Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 03, 1921, Image 1

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VlJ Av-V rJ. J Cj,OUU Poetofflce as Second-Class Matter.
Tokoyo .'Mara Deserted;
Many Rescues Made.
I IS s
Four Loads of Survivors
Reported Picked Up by
t Transport Buford.
Cutter Snohomish, Tanker
Herrin and Other Craft
Rush to Assistance.
XOTHHEAD, Wash., May I. The
Transport Buford reports that the
Toklyb Mara ta eaveloped In flames
and exploding; fore and aft. The Bu
ford rescued SS persons. One is dead
and eight are missing. Twenty-two
men. one woman and four ehfldren are
In the ship's hospital at Buford as a
result of exposure. The Teasel will
be a total loss.
The Japanese steamer Tokuyo
Maru, of the Toyo Risen Kaisha line,
burned at sea late yesterday, explo
sions fore and aft several hours
ater completing the destruction of
he vessel. '
The crew and passengers aban
doned the steamer 6D miles south'
vest of the mouth of the Columbia
Wver, according to S. 0. S. calls and
bther wireless messages giving only
neager and somewhat conflicting
details to navy radio stations at
LVorth Head and Marshfield.
Whether or not there was any loss
bf life could not be learned, although
ne of. the lifeboats was reported
o have sunk and the survivors in
our others to have been picked up
ty the army transport Buford
iuch rushed to the scene.
Fire Starts in Bunkers.
The flames, which were supposed'
o have originated in the coal bunk-
rs at about 4:30 in the afternoon,
pread so rapidly that the efforts of
he crew to check them were of no
.Vail and they, as well as the pas-
engers, were forced to take to the
feboats at once. The fire was said
o have spread so rapidly that sev-
ral of those on board the steamer
ere forced to leap into the sea.
.The occupants of the boat which
ank were ca-into the sea, some
kith life preservers and the others
eft to rely on swimming. Radio
nessages did not cover their rescue.
Craft Leaves Columbia River.
The Tokuyo Maru departed from
ere yesterday and crossed out of
he Columbia early today for the
rient. The cause of the fire was
ot determined.
Within half an hour after the
K. 0. S. had been sent out, the
LBuford had reached the steamer and
he work of rescue was started. The
JTokuyo Maru's wireless was dis
abled after the first call for 'aid.
fhe Bufard stood by the Tokuyo
Maru until after the explosions had
vrecked the burning craft and then
ieparted for Seattle with the survivors,-
leaving the Santa Alicia
standing by the vessel, which was
elieved to be about to sink,
f ive Japanese babies with their
mothers and a few Japanese women,
esides a considerable number of
Japanese officers and men of the
teamer's crew of between 40 and 50
vere rescued from the small boats
Lnd -ere among the survivors being
aken to Seattle.
The Buford left the Japanese
teamer at about 9:30 o'clock.
Scene Off Nehalem River.
The point where the steamer had
urned was given approximately as
ff the Nehalem . river, but a cor
espondent at Manhattan Beach, di-
hectly at the mouth of the Nehalem
eported over the telephone that no
ign of the burning ship could be
een from there. Similar reports
ere given from the mouth of Tilla
nook Bay and N'etarts, somewhat
urther south.
The Tokuyo Maru's correct position
-as -given as longitude 124:51 west
nd latitude 45:40 off Cape Mears.
The tank steamer William F. Herrin
nd the coastguard cu!er Snohomish
ent to assist the disabled craft also,
he fire then was burning: fiercely
(Concluded a 1'ase S, Coiuuia 1.)
Family Living in Tent Xearby Has
Miraculous Escape; Blast Laid
to Incendiary.
MOSIER, Or.. May 2. (Special.)
Buildings in Moslcr were damaged,
windows of many homes broken, pic
tures jarred from the walls, ma
chinery knocked out of plumb and
door jambs torn off as the result of
an explosion of the entire powder
supply of the A. D. Kern .company,
Saturday. Incendiarism was suspected.
