TIIE MORNING OREGOXIAX, MONDAY, MAY 9, 1921 FOB RENT. Room With Board in ITivate Family. ROOM and board for two refined yonng ladies (or two young men) employed; modem house, one block from Rom City car. East 0440. OUT IN THE COUNTRY Where all day long Kiddies' hearts are full of sons;, - Where plenty of milk and best of care With lots of love is baby's share. .A fees 2 to 8 years. ' For particulars write Box 120. R. 1. coring, uregon. CLEAN room and bath, meals if desired, gentlemen only, garage, East 12th, near Washington ; adults. East 169'. Ir urnbtiied Apartment. BONXI-h. BRAb APTS. Have a few vacancies upon which we will make summer rates, from 140 up. All newly renovated, kalsomined and tanered: some with aleeotng porches; cool and inviting, nicely furnished. 11th and Hancock. East 4t?19. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Street a. Five minutes' walk to Meier A Frank's store; good surround. ngs, strictly mod ern 2 and 8 -room furnished apts, out side, with French doors and. baicon Permanent and transient. BUENA VISTA APT. 434 Harrison St. t-room strictly modern, furnished apts.; newly papered in tapestry; tiled bath rooms and outside kitchen, $65. Adults. Main 1U32. THE WHEEL. DON ANNEX, Cor. 10th and Salmon. RESIDENCE OR TRANSIENT APTS. 2. 3 and rooms, an apt. hotel of superior character where your comfort and convenience are first consideration, " 113 ST. CLAIRE. I ' 120: weH-furnished. front, light apt 1 lre room and kitchenette, heat. light, phone, bath, etc.; beautiful view of city. Alain 3816; SHEFFIELD APTS. Broadway and Jefferson. modern S-room apt., 2 disappearing beds, free phone; also 4-room corner apt., excey tionauy wen iurnisnea. HlSI-fiP H ALL APTS. sinu. HMWihnm avfl . near Grand ave S-room apartments, strictly modern and beautifully clean. $40 to $43 month. walking distance. East 8S2. k'IV(W HILL APTS. An rri n r I n na 1 1 V well arranged 5- room apt., with veranda overlooking citv: attractively furnished; reference required. Main 5744. 171 King st. . R( iOt corner ant.. lit lit and airy kitchen lane enoueh to eat in; private bath, good car line. Nob Hiii district. 140 niMRKRI.AXD APTS. S-room fur. apt., newly tinted and enameled, walking distance. West Park and Columbia. "The JACKSGS. 51 Union ave. N.. mod- ern 3-room apt., private bath, steam beat; Id minutes waiK to otn ana Aiuor hdults only. East 2846. BERKELFY APTS., 39 Trinity Place. Nice, clean 3-room apU, phone, beat. water Included in rent. 1KB STAN FIELD, 20 Porter sU mod- ern 2-room ants., light, heat, phon clean. You'U say so. J.aO and Ji Main 739-. fclNGSBCRY APTS., 186 Vista ave., near 2.td and waahincton sta. nign-ciass apt. house. One 3-room with. 2 disappearing beds, well furnished. iluDERN 2-room apartment, aiso 2-room basement apartment, under new manage ment. Haiev couae, Aiuncey aparL ment. 390 Clay st. UUCRETIA COLRT. 4-room. nicely furnished front apt. hardwood floors; $80; adults; references. Marshall loi-i. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. Three-room, strictly modern, elevator, tile bath. Uth and Montgomery. Main 309. THE JEKFERY. 2 rooms, furnished front apartment; J JO a month. Cor Russell and Kerby. Phone Ea.t l.w4. felttGHT, sunny, two-room apt., with large pantry; also clean, comfortable rooms: close in, west side, quiet place. ii08 17th street. . JiEAR Montgomery-Ward Co.. high-class board and room In private family; gen tlemen preferred; ja.oi) per week, btfu Savler st. J ROOMS, furnished, all outside, elevator, brick building, walking distance. Mont- go m e ryApt3daJidMontg 4-ROOM apt. with private bath; aduits; best view and location. Nob Hill. Bdwy. 4048. - , THE JEFFERSON IAN, cor. 16th and Jef ferson; basement S-room suite, bright, pleasant rooms, private entrance. l-KOUii front apt., strictly modern. $45 per month. Clinton apts., 523 E. 16th st, SeMwnod 3168. SC MONTH for 2-room furnishea apart ment, with private bath. Warrenton apt.. 40J1j 3d st. JNICE furnishc-d apt. of 2 large rooms, nica light and airy; price is right, go and se- for yourself. Mrs. Albee. o53 Dekum ave Y If E 1 and 2-room apartments all con veniences. reasonable. 414 Jefferson, cor. 11th. Automatic S2.V24. "J.OSELY'N APTS. H-room modern apt., bath, dressing room, disappearing bed; walking distance. 110 N. lilst at. i-ROOM furnished apt., steam heat, free phone. 1 block from 2 car lines. 843 N elson st.. near 27th and Sandy blvd. 1.KEDS apts., 210 Market street, modern V. and 3-room apts., close in; low rent. Phone Marshall 3r'7. 2CICELT furniBhed 3-room apt., private pnone and bato. 0-4 AiarsaaiL awy. iiiI!TH AMPTON APTS.. 414 10TH ST. Outside apts.. 3 and 4 .rooms, $55 and tip. Marshall .nam jioj. LL'CRETIA COURT. 3-room, unfurnished semi-basement apt.; I3.V Marshall 1513 PENINSULA APARTMENT. 2 and 3-room apartments. 1135 Al blna ave. BOZANTA Nicely furnished 3-room apt. and bath. ISO N. 23d at. Phone Mar- shall CLr.AN as a pin, tour-room apU, private bath, gas and electricity; also 2 rooms. 13'.H Russell st. East 6003. LEONCE APTS. S-room apt., new furnishing 186 N 22d st. Mar. 2250. n- h k ALHHKT Furnished, apartment; steam heat, private bath. 840 Missbi- Hippi ave. DRlCKSTON apta, 448 11th st. One 2 room basement modern apt., light and airy. ONE EACH, 4 and 2-room lovely apta, fine home for refined people. Chelten ham, litthandorthruo. t-RiinM ana.rtment. vacant May 10 phone., heat. bath. Woodlawn 497L 856 East 6th st. North- KING'S HILL APTS. On nice 4-room apt.; ref. required. 171 King st Main 5744. ; iKLCK APTS.. 23TH AND NORTHRUP. 6-room, steam heat, janitor service; front and rear porches East 1360. OR RENT 2-rm. fur. apt., neat and clean. $4 to $6 per wk. City Hall Apts.. 47 1, oth st.. between Main and Madison. TWO-ROOM apt., with bath and dressing room, including phone. Chapman apta. 355 Chapman street. FURNISHED 2 -room, with bath, outside apt. Wellington Court, 15th and Everett. Bdwy. 4ai. 1ENNIS0N APTS. Modern furnished 3 rootn. Phone Tabor $4&. FURNISHED outside apts.. 2 and 3 rooms. 14 Grand ave- N. Phone East 7451. GLEN COURT, 202 Park st.. cor. Taylor. One and two rooms. Main 1061. XICB modern 2-rooin apt. Alco Apta, E. Couch and Union ave. Reasonable. iO IT WILL pay you 10 investigate this clean. 3-r. apt.. Hawthorne. 564 1st. MODhUtN furnished two and ihree-room aoartments. 31K Bushel 1, Eaat 4S47. MERLIN APTS.. 340 Grant st. New, mod ern 2-room apt.. $25 a month. It EW YOKK apartments 7th and Bel- mont: 1 and - rooms, furnished. Eat 238. 15-DAY STORAGE t'KEB. ' Moving tor less. Phone Bdwy. 2445. S ROOMS, private bath. Beech apart ments. 7S3 Williams ave. UNION AVE. and KHlingsworlh; (2L64A all complete, concrete bulding. GARFIELD APTS- 3-room. sleeping porch. ! SOI jb,. railing. 01 oca, wtat mun OCTSIUE 2-room turmshed apt.. Harri son Court. 