1921 " m MORNING OREGOMAX, FRIDAY, APRIL 29, i '. ' ' MrCT10NU 1 HELP VtN'TED-MAI.E. ' HKI.P WANTED FFMA1.E. " I StTFATIOXS WANTE&-MALB. '1 SITTATIOXS WASTED FEMALE. I TOR KENT. TOR RENT. ' . , T." REAL, OPPORTUNITY. Too want a rood position, dn't you? H-r a how to get It: Begin a course of Instruction at the Adcox Auto School at once. tNot one cent to be paid down.) IK. AT THK END OK 30 DAYS. VOU ARE EXT1KELT SATISFIED, then pay one-half of your tuition fee and AFTEK TOU HAVE GRADUATED AND SE CURED A GOOD POSITION. TOU CAN PAY THE BALANCE OUT OF TOUR ' WAGES. School open for inspection daily it 11 A. M. OREGON EX-SERVICE MEN! The state pays part of your tuition fee we will trust you for th balance until you secure a good position. ADOOX AUTO SCHOOL. UNION AVE. AND WASCO ST. AM BIT lot" a young men. enroll in the De Keyser Institute Of Optometry and fit yourself for high salary or an optical business of your own. Oregon ex-service men receive state aid. Spring term opens in March. Write for information. HET.P WANTED MAI.E. AH, MEN and boy seeking employment In commercial or technical lines should first go to the T. M. C A. advisory and employment department. This Is not an employment agency, but a section of the T. M. C A. Having nigh standing w.tn employers. Men who will become T" members and follow Instructions wilt be protected by absolute guarantee that i hey will secure employment or return of membership fee. Ex-service men get this service free. Sea the secretary, room . e07. Y. M. C. A. m af VPERIENCED carpet cutters and layers wanted; only those who thoroughly un derstand the business need report. An swer BF tt-0. Oregonian. WAXTBD Thoroughly experienced dra pery salesman; must be competent ani furnish best of references. Answer AM 60V. Oregonlan. WE HAVE desirable proposition to offer competent, clean-cut salesman in the Portland automobile retail field; pre vious experience in automobile sales not i necessary providing applicants are real salesmen. Maxwell Motor Sales Corpo ration, 363 E. Oregon st. COMPETENT bookkeeper wanted in gen eral store in eastern Orecon town on railroad: Derma nent nosltlon: rive perience and references; manager will open answers in Portland Sunday and Monday. May 1st and I'd. Address AV .":m. urpgonian. W AM'fcl-Ma.n i.nu wne uoo understand farm work; either Italian. German. Swiss or Dane, to go on a good ranch; middle arid: must understand farm work; will furnbh another help. Ad-1 1 r ' -s AH 613. Oregonian. WANTED At once for wood-working m piani, estimator aim bui uuniucui 1 must be able to read plans readily am Jf lay off work for men. Call at room 81' r 4 Hotel Oregon, between 4 and a P. M. o jsV- 7 and 8 P. M. today. plant, estimator nd superintendent: d 1 or LOGGING company desires service of young single man for stenographer, cler ical work and assist around store. Givi phone number so that you can be reached Saturday. April 30, by manager. A v ..-'. oregonian. EX.PE RIENCED sol.citors; we prefer men who have made rood on a houae- to-hou.e canvass with a tea and coffee I nroDositinn: must ba ab t to taiK to housewives. Apply Ideal Tea Co.. 711 Union wvt. V. XEED HELP? Phone, write or wire for competent American citizens, ex-service men. to fll the Place. LMiMKLUY- MKNT COMMITTEE, 170 Fourth at Telephone Main 5347. No fee charged. SEVERAL securities salesmen for special engagement; public service corporation ftrat irortgage 8 per cent issue on terms; lucrative and fast. (all 8 to 11. 63G Northwestern Bank bldg. VPKK1E.CED bank man wan'ce; muei .be all-round man of good address, not I frwid of work and under 40 years oii; state experience and references in let-1 ter. A'i k'. oregonian. A-l EiNERGETIC altnian by Lea. coffee houoe to call on deaiert: party under standing consumer work preferred: state experience, ace, references, telephoue number. ft wmt. Pregonmn. WANTED Young Jewish man for retail cigar store, experience not necessary: give name and address oi last employer. A H B.'a. Oregomsn. AN EXPERIENCED Japanese man fori cooking and general housework: must be ( very experienced and nave references. I Call East 1!310 or 413 HasalO St. WAITER, experienced, big. husky, young and not airald or work, for road house in Astoria; work for tips, no wages, room and bnard. V ttl.'i. Oregonlan. JANITOR for apt. house; single man; ex p rlence necessary; must understand re pairing and be willing to work. llol I'.'th st. ChM after I o'clock. WANTED To sell contract and trucks for season rock haul. $40 to H0 a day per truck. Inquire E. L. Perkins, Hilis- boro. Oregon. WANTED Boy who warns to team a typesetter; none others need apply. Glass AV Prudhomme Co.. H.Vfl" Broadway. CONTRACTOR or practical builder want- ; ed to put up several houses. See Mr. O. H. Skothetm. 4irt-l0 Couch bldg. UPHOLSTERERS wanted, permanent posi tions. Washington Mattress company. ??eame. v asn. ADVERTISING solicitors: good rail propo sition; 10 per cent com. Call 9 and 5 only. 'Jin Stock Exchange. WANTED True wood In flty a Cham, of Com. with driver to deliver $1.25 per cord. 210 Milt BAKER wanted, all-around man. bread and cake. Phone or wire J. E. Scha.ner. rtinnynie. v a mi. W A NT ED Several young men for long theatrical engagement; good salary. 604 I r, t trs o i n g. MAN AND WIFE, no children, ranch. Call after 10 A. M. With st. N. for fruit 504 East WAN I i4'V:t-,l good hu.-ky men for load ing lumber; good wages, r or full par- Ticuiars appiy .': Oregon bldg. BARBER wanted for Aberdeen. Wash. Big wages, inquire Lew is-stenger iiaroers 'iniry com pa nr. WANT fir.l v, ulars spplv tfs baer. For full partic- oh Oregon Diog. WANTED At once, a general printer. The Kanner-4 ouner. Oregon City. Or. WANTED Man to do apading. 30 cents T'-r hour. Main 4024. WANTED At once, a general printer. The nnnner- ouricr. urymn i ity, Or. BARBER wanted: sieadv Sat. E 13th S. job; $10 W A NT E.D Erra n u N. Mb s-t. boy with bicycle. - WANTED BARBER. STEADY. 120 2 STREET. Help Uanted Salesmen. A i.EAJ A N wan led to uli on city i ra d inu!t be A1 morally and furnish bond: murt have some selling experience, pref erably In office supplies or furniture. State age, experience, salary expected and phone number. AL 613. Oregonian. MEN TO sell new household article; an invention that ta needed in every home; must be seen to be appreciated. Call be fore ft:S0 A. M. A ready Press bldg.. 12th corner .leffrrsnn. ask for Mr. Hancock. WANTED A live wire, who can put out agents to distribute to city homes. product that Is in Immediate demand and will sell fast. A firt-class proposi- tton to right man. 610. Oregonian. AT ONCE, an A-l stock and bond salts man of good character for an excep tional proposition. Apply In person only, ft to 10 A. M. today. 7 Chamber of Com merce bldg. WE REQUIRE the services of a Ford salesman; apply In person. Dunning Motor Co., successor to Rushlight A Pen ney, authorized Ford dealers, E. 3d and Broadway. WANTED A hlh-ciaas salesman, well I acquainted In Portland, to sell homes. must have ear; a gojd proposition of fered the right man: commission basis. See Mr. Pe Forest. 320 Henry bldg. I WANT a live man in each county of Or egon: 1 you are a hustler you can earn big money; amall capital required. See Mr. Dawley, 8 to 10, 4 to 6, Nortonia I hotel. HAVE proposition for aaiesmen capable of I making big money in booming Montana real estate, center of oil district. Call 405 Title & Trust bldg. SALESMAN calling on furniture and gen eral stores to carry side line of dinner ware, sold from Illustration. Roe Pfelffer Co , 511 N. Howard st. Baltimore. Md. WANT SALESMAN with houses. See Mr. Dodson. JOHNSON-DO DSON 633 N. W. Bank Bide. iUtO to sell CO.. Main 37S7. EXPERIENCED real estate salesman wanted to handle lots in booming Mon tana oil town: exceptional proposition Call 405 Title A Trust bldg.. 9 to 11 A. M. WANTED Energetic young man to take charge of sales force; good salary to "tart. Room B Henry bldg. HIGH-CLASS salespeople with car. to sell hote! and apartment houses. Sea Mr. Skothetm. 