TIIE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1921 Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms, professional men, manu facturers, repair men, etc., classified fcr ready refeience. Information as to any class of work not listed may be obtained by calling Main 7070, House 40. AfTOI NTANTS. JLXIl'S R. BLACK, public accountant. auililur. Jncurne tax service. Concord . bldg.. 1M and Stark. Phone Main 7443 A TTIlKNKYS. H. W. EASTMAN". Mc. J34 'ha mho lwf r and notary pu- of t'ominTre bide. AKMY lillllllS. ti. AKMY GOuDS fur aale. wholesale and retail; prices reduced. H. Horensiem. -d st.. or -iH Klrttt st. Main 7573. , AS.H EKS AMI ANLYTS. ilU.NTA.NA AsSAlt OKKICE. J4-' Second iold. silvr and platinum bought. ' r ItAlllS. LR. Mc-MAJioN S baths. 1'oitUn.l. ateaui showers, piuneea. tuba, all tor 35c: tell your friend. Fourth and Washington. CHlKuf KAC'J'lt'. ateaui batna and mas sages. 10th floor. Broadway bide, M. shall 31. Dr. Laura K. downing. AL'TloRlZEL Bimm-1 carpet sweeper re pairman, all part furnianed. 003 Morri son St. f KI.Lll.OII BITTOVS. THE lUWi.N-liuUSO.V CUMi'A.NV. 3" Washington. Bduy. 434. Tabor ISM. c HiKori; tic. Mc.MAHo.N S cnoruui ai tic .peak for Itsflf. Portland. 11th yar. 1'hnnes t HIKOrOUI.VTS. CCCT UIIDTCome to Dr. Gartner, foot J LI. I llUfll specialist: corns, bunions, foot arches made to order. 311 Swetland bldg. .tt h and Washington. Main I"!. XR. O. O. FLETCHER Foot troubles sci entifically corrected. Lady assistant. 512 Morgan bldg. Main S7:j. IliKllI'lllliM Kt II M'H I AMM S. WILLIAM. Esielle and Florello le Veny, the only scientific chiropodists and a run specialists in the city. Parlors 302 tier linger bldg.. southwest corner Second and Alder st. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPRACTOR. DR. E. 6. ANGELL D , 702-7U3 E K U M BLDG. Shower, mineral and electric light baths. AM Norwegian drugless methods. tXEANKKs AM l'KLSEKS. BCfinl PI CnWCDO TAILORS li.unb UL,LAI1I..IO AND HATTERS i.leanins; and dyeing- specialty. 127 . Sixth St.. Portland. Or. COLLECTIONS. JETH CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 1704 ino collections, no charges. Kstab. 1!00 COVCKKTK HOKKKKS. BRICK WORK. TILB AND CONCRETE CALL JACK WEMPK:. wrLN. L'30. CONTRACTORS AND Bl 'II.DKKS RELIABLE CONSTRUCTION CO. Houm construction, and general jobbing. i..-. . .-.-i rarK ft. rnnne .Main All if . IAN lfi. iLilMtRS Dancing Academy. Dancing guaranteed in 1-Hr. lessons. 83 h 5th, near Stark. Club dance Tues. ; ciass, Thursday. Broariwny 3.11'Q i'M ia.'huii HASJ11SSIX Ballroom ana stage dancing. 610 Eilers bldg.. aanington. pel, -itn ani rth. Alain Ill's DKNTISTRY. DR. B. E. WRIGHT Third Floor Raleigh Bldg.. Corner Sixth and Washington Sts. Main 2119. Amo-nat f. Min bENflSTRYIJK- A- w- KEKXt'-3il UUIIIdini Washington st. Without pain. Latest nerve-blocking system. KI.Kf TItU XI. RKI'AIRIXC. H. M. H. ELBCTRICAL CO.. 1 N. 1st St.. Portland. Or. Re winding and electric repairing a specialty. New or used mo tors. Broadway 1045. A. 104(1. MOTORS REWOUND. and ' Repaired BOUGHT AND SOLD. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS. Phone SIS7-27. 22 Main St. II. Vf I.KAM-.KS AMI It k Kits. HATS ciej satisfac , blocked, dyed reasonable and Royal Hat Works. 223 1st I..WVN .MIHH.KS MIAKThXRIi. KiiPAIREU. for sale. 24-hour service. a:I work guaranteed. Call lor and deliver. Lawn Mower Hospital. Tabor 4t41. Ml SIC 1 r. M'llhltS. L,. CARKKl.L DAY. l.achcr of pianu and voice Broadway 2355. 14S 13th st. WHOLESALERS AND ENGINEERS' ANf Mill. SUPPLIES. THE M. L KLINE CO.. M-vt-f7-M Front. HATS AND ( APs. THANHAl'SKR HAT 111.. PAINTS. OILS AMI t.l.Ass W. P. Fl i.I.EIt 1 11. unl iind Morrison. RAS.Ml SHE.V A I'll , "nd and Taylor. HIDES. WOOL AND ASCAKA ItAKK. KAHN BROTHERS. 1U5 Front NEW TODAY. THE of the year HOT WATER HEAT REALLY-BUILT HOME Price Reduced to .$8000 Ultra-modern. Hardwood floors throusshouH, etc. Tou wouldn't believe you could buy such a property at uch a price. Owner must leave city. If you will ever own a home with this best heat, see this now, while it Is to be had. ay appointment only. R. T. STREET, Good Homes Realtor, Office 04MS 1. Unndway. Kat 04. P. S. Do not buy a pood home in Portland until you see our offerines. Edward E.Goudey Co. MORTGAfiE LOANS tolled fettaiea llnnk Baildlns;. REAL KSTATE. ACREAGE lor ale. cloe In. easy terms. Good lots for rate, $20 down, $10 per month. Fv owner. SI1 wood 2!tl. tor Sule Flat and Apartment Houses. A REAL BUY. APARTMENT HOUSE, WEST SIDE, CLOSE IN. PARTLY FURNTSHED. INCOME MONTHLY. $1000. NET PRICE. $4.OtM. FIRST PAYMENT. $!9.0O0. BALANCE EASY TERMS. TEARLT. METZGER-PARKER COMPANY, ''! OAK ST. BUSINESS PROPERTY. Ctose-in east side property, 100x100, 3 stories, brick, ground floor, occupied by stores, two above in apartments, 50 apartments of 2 and 3-room suites, in come about $2Ot0 per mo. Will take good going farm up to $75,000 In ex change, some cash, long terms on bal ance. Rock 403 Couch bldg. Marshall :.:,.-, 2. o-R. ROOMING house for sale: some h. k. and sleeping room, completely and well furnished ; has long lease and netting over $360 per month. Call at 3S7 Yam- hill st. for particulars. CLEAR INCOME PROPERTY. Six 6-room modern flats, hdw. floors, v minutes walk from business center, Income $3tiu prr mo. Price $20,000; ex cellent condition. D 618. Oregon ian. For tv.ile Bench Property. FOR SALE Rockftway. -Lots 16 and 17, block 55, Apply 200 Concord bldg. BARGAIN for cawrt, street; price $250. avenue. lot 3.x ins. See owner. on paved 6309 65th CORNER lot. 75xHM). terms. Interstate Main 5420. near Division; 4350, Land Co., Realtors, ALAMEDA PARK. 40-ft. lot on E. 23d st.. 140 ft. north of The Alameda, $750. John Bain. 507 Spalding bldg. LAURELHURST LOT BARGAINS. See J. A. McCarty. 270 Stark st. Main 1700. Eveninrs. Tabor 5057. PORTLAND suburban U ts for sale by owner; 50x100. $150; 150 down. $10 per month on balaiu. Box 43, Alonitor. Or, SNAP MISICAI. 1NSTRICTION. AMERICAN CONSERVATORY OP MfSIC. Professor W. R. Beabtv. director. A school devoted to every department In music. Special courses. -410 Ellera bldg. I'hone Main 410. OrTO.MKTKISTS. EVES SCIENTIFICALLY TESTED with modern Instruments, trlnssea fitted at saving: satisfaction guaranteed. Out of the high-rent district; no overhead exp. A. K. HURW ITZ. Uptometrlat. J. lit at WIVIIM.. PAINTING; I MARX. Contractor. guaranteed. Automatic M.- I'AIXT.S. WALL PAPKK. Kit'. WALL PAPER, PAINTS, J30 Second St. UHL BROS., INC. ETC. "AIXTING AM) PAPKKH A.M.ING. :. H. TKHK1LL, huu.se and sign painter, papering, tintine. 407 E. 37th. Tab. 'Mil. PAKNT ATTORNEYS. PAE.N'TS Our practice has extended over a period of .4 years. All communica tions strictly confidential; prompt, ef ficient, conscientious service; handbook . free on request. MUN'N & CO.. Hobart bids., 5S2 Market st. ; Chicago office, room 810 Tower bldg. : Washington of fice, room 103 625 First; New York of fice, "Wool'worih bldg- R. C. WRIGHT, 22 years' experience U. S. and foreign p a tenta. 001 Dekum bldg- PHYSICIANS. DR. R. Ai FHILLIPS. Broadway building. Rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostate, female disorders, skin affection, blood pressure, enlarged tonsils, tuples, birthmarks. I'LiMiii.vu sirruts. PLUMB1NO SUPPLIES at wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co.. 1XN 4th St. Main 7117. 1'KAt'TITlONKK. PRACTITIONER C. S. Treatments, day and night, for palsy, rheumatism and any inharmonious con dition. Office hours i) A. M. to 4:30 P. M., except Wednesday's and Sundays. 