will assume. Write to Box 45, Oak Grove. Phone 170 W. Onk Grove. EXCHANGE flat, income $140, for 4 or 5 room furnished bungalow, value $8000; one-halt cash, balance mortgage. Cull Broadway 3673. s'.4Tn EQUITY 40-acre improved farm. near Kelso and Pacific highway, for acreage or city property, u. A. Norby, 120 E. 33d. Tabor 3407. WILL TRADE a $1000 Wnstover Terrace bond for Holstcin or Shorthorn milch cows. rr tnn, oregonian. 20 ACRES on Columbia highway; will take car as part payment or house and lot in the city. 3ft4 East KSth st. S. E. WILL sell cheap or trade on a house or acreage i:20 1 -ion trucK, same as new. SitO Powell Valley road. $2300 EQUITY in modern 5-room bunga low for grocery. McMonles, Main 6429 TO KXCTTANGE MlSCKT.T.ANFOrSw FOR SALE or trade. 2 diamond ring. Seth i nomas a-uay meiai ciock. ior 9x12 rug. linoleum or what have you Main 1U41. WILL trade small racket store for Dodge or Ford touring car. am. b42, ore gonian. GOOD 1918 Chevrolet roadster for trade for a iot. piano or w nai nave you .' Phone b2S-7T. WANT honey extractor; have farm linple- ments, ana oaoy ouggy. jonn cneiae lin. Gresham. Or. EXCHANGE several useful pieces ho up hold turniture ior pain 11 ng, a ow, ure gonian. FOR EXCHANGE; 1 acre in Portland. Or. Want small oungaiow or lot in or near Los Angeles, Lai. AV 666. Oregonian WILL exhange equity 8-room nouse. west side, well rented, for new or almost new high-graoe auto. K 607. Oregonian 1918 GOOD DODGE, $7M), for Ford car and cash. A nun, oregonian. FOR SALE. " Horses. Vehicles, Livestock. FOR SALE Young dapple gray team, ( vears o d. weicht about 2800 pounns; price $350. Write or see W. L. Schmidt, Sherwood. Dr., route 2. box J. WE HAVE a couple of good young, heavy teams 01 horses for sale. Apply o urana avenue. KLY STONE FEED STABLE Horses for sale or hire, stalls for rent, sal waiar St., foot Montgomery. Marshall 351 5. FOR SALE Young team. weight 3200, with harness and rarm 0th and Flanders. wagon. East PASTURE! Ladd Canyon farm. Canyon road, close In; no business bunrtwys. Main 4HU GOOD 1100-lb. all-around work horse and harness for sale cheap: navs no us for htm. 60 East 7th st. S. FOR SALli Six norsas; reasonauls prica noun an s ue vo. oaxn x. via ana voa strssta MULES AND HORSES with harness for rent by carload. wuuarason Ranch. Lathrop. CaL LARGE fresh Durham and Hoistein dairy cows. 160 to $70. 7.'.3 East Ash. DEAD horse and cattle taken quickly. Fho ns AinwaoKis siu ror Beat se r vice. VETERINARIAN. DR. HOWES. TABOR (.566, FOR SALE Good family cow. F. Peters. Metzger. tir. TWO COWS for sale, on frh with caf. 3618 . 61st St., near Division at. for sur. FOUR irimi .if .moil v,utis work ho r d yung work ho weight from 2S00 to $im hf : S tnici( horsea, weight from 110 t H' lb ; nil further !-; will . Tl them very chrap. Call at VH Powell Vallr-v roan Piunos, Organ, and Mimic! lrntt rumen in. $t.7. Wellington plain rnnhngmiy, $22. 00 7imi w. W. Kimball, mahog.... 2." 'M( W. W. Kimball, oak $Jm.-m 675 Kimball. Just new 6i .Manthall Wendell 24 t."i Milton and btn h V-u 00 750 Geo. Stock 22.". " 52-'i Htnge , 1 " H0 M.-Camon 1" 1 tm ' ,5..0 Harrington I: 7"o pinyew brand new 425 on nun PiH.ver and h'-ncl 42.. "0 Others, easy frm. You get w ht you want her, and less mn y. Bro kerage Co.. 31 1 Worcrtrr nldg. CASH BUYKIIS. ATTENTION. Peeurlty Stores Co.. Spring Cearanca $450 Emerson upright, cash $146 $.'75 New unrlght. out of stora ...."5 $.." Kimball, modern oak, cs-so . . - .$2'H Two smalt upright pianos. cen..$A. $ UriC, A. Smith. larse. fine snsp. .