40S-IM Couch b'rtg. STOCK salesman to sell stock of local manufacturing plant, good referencea AR 61?. Oregonian. WA NT ED Traveling trunk salesman. Tortland Trunk Manufacturing Co.. cor. 3-1 and fire sis. R E Phillips, manager. LIVE truck alearaan Broadway 4230. wasted. .Faoue HIGH-POWER MEN ABLE TO EARN FROM $500 TO TOO0 A MONTH. Our concern la well and favor ably known and offers a good future for producers; call 9 to 11 A. M. 809 Lumbermen! bldg. ATTENTION. SALESMEN. If you've sold books, sewin machines, pianos, phonographs, automobiles or any article that require real salesmaiiauip. you cad m?II real estate and make hi money. Two of our salesmen made over iM last month; none earned less than 5 weekly; our half-acre tracts on ea payments are quick seller See Mr. Coral . 10 to 12 onlv. COM TE & KOHUMAN. ' ?'S Chamber of Commerce Bid;;. WANTED B V ONE OF PORTLAND'S MOST PROGRESSIVE REAL ESTATE FIRMS. MAN TO SELL HOUSES ON COMMISSION" BASIS. WANT MAN WHO HAS HAD SELLING EXPERI ENCE. BUT PREFER ONE WHO HAS HAD NO REAL ESTATE EXPERI ENCE. STATE AGE. PAST EXPERI ENCE AND HOW PRESENTLY EM PLOYED. A GOOD MAN CAN MAKE S250 TO 6v0 A MONTH. AJ 507, ORE OONIAN. WE WANT 2 men of forceful personality and ability who can appreciate a genu ine opportunity. This is a bonafide offer to connect with an organization where present earnings will be very attractive and prompt promotion the assured re sult of earnest effort. If employed at present this is well worth your while to give up an ordinary position to under take. An Interview will be granted if you will call at 1107 Spauiding bldg. STOCK SALESMEN. 1 Best financial proposition in Oregon placed on the market at psychological time: backed by prominent bankers, at torneys, business and stock men: some of our men making big money. Call after 10 A. M. second floor Gordon bldg.. 4th and Stark. Ak for Mr. Rainey. SPECIALTY salesman to cover Oregon and part Washington, experienced in sell ing canned food products to retailers; must use own car. Salary $33 per week with bonus. $50 per month car allow ance; hotel expenses allowed; state ref erence and experience. BD 616. Orego nian. W E H A V E ueira ble proposit fon to otter competent, clean-cut salesman in the Portland automobile retail field : pre vious experience in automobile saies not necessary providing applicants are real halesmen. Mai well Motor Sales lorpo- ration. :U'A Li Oregon Ht. WANTED A few good salesmen to sett Sound Rubber company preferred stock. non-assessrble, cumulative, participating convertible to common; orders' now ir. excels of rroduction. Address P. O. box 7 4.M . TacoiiH. asl WANTED Experienced coal solicitor and salesman, to work city trade, compris ing buildings and Industries; must fur nish references; state previous exper ience and salary expected. AH tto6, Oregonian. WANTED AGENTS. ' AGENTS for exclusive line of specialties; an opportunity to make big money on a very vmall investment. Sec Mr. Dawley, to 10, 4 to ft". Nortnnlft hotel. A G EN TS W A N T E D. Benedict Nurtery N.. Portland, Or. Co., 185 E. 0-tQ St. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED An elderly gentle woman to live with an old lady In an apartment; services required are those of a compan ion and not a nurse: conditions are such that there will be a relief front all car at frequent and regular intervals; all expenses together with reasonable com pensation will be paid. Write to AG 4116. Oregonian. WANTED EXPERIENCED OP ERATORS ON POWER MA CHINES. APPLY EASTERN NOVELTY MFG. CO., 85 ftTH STREET. 1 WOMAN for farm work. $45. R. and B., 93 per day during harvest: 3 second maids, $."0; - cooks, private homes, $70. 175; 1 waitress, residential. J 40. R. and B. ; domestics. $00. Mrs. Scott's Em ployment Bureau. 3 -'ft Henry bldg. MRS. L V. SCOTT, formerly with the federat employment service, furnishes competent office women; also women for all other lines of cunptoymenL Z'M Henry bldg. Broadway 4ft37. WANTED GIRLS FOR CABARET SHOWS. CALL IN PERSON NEW HOUSTON HOTEL FROM 5 TO 7 P. M.. ASK FOR MR. KENNEDY. . SEVERAL arcurilles salesladies for special engagement ; public service corporation first mortgage 8 per cent issue on terms lucrative and fast. Call 6 to 11. 030 Northwestern Bank bldg. NEW HoTEL on Columbia river highway wants It experienced chambermaids and one waitress; only clean, respectable women need appiy. Call in person at 12th st. WANTED A girl to do work in laundry or rice; must be steady and wining to learn; one who can use typewriter pre- Laundry. Second and I olumhia. TWO L'il. MAli'S, out, $!.'. r. b.; gen. re lit-f women's hotel, out, $72, r. b., fare first-class cook, summer home SHO wait re-, out, $50, r. b. 301 Raleigh OlflK.. .I-'T ViSfh. st. S 1 h.NUO KAI H Lit and typewriter, soma knowledge of bookkeeping, for manufac turing concern. Address In own hand writing, slating previous experience. N 002. i iregonian. WANTED Sewing machine operators on tent ana ennvas goods; as so & rew learners, those having machine experi ence preferred. Apply Hirsch-Weia Mfg. 'n., 2U."i Hiirn.lde. WANTED A reliable married woman for chamber ork In a small hotel : wages, room and board. Main 715b. 107 4th st. Enon hote-t. ANY GIRL in need of a friend apply to the ialvation Army Rescue Home, May fair and Alexander streets. Phone Main 34 .0. DM esr. WANTED By largo wholesale house, ex perienced operator for Elliott-Fisher billing machine: salary $85 per month; give phone number. Y 01ft. Oregonin n . GOOD home, clothes ana pin money to middle-aged or elderly woman for over- aeeing cooking; must know something thout dietetics. Auto. C14-6ft. SOLICITORS for a new toilet . article. W rite for Information. Sanitary Sea,t Cover Co., P. O. Box 3!,1. Portland. Or. - WOMAN bctw een 25 and 40 for position as general helper in mill boarding house ar Portland. Apply Public Employ- ment Bureau. 203 Artisans bldg.; no fee. WAN! EI Maxried Scandinavian or Ger- in woman for general housework m boarding house; small wage and her husband's board. 521 Swvler 41. 'GIRL wantt-d to care lor tmil home and oung baby: nice place for one who loves home. Innu're 52M Washington rt. WANTED Reliable hous--to-houe solic itors for toilet preparation; good torn mission. Phone Selwood 2540. YOUNG wuaien desiriria wpio men: a telephone operators rail at room 601 Ti ethne omlding Pa-k and Oak ste YOUNG LADY who has had some experi ence In print ihops. Apply 402 Oregonlan building. THE FLORENCE CRITTENTON home Is ready to help any girl In distress. 955 East GHsan. "MV" ?ir East 316. WANT several young latliea for musical comedy snow: good salary. ..Apply 816-A Chain, of Com. bldg. EXPERIENCED operators on power ma chines. 73 6th at. Lurle Mfg. Co.. room 10. IF YOU HAVE telling ability, we have an opening at once. 501 Corbett bldg. WANTED Waitress, at L. B, Restaurant, 3HK Burnrfide st. V anted Domestic. GIRL to do cooking and general bouse- work; wages $.0. Call Main 2021. WANTED Capable girl for general housework and cooking. Apply 691 Flanders at. ANTED Girl or w oman for general nousew-nra. ramuy vi tour; gooa wages. Main L'.i4;i. uovejoy st. WANTED Giri for general houvwork and cooking; no washing; good home. Apply 410 East 11th N. COMPETENT woman for general house work on farm. Call Marshall 3226 after 3 P- M. NEAT, clean colored woman between 35 and 40. for general housework; good home and good wages, uto. 31 7-P8. GIRL for general housework. 074 North- rup. Main 55Q2. WOMAN (over 30) for general housework hi small family. 338 K 24th st. E. 1607. GIRI. to aint with n small children. 335 :neral housework, E. 21st st. K. 17i RELIABLE girl for general housework; washing. Call East 3QOO. , for second work. 704 Love joy. Main GIRL to aasist with housework; all mod ern conveniences. 