Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 02, 1921, Image 1

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    VOL. LX NO. 18,839
Entered at Portland Oregon)
Pontofflet a? Srwmd-CIew Matter.
' ft N.
Procedure on German
Reparations Decided.
Sources of Revenue Are to
Be Controlled.
lYUics Will Make Declaration of In.
tendons Today, But "ot to Gcr.
jnajiy; Meetings Fill Day.
LONDON. May 1. (By the Asso-
riated Press.) Great Britain and
"ranee have reached an agreement on
ow to deal with Germany to compel
I lyment of reparations and exact
guarantees. It has been agreed that
I he allies will make a declaration to-
Inorrow, but not to Germany.
They will announce that the repara
tions commission will notify Germany
is to the amount she is required to
ay and how it is to be paid. The
lilies will then announce that within
ten days, this period being; subject to
l.ossible modification by the supreme
ouncil, they will proceed to carry
nut the penalties, if the terms are not
SoperTision Is Provided.
The plan provides for supervision
md control of Germany's sources of
evenue. It is not yet completed, but
while the experts are working on it,
Franco will proceed with all her
nilltary preparations to occupy the
This was the general result of an
agitated day ef conversations and
conferences. The agreement was
brought about by the intervention of
the Belgian foreign minister, SI.
Ilaspar, at the supreme council this
tfternoon. The subject will come up
ror discussion again at tne council
Inceting tomorrow.
The French premier asked for Brit-
Iish, naval co-operation, suggesting
the blockade of Hamburg. The Brit
ish premier replied that American
public opinion would not approve
Isuch a course and he could not agree.
Briand Agrees to "Vir-nr.
Sf. Briand agreed to this point of
view. He added that tne course or
the United States had been correct.
Uneasiness still exists among
French delegates over the possibility
It hat Washington may endeavor to
mediate: .they declaro this would not
Ibe acceptable. M. Briand and the
French delegation were sitting late
Itonight with General Nollet, presi
dent of the inter-allied commission.
The French were not entirely satis
fied with today's developments and
ihe Idea of an ultimatum. M. Briand
Iwas averse to delay and it was under
stood he bad undertaken that, failing
I Germany's compliance, some move
should be made today.
M. Jaspar's plan will be discussed
further by the council at 1 o'clock
Brit Ink View Is Met.
The plan allows France to continue
I her preparations for the penalties
and at the same time meets the
I British view that Germany should
receive a short extension of time to
I meet the allied terms and give guarantees.
Hope was expressed that the ex -
Ipcrts would submit a unanimous re
port to the council tomorrow.
Request having been made by the
cabinet council that M. Jaspar's prq-
Iposal bo put into draft form, a draft-
ling committee sat for 90 minutes to-
I night. Adjournment was then taken
until tomorrow. Consequently the
morning sitting of the supreme coun
cil was postponed to afternoon.
The London Times quoted M. Briand
las telling the French journalists that
Ihe had presented a draft for approval
I and that Lord Curzon had presented
another draft, so they had to try to
evolve a draft embodying both view
"We understand," said the Times,
"that in the event of allied action in
Ithe Ruhr British naval co-operation
Compromise Features Day
The decision of the supreme coun
leil to accept a compromiao between
Ithe policies of the French and Be
l-rians on the one hand and the British
md Italians on the other, in dealing
Iwth Germany, was the outstanding
Idevelopmet of the conference today.
All the sentiment of the French
camp appeared to be that France had
drawn up her programme for march
I'm into the Ruhr and proposed to go
her way with Belgium supporting her.
This development is likely to prove
pleasant surpriee to the British
Ipublic. The Sunday Observer today
said of yesterday's proceedings:
The deadlock was complete."
lleprescutalives of Sew York Coun
cil Say Phraseology 'ot Plain
.Enough for .Laborers.
(Copyright by the New Torlt World. Pub-
Usued by Arrangement.;
NEW YORK, May 1. (Special.)
