THE MOJIXIXG OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, MAY 13. 1421 15. Portland Heights BEAUTIFUL HOME OF 12 ROOMS. SPACIOUS GROUNDS. IDEAL LO CATION WITH A SURROUNDING OF WOODS. SCENERY AND RIVER VIEW; EQUIPPED WITH PLUMBING AND DRESSING ROOMS TO BEDROOMS; WAN? EXTRA CONVENIENCES; WON DERFUL SHRUBBERY; THE GOUNDS ALONE ARE VALUED ABOVE 112.000: CAN BE HAD FOR A VERY REASONABLE PRICE. BY APPOINTMENT. WE HAVE A FEW REAL GOOD HOMES ON THE HEIGHTS AT REASON ABLE PRICES. Marsh & McCabe Co. v REALTORS. 322-3-4 Failing Bids. Marshall 3003 USE FLEMING EGG PRESERVER NOW YOU CAN MAKE 200 PROFIT BY PI TTING UP EGGS W ITH KUSMI.IU EGG PRESERVER NOW. NO JARS. NO LIQUID. NO MESS. PUT THEM AWAJ I -N L n A 1 r. 3, I'll . L . ' I . KEGS AND FORGET ABOUT THEM TILL WINTER. A COMPANY IN CALIFORNIA WRITES FLEMING EGG PRESERVER CO. GENTLEMEN: ' WE PUT UP 100 CASES EGGS WITH YOUR PRESERVER MAY 1ST .AND USED THEM IN NOVEMBER. FINDING THEM PERFECTLY SAT ISFACTORY. (NAME FURNISHED ON REQUEST.) WRITE FOR OUR 100 TESTIMONI ALB." 50c CAN PUTS UP 40 DOZEN $1.00 CAN PUTS UP SO DOZEN. ORDER YOURS NOW. GOOD PROPOSITION TO DEALERS. TATE AGENT. FRED A, BENSON ins leta St.. POKTI.AMI, OREGON. MAIN 78X4. Ladie Sava year old carpets, mas aad woolen clothing. Let as make aew rags for too- The oldest and beat-equipped fac tory. Fluff and rag rugs woven ail sizes; carpets refitted; wxli rugs team cleaned, . Wi call aa4 deliver. 1M E. Eighth St. Phone East SSS0. Council Crest $11,500 Your Own Terns Beautiful 10-room residence, strict ly modern throughout, most de sirable cite. Let us show 1L Marsh & McCabe Co. REALTORS 322-3-4 Falling; Bids;. Marshall 3093 TAILOR MADE SUITS $50 for 10 days only. All pure wool, guaranteed to fit. look and wear well. $65 to $75 Suits for $50 E. G. HOEFER A Good Tailor 100 12th St FLUFF RUGS from old carpets, woolen cloth inc. rms rugs, all sizes; country mail orders Clven prompt attention: mattress, feather pillows renovated. Send tot booklet. CARPET CLEANING Largest, finest equipped carpet clean ing, refitting works in stata of OragoJk Separate plant CARPET CLEANING BRANCH 1073 B. Lincoln St. 9x13 ruga steam cleaned $1.8, Western Fluff Rug Co. M-tSO UNION AVB. N. East S516. I37-OJ. East SSSJ. MORTGAGE LOANS Laweat latere ratens inatallmaat re aayuenta. if desired. Building loaaa made. No delay in cioalas. A. H. BIRRELL-GILL CO. Formerly A. H. Btrrell Co, Il-210 iNorlhwrtrn Bank li wilding SiarakaU 4114. REAL ESTATE. or Sale Flat and Apartment Property. $7500 Store and S apnrtmenta ana furniture, a-as heat, elect rio light; rarase con nected, all assessments paid; no incum brance. Income per year. See Owner, m'l n unratri u"i- 4-KAMILi tim, ti rooms, walking distance; " income $1.0 a month. Price $7000; con sider s avail bouse cioae in, trade. Owner, :itHt Eugene st. For Snle BeaehTroperty. PEArTT T.OTff. EXCHANGE FOR PAINTING OR BUILDINO. Irftts are well located at Tillamook B'ch. near station and ocean. Address AP 64S, Oregonian. iiEAKHART This is a "beach" lot," 60 feet on ridge fronting ocean: house has eight rooms, shower on firs, floor, bath second floor; completely furnished; price $4o00. subject to street improvement, $10S. $U00 cash, balance time. C B. Wood worth, 214" Spalding bldg. FURNISHED house, 4 r.. at Agate Beach; eiec. lights, water, double woodhouse; fsnoed; near P O.. on plank auto road: can be ud for small miorc or lunch room; very cheap. Tabor 2743. BOCKAWAT cottage for sale. 2 rooms, furnished complete; very cheap. Phone Broadway SIOi. Mr. Paugherty. OR fcALE Lots 1 and 17, block 53, Rockaway. Apply 200 Concord bldg. I'or Sale Lota. $400 BUYS 2 lots in Santa Rot Park addition: Rose City street csr. tfoa Cham ber of Commerce. Main 3JS.',. "" $30 ROE CITY PARK ilSTRlC. nOxlOO lot, assessment paid. Tabor 6530 tOsiK CITY PARK owoer will sell cheap one or both lota, 7 and 6. block 147 Brosdway r.Oia. LAURELHURST LOT BARGAINS. J. A- McCarty. 370 4 stark st M;;in 1700. Evening! Tsbor 5057. LADDS ADDITION BEST g choice homeFites. Owner East 2154. ROSE CITY N. E corner 4 1st Tillamonlt' U50; ucxt to coraar; 50, Tabor ML HKAT. F.JTATK. tor Sale Lou. ROSE CITY LOTS. B. 65th st.. north of Falling: tu'. SOx juu-ioot. sidewalks and euros. . E. 67th st. north of Fallim: tt blocks irom Koe city car, J359. B. 6Sth st. north, between' 81sklyou and Stanton streets; east front; Itt blocks from Sandy blvd. I47&. B. 4th st. North, between Klickitat and Fremont; paed and everything paid, t&iO. B. 49th st N. 1 lot south of Stanton street Everything in and paid, S0l B. 41t at N.. between Bramo and Thompson streets; a blocks from Sandy blvd., below tn. hill. I80U. B. 40th st N., between Thompn and lirazse east facing, il blocks from car line; (DUO. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Cham, of Com. Bide. Alain JUS. LOT BARGAINS. ROSE CITY. DISTRICT $300. 50.10u on Milton street, lacing south. 100 feet west of East 63d street, only 4 blocks north of bandy, graded streets, sidewalk, curbs and water main in and paid; price (300 cash. SOx 1 00 on K. Slid St., facing east, 100 feet north of Halsey, all improvements In and paid; a snap at ,7.M. 60x100. southeast corner East 40th and Siskiyou su., all improvements In and paid. suov. WESTMORELAND LOT. 1700. 60x100 on E. 18th St., lacing west, 200 reet south ol Bybee ave., all improve ments in and paid; a pickup at 1700, only $70 cash, balance $10 monthly. HAWTHORNS DISTRICT. 48x110 on E. 26th st, facing east, 110 feet north of Harrison; $1000, only $200 cash, balance montmy. . HENDERSON-BANKl'S CO.. 42K H'-'nry Bldg. Broadway 4754. NEW ADDITION JUST OfE.NHD, LOOK TRACTS 60x281 FEET BACH. GO SEE THEM COR. B2D AND DIVISION ST9. PROPERTY ADJOINS FRANKLIN H13K SCHOOL LOOK At THE TERMS. $25 DOWN $1.'. MONTH. ONLY 2 BLK3. TO CARI.INI-5. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. - 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Mala 04. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON. PRICES CUT FOR 30 DAYS ONLY. Block bounded by E. 20, B. 21, Cllckl tat and Fremont. To further the "Build-Your-Own-liome" movement, the Hughes estate authorises the sale of all inside lots In this block at $1250 each and ail double corners at $3000 each. Sale closei June 10. Drive out today and make your cnoice. itememDer only one block u Broadway carllne; beautiful shade trees 80-foot paved street; all Improvements pain. RITTER, LOWB & CO.. Realtors, 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FIRST COMB. 62d and Division Sts. take choicb home sites, garden tracts. 20 TRACTS. 8KB THESE: TODAY. J. T HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ' (Realtors.) MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY FOR CASH. . 'Lota 23 and 24. block 10. Syndicate ad dftion to Bast Portland. 1 block south of Sandy; lots 25x100. sidewalks, paved and sewers in. WHAT WILL, YOU GIVE? Phone Broadway 828, from A. M. to P. M. LOTS. EXCEPTIONAL BAROAIX8 Four lots, on Portland blvd.. 2 blocks from car. near Willamette blvd.. sewers are in and street being paved this sum mer: thin in best baieain we have of fered for some time; $ouo for four lots or will sell separately. Coe A. McKenna Co., Realtors. S Fourth St. Main 4522. FOr. LOT BARGAINS SEE DELAHUNTY. LALREI.HUHST AGENT. TRACT OFFICE E. StfTH AND GLISA.V, Twelve years selling Laurelhurst property exclusively. Nice lots for soo and up. Not many lert mane tor auto or come to the office, E. 3th and Gllsan sts. MV car. Phone rabor 44o4. evenings East 7738. BEAUTIFUL WESTOVER TKRRACB, Without a doubt the choicest building Bite on Westover for sale; level ground equal to 2$ lots, very tine spring wnicn can be used for fountains and aquarium; beautiful view AIRS. SNOW, Broadway 4664. 