4.H4 Claremont ave. Tnona Automatic 321-5S. PRINTERS. DDIilTllufi F. W. BALTiii & COMPANY I llllll II1U First and Oak Main 1H5. M 1-65. AflSLEY PRINTING CO. for quality 252 Wash. Street. Main 4071 KOOC PAINTING AND KKIMIHIMi. OREGGN ROOFING CO. Painting and . repairing all kinds of roofs. Best Cirsonite paini useu. ah work guaranteed. 1764 fciast (Jlisan st. Phones Tabor 4817. Tabor 71'jO. KUUKS Reoalred and Dainted: gutters cleaned. Roof Security. Inc.. mfc. WEBFUOT paint: references given. -26 Board of Trade bid. Main 571. Main MJ44. SilOK KEPAlKiNii, PRE-WAR PRICES h." ' LIEN'S OAK TAN ALK SOLKS S1.5( Ladles $1-5; rubber heels 50c. 122 4th st unnrrDU ounc dcdiidiug glar- lllUULilllOHULnLIMIIllllJ ANTEED OS H Broadway, bet. Oak and Pine. NEW METHOD SHOE 214 REPAIRING 4fh ft. STOVE RKPAIRINU WHT BUY a new stove? We repair all kinds of stoves, gas ranges, furnaces. B. B. Dunn. East 5931. TRADEMARKS OREliUX .TRADEMARK BCRKAU. 1U1 Dckum bldg. U. S. forelcn trademarks. TRANSFER AM) STOR ;E. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH DRAYAGE AND STORAGE. Motor and Horse Equipment. Furniture Moving and Packing. PHONeBwY. 3309 SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. Packing Moving Storage. Money loaned on goods in storage. 63 Fourth St., opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Ollsan Street. FIVE WAREHOUSES. STOR AO K. CARTAGE. PHONE BROADWAY 12S1. MANUFACTURERS ROPE A NO HINDER- TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. PUMHEKS SIPPLIES AND J'IPE. THE M. L. KL1XE CO.. si -S0-S7-MI Front. I'KIHIKK COMMISSION IERIHANTS. EVKRDINO & FA R R ELL. 140 Front st. SASH. IHIOKS AND il.ASS. W. P. FULLER CO.. Front and Morrison. REAXKRTATE. for Sale CHOICE Laurelhurst lot. Couch street, near 3 2d. high ground, new houses all around. Worth $150U. Sell now for COH A. McKENNA CO.. Realtors. B2 4th SU Main I It VI X G T ON D 1 ST UICT. 40x206 J1U0U. $100 CASH, $10 A MONTH. All improvements in and paid; on car close to school. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Hank Bldg. Main 3787. LOTS on Portland blvd.. between Greeley bi. aiiu uiameue oiva. uood district, close in. with good car service; $350 uu assume sewer assessment. COE. A. McKENNA CO., Realtors. HOME BUILDER SAVE MONEY. Will sell one cf the best lots on West- over lerrace at a low figure. Will con sider automobile as part payment; lib erty bonds at face value. Phone Broad way 41f4. $;J5u. Just a trifle over one block north of oanuy, j.ju; water, cement sidewalks. euros, etc., an in. HARRY BECKWITH. 14 5th st. Realtor. Main 6f. SACRIFICE PRlCl!. $lSUO. FACTOR Y-WAREHOUSE SITE. Adjoining Russell-Gilbert canHv far tory on O.-W. R. & N. tracks, Holladay avenue, near E. 24th. Mr. Carey, Main PENINSULA DWELLING SITES. WILBURTON. Wabash Park. Low price and easy terms. B. F. Cronkrite & Co.. Realtors. 607-8 Henry bldg. Broadway 4!05 1KVINGTON DISTRICT All Improvements in and paid; choice iu easy terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO, 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37f7. $1 V fc.CKL.1. Ir'ay rent to yuuiieif! See lots 33d and Hoi man. 2 long blocks north Kennedy school. Cement walks 5uxl00. R. W. Cary, 121 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mnln 1643. ttK IRVING TON LO X 8 A CRIFICE 8 fine lots. 1 east front. 2 west front; city liens all In and paid: best part of Irvington; price $1250 for corner. $1000 for inside Call E. 7202 Owner YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Laurelhurst lets, while they extremely low prices. See J. last, at A. MC- evenings. variy, zu4 etarK. Main 1700 Tabor 5057. CORNER lots with ail street Improvements in iiiu mu . tvuu io 9 i-uu each : fine street car service; in Westmoreland; for ir-rriis ffr umi'i r-ma i to., Stark st LOT 5UX1U0 IN Irvington Park, on East 2ilth st., between Ainsworth and Jarrett 1 block from Alberta car; $22i Uwnerj TWO LOTS, Evergreen station, high and level, close to highway on macadamized road. Sell cheap. Cash or terms. Tabor 714S. VuLK LaST CHANCE. Laurelhurst lots at these prices. See J. A. McCarty, 2M)S Stark. Main 1700 eveninirs. Tnhor 3057. $1 DOWN, $1 WEEK. ' 60x100; cement walks; north Kennedy school. R W. Cary, 121 N. W. Bank bldg. WESTOVER S MOST CHOICE LOT For sale at bargain price. Can save you big money. Liberty bonds at facs vslue. Broadway 4184. PURCHASE contract $1550 on 2 lots. Rich mond City, Cal. ; will sell $SK0 equity for $500. Wood lawn 5562, LADD'S ADDITION BEST. 8 choice home sites. Owner East 2154. WILL BUILD that bungalow or do al ter alio a reason able. Ta&or 26&fK REAL ESTATE. LAKE FRONT. OVER 4 ACRES. PARK ROSE. Jir.O down. 131 total monthly payments, all ready for the plow, virgin land, rich black silt, great for gardening, beautiful view of valley and mountains, corners on deep, clear lake, fishing, swim ming; you can bund a little home here and pay for your land in crops, north of Sandy blvd. .and carlfne. Price 13125. J. U HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 208. (Realtor.) Branch office end of Parkr03e carline. Tabor 2U04. $1662. 116 PER MONTH. $S5 DOWN. PARKROSE. a dandy little home tract, a little less than 2 acres, all In cultivation; a few blocks from Sandy blvd. and car line, rich garden soil, great for garden and chickens. Beautiful view. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Cham, of Com. Bldg. ilaln 208. (Realtor.) Branch office end of Parkrose car line. Tabor 2904. COLONIAL HEIGHTS DISTRICT. CHOICE VIEW LOTS. SS50 TO $1000. Choice lots on E. 26th st, between Mill and Harrison. 48x110. only $10110. terms $200 cash, balance easy monthly payments; 4uxli7 on E. 27th St., 10 feet south of Mill St., facing west and over looking the city, only $S50; choice lots fronting south on garrison st. between 2t3th and 27th sts.. all improvements In and paid, only $1250. terms 20 cash, bal. monthly payments. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO.. 426 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. LAtKKLHLKST LOTS BllNU SACRIFICED. POSITIVELY THE LAST WEEK AT PRESENT PRICES. COME OCT TODAY. Office on the ground. East 39th and GHsan. Some nice lots for $830. Very choice ones Xor 100O and 11U0. Save 15 per cent by buying now. Come to East 3lth and Glisan st., M-V car, or phone Tabor 3433. East 7733 evenlntfs. DELAHL'NTT. BEATTTTFCL WESTOVER TERRACE. WONDERFUL POSSIBILITIES. Without a doubt the most beautiful Westover Terrace bulldlnsr site for sale, fine view, UK) feet frontage, equal to 3 lots, all level ground ; wonderful spring which can be used for fountains and aquarium. A bargain for immediate WleMRS. SNOW. Broadway 4664. CHOICE Westmoreland lots, paved streets, all improvements paid, near carline and school ; beautiful district, 20 minutes by car, $(i."0. 10 cash. $10 per mo. COE A. McKENNA CO.. Realtors. S2 4 th St. Mala 4o22. CORNER lots with alt street Im provements In and paid; $600 to S1J00 each; a fine street car service; in Westmoreland. For terms see LAUD ESTATE CO., 2 OS Stark st. $950 LAURELHURST lots. Exceptional value for tins high-class property, im provements paid, priced low for quick sale. COE A. McKENNA CO.. Realtors. 