The blast, which went off at 10 'n
the morning, severely shook Mosier
and was felt for many miles away. A
family living in a tent near the scene
of the explosion escaped injury
miraculously. One tent pole was shat
tered. A rock penetrated the tent
and lighted on the store.
All buildings, in the vicinity of the
powder supply were damaged, that
owned by C. A. Hage suffering most.
His cider factory was badly damaged.
Part of the machinery was jarred out
of plumb, and a large rock went
through the roof. The foundation of
the building was moved six inches.
The concussion shattered windows
in the stole buildings of Nichol & Co.
and the Strauss company, in the
Mosier hotel, Christian church. Car
roll's garage, the new school house
and scores of residences.
Persons residing not far from the
powder house said they had seen some
one running from the place shortly
before the blast went off.
Mozoroskj's Fifth Attempt to Gain
Freedom Futile.
The fifth attempt of Joseph Mozo
rosky, now in the county jail, to gain
his freedom failed . yesterday before
Circuit Judge McCourt. Mozorosky
is held on an execution against the
body because of failure to pay a
$1600 judgment as gambler debtor.
Motion for bail was made on an ap
peal from the original judgment
Judge McCourt said he denied tho
bail because if Mozorosky should take
the pauper's oath he would not need
to ask for any appeal.
Judge McCourt said he understood
Mozorosky Intended to take out a
pauper's oath today. Frrends of Sol
Swire, judgment creditor, said they
would have Mozorosky thrown in jail
for perjury If he did so. They as
serted that he testified at the time of
the civil suit that he had property
worth $12,000. unincumbered. .
Congregation, Seated in New Edi
fice, Is Out or Danger.
BEND, Or.,' May 2. (Special.) The
congregation of the Bend Methodist
church moved into its new building
just in time, as rocks hurled into the
air by dynamite blasts smashed win
dow's in the old building, tore a great
hole in the roof and splintered some of
the furniture -shortly after the first
service was held in the new one.
Blasting is 'necessitated in bringing
to grade a street in front of the
Bolslievikl Reverse Position on
Abolition of Money.
RIGA, May 2. Coinage of silver has
has been authorized by the Russian
soviet government, it is said in Mos
cow newspapers, the bolshevik gov
ernment having reversed its position
after having held out for a complete
abolition of money.
This was due, it is said, to the de
sire of the government to satisfy the
peasants who were distrustful of
paper notes.
Members Liable to Expulsion for
"Breaking of Sabbath."
t DULUTH. Minn., May 2. Four hun
dred members of the Swedish Taber
nacle church of Duluth will be liable
tor expulsion from that church if on
Sunday they fish, hunt, pick berries,
hold cabin parties, take pleasure trUs.
say anything against their pastor -or
in other way cause a "sacrilegious
; breaking" of the Sabbath.
This -is in accordance with the sec
ond of a series of resolutions adopted
at open business meetings.
Tenants Refuse to Pay Increases
in Rent Rates.
CHICAGO, Mav 2. More than 600
eviction suits
landlords as
were filed today" by
result of Chicago's
"rent rebellion."
In all of the controversies rents had
been raise! and the tenants had ten
dered their landlords their former
FORD MUST PAY $600,000
Supreme Court Refuses to Review-
Hotel Woodward Case.
WASHINGTON, May 2. A verdict
of J600.000 rendered against the Ford
Motor company in New York and in
favor of the Hotel Woodward com
pany will stand.
'The supreme court today refused to
review the case.
Fire Leaves Many Homeless.
SAN JUAN, Porto Rico. May 2.
Five hundred families were rendered
homeless by a fire which yesterday
destroyed buiidiners covering an area
of two blocks in Pucrta de Tierra-
Corrupt Election Convic
tion Is Set Aside.
Cases of 16 Others Also Are
Thrown Out.