320 Lumbermens Bldg. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. 100 feet north of Fremont, on East 16th. $luu cash. $10 a month, fries Iftia with all iniDrovements paid. 1 block from car. 3 blocks from school, about 6 blocks from new parte, surrounded with lovely nomes. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. S33 N W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. ilCLTNO.M AH DISTRICT BARGAINS. Oreaon Electric highway, water, gas. electricity, 2x0, $r0: 50x00. $120: liux 11,1, $300; 90x200, $M."0: 00x400. $1400. CHOICE LEVEL. VIEW HOMESITES. 00x100. $275 and up; H and acres. $300 and up. Owner, am Ky. luxes. Alidg. Main 7H. Res. Eist 7HHX. ALAMEDA DRIVE. 100x100 corner In most desirable part of Alameda Drive. Street improvementa n and paid for. For quick sale $2650. MRS. SNOW. Broadway 4004. 320 Lumbermens Bldg, $i3i0 R0S3 CITT PARK. ' ' 125 feet froi.a&9 on 68tb st.. 8 aewer connections, all aasessmenis paid, two blocks north Sandy blvd., bet Siskiyou and Klickitat: block 112, lota fc. 7 and north half & U. J. Dtupe, Ilwaco, Washington. CORNER 100x100 $1600. Close in en East 8th street, $250 cash, price includes.all present city liens, such as paving, sewer, sidewalks, etc This U real value. JOHNSON-DODSCN CO.. 33 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 377. CHOICM ROSE C1TV 30x100 lot. 2 blocks off Sandy blvd.. on 48th st. This ia a very choice location in heart of Rose City: $1000 with terms. Coe A McKenna Co., Realtors. R Fourth St Main 4.122. 75x100 ON EAST SOTH ST., near Rose City carline, sidewalks, curbs and water mains In and paid for; lot all cleared aad ready for building, $500. HARRY BECK WITH, REALTOR. 104 Fifth Street. Main 6S69. SACRIFICE PRICE $1800. FACTORY WAREHOUSE SITE, Adjoining Russell-Gilbert candv fac tory on O.-W. R. N, tracks, Holla day avenue, near E. 34tn. Mr. Carey, Ma.n BEAUTIFUL Westmoreland, paved streets. excellent car service; all improvements pai a; cnoice tots at sacririce price; $700, 10 per cent cash. $10 per month. COS A. McKENNA CO., REALTORS. S3 Fourth St. Main 4523. BEAUTIFUL Westmoreland lot on Urth st.. raved street, all improvement in .and paid, near carline and -chool; this is sn exceptional vaiue at .',; terma Coe A. McKenna Co.. Realtors. 82 Fourth St. Main 4322 CHOICE 50x100 lrvington lot. fine homes surrounding, on nth St., nar Thompson st. iniM cnoice jots are getting scarce. A snap for $1LM. COE A. McKENNA CO.. REALTORS. 1 Fourth St. Main 4522. ALAMEDA DRTVE. Choice corner lot, st. improvements la and paid for. Price $1250. MRS. SNOW, Broadway 4064, IRVINGTON LOT SACRIFICE.. ' 3 fine lota, 1 east front, 4 west front; eity lines alt in and paid; best part of lrvington; price $1250 Xor corner, $1000 for inside. Call B. 7-02. Owner. f"OR SALE----Buslness, or residence lot" on JI4th and Alberta, hard-surface street and cement walks in and paid, $17o0. terms. Se owner, Irvine, tidO E. An keny it. BUILDER. ATTENTION. Seven very desirable lota, close la; all Improvements, including hard-surface st.. for saie or trade by owner, G i43, Qre- gonia n. LAURELHURST. io.100t" o"nCouch t t this is best part of this high-c.ass dis trict; price Is only $075. COE A. McKENNA CO., REALTORS, S'J Fourth St. Main 4522. YOUR LAST CHANCE. Laurelhurst lotw at those prices. See J. A. McCarty. 270', Star; at. Main 1 7 00; fvsaipga. Tabor $07, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. TOUR OPPORTUNITY. Laurelhurst lots, while they last, at extremely low prices. 6ee J. A. Mc carty, 270 Stark. Main 1700; .venings. Tabor 5057. PIKDMONT lot, 50x100. in first block off car line; fine location in this high-olass district; COB A. McKCNN'A CO., REALTORS, 8- Fourth St. Main 4o22. 50x1 :0 1100 down. 110 a month, on Shaver, near East l&th st.. near school, car, etc. JOHNSO.V-DODSON CO.. 833 N. W. Bank Bids. Main 8T. 30 ACRES FOR SALE. 2.1 acres unimnroved. easily cleared 15 fenced, woven wire;' good for fruit or cnicltens. stlmhj. a l, Hi3. urpgonian. si DOWN. 50x100. 325. Pitch tent. save. Alberta car. R. W Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank Bldg.. Main 143. Residence Main 13.7. NUMBER choice bullaing lots, cheap. 43d, nar Division. LiDeriy Donas taaen terms. J. H. McMahon, 2BU8 Bast 43d. Tabor 5381. $.M) CASH $10 MONTHLY. Buys full Si acre, near ear. AKKRSON MARSTERtS, 420 Henry Bldg. 85x100. SOUTHEAST corner 22d, East Pine, all hens ruily paid, r-rice tijju casa, worth $4000. Phone East B22B. foKTLANU suburban lots for sale by owner; 50x100, $150: $50 down, $10 per month on balance. Box 48. Monitor, or. WANTED Lot. Piedmont or Walnut Park, imrroved. $S00 to $'.'00. East 7tHU. For Sale Houses. ROSE CITY PARK. $0750 Besutiful 7-room bungalow, finished In old Ivory, hardwood jloors: large uv-Ina- and dining rooms across front of hmtN: attntrlivA built-in buffet. fire place, bookcases, Dutch kitchen and breakfast room; 4 nioe bedrooms; cement basement, furnace, wash trays, gooa ga rage; 50x100 lot Located on B. 43d, Easy terms. REVERMAN INVESTMENT CO.. Real tors. 210 Lewis Bldg. Bdwy. 2054, IRVINGTON. ON 17TH. BET. BRAZEB AND THOMPSON, mann terms. Large rooms, two fireplaces, hardwool iloors, sleeping porcn, iuu loi. garage. BARGAIN. BAST 410. .ROSE CITY BARGAIN. Six rooms, 'den, hardwood floors, fire' place, all - built-ins, full cement base ment, furnace and garage; finest con. struction and workmanship throughout A positive bargain. You can't beat it Price only $5800: good terms. LUBDDEMANN COMPANY. 013 Cham, of Com. Main 6007, SEE THESE HOMES. Built by owner, not for speculation. One 5 -room, one 6-room. on extra large lots, paved streets; have every conven ience. Including garage, furnace, hard wood floors, sleeping porches and not ordinary construction. See owner, H. Phillips, at house. 45S and 460 E, 58th St.. near Division st. BEAUTIFUL Alameda Park home. & large rooms, downstairs finished in quarter sawed oak; sun porch, sleeping porch, hollow tile basement. This is one of the best built homes In city; grounds 100x100 corner, paved streets, never ad vertised before: Owner non-resident, at premises for few days. No. 805 Sktdmore st. Price $12,000. terms. Call and nee it. ROSE CITY BARGAIN, $4M0. Six rooms and sleeping porch, full ce ment basement, furnace, fireplace, bullt ins; a fine horn in a fine location; hard surface streets and sewer in and paid for; located on 32d street, nrar the Alameda drive, very easy terms. Call owner. Broadway 2054. NIFTY 5-room bungalow. Rose City, near Sandy, all in ivory, tapestry paper, sil ver shower fixtures in dining room, n direct and vide lights in living room, fireplace and bookcases, Dutch kitchen, large attic, full cement basement, fur nace, laundry trays. Going to the country, Must sell. Call owner, Tabor i a. id. OWNER WILL SACRIFICE QUICK SALE, rooms, nardwood floors, iireplace, all built-in features. Dutch kitchen, mod ern in every respect, one block from car- tine, ana near sunooi, this la a real bar SEE TT QUICK. BRUCK HOLMAN, REALTOR. S00 Failing Bldg. Main 6327. OWNER MUST SELL. $3100 for a fine modern 5 -room bun galow on Prescotfc wtreet; full concrete basement. Dutch kitchen, bath, toilet ana wash trayu; only $o00 caah, bal. ici ill a. L. I. BLANCKARD, Realtor. 