Representatives of 70,000 railway em
ployed, including those affiliated with
the four big brotherhoods, met today
at Horton hall in East 125th street
and adopted, with reservations, it was
announced, the schedule of the United
States railway labor board. This
schedule is to form the basis for
agreements as to working conditions
which are to be considered later.
Those who met today compose what
is known as the New York railroad
district council. Anthony Spair of
Trenton. N. J who represented the
maintenance of way and shop labor
ers, said the one objection to tne
schedule as submitted was the phrase
ology. He said he wanted statements
set forth in plain, English that work-
ingmen can understand.
Four Proposals to Revise
Tax Made to Congress.
Repeal of So-Called Luxury
Assessment Favored.
Current Opinion Here Dangerous
to Peace, Says Spanish Paper.
MADRir, May 1. The charge
that current opinion in America is
dangerous to the peace of the world
was made In an editorial printed by
La Libertad today on Spanish-Amer
ican relations. The newspaper said:
"No one who is an average ob
server, reading the news of the
United States, can deny the existence
there of current opinion dangerous
for the peace of the world. Public
ists and champions of the new im
perialism there are fostering this ten
dency of the North American mind
to proclaim itself the mandatory and
executor of all kinds of provincial
designs. They are making the supe
riority of their race over all the
other races of the earth into a dogma,
and are preaching the necessity of
organizing a military and naval
power which shall become an arm for
performing tasks confided to them
by God."
Sufl'icicut eiv and Additional lin
Intel of Wide Application Is
Also Recommended.
Seattle Legion Post Denounces Ac
tion of Attorney-General.
SEATTLE, Wash., May 1. Seattle
post No. IS, American Legion, de
nouncing the action of Attorney-General
Daugherty in allowing the ap
peal of Henry Albers to prevail on a
confession of error on the part of
the government aftir his conviction
in the lower courts for violation of
the espionage act, adopted a resolu
tion Friday night calling upon the
department of justice for a new trial
of the case
It was charged that the depart
ment's action in the Aibers case had
undone most of the Americanization
work carried on by the veterans' or
ganization among the foreign-born
The post called upon all other vet
erans and patriotic organizations in
tho city to join in the protest.
Alleged Plotters Against Obrcgon
Administration Are Arrested.
MEXICO CITY, May 1. Mexican
government authorities continue to
urrest and execute persons alleged to
be plotting against tho stability of
the Obregon administration.
Sanchez del Castillo faced a firing
squad Thursday at Monterey, follow
ing his conviction as a rebel, while
Jose Morno and Antonio Aldcrete
were Bhot yesterday, following their
capture at Nuevo Laredo by federal
forces operating in tho state of
Tamaullpas. Salome Castrcjon, a
former adherent of President Car
ranza, has been arrested at Acapulco,
state of Guerrero, on charges of hav
ing engaged in revolutionary activities.
WASHINGTON. D. C. May 1. Four
proposals for revision of the federal
taxes have been made to congress by
Secretary Mellon, with a recommen
dation for early action so that the
new taxes can be applied for this
year. They are:
Repeal of the excess profits tax
and the $2000 income exemption o'
corporations, the loss of revenue to
be made good by a modified tax on
corporate profits or a flat additional
income tax on corporations, to yield
an aggregate of between J400.000.000
and $500,000,000.
Readjustment of income tax rates
so that no income will pay more
than 40 per cent this year and 33 per
cent thereafter, with a view to pro
ducing aggregate revenues substan
tially equivalent to the estimated re
ceipts from the income tax under the
existing law.
Luxury Tax Repeal Asked.
Repeal of the so-called luxury
taxes, together with the "nuisance
taxes, such as those on soda-fountain
drinks, but retention of the transpor
tation and miscellaneous specific
sales taxes.
Imposition of "sufficient new and
additional taxes of wide application,"
such as increased stamp taxes or li-
cenle taxes on the use of automobiles,
to bring total revenues from interna
taxes after making the changes sug
gested to about $4,000,000,000 in 1922
and 1923.