674 Elliott ave. WANTED Reliable general boutwoVk. girl $40. or woman Main 7"7. WANTED Girl for general housework ; small house; care of child. Tabor 274 1. WANT 37K8. Experienced child's nurse. East WANTLD A. food plain cook. AuL 617Ul WANTED Unincumbered woman a housekeeper for elderly man. 73 years of age, tt miles from Portland. Write particulars at once to 1103 Wilson St.. Hood River. Or. WANTED Experienced second girl for downstairs work and waiting at table; references required. Phone Main 2168. 721 Kin' Court, cor. Ft. Clair. HOUSE KEPEK wanted. midd:e-aged lady, for plain housekeeping, good home, fair wages. W. E. Brown. Hlilsboro. Or. HOUSEKEEPER, mother and babe; good home, wages; widower. Write 562 Hood St., Portland, Or HELP WANTED MAI.E OR FEMALE. WANTED Male or female stenographer with lumber and shingle office experi ence. Pleasant surroundings In good small town one hour by rail from Port land. Please stale age. experience, sal ary expected to start, and if available i send kodak picture of applicant. Per- I manent position ir sattsiactory. Ad dress AV 505, Oregonlan. Portland. Or WANTED Russian -German families for work in sugar beet fields in Twin Falls. Idaho. R. R. Iransporation free. See John Sinner. SOI Failing st. Wdln. 2062. max AND wii. about 40 years old. expe rienced in farm work; man as choreman and wife us cook. Aii.ntion dip WANTED Day and night weavers, steady work, good price us Aiaizen ooien Mills. Klrkland. Wash. EXPERIENCED coupon solicitors; good proposition. Keller's Studio, Majestic Theater bldg. EXPERIENCED cook for small hotel. CoL 031. - HELP WANTED HTTH INVESTMENT. WILL furnish contract with good used dump truck: ready to go to work See Hanawalt. White Company new location E. Flint near East Broadway. WANTED Good reliable salesman who can Invest from $1000 to $2000 and se .ir interest in well established busi ness; splendid opportunity to right party. Addreaa AV oo3. Oregonian. LUMBER HAULING CONTRACT WITH SU.-TON TRUCK FOR SALE. BIG MONEY AND STEADY WORK, WITH RESPONSIBLE. aXEApY MILL. SEE TRUCK MANAGER. STATES AUTO A TRUCK" CO.. 430 BURNSIDK- WNT honest and reliable young man for position of treasurer of Ist-clas theatri cal enterprise good salaiV. long engage ment: small bond required. Apply 81tt-A Ct a niher of Commerce bldg WANTED First-class auto mechanic to Invest $750 to $1000 In garage and shop, good location, this Is a good chance to get into business for yourself: give full particulars. AR 6'J2. Oregonlan. MANAGER wanted for retail gents fur nishing store: good salary paid; invest ment of $3000 necessary. See Mr. Smith. Umuderuttock & Larson Co., 210 Ortgon bid-. Broadway lft." 8. 1ARTNER wanted; muat be A I mechanic, able to purchase interest in money-making car agency and garage; ability and character references required. Box 604, Cottage Grove. Or. WANTED First-class vulcanising and tire man to take interest in good shop; give particulars. AR 61il, Oregonian. RITTATION! WANTED MALE. WANTED By experienced groceryman, position as clerk, 15 years' experience, can furnish good references. George Marshall, 224 Oswego St., or phone Co lumbia 1148. POSITION wanted by a young man v i n several years experience in ittj om-e equipment and .furniture line; have g od knowledge of office work in general, hard worker; AC 618. Oregonian WANTED Position by young man that haa had three years' experience as wiwu nu with reliable houe; willing to start with low salarv; city or country territory. Bt 007. Oregonian. HAVE several teams of good work horses; want work In or out of the city. ca vating. wood hauling or any kind of team work. Call Woodlawn300L MARRIED man. marine machinist, wants job as installation or general repair work; have had Ave years' experience. Phone Auto. 232-30. uv v.i . 1 1 r i . v active, clean. res-nectaD man. accustomed to general rarm worn, oosition on small farm, AM out, ore goninn. . RELIABLE and exo. young man wanta po sition as driver, any make of car or truck; two yeara garage experience. Phone 323-10. Rnnvs rennired at anv time, rain Kin- mnrk fftiarn.nteed : eave troughs cleaned and repaired. Portland Roof Repair & Paint Co. Main 6320. l.AWNH Planted, cut and trimmed; garden work reasonable charge Wdln. 1436. Roy lance & Remington. CARPENTER wants eontract to repai hou.se or other buildings; needs employ ment and will do good work ery rea sonable. C 624. Oregonlan. MAN and wife, cooks, will take charge of omnn np hniel: man 15 v ears' experience, wife second cook or waitresa. AN 580. Oregonian. YOUNG man desirea position as assistant hankie ner and atenograDher : willing start on amall salary if chances of ad vanrement are good. J 603. Oregonlan. WANTED Situation by an- experienced butcher and sausage maker. Address Mr. Emil Krebs, care H. F. Kranaenourg, z Salmon St.. city. I'insT rlasiM Junanese auto mcchani wants position at the garage to do a kinds ot re pa i ring w ura. o -o, Oregonian. GOOD carpenter w mis work, anything, anywhere; work price on repairing. guaranteed : specia.1 Rose. Bdwy. 282. WANTED Position In cheese factory or creamery, or both, as helper. AC wi Oregonlnn. PAINTING. TINTING. Reasonable, efficient work. Main 401)1, apt. 22. RVPKRIKVCEI) baker wants work country town or institution; married. AL 622. Oregonian. PAPKRlMi. twin ting. first-class work, reasonable or win exenange ior auuu furniture. E;ist (842. WANTED CONTRACT Or 1000 OK MORE CORDS WOOD TO CUT. J OREGONIAN PLASTERING, cement work and stucco of all kinds; we oo repair wora aiso; prices reasonabl e. Phones East a . nj L fc,a s ttti3 U. CARPENTER CONTRACTS building, al terations. save you money, jnanny. oeii wood 2421. auto mechanic. exDert troubleshoot wants place in garage in or out ot town. BD 621. Oregonian. YOUNG man. 30. handy with tool, good climber, wanta wora.. c muau raone Broadway 23QQ. PAPERHANGING, painting or carpenter repair work. A. J. studebaker, phon Broadway 3423. BA lv ER, married, wants position; leave town. Address C. Swenaon. eral delivery. Portland. Or. MACHINIST, 18 years old, would like to learn automobile repairing; can give re ferenceg. Ay B21. Oregonian. t:PKKI E.SCKD Moda fountain man: ref erences ; good appearance. s 607. Ore- gonlan. PLOWING AND HARROWING. PHONE WOODLAWN 6214. HOUSE painting: reasonable prices, me at 406 K. Everett st. HOUSU painting ami tinting, first-clas work, reasonable. Mdwy. ib. PAPERHANGING. painting and tinting. Papirhanging 30c roll. Mar. CEMENT , TABOR WORK 6888. ALL KINDS. AMBITIOUS young man wanta work, age lft. Call Automatic 3UJ-HH. KALSO MINING, 60c hour, you furnish material. Phone East 2034. I WANT steady hauling for 24-ton truck with wood or freignt oony. Manor Ban. M ILKER. Swiss, wants .Job farm. L. Zematten. 1010 East Main st.. city. GA RDEN FR wants spading, lawns, etc Phone Marshall 3013. Kahlfeld. . ROOMS tinted, $3 and $4, good work and satisfaction. Mar. 5107. POSITION wanted to run lath mill by con tract. 2 Al men. R 604. Oregonian. WANTED Carpenter work by month or year. 4016 R4th st. S. E. POSITION by experienced middle-aged man janitor or watchman. Tabor Siift CESSPOOL and sewer connections, cement work. Call Main 1818. Miller. PLOWING and all kinds of team work. Woodlawn 8S3. CHEF, first class, requires situation; ref erences. E Ono. Oregonian. ROOMS tinted, s:i; papering, painting and outside. Broadway 3523. - PLOWING and excavating dune by ap pointment. Phone Tabor 8."1 1. SPRAYING TREES. MEN WHO KNOW. GILROY. BROADWAY 1D37. BAKER iants portion: cakea and pastry a specialty. Auto. 514-o.s. CARPENTER work and repairing, reason. bte. BJ 607. Oregonian. LAWN MOWERS sharpened and repaired. East 27. Called for and delivered. BRICKLAYER. buildings. boilers, fire place, anything In brickwork. East 62H2 BRICK contractu it l ue Houses, rages, fireplaces. Tabor 8713. a- ENCAVATING. C. G. BOWERS. PUONiu AST HW. CORPORATION AUDITOR AND OFFICE MANAGER desires position in or near Portland: 14 years' experience in wholesale merchan dising, milling and manufacturing lines. Very valuable training and fine ability to devote to your interests: references. Phone East 6632. 