Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 04, 1921, Image 1

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    VOL. LX NO. 18,861
.Entered at Portland Ore(ron
Poptofflce sf Stoti1-CUss Mutter.
ET ft
IS TO BE one
McNary Reports Promise
Four Mammoth Horizontal Boilers
Ship Pay Negotiations
May Be Reopened.
Situation Is Declared to Look
w. Hopeful Now.
Some .Difficulty Experienced
-civ York and Galveston Ap
pears to Be Tied Up.
opening1 of negotiations between the
shipping board and steamship owners
and marine workers in an effort to
settle the wage dispute which threat
ens to tie up American shipping was
indicated today as probable by Chair
man Benson, who announced a con
ference might be held here tomorrow.
Negotiations to draft an agreement
covering wages and working condi
tions ended Friday with the refusal
of the men to accept a 13 per cent
wage cut, later made effective by the
The men carried their case to Presi
dent Harding, who turned the matters
over to Secretaries Davis and Hoover.
The latter have since held conferences
with union leaders.
Problem In Davis Hands.
Since yesterday, Chairman Benson
said, the problem has been in the
hands of Secretary Davis. He- added
hat the situation looked hopeful. Dis
:ussing the possibility of a conference
omorrow, he said a committee of
shipowners was coming here, but all
the parties to suchs conference might
not be here by tomorrow.
Ileports of the shipping board today.
officials said indicated that as far
as ship movement was concerned, the
ituation was generally satisfactory.
In New York, however, officials
said, some difficulty was being expe-
ienctd, as strikers -were picketing
ha board's recruiting offices, and in
Baltimore the situation seemed rath
er unsatisfactory.
Galveston Is Tied t'p.
In Boston, Norfolk, Savannah and
Charleston, it was said, reports indi-
ated there would be no difficulty In
moving vessels, Galveston appeareu
o be tied up, but in New Orleans
the situation was good.
On the Pacific coast, officials said,
reports showed little difficulties were
elng experienced at Seattle, Port-
and or San Francisco.
While Secretary Davis declined to
say whether eriorts would be made
to persuade Admiral Benson to recede
from his announced stand for a 15 per
esnt wage reduction, representatives
of the marine engineers declared,'
after a conference with the labor
secretary, that "pressure by govern
ment officials would force Benson to
isten to reason."
Rules Reported Approved.
Working rules proposed by Secre
tary Davis were said to have met the
pproval of union officials, who, head
d by T. B. Healy, representing the
marine engineers of the Atlantic and
Pacific coasts, conferred with him
oday. The union heads will meet
gain with Secretary Davis tomor
At the cabinet meeting today the
ecretary was understood to have said
hat the situation looked hopeful.
Possible use of naval reserves to
man shipping board vessels was said
representatives of the engineers
be highly satisfactory to them, as
most of them are naval reservists.
Bcnsoa Discusses Claims,
Discussing claims by the men that
the board's 13 per cent wage cut
mounted to a reduction of from
to &0 per cent. Chairman Benson
eclared that the difference was
gured through the loss of what he
described, as "overtime graft."
Overtime has been adniitted'by the
en to be graft to a great exten;
he said, and by cutting out this prac
ce Jhe board can effect a great
saving. year, ho said. 18,000,000
the board's wage Dill was for
Uniformed Police Arc Put Aboard
Nearly All Sctj-Going Craft
In Harbor as Guards.
BALTIMORE, May 3. After a dy
of riots and anxiety in the marine
workers' strike, uniformed men of the
Baltimore police force tonight were
on board nearly all ocean-going ves
sels in the harbor to prevent further
outbreaks and all available reserves
were concentrated in the waterfront
Shipping wis at a standstill except
for bay traffic. Shipping board offi
cials and private operators struggled
all day in efforts to obtain crews,
but with little success.
Strikers raided the cattle ship West
ern King. They boarded the sh'p
from launches" and compelled all but
seven of the 50 men, mostly negroes,
who composed the crew, to abandon
the ship. Later they went back and
carried off three others, leaving only
four men in .the crew to care for the
455 head of cattle aboard.