$21$ $"25 Vrmm A Sns, good ahaPS. caah..i95 $575 Dsvis A Sons, )are onk $"-''-V $250 Pianoia r aver, lncl. ft" m'ls $750 Pinna player plana 40 rolls. .. Four parlor organs. $t, $25. 35 and $-1.1 I03 Tenth st.. cor. Stark st Washington, $10 MONTHLY as befors the war huvs new $525 pianos f"r $:'05: $13 sends it home; $6. $! or $10 monthlv buvw $75, $195. $215 to $.Ui5 used placios; $10 t $15 monthly buva used plaver plsnos: $J monthly buvs $2.8. $35 to $.'$ orisns dur ing anniversary sale. 45 vesrs In ths piano business ) Schwa?. Piano Co.. 1" Tenth St., at Washington ana yrsrs , WE WILL Tit. WHS tV CAUTIKUL NEW P?IMKj A BE RAPlf FOR YOUR OLD jPIANO. WHY NOT? COME UP AND LET US TALK IT OVKIl. SEVENTH FLOOR. LTP.MAN. WOLFE & CO. PLAYTTRS. KIMBALL PLAYER PIANO, UNTVER PAL PLAYER PIANO. DECKER PLAT KR PIANO. Prices $275 and up. AU 10 good condition. Terms given. SIEHKRLINO-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 4th St.. Ret. Washington and Alder A. B. CHASE 6-ociave organ (walnut). $ 40 1 1 no Mradivaia phonograph, new... "O Brunswick phonograph (iiss new)., 11.1 Brewster piano (onk) $u0 Portophone excellent for camping (new) $ HAROLD S OIT.BERT YnmhHI Jt. II A RDM AN PIANO, dull manugiiy cans. 1.12ft; very best of conditio. A bargain. Terms given. si:bkhlivo-i,ttas music co . 125 4th St.. B-t. Washington and Alder. KIMBALL PIANO, $275; bert of condition. uuit i.nv. itjrnia Kivrn. SI EHKR LING-LUCAS MUSIC CO . 125 4th St.. Bet. Washington and Alder. SI'OT CASH PAID FOR PHONOGRAPH OR RECOUPS BRASS OR STRING INSTRUMENTS. 12H First. Main 4415. Auto. 627-46. SCMIRMER. $150; gouu practice Instru ment. Terms given. SI EH ERLING -LUCAS MUSIC CO, 125 4th St., R.-t Washington and AMer. A MoST hubr.tmiu.il barKni to thou who Know manogauy. .n( nart Hron. plana in splendid cae, account moving. $225. Tabor 2132. t BToDAKU PIANO, $Jo5; oak caso. Tortus S1EBERLINO-LUCAS MUSIC CO 125 4th St.. Het. Washington and Alder. PHONOGRAPH motors at wholesale prlcel Build your own phonograph, cutler Mfg Co.. East 10th and SUuliena T.iihhn,,. V.ant 7:t:t' WELLINGTON P I A NO. dark oak ca $25: very good condition; term aivao. S1EBERL1NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO 125 4lh St., Bet. Washington and Aldr. DANDY Steinway square piano. o- lone ana nice action; rtne piano for bo glnner. 4"0 Abingion hMg. FRANKLIN PIANO; walnut mop, na, SI E HER LING-LUCAS MUSIC CO 125 4th St.. Het. Washington and Aider. WANT iradu my equity in h..ni 1 , .TT upright piano as first payment on Ford touring car. Phone .MarMiail lo.'.tl. $l;5 BUYS $475 used Km-rion Upright piano, $15 cash. $5 monthly, downHtatrs store Sfhwan I'lario Co. 10th and St u 1 k. FOR SA1JC Steinway grand piano, wi i. in aou runnuiun. Auoreu 34 at Ontralia. Wnh. 1 WILL PAY cash tor a Rood uned piano ol player If price Is right. Auto. Mi-au. BUSH A LANE piano tor sals, 2oU. l-l. phone Mum H15. FOR RENT GRAFONOLAS. Jate musio. $3 00 per month Broadway 153. PIANO WANTED Cash. from nnvata parties, if bargain. Marshall 15327 . UTaHe VICTRDLA I--, used piauo: proposition. Main 5Sfl. WANTED A plan O. 614. Oregonian. ash. no dea PIANO for sain by private Automatic 216-05. party. cH, STEIN WA Y grand piano, w iil mko Ford and balance cash. Wdln ,'H82. WANTED Marshall iJood -tontd piano for casa. VERY fine id vionn. East 12 PIANO WANTED '-sai deal. Main s:ht htirtilture fr hale. SAVE MONEY. Try our sales di parttnont If you want to buy or sell household goods. Reduced freight rates to most all points In our through pool cars. Expert packing, re