401-a Swetland Bldg. Marshall L9 o r B. 21 S t. IRVINGTON CAR. 5 rms. and sleeping porch, fully modern bungalow, fireplace, bookcases, writing aesk. panel dining room, Dutch kitchen, butler's pantry, basement, furnace, tray a and fruit room : full lot. $4500: $1000 caah. Michael, with Interstate Land Co., Realtors. U4s Stark st. Main i42n. $21 SO. $250 cash. Cozy 4-room bungalow with bath; good sine living and dining room, bedroom with large elosets. nice Dutch kitchen, laundry trays, screened- in porch; 2 blocks from Hawthorne car. O. A. PEARCE CO.. 201 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 4R35. IRVINGTON 7 rooms, oak floors, old ivory finish, fireplace, eood furnace. sleeping porch. 4 .bedrooms, double ga rage; lot auxidu; price $300. would like $2500 cash as first payment, bal ance terms. East 4108. or see house at 4 10 B. 21st st. N.. neax Tillamook. Owner. MT TABOR DISTRICT. Very attractive 6-room bungalow, near car; level lot. well improved ; $3H00, terms $1400 cash, balance $32 a month. HILLER BROS.. REALTORS. 614 Railway Exch. Bldg.. Main 68. Branch Office: 30th and Sandy. Tabor 84S. WEST SIDE. $3500, Just appraised to close estate and it's only fi blocks to Montgomery. Ward & Co. This is a dandy 3-room bungalow bargain with small payment down Now rented and shown by appoint ment only. Atain i35S. Tabor 6531. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. 6 rooms and Inclosed sleeping porch, eement basement, garage, house excep tion ally well constructed, very largo living room with beamed celling; dining room with cove : part terms. Phone owner. Tabor 4010. GOING TO CALIFORNIA. Trvington, exclusive 10 rooms, beauti ful finish. old-Ivory, everything harmon izes; French doors; best of construction; not an old house, a rich man's . palace. For appointment call East 7504. NEW 3-room modern ' bungalow, full lot. bearing rruit trees, run cement base ment, sewers, sidewalks In and paid ; $2500, terms. McMonies. with Interstate Land Co., Realtors, 248 Stark at. Main 5420. $'JO00. 5-room house, Russell-Shaver car stops at door. Improvements, all paid; a small car and $500 down as part payment,- balance $-5 month. 205 Hon- roe st. - $1000 CASH. Balance easy payments, massive 7-room residence, on the Rose City hill, absolute ly modern. SEE AGENT. 200 Failing Bldg. 12."0 CORNER lot, 3 rooms, rough house. lights, gas, some piumbina. comfortable. Just outside city limits, low taxes: do as you please; all city conveniences. 1543 yremont, corner outn, nose tJity. "MODERN 6-ROOM BUNGALOW, $3000. On Going at., Albina dist., 50x100 lot; fruit trees, chicken runs: would con sider exchange for acreage close in. 317 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 4181. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Modern 7-room residence in excellent condition. East 12th. near Morrison. Price $7500, terms to responsible party. phone East 5275. $2O0 DOWN. 5-rcom plastered house; full let at 87 E. 07th North; might rent with option of buying. Akerson A Marat era, 4 JO Henry bldg. WONDERFUL ROSE CITY BUY. New 5-room bungalow, all late built ins. Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, fireplace; only $4850, Uh terma East 6H1.' ; RENEW the rooms with Columbia Plaster Wall Board. Can't bulge. Jointleas. Fire retarding. Oregon, mads. Ohsfeldt, J46 First si. LEAVING' town, will sell my 6-room bungalow cheap; lot 50x100, garage, fruit, berries, place for chickens; $3000 terms. Owner. Tabor 60S8. 6-ROOM Rose City bungalow, furnace, built-ins. hardwood, plate glass; $4650, terms; $2o0 wilt hand(e. Phone owner. Main 1240. IRVINGTON Nine-room snap, ? lots; ga rage, $11,000, Eight-room houae, west side, $5000. Main 8052. HOMES, sny cost and type, designed and built. See F, C. Rose, 204 Mill st. Mam 7 ww.. ROSE CITY 5-room" bungalow," $4050. terms; come and see it. Phone owner. Automntlc 815-44. IRVINGTON HOME, fW.OO: 7 room,, well located;1 easy terms. Neuhausen, Realtor, Rast :4. Main SOTS. HOt'SE on Rose City carline for sale or trade lor acreage: terms, inquire two E. Kverett Automatic ?.V-60. IRVINGTON bunaalow; large rooms; ttivQ $1000 cash. HO month. East 147. new hoine, t-liD. terms. Marshall REAL ESTATE. For BaleHouse. NEW LISTINGS. (NEVER BEFORE ADVERTISED.) Dozens of Unduplicated BARGAINS! Every one personally Inspected and appraised. 25 AUTOS AT YOUR SERVICE. Open Every Evening Until v. ROSE CITY. AKAA Pnrnor hnni-iO Of 6 rOOmS, extra well built and containing every feature of the modern home or today; garage, - s onrv f . .... 1 K-M.,ni WrSK CITY. massive built-ins; hardwood floors; very practical Dutch kitch en, etc., paved s. paid: close to car. Jfi. 4-a t. ucii .iniv THVIT.TOX. $700v Distinctive S-room home on full corner .01 on a. win " 1 ' ' X : every modern convenience. EASY TERMS. . . tiOOO K-rnnm Trvintrtnn home. I blK. tO car. built-in!; sleeping porch, ga rage; E. 14th at. Terms. $3675 CLOSE IX 1 NICE WALKING DISTANCE! Good substantial large 7-room modern home. Lar rabee st EASY TERMS. SUNN YSIDE HAWTHORNE. $5700 6-room artistic homey HAW THORN ft bungalow; large living room, with fireplace; massive buffet, furnace, etc, garage; fruit; is double constructed and built for a real home. E. fioth St. $2ft50 EASY TERMS! 5-room very at. tractive substantial bungalow coiLage; white enamel plumbing;, electricity, gas, paved St., paid. E, Washington. ALBERTA, $5325 M blk. to car; 6-room large ALBERTA home. substantial comfortable, modern, fireplace, sleeping porch; PIPELESS FUR NACE. E. 8th st. $4300 Distinctive 10-room ALBERTA HOME; two full sets of plumb ing; 5 rooms down; 5 rooms up: electricity, gas. modern; Uvs in one. RENT THE OTHER! Ses this! E. 17th t. $3800 100x100 on Jarrett, 6-room at tractive home; modern, garage; lots of fruit. TERMS. $2413 EASY TERMS! ft-room com fortable ALBERTA bungalow; full plumbing, electricity, gas, E. lith st. Just one out of our SO homes for sale in this district. ! MONT A VILLA ! $2900 THIS IS YOUR LITTLE DREAM BUNGALOW! 5 rooms. Jut as neat and cosy as can bet Bullt ins that will make your heart glad, fireplace. lawn, roses. Terms. OWN YOUR HOME! E. Davis at. $3105 If this bungalow wore In ROSE CITY, you'd have to pay a great deal more! One of the prettiest bungalows this district can offer! 5 rooms, fireplace, etc.. sleeping porch. E. 73d st. CAN BE YOURS ON VERY EASY TERMS. CLOSE IN! $4750 On Gantenbein ave., close to car: attractive modern 8-room house on corner; music room ; break fast room, 3 sunny bedrooms; all rubs, flowers, paved st.. paid. EASY TERMS WILL HANDLE. $3090 8-room substantial attractive, CLOSE-IN home on Vancouver; every convenience. Terms. : WAVFRLY RICHMOND. 1 $4190 BEAUTIFUL WAVERLY RICH MOND, fi-room bungalow; every modern convenience, full floored attic, where several more rooms could be finished. E. 3Tth. EASY TERMS- No liens against; it. WEST SIDE. $200 $.".00 down; 5-room comfortable, west side cottage, with plumb ing, gaf, close to car; paved St. paid. Whittaker st. $2600 VACANT ! 6-roora good sub stantial home on Front st., close to car; full lot with paved St., paid. Terms. WOODLAWN. $1118 Vacant, 3-room cot tags on Bryant. KENTON. $4u00 BEAUTIFUL KENTON 6-room large airy bungalow on corner lot ; attractive and very useful built-in conveniences: hardwood floors, fireplace, nice garden In ! Mississippi. SEE THIS FOR YOUR HOME. MOUNT SCOTT, LITTLE CITY FARM! $3000 $42iV down! 80x200. with fruit; flowers, berries, chicken house, barn and a very clean, homelike bungalow of 5 rooms: best white enamel plumbing; electricity, gas 53d ave. A BIG ONE! DON'T FAIL TO ASK FOR IT! $2405 THE COZY BUNGALOW! 