Arriving at the foot of Broadway
with their first boatloads of "re
cruits'" the strikers met a large crowd
and a demonstration against the
negroes occurred. Three negroes were
badly injured.
Latest Offer Believed
Be Acceptable.
Joe Brady, Acquitted of Burglar
Charge Here, Sow In Bastile.
OREGON CITX Or., May 3. (Spe
cial.) Joe Brady, acquitted in court
after being held by the Portland
police some time ago as being the
elusive "talkative burglar" appeared
in this city last night for a vaudeville
engagement at a local theater, but
failed to show up for the reason that
he was put in jail by the police for
being drunk. He was brought before
Judge' Kelly this morning and fined
J25, in default of which he is now
serving 12', 4 days in the city bastile.
A sign painter of this city, who
was painting some signs for tonight's
performance, received word that he
need not paint the advertisements, as
the vaudeville artist described on the
signs was unable to put on the performance.
Document Expected to Reach
Council Today.
Agreement Readied on Measures
to Be Taken in Connection
AVitli Reparations.
Senate Passes Emergency Immigra
tion Measure.
senate today passed the emergency
immigration bill limiting admission
of aliens to 3 per cent of each na
tionality resident in the United States
in 1910. The bill is effective for 14
months, beginning 15 days after
enactment. The vote on passage was
78 to 1, Senator Reed, democrat, Mis
souri, opposing the measure.
Senator Johnson's amendment to
exempt from provisions of the im
migration bill aliens suffering from
religious and political persecution in
their native countries to defeated,
15 to 60.
Camp Lewis Commandant to Take
Charge of Ninth Corps Area.
CAMP LEWIS, Wash., May 3.
Major-General Charles H. Muir, com
mander of Camp Lewis and the fourth
division, left today for San Francisco
to assume command of the 9th corps
area. General Muir is the senior
officer in the area following his
confirmation by the senate as a
Brigadier - General R. M. Blatch
ford, at present in command of the
ninth area, is expected to return to
Camp Lewis, in which event he will
assume command here.
Delay to Shipping Is Caused
Marine Strike.
BOSTON, May 3. Several vessels
ntering port here today were tied
by the marine strike. The Stand-
rd Oil tanker Brilliant also was
bandoned by her crew.
The Hog Island sailed for New
ork and the Lake Beacon for Nor
folk. The latter called on sub-sea-
en, her own men having quit yes-
fwo Ships of Alaska Fishing Fleet
Start for Xorth.
teamers sailed from San Francisco
oday despite the marine strike, and
ships of the Alaska fishing fleet
arted north. The Matson Navjga-
company, however, had to aban-
n the trip of the Maui for Honolulu,
hrduled today, and the shipping
Steel Rod Comes in Contact With
High-Voltage Power Line.
HARRISBURG. Or., May 3. (Spe
cial.) Edwin Jensen, 12, was killed
instantly today when a steel rod with
which he was fishing off the Oregon
Klectric railroad trestle over the Wil
lamette river, came in contact with
a. high-tension wire carrying 60,000
volts of electricity. He fell 150 fee!
into the river. The body has not
been recovered.
Toung Jensen and another boy
were on the bridge together. Two
farmers also saw th 'accident.
Proposed Cession or Territory to
Germany Protested.
WARSAW, May 3. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) Trouble is reported in
Upper Silesia. because of the rumored
recommendation by the inter-allied
commission that Germany be given
all the plebiscite area except the dis
tricts of Dybnlk and Pless.
Newspapers announce spontaneous
insurrectionary movements ir. various
Industrial centers in the district in
favor of Poland.
LONDON, May 4. (By the Associ
ated Press.) A new German offer to
the allies was telegraphed Tuesday
from Berlin to the German ambassa
dor at Paris for communication to the
reparations commission, according to
a statement ascribed oy me onuon
Times to "good authority."