The secretary's suggestions were
contained in a letter to Chairman
Fordney of the house ways and
means committee.
ChmeM Are Smcgrsted.
Mr. Mellon suggests adoption of
administrative amendments to the
revenue laws, simplifying collections
and final settlements, and permitting,
under safeguards, the carrying over
of net losses by taxpayers for one
year as a deduction from incomes of
succeeding years.' '' "
"The treasury is not prepared." he
said, "to recommend any general sales
tax." '
Mr. Mellon said also that he wishes
it were possible to recommend the re
peal of the transportation tax, but
added that it produces annually
(Concluded ou Page -. Column 1.)
Victim, Dressed' in Flimsy Clc0 i
and Emaciated, Shrinks,0.
Fright From Rescuer.
Attention Forced on 'Sticking
Point" and Way to Remove Ob
stacles Is Being Discussed.
(Special.) Confined by her mother
for 16 years in a cell-like room, dur
ing which she lived in continual dark
ness and never saw another human
being besides her mother and an older
sister, was the lot of Jennie Hall, 31
years old. of Round Lake, who was
removed today by William Hennessy,
superintendent of the Saratoga Springs
humane society.
The Hall family, consisting of Jen
nie, her mother and her sister, uvea
in a small hut about one mile and a
half west of Round Lake. The cell
in which Jennie was confined was
made of wire netting suspended from
the ceiling in a corner of one of the
rooms. The windows were barred
with slabs of wood, permitting only
thin rays of light to enter. For 16
years she lived in this small space
with never a glance at the world
When the humane officer entered
the cell, she shrank from him in
fright, never having set her eyes
upon a man. She was dressed in a
child's bonnet, flimsy clothes and was
emaciated from suffering and long
Neighbors were surprised to learn
of the existence of a third member of
the family. Only one person could
recall -ever having seen the woman,
who was a prisoner since childhood.
Proceedings have been started be
fore Judge McKlevy in Saratoga
county court to have the mentality
of the entire family examined.
The case was brought to the at
ention of Mr. Hennessy by a neigh
bor, who is the only person who re
calls having seen Miss Hall in ' 16
,-ears. Neighbors, he found, had
shunned the house and no one re
members having seen the windows
and doors in the vicinity of the cell
room open.
When he visited the house. Mr. Hen
nessey said that he found the woman
pacing a room eight feet long which
adjoins the cell room, this room also
being barred from the outside world.
Mr. Hennessy said that upon en
tering the cell room, the woman ap
peared astonished and frightened.
She was wearing a child's bonnet
which apparently she had cherished
since her incarceration, and in gen
eral she acted with the mentality of
a child.
She also appeared to be weak phy- j
sically and apparently was in need of
An investigation of the case by Mr.
Hennessy disclosed that Miss Hall
was adjudged Insane about 20 years
ano and after being confined to the
L'tlca State hospital for a time she
was sent home.
The Hall home is located on a 30
aere 'farm near the town of Ballston.
The exterior of the house has a
tumblcd-down appearance and stands
about 50 3 ards from the road, over
hung with heavy branches of the sur
rounding trees.
tail prices appear to be the "sticking
point" in the country's readjustment
process, ths federal reserve board said
tonight in its April review. Other
factors regarding readjustment were
said to be high transportation
charges, wages, and coal and steel
Increasing appreciation of the na
ture of the readjustment process in
business circles and the community,
however, the board said, is forcing
attention to the factors delaying bus
iness recovery and is promoting dis
cussion with a view to removing ob
stacles. Complete business recovery, the
board continued, has been slower than
was predicted. Nevertheless, it added,
April has given evidence of a a im
proved feeling developing.
While there was still some uncer
tainty as to when an end of the re
adjustment period might be expected
and though business and industry in
some sections were still beset with
difficulties, some of the factors of
uncertainty were either being elim
inated or were diminishing.