745- East Ash St. WANTED Young man wanta position driving car tor private family; does not claim to be a mechanic; willing to travel, also willing to do odd Jobes about the place; can give referencea Writ E. L. Timma, room 413 Panama bldg. Phone Marshall 1466. YOUNG married man having: sold his in terest in going business Interested in securing position with firm who wanta a live wire, university rradunte and no kid; have car which will use In busi- YOUNG married man having sold his in terest in going business interested in securing position with firm who wants a live wire, university graduate and no kid; have car which will use in busi ness If necessary. AH 606. Oregonian. NEED HELP? Phone, write or wire for competent American citizens, ex-service men. to fill the place. UNEMPLOYMENT COMMITTEE, 170 Fourth st. Telephone Main 5347. No fee charged. CIRCULAR head sawyer and filer can make any saw stand up and get the cut; can furnish good references: mar ried man. K. C. Miller. 586 Gllean St.. apt. 2. - WANTED Position by young man 3 yrs. of age as furnace or plumber's helper, or clerk in hardware; 5 yeara experi ence. 22 East 7hth sL. or phone Tabor ftoffkryera. Stenographers, Of fire. experienced and capable ac countant, bookkeeper.- cashier and general office man, aged 36. home owner. married. local refp:rences. wants position WHERE ABILITY AND DEPENDA BILITY WILL COUNT; TEMPORARY POSITION CONSIDERED. AR ttO. OREGONIAN. AMBITIOUS YOUNG MAN. ilG YEARS O AGE. WITH PLENTY OF INITIATIVE AND A KNOWLEDGE OF BOOKKEEP ING. DESIRES A POSITION WITH A PROGRESSIVE FIRM. I WILL TACKLE ANYTHING W ITH A FUTURE AND AM WILLING TO START AT A NOM INAL SALARY. PARKER. EAST 0004 YOUNG man. 26. trustworthy, energetic, knowledge of bookkeeping, quick and accurate, operate typewriter, at present studying shorthand, desires office posi tion with chance for advancement Ref erence. AfWresw R 611. Oregonlah. COMPETENT bookkeeper and office man doing similar and satisfactory work for others would like one more account re quiring few hours' daily attention. Phone Automatic 511 -75. COMPETENT bookkeeper and office man doing sun liar and satisfactory work for others would like one more account re quiring few hours' daily attention. Phone Automatic 51 1-75. YOUNG MAN, 24. high school graduate. with wholesale hardware pricing expe rience, desires similar er general clerical position. AR 024. Oregonian. CAPABLE general office and bank man. 30 years experience : oesi local reier ences: married; prefer out-of-town bank, BF W4 Oregonlan. YOUNG man, exp.. ateno., office man. col lector or salesman, desires position in one or all of the above. Phone Broad way 477. EFFICIENT married man, 27, experienced cashier, general office. Tabor S416. HOTEL clerk, middii position. A.T 7 6. ! sged. reliable, wants Oregonlan. SA LESM AN with Ford covering southern and western Oregon desires sideline. BF 603, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. RESPECTABLE lady, 26, wishes work, rooming house, keeping house for men. chambermaid or restaurant work ; one who is honest and more willing than experienced. AL 020. Oregonlan. REFINED middle-aged widow desires po sition as companion to laay in weu-ap pointed home, or would travel: con genial, cheerful disposition; references. Address 384 E. 62d st. X. SWEATERS. 18 and up. yarn furnished ladies' and gents', mending of hosiery, silk shirt waists and dresses, Phone 620-76. LACE AND SILK SCRIM AND MAR QUISETTE CURTAINS dene up like new. win call. East 851 ALL KINDS oi curtains hand laundered by experta We solicit your patronage. Automatic 0io-ft7. LADY wants housecleaning, washing, other work; good work guaranteed. w ood lawn 6305. BY RELIABLE party with references. situation in apartment house for either man or wife or both. Phone Main SI45, WANTED Position as clerk in grocery store; experience. Call Main 1834. Mus Brown. EXPERIENCED lady wants day work will take whole day or half day. Call Main 7774. LADY with classy car. careful driver, would consider regular patrons at rea sonable terms. Address 3M E. 2d st. N tOUN'G re lined girl wants position to care for children by day or month. Call East 2520. MIDDLE-AGED woman will keen house for elderly couple or invalid lady. AM win. oregoninn. WANTED Position aa housekeeper for re fined widower or bachelor by you iff woman. BF 618. oregonian. COMPETENT, industrious woman wants day work: reference. Woodlwti 23 WINDOWS cleaned. $1.50 doz., house clean- Ing estimates furnished. Woodlawn 2003. COLORED girl wanta day work by the hour. East 5006. YOUNG woman wishes position as waitreas in private hotel. Phone Main 4004. WILL care Brnd'vMV tor children and 2740. mom 211. DA Y WOK K. w aching and cleaning; nerienced. M:irsh:ll 0S2. Room 16. WOMAN wants day work, 50c hour. Tele phone Broadway 8243. tu r'EK I ENCED w onian wants day work. rtroHiway .142... WORK by the day or hour; 1 or 2 days Tabor 041. FOR EXPERIENCED Woodlawn 3035 day worker call Booker pera, Stenographer!, Office. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER AND TYPIST WITH KNOWLEDGE OFCAHH IER WORK DESIRES POSITION WITH RELIABLE CONCERN. CALL SELL WOOD H48.Y EXPERIENCED stenographer with some knowledge of bookkeeping wishes posi tion in doctor's office. Main 2544. after ft A. M POSITION desired by competent young business lady ; Al bookkeeper, also has knowledge of stenography, cashier work, etc. Phone Automatic 323-37. YOUNG woman with 4 years' experience in stenographic and clerical work de sires position: will go out of town; $100 month. BD 624. Oregonlan. STENOGRAPHER. 8 years' experience general office work ; prefer real estate. East 745 evenings or mornlnga. COMPETENT stenographer-bookaeeper d- sires position; personal interest in work. Tabor 73H5. or BD 620. Oregonian. Vol' No lady, experienced in office work. wishes position, office, dentist's or doc tor's office ; permanent. Tahor 5K0. WANTED Position, stenographer, book keeper, general office, temporary or per manent. Broad WHy 1443. room 303. BEGINNER wants position, clerical Wu.k; some knoaatedge of abort hanu. Oak Grove 4-J. AR 616. Oregonlan. THOROUGHLY experienced bookkeeper and typist. Phone Broadway 145. N. Austin. Vk ANTED Position 3 bookkeeper, typist or running porting mac nine. a 11 ou-i, Oregonlan. Dressmakers. MY SPECIALTY is saving money for you by making your used dresses into new ones. Main 3164. LADIES garments altered and refitted. L Reubin. tailor. 4Q Bush Lane bidg. DRESSMAKING All kinds. reasonable. 422 'A Morrison at., room 6, upstalra EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sew ing bv day or tnke home. Phone 618-78. DKESSM A KINO, satisfaction guaranteed; reasonable, su central Diag. Main 34 WORK in dressmaking or mililuery shop. Phone Woodlawn 2075. DRESSMAKING and tailoring. Will go out by the day. Call Tabor 3232. DRESSMAKING, guaranteed, prompt work. 5 East 30th st. East 604. GOWN'S, suits, coats made to order. Leiao Hutchinson. 