The terms are not known", but the
Times says it is believed they ap
proximate acceptance of tne allies
decisions at Paris January 29.
It is presumed the offer will be for
warded to London and placed before
the supreme council Wednesday.
The supreme council reached a com
plete agreement today on the ulti
matum to be sent to Germany by the
reparations commission not later than
March 6. The ultimatum expires 6ix
days later.
Reparations Bill Raised.
The drafting committee tonight was
completing the document, which will
be finally passed by the council to
morrow, and then handed to the
r.niraiinm commission, which 'will
forward the last word of the allies to
the Berlin cabinet. The total sum
Germany will be called on to pay hau
been increased to 6,750,000.000 by the
Inclusion of the sum due Belgium on
accounts of her debts to the allies.
Under the bonding scheme to guar
antee the payment of flOO.PJO.OOO an
nually, 'plusvthe 25 'per cent tax on
German exports, 600,000,000 in "bonds
w;ill be issued when the ultimatum
expires or Germany accepts the terms.
Bonds for 1,900.000,000 will be issued
in November. The balance, 4.230,
000,000, will be issued in accordance
with Germany's capacity to pay. The
capacity will be guaged by the prod
uct of 25 per cent on exports. Be
sides the 5 per cent interest on the
bonds, an additional 1 per cent will
be imposed on them to form a sink
ing fund. The amount required for
service bonds thus will be 2,500,
000,000. Should the 100,000,000 annuity and
25 per cent on German exports be
(Concluded oa Page 2. Column 3.)
Arrangements Made to Care for
2 6 Persons Now in srek Bay
of Relief Vessel.
Wash.. May 3. The
army transport Buford
United States
tonight was steaming down Puget
Soupd for Seattle, bearing 65 passen
gers and members of the crew of the
Japanese steamer Tokuyo Maru, res
cued when that steamer burned off
the Oregon coast last night with the
loss of eight lives.
Twenty-six of the survivors were
confined to the Buford's sick bay,
suffering from exposure, and arrange
ments were completed to rush them
to local hospitals for treatment im
mediately upon arrival in port. The
Buford- according to latest advices,
was due to reach her at between 11
o'clock tonight and midnight.
The Dead.
T. Kishimoto, storekeeper.. (
H. Suzuki, apprentice officer.
T. Ohashi, boatswain.
W. Owhaki, quartermaster.
S. Imano, diler.
E. Kajlwara, fireman.
E. Watanabe, coal passer.
A. Sasaki, coal passer.
Storekeeper Kishimoto died in a
lifeboat from exposure while he was
being taken to the Buford after leap
ing from the. deck of the burning
The aeven others, menaced, by the
advancing flames, leaped into the
ocean from the burning deck and
were not again seen. The Tokuyo
Maru, ablaze all night long, sank
some time during the day, according
to messages from the coast guard
cutter Snohomish.
T. Herada. Japanese coffee mer
chant of Valparaiso, Chile, his wife
and four children, the only passen
gers aboard the Tokuyo Maru, were
rescued by boats from the Buford.
T. Saito, Japanese vice-consul here,
announced at noon that he had com
pleted arrangements for the care at
ocal hospitals of survivors suffering
from exhaustion.
A message from San Francisco said
that a representative of the Toyo
Kisen Kalsha, owners of the Tokuyo
Maru, was en route to Seattle to take
charge of the situation
Captain ' Hammer, master of the
steamer Santa Alicia, reported by
wireless tonight that the Santa Alicia
stood by the Tokuyo Maru until 9
o'clock last night.
Various explosions were occurring
at rapid intervals and the ship was a
mass of flames." the message said.
Captain Hammer said he picked up
wo lifeboats, one containing the
ship's log, with the last entry dated
from Portland. The Santa Alicia took
them aboard and proceeded on her
way to Tacoma, Wash.
of Largo Whitney Industry
Crippled; Loss $25,000.