pairing and n-finishlng. Money loand on goods in storage. Fireproof storage. Low ln.suranco mira. SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER CO.. 63 4th st., opp. Multnomah HolsL Phone Broadway 8715. FOR SALE -HE.W:. SET OK 3 PIECES OLD M A H l H ; A N Y. BED. I'HlKKuMhK AND DRESSER; LARGE 11. ATE GLASS IN MIRROR; ,UTTHK.S AND SPRINGS; $I.Vi; ALSO SEX" EKAL ODD PII'ES OF FI ' RN I T U R fi DESKS. TA--RLE. ETC.. GAS RANGE AND HtTAT KR; ALL IN GO 'D REPAIR. T1SLE I'HONa MAIN 5S2 Ft.tR PARTICU LARS DuN'T sacrifice your Xui nlture if going east or lo California. We can save ynu money on your freight in our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer A Storage Co., 24. Pine st DAVENPORT AT A BARGAIN' New davenport with Turkish arras: a bargain for anyone wanting a fins piece of furniture. Phone, any day but Sun dav. Auto. 314-26. GARLAND gaai range, nerlv new;' 1 porch swing. 1 dremier, 2 racking chairs, 1 bed spring and mattress, 3 carpels. , 5654 Washington M . FURNITURE f 5-rootn flat; h'at, water furnished, very desirahle; rmr Haw thorne on E 21st. Phone K. 4. ft. FUR SALE Ui .M PLE1 E FURNISHINGS OF A SIX-ROOM HOUSE. CALL AT 138 EAST MADISON ST. FOR SALE Iteauiifnl brass bed and dresser, sanitary couch and small lea chest. M. Shuuk. 415 E. Mh st. N. FUMED OAK library table, one small omK rocker and one small strictly leather bottom chair, like new. Tabor 222 1. FURNITURE of new 6-room hungaiow for sale chcip: almont new. P"5 Wasco si, LI-A VI NO town, must sell furniture. l" West Fanagut st. Wdln. 3715. 24 LEATH ER seat oak timing or office chairs; almost new, ilieap. 2 N. 5th st. ' FOR SALE-I'urn.Lure by" the""pFece CaTl 2 ROCKERS for sale 01m overstuffed and Tabor 2.'HH t:ipetry (all RAN E, mul leablr, prtirn t value over $100, for $4o. Tabor 2718. FOR SAl.K 4 'mnbina t urn od and g.ts Phone 217-mt. range and 2 kltch-n tables. DAVENPORT. Cull East 169 Office Furniture. 1 T. W. DESK and chair, 2 tables, 8 roll top desks, 2 flat-top denks, 3 bookkeep ers' desks, 8 chairs, 8 filing cabinets, i safes . BUSHONO A CO., 01 Park St. OAK FLAT-TuP, double; niahgany flat top, double, and onk roll-lop tl.-nks: oak office table: swivel and straight chairs; cheap at SIS Dckum hide. EXCEPTIONAL values In new and used dexks. Pest prices In city. D. o. Wa Of fie E-juipmeut House. 4 N. 6th. Bdwy. 27 3. ONE FLAT-TOP solid oak dei,k. $45; 1 Underwood typewriter in Al condition, $50. M:rshall 262. 31 fh. of Com. fclX OAK chairs, good condition; big of fice table, fiat top. 2 car puts. 611 Gaci b)c!g. Marshall H."0. $411 SANITARY roll-top oak denk',' new. B 656, Orecon'an. - T pewrltera. RTrCONTRUCTFn MAOHIVE. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS, ALL MAKES. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW , PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO 321 Washington fit. Mnln P6R1. HEBL'ILT typewriter., all inaks, rnta , repairing, supplier. Dlalrlbutors CORONA portable, SUN DSTRAN U, adding ma chines. Main 22M5. K. W. Pease Co 110 Sixth st. ALT' MAKES rented . anil repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co., 94 St Main ,LCW rebuilt, second-hsnd, rnl!, at cut rates, p. D. Co.. 231 Htsrk st. Ma'n 14u7. REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell; supplies. Typ wrlfr Inspection Co., 312 Stark. M. 5 4 9. "OH ' R ENT Underwnnd- Rmington. $5760 month Empire Transfer. Bdwy. 155 WI LL trade good trunk for Royal typ- FOR RENT L C. Sin it h A Bros ly pa t. Main n74. FOR SALE re nt. Remington tYDw writat; Ai 4Moditla, Ssilwood 1150.