McReynoldS Declares Lower Court
Overruled Duly Interposed
"WASHINGTON, May 2. The su
preme court, setting aside the con
viction of Senator Truman H. New
berry of Michigan and 16 others for
violation of the federal corrupt prac
tices act, held today the the act was
The court was unanimous in re
versing the conviction, but divided,
five to four, as to the validity of the
law. Chief Justice White and Asso
ciate Justices Pitney, Clark and
Brandeis dissented from the court's
findings that congress was without
power to regulate state primaries,
but concurred in the reversal which,
they thought, should have been based
on the error of the trial judge's in
structions to the Jury.
Opinion In Divided.
Justice McKenna, while concurring
In the majority opinion "as applied to
the statute under consideration," re
versed the question of the power of
congress under the 17th amendment
which provides for direct election
of senators to supervise primaries.
Opinion was divided in the senate
as to .me eneci oi ine uetwiuu
Suture activities of the elections com
mittee with regard to the Michigan
election in 1918 in w;hich Henry Ford,
as the democratic candidate., opposed
Mr. Newberry.
Senator Dillingham, chairman of
the committee, said that since the
corrupt practices law had been held
unconstitutional it appeared that the
committee would have no further
On the other hand, Senator Spencer,
chairman of the sub-committee, which
has been considering the Ford-New
berry case, announced that the in-
auiry would De conwnuea top aeier-
mine, he said, who was elected, and
as well Mr. Ford'e charge of fraud.
Senator Newberry has taken no part
in senate affairs and has not been in
his seat since he was sentenced to
serve two years in federal prison and
pay a $10,000 fine.
The court's decision was that the
(Concluded on Page 2. Column 1.)
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Allen .. Escapes From Secluded
Shack; Physician, Aboard Car
Sends Warning- to Portland.
Andros Metro, Greek leper, aged
43, rode from Marshfield to Portland
yesterday in a day coach on the
Southern Pacific In the midst of a
car filled with persons who had no
suspicion of his affliction. He was
separated from other passengers only
when the car reached Portland last
night and he was detrained until tb.3
car was emptied. Then he was put
back in the car, w'hich ' became his
prison until arrangements .were made
to route it back to Marshfield early
today with Metro riding in state as
the sole occupant.
After a year's effort city officials
had just gotten rid of Louie Poy,
Chinese leper, and Mayor Baker
would not tolerate the new arrival's
The leper was kept secluded In a
shack on the outskirts of Marshfield
by health officers pending his re
moval by federal authorities, since he
Is an alien and it was expected he
would be deported in due time. Yes
terday he slipped away from the
shack and took the train for Port
land. It was only , after Eugene was
passed that Metro was discovered.
Dr. Russell Keizer-of Marshfield, who
had diagnosed his aliment as leprosy,
was on board the train and hastened
to tell the conductor of his strange
"He paid his fare and he is behav
ing himself. I guess he's all right.
I have to let him ride," the conductor
is reported to have said.
The news was telegraphed to Port
anl and Mayor Baker decided no more
lepers would be welcomed to the
city, as Louis Poy, Chinese leper, had
been enjoying an enforced hospitality
here for a year and it was only yes
terday that word was received that
the government had decided finally
to relieve the city of ts "guest." '
State Health Officer Strickler, ad
vised by City Health Officer Parrish.
urged that Portland care for the af
flicted man until his disposition by
the government could be arranged,
but it was argued the city had no
place to lodge him without endanger
ing the public health.
The two physicians met the train
nd Metro, inchalr car No. 1090,
which brought him to the city, was
shunted upon a siding in the railroad
yards, where two policemen were put
on guard to prevent the unfortunate
Greek from escaping. - Meals' 'were
carried to him and he was made as
comfortable as possible. It was ex
pected to send him. car and ail, back
to Marshfield, leaving Portland at 1
o'clock this morning.
Upon his arrival there, Metro again
will be placed in the keeping of Coos
county" officials and he must stay
there until ordered deported; at least
It is the determination of Portland
officials he will not be allowed to
return here. The car -will be fumi
gated upon arrival at Marshfield.