TILLAMOOK, Or.. May 3. (Spe
cial.) Fire of unknown origin in the
boiler house unit of the large Whit
ney company sawmill at Garibaldi,
about 10 miles north of here, today
destroye the building and crippled
the four mammoth horizontal boilers,
entailing a loss estimated at 23,000,
covered by Insurance.
H. Green, an employe, was severely
burned and injured while fighting: the
Are, when he was caught amidst the
debris of flaming timbers as the roof
crashed to the ground.
A spectacular run of the Tillamook
Are engine truck was made when
Mayor Moulton responded to an urgent
call from Garibaldi when It was seen
the flames were beyond control.
The fire was discovered shortly be
fore noon, but spread too rapidly to
be extinguished by the mill hose
Some check was provided by the cor-
rugated iron sheeting to the building
while two' small streams of water
were played. Under these conditions
the fire burned within the building
for more than an hour while em
ployes took precautions to save other
units, some of which are in course of
construction and some of which have
been completed in the projection of
what is said ultimately will be one of
the largest sawmills In the world,
having a cut of 250,000 feet daily.
When the girders, weakened beyond
endurance, gave way under the
weight of the sheeting, the roof and
sides caved in Tlh a crash, followed
by an explosion of a boiler safety
valve, the hissing steam fanning the
blaze and creating a draft that sent
the flames high into the air, their
heat and driven embers setting fire
to sawdust piles beside the engine
It was then the Tillamook truck
got into action and saved the engine
house and the other buildings'.
by Solicitor-General.
Senator Acts on Request to
Fight Decision.
Department of Justice Attitude Is
Declared to Be Aot to Inter
fere With Courts.
Coast Guard Cutter Snohomish
Sends Wireless Message.
The Japanese steamer Tokuyo
Maru, reported afire off the Oregon
coas, Monday night, has probably
sunk, according to a wireless message
from Captain Waesohe of the coast
Number of April Insolvencies EX'
ceeds Showing for March.
NEW YORK, May 3. Insolvencies
among American firms in April num
bered 1487, according to R. G. Dun
& Co.
This number was 131 greater than
the March compilation, although the
liabilities, amounting to more than
3S,000,000, were $28,000,000 below
those of the preceding month.
(Concluded on Page 2, Column 1.)
$15,000,000 Shipment Reported
on Way to America. .
LONDON, May 3. Gold bars said to
be worth approximately 115,000,000
have just crossed Sweden and Norway
from Russia en route to the United
A Stockholm dispatch to the Ex
change 'iclegraph company, quoting
rumors current in that city, brought
I the news.
Communication With Dutch East
Indies Established.
Establishment of a radio service be
tween the United States and the Dutcn
East Indies was am.junced today by
the naval communication service.
Messages will be accepted at San
Francisco for any point in the Dutch
East Indies at 75 cents a word, the
announcement said.
1- ''.A
REAU, Washington, D. C, May 3.
Retrial of Henry Albers, rich Port
land (Or.) .miller, whose conviction
under the espionage act was set aside
by the United States supreme court a
few days ago on the technicality that
the lower court erred in refusing to
admit a duly interposed demurrer,
will be ordered at once, the solicitor
general announced today.
Senator McNary was requested by
the Oregon State Bar association in
telegram received today to go be
fore the supreme court and move for
a stay of the proceedings in the re
cent order of the court reversing the
conviction of Albers, The bar associ
ation protested against the action of
the department of Justice in confess
ing error in the trial of Mr. Albers.
which resulted last week in the su
preme court remanding the case to
the court at Portland and asked that
the association be granted the privi
lege of appearing at a hearing of the
case on its merits.
After talking with the solicitor
general, Senator McNary sent a reply
to the bar association, in which he
said' the solicitor iad stated that in
dictment was based upon the amend
ed espionage act and that a record
presented an error in the admission
of evidence in the trial of the case.
He added that the policy of the de
partment of justice was not "to Im
pose upon the court cases, in Its judg
ment, subject to reversal.
.-enator McNary Declares New Trial
Has Been Promised.