5 rooms, with nice labor saving built-ini; in dining room and kitchen: white enamel plumbing, gas, garage; 60xlon. 7lst at. FRANK L. McGl'lRB. TO BUY YOUR HOME. LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE PACIFIC COAST. 1200 Photographs of Homes for Sale. If necessary, we'll help you make your dowa payment. A.bingtoa bldg. Main YOU ARE Cordially Invited to visit our Booth at Tne Aumtorium!. Two more days. WB START In ths basement and finish with the chimney,' ready to move in when we move out. We handle all details and save you time and money by our spe cfal unit system. Fanchen-Mc-Lean Co., building contractors, 308-9-10 Lewis bldg. Phone Broadway tt&o'i JUST REDUCED $00. BUNGALOW. W. OF LAURELHURST. $41j0 5-rooms, sleeping porch, fur nace, DUUt-in buffet and other features elegant condition throughout and .thor- ougniy modern, and a tremendous bar gain. Nice lot. paving paid; $1000 cash, balance on easy terms; no mortgage. OWNER GONE ON RANCH . MUST SELL. G. C. GOLDENBERG. "REALTOR." Abington Bldg. Main 4803. ROSE CITY BARGAIN. $550 EASY TERMS. Six -room buns-slow. larire well-ar. ranged rooms finished in white enamel; hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, built-in buffet, beamed ceiling. Dutch kitchen, cement basement, furnace, laun dry trays, corner lot 50x100; on B. 88th irefi norm. REVERMAN INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 210 Lewis Bldg. Bdwy. 2954. ON HAWTHORNE AVE. Six-room, house, lot 60x100, eloso in Owner wired us to sell and submit anj offer: chance for Investment m a hnm. You ean fix this up a little and make irom fimw to siaou. Now see thlB and make an offer. Small pavment down. See FRANK MA HONEY, COE A. McKENNA CO., Realtors. 82 Fourth Street. Main 687L WEST SIDE BUNGALOW. $fi000 $3500 CASH. Eight-room bungalow, hardwood floors throughout; large, light rooms, massive fireplace "and bookcases, Dutch kitchen, .4 large bedrooms and sleeping porch; fuli cement basement. Located on a beauti ful view, lot 50x110. An ideal homo and a wonderful buy. , REVERMAN INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 210 Lewis Bldg. Bdwy. go 54. IRVINGTON home on East Twentieth street near Braaee: 7 rooms and sleeping porch; also bath and extra toilet, two fireplaces, fine garage: lot 62Hxl00. Priced at $7000 for Immediate sale. 1LRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER. EAST 7970. HAWTHORNE. Brand new 6-room coay bungalow with garage, living room, dining room, three bedrooms, Dutch kitchen and breakfast nook, fireplace, full cement basement, hardwood floors, buflt-ln bookcases and buffet, etc. Walls papered in tapestry. All woodwork in old ivery; l block to car. An exceptional buy. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W Bank Bldg. Main 3787. $500 CASH BY THE OWNER. WelLbuilt 7-room home, with 4 bed rooms, good condition inside and out cement basement with cement floor, 50 xlOO lot with double garage, shrubbery and fruit t rees, paved street anj sewers In, all Improvements paid; located near 4ia ana Hawtnorne; 131UU. 1249 East wain street. "WILL sell to responsible party two-story 6-room moderq house, hardwood floors: TftxlOO foot lot, all kinds of fruit, fine icarden. Price KT00. (100 caah. balance 115 a month. Place can be sec-n Satur day and Sunday only. Take St. Johns car to Columbia Diva., go s blocks aorta to im uiympia st. BEAUTIFUL ALAMEDA. J-BOOM CORNER HOME. 16500 FURNISHED. Large rooms, -full basement, three fine bedrooms, one has alcove. EAST 1. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden Into Income? We design and build apartments. ga rages, residences, anything: furnish plans and finance. Established 10 years; We offer SECURITY, SERVICE. SAT ISFACTION. L. B. Bailey Co.. 924 W. Bank Bldg OWNER leaving for the east; 7-room house with sleeping porch, ' freshly painted and tinted, fireplace, hardwood ' floors, full eement basement, new lifrht fixtures, furnace. Sell below market price; terma Phone Auto. 814-93. Ad dress 5Si . 3$i$ st. ,N. near bkott, . REAL ESTATE. For Sale -House. A. O. TBBPE CO 'Phone now and hava one of our rep resentatives show you any of these splen did buys. You, yourself, will be the judge. You 11 not be urged to buy posi tively. $3650 A very attractive bungalow with garage; paved street; $500 cash will handle. $3800 Five-room bungalow, right near Sandy blvd. Garage, too; paving and sewer paid. $4100; An attractive 5-room bungalow with - furnace, fireplace, full ce ment basement, etc. $4800 Say, folks, you sure will appre ciate this attractive Rosa City bungalow; exceptionally large liv ing room; hardwood floors, fire place, etc You'll want this for your home. $5350; A new Rose City bungalow of enduring construction. For down right class and distinction you'll find nothing like it in Rose City for the money. Living room ex tends entire width of house. Hard wood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, garage, etc. Exceptional terms. LAURELHURST W have several downright attractive properties to offer at very liberal terms; nobody would .think of buying in Rosa City Park or Laurel hurst without first seeing our listing A. G. TBEPB CO.. Two offices, 270 Stark St. Main 3002. tun and Sandy Blvd. Tabor 0F. FOR SALE at a sacrifice for the reason that the owner has to go back east t live, a nice modern residence at No. i East 4Sth st., 2 blocks off Belmont sL 6 rooms and bath. Furniture In same aiso xor sale at 50 ner cent discount price of residence $4300: paid for same a monins ago s-ivuu. Mouse in line con ditlon and furniture new. It will take a least $600 cash to swing the deal and $250 xor me lurnuure. ana per montn payments, with interest. Furniture need not be taken unless wanted. This Is the biggest snap In Portland In the way of a nome. call at the residence or phone from 0 A. M. to 5 P. M., Main 624, and aner mat pnone Tabor OTTtt. RENTS FOR $1020 PER YEAR, PRICK $70M. TERMS. $1000 CASH. Di!. A MONTH. Two dwellings, each of 6 rooms, on Belmont st., near 13th: a well-constructed building in good condition; all im provements in and paid. This is a double dwelling: one rents for $40 per month, the other for $45 per montn; buy tnis building tor $7uuu, pay $1000 cash, and then pay $85 s month and interest. It is a great In vestment and a good home. See Mac- mnes. with HARVEY WELLS A "CO., REALTORS, Main 4564. 603 Gasco Bldg. ROSE CITY BARGAIN. Six rooms and bath, garage, concrete driveway; unesi location in tnis beauti ful district: house less than 1 vear old. In excellent condition; hardwood floors, old Ivory finish, built-in buffet, kitchen cabinets, etc; fine furnace, automatic water beater, fireplace with gas heater, gas range, curtains, drapes, etc.; price sovuu. siuuo down, bal. on easy terms a real snap. J. H. CARROLL, COE A. McKENNA A CO., Realtors, 82 4th St. Main 452:. $3200 SMALL RANCH IN THE CITY. Two acres, 4-room house, large barn, few fine fruit trees, chicken yard, all in cultivation; one block from streetcar. E. 31st st., near Division. This property is taken on foreclosure of mortgage; small payment down and 5 per cent in toret on balance. HILLER BROS.. REALTORS. 