18 TIIE MORNING OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, MAY G, 1921 BEAT. ESTATE. For Sale Homes. "WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Lovely small home, spacious central ball. large living room, dining room, complete butler's paiitry and kitchen. 3 sleeping rooms and bath: aiso larste open porch off second floor: deep lot, fine shrubbery. Gasco furnace, all linoleums, draperies, electric rang and radian tf ire heater. MRS. HARR7 PRICE PALMER. East T976. "" Smaller attractive home in anu location. IF TOT7 want to SELL QCICKXT and ws agree with you on price ana terms 10 days la all we want J. L. HARTMAN COMPACT. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. Branch Office. Sandy Blvd. and 45th St. Tabor 252. THVTNGTOX BUNGALOW BELONGING TO AN ESTATE. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. 5 large, well-arranged rooms, with floored attic, oak floors, best grade tapestry walls, best of plumbing, full basement, furnace, garage. You w-HI appreciate the construction and workmanship on inspection. The administrator Is in Portland. The bungalow is sell ing to some one this week. at a bargain. C. M. TERR. 12!5 N. "W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2545. Open Sunday. Tabor 6419. FT7CB comer on H. 29th and Flan ders ts., large living room and open stairway, all finished in redwood, large dining room and kitchen, 3 bedrooms, sleeping" porch and bath on second floor; furnace, fireplace; many fine fruit trees, offered at most at tractive price, j MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER. East 7976. $3H50 A MONEY MAKER. "a ppr rr.vT nv vorn MONEY. Williams ave. corner, store building. now rented, living quarters on upper I floor: another small Duiiaing next aoor i also rented; garage; 50x100 lot, street paving paid; a small amount spent on j tnis outiatng wouia mane n. a. maker; the lot alone is worth $2500. See us today. C'OMTB & KOHLMAN. Main B530. 20f Chamber of Commerce Bldg. LATTRELHTTRST. -roem 2-story, with all of the built-in-, oak floors, fireplaces, full hasement. furnace, garage, option of one or two lots: furniture for ale; sacrifice if old thia week. C. M. DERR, 1235 X. W. Bank Bide. Mar. 2245. rRVTNGTOX. For sale by owner. 6 -room mod ern home, all built-ins, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, sun porch; one of the best built houses In thia district. Phone East 5269 for ap pointment tprwt hm.vl In Irvine-ton. LaurelhuraL I Aiameda Park and Dixon Place, several modern homes, also choice lots in these additions, or will build on anyone's lot If desired. All kinds of building aoae. Have built 100 homes in Portland, RICE CONSTRUCTION CO., A. R. Rice, Manager. Auto. 820-85. Rea 600 E. 15th at N. R. B. Rice, Solicitor and Selling Agent East 2432. 000 Wasco St. ' REAL HOME. CLOSE IN. Here's a bargain; fl-room house with every modern convenience, in select part I of Hawthorne, 2 blocks from Belmont car: full lot: paved: large Royal Anne cherry trees; an exceptional value at $4050. ELMER V. BEXNETT CO., REALTORS, 313-321 Bd. of Trade Rldg. Main 74"?. " ROSE CITY SNAP. Here's a bargain, strictly modern, new feungalnw. 4 rooms and breakfast nook. rood attic, fireplace, narawooa noors, French doors, best plumbing, block and half from Sandy; will be umsnea aoout the inth: nrtce tor auictt sale SJDau. $850 cash and nbout $40 a month. See I Mr. Bricknell. 590 East 57th st Jsorth. near Sandy blvd. 6-ROOM modern bungalow with large un-I finished attic in Walnut Park: full lot and era race: $.".250. terms. This was fcuilt bv owner and is double constructed. 7-room bungalow in Laurelhurst. This is a hoiue that you would expect to pay I 7."00 for. We are offering for a short I time at JOT?": terms to suit. IT NANCE SERVICE CO.. REALWRS. S-e Mr. Vail. Main 4441. GOOD COMFORTABLE INEXPENSIVE HOME tt ROOMS. Very conveniently arranged, many - ultt-in conveniences, pretty white , enamel Dutch kitchen, bath complete; all newly decorated and newly painted: , 50x100 lot; Woodlawn; price $2250, $050 cash. O. A. PEARCE CO., Sot Oregon B!dg. Broadway 4835. $3750 BUYS A BUNGALOW now in course of construction: will be ready for occuDancv within 10 days: on AI- bira ave. Beautiful grounds, attractive ; buncalow. thoroughly modern; lirepiace. i hardwood floors, full plumbing, concrete I i floor In basement. For particulars call I on BEN RIESLAXD, 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st. " IRVINGTON HEIGHTS. Beautiful 5-room modern bungalow. lieinar completed, cement basement, fire place, garage, etc. This is one of the grandest view bungalows on the east -,H and the nrlce Is 56500. See it to day. Corner of East 17th and Skldmor street a OWNER. 1101 SPALDTNQ BLDO. EXCELLENT CHANCE TO OWN" TOUR U V 4 Six-room residence on E. Alder near E. 2d. paved street modern plumbini cement basement Price $2950. Easy -payments. HENRY TV. GODDARD, Realtor. S43 Stark Street. Main 831. ' HAWTHOR NE. OCsLY S4300 JltKK) DOWN. 7-r. 2-tory square, corner, fine condi- I tion; full basement, furnace, trays. lun lot and garage; owner Uvea out of the I cltv. Better see it. MARSH & MoCABB CO.. REALTORS, S22-3-4 Failing F-Idg. Marshall 8003. MOMAViLLA t.K. I 5-room bungalow, fireplace, Dutch ) etc.: no 1 urn ace. 1 Tut iasy 10 mi k . J garoen fenced: street will be paved this sum- 1 T raer: $4000; some terms. 1553 East Flanders. SNAP. Irvington home for sale by owner; t I rooms, sleeping porch, beautiful break- I fast room, hardwood noors and garage: finest location in Irvington; price $8250 I if sold at once; no agents, call Mar shall 5652. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. liuk Tk Y7V f r.. full basement trays, f. p., bool?- j eajeff. buffet Dutch kitchen, GOOD 1 MAl:SH & McCABE CO.. REALTORS. ".22-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3103. BRING your plans and specifications in and let us figure your home. You'll get the surprise 01 your m. SUN HOUSE BUILDING CO.. . 216 Abingtoa Bldg. On 3d. bet. Stark and Wash. yOR SALE Modern 6-rm. oungalow. new lv done over; part or all of furniture: close in. 400 Tillamook st, Irvtnirtcn, Seen by appointment. Mar. 4239 after I 0:30 P. M. " " FOR SALE $2000. 4-room house, bath, cement basement. It lots. 16 fruit trees ana garden planted: $tt50 cash, balance monthly. 5010 6iHh ave. w. . car to ena. BEST BARGAIN IN PORTLAND. -room nouse in irvington. strictly minlern with large attic and full cement I basement: $o00 cash. Might consider some terms: no acenis. rnone teii. 1937, FOR SALE BY OWNER. Modern 7-room house in excellent con- j rittinn. E. lZtn near Aiom&on. Priee $7500, terms to responsible party. Phone East 5275. ft-R. HOUSE, modern, corner: improve ments paid: clo.e In; real bangain: $:iw0 $675. terms. Fred Law son. .416 Cham. of Com. 1 ALAMEDA PARK SWELL COLONIAL. jn't mis thia Owner going on ranch, must sell. All ivory finish, oak floors; garage, cast ay 4. Main M)7S. HoPERN PORTLAND HEIGHTS RESI DENCE. 