Rehearing of the Albers case was
forecast yesterday by Senator Mc
Nary in a telegram to Harrison G.
Piatt, president of the Oregon State
Bar association. In reply to a mes-
sage sent yesterday again urging that
the way be opened for a new trial for
the wealthy' miller whose conviction
under the espionage act seemed to be
nullified by decision of the attorney-general.
Senator McNary s telegram was as
follows: '
Harrison G. Piatt. President Oregon Bar
.Association. Portland, Or.: Discussed to
day with solicitor in the department of
justice your request for stay of proceed
ings In Albers case. Solicitor stated In
dictment based upon amended espionage
act and that record presented error In the
admission of the evidence In the trial of
he case, and that policy of department
of justice was not to Impose on the court
cases In its Judgment subject to reversal
Folicitor stated that new trial upon legal
evidence would be immediately had. Does
tbis situation meet your request?
This was in response to a telegram
sent earlier in the day by Mr. Piatt,
as follows:
"I Will Be Swamped With Unnec
essary Correspondence" la
Declaration or Official.
Washington. D. C, May 3-VIco-rrcsident
Coolldgc said this afternoon
that he was planning a trip to Port
land, Or., in June, but expressed re
gret that the news of his proposed
trip had leaked out after today's
cabinet meeting.
"I had intended to say nothing
about my plans for the present," said
the vice-president, "because any an
nouncement of my plans to go west
means that I will be swamped at
once with unnecessary correspon
dence. It is not my intention to make
a general western trip, but to go
straight to Portland and return, after
a short visit, by the most direct route.
"Ever since last July I have been
urged by friends in Portland to pay
jhem a visit and I am anxious to do
it, but the stay necessarily must be
brief, if 1 go, because congress will
be in session at that time and I can
not be away for long. I have a very
dear friend in Portland, Ernest W.
Hardy, who practiced law for years
in Northampton, and then there is
my friend Judge McCamant, besides
others who have been inviting me to
visit them."
The vice-president has not forgot-
tei5 that it was the Oregon delega
tion which placed his name before
the convention at Chicago. He did
not appear to know that it was the
president who had mentioned the pro
posed trip to Portland today and
thereby aroused widespread interest
in the western journey.
Mrs. Coolidge will accompany the
Judge Wescott Denies
Helping Defense.
Sharp Question of Veracity
Raised at Hearing.
Torrent of Denial Poured l'urlli iu
Answer to cx-Judse-Advocate-General
of Army,
Spokane Man Now Member of In
terslate Commission.
WASHINGTON, D. C. May 3. Nom
inations of E. I. Lewis of Indianapo
lis and J. B. Campbell of Spokane,
Wash., to the interstate commerce
commission were confirmed today by
trie senate without opposition.
William M. Stuart of Michigan, as
sistant director of the census, was
nominated today by President Hard
ing to be director of the census.
John L. Slattcry was nominated to
be United States attorney for the
district of Montana.
Vancouver Official Declares City
Too Reactionary for Him.
VANCOUVER. Wash., May 3 (Spe
cial.) G. H. Wilde, a councilman
elected last November, offered his
resignation today In a letter to the
He declared the Vancouver senti
ment was too reactionary to suit him.
Chicago Reports Product Selling at
Pre-War Price.
CHICAGO, May 3. Pre-war retail
prices for butter were reached today
when the market dropped to 37 cents
a pound for the best creamery variety,
two cents lower than Monday's prices.
The price a month ago was 59 cents.
Hon. Charles L. McNary, Senate Cham
ber. Washington. D. C. : Alleged error in
admission evidence considered by circuit
ourt appeals, which further held ques
tion concluded by denial by supreme court
r petition for writ certiorari in Eaui
ersus United States. We urge department
ustice shoul" not by indirection assume
reverse court of appeals. If ground
exists for doubting correctness decision,
orderly procedure and public policy re
quire that matter be submitted to su
preme court for an opinion guiding dls
triet court on new trial. We renew our
request of yesterday to you.