27 Morgan bldg. N u rsrs. SCIENTIFIC Swedish massage In your own home; ladles only. Physicians recom mendation Woodlawn 978 for appoint ments. PRACTICAL, good references, day, week or win take confinement case. Tabor 5334. WANTED Practical nursing, day or week; prices reasonable. Phone Mam 4M. PATIENTS tken in my home, hydro- therapy and massage. Auto. 614-60. OR SA LB Hudson seal cape with Ko linsky eol'ar. Bdwy. 243. Housekeepers. EXPERIENCED girl wishes general house work where there are no children; can do plain cooking; prefer place close in; wages. S50. AC 606. Oregonlan. REFINED elderly woman wants house k eeping- good, clean, economical cook, labor 5384. HOUSEKEEPER wanta position as man aging housekeeper of apartment houss or rooming house; experienced and cap able of taking full charge or will act as housekeeper under manager. AE 60T, Oregonlan. POSITION as housekeeper wanted by thor oughly competent woman, quiet and re fined; complete charge; pleasant home; referencea exchanged. AH 603, Orego nlan. LADY with baby desires position as housekeeper for gentlemen ; no objec tion to children. Phone Tabor 3904. POSITION as housekeeper widower's home, children preferred. - Marshall 2S3. 41)4 Morrison St.. room 17. WANTED Position aa second girl. Call Wood lawn 3-0.". lloUMCcleumns HOUSECLEANTNG. Housecleaning. window washing, car pet cleaning, by expert workmen; floors waxed, furniture polished. CITY HOUSECLEANING SERVICE. 188 Chapman st. Phone Main 1157. WANTED TO RENT. House. RENTAL BUREAU. List your houses, flats or apartments with us; quick results and good tenant a PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. LOANS. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO 53 Fourth St.. Opp. Multnomah hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. STRICTLY modern 5 or 6-room bungalow, must have large living room; must be in good locality and have garage; will pay ud to $00 per month with a satisfactory lease; can furnish best of references. - If you have a real home to offer phone Main 34-3. WANTED To lease ior i year with pur chase privilege, 7 or 8-room modern bungalow or house, close to 'school and car; Irvington, Laurelhurst, Rose City prererrea. tteieretices exenangea. tiawy. 5HW. in oio. oregonian. WANTED To lease lor 1 year with pur chase privilege, 7 or 8-room modern bungalow or house, close to school and car: irvington, Laureinurst, Rose city preferred. References exchanged. Bdwy. ai.:'. in ni'. oregonian. LOCAL business man and wife debire to rent five or six-room modern house with g-arage for any time up to one year: wnl care for property as our own, Any references and will secure rental. BC ski. Oregonian. WANTED u-roum furnished flat or cot tage; 2 bedrooms, with garage pref. , amt. of rent, phone number and location in answer; option of buying pref. AL till), Oregonian. WANTED Nicely furnished house far June, July and August: must have large living room and 3 bedrooms. Address 812 Morgan bldg. Phone Main -141)7, Broadway 4033. 6 OR 7-ROOM house, near Reed college, preferably in East Moreland or West Moreland : furnished or unfurnished Phone Sellwood 2805. WANT to rent 5 or 0-room house, $20 to $25 monthly; will pay six months to year In advance. D 020. Oregonlan. WANTED Furnished bungalow, good dis trict, best references. Call Mr. Lodmell. N. W. Nat'l Bank. Marshall 5620. 8-RUOMS or more, turnislied or 'partly fur nished ; good location; garage desirable. AL 604. Oregonian. WANTED i or 6-room bungalow with ga rage, close In; have two small children. AK 622. Oregonian. MAi 10. MODEkN furnished 5 or C-room house, neat and clean, in good location; adults. Main 7021. RELIABLE couple wants unfurnished bun galow in Rose City; guarantee excellent care. Phone Tabor 7."32. Apartments. YOUNG married couple wish to rent a 2 or 3-room furnished apartment by May 10, west side preferred; state price, F 760, Oregonlan. 3 OR 4-room flat or apartment and ga rage. May 1, by responsible middle-aged couple. Phone Woodlawn 3238. LADY, EMPLOYED, would like to hear from lady having apartment to share. L 614. Oregon Inn. SMALL apartment or two rooms, unfur nished or partly; reasonable: state loca tlon and price. BJ 616. Oregonlan. Rooms. BY YOUNG woman pianist from the eapt, desirable room in private family. Will give piano lessons in part payment, h 003. Oregonian. Rooms With Board. BOARD AND ROOM WANTED for elderly couple; must be good size, modern and good location. Address, at once. 171 Royal Court. City. Phone. Tabor 2521. WANTED To room and board In private home, clean-cut youn man, references. BD 015, Oregonlan. YOUNG man seeking a home in private AL 623, Oregonian ramuy, witn beard. FOR RENT. APTS. Sleeping porches, sleeping rooma t;ft Washington, no children. turnlshed Rooms. HOTEL FRANKLIN. Washington at 13th. Rates by the week. $5.50 and ud: hot and cold running water, hot-water heating system; tub and shower baths. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL EAST MORRISON ST. AT EAST 6TH QUIET. DIGNIFIED AND REFINED. $1.25 PER DAY, $6 PER WK, AND UP. CONVENIENT ALL-NIGHT GARAGES. A SELECT FAMILY HOTEL HOTEL LENOX. Corner Third ani Main Sts. Attractive rates to discriminating, permanent guests. NEW PERKINS HOTEL. WASHINGTON AT FIFTH; Special weekly and monthly rates. $6 up. Let us show you our accommoda tions. SOME richly furnished transient rooms. being refitted, special rates to perma nent, weekly, monthly guests; all rooms facing Sixth or Stark street business sec t Ion. Empress hotel ANGELA HOTEL. 625 Washington St. Large lobby, automatic- elevator, phone and running water In each room; rooms with or without baths; $5..0 week up; excellent home-cooked meals next door. R1T21 HOTEL. Morrison and Park Streets. New, fireproof .nd modern. Special rates to permanent guests. hotel mathiesen, 204 Columbia. Brick bldg.. nice lobby; steam heat, hot acd cold water In every room, elevator runs day and night; rooms, 75c up. 1 LARGE front sleeping room, suitable for 2. hot and cold water. waiKing distance, best location. 57 Trinity place. Bdwy. 1706. FIRST-CLASS room for gentlemen, all modern conveniences; select neighbor hood; will furnish 2 meals If desired. Phone Main 3436. WANTED -Young man roommate for dou ble room, thereby reduce expenses; two beds, shower hatha, private phone, la quire office, Y. M. C. A. HOTEL Gi'kLKY Morrison at. at 10th,. $1 day, weekly $5 and up. Free phone and baths, steam heat. ST. PAUL hotel, 130 Fourtn at. respectable, modern, transient, Rat es to permanent guests. Clean, II up. WEAVER HOTEL. 70h WASH. STREET. ROOMS WITH BATH. BY WEEK OR MONTH; REASONABLE. BUSHMARK, Washington at., corner 17th, clean, modern, steam heated rooma; re- spectsble. $4 per week up. ALEXANDER HOTEL. 13m Tenth St.; neat, clean b. k. and sleeping rooms, reasonable. 1 ROOM, furnished fur light h. k. ; largo closet ;very neat and cheery; phone, etc. 547 Yamhill. LARGE, light steam-heated room In apart ment house. Broadway and Jefferson. Main 6213. $1 DAY, $2.50 WEEK, up; clean; baths free. Hotel Cadillac, fld near Jefferson. CLEAN iurul-hed 3 h. k. rms; elec. lights, ga range: reasonable. Call Marshall 224. FURNISHED sleeping rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water. 269 5th st SINGLE housekeeping room, $3.50; 2 rooms, $5 per week. 4!0 Clay street. FURNISHED rooms, $3.50 up. 400 Mor rison. lODERN, LARGE DESIRABLE ROOMS. 327 SIXTH ST. ' Unfurnished Booms. S UNFURNISHED rooma. 1030 E. Main. Two blocks frnm Hawthorne car. UNFURNISHED rooma Call Main SltiO from O A M. to 5 P. MT Furnished"' K"ounis in Private Family. KICK room, one or two gentlemen, sJeep ing porch, west side; ref. Bdwy. 4320. NEWLY furnished room suitable for 1 2. 422 H Jefferson. Main 6746. MODERN rooms for employed women only. 302 Park, corner Columbia. CLEAN and light bedroom, $;i.50 per week. 52 N. 23d. Main 366. 1-UUNISHED room at 75m East Buriiaide. Call mornings. East 8'H. LA RG E ROOM, attractive home, refined, family, west side. Marshall ."fi!. feiiALL baaeinent room, cneap. 