TIIE HORNING OREGOAX THURSDAY, ArillL 28, 1921 15. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -If mis- ALAUKUA fAKK, 3d E. S2d st. N.; owner haa left city; T room, triotljr modern. Dutch kitchen, fine light base ment, furnace, fireplace. garage. Imme diate possession; In best part of A lame- j a; very easy terms. Irrlnrton. T Wasco it., $6500; T Flwms. immediate possession, fine yard nd fruit, convenient to Broadway or Irvington cars; terms to suit. Hawthorn. $4500. 280 E. 83d et.S trlctly modern 7 rooms, fine yard, all i trt Imnrnvamenta in immediate DOS-' session: will accept 11.100 cash and bal ance monthly at 6 per cent, same as rent. Montarllla. 270n. 8118 E. Washing ton st.. 5-room modern bungalow, a neat Mule home on terms like rent; owner leaving city; will leave range, U stove, gas plate and Unoleunl. WAKEPIELD. Wmadwav ;osn FRIES ft CO.. S5 Fourth St LAUREI.HURST. $6750 A real bargain for someone who want a hlgh-clas home at a mod orate price: S rooms, exceptionally large attic, hardwood rioora tnrougnout. an built-in features, breakfast nook, large platestasa. cement porch extending en tire width of hone; garage: in fact. everything that anyone couli want in -room bungalow. This bungalow has on of the best views obtainable in this district. It la slan overlooking a part of Laurelhurst park, and can bo han dled on very easy terms. FILLER PROS.. REALTORS. 114 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 88. Branch Office. 5nh and Sandy. Tabor 45. " IRVINC-TON PUNnALOW, lison DOWN. Pal. $6.1 per month with Interest, modem semi-bungalow of rooms and p'eeplng porch, located on E. 2nh. near ptanton. large living rooms with good oak floors, rireplace. built-in nutlet. nooK eases. etc, Dutch kitchen, den. bedroom nd bath downstairs. 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch op. full concrete base ment, good furnace. Thin la a genuine Bargain at It "0" with the above terms. RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor, HITTER. LOWE A CO.. ?"1 -3-5-7 Poard of Trade PUT. ROSE CITY I'ARk -Room Bungalow 4730. This attractive bungalow Is located oelow the hill In the choicest part of I Rose City Park, facing east: exception ally well built and well arranged, com- I plete with firenlace. furnace, full cement basement, etc. The owner is forced to I ell and has reduced the price 1000. In spect IBIS. A. O. TEFPE CO.. Realtors. 270 Stark St., nar 4th ' Main S09J. Branch Office, 40th and Sandv. fpn Fv-ning Tall Tabor !).'.. ?,sn TERMS. $3oO TERMS. RRANT) NEW BUNGALOW. I-0 ALBINA AVE.. KENTON CAR. Juat completed, a J-room and large I tjathroom. hard-wood floor. Patch kitch en, plenty built-in effects. Fine electric I fixture Breakfast nook, with tables, etc. Full cement basement. Fine local ity. Oood view. Full lot. H block to I good car service. Bee this today. Owner I on premises. 1 to 5 P. M. Phones: East 8516, day, or Woodlawn 1550. eve- n t p gs. ROSE CTTT PARK. y? riav some very cnolee nomes fori ale. This one I snap, only S47.iu. It Is a five-room modern hous. corner! lot. double garage, 1 block to carline; I 11000 cash, balance like rent. A. N. MTRTKELSEN CO. B2d and Randy blvd. Tabor 2590. Open Siindays and Evenings. 812.000 BITS nn elegant B-room. fully modem, up-to-date desirable home. 100 I X100. quarter block on Easct 17th St., at: eltv imp. In and paid: 2 blocks to car S4nno will buy a good, well built, sub stantial B-room home, toilet, bath, gas lect., full basement, street imp.. In and pd.: lot 50x153: a variety of tre and berrr fruit, fine location and bargain. 1.00 buvs a good little 4-room cot tage, sidewalk In streets, graded about 4 blocks to car. lot 93x100. all covered with fruit: a bargain and 1250 cash and I per cent on hal. CHARLES HOITK. H3I C. of C. TRvTNOTON BUNGATOW. BELOVOTNt; TO AN ESTATE, MTST BR SOLD AT ONCE. 5 large, well arranged rooms, with very modern convenience, best of con struction, finished in ivory with im- f'orted papered wall-, garage. Tes. this Ittle place Is homelike, good and going st a bargain. C. M. DERR. 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 2245. VERY CHEAP. 8-room house near car: furnace, fli place, garage, In Irving-ton; 14300; 81000 cas a, naianre easv. 4 J. R. HATCiHT. COE A. McKENNA CO 82 Fourth St Main 4!22, IRVINGTON. 883 East 10th Street North. .'.00 SOME BARGAIN. STRICTLY MODERN RESIDENCE. Nine rooms, five bedrooms, one bed room first floor, practically two tiled Bathrooms, large sleeping porch, also maid s room, garage, hardwood floora. lurnaee. POI.VDEXTER. I". SELI.TNfJ BLDO. MAIN KOO RES1PEVTE EAfT 7T1. IRVINGTON 7 K (A i M .s 7ti.0. A nandsome seml-bungalow, 4 moms I on lower and S and sleeping porch on I the upper floor; 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors. Ivory finish, furnace heated, ga- I rage, large lot, flx10(; located on 20th t. In nice part of Irvington. If you I can pay f 25no cash you'll get a rare I bargain. t all ua for appointment. COMTE KOHLMAN. Main 5J0. 2" Chamber of Commerce Bldg. REAL HOME, CLOSE IN. Here's a bargain: 8-room house with very modern convenience. In select part Of Hawthorne, 3 blocks from Belmont car: full lot; paved: large Royal Anne cherry trees; an exceptional value at 47AO. ELMER T. BENNETT CO RK A I. TORS 1-.?1 Board of Trade FMg. Vain 745!. SLNNialDE. 1 11000. $1000 CASH. w rooms, aouni sleeping porch, near car and school; good basement, laundry trays: new furnace; Just right for large K-i-i.win up im:ir, ana is a bargain at tnnm; in srreec is paven ana all lelnl pain, you srinuid see this one st once. urnsowav 4i.i:t. nsn for Mr. Klstler. JT'ST VALUE FOR TOUR SIONEY. IV FINE RESIDENCE DISTRICT: FORCES SALE: NEAR IN ON WASCO ST., EAST SIDE; I1OO0 VI ILL, HA.XHL.K A HOME OF 8U000. Jltta. tlClUll, JJAKSHALL 1(1.14. ' FORECLOSURE BARGAIN. Do you have $1200 to S1S00 cash end want a real home, with garage, chicken I house, fruit, berries, roses. 2 lots, 6 rooms, aesiraDle district, quick posses- I on. niuei oe oia wnnin next s davs: will not deal through agent. L 812, Ore-I gnn:an. "iSEAUnKUL IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Just being completed, 8 larg rooms f'nlshed in Ivory and mahogany, oak floors, papered and decorated through out, strictly modern And up to the minut. Reasonable terms. Located at E. 17th st. -V. Open from 2 to 5 1 r. .it. ROSE CITY PARK. FOR SALE OR RENT. 5-room modern bungalow, furnished: immediate possession. Se owner, 405 Panama building. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO. LuLBLE Cat. east side, near Belmont car line; rentals $4 per month. Purchaser can have a horn and pay out on month ly Installments. $4000. CLEVELAND CO.. Realtors. oOl Board of Trade BMg. Bdwy. 1150. SIX-ROOM SEI.LWOOD. Paved street, double constructed. Hutch, kitchen, full basement, wash trays, $700 cash, non-resident owner. T. O. Bird, realtor. 526 Cham, of Com. Var. 1022. Sell 27041. evenings. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Modern seven-room house in xo11ent I condition. East 12th and Morrison; price! .ow; lerms to responsible party. Phone r. 1ST .-i. 1. PIEDMONT. House In heart of Piedmont, front, modern six rooms, best of structlon. Owner leaving city. C'eve'and ave Woodlawn 1074. east con- 1253 FOR SALE Bv own.T. semi-modern 5- rnom house with rmlshed attic: will credit 10 per cent of down payment on remaining principal. How much can you pay? Phone Tabor 5770. WALNUT PARK DISTRICT. $3700 7-rm. bungalow, modern, paved street, sewer, corner, garage, Al value. MARSH & McCABE CO.. REALTORS, 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall SH3. CASH ."l" $3100 S00 CASH. 5-room house near 52d and Gllsan; BOxloO-ft. lot. corner; terms like rent, Marshall 33.'2. Irvington bunoalow snap Near 21st and Braxee: 6 lovely rooms, sleeping porch. Ivory finish, oak floors, garage Neuhaasen. Realtor. Main "Q7S. East 3P4 "T WANT to sel my modern 5 rm. house on improved street In thrivlnaT suburb on the east side, for only S2O00. See owner a so Piavtt B.dg, 127 Park t. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Home. MODERN FURNISHED HOME. 11 acres. t mlie from electric station. 15 miles west of Portland. 8 miles east! of Hlllsboro; acres ui.der cultivation. II can be cultivated. Black loam solL Orchard of apples, pears, quinces. I prunes, loganberries, strawberries, rsap- I berries and grapes: 5-room plastered I ooarri nouae, gas, city water, electric I lights, plumbing being installed; chick en house, barn. The place is well fur nished, all fixtures Included, also chick ens and impmnenls; price $5254, $32501 oasa, 200 CHICKENS INCLUDED. acre. 1 mile from Multnomah; all nder cultivation; 11 bearing fruit trees, be fare, 4 blocks to school: 6-room house, barn, garage, large chicken house nd Incubator for 1000 chickens: included with piace 200 chickens, incubator, eta I trice $24100, 11300 cash. Malone. JOHN FERGUSON. Oerllnger Bide. Realtor. Over 800 Small place Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified Lasts. st'oR SALE A beautiful surbaban home, situated in the Tualatin valley, adjoin ing the T. B. Wilcox estate. 6 miles Irom the courthouse, one mil from Council Crest car and Portland Heights, 6 blocks from boulevard. Consisting ol m ere well I m Droved 175 fmlt trees. cherries, apples, pears, and small fruits. In nigh state of cultivation. Moaeru o- room bungalow, with full concrete base ment with furnace, bath, toilet, etc.; city water, gas; garage, barn and other - outbuildings. Will sell at reasonable rice, and will give good terms, 76 SIXTH STREET. Phone Broadway 1317. Sunday, Main Bins. RimrRBAN HOME. Strawberries and Jersey cream with new laid eggs ar yours it you ownthisl Home. 5 acres, fully Improved, many varieties I bearing fruit trees and berries; moaeru l 7-room house with gas, electricity, city water with private water system, tele phone, garage, other bldg.. wltb house I and pafk for 500 chickens: shade trees. shrubberv and flowers: extensive view. pleasant surroundings, on Oregon Elec-1 trie, close to Garden Home and iriocK i stations. HE.NBT W. OODDARD. REALTOR, 243 Stark St. A MuDEKN HUNOALOW KOH 13300 AND ONE ACHE. 1 acre at Bryant station with neat 5- room bungalow, bath and electricity, I fireplace and all modern convenlencea I Close to Oswego lake, on macadam road, I red electric line: easy terms Come in I and see the plolur. Ask for F. C Atax hall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Ablngton Bldg., Third St., Bet. Washington and Stark. Auto. 312-07 or Main 10(18. LAKE VIEW VILLAS. PLAT 4. A new tract at Oswego lake, water. auto roads, lights, fin view property with good soil and splendid groves of cedar, dogwood, yew ana maarona: Dringbrok flows through several, giv ing admirable chances for effective landscaping: a walk through this beauti ful tract will convince 'you. Prices run from $300, on very easy term. Call 5O0 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark Sta. Phone Main as. VOU WILL FIND THIS AN EXCEPTIONAL BUY OF ONE ACRE. Fruit and berries, on macadamized road: ft block from Aloha station: com fortable 8-roorh house with gas; fine well, chicken lious for 800 hens; lt us how this to you. 83200. Terms. Bee F. C Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 25 Abinston Bldg. Auto. 512-07. Main 10B3, COUNTRY HOME. 15 acres, 7 miles by macadam road south of Morrison treet; grand view of mountains good soil, young orchard. modern bouse, natural wood finish: has never been rented; 6 rooms, hails. I bath, toilet, large closets, attic, base- ment, fireplace, furnace, piped spring water, city telephone: 18000. terms. Owner. J. 0. Jamieson, route 1, box I IB'.). Oswego. Or. Phone Main 4886. DON'T FAIL TO HEE THIS. 4-room house with combination living nd dining room, bath, attic, electricity, gas and water; large lot, 4 blocks from Milwaukte, on hard surface road4 only 1SU0. te t. V. Marsliall, wlltt FRANK L. 41 CU l I Kit 205 Ablngton Bldg.. Third St., Bet. Washington and Stftrk. Auto. 512-07. Main IPOS. i ACRES. In coming district, will be on new boulevard: good 6-room house, city wa ter, will have lights and gas soon; some berries: abundance or fruit: lust outsiae of city limits; 14000. very easy terms or will trade lor modern bungalow. Broadway-4133. See Mr. Peaton. F. B. .'EKTS INVESTMENT CO., Broadway 4133. . 305 Oak St. HALF acre tract near Muunomah station. with Bull Run water and other improve ments la the street, $440, $44 cash and balnnce S10 a month and 6 per cent Int. i have a great many otner gooa Dar- gains in and about Multnoman. includ ing small houses and acreage. For par ticulars see BEN RIESLA.NU. 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park street. ISOO CASH LAKE GROVE BUNGALOW. tin view, moaern. pretty as a pic ture, inside and out: 1 blk. cars; lovely tt sere, natursl trees, garden, fruit, large garage (can rent 1" montni: rrencni windows, fireplace; $2t00. Other nice place to show by auto. M. UT2. McFARLAND. REALTOR. Failing mag $300 DOWN 300. Half acre, some fruit, berries. 8 blocks to car: 5-room house. This is only $1600. We will be glad to show you. Ask for F. C Marshall, with FRANK L. JlCULMBt; 205 Ablngton Bldg. Auto. 512-07. -Main 1068. HALF ACRE MKTZGER $2100. Here Is s dandy suburban home. 6- room bouse with uutcb Kltcnen, fire place, chicken bouse, x sheds, pig pen. fruit and berries: easy terms arranged. BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS, REALTORS. 415 Piatt Bldg. Main T"2T. b2D ST. $0000. One sere, alt In cultivation; plenty of fruit: good 7-room house with base ment, plpeless furnace, gas. city water and electricity: a fine home with in come. HENRY W. GODDABD, REALTOR, 243 Stark St. liKST LITTLE SUBURBAN HOME IN CITY. H sere, 4-room house, bath, breakfast Book, 13 fruit trees. Sunt trees good ga rage; on hard road; 2 blocks to school; $3000. terms. Broadway 4133. Mr. ueaton. THREE ACRES OAK GROVE. 4-room house, chlckon bouse and out buildings, near Oregon City car; will di vid if purchaser desires. Terms BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS. REALTORS. 415 Piatt Bldg. Main T02T. SOMEBODY. IS GOING TO UUT A Kb.AL bAKUAI.I in this l-room CLOMK-IN SUNNYSIDE borne at $4200 : tne lot it worth nan tut price; better look at It. MARSH McCABE., REALTORS. S22-3-4 Falling Bl-lg. Marshall Mill CUT PRICE CAPITOL. HIGHWAY. i acres, clean bungalow; cow. hens. tools- barn, big hennery, berries, clover, electricity; $4750; 30 mln. out. U. 3ti(2. 1IC1 AKliASU, KUALTUK, Falling Bins? $300 CASH $300. Taka tt acre and 4-room house, ras. water and electricity in road; hous is wired. This is s snap. Call. Broadway 4133. Mr Deaton. siNAP $1000, very - easy terms; 4-rra. house, a lots, electricity, gas, water, near sta., school. A real bargain. See Mr. Brand. 420 Henry bldg. Bdwv. 5"e9. ALMOST an acre. 8-room hous. aivwumg f torches, sun parlor, enole fruit, bear ng: chicken houses andruns. lawn and inrun-pery: witnin city: i.hhhi Ant. 644-14 CHOICE SL-lit KUAN rlOilES and acreage, well located, near carline. from 818U0 op. inquire Sd houa norta of Ristey station, on Oregon City carhn. SUBURBAN homesltes going fast; $10 pay ments wnn mey last. ou oth St.. apartment 4. Hard to beat- i-ROOM modern bungalow, concrete base ment, nicely located, near Capitol Hill station: terms. Marshall 1S74. 1-or plaits Acreage. 10 ACRES, good state cultivation, livable 8-room nouse, ciose to electric line, good roads, school, phone; $2000, terms. Main 5604. tt-ACKE tracts. $-'0o to $500; close to 2 car lines. 1 n ou mic, xuu nun water, gas; eae-y terms, with no interest. Auto- nmtlc o.'(-(2. HALF ACRES 10 DOWN $111 month; Alberta car; no assessments Stokes farm. 42a ana simpaoa. R. w. Carv. 1219 N. W. Bank Bldg. WANTED Good car. furnttur or what? for close-in acreage, sal. easy terms. .H'Jtt 6th st. apt. 4 3 FINE acres, building and orchard in Greatham: $0000, or- will sell 2 acres. nor 2676 4 2-3 ACRES. Buckley ave., in clover, city water, 8 mile out, near Sandy blvd. $2750. $250 down. Main 4112. owner. $350 One acre, close to station and neighbors 40 minute out. $10 monthly will buy It. K 612. Oregonian. 