THE MORNING OREGON-AX," THURSDAY, MA Y 12. 1921 HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Neat appearing girls for ushers; must be between ages of 18 and 24; 5 feet 3 inches tall and 34 bust; girls living at home and high school graduates given pref erence. Apply between 11 A. M. .and 1 P. M. today to Miss North cutt, Columbia Theater. HOTELS NEED TRAINED WOMEN. Big demand for high-salaried execu tlves; paat experience unnecessary: train you by mail and put you in touch with big opportunities. Writ at once for particulars. Lewis Hotel Training Srhnnl. Dek 1418. Washington. D. C. WANTED Experienced waitresses, must have first-class experience, also experi enced chambermaids: experienced help for kitchen and cafeteria. Write fully your experience, salary expected, with room and board included. Hotel bea- side. Seaside. Or. VANTED Neat appearing young lady to work at soda fountains in caudy store, afternoon shift; don't phone. Roger? - Candy Store, corner Broadway and lam hill st. Wanted Domestics. WANTED Competent maid for general housework. East "076. WAX TED Experienced maid for general housework; must be neat. good. P-ajn cook, fond of chidren: no washing: 6 in family; uleasiint. modern home: refer ence.;; $40. Main $M4. - EXPERIENCED girl for general house work: good cook and waitress: ome 1 o I. fomllv nl furnace. DO Sundav ' dinners: references, required. Mar. 4781. WANTED Competent woman to ass ;ist with srennri work and care of one r-hiM- rnfAronir4 renuired. AonlV to Mr. I. H. Gearin. 230 Cornell rd. Telephone Main 3H57. EXPERIENCED nurse to care for chil dren and assist with upstairs work: one -h fx uilllncr to eo to beach; references renuired. Phone Main 1828. 243 St. Clair street. WANTED Woman for light housewci k and help with baby: good home and wages. Mar. 1177. 414 11th St., cor Hall, ant. 3 or 4. EXPERIENCED girl for general noue work and cooking: no washing. S25 East Main at., corner 2fith. East torn. YOUNG girl to assist with light house work and care of two children. Phone Woodlawn 4040. GIRL, wanted for light housework. One who prefers a good home. Woodlawn fi204. GIRL, for housework; one who can go to beach. 1078 East Glian st. ; no wash lng: good wages. WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages: take I. J. or Broadway car. 20: E. 11th N.. cor, of Clackamas. RELIABLE girl to help with housework; be neat. Call East B003. . GIRL to assist in housework. Bdwy. 4S23. 641 Wash. St. GIRL to assist with housework. Foreigner preferred. Call mornings. 40 N. 17th ft GIRL to children. assist with no washing.- housework Woodlawn and !560. HFI.P WANTED MATE OR FEMALE. AMATEURS and chorus girls wanted for vaudeville. Casino Theater. 285 Burn side st. HELP WANTEDWITH INVESTMENT. MAN TO BUY eoual half interest In my estah isneu business, s.inn or 4Mi quired. Must he handy with tools and pointing. This is no garage. Call morn mgs only. E. ith st. north. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. 3i AN AND wife, cooks, open for position, counirv note) or resort, tan air. tiow ker. Main 4070. 31K Clay st. EXCAVATING ana grading. 1:0 job too small or too large ; all work guaran teed. Automatic 31-4.Y PAINTING. TINTING Reasonable, efficient work. Main 4091 apt. -. YOUNG man with Ford wishes position will do anything; go. anywhere. AL 633, oregonian. HAN WITH Kord delivery car. desires work in or out of city. B U01, Or ego f nian. FOR GARAGES. CONCRETE OR WOOD, CALL TABOR 14HS. YOUNG man with motorcycle withes .1ob delivering or collecting; can give refer ences, t all Main ;43 GENERAL house painting and tinting, in tertor work a specialty; all work fir.;t class: references. Broadway 41S2. HAVK your lawns cut by experienced gar d'ner by th month; reasonable terms. Main 7273. Ernest Marhott. ELDERLY man neds work; do anything prefer place where he can get home. T Hl'H. ( vegnntan. COITLB without children wish position as caretakers; bst references; stale par- ticumrs. am oregonian. GARDENER wants lawns. leveling, spad ing, etc. Thone Marshall 3013. Kahlfeld 370 First st. COMPETENT married man wants .ianit work, hotel or apt. house, all around man. .Marshall -'.. room 1. YOUNG man with car wants position in city; can furnish beat of references. A E ... Oregonian. WANTED -Postion as engineer; turbir.e and condensing experience. Auto 621-.10. F fi4P. Oregonian. J.A PANESE young man wishes position housework, in nice family. Call Frank, East ."SiS. MARRIED man wants any kind of work; has 4 years experience truck driving, Mar. 4104. PRINTER. EXPERIENCED AD AND JOB MAN DESIRES PERMANENT POSI TION. AR 653. OREGONIAN. CARPENTER, jobbing; Dutch kitchens and buffet work a specialty. Write 4J4 E. Burr s-t. GOOD strong boy. aged is, wants place to work on farm; can milk. AG (140. Ore goninn U Y YOUNG MAN, experienced chauffeur. expert driver. Call Hood hotel. Klaas Mokkes. ; HAVING good legal an4 business training I desire a position as collector. Main S?7. WANTED By man and wife, position a conk in hotel or ramp,- wife as helper ot table waiter. J C48. Oregonian. YOUNG man, marrh d. ex-service, wants work, any kind. Sellwood 2023. SWISS milker and farmhand wants job; steady man. AE Oregonian. TRUCK, 21. tons, wants work, day, job or contract. Tabor !.V4. ROOMS tinted 2 and $;!; good work and satisfaction. Mar. 5167. 1 WILL take care of your lawn all summer for reasonable charge. Call East 1721. PAINTING, tinting, papering; good work, reasonable. Sellwood 130. FIRST clat chef took; can fill any kind Enst S.-.Sl. of position: Al pastry. BRICKLAYER. buildings, boilers, fire piaces, anything in brick work. East fi2S2 ALL AROUND painting job wanted. Call 827 East Pine st. JAPANESE wants work, hall-hoy. porter or janitor. BJ 63S. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED man wants farm work. AM 6Hrt. Oregonian. TOUNG man desires work of unv kind paying living wage. AC R27. Oregonian. WASHMAN. engineer, open for position in Oregon. R V. Blnnek. t2K East Couch. 1 WO carpenters to figure on houses; re- pairing done. Broadway 2"!n. MAX WITH 2'i-ton Mark wants day or lob worK. v ooaiawn PLUMBER wants work, large or jobs. Eat 4S.',2. CONCRETE WORK BY DAT OR CON TRACT. WDLN. 52(59. CA1XMMINING. 60c an hour, you furnish. East 2::4. JOB AS chauffeur, driver or fair mechanic Tone. Broadway 3KHj HOUSE painting, tinting refinishing, guar anteed. Automatic 614 43. MECHANIC desires position, thorough and reli able; 5 years' experience. East 84 79 . FIRST class janitor wishes a position M 621. Oregonian. POSITION by experienced middle-aged man Janitor or watchman. Tabor S77'J. PLOWING and excavating done by ap- pointment. promptly. Phone Tabor 8511. HOUSE painted $50-195; rooms tlnted$l". $5: papering. roll. Woodlawn 6084. JAPANESE boy wants work washlna. dishes half day. AC C55. Oregonian. PA I NTING. tinting, enameling. Phone W ood'awn 221 C. ask for Barn e s . CARPET. linoleum laying. Aut. 513-65. 232 Front st. 4rpeaed, at 28fT SITUATION lYAXTED MALE. COOKS. Two experienced married couples as cooks and waitresses want work in camp? or hotels, men. first and second. W e can furnish reference; state wages. Wo will annwer all correspondence. O. W. L., 204 J2th st. Phone Main 3190. POSITION WANTED. DAIRYMAN. Y ou n g man, 5 years' e x perience, wishes to get work on a dairy farm ; understands the care of cattle. AG 661, Oregonian. YOUNG man, experienced auto mechanic and chauffeur, attending HOLMES BUSI NESS COLLEGE, desires work after school and evenings. Any employment acceptable. Phone Broadway 1821. POULTRY MAN, practical, experienced. wants work on poultry pla.nt: under stand incubators, brooders, crate fat tening, slaughtering and marketing. AP l7t. Oregonian. YOUNG man and woman wish to get work on a dairy farm; good milker and understands the care of cattle. Care of. Hauserman, Hotel Helvetia. 248 Second ana -.a-mon sts. fiARDENKR can always be had for large or small joba by calling Woodlawn 294.1 ; new lawns made and old ones taken care or. experienced men only. EXPERIENCED sash and door man wants position wits reliable firm: can do estimating or selling; good refer- ence. A E .;. Oregonian. AN ENERGETIC Japanese boy. IS years old, wants a position for housework or on gardens during summer, all day work preferred. Ar 674. Oregonian. ROOFS repaired and painted with Web foot Dalnt: references riven: Roof Se cunty, inc.. 226 Board of Trade. Main 671. Main SG44. COLLEGE man, 22 years of age. desires position for summer or permanent if offered opportunity for advancement. S 645. Oregonian. GRADUATE mechanic, engineer. 26. speaks German. English. French and Scandina vian languages, wants position. 1 trto, Oregonian. WANTED By middle-aged couple with years or experience, gooa references, po sition an janitors or janitor and manager of apt, house. AG G66. Oregonian. YOUNG man, 24. wishes job in auto re pair shop; have had some experience, good worker. BP 638, Oregonian. PLASTERING, cement wora and stueco of all kinds; we do repair work also; price reasonable. Phones East 5n84.Ea.nt .8130. SINGLE man wishes employment, garden ing, take care of lawns, any kind of garden work; like steady work. Phone Wdln. 664. 317 Ivy st E. Schulz. FIRST-CLASS automobile mechanic. 20 years' exptrience, rent space in garage, or work on percentage basis. A. D. Summers. 221 11th st. EXCAVATING. C. G. BOWERS. East 8183. DIRT FOR SALE. HAVE YOUR garden work done by expe rienced men: no job too small, no job too large. Phone M ain 937 5. Mr. Baldwin. CARPENTER, new or repair work, small jobs promptly done, estimates cheerfully Biven. Biaco. Tabor 8" 3. ELECTRICIAN, familiar with all makes motors, starters, circuit breakers, etc Will take anything in this line. E. 845' WANT position as night or day man in garage or private chauffeur, experienced and reiiaoie. fnone aiarsnan ii. CEMENT WORK, ALL KINDS. REA SON A B L E. CALL TABOR 70. MARRIED man wants work of any kind; grocery experience. AJ C4 2.pregonian. Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office. INCOME AND PROFITS TAX RETURN INVESTIGATIONS. A highly trained accountant, thorough ly familiar with federal tax laws, will examine returns for the purpose of re covering taxes oatd in excess of amounts actually required. No charge will be made in cases where overpayment is not disclosed. AP t55, Oregonian. Al BOOKKEEPER ana cashier. 37 years old, nmrried, with lots of experience in department and chain stores, desires po sition. Country town preferred. Can give cash bond or wiu invest in gooa ousi ness. Address Henry Hester, Portland. general delivery. BUS I NESS college student detdres post tion as bookkeeper with chance of ad vancement; reierences. AF 650, Ore Konian. ACCOUNTANT, expert bookkeeper, 12 years' experience ; married man ; wan s position; can furnish good references. K t42. Oregonian WANTED Position where a knowledge of machinery, correspondence, office system and some typing fan be utili-ed. Mar shall .22115. ilAKRItiU man, 3t. experienced sales and correspondence; has held positions of re sponsibility, desires position. T ?i!)tl, Ore- YOUNG man desires position as stenog rapher and general office man. AE ti59, Oregonian. TEMPORARY job by experienced account ant; books audited, small sets kept, sys tems installed; references. Main tid. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. h. LADV of refinement and pleasant per sonality wishes to keep house and make a home comfortable for a widower, .with or without a child, or bachelor; must be a modern home ; references ex -changed. Phones Woodlawn . 4i0 and "040. COOKS. Two experienced married couples as cooks and waitresses want work in campf or hotels, men, first and second. We can furnish reference: state wages. We will answer all correspondence. G. W. L.. 2." 12th st. Phone Main StSMi. YOUNG LADY wants position about thp last of May cooking for small crew of men on frm or camp or as waitress in count ry hotel ; wages not less l han t "fl. Write particulars in first letter to Box 322, City. PoMTlON by middle-aged lady as com panion for lady or would keet house for man and wife; pleasant disposition, good rook mid housekeeper; no- objection to c li ijd re. Morrison, a pi. .14. JlEFtNED girl, fond of children, excel lent cook, will motor to California with family in return for services. AR 652. Oregonian. LADY with biibv will keep house for wid ower ann children: no foreigners. Call or write 6.6 E. 20th st. LACK AND SILK FCKIM AND MAR QUISETTE CURTAINS acne up like new Will call. East 8518. LADY wuutu wasning, other work ; good work guaranteed. Wood lawn 630j. GIRL wants position 3 or 4 nights week playing in movie theater: experienced. A M Hti.'i. Oregonian. WANTED Board, room and some wages for services of school girl. AF 6i3, Or egonian MARRIED woman would like to take care of small rooming-house. AG Go. Ore gon ian. EDUCATED, refined woman desires posi tion as housekeeper; widower; city or coitry; references. AM b.J. Oregonian. HoCt; cleaning, four hours. Thursday or r riday morning. Mrs. Evenson, Main 71!lS. n.".c hour. GIRL, working from In to 2, wants posi tion; wages about 2o; loves children. H '"0. Oregonian. W 1 1,1, do plain cooking and light house work for 2 or 3 people: wages $25 mo. Good ref. T fi33. Oregonian. EX PERI ENCED woman wishes day work j hursday. t rid ay. Saturday. Sellwood 1032 W ILL care for children while parents away ; references. Yi ooaiawn loll. WASHING, ironing or cleaning wanted by the nay, r'hone Alar. 3U30. WOMAN wants day work Thursday, Fri day. H roadway 3 o 4 0 . room 1. LAUNDRY done beautifully at my home. Main hi 32. HOUSECLEANIXG and laundry work wanted: 40c hour. Call Auto. 023-911. CURTAINS hand launaerea. Work guar anteed, mone vv din. 37 1 4. LACE CURTAINS HAND LAUNDERED. 11 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. EAST 6106. SCHOOLGIRL wants position as nurse giri evenings or at ternooim. bast 23-2. LADY teacher will give piano lessons, $1 an hour. vd:n. &32b. DAYWoRK wanted, competent. Hour. bast T.itl.i. ROOM and board. $15. while going school. Main i:t:i, 0-10 A. M. RELIABLE woman wants day work; do anything. Mar. 3013. apt. 3. DAY WORK, ho usee lean ing. laundry and general work. East 5030. Melissa Shelby. WOMAN wants day work. Broadway 3423. Bookkeepers. StenogmpherH. Office. BOOKKEEPER and typist with cashier experience; will consider out-of-town position: city references. Sellwood 3485 or write BF 611. Oregonian. YOUNG woman desires general office work; has had several years' experience: a No good cashier. Call room 343 Ramapo hotel. EXPERIENCED typist, also familiar wirh dictaphone, desires position; references. Call Bdwy. 1702 or write F 647. Orego nian. PUBLIC -STENOGRAPHER. Either shorthand or direct dictation to typewriter; expert in all lines. Main 3109 COMPETENT and reliable stenographer desires permanent or temporary position. Ten years' experience. Marshall 302S. EXPERIENCED stenographer w ith good references desires position. J 647. Ore gon ian. A YOUNG girl wiahes a position as a te nographer and bookkeeper: have had a Mlt le of experience. Call Col. S62. YOUNG lady, experienced bookkeeper and typist ; references: permanent or tem porary. Sell wood. 372L SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Boo keepers. Stenographers. Office. EFFICIENT secretary desires posi tion, small office preferred; can take charge of bookkeeping, cor respondence, filing, etc., and gen era office management. Phone Main 8196. STENOGRAPHER, six months' experience, desires position at once. AG 602, Oreg-j-nian. YOUNG LADY wants clerical position; good references. Tabor 4131. Dresnmaarers. DRESSMAKING, all kinds, dinner and evening gowns a specialty; by day or at home. 706 Glisan st. Main 1729. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sew Ing. day or take home. Aut. 618-78. LADIES garments aiterea and refitted. L Reuoin, tailor, 408 Bush & Lane -idg. DRESSMAKING AU kinds. reasonable. 422H Morrison St.. room 6. op at air. DRESSMAKING by the day; satisfaction guaranteed. Tabor 1324. DRESSMAKING and lurs altered and re llned at my home. Broadway 3383. WE MAKE smart dresses, blouses and un derwear; prices right. Automatic 327-04 Nurses. MATERNITY and surgical hospital, 1093 Williams ave. Normal confinement cases taken care of for less than half the usual charges: cases include drugs, dressings. licensed physicians' service, two weeks' hospital care, all for $46. Phone Woodlawn 366. NURSE. 18 months' hospital training, wishes position in doctor's office as as sistant and will go out on maternity cases: references furnished. Address Box 3ft33, City. SWEDISH MASSAGE treatments in your own home: ladies only; physicians' rec oinmendatlona Woodlawn urS for ap pointments, POSITION wanted by experienced practical nurse, excellent references; preter ions cases. Room 202, Ramapo hotel. NURSE takes maternity cases in her home. Best of care. ast PRACTICAL nurse would like maternity cases. Bdwy.- 30." . II o use k eepers. RELIABLE middle-aged woman van:g housekeeping for widower with children. will leave city: reference. East 7717. YuL'XU woman, capable, good cook and worker, wants situation, couple or 3 adults. AF 659. Oregonian. COMPETENT housekeeper with small girl wants place on ranch cooking lor men. AR 6'i7, Oregonian. WANTED Position as housekeeper for father and son. Call today, room 1. 387 Yamhill st. No phones. REFINED ladv past 30 would like poaiCpn as housekeeper for widowr. Av t54, Oregon ian. ; YOUNG lady with boy 4 wishes position a housekeeper for gentleman. Call lOiu Schuyler st. WORK wanted by the day. 'washing or cleaning. Phone Mar. 046. Houheoleunlng. EUREKA HOUSE CLEANING CO. Floor waxing, window cleaning and vacuum work, etc.. Phone 626-51. WANTED TO BENT. Honses. RENTAL BUREAU. List your houses, flats or apartments with us: quick results and good tenants. PACKING, MOVING. STORAGE. LOANS SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO 53 Fourth St., Opp. Multnomah hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. WANTED Small, well-furnished bunga low from June 1 to about October 1 by young couple leaving for orient in fall; will take excellent care of house and give special' expert attention to ward; must be good district; reasonable rent. Wdln 2S84. WANTED By June 1, for summer or longer, by man and wife, no children, furnished 3 or 0-room house with ga rage; best care assured; timple financial and personal responsibility. AE 65S, Oregonian. PRIVATE PARTI. 6 or "-100111 house, or bungalow by responsible party permanently iocated in Portland. AL Hi5. Oregonian. WANTED 1 or 5-room furnished bunga low with sleeping porch, yard with trees; guarantee best of care; references; rent not nvfr S'l't. AM" 6ti4. Oregonian. WANTED To rent by responsible family, 5 or 6-room house by the lfiih of this month. Rosenthal. Main titltf. WANTED By June 1st. responsible couple. 5 or 6-room rurnisnen modem nouse. close In. Box 633. Vancouver. Wash. BY RESPONSIBLE party. 5 or rooms, modern bungalow or house, good locality. East 2'J44. ' WANTED Small modern furnished house. responsible couple. Menaerson, aawy. -'071. . WANTEO cottaee street. -To rent 3 or 4-room furnished it Seaside. J. Weiner, trtil 1st WANT to rent 3 or 4-room modern bun galow by June 1. m 44. Oregonian. 3 OR 4-ROOM. furnished house by couple; lot too far out. Pail wen. 1M4 evenings. BCNGALOW Near end of Hawthorne car line. Tabor 4t. 3 OR 4-ROOM house. Woodlawn 34i KoomN. WANTED Furnished rooms by middle- ae-ed couple. 2 fairly good IigSit rooms. reasonable rent, walking distance, west side, or wife would take charge or wnaii apartment house. AF 61, Oregonian. WA NT ED Room and garage private family. B ttM. Oivgontan. Rooms With Board. 2 YOUNG business men with beat of ref erences, wish board and room witn prt vate family in vicinity of 28th and East i;n.-an. can cast t. QUIET counle want nice room and board in modern private nome wnere mere are no other boarders; give street ana pnone number. F 640. Oregonian. TOUNG man would like room and two meals, garage; references. AF 633, Ore gonian. Business Places. WANTED TO RENT Good shop that is connected with first-class garage; can furnish best of references. AF 654, Ore- gonian. WANTED To share office and telephone, preferably in Ry. Ex. bldx. Tel. Main 4428. FOR RENT. Furiindied Rooms. ANGELA HOTEL. 625 Vashington st. Large lobby, automatic elevator, phone and running water in each room; rooms with or without baths; $5.S0 week up; excellent home-cook"d n-eals next door VERY CHOICE. Light outside rooms with bath : also suite with bath for rehned business lady or gentleman: references required. Mar shal J2St0. BUCKINGHAM HOTEL. H52 1 WASH. Cosy, clean looms to permanent guests n per week up. Free phone and bath. transient $1 per day and up. FIRST-CLASS rooms, also sleeping porch, suitable for two; hot and cold water In rooms, furnace heat, free phone. Bdwy. 1706. 57 Trinity P'ace. HOTEL GLEN WOOD. 23 North 0th st., corner Burnside: strictly modern, elevator service, free hath. $1 per day: special weeniy rate. LADY, employed during day, wishes to rent furnished room to employed lady or gentleman; kitchen privileges; west side, close in. Main 3507. after 3 P. M. MODERN, attractive front room, newly furnished throughout : suitable for two people: kitchen privileges if desired. 70 Lucretla st. Marahall 2033. HOTEL CONRADINE. 22 N. 10th St.. 2 blocks north of Washington St.: pleasant rooms and suites at very reason ble rates by day or week. WASHINGTON HOTEL. 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suites at reason able rate by week or month. "HILLCREST HOTEL. 733 WASH. ST. Rooma from $5 per week and up: tran sient $1 per day and up; free phone and bath. " HOTEL MATH I SEN, 204 COLUMBIA. Brick bldg.. nice lobby; steam heat, hot and cold water in every room, elevator runs day and night; rooms. 73c up.. TAIT HOTEL, corner 12th and Stark sts.; modern, all outside rooms; rates without bath $5 to $7 per week; private'bath $ to $10 per ween. HOTEL OCK.LEY Morrison st. at 10th, $L day. weekly $5 and up. Free phone and batha, steam heat. ST. PAUL hotel. 130 Fourtn st. Clean, respectable, modern, transient, $1 up Rates to permanent guesta 1 SINGLE furnished housekeeping room, also small sleeping room, walking dis tance. 221 W. Park. WEAVER HOTEL.. 708 WASH. STREET. ROOMS WITH BATH. BY WEEK OR MONTH; REASONABLE Bl'SHMARK, Washington St., corner 17th, clean, modern, steam heated rooms; re- spectable. 4 per wee up $1 DAY. $2.-0 WEEK., up, clean; taths free. Hotel Cadillac. 3o near Jefferson. FURNISHED rooms, single and double. 470 Columbia st. SLEEPING rooms. East 66H3. 245 E at Broadway. ROOMMATES to share suite, young . mea. 59a Glisan. Broadway 1S03. 2it W. PARK ST and den: cooking -Front sleeping porch priv. If desired. NICE room and kitchenette, reasonable. 201 llth st- FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. THE NEW AMERICAN HOTEL. 02 N.' TUipn ct rrwt PI 'DKRS. 127 rooms that have been thoroughly cleaned and newly furnished. Plenty of hot water at all hours of tne day or night; good bath tubs, eleva tor service. Special rates to permanent guests. GIVE US A TRIAL. Our motto is; "To Please You " At moderate prices; strictly American, EDW. F. GODDARD. Manager. HOTEL NORTON 12TH-AND MORRISON. All outside rooms, American or Eu ropean plan, rates reasonable; meals un excelled; service excellent, convenient location; we cater especially to tran sients HOTEL FRANKLIN. Washington at 18th. Rates by the week, $5.50 and up; hot and cold running water, hot-water heating system; tub and shower baths. . HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST. AT EAST 6TH QUIET, DIGNIFIED AND REFINED. $1.25 PER DAY, $6 PER WK. AND UP. CONVENIENT ALL-NIGHT GARAGES. Unfurnished Booms. FRONT room suite, large porch, also suite in rear, ground floor. Mar. 2341. UNFURNISHED basement room for rent, close in. 225 11th st. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. LARGE front room, ivory furnishings, twin beds, bath, phone, laundry priv ileges, piano, breakfast if wanted, beau tiful home, large shady grounds; 2 or 3 girls preferred. 411 Cook ave. 323-10t TWO GENTLEMEN with references, want ed who would appreciate a really clean room, home privileges, twin beds, light front corner room, walking distance. Marshall 301. TWO LARGE front rooms, first floor, nice ly furnisned, with piano, running water, porch, with or without garage,, use of bath and phone, reasonable, rent. 601 wasmngton St., cor, FURNISHED room, private family, nicely furnished, clean, newly papered, sleeping room, $10 month. 500 Jefferson St., near 14th. Alain 62N8. I.ARr.R rrwvm r-ift1v Hean suitable for one or two: close in. west side. 34ti Col lege sc.. near Broadway. Phone Main !" PRETTILY furnished bedroom, phone and water, convenient; come and see this, . walking distance; rent very reasonable. 4H2 Market. LARGE front room in clean home; no or her roomers; meals if desired ; home like place for gentleman or couple em ployed. East S400. 211 East 18thatN. NOB HILL, walking distance, rooms for gentlemen; one $10 per mo., third floor; one with refined room mate. $20, second floor. 84 N. 21st cor. Everett. FURNISHED room for one or two gentie men or couple employed: good home to - right parties; no other roomers. 554 3d NICELY furnished room, large sleeping porch, closed in; 2 beds: phone, bath, lights, kitchen privilege If desired. nl E. Salmon. East 41IU. LARGE furnished room with all conven iences: breakfast if desired. Phone A u to. 21 ri-15. 712 E. Taylor St. FURNISHED room for 1 or 2 ladies in beautiful home ; reasonable rent; walk ing distance. Mar. 212. CLOSE In. large front room, suiia-ble Tor 1 or. 2; all home conveniences, including breakfast. 4ti'J Clay st. Main 2228. NICELY furnished room with privileges sleeping porch, two beds, home priv- ileges. East 4IHI IRVtNT.TOX. Beautiful corner room, well-furnished, suitable for two. East 4442. NICE room, bath, phone, etc.; very rea sonable; 1 block to Mississippi car; gar rage if desired. Woodlawn 4375. ROOM to rent in modern flat, ciose In. to lady who will be at home some evenings a week with girl i6. boy 4. Mar. 23M6. NICELY furnished front room, ciose in. heat, bath and phone: very desirable and reasonable. 301 14th. Auto. 521-64. FURNISHED rojm for rent, reasonable, on 2d -and Kearney, to lady assisting .with children evenings. Marshall .mm. 'OR M AN accustomed to nice things cozv front room; quiet, modern. ot. Park. Marshall 17S0. LIGHT, airy room, an conveniences, close to business center. 214 11th st. Phone Marshall 4. LADY alone ii nice home would rent fur nished room to ladv employed: use of kitchen. Eat 5733. FINE youeff lady walking distance. P. M. .0 share apartment. Main 6880, after 6 FURNISHED rooms, atam heat, hot and cold water. r u n sireei. CLEAN, light room, close in. 382 Ross st. 2 blocks Broadway bridge. pi-EAi-ANT room, fating park, women employed. " va rarK, corner iimin pit.. PLEASANT room with sleeping porch for . eeniieman. 'bi s.ue. . ' 1.-. u . . ... H iv. ROOMS, walking distance. East oivt. Mrs. W ileor. JUST tinted, cozy room, furnace heat, near garase. East nibU. 6!n LOVEJOY ST. Nicely furnished room, $3.50 week, home privileges. NEAT, cozy room. C. S. lady; kitchen pnvilPgfs I' desireu. 31 a in -v' ROO-M in private family, with or without breakfast. M oregonian. FURNISHED room Lamhee st. Ea for mm, close in. LA Rti I; . U asa 11 1 room w it a ail conveni ences, suitable for 1 or 2 300 11th. Room With Board. " CAMPBELL HOT EL. 23D AND HO YT STREETS. CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL. 7-il WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known residential hotels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath $2.50 a day up; rates by day or montn Meals served to transients. N0RT0NIA HOTEL, Portland's downtown high -class family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. W'e give you all the comforts of a home; reasonable rates. R ESI DENTI A L 11 OTlCL. Hot and cold water in rooms, steam heat, close to business center; dining room. Main 63SI. 332 10th st. CHILDREN boarded; good yard, special care for sickly children'; reasonable. Sell wood 3541. ROOM and board for business girls; all mcdsrn conveniences; walking distance; $5 per week. Auto 21-.'4. 12 E. 7th st Rooms With Board in Private Family. ROOM and beard for two refined young ladies (or two young men) employed, modern house, one block from Rose City car. East 8440. OUT IN THE COUNTRY Where all day long Kiddies' hearts are full of song. Where plenty of milk and bet of care With lots of love is baby's share. Ages 2 to 8 years. n For particulars write Box 120. R. 1. ijoring, uregon LARGE, light front room, 2 closets, twin beds, excellent home cooamg. i-rnay- hnr hnt and cold water: a met neigh borhood; suitable for 2 gentlemen or employed couple. Tabor 4SH0. WILL give room and board to anyone who desires a plain out renneu uiuciii place. 1 also serve weu-cooa-cu, whw.c some meals. Call 268 Ivy st, or phone Woodlawn 1002. BOARD and room in a real home, couple who will share large .room ana aiau sleeping porch privileges. 3S9 12th st. Marshall B EA U TI FULLY turn. room, suitable for 2 young ladles; tine sleeping porcn. ueus excellent meals: and alo 1 single room. '.fi7H Glisan. Bdwy. 243S. NICELY furnished front, corner room ; suitable for two ; modern home, west side; reasonable rates. Phone Marshall 27R1. NKE room with board; walking distance, on west side: price very reasonable. Au tomatic ROOM and board for men with private family: '2 V blocks from Alberta car. E. l.'ith gt. N. ROOM and board for child of 2 to - years of age, $18.50 month; references; prefer girl. AV 724. Oregonian A HOME for gentleman; good cooking, walking distance, reasonable. East f14". ROOM and board. Rose City Park. 1 block from car line; home privileges; refer man employed. Tabor 8351. IRVINGTON. lovely home near car. beauti ful rooms, excellent board, laundry privileges; garage. East CHOICE single or double rooms. 2 meals, home privileges, walking distance,' Eaat 83ti2. VERY desirable room for 2. excellent home cooked meals; reasonable! home prlv- ileges. 233 renin si. -iam tow. ROOM with or without board in private family. 869 E. 8th sL N. Telephone East 2784. GENTLEMAN wanting a home in private family, with home privileges, call Wdln. 3337. GOOD home for 2 boys about 12 years old, by Christian mother, near Tremont station; price reasonable. Auto. 628-00 PRIVATE home for children, by week or month. 714 Everett. Marshall 2162. 2 LARGE, pleasant rooms, st N. East 7419 535 E. llth GENTLEMAN can have desirable room with board in private family. East 7328. COZY large room, suitable for 2 men. with meals, if desired. 414 Market, cor. lUh. FOR KENT. Rooms With Board In Private Family GOOD room, nice home, near Multnomah club. Oood tab le. Gen tie men. iiam FumNhrd Apartments. BUENA VISTA APT. 434 Harrison St. . Three-room strictly modern furnished apts.: newly papered in tapestry; tiled bathrooms and outside kltcnen; $oo. Adults. Main 10."t2. THE WHKELDON ANNEX. Cor. 10th and Salmon. RESIDENCE OR TRANSIENT APTS. 2, 3 and 4 rooms, an apt. hotel of superior character where your comfort and "Convenience are urs. cungmci ni-iw" CAMBRIAN APARTMENTS. 433 COLUMBIA AT 12TH. Beautifully furnished three-room apt, oil nt.i w hnilr-in beds, two dress ing rooms;' modern throughout; rate $75. References. -- H1SLOP HALL APTS. iint u-urthnrnn ave.. near Grand ave.. 3 -room apartments, strictly modern and beautifully clean, $33 to -o monui walking distance. East 882. FOR RENT Furniture for sale. 3-room apt., 3d floor, front, very desirable lo cation, walking diatance, east side; " adults only; give phone number. AR 0-9, Oregonian CHELTENHAM APARTMENTS. 2 and 4-room, hardwood fioors, nice furnishings, some iew; also bachelor apartments, with service and one 2-room in basement. l!th and Northrup. WfVT(;OM Kll V A P i RTMEXTS. 2 rooms furnished, hardwood floors. elevator, srictlv modern : ali outsid walking distance. 3S0 Third st.. corner Montgomery THE JACKSON, 51. Union ave. N.. mod ern 3-room apt., private bath, steam heat; 15 minutes' walk to 5th and Alder; adults only. East 2S46. THE DEZENDORF APTS., 208 16ih, near Taylor. n.-Anm adl. full bedrooms and dis ap. bed in lining room; ail outside rooms. 3-ROOM corner apt., light and airy kitchen, large enough to eat in; private bath, good car line. Nob Hill district. 144) North 23d St. Marshall 2996. LUCRET1A COURT. 4-room, nicely furnished front apt. ; v hard wood fToorsi $i5; adults; reierences. Marshall 1513. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. Three-room, strictly modern, elevator, tile bath. 11th and Montgomery. Main 359. BRIGHT, sunny, two-room apt., with large pantry; also clean, comfortable rooms; close in, west side, quiet place. 2uS 17th street. . NICELY furnished two and four-room mm rtmentM tUt and tine loca tion, easy walking distance 10th and Harrison. Main 24S0. very nieasant 3-room ant., nicely fur nished, modern ; large rooms, desirable loca'ion. walking distance. $63 month. 5S North 20th st. .Broadway 04a. ONE 3-ROOM apt., with dressing room and bath, newly kalsomined; free use of laundry, electric washer ana mangie Phone E. 37b. TiVu-KUuil furnished auartincnt. large, light. Bunny rooms, nice back yard; no objection to cnud. -40 r. ..a su aa ATTRACTIVE suite of rooms; electric lights. Iras plate, etc.; also a front room with kitchen privilege. and garage, la bor S3.. 1441 East Morrison st. SINGLE rooms. 2 and 3-room apts., fur nished; hot and cold water, steam heat each room; $12 per month up. 409 N 10th st. Phone Bdwy. l.40. 1 ;..ROOM unfurnished. $20: 1 4-room fur nuhed. $22.50; ants, for rent; newly nainted: free water and light, Tabor ;;7:tr. HYLAND APARTMENTS, 400 Morrison st. One room and kitchenette, $3U per month; two-room apartment, $3j; mod ern. IV Rf.7.1 T,TO COURT. r.M Everett. Phone Broadway 4218, Furnished 2 rooms and bath, hardwood floors, outside rooms. BOZANTA APARTMENTS. Nicely furnished 3-room apartments with bath. North 23d st. Phone Marshall 2?45. CARLOIS APARTMENTS. Modern 2-room apartment, reasonable. 1 4th and Market sta. -ROOM semi-basement apartment; nicely furnished, light and airy, in wiiite enam el. Price $40, lltn and Hancock. WILL lake one or two desirable girls share fine apartment. Call Bdwy. 4060. after 7. THE STANF1ELD. Modern 2-room apts. ; light, heat, phone: $22.0. Main t.v.rj. COMFORTABLE 2-room apartment, water in room, beat ana ugnts lurnisnea; rent 1 25. 351 W. Park st. NICE furnished apt. of 2 large rooms, nice light and airy; price is rigni, go ana se. for yourself Mrs. Albee. 553 Dekum ave SOUTHAMPTON APTS.. 414 10TH ST. Outside apts.. 3 and 4 rooms, $55 and up. Marshall 22m, Main aioa. LLLKET1A COURT. 3-room, unfurnished semi-basement apt.; $35. loI3. GARFIELD 3 and 4 rooms, sleeping porch, newly tinteu. tui t ailing st., block west Union. Woodlawn 40G2. NICELY' furnished 3-room apt., private phone and bath. b24 Marshall. Hroad- way Aoiti LEEDS apts., 210 Market street; modern .2 and 3-room apts., close in, low rent. Phone Marshall 3507. 1 25 MONTH tor 2-room furnished apL, modern except Dam. warrenion Apia,, 4t2 i Third st. ONE EACH, 4 and 2-room lovely apts. fine home for refined people. Chelten ham. 10th and North rup. FURNISHED and h. k. rooms, walking distance: every convenience, on eaat sid M a i n 73 4 H. TWO-ROOM apt., with bath and dressing room, including phone. Chapman apt.. 355 t hapma n street. FUKNiMl ED 2-room, with bath, outside apt. Wellington court, xotn ana veretL lidwy. 4 218. SUNLIGHT apt.. 3-room furnished apt with bath, phone ana neat: dt.u. Tabor 60 05 . IN OWNER'S home. 215 lJth at.. Main S678. one block central library. 1 room and kitchenette: adults. m THE JEFFERSON I AN. cor. 10th and Jef- ferron : basement d-room suite, orient pleasant rooms, private entrance. 2-ROOM apt.. 20 month, single h. k., $15 a month. -01 lain si. .-room apartment, 341 11th st. 3-ROOM furnished apt., private bath. steam neat- tumuni apis., mn ana Wash. Call Mar. 1S4. MA BELLE APTS., Jefferson and 11th, nice 2 ana 3 rooms. lurnisnea. au coo venienres. rent reasonable. FOR RENT 5-room apt., outside room,. neat and clean; private natn, om 1st st. M a r.-h. 1702. FURNISHED. 3-room apartment, outside, hardwood floors. Chetopa apts. Broadway 4036. FURNISHED 5-room apt. for rent for 3 months. Strong & MacNaugbton. Main 815. COZY 3-room. modern furnished apt. for rent reasonable. Call after 6 P. M.. 381 Fifth sL ATTRACTIVE modern outside apartments, walking distance. 4004. 2-room Bdwy. LEONCE APTS. Front apt., new furnishings. Nob Hlli distrirt. 1S6 N. 22d st. Mar. 2250. WEST SIDE 3-room apt., furnished, water, heat and phone, reasonable. Main 4670. 3-ROOM furnished apt, on first floor, 347 Ha!l street. MODERN 1-3-4-room apts.; rent. 71 Grand ave. .X, TWO-ROOM modern apartments at reason. able rate. 414 Jefferson st. FURNISHED outside apts., 2 and 3 rooms. 14 Grand ave. N. Phone East 7451. NEW YORK apartments. 7tn and Bel mo ntnd2jornf 15-DAY STORAGE FREE. Moving for less. Phone Bdwy. 2445. 3 ROOMS, private bath mt-nts. 783 Williams avi Beech apart- UNION AVE. and Killingsworth; $21.50, all complete, concrete bulding. JULIANA APTS.. 45 Trlnfty place. 2 3 -mom furnished apts. Mar-hall i83. ELBR1DGE apLs,, 274 N. 21st at. 2 and 3 room furnished, apts. Broadway 4730. ii OD E RN 3-rcom a nd 2-room sd-l. 425 E. Couch st. K. n."V FRONT apts. 3 and 4 rooms: nicely fur nished 20 E. 6th N. East 7451. THE ALBRET Furnished am.: steam heat, privi ate bath. 8404 Miseufsippi ave. 3-ROOM front apt., strictly modern. $45. Clinton apts.. .r.j . jotn. sen, .tins. 4 ROOMS and private bath; also 2 rooms. East 6103 . 2 AND 3-ROOM furnished apts., light and modern. Arline Apts. Broadway 1812. DRICKSTON apartments, 443 llth, 1 mod- ern 2-room apartment. GLEN COURT. 202 Park st.. cor. Taylor One and two rooms. Main 1061. 5-ROOM fiat, near 23d st.. 2 porches; ma hogany furniture. Marshall 6070. S-ROOM furnished apt. with private bath, $:10. 882 E. Ash. TWO ROOMS and bath, newly renovated apartment The Fairmont. 2S6 llth st. GRAND OA K APTS. Strictly modern fur nished 2 and 3-room. East 3302. 3 ROOMS, toilet and bath. 648 Thurman. near 20th. apt. C. Marshall 4761. 4-ROOM furnished, private bath, ground floor. Phone Main 7422: AUDITORIUM COURT. Two-room modern ants. Mar. B.lflg, ONE 3-ROOM modern unfurnished apart ment on ground floor. 201 12th at. FOR RENT. FurnUbed A part men t. 8TELWYN APTS. HIGH CLASS. Resident and summer home for tran sient and tourist, handsomest furnished apts. in the city; do objection to child under 2 years; 1 to 5-room apts.. with sleeping porch: we also have bachelor apts. and service; single rooms and bath for refined gentlemen; references re quired. Marshall 2630. 160 6L Clair su, comer Washington. . THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Streets, Five minutes' walk to Meier Prank's store; good surroundings, strictly mod ern 2 and 3-room furnished apts. out side, with French doors and balcony Permanent and transient. BONNIE BRAE APTS. Have a few vacancies upon which we will make summer rates, from $40 up. All newlv renovated, calcimlned and pa pered; some with sleeping porches; cool and inviting, nicely furnished. 11th and Hancock. East 4619. KINGSBURY apartments. 186 Vista ave.. near 23d and Washington sis; high-class apartment house, one three-room with large living room and disappearing bed. also has real bedroom and outside bal cony; available May 3. Can be seen now. BEAUTIFUL 3-ROOM MODERN FUR NISHED apartment, $45 month, equipped for from 2 to 4 persons; Immaculately clean and new; very low rental. Mam llfl 1. COLUMBIAN, 11TH AND COLUMBIA. tnfurniahed Apartments, UNFURNISHED. Nice 4-room apartment, newly paint ed and tinted ; easy walking distance from business district, Lheiopa apt Broadway 493B. XING ALBERT APARTMENTS. Three-room strictly modern, elevator. tile bath. 11th and Montgomery. Main 3.VJ. CECELIA APTS., 2-d and Glisan. bru k bldg., thoroughly renovated, all outside apts., 3 rooms, unfurnished for rent. J47 .0 and toI.oO. DANDY 3-room apt., with dressing; room and bath on 1st floor, ir you want an apt. at a reasonable price call Etna Apts. E. 37S-, 6-ROOM front apt., all outside, sunny rooms, front balcony; large porch, second floor. - Irving apts., 21st and Irving. Main P239. HAWTHORN APTS. One 3-room modern, unfurnished apt. 251 12th sL WELLINGTON COURT. Kith and Everett Phone Broadway 1 4-r. apt. and bath, unfurnished. KING'S HILL APTS. One nice 6-room unfurnished apt.; ref erences required. 171 King st. Main 5744 3 AND 4-ROOM modern unfurnished apart ments. Waverly Court. East 2tith and Clinton sts. MODERN 4 room; heat, lights, phone, fireplace. East 4075. No children. 1 45. TH E MARLBOROUGH 5-room modern apt. 21at and Flanders. Main 7510. FRONt, unfurnished 4-room apt., balcony, Hanover Apts.. Marshill 2000. THE AM ERICA N Modern 5-room apart- ment. Broadway 3300. Furnished or I ninrmwhed Apartments. . JAEGER APTS., 701 Washington, one fur nished and one unfurnished apt. SHEFFIELD APTS. 3 and 4 rooms, furnished or unfur nlshed : free phone. Main 2506. FOR RENT A 3-room apt. furnished, or unfurnished. 685 Irving st.. Barker apts f lata. NEW 4-ROOM flat, west side, good view, bath, gas range, water heater, new lino leum, light fixtures, with garage. Call at 33 UUh at. Main 83U. LARGE lower flat. 5 rooms, bath ; good condition. line view, nice vara. neat, w ter. gas range; 40. tMil Front, cor. Lowell ave. Mar. 3t?8. $;0 4-ROOM modern lower flt, , gas range, hot water heater, linoleum. 251 East 2d, between Hassaio and Multno mah; adults 5-ROOM lower flat with garage. 401 East 50th Bt., 3U per montn. waaeneia. Fries & Co.. 85 4th st. IRVINGTON. to lower flat. $50. leaf. 6-room modern C12 Hancock street. FLAT lor rent and furniture for tale. 300 Montgomery st. Automatic 520-78. FOUR-ROOM unfurnished 1775 E. Uth st. S.. $15. fiat for rent. Sellwood car. TH I RD floor. 3-room flat, McMillan. IRVINGTON Cosy 5-room Hat, $40, adults preferred. Eaft 8015. Famished Fists. FLAT FOR KENT FURNITURE FOR SALE. Elegantly furnished 4-room flat and alcove, all ready to keep house. Rent only $30. SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1QQ7 Yeon bldg. ALL OUTSIDE rooms, clean, modern, en closed sleeping porcn. natn. tront bal cony, fine view, private basement, fur nace, water, care of garbage; west side; walking distance; adulta; references. 404 Hall st.. near 13th 4-FAM I LY fiat. 6 rooms each, paved st.. walking distance; income iu per mo.; price $74)00; consider small house close In in trade. See it and owner at 306 Eugene st. 3-ROOM flat, nicely furnished; beautiful view; absolutely clean; trout ana oacK porches; shade trees and 4'ines; close in. Sellwood 1008. NEAT 4-room flat, gas, stationary tubs in kitchen, walking distance; in cluding water. 446 Rodney, corner Tilla.- mook. FLAT for rent, furniture for sale at a bargain; waiting cistance; aesiraoie. 3R1 5th st WEST SIDE I'iaest view, lower flat. nicely furnishea, large porcnes; warning distance; adults. hell wood 13 ill. FURNISHED FLAT 4-room lower fur nished flat, good location- oa raro si. E a s t 4707 BEAUTIFULLY furnished lower 5-room flat; memoes water, ugnis. niei. tele phone and garage. Price $05. East 4M17, t.Ln MONTH. 4 rooms furnihhed. near car, 1 ! u.t IHa CnKh Prni (! Chamber of Commerce. HOM PLETELY furnished 5-room flat, central, for rent, -u; lumnure lor aaie. Main 4508. FURNISH ED 4-room upper flat; no sil ver, bed or taoie nnen, can alter 0 p. M. 770 Overlook bldg. 4-KnOM furnished lower fiat . good loca tion; modern, clean, piano, pnone; a a una. Phone East 4707. JHH Fargo st. FURNISHED 4-room flat. 146 E. 30th, near Belmont, frpear. ioi eimont st MODERN 5-room, beautifully furnished. aiklng distance, east sioe. Mast THREE-ROOM tin t, modern; no children. 506 East 22d St. MODERN 5-room. beautifully furnished walking distance, east r-ast gn.. MODERN furnished upper 4-room flat adults. 11 K. ot'tn st. raoor ia. WELL-FURNISH ED, 6 rooms, sleeping porch, piano Nob Hill. Marshall 8402, MODERN 5-roorn flat, furniture for sale 20 McMillan st. Housekeeping Rooms. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, single or suite, $2.50 per week and up. Buckeye apts.. 34 y is. Morrison. ONE SMALL, room, $16. Phone Broad- way 4U4t. BAGG AGE, furniture and piano moving ; reliable service, reasonable. East 6434. $5 WEEK UP, completely furnished h. k. suites. The Cadillac. 3d near Jefferson FINE large front h. k. room, modern, rea sonable. 63 North I8th. Bdwy. 2664. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, steam heaL 19th St.. west side. Bdwy. 1546. 7-ROOM bungalow. $50. 1026 E. 26th N. Open 11 to 2 Thursday. ONE FURNISHED housekeeping room, 104 E. 18th. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, $1.75 up a week, electric lights. 326 1 1st. TWO NICE rooms, also alngla rooms, very reasonable. 655 Flandera. $3.50 WEEK up, furnished housekeeping room s. 253 H Washington St.. cor. 3d at. LARGE room, newly papered; electric lighL 314 Sixth st. 141 ELEVENTH, corner Alder. $28 month. H. K. suite, elec, davenport, wardrobe. LARGE, clean front room In modern borne. 34 12th st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 1 and 2 apt. 50b Alder; 2 COZY front lower-floor furnished house' keeping rooms; $30. 660 Belmont. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $15 and up. llth st. 2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, clean and rea- sonable. 631 Tnurman. uowy, mi. 2-ROOM h. k. apts., light, gas. phont. very reasonable, .'wa vneqier. NICE room and kitchenette... light, heat and phone. $15. East 5306. CLEAN housekeeping rooms; Walking distance. 410 2d st. reaaonawbie. TWO LIGHT, suitable for airy H. K. rooms, 2 bed a adults, goq 12th street SINGLE airy H. K. room for gentleman; everything furnished. 306 12th street. 1 AND 3-ROOM apts., hot. cold water. Phone, bath. 67 N. 20th. Broadway 4123 CLEAN h. k. rooms; slso basement room ' Call after II. No children. 54 X. 16th at. TWO-ROOM furnished week. 312 Columbia. h. k. apt, $5 pr NICE H. K. room, light, phone and bath. 535 E. Burnside. East 3J83. NICE clean h. k. rooms. Marahall 1413. 13th at-, near Main STEAM -HEATED housekeeping rooms. $11 a month and up. 147 13th tt CLEAN, light h. k. room, furnished apu 1 room suitable for 2. 341 14th w FOR RENT. Housekeeping Rooms. SINGLE rooms. 13 to $4 50. Including light a. heat, bath, phone and ue of laundry; also gas for cooking; 3 rooms $5.50; walking distance. Hendricks apta 510 Klsnders. Broadway 1465. ONE 2-ROOM housekeeping apt. for iadi-s employed ; also one housekeeping room for refined young lady, employe!, 25: single room wh h bath; references rv qu i red Mar. 230. FURNISHED h k . room. 1 room with kitchenette, hot and cold water; private phone, electric lights, steam heat, ft minutes' walk to town. 211 Columbia, near 5 1 h. ONE 2-ROOM suite, ae single house keeping room, one sleeping room ; hot and cold water and h-ut, phone, gas, free. 3S5 Yamhill st. Marshall 1322. $10 A MONTH 1 clean furnished h. rooms, steam heat, laundry, h. and water, electric lights, yard. 40 Va rouver ave., near lidwy. it-ROOM h k. apartment, light, gat, cUn linen, telephone service; furnished: h and cold water: $5 per week. Grand Lnion hotel. I'M 7 East Burnsule t FURNISHED hou.M.keiping rooma for rent, sin tele or double, rent, very reasonable : 5 minutea to bualnesa center. 03A Everett it., corner 20th. NICELY furnish td housekeeping rooms. Si per week. Including heat, light and pnone. im 17m st. . FURNISHED rooms for liKht huuH-kerp ing. everything furnished. Including gaa r."3 Second st. ONE HOUSEKEEPING room on ground floor. $14 50. Northampton aula Mam 4lKV THE BEAVER. 12th and Mar-hall Fur nished h. k. rooms. $15 up. includlnx not water, electric lights, laundry room. ONE VERY large room with private bath. suitable for one or two adults; $3. Phone Broadway 4046. NICELY furnished. clean housekeeping room, also sleeping rooma. $3 a m-cek and up. R!i3 4 Giijwn H. K. K00MS, including light, hem, and linen. 147'i Broadway. lttweu Morrison and Aliler. tloicl Stewart BEAUTIFULLY furnished H. single, double, $4 and $7 a Market street. K. room.' week. 32 JEFFERSON APTS. Front 2-room apt. and single h. k. rooms. 305 S Jeffer son St. DESIRABLE housekeeping room, com pletely furnished; cloae in, electricity; 54 N. Ninth st. Housekeeping Roonw In Private Family. IRVINGTON On carllne, 2 large rooma. smaJl kitchenette, completely furnished; large living room, fireplace, aewfng ma chine; on ground floor; large yard, rosea, $50; Includes heat, phone, lights. wt-r; no children; suitable for man and wife; quiet employed people preferred. East 43K4. in A. M. NICELY furnished rooma. electric lights, gus stove, sink, hot and cold water. 8 windows In living room, nice view of city, lights and gas furnished. Sib, on Wnu aker st. M a 1 n 7 65 2. JUST what you have been looking for. clean and nicely furnished h. k. room in deirab!e residence district at 10rt E. Main at., cor. E. 34th at. Hawthorn car. 2 uO ELY rooms completely furnished, parlor has 6 windows, kitchen. 2 large ones, west side, 10 minutes' walk. It a a. electricity, bath. Phone Marshall 1036. IN SUNN YtHDE. on car line. 5 furnished n. k. rooms; light, clean, sunshiny. 30. Includes gas, heat, light, phone and water. Tabor 531. (43 HHmont THREE large, light, h. k. rooms on ground noor; pnone. lis Jit cooking gas free: piano; no children: $8 50 per week. 54 Johnson st. Broadway 646. ROOMS and kitchenette, well furnished: electric lights and phone ; also vingie room; close In. 430 Jefferson at. Tele phone Main 3712. $-1 WEST SIDE, 2d floor. 4 fur. house keeping rooms; gas. elee. lights free; lawn, rosea, walking distance. 134 Porter. jee .irr arianil, 2UW r ailing bid K. H. K. ROOMS, completely furnished. Ie trie iignt. phone, laurdry room, bat children welcome. ibU Sherman. Ma shall 3HS3. TWO LIGHT h. k. rooms on lower fliwi unfurnished. $20 per mo.; electricity end wn f r 1 urninntj. i r. Alain. 1-LK.MMlfc.O front 11. K. room range, sink, etectrk-lty. walking ui tiin; adults. 211 Sherman st. 2 LADIE-S. front parlor, nlano. whh without housekeemng privileges: modern -.t mpnin. Al ill. BASEMENT huuackeeplng room, clean a well furnished, sultaole for men. 1 siarKM st.. enrnrr llth st. 2 H. K. ROOMS In clean American, mod ern home, for 2 adults. 6o7 O.isan. Mai HOl'SEKEEPING rooma. electric J.ghta. neat, gas, oatn ana phone. U27 Clacka mas st. ast a(..l. NICELY furnished front II. K. suite. sleeping room. 580 Couch aL Main 1040 ran before i or after 4. THREE furnished H. K. rooms, gas, bath, grouna noor. w r rout. $13 NICE location. 2 fur. basement roon stove, gus. elec. lights free. .fl4 K Sut LARGE rooms, modern; Broadway. 382 E. 1st. walking, near IIouMea. HAWTHORNE. Eight -room bungalow; hardwood floor, n replace, lu 1 concrete basement, fu nace. garage; Improvements all In paid: nearly new and somethina- fin See me and I will show you how you ca own this on smaller payments than wh it would cost you if renting. You ci sell it any time and gel back what money you pay In. Se Frank Mahonev with COB A. McKENVA CO. S2 Fourth M. Main W71. WILL rent 1-acro home. blo:k to car an pavement ; gus, electric lights, A clean well-arranged rooms; fruit, flowers. lawn; if not sold in next o daya take any reasonable payment down from reliable people who want to buy; fan terms on balance. This Is sometmn good most one can handle. 107 E. 87th st. N.: MV-depot car. PENINSULA PARK BUNGALOW. Reception hall, large living room beautiful ointng room, nutlet. Kitcn with all built-lna. 2 nice bed rooma, hard wood floors throughout, lovely cemet basement, large attic, garage, lawn in ahrubbery; one block to car: $46:(l: $1200 cash. 513 ( ourh birtg. Main own. MODKiiX 6-r bunaalow. full lot. soul front, just beyond Laurelhurat. on paved street and rariine; n. w. iioors. rurnace, fireplace, all built -Ins. fine garden plot, full bearlnr fruit trees, roses and shad' trees; in perfect condition: for lease not for sale; vacant May lo; $uo pel month, labor iii'J. GOOD, modern, 8-room home, suitable for 2 families: nardwood Hours. lu.i ce ment basement, furnace, wash tray a extra toilet and lavatory, large gars full lot. lawn, roaes. etc. Just Vacated 127 E. 32d street. Main 6001 or Tabor 3224. MODERN 9-room house, 2 baths; furnace heat; carpets on the floor; beautiful cor ner. 100x120. covered with fruit, berries and roses; on Rodney ave. and Knott st. $75 month. E. J. GEIfER. 417 Chamber of Com. rnn rkxt To responsible nariv my ful eoumned chicken rancn. consisi ing 01 iu arres. 5-room modern bungalo about 4 blocks from Multnomah station. Call owner. Main HI. ATT. AS TRANSFER AND STORAGE. Piano and furniture moving. 30 days free storage on all household gnoda until our new warehouse Is filled, 104 N. 5th at. Broadway l.r. CALL BROADWAY T.R0 FOR NORTH W EST E LECT R I C CO. LIGHT POWER HEAT. WASHINGTON AT IflTH STREET. vt-'.w s-rooM bungalow, thoroughly mod ern. Thla is a real nome. 1 diock iroro car. Apply Gladstone Grocery, corner 33d and Olaostone ave., or can aeu. urn 1 FOR RENT 10-room house In South Port land. 5 rooms lurnisneo; win rent an r part: will also sell furniture. BC 644, Oregonian ELK TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. 15 days' storage lre. Furniture moving for leas. Ddwy. 244S. MOVING Pianos, furniture and long-dis tance hauling a specialty, o. w. 1 roci Servire Co.. 40 -d at. Phone Bdwy M21 FOR RENT 7-room furnished or unfur nished house; 1 acre 01 una; erery moa ern convenience. Marshall 12. WHEN moving, city or country, get the beat at lowest price, ureen 1 riu. 14k, Main 1261. -02V, Alder St. FOR RENT An $-rom rio-se. with mod-' ern convenience, st mu irving su iay be seen from 2 to & P. M. NICE store, housekeeping rooms in low rent, good location. Apply 604 1 7 2d st. Tremont station. tt-RooM partly furnished, close n; refer enres. East 24I. 30 E. Ankrny. FOR RENT 4 unfurnished rooms at 307 Harrison at. Main 6077. 6-ROOM house, rent $20; on Ruaseil st., near Union ve. Inquire 126' Ud st. MODERN 5 and 6-room hous'-s. one part ly furnished. Broadway 131. HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT. 8720. 1Q8 FRONT ST. MAIN FOR RENT 4-room house, garage and chicken house, $17.50. hone East 131ft. ONE 4-room bungalow. Call at 140. Dela ware Mra J. W. Elklna MODERN 7-room house, close In ; now being newly renovated; ftffl. Eaat ??4. SEVEN rooms, clfan, gas. electricity, fur nace. Inquire 800 Graham avenue. FOR RENT An $18 house. C115 55lh st. 8. E. W.-S. car. OFFICE, with stenographic and telephone service. Main 5-B4. 832 Morgan ollg. WHOLE house, 4 rooms, wodsra, $30. 3.9 fcaltuoo. FOR RENT, Iloo-rft. HAVING ;d over 4H buiial K City district, we are familiar with ha price of property, and e h'kva c.U-nta who are waiting for us to find tlt'itt Jut wnat they want. If you are am n ell. It will pay you 14 list your pi.' r- ly with us. We do not require n rum live iirnrv. but if vou will call us UP. we will gladly talk U tvrr with yu. Va alao buy equities if Ihry are not t-m large. MILLER HROrt.. REALTOR!, 514 Railway Kxchanir Bids. Main Kft, iiranco orfue. ioth od Bandy. Tabor MvY S-KOOM houae for rent. 2H K. Hrua.lwv. 4 IU OM cottag.'. fl.V Au:o fllS 07 FurnUhrd lloe. I-HOOM house at 1440 E .1.1 st.. well fu- ni-hed. $.'o month, or unfurnished. per month; nur lawn Call mnrnmn and evenings. Tabor 346$; ulher II m AU t o 620-20. -ROOM modorn bunaslow fo furniture for nale. or will rent furnlahe-i. cloae In. Irvintlon ; garage if dr. i red Phot Mr. tvemn-a after 6 &u ONLY. FOR RENT until Sept. 1. A-roni furnished, home In Rose Clt y ; ail modem conven iences; lawn, fruit treea, aarag-r; onlv n-ha hie parties need rail. Sort K -"h X. WILL lease 1 ytar, 7-room well furnmhi d house, newly painted, papered, white enamel finish, pleasant neighborhood. walking distance; $7. a month. K. I'T. N1CKLY furnished 4-roitm houe. gas, bath, free phone; refervncea: pre Tr adults. $.10. 1474 E. Ankcny, cornur Mitt. Tabor t3tt 4-Ri OM furnished 4iouae and snrden. 1 seeded In; $.0 month. f416 "2d at. Tre- mont Mt. Scott car. NINE-ROOM furnixhrd house. 6."W Fl.( ri ders st. No small children. Call Mar. .!. Mr Delta. Ma.LEANS CAM P. OSVVKUO LAKE Hummer cottages for rent by month Or irason. See caretaker on groUn-U UKACTIKl'L tf-rooin boine. Iireulse. lur- nace. piano, tt., reaaonablr. 730 East mu r o slue st. NICELY furnUheU 6-room tou-e for ren nice ard; rttcrem ert nquittJ : rent I 1'hone Auto. J.V.-j n r a p no : n l nw n t MODERN 7 -room house, tuar carhne; rent $o0. Mra. C. C. Eat , 4 IUMjI-.-MAL Widow -.laiu'S lady r CuUC shsre furnisned house. Kant ) 4 4 KoShi (.'IT Y. 6 room fut msited butiRaln $7." per month. Call Automalic 311-02 NICK, modern. turnihd houea. east side. Lall Woodlawn MM. FART of furnlshMJ Miouae with rlul parage. pow K. in t hS, 0-ROOM furnishd housu auitabia for t lainlltes. :4H Mt!1 St. 1X)R RENT New j-room furnllxd bin ' s'qw in LmUI oi hur-t, $ T a hi 1 r I'u HoiiMea for Kent Furniture for Httle. NAME your own terms, furniture iff room modern house for sale, leaving dtv house rents for I'-.V including watt? close in. Sellwood '-'OOrt 4'.0 ijrand iv S. CLOSi In. vry alliacnve o-room dnm stairs corner Hat: furniture new; private bast-mrui, furnace h at; leaving city; nargain. jj m 11. LEAV'INti city; must aell furnhinK". room fiat; nice home and income; leasa hold. WH 4 Everett hummer Kraorta. CAMTS1TES lor rent at Ofcwrno tjiU free wood, $. per month. bpend the surnm-r at the lake. Phone Alain M. ,Hl fotijsord bldg., I'd and Sark. L'uTTaGKS, Newton Station. Lng H(h. wash. Phone Automatic 233-41 Andrea 1131 K. Salmon, Portland. Special rates June. fiBAVI BW Very clean. we ll-f umish-d. finely located four-room bungalow, I v to Hept. .usin si'HM FOR RENT ti-rootii huui at irli. until June 1 . Phone Mra. W. U. Olbson, Sellwood 2.IHS. WANTED To rent at Sside. small tag on or near bmrd walk. Auto. All SS. More and Huttlne Tiaces. STORE FOR RENT IN EUGENE. Store for rent In the heart nf the mari street Of Eugene: bcl lo atlon In the 11 y ; 2:; teet wide bv 80 fert deep; u 1 1 a ble f"r ciothmgor anv good businrs-. rrrontie rent; pohaeesion can.oe nau rirat m June. Apply direct to owner. R M. iHsLDJkN, 6ti3 Willamette t., bugene. or. FOR RENT Excellent corner store. T.'ixlOU. with full basement, good lorn. tion. Will give lse. 3 bis dspinv windows. Good location for furniture clothing, hardware or groceries. Cad -4 0 Yamhill st. SOUTH EAST 101 tier. Last iloinnii an Third. 10ft 100 and haaement. wr trackage: will rent Inside ftOklftO aeua" stely. Strung e Co., tMltf Chamber of Commerce. 431 STARK ST Modern, sood. IikIU. I basement; steam heat, hot wster. D li. Woodward. 1"4 n Mnin 1 4:ifl. FoR DESIRAtil.K !(' in (iruprouf ware house nhone ltroalway iwj.i. FOR RENT Store. 25 Orand ave. .North. E H. Colli-. East WHflQ A STORAGE room lor rent, li.quti 43 N. 6th at. FURN1S11EI office with telephone m1 use of typewriter: $10 M per month. 102ft ChanibT of Commerce l.g, DESK room, with telephone graphic service. Phono Bdi and steno y 8715. FRONT offices, modern, in Railway c h a nge bldg. Apply room m DI-SI It.v RLE desk room. 611-1J l'iiuu building. sneHis. kti'i iiACiK for auioinobil.a or furniture. reasonable rates Apply K45 llliatne ave.. or rail Msrsbail UA, itoom , after P. M mMlK OPPOFTtNTTIFS. GKNKKAIl store, groct rirs, fce(J. hsrdi etc.: doing over vim ennuainv: iruca. fixtures: atock will invoice itl.MW: trade: good res son a for selling. Ca il Red Store. Card en Home, Dr., on O. E. Rallwey: 81IOK STORE for sale: $30,000 .tock: en or the best shoe atorea in town ot so.w populatlon. Doing good business. Owner wishes to retire. Will sell at a barsai or would consider Portland Income propp r rty. 1 1 "V Hewitt, r-veren, win, CM TV hauling contract onen for ieady. re- lab a man ptrmanenr roninn. wnu well-established. responsible Portland firm : requires purchuss of new tru k. Apply 43o Burnsida. west aide, near 1K atrcet MODKRN CAFETERIA. $".Oo0. BKST tF EWUIPMENT; LAK'JW ES TABLISHED TRADE, BEE ERNEST COOVKR WITH MARSH McCABB CO., REALTORS. 322-3-4 f All.l.M saii.. MAN to purchase Interest on gruitr.1 floor or small company jusi incorpori- In Oregon: extremely large returns pi Itlvely assured; will stand investigation. Kennv. fi-'.i Henry nidg. BARBER SHOT, one 1 hair, no others clA.; tnr ii.tu monin ciear rrni X vrir least: must aell st once.. 4'ai ; $i;.o will handle. Z. La kin. -15 Couth bldg, i A X To lake over Canadian Interest one of the best mechanical aevies ever made, going fast in this country; a rei business: will stand rigid Investigation. Kenny. 523 Henry Wdg. Pint SALE Flist-c.aes barber ehup. thr-. chairs operating: price or u inciun- alt accessories, witn long ica. r or nn ther particulars address box 474, En- .--.. rte CAUTION. HUYKHS Ifefore closing a dal of so-csllel interest in es;sDiisn-a r-e estate business, get sdvlre of Fortlsnd Reslfy Board. 421 Oregon bldg. i'tanne Rroadway Iftnj. 4 I l T V K it WlVTKll A cash business: need aesistsnee of a steady man; mostly outstna org si good profit p; $;ifio handles It. Room L I-kuin h'.iig -4IHI RESTAURANT. HALF CASH. years' 1 ". L rent A bargain. DARTER MUKRI8, 410 Ry. Kx.-n Uldg OR HALE Stoik of agsia jewirv. mounted ana unmnunien: natures; go.s location at summer resort If desired 17-18 Heaver bldg.. Oregon Cltjr BEAUTY parlor, cienrtng 20 month, a v-e lea.e: in.u wi ninnir; inr vv 1 b"et reascn for selling. Aut. A20lO. L. K m k I n s. Touch Mdp la ho k m op e 11 n i a k a ti k Ptorsce and repairing: big as. olla. tlria. etc gomd lea; a real bar gain T'rrfim "t t-kii'n h'1g AO-$ I tat WILL siart you in ruimie. atri.- fiea for Astoria. r-Ugene. MiPin, (nrai- lis and Tendeifn 'or a new proposition Room M2. 227 S " antngin KSTAl'HANT. publip msrkal locatl $I4h: $H"H will handle .1 O ;HT Ci. Tl DektjTT 1 Witt WKST HI I K garase humn'f". a iTiuiit maker; make reaannable offer; will ImWo Ford car: your opportunity TsH'r'H A Bi HY HHTAl BANT Partner wanted ; plain cooking: $2 hsn'i'eo It. Room 4"! rknni hMg. AKHKY and confectionery for sale in terminal town at a snap; living rooma In con AV Oreyonisn. RX'KR Y with living roonts; Invoice bout fisno J O. mtT fYVTII Tetetim T Mr LAPKCR1NIIN1 maenina for ca'e. 81 h t.. between -tars anq wi a. VOH QL'I' K sale, clean tng snd preaalr.g ehop, rnesp n-'H n-n si. OR SALE Half Interest In garage. In- qutre 7M First at. i'aIIKANT. rlnrllif $10 il.v. c.nrt rent frfid Md ivvatiuo. Call ilaitt 11V4,