30 11th su S - MfiATLY furnished room, in private home, excellent neighborhood, to 1 or '2 refined young women with proper" references; 10 short blocks from Hawthorne bridge, east side; bath, telephone, use of piano and living room. 3 Ladd are. WEST SIDE. Nicely furnished front room with hot and cold water In room, heat, bath; breakfast if desired; close in; homelike place: reasonable. S'Jl Uth st. NICE. CLEAN room, with bath and phone privileges; use of Irving room and piano. Close downtown. Reasonable renC 309 11th st. .NOB HILL Walking distance; mahogany furniture, private bath; in a retined home; suitable for 2 or 3 gjnUemeu, S4 N 2Kst st.. cor, of Everett FRONT room with alcove for one or two people. $3.50 a week: home conveniences: congenial people; 2 meals if desireu. 6i7 Gleason. B d w y . 10 4 S. , COZY steam-heated room and best of board for young lady; a re lined, home like pluoe. eay walking distance; rea sonable. r67 Glisn st. Bdwy. 2433. NICELY furnUhed room in private home; parior and piano, home conveniences; also congenial young man wishes room mate: twin beds. 61 N. 18th. NEWLY furnished room, suitable for 2. in modern home; also small room on third floor. 70 Luc ret i a st.. between 22d and 23d. Marshall 2635. LOVELY furnished room in modern home; no other roomer;, breakfast privileges; piano, phone : for two. 383 Mill st. Telephone Automatic 531-58. CLEAN' furnished room in private family for gentleman; electric light, furnace heat, walking distance. 661 E. Pine st. East 6507. COMFORTABLE room, steam heat, run ning hot and cold water, home privileges, easy walking distance. East 8th near Burnside. East 71K3. CLEAN furnished room, outbid tntrunce, walking distance. 1 block from car lint,; 13.50 per week. East 2505, 326 E. First ft. N. Gentlemen only. LARGE room, choice location, west side,' walking distance, close to 2 car lines; gentlemen: references. Marshall 2225. DESIRABLE room in isteam-heated brick apt., west side, walking distance; break fast If desired; referencea. Mar. 2402. NICELY furnished rooms, close in; bath. Itgut and phone; very desirable; $2.50 per wek. 361 Mth ft. Auto. 521-64. WATER in room, nice location, walking distance. 655 Everett. Broadway 3501. Reasonable. DESIRABLE room, kitchen privileges, for girl employed ; walking distance; refer ences. Main 3018. FOR REFINED business woman, hand some room, or share with lady occu pant 4-rm. west side apt. Mar. 5730. ONE NICELY furnished steam-heated room for gentleman, close in. 30 7 lltn st., apt. E. Marshall 481. NICELY fur. rms., bath, pnone. very close in, $3 wk., walking disL 856 Couch st. Main 1646. ON EAST Broadway, near 15th. comfy room in private Home near garage. ast 1276. NICE room, bath, phone, etc.. very rea sonable; one block Miseissiopi car. min. to center city. Woodlawn 4375. FRONT room with lireplace and Victrola. within 2 blocks of Good bam an tan ; kitchen privileges. Main 7RG0. LARGE furnished front bedroom, walking distance. 2. ; a ween. ntn st. SLEEPING room in apt. for 2 gentlemen employed, aiarsnau jb.h. DESIRABLE room, all conveniences. gentleman only. 65 N. 2isf COSY front room, furnace heat, modern, $16 month. East 7UQ0. GOOD home for boy or girl, 3 to 6 years; best of care, good references. Aut. 024-H1. ROOM for gentleman, W. S.. walking din. ref. 729 GUsan. Mar. 3613. Koonis With Boara. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23D AND HO YT STREETS. CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL, 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-khown residential hotels on the Pacific coast. American nlan. with or without bath $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. NORTONIA HOTEL. Portland's downtown high-class family no'.e:: rooms en suite or sineie. with or without board, for fu mi lies and business men and women We give you all the comforts of a home. reasonable rates ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences; warning aistance ; $5 per week. Auto. 219-74. 12 K. 7th st PLEASANT room, good board. 1 or 2 peo ple. Wood la wn 2340. Rooms With Board In Private Family. ONE OF THE finest home in city, now convorted into exclusive family hotel, catering to families, business men and wnmcn all home conveniences, homo cooking: large grounds, porches, show ers, etc. ; rates very reasonable ; under new management. Call or phone 223 East 20th st. Phone East 73S4. ROOM and board tor two people em ployed, private living room, steeping porch, twin beds, furnace heat, elec tric lights, phone; 5 min. to business center. Main 31K1. 215 AV. Park. CUT EXPENSES Young man away much of time will share comfortable room. 2 beds, running water, with nice chap; west side, walking distance. Broadway 4633. BOXRD and room for business man with private family of two adults: high-class apt. house, close in on west side; this Is not the ordinary place. For particulars call East 4178 , FOR 2 GIRLS willing to share room to gether: nice place with home privileges, excellent meata; also room and board for 2 hoys. 233 10th at. Main 7500. PLEASANT comer front room, strictly modern home, suitable for two; horn j cooking: west side; reasonable rates. Phone Marshall 2781. IRVINGTON Sitting room, sleeping porch; also single room for man ; best board ; Viundrv privM' ts; garage. Wast 6645. EXCLUSIVE home among the trees offers room with first-class cooking for several business men : close in. Broadway itii LARGE front room for two with table board: home comforts: centrally located. 161 14th, cor. Morrison. HEIGHTS overlooking city, aviation fields and mountains; double room, exclusive neighborhood : ref. Phone Main K503. ROOM for 2 gentlemen, se pa rate beds, home rooking: reswonsble East 44 5. BEAUTIFUL room, excellent meals, home privileges: walking distance. East S3 62. ROOM and board in private tamily; 2 lare rdensant rooms. 535 E. 11th N.. . 7410. FIRST-CLASS room and board. 391 Colum bia -ft. 'Main 2K64. PRIVATE home for children, by week month. 714 Everett, Marshall 2162. WOULD like couple littie girls; children. Auto. 025-50. LAKGK. light I r v 1 ng st. routu with board. 701 " FurnUhrd Apartments. MODERN 2-rm. outside apts.. tel., heat, water Included in rent. Berkeley apts., 3!) Trinity place. DI EL A PTS. 00 Eaat Ankeny. May 1. modern, completely furnished d-room apt. : tight, clean, airy: adults. K. isos. BRUCE APTS., 25TU AND NORTH RUP ; 6-room. steam heat, janitor service; front and rear porche; $100. East 136:i. 4-ROoM furn. apt.; beautiful yard, river view; neat, pnone. iisjiil ana yiauu; o. 4 2!t Lh rra bee tU 3-ROOM furnished apt., steam heat, free nhone. 1 block rrom s car itnea. o Nelson st.. near 27th and Sandy hlvd -i: APT., vacant May 1; Heat, licnt. bath, phone, gas; clean pea linen; jjj mo. and up; central. 415 W. Broadway IN IRVINGTON home, 2-room furnishe apartment, porch, dressing room, closet, pantrv: $30. 443 E. 13th N. East 1520. j 4 5 ATTRACTIVE, immaculate four-room apt., strictly modern; will pay you to Investigate. Hawthorne Apts.. 564 1st $32.50 CLEAN 3-r. apt., also 2-r. ; gate. Hawthorne Apts.. 564 1st 3 ROOMS, private bath. Beech apart ment, 7R3 Williams ave. FURN ISH ED 2-room apt. at the Merlin, 340 Grant st. ; $25 month : references. .-ROOM apartment. 425 E. Couch . tween 6th and 7th. 3 ROOMS, private bath, $35 per month, Todd Apt.. E. 12th and Stark sts. LAURETTE APTS-, 3 rooma, completely furnished. Mum oi'L g"iTtn. 2 OR 3-KOOM furnished apt. Chapman apts. CLEAN. 1 sonsble. -room apartment; rent very rea- 54 5Mt Washington st. Hdy. 3440. CLEAN apartineiiL, partly furnished. Hear Jefferson high school. 1051 Kerby st. FURNISHED 3-rm, apt.. 22d. Mar 2250. 2d floor. IMS N. TO SUBLET. modra 3-rm. apt. Call East 37SO. CLAYPOOLE APTS. 2 - room furnished apt.. $50. 424 Clay st. WELLINGTON COURT, 521 Everett st., 4-room furnished apt. Phone Bdv. 1245, UNION AVE. r!1 complet and Kiltin;s worth ; . con ere :e fruldtng. THK GLADSTONE, modern 2 and 3-room apts.. reasonable rent. 71 Grand ave. N. FURNISHED modern 2-rooia apartment. 300 Russell Ht. Eaat 4847. NICE 2-room modern apts., reasonable. Alco apts.. E. Couch snd Union ave. MORTON APTS 3-room furnished apt. d07 Washington Ht. Main 10S2. PORTNOMAH I rooma sleeping porch, hard wood floors: adults. 