15 ACRES, also house-moving outfit. 6131 92d st. S. E. Thomas Alien, city. 5 ACRE. 3 blocks from Hawthorne car line. $1000. Owner. East 8860. ACRE lots east S7th snd Simpson. Terms. Kennedy. 820 Salmon. Main 47S9. SUBURBAN payments acres, level, rich soil; $10 4.12 Fourth st. 8fe ACRES raw land, 1 4 lies S. W. of ZUard; prlc $2400. BO 623, Oregonlajj. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. VERT CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. Nearly 8 acres. 3 miles from city limits, on Sunnyside road, adjoin store; 8 blocks to school, all under high state of cultivation and the best of soil. The road is now rocked and will be paved. Is now paved within 1 mile of place. 100 strawberry plants. Price $2iuu, uuu cash, balance long time, 6 per cent. 6 acres land. 14 mil from Newberg. 4- acres under cultivation, all can be cul tivated, good soil, over 1 acre of bearing strawberries, 45 prone 'trees, 8 years old, wire fencing, well, box house 18x24. shed. barn, small chicken house; Included with place: 2 cows and chickens; price $3000; 1000 cash; very easy terms on balance. JOHN FERGUSON, Oerllnrer Bldg.. Realtor. -Over BOO Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. 4, 10 AND 20-ACRE TRACTS. 525 AN ACRE AND UP. 110 down and IK nr month bay five-acre tract in this addition of 800 acres; down the Columbia river on tne Oregon side, close to Columbia highway nd river; fine transportation, rauroaa, river. uto stage and truck: beautiful lying land, free from rock and gravel: some tracts have beautiful view of river; - there ar also some with streams; fine location for chickens, dairy, berries, 1 fruit and vegetablea CHARLES DELFEL,' p 81. Railway Exchange Building. AT BELLR061S STATION". 8 beautiful acre, has 100 bearing fruit trees, grapes and berries, plnd1d 6-room house, complete with bath and water eywtem, garage and 2 chicken houses, on gravel road; a bargain at $O0O; I2O00 cash. 29i acres, all culti vated; has small orchard and berries, 8-room house, grarage And chicken house; a buy at $4oO0; $1000 cash. Owner will divide this tract. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. REALTORS. Bdwy 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. VERT CONVENIENT HOME SITE. 5 acres on Slavin road, which is mac adamized, o blocks from pavement and Fulton car and orth and South Port land car; nice, sightly ground. Red Electric is on boundary line. Could, be divided in several home site or would make fin location for hospital, sana torium or similar Institution, Person ally inspected, jyM. t KltiiLSi, uernnger puis. Choice close-in FARM. 18 acre, near city limit of Portland. U cultivated, no rock or gravel, faces Main road, nice little orchard, all kinds berries, fair house, fine barn with ce ment floor, near school, church And stores. This is a dandy little place. Prloc fffino; easy terms. LLTCnDEM ANN COMPANY, PI 3 Chamber of Commerce. COUNTRY; HUME SITE. 2H acres on pavement, good view. best or soil, all In cultivation, gas, eiec trie llgnts avauaoie. aujoining an tractive country home. This litt seres can be bought for S17S0. C. M. DERR. 121.1 N. W. Bank Blrlg. Marshall 2245, T1GARD. Oil., for sale by owner, 11 acres. new house, barn, chicken houses, fruit trees, berries, creek, rich soil. 500 roung chickens, chase to station ana highway. Prlc $11,000, will sell all or part; will take small house In good district as part pay 54(. laymenL call u. sn, resDet, xiawy. COUNTRY HOME, rooms, modern im provements. on sightly acr tract, wit over 30 large bearing fruit trees; close In on west side; must be sold at once at sacrifice. $3600. terms. For par ticulars see BEN RIESLAXD. 404 Piatt Hlrtg., 127 Park street. $170 WILL HANDLE. 17 ACRES PRODUCTIVE SOITj. Practically level, on good road, near transportation; price only $6b0; easy payments. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. loOO CORDS TIMBER. 10 screa. good level land, heavily tlm fcered, near O. E. station; two tracts to gether If desired. AKBBSON St MARSTERS. 420 Henry Bldg. . Bdwy. B549. ACRE. 8100 DOWN. $10 MONTHLY All In fruit and berries; city water and ga on tract: 7 blocks outside city 11m its. jar. nase wun A. J. DeKOREST at CO. (Realtors), 820 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. Brifh OVER three aoren, all in cultivation, one mile to city limits, on hard road; one acre strawberries, lo bearing apple trees, 5-room modern bungalow, garage. Bull Run water, gas, electricity. Owner, Main 73ti2. COLUMBIA BOULEVARD. NEAR ' SANDY ROAD. 40 acres clear from all Incumbrances For Information call East 2630. Owner. DIRT cheap, 10 acres partly cleared, all fenced: o cattle, l norse, s pigs, .some chickens, lots of water, good buildings. For turtner information write to K. J, Link, Ooble, Oregon. wen improved, orcnara. Perries. roses, 6-room house, full basement, good barn, less man nan miie pavement Co lumbia highway, $8000; terms. Main r,4. WRITE for map of weatfcrn Washington snowing location, low prico ana eauy terms ouerea to settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO., Tacoma, Wash. WOODSTOCK DISTRICT. $300 UP FOR tt ACRES. Small payment, no Interest; gas water, low taxes. Sellwood 100.1. ltt ACHES, all in fruit; good 5-room house, on gooa roaa; gooa terms; 24) minutes irom neart ot city; gooa terms. HF no' tlregonian. HALF ACRES. ACRES $10 PAYMENTS. Alberta tar. Why buy ordinary ioia further out and pay heavy assessment 7 U. W. Carr. I21 N. w. Bank Bldg. irrigated Lands. BURRANK ON THE COLUMBIA. They are shipping asparagus snd pie plant by tns carload from Knnewiok. Not price ln local markets. Burbank Is directly across the Columbia river from . Kennewlck. We will cut alfalfa In 80 days. Early potatoes are up. Soli, sunshine and water in abundance. Some excellent Im proved and partially improved places tor sal or trade for im proved property. Raw land with paid-up water rights, $100 per acre up, 10 years to pay. Inves tigate. Write or call EARLB C. MILLER, with THOMPSON. SWAN LSH, 8d and Alain sts. Vancouver, Wo, Homestesds, Relinquishments. lUKOUUH our many years' work In the government service w nave become fa miliar with several hundred very valu able timber and farm hmeteads which w are now locating. Charg reasonable, lou will do wail to see us at ouo; Copy of government map corrected to date, showing western Oregon homestead. $1. M. J. ANDERSON. 531 Railway Exchange Illdg.. i rland. tAft locate you on a HOMESTEAD in western Oregon, either farming or tim ber tract, government map on file, checked up to date, showing more than 1000 claims; special Inducements to ex service men; call at my office for in formation. E. W. Helm, 818 Board of Trade bldg. THREE homesteads adjoining, county road, neighbors, running water. $5000 worth real timber on each, near mill, each location $200. 301 Corbett bldg. Kruil Lands for 1-al or Kent. AN ORCHARD OPPORTUNITY. 8 ACRES. White Box orchard, at Newberg, Or., for sala; all bearing trees, 11 years-old, commercial varieties, well taken care of; gross returns from this place for year 1U1K over $30,000; with the reports of frost in the appl sections of the east and middle west this orchard should pay for itself, this season; can be bought for less than $5l0 per acre: this offer for a limited time only. If Interested phone or white to COE A. McKENNA ft CO., 82 Fourth St. Main 4523, Portland. Or. F01 raif Farm. 56 ACRES, 15 miles from Portland, ltt miles from station, near Oregon City; woven wire fences. 2 macadamized reads, 32 acres under cultivation, all can be cul tivated; good pasture, large orchard. In good condition; 8-room plastered house, barn 50x60, 3 chicken houses, granary, hog house. Included with place: 2 cows. 3 heifers, good team, 3 bogs, 40 chickens, very complete line of ma chinery and crops. Ranch Inspected by Nelson. There is over 1000 cords of standing first-growth timber on this place. Price for everything. ' $12,000; $:0iK) cash. Might consider small place close to Portland for part. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. 100 ACRES. $3(100 35 s.crea in cultivation; 6-room honse, barn, orchard. 4 cows, new harness, wagon, rake, mower, buggy, chickens, furniture; on rock road. Sfc miles from highway and town, close to school, 48 miles from Portland: $1000 cash, bal ance to suit. Morris Ac Bundy, 618 Chamber of Commerce bldg. SMALL DAIRY FARM FOR SALE. 13 acres, all cultivated, 1 mil from Beaverton n good road; new 6-room house, new dairy barn 85x50 with good silo; some fruit, also clover; bargain at" $6500. -COE A. McKENNA, CO., U Foiyth. 8b . Mala 4522. REAL ESTATE. l'or Sale- Farms. WELL WORTH THE MONEY. 108 acres, 40 miles from Portland: Yamhill county., mile to school 5 miles irom gooa town, 8 miles from station 50 acre under cultivation, balance in pasture; large bearing orchard; lots of cnerrie. 100 prune trees 12 years old 8-room house, large barn, silo, chicken house and other buildings. Price less man s per acre with 8 young milch cows, o norsea. 2 brood sows, chickens binder, mower, rake, seeder, plows, har rows, disc plow, harness, hack, spring tooth harrow, all crops, etc Water is pipea to house. Buildings la fine shape. Property inspected Mil photo taken by Brook. ' 20-ACRE RANCH BARGAIN. 20 cres, 11 miles from center of Port land; -southwest of Beaverton; macad amized road; mile to school; 10 acres in crop, which Is included. No waste land, some pasture; spring on placet tt cro bearing orchard; good 8-room house, with basement and Portland gas: barn 80x40. chicken house, wire fences. This is the best of soil; (1U50 cash, balance easy terms. Ready to move on. FINE GOING DAIRY RANCH. 40 acres. miles from Portland. SU miles to electrio station, macadamlced road by place. Woven wire fences. In fine shape. 87 acre under Cultivation; 8 acres timber and pasture, that can be Cultivated when cleared. Well and creek; over an acre of bearing orchard: . food 6-room house with brick basement. large barn, lot of other building. In cluded with place: 8 high-grade Hoi atein milch cows, good team, chickens. pigs, crops and very complete line of machinery, including binder, manure spreader and grain drliL Nice level land well drained. Northeast of Hillsboro Offered at a bargain. No trade. Large caan payment. JOHN FERGUSON, Oerllnger Bldg. Kealtor. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. over ouu small Places Near Portland. net our Extensive Classified Lists. BENTON COUNTY'S BEST STOCK FARM. We are the owners of a 750 ere stock ranch 8 miles from railway station. 15 miles from Corvallls and agricultural college; 40 acres bottom land, 100 acres gently rolling, cultivated land ly ing in one body, 400 acres of open hill pasture, balance timber pas ture with 4.000.000 feet of mer chantable timber; 5-room house, stock barn, granary, etc.; fine creek and springs; fenced; place Is conceded to be one of th best stock ranches in Benton county on account of its sheltered loca tion, water and grass we offer It for Bale at only $20 per acre; one-third cash, balance 6 per cent. Write owners, box OL Corvallls, Or. A WONDERFUL FARM OF 240 ACRES. On of th most beautiful farms In 1 Washington county, being only 2 miles north of Forest Grove and Pacific um- ersity, on good automobile road, only 26 miles on the paved highway from Portland. There are 240 acres, all in a high state of cultivation, not a foot of waste iand; level and very fine black soli, free from rock and gravel; wen fenced and cross-fenced and faces oh " county roads. This is located In the Holland Dutch settlement, near the Catholic church and sohool; all pros perous farmers. This farm has been owned by one man for 50 years and has never been on the market before, but is selling It now for $220 per acre, halt cash. Can be divided Into six 40-acre homes on main road. . Nothing better in Oregon. STEWART A JOHNSON, 814-818 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Portland, Oregon. BUILDINGS ALONE WORTH PRICE ASKED FOR THIS PLACE 45 MIN UTES FROM PORTLAND. 82 acres near Hillsboroi Al land: 104 acres In fall grain, the rest in spring oats, potatoes, strawberries, garaen: it bearing fruit trees; good pasture and; nientv of wood: fenced and cross-fenced: two wells; newly-painted house of 7 rooms with furniture; large new dairy barn; 8 horses, 2 cows, 2 yearlings. 1 sow. chickens, large henhouse, pens and wagon shed. Full set of Implements, tools, harness, wagon, single and double buggies. Price $5000; half cash. Take eltctrie leaving Portland 10:40 A. M, OWner Will meet parties at Hillsboro sta tion dally with' Studebaker Car number 8S135. Mr. AraeiK Li-uiTDHl'v BiVTH WITH INCOME. 5 acres, all improvements; 70 assarted I fruit trees,, tt acre of Everbearing straw- herriea barb, chicken house, chickens. extra good cows, light auto truck, as-1 sorted berries and grapes lor lamny use. Everything, in first-class condition; on I car Una. A fine appearing, almost new e-room .bungalow, Dutch kitchen, base- I ment. city water. Owner makes living on thi nlace. Everything goes for $6000. Terms or trade for country or suburban I store equal value, jar. tiare wun A. J. DeFOREST & CO. (Realtors), S20 Henry Bldg. Bdw;-. 5500. A REAL BARGAIX. We have A 16-a. place located only I ltt miles from Oregon Electric, on line i mm! in a. of this Is finest swale land. I all tiled and drained, In high state of I cultivation, tt mile to scnooi. lumber I enough for house and barn; place also I has good tent house, city gas and I K. F. D. past place. Price only $3o00, with only $S00 cash, Bai. 5 years, 69b. F. L. EDDY, Realtor, . RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. KTorgnn and EQUIPPED $1600. 40 acres of land with 7 acres in cultl- 1 vation. 2 acres of bearing orchard. 6- room house, barn, 30x38, not completed, other outbuildings, good spring, 5 miles I from railroad town: stock constats of two I cows, 1 yearling neller, 1 z-year-oid I heifer. 1 mare, 1 dozen chickens, eepa-1 rator, plow, cultivator, harness Total I price $1500. $R00 cash. Fred W. German Co, 732 Cham, of Com. MUST SELL. TO CLOSE UP AN ESTATE. 160 a, 1 set buildings and 25 A. alfalfa on each 80. productive land, fine home I ites, 4 miles to gooa town of Ontario, under good ditch, prioed at 2-8 value: '116.000. half cash, or will Sell In 80s: here I an opportunity to get a farm way under its value. O. E. Carman. Vale. Oregon. FOR SALE Small berry farm. 11 tt scree. woven-wire fencea, on capital highway, AO minutes' ride to Portland: a-room tungalow, outbuildings, electric lights, not and cola water, cement waias, bear ing family orchard, 4 acre bearing logansierrids. blackcaps, raspberries, strawberries; near sonooi ana berry can nery; price $7000, cash $3000, term Karl Broeder. ynerwood, or. WANT TO TALK BUSINESS WITH REAL. HONEST FARMER. MY AGE FORCES MB TO SELL BEST DAIRY FARM IN STATE. 100 acres, fully equipped, very best loam soil, 40 hesd cattle, paved road, 10 miles from town; terms no object to right parties. Be my agent. Mr. Colt. 526 Chamber of commerce bldg. BARGAIN Immediate possession. 40 acres improved, good 6-room house, only $4500, easy terfiuf: 80 acres in cultivation: 15 acres seeded to clover; good orchard, all fenced. Just off Pacific highway, near Kelso, Wash, owner. Oeo. A, Norby, 120 B 33d S. Tahor 8407. Th..',' ACKE.S. NKWBERG ROAD. NEW BUNGALOW. VACANT. $3500. DISAPPOINTMENT CAUSE? SALE. Built for home. Improved tract, beau tiful country home, your own terms Mr. Hare. 520 Cham, of Com. i ACRES 10 miles from Vancouver: 5- room bouse, good other buildings; will ell for $S500 for quick sale, $4.00 cash will handle, balance easv. or will sell 15 or 20 acres oi place at reasonable price. A K mil, wregonian. - u-ACRhl dairy ranch: !it acres in emus. 50 acres practically cleared; good grass: new deep soil; 4-room house, large barn, spring water: 2 miles from town; $3800: will take contract or mortgage; easy terms, owner, w. ri. m. vashvllle. Or. STOCKED AND EQLlPPiA 60 acres, close to small town, 20 miles from Vancouver: good buildings, fine or chard: all goes for $0500 for quick sale. $r-000 casn win nanaie, Daiance easy. AP K22. t.iregnnian.. 