34 Fifth. Main M4S. DKICKSTON apartments, 448 11th. 1 mod ern 2-room apartment. JULIANA APTS.. 45 Trinity place. 2 and 3-room rurn'.snen apis .irynnn S-ROOM apt., private bath, $35 per month. Todd apts., corner B. 12th and Stark. LA RGB. desirable, clean 4-rm.. sleeping inc porch; also 2-room. 7do Hovt FoL'K rooms, furnished and unfurnished, ' west side, rates reasonable. Bdwy. 207 GRAY GABLES APTS. 2-room apartment. 2S9 10th st. ELiiRlDGE apta. 274 N. 21st st. 3 and S- rnom furnished apts. Broadway 4730. APARTMENT for rent. 58 N. 20 Lh st Brcadwny 04 i. 3-ROOM furnished apt., 8S2 East Ash. with bath; $35. MODERN 3-room and 2-room anL 425 E. Couch st. E. li6. FRONT apts . 3 and 4 rooms; nicely fur nished. 20 E. 6lh N. East 7451. ONE 2-ROOM and 1 3-room apartment for rent: close in. Chetopa ants. Bdwy. 40r6. CLEAN 2-room apartments, reasonable. ,S4.''4 Washington st. : Broadway 3449. FOR RENT. Furnished Apartments. STELWYN APTS. HIGH CLASS. Resident and summer home for tran sient and toupist, handsomest furnished apts. in the city; no objection to child under 2 years; 1 to 5-room apts.. with sleeping porch; we also have bachelor apts. and service; single rooms and bath for refined gentlemen: references re quired. Marshall 230. 166 St. Clair St., comer Washington. . BEAUTIFUL two--oom furnished apt., Nob Hill district, walking distance, now vacant, at reason- . able rent to desirable couple. Phone Main 3741, Sunday. BEAUTIFUL COMPLETELY FURNISHED APARTMENT ISO MONTH : SUITABLE FOR TWO TO FOUR PERSONS: aLSO LARGE ROOM APT., FOR $60; IMMACULATE LY CLEAN, LIGHT AND AIRY; NEW GOOD ENOUGH FOR ANYBODY. COLUMBIAN, 11TH AND COLUMBIA. MAIN 1011 Unfurnished Apartments, KINGSBLRY apartments. 180 Vista ave., near 23d and Washington its.: bigh-caja a pa rtm en t house, one t bree- ro om w i th large living room and disappearing bed, also nas real nearoom ana outsiae nai' cony; available May a. can De seen now, 4-RGOM modern apartment, nicely located to party buying furniture; furniture new and high-class; terms to suit. Chetopa apts., 6b4 Flanders. Phone Bdwy. 4b40. apt. 4i. U N FURNISHED. Nice 4-room aoartment. newly paint ed and tinted; easy walking distance from business district. Chetopa ants. Bdwy. 4n::. S-ROOM front apt., all outside, sunny room, front ba copy: large rorcn. sec ond floor. Irving apts,, 21st and Irving. Mam 1)239. UNFURNISHED 5-room apartment. 2 bed rooms, dining and living rooms, kitchen and Datn. narcwooa noons, iiiea nam. wnite enamel woooworK; shs. Main o- VERY attractive 6-room unfurnished, .tut. a family of 4 or 4 yoang laaies would find It a very comfy home; modern in every detail; price $100. Main b2T2. BRUCE APTS.. 2.TH AND NORTHRUt3 6 rooms, hardwood floors, steam heat. janitor service, front and sleeping porco. $75. E a stunw. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. Three-room strictly modern, elevator, tile bath. 11th and Montgomery. Main SftH. IONIAN COURT. 18TH AND COUCH. 4-room modern, front, corner apt.. 1-8 room apt.: adults. Phon Bdwy. 2761. 3-ROOM unfurnished apartment, steam heat, $35. Waverly Court, Fast -bin and Clinton sts, . MEREDITH (-room front, modern, steam and hot water, close in, free phone, M, mZ-d ana v asnuigton sts. .Main 7IH4, KING'S HILL APTS. One nice 6-room unfurnished apt.; ret requirea. ah iving at. wain WELLINGTON COURT. 15th and Everett. Phone Broadway 4218. 1 4-r. apt. and bath, unfurnished THE MARLBOROUGH 5-room modern apt. 21st and Flanders. Main 7516. 3-ROOM unfurnished apt. with porch. 170 at. uiair st. Mar. aoo. Furnished or fnuirnished Apartments. THE DEZENDORF APTS., 203 16th near Taylor. 5-room apt., 2 full bedrooms and dis- ap. bed in living room; all outside rooms. NICE 3-room apt. with dressing room and Datn; narawooa xioors ana wnite enamel woodwork ; free use of electric washer and mangle. Etna Apts., Last 37S2. JAEGER APTS.. 701 Washington, one fur nished and one unfurnished apt. SHEFFIELD APTS. S and 4 rooms, furnished or unfur nished ; free phone. Main 2506. FOR RENT A 3-room apt. furnished, or unfurnished. 6B5 Irving St., Barker apts Flats. NEW 4-ROOM flat, west side, good view. bath, gas range, water heater, new lin oleum, light fixtures, with or without garage. Call at 3ti9 19th st. Main 8311, MODERN five or three-room flat, west side, south. Johnson, 24S Stark St. Main 5429. MODERN four-room lower flat and ga rage. 628 East Main St.. near Haw thorne. MuDEHN 5-room flat, garage, corner 12th no Kasr warnson. Auto tr-'w-za. IRVINGTON. to leaae. b-room modern lower flat. $.0. 612 Hancock street. Fcrnlfthed Flats. FURNITURE of 5-room lower flat for sale, flat for rent. $40: this place is Just painted and tinted; has stationary tub In kitchen, bed linen, fine silverware. niches, cooking utensils, electric Iron $500. Call Monday, 450 11th st. Phone Auto. nR-7. A1.L OUTSIDE rooms, c:ean, modern, en closed sleeping porch, bath, front oat cony, fine view, private basement, fur nace, water, care of garnage: west siae walking distance; adults; . reference 464 Hal! St.. near 13th. 4-ROOM furnished lower flat; good loca tion: modern. clean, piano, pnone ad ul ts. Phone East 4707. 28 Fargo st. PARTLY furnished flat, 5 rooms and sleep ing porch. 433 Montgomery, w. a Marshall 3409. W EST SIDE Finest view, lower flat. nicely furnished, large porches; walking distance : adults. mii. j.ku. FURNISHED 5-room lower flat, piano, for $45. Call after 2 P. M. Monday. 1114 E. 6th at FLAT for rent, furniture for sale at a bargain; walking distance; desirable. SSI 5th st ' WIDOW wishes to share her 5-room fur nished flat with congenial people; $20 month. Today. 265' Larrabee st. 5-ROOM FLAT for rent, furniture for sale, with same or separate. 1062 E. ISth L N. Wdln. 42S6. MODERN 6-room, beautifully furnished, walking distance, east side. East 3S62. 5-ROOM modern furnished flat, $30 per month. Call Tabor 7H37. 4-ROOM flat, furnished. Nob Hill district Phone Main 3247. Housekeeping Rooms. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 2 beds, electricity and gas range. 163 N. ISth st. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, $2.50 per week and up; newly renovated. 222U Broadway. NICELY furnished H. K. rooms for rent, summer rates. 83 N. 21st sL. Nob Hill district, corner 21st and Everett. BAGGAGE, furniture ana piano moving, reliable service, reasonable. East 643 $5 WEEK up. completely furnished b. a. suites. Tho Cadillac. 3d nean, Jefferson ONE LARGE furnished ii. a. and clean. 434 Broadway st. room, light SUNNY front 2-room apartment, electric light, gas range. 805 Jefferson st. DESIRABLE b. k. rooms, completely fur nished, cjoseln54IJ?intlist: 1, 2 AND 3 H. K. rooms for rent at 392fc East Burnside and Grand ave. CLEAN and comfortable h. k. room, close In. 325 Broadway. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, steam heat. 19th St., west side. Bdwy. 1546. FURNISHED H. K. rooms. $1.75 up week, electric-iignts. n-n ist. 2 AND 3-ROOM apts.; hot, cold water, phone, bath. 67 N. 20th. Bdwy 4123 TWO NICE rooms, also single rooms, very reasonable. 655 Flanders. ' $3.50 WEEK up. furnished housekeeping rooms. 253 H Washington st.. cor. 3d st. FOR LADY Furnished room and kitchen ette. Marshall 2576. l f Cf Tricot lyzi, y Itfwiptpw sttaTt SgrHet, lac, Off it Brfttla rights tmrit4 FOR RENT. Housekeeping Rooms. FIRST-FLOOR flat. 2 large rooms and kitchenette, west side, walking distance gas. electricity, fireplace, large win dows; a real 'home; reasonable to right party; also housekeeping suite on sec ond floor. 65 Gfisan st. FURNISHED n. &. roomk 1 room wit a kitchenette, hot and cold water; rtvats phone, electric llgma steam neat, minutes' walk to town. 291 Columbia near 5th. H. K. ROOMS, completely furnished, some with private bath, plenty hot water, gas ranges, launary room; cnnaren welcome. 186 Sherman. Mar. 3983. LaKGE clean front room, with kitchen first floor; one clean light housekeeping basement room: large yard and trees; close in. 261 14th St., near Jefferson st. THE BEAVER, 12th ana Marshall Fu- nished H. K rooms, $15 up. Including hot water, electric lights, laundry room. NEAT h. k rooms, $S, $12. $15 per mo. Others $4.50 up; first floor. Inquire 206 13th or phone Main 7C48 evenings. NICELY furnished H. K. rooms for rent, summer rates. 83 N. 21st at.. Nob Hill district, corner 21st and Everett. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. 3 NICELY furnished rooms, electric lights, gas stove, sink, hot and cold water, 3 windows in living room, nice view of city, lights and gas furnished, $25, on Whitakpr st. Main 7652. 4 LARGE housekeeping rooms, electric light, gas piate, range, phone, fireplace, piano, west side, walking distance, rate to permanent family, references. Call Auto. 518-19. LARGE, airy, steam-heated parlor; piano, everything furnished, reasonable. 445 Columbia. . Another suite at 515 Mor rison. EXTRA cleiin, nicely turnisned house keeping rooms; also sleeping rooms; rates very reasonable. 603 '4 GMsan. ' TWO FURNISHED rooms, bath and sleep ing porch; heat, light, phone and water. Phone East 1308. LARGE downstairs room and kitchen; also h. - k. room for bachelor; close in. 321 6th st.. corner Clay. THREE furnished clen rooms, including a modern kitchen; adults only. Tabor 6618. THREE furnished ho useK.ee ping rooms for rent, clean ana sunny. U43 pelmont. FOR RENT L. K. rooms In private Mar. 1762. horn1 Phone S 257 12TH ST., basement room, private en trance. 2 NK'E, clean H. K rooms, $14 mo.; adults. nut front, corner Meade. THREE furnished H. K. rooms, gas, bath, pround fioor, $6 week. C02 Front. FURNISHED, all outside 3-room apta 151 Lownsdale st. 2 FUHSlSHKLt H. K. rooms. 793 Belmont t. E.iSt 0175 2 FURNISHED rooms, heat, reasonable. 89 Kearney. Marshall 8486. LIGHT, clean housekeeping room. 305 31 St. TO LEASE TO RESPONSIBLE PARTT. $200 month, for one year, Verv desirable npierhhorhond. In .beautifully furnished 10-roora house: large living. mtuic. dining, breakfast rooms and kitchen: five bedrooms, sleeping porch ; hard wood floors, two fireplaces, baby grand piano; large lawn with fountain, double garage, shrubs, fruit trees, grape arbor, berries, vegetables all in for the summer. For further particulars write to AM 660. Oregonian. FOR RENT to responsible family with grown children only, nice 6-room fur nished or unfurnished house with sleep ing porch and gas 1 eater; just kalso mined and-now being painted; rent $50 per montn. aq areas a-ti weiaier u Phone Main 2478 for appointment. ATLAS TRANSFER AND STORAGE Piano and furniture moving. 30 days free storage on all household goods until our new warehouse Is tilled. 104 N. 5th st. Broadway 1207. CALL BROADWAY 580 FOR NORTHWEST ELECTRIC CO. LIGHT POWER HEAT. WASHINGTON AT 10TH STREET. ROSE CITY7" """" Attractive 5-room bungalow with farage. unfurnished. 655 E 65th N., 40. East 2209. FOR RENT 5-room bungalow, combina tion gas ana coal range, nice and clean, nice yard, at 5610 71st S. E.. one block to car. Call owner. Auto. 233-18. FOR RENT 10-room house in South Port land, 5 rooms furnished: will rent all or part; will also sell furniture. BC 644. Oregonian. 5-ROOM house, very modern, for -rent, furniture for sale. $195. 850 Hood st. Broadway 1437. SEVEN-ROOM house ior rent at 587 Quimby st., North Portland. Call Tabor 5039 for further information. ELK TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. 15 davs' storage free. Furniture moving for less. Bdwy. 2445 ROOM house. 4i13 53d ave.; Woodstock; hard-surface street: fruit trees in bear ing rent $25. Broadway 54S7J MOVING Pianos, furniture and long-dis tance hauung a specialty. 0. & w. Truck Service Co.. 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 5121. FOR KENT 7-room furnishea or unfur nished house; 1 acre of land; every mod ern convenience. Marshall 1582. WHEN moving, city or country, get the best at lowest price. Green Trans. Go., Main 202H Alder st. ROOM modern house for rent at 540 Broadway. Call at 203 1st. -ROOM modern, near Dall park, $40. 393 uuna st., on z car iines. -ROOM house to rent: some furniture for sale cheap 228 Meade. ROOM. $25. 290 Lincoln st., west side. Owner. East 8266. Furnished Houses. MODERN 5-room house, newly painted and paperea, garage, iruii trees, 20 oin ave. S. E., one block from Kern Park station; $50 per month to responsible tenant, or S4a on long-time lease. Call 621-89. DESIRABLE close-in west side residence. S rooms, for year or more; partly fur nished if desired; carpets and curtains for sale; garage; references, AH 652 Oregonian. FOUR rooms, alcove and steeping room. strictly moaern. oeauuruuy iurnisnea, close In on Hawthorne ave. Rent $55. Phone Tabor 8104. MacLEAN S CAMP, OSWEGO LAKE. Summer cottages for rent by month or . season. See caretaker cn jrronnds. OK RENT 7-room furnished house from end of May to end of Sept.; walking dis tance, west side. Phone Main 2432. CLEAN, neatly furnished 5-room bunga low, modern. Union ave. car, also garage, rent reasonapie. uz East otn st, N. FOR RENT o-room bungaiow, completely furnished; garage. Take Hawnorne car to 71ft. 703ft Powell -Valley road. FOUR large H. K. rooms and bath In pri vate family. Call after 1 P. M. 254 E, 16th st. Phone East 234. ROOM nicely furnished house, nice neiehborhood. close in. garden, fruit. 748 E. Burnside. near E. 22d. East 2726. CLEAN 6-room duplex house, rent $25; extra good furniture. A bargain, 814 Graham ave. Williams ave. car.. 5-ROOM furnished house, modern, yard. 600 Clinton st. Richmond car. FURNISHED house for rent; nice yard; near 2 carlines. East 1885. $27.50 3-ROOM Market sL furnished house. FOR RENT Furnished 6-room house, $25 I per month. 