62 4th St. Main 4522. J UT SO SL'Rl'J as Portland grows, and grow it must; just so sure will Laurel hurst lots grow steadily in value. The wise investor will buy now, while thev can be bought at such ridiculously low prices. Easy terms if wanted. Phone and I'll call with plat and show loca tion of all unsold lots and quote unheard of prices. J. W. Crosfley. Main 170U. $000 BUYS two 40x110 lots, fronting hard surface street; also uOxlUO corner, side walk in. streets graded, sewer, in. all pd. for $445, liberal terms. Chas, Houck, U32 C. of C. For Sale Houses. -Jut) 5uu down: Think of an eigni-room cheerful modern bungalow at this price. Two airy beurooms. white enamel plumbing down, 3 airy bed rooms up, cement basement, only a couple of blocks to Franklin high, 1 block to car. On East 51st st. near outh ave. See our 1200 photo graphs of homes for sale. FRANK L. McGUIRE, LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Abington Bldg. Main 106S, WE START 1n the basement and finish with the chimney, ready to move in when we move out. We handle all details and save you time and money by our spe cial unit ay stem. Fancher-Mc-Lean Co., building contractors,' 30N-9-10 Lewis bldg. Phone Broadway 3852. HAWTHORNE. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW AND GARAGE. $4500. Hardwood floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen. cement basement. furnace Paving and sewer paid. Half block from car. EASY TERMS. Surely buy. A. G. TEEPE CO.. Realtors. 270 Stark St., near 4th. Main 3002. Branch Office. 40th and Sandy. Open Evenings. Tabor 05S0. PIEDMONT. $5500. $500 will handle six-room, two-storv house, like new ; fireplace, full concrete basemen , furnwee, wash trays, lot 50x100. Improvements all in and paid. This is a bargain and must be sold to day. Don't pay rent.. Fra n k Ma honey, COE A. McKENNA CO., Realtors. R2 Fourth St. Main 4522. BU.NGALOW! BARGAIN! R ENTED! NEAR S. P. SHOPS. $315u. COST MORE. BUT MUST SELL. $500 CASH. BALANCE LIKE RENT. NO MORTGAGE OR ST. PAYMENTS. Here's a surprise for you, large 5-room bungaJow, fireplace, corner lot. improved street, 1 block car, I'll guarantee you a surprise for value. T. O. Bird, realtor, 526 Cham, of Com, Mar. 1022. Sell. 27"Q. evenings. $1S00 EASY terms. A modern, very ar tistic bungalow for small family, combination living and dining t room, convenient kitchen, light, airy bedrooms, best white enamel bath and toilet, electricity, gas. East 5bth st. near 42d ave., 2 blocks to car. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. Abington BHg. Main lOfiS. YOUR CHANCE To get more sunahine and garden and still be close in to work ; six-room house, built four years; garage, 7Sx 125 lot; $3150; $750 down; white enameled cabinet kitchen; basement, - trays; lots of fruit ; four blocks to car, near East Sixty-third. ELMER F. BENNETT CO., 31S-321 Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. $4000 RICHMOND. $1000 cash, balance easy month ly payments buys a fine 7-room home on Division st. : hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, many built-ins; all street improvements paid. BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS. Suite 415 Piatt Bldg. Main 7027. PRE-WAR PRICE. 5-room modern bungalow, furnace, fireplace, hardwd. floors, tapestry paper, with garage on pavement, close in, Rose City, $4750, $1500 cash, to close an es tate. J. R. HATGHT. COE A. McKENNA. M 4th st. Main 4522 $450 CASH $2750. Two houses on one 50x100 lot, paved St., good district, close to school, pro ducing good income; buy this property, live in one and rent the other. A good chance to get a start; onlv $2750 for all INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. $000 WILL HANDLE. FURNISHED MODERN BUNGALOW. ONLY $3000. B-rooms. built-in kitchen, buffet, fire place, full plumbing, basement, nic furniture: lot 50x100. , JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, $150. Sell wood. double constructed, full cement basement, wash trays. Dutch klochen. very cosy, paved street 3 blocks car. $ 1 000 cash. T. O. Bird, realtor. 526 Cham, of Com. Mar. 1022 Sell. 270. evenings. HAWTHORNE $7000. . Large lot with 6-room house, sleeping porch, very large living room with fire place, built-ins, closets with windows, garage, several fruit trees, large back porch with lavatory; an excellent buy sa $1000, Tsraia. RE A I. ESTATE. ARTISTIC SMALL STUCCO HOME. WESTOVER ROAD. So seldom ts there an oppor tunity to secure a small and ar tistic home in this close-in and ideal location. Large Jiving room, dining room, kitchen and maid's room on first floor, 3 sleeping rooms, also sleeping porch and dressing room on second floor, 2 baths, 'I fireplaces, garage. AIRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER, EAST 77i. SrtT.'iO IRVIVfiTOV Sff7i0. Living room with big beautiful fire rttare and built-in bookcases, dlnini room and handsome buffet, hardwood floors, white Dutch kitchen, big glassed In porch. 2 bedrooms and bath; iii the attic is another room and sleeping pore There's a full cement basement, high grade furnace, wash trays ; a good ga rage. The street liens are all paid, bungalow is located on E. I7th, Thi: neat Fremont: owner must have $2."00 cash balance $40 monthly. Shown by appoin meni oniy. COMTE KOHLMAN, Main 6550. Chamber of Commerce. IRVINUTON SACRIFICE. Bungalow, SCS50. ivory living room an dining room across front, double French doors; finest of tapestry paper and elec trie fixtures: best 4 -coat enamel an hardwood floors throughout ; two bed rooms and tiled bath on first floor. Fin est kitchen in Portland with charm in breakfast alcove: second floor finish e solid cement driveway, big garage. East front, full lot. block to car. By appoin ment only. R. T. Street, good home realtor, office 60G East Broadway. East P. S. : Do not buy a home in Portlan until you see our . offorinirs. SEVEN-ROOM BUNGALOW. Strictly modern and very homey bun galow : fireulace. built-in conveniences, best qua lity oak flooring, in cheerful living room and dining room, neat glnssed-in sun parlor and porch, two bedrooms, bath and Dutch kitchen first floor, bedroom and large combina tion bedroom and sleeping porcn second floor. This Is going to sell at a bargain to some one. RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 2ni-3.r,-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ALONG THE ALAMEDA. (SACRIFICE PRICE.) 7 rooms, strictly modern, hardwood floors, fireplsfce. built-in features. Dutch Kitchen, ipii basement, lurnace, nign class plumbing fixtures, garage; all iin provements in and paid; near car an school. See BRUCE HOLM AN Investment Realtor, '2(nt Failing B.ng. Main 63 A LAM EDA COLONIAL. S50U. Classy strictly modern 2-story, 7-room Colonial on view site: not a large house, but a cosy, compact home that's easy to ia kb care or never oiierea oeiore. uen ter entrance, old ivory finish, artist! decorations, best oak floors, fireplace and furnace. 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch; line lawn, shruboery and garage. i erms. i anor 4u. S351MJ WEST SIDE home. 7 rooms, whit enamel plumbing, electricity and gas, cement basement; on Northrup st., near 2ist; paved street paid only $500 down ; no mortgage to assume; balance like rent. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 10S. STOP THAT RENT? Just finished, beautiful home, all built Ins; street Improvements all in and paid for; lot 168 feet deep; fine neighbor hood, 15 min. on qar line; 8 more houses under construction; $4600, reasonabl terms. Come out and see them. Take Richmond car to 3.th and Clinton sts Owner. Au!rmftic 21M-82. $2U1MI o-ROOM, very distinctive, practi caliy new, modern bungalow, built Ins, paved street ; Ellis ave., close to car; terms. Come In and look over our 1200 photographs of homes for safe. see FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. Ablnetnn Bldg. Main 106 COSY FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE On east slope Mount Tabor. Montavllla, electric light and city water, bath -room, fine view, good neighborhood. J bearing walnut trees, young fruit trees, berries, UOxloo corner, fine garden land weaving .rortiana, win sell for $2000 $(i00 cash, balance easy. Phone Main LOOK AT THIS By owner, only $3250, with Thor electric washer included in bargain, 5-room bungalow, living and dining, wnite pnamel Dutch kitchen in eluding woodlift, 2 bedrooms, full base ment with washing machine in good condition; nouse is now occupied by owner: terms una no agents. Pell. 20f. $2UU0 .EASY terms. 5-rooin bunttalow, Kenton district, corner Kerbv and Kaiawin; wnite enamel plumbing, electricity, gas, built-ins; very at tractive line?. :ee FRANK L. McGUIRE. Realtor, To Buy Your. Home. Ablntrton Bldg. ' Main 1ftnS. LAURIvLHURST BUNGALOW. Artistic 6-room bungalow on prominent corner, near park; old ivory finish, ma hogany trim, walls papered, French doors to side porch, elaborate mahogany buffet, dainty kitchen, three fine airy bedrooms, oak ioors throughout; snap ar term?. rmor 4)i. 7 ROOMS, modern, up-to-date residence, nearly new, 100x100 feet, fruit trees, Bh rubbery, etc. One block from Sell- wood car, in Westmoreland. 595 Tot man ave. Inquire of owner on prem ises. Price $7000. 4.uu alkk, oungaiow (100x200), on E. 20th st. ; paving In and paid; oniy i oiock to car ana school: 5 room modern attractive bungalow; mis oi iruic ana oerries, terms. See : V FRANK L. McGUIRE. Abington Bldg. Main TOfiS. A SNAP. Ci-OSE IN Save carfare. 6 rms. witn large nan. Data ana pantry, gas ana wooa range ana" a large kitchen cabinets included; full cement basement and furnace. . 448 East Davis, near 10th, half block 'to Rose City car line, $3750. $750 cash, balance long time. Phone R. R. R.. Main 172. or call 145 Second st. $70uo SWELL modern bungajow of 7 rooms, bathrooms, z sleeping porches, fireplace, furnace, lot 50x 100, location very best. Improvements in and paid, one-half cash; should get $0000. Garage, some fruit ; a rare bargain. J. P. McKENNA, Realtor. Belmont at S!Uh. Tabor 6401. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. ONLY $1.V0. New 3 -room bungalow, basement, wired for lights with whole acre of finest garden soil; right at electric sta tion. Terms like rent. See owner, 500 Concord bMg.. Second and Stark. SOMEBODY IS GOING TO GET A REAL BARGAIN In this C-room CLOSE-IN StTNNYSIDE home at $4200: the lot is worth half the price: better look at It. MARSH & McCABE CO.. REALTORS. S22-3-4 Failin Bldg. Marshall H'lO. ROSE CITY. 7-room house, 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch, full cement basement, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, paved St.: in fine condition. $looo will handle. Priced $".soo. See Mr. Borland, 210 Oregon Bide-. Bdwv. 1658. OWNER 5-room house 2 blocks from car; paved St., gas. electricity, lot 60x100, patent toilet; also vacant lots, some with fruit; 110 down and $5 a month. Let me show you No. 0047 50th ave. M. S. car MODERN BUNGALOW. $.!750. Furnace, fireplace, double constructed, improved street, near Catholic school; 5 rooms, modern built-in. Dutch kitchen. Onlv $050 cash, want quick sale. Mar. 1022. Sell. 2706. evenings. IRVINGTON LOTS and homes; your ideas and plans; we owji several fine Irving ton lots we want to dispose of. Will furnish money and build, you pay us as you can. No commission, brokerage or agents. A.T 515. Oregonian. LOOK WHAT A BUY. $4000 TERMS. 5-room modern bungalow, new. all im provements in and paid. You should see this before you buy. Bdwy. 337. HAVE YOU EVER CONSIDERED A HOUSEBOAT? Completely furnished, with everr mod ern convenience of a home on land; price $1SOO. terms. Owner. Sell. 3706. FURNISHED z-room house with 50x100 lot only 2 blocks from Union ave.. Wood lawn: total price only $1200. $500 cash. See MrCormic Co.. 242 Washington st Main S22Q. - HOUSE PLANS. "Distinctive Homes." Illustrated book of over 100 designs. $1; blueprints, $10. DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY, 024 Northwestern Bank Bldg. MT. SCOTT SNAP a rooms completely furnished: only 1 block from car, near Archer place; corner lot. Price a big snap, only $2250. $1000 cash. McCormic C o., 242 Washington st. Main 8 2 20 MODERN 3-room bungalow; bath, break fast nook, gas fireplace, built-ins. wash tray, basement: $2750. terma. Phone Ta bor 81112 NEW 7-ROOM house in Overlook for sale bv owner. 836 Long view ave. Wdln. 1777. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Nearly completed modern well-built house. Owner. 1260 E. Alder. MODERN six-room home. Rose City Park; garage; must sacrifice equity; leaving Main frjPO Mr. Banke. town. 0-ROOM BUNGALOW type. Alberta, $3150, the making of a nice home with a small down payment. Call Main 7036 today. IF YOU want a homo we can. help you. .Broadway O&tf. REAL ESTATE. For Sale- Houses. NEW LISTINGS. Never Before Advertised.) Offered for sale by FRANK L. McGUIRE, REALTOR. 25 Salesmen at Your Service. Open Until 8 P. M. BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITT. $7990 8-room beautifully distinctive Rose City home: ultra-modern massive built-ins: 100x100 with splendid lawn; shrubs; fruit trees. .East a.th street. LAURELHURST. $7350 A wonderful 5-room new Laurel hurst bungalow beautiful! Low colonial tyne with massive ment, porch, French doors. You must see this to fully apprecia its beauty and convenience. Pine street. HAWTHORNE. - $7500 Furnished, a stately, splendidly constructed 7-room Hawthorne home: beautiful built-in feature everything that makes a horn attractive and a place of supreme I comfort; garage. E. 60th street. $5500J e, Madison street home on 72x100 lot with lots of fruit; 8 rooms every convenience; 1 block to car. Terms. $4500" The very newest Hawthorne bun galow: has every kind of built-in hardwood floors, etc. ; close to car. E. Grant St. f A fiRRRTA HOMES. $2500 Verv easy terms! Beautiful lit tie Alberta bunaglow. lust Ilk new : verv homey and comfort , able; 100x100 with an abundance nf fruit. fSlenn ave. $3325 A very artistic and practical AI berta bungalow; 5 rooms; mod em : garage; truit. Your own little garden space. E. 27th st Terms. n.nsK iv on roeiK AVE. $2090 Easy terms, attractive, close-! home: 5 rooms, white ename ' - plumbing: electricity, gas; full lot. MINNESOTA AVENUE. $3100 Artistic, like new, 4 -room very nice bungalow; built-in conven ences: best Dlumbing fixtures; at tic; garage; lawn: flowers. Terms. WAVKR LY-R1CHMOND. t-isnn inovioo on e. 6th. near Dlvl sion, with paved street liens paid 6-room substantial moaern nome breakfast room; fireplace; fruit terms. 3fi25 Tvnicfl! 5-room bungalow on Wa verly-Richmond carline, built-in conveniences; furnace; very fistic lines. Gladstone avenue 3500 Very easy terms. 6-room modern Attractive bunealow: earage. E. 25th st. Ruud beater and water system Included. WKST SIDE. $2200 Very easy terms will put you in possession of this west side 4-room comfortable cottage on uidos st. half block to car: white ename plumbing; electricity; gas; paved street paid. LOOK AT THIS MT. SCOTT! jo0i)0 ,.room shingled homey bunga low with built-in conveniences best white enamel plumbing; elec trlcity; gas; 62d ave. Look at this today. $2990 i acre, bungalow! Here's a real snap In an artistic 5-room bunga low with full attic, white porce lain bath: roses, fruit, garden nice lawn; garage. Just the lit tle home you are wanting! 