03 ACRES, six miles south of Lebanon. 65 In cultivation, wwii leiiveo,; a gooa buy, or will trade. Owner, Tabor 6308. viRMKRS' oDPortunity. Best alfalfa, hoa- sheepe cattle, ready-mads alfalfa farms In U. S., $150 an acre, terms. Wrlle Wooster Co., tuu i-neian building, San Francisco. 80 ACRES) 00 acres In grain, wheat and oats, fruit, new tractor, larm equipment. barn and sneas, -room nouse. lurnlsned. Vi mile to school. Owner Mrs. Lizzie Bishop, route 1, Junction city. Or. FOR SALE; Dairy farm of 32 acres, worth $4000: am leaving for Alaska and will ell for $2800. writ E. . '.. Johnson, r. F. D. No. 1, Weatport. Or. CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES near Portland, $50 to $300 per acre; easy terms, best soil; farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland, realtor, 208 Failing bldg. 200 ACRES, close to Medford. 130 acres improved,. 100 a. in wheat, new house, bam, $75 per a. Other Information call E. 5057, Portland. LOOGED-OFF lands, $10 acre up: running water, good soil,' H tillable; school, easy terms. J, R. Sharpe, 88 H Third St. 5. 10, 25 ACRES level, timbered land, near Beaverton, good ra. J. n. snarp, S3 '4 8d. BEE COLE for bargains in farms. chaxiM 428 Lumbermens bids. REAL ESTATE. For hale Farms. NO. 5 J $1000 UNDER MARKET . VALUE. 40 acres, "best loam soil, most all tillable. 8 acres nigh state cul tivation, abundance of timber for domestic use, all fenced, assorted orchard, fine spring creek through back side of farm; good farm house, barn, chicken house, park, hog house, large cellar, tool house, adjoining highly-improved farms, -very sightly, on main trunk auto mobile road. Has all rural ad vantages, close to school, only S miles from good town on Pacific highway. Price $2750, liberal terms NO. 878 CHEAP FARM. 40 acres, the very best of latifl and all tillable, 600 to 700tords of wood timber: 8 acres cultivated, partly fenced, flfie spring, 4-room house, good well, chicken honse. adjoining highly imp. farms, on main country road with all rural advantages, only 1 14 miles from good town on Pacific highway. Price $2500. $100 casn. balance any reasonable length of time. THOMPSON. RWAN A T.1ERI. Third and Main Sta, Vancouver, Wash. 90-ACRE FARM HOME FOR BALE. This place Is a real home and Is located 8 miles from Corvallls on paved road, 1 mile from grad ed school and electric station. 8 trains dally to Corvallls and Port land; 74 acres of the best valley land in cultivation, 6 acres tim ber, balance pasture; an old or chard of apples, pears, cherries, prunes, plums, black and English walnuts, grapes, strawberries, rasp berries, etc. A fine creek makes It possible to Irrigate garden, and 80 acres of farm iand can be Irri gated if desired: good barn 84x50 and usual outbuildings; a large old house of no great value, but on of the finest building sites in this part of the country. We bought this for a home but have to sell on account of changed circum stances. Will sell on a small cash payment or would consider a good home In any valley town. Price $13,500; $3500 cash, balance at 6 per cent. Write F. t. K,. owner, box 01, Corvallls, Or, ATTRACTIVE ACREAGE. CAiPTTAL HIGHWAY 1 BLOCK. 5 ACRES CTTLTIVATEtD. 5250 Land smooth, rich, alt tiled; ltt acres commercial berries; fam ily Orchard; 5-room bungalow with concrete cellar rooms; other good but dings: fine water, elec. lights; near station; 25 mln. by auto: Includes cow. poultry, toouf and household furniture. SO ArfRRS OirLTTVATED S5300 Land smooth, but -drain well: all in crop. Included, small house. large barn; gooa auto roaa. Xni miles to Capital highway. Many other good small farms listed. bee Mr. Hoberg. Possession now. GEO. E. ENXJLB1LRT CO.. Broadway 5)73 624 Henry Bldg PAYING SUBURBAN DAIRY RANCH. 4-3 acres al! in cultivation, abundance 1 f fruit and berries; 6-room house, large barn, .silo, milking machine, all farm implements, 3 horses, chickens, 26 head of stock. Receipts for milk over $400 monthly. On highway and milk route $13,500; $3500 cash, or trade for home in city to 4(oo. Mr. Hare witn A. J. DeFOREST & CO. (Realtors), 320 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5500. 58 ACRES, 4 miles out. on Barnes road. I3UU ner acre: some improvements. terms. See Gustav Teufel, owner, route i. Portland. WASTED REAL ESTATE, IT TOTJ ltUBT BELL QUICKLY 10 DAYS 13 ALL WI WANT. Make the terms and price right and you will see more results than others giv in a month. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber ef Commerce Bldg. NEWCOMER WANTS HOME. WILL PAY CASH FOR EQUITY. IN 8 OR 8-ROOM BUNGALOW. PREFER, IRVINGTON. ALAMEDA. ROSH CITY OR LAURELHURST. GIVE FULL PARTICULARS AND . LOCATION. MUST BB A BARGAIN. AR 620. OREGONIAN. WE WANT HOMES. 102 sold to date this month. A Wait ing list of buyers for homes in every dis trict. We spend thousands of dollars advertising.- We inspect, apprslse and photograph your house within 24 hours after listing, no charge except tne stan dard commission of 5 ' per cent in the' event of a satisfactory sal. 25 sales men to work on it. See FRANK L. McJUIKE, REALTOR, To Sell Your Home. ' Ablngton Bldg. Main 106S. DUPLEX HOUSE WANTED. Have Cash Buyer for Same. ALSO Have customers for good Income prop-1 erty. Som have part cash, others have I cash and clear realty. To Sell Your Income Property See , OTIS C. BECK. Income Property Specialist, 525 Henry Bldg. PRIVATE party wants small house on 1 or tt acre of ground, city water, electric lights, phone, not Over 8 or 6 blocks from carline: price about $2000 with $150 down, balanu monthly payments; must b within s or lu miles rrom port- lstad; prefer 0k Grove, Lake Grove or Multnomah station. X 850, oregonla I HAVE client for a tt-room' bungalow- typ bouse, in Alberta aistriot; get in touch with me at once. f M tlhlR R 1215 X. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 2245. CASH and quick deal tor real bargain in K-room bungalow on pavea street: pre fer Sunnyside, Mt. Tabor. R. C, Ross- mere, or other similar location. Price $2500 to $4000. A. H, 1111. 4i LUm- bermens bldg. A-U LOOKING for a good, moderate-priced hous in any part or tne city; want, good car service, near schools: can pay half cash; anxious to get settled. AU t13. Oregonian. WANTED from owner, five or six-room house, lot not less tnan ouxiuo. with fruit; price, .terms snd full description first reply. J. E. Cole, 410tt Washing ton st. HOTEL or apartment house; have client with $25,000 casn wno win purcnas good hotel or apartment nouse; must ne A-l proposition. Mrs. Sloan, Bdwy. 4604. HOME. WITH CITY CONVENIENCES, CAR LINB, NhiAii urn: to hiiumt ACRES' WITH BERRIES AND SOME FRUIT. AH 615. OREGONIAN HAVE a 7-passenger enc.osed ear that will trade for real estate. What have von 1 I. 61 1. Oregonian. HAVE CLIENT for improved 1 lo 5 acres, eat of city; small nous; i acr ior beach lot. Tabor Mil, WE WANT a 6-room bungalow in Irving ton. nrlt-ed S6000 to 17000. Strong & Co., 606 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANT 1 to 5 acres. Improved, northeast Portland; prefer outsia the limits, Av 550, Oregonian. WANTED acre of land, small house, 'near street car line, close in; casn. Main 81o. WANTED Close-in tract for subdivision; this is no wildcat; no innatea values con sidered. E 600. Oregonian. 8-PAS8. late model auto for lot. R, C P. Main 867. Bdwy. 4ii4. evenings. llL'tlT hava a home of 3 or 6 rooms in next few cays. Mam owi W ANTJ 50x100 or 33X100 lot Cheap. Phone Broadway 2.10'J Farms M anle! WANT TRADE FOR FARM. Have client with 6-room modern bun galow and $2500 cash to trad for arm In good location; adapted to grain. MARSH McCABE CO., Realtor. 823-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3903. Wanted to Rent Farms. WANTED TO RENT, SMALL PLACES. Hava several people wanting to rent acreage or small farms; close to Port land preferred. Some people will buy the place after leasing for year or more. 'We make lota of sales this way. Will buy equipment if priced right. 