7-ROOM. SLEEPING PORCH. OARAGE. GOOD VIEW OF CITY. CALL MAIN r.3T. 6-ROOM house in Laurelhurst. all moder conveniences. Osner. Tabor REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. IRVTNGTON HOME. Most splendid residence and tn the heart of this lovely section, offered at price which should Im mediately attract those looking for a fine home with large grounds. The house contains tile vestibule, large, living room with fireplace, net In Moravian tile, ajnpie bookcases, sun alcove, 'most beau tiful dining room in old ivory and mahogany; most complete built ins, pantry and kitchen, 2 sinks, built-in tireless cooker, breakfast room: enclosed rear porch, fine billiard room; on second floor are 4 bedrooms (1 exceedingly large with fireplace). And sleeping porch, large tile bathroom: on third floor are 3 maid's rooms and bath, fin est construction throughout; dou ble garage (heated), hot water heat; spacious verandas: finest shrubbery ; frontage on 2 streets. Appointment arranged by calling MRS, HARRT PRICE PALMER, East 7976. ROSE PITY PARK. The, most beautiful corner on 46th at. under the hill. This is not an ordinary house, but is a real home; modern to the last detail, beautiful lawn, all im provements in and. paid, $5800; this price Is $1000 below the present mareet Can be handled on reasonable terms. There is nothing In thia district to com pare with this tor tnis price. HILLER BROS., Realtors, 514 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main S. Branch office 50th and Sandy, Tabor 8480. ROSK CITY HOME FOR SALE. I will sell my beautiful new 8 -room home, all modern In every respect; have perpetual hot water system, all bulit-ina hardwood floors, 3 bedrooms, large rlotb.es closet off every bedroom, beauti ful bath with shower, large living room and riinfnv ranm. wonderful kitchen and buffet room; basement and laundry; lot 60x100, just half block -Sanuy carune, $250O will handle thia proposition. Call Tabor 73. AMONG THE FIRS OX PORTLAND HTS. $150 down, $2 monthly buys e-rooin rustic cottaee with about 8-10 of an acre of ground; all kindle of native trees and some truit ana oerries: it is in district with a future and we are quite confident it is the best value for the money on the entire heights: price o'.t-u, nina hnnHori ttroAt work. Fred W. Ger man Co., Realtors, 732 Chamber of Commerce" bldg SIX-LOT BUNGALOW HOME. Ground all in cultivation and set out to fruit and berries; good e-room oun- -a n-nr Krt rrtnmn full basement With large porches, linan closets, all kinds of Duui-ina, ooa woou mil, sjiivhuiu id-, on macadamised street. A real bargain. $500 cash; $20 monthly. Total price 3050. Fred W. German Co., Realtors. 1 3 if Cham, or Com. TIOKE CTTY PARK. Under the hill, rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, fnrnace. lots of built in features, house in fine condition, lot 70x100. well improved, SO0UO. sizuu casn. balance like rent. HILLER BROS.. Realtor-, 514 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 86. Branch office, outn ana ban ay. Tabor 84S5. MR, AND MRS. HOME SEEKER, LOOS AT THIS! Will sacrifice my large S-roora house for only $6750; hardwood floors, furnace. Tirapiace: locatea on ana nancocK; $1000 cash, balance easy terms, Thia must be seen to be appreciated. See owner, Mr. Griesel, at 375 Washington st. Call Main 1857. $6500 IRTTNGTOX $6500. BARGAIN. On 17th bet. Brazee and Thompson large rooms, 2 fireplaces, full basement earaee. east front. If you are looking lor a bargain see this. East 419. BEAUTIFUL PIEDMONT. In center of Piedmont. 6 rooms, mod ern: practical and attractive, best con struction, with lots of bui It-ins, fireplace, furnace, fuil basement, full lot. improved with rosea, shrubs and fruit; priced right Owner leavinc city: substantial payment required. 1253 Cleveland, ave. Wood- lawn iuf4. FOR QUICK ACTION. SI 500 less than cost of building;, other business compels owner to dispose of a 5-room. brk. nook, large attic, modern corner lot. in Alameda, one clock to car; priced for a few days only at $f7i0. Shown by appointment only. Mar. 335X J. H. KLMJK,. KENTON $250 CASH. Balance $25 per mo., buys almost new 3 -room cosy, plastered home, 1 blk. from Peninsula ave.; batn. gas, wirea tor eiec, 50xl00-ft. lot. cement walks in and paid. Price onlv SI 850. BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS, 415 Piatt Bldg. Realtors., Main 7027. $2350 WILL HANDLE MY COTTAGE. Only $2350 will buy my coxy 5-room -cottage, small monthly payment of $25 will be considered. For particulars see J. R. Griesel, 375 Wash. sL, or phone Main 1857. MT. SCOTT $350 CASH. balance like rent, buys a 6-room plas tered house, near.Arlcta school; modern plumbing, gas and electric lights; lot 80x100. Price $2300. BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS, 415 Piatt Bldg. Realtors. Main 7027. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. rooms and den: hardwood floor, fire place, elaborate built-ins. Dutch kitchen. furnace, trays, garage, paved st. : JlOoO down. A MIGHTY BARGAIN. See BRUCE HOLMAN. REALTOR. Main 6327. 200 Failing Bide. ROSE CITY, 7 rooms, large living room. den, center nan, paneied dining room, oak floors, white painted kitchen, S beorooms, large ciosets, ivory enameled, bath, full cement basement fireplace, furnace, wash trava larze varri. fruit treea. berries. $5900. 514 East 44tb St. N. ROSE CITY PARK. $2500 $500 CASH $2500. 4 rooms, Dutch kitchen, 50x100 lot. near 63d and Sandy blvd.; neat, clean place. HEXDERSOX-BAXKUS CO., 426 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4754. WHERE THE AIR IS PURE. Tn Groveland Park. 2 blocks to car. S rooms, oaK iioora, 11 replace, large attic, full lot dwelling for less than cost: must go east $4200, some terms. Mar- snail MODERN 5-room bungalow, floored attic ana sleeping porcn. corner lot 50x100. close to Hawthorne car; worth $3500: going away, will sell for $3150: $1000 down, easy payments. For appointment address BP 5(, Oregonian. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 6-room cottage, fine 50x100 lot: shrub bery, all improvements paid, nice place for an elderly couple, near Hawthorne ave.; 2irvo; only saw cash. Koda baugh. 1046 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 4209. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 5 nice rooms, reception hall, all th built-ins that make a home;, modern; good bath, cement basement furnace, $3450. $1000 down; a big bargain; owner going away. Tabor 155. NEAR RIVERVIEW PARK. 4 rooms, bath. 50x100 lot. 100 ft. nf paving, a oiks, to car, owner leaving. Is sacrificing. $1850 takes all, with $500 casn. .iiarsnaii jaoor awu. 800 5 LARGE rooms and Dutch kitchen - i . , - bath, gas. electric; abundance of fruit and berries, garden, ground 100x100, $1200 cash. 1452 Fern st. 1 block Wood lawn car. Woodlawn 4862. $ 2000 5 - ROOM BUNGALOW $2600. Modern home, line built-ins. dandv lot. close to car, $500 cash, baL $25 including 6 interest SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. IN EAST IRVINGTON. 5-room modern bunralow: tar a ire r SO 100 foot lot; hardwood floors, built-ins; paved streets; sewer in and paid; price $4200. 1072 Lambert place. Phone 313-39 $3500 ALBERTA BUNGALOW $3500. Modern 1 rooms, outit-ins, cement base ment, full lot. garage, near E. 30th, $500 ensh, bal. terms. SMITH-W A GONE K CO., STOCK EXCH, HOUSE PLAXa Distinctive Homes." Illustrated book of over 100 designs, $1; blueprints. $14. UIsTIAI'HV fcj MUMILW tUMf AMI, V- jNortn western pang ti,ag. FURNISHED BUNGALOW. Furnished bungalow, modern. Imme diate possession, corner lot. paved street Make me an offer for the equity. See owner at 405 Panama hjdg. Main 0404. LAURELHURST. Beautiful new colonial home ' finest finish and construction; a bargain. East 30th and HaseKern Piece. Owner. E. L. Sanborn. Tabor 0452. FURNITURE included, with 6-room house and spienaia joi, juvxiw, near car and paved street: real bargain; only $2200. See 6248 Foster road. M. S. cap. to Laureiwooa. 5-ROOM house, fine condition. 2 blocks from juuitnoman ciuo. large basement cement floor, etc., walking distance; price $3500, good terms. Owner, 575 Madison gi. WEST SIDE BARGAIN. 7-room modern, in the Nob Hill dis trict. $5000. 420 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ALBERTA bungalow, $3250; this modern home is in line condition, desirable in every way; needs $1500 cash. Call Wdln. 5899. BARGAIN in modern Alameda drive home. o rooms ana sieepmg porcn, vacant; $6500, lerzns. Tabor 76w REAL ESTATE. For Sale Honsee. ENGLISH BOMBAY BUXGALOW. BEAUTIFUL. ' Irvineton exclusive home, living- room 20x43 in artOTouveau. with marble stat uary placed tn cove niches, unusually rare and beautiful; French doors to tiled conservatory with cup Id fountain; dining room In San Domingo mahogany, walls In imported Japanese grass cloth, hand decorated, with two buffets, large cath edral doors, Pullman kitchen, tiled sink and walls, and breakfast nook; four bedrooms, white enamel; three finest bath rooms in the city, with porcelain floor, tubs and separate enclosed tile ehower; three lavatories, pedestal wash stands of Mott's best fixtures; three ga rages and eervants' quarters. Cost $23. 