514 Raijway Exch. Bldg. Main 86. Branch Orfice: 50th and Sandy, Tabor 8485. ONLY $750 CASH. This charming home with 6 rooms and den, three fine bedrooms, full ce ment basement with furnace, beautiful lot with 12 fruit trees and lota of ber ries; paved street, garage, close to Irv ington and Alberta cars; price $5u00, with $750 cash. RALPH HARRIS CO., Realtors. S16 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5621 ROSE CITY bungalow, 5 rooms, attic, ce ment basement, furnace, fireplace, Dutch kitchen in white, living room full width of house, large dining room with bay' window, buffet, nice lot of shrubbery in yard; cloee to Sandy; carpets, linoleum, shades and porch awning go with the place; a wonderful buy at $4500. Some terms. Tabor 7853. IRVINGTON'S BEST. Hardwood upstairs and down; sun room and very large sleeping porch; Ivory enamel finish: good garage; a com modious, artistic residence at the price of a email bungalow; $7000. W. H. ROSS. 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. OVERLOOK BARGAIN. Owner sacrifice modern bungalow, Hks new, narawooa iioors, u built-ins, tap estary paper; S rooms and sleeping porcn, iioorea ante; zun cement base ment, turn ace, new linoleum, garage. rnune w ooa iawn aioo. AEW. UEAL'T FLL L)utt-h en on a eon sistlng of seven rooms, two fireplaces, tiled bath with expensive plumbing: all rooms finished In ivory and white en amei. papered, hardwood floors through out: 11110 is a nne nome ana tne price righL 492 E. 18th st. North. Tabor WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Reduced to $7250; could not dunllcat for $0000; modern 6-room bungalow, ft rat -c las condition: select neighbor hood; unsurpassed view; nice yard, shad trees: going east; cash or terms. agents. Main g3B. FOR SALE by owner, Hawthorne bunga low. five rooms, breakfast room. rec.o. tion hall, Dutch kitchen, full basement, attic, garage; lot 45x106, fruit and be ries: beautiful rose hedre: all improve ments in and paid. 45 Last 39th. Phone Automatic jio-4c. PARK ROSE. Newlyweds. attention ! Small 4-room cottage; gas. electric light, two 12x20 garages, woodshed, etc., 100x100 cor ner. 2 blocks from car. church, club and school; six 4-year iruit trees. Broadway 870S. Owner. VERS choice 7-room"lrvington house. All white Inside. nardwood doors. With garage If desired. $2500 cash necessary with reasonable terms on balance. Call East 41. 410 East 21st street North, Owner. ROSE CITY BARK BARGAIN. 5-room modern house, bungalow type, all built-in conveniences, sleeping porch. furnace, beautiful lawn with shrubs nad trees; price $0500; one-half cash; deal wltn owner, rnone lapor in. a. OWNER, leaving city, will sell six-room modern home. nartrV furnished: full ce ment basement, garden, some fruit: one block from Sunnyside carline: 4 blocks from school; close in; price $3800; terms Tabor 5050; no sgenta BRING your plans and specifications in and let us figure your nome. louil get tne surprise or your nie. BUN HOUSE BUILDING CO., 216 Abington Bldg. On 3d bet. Stark and Wash. A HOME FOR EVERYBODY. Will sell my 6-room bungalow in Rose City Park, corner lot, for only $5500 easy terms: no agents. See owner. Mr. J. R. Griesel, at 375 Washington st, or pnone mam inoj. OWNER MUST CHANGE LOCATI ON. Richmond, 5 rooms, furnace, fireplace excellent condition; garage; one blk. car. 4th St.; oniy 4ouu, soma terms: mortgage. .Marshall 1022. Sell 2700 evenings. BARGAIN BUNGALOW 8 rooms, mod ern, gas neat, xirepiace, cement base ment, furnished complete: near high school,, grounds 80x100. $3750. Some terms. Phone Kast 4ao. -ROOM bungalow in East lrvington. narawooa itpora, Duui-ina, aanay garage, 5OxlO0-foot lot. street paved, sewers in, all paid: price $4200. 1072 Lambert place. Phone 813-30. $2700 MT. TABOR $2700! 7-room modern house, except base ment rwn lots, fruit, hurplpn aMa sewer, gas, electricity; $300 down. 156 IRVINGTON snap 7-r.. JSHWO: Laurelton. 6-r. bungalow, moqero, I4UVO; Portland Hta.. 8 r.. 19000; Nob Hill bargain, 7 r ; ML Tabor, lovely place: act auick, luin Sfl-i2. ' BBAUTIFUI ML Tabor horn, every con venienee, hot water heat. 4 bedrooms. selepinE porch, buit for own home, v..y best material and workmanship. Owner. 311) E. 60th st BUILD NOW. But first get figures from HEDKTROM CONSTRUCTION CO., 814 Henry Bldg. Phone Bdwy. 1831. QUALITY. SATISFACTION. SERVICE. LOVELY suburban, 5-room bungalow at Roth station, river frontage: owner must sell, leaving city; terms very reasonable East g-'39. """" GOINO EAST JUNE 1. New, modern 6-room house with ga-i IHHftn Owner 7AA K ,l,Hrf. " near S4th. Phone East 8341. ' '$900 5-ROOM mode rn house ; $575 cash, balanc $15 a month and interest. 4030 70th t. a Firland station; Mount flcott car. HERE it is: Beautiful 7 rooms. Holiaday, furnished or unfurnished; 50x123; terma. Owner. East 71,4. $4000 WEST SIDE. 7 rooms, kau. bath, electricity. 2 fireplaces, cement base ment: lot SOxlOQ. Owner. 407 10th t. SNAP Fine 4-room lota, block from car. f.oth st. cottag-s, 2 fine Sea ownar, S 7-ROOM residence, now vacant, at 1304 East Taymr kt.. win ne aoiri for $4M0. terms: worth $6000. East 6228. ROSE CITY 5-room bungalow, floored attic, garage; muse sen ; leaving eity; $200 down. Sellwood 3704. DANDY G-rm. nouae. $204)0. terms. J 642. uregonian. $a0M) Easy terms, new bung., fireplace, . Aaw, ufi., aiw. a isi. uwnor. xaoor axua, - REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houses. B1HR-CAREY. Main 7487. Main 6983. NEAR PENINSULA PARK; modern ix-room bungalow with three bedrooms and fine fireplace, within walking dis tance of Peninsula Park. Very well cot structed, of pleaving style and in a gooa and restricted district; finest of plumb ing; owner leaving town and will sac rifice for $2050, with $550 down; will sell furniture for $200 additional. MT. SCOTT; only $3S5 necessary to buy this double constructed, attractive, five-room bungalow with two bedrooms and complete and modern plumbing; this is a most excellent buy for the money only 12000. fc FIFTY-SECOND STREET: modern, 6 years old, double constructed bungalow on macadam street: every conceivable kind of built-in; finest of plumbing: ce ment basement, laundry tray a; fruit trees; only $2700. with $700 down; tnis is a real bargain. MONTA VILLA; unusually attractive, more than ordinarily well-built, modern, five-room bungalow with two bedrooms and sleeping porch: built-ins of everv description, including buff ft. bookcases and seats; excellent neighborhood; omy $d-'-0. with $700 down. SEVENTY-FOURTH ; dandy tour-room bungalow with fireplace, cement base ment, modern plumbing, gas and elec tricity; double constructed, good look ing; only $400 down with a price of $2400 SELLWOOD: modern four-room bun galow with two bedrooms, on full lot. two blocks from car: fruit trees and ber ries; sewer; only $2000, with very con venient terma PENINSULA: four-room bungalow on full lot. one block from car; seven fruit trees, berries. Full and modern plumbing. A fine buy for llfi 00, on very easy Urma BIHR-CAltEY. 