Senator McNary also replied to a
telegram of protest against the Al
bers case decision sent him by the
Disabled Veterans' auxiliary last Sat
urday. He telegraphed as follows:
"Resolution condemning action at
torney general in Albers case re
ceived. Will present same to presi
dent." United States Attorney Humphreys
received no advices yesterday in re
gard to the Albers decision.
"I will try Albers over again unless
the department tells me not to," he
said. "I am perfectly willing to try
him without using as evidence the
statements of Albers prior to April,
1917, which caused the failure of the
recent conviction by ruling of the de
partment. I believe our case would be
sufficiently strong without that "
"I am not at all in sympathy with
the doctrine that everything ought to
be forgotten now that the war is over
and we are returning to pecre.
While we should return to the occu
pations at peao, we cannot forget
the men who gave their lives for
peace and we are not going to forget
their great sacrifices.- I cannot for
get the brave men who died beside
me on the battlefield in fighting for
their country.
"It rankles in my mind that Albers
and Dr. Equi and the like, while our
men were dying over there like the
heroes they were, were over here
makiivg the job of our brave soldiers
more difficult" ,
Pendleton Post Is Aroused.
. PENDLETON. Or.. May S. (Spe.
cinl. Pendleton post N'o. 23 of the
sharp question of veracity arising be
tween Samuel T. Ansell. ex-actlns
judge-advocate-general of the army,
and ex-Judge Wcstcott of New Jersey,
created excitement today at the Inves
tigation by a house committee of tU
escape of Grover Bergdoll, draft de
serter. Called to the stand before Mr. An
ec 11, counsel for Bergdoll, had com
pleted his statement. Judge Wcstcott.
who is 7S. denied the testimony 'C
Arsell in two essential details, and
declared with emphasis there was iJ
truth In the report that ho had been
engaged as associate counsel, as An
sell had stated, to help get Bergdoll
from prison after he had evaded tht
draft for nearly two years.
As the Judge went back to his seat,
Mr. Anstll, who had, heard part of tli
denial, 'reiterated under oath that
every word of his testimony was true.
Just as his examination was about to
shift to other channels. Chairman
Peters, turning to the Judge, asked t
he desired to be heard.
The judtre was on his feet InBtantiv.
Moving over toward the table, serosa
from which Mr. Ansell sat. and refus
ing to be seated, for five minutes ha
let loose a torrent of denial, declaring
Ansell lacked the courage to Me
outslda and make the same charge.
In the midst of the verbal attack Mr.
Anselt broke In Willi the demand thS
if it was to be a debate he wanted tha
right to speak.
DUruoaloa la Slopped.
Seeing possibility of an Impend
ing clash. Chairman Peters quickly
stopped the discussion, but not "until
the Judgo had fired a few more shots.
Then picking up his hat he walked
out, with a courteous and smiling
"well, good-bye. gentlemen." .
First denying there was a shred of
truth in the statement by the late 13.
Clarence Glbboney of Philadelphia,
that he had been employed In th
Bergdoll case and paid 11230. Judga
Wescott declared he never went to
see Secretary Baker In Bcrgdoll's be
half, as Ansell had testified, and that
he knew nothing of the story of
Bergdoll's burled gold until he read
of It in the newspapers. Earlier Mr.
Ansell had testified that Judge Wes
cott as a defense attorney had dis
cussed with Gibboney and himself
the question of urging the war de
partment to permit the dodger'
release under guard to go and find It
The fact was mentioned that the
j judge was a warm friend of Secretary
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 63 I Baker and that he was the man who
degrees; minimum, 42 degrees. j na(i twice placed Woodrow Wilson In
TODAY'S Fair; northwesterly winds. I nominatlon for president. Judge Wes
Foreign. I cott occlared his only part in the case
New German offer believed to approximate th 8endlng to Mr. Baker of
allies requirements. Page 1. I "' " . .
v . . I letter, enclosing the Ansell brief In
tne Bergaou appeal, n men n-
(Onciudcd pa Pave 3, Coiuota I.)