The fall in wholesale prices, which
has been continuous, it declared, ap
pears to be in a process of arrest,
having shown a greater degree of
stability during April.
Extreme unevenness in price re
ductions, however, the board said, is
one feature in the industrial situa
tion. While in many important lines
of wholesale trade pre-war prices
exist, in other lines commodities are
being sold at twice, or even more
than twice the 1913 values. The same
unevenness exists, the board ex
plained, between raw materials and
the finished products.
Raw cotton, the board declared, Is
lower than the 1913 level and wool is
about a third higher, but cotton goods
are at least 20 per cent higher than
in 3J)13 and woolen cloth is approxi
mately twice as high.
In the hide and leather industry the
discrepancy is greater, the board as
serted, the price of skins being one-
third under pre-war -levels, while the
price of shoes is twice as high as in
While labor has been participating
In the readjustment process, the board
continued, the participation has been
The agricultural situation was
characterized as generally favorable.
aunough tne fruit growing sections
suffered from cold Waves.
Little demand for coal was reported
the board said, but petroleum produc
tion has gained. A continued increase
in the manufacturing activity of the
silk mills was reported.
Sunday School Picnickers
'in Collision.
Drivers of Both Machines
Escape Uninjured.
Accident Occurs at Sharp Turn on
Highway West of Bonneville;
Sheriff to Investigate.
Annual Spring Upheaval Causes
Excitement in Chicago.
CHICAGO, May 1. Moving day,
Chicago's annual spring upheaval, to
day resulted in more excitement and
confusion than ever before.
As a result of tenants' refusal to
move, 1695 suits were filed by land
lords, and many fortified themselves
In their homes for a long siege.
Many a load of furniture stopped
before a flat building had to go back
cr take Its load to a warehouse.
Premier Xit for Leniency.
Premier Lloyd George, speaking in
chalf of the cabinet at today's con
ference, said he had no desire to dis
play the slightest leniency toward
he Germans, who had failed to carry
ut their obligations. He expressed
ullest sympathy with the French de
ire to resort to immediate action.
iNut asked if that were the wisest
ourse. He argued that the arrange-
ent for putting the French plans
nto operation must take a few days.
Iwhlch might be employed as the time
limit of an ultimatum for Germany
accept and give the necessary
M Krland, expressing satisfaction
Federal Government Seises Mys
terious Boot legging; Craft.
SAVANNAH, Ga., May 1. The mys
terious bootlegging airplane found by
tho police recently, abandoned but
liquor-laden, in the municipal landing
field will be sold by the federal gov
ernment under the prohibition en
forcement act.
The machine was taken over today
by the United States district attor
ney's office.
Five Persons Injured by Explosion
in Johnstown, Pa., Store.
JOHNSTOWN. Pa., May 1. Annie
Kancri, an 18-year-old girl, was killed
and five other persons were injured
last night at Southfork. when . a
bomb, sent through the mails, ex
ploded n a store. The package was
addressed to her father.
One si"de of the building was blown
out and the store was wrecked.
.Moscow Wireless Message Says Red
Envoy Has Arrived.
RIGA, May 1. Moscow wireless an
nounced withdrawal of the British
from Persia.
A Russian diplomatic mission has
arrived in Teheran, tile uicuiioi
1 tt M.
-fifteen Sunday school members of
the Second German Baptist church
Rodney avenue and Morris street
suffered injuries yesterday afternoon
at 5 o'clock on the Columbia river
highway when a one-ton truck in
which they were riding came into
collision with a touring car driven
by E. D. Kingsley, 53 Ella street, and
was overturned.
None were injured seriously, al
though four were taken to the Eman
uel hospital for treatment and one
was given first aid at the j police
emergency hospital before being
taken home.
