THE MORNING OR EG ONI AX, TUESDAY APRIL 20, 1D21 1 II Flam. . Organs anil Mimu-al Mtrmprnt-. SCHWAN PIANO CO. POWN6TAXRA STOKE. Factonr Rebuilt and Used rian0 t OuO Steinway & Sons. poL mo..-.J:'j $ fl.0 L. V. Chtw, oak $ KrHL inheny J;" $ 1.25 Vow, dark mahogany J; $ WO Conover. fancy oak ? 9 47A C. A. Smith, ebony Jj; $ IS 7 A Arlon, fumed oak 'ZZml $ Kranich Bach, golden o-? $ &A0 Thorn pon player, poL ma $ 4 AO Ilalieit A bavin roiewood. -IU I ft.sft Thnmwn player, oak ;"?' a 2ft rollard A Coliard. walnut.... tJ 9 275 H, Bord. rosewood ? $1050 fcinger player, dull .wit Hi to K; Cash. $G, $10 to $2 Monthly at a Fraction of Their Orig'nat Coat. $13.". Western Cottage, mirror. ..$M $H0 Great Western, high top $l.tu dough & Warren, mirror .... $100 Schoenivr. chap! $10 Cash. $5 Monthly. 101-103 Tenth st Wash and Starlr .$-3 .S3 a r. PI A Vi SA LE. Upright pianos $110 to all stand a rd in;.kfv Kav terms. $7.0 HanJman. plain walnut $22 f.iMi u m m on Ihtzo. nla in ..... . II Cable A: Wjlsnn. walnut 23 Ho Harrington, mahog., and bench 0 W. W. Kimball, plain rti Milton and bench, just new... T .! t'.n. Steck larxe tio Sena! for. mahogany li0 tvKi n s HoKurd. uialn mahog any, iuyt new 300 TOO 1'ackard. just new 32 A nd man v nt hf-rs. You oan't afford to buy a piano until 10U have compared our. We sell fo; .leas than all others in city. .No follow ui saU-Mm-n to bother you. No big rents and big expense to make you pay whn you buy the piano. BROKERAGE Co., 311 Worcester BWt WE WILL TRADE YOU . A BEAUTIFUL' NEW PHONOGRAPH FOR TOUR OLD PIANO. WHY NOT? COME UP AND LET US TALK IT OVER. SEVENTH FLOOR. '''lIPMAN. WOLFE & CO. ' CLARINETS Uwhm system B fiat, A or O. The!e are genuine French instru ments. Come in and inspect them. Clar tnt and saