THE MORNING OREGONIAX, " WEDNESDAY, MAY 11, 1921 18 EDUCATIONAL. MECHANICALLY inclined men wanted to investigate the NATIONAL AUTOMO TIVE SCHOOL, Los Angeles; finest equipment; personal instruction under experts; small, individual classes In all branches of the business in our bis shops; unlimited time; no looks; low - tuition and chance to earn room ana board while learning: unusual opportun itiea for good salary In few weeks and exceptional chance tor rapia aavance ment in and around Los Anireles. A FREE book specially prepared for out-of-town prospects will give you complete information concerning, tne scnooi ana the many opportunities waiting for NA TIONAL trained men. FREE employ ment denartment assures you Dosltion. Send for thin big book TODAY and learn about your opportunity, no 0011 gatlon. NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL, 81 S S. Figueroa. Los Angeles. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL Too want nothing but tbe best. Here It is. Standardized with schools . In 60 other cities. Best laboratories, best shop equipment and instructors. Actual shop practice given on real repair Jobs. Results absolutely guaranteed. The time for you to go to school is while busi ness is quiet. Prepare now for big busi ness openings in a few months. Inquire Oregon Institute of Technology. Main street at Sixth. Ex-service men get STATE AIL. Clip this ad and send it lc for beautiful -48-page catalogue. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL. Union Ave. and Wasco St. Over 300 graduates no"w holding good positions. Visitors admitted daily at 11 A. M. excepting Saturday. 136-page catalogue mailed FREE. OREGON EX-SFRVICE MEN receive $25 per month while attend ing school. COMPTOMETER SCHOOL Wanted, girls from 18 to 23 years old to learn comptometer. Firms are calling for finished operators again. Course costs you $40. For a short time you can pay $10 upon entering and $d per week until you have paid 40. See Miss Col lins. 313 .Morgan bldg. This is the only comptometer school in the state of Ore gon. WM. A. BACON. Soliciting Agent. CAUL-AM multigraphing school, which is positively the only school in the city that has the co-oneration of the American Multfgraph Sales Co.. has an opening for three pupils at day or evening prices in multigraphing. ciupsos are aiso open for registration on calculator, dictating machine, bookkeeping machine and typ lag. 405 Artisans bids. Callam Multi fraphing school. DOUBLE YOUR EARNING POWER. Advertising managers earn from J 3000 to 93U.UOO eariy. Enroll now in our night class of modern advertising and qualify tor one of the big positions. Very attractive rates and terms. Pacific school of Advertising, 60 ti to 600 Rail way Exchange bldg. STUDY MASSAGE Portland school (Inc.). 51 Selling-Hirsch bldg. Main 7736. HEM WANTED MALE. ALL MEN and boys aeeKing employment in commercial or technical lines should first go to the Y. M. O. A. advisory and employment department. This is not an employment agency, but a section of the Y. M. C A. having high standing with employers. Men who will become "Y" members nd follow instructions will b protected by absolute guarantee that they will bee u re employment or return of membership fee. Ex-service men g-t this service free. See the secretary, rooor 807. Y. M. C. A. . "WOULD you like to stop worrying about a job and get into a steady position where your income will be better than the aver age, your work a source of pride and jour future assured? Have you ordinary Intelligence, good appearance and ability I to tell the truth so it can be understood? Can you look over your past and feel that your record is clean? If so call after :3U A. M. at 2011 Oregon bldg. Ask for sales manager. 3 HIGH-GRADE MEN. USED TO SELLING. can earn big money: real leads furnished. Call 3trt Lumbermen bldg.. U to 11 A. M. A DIGNIFIED position where opportuni ties are great for live, wide-awake men with experience in soliciting account for collection. Nothing to sell. Best of commissions pait- upon receipt of busi - npxs Enclose references in first letter. stating experience. Address 1040 10th street. ChehalU, Wash. A BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN, represent ing a reliable established company; good territory : ex perience unnecessary ; we heln vou succeed : some solendid open ings now for middle-aged and elderly men. TOPPENISH NURSERY CO Toppenish. w ashington. BARBER wanted, good steady job for right man, must be first class. $30 guarantee and 60 per cent over $4, job a-ood for better than 40: union enop, hours 6 to 6, Saturdays to S. six-chair shop. Address Conrad Barber fchop, Great Falls. Mont. WANTED Energetic young man with ex perience in plumbing and heating who can assist with book work and operate a tynewriter; state experience and salarv expected. Charles Hahn. Lewiston. Idaho WANTED Married man. age 25 to 40. to represent large eastern company; city work; salary and commission; perma nent employment. B. E. Wilson, 602 Northwestern Bank b.dg. JANITOR and wife for apartment house; must be experienced and have references. Wages $75 per month, and 3-room apt CAMBRIAN APTS.. 4HA Columbia at 1-th. THREE or more marine engineers for boats plying northbound out of Seattle. Transportation furnished to Seattle. Good salaries for competent men. V 631. Oregonian WANTED A first-class hotel bookkeeper and stenographer that understands short hand. A first-class fountain man that understands all the work thoroughly. Address Hotel Seaside. Seaside. Or. POOR M AN'S PA RAUISE. $30 takes this dandy -aure tract; price tloo. terms on baiance. no interest ; good coil, water; pitch tent, cut out the rent. Knst :M."i, KBAT appearing young man for porter work at high class mountain resort. Salary $43, room and meals. Gov. Min eral Springs Hotel. Carson. Wash. CALL 630 Northwestern Bank bldg for a highly dignified, very lucrative selling proposition; large corporation. Telephone Main 3U4S. WANTED Painters, good mechanics only need apply, ideal place to work on Cu lumbfa highway. W. F. Blaesing, 283 Third street. WANTED 3 men to accompany party go ing to Old Mexico Mav 2: good oppor tunity far large or small investment. W. H Orewse, 143 K. Webster st. DISHWASHER WANTED. Must be clean, steady and experienced: state where last employed. T 646. Ore gonian WANTED Cook for restaurant. Write W. H. Brown. Silverton, Or., or phone Red 2171. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, experi enced in automobile accounts mn pre- ferrcd. Ford Dealer. The Dalles. Or. FARM hand, near Portland, able to milk cows and drive horses: permanent poM tion. AF tifta. Orpgonian. WANTED Barber for out of city, non union; $27.30 per week. AC oU9, Ore- gonian. WANTED Married man. no children, for fruit and dairy ranch. Call 504 East 0th North, after !() A. M. EXPKK1 E.NTEP man wanted for cutting and creasing department. olumTia Pa-p-:r Rov Co.. E. 23th and Holladay. WANTED Young men as news agents on Southern Pacific. Van N-oy Interstate Co., 131 N. 5th. WANT guud vaudeville acts, immediately. Apply ?1H-A. Cham, of Com, bldg. 6HHET metal workers. Apply Gunther King Co FlKST-CLAiSS all-around painter. Call after 8 A. M. Snyder, Marshall 2!M1. FJ KST-CLASS taiior, experienced on col lars and sleeves. 303 Royal bldg. WANTED First-class painter, ianis. Help Wanted SaleMiien. WANTED A salesman with ability to take charge of vacant lot and acreage de partment of retail estate firm on com mission basis; must be a hustler; pre vious experience unnecessary. A J 303 Oregonian. "WANTED Neat-appear, ng youug man to demonstrate silk hosiery line house to house; no delivery: permanent position and good pay to start. 214 Stock Ex chance. SALESMEN" for houe-to-hoiiie work on a nationally advertised phonograph ; pleasant work and good pay. Applv 11. Norton. M. Seller A Co.. 3th and Pine. SIDELINE tor salesmen ca.ltng on furni ture and hardware trade western, south ern, eastern Oregon, eastern Washington and Idaho. AV 472. Oregonian. CALL t3tl Northwestern Bank bldg for a highly dignified, very lucrative selling proposition; large corporation. Telephone Main 5643. WANT salesman with Ford and about $200 to take state agency for auto accessory. 301) Chamber of Comercc. SALESM AN 'vanted to take orders for a large eastern firm. Call between 9 and 11. "3 :id st Room :in2. SALESMAN to sell Ford trucks: nothing but live wires need apply. Robinson Smith Co.. 8th at Madison. bTOCK salenman, amaUiuig difieraat. S aeUand bld HELP WANTED MALE. Help anted Salesmen. A LARGE corporation has an opening on its sales force, man between 27 and 35, of good appearance; the man filling this position must have ability to, meet peo ple, lots of pep and be a real worker. For such a man we offer an exceptional opportunity. We will give you the neces sary training and place you in a perma nent position, where you should earn not less than $100 per week. If you have the necessary qualifications we want you. For Interview see Air. Cook, 4A)3 Spald ing building, between 10 and 12 A. M. SALESMAN WANTED. T want 1 or 2 vouni men between 25 and 3d years of age that are ambitious to become salesmen; here is an oppor tunity for connection with a large Ore gon institution managed by Portland business men of highest standing; we w.ill help you in every way to make good; it will pay you to Investigate. Call 712 Lewis bldg.. 10 to 12 A. M. Ask. for M r. St ran a h an. CANDY salesman, one that knows the line. . future assured for the right man; you will sell beside the staple goods some thing new and don't have to bother with small places; you will cater to the drug stores and better class confectioneries; letters strictly confidential. K 640. Ore gonian. WANTED Live salesman In city with or without car; also salesman covering southern Oregon who can handle side line, auto accessories for established house; must be able to furnish refer ences. S f49. Oregonian. WE WANT two ex-perienced stock, sales men to work on one of the best invest ment issues in Oregon; all common stock, backed by a board of 0 promlnen Portland business men. Call from 10 to 12. 2U2 Artisans bldg. WASTED AtigNTS. MEN WITH FORD car for work in coun try ; very liberal pay. American Fruit rower, 310 Board of Trade. AGENTS WANTED. .Benedict Nursery Co.. 183 E. S'th st. N.. Portland. Or. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED ACTIVE WiniW FOR I ; K " ER AiL WOrth. IN XUM HER COMP AN Y'S BO A R DI NG HOI-.SK k'TT4'HKN' WORK. DlriHwASH INXi. ETC WANT PARTY WHO. IS XKA T. CUE A N AND W I L1JI XG TO WORK. APPLY 10 A. M. WEDNESDAY 1117 YEON BLDG. COMPETENT young woman to do relief work ut downtown office 15 hours week; must be neat, pleasant and able to deal with public in a business manner. Acoly to man after. Wednesday A. M., Crystal Laundry, East 21st a.nd Sandy blvd. WANTED Experienced waitresses, must iovi f irf-inii experience, also experi enced chambermaids; r xptrlenced help for kitchen and cafeteria. write tuny your experience, salary expected, with room and boara mcmaea. noiei oca side. Seaside. Or. WANTED Seamstress capable of taking charge of ladies' department, experienced in both making and repairing all kinds of work, a fine position for one qualify ing ; only tjs wishing a permanent position need apply. AHyn s Cleaning and Dyeing, Grand ave. and L. Yamhill. GIRL to work from 9 to 1 2:1(0. 1:30 to 5::t0 In music reception room; will pay $10 per wk. Answer In own handwriting, with reference; state age. T tH4. Ore gon iian. - GIRL wanted, about -3, must be good cook: and wait on trade, also familiar with soda fountain, live wire, no other need apply; good salary, cascade Luncn Counter, od and Yamhill, after 2 P. M HAVE Dosition for younir lady as office assistant, must be good at figures and able to operate a typewriter; state ex perience ana give rererences, aiso salary e x pectea. r uio, uregonmn. WANTED Capable woman. 50 to 63, un incumbered, look after apts. at beach for outing for 4 months, small pay and board: no cooking, some washing. K. Cui), Oreironian. WANTED An experienced power sewing machine operator, one from a glove fac tory preferred. Apply Allyn's Cleaning and Dyeing. Grand Ave, and E. YamhilL TRAY girl for private hospital, neat, ex nerienned kitchen worker reauired: ref erences. Apply after 10 o'clock, at 61!) Love joy st. ANY GIRL in need of a mend apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home, May fair and Alexander streets. Phone Main 3430. DM car. EXPERIENCED solicitors to sell dresses, front factory to consumer; good op portunity to right parties. Elson Manu facturing Co.. 453 f6 Washington st. WANTED Stenographer, one familiar with lum-ber work Dreferred. Don't ap ply unless thoroughly competent. West Oregon Lumber Co. GIRL for general office work; must know bookkeeping and typewriting: permanent position. Reply, stating salary wanted, also experience. P .S2, Oregonian. WANTED -Neat. Intelligent girls for ush ers, between 1H and 24; must be 5 feet 5 inches or over. Apply Rivoli theater Wed.. f A M. WANTED Three experienced saleswomen for pleasant work. This will net a good' salary to woman of ability. Call at 407 U. S. Bank bldg. STENOGRAPHERS, bookkeepers, office employ. s register with the Wiliams Per sonnel Service for positions. 504 Spald inc bldg. NPKKS who want easier work than straight duty with more pay and a pro fessional future, phone Broadway 3633, Ti . Davis, for appointment. 1 to 4 P. M. WANTED Woman to take care of baby, to assist with light housework in small apt. 410 Harrison st. Apt. 36. WANTED Experienced tnarker and sort er Apply Oregon City laundry, Oregon C.ty. WANTED A lady marker: must be first c!ajss; steadv work and good wages. Model Laundry, The Dalles. Or. TEACHERS wanted, register free, at THE CLARKSTON TEACHERS AGCT.. 512 Sycamore, Clarkson. Wash. lOL'.Nb women utsair:iia emftfj ieii; i telephone operators call at rotti GUI Tt crhene ouildmg Park and Oak sts COMPETENT girl for general housework; pleasant home; all conveniences. Tabor 25SH. EXPERIENCED suit and coat salesladies. Apply between and 10. Levitt's, cor nrr 4th and Washington. COMPETENT girl for housework j cooking; .small family; reference quired, fit. Lucretia st. Main P742. WANTED Capable, attractive young wom an for magazine stand. Lobby, 1 Broad way bldg., bet. 0-11 A. M. A YOUNG girl to assist with light house work and care oi two children. Mam 5234. THE FLORENCE CjilTTENTON homo Is ready to help any girl in distress. 53 East Gllsan. "MV" car. East 316. WANTED Lady (masseuse) assistant. Oall 10 to 12 A. M.. Dr. Ghyibkl. 322 Flledner bldg. WANTED Woman for housework and darning in institution. Apply 6H5 Broad wav bldg. LADY to do few hours' work in exchange for first class piano lessons, main K:r.'. IF YOU HAVE selling aoility. we have an opening nt once. 501 Corhett bldg RESIDENCE solicitor, educational work not books. BF 64, Oregonian. GI RLS wanted between IS and 23 years. Call 3i3 Morgan bidg hee .miss col una. WANT good vaudeville acts immediately. Apply Kl'i-A. i ham, or torn, bldg. WANTED Teachers for mission school. Apply ITQt.g First st. 2 to 3 P. M. WANTED Counter girl. Apply Nicholas cafeteria. 123 6th st. MANTCTRJST wanted, experienced, in ho tel barbershop. A R 634. Oregonian. WANTED Housekeeper for small room jng house. O 643, Oregonian. Wanted Domestic. W A N T E D W oman for light house work and help with baiy : good home and wages. Mar. 1 177. 414 1 1th st., cor. Hall, apt. 3 or 4. WANTED Girl to do general housework. 3-room bungalow, wages 530. Call East 1S73. GIRL to with general housework; no vmall children. 333 E. -21sL N. E. 1702. gonittn. WANTED Young girl to assist with gen eral housework and care of child. Tabor 2741. WANTED Girl to assist with housework in small family; foreigner preferred. Phone East 2n03. EXPERIENCED maid for general house work; references. 432 Vista ave. Main 4142. Gl RL w anted for light housework. One who prefers a good home. Woodlawn 2?4. WANTED Girl to take care of children and housework; no washing and no cooking. Tabor 5734. WANTED Girl for general, housework ; good waeee: take I. J. or Broadwav car. 2!3 E. Hth N.. cor, of Clackamas. GIRL to assist In gen. housework in pleas- ant home: no cooking. East C2H0. WANTED Girl for general housework; rooking. Main ft7Sl. GIRL for Rneral housework. 1S1 23d st. N. Mar. 366. GIRL for housework; no cooking, no wash ing. 704 Loveiov. Main 247. GIRL for general housework in family if 3 adults. 70! I.ovejoy. Marshall liH4. WANTED A neat, responsible girl to help in private family. Phone East 6013. WANTED Woman to do light housework Call 6f0 First st.. 10 A. M. WANTED Girl for general housework. Salary $33 pr month. Phone East 39.V GIRL to assist with children, uq washing. HEI P WANTED FEMALE. H'h n t e d Domewtic. WANTED Competent maid for general housework. East 7976. WANTED Experienced maid for general hmtau-nT-lr - mum be neat. STOOd. DlalO cook, fond of chidren: no washing; 3 in family ; pleasant, mooern come; refer ences; $40. Main K'i4. FAMILY of adults in Trvlngton wants girl for general housework; no washing. East 19S4. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; good cook and waitress; 00ms laundry; 2 in f-amily; no furnace no Sunday dinners; references required. Mar. 4781. WANTED Competent woman to assist with second work and care of one child; references required. Apply to Mrs. D. H. Gearin, 233 Cornell Road. Phone Main 3037. - EXPERIENCED nurse to care for chil dren and assist with upstairs work; one n.-h ia wiiiinir in tro to beach: references required. Phone Main 18245. 240 St. Clair street. (Ttrt. nr mMrfle-aeert woman to do house work for man and wife and one little boy 2 years old; good wages to the right girl. . 181'B fiskc street. HELP WANTED- MA I.K OR FEMALE. AMATEURS and chorus girls wanted for vaudeville. Casino Theater. 285 Burn side st. HELP W A NT E D WIT H TN VESTMENT HAVE a good one-ton truck with very good business; will sacrifice this week. Takes about $600 to handle. See Mr. Cannon. J. O. Gray Co., 718 Dekum bldg UNUSUAL opportunity offered man exper ienced In highway bridge construction or carpenter foreman. Call room 633 Rail way Exchange. SITUATION" WANTED MALE. POULTRY-MAX. practical experience, wants work on poultry plant; understand Incubators. brooders, crate fattening, sraughtering and marketing. AF 68, Uregonlan POSITION WANTED. DAIRYMAN. Young man, 5 years' experience, wishes to get work on a dairy farm; understands the care of cattle. AG 661, Oregonian. YOUNG man, experienced auto mechanic and chauffeur, attending HOLMES BUSI NESS COLLEGE, desires work after school and evenings. Any employment acceptable. Ph o ne Broadway 3821. AN ENERGETIC Japanese boy, 18 years oia, wants a position ror nouseworic or on gardens during summer, all day work preferred. AF 674. Oregonian. ROOFS repaired and painted with Web foot paint ; references given ; Roof Sa cunty, Inc., 220 Board of Trade. Main 571. Mall 5(144. COLLEGE man, 22 years of age. desires position ror summer or permanent ir offered opportunity for advancement. S 645, Oregonian. BUSINESS college student desires posi tion as bookkeeper with chance of ad vancement; references. AF 630, Ore gonian. GliADLATE mechanic, engineer. 26. speaks w-i uia.ii. n-nRiin. jrencn ana scanama v;an languages, want position. T 643, vregoniun. OLNl man desires nonirfon ns stpnorr rapher and general office man. AE 659, oregonian. PLASTERING, cement work and stucco of an Kinas; we do repair work also; prices reasonable. Phones East 5584. East 81S0 A GOOD, steady middle-aged man would une tu bi worn in Kitcnen; neiper ior wok or pantry man, av t3, oregonian. SINGLE man wishes employment, garden Ing, take care of lawns, any kind of garaen worn; like steady work. Phone worn oo4. 317 Ivy st E. Schulz. A P A R TM El.VT Ci "WTV'E R 53 Man and wife, capable, honest and re ujvuie, want care ot apt. house. .Broad way 4 i u. EXCAVATING. C. G. BOWERS. East 8183. DIRT FOR SALE. HAVE YOUR garden work done by ezpe- nvnceu men; no joo too small, no job too urge, rnone m ain wao, Mr. Baldwin. CARPENTER, new or reoafr work -m jobs promptly done, estimates cheerfully aicu. piaiu, lauor a.w.t. ELECTRICIAN, familiar with all makes motors, starters, circuit breakers, etc. will take anything In this line. E. 8437 WANT position as night or day man In garage or private chauffeur, experienced mm icimuir. rilling juanail -li. MAN AND wife, cooks, open for position, uuum.y noiei or resort, call Mr. Jow aer. .Main uu. &ju Clay st. YOUNG man wants work; will do any thing that pays living wage. Phone oroauway oii, EXCAVATING and grading, no lob too sman or too large; an work guaran teed. Automatic 315-45. PAINTING. TINTING Reasonable, efficient work. Main 4601. apt. --. YOUNG man with Ford wishes position win uo anyinmg; go anywnere. AL oo3, MAN ITH Ford delivery car. desires wont in or out oi city. J3 U0T, Orego nian. PRINTER. EXPERIENCED AD AND JOB a. UfiiaiKKS PERMANENT POSi TION. AR G33. OREGONIAN. CARPENTER, jobbing; Dutch kitchens and uunei om a specialty. Write 434 E Burr Ft. GENERAL house painting and tinting, in it-iiui nwiK a specialty, an work first class; references. Bd wy. 4 1 82. VOUNG man desires nnn'tlon f lprkinir asst. bookkeeping or clerical work: beat oi references, rtoom I. Main 8700. v-Aivrc.N in wants your work, day or, saubjuclioo guaranteea. Kice Wdln. 3477. BY YOUNG MAN. experienced chauffpur expert driver. Call Hood hotel, Klaas TRUCK. 24 tons, wants work, or contract. Tahor 1)504. day, job ROOMS TINTED, $3; OUTSIDE PAINT ING. BDWY. 3523. ROOMS tinted 2 and $; good work and au.-iin:uon. .war. oitJi. auiu painting at your garage or mine y expert auto painter. Wdin. 4rt!7. I WILL take care of your lawn all summer ior reasonaoie cnarge. :ail Kast 1721 PAINTING, tinting, papering; good work; BRICKLAYER, buildings, boilers, fire places, anything In brick work. East 628. ALL AROUND painting Job wanted. Cai n-i oust rine ei. EXPERIENCED man wants farm work AM 6tifi. Oregonian. YOUNG man desires work of any kind paying living wage. AC 627. Oregonian. EXCAVATING Team work of all kinds. C. C. Chapell, Tabor 1709. WANTED A position as driver for truck or private car. Call Marshall 2834. JAPANESE wants work, hallboy. or .janitor. BJ 6.S. Oregonian WASH-MAN, engineer, open for position ir Oregon. R. P. Binnek. 626 East Couch. WILL care for children while parents are away: references. Woodlawn 161 1. TWO carpenters to figure on houses; pairing done. Broadway 2300. MAN WITH 214-ton Mack wants day or job work. Woodlawn 4"0fl. PLUMBER wants work, large or small jobs. East 4832. CO NC R ETE WO RK BY DAY OR CON TRACT. WDLN. 5269. CALCIMINING, East 2034. 60c an hour, you furnish. JOB AS thauffeur, driver or fair mechanic Jones. Broadway 3SSS. A STRANGER in town wishes tryout with amateur baaf hall team. R 632. Oregon i an . HOUSE painting, tinting refinishing, guar anteed. Automatic 614-43. MECHANIC desires position, thorough and reliable: 3 years' experience. East 8479. FIRST class janitor wishes a position. M 621. Oregonian. POSITION by experienced middle-aged man janitor or watchman. Tabor 8779. PLOWING and excavating done by ap pointment. promptly. Phone Tabor 851 1. HOUSE painted. 150-193; rooms tinted, $1 $5: papering. 