44th ave. Terms, $3750 0-room attractive Mt. Scott home 1 hlnrk to car. 95th street. $2800 Close to car; good substantial 6 rooms and sleeping porch; built 1ns and fireplace; full cement basement: gas range; coal and wood range deluded in price. Reasonable terms. 63d street. PENINSULA. 15.-WH1 100x100 beautiful Peninsula bun galow, built of concrete blocks, 8 moms with every convenience pipeless furnace; splendid grounds with profusion ox xruiu rturrage street. Terms. AD.TOrNINO LAURETjHURST. $4100 A sunny beautiful bungalow, that's bound to find a place In your heart. 5 rooms, delightful built-in features: hardwood floors. 100x100 with fruit; garden. E. 57th. Come and see this one today. MONTAVTLLA FURNISHED. $1600 $350 down. Furnished. A dainty little white 4-room bungalow, Just as spick and span; paved st. paid. k. ttn st. TO BUY YOUR HOME SEE v FRANK L. McGUIRE. LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE PACIFIC COAST. 1200 Photoeraohs of Homes for sale. If necessary, we'll help you make your down payment. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Third St.. bet. Washington and Stark. GOINO TO BUY IN ROSE CITY PARK OR LAURELHURST? While we handle property in all the better districts, we pay particular atten tion to itose city farn ana ljaurei hurst. In addition to our downtown office, we maintain a branch at 40th and Sandy. We are intimately in touch with the best buys. It'll pay you to Inspect our listings. A. G. TEEPE CO.. Realtors. 270 Stark St., near 4th. Main 3092. Branch Office. 40th and Sandy. Open Evenfnirs. Tubor it.'Sfi. $1GU0 EASY terms, 4-room neat bunga low, modern piumoing. electricity, gas. We have 1200 photographs of homes for sale In our public dis play room. Come in and inspect them. 25 autos to show our homes. FRANK L. McGUIRE, LARGEST HOME FELLER ON THE PACIFIC COAST. AMnirtnn Bide. Main 106S, $500 DOWN. This little gem near Alameda .lust completed, classiest thing In the neigh borhood and only a few minutes from 2 carllnes, fireplace, hardwood floors, ivory woodwork, tapestry paper, indirect lighting, shades, breakfast nook, full basement; this house is really built, not thrown together; just the thing for two; price $3575, payment like rent; builder on premises. 1010 E. 33d North. $.100 CASH $2050. Balance $30 per month incl. Int., buys a beautiful little bungalow with 2 lovely bedrooms, nice living and dining room. modern kitchen and breakfast nook. solendid district, close to school and ex cellent car service, a real bargain at $3tHV; $300 cash. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., T? V A T TO P Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. 0110 COLONIAL type home. built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, fireplace, sleeping porch and othjer conven ient, attractive features. Located In beautiful Irvington park, in Al berta district. A real home. Easy terms. See FRANK" L. McGUIRE. To Buy Your Home. 1 200 H omes for Sale. Abinirton Bide. Main 10. BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW. Westmoreland, vacant, .lust com pleted, built by careful workmen, with savings, not a contract house, most artistic design, plenty windows, all mod em features, furnace, fireplace, lovely Dutch kitchen, finished In Ivory, attic. full cement basement. garage, corner lot. just pay a fair day's wage. Mar. 10;2. Sell. 7nfl. evenlntrs EDMONT Modern 7-room home, large lot, brick garage, furnace and fireplace; immediate possession; $5500, $1000 cash. rent terms on balance. Laurelhurst Modern 8 rooms and large garage; all improvements in and paid ; owner leaving city ; immediate posses sion; $6500, $1500 cash, easy terms on balance. Interstate Land Co., Realtors, Main 5420. REAL HOME, CLOSE IN. Here's a bargain; 6-room house with every modern convenience : In select part of Hawthorne ; two blocks from Belmont car; full lot; paved; large Royal Ann cherry trees; an exceptional value at $4750. ELMER F. BENNETT CO.. 31S-321 Bosrd of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. 5-room modern bungalow, floored aV tic, full basement, laundry trays; lots of built-ins, double construction, garage, cement walks. 3 blocks to car; move In; $3500, with small down payment, bal ance like rent. McMonies. with Inter state Land Co., Realtors. 24S Stark st. Main 5420. Evenlnes. East 7M)4. WEST SIDE. 20 ON INVESTMENT. 2-f!at building with 5-rooms in each flat, full plumbing, gas, electric lights, some furnishings, stoves, beds, chairs etc.: 50x100 lot, paved street. Prlci $2750, $650 cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. CLOSE TO JEFFERSON HIGH. $2050 0-rm. home with sleeping porch, white enamel plum'bing, electricity; gas: also garage. $500 or less will handle. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. Realtor, To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. $1250 (-ROOM comfortable cottage; pat ent toilet: electricity, gas; close to Woodstock oar. Terms. Main tnfio. WEST SIDE ARLINGTON HEIGHTS. 6-room thoroughly modem home. $7500. Closlv inspect this property and vou will huv It. Call owner. Woodlawn 2S2R 5-ROOM modern bungalow, near Catholic and public schools, one block off Alberta st. on East 12th; price $2850; terma Call at 540 Webster st.. or phone Wdln. 6206 $2450 LEAVING city must sacrifice my nifty 4-room bungalow in Rose City; plenty built-in conveniences. 50x100 lot. Tabor 257f after 6 P. M. BEAUTIFUL new bungalow, not quite completed, but clean and classy, only $ '2 600. Ill East Russett st. 9-ROOM house in Laurelhurst, all modern conveniences. Owner, Tabor 5994 REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houk IRVINGTON BUNGALOW, $1300 DOWN. Bal. $63 per month with interest, modern eeml-bun galow of 8 rooms and sleeping porch, fbcated on E. 20th, near Stanton, large living rooms with good oak floors, fireplace, built-in buffet, book cases, etc., Dutch kitchen, den, bedroom and bath downstairs, 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch up, full concrete base ment, good furnace. This is a genuine bargain at $0500 with the above terms. RICHARD W. MAST, Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. A'VnCED SALE. $500 CASH. ENGLISH COLONIAL. BEAUTIFUL VIEW FROM SLOPE OF MT. TABOR. THIS ARTISTIC HOME OF 6 ROOMS HAS NEVER BEEN OC CUPIED. HARDWOOD FLOORS FRENCH DOORS FIREPLACE, BUF FET. DUTCH KITCHEN. FURNACE. AND ALL FOR $5200. CONSIDER CAR IN TRADE. UNSURPASSED BAR GAIN'. R. SOMERVTLLE. BDWY. 247S. 320 V. p. NATIONAL BANK BLDG. $3S50 TERMS. $3S50 TERMS. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW. 1590 ALB1NA AVE.. KENTON CAR. Just completed, a 5-room and large bathroom, hardwood floor, Dutch kitch en, plenty built-in effects. Fine elevtric fixtures. Breakfast nook, with tables. etc. Full cement basement, r ine local Ity. Good view. Full lot, V block to good car service. See this today. Owner on premises. 1 to 5 P. M. Phones East 6510, day, or Woodlawn 1G5. eve- ROSE CITY PARK. We have some very choice homes for sale, itiis one is a snap, only 4,.u It is a five-room modern house, corner lot. double garage, 1 block to carline $1000 cash, balance like rent. A. N. MIKKELSEN CO. 52d and Sandy blvd. Tabor '. Open Sundays and Evenings. 