0O0. will aell reasonable; furniture for ale. See DEL A HUNT. EAST 1347. STRICTLY modern 6-room house: good as new, $2800. Easy monthly payments. Bdwy. 5099. . FOR FIRE INSURANCE CALL ERNEST COOVER. MARSHALL 3993. Suburban Homes. MUI.TN'flMA H PLACE WANT HOUSE lis acres, 5 blocks from station; lots Oi fruit trees, large moaem cmcnen house and brooder house, good rocked road, near the highway, good modern 6-room bungalow, with white enamel plumbing, gas, water and lights: included with tne place zoo cnicKens ana cuip mntr tnnn Mh hn.ia.nce on easv terms. This Is a very attractive place, with fine view; would consider Portland residence up to $3000; also a '.4-acre tract wua modem house at Multnomah that wil consider small 1-acre with 8-room hourt on good road; both places inspected d jar. .Kemp. vb.i tt Bvrt ft Mocks from city carline; bearing fruit trees. 8 blocks to school; good, attractive a -room p mo tored house, city water, gas and elec tric lights, small barn, woodshed, garden all In; price $1850, $500 cash; or will consider 6-room house southeast part of city; might go some higher. Property inspected oy irooKs. John Ferguson, Gerlinger Bldg.. Realtor. Over 600 Small places wear roruauu, Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. pntTI.TRT FARMERS. ATTENTION. Do you want to step right into an established poultry business? If so, listen; 5 acres of rich soil, all in crop, with new" 6-room bungalow, new barn 20x26, new chicken house 20x86, brooder house 20x24. line cow, Drooaer siove. engine, farm tools; strawberries, rasp berries, etc. A lot of fine furniture: 450 laving hens; 600 young chicks will bo delivered in a few days: about hour frnm Pnrtlfl rH OVef O&Ved road I 1 Ml miles to good town. This is a fine coun try home and a gift at the price. Only $5500; $3500 cash. PARRISH A PARRISH, r0fl Failing Bldg. Phone Main K3-7. rniT-THT WOMB 15 acres. 7 miles by macadam road south of Morrison street; grand view of mountains, good soil, young orchard, modern house, natural wood finish; .has never been rented; 5 rooms, halts, bath, toilet, large closets, attic, basement, fireplace, furnace, piped spring water. city teiepnone; svw, wmw. w , j Q. Jamieson. route U box 169, Oswego, Or. Phone Main 4fi96. CLOSING ESTATE. 12 1-3 acres just outside city limits on Base Line road, near electric line and school, fine orchard, good house and barn; can be divided. One of heirs here to close estate. If you want a tract of acreage on paved road, electric line, practically in city. See us at once. JOHNSON-DODS0N CO., 33 y. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. OR SALE Summer noma iu Whitman national forest, on Sumpter Valley rail way. Two porches, small basement, three rooms and bath, beaverboard .through out; fireplace, running hot and cold water, bed. range, tables, chairs; bouse insurance $1800; price $1300. Address owner. Wallace W. Smith, Prairie City, Oregon. i MODERN home and chicken ranch. 5- room modern house, casement, cnicKen house, hens; or 1 acres; fruit and berries: four blocks to car; ideal location; $2000 cash handles or trade for house in city. Mr. Hare, with A. J. Def'OKfciEiT & CJ. (KeaitorsN -320 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5590. SOME BUY. SI 000. Suburban cottage in good repair, five rooms, basement, worn snop, ciiicxen house, some furniture, garden, water. llehts. cas. auto road, car line. c fare easy terms. 500 Concord bldg.. Second and Stark. OWNER aacrificing $3000 equity, choice suburban home, for quick sale ; 2 hi acres, fruit, berries, garden, etc.: modern 7-room house, new garage, poultry run, etc. : cash, terms or exenange consia ered. See A. K. Hill, 426 Lumbermen's bldg. ALMOST an acre., -room House, sleeping nnrches. sun parlor, choice fruit, bear ing; chicken houses and runs, lawn and snruooery . n mini , f""vv. ftut. Pt-n. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near caritne, from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north of Risley station, on Oregon city carline. SUBURBAN homesites going fast; $10 pay ments while they last AUZ'ri oth St., apartment 4. Hard to peat. 6-ACRE home near Miiwaukie, small creek, price $4500, terms. Phone owner. Mil waukie 81-Y. For Sa'e Business Property. $7500. 100x100. central East Portland, close In: Just the neht location lor a laun dry or small factory. See owner, 717 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Main 67, 100x100 E. WATER ST., between Haw thorne and Morrison bridges, on track age; reasonable terms. Owner. BC 633, Oregonian. For Sale Acreage. S ACRES, just west of city limits, elega.it country home site; $6000. 75 acres 12 miles from center of city, near Linnton road: fOOOO. Acre tracts, river front and other desirable lands along the Oregon City car line. RISLEY, STARKWEATHER & BLACK, 602 Broadway Bldg. Phone Main 6199. FINE, large modern bungalow, full base ment, furnace ana lirepiace, buut-ins, with 2 acre b fruit, native trees, grain, barn, chicken house, garage, hard- surface road, 4 blocks car station; also small house ' rented; price $i00O. Mra Johnson. Miiwaukie. Phone 61 M. or 14J. $250 WILL HANDLE. 26.00 acres, rich productive soil, beau tiful stream- through place, nearly all level; small shack. Price only $1043; very easy payments. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. CLOSE IN, WEST SIDE. EASY TERMS. 7V& acres, 4 miles 4th and Wash.; berrv and poultry proposition; half under plow, well, spring, acre orchard: hard road; bargain price ; terms; or may consider some trade. J. C. Corbln Co., 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. TIGARD, OREGON. 11 acres, new house, barn and chicken houec, 500 young chickens, berrfes, fruit and creek; fine soil: all In cultivation. Will sell all or part; might trade for cltv property. Phone, business hours, Broadway 546. 15 ACRES 4 miles east of Vancouver, near hard-eurfaced road ; 13 cleared. 2 in bearing orchard; would have to be seen to be appreciated; worth $4000; sold at once $2850. terms to suit Call or writ Thos. Jones, route 1. Box 29. Vancouver, Wash 3 ACRES, modern 7-room plastered house, bam ; land alt cleared, in Esta cada, 8 blocks of depot; $4000. $1000 cash, balance like rent. You save the commission, as 1 am the owner. Box 683, Dallas. Or. ACREAGE juut outside of city, paved road, electric line; $1000 an acre. See us at once. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. ACRES W ACRES $10 PAYMENTS. 110 down. Why buy ordinary lots fur ther out and pay heavy assessments? A'berta car, Kennedy school. ft. w. Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. 6 ACRES, all in crop; 5-room bungalow, furnisned; line water: new barn, out buildings, cow, 40 chickens; close to electric car; $1800; terms. C. W. Miller- shlp, 165 4th st. Main 5275. 20 ACRES. ONLY $800. $150 down, bal. easy terms, close to town, school, stores arid highway, plenty or. wora ciose oy. A. H. AKERSOX, 420 Henry Bldg. 10 ACRES 5 acres in grain, bal. pasture; 75 cords wood; 4-room house, furnished; good barn: creek, fine spring, horse, buggy; some tools; $1850; terms. C. W. Miilership, 165 4th st. Main 5273. WRITE for map ot western Washington, showing location, low price and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO., Tacoma, Wah. 5 ACRES in Sherwood. Or.: 5-room house. barn and outouiiaings: a acres in ber ries; all clear and in high state of culti vation; $4000: $2000 will handle, Wm. Rehwalt lli ACRES, $2000, on highway, 1 acre cleared; will trade; about $800 of pole oak wood; can have any kind of terma Call Woodlawn 149. from 11 to 1. 100 BEAUTIFUL acres. 4 miles west from Broadway and Washington; excel lent for subdivision: low price for quick gale, direct from owner, rnone bast 6228 6 ACRES, 37th and Ainsworth ave., 4-room house and barn, $1050 per acre. 1105 E. 30th st. North. CHOICE acreage, close in, clear for your house equity. Johnson, 248 Stark st Main 5420. $100 CASH, 4 acres, near Scappoose. $400. ' McFARLAXD. Tailing Bldg. Realtor. V ACRE, 3 blocks from Hawthorne car line. $1000. Owner. East 3860. 