Metro is declared to have been-a
pitiable object. He seemed to realize
his condition and that he was shunne1
(Concluded on Page 4. Column. 5.)
I Privilege of Attending Rchcarln
as Amicus Curiae Also Sought
by Stale Body.
United States Senator Charles L.
McNary. was requested by telegram
last night to appear before the United
States supreme court as -a representa
tive of the Oregon State Bar associa
tion and move for an order staying
proceedings, setting aside the previ
ous order and recalling the mandate
in the case of - the United States
against Henry Albere.
He also was asked to request that
ther executive committee of the bar
association be granted the privilege of
appearing as amicus curiae at a re
hearing of the case.
The requests were contained in a
telegram sent to the senator by the
exsjrutlve committee of the associa
tion. The telegram was signed by
Harrison G. Piatt, president; Albert
B. Ridgway, secretary; Hugh Mont
gomery, E. O. Immel, Judge Fred W.
Wilson and Robert F. , Maguire as
members of the committee.
Besides this telegram, another one
was dispatched to E M. Daugherty,
attorney-general, explaining the re
quest to the senator and asking him
to join with the bar association in
making the motion.
The telegrams were sent after, an
executive session lasting throughout
the afternoon. The association care
fully explained that it took no stand
in the matter, but that the action was
taken because of the intense criticism
which the decision of Solicitor-Gen
eral Frierson in confessing error had
aroused in Oregon and elsewhere.
The telegram to Senator McNary
read as follows:
"The executive committee of the
Oregon State Bar association re'
quests you, as a member of the asso
elation, to appear before the Unite
States supreme court and move for an
order staying proceedings, setting
aside the previous order and recalling
the mandate in the case of the United
States versus Henry Albers, and
granting to this committee the privi
lege of appearing as amicus curiae at
the hearing of the case upon merits
upon the ground that no departmental
officer should overthrow by indirec
tion the decision of a circuit court of
appeals, a district court and a federal
jury, and that such action is in con
travention of article 7 amendatory of
the constitution of the United States
as interpreted by the supreme court in
the case of Slocum versus New York
Life Insurance company, and that
such action ' is contrary to public
policy. ' ...
'"The case is of such importance that
a hearing on its merits should be had
Read the opinion of the court of ap
peals, 263 Federal."
Following is the telegram, sent to
Attorney-General Daugherty: "
'The executive committee of the
Oregon State Bar association has this
day requested Senator McNary to ap
pear before the supreme court and
move for order staying proceedings
and granting leave to this committee
to appear as amicus curiae at hearing
on merits of United States vs. Henry
(Concluded on Pag? 3. Column 2.)
Reparations Proposals
Held Unacceptable.
Berlin Invited to Submit
Further Overtures.
London Developments Counted on
to Reveal U. S. Attitude on
Payments to France,
WASHINGTON, May 2. The Ger
man reparations counter-proposals
are unacceptable as a basis for dis
cussion. Secretary Hughes informed
Dr. Simons, German foreign minister,
in a note tonight.
The secretary also urged the Ger
man government to make further
proposals directly to the allied gov
ernments. He expressed again the
earnest desire of the American gov
ernment for a prompt settlement of
"this vital question."
Basis for Talk Offered.
Secretary Hughes' communication
dispatched tonight to Loring Dr.esel,
the American high commissioner in
Berlin, said:
"The government of the United
States has received the memorandum
left by Dr. Simons with the commis
sioner of' the United States under the
date of April 24 relating to repara
tions. In reply this government states
it finds Itself unable to reach the con
clusion that the proposals afford a
basis for discussion accepable to the
allied governments and that these
proposals cannot be entertained. This
government, therefore, again express
ing its earnest desire for a prompt
settlement of this vital question.
strongly urges the German govern
ment at once to make directly' to the
allied governments clear, definite and
adequate proposals which would ft"Mwo men from each cannery to meet
all respects meet its Just obligations.