380. $12,000 BUY'S an eleKaiU U-rooiu. tuny modern, up-to-date desirable home, iw xlOO, quarter block on Easel 17th St., sll city Imp. In and paid; 2 blocks to car. $4000 will buy a good, well built, sub stantial 6-room home, toilet, bath, gas, elect., full basement, street imp.. In and pd. ; lot 50x153; a variety of tree and berry fruit, fine location and a bargain $1700 buvs a eood little 4-room cot tage, sidewalk in streets, graded about 4 blocks to car, lot 03x100. all covered with fruit; a bargain and $250 cash and 6 per cent on bal. CHARLES HOUCK. 932 C. of C. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. BELONGING TO AN ESTATE, MUST BE gOLD AT ONCE. 5 large, well arranged rooms, with every modern convenience, best of con struction, finished In ivory with im ported papered walls, garage. Y'es, this little place is homelike, good and going at a bargain. C. M. DERR, 1215 N, W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 2245. NEAR REED COLLEGE. This lovely new bungalow is located near the golf links and Reed college in Eastmureland. 5 beautiful rooms and big finished room in the attic; ivory finish, with walnut trimming; oak floors, firt place, artistic buffet, wonderful built-in kitchen, full concrete basement, furnace, garage. The price is $0500, on easy terms. Why pay as much in a cheaper district. Call us. COMTE ft KOHLMAN, Main 6550. 2 0 SCha m her of Commerce. IRVINGTON. 582 East 10th Street North. $8500. SOME BARGAIN. STRICTLY MODERN RESIDENCE. Nine rooms, five bedrooms, one bed room first floor, practically two tiled bathrooms, large sleeping porch, also maid's room, garage, hardwood floors, furnace. POIN DEXTER, 20S SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE EAST 0771. $4000 IV'ANHOE DISTRICT. 80x100, with 11 full bearing fruit trees, abundance of berries and flowers, with a pretty 8-rooiu bungalow; five rooms on first floor, fireplace and numerous built-ins, full cement basement: 100 feet to paved Btreet; sewer and sidewalks in and paid BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS. Suite 415 Piatt Bldg. $4750 IRVINGTON $4750. Up-to-date modern bungalows priced at $4750 in this district are scarce, very scarce. Better see this one today; hard wood floors in main rooms, ivory finish, fireplace, Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, full concrete basement, furnace, wash trays, garage with concrete run way, street paving .paid. Ow ner will ac cept $1000 cash down. Call us. COMTE & KOHLMAN, Main 6550. 2n.S Chamber of Commerce. KosE CITY. BRAND-NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. WITH ALL THE BUILT-INS. FI RE PLACE, HARDWOOD FLOORS. BUF FET, DUTCH KITCHEN WITH TILE DRAIN BOARD, B R E A KFAST NO K. BUILT-IN WARDROBES IN BED ROOMS, TILE FLOOR IN BATHROOM. R E'CESS TUB AN D SHOWER; $5200 AND TERMS. R. SO MEKVILLE. BDWY. 247S. 320 V. S. NATIONAL BANK BLDG. HAWTHORNE HOME GARAGE. $500 DOWN RENT TERMS. Well-built 7-room home in fine condi tion, cement basement with cement floor, 50x100 lot with garage, street improve ments are all in and paid ; oniy tw blocks to Hawthorne car. $.'titoo, $500 cash will handle. Photo at office. HENDERSON-BAN K US CO., 420 Henrv Iii dir. $47;i0 HAWTHORNE. $MH CASH. Balance $50 per month, includ ing all interest, buys a 6-room bungalow, all on first floor: hard wood floors, fireplace, many built ins, garage ; all improvements in and paid; only one block from car. BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS. Suite 415 Piatt Bldg. Main 7027. luu VERY distinctive bungaiow. 5 lai light, airy rooms, very practical floor plan, buiit-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, furnace, fireplace; paved street, liens included ; terms; on Marguerite ave. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. Largest Home Seller on Pacific Coa.st. Abington Bldg. Main ions. $ 3S 7 5 W AVER LEIGH HEIGHTS. $705 cash, balance $35 per month, including interest, buys this cosy 5-room bungalow; hard wood floors, fireplace, built-ins; near 31st st. Why pay rent? BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS. Suite 415 Piatt bldg. Mafn 7027. 5 ROOMS FURINSH ED. $.l4i0. Owner leaving city, possession In 3 da vs. furnished or unfurnished. 2 bed rooms, with bath between, built-ins. attic, full basement, trays, near public and high school. This is a good bar gain. Small cash payment, balance monthly. 12Q W. Sumner st. IRVINGTON. charming colonial real home, hot water heat. French doors, hardwood floors, two fireplaces, maid's room, alst lavatory room on first floor. East 41u BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Just being completed. 6 large rooms, finished in Ivory and mahogany, oak floors, papered and decorated through out, strictly modern and up to the minute. Reasonable terms. Located at HS5 E. 17th st. N. Open from 2 to 5 P. M. $5000 NOB H ILL $5000. 7-room house, near 2:d street : lot alone Is worth the money. Owned by an estate. This is one of the remnants iu the closing up. HARRY BECKWITH. 1 04 St h st. . Ren I tor. M ; i n 000. ROSE CITY PARK. FOR SALE OR RENT. 5-room -modern bungalow, furnished : immediate possession. See owner. 405 Panama building. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO. 1 HAtE a great many vacant lots in dif ferent parts of Portland and in the sub urbs which I will sell cheap for cash or trade in on good securities. Can u&e a light automobile. For particulars see owner fit 404 Piatt Buy.. 127 Park st. KILL1NGSWORTH AVE. $500 CASH. bai. $25 per mo., buys 5-rm. bungalow, 1 blk. from Union ave. Lot 40x110. Price for a quick sale, $3750. Good investment BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDJjRS. 415 P.att Bldg. REALTORS. Main 7027 FOR SALE B V OWNER, Modern seven-room houe n excellent condition. East 12th and Morrison; price $75uO; terms to responsible party. Phone East 52 7 5 . PIEDMONT. House in heart of Piedmont, east front, modern six rooms, best of con struction. Owner leaving city. 1253 Neveland ave. Wood lawn 1Q74. t IRVINGTON BU N'GALO W SN A P N eat 21st and Brazee: 6 lovely rooms, sleeping porch. Ivory finish, oak floors, garage Neuhausen. Realtor. Main wots. East 304 I WANT to sell my modern 5 rm. house on improved street in thriving suburb on the east side, for only $JiW0. See owner ot 4o4 Piatt Bldg., 127 Park St. $500 WILL handle neatly furnished bun galow: 3 rooms and bath. 1074 East loth st. N.; block to Alberta car. No agents. STOP PAYING RENT. 4-room shack; price $700; make your terms. See Mr. Lewis, 617 Cham, of Com. bids, RKAf, ESTATE. For Sale -Iloue THIri VI VI.'. HnIP. VKI'.DS YOU. Mr. home It ss man, here is a beauti ful home, vacant, newly painted inside ana out, cleun and reatty to move rigni Into ; it has 7 rooms, den and sleeping porch, full cement basement, funis heat, mod-rn bath. lights and gas. two big fine lots with fine variety of bear ing fruit tres. berries and garden, city improvements all in and paid, handy to school, Jef ft rson high school and street cars: it Is an ideal home in every s pert for $7500 and you will find the house cannot be duplicated for this price. Ynu can ' tUe immediate pos session. We can arrange terms for one- half if you desire it. tor real borne val ucs alwuys see E. W. HUGHES. 507 Journal Bldg Mafn 25.. $35U AND A HOME ON WEST SIDE. THE SURPRISE OF YOUR LIFE. On a "Inxe-iii went side lot. 40x100 In apartment house district, south of Washington and w st of Tenth, we have a recently remodeled bungalow of five rooms, brand new, strictly modern with electric llchts. gas. Dutch kitchen, white enamel, tapestry paper, beautiful fix tures. linolt-um on hall floors and bath French doors. Simply a swell little home, for the surprisingly low price nf l.'L'tno Will a11 von adiarent lot easy terms for lesa than assessed value and hclD you finance another home. Will include furniture for a slightly hfgher first payment. O. H. SKOTHEIM CO . 