211 Railway Exchange Bidg. Main 7487. Main 61o3. i Stark and Third Street AN IDEAL HOME. LARGE LOT. $4500. Consisting ot six rooms, large base ment with a-lnch concrete noor, wan trays; nice reception hall, sitting room with nice reception hall, sitting room with nice built-in bookcases, nice fire- glace, also pi pel ess furnace, dining room, ullt-in sideboard, floors all quarter sawed oak; nioe breakfast room, nice large kitchen, large pastry -with all modern conveniences and bullt-ins of all kinds; the upstairs consists of two large bedrooms 14x16. with two large closets in each room; bathroom 7x12 with extra nice fittings; nice lawn with five young fruit trees, currants and berries, with a large garden patch of very fine garden soil, size of lot 150x824 ft. Street grad ed, sidewalks, sewers all in and paid for. This place is situated in the Crescent district and adjoins the New Crescent park. Only 500 feet from paved street. Apply'to owner, D. McGregor, 4410 30tb ave. S- E. AN ATTRACTIVE HOME IN THE MOST CHOICE PART OF ALAMEDA; t-v AND COMPLETE; CAN'T BE BEAT FOR MUCH MORE THAN WE ASK; TERMS AGREEABLE: LOT Rr.xHK); SOME NATURAL TREKS AND CHOICE SHRUBBERY; CONVENIENT GARAGE: H W. FLOORS: 4 BEDROOM S. COM PLETE KiTCHEN WITH INLAID LIN OLEUM. Grange, butlt-ins an& BREAKFAST NOOK: INCLUDES ALL DRAPERIES. SELECTED WITH TASTE, TWO RADIANTFIRES: UKLI PEOPLE OF REFINEMENT CAN AP PRECIATE THIS. CAN BE SEEN AT ANY TIME BY APPOINTMENT. MAIL 10M. BERRY A BEIIRY. IiATJR ELHTJR ST BUNGALOW. 1207 EAST ANKENY. Near Laurelhurst park. Owner leaving state aud will mnke most attractive price. Beautiful living room and dining room: 4 bed rooms, tiled bath. Pullman kitchen and breakfast nook, unusual light ing fixtures, hardwood floors, etc.. garage. By appointment. MRS, HARRY PRICE PALMER. , EAST 707 S. $,tSi;0 WILL TAKE ALTO. Handsome bungalow of five rooms and bath down and 2 finished rooms in at tic; Dutch kitchen, full basement, first class furnace, wash trays, 60x100 lot, block to car and few blocks to Franklin high and grade school. Owner will take small auto In trade toward first pay ment, balance on easy monthly pay ments. COMTE A KOHLMAN. Main 8550. HQS Chamber of Commerce Bldg. BEAUTIFUL WAVERLEY Three lovelv homes almost ready to move into; lota 168 feet deep; all street Improvement! In and paid for; this is cloao-in prop erty; fireplaces, hardwood floors and all built-ins, cement floor in basement ; prices $4500 to $o000; wi are building -0 more nouses in this district: come out and let us build one to suit you; reason able terms; take Richmond car to $'th st.; property on bnth side of carline. Owner, Automatic 218-33. $1000 CASH IRVINGTON DISTRICT. A orettv bungalow, living room. flre place, dining room, hardwood floors, ivorv finlfh. Dutch kitchen, bath, bed room, full cement basement, furnace, wash travs. Karaite, full lot. paving an sewer paid. This pretty bungalow was built leas than 2 yean ago. The price Is $4750, with only $1000 caah. Call us. COMTE & KOHLMAN. Main ,"o0. jus Chamber of Commcrre Hldg. WEST SIDE FURNISHED. $500 cash, walking distance, a charm Ing home, 6 rooms, new modern plumb' lnr; newly painted and decorated, abso lutely oerfect order, lot approximate 87x100. fronting Market St., price lowei than adjoining property held for; $37no, includes all furnishings, piano, tewim machine; or $3--0 unfurnished : your own terms. O'i .Market St., at lHtft. LISTEN. HOUSEKEEPERS. 1100 down puts you in a home of you own; then you pay like rent; full prict $100; if rooms, modern. Lots from $75 to $850. $400 down, balance like rent, 7-room modern; lot &oxiuu; price souu. BARRAND REALTY CO., Main 4245. 849 Salmon BEAUTIFUL VIEW PROPERTY OViSKWJUItlM CITr. WORTH $10.000 TAKE $7000. Owner needs some cash; excellent lora tion: 6 rooms, best construction, hard wood floors, furnace, fireplace, large i eD nr norcn. run cement basement all modern bullt-ins; corner lot. See it youreeif; some terma. aiarsnaii ivz seiiwooa evenuiga. SIX-LOT BUNGALOW HOME. Ground all In cultivation and set out tn fruit and berries: rood 6-room bun galow, 8 bedrooms, full basement with large porches, linen closets, all kinds of built-ins, gooa wooa im, spienaia view on macadamised street: a real bar cat n $500 caeh, t-0 monthly. Total price $30.0, Fred W. German Co., Realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. FOR SALE at cost. new. modern bunga low; cement Dasement. narawooa floors, breakfj-t nook. Dutch kitchen, tile iire place. French doors and windows: de sirable location; lot Toxioo: terms, vmia er. F. P. Nelson. Gladstone, Or. Phone Oregon City 800-J. FOR SALE 5-rm. mod. bungalow, furn. or unrurnr run lot: a min. school and car, I'O min. Franklin high; reasonable for cash or gooa aown payment ana terms. Owner. 3b30 East 4Jd st. S. E. Automatic L'l-QH. OWNER will give clear title to 5-room bungalow, all Duut-ins, furnace, garage, near school, bet. Division and Haw thorne. Call mornings and evenings. Ioim Kast carutners st. GOOD 5-room house, close la on eaat side; snap at sz.atu. terms. L. A. MATH1SEN CO.. 201 ALISKY BLDG. PHONE M A TN TOUT. MT. SCOTT. $J."I00. 6-room modem bungalow, half base ment, garage, fruit trees, half block to car and paved street : $400 caah. 71-5 M tn ave. a. e. Automatic vxa-irj. BBAUTIFUIi lrvington homo, large rooms, flowers, eta .pnone owner, mast 500U. GOOD chance for small family, cozy 4- room iurnisnea ounwaiow, garage, block to Union ave., $450 down. Woodlawn 4J4. 4S2 Brown st. No agents. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW, $72."0. Six rooms, sleeping porch, oak floors, center hail, .Ivory finish, beautiful shrub bery, garage. Ea?t 3!4. Ma'n H07S. MODERN O-room bungalow, hardwood floors, nrepiace ana an ount-m con veniences, paved street; good view. Owner. Main 2776. TV B-ROOM BUNGALOW, furnished, ga rage; $3800. $2060 cash, one block from car and Peninsula school. 1550 Knowiea ave. St. Johns car to Emerald. IRVINGTON 7Axl00, lovely 8 rooma, very moaern, garaite, pricea reasonaDie. cim merman. 81b Chamber of Co mm ere a Main 8052. $2000, PORTSMOUTH AVE., is a big bar gain in real estate. 8 25-ft. lots. 7-room modern house. Have a look; it can't be beat. 8-ROOM ho ubs, hardwood floors, furnace, Beaumont; exchange equity for small houae. Phone mornings. Bdwy. 1760. IT COSTS you nothing for estimate on that home; plans fum.shed. Call Seli- wood le-i. $3930 Brand new. 5 r., fireplace, oak firs. real surprise; Haw. duL.; easy terma. Owner. Main 4S03. SNA P 6-room bungalow, close in : all Im provements in and paid: $4oo0: liooO handles. Aut. .VJ7-48. 3ori Stork Exch. MODERN 3-room R. C. bungalow, vacant; garaare; any old terma Ownar. Auto. Si'O-TZ A DANDY home in Rose City Park, for only I3H00 Call Main 1734 $200 DOWN, terms, cozy, clean. . 5 -room aousc a uouv t-x au.uuisiiu. REAL ESTATE. "For l-al House. NEW LAURELHURST HOME. PRICE This house is in the heart of beautiful Laurelhurt and is a great bargain at the price asked. Do not consider it In the same class aa the many cheaply constructed houses now being built. Every thing la modern and complete. Kvnsor.Mbie t-ruis or slight re duction for cash. 1233 EAST PINE ST., EAST Or 413T STREET. IRVINGTON" Bl'NCA LOW. Will take automobile in trade on this 7-room, one-btory bungalow in th lect part of Irving tun; living room 16 by 32, with fireplace and built-in book csse h; breakfast room. lovely dining room, an itnlhd in white and tne brM ' of hardwood floors, 3 large bedrooms w tin inapMt rifMirs and largo, light closets; elegant bsth with ttied floor; kitchen has abundance of built-in; full cement basement; Uhmco furna; celled garage and nice lawn. A rvul clay hom' on ray lerm. EASLEY, ROH1NHON SPOONER, 513 Couch Hldg. Main 5tl4. HURRY , HURRY J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. NKW TRACT. SEE TODAY. USD AM) DIVISION STS. $-5 DOWN $i: MONTH. 