The communication was made pub
lie without comment and officials
generally refused to discuss the situa
Allied Demands Supported.
Unofficially the opinion was ex
pressed that developments at London
would soon give the explanation of
the American government's action.
Whether these would demonstrate
the stand of the United States for
payment by Germany to her full
ability, but not to a degree to retard
unduly her economic recuperation
had been met was a subject upon
which no light was shed tonight.
The American position is under
stood to have been since Germany
forwarded her counter proposals that
settlement would have been id-
vised, if possible by discussion, and
even in the face of an allied advance
nto German territory, the United
States would not cease to work for
such a settlement. At the same time
it was emphasized that the American
government stands with the allies Ini
demanding proper reparations
Punmllnn f"l,w. -! ., . T ..I.. I
Valley Cnder Way.
PARIS, May 2. The ministry of
war said tonight, with reference to
advices telling of the dispatch of in
fantry and cavalry from Mayence to
the Ruhr, that the government had
not yet issued any order for such
movement into the Ruhr region. The
military authorities in Mayence, how-
ver, it was added, may have deemed
It advisable to start the troops.
The French; government is prooeed-
ng with the preliminaries necessary
to the occupation of the Ruhr valley,
should- that step be ordered.
A brigade of cavalry was entrain
ing today at Meaux to join a large de
tachment of infantry already on the
way from Lyons, in addition to artil
lery from Vincennes and other gar
risons, now on the move.
Newspapers, aa a whole, expressed
themselves today as being in favor of
the mobilization, the only discordant
note being struck by Humanite, which
in large headlines attacked the order
calling the men to the colors. It also
carried on its first page an advertise
ment by the communist committee of
action,, beginning with the words:
"Down with war! Down with mob
Occupation to Follow if Terms Are
Not Accepted.
LONDON, May 2. (By the Associat
ed Press.) Germany will have until
May- 12 to accept the ultimatum of
the allies on payment of reparations
and guarantees binding her to fulfill
her obligations; otherwise the Ruhr
district will be occupied.
The supreme council today decided
upon the action to be taken should
Germans- fail to accept, but a deci
sion was not reached on guarantees.
The preamble of the agreement will
recite that Germany, having failed
to fulfill the treaty of Versailles with
respect to reparations, disarmament
and punishment of the war criminals
ItuacluacU oa Tac 6, Culuain 1
Salmon Walkout First Since 1896;
Union rotrol Boats to Solicit
at Cp-Rlrcr Points.
ASTORIA, Or.. May 2. (Special.)
All fishing operations on the lower
Columbia river arc at a standstill as
the result of a strike, the first since
the bis walkout in 1896. The spring
fishing season opened at 6 o'clock last
evening. a
The cause of the strike is the de
mand made by the fishermen for 10
cents a pound for ehinooks, while the
packers are offering t cents. A few
gillnettcrs started out last evening
and had placed their gear in the
water, but a fleet of union patrol
boats which cruised ajl sections of
the harbor notified the fishermen that
a strike was on and everyone took in
his net and came ashore. No traps
are being used and none of the seines
are in operation, although several
were prepared for beginning opera
tions much earlier than customary.
Word received today said the gill
netters on the upper river in the
vicinity of Rainier. Clatskanle, Kn
lama and Clifton fished last night and
many of them obtained as high as 00
pounds to the boat, which they sold
to the packing companies at 9 cents
each, while in the brickyard drift
near Vancouver, Wash., catches of
between 1100 and 1200 pounds were
Reports were current this evening
that in the neighborhood of 20 fisher
men at Skamokawa are planning to
fish tonight. Practically all the fresh
salmon in the local markets today
came from points up the river. Pa-'
trol boats have been dispatched to
these up-river points for the purpose
of Inducing the fishermen to join the
Everything along the waterfront
and at the packing plants is quiet.
In this respect' this strike differs
from the one of 1896, when the fisher
men were demanding 6 cents a pound,
just one-half the price wanted now.
At that time the walkout continued
until close to the end of the season
and the state militia was here to as
sist in maintaining order.