35c roll. Woodlawn 6084. JAPANESE boy wants work washing dishes half day. AC 655. Oregonian. A-l CARPENTER, builds, repaira, finishes, contract, day. East 8368. W ILL build that bungalow or do your alterations reasonable. Tabor 25S0. PLOWING. HARROWING AND DISKING LOTS SELLWOOD 1212. PAINTING, tinting, enameling. Phone W nodlawn 2216. ask for Barnes. CARPET, linoleum laying. AuL 513-65, !32 Front si. CEMENT WORK, ALL KINDS. REA- SO.NAPL.E- "JW mnu. MARRIED man wants work of any kind; grocery experience. aj o- uregon Ian. L A W N MOW ERS sharpened. East 287. Bookkeeper. Stenographers. Office. WANTED Position where a knowledge of machinery, correspondence, office sys tem and soma typing can be utilized. AL 509. Oregonian. MARRIED man, 3fi. experienced sales and correspondence: nae nria positions 01 re gpon.ihilily. desires position. T pflfl. Ore- BOOKKEEPER. thoroughly competent. extensive experience; temporary, perma nent; ia or out city. .AR 606, Cre-onUa. h SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. ttookeeperfc. Stenograpuers. Office. Al BOOKKEEPER and cashier. 87 years old, married, with lots of experience in department and chain stores, desires po sition. Country town preferred. Can give cash bond or will invest in good busi ness. Address Henry Hester. Portland, general delivery. Salesmen. SALESMAN Now open for position, sev eral years experience; best of references. P. O. Box 233, city. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. STRONG, hearty woman, work, by day, 40c hour, not less than 5 hours, wash ing, ironing, cleaning; reference. Mar- ttha.II SV6. .MIDDLE-AGED lady. reliable. wishes housekeeping for gentleman or cooking on ranch; reasonable wages expected. AK 64o. Oregonian. . REFINED girl, fond of children, excel lent cook, will motor to California with family in return for services. AR 632. Oregonian. YOUNG woman with boy 3 years will keen house for man or men where husband can board; experienced cook. AF 632. Oregonian. GOOD strong boy, aged 15, wants place to work on term, can milk. AG 640, Ore gonian, . LADY with baby will keep house for wid ower and children: no foreigner. Call or write 656 E. 20th st. LACE AND SILK SCUlM AND MAR QUISETTE CURTAINS aua up like new. Will call. East 8313. tEFI NED WOM A N W A NTS EM PLOY MENT MORNINGS. AN 633, OREGO NIAN. LADY to assist with housework In plain or Christian family, some wages. Call Main 7876 between 8:30 and 12 A. M. LADY- wants huusecleanmg, waaning. other - work; good work guaranteed. Wood lawn 6305. GJRL wants position 3 or 4 nighta week playing in movie theater; experienced. AM HK3. Oregonian. . WANTED Board, room and some wages for services of school girl. AF 073, Or egonian. . LADY will care for children afternoons or evenings; references. Call 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. East 5017. . MARRIED woman would like to take care of small rooming-house. AG 654. Ore gonian. EDUCATED, reflned woman desires posi tion as housekeeper; widower; city or country: references. AM 633. Oregonian. HOUSE cleaning, four hours, Thursday or Friday morning. Mrs. Evenson. Main 'list. 3-h? hour. EXPERIENCED laundress wants washing and ironing by the day. Marshall 3030. CUOTPETELVT laundress wishes work; erences. Wood lawn 1611. ref- HOt'S EOL E A N I NG wanted; 40c hour. and laundry work Call Auto. ejS-Ot. CLEANING, window washing, laundry. Mrs. Christensen. Main 8122. CURTAINS hand launaered. Work guar anteed. Phone Wdln. 3774. LACE CURTAINS HAND LAUNDERED. 11 YEARS EXPERIENCE. EAST 6116. WOMAN wants day work Wednesday, Thursday. Broadway S34U, room VJ. COMPETENT child's nurse from New York wants position. K 639. Oregonian. WANTED Day work first of week; coi ored. Call East 3311. SCHOOLGIRL wants position as nurse girl evenings or afternoon. East 2332! LADY teacher will give piano lessans, $1 an hour. Wdln. 5326. RELIABLE woman wants day work; do anything. Mar. 3ul3, apt. 3. WILL care for children while parents are away: references. Woodlawn 1611. LAUNDRY done beautifully at my homo. Main 9132. LADY wants day work. Call Eaat 5361. WOMAN wants day work. Broadway .3423. Bookcepers. Stenographers. Uffice. EFFICIENT secretary desires posi tion, small office preferred; can take charge of bookkeeping, cor respondence, filing, etc., and gen eral office management. Phone Mala 8196. BOOKKEEPER and typist with cashier experience; will consider out-of-town position; city references. Sellwood 3486 or write BF 614, Oregonian. POSrTTaN in ofrice by young girl with some experience: can furnish references; start with moderate salary. Wdln. 2326 after a P. 31. YOL'NG woman desires general office work; has had several years' experience; also good cushler. Call room 343 Ranaapo hotel. PUBLIC - STENOGRAPHER. Either shorthand or direct dictation to typewriter; expert in ail lines. Main 3109. ?400 BUYS 2 lots in Santa Rosa Park ad dition, Rose City street car. 909 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Main 3485. THOROUGHLY competent and reliable stenographer desires immediate position; ten years' experience, 31 ar. 3U28. YOUNG lady, experienced bookkeeper and typist; references; permanent or tem porary. Sellwood 3721. YOUNG LADY wants clerical position; good reft-rences. Tabor 4931. YOUNG lady, experienced, wants general onice or clerical position. laDor -oa. Dressmakers. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sew Ing. day nr tHke home. Aut. 618-7H. LADIES garments altereu and re I U ted. L Keuoin, tailor, 408 Bush & Lane bldg. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker wants sewing by day; reasonable. W oodlawn JhvA. DRESSMAKING All kinds. reasonable. 422 6 Morrison St., room 6. upstairs. DRESSMAKING by the day; aatisiaction guaranteed. Tabor 1324. DRESSMAKING and furs altered and re- lined at my home. Broadway 3383. DRESSMAKING Work guaranteed; prices reasonable. MarFhall 2S14. WE MAKE smart dresses, blouses and un- derwear; prices right. Automatic 327-04. Nurses. MATERNITY and surgical hospital, 1095 Williams ave. Normal confinement cases taken care of for less than half the usual charges: cases include drugs, dressings, licensed physicians service two weeks' hospital care, all for $40. Phone Woodlawn 166. SWEDISH MASSAGE treatments In your own home: ladies only : physicians' rec ommendations. Woodlawn 978 for ap- polntments. CONVALESCENT patients taken care of in private home by practical nurse; large nicely furnished rooms; best of home cooking. Sellwood 1068. REFINED, responsible lady would like position at beach, summer months, car ing for children. AV 731. Oregonian. NURSE takes maternity cases in her home. Best of care. East 868. . TRATNED nurse will taKe any kind of case. Rm. 18. East 849: yi.j per ween. Housekeepers. WANTED A position as housekeeper for batchelor or widower, or as nurse ror small children; experienced. Address A. M. B., care R. H. Graves, Cherry G r o v p. Or. RELIABLE middle-aged woman wants cooking or housekeeping, city or out; no laundry. AG 630, Oregonian. HOUSEKEEPING, 2 or 3 men, farm or town: $20 montn; am capame anywnere. A F 662. Oregonian. YOUNG lady with boy 4 wishes position hj housekeeper for gentiem-an. uaii iwu Schuyler st. WORK wanted by. the day, washing or cleaning. Phone .Mar. 45. HouHerleanlng. A NEAT, economical widow wishes place to keep house tor widower, country or city: no objection to children. AF 652. Oregonian. KlTREKA HOUSE CLEANING CO. Floor waxing, window cleaning and vacuum work. etc. Phone 626-91. WA NT E f TO KENT. Houses. RENTAL BUREAU. List your bouses, fiats or apartments with us; quick results and good tenanta PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. LOANS SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. 63 Fourth SL. Opp. Multnomah botaL Phone Broadway 3715. WE HAVE several dozen first-class, re liable people wishing to rent houses by the month or on lease. Iet us have yours, quick results. See Mr. Pomroy, with THOMSON. 620 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4SS0. PRIVATE PARTY. 