The Injured:
Llla Jensen, aged 31, 1122 Missouri
avenue, cuts on hand and face bruised,
Linda Schneider, aged 19, S95 East
Twelfth street North, arm hurt, pos
sible fracture.
Lydia Freitag, aged 23, 1122 Mis'
souri avenue, back hurt.
William Freitag, aged 17, cut about
the head.
i-dmund Berger, aged 17, 838 East
Thirteenth street North, lacerations
above the eye and bruises.
Truck Crowded Into Ditch.
The truck with tne load of children
was going east on the highway a lit
tle way west of Bonneville, a picnic
trip to Eagle Creek being the plan
of the. party.. On a steep downgrade
at a sharp turn the touring car of
Mr. Kingsley shot suddenly into view
and it struck the left front wheel of
the.heavily loaded truck. The truck
was crowded into the ditch and
turned completely over, landing right
side up with the front wheels rest
ing on the edge of the pavement.
The driver of the truck, Albert
Helxer, 2S5 Cook avenue, escaped
without injuries. Others of his
charges were bruised but not. so
severely hurt that they could not go
to their homes last night.
Mr. Kingsley, who was declared to
have been driving fast, took the four
passengers with the worst injuries
into his car and hurried to Emanuel
hospital with them.
Motorists Pick Vp Injnrrd.
A. H. Zerbe of the Fashion garage.
was arums towara Portland a
short distance behind Mr. Kingslev
stopped and took on board Edmund
Berger, whom he took to the police
emergency hospital, where a gash
above his eyes was closed with
Other motorists who passed picked
up others who suffered bruises and
conveyed them to their homes in the
city. Mr. Helzer got his truck back
Into the road and returned to the city
with three of his original passengers,
who were unhurt.
Mr. Helzer reported the accident to
the county jail as soon as he reached
the city late yesterday and an inves
tigation of the accident will bo made
today by Sheriff Hurlburt.
Attempt Made to Blow Ip Jlail-
' way Bridge and Parade of So
cialists and Workmen.
CHICAGO, May 1. An orderly pa
rauo and meeting called by the so
cialist party of America as a demon
stration in favor of soviet Russia
were the only observances of May
day here today. Police had forbidden
the display of the red flag and not
one was to be seen.
NEW TOrtK. May t. Tranquility
marked May day here. There were
several large patriotic gatherings.
where the speakers stressed Ameri
canism. Up to late tonight no un
toward event had been chronicled In
police headquarters and not an arrest
had been made.
BUENOS AIRES. May 1. May day
here was marked by the throwing of
two bombs, an attempt to blow up the
railway bridge and a parade by so
cialists and workmen, who carried
red flags. Nobody was Injured and
little material damage done.
Shipping Board Vessels
Unable to Get Crews.
Strikebreaker Says Threat
Was Made Against Him.
PARIS, May 1. The first of May
passed today with probably loss ex
citement than the ordinary Sunday.
There were fewer than ths usual
number of arrests for minor infringe
ments of the law.
BRUSSELS, May 1. May-day dem
onstrations were carried out without
MEXICO CITT, May 1. Protests
against imprisonment of radicals fn
the United States Hungary, Spain and
Italy, and demands that the Mexican
government take action on certain
labor reforms, were voiced today
during the May-day demonstration
staged by the confederation of labor
ers of Mexico.
Sea Service Bureau Head lie ports
That Jle Is W a tolled When lie
Walks on Streets.
Workmen From America to Be
Kept I-Yoni Kussia Temporarily.
RIGA, May 1. Admission to soviet
Russia of workmen from America
will be permitted only when the
soviet government can establish an
immigration bureau in the United
States, said the Petrograd Krasnia
Gazette, a copy of which was received
The executive committee of the All-
Russian council of trades unions, it
asserted, decided in this manner to
ha!trtMriTrrtux of unorganized work
era from America.
Plans Practically Completed by
Ford Slolor Company.