The fishermen assert that In the
face of the high prices of twine and
other supplies they cannot fish for
less than 10 cents a pound, whlje the
packers, on the other hand, assert
Just as strongly that the conditions
of the market .will not permit them
to pay in excess of 9 cents.
The flshermeh met late this after
noon and appoiniea a ui
with the packers and present a formal
request for 10 cents a pound for
ehinooks and also ask that the pack
ers assume tho poundage tax of J5 a
ton, which is imposed by the state
law on the fishermen's catches.
Two Oklahoma Companies Quote
- Crude at $1.50 a Barrel.
TULSA, Okla.. May 2. The, Sinclair
and Prairie Crude Oil Purchasing
companies today cut the price of mid
continent crude oil 25 cents.
The new price is 11.50 a barrel.
Physician Kills Mexican.
PINE BLUFF, Ark.. May 2. Dr. O.
M Jacks, formerly of Pine Bluff. Is
held by Mexican adthoritles at Chamal
Tamns In connection with the killing
of S. Boycos. according "to a message
from the physician. The pnysician
in the messaa-e savs he killed the
Mexican in self-defense.
Tn Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. 13
I degree.: mimiauni, ui,-.
TODAY 8 StlOWer.
aouih to wcit wind.
Irish home rule starts.
Pace S.
Congress determined to make disarmament
move, aaya Mark Sullivan. Pae 9.
Hughes says German proposals acceptable
for discussion. Page 1.
Panama warned to surrender Coto district
xo Costa Rica. Page 8.
Newberry conviction set aside by aupreme
court. Page 1.
Harding to select rate plan to revive ag
riculture. Puge 7.
No compromise in seamen's strike, says
shipping board cmei. i-age .
Value to United States of Virgin islands
chiefly in harbors. Pago
Steel presidents confer 'on wage reduction.
Page 0.
Mrs. 8tokes denies she Is mother of mulatto
babe. Page 1.
Printers' strikes averted in larger eUtes.
Page 3.
John J McOraw of New York Giants.
quilted of - violating Volstead act.
Page 8.
raelfle Northwest. t
Powder exploston damages builQi:
lints at
Master. Paga 1.
Fishermen of lower Columbia on atrike.
Page 1.
Hard bouts await Brttton on coast.
Page 14.
High school relay carnival to hold boards
today. rage i.
Oaks to entertain Beavers this week.
Page 14.
Commercial and Marine.
Port of Portland meets Seattle abolition of
Import and export wnariago cnargea
Paga 1.
Gradual Improvement reported In leather
situation. Page T2.
Mav wheat scarce and highet at Chicago.
Page -'8.
Sharp advances In Industrial stocks at New
York. Page 23.
Two carriers booked to take grain from
Portland despita labor troubles. Page 16
Portland and Vletnlly.
State bar seeks to hava Albers order set
aside. Page 1.
Mayor Baker burs Marahfleld leper from
city. Page 1.
Keeley case expected to reach Jury to
night. Page IS.
Alaska resources but little exploited.
Page 12.
For-hire cars and taxlcaba block efficient
traffic control iit Seattle. Page 12.
Japanese steamer Tokuyo Maru burns off
coast. Psgc 1.
Fruft men gather data for rato hearing,
l'age 3.
Orion mining resource to be surveyed. I
Mrs. Stokes Denies She
Is Child's Mother.
Woman Said to Have Worn
Disguise to Trick Husband.
Wife's Attorneys Declare Charges
Arc Part of Campaifn to
Discredit Her.
NEW YORK, May 2. (Special.)
Accusations against Mrs. Helen KI
wood Stokes so ramified, so lurid,
that they swept into the shadow their
predecessors were placed in the rec
ords of the divorce trial today by her
own attorneys.
The story behind the introduct'on
of the questions embraces ou4 already
told, the stealing of Mrs. Stokes' Jew
els and the arrest of Henry Wllllarr.j,
a negro Pullman porter. Williams re
tained Bernard Sandler to defend him.