0 or 7-room house, or bungalow by responsible party permanently located in Portland. AL 665. Oregonian. WANTED t or 3-room furnished 'bunga low with sleeping porch, yard with trees; guarantee best of care: references; rent not over t"". AM KKi. Oregonian. WANTED To rent, before June 1. by re sponsible family. 5-room moderately priced modern bungalow; preferably w I th garajg e. A F 6.6. Oregon tan. WANTED To rent by responsible family. 5 or 6 -room house by the lrtth of this month. Rosenthal. Main 6t)i, ' WANTED By June 1st, responsible couple, 6 or 6-room furnished modern house, close In. Box 633. Vancouver. Wash. BT RESPONSIBLE party, or 6-room nous; must be modern with yard; good local! tv. Auto. 231-25. tt" v T" in mnt ft nr i.rcnm mndftrn hun galow by June L BD 449. Oregonian. t WANTED TO BENT. MODERN buiigaSow " in desirable location; permanent if suitable; references given. Phone Broadway jtS. 3 OR 4-ROOM furnished house by couple; not too far out. Call Sell. 2340 evenings. Rooms With Board. 2 YOUNG business men with best of ref erences, wish board and room with pri vate family in vicinity of -tith and East Gli.san. Call East 4179. . LADY wants pleasant place to board where her diet can be taken care of. West side. AR 633, Oregonian. YOUNG man would like room and two meals, garage; references. AF 633. Ore gonian. , LADY wants light housework in exchange for self and husband's room and board. Wood lawn 40S6. room 12. Business Places. WANTED TO RENT Good shop that is connected with first-class garage; can furnish best of references. AF 634, Ore gonian. WANTED To share office and telephone, preferaibly in Ky. Ex. bldg. Tel. Main 4428. FOR RENT. ROOMS, 1st floor, including hot and cold water, electric lights, heat and telephone; beautiful lawn, trees and flowers, 15-min. walk to M. F. store. Suitable for 2 or 3 adulta; $40 per mo. Phone Bdwy. 4046. h urnished Rooms. THE NEW AMERICAN HOTEL. 92 N. THIRD ST.. COR. FLANDERS 127 rooms that have been thoroughly cleaned and newly furnished. Plenty of hot water at all hours of the day or night; good bath tubs, eleva tor service. Special rates to permanent guests. GIVE US A TRTAL. Our motto is: "To Please You. At moderate prices; strictly American. ED W. K. GODDARD, Manager. HOTEL NORTON, 32TH AND MORRISON. All outside rooms, American or Eu ropean plan., rates reasonable; meals un excelled; service excellent, convenient location; we cater especially to tran sients ' HOTEL FRANKLIN. Washington at 13th. Rates by the week, $5.50 and up; hot and cold running water, hot-water heating system; tub and shower baths. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST. AT EAST 6TH QUIET. DIGNIFIED AND REFINED. $1.25 PER DAY, $6 PEH WK. AND UP. CONVENIENT ALL-NIGHT GARAGES. ANGELA HOTEL, 623 Washington st. Large lobby, automatic elevator phone and running water in each room; rooms with or without baths; $5.50 week up; excellent home-cooked meals next door. VERY CHOICE. Light outside rooms with bath; also auite with bath for reined business lady or gentleman; references required. Mar shall 2&6U. FIRST-CLASS rooms, also sleeping porch, suitable for two; hot and cold water in rooms, furnace heat, free phone. Bdwy. 1796. 57 Trinity Place. LADY, employed during cay, wishes to rent furnished room to employed lady or gentleman; kitchen privileges; west side, close in. Main 3307, after 3 P. M. MODERN, attractive front room, newly furnished throughout: suitable for two people; kitchen privileges if desired. 70 Lucretia st. Marshall 2i35. HOTEL CONRADTNE. 22 N. 10th St.. 2 blocks north of Washington st. ; pleasant rooms and suites at very reaaonble rates by day or week. WASHINGTON HOTEL. . 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suites at reason able rate by week or month. HI LLCREoT HOTEL. 733 WASH. ST. Rooms from $5 per week and up: tran sient $1 per day and up; free phone and bath. HOTEL MATHIESEN, 204 COLUMBIA. . Brtck bldg.. nice lobby; steam beat, hot and cold water in every room, elevator runs day and night; rooms. 75c up. TAIT HOTEL, corner 12th and Stark sts.; modern, all outside rooms: rates without bath $3 to $7 per week; private bath $3 to 110 per week. HOTEL OCKLEY Morrison sL at 10th, II day. weekly 93 and up. Free phone and baths, steam heat. ST. PAUL hotel, 130 Fourth st. Clean, respectable, modern, transient. $1 up Rates to permanent guesta. 1 SINGLE furnished housekeeping room, also small sleeping room, walking dis tance. 221 W. Park. HOTEL BARR. 112 N. Sixth. 2 blocks of depot. $1 per day. $5 per week and up. WEAVER HOTEL. 70S WASH. STREET. BOOMS WITH BATH, BY WEEK OR MO N TH: REASONABLE BUSHMARK, Washington su, corner 17th, clean, modern, steam heated rooms; rs epectftble. $4 per week up. li DAY. $2.50 W EEiv, up; clean; tatha free. Hotel Cadillac, Ha near Jefferson. FURNISHED rooms, 470 Columbia st. single and double. ROOM MATES to share suite, young men. 595 Glisan. Broadway 1803. Furnished Koom tn Private Family. LARGE front room, ivory furnishings, twin beds. bath, phone, laundry priv ileges. Dian'o. breakfast If wanted, beau tiful home, large snady grounds: 2 or 3 girls preferred. 411 look ave. jJd-iu. TWO GENTLEMEN with references, want ed who would appreciate a really clean room, home privileges, twin beds, light tront corner room, warning aistance. Marshall -3891. WEST SfDE Newly finished, extra nice room, modern, electric grill pm uege u desired : reasonable ; rerlned lady, em- pioyed. 3t iitn. .Main m-u. LA RGE room, strictly clean, suitable to nni or Inn: cIoaa in. west side. 34ti Co! lejre at., near Broadway, Phone Main 66 PRETTILY furnished bedroom, phone and water, convenient: come and see tnis, walking distance; rent very reasonable. 492 Market. LARGE front room In clean home; no other roomers; meals if desired; home like place for gentleman or couple em ployed. East 8469. 29 East 18th at. N. NOB HILL, walking distance, rooms for gentlemen; one $lu per mo., third floor: one with refined room mate, $20, second floor. 84 N. 21st cor. Everett. ("OR MAN accustomed to nice things, cozy front room; quiet, modern. 362 Park. Marshall 1780. VERY clean newly papered sleeping room for rent; only $10 a month. 500 Jeffer son s t. , near 14th. Main 62 SS. IRVINGTON. Beautiful corner room, well-furnished, suitable for two. East 4442. NICE room, bath, phone, etc.; very rea sonable; 1 block to Mississippi car; ga rage if de-slred. Woodlawn 4375. ROOM to rent in modern flat, close Tn, to lady who will be at home some evenimrs a week with girl i6. boy 4. Mar. 230. NICELY furnished front room, close in, heat, bath and phone ; very desirable and reasonable. 301 14th. Auto. 521-64. FURNISHED room for rent, reasonable, on 22d and Kearney, to lady assisting with children evenings. Marshall 2386. LIGHT, airy room, all conveniences, close to business center. 214 11th st. Phone Marshall 964. FINE young lady walking distance. :o share apartment. Main 68 So, after 6 P. M. t a nv i. in nice horn- would rent fe. 17C.j " " i,j .. " nished room to lady employed; kitchen. East biS.V CLEAN. comfortable Mar. 4423. room, references. FURNISHED rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water. 26tf M Fifth street. ROOM for gentleman; W. S.; ref. 729 Gli san st. Marsh. 3U3. GLEAN, light room, close In, SS2 Ross st 2 blocks Broadway bridge. PLEASANT room with steeping porch for gentleman : weat side: refs. Bdwy. 43C:. NICELY furnished room, beautiful home. wept side, walking distance. 215 14th. H. K. ROOMS, walking distance. East 57117. Mrs. Wilcox. JUST tinted, cozy room, furnace heat, near garage. East 7060. ROOM in private family, with or without breaKtast. Al J. uregonian. FURNISHED room for rent, close in. 2s3 Larrahpp st. Kast 3HJft. LARGE, cheerful room, quiet refined home. Housekeeping priv! leges. Marshall 3735. LARGE, pleasant room with all conveni ences, suitable for 1 or 2. 303 1 Ith. $12. 