15 ACRES, also house-moving outfit fiiU &2d st &. Thomas Allen city. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. GARDEN AND BERRY LAND. VERY CLOSE TO PORTLAND. Best of river bottom land, 6 miles east of city Limits, close to paved road, electric line, steam road and good school; all under cultivation and dyked; n tee level land ; price from $300 per acre up, plus the dyking charge of about $50 per acre; one-tenth cash, bal ance in 9 equal annual payments. 6 per cent This is very productive land and the best bargain we have ever had as close to Portland. 15 acres, 14 mile from station, 8 miles from good. city of 5000 people, 65 miles southwest of Portland, all under cultiva tion; 4 acres young fruit set out; new 4 room cottace on cement foundation. chicken house, good well, macadamized road by place. mile to school, good soil; price $2400, Including cow and 55 chickens; plaae is well worth $3500; only $000 cash, balance easy terms. In- epeciea oy punter. 10-ACRE BARGAIN CLOSE IN. 10 acres. 5 miles from center of cltv. 1 block from electric station, 8 blocks irom city canine; an under cultivation; 300 Lambert and Bing cherry trees 7 years old, lots of other fruit; graveled street; new s-roora plastered bungalow, with plumbing, full cement basement, city water in. gas in street electric lights In vicinity; bungalow is wired for lights: chicken house 50 feet Ions, barn and granary. Offered for less than (he assessed valuation; large cash payment AT BEAVERTON. OREGON. 4 acres, all under cultivation, mile to station and school; 150 apple trees, 4 cherry trees, 500 strawberry plants, other berries, fruit all bearing; 4-room house, chicken house, woodshed, gas, city wa ter ana gas an tnere; very line iana. an tiled and very productive; price $3000, $1000 cash, balance eaby terms. John Ferguson, Gerlinger Bldg.. Realtor. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. CHOICE CLOSE-IN FARM. 15 acres in beautiful Sunnyside dis trict, only 30 minutes' drive from heart of Portland, on main highway; all under cultivation except 1 acre pasture; trout stream on place, family orchard contain ing all kinds fruit, lots of berries, com fortable farm house, excellent barn with cement floor, fine accommodations for chickens and rabbits; close to school and store; a beautiful farm and biggest bar gain in district. Place formerly held at $7OO0 ; price now for quick sale, $0100; terms. LUEDDEMANN' COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967 EXCELLENT LAND AT $30 PER ACRE. On Columbia river, between Portland and Astoria; 7200 acres of logged-off land just put on the market in small tractsi deep rich soil, slightly rolling; good transportation, school, church, store, postoffice, warehouse and dock. Select now while you can get choice tracts. Easy terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. $23 DOWN, $7.50 MONTHLY. A splendid one-acre tract, good soil, small creek; fine for chickens, berries and fruit; 1 miles from city limits. xotai price aw. we nave only 2& tracts In this platting left, some as large as 5 acres and proportionately on the same terms. Liet in on the ground floor Fred W. German Co., Realtors. 73: Cham, of Com. WILL accept diamond and small cash pay ment on my suouroan borne; a acres, all under cultivation ; good 7-room bunga low with gas. electricity, hot and cold water and, all modern plumbing: price rignt; easy term: minutes from heart of city, on good road. AL 624, Orego- man. $100 WILL HANDLE. TOTAL PRICE $384. fi.6 acres of deep rich productive soil on good road, near transportation, good neighborhood; easy payments on bal ance. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 033 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. kt'KES, HALF ACRES tJO PAYMENTS. Why buy ordinary lots further out and pay heavy assessments? City water. Alberta car. ft. w. Cary. 1219 N. W Pank Bldg. Main 1643. Residence Slain 1377. Irrigated LanO. SUNNY BURBANK OX THB COLUMBIA. A small Irrigated tract of lane, say 10 or 20 acreei will make you independent. You can raise any thing'that grows in the temperate zone, except citrus fruits, and be first on the market with your products. NO CROP FAILURES. NO MUD! BIG YIELDS! Good Hi ark eta Best of transportation facilities. Sunshine and water in abundance. Land with paid up water rights $100 to $180 per acre. Clear property accepted as partial pay men ta If at all interested in irrigated land investigate. See Earl C. Miller. Vith THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE. Third and Main St a. Vancouver. Wash. GOING AWAY. MUST SELL. $500 DOWN. $500 PER YEAR. 20 acres irrigated land, Burbank prol ect, Washington. 1 am paying more than the amount of the first payment asked to have the land leveled and seeded to alfalfa. This is land that will produce 7 or 8 tons of alfalfa per season and if you have a little energy you should live and pay for the land in 3 or 4 years. Why pay more for land that will produce but half as much ? you can 1 beat sum price or terma price 4Z"4 trfd St. H o mesteads. Relinquishment h. THROUGH our many years' work in the government service we have become fa miliar with several hundred very valu able timber and farm homesteads which we are now locating. Charge reasonable. You will do well to see us at once. Copy of government map corrected to date, showing western Oregon homesteads, $1. M. J. ANDERSON. 531 Railway Exchange Bldg.. Portland. I CAN locate you on a HOMESTEAD In western Oregon, either farming or tim ber tract, government map on file, checked up to date, showing more than 1000 claims; special inducements to ex service men; call at my office for in formation. E. W. Helm. 316 Board of Trade bldg. HOMESTEAD relinquishment for saie by owner, 640 acres in heart of Montana oil fields, near Miles City. 013 Broadway bldg. Mr. Henry. Main 679. Fruit Lands for Sale or Rent. AN ORCHARD OPPORTUNITY. 98 acre, bearing apples. "WHITE SOX orchard, at Newberg, Or. Commercial varieties, 11-year-old treea, well taken care of. Reports of frost in apple sec tions of east and. middle west Indicate a short crop In those sections. Place can be bought for less than $500 per acre for short time only.. Indications point to a good crop and place should pay for itself this year. COB A. McKEXNA & CO., 62 Fourth st. Main 4522. FULL BEARING ORCHARD. 5 30 acres In commercial apples with 10 acres in timber in the best orchard dis trict of Klickitat county, near Lyle on North Bank road. No Irrigation. An ' excellent cnance ior . an enterprising man. - $11,000; can give terma John Bain, owner; 507 Spalding bldg., Port land. Or., or Alex. Drysdale, Lyle. "Wash. 27-ACRK walnut orchard in Willamette valley now producing; immediate in come; would divide and give reasonable terms. C 634. Oregonian. For Sale Farms. FOR SALE Fine 8-acre farm near Van couver, Wash., and Pacific highway; new house, city water, trout stream ; terms. L. E. Thorn, route 0, Vancou ver, Wash. Phone 27F25. 93 ACRES. 4ix miles south of Lebanon, 63 in cultivation, well fenced: a good buy, or will trade. Owner, Tabor 6308. ON ACCOUNT ot sickness I will dispose of my property, farm or city property for sale or rent. Inquire of Miles Mc Grail, 916 D st., Centralia. Wash. CHICKEN, FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland, $o0 to $500 per acre; easy terms, best soil; farms for sale, ail sizes McFarland, realtor, 208 Failing bldg. FOR SALE Alfalfa, grain and ' stock ranches, by owner, from $10 per acre up; easy payments AV 614. Oregonian. 5. 10, 25 ACRES level, umbered land, near Beaverton. gooa ra. j. it. qnarp. sa1 go. SEB COLB for bargains in farms, or cbaxa - LomDumeu e;ag REAL ESTATE. For isale -Farm. VERY CLOSE-IN FARM. 40 acres, 8 miles from Portland court house, west, 9fc mile to school, good fences, 34' acres under cultivation, s acres standing fir timber, no waste land, creek, family orchard, lota of berries. 6-room house, new large barn, chicken house, brick and cement fruit bouse, in eluded with place 2 horses, harness. 