'JOHN' FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bnlidlng. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacilio Coast, TIMBER LANDS. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A SAWMILL OR TIMBER, SEE THE WINSLOW CO, 419 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. FOR SALE Cheap. 3,000.000 feet yello fir on Kalama river. Washington. B. Bertilsen. Kalama. Wash. FOR RENT FARMS. X GOOD farms, long lease, stock tor sals. good terms. See JOHN BROWN A CO., Realtors, S22 Railway Exchange Bldg. I WILL sublease farm and trade $1200 wort of personal property, for auto of th value or for Ford and cash, AV 50 Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATK. 120 ACRES. 23 miles west Portland, ne Hlllsbord. Mi mile to electric station, school and naved road: all under cult vation; 5-room' house, barn and othe buildings. Lots of berries and- bearin fruit; 11 acres wheat, 5 acres oats an other croDs. also 3 cows. 1 heifer. horse, brood sow. 40 chickens, etc. Price for everything. $7500 clear. Only block to city water, gas and electric lights. Consider 7 or 8-room house Portland In good district for full amoun Ranch personally Inapeclea, pnotos office. 13 tt acres, all In high state of cult! vation. ml es west 01 peruana. fine macadamized road. 1 mile to electric station; 40 bearing fruit trees, berries ror ramuy use: gooa o-room nouse, ion of other buildings: mail, milk and gro cery route; will consider clear house in Portland; easy terms on balance. Ranch inspected by Malone. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. I 56 ACRES." 15 miles from Portland, ltt milea Irom station nen.r Oregon i.ij woven wire fences. 2 macadamized roads. B'( neeea imrl. nilllkalmn nil Can tlti cultivated; good pasture, large orchard in gooa condition; a-room piastcicu house, barn ouxOO. 3 chicken houses, granarv. hog house. Included with place 2 cows. 3 heifers, good team. 3 hogs chickens verv mmnlpte line of ma chinery and crops rtancn inapecicu vj Nelaon. There in- over 1000 cora WAhriine flrnl.vrnwth timber Oil th Place. Price for everything. $12,000 800O0 cash. Might connlder small piac ciose to Portland for part. JOHN FERC1USON. Gerlinger Bldg. tovtvj-kow ipi DTVirvr 113 000. 8-story frame building. 6 aparts.. 4 of which are furnished, income $lo7 per month, besides owner's apartment: fur nace heat. 4 baths, corner lot 100x100 place is in first-olass condition on th inside: will take residence or doubl ,,,. mnA ttono csh as first Daymen and will give long time on the bala-nce. ce Me erenhen. We have hundreds of other exchanges and can surely match vour trade. b it large or small. V red W. Qerman Co, 732 Cham- of Com 12x0 ACRES. Lane county, cruise 21,000.1100 tlm., $20,000. ISXCIl. City prop, atu...o $10,000. 2200 acres stump land. $22,000; also water front nron.. $25,000. ExCh. both 680-acre farm. $30,000. city prop, val, $20,000. FRED LAWSON CO, 416 Cham. Com. Bldg. Main EP7. K ui.nl hiii,a.l ami KaruUH. liaruWO Innra f r-en aee lllltcO KltCnCn. UHIU' room.' full concrete basement, laundry ,.a,.a all modern PlCrOt heat: COmP lot 50x100; will exchange for 6 or 7-room bungalow or house; must be modern and In good condition; will pay or assume difference; prefer East Irvington or Rose Citv Park, close In. Call 044 Weidler St. Phone East 475. ir-.Df L-no ivpni R l1 'KK 1 Ckni.. 40eere farm ReaVerton dl- trlct; main road, all cultivated, fine soli, good buildings, excellent ir ..,i.. . rami v nrrnnrn. HtucHt-u aim 01 n . Price $16,000: trade lor Income property nd Wnrvrav-v CO.MPAN7. oi n.mh of Commerce. Main BOAT. OMt.r. eeeent diamond and small caan vmnt nr. mv stitiuman nome : u Btic all under cultivation, good 7-room bun galow, with gas, electricity, not ana coia water and all modern plumbing; price right: easy terms: 20 minutes from heart of citv. on good road. AL 624, Orego nian. ' iriiw yAi.i,'. or ex.-hange. bv owner, b-roon ltt -story bungalow, up-io-unio, mp" j ,r,r eream enamel throughout, like new! good location and dandy vie prune and cherry trees, also berries, ga rage. 100x100 lot for $5400. $2100 cash or will accent auto or buuuium woB. Sellwood 458. ml-ii.i. irl'KPT Imnroved 2 to 5 acres on paved highway as pan payment u.. home In exclusive district. Rents for s.05 ner month, price -ooou. o .j BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS. 41.1 Piatt Bldg. Main 7021. Realtors. iuirtuKVT HOUSE m . -i.il, i..tnr anartment. modern In every way; lot HllxlllO It.; paying nn ..nth nt: value $0.1.000. will take $30,000: trade east or west side, mort gage $1U,U0U I". """ XV. u- 1 r. rtwis w- v., 1 d.". 4;n ?-t. wil l, take Portland residence on this tine stock ranch: v, mte r)aiinnn--.ji u.m. aa .,B. khniil R5 cleared. 35 in altaiia. unlimited free outrange: family orchard: i.i h.nw and large barn: place all fenced: price $sfilio. ueo i. nu.. 1115 Northwestern Bank hldg. Main wi.lt. Wil l, take car as first payment on Btt aerea a I under Cultivation; O-rouiu i.uuac, h.m and n u t bul IdingS. XTUlt, 1 nine lu town of 8000. 15 miles from portiana Call Main 6418 or xaDor oiua ane-r P M. r, o a r ! nH UlvrM ANCJE. T040-acre stock ranch, suitable for ehpeo or cattle, abundant sneep grass !ri hnnnh grass: price $46,000. terms 6 per cent. Write owner. 7100 Wood stock sve. Ifiimn MORTGAGE. wieaf mortgage on beaverdam truck garden land to exchange for flats or large west side residence, suitable for apt. or rooming nouse. -aire, ssu-j-. Bdwy. 46A4,. 20 ACRES improved, adjoining city llmils of Aberaen, wnu. m. . .-.--- lumbering points on 'he .Pacific coast, for sale or exchange. $4000. Miller. CLEVELAND CO, Realtors, SO Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. lion. WANT 5-room modern bungalow in koou location or win consiuci seller's contract: nave casn ana prac tically new 6-cyl. car to exchange. See owner. 426 Lumbermen bldg. WILL exchange my equity in n.-awa wheat rancn, aooui ou fallow, about 85 more to be plowed, for house or grocery. J. A. Bushue, owner, M8 fhamher of Commerce bldg. GOING STOCK RANCH. Want Portland income for $30,000 stock farm. Will assume. noo'Northwemern Bank Bldg, FOR SALE OK 1KAUI. My cquny " $l00O in moaeru o-iuoi.i ....up,, . of farm or acreage close to car, no more than 18 miiis from Portland. Inquire t 1217 .Man si.. v u-'iri'" 820 ACRES in Lake county. 54 acres clear; house ana Burn. su "--Blenty of outside range: will trade for r ' , 1 v Mia n,n. pt. or rooniiiis u"u"- - v " - man. WET FOR EAST. Two residences and income property In Nob Hill district to exenange. ior smaller east side homes. 317 Chamber Commerce hMg. Tel. Main 3720. 160 ACRES. 0 irrigated, fair improve ments, trail ior i.-. a.o.c, auto tractor, dairy cows or farm. Box 298. Halfway, Or. WANTED To trade sorno good timber land and cash for a good suburban grocery store. GUICK SALES CO., 400 Couch bldg. WE HAVE a well-Improved farm to trad.) for a home In Portland. QUICK SALES Ct.. 406 Couch bldg. -PASS. car. good condition: choice lots and cash for improved farm within 20 mile AH 007. Ore gonlan. MY KU.U1TY $3tMK) Montana wheat land for stocks, bonds or lata model auto. Alt 612. oregonian WNTED Oood car. furniture or what? for close-lii acreage, bal. easy terms. 302 H Oth st apt. 4 Si CHAINS, A-l clam beach, on Puget sound, for good used car. AV 504, Ore- gon ian FaRM near Portland for Hood River. The Dalles. 627 Hood St. TO FXCIIANC.F MISCELLANEOUS. EXTRA heavy wide-tire Bain wagon, year old, list price $342; Wade drag saw, year old, cost $165. Want disc plow, disc harrow, seed oats, artichokes or bar ley. J. O, Conville, Weatport Or. TOR SAI.1T, Horses. Vehicle. Livestock. VETERINARIAN. HOWES. TABOR 56. I DR. OOOD ranch mare, cheap. Call 60 fi. harness 7th st. and DEAD horse and cattle taken promptly. Call day or night. Auto. 027-64. WAGON for sale by Albina Fuel Co., 453 Goldsmith si. 1'none fc.asi in. GOOD work horses, names, wagons; sal or exchange. Eoot of Alain. CA-L,VS wanted. Phono iiarsaaU 2178. FOR 8AI.K. Hort,eN, Vrllli'lrs. Livcftork. AUCTION AUCTION AUCTION Will be sold at public auction April 20, at 10 A. M., at the National stables. East flth and Hawthorne ave., consist ing of 18 head of good young work horses, 14 wagons, farm and spring wagons; also 10 buggies and 14 sets of harness, double and single. And some farm implements, lots of small stuff too numerous to mention. To b sold without reserve. V H. ROUTt.EDOE. Auctioneer. CARLOAD of horses, weighing from 12uil to 1600 pounds. 