50- NICE room near Broadway bridge, Sll1; Rossr street. Koonu With Boavra. CAMPBELL He TEL, 23D AND HOYT STREETS, CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known reside ntla hotels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with cr without bats. $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. NORTON! A HOTEL, For nana s aowntown high-class family hole:; rooms en sui's or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the com'orta ot a born, reason a I rate. RESIDENTIAL HOTEL Hot and cold water in rooms: heat. clo.e to business center; room. Main 631; 332 10th st. steam dining CHILDREN boarded: good yard, special care for sickly cniiaren; reaiouaoie. Den. wood 354L FOR BENT. Rooms With Board. ROOM and board for business gtrla; all mcdsrn conveniences; walking distance; to per week. Auto. 2194. 12 K 7th gt. Rooms With Board tn Private Family., ROOM and board for two refined young ladies or two younir men) employed, "modern house, one block from Rose City car. Eat 8440. OUT IN THE COUNTRY Where all day long Kiddies' hearts are full of song. Where plenty of milk and best ol cars With lots of love la baby'a share. Ages 2 to 8 years. For particulars write Box 120. R. L Boring, Oregon. , LARGE, lieht front room. 2 closets, beds, excellent home cooking, furnace heat, hot and cold water: auiet neigh borhood; suitable for 2 gentlemen or employed couple. Tabor 4Stf. WILL ive room and board to anyone wh dcMirHM but refined homellk I also nerve well-cooked, whole some meals. Call 26S Ivy St.. or phone Woodlawn 1002 . Rt.:nrrrvniT.v fnrn n.-m suitable for vounf ladies: Una sleeDlnc porch. 2 bed excellent meals: and alo 1 single room. 5t7U GUsan. Bdwy. 2433. WANTED 2 or 3 young men to take th nlHp at Ahnent members of my family modern home, close in. good food. East virrci.Y furnished front, corner room suitable for two; modern home, west side; reasonable rates. Phone Marshall 27SI. ROOM and board for child of 2 to 5 years of age. 118.50 month; reierences; preie girl. AV 7-4, uregoninn, ROA RF and room In a real home share targe room and also sleeping pore privileges. Jtn st. .uarsnan RVi't:Tf' lnvelv home near car. beaut ful rooms, excellent board, laundry privileges: garage. East t4.. fHOli'K NinrlA nr double rooms. 2 meal home privileges, walking distance. t Eaat S3i2. Rimvi with or without board in Drivat family. 369 E. 9th st. N. Telephone East 27S4. liKXTLKMAN wanting a home in priv family, with home privileges, call Wdln. 3337. A HOME for gentlemen, good cooking walking distance, reasonable rates. Las 84 4 5. GOOD home for 2 boys aoout 12 yean old. by Christian motner. near Tremon station ; price reasonable. Auto. 628-90. PRIVATE home for chiidren, by week or month., 714 Everett. Marsnaii 2tjj. 2 LARGE, pieasaiu rooms. t. N. East 7419. 335 E. 11th GENTLEMAN can have desirable room with board In private family. East 10J8. OOZY larKe room, suitable for 2 men, wit! meals, if desired. 414 Market, cor. 11th Furnished Apartments, ONE 3-ROOM apt., with dressing room and bath, newly kalsomined; free use of laundry, electric washer and mangle. Phone E. 372. T WU-hu. M 1 urnishcd apartment, lar, light, sunny rooms, nice back yard; n objection to child. 24a a. ia au m 1656. . SINGLE rooms. 2 and 3-room apts., fur nished: hot and cold water, steam hea each room: 412 per month up. 409 X 19th st. Phone Bdwy. 1546. WKLI.1XUTOX COURT. 521 Everett. Phone Broadway 4218. Furnished 2 rooms and bath, hardwood floors, outside rooms. MODERN 3-room furnished apartment in Sunnyside; rent $23. Auto. 226-31. 1207 East Yamhill st. 3-KuOM semi-oasement apartment; nictly furnished, light and iry. in white enam el. Price $49. 11th and Hancock. MEREDITH 4-room front, modern, steam and hot water, close in. iree pnone. jo, 22d and vN ashington ats. .-wain t u. WOULD some girl like to share apart ment? Good location, piano, etc. Mar shall 38, after a. WILL take one or two desirable girls to share fine apartment, lau uuwy. iotD, aftor 7. THE STAN Fl ELD. Modern 2-room apts.; light, phone: S22.30. Main 7:192. COMFORTABLE 2-room apartment, water in room, heat and lights furnished; rent $23. 331 W. ParK st. NICE furnished apt. of 2 large rooms.- nico light and airy; price is rigni. ko ana iii:TH a M fTUN APTS.. 414 luTH ST. Outside apts., 3 and 4 rooms, $55 and up. Marshall r-'Ou. 31am aioa. LUCRETIA C UL'KT. 3-room, unfurnished semi-basement apt.; 35. Marshall 1513. BuZANTA Nicely furnished 3-room apt. and bath. 189 X. 23d st. Phone Mar shall 2945. OAKt IlLU it and 4 rooms, sleeping porch, newly tinted. 361 Failing st., 1 block west Union, wooaiawn -ttip--. NICELY furnished 3-room apt., private phone and bath. 624 Marshall. Broad' way 3851. SAN MARCO. EAST 8TH and COUCH ft-ROOM MODERN APT., $45. EAST 2312. LEEDS apts.. 210 Market street; modern ' and 3-room apts., close in, low rent Phone Marshall 3597. $25 MONTH for 2-room furnished apt., modern except Data, vvarrenton Apts., 402 m Third su ONE EACH, 4 and 2-room lovely apts. fine home for refined people. Chelten ham. 19th and Northrup KKLCE APTS.. 25TH AND NORTHRUP 6-room, steam heat, janitor servlca; f ron t and rear porcnes r.ast l.ti.u. knu RENT 2-rm. fur. apt., neat a clean, $4 to $6 per wk. City Hall Apts., 2 i I O t n 91., QPiwrrn .udiii nu .viauisnn TWO-KUUil apt., with bath and dressing room, including phone, unapman apts., 353 Chapman street. FURNISHED 2-rooin. with bath, outside apt. Wellington Court, 15th and Everett. Bdwy. 4218. SUN-LIGHT apt.. 3-room furnished apt. with bath, phone and heat: 3.50. Tabor "63. ONE 3-ROOM furnished and 1 3-room un furnished apt., east side, walking dis-tam-e. AK 5S6, Oregonian. I N O WLV KR'S h om e . 215 11th St. . Main S67S. one block Central library. 1 roots and kitchenette: adults. THE J EFFERSONIAN. cor. lth and Jef ferson ; basement 3-room suite, bright pleasant rooms, private entrance. 3-ROOM furnished apt.. private bath. stam heat. ;umuns Wash. Call Mar. 1S4. ipts., 20th and MA BELLE APTS., Jefferson and '11th, nice 2 and 3 rooms, furnished, all cort ypniences. rent reasonable. FURNISHED. 3-room apartment, outside, hardwood floors. Chetopa apts. Broadway 4936. FURNISHED 3-room- apt. for rent for 3 months. Strong & MacNaughton, Main 815. COZY 3-room. modern furnished apt. for rent reasonable. Call after 6 P. M.. 3hl Fifth st. ATTRACTIVE modern outside 2-roo-n Bdwy. apartments, 1 wanting aisiance. 4914. LEONCE APTS. Front apt., new furnishings. Nob Hill district. 16 N. 22d st. Mar. 2250. 4-ROOM furnished, private bath, ground floor, best neignDornooa. rnone Aiam 742. . FURNISHED basement apt., heat, gas. light, for a few hours' work; suitable for man and wife. 454 11th st. BU-SINESS woman to share apl. with 1 separate beds. V 645, Oregonian. WEST SIDE 3-room apt., furnished, Wat, heat and phone, reasonable. Main 467' 3-ROOM furnished apt. on first floor. 341 Hall stre et. 3-ROOM apt., furnished, water, heat nhone, reasonable. Main 467f. MODERN 1-3-4-room apts.; rent. 71 Grand ave. N. TWO-ROOM modern apartments at reason able rate. 414 Jefferson st. FURNISHED outside apts.. 2 and 3 looms. 14 Grand ave. N. Phone Eaut 7451. GLEN COURT, 202 Park st.. cor. Taylor. One and two rooms. Main 1T61. NICE modern 2-room apt. Alco Apts.. C0Uch and Union ave. Reasonable. NEW YORK apartment. 7tn and Bel- mont: 1 ana - mnim.t. q-.-n. .Ja, li.DAY STOlUUJi FrtKK. Moving for less. Phone Bdwy. 2445. a ROOMS, private batn. .Beech ap.rt ments. 7A3 Willtamw ave. UNION AVE. and KillinRsworth; 2 1.60, ail complete, concrete bulding. JULIANA APTS.. 4i Trinity place, 2 and 3-ROOM apt., private bath, $3i per month. Todd apts.. corner E. 12th and Stark. ELBRIDtiU apts-, 274 N. 21st st. 2 ar.d 3 room furnished apts. Hrnadway 4730. MOUKRN 3-rcom and 2-room got E. Couch st. E. 17H6. 4-o FRONT apts, 3 and 4 rooms; nicely fur n Is bed w 20 E.6 1 h N. East "401. TH B ALKRBT Furnished ant. : steam heat, private bath. SlO's MigtoUttlppi ave 3-ROOM front apt., strictly modern. $45 .'