0 head cattle, brood sow, 60 chickens, wagon, binder and trucks for moving, mower, rake, plow, harrow, cultivators, tools and all crops, hay fork in barn, only 80 minutes out from Portland, in spected by Malone. Offered at a bargain. FINE-GOING DAIRY RANCH. 47 acres In Washington county. Ore gon, at station; 30 acres under cultiva tion, 40 acres can be cultivated, large bearing orchard, mile to school. 0 room house, barn 50x0, machine shed, chicken house, bearing family orchard, 6 good milch cows, good team, 5 hogs, 1 bull, chickens, complete line of ma chinery, feed, seed and furniture: price $7500 for everything: $4000 cash; only 40 miles from center of Portland; the income from -the sate of milk for 1920 was $2300. SO acres.. 32 miles south Portland, close to good high and grade school, on good road; 73 acres can be farmed. 11 acres now in crops, balance in second-growtU fir timber, bearing family orchard, lots of berries, 4-room house, barn, large chicken house; Included with place 1 team, 2 milch cows, 2 yearling heifers and 225 White Leghorn chickens; very complete line of machinery and house hold furniture; price for everything $4500; large cash payment. Inspected by Brooks. John Ferguson, Gerlinger Bldg-, Realtor, Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. FARMS ON KASY TERMS. 20 acres on paved Pacific highway, 8 miles North of Vancouver, ciose to school, 5-room house, large barn, best of soil. S40U0. S400 cash. 100 acres, close to pavement. 50 acres In cultivation, two barns, 30 head of stock, good team and all necessary farm implements, running water, only 7 miles from Vancouver. Price $16,000, $2500 cash, balance verv easv terms. 30 acres on pavement, close to school ana store, hall in gooi bearing orcnara, running water, 7-room house, new barn. Price $6500 on any reasonable terms. 15 acres. 1 mile from Vancouver, small house and barn, small amount cleared balance very easily cleared. This is 1 berry and fruit proposition; price $2200, $500 cash. N. W. MERRIFTELD. 810 Washington St., Vancouver, Wash. Phone 323. THIS 57 ACRES MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK. 50 IN HIGH STATE OF CHLTIVATION. About 14 miles from Portland, be tween Portland and Hillsboro on good road: land is olowed and ready to seed has a new bungalow just built; extra large barn and silo; this 57 acres only $6500; $1500 cash; there is a government loan of $4000, can be assumed and give second mortgage on balance; tms is a fine chance for a poor man. Just think, you can start farming lor only $1500. STEWART & JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Hank Bldg. I ; V.ST IN THK WKs PURE-BRED GUERNSEY CERTIFIED MILK DAIRY. One of the best developed and most desirable certified milk dairies on the Pacific coast needs more capital for contemplated expansion. AH equipment is complete and modem: 380 acres with buildings for every purpose. Will con sider outright sale or partnership with good man. T. Q. BIRD. 526 Cham. Cnm.. Realtor. JUST LOOK AT THIS, MR. RANCHER, FOR CHEAP LAND. 40 aeres of wonderfully rich shot and black loam soil in Washington county; springs and fine creek on the place, nice family orchard, 4-room house and barn . and only $3200; this is only 2 miles from town, R. R. ami wtores. I have many other farms from $50 to $150 an acre. J. B. HOLBROOK. REALTOR, 214-215 Panama Bldg. FOR SALE Small berry farm. II1 acrea woven-wire fenced, on Capital highway. 80 minutes' ride to Portland; 6-room bungalow, outbuildings, electric light: hot and cold water, cement walks, bear ing family orchard. 4 acres bearing loganberries, blackcaps. raspberries, strawberries; near school and berry can nery; price $7000, cash $$000, terma Karl Breeder. Sherwood. Or. ONK-MAN farm with eouipnicnt. 50 acre 20 in fall wheat. 10 Ppnni? oats, 2 logan berries. 2 corn, balance pasture hm.I gar den, fair 3-room house, good barn, oilier outbuildings, 2 wells, c-xm, wagons, har ness and all farm implements. cv. calf. 5 shoats, 8 sheep, 200 fowls, $S750, on terms. .Mr. Hare, with A. J. DeFOREST & CO. (Realtors). 320 Hnry Bldg. Bdwy. 55O0 $150 CASH, $150 CASH, $150 CASH. SO acres nf nice-lying land, :t or acres cleared, good spring and creek. 1 acre in berries, about 1 '4 miles from ranroaa town in ClarKe county. Wash Total price $2250. bal. can be stretched out tn montmy payments over i years, Fred W. German Co., realtors, 732 Cham, of Com. FOR SALp; by owner. 20 acres of land; S4OO0 cash; 4 acres cleared, all fenced: 1 home, wagon. 2 buggies, harnesses, "0 laying hens, 450 chicks four weeks old. 2 cow, house, barn, 2 chicken houses, plow, cultivator and house, furnished or unfurnished ; fruit tree8 and oi her ?mall trees: garden all planted. Joseph rtronen. .NHpavinp, v ;isn. 80 ACRES, one-quarter mile to town, school, church, railroad station, good house, two barns, hog house, machine shed, running water, about 50 aero clear. balance pasture and easily cleared; part of tillable soil under Irrigation. Prh-e $10,000. terms. John Palmer, Marlon. Or. FARM. 00 acres, only 12 miles to I'ort land, mostly hard-surface road, 30 acres In crop, good house and barn; orchard, berries, water piped to house and burn, 8 cows. 3 horses, wagons, harness and all fa rm mach i nery ; a rea 1 snap for $0500; terms, $2o00 cash; also several other good buys. H. W. tlarland. 201 3d. GOOD SO acres, partly improved, on count v road, only 30 miles down the river from Portland, close to county seat; very bpst of soil, makings of valuable farm: low valuation, $4500: want city lots, close-in acreage or good equity in Improved city property. Johnson, with Interstate Land Co. (Realtors). 24S Stark st. Main B420. 100 ACRES $Sfl00. Near Newberg on main rock road, mall and milk route; 30 in crop: 6-room house, large barn, family orchard, heavy team. 6 head cattle, 70 chickens, all farm ma chinery; easy terma 732 Patton road. Main S3B0. LOGJ'IED-OI'F LAND. 71 acres, 28 mils from Portland, 1 mile from R. R-. store and school, all tillable, seeded for pasture, spring water, fine for dairying, large out-range, 3-room house and barn, only $40 per acre; good t erms. Ph on e Ma rn all ft 29. 4O0-ACRE STOCK RANCH. "With leased range, tools and imple ments; $14,000. liberal terms or trade. Cattle and horses, hogs, paultry reason able. W. P. Trumbull, owner, Joseph, Or. OWNER ILL. MUST SELlZ 100-acre dairy farm on paved road, close in. fully equipped and stocked, only $5000 cash, bal. small per cent of NET EARNINGS of farm. T. O. BIRR T,2H Cham. Com.. Realtor. CLEAR VALLEY STOCK FARM. 1340 acres stocked and equipped with in 100 miles of Portland. $32,000. Will Bell or exchange for Portland income and vacant lots, or give long time. CLEVELAND. 308 Bd. of Trade. Broadway 11 50. 10 ACRES. located four miles from Hood River; 12 acres bearing apples and pears, creek through place; good mod ern nouse. Darn ana chicken houses grade school joining place. L. H. Smith, route t. pox o-. n quo, rwver, or. REEDVILLE TWENTY ACRES. Plastered bungalow, 5-cow barn, poul try nouse, Ler.-t. sun, m.u unuer cultivation mils na VH n!ph Vl-a v farm d T Q. BTRD. Sgfl Cham. Com.. Realtor. FOR SALE: i0 acres, under ditch. 2 miles east of Bend, fenced, good cabin , water for irrigation on ground. On two county roads. Terms. G. L. Palmer 9 '') Commerce st.. Tacoma, Wash. ' LOGGED-OFF lands, $10 acre up; running water, fiuuu sun I soil, tillable; school, easy R. Sharpe, 83 ft Third ai. terms. WANTED RKAL KSTATK. VANT a lot. have 5-paejenger car, orth $1000. What have you. Location and price. N 040. Oregonian. WANT LOT FROM OWNER. Nice building lot in Rose City or Lau elhurst: will pay cash. K 64. Orcgonia n. WANTED 6-room house, close in. that $1500 first payment wjll buy: would like room for garage. Broadway 3S56. WANTED Small modern cottage; have $500; balance monthly. F 601, Orego nian. OASH for vacant lot. Piedmont or Walnut Park. E. R. S.. 513 Couch bld. Main MMM. WANTED A small suburban place on electric, 4 or S-roora modern bungalow. BC 650. Oregonian. HAVE second mortgage. $1650. to trade for one or two good building lota. Auto. 216-14. HAVE clients for close-in improved farm and ranches. Reverman lnv. Co., 210 Lewis bldg. WANTED Farm or cheap acreage; must have ocean frontage; Tillamook county preferred. Park1. Tabor 5446. IMPROVED o or 10 acres, south, near highway; no agents; give particulars. G 634. Oregonian I WANT to buy a hou.se from $2500 to $4000. cash or terms. 