6106 36th ave. S. B. FOR BENT. Furnished House. NICELY furnished 5-room house, elec. gas, bath, free phone, references, prefer adults. $30. 1475 E. Ankeny. corner 65th. Tabor 636J - Houses for Rent frarnuurc lor bale. FOR SALE A bargain. 6-room modem house, completely furnished, $475; house rents for $25; walking distance. 490 Grand ave. S. Sellwood 2066. LEAVING city: must sell furnishings 7 -room flat; brings good Income: lease hold. 6i'4 Everett. S-ROOM house for rent, furniture for cheap if sold at once. 616 Albina, cor ner Russell. HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale, pri vate party. Main -2463 TEN-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale. 636 Overton st. Marsnaii isw. Summer Resorts. FOR RENT at Sea View. Wash., nicely furnished cottage. 4 rooms ana bath, ftfHr-tiv modnrn: water included in rent. $225 from May 15 to Sept. 1. Address Box I7t. iiwaco, wasn. WANTED Small cottage Seaside, " O Must be reasonable. L. S. A., 68 W, Commercial st., Astoria, or. irnR REM. cottage on boardwalk. Sea side, June. July and August, $275. AE 664. Oregonlan Stores and Business Places. WAREHOUSE SPACE. 5O00-to 8 0OO sq. ft. ground floor space in concrete oiag. opur traca, aneuerea loading platform, cement fioor and good office space makes this very desirable. phone Broadway 4002. WAREHOUSE SPACE with aide track, close In, to lease. H. H. BURPEE, Wilcox Bias. TWO FLOORS. 50x100, orb floor 60x90; mndia location. line ouiiaina: reason able. D. C Wax. 24 North: 5th. Bdwy. 2739. 431 STARK ST. Modern, good, light, fine basement; steam neat, not water. U- u. Woodward, 104 2d. Main 1436. CORNER store, 354 First at. Apply 252 Stark st VACANT lot, suitable for storage. Jeffer son near secona. zoz Biartc si. FOR DESIRABLE space in fireproof ware house phone Broadway 3715. FOR RENT Store, 25 Grand ave. North. E. H. Collia. Kant BttW. DOUBLE front store, good location. John son. 248 stars: st. Mam o;i. UfTU'e. OFFICE with large snow window, large storeroom, on ground floor; basement 20x90 ft., phone, light and heat. 64 First st. Broadway 1235. DESK room, with telephone and steno- graphlc service. Phone Bdwy. 87IB. FURNISHED office, $20; will look after calls. 210 Stock Exchange. SHARE front office and phone; also prl vate oirice. zu atocK a.xcnange mag. FRONT offices, modern, in Railway Ex change bldg. Apply room 312, OFFICE for rent, Including telephone serv Ice, $25. oxxj uoncora Diag. OFFICE, with stenographic and telephone service, warn o2H4. Tas Morgan ning. Miscellaneous. STORAGE for automobiles or furniture, rMnnnahla rates. Annlv 345 William: ave., or call Marshall 1152, Room 9, after 6 P. M. BARN for rent, room for 30 horses, large floor space, 3 living rooms, near Kerby and Russeu sts, $22 per montn. iei. East 8329. STABLE, close-In, Herman Moeller. bldg. Main 1480. east side. 17 stalls. realtor. 1 025 Gasco BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALS: ONE READ DOUGH MIXER, MOTOR CONNECTED; ONE UNION ROUNDER, MOTOR CONNECTED; ONE MOULDER: ONE SHELF OVEN AND ONE REVOLVING OVEN. ALMOST NEW. ADDRESS P. O. BOX 3205. FOR SALE Garage, blacksmith shop and gasoline station in mnving country town; agency in beat selling line of farm implements aione mattes gooa living "reason for selling is failing health; in formation on request. AV 621, Orego nian. , INCOME PROPERTY FOR SALE. $30,000. A ions: term lease guarantees an In come, of 6 per cent on purchase price over and a Dove an taxes ana assess ments. S 602, Oregonian. SHOE STORE for sale; $30,000 stock; one of the best snoe stores in town 01 su.w population. Doing good business. Owner wishes to retire. Will sell at a bargain or would consider Portland income prop erty. 1700 Hewitt. Everett. Wash. FOR SALE The best equipped bakery and caieteria in xinest location in v-en tralia; must sell on account of poor health. If you are interested, write to P. O. box 712. centraita, wasn., ior iuu particulars. Will give good terms. PARW-AND-CARRY GROCERY. Doing $250 daily; rent $50; long lease; invoice aDout souuv. , SIMMS-KEITH CO., 610 Henry Bldg. PARTNER FOR REPAIR SHOP. Steady work, good profits, want part ner for auto repair ahop; $400 will Han dIJ. O. GRAY CO.. 718 Dekum Bldg. CAUTION. BUVERS Beiore closing a deal of so-callea interest in estaousnea rei estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board, 421 Oregon bldg. Phone Broadway lifuz. SNAP. $750 Grocery and conf., dandy little store; corner location; brick bldg.; rent -i yah ran t oeai 11. QUICK SALES CO.. 406 COUCH BLDG. r.nnn business, on popular street, apt. house district, grocery store, mmiw over $2200; will sacrifice at $1800. See Mr. Scott, Wltn wcuarianQ. ramus pm. rwisj vottr store building with comfort able modern living rooms and save rent; located in line east siae ousiaees uistricw Inquire 1048 union ave. n. pnn sat. re stock of agate lewelry, mounted and unmounted; fixtures; good location at summer resort if desired. 17-18 Beaver bldg., Oregon City. WELL-ESTABLISHED new and aecond ' hand furniture store, for sale; downtown location. Price $3500. AC 658, Ore gonian EXPERIENCED lady cook wanted to taKe . half interest m a restaurant, -isaj o-tu, Oregonian. IF YOU want half interest in a good restaurant, answer this. Middle-aged man preferred. AV 642, Oregonian. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Sec ond and Morrison. $900 TAKES fully equipped Sixth street restaurant. Call today. 322 Falling bldg.. Third and Washington. GOOD paying business for sale by lady with business ability; call evenings. East 6699 or Bdwy. 6048. FIRST class 3-chair Darner shop, $35 rent. 2 years' lease. M 6th st. North. PARTNER, cleaning, pressing shop; teach business: $130. 1270 Corbett st. FOR SALE Soft drink, card room, owner. Apply 312 2d st. by FOR SALE Tire ana vulcanising shop. Box 66. Toppenish. Wash. BLADE-GRINDING machine for s&a. Sixth L, between Stark and Oak, RESTAURANT doing good business. Sixth street. 349 FOR SALE Confectionery, fountain, cigars and tobacco. Phone Main 8377, POLLY AND PA'S prfEPARIXG TO PBOTE IT BUKTVESS OPPORTUNITIES. $750 GROCERY, west side, one furnished living room; $30 day, cash business $1600 Grocery, fine location; doing good business; 3 modem living rooms in connection: rent $34): Ions: lease Grocery at invoice, about $l0O: doing $00 day, cash business, corner location; 2 modern living rooms; food reasons for selling. ' $3000 Suburban grocery and cohf. on hlgway, close in, 3 blocks to car; doing 3t day business; 6 living rooms, large garden, plenty fruit; going east. $750 Rest., well located, doing 1 40 Dusiness; rent oniy sts.w per uiumu good equipment; easy terms. $1200 Rest., well located, plenty busl ness; best of equipment; forced to sell some terms - x:tftOrt Hpit. hut loeation on 6th St. doing good business; best of equipment some terms; good reasons for selling Wanted Lady with $850 to take half Interest in small rest, ana iunco cuuu., can make $200 per month clear; good opportunity for right party. $5i0 buys moving picture show In nve town near Portland; seats 150 people: bftt est eaulDment: rent only $15; must sacrifice. ' HARPER A MORRIS, 418 Ry. Erh. Bldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. One of the best antomoblle sell ing agencies in Washington. Have two of the most popular lines in the United States. Very fine location and long, low priced lease In live town of 20,000, and with several sub-agencies cov ering county. Business) paying but owned by finance company; Investment not large, want live responsible man or partnership. Will finance their sales. . None but reliable men need ap- Sly. It's a money maker, and this 1 the season to make it. Apply MY 644, OREGONIAN. cnnrmiT i'D CONFECTIONERY. 