4 to 8 esrs old; all in good shape and ready fur work; prices very reasonable. KEYSTONE 'STAPLES. 31 Water, cor. Montgomery. KEVSIONii FEED STABLb Horses for sals or hire, stalls for rent. 3M Water SI, foot Montgomery. Marshall 8515. GOVERNMENT harness. converted farm use, at a sacrifice prlc. J, Hflder. 243 Front st, cor. Main. for H. SMALL tee. of mules, fi years old: also looo-lb. mare, single harness and spring w agon. Wnodyard. 327 Front et. . REAL Toggenberg milch goats, nut scrubs; also Saanan. Pay to investigate. D3 East 63d st. North. MLLlii AND liOHSLn Willi harness for rent by carload. Williamson Ranch. Lathrop, Cal. FOR SALK Six horses; reasonable prices Holman Fuel Co., barn K. ttth and Ivon streets. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. Phone Milwaukie 0!'J for beat service. I'riinos, Orgnns and Muslrul Instrument. bCHVYAN PIANO Co. DOWNSTAIRS. STORE. Factory Rebuilt and Used Pianos. 8 i'0 stelnway A Sons, pol. mating. $105 $ 6.10 I. V. Chase, oak 1205 $ 575 Krell, mahogany $345 $ 525 Vose, dark mahogany $235 $ S50 Conover, fancy oak $315 $ 475 C, A. Smith, ebony $265 $ 575, fumed oak $21(5 $ 600 Kranich & Bach, golden oalc$34.'i $ 50 Thompson player, pol. mah.. .$ tlt.1 $ 4.0 Hallett s Davis, rosewood ...$ 105 I 850 Thompson player, oak $BI3 I 2.-.0 Collnrd Collard, walnut ...$ 0.1 I 275 H. Bord. rosewood $ "5 110,10 8mger player, dull walnut ... $n5 115 to $23 cash, $0, $10 to $25 monthly. PARLOR UKliAJS. At a fraction of their original cost. $136 Western Cottage, mirror $38 $100 Great Western, high top $'-'.1 $150 Clough A Warren, mirror I4S $150 Schoenlger, chapel $38 $lA cash, $5 monthly. 101-103 Tenth at Wash, and Stars:, SPECIAL PIANO SALE. Upright pianoa $110 to $325, all stand ard mnkea. Easy terms. $750 Hardman, plain walnut $223 t 600 McCummon, large plain 110 Oni) Harrington, mahog, and bench 225 600 W. W. Kimball, plain 223 600 Milton and bench. Just new .. 2.10 750 Geo. Steck, large 2-1 600 Rchaeffer. mahogany 100 aim Tt k Howard, ulain mahog any, just new 800 TOO Packard. " Just new S2.' And many others. You can t afford to buy piano until you have compared ours. We aell for less than all othora in city. No follow up salesmen to bother you. No high rents and big expense to make you pay when you buy the piano. BROKERAGE I'll., 311 Worcester Bldg. WE LIST below a few of our phonograph speclu.s for this week: $250 Packard priced at $1B5 00 $225 Columbia priced at 135.00 $178 Edison priced at 11.1 00 $140 Columbia priced at 100 00 $ SO Packard (new) priced at.... 115 00 75 I.orophone (cabt.) priced aL. 5.1.00 I 65 Packard (new) priced at.... 55 00 $ 75 Columbia priced at 40.00 $ 75 Columbia priced at 82.50 Columbia, horn, priced at.... 18.00 G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 140 6th Pt. MORE FOR YOUR Mo NET. Former $120 Columbia (new) $ 73 Former $3.10 Pease up. piano (used) 100 Former $150 Columbia (new) 115 Former $200 Brunswick (like new).. 13.1 Former 450 Klndler & Collins (pin.) 285 Former $850 Farrand player, little used, bench and 12 rolls included. 800 Former $0C Packard, perfect 43H HAROLD S. GILBERT. SS4 Yamhill St. CLARINETS licehln syati'ln B flat, A or C. These are genuine rench Instru- mants. Come In and inspect them. Clnr- inet and saxophone reds, extra Ity. O. F. JOHNSON PTANO CO.. 140 (1th St. qual- TRADI-, tfOUK PIANo. $223 new Vlctrola and Victor records for good used piano. Our proposition will please you. SEIRERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO, 125 4th St., bet. Wash, and Alder. Main W5fl. DRUMMERS. A T T E N Tl O N 1 Pee our new Thomas separate tension snare drum. The snappiest drum that haa ever been built. Drums rcpuired, ad justed and retieaded. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 140 tlth St. BEAUTIFUL melody C saxophone for sale for owner who must mine money to go back east with. See Oregon Ellers Music House, Band and orchestra Dept., main floor Filers bldg., entrance 2S7 Wash ington st. BUY, SELL OR TRADB PHONOGRAPHS AN D RECORDS. PIANOS, ORGANS. MUSIC ROLLS. NEWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE. 128 FIRST. NEAR ALDER MAIN 4105 KERN PARK STORE. AUTO. 626 2. A. B. CHASE mahogany piano, latest style case, used very little. An ex ceptional buy for the money. Sue this sure. Q. F, JOHNSON PIANO CO., 140 Sixth St. ONE MELLV 1I.LE-CLAHK Apollo player stanuuru piano; a very good, sweet toned instrument aigd in Ist-ctafs condi tion: must sell, as- I need the money. iiroan-vvav .i.iti.i. CH1CKER1NU piano, $37.1; best of i-oiuli- tlon and a wonderful toned instrument. If you want a good piano. Bee It. ling-Lucas Music Co, 125 4th Wash, and Alder Selb.r- st, bet ioLIN outfit special $3.1. Tills includes nd case, rosin and extra violin, bow strings. U. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO. 140 iPh Pt. REAL bargain. Ouner leaving ciiy Must sell my beautiful Baby Grand piano. Less than 1 year old. At a his sacrifice. Can be seen at 1336 E. Tay lor St. or phone Auto. 222-6.1. SLCUR1TY STORAOE CO. Closing out now; upright pianos. $i5, $105, $213. $205 cash. Also one $750 Player, $.11,5; $050 Player. $10.1. Pianoa stored 75c onthly. . Cor. 10th snd Stark eta. VIOLIN strings, the Italian La Favnrlta, Amatl, also Intuna. Ury our special string service. U. r. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 140 Oth St. PHONOORAI'H REPAIRING. All makes, work guaranteed. MellOUU ALL MUSIC Co., 121) 10th, bet. Alder and Wash. ART1N saxophone outfit, C melody, eluding case. $110, terms. U. F. JOIIMiOlN PIANO CO., 140 i:h SI. ULSTER piano, U.-..M1 a short limo; latest style mahogany case. A snap, Seiber-ling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4lh St., bet Wash, nnd Alder. . I'ALlAN nccoidioiis irom $111 lu $04. Hohner rarmonIcas loo to $3.50. 143 (Ith St. ' I KIMBALL pianos, 2 big bargains; best of condition. wee tnem. leriuji given. Seiberling-Luca Music Co., 12 4th St., bet. Wash, and Aider. $300 ItEvilNA imiciiino wun 24 records, priced to sell quick at $45. O. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO, 140 (Ith SI. KIMBALL player piano, big reduction; terms given. Seibei-ling-Lucas Muslo Co, 12.1 4th st, het. Wash, and Alder. $15 CASil and $10 inomniy las before the war) buys $525 new piano for $31(3 at Schwan Piano Co, 101 jut.h St. at Stark $700 VOSE for $20i. Harvard $100. See these late styles 3-toued pianoa 400 Ablngton hldg. WELLINGTON piano, oak case; Se.lberling-l.ucas Music Co, l: bet. IVn-ll Alder. a bargain. 5 4th st. DON'T forget tile phonograph doctor fixei all alls: faotory experience. PhoiiA Sellwood 517. RESPONSIBLE party will store yourpiana for the use of same. P. O. box 10o7, city. SCH1RMER piano, $1.V. Terms lven. Selberling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th si, het. Wsh. ami Alder. CLARINET, 3315. BOE1IM SYSTEM. TABOll WAN I'i-D Nice loued piano; pay ail eaull. Main 442 VERY 01117. OLD Italian violin. $100. Tabor 1 WILL PAY cai.li for a good u&ed piano or playe r if price Is rig lit. Auto. 611-2 0 . PARLOR organ, cost $150. selling price, J2."i good condition. Bdwy. S3 17. TO RENT Piano, good condition, after 6 P. M, Marshall 3205. Call -Used piano for all eaah; Main 4424. MAHOGANY upright piano. $130; also oid violin. $(iOJ Marsh. TM. N EED 7724. piano; cull pay cash. Minn STEWART banjo, good as Ouk Prove 1 17-J. after 6 P. new, M. Phono PIANO WANTED Pay caah -for bargain, from private parties. Marshall 1.'