3 014. Orcgonia;-, G- C. GOLD END ERG will Kell you lot; buyers waiuntf. iua scud. WANTED REAL ESTATE. IF T0TJ MUST SELL QIHCKLT 10 DATS IS ALL WE WANT. Make the terms and price right and you will see more result than others site 10 a xnontn. JT. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 9 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THK Ai'Hrir COAST. Ts your home for sale? IT'S SOLT IF LISTED WITH US. 114 home prop erties sold In April: we Inspect, ap- praise and photograph within 24 hours after listing; we spend thousand of dollars advertising, and are in clo--e tnu h with HUNDREDS OF LIVE BUYERS. No charge except the stand ard commission of 5 per cent in the emu 01 a satisfactory saie. -o sales men to work on it. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Sell Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main BUNGALOW WANTED. 5 OR 6 ROOMS. LAURELHURST, SUNNYSIDE. OR ROSE CITY PREFERRED. UN1-KR $5000. NORTH OF HAWTHORNE; WEST OF 4HTH, RtKE CITY. GU iD ORDER; DESIRABLE LOCATION. WILL PAY SOME CASH AND TURN I N "A t'TO," Fl KST -CLA FAMILY CAR (1917, NEW PAINT); COLE 8; GREAT BARGAIN AT $1350 (WORTH $1HOO). ADDRESS "HOMESEEKER." H 614. OREGONIAN. PRIVATE party wants smaii house on 1 or H acre of ground, city water, electric lights, phone, not over 5 or 6 blocks from carline; price about $2000 with $150 down, balance monthly payments; must be within 8 or 10 miles from Port land; prefer Oak Grove. Lake Grove or Multnomah station. X 359. Oregonian. HAVE cash to pay for modern 4. 5 or 6 room bungalow; lot not less than 50x100. on Ainsworth ave. or near Walnut Park. Piedmont. Jefferson. Peninsula district: not in restricted district; must be good buy; give phone and address in first letter: 'owners only. BP fi:tO. Oregoninn. WANTED 5 or 0-room bungalow in Richmond or Hawthorne; have about $500 cash. Improvements muat be in and paid for; might consider furnished No inflated values. Owners only. BC 631. Oregonian. I HAVE 3 cafch buyers for lrvinjtton bun galows between East 15th and Eat 24ih sts.. south of Knott st. Let me show you some fast work. C M. Derr. 1215 North western Bank bldg. Marsh. 2245. WANT 8-room house, close in. in nood condition that can be had for $4000 raii. .FINANCE SERVICE CO.. REALTORS. See Mr. Vail. r9 Wilcox Bldg. Main 4411. V1LL buy new Irv ington or Laurelhurst home, $10,000 or $15.0ih; will pay $loo or $20O0 down; substantial payments. In answering, give addreas of house. Bi'' hoi. Oregonian. 1 WAV'S DAILY calls for cheap lots in unreHtricted dintnctn, near car line. HARRY BBCKWITH. 104 nth St. Realtor. Main OSfiO, Jtil'DEKN. furnished complete, ,-rooni C lfornia bungalow, garage. $.100; fnOO cash; rent ternib on bal. Vacant. Tnter stte Land Co.. Main 5420. 248 Stark WANTED The best 5-room modern bun galow that $30110 will buy; $.iOO down, bal. monthly. Alontavilla or Alberta pre ferred. Main 4100. 1 CAN SELL your lot if ttic price iu right. Let me have it at once. HARRY BHCKWITH, 104 5th St. Realtor. Ma!n flSHO. WANTED 5 or ti-room atrictly modern home. Laurelhurst or Row City ; will pay cash. $5000-$5500; niUdt be a bar gain. K 03, Oregonian. AM GOING to buy lot between Hoiladay and Hawthorne st. Some one who wants to sell, give price and location. M Q.'iB. Oregonian. 5 OR 6-ROOM good bungalow or improved suburban acreage; have 1018 Dodge car, good condition, 6 tires, new battery. W 615, Oregonian. WANTED To1 purchase 5-room modern house In good residence district, will pay cash for bargain; no agents. M 035, Or- jegonian, 5-ROOM cottage, $1500; $300 dvwn. 11c Monies. Main 5429. Farms Wanted. WANT to buy from owner ItiO A. deed?d homestead land that has 40 A. black loam that can be cultivated; also plenty ot" timber and running water on place; must not be more than 3 miles from Pa Vific highway and near some railroad station between Leona and Dillard. State township, range and section. Give your It w. t cash price. A. H. Lee, 327 Went Douglas Ht.. Ros4-hurg. Or. W ANTEU To buy small equipped farm; description, price, terma in first letter. Address. I, u. bor 103,' Vancouver. a ah, Wanted to Kent 4 arm. WANTED TO KENT. SMALL PLACES. Have several people wanting to rent acreaee or sinnll farms: close to Port land preferred. Some people w ill buy the place after Icaslne for year or more. We make lots of rales this way. Will buv equipment if priced right. JoHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Building. Largest Farm Dealer 00 Pacific Coast. FOR RKNT FARMS. 20 ACR ES. bet eon Portland and H ills- boro. 2 mllpf from good town. 1 mile to school: all under cultivation, 17 acres in ciover. good orchard. 5-room houne.. barn, chicken house and silo: 1 mile to school, 17 mites from center or i'ort land; rent $200 year; lease for a years: no stock to buv. Ask for Mr. Hunter. John Ferguson. Gerlinger Bldg., Realtor. largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. FOR RENT cheap, or will sell on easv terms. 10 acres, 8 miles from Portland on paved highway: 7 Acres in cultivation and of the very bput soil: small house, barn, woodshed, chicken house and good well; come quick to see this place, ties 1. K. uiuinan. wiiii J. A. WICK MAN CO.. 24 Stark St. Vain 1014 and rS3, 40 ACRES In Clarke Co.. Wah.. 12 miles from Vancouver, on paved highway; 25 jre el ea red acre alslke clover house, barn and other outbuildings; rent $325; one-half of this 40 for sale very pcaiAitnhlv: micrht consider auto aa who! or part payment. Come at once if you want this. The Golden Rule btore, ttruan Prairie. Wah. - , ,, , SIX ACRES, running water. 4-room shack, furnished: 13 miles irom cuy. a rrora station: S.1 month. L 030. OregoniHn. FOR RENT 10 to OO acres; stock for sale. AV 627, Oregonian. TIMBER LANDS. IF TOTJ ARE LOOKING FOR A SAWMILL OR TIMBER, SEE THE WINSLOW CO., 419 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. YELLOW PIN E. Going east and will accept best cash offer for 120 acres Wheeler county; owner Mntn 336- FOR SALE Oak. fir and aah wood, deliv ered In lots from 2 cords to 100, or in carload lota Address M 646. Oregonian. 100 ACRES, timber, cruise 16,000,000. Price $12,000; good location. Lane county. M S Barker. Eugene. Or. FOR SALE Chewp. 3,000.000 feet vellow fir on Kalama river. Washington- U. kL Berttlsen. Kalama. Wash. FOR SALE OR LEASE Small sawmill. ROT h WICK, il" nenry phik- go ACRES piling and, saw timber for ae or trade. Call Sellwood 2067. TO BXCHANOE RKAL ESTATE. EXCHANGE residential income property. Value $6500, for grocery or general store in small pavroN town in coast territory; no agent. E 6:i2. Oregonian. OWNER w ill Klve two valuable quartet blocks for small farm .acreage or other propertv or auto. What will you offer? 40 ACRES, near Redmond: 35 acres irri gated, free and clear, for light auto or Portland property. A. H. Akerson, 420 Henry bldg. $340 EQUITY in house and large lot In Oregon City for auto or anything of value. 61K Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED To exchange 14 lots 011 East Kiliingsworth for good house. Phone Aut. Mt-OM- FOR SALE or trade. 100x100. 1 bik. from Car, 1 I Mil. Jiuiu uuu-out abvci si. .aii Sell. 708. WEST SIDE income; pay 10e to $14,0o0. want vacant iwt-s 10 f jwv. vj wj, unr gniilan, PROPERTY in and near Portland for Tacoma or oeaino, 4vw juu . Owner 310 Bernice bldg.. Tacoma. Wash. ink'.A L anariment site, will trade for Co jumbia nig n way Mir. ausu uu C.erlinger bldg. Marshall 3401. 6-ROOM cottage. I acre. Long Beach, to trade for close-in acreaee or small farm. Tnhnson. 2MS Stark st. Main 5420. to0 000 RANf'H to exchange for city property. Fred Law son Co., 410 Cbara ber of Commerce. WILL trade aood corner lot for Ford or afl first payment gmail house. Col. OlO. FOR l bug. in good condit ion. for hou'j equity. Jl. Akcrsuo. 