3 nice living rooms and bath ; rent $30, with store lease; doing $40 day; $1700; partners can't agree reason for selling; this is a gooa ouy. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. 6 mftriprii livinsr rooms and bath. years' lease, $55 month: no fixtures to buy; aoing sou 10 du aay, gam. rnvpiBPTiflVFH V AM n POOL HALL. One of the best In Vancouver. Wash. 16-foot fountain. 10 stools, back bar. pool tables, 7 card tablea several floor and wall cases; 4 years' lease; $H0 month: $2000 stock: bargain; $3100 ' partners can't agree reason for selling clearing better than $400 month. KEIPPER & STEWART, , 410 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main YbW KViR a i .i'Hml KM.ra.fa ftuniEesa in S. VV Washington ; county agencies ior m most ooDular four and six on tne mar Vt? rnniratA huildlns 00x110. low rent, long lease; fully equipped; doing big business. If you want to .get into the automobile business right, here is your chanM Full information and partiCU lars and reasons for selling given only to reliable parties with business experi ence and financial .rating of at least $8000; no agents. Address AV tuv, ure- gonian. WANTED Tailor who will buy tailor shop where there is plenty work in cleaning, n reusing whole year round: smalt but live town on Columbia highway; price $300, Includes small cleaning plant and tools needed In tailor shop; rent $10 month for big store and room in back for living. Who's looking for good place? Come ready for work; reason for giving up, got to go on nomesteaa. Aaaress iu Tailor snop. isox it2. Arlington, it. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE, STOCK AND FIXTURES. Invoice about $5000, Including Ford delivery, oil and gas tanks and pump r-Aoelnts Averace over $1500 a month rent $15 per month; good lease; splendid condition; no competition; you had bet ter investigate. See Mr. Hurd. Fred W. German Co., Realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. FOR SALE SACRIFICE. 2 NEW 2-BBL. READ DOUGH MIXERS; 2 ROUNDERS, CENTURY & THOMPSON: NEW CENTURY MOTTTjDER : NEW REVOLVING 4- DECK OVEN: ROBERT'S 2-DECK OVEN; THB5E MACHINES ALL GUARANTEED. ADDRESS BD 646, OREGONIAN. ' TO A YOUNG man with good referencea whn ra.ii invest 1200 wltn a. recoantsea showman, will be given an equal half interest In a first-class musical comedy that Is a money getter: must act as treasurer and look after finances; here Is a real opportunity. Apply 816-A, Chamber or Commerce oiag. ESTABLISHED local mercantile business imQi oaoital for exoanslon. WIN sell preferred stock guaranteeing T per cent, retirable after 3 years at a recall value 10 per cent above par. If you have $500 to 3500O for safe, conservative invest- ment. N 615. Oregonian. WE HAVE for sale at Lewlston, Idaho, stationery store, stock value sowu, na tures $2000. This Is a going concern In a good town ana wouia ue a gooa ouei- nKR for anvone interested In this line Adjustment Bureau - Portland Ass'n. of Credit Men. rnone groaaway quo. $625 CASH Nice, clean restaurant, busy st. ; aoing io to u unity , iuuu na tures, chean rent. Owner In poor health. Will take trade for small car or bug not over $400, balance terms. See Mr. Scott, with McFarland, Failing bldg. SPLENDID good buy tn grocery store. east side, living room; clearing siuu per month; $1600 cash. See Mr. Scott, with McFarland. Falling bldg. FOR SALE or trade, 14 lots on East Kill ings worth; would trade for home in city, QUICK SALES CO.. 406 COUCH BLDG. Business Opportunities Wanted. WANTED! WANTED! WANTED! SMALL GROCERY STORES! Priced im tn 1200O Bis- demand. We 11 sel them right away. See J. L. O'Farreil, Mgr. Business Chance Dept.. wltn FRANK L. McGUlRE. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. PRIVATE party has $1000 or more for good established business, grocery, ga rage, wood or most any real proposition of merit and worth the price; mean business. Please five full description, location and price, in fact full details, and no brokers. AH 634, Oregonian. WANTED! WANTED! WANTED! Cigar stands up to $2O00. We'll sell them. Ask for J. U O'Farreil, Mgr. Business Chance Dept.. with FRANK I. McGUIRB. Ablngton Bldg. Main 10(53. DO YOU want a good ave partner or need additional capital in your Dusineas, u. o see Mr. Smith, Broadway 1038. UMBDENSTOCK A LAKSOfi tu., 210 Oregon Bldg. WANTED Small restaurant or lunch counter that man and wue can ncnaie; will pay cash if price is rignt; no agents Phone Main 7534. MECHANIC wants to buy half-interest in good auto shop. BJ 687, oregonian. Hotels mud Rooming Houses. H. K. ROOMS, west side, close in; 650 cash. Owner leaving city. Marshall 2 1 ?3. after 12 o'clock. AVE $300 as first payment on small. clean rooming nouse west siae. uwners only. East 440L BUYERS! - BUYERS! Tea for your rooming house or apt.; cash or terms. Call Main 362 APARTMENT house, 30 rooms, $2600, some terms. 20 wasn. st. vwner. aiainajjt. FOR ROOMING houses see J. H. Ely CO. I7,i to cnoose rrom. A-- ittn st. LEAVING city, 7-room flat, beautifu; home, income. 94 Anverett. HER PALS BY CLIFF STERRETT. BrsrxFss opportunities. .Hotels and Roaming Hoae. CASE-CHRISTIAN-CO. TEL. BDWY. 576. 60S LEWIS BLDG. 5-room furnished flat arranged to rent two sleeping rooms, clears $20 mo. very good furniture. Snap at $70O. Downtown hotel, brick bldg., 27 rma. 5-year lease. Less than $o000, easy term a Apartment house, brick bldg.. 8-year lease, au 2 ana s-room apta 22 h. k. rooms, good lease. CASE-CHRISTIAN-CO. TEL. BDWY. 67a 608 LEWIS BLDG. SOME GOOD BUYS. 13 rooms, housekeeping $1300 20 rooms, housekeeping 2"00 7 rooms, housekeeping. 3000 8 rooms, housekeeping 1250 Fine 6-room flat, close In. $1400, in eluding $500 piano. Everything from flats to modern apt. no uses B. a KERR. yl Tamhlll. t Marshal! 5504. 33 H. K. ROOMS, modern, ciears $300; 25 h. k. rooms, clears $160; also modern 17 n. k. rooms, clears $150: 15 b. k. rooms, clears $120. We have several 8, 10 and 12 h. k. rooms, also -several very nice clean flats. These are all west aide locations, very safe buys. We serve to please. Barney Johnson A Co., I7n iotn st., Keaitors. Main tno. M. E. LENT COMPANY. 