At this time the Stokes had parted
From the reluctant recital of Mr.
Sandler today these facts were
grouped: Mr. Stokes, Harry Jcnti'M',
one of h's agents, and Mrs. Hattlo
Johnson, a servant, vUlted him short
ly after the arrest. Mr. Stokei cams
with advice. Jenucr with a typewr't
ten list of questions to be asked Mrs.
Stokes, and Mrs. Johnson with an
armful of photographs.
Mulatto Dec la red Her Child.
Into Sandler's ear were whispered,
he testified, a series of charges witrt
which to embarrass and discredit Mrs,
Stokes on the stand. A photograph ot
the young wife fondling a haby wa
given him. This, he was told by Mrs.
Johnson (so Sandler testified today),
was a photograph of Mrs. Stokes be
fore her marriage, and the baby her
mulatto child.
Companion charges bristling out of
these questions are numerous, but tiio
most glaring are summarised here:
Mr. Sandler was to ask Mri. Stoke
if she had not been married previ
ously, and had not her husband died
under "suspicious clrcumslancca"; 'f
sho did not associate with women of
tho street and longshoremen and i
t.ieatcr owner; if she had not been ac
cused of theft in Chicago; if she was
ever on the stage.
Dlasrulae Warked HusUaad, Hlat.
Interspersed were queries designed
to elicit from her an admission or de
nial that she was in the habit of dis
guising herself as a "little old womuh.
collecting money for a church." this
ti elude her husband, "who did not
know you were going out with other
men day and night."
The final bolt in this questioning
was this: "Didn't you collect money
from your husband while In this dis
guise, and you used to laugh whlla
you told the Btory?"
The questionnaire plunged on:
Didn't she "wind up each night by
getting drunk? Didn't she poso In a
nude portrait? Didn't she tell risque
Names of Edgar T. Wallace, Hal
Billig and Sam
Roosevelt were
wedircd in. in addition to a
host of
others that have not cropped up dur
ing the trial. One of the question!
testified to was: ,
"Didn't you go to a halr-dresslnit
parlor to get your red hair tinted'.'
For Mr. Sandler's guidance, the
agent added these instructions:
"If che says 'No,' get her to take
off her hat, and she ll get mad."
Affair With Wallaee Charged.
And the questionnaire continued:
"Did she not visit the seances of
'Oom the Omnipotent' when his gath
ering place was, raided? Didn't she
havo In her possession certain letters
to be used against a man in a law
suit she contemplated? Didn't she
discharge two maids because they
aaw ber!n scenes of intimacy with
Hal BilUg? Wasn't Wallace 'jour
lover before your marriage to Mr.
Stokes and since'?"
And the final stroke came with the
desire to learn if Khe did not "dlue
and carouse'.' with her lawyers.
All this was lumped by Mrs. Stokes'
attorneys as the "campaign of malice"
which Mr. Stokes launched to dis
credit his young wife publicly.
Mrs. Stokes took the stand shortly
before adjournment in hysterical de
nial. To the story of the mulatto
child she added the explanation that
the baby In the photograph was hef
sister's Raymond Sargent. Hr voice
quivering Indignantly, she dismissed
the remaining questions with blanket
Mr. Stakea 111 at Hasae.
While the defense was playing Ita
last card, Mr. Stokes was ill ut home,'
No. SI 7 West Seventy-eighth street.
His physicians said he is Buffering
from a mild attack of pleurisy. At his
home tonight a reporter was Informed
bis condition waa slightly Improved.
During his testimony Mr. Sandier
frequently claimed a lawyer's privi
lege In his refusal to answer. Ho
described Mr. Stokes' status as "on
Interested in the outcome of the case."
He admitted several conferences with
Mr. Stokes and rrequcnt visits irom
his agents.
He didn't, he ssld. lake hi, vllt"rn
tConcIudcd oa 1'aga 2, Column 2 1
ITT 105.0