40Q-411 Couch Bldg. Main 1573, $85 PER MONTH RENTAL. ONLY $7un0. EASY TERMS. A double dwelling, each of 0 rooms, east side, walking distance; the building Is attractive and In excellent condition All street Improvements In and paid. The comb nod renta is $1020 per ye or 14 per cent. The rental alone will soon pay for the property. A rare op nortunity to combine a nice hotnt. clos. In. with a steady income. Price is only $7000 with eas.y terms to responsible people. Full details see Maclnnes, with HARVEY WELLS & CO.. Main 4564. 603 Gnsco Bldg. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. $6750 6-room home on 17th, between BraJSee and Thmpon. Hardwood floors 2 fireplaces, sleeping porch, full lot and iraraire. $7500 Fine home, hardwood floors, full lot and iraraice. near Brazee st. $11,500 Real home, hot water heat, living room 35x23. lot 60x110, double garage, with heated quarters above. McDONELL. EAST 419. REALTORS. IRVINGTON. Beautiful 4-room bungalow with break fast nook, white enameled kitchen with all built-ins, wood lift., bat. of house in old ivory. 2 beautiful bedrooms. 3 windows In each, bath room between; large living room, fireplace, floored at tic, cement floor In basement, full lot. mac. st.. sewer, only $40uo. $M0cash leu you In, bal. as rent. M. E. LENT CO., Main R560. 52- N. W. Bank Bldg. BEST house iu Rose City at price, $4250. This home is near car, in the famous Rose City Park district. It is $2000 be low Its rial value. If you don't get it. It's your own fault. It will .sell to the first one who sees it. Owner leaving city. N EI LAN PARKHILL, 219 Lumbermens Bldg. 5th and Stark Stfr ST. JOHNS. Pretty bun galow -style home of 6 rooms, bath, concrete foundation, full basement, large front porch, full lot with assorted fruit, garage. loo ft. to car, onlv $2050, $1200 cash, bal. like rent at Or. M. E. LENT CO., Main S560. 524 N. W. Bank Bldg. W OODSTOCK Bl' N G A LO W . 80x100 lot. 5-rm. bungalow with 3 sleeping rooms up; full basement, fire place, st. graded and sidewalks In ; 2 blks. to car, oadles of fruit and berries, $4ono, $lnuo (ih. bal. $50 month. BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS, 415 Piatt Bldg. Realtors. Main 7027 A HOME KOR EVERYBODY." HAWTHORNE AND SUNNYSIDE. We have some excellent values in at tractive homes. Sunny side. Mt. Tabor and Laurelhurst. Let us show you. MARSH McCABE CO.. REALTORS, 322-3-4 FfifMnv H'rig. Marshall 3'!3. A REAL BARGAIN. Beautiful home in best location In Irvington; hardwood floors throughout, Just right size lor 3 or 4 of a family. Don't buy until you call up; phone East 273, office 347 East 15th st. North. W. H. Herdman. OWNER, leaving city, will well 0-rooui modern home, partly furnished; full ce ment basement, garden, some fruit; one block from Sunnyside car line. 4 blocks from school; close in; price $4000, terms. Tnbor 5!I5. No agents. SOUTH MT. TABOR. 4-room hung;iiuw. gas range, Ruud water heater. !lno!eum. close to car, $2250, $5U0 cash, bnl, as relit. M. E. LENT CO., Main S500. 524 N. W. Bank Bldg. $15.j li-rooiii postered home, w nlty enamel bath; patent toilet, on Mor ris st.; very easy' terms. Real bar gain. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. AMngtnn Bblg. Main IQQx. TEN ACRES. NEWHERG ROAD. NEW BUNGALOW, VACANT. J.l.VK). DISAPPOINTMENT CAUSES SALE. Built or home, improved tract, beau tiful country home, your own terms. lr. Hare. 520 Cham, of Com. ROSE CITY PARK. Must sell my strictly modern 0-room bungalow, newly painted, tinted inside and out. J0500, terms. Tabor 1774. 551 E:i st 4Sth N Bf OWNER $2150. 4-room modern bun galow, with gas range, Ruud witjr heater and linoleum. South Mount Tabor, 2 short blocks from H. A. car. $.150 cash, balance like rent. Phone T ibor 1 7S.Y $200 ti ROOMS $2SO0. Nicely located bungalow on 80x100 lot, fruit, berries. $110 cash, or will take light car as part of first payment, bal. at 0. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. KENTON BUNGALOWS. Chance for handy man to make a good profit. 5-room. full cement basement, trays, all Improvements in and paid: best of locations. $;tS50, easy terms, U per cent. For appointment call Wdln. 1."ti.1. A REAL CLASSY BUNGALOW. SACRIFICING FOR $0000. 5 rooms, breakfast nook and nttlo, tapestry paper, ennmeled fireplace, hdw. floors, a v-ry attractive new home. For more Information call Marshall 3352. g;;i.-,0 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $3150. Near Franklin high, nice modern home, full basement, nice lot. fruit, garage, half cash. bal. enny terms. SMITH-WAGONER CO. STOCK EXCH THREE 5-room houses, close In on S;i Rafael st.. $ (Sou; paved st. and sewe can be bought separately, M. E. LENT CO.. Main 8.-.0Q. 524 N. W. Bank BMg. ti-ROVJM bouse; cement Moor Karaite. ment porch and steps, cement bathroom iloor. full cement basement: street iin provements all piild. Cor. Knapp and isth, v esrmoreinnn. rose crry district. $;i!50. 7-room well-built home, cement base ment, fireplace, garage.. Easy terma Tabor 1344. i iij 00 m u u 11g.it ow. eiiu-m oiler n most new. not far from Catholic church. $o0 cash. 7-io month, two blocks car. J. P. McKenna, Realtor, Belmont :;uth. Tabor 64iKt. $4o0 UUNGALOU of five rooms, block or car, iour uiocks 01 scnooi; streets, sewers In and paid. See Jackson for this snap, with j. P. McKenna, Realtor, Belmont at it'.iin. i a nor ii-p.t;,. $1 HiO 0 ROOMS $1100. $:t75 will finish this house; lot 50x100 owner leaving and must sacrifice. $5t0 cash, nai. easy terms. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. PLASTER the house with a hammer and COM .M Ul A f LASTS. K WALL HOARI, for baltenless, non-buckling walls. oHS- FELDT, 145 First street. Main 1)1 M RS. W I N I H WS, hA I N TS. UY OWNER. Alameda. 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, tapestry paper and white enamel finish, all built-ins: parage; a snup at ?(; 7iit, Wood lawn OWNER leaving uty will sell 7-room mod ern home, garage, soma rruit, on paved street. 1 Va blocks to car. Phone 32U 15th ave. AR 000, Orfironian. $o00 . ROOM HUNG A LOW $2000. Modern home with 50x200 lot, fruit, chicken house; $:;o0 cash. S M IT H - W AGONER CO . STOCK EXCH. TABOR view property. rooms, sleeping porch, uounie nmau ut n-u, muuern con veniences, ground IfKfxlAO: fruit and ghruhberv. Owner. Tabor 571. BEAUTIFUL Irvington home, large rooms. I lOWerS. ei. ItUi.D unuci. al OUOtf. ROOM bungalow, near Jefferson high; good lot, paved st.. $3200. Small payment easv terms. Wilbur t. Juuno. realtoi, Henry bldg. CUT THIS OUT! Hawthorne cor. at 321. splendid 100x100. large house, terms or auto in part. Owner, 001 Haw thorne. Marshall 2427. 5-R HUNG., modern. Hawthorne; $45; vumnt May 1: very desirable. MARSH & McCAHE CO., REALTORS, 3 22-3 -4 Failing PMg Marshall 3l'ii3 6-ROOM house, close Ui on Eat Taylor st, near 20th. bargain for quick sale, cash 31ft Board of Trade bldg. 5-ROoM modern, clean cottage, SunnysoK Near B. 35th St., $2250, terms. Call 10006 Belmont. OWNER must bell Rose City bungaiow, t5o .. 