1-0 Htury bidg. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. GOOD MODERN BUILDINGS. 24 acres, 10 miles south of Portland. 1 mile irom good town, with 2 electric lines, rocked road, good soil, 17 acres under cultixatlon. ll can be cultivated. 2 acres In berries; new o-room plastered bungalow, ater svstem. garage, barn 40x50, chicken houe, 1 mile to high and grade i-chool ; included with pin re I team. 2 cows, 1 heifer, 30 chickens, cream separator, brooder, incubator, complete line of machinery, 300 sacks of onions, 15 nark 1 potatoes, erof and ail hou!e furniture. Including a p:ano. This is a line home, well located. Th build lng. are reasonably worth 7ouo. Con suler Portland houe for part value. John Ferguson, Gerlinger Bids., Realtor. 0er 50O Smatl Plate Near i'ortland. Oet Our Exu-nnivo Classified Liv. W ACULS. located on the I' inc highway in Douglas county; half under cultiva tion. g'iod buildings, gravity wati-r -tern; $0500; will take house in vaUiy town or Portland to hnlf. 103 acres, mile from Pacific highway; an ideal small dairy or stock farm; fa r buildings; $5000; want nice home to lull value. 320 acres, near Baker Cltv: 225 t'.Ksble. 1(H) clover and timothy; 2 sets bulidniKi: wan rooming hnuM or aparimont to $4.0OO. Value $2oimh). See Mr. Vail FINANCE SERVICE CO.. REALTORS. Main 4(41 . WILL exchange good clear town property for stock ranch or wheat farm. Will as sume a reationabie sixed mortgage. Large deal preferred. owner, 4ui Spalding bldg. Main 10U. I 11 AVE the lease un a moriurn bru i apartment hnue. all well furnixhed. In come ovor $MW month, netting $4 00. My price $U.ooO. equity $MHHi. Will trade for residence or other Portland real estate. Am leaving city account of my haltn. rrefer clear property. HP Oregonian. OWNER will trade going California farm. 320 acres, modern buildings. 4 miN-4 from Willows; fine, deep, level soil for alfalfa, grain, grapes or any fruit lor any real estate or business in Oregon or Washington clitics: price Stfi.ooo: mort gage $30.0110. will assume. Buz 020 Willows. Cal. $4ooo 3: LOTS. con. sic ting of one cr each, near San Dingo. Cal. : very vaiu aitle property; would exchange fur Fort land oronertv. $1500 Would trade for equity In houe; sell on easy terms or would take goou car. Ql'ir-K SALES CO.. 40ft Couch rVdg 10O ACHES. I"0 ACRES IN CULTIVATION. Fair set of farm buildings, good or chard, on good road, mortgage of $40'", trade equity for any good city or sub urban property. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., 40-5 1'anama Hldg.. .'.d nnd Aldor. BY OWNER 2-story brick bldg. in bt suburb of Portland: rents for $t0 month will exchange for smail alfalfa ranch. about 20 acres improved; prefer Cma tilla project. Address 5040 02d st. S. E Portland. Or. m WHEAT OR. STOCK RANCH. 640 acres, cIoma to Yakima valley; fine bunch grass; price $10 per arre clear": will exchange for city property 618 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FIRST-CLASS 36-room hotel, clearing $500 month, for ranch not over foouo: must be stocked; price $soo0, $2700 mortgage; your own terms. Manager, 320 Burling ton st.. St. Johns. HAVE an equity In two far ma one 1 72 acros. the other 2M acrea w ill exchange eiihtsr for residence or grocery. Owner. 5 1 S f'ha mbT of Commerce. KXCMANOE 7-passenger. 1U1 West colt touring for Portland or close in property. Car at Tourists garnRe. E. Oth at Mor rison. P 62i, Oregonian. TO EXCIMNCK MISCFLT-ANFOrH. WILL, a lot. change dental work for clearing 50 x Jon. y K3I, Orrgnnlan. FOR ft.M.E. Hoi-M-H, Vehicles, LHcMock. BAY TE-AM of horses, 6 and S vana old. sound, (rue workers,- 27oo pounds; one 3-inch wagon, one J2-inch plow, one spring-tool h harrow, one disc harrow . one spring-tooth cultivator, one set good work harness; 4 miles cast of Vancou ver. Wash. M. Mitcff. Ht. No. 1. box 2ll. Vancouver. Wash. All these tools are 40 HEAD horsvs and mares. 4 to 8 ears old. weight 1200 to 1700 lbs.: some matched teams, harness and wagons; this stork all well broke and ready to work: mice reasonable to save reeo e pense. Keystone tub lea. ii&l Water U cor. Montgomery st. nK TuCkruiJici'u' horniesa cual: kind. to milk, registered ipapera Umt; giving nearly three nuarts rich mlik ; w ill do heller; thorough lest invited; $05; Phone -' . Qk -tirove. tun uiv tm havK horse and mare. veara old. weight about 25(h) iha.; wel farm broke and gentle. uM Water et Hide. A GOOD clu-ap l alii a iioi e and harm-as for km I a. Call from 3 to 5 at Pay's ga race. eY 7th and Ankeny. Phono Lasi $:0 T A K i:s clit-nt nut aorrel mare 7 nid wtMirht 1-I4H Ibn. : broke single double aud gentle. 3S1 Water ht.. wet side. Kf.VSTONE FEED STABLE J I n r for nale or hire, stalls for rent. .'IM Water t., foot Mentg'tmerv. Marshall 3515 111 HEAD of horses. 4 to 7 ars old. 1 loO to 1M0 I be, and some wrll luatctu d teams. Inquire Mil Norlhrup wt. . TEAM woichinK 2500 pounds, bloeky built, fat ami gentle, with harnrwa, rcaaonablo. 4010 7th st.. .Mt. Srott car. AIL'LES AND HORSES w ith harm n f'r rent oy carioau. nnainouu ivatu Lathmp, Cal. pmr SALE Six homes: rcaaonablo Drlca Holman Fuel Co., barn L. ttth and lvoo ttreeta DEAD horses and cattle taken quick! Phone Miiwaukie ttitJ for bst scrvlca VETEiUNAiUAN. DR. HOWES. TABOR bfi6. Clin sai.E Jersey-Holstftn hcifrr calf, weeks' old. reasonable. Phone Kast 1626. F R ES IMW S for rale. 3 to 7 g.illona TWO A once. NO. 1 farm ira.mw; Foot of Min st. muni tell at DEAD horbts and cattle taken promptly. l'w.11 dsiy nr night, Autonintir n.t-m. 5-YE AR-oLD Ha mil loniau ni w oii ha looo lto. Ol'-j Haruiu ave. I'tano?,' QrKunw and Muieal liwtniments. KIMBALL PIANO. Oak case. At about half price, of condition. Terms given. SEIBERLING-LCCAS MUSIC CO. 125 4th St. Between Washington and Alder. Best Il lHiOltFF GRAND. 7-atent style. Big reduction. TERM 8 GIVEN. i?EUBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St. Between Washington and Alder. KIMBALL PLAYER PIANO. New. just used ior demonstration. Big reduction. Terms given. SEIBERLING-Lti'CAfl MUSIC CO. 125 4th St. Between Washington and Alder. FRANKLIN PIA N U. Walnut case. A wonderful Instrument. At a bargain. Terms given. SEIBERLINO-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 4th St. Between Washington and Alder. PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING. All makes, work guaranteed. Broad way 282 L McDOUG ALL MUSIC CO.. 120 10th Ht., Between Alder and Wash. GENl'LNE antique piano. Imported Broad ' wnna and verv old. burr walnut case and beautiful tone; pronounced by expert to be in perfect condition: no trlflers: also good hall tree cheap. H 616. Oregonian. SCHIRMER $150. Terms given. BIB ER LING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 4th St. Between Washington and Alder. W E LLI NGTO N PIA NO. A big bargain. See Jt. Oak case. SElBERLlNG-vLLCAS MUSIC CO. 125 4th St. Between Washington and Alder. STRAND player piano. SS-note, uwd verj little, flrst-clase mechanical condition ; $040 instrument for $100 cash. Call bell wood S11Q mornings or evenings $1U5 BUYS $475 ued Lnieraon upright piano. $15 cah. $5 monthly, downstairs store Sohwan Piarno Co.. 10th and Slaik. J & C FISCHER. POild walnut, $:too. Tone quali.y BUptrlor preaent-da.y $12o piano. WJin. 242. forenoons. FINE Stelnway piano for saie. in fin condition and a genuine bargain. 40U Abington bldg. . FOR RENT To rellnble party, mahogany upright piano; good condition. Tabor nos::. 1 WILL, f AIT cahh for a good lined piano or pi a yer If price ts rig ht. Auto. CU-20. MELODY C. SAXOPHONE, ONLY $75. COST $135. 12 FIRST. NKAH ALDER. BL'SH it LANE piano lor j phone Main SI 5. iu, J0. 'laiu PHONOORAPH OR RECORDS WANTED MAIN 4415. 12S FIRST. N It. ALPh'H FOR RE N T O li AFONOLAS, .ale m uaic, S3 00 per itia.nh. Proadway 151. A BEAL'Tl FUL maiiogaiiy giafonoJa, perfect rondl tlnn. Eatt H5QO WANTEI Good practice piano all ca.