200 E 13th. KEW LY renovated 2 rooms Kairmount. 26 11th st and bath. KOOM ayaiUueaW lii7 tiavtmesutii 1L1 ENTIRELY new 3-room apt., all outsiae rooms, large, light and airy, cominoui ous close ls and bath, hardwood floors, furnace and Radio fireplaces; location in select Nob Hill district, 5 minutes to business centers; a classy apL first occupancy) for an exclusive tenant. 66 N. mth st., opposite Trinity church. D. and M. cars to Davis st. 2 AND 3-ROOM furnished apartment, ele vator and tiled bath. King Albert apta., 11th and Montgomery. Main 39 THE WHKELDOX ANNEX. , Cor. 10th and Salmon. RESIDENCE OR TRANSIENT APTS. 2. 3 and 4 rooms, an apt. hotel of superior character where your comfort and convenience are first consideration. Main 6641. HUiH class very beautifully fur nibbed 2 and 3-reom and sleeping porch, outside apt., Iota of windows and light, exeep tionafly clean and modern: no objection to' child under 2 years; also small one room apt. for May 1. References re quired. Marshall 2830. STRICTLY MODERN 4 -ROOM FURN. apartment; light, airy, clean, largo, com plete; suitable for family of three or four persons: lovely place at $55 per month. Others ask as high aa i!H for no better. Main lull. THE COLUMBIAN. 11th and Columbia. THE CROMWELL Fifth and Columbia Streets. Five minutes' walk to Meier e Frank s store: good surrounding, strictly mod ern 2 and 3-room furnished apt., out side, with French doors and balcony. Permanent and transient. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12TH AND TAYLOR. PORTLAND'S BEST APARTMENT HOUSE, WILL HAVE TWO AND THREE-ROOM APTS. AVAILABLE MAY 1. HISLOP HALL APTS. 4I0S Hawthorne ave., near Grand ave.. 8-room apartments, strictly modern and beautifully clean, $40 -to $45 month, walking distance. East 882. CUMBERLAND APTS. Large 2-room apt. with bath, facing the park; also 3-room apt., newly tinted and enameled, walking distance. S01 West Pik. FULLY f urn i.s lied 4 rooms and bath in modern abariinent house, a ood location on west side; will rent for two or four j Main 3844. THE LINCOLN APARTMENTS. Fourth and Lincoln. Main 1377. Nicely furnished 2-room apartment team heat, 130 to $42.50. including pri vate" none ana ngms. aquus. CUMBERLAND A PTS. Large 2-room apt. with bath, facing the park; aiso 3-room apt., newly tinuu and enameled; walking distance. 801 West Park. NEW FRONT room fur. apt., modern kitchenette, liirht. phone, gas. bath in eluded. tH a month; walking dislanc. 569 Main st.. behind Multnomah club 2-KOOM udL. newly renovated, light, gas, linen, heat, phone furnished; $5 a week sleeping rooms; reasonable. Grand Union hotel. 3S" E. Burnside. ROSE CITY PARK attractive 2-rm. apt. in modern home, well furnished, heat, electricity, phone, garage included; 2 adults: $35. O 57S. Oregonlan. VERY NICE 3 rooms, semi-basement apt., private bath and phone; also 3-room front apt. ; vacant about May 9. 634 Marshall St. Bdwy. 851. FUHX1SHED ana unfurmsned 3 and 4 room apartments, walking distance, rea sonable rent. Cincinnati court, 10th and Harrison sts. Main 24S0. SUITE and single room and bath for re fined gentleman; references. Mar. 2H30, KINGSBURY APIS.. UNO Vista ave., near 23d and Washington sts., high-class apt, house. One 3-room with 2 disappearing beds, well Turn i shed. BRIGHT, sunny, two-room apt., with large pantry, also clean, comfortable rooms; close In. west side. quiet place. 208 17th street. COLLEGE. 3 rooms, inodorn, trout, steam heat and plenty hot water; free phone newly furnished,- close in; $47.00. 3d and Collepe. Marshall 5555. JALGER APTS.. 701 Washington at. 3-room furnished apartment. One LUSH M ARK, Wah. st. cor. 17th 2-room outside apt., $42.50 mo., including bath. ga, electricity, telephone, steam heat ; 1 - room apt .. $25 p'T month LILLIAN. Two 3-room apts., modern; 8 minutes walk from Meter Ac Frank's; new man agement. riS! Sixth st. Marshall 137. RoSELYN APA HTM ENTS 2-room mod ern apartment, bath, dressing room, dis appearing bed. W -Iking distance. 110 N. 2 1st. VERY DESIRABLE THREE-ROOM FUR NISHED APARTMENT, BY WEEK OR MONTH. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY; $75 MONTH. CALL MAIN 2424. DE LA I RE APARTMENTS. 3-room furnished apartment, private bath and laundry traya; $40 per month. East 6102. HE STANFIELD, 204 Porter st modern 2-room apts,, light, heat, phone. Clean? You'll say so! Children admitted lower floors: $25. M:im 73!2. NICELY furnished 2-room apartment. steam heat, lights and private phone, $32.50 month; adults only. Lincoln apis., 4th and Lincoln. SAN MARCO. EAST STH AND COUCH M O D KTt N 3- ROO M A PA RT M EN T, $45. EAST 2312. MODERN 5-rooiu apt. with private hath Mar. bv May 1; albo 1 sleeping room. 2204 ROOM modern furnished apartment, rent very reasonable. The Grandesta, 6S Grand ave 3-ROOM furnished apt., with private bnlh and steam heat. 20 and Washington Call Marshall 1S4. KING DAVIS APT. Very desirable 3-room furnished all out nide rooma. Main 205 H. H U E N A VISTA A P A R T M E N T S. 434 Harrison, st rictly modern 3-room a part men t, $65: adults. Mam 1052. COMPLETELY rurnlshed 5-room apt., rea-nt-able, west side, walking distance. Call Main 13 or Bdwy. 200. CUEAN as a pin, four-room apt., privaie bath, gas and electricity, also 2 rooms. 1311 4 Russell st. East 6003. CLE A N 2-room apt. pletely furnished ; st., near Hnyt , h ivale bath, c adults. 14U N. $30 AN D f3tf 2 4-RM. apis., close l Sunnyslde car. walking distance. 15 hi. 20th. corner Belmont. AUDITORIUM COURT. Close In; 2 and 3-room modern apta Mar. 5566 APARTMENT May 1. 443 Hasaalo and K. 7th st., walking distance, furnished, modern a pt. with privatebal h. TWO A PTS., one furnished, one unfur nished. Free, phone. 314 Fargo st., near Union. East 5704. D 1 E L A PTS. -- 70 E. A n keiiy ; May 1, modern, completely furnitohed 3 -room apt. Light, clean, airy. Adults. East 1 SQH. FoR RENT Beau HI ully furnished four room apt.; oriental rugs, Victrola, piano, west side, cloe in. Call Main 106. COM PLETELY furnished basement apt., light and airy; phone, gas and light In- c I uded ; $35 per mnnHl. 4 4.X 11th st . 1 2-ROOM apt.. 1 slngio h. k. rm.; both nicely furnished : a.1-0 nic e, cheroi ul sleeping room. Bdwy. 2440. 33 N. 17th f. W E LL I N G TON C H; RT. 521 Everett; 2-room furnished apt. Phone Broad w ay 1215. 15-DAY STORAGE FREE. Moving for less. Phone Bdwy. 2445. 1 nliirnitlied Apartments. KINGSBURY apartments, 1K6 Vista ave., near 23d and Washington sis.: hlgh-cia apartment house, one three-room with large living 100m and disappearing bed, also has real bedroom and ouUtide bal cony; available May 3. Can b; seen n-w. NEW 5-ROOM unfurnished apartment, 2 bedrooms, living rooms, dining room, kitchen and bath ; white enamel wood work, French doors, hard wood floors. Available Mnv 1. Price jso. Main W272. SHEFFIELD APTS, Broadway and Jefferson ; large 4-room unfurniried modern corner apt.; all out side rooms. Main 2506. TH E CECEL1E apts.. 22d and GUsan; brick bldg., entirely renovated; all out Hide apts.; for rent, 3-room, unfurnished; rent $46 and $50. MoRDAUNT, Ifttn and Everett; large 4-r. unfurnished modern apartment; re tinted, h. w. floors; adults. Aut. 027-10. CUMBERLAND APTS S-rm. unfurnished apt. facing park; vacant May 1. West Park and Columbia. LOREN-O apts.. 427 Salmon st. I'hone Main Mf. Lnrurnifnea -rooui ironr apt.: water, light, phone: adults. 2-ROOM clean unfurn. H. w. apt., private 603 East Mad- bath, elec, lovely yaro. (son st. 2-ROOM apt.. nice, light and airy; ; price is right. Call ' ry 553 large roo mi Dekum ave. IONIAN COL'RT, IHth and Couch. 4-room modern front apt., $(. a-room apL va c n t on the first. Adult. THE AMERICAN, 3 and 5-room apts. May Bdwy. 3300 VACANT May 2. modern ft -room, unfur- nlshed apartmfnt: leaving city, war, .p.o LEONCE apt.. 16 N. A PIS 22d. Mar, 2250. GA U FIELD 3 rooms, sleeping porch 361 East ratling1, diqck west t ni nd 3- I 4i30. 