DETROIT, Mich., May 1. Plans
have been practically completed by
the Ford Motor company for the pay
ment of bonuses to employes semi
monthly, instead of annually, as here
tofore. The plan was devised, it was
understood, to assure payment of
bonuses to such employes as might
eavc the company's sorvice before
the end of a year.
Bonus payments for 1520 totaled
approximately 17,000,000. 1
Letter Front President Read at Sal
vation Army Meeting.
NEW YORK. May. 1. President
Harding, commenting on the Salvation
Army slogan, "A mtu may be down,
but never out," said in a letter read
here today at a mass meeting of the
"It is my firm opinion that a man I
Is never 'out' unless he himself con-I
fesscs that he is. I
"No organization has done more to
prove this than the Salvation Army."
Machine Driven by Samuel Wiest
Hurtles Off Highway.
Samuel Wiest, a salesman, 42 years
old, was Lillcd almost instantly at
about 11 o'clock yesterday morning
when his automobile plunged off the
Columbia river highway four miles
beyond Burlington, and burtled down
50-foot embankment, pinning lilm
beneath the wreckage.
Mr. Wiest left his home at S o'clock
yesterday morning to go to Astoria by
automobile. He was alone in his
machine. Shortly before 11 o'clock
passing autoists saw his wrecked ma
chine lying below the steep grade
below Burlington and telephoned to
be city for medical assistance. The
Arrow Ambulance company responded.
but Mr. Wiest was dead before it
reached the scene of the wreck. The
ambulance brought his body to the
county morgue. It was said at the
morgue that he had sustained a frac-
ured skull and internal injuries, in
addition to numerous broken bones.
Mr. Wiest is survived by his widow.
The family residence is at 160 East
Thirty-seventh street. Funeral ar
rangements have not yet been made.
Four shipping board vessels, loaded
and ready for departure, were held
up in the river yesterday as ths re
sult of having Insufficient crews, due
to the marine strike. They were the
Eastern Guide and West Ilimrod. with
cargoes of grain for Europe: and the
West Ivan, and I'awlet, scheduled for
departure for the orient.
The strike had no effect on the de
parture of privately owned vessels
yesterday, and a number of coasters
got out of the river. Tho Japanese
steamer Tokuyo Maru also' departed
for the orient.
Lieutenant Harold C. Jones, head
of the local sea service bureau, re
ported that he was signing on mrn
rapidly to take the place cf the strik
ers, and that he expected tho West
Himrod would be able to leave be
fore morning. H said that there
was no difficulty in signing on suffi
cient ordinary seamen, but that get
ting some of the higher-priced tech
nical men was what was holding up
the departure of the ships. He pre
dicted, however, that there would be
little difficulty in obtaining these.
Mo Srrlons Trouble Reported.
No serious trouble was reported be
tween strikers and the men signed
up to man the ships under the new
schedule, although ono man reported
to Lieutenant Jones that ho aa
stopped In frdhf of the Oregon' hotel
and threatened. Lieutenant Jones
said that he was watched by striker
who followed him at a respectful dls- '
tance everywhere be went yesterday,
apparently wishing to keep account
of his activities. He said that some
of the men signed on under the new
schedule also w-cre followed.
A number of strikers were reported
to have entered the office of Lieuten
ant Jones and signed on for different
ships with what was believed to be
the purpose of learning what ships
were being manned. Ths lieutenant
said that he recognized them as strik
ers, although they denied belonging
to the union.
Xo A vim ItrrrHrd.
The office of James W. Crlchton,
district agent of the division of op
erations, reported last night that no
advices rclatlvo to the strike mere
roceived from either Washington,
D. C, or San Francisco yesterday.
The fact that few of the privately
ownod ships operating out of Port
land signed on their crews here. It
was believed, will mean that but few
such vessels will be tied up, no matter
I hew widespread the strike may be
I come. Officers and men alga for an
'entire voyage, and they cannot leave
suddenly without laying themselves
open to the charge of desertion. Trl
vately owned vessels might be held
up, however, at the port where they
signed on trsir men.