26 TRACTS. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 6 CHAMBER OF COM. BLDG. MAIN Jos. (RisALTuiib.) ROyE CITY PARK. The most beautiful corner on 4th st., tinder the hill. This Is not an ordinary house, but is a re; home, modern to the last detail; beautiful lawn, all Im provements in and paid: $S;00; this price Is $1000 below the present market. Can be handled on reasonable terma There Is nothing in this district to com pare with this for the price. HILLER BROS.. REALTORS. 514 Railway Exch BMr. Main So. Branch Office-: SOth and Sandv. Tabor R4SV CASH READ READ. Have you been looking for a modern bungulow with a small down paineut? Well, here it Is, and Its a bargain; $ big rooms and floored attic, Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet, full concret basement, furnace, wash trays; IWixlitO lot. The price is only 13760. It will ! a long time bet ore you have anoth chance to buy a bungalow like this one inr 'rtu cam a own. can st once. COM TK A KOHLMAN. Main rtr.50, 'JtiH Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR SALE In lrvington. Laurelhurst Alameda Park and Dixon Place, several modern homes, also choice lots In those additions, or will build on anyone's lot if desired. All kinds of buildkng done. Have built ion homes in Pol tland. RICK CONSTRUCTION CO., A. R. Rice, Manager. Auto. HL'O-83. Res. (i!(0 E. lftth st. N. R. B. Rice, Solicitor and Soiling Agent. Bast 2432. 600 Wasco SL ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, House Bargain. "Will show houne by appointment. Strictly modern 7-room house with hard wood floors, Dutch kitchen, breakfast room, tili-d bath room. Keeping porch, shades, fixtures and ready to occupy. Level ground and garage. Fine view of city and mountains. Owner, Main 073 or Main 04.-.7. LADD ADDITION. Jn.lOO. TERMS. Close to Hawthorne avnne. fine T room house, partly furnished; 3 bed rooms, fine furnace. Ruud heater, beau tiful lot, roses, shrubbery; must bo sold in the nxt few dsys. FOR APPOINTMENT. EAST 4!!H. lOUxlOO LOT, 7 HOOJJS. $300 CASH, balance like rent, buys a beautiful home right on car line; splendid district, hai 2 bedrooms and bath first floor, a bed rooms pcond; small fruit and garage; a buv at $'!tno. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS, Broadway 47.M. 410 Henrv TV dir. BUT FROM OWNER. A nice fl-room modern home In good close-in district; large pleasant rooms, attic, full bane ment, furnace, lots of fruit and flowers. All improvement. in ana pala. garage. XI you wsnt a troj home at right price, ae this. Price I COO iTin. Owner 40 bast iilth at. iSortu. Phone Knwt HLMfl. LOOK AT THIS ONE! Five rooms, modern, 30 feet -from paved street and car; lot 40x100; there are pears, prunes, cherries, plums and apples in bearing ; a regular snap for $J40, very easy terma Let us show you today. RE EOT A CO., REALTORS. Mfl Chambor of Commerce. Main 4100. FOR SAL.K 1 acre, good black anil, 4 room house, beamed celling, '2 fireplaces, good barn, poultry house, wood houe, garage, fruit and berries of different kind; city water and gas in house; good fence, $3000, with terma $300 cash: lo cated near Lents Junction. Kern Park Realty Co., 6707 Foster road. Automatic nn.-iis. $;.oo CASH. MURRAY.MEAO. Easy payments on strictly modern six room home with paved etreet, large living room, dining room with built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen. 8 large lirht bedrooms. Full cement basement. Price $3o0. J. L. KAKNOrr & CO.. mO Ry. Bxch. Bldg. Main 671 $50 DOWN, $30 PER MONTH, puts you in ponHtjwMon of a beautiful new 9-room bungalow with garage; baa fireplace, modern k let hen, large break fast nook; opportunity is knocking at your door. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. Broadway 4751. JlO Henry Bldg. $2700 $:00 DOWN. Adjoining Alameda, 6-room house, good condition, built-ins: two blocka to car, three blocka lo school; large attic. Mr. Dunbar, with A. J. DeFOREPT A CO., (Realtors ) 8?0 Henry Fldn. Broadway SSPO. MODERN tt-room home with large Bleep. Ing porch. Attractive lot with garaae. Improved street, all aaosnsmenta paid. Near Jefferson high school, in good res idence aection, $4.r0, on eay terma. Full particulars at 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park street. JUST TUE PLACE VOU ARE LUOivi.NU This Is a snap of a bungalow, contain ing 6 rooms, for only 15500; corner lot; eaay terms. See owner. J. R. Grieaei, 870 Washington at., or phone Main IS. f 440 E. 21ST.. N. Reeeptlon hal Living room 16x81. with French douTs to sun room; dmtng room, kitchen and 1 bedroom and bath downstairs; 8 bedrooms on second floor. Best of plumbing. Full cement basement; garage. East 79T6. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW BARGAIN. Artlaticalty furnished, hardwood floors, nrrpmcv, lurriai-c, an jn inn ivory; ai- most new: lot 60x100. $3850 com Die te I Terms. JOHN M. PATNE A CO.. Main 1J012. ROSK CITY PARK. By owner, beautiful 7-room bungalow, all large rooms, modern in every respect, full cement driveway, large garage, lo cated at 458 East 61st su N. Fur In formation call Tabor 530. $300 CASH MONTA VILLA 5 ROOMS 100x100. fruit and berries, modern plumbing, basement, $40 per nionth. Price only $2.0. BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS. 415 Piatt Bldg. Realtora. Main 70J7 7-ROOM aumi-modc-rn house near Willam ette biva., iruiL trees, garaen, etc.; tx 100 lot, sidewalk and curb in and paid; owner leaving town and will sacrifice for $2200. F. E. Bowman A Co.. 210 C of C. Bldg. ALAMEDA PARK 5 ROOMS. . Modern bungalow, fireplace, bui it-ins. large living room, old Ivory finish, tap estry paper in living and dining room, cement basement, lot $0x100 corner. Price $6SOO. t firms. HOUSE PLANS. "Distinctive Homes. ' Illustrated book of over 100 designs. $1; blueprints. $iu. DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY, 024 North western Bank Hidg. A LAM EDA WHARM1NG COLONIAL. Owner muat sell. Artistic floor pian. Ivory finish, oak floors. 2 Ore places, ce ment porch, garage. Now hurry. Neu- h-iufen. Realtor. Eawt 3!t4. Main R0M. ROOM house, nice lawn, ros-a; bane men t, waah trays, fruit trees; $00. must bav $700 cash; take lesa for all caah. Mt. Scott car. Stewart station. Come to 00.10 With ave. S E. PORTLAND HEIGHTS IF YOU JL.HK LOOKING FOR A REAL HOME. SEE 078 COUNCIL CREST DRIVE; IMME DIATE POSSESSION. J. J. ARM STRONG. OWNER. PHONE MAIN 847ft BUILDER wantei who can handle gen eral contract and partly finance hint eif; customers waiting. See Mr. How. 4O0-1" Coueh bldg. FOR SALE. Modern T-room houae with double ga Vage. on corner lot at ?05 E lth st MCE bunjia'uw with 4 larfft lota, Juet outside cit v, nice creek in back, two blocks statton, lots of fruit. Aerso& iiarsLera, 49 Henry biag. ' "Tor Siile 1 1 oimrs. SfNXYMintt. 