.:2 FOR SALE Baby 343 Kith st. Grand Sunora; $150. iA-NO wauieueoay. lull, Mala bOoS. -Jliol S biejUe. gvui ix.udllloll. Lasl lilt. FOR BALK. Furniture for Pale. SAVK MONKT. Try our sales department If you want to buy or svll household goods. Reduoed freight rates to most all points in our through pool cars. Expert packing. Money loaned on goods In storage. Fire proof storage. Low Insurance rates SECURITY STORAGK TRANSFER CO., 53 Fourth at, opp. Multnomah Hotel. 1'hone Broadway 871.) LivAVlNU en), am selling furinlur of 4 room apt. Including mahogany dining room .set. while Ivory bedroom set. car- , pets. rugs. lrautJ:u) mail, lllitvuy table, tapestry-mall, rorkt.-rs and chairs This Is all practically new and Is all of tho best grade and priced right: no d.Nllo''. Apt. 42. 57o Couch. Ionian Court. Apu for rent. Full ttALfci 2 Wiuon rugs. Ji'iti .,-icii. v.i nut d.n ni- table, 4 chairs, William-Mary style, $11)0: mahogany davenport table. $"; large leather chair, $73; oak 2-s.c-tlon bonk case, $15; el-pleee act dishes, $30; curtains drapes, kilchcn utensils, etc. 41 l.iimhnr.t st. bJU SAI.K Kumt-d in.k dining room s.-t, 7 chairs, tntne. buffet, rug ll(0. two oaK chairs and rockef lo nian'h. two pairs green sila paiinei velvet piirtli-ra, brasa andirons and fir set. blnck aruilinns anil tire set. lamp, walnut tHblc. 3.'i Easl 2!t St. North Phone Fast I. V ILL M.Li rliUe b.autilul niHuaiie liiKUiy polished sul:d oak l.l.rary lutue; a mng nillient piece of furniture; $25 for quick sale. 103i Valo sl. 1 block from wii lumetle blvd. half 1'orK from Mat-rum it. AM MO 1NG into an apt. ami will evil some of my high-class nearlv new fur niture; X bedroom sets, some rue, chairs, gas range, ice box, etc. For parllcu.ars cal: 4sHitjtl7S; . DON"!' vaenltce vour luitiuur it going east or lo California. IV can save yea money on your freight In our tbrougn cars; fireproof storage C. M. OlSoa Transfer A Storage Co., gtH Pin st. DAVENPORT AT A BARGAIN. New davenport with Turkish arms: a bargain lor anyone wanting a fine pier ef furniture. Phone, any day but bua nay. Automatic 814-26. PLATE GLASS Mlitln 1 DKR AND MIHRO ALL WORK GUAR. I HOADWAY 1237. GLASS MlitKOItS M A 1 1 K TO OR- iliM Kr-HILVK UK 1 1. AHANTEEU l'llu.Nia NEW genuine nialinKaiiv dining set, ton. sistlng of table. 6 chair, bull'-l, also new Snptrior gas ran'-re. cheip. M.iln 1003. LARvIE rug. chairs, rockers, bontvcui., ta ble, davenport, desk. etc. Call al once, room 2"2 llruadwiiv-Vatnli 1 11 bid K Eui.ti'i'-IMLVE iiuarteil-miwed oak dining set; leaitier seats, like new upholstering. 411 North 'Jllh. 23d st car, UAH RANiibJ. ltuud water beater. eiy good condition. 041 Going at, lH-t. Itilh anil 17th. W ooitla w n (loin No agenta. Full SVI.L Furniture lor eigiil rnoina.'a furnished housekeeping room for rent. 44 K. Washington st. NICE walnut dresser. almt.Kt new. $3.1; small uak library table $H50. Osa Clin ton st, near 14th. FURNITURE for sale eneap. Take Munla vllla car to (tilth st. 1011 Vera at. ELECTRIC lamp, sewing machine, odd., chairs, dressers 640 Montgomery St. ' BEAUTIFUL 14-piree gray wicker dkiluf room set. Call Main .17 7. 8175 WORTH of furiiltiire. 47 E, 20ltl "u Office Furillture. 1 T. W. DESK" and chair, 2 tables, 8 rolf. top desks, 2 flat-top desks, 3 bookkeep ers' desks, 8 chairs, 8 filing eabiuets, 2 eafes. UUSHQNO At CO., Ill Park St.. Vol.L-TOl' and typewriter desks, flies, big bargains, sales, adding machines and typewriters. Beat vniues ever of fered. Wax orflce Equipment House, 24 N. 5th st. Broadway 27:11. X 1 O rulitnp desks, 3 tiat-tn desks, 4 T. W. desks. 2 filing canineis, z sale cabinets, 2 bookkeepers' desks. DutU- mig ,t- Co, 01 I'm k st. Ty pew rlien,. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN T V PK Wit ITERS, ALL MAKES. UUlN-CLAD GUARAN'l UK. CALL OR WRITE Foil NEW PRICK LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Washington SI. .MAIN 5(111. DUAXB UL'AKAN I'KKD Tl l'EvilUlEK . KER ICS. All makes overhauled. Experts. RE PAIR, ESTIMATES ON REyl K.-iT. Buy, sell, rent and exehano. Supplies. Auto, malic 520-50. Main U3II7. 124 4lh st, bet. Wash, and Aider. I Iyer Clreie theater. UEIU.1LT ipewrlleia, all makes, leiiials,'. repairing, suppln a. Distributors CORONA portable. SUNDSTRAND. adding Ilia- -chine. Main 22B. ai. W. PeaaS Co., 110 Sixth stre.r . NOLSELKhS TYPEWRITERS A limped few are now available fi.r rent. Noiseless Typewriter Co., ilUwy. 5044. Corner 4m and oak. , ALL MAKES rented and rep, unci, oregna Ty pe w rlttr Cu W4 6lh street. .Main BOOS; NEW, rebuilt, fecund-hand, rentals, at cut rates P. II Co, 231 M ark at Main 1407. REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell; supplies. Typ writer Inspection Co.. 812 Slark. ,M 8M.. FOR RENT Uiiderwood-Kemiliiilell, $3.00 inn. Umpire Trnnsl-r, ll.lwy. Lin. Poultry. BOOSTERS WANTED. Wanted. 5((0 people in buy a setting nf eg us from tny heavy-laying strain of S. C, R. I. Iteda; 6 grand pens In select from; a few good breeding week ends yet for sala. W. V. LOO MIS. 1023 Multnomah St, Phone Tahnr S1UL WHITE LEtillOKN baby chicks for May and June ueilveiy from a heavy-laying hOKanised stock, safe arrival of full count; live, sirong chick guaranteed. $12.50 per hundred; $120 per lUuUsalld. PIONEEIl HATCH Kit Y, 411 Slxlh Street. I'elaluma, Cal , HABV CHICKS, th.. famous O. A. C. strain 221 -egg hens, mated to coch in 300-egg hens. Place your or. lor Apia, May and June dellv- rtland S-. d i'ii. Main l"l" From matings, er.-ls fin der now ,-,!.-.. Pi ECUS Foil HATCH l.Mi. Magulrea high-grade lie. Is, Browa Leghorn and O. A. C. White Leghorn and Barred Rocks, lo each for bal ance of season. J. K. Maguir. 7II Or gon at, n-ar E. 24th. ElKlS FOR HAiVIIIMi. Maguue s high-grade Red. Drown Leg horn O. A. C. White Leghorn and ' Buried Hock, 10c each for balance of season. J. A. Magulra, 7h7 Olu.on near i.: 'i 1 1 h t oll S V.LE OHO White L. -Kim! n ben T year oid; we are gelling 420 eggs per day ut present; price $2 each. Wrlie J. D. Spiawn, Oresham. or, route A. box 235 Phone (jr'-slmm 4.HI. ' ilAliy. CHICKS Six varieties, best aloelr. prices reasonable; correapundeuo lu vlted. C. N. Nsedliam, rimwin. Or. u.- i T l-: 1 1 2 tu u ,ii,.n springers, fiola 1 w t'i 2 lou. each; will pay 3Ju a lb. and pi tlnm up. Y (i 10. oreoiiian. lings, HubhilH. Hints and Pet Mock. bT. ANDltEASHURtl roller canaries. slbK-' era and females from ImporCvd elvclf. Tabor 370 .' CHOICE SINUEKS AND FEMALE. CALL TH E STUDIO. MAIN 4H. COLLIE puppies fol lu cheap. Woodard, :i7 l-'ronl st. . , 2 HOUND pup wanted. 1'vibor 40110. bai1 4 anil .1. HoHla. Launch.- a ne .Murine EtililpiiierC -iterling marine niottft 4.CVL, 2,"-li. I'. Sterling and reverse gear; sompieieiy ovtrnamecf lindt-rs reltored. Mam M7IMI. .Nurer Mock. KTUONil louanlierry p plants $27.50 per 1 '.mo. J. I.emmer, lltili Mm lilner; . MOTORS. W Have Purchased th Entire Eleo- trleai Equipment of on of Ih Largest Shipyards in lh Northwest. Consisting of Several Hundred Sauirrul Cage, Slip Ring, D. C. Clau MOTORS. Your Inquiries Holleited, It. 11. POPPLE TON. Electrliul Machlnory, 22.'. Slark St, rottl.-ind. Oregon. Kolt SALE 1 10-ineh iwel bc.Hi tooth 2-tection harrow, both siiape. In7 (iilihs at in good For sale Mr : Hull re-aw, (oi In, go..,! colidllion. r. H. Colha, East hiino. WANT steam shov 1 H Collls. Eyl ""60. to 1 yard. E. foul anrl uhI BUY YOUK winter wood now - 6 cords good id tin wood $t: one corn es.ov. s. .. pusuiuu Co Main 3it-'(l NkiilTIi liA.V c. FUEL CO. Wood and coal, small orders anllclte-l. Upshur at. Phone Atno 52(1 30 $7.50 COKliU OOO H "'I PER CORD Good, aouud 2d. growth; buy early, save money. Oregon I'uei Co, Wdln. 41Q2. FOR SA1.U Firet-growin cordwood. $J per cord, 2 cords $10, dslivrd. Wood- fawn 0312. FillST oTd-growth, cordvaood. $a50; bluelc and slab. $0 per load; country lab. 4-IU heavy. $( 50 per cord. Hdwy. 4110. CoKOWooD at $...u lots. National Fuel i d in 2 'it ool d Co, East 2o4l. BEST BLOCK SHALL 24 sa. AND bLAU, $5.50, MAIL- BLOCK Main ilLoCK WOoli. Id.Vl PER LOAD. PHONE WOOI'I.AWN 6'.':t3. i. OR SAL E per enrd -Good aouii'l ouk wood, $12. Tt.lwv 4-K2 l iMC-'llMIICte. t IVORY i. ker ehnlra. fairly n cushions. $Sr ctv Malnb2. CriTAIl and case. $o. Moln .'fl V