Walkout In Protest Against Pro
posed Wage Keduolion.
CHICAGO, May 1. Between 1200
nd 1100 members of tho livestock
andlers' union struck today at the
Union stockyards, in protest against
proposed wage reduction of 8 cents
n hour.
A. G. Leonard, president of ths
Union Stockyards & Transit company,
eclared the places of these men will
be filled at once.
The Weather.
TESTER DATS Maximum trmprature,
A8 degrees; minimum. 46 dcareefl.
TODAY'S Showers; southwesterly winds.
Germsn problems declared delicate,
t'age 2.
Europe in dlftrnn puts trust In America,
says WlllUm Bird. Faee Z
French cosl order too strict, saya Harden.
Pace 3.
Knirland and France agree on reparations
policy. I'aa-e 1.
Army life on Rhine busy one. Tale 12.
Railway tangle hinges on operating costa
Page 6.
Mellon opposes levy on excess profits
Page 1.
Foreign problems absorb Harding. Tage 4.
Retailers keep up prices, saya federal re
serve review. Page 1.
Mayday paaaes quietly is United States
Page 1.
Seventy thousand railroad workers adopt
federal agreement. Page 1.
New York cuts budget $05,000,000.
Page 17.
Woman. 31. kept In dark, cell-ltk cage
for 16 years. Page 1.
ra4lfie Northwest.
Albany's creamery is destroyed by firs.
Page 5.
Paget sound to fight Columbia basin rate
decision, rage d.
Manv Pnrtlanders on college tennis teams
Page 10.
Veteran McCarthy still going at a fast
clip. Page 10.
Pacific Coast league' results: At Portland
2. Sacramento 4; at Los Angeles 10.
San PrHncisco 0-1; st Heattle 7, Salt
Lake 3; at Oakland 0. Vernon 1U.
Page 10.
Portland and Vicinity.
Strike holds up four craft In port. Page 1.
High taxes held result of hobbies. Page 17.
Home Investments declared hops of Port
land. Page 1H.
Drive tor festival fund starts tomorrow.
Page 18.
I, vv. W. meeting condemns violence
Page .
Freldas family flrally sea Christ picture,
as city's guests. Psge .
Trlnters begin 44-hour week today. Page 4.
Sympathy Is held world's big need. Page 6.
Fifteen children Injured as auto rams
truck, rase 1.
Some Ship Workers Are Jlcportcd
to Be Walking Out.
WASHINGTON, D. C. May 1 -While
reports to both the shipping
board and representatives of thi
marine Workers slated some workers
were walking out rafher than ac
cept the board's 15 prr cent wago
cut. Secretary Dsvls conferred with
union heads on the wage controversy,
but without r-pparent result.
As the unions have requested that
a wage commission be appointed by
direction of President Harding to ad
just the dispute and shipping board
officials have said they would follow
the wishes of tne president, it was
said tonight talit tho next move
would perhaps come from ths ship
Some confusion was apparent to
night regarding the appointment of a
commission to decide the controversy.
At the White House it was reiterated
that the matter had been placed In
the hands of Secretaries Davis and
At the department of labor, how
ever. It was said Secretary Davis bad
not hern so Informed and It was indi
cated that the matter was still in the
hands of tho president, so far as th
appointment of a commission was
concerned. Secretary Hoover, offi
cials said, has as yet taken no steps.
Union heads declared that they also
were without Information.
So far, board officials stated, few
ships have been held in port because
of the men refusing to sign at t'e
reduced wage.
125,000 ME.V IX LOCKOtT
IS Per Cent Wage JU'duollon Re
jected by Marine Workers.
NEW YORK. May 1. (Special.)
The threatened walkout of marine
workers Hlona Ihe Atlantic and I'h-t'-uue.
uued vu l'u-,e , C'ulumu 4 )
tluaciuacd o km 4. Caiuina L)