Senator Johnson fights nomination of en
emy at Chicago convention. Page 4.
Hoover pleads for tariff W protect Indus
try against German competition.
Page 3.
E. F. Blaine pleads for reclamation appro
priation. Page 2.
Vice-President Coolidge to visit Portland
in June. Page 1.
Bergdoll probe is marked by tilts. Page 1
Henry Albers' retrial to be ordered aoon.
Page 1.
Benson indicates new conference on sea
men's p'ages. rage 1.
President orders national economy, rage 2.
Senate ta taking hand in treaties. Page 2.
Harding objects to disarmament request in
naval bill. Page 4.
Leaders of nation take time to play.
Page 14.
Steel corporation announces pay cut
Page 3.
Strike extension is voted by seamen.
Page 3.
Wife's past probed by Stokes' sleutha
Page 5.
James A. Stlllman resigmt presidency of
National City bank- Page 3.
Defendants In soft coal conspiracy case
seek to outlaw prosecution. Page 0.
World's writers plan big meeting In Hono
lulu. Page 20.
Pacific Northwest.
Eight listed as dead from fira at sea.
Page 1.
Fire destroys boiler-house unit ef Whitney
mill at Garibaldi. Or. Page 1.
Military tournament held at Oregon Agri
cultural college. Page 13.
Pacific Coast league results: At Portland
3. Oakland 0; at San Francisco e. Sac
ramento 8; other games postponed,
teama traveling. Page 12.
Franklin's speed men win relay carnival.
Page 12.
Commercial and Marine.
Wheat farmers raise selling price with
Chicago advance. Page 21.
Nine-cent advance in May wheat at Chi
cago. Page 21.
Speculative stoeka subjected to bear pres
sure. Page 21.
Steel steamer Apus arrives In Portland to
load cargo of wheat. Page 20.
Portland and Vicinity.
Other man's ring figure In court. Page .
Mayor raps obstructors of plan for ter
minal development Pag 10.
Yellowstone park tourist expert praises
Oregon highway - Pg 11.
Keeley libel suit against Journal 1 Bear
ing cloae. Page 11.
Builders and labor hope for waga agree
ment, rage 8. ;
Democratic chlrf In Orgon no ctarsr
aaxinony tlian tvci, fwi W.
garded as a brilliant document and
one which should have the secretary's
Deprecating the fact that two 'men
could be at such variance as to til
facts. Judge Wescott said he wanted
to reiterate in Ansell's presence "and
In his very teeth" that tho latter
knew when he testified that state
ments concerning him were untrue.
The judge said Ansell had refused to
recognigo him when they were only
a few feet apart, which led to nlucli
questioning and to tho remark by
Judge Wescott that the lawyer must
have been conscious then of making
statements he had no authority to
Prraonal Itelationa Aired.
But all doubt as to personal rela
tions between the two was cleared
later by Mr. Ansell, who said he had
refused to see Judge Vrecott with
Gibboney some time ago, and never
would meet him again.
Judge Wescott said the $1250 he
had received from Gibboney was far
services in another case, as his book
would show.
Most of the tlay was taken up with
a long statement by Mr. Ansell. To
morrow he will be cross-examined.
When Bergdoll told him of the burled
treasure, the witness (aid, he be--lieved
him and thought the prisoner
should have a chance to recover it
Asked if he was auspicious of the
good faith of Gibboney when In
formed by him of the escape, Mr.
Ansell said suspicion was not tin
right word; that he could not .under
stand it and that he had suspended
Judgment a to his associate.
It was obvious, however, he added,
that there was laxness by Gibboney
and other. After offering suitable
rewards, Mr. Ansell said he employed
private detectives, who went to the
mountains, hoping to find the con
vict. Adjutant-General Harris, U. S. A .
was recalled today to testify.
Questioned as to Berffd'ill's decile
iwoaciuuid oa i'aj ' Coluuia 2.)
iCuntludcd uu Page 3. Column I.)