.-3 E. lKth. Sell. 31 UK. Clinton api-. 4 ROOMS and private bath; also 2 rooma. Kat "'.v AND 3-ROOM furnished apt?., light and modern. Arline Apts. Broadway 1S12. 3-ROOM furnished apartment with private hath. 3n. S2 Ea.t A"h st. DR1CKFTON apartments, 448 Uth, 1 mod em 2-room apartment. j luoderu apu 430 Morrison, FOR RENT. Fnrn lherf A part rarnta. STKLWLN APTS. HIGH CLASS. Resident and summer horns for tran sient and tourist, handsomest furnish -1 apts. In the city; no objection to child under 2 years; 1 to 5-ruom apts.. with sleeping porch; we also have bachelor apts. and service; si nine rooms and bath for refined gentlemen; references re quired. Marshall 2830. 166 St. Clair St.. corner WawhlnKton. . THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Streets. Five minutes' walk to Meier A Frank store; good surround. ng, strictly mod ern 2 and 3 -room furnished apt, out side, with French doors and baloonj Permanent and t ran;-lent. BONNIE BUAE APTS. Have a few vacancies upon which we .win make summer rates, rrom - up. All new-iv rmnvutt-d. calclmined and P pered; some with sleeping porches; coo' and Invltlna. nicety furnished. 11th and Hancock. East 4619. BUENA VISTA APT. 8 -room strictly modern, furnlihed apt.; newly papered in tapeMry; Died bs tb rooms and ouitlde kitchan, ti. Adults. Main 1032. THE WHEELO.'N ANN LX. Cor. 10th and Salmon. RESIDENCE OR TRANSIENT APTS. 3. 8 and 4 rooms, an apt. bote) of superior character wrere your cum ron ana convenience are first coaaiUTatiun. CAMBRIAN APARTMENTS. 433 COLUMBIA AT 12TH. Beautifully furnished ihres-room apt. all outside, two built-in be da. two drras Ing rooms; modern throughout; rale 170. References. K1NOSBURV APARTMENTS. 186 Vista ave., near 23d and Vah Ingtun. High-class apartment hoUK; one 8-room furnished in wicker furniture. 2 itappeariug bid; outside balcony; very im view, call .Mam dSsn. JUSLUP HALL APTS. 410I4 Hawthorne ave.. near Orand ave 3-room apartments, strictly modern and Dcauuruiiy clean, 13.1 to s-td montn walking distune. Kiit HS2. CHE LT EN HAM AP A KTil ENTS. 2 and 4-room, hardwood floors, ntre rurnistiings, some new;- also bar he apartments, with servica id one --room in nasenu-nt. 1:1m ana .urinrupJ SHEFFIELD APTS. Broadway and Jefferson. modern 3-room apt., 2 disappearing beds, free pnone; also 4-room corner apt., execp- tionally well furnished. 1'HE JACKSOS, ol Union ave. N., mod ern 3-room apt., private bath, steam heat; li mlnutiis' waik to 0th and Alder; adults oniy. East 2S 4 J THREE completely furniolicd rooms, first floor; furnace, fireplace, large kitchen ; only reliable people considered. Mar shall 281 S. 3-KUOM corner apt.. light and airy kitchen, large enough to eat In; private bath, good car line. Nob Hill district. 14U North 2:id st. Marshall 21MI0. LU CRE Ti A COURT. 4-room, nicely furnished front apt. ; hardwood floors; $B5; adults; references. Marshall l.M.'J. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. Three-room, strictly modern, elevator, tile bath. 11th and Montgomery. Main 3o9. BRIGHT, unu, two-room apt., will, laige pantry; also clean, comfortable rooms: close in, west side, quiet place. 206 17th street. BUCKINGHAM HOTEL. .i2 'a WASH. Cosy, clean rooms to permanent gut-ts $5 per week up. Free phone and bath. transient II per day and up N-lCEtLY furnished two and four-room apartment, ;io and $47.00 tine loca tion, easy walking distance loth and Harrison. M:iin 2 ISO. VERY pleasant 3-room apt., nicely tar nished, modern; large rooms, desirable location, walking distance, A-t month. 5S North 20th st. Broadway :471). lafurnisbetlApartiuenta. KINGSBURY apartments. 1 Vista ave.. near 23d and Washington its.: hlgh-c.aj apartment house, one three-room wun large livinr room and disappearing bed, aiso nas real nearoom ana outaia nai cony; available May 3 Can be seen UNKURNISH El. Nice 4-room apartment, newly paint ed and tinted ; easy walking distance rrom businena district. Chetopa apu Broadway 4136. XING ALBERT APARTMENTS. Three-room strictly modern, elevator, tile bath. 11th and Montgomery. Main 3Mi. DANDY 3-room apt., with dressing room and bath on lat floor. If you want an apt. at a reasonable price call Etna Apts. E. 37.S. 6-ROOM front apt., all ouitude, auutiy rooms, front balcony; large porch, second floor. Irving apts., 21st ana irving. Main P2:iJ. IONIAN COURT. lhTH AND COUCH. 4-room modern, front, corner apt, 1-3 room apt.; adulta. Phun Bdwy. 27fll 3-ROOM unf urn tahed auartinent. aU heat, waveriy court, iiast -uin and Clinton sts HAWTHORN APTS. One 3-room modern, unfurnished 231 12th st, WELLINGTON COURT 15th and Everett. Phone Broadway 421H. 1 4-r. apl. and bath, unfurnmhed KING'S HILL APTS. One nice tf-room unfurnished apt.; ref erences required. 171 King at. Main THE MARLBOROUGH K-wora modern ant. 2lst and Klaiuiers. Mam i-uu. KRONt, unfurnished 4-room apt., balcony 1 1 H nover Apts.. aiarsnm .ww. 3-KOOM unfurnistied apt. with porch. Su Clair st. Mar. .t.o. rurnlahrd or I niurniwhed Apartmenta. THE DEZEN UUHk A PI' 5 tzuS lULli near Tavlor. S.ronm idL. 2 full bed-uonu and dis- ap. bed tn living room; all outMdc rooms. JAEGER APTS., 701 Washington, ona fur nished and on unfurnished apu SHEFFIELD APTS. 3 and 4 rooms, furnished or unfur nished freephonALin! FOR RENT A 3-room apt. furniahed. or unrurniahed. ea irving at . uaracr apu Data. LAT B at oJ(i Vista ave. rooms and sleeping porvh, newly tinted and dec oraled: hot air heating plant: rent ..." Portland Heights. Call Metxger-Parker Co.. 2tt! Oak st. Phone bdwy. EV 4-hOOM flat, west side, good view hth. tnis ranee, water healer, new lino leum. liKht fixtures, with garage. Call at 3i! l'.Uh at. Main MM I. i l-ROOM modern lower fiat. ga range, hot water heater, linoleum. J.M 2d, between Haasalo and Multno mah: adults. ROOM lower flat with garage. 401 East 5Hh st., $ao per month. waaeiiciu, Frleg & Co.. P. 4th St. IRVINGTON'. to leaf?. t-room modern lower nat. '. wi- nancoea street. FLAT for rent and furniture for aalc. oMS Montgomery Bt. Automatic .-'- n. ROOMS, funihed complete. 57i S Est Burn;ide. corner 14th. Ft.rnlf.hed Flat. ALL OUTSIDE rooms. c;ean. modern, en closed sleeping porch, batn. rrom oai cony, fine view, private basement, fur nace, water, cars of garbage; wrt side; walking distance; adults; reference 44 Hall Ft., near 13th NEAT 4-rooiu fUt. gut, stationary tubi in kitchen, wttlkinir distance; $30 in cluding water. 44 Rodney, corner Tilla mook. FLAT for rent, furniture for bargain; walking distance; 31 ."ith st aala at a desirable. WEST SIDE Finest view lower f'at. nicely furnished, larite porchc; walking distance; adults. Sellwood 1370. BEAUTIFULLY furnished lower 5-room flat; Includes water, lights, fuel, tcle phone and garage. Prlt-c S't.'t. Etiht 4S17. COM P LET ELY furnished ft-room flat, central, for rent, t'M; furniture for sale. Main 4.8. FURNISH ED 4-room upper flat; 11c .ver, bed or table linen. 130; caJl P. M. 77f Overlook hldir. Ml- iter 4-ROOM furnished lower fiat; Rood loca tion; modern, clean, piano, phone; adulta. Phone East 4707. Jhh Fargo st. FURNISH KD 4-rooiu fiat. J 41 E. 30th. nmr Belmont. Spewr. 1001 Helninnt si. MODERN 6-rwnn, walking rti.tanre bewut 1 fully t urnlkhed, eH.t aide. Kot FI VK-ROOM fall Miiln Mat. completely M10. FURNISHED fi-room flat. 314 Uugene st. Phone East fi68. TH REK-UUOM flat, modern; no children, ,riMl ICaft --d bt. MODERN 5-room. beaut Ifuliy furn mlied, walking dktane, eam gid. Fat :s'V.'. M" tpERN furnished uoper 4-room fl adults. 11 E. nth ut. X. Tabor 1S71. 4-ROOM furnished fiat with heal. Morrison. FURNISHED 4 - room f la t, t0 Main tHH2. HouieKeeplng Rooms. TWO I.liiHT, airy H. K. rooma. 2 bed suitahl" for 3 adults. 300 I2tli lre-t. SINiil.K airy II. 1. room for gentleman, everything furnished. ItOfl 12th tree. HOUSES K EPlN'i fre phone. 