623-4-5 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG, LEADING HOTEL AND APART MENT HOUSE AGENCY. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR PELL COME IN AND TALK IT OVER : 14 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS IN PORT LAXD ENABLES US TO LOCATE YOU RIGHT. HOTEL ST. GEORGE FOR SALE. Owing to the death f the late George Darveau, I am offering the Hotel SL George at Fendleton. Or., lor sale. FULLY EQUIPPED: BIG PAYING BUSINESS. Liberal terms to respon sible party. VIRGINIA DARVEAU BELL, Executrix, Pendleton, or. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL business, hotel, rooming or apartment nouse of any kind, anywhere, see F. Rierdon. RITTER, LOWE ft CO.. - 201-3-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We Write. All Kinds of Insurance. DORCAS-BOON, 938 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. APARTMENT HOUSES AND HOTELS, IF LISTED WITH US AND PRICED RIGHT, WILL BE QUICKLY SOLD. MAIM 7MB1. 48 APARTMENTS. $14,000. TERMS. Close-in west side apartment house, gross Income over $1500 a month, rent oniy tAUU, Au-year lease. MARSH ft McCABE CO.. Realtors. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg., ad and Wash WE HAVE several good hotels and up-to- date, moaern apartment oncK ouiiaings. both corners and inside locations. Be your own landlord. Close-in locatlona Barney Johnson ft Co., 170 10th sU, Realtors. Main 8160. FOR SAL1S By owner", 42-room hotel, lo cation can t be beat, bteam heat, coia and hot water, rent $117.50 above all expenses. $500; good furniture. Price right, with terms. Northern hotel, As toria. Or. WANTED If your rooming house, hotel or apt. house is for sale, list it with me, or if yju wish to buy business of any kind, fee me; 23 years' successful busi ness record. WESTERN BROKERAGE COMPANY. R17 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. NICE HOME. BIG INCOME. West side brick apartment hoube, ac tual profit over $450 a month; $5000 will handle. MARSH ft McCABE CO., Realtors, 322-3-4 Falling Bldg.,. 3d and Wash. COUNTRY HOTEL, ONLY $3500 DOWN. Gross income last year over $ 12,000 ; modern, 10-year leae, low rent. MARSH ft McCABE CO., Realtors, 322-3-4 Failing Bldg.,. 3d and Wash. SIXTH STREET TRANSIENT HOUSE. $8000 cash takes this little mint; very low rent considering location. MARSH & McCABE CO., Realtors, 822-3-4 Falling Bidg.. 3d and Wash. 15 ROOMS. Clearing $125 above all expeniei, will take six-cylinder car as part pay ment. 3S3 Davis, cor. Park. FOR SALE 8 housekeeping rooms, also 1 and 2-room suites, on oth. close to courthouse; $550 cash, $750 full price; no agents. Call Marshall 255S. 25 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, profit $2.t0 a montn, rent oniy f ou; souo auwn, balance small monthly payments. Call Marshall SHa3. SOME SPLENDID BARGAINS In apartment houses, flats and leasea 317 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Bdwy. 4181. ' . &2 H. K. ROuMS, best corner location in city, 4-year lease ; clears 2o; tdbuu, terms. 54 N. Ninth street. FOR BEST bargain in apartment house see memoera or tne rteauy Aoara. xates Realty Co.. 245 4th St. ROOMS, excellent furniture, close in; $500 down. Call today. Marshall SPECIAL NOTICES. IN THE district court of the United States for the district of Oregon. In the matter of M. Schenck, Inc., a corporation, bankrupt. Request for bids., I will receive sealed bids for the fol lowing personal property, formerly the property of the bankrupt above named, situated In the storeroom formerly oc cupied by the bankrupt at Lebanon, Or., up to and until 12 o'clock noon on Mon day, May 16, 1021, at my office, 740-747 Morgan building. Portland, Or. 0 A stock of goods, wares and merchandise, consisting of men's defining, hats, caps, shoes and men's furnishings generally, of the Invoiced value of $47,311.33 Furniture and fixtures, apper taining to the same of the Inventoried value of 8,907.3$ Total $21,308.77 The highest bid received will be ac cepted, subject, however, to the approval of the court. All bids must be In writing, sealed and accompanied by certified check for at leabt ten (10) per cent of the amount offered. Stock may bo Inspected any time after Monday, May . at premises of the bankrupt at Lebanon, Or., where the Inventory may also be seen. The In ventory may likewise be seen at any time at the office of the undersigned. R. L. SABIN, Trustee. 740-747 Morgan Bldg., Portland, O?. HAVING severed business connections with Gilbert Thomson at 620 Henry oiag.. also domestic relations at 574 E. Couch. I will pay no bills contracted at either place by anyone but myself after May 2. 1 21. Signed. Emma Thomson Miscellaneous. WE OFFER for sale a select lot of "ladles' waists, camisoles ana a re sees, ana a few Japanese silk lamp shades, the In ventor of which is $8000; inventory may be Inspected at the office of the under signed; will consider sealed!' bids ac companied by certified check for 10 per cent of amount of bid; we reserve right to reject or accept any or all bids; this stock may be bought In parcels; will close bids May 16 The Adjustment Bureau of the Portland Ass'n. of Credit Men, 641 Plttock block. Portland. MY WIFE has left my bed and board; I will not be responsible for any debts contracted In my name after this date, May 9, 1921. C. S. Symons, 825 Rodney ave. . WILL not after this date be responsible for any bills of Mrs A. J. or N. M Andrews of 271 Montgomery. A, J. An drews. - BARGES for rent. Main 85. TOST AND FOUND. LOST Airedale, large spot on 4ack, new hair, narrow collar, name "repper ; iu reward. Bdwy. 40. rPT AND FOUND. WIL.L party who found purse in ladles lavatory In Columbia park Sunday afternoon please return to park official, or Hoy Denver ave. and receive re ward ? $J K E W Alt D fur the return of yellow Marshall-Wells bicycle, taken from 5HI East 22d N., on evening of May 3. No ' questions asked. WILL party who found skunk fur Sun day, 2:45. t Liberty theater kindly re turn to Miss Bess Young, Meier ft Frank glove counter, receive reward? LOST Between Y. W. C. A. and Seward hotel, black spider web veil. Please re turn to Y. W. C. A. Reward. k POUND Sura of money on E. 15th si. Will give to party describing same. Call Main ?it aner U A. M. LoT April 23. bat ween Montavilla and Auto club, lady's brown leather hand hug Rfturn RUz hotel. Reward LOT Grey squirrel choker, between 46th ana snnar o va., and 4tn ana inomn son. Tabor 1248 or Main SRI. Reward, GENEROUS reward to th party who found boy's coat at East 3d snd Schyler Saturday afternoon. East MO. LOST East fJth and Ankeny. tan gaunt lets. Saturday afternoon. Mar. 2772. LOST-r-Bar pin. amaJl diamond tn center. Broadway 2o, Mr. Rlckert. FINANCIAL. PRIME FARM MORTGAGES. Personally investigated before accept Ing. offered to net the investor T per cent per annum Interest: $2000. due Mar. 1, 1025. security, $12.50 $2500, due Feb. 5, 1923. security, $lo.0tit $:tooo, due Apr. 1, 1025. security, $10.0oo f:400, due Oct. 31, 122, security, $1I.0H $6..0O, due Oct. 1, 1024, security, $20,673 67no, due Oct. 1, 1024, security. $1MM) $2o.o0. due May 1, 1026. security, $7.ooo jr luxe res tea, comjiiunicaie wun us si once.,- Main 35, FEAR ft GRAY. 102 th Pt. . LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED, YOU BUT OR SELL AN AtTOMO BILK. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVTCE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO., ZUS b.LLiMU iilUU., 2L F1AXJK. FINANCIAL. Party holding large block of stock fn successful northwestern manufacturing plant desires to dispose of small per centage of this stock. Will entertain proposition to handle sale providing same comes irom expenencea ana re sponsible stork and bond salesman. Ad' dress P. O. Pox 4QS6. Fortiand, or. WE BUY first and secona mortgages snd sellers' contracts. F. K. Bowman ft Co., 210 Chamber of Com. bldg Main 3Q26. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers con tracts on real estate, wssningion, ure gon. H. B. Noble, 810 Lumbermens bldg. SEE W EST ERN HO N D c MORTGAGE CO. Tor bunkers' loans. BUY NOTES, contracts.. mortgages. F. Uewis, 713 Lewis btrigf. 4th and Oak. PRIVATE? party will buy good murtga'gt or contract. 713 couch oidg. Money to Loan on Real Ftnte." TALK ABOUT LIBERALITY, READ THIS: RESIDENCE LOANS. PER CENT. Five-year period, repayment privilege or $ioo or any multiple inereor. INSTALLMENT LOANS. 6 PER CENT. 5-year period; will loan 60 per cent of the value of your home; only email monthly payment required with Interest, you may pay more or all on the first of each month; no penalty. BUSINESS PROPERTY LOANS. 6 PER CENT. S-year period; repaying privilege. BRICE MORTGAGE CO.. Portland mortgage correspondent The Prudential Insurance company of America, 12-10-1217 Yeon bldg. Main 8308. SEE US TODAY We loan money on 3it property; lowest rates; no commission on choice loans; long time, short time; monthly payments; pay as yon can; sums to suit; contracts, second mort gages bougnt. 725 Gasto bldg., 5th and Aldrr sts CELLARS -Ml'RTON CO. MORTGAGE LOANS, on farm or city property. Prompt and helpful service. Liberal repayment priv ileges. Lowest rates. WESTERN BOND ft MORTGAGE CO., 80 Fourth St., Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. We have funds available for first mortgage loans at 1. It will pay to investigate. L. S. WEISS. , 716 Chamber of Commerce Main 4082. WE HAVE funds available fo good real business property, at lowest available rate" MORTGAGE BOND CO.. Main 2S31. Wilcox B1dg. MORTGAGE LOANS. In any amounts at lowest rates on city or country property. Prompt and helpful service. B. LEE PAGET, Realtor, 822 Corbett Bldg. Main 6230. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms; no commission: no cmyi - DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY. 87 Sixth St., Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved farms end city property; iavoraoie repaying privileges; no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. LTD.. Sou Piatt Bldg. Minn mm J3U0, $400. :00. $750, 11000, $1-00. $1.M0. 1200O and uo. lowest rates, aulck action. pay off $100 or more at any interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co., 631 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Main 1370. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount; iow rates; promptly closed. Attractive repayment privileges A. H. BIRRELL-GILL CO., 217 N. W. BanK Blng. Marshall 4114 S1000 $lrtO0 SJ00O oOO .tuoo. NO DELAY. We are loaning our own money. Loans quickly closed. F. H. DKSHON. 615 Cham of Com. Bldg. MORTGAGE loans in sums to uil, city. farm and suburban property. BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY. WILLIAM G. BECK. 21B Failing bldg " NOTICE. Will cash small mtg.. or seller's con tract; $H00 to $1,100. Prompt attention, See A. K. Hill. 4L'H Lumbermens bldg. $000, $1000 AND UPW.'.KU on improved real estate; favorable terms: no delay; no brokerage. John nam, n7 hpamtng nin $300, $400, $000, $730, $1000 AND l I' ixw rates, quica acuon. r reu . uer man Co. 732 Cham, of Com. Main 44.. MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rates or interest, otto at tisrsson Realty Co., 413 Chamber of Commerce. PLENTY of money to loan on real estate at 7 per cent ir security is ampie. taw. p. Mall. Soft Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE loans. See Robert S. Cos Jr., :ts4H Hawthorne ave. MORTGAGE LOAN'S, 6 and 7 per cent. Saloman & Co.. Q7 Hallway r-.xen. nitig. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE Co.. 22 Chamber of Commerce, 4th and Stark. MONEY lo loan on real estate. 7 pur cunt. Geo. P. Lent. 717 Corbett bldg. PRIVATE funds, lowest rates. See X. K Hill. 42 Lumbermens oiag. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. MONEY TO LOAN, on goods In storage. Bank mte. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO 53 Fourth St., opp. Multnomah hotel. Phone Broadway 871.1. MN4CY to loan on diamonds and jewelry; confidential service; government li censed and bonded brokers Zell Bros. A Co.. 283 Wash. sL bet. 4th and oth. Marshall 727. MONEY to loan, diamonds, Jewelry, etc.; legal rate; articles held one year. Vines, Jeweler, cor. 3d and Washington. FINANCIAL, Money to Loan i liattrl andSiilarlp. DO TOU NEED MONEY? AT Lk;al rates, quick skrvICET YOU CAN GET IT TODAY, LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILE KUKMT1KE. PIANOS. ViCTKOLAX. RKAL ESTATE. BONDS, :tc. If your payments are too lnrge en your automobile or furniture contracts, wo will pay them up and advance yuu mtire money If needed. We make a spe cialty of theae loans and leave the se curity ln vour possession and you can repay us in small monthly payments. WE ALdO MAKE SALARY LOAN 8 to salaried people on their n notes. Ka lee, reasonable. Private office a , AI business HlrU-t .y confidential. POHTLAN L LOAM COM PANT. (LIC KNSLO). 304.307 Dekum Hidg. Mnrshnll R2N6. S. W. Cur. Third nnd WsalmitrTun. 6 A LAKY LOANrf. CHATTELS, WE LOAN MONEY. on ihort notice to saUnvd or worVlng men on their own notes: weekly, aettii nionthly or monthly tuiynients. Kmcu transm-t ion strictly canf 1 dentin I. NO MORTGAGE. NO I N I'ORbER. AHSOhL'TKLT NO FKCI'KITY. We also losu on household goods, pianos, etc CALL AND INVFJTIO ATR. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CjUMl'ANT. (LICENSED , SU FAILING HI. DO. . MONEY to legHl rate Mshrd Unto on diamond, jewelry, ariirlei held s year, ett Dun Mary A Co., :Q5 Wmh, Ql'ICK money to aulnried pt-upl nit un secured note: confidential In vest (saliva. Sid Cham, of Com, bldg. Llcfd. Loans WanteA. FRANK L. McGUIRB. with his yvare of experience and expert knowledge of val ued, is in a position to safeguard your every Interest In locating your monev. Hundreds of applications -for Joans. Of flee of personal service. Let us loan your money. See J. Logle Rtchardaon. manager of loan department. A bins ton building. Main lrts. FA R M mortgage for sale; $2ool. H per cent, maturing April, 1'7; covering SO sere Irrigated fsrm In Trout Lake vai ,py. Klickitat county. Wash., and HO shares In Company furnishing Irrigation. Address Mrs M. Swallow. 2u6 Blandana sve.. Portland, Or. WANTED, at. once. $K00 on Improvtd little farm half mrl from City limits of 8Uvrum, Or.; on paved highway. .. See Sponh'-tm at 221 Chamber of Com merce Hog. 4th and Sfark nts. WANT $'l" st 8 per vent. 00 at H per cent. $luvr at H pr cent, on nnpmva Portland property. Fred W. ;rmaa Co. 7.'-- Chan.frer of Com men's bldg "o UoRRuW I.'ihmi. trtttht x-year ln n buslneas properly; will pay b'4. s Ktl, SEE OREGON INV. MoKTGAGK CO., Chnm. of Com., f mu tn and lnrK. $rto'u MORTGAGE for sale. John lis a. pa Id 1 11 g h Id g. rERSONAa. MASSECK MANITI LATOR, DIETITIAN. SPECIALIZING IN R H HUM ATiStf. Lad It a, realdenoa treatment only, else trie blanket furnished for sweat. Gentlemen. M ulinomah hotel Tsrkl) bath by app jlnttnrnt or residence trar nient; nurses avsllnhi, day or nisht. Phone Broadway 4m for consults. lo'u DH L. V. DAVIS. Nluro:'Wth WANTKTV Cancer sufferer who hai a typical external rae. The first satisfactory rase will be treated free. Call on or address Smart Whiteside, IL D. 601 Pluoik blk. Gl.'ARD TOl'tt EYESIGHT. I employ only the most modern In struments and the most s lentlflrt methods In examining your eves: 2fl yro experience. Thousands of aatlsflel patients. Evenings and lut'days by ap poititment. Charles W. Goodman, op tMan. 20 Morrlnon ELECTRIC and steam cabinet baths, mss- sage, salt glow, scotcn anucnes. snower baths and various other treatments giv en. Come for treatments davs or eve nings. If you have rheamatltm come prepared to stay few days a waek. AN 61S. oregonian. TWO LADIr motoring to California de sire goofl aeiier. noveny ssency ana sa vertlslng. to place high-grade goods be fore the public. T 643, Oregonian. DRCGLESS PHYSICIANS. Nervous snd chronic diseases a spe cialty. If others have failed, don't ba come discouraged, but give me a trial. Pr. Ada N. Scott, 136 Uth St., between Aldr snd Washington. Broadway TWO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA students attending tne t nivriiy i uregon nn desirous of either driving an auto souh for private party or for companionship, b-'twern Juno 17 and 20. Address Jack Mvra Phi Delta Theta. Eugene, Or. fai. LoUISE NETZEL gives treatments frr rheumatism, lUinusRO. Dfurmim, mi'-. Electric hlanket vibrator maaase and bath. 54d Columbia st.. near 17th at. Main 550s. Hours 10 to 6. No Sunday work. ta "THE VANITY BKALTY PARLOR. Halr-dresslng. scalp treatments, shsm pooing and manicuring; "ladles and gen tleman. 4 il Raleigh bldg., hours 9 A. M. tn P. M. MAIN MH. HAZEL KKTVNFR. SN APPY vaudeville ail written and coached bv well-known vaudeville per former; reasonable terms. etUrction guaranteed. App.y 81$ A. Chamber of Com nierce b'dg. IP YOU ARE Gred and n rvous you ran rejuvenate your nervous centers and poor circulation by having s aylsntlfl: bodv massage. Dr. Ovidia Larsen. u.14 Mnrrnn h'.-g. M1n 1W PRIVATE parly, ging to Csllfnrnia by auto, has room for S pasarnsers to share expense Address Mr. JfSaen, AV Oregonian, giving address or phone num ber " TA KARA ANTISEPTIC POWDKK Is a soothing, cleansing, heal.ng g"rm(ctd.T and invitrnratlng douche, a inut aid in female dinorders: 5'V and $1 per boa. porHnnd Hut.-l Pharmacy. RTTPKft FT.T'OTTfl HATR permanently removed by multiple need method: consultation free, r.04 Swetlsnd hldg.. nth nl wasn. t- Main i:t" PHI R01'R ACTI( BEST BTEAM RATH, chlroprartlc. tI bratorv snd electric massage. Dr. Mar garet Haynle, 215 Swetlaud bidg. Res s.tnahl prices , PROP O. S. FOWLERS grtl book. "Human Science. " for professional and business men; not sold In bookstores. P O. Hon 371. cliy SOMETHING N liW Have you tried the electric msnlcur fr 50o at lbs Poilv anna B auty Parlor. a 15 Broadway hui'dlng? Phone M:ln Hit:. 4 $1 iET8 both feet flxtd up st Or. En'on a, the i:nmun'iMji " who doesn't hurt you; S yrs here; rn. free. Globe bid . 11th Wnih H W 7-. UK I.CXE HODY MA-SACKS 415 HITHAVAN PLIG , WASH BET. FOURTH ANL) FIFTH STH. 10 A. M. TO P- M . ALSO PCX DATS. GRAOCATK chiropodist, manicurist, fa'-'. scalp. supernuouF nir .-. .i... moved; ladiee snd gentlemen. Open Sun. 211 Alifkv bldr . rt snd Morri..n. XPER1 ENCED nurse gives rleetrlc bntiitt, massage. Violet ray and vibratory trai menta; 10 A. M. to S P M. KHlling Hlrseh bldg. room r t . Main FbltVET A HANEH1 T, iest!iu g and toupe mnKflrp; linl aiu m iiumnn nnn goods: permanent snd marcel wavins; s-nlp tr stmeni a. tm A'l'-r M.-iin .'I'l. bCJENTlEIC misaB givn hy iaiy giu- uated rrom rweuen. iUjiiir Nui for rheumatism In your home or mina. Tabor H77. Lsdles onlv. TfX PEIilENCEf) nurse gives electric hatha. massage, Violet ray ana viuraiory irrt- ments; 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. ffetilng Hirsch bldg. Room St Mnln T71 VIT-O-Ni-T awtais with bid niaasre an 1 violet ray cures rolds: 10 to s dally, 4.'.u Morgan bldg. Main 7-"i79. GOITRE, enlarged gisnda. Cure ynuralL A. R- Stracban. route $. Hilisboro, or. No sgenls or representatives. DR ELNA KORENHKX. di uglcss pi . mSKsags. baths, kldnes. constlpattr n, rhetimaf'sm Pnnnms hMg M M-V W MY I1AI-I headn. l. ndruff. rUffrm falling hairT There's a reason and remedv Try 314 Maclesy hj.tg. ri'Kl-'Ll.'ot'S hair, mnien. ans removed by lo-needle method; trial free. Jsie Fit' ley. M4 Push Lane Mdg M"l"!t ''i BL'Li'Hl'R a team hth n.asae. M.ltl 1 . r and vthratcry treaiment. 420 Clay. Main mi;,!) in A. M to P M PilES tan be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Or. Iitsn, Sec ond and Mrirrtson JL'NICIDB will cure rheumatism or roony bark 4 fekum b'dg. PRIM EDA HALM, formerly cabled Itulm Eirs. Ml K. 3'id Set:. I1'.' 1H mnrntnits UOESN'T T.m He Viere'-k. c , Ilrk or Harry pa y ) u ollectora. Ickum bldg. ETHEL McCOY. chiropodist 009 Bu hanaa bliig . Wash . bet. 4th snd ftth st DIt ETHEL GRIFFITH Steam bathe, 1 brntlon, s'alp trsttnent. 4 Dekum. DETECTIVE work, or Individuals. C corporation on inn GRADUATE nurse, formerly at :;u now at Going at. Phnng Wd.n MAN ICl ' RING ind f-a;p lri'H'tnf n :tui Hroitiiwav lsd.s nl eni DHl'O habit curd method AM HCY tbrnuirh a huti WANTEO for adoption tilr! letwcn Sg'S HAIR combings iimde up . F. Pierce, -I iwiilingawui'iu. uin. etsu. 2-KOGM modern apL 4.90 Morrison. ONE APT. $25 per month. 347 Hail at.