4Mb sL N. Jiiut 1L.U8. RKA K ST ATE. l or Sill- liou.r. 2-FAMILT HOUSE, s-parat en trances; lower floor hs i rooms and buth, center i crept inn lull, big Dutch kiti lien. furnate. lir.. place, very attract iv rooms, newly finished ; second w m y h is four roniiiH and but hroom, with plumbing i-.tughed. in. elec tric lighted I'U-seln; lot 50xl.Ml. large g.irau and only half block from Mr- t-t car. ;n Westmor land: price $60)10, with all . Improvements in and p.ild ; would coiiMd. r Mil Eutinoreiantl or Westmoreland lot or sm.iil hou as part pay. Laud Estate co.( realtors. 216 Stark SL LAI RKLIll KSf. Bungalow JH5O0 Tosltlve baik'.dn! Folks, ws want yott to compare this splendid bungalow wit to others (uted at louu to $Jooo higher. We are offering lure a truiy woiuieifui home no dtsi met tve in churat t- r downright modern o positively differ ent from a n thing you ha ve seen for like money ou will Jut Jump at this opportunity ; hardwood floors t hr.'iig !i -out, expensive tapestry paper, tile bath, tile dra inboard, distinctive dining room with bolarium alcove, k a race, vie. A. G. TEEPE CO., Healtxt-j, 270 Stark St.. near 4th Main 30I2. Branch Of lice, 4tth and Sandy. Open Evenitii: Ca 11 T t hnr NEW ENGLISH rot tags near Rolf links and Ro"d coI1r 5 rooms and Rttir; strictly mod ern and built to save drudgery; Ganco furnace, automatic water healer, fireplace, II (Hole r cab inet, etc. Huilt like a $1o,omi house ; hrubtery and law n in fine shape; lot TOxloO. Prtc $7250. 'or terms seo LA DO ESTATE CO., RLALTOUS, Mark sL ROSE CITY PARK. 6-Room Bungalow $ 1750. This attractive bungalow Is located biow the hill In the choicest part 'of Rose City Park, facing titM; exception ally well built and well arranged, com plete with fireplace, furnace, lull cement basement, etc. The owner Is forced to sell and has reduced tho price $500. ln NpeCt this. A. G. TEEPE CO., Realtors, 270 Stark St.. near 4th. Main S09X Branch Office, 4oth and Sw.ndy. Open Evenings. Cu 11 Tabor lOsft HAWTHORNE CAR DISTRICT. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW I ACRE. $4200 TERMS. Five large rooms finished In Ivory and white enamel throughout and In firnt-clas condition, white enamel plumbing, cement basement, large ve indah, choice variety tf bearing fruit, all kinds of berries from strawberries to loganberries, chicken house, 1 acre good garden soli, only 1 block from Hawthorne car. H ENDERSON-BANKUS CO., 426 Henry Bldg. Hdwy. 4754. WILLAMETTE HE.1G1US liO-ME. Situated In a nook of beauty, sur roundf d by exclusive home; on t he hillside, commanding a beautiful vie ot tile city and mountains, with its ter raced grounds. Us giaitd path, turned centers. uniased with flower, euged will, evergreen creepers the y-ar round. The charm of its surrounding dwells within tin home. Hall, living, duilim, kitchen, 4 bed room b. finished at tic, hardwood llu.r and lh view fiom ewry window Is a picture; only $5oo, terms. DellahuiU. East l-I 7. PI E DMONT BUNGA LOW. New strictly modern 0-room bungalow with hard wood floors throughout, large well nrraii ged living nnd dining room, I Mitch kitchen. coin bl nation peeping porch, large attic, suitable for 2 ur 3 bedrooms, full concrt-ie basement. Ca loric furnace, garage with concrete floor and driveway. T'ur price and terms see RICHARD W. MPT, Realtor, RITTER. LOWE CO.. 2Ql-:t-5-7 Bomd if Tn.deB.dir TILED BATH ROOM. $7o CASH $tO(Hi. Monthly payments of io and Inter est. This 5-room bungalow is e elim e, having exiUiHite buill-tns. hardwood floors, fireplace, rectM tub nnd show er, cement bnsenient with luundiy trus. and on paved street, if you really want a home, see this -ut once; a bin gain at $40oo. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. Ttrondwny 17"1. IM' U- nry PMg $230O .'toii DOU X , 5-iooiu in. ..lei n bun galow; white enamel hat ti iiml loi-b-t. electricity and g.s; .'oixloo lot; 4!Mh ave. I will lolp y.ni niak our down payment. We hav over 1200 photograph of home tr Male. Come in and look Uf m over. FRANK L. McGUIRE. Largest Horn Seiu-r on I'aeilii- Co:i!. Abington Bldg Mum lo.m HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 11 A RGA IN. $4800. $4sMl $S00 Clone In. fine mx-room home. In per fect Condition. b ;i lit if Ul e in: lotted b.teli yard. 4 cherry, 2 walnut ire.n, 2 kmd ot berrlen; pr-'sent owner bus no u-e for the home and is sucriMcinK ill abf. price; nooil terms to T'-il-iOie parties. Fr Inlornml Ion c;.H East 4:i'.H HOME FUR THE 1 -I riH.Kiv Exceptionally neat aid ntiraetivo 3 rnom buiiKalow tvpe of cotme. with looxlOO lot: electric Ileitis and Kd. ejtv water Iri. first -ciitK cninUuon: newr.il wuing fruit trees. 2 eood siirnaes. In Rose Pai k. outside cltv llni.tH; kon vour cow end clilkiin; nhoto ranli 11 1 office ; pri'-o iy .o. $:.oo cash. $JU in on t hly. Fred W. Ocrmun Co.. 7;; 2 Chum of Com. i $:;oo CAS II. Pretty brown hung.ilovv, 4 mount, lurire living and dining room combined, red brick flreplae.-, two lain" b.-drooni. nice Dutch kitchen, nil nicely Herniated; good district, paved street. Price only $21100, $:toi) ciifdt. O. A. PKARCE CO., lit altors. 201 Oregon BMg. Prnadwny o- - IL Mt. Scott cur; larae lot ; prm tu i11: your own term?. I hi will 11 yuu a comfortM hie, attractive ht No mnrtKiitfe to Htsume, Se0 FRANK L. McGUlKE. 1200 Photographs of Home f.tr S:ile. Abinirton PMl- M i n 1 ROSE CITV PARK HARGAIN. ft-room house, hea rt of Howe Clt V Park, modem in every detail tncludime hardwood f loots, two fii'-phicew. buill ins, garage-, ew.Ht front. For quick m -t priced at $t."00. Kenneth S. Re.d. Mam 1 102. BRING your plan and p . il'ie.ii l.uin 111 and let us figure your home. You'll Bel the surprise or your lite. SUN HOUSE HI' I LI UNG CO., 210 Abington Hidg., On 3d. bet. Stark and Wash LEACH FUL HuM K 5-ROOM MOMERN IU'Nl.l.i U STlWi'TLV MOI'KKN TMU'U ( i I i 1 H T . P. It E A K F ST NOlv. I A 1 Y G -RW.E: $..Vo. $1000 In;WN, HAL. $."1 50 MONTH K ST o is ARE taking oiueia mm" (or JO iu. modern bungaiow : come ijuh k and get your pick and watch vour horn,- being built. lrge lots, very r terms. J. P. McKENNA, Keator. pclmnnt at :t!th. T.ilmr fll!H WALNUT PARK I'lSTIili'T. $3700 7-r. bungalow, nmdem, p.i street, sewer, corner, garage, Al viihje MARSH MrCABHCO.. REALTORS 322-3-1 KMHmr Hide; M:ir-hall :'; !4.o ii-UOu.l cotlaKe. cio.-t: and car. A splendid loirgaln. fsnit c-Hfch. See jHckfon, wit! Henna, Realtor. Belmoni at OPit. 5oxoo 1 .1. P. ;ith. t.i 1KV l.NGT' N 11- ...--. 1 rooms and sleeping floors throughout : g. po.HNehsiou ; r-a I b.i r ga ST75 eh. In e: Iin Ow ne I R V I NG Tu.N ! 11 n ga I . . . 7 modern. I am going to law. Look al it today. N-, and tion see ow 11 er BEAUTIFUL 7 rooms, m places, lot 50x123, with -III. IU he tli 1 It h E. I, Mh N idem, two fire alley; Hollailnv Park; Immediate ponsesM E.-ist 7154. eaiy jerriix ACRE. While eilHI gas. 45th i 11. lei phinilfiNg, el. cli Ve. (H. S. ft net I. rms. Pimm- M;.in ACRE in tion. $100 rultivatto cash. h;i -hi- Rall otilhlv. Wlll.ur hVc -l;OLM houee. 1'iuxloi Mt. Tabor; ptteI gtre $525ii. Tabf-r ti:i::7 e :t ut if 11 fruit. -1UKJ.M huu.-e. 5 hall, lot 50x5i Granite Co., 2u miia.le."' wail t !eet, J.5NOM. Third Mreet. rooms. 1 1. or rent fruit. 1 U iodern ; harp. tin. belo part :v f urn ;nhed ; lai Garth-Id ave ; n po? Vv E HAV E a .1 u ' tut u !i ic !i part payment. w e will a cj Ant. 51o-4:l FOR A SMALL down p.omeni about 5-lt. $:ioo per year, we can s-u 1 bungalow In Alameda Mrn PENINSULA K nion d.Ktrirt, 4 blocks 1.1 nod em. 5 room ,iO 1 00, o. $m rah din. tw o canine ; fruit, etc. : 2i BARGAIN 100x100 and A-room bungalow. $;t75n. Kat 1-'t4T. NEW 4 terms. R08. Hi h M htingH Io $2H50. Owner. A. lisr c:ir. enxv Phone Woodlawn LAURELHURST. fine horn, yuiclt ., aoriXics. l'uons Tabor liau.