-h. M;iin 7724. will pay WANTED -Piano: consider good pa ; ail cash. Mai a 4124. FOR fMI.E. Pin now. Organ and M uli al Instrument. FINK 1'IA.NuS REAL CHEAP. $700 W. W. Kimball, mahKan, and bench . $241 0O0 Kiiu-mon, nice upright 150 "25 Marshall A Wendell, inahog.... 'J T.'.Oiieo. Slr.-k. fine -'J. 23 W W. Klmbuli. nice oak 2. 0'tO Mc "anion, upright, and btw:U.. 12M 5!'o Milton, plain oak. and hench... 250 tkwj 11. C Howard, juat new, and bench ,. Sort 600 flantnian make, mahogany . . . . --'5 ."'i brand new p.Hjrr IiT. Many oihcrw. Kanv term. You can't find real bargain nhcrr, Junt com pare our loa e MM" rise. No ouinUle aa.f s man to bothrr you. Brokerage Co., iill Worcester bllr. CASH BUYfcHS. ATTENTION. Prurlrv Hiorage Co.. Spring Clearance $4.Vi Knieraon upright. mh $"75 New unrlght. out of storage ...-T5 $50 Klmbai modern tk, cacti . .,$-" Two small iinrictit planus, eaii..$w. r' $475 c. A. Sn:llh, IsrKe, fme shape.. $215 -V Voe & H.miB, go.t nhape, caah. . 1 1' $575 laia c Hon, larce ok $."5 250 Pianola f.acr. incl. 30 ro'.m ... 750 riuno plaver nii'iio, 40 roil. .. . .'t Knur narlor oigans. !. $-'V n(3 m . T 03 T enih St., cur Sia rk at W'n.n.-ti.n, $10 MONTHLY as before the war bun new $525 pianos for $:!5: 15 a-r.ds it home; $t. $ or $10 monthly buvt $7-V 1H5. to $:E1. UPed pianos: It to $15 monthly buys ued plater ulano: $:i month Tv buv $'S. $.15 lo 5S organs dur ing annlveraarv sale. (45 yearn in tha p.ano business.) S. Iiwrti Piano Co.. li'l 1" t Tenth t at WasMnatn andSfiirk:- A. H. CHASE H-octave ora-an (walnut). $ 40 1 150 Siradivaia phonograph, new... mi Hrunxwirk phonoim ,ih (.Ike new).. V15 flrewnlT piano (oak) "0 Port. phone excellent for csmping Oiw) 3, HAROLD S GILHKRT 3S4 TnmhtH Ht WANTED A PIANO or rler imno as part payment on a It ID 2-ton It e public t ruck : I hi truck hum a good bily and mb top ; la tn f IrRt-clafs uh- hMnit mi condt t ion and ready to go; It viy cheap st $17."0, terms on h.ilnnre AL ,Viu. OrrponUn Al A HOG AN Y dbitu-l must sell at once; on st., room 10, phi.m.g in pli, nr w. P.rHu. M5 Mnrrl nioiiiluKS and 6 to rnrniturr for Hale. I li 750. Fine brocade velvet or hfsvv tapeitry covered davenimrta. mawle mrlng arm, hack and loowe j-prlna cuhloru. met a few ar lrfi. mo ru;ke 'ur p'irtlou eaily; $10 down, the IhIhl to 11111, IHiAl-EKlES. Get our entlmate on vour d-nrles. W'a save you money. Ehkv terms u,tti. C. F. KAI-U'N, SOCH Lrrieon. OppoUfa nlrtn. Wurtnuin Kttic' SAVE AIOr.l. Try our sale department If you want to buy or tell houm hyld aoodn. Kertucd freight rates to moM all pint In cur throuKh pool cars. Expert packing, re pairing and re finish 1 n Mom y loanr.l on goods In atoraxe. Flreprouf storage. Low inxu ranee rates. bECl'RITY tfTtiKAGK TRANSFER CO., u3 4th ft-, opp. Multnomah Hotel. I'h-ine HrnailWM)' 37LV LEAVING c!ly. mit trll new genuine mn hogaiiy (lining act. 8 piecrn; cut $J00 ; price $175; ato new saa range. cit $fl5. price $4o; your chant- lo get a real bar gain. Main 7530. DuN'T i.tcrifl'e our furniture if going east or to Call torn t a We cm n m yen money on vour freight in our through cam; fireproof storage, . M oot Transfer A S in rane Co.. 21 Lin e yt II AVJvNI'UkT AT A HA 1i I A IV New daenpoit with Turkish arms: a bargain for anyone wanllng a fine piec of fu rni lure. Phone, any day but Sun- Liv. Auto. " I 1 - 2" l- l .N E Im U room s-1 in b(i i J ' ma u.c. t on -kiMiing of bed, two drcKfru, writing devk, chcval glaf. chair and rorkr. f .r hU n a at or by piece Wood lawn r.s-jiv FOLK iHi'ce Nava.io mKS in Rood repair; sies I'x.'t yutt : a;o uirce minim ri one wardrobe, one dmK bedroom BUite dst cad and drctm r. Mailt .20H te- and 12 A M. NKW KLItNlTl'KK at .aerlf(ee; Ira I her rocker, run, mal'renH. gux pinto, oven, Vh trota. ehinn. 7 .10 to 11 o'clock. Mief ftld Ants., 270 Urondway. , FIKNITIKE (IF IT.IVXTK IlIE FOIt 8 U.K. Sill I- M ASiN HT. rOK I' l K TH I II I N liVK M A 1 ION CALL WOOH l.AWN o7 $150 RTKi il. A ami records f.'r 111-, electric tanle lamp. naw i.rasn in-u ;iv sate i-lnvip Cull Mam 7-" FOU SALE Liurary. dining and eelng table; rug; A H gan range; alUgootU are new; no dentrtc. S715 Foster rojtd M A H K ! A N V library table, lealhtr n lir!itr, cliiflunier, UreBiiing table. WA I.N FT b-drooin (, d tinng room aft, contt'Hct'CHn be assumed paable month ly. Kji-t BED. M'KIN rt n rni-.H It and ma' tr v Miiln 1 ti good, l E liS A I . O-lioU' toil. .II. Phi nines It O It lee fr uriiilure. NEW AND LSED deUs. flfrV"" bun phi. sold and exchanged. Adding mai'lum-H, vheck wrltcrH, Upfrlln, tiim clot-kK, at". a'e ctiblnei m; prlcrs low ret. W.ik OH ice Equipment House, 21 North 5th. Hroadway 27:i'J. 1 T. W. DESK, and cliuir, 2 Lablrv, 3 roll top dehkH, 2 flal-tftp denkM, bonkkecp eix' duka. It cliaua, ft filing cabliiaU, J '"'lI'yHoNO & CO., Ot Park St. Ul'l U E FLIlNilLKE. Onk lUt-top d.-fck, n-wilvinit mr4 plraiKht hair. Ad.lirs S H;J. Oreao n mii Phom- !ri.mlMy 1 T pew rllept. HRrMNSTnlTTKO M ACIf TVFH. THE BKT IN TVPKWKI I 'Kill ALL MAKES. limN-CUD liLA It A NTEE. CALL OK WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST THE W HOLE. A I.I'J TVPEWR1TFR CO, n"l Wa-hiiigtun SI. MAIN SUM. REHLIl-T typt-wrileia, ail inakra r mala, repairing, sutplis. Platrlbutuia CORONA port able, SI NLTRAND. adding ma chlnts. Main 22M. L. W. Psaao C-. 1 10 Sixth tret. , , FOR SALE No. 10 Rcin'iialon t vp-wrlirf In gud con'litiuit. t-hvap. 40 Alt Iva bldR.. .Id and Stark i NOISELESS typtwrltn-s. It ate now available for n-iiL Nol.el hii Tm wnur Co 1-idtvv. 5nH, vnr. tth and ait. ALL MAKES rtulnl and r-palied. Orgo Typewriter Co.. 04 ftth street. M .n 3.il NEW. rebuilt, secoiid-haLd. rentala aT cut ratra P D- Co.. 21 .S'ark 1 Alain 140.' REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell; upiium. Tvp writer Inwpfctlon Co.. 12 Mark. FOR RENT LnilTWiod-l''ininglori, iS.i m o K to plrr Tmir-f-r. PdMy. i:.5. FOR SALE Coromi pur table t pe writer with raw. $2ii. HC lHO. t1ri'g"nmn. Poultry. EXTRA SPECIAL, 8000 O. A. C. While Leghorn chirks. Thursdav, May ft: lit eah, $14 Pr Umi. 135 per 1000; one of the bt hateb't of the year. Wire your orders at m v expenne. I ll ship C. O. I. Don t wa.t until Thursday, order t.dy. J. R. MAtiLlRK. 787 Oregon St.. Portland. Phone East 1115. , H OOS T E 1 1 S W A N T 1 ; I ). Wanted. . people to buy a scttlr Of eggs from mv hea y-la vlng train of S R I. R''dj; S grand pens t" elect from: a few good breeding cock trrcla yet fr a g. W. V T,fHM18. 1023 M u 1 1 noma h St. Ph o n e Ta I tor .1 1 07. TAKE NOTICE. We guarantee no miles or lire with Johnson's Mile Proof Cedar Hay, -the modern neat material : order today; nests $150. 12 for $2.50. C. O. I . Vn pald. Johnson-Usrris Mfg. Co., &84 i'ey ton bldg . Hpohnne. Wsh. WHITE LEGHORN baby chb-ks for Ma' ana June a;ivry u -'. '' boganix' d aiock : safe hitJvhI of fu ; count live, strong chirks gun Hint eeu. ii -.O- per humlntl; $r.'o p r HiouimiiU. PIONEER HA'lli;ilY. 441 SlTth St PeialutiiH. Cal. v,u: FOR llAT'lll.i. Magulre high-grade Red. Hrnwti Leg horn, O. A. C. While l-vh..r,i ano Barred Rock eggs. lc each f-r balanirt of season. J. A. Magulre, (h? Oiigoii, near E. -th. s TWENTY-FIVE I horouu h hi ed Itutf Or pingtons BOO Dcmi'pn aim ..w rhit-ks. Ci if lord restaurant, 4otf Last Morn son st. miii O A. C. WHITE l.l'l 1 in cinchs lion- h BV' isyina uniiK . i im " ' . 4 Buff L f k nr n. rno nr 1 a m tr v - LEGHORN chirks ftoin trap-litsi. 1 1 - irt strain, uny 01a t. --"-. TANCRED White Lt-uhorn rtiut. May 2i $15 per nunoreo. iwii !. i i Hatchery, Portland. . . BAfciy CHICKS Slg varietia b-st stork. nrrri reason uir , ,ul..,.'uu' vitad. C N. Neadliain. bale in. Or. FOR SALE 7 thorouirhhrrd B K. bans 00 ill 1 ruorn 1 . R 1. KED ru-n aou V cihck. jiumuv snatu Tabor r .'!. . POR SALE 1 White Wyandot laying h-ns. 47 Williams ave. s, Rabhllw. llirda and Pet Slock. CHOICE SINUEItS AND r KMAI tua CALL JTH13STiDIO. MAIN 40.H. S1IKPHKRD Hnd collie doK, i yiais old. f 1 u. t nil H'-osdwHV 27o:t Roat-. Imnchew an d M a r In e r u 11 1 pmcn t . PltH A1.K ol trade -Th-imi iiouK.-oU.,t and fih bust with four-burs. ow, r n-a-ilic wilt trade for Fo'd auto, or wl-t aa;l lor 100 ch. AV uiguuUa.