5-rom bungalow, iujit completed. vv moirrn. and well located, good Ds--nient, furnare, gnrsg. all Imp In and psid. $aooo buys this on very reasonauU terma T.AT'RSM iirnT 6rnnm hunt,in wum iinrfr alien ing pnrrh, I r living room . f i rr n 1 a " . osk floom, ninny bullt-ins. good plumb ing, gnrhre, only two blocks to the pats; price . oo 1KVINOTOV Hl'NO AT.OW. The most com pie ts bun mm low In this net. a lar, wrll-errs nd rooms, bent of construction: It Is not the uul so-cslld bun its low, It Is complMe down to garajre; pru $7500; each of the above an gooa Duvm. C. M WSR, 1- V W Bunk M.1f Mir ?? WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS, Levry small bom, spacious central halt, larr living room, dining room, complet hotirs Pntry nd kltvhn: 3 sleiin rooms and bath; alo Iars; ern Porvh ofr second fioor: d e lot, fine shrubbery. Uaato furnace, all linoleums. drnDeries, electric rang aad radium fire bwttsr. UR3. HARRY PRIES' PALMER, Rmsller attractive horns la same location. iiim) HL'YM 3 rooms, woo..) lot 4oilu ajvuu buys -rom rotinse. bsth. lolit. gis. eiectriciiy; lot ,vx luo. $lOv bus very nrt cMtss. bTft, toilet, a;ts: lot WxlOO. c d altb ftuiti sidswatk m; i Tine. $4000 buvs fin modern -roon, hn, lull bssement; lot MixUtS, rvrt wit it iruit, fine location; bunny HIS. $12,000 buys an Mal P-room modern highly finished bom, lorll on a beautiful IuOkIuO cornT. walk ing dist ance, best home buy the cliy. CHARLES MOITK. REALTOR. O.t'.' t'li,nnhr of (Mnmr- HMtr. A S! HI KUAN HuMk. 14,10 7-room bungalow, located, nq 1 Mix MM) lot, almost acre, with all Im provement inrludlng a gara: niort -hi laooo at a pr cnt. $ ysrs; wt;l aropt $jsnn flrpt payment and ot hfr $l-'.'.0 to suit you. or would ar-pt va cant lot as first pavnifnt. This prop erty Is lorated IS blocka from Vi ion a vs. r a rline. If you want a snap on vaa itrn.a. call un lor a ppnlnt mnl. HILLER BROS. RKALToHH B14 Kallaay Kxrh. Bids. Mam 84. Branch Odics: Kith and Sandv. Tabor .!" ROSE CITY Bt'NGALoW BARGAIN. Jiinens compel nnr to dlpnss of mourrn o-room ouncaiow at sacrifice : prioci condition, polmhed floors, buid-t. wnim rimm-M KirrniMi, iuu I'aRenitMi t, furnace, trays. ISOxloti Jot. garaait and ctmenl runway, paved street. '2 blocka to car; below the hill, lawn, ahrublr garnn; surioundlnKs th bast ; only m-ou, sioou -an arid easy paymtuia. wi wrrn prica win ne ". KLMKK F. BENNETT CO.. 31H-a-.'l Hoard of Trade Main T4M. 5-ROOM R UNO ALOW $100 TlAWV This Is a nice 5-room bungalow, p;a rrrcn. oatn. etc.. nice nad. i nick carllne nd rood school on Uih St.: pr1 i3o down, balance 1-0 psr monui, 1-- North tiin st. Broad nay 4Sl. ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW. Modern 6-room bungalow, hard wood. noma throughout; living room Ki30. ti bathroom lih shower taih and Work mo, nreagrast nook, tlie sink, corn lot. garage- iook It over at the H. W. coiner of K. litth and Hryce ave., $ pioc-KS Wfi or nroartwav rar. DA.NOY LAI rTiLHI It.sT (jY. Close In. on Kaat fclark Bt., o-rnnrr. double construct cd bungalow, living room, dining room, Putth kitchen, two bedrooms and 2 finished rooms In attic, fireplace, paved atr-et. etc.: nlrs y;mt and 7 bearing fruit trees; M-IUO, $;00 guwn, JOHNSON-noDSON CO.. MS N. W. I-:ank Hldg. Main 37T. MuLERaS tf-KOUM HUaNOALoW. I.Suit CASH. Corner lot. pavd on all aides, larga bawemcnt, garaiie, beautiful, apalous rootnn, an on one Hour. lias Tlreniae. furnace. French door, rloaa to Laun U purHt t'ark; ready for occupnntiy; $i0u0. JaN I f-. l KSTiltiNT CO., REALTORS. Tlrnadwny 47M. j 10 Henry HMg. LAUKKLHUUST KNAP. Cosy A-room bungalow in beaut If ul J'Su re i hurst, very pleasant living ami dining rooniH, Dutch kitchen, 2 bedroom, fireplace, full cement baaemnf. hnrd- wnnd fioors, OOxliO-toot lot; $370, $lu00 uown. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 63 V. W. Hldg. Vwin T 7 AIT. TABOR DlSTHIt'T. 7-room bun a a low, lot 7ix 100. fru't. Tlowera and lawn; Ihls place la In per fect condition and at (he pries Is surely a DarkTa in ; m ""- r-a-nirie terma. II I l.l.KH MHOS. REALTORH. 514 Railway Kxrh. Hl-I, Main 86. Bianch Office: Qfh and SHntly. Tabor !t ROSE CITY, n-room modern hu, corner lot BTth street North. Fueplace, (inico fur nace, double garage; price $17,0, $1 .v0 rash. v ould aerept lot in Irvlnaton, Laurelhurst or Alameda as pari pay ment. JOH VHON-nODHON CO., 6 V. W. Hunk Hide Main fT SACRI KICK SAlt, $."iO0 CASH. Monthly payments on hatanr, six rnoina, pave d street, furnace; a real buv st a. '.no INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., - REALTORS. Broadway 47.M. 410 T1nrr B'dg. ( 1 1 b urban Home. FTVB ACRES OF BERRIES. IS acres, ft blocks from station, Just out of Portland, mar -d st. Lots of bearing fruit trees and 6 acres of fin berries. 4 acres sirawberrlea. Tns return from the 1021 crop should net at lenut $:mo0; land all under cult Iva tion t ma cadamised road : good 6-room plaster d house, full cement basement, liit enameled plumbing; gas, electric lights and city water all In ; sauipment in cluded : might consider small piace in southern Oregon on higher elevation an part payment. Ranch Inspected by Hunter KVERT KTND BEAHINO FRUIT. 0 acres, .'t ia, miles south Portland courthouse, all under cultivation except some shade treea; over 2 acres In bear ing fruit, 105 trees of every kind: 10 year old, In fine condition: also every kind of berries and grapes; macadamized road; 8 blocks tit school; creek on piace; large chicken bouse for looo chlrkens; small barn and house end 2 small out houses: price $.Voo. half cash, balance easy terma. Only 15 mluutos out. In spected by Hunter, ON NEWBERO HIGH WAT. It acres on the paved road. $ mfta from electric station and school All un der cultivation and the best of soil; 1 acre strawberries. 1 acre Cuthbort rasp berries, l acre blackcaps and 1 acres bearing fruit trees of every variety; H room bouse, barn, chicken house; the place Is slocked and equipped and fur niture included. Owners going away and offVrtng the place for one-half the pri,' asked by other people In same vicinity. Inspected by Hunter. John Ferguson. Cerllnger bldg.. Realtor, Over 6'to Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified Lis: a. LAkEVIEW VI LI.AS, t't . new trat iuit being opened ; here's a sample: arge home site 110x210 feet, with clear running brook, flno soil, no rock, piped water, lights; only $:2.V $.V0 down. $1" per month; price Includes rocking of roads; get in on the ground floor; four tracts sold last week. Call 00 Concord old g. . 2d wnd Htark. owner. 1 ACRE, with attractive bunaplo', ti. .r Courtney station. This a ore is llterail1 covered with fruit and berries and Is Ideally lorn ted tn the vsrv bet au bur ban district s,fng the Oregon rtty eie.-. trie line: a tine little hoins fur $4joo, Sooo cash. RALPH HARRIS CO., Realtors, P16 Chamber of Cominsrre. Main fl?4. $ " ACR KS of beautlfut grounds and" n"ie modern 4-room bungalow, bath, gas. fire place, phone, built-ins, water ss(em, close-in on Laurel ave. near Poweii Val ley road. Just tbe place for you $j;.io, t-rms. Sea Mr. Grutsa. Title A Trust Co., owners. NKW HUaN'GALOW $1I0l. Fine corner arre, with new 8-room buncalow, eleclrlo lights, fishing and boating ; very asy terms; savs your rent, owner, 600 Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. MOUTH ClARl) KN HOME. Bcautirul acre with fruit and berries, pear station at AleUor. for $lU50i good 4-room house; good terma. AKKRSON A M A MSTERfl, 420 Henry Hldg. hron.twsy RYAN PLAfK ."i ItOM BUNGALOW. 2 ACRES It KA H I NG FRUIT. RAOK; $:MI0. ON TERMS MAIN lOJJi, K V K N I NGM MARSHALL UMi't A HEAl.Tl I- 'Ul country hon.s on Willamette river, one acre of ground. 7 room t o'onlai house fat lug paved drive. M;iln 84 77. 4150 CASH 2 new cottav ouiivalows, $1275, 1.".00; nesr elec. station. MPar- lnnd. r.''ilfor. VaUIng bl1g M. r.'TT'J ACRE I -room house. outbuilding", fruit trees: price $ I suo. -sv leiuia Hi T2d si. &. B. HawiUume car. fCT!l 10i2.0