1 CUE $- i.:i.Ki;ilHil: aut.. 274 N. 2Ui si: 2 a room uufurniahed apts. Uruaaway klN!l AI.HEKT APTS. S -room unfurnithd a pt ., hardwood floors' and tiled birth, elevritnr Main S-'-'V ruruKlied or 4 nfurmsned Apartment. THE 1E.EN DORF API'S., 2i8 Itfth, nea- Taylor. Completely turn. 5-eoom ant-, J full bedrooms and diap. bed In living room Ail cutside rooms, wwkitig dlMance WELL furnished sleeping lo (front), cheap; also 1L K. rooma; women or mm; unfurnished 4-room flaL E. 6th and Burnside. house No. 16. DoVFR AI'TS., 2Uh mar Thurmaii Fur nished and unfurnished, 4 rooma; adults. Mnr. 4336. 2-KOOM ait. w Ington. F;ist ith aletplng pur.ti. In Irv 7 I oil . Hats. FINE, modern 5-rooni flat, 0i6 East Madi son st., $40 per month. Donald Wood ward. 104 Heron d St. Main 1436. UPPER 0-r in u ii I urinsiied Lai . $30. In- quire Kichardsou'a Grocery avenue. 867 Francs MODERN, central. porch, adulis. .'!L clean. W. Si light ft roonu 273 w bkOadwai, PARTLY FURNISHED FLAT. IRVINGTON lower flat, -To $t!0 612 Hnncock treet. 2-KHAt tlat, Sell. OVl. pariiy luiii.slied. iu. E. IKli. Fll rn I felled tin I a. TMtS WEEK. WORTH THE MONEY. UPPER 6-ROOM FLAT FOR RENT, AND FUR N 1TUUK FOR SALE. 1 N -CLUOING A PIANO; 1 BLOCK FROM PUBLIC LIBRARY, SHORT WALK IN' DISTANCE. MRS, BERRY, MAR 1684. ALL OUTSIDE rooms, clean, mml. rn, in closed sleeping porch, bath, front bal cony, fine view, private bam-menC fur nace, water, care of garbage, west ld. walking distance; adults; references. 4(l Hall st.. n'r 13(h. . COMPLETELY furnished 5-room flat ; p;ano, garden, furnace and some wood ; Glenn ave., near Hawthorne, Hee M '. Bowen. 80 Fourth st.. or call Main 5764 before 6 o'clock P. M. LARGE living room, b droom. kitchen und bath. newly papered and painted, walk ing distance; $45 per month. Including water, garbage and phono; adults only. 555 Tavlor st. NICELY furmhcd flat of ft rooms; 6 r n completely furnished. 3 rooms p.trtly ; 3 upper rooma arranged to rent; aduas only. Call Wiley. Bdwy. ?no 4- KOOM furnixhed flat al '0 VauMhli ( ; modern except gas light: adults; $27. Phone Mar. 3710 or call 715't Roosevelt. WIDOW wishes to share Iter 5-room fur nished fist with congenial people; $- niont h Today. 265 j l.:i r ruber st. 5- KO.UM funut-ht-d flMt. cor. lOih and EmkL Salmon ; $37.50. Inquire 45 Union ae. Plinne East 7407. FOU It - ROOM furnished flats, 530 Com mercial court, corner Russell n., east of Kerlv st.. Alblnu. N i 'ELY furnished upper flaL one blo k to Car line, walking distance; aduta only. 5-42 Belmont, cor K. 12th. 4-RO M partly furnUned tlal 2 bin, kit north of Broudway; adults. Phone Ease 6354. WEST SIDE, finet-t iuw 5-rooin lower nlcHy furnished. 2 porches, walking tnce; R-llllt". Sell. UtTO. f al. dU- $30 AND $35 2-4-RM. apl .. oobu l Sunnyide car. walking distance, K E. joth. corner Bctniont. CLEAN, light 4-room flat, prlvm bath, sleeping porch, walking dixtHtiro, biock to S. S. car: nd tilts. East 34Mi. 4-R' 47)1 M furnished flut, 3S; . 200 Fargn M. FLAT FOR summer ST 12. 3 to 5 p. M. Call Alar. NOB HILL, beautiful furniture of 7 room flat for snlr ; ftHt for r nt. Main 4MK 3-ROOM Upper flat. deuirablC, Walking dis tance. Main 3M. ROOM upper flat, partly furnished. E 5144. KOI U rooms, unl urnlf.ied, $20 per nmnla. 670'4 Mississippi a vtn ue. COUPLE lo shine ni fla t; have piano; flat 1. reasonable. 4111 Yi in hill. Housekeeping Rooihh. 1 OR 2 Rooms, clean and 111. eiy fur nished; will rent together or scparai". with uko of ktlchen: to adults 1 mploe; price $20 and $"7 50 per month; walking 'I if s nee Th y lor m FURNJSKD 11. . rooms, l room wl;n kitchenette, hot and cold water; irivati phone, electrlo lights, steam heat. 5 minutes walk to town. 2V1 Columbia near 5th. LARGE front fumiIt-d h. k. room, suit able for working man or woman. iirrt floor: heat, light, phone aml cooking gas furnished. 15 a week. 1 0!l N. 18th. 4 Hnr-hw from 'ah ing I mi. 1223 LA RGK oulmd rooniH, iilrcly fgr t, light and phon. nianeci, third rioor. h h. and c. water In rooms. 100 N. I hi h, n (tiat on 4 block 1 from 122 2 NICELY furnished h. k roon-i. both outside rooms; heal. Ilirht slid phone furnished. 109 N. lth. 4 blocks from Waehlngt on. 2 AND 3 furnished II. I. aiHs., itcw-ly n,i- pered. nice and clean, $4.50 to ftl we.. City Hall apis., 2I7W nth, near Madiana Main 6176 'WO NICE fumiMiu-d LitUMekeeping looms on ground floor, employed couple pre ferred; I Urge single housekeeping room. l Lftrrirle reef. 11. K. ROOMS, completely furtiialied, some with privato bath, plenty hot water, sms ranges, laundry room; children welcome. 1S6 Sherman. Mar. .'(TlVt. TWO nlcft I'lMiini, rv ion v "ii ien t : hot water always for baths, laundry; adu.is. HV." Flanders si ONE H. K. room with kilt 2-room apt. In basement, corner Yamhill. lo net!' alo Ihl 11th St.. WE MOVE ou free. h. k room " $5; clean, free phone; new mi Hood t., corner Grant. Ailfo. l.'.eO nag.-r. 2 Xll'l FRONT 2-room a pa rtninl, tunable 2 or 3 adults; elec. light, gas rang' 305 Jeffernon St. SINGLE ii. k. room, one pt.ic.iii lo in r mom h ; ever Tiling Included ; .1 Iking d int h n re. 1 1; 1 E f ;, k . Kii p, t 7 THE HEAVER, niched H. K. hot water, e'ei l-'Ih and .1 rooinh, $15 trie tlKhls. tip, inrhiilmg ONE 2-Rt sleeping Pori land M).l ho room, c hotel. :t eke piii suite, (m c iii, 2 blocks from Yamhill. ONE SLEEPING room furnMird, 4 unltir nlsh'd housekeeping room, lights, watr furnished, at 74n Vaughn tt 2 FURNISHED lih'ht h. k. wa tr, light and phone Ella t. rooms, hem, included. 67 NEWLY decorated and thoroughly clenned large front room for light h. k. Every convenience. 5r7 Ony st. Mar. 3002. SiNtJLE hou.se kueping routu, . WALKING Marshall ! distance, ;mi, largo front fgwm. 8TKAM -H E A TED k. rooms, $10 in. 147 i:n st CLEAN. ortabl 'lay h' II. Ie. K. for men, 3 JO BAGGAOE. furniture snd piano moving. reliable service, reasons nie. nawt t4;t . $5 W K Elv up, com pieteiy furniitht d h. tc SUItea 1 hp woniHf. .vi n-nr .irin'rsnn. 2-RooM h. K pari ment s, clean, light 20.V'( Weld N r. f HHOIlMbK uti h. k. 1S2 ? rooma; r. w., prnate en- modern u. k.mo oh and one slrrping . able. .170 StTth st. porch, very rcaso & Rot (MS firht floor. Mnr. 302S. MontKoiiu ry. DLMUABLK h. niched, electri FURNISHED H. K. us for no n, ciiiu trie lights, chsp r'-iit. 326 T 1 1 E BUCK E V E No It eeping room. 3n '-i 1 urn tali Morriso 1 LARGE cl an h. k. room, luinii plete, $6. 220 Grand ave. S. BINGLE und 2-rm. rent. 347 Hall st. h. k ; r ductd Broadway. FRONT fur. or 3 persons h. k. rm suitable fur 2 16s N. iHth. NICE h. k. room 'Mil'i Mo for one or two per- FURNISHED children take -M'liiK apurLiiiMiita; Montgomery st FURN. h. k. Uth st Pin arlnienlr. front ruotna. 331 Main 5156 FURNISHED ho u h kee p I n g roo in. East 75th N. Tabor 64 1 $10. 2 CLEAN h. Main 3500. k. rooms. 736 Everett sL Housekeeping Ktwtittw In I'rltale Family NOB li ILL - hgUl h. k. roouiM, it slda walking dista ru e. desirable, reasoiiahlr ; ad'titc onlv. 656 GUsan. Broadway 2''5, FU H N'l SH ED h . k. room with kitchen; private entrance and iHr'h; walking dta fanee. 0 Union ave North m H.WE a room fir a gentleman who wants something particularly rlean In a nkl hnme. centrally lot-ated. i-iaNt 221. 3 LA RG K. 1 1 c lit rooiiiK. 1st ( loor, !it ht lights, phone, wator free; yard. 654 It. Ah vt LARGE 2 bed iiUxcKiciMiiK r electric light $16. 515 M 110111 with kit. h u, 1 etc.; reaaonablo; IN S ELL WOOD, Kft 416 3 or 4 rooms 2 NICE, clean from h adult.". 0'' 'r'roiit. . room. $16 month; corner Meade 105 20 ril ST.. cor. Flaiolc nhhed hnti.Kpkeeplrg rioi rs. neatly fur PLEASANT, lovely privileges for 1 or ! nudrrn home., h. ti. piano. Sellwood "HO. SINGLE h. k. r. 6t,1 ad.iolliliijf re 11. bath; rci- sona hie. ,KAN. Kjtt.Y li k. rooms, prlta $16 19 llat SL N.