4M riH'in, prlvutt lavatoi fourth atreet 1 AND 3-ROOM apt, hot, coid wal Phone, bath ff" N. 20th. Broadway 4 12 CLEAN h. k. rooma; aio basement room "ll after 11. No children, .'4 N IHrh at TWO- ROOM furnir-hed week. 312 Columbia. I.ARUK rooma. modern ; w alking, near preadwav. ;ts2 E. 1st. NICK H. K. room, htfht, phone and bath, b". Burneidc. Kast 3oa4. 1 FOR ft K.N T. Houm-keening Htmm. SINiil.K roomt, a to $4 50. Includin ltahtK. hot. bath, phone and uw if iMundry: nmo mi for choking; 3 rnwi $5 ,'tO; wnlktnK distance. Hi-n.lrUks apts., MO K!nnd m Hrodwt;y Hit.V CUT IN RENTS A splendidly furnished 2 or 8-rooni apt., first floor, modern, clean and tiitht. ysrd, walking (liitunc. Mrnadway aif5. No objection 10 chl. d re n . Ft' R N 1SH1TD h. a. rooms, 1 room wit a kttchvnetie. hot and crU water; nrlvat phone, eiectrto lights. stm heat. S minutes' walk, to town, littl Columbia, nt'ar ,Vh. ONE 2-ROOM suite, one ingi houae. keeping room, one sleeping rom ; hot and cold tT and ht t. phone. Rat, fr. Yamhill st. Msruhall l.T.'J. Kt KNlSiiEl hiuftra'f puK room fur rmt, single or double, rent very rr-nnbl ; A minutes tn business centrr. 03 i Evtrrtt ft., corner 2iMh. Hul'SKK KEPINO and aln ping ronni newly icnovattd. 12 .U per week and 2-2 S ' 'rosl-y. up NICELY fjrniaht-d houaeke jmg room, $7 per weik. Including heal, light and phnnc. 1U4 17th at. N ONE HOI SK KEEPING room rMnr. fli.ot). Northampton 4 21 n ground . Ma. a Til hi 1JEA EH. Ufh and Maranali Ku- i.thed H. K. rooms, 113 up, includirg hot wafer, eiecirlc huhta. laundry room. NEAT It. k 'rooms, JS. IU. li per im7 Oi hers 4.00 up; f irat floor. Inquire 2i'i Lit h or phone" Mnin 'at even nr NICELY (ui iLioliid 11 K. r,oina fur rent. aummer ralea. S3 N. 21t at.. Nub Hill district. r.trn-r2tat and Kverett. ON K VERY large room with prnata tadi, suitable fur otic or two adults; $ Phone Hrondwny 4 -tet. NK'KLV fui iiUhc-1. cit Mil hount-kee pin room. alo tii:io; rooms. a wet , tv. KtM. autlHtjK r 2, alao U. K. room fur man, atreet. 26J 12; h J KKKEKSi i.N A I' I S h ront 2-room a pi. and Mngle h. k. rooms. 3ul Jeffcr- ko n 5l . L)-;sl It A IH.E houfci1 keeping rooms, rom plet' ly furniahed; close In, elrctrlcilj ; .'.4 N Ninth ht. Pl'RNiSNEO II. K. ruonia, amsle or suit, 12 .".0 per week and up. luike a apia, 3i4 l E .Mnrrifon. Pull RENT Three furni.-hcd, l.ght h. k. roomr 2" E. llthat. X. OXRfM ALL room, $16. Thona Droad w uy 4Q4tl. BAvijAtiE, turnlture ana piano moving. reliable ae rvlre. 1 on anna Me. K a at 14 ;t 4. $3" WEEK up, cj;iipieii furnlahrd h. a. oultrs The CadllUc. 3d nmr Jefferton Fi.M'i Large ttont II. K. room, tmd rn. rca muale. fl:t North lrh. Hdwy 2H.14. TiOlSEKEKPINU rooma. ateatn hft. 409 lltt h St., west side. Hdwy. 1 :4l blNGLE or double steam hated houaa ke p 1 n g rooms; ch ea p 147 Llth at. TWO CLE A N, com fort Mb In h. k. room; nen preferred. -n at. UNE Kt KMtiHED hou.kerptng room. 104 K Ihth. R'KNIMIKl) H. K. rooms. 31., :i 1m. week, electric ngnia TWO NICE rooms, also akngls riouia, vary rrwaoniihle. r lanarra $3 50 WEEK ip. furnlahed houaekeeping W a h I n g inn a t ., tor. ;td L. room a. -.J 'i fcOKN'rt HOTEL, oth and Morrison. 1 aud !-rooin h. K., running water 2 1UH'SKKE101IN roonia. ciemi and rea- pnnaltU'. 1,3 1 i nu r inun. now y. n.i ROOM h. k. apts-. light, a a a. phone, very reasonable. S Wleil ler. NICE room and kitrhenei te, light" heal ind phone, fl.i. KhuI f.t!'B. CLEAN houe-keeping room a. reafcorukbia. Walking dlxtum iviniy st. HoiiM-keepIng Rooma In I'rUaie Family Hi V INGTUN -tin carllrif. 2 lai k ro.ui,. small kllrhenette, roinpi teiy lurnuned; lnrge living room, fireplace, sewing ma chine; on ground floor; Urge yard, rosea, $,"iU; Includes heat, phon, hahts, watr; no children; suilHble fur nun and wire; quiet mploved people preferred. East 4:ts4. In A. M. . 2 LOVELY rooms completely furnished, parlor has 6 window n. k lu hen, 2 Urae onfS, Went sid', 10 minutt's' walk, mi, elfHtrtcit y. bath. Phone Marsha II H'.nt. 11. K. R 1 'MS, completely lurnmhi d. elec tric light, phone, laundrv room, bnt h ; children welcome. JNtt Sherman. Mar Blmll 3f3. LA Kiih room lu n Ire modern lioins w it n kitchen and srparate entram-e; !, Iittht. heat, phone free, $30. 3M 12lh st. Marshall 20l'4. LA PI ICS. front purlor. phino, with or without iouokeenmg nrlvilrgcs; modern; $.'.. nionih. ;s-l Mill. r I It.N lSH EU houBfk replug romni; all modern; private home; po children. Cull from II to 12. Esji 1.127. .MO Rodney 13ASICMKNT houm1 keeping ro well furnished, BUl table fu M;irkM st , -i.rnT 11th st 1, rl,KQ and men. tli 2 H K RUt. MS In clean American, mod ern home, for 2 adults. 67 Uilan. Mar. 31' 1 I ilUl'SKK KLl'INti rooma. elei tric lislna, heat, kb. hiith and phone. U-7 Cla.ka ma ft. Ewat I. STLAM healed h. k. f nnr. 4 4 I'olun l"; ritom; anolher fimt 2 ROOM on wiira ior; cueap. oio LA RiE front room arrang! t .r hou pe lt p j ng. M I'rinn N. Tahor W-X FR" NT housekeeping rooms. 1 ho 17th ut.. -orner Twmhill. 3 t'ti.V furni.h' d hui' keeping roonm. 1 p.-r month. leltvgrove Hdwy MEIER A FRANK'S Information and Rental bureau. Reliable, up-to-dlte 11-ts of r1etrMa vacant hntiwea. a part men Is and f lata with define information pertaining la each. Newcomer- to porlUnd wIM ftfid bureau of great value in helping them get properly and quickly locwUd. Eighth Floor. II . w 1 n- ICN K Klght-romn buinrnlow; Imrdwnftd (loAre. f replace, full "in relo baannent. fur nAio garage; lin pro ement k mII In paid near.v rw and something hue. See me and f will phow vou how ) nu ea own tli: on jwnalirr Payment than what tt wou.d cost ou If renting oU re n p II It any time and gcL bark what money vou In See r"rnnk Mithonev, wHn ("OK A Mr K K V (i 2 Kourthit. Main ft7l. GOO P. moitern. a-mom home. punan ior 5 fam ea- imru "n 1 ir, ment bement, furnsca. waah trst. extra Ill't nn lavamry, laran a-r-K- full 1 roaea. etc. .luat virilfl 127 K 3J24. ' S2d street. Main ! or labor trrn HET To reanonMhle Prl niv of n iinmori eniCKen rani n. uii"' 1 acrre. 5-room modern bunln. about 4 blocka from Multnomah station. full o wne r. M jn K 1 01 ATLAS TRANSFKR AN P BTOh Piano and furnlt'ire moving. JO davmr free jtorsge on aU hnua-hoid ""'J our new warehouse Is Olied. 104 N. t at. 7'roadttv W'lL - CALL HHOAUWAI rOK NOBTMWBHT rt.BCTniC CO. LIGHT I'OWKH H K AT. WASH I N'C.TO V AT 10TH PTRBffT. FOR RENT 10-rooin house in tiouth rort- land. o rooms lunnmni. w... nrt: will also icll furniture, BC 44, oregonian. ELK TRANSKKR AN D STORAlitt CO. 13 dav Storage free. Furnt!ure moving for If a. P'Iwt J Uyvi.Nii 1'iaiioa. lurnliure ana long -01- tance Hauling a snrciaur. - Service 'o.. 40 2d st. Phon Pdwv. MJK FOR KKNT 7-room furn.fthra or uniur- nisheri houpe; 1 icn- 01 i . t ern convenience M.irwhwll l'ej. W H K.N movi.'.g. city or country. gt the bent at WwI pric. m Main 121. 2"2H Aider at. . Oi;u utifui ninheil rooms. 3"7 Jlarneea st.. call between and 7 P. M.. or ! R RENT 5-ri'om hoiie. per n furniture onlv -'.0 If taken al once. TiimhlM. W1I L LEASE for tx monttie or one 'r f-o'ttage at l-k" Grove, OswegO lake. i0 mnmnl hldg. 2d and Pmrk. Euk Kfci.T Ail -rom houa' with in-.d- rm convfnlences. at 770 Irving L Maf he e-n frrm j In ft P. M. LA R"t E ' room modern Iioum, mrB. eett aide. Cell I2 Chamber of Comnune or Main HUH TO 1 EASE, 0 ro.uu iiouhc, rluac in, .l kinds fruit, chicken, barn, 30. Call 3- Tillamook f. MODERN 7-root h lot. garage ; t.. irty. Main ue. Pl'dmont, Urce lcaee to 5 Tti o hou-e tor rent. $21 and h H c h r furniture for sale cheap. 1& Lnlon ae. ' North. ' NM'E jdore low rent. fl. Tren hnunekeepiug r"ioa In rri". toud location. Arply 04 1 7-d ml pi :it ton ;t m t.M uni iu l d liouac, (- tt MM 1-KujM cetlafu, lid. Aula fcl t 'UU K EN T 4 r-n'tn limine, ,;rc a n chtrken hntiae. I7.-'Q. I' h on r J.a t EU". MODE II N-room honar, close in ; now MTvE.r''onia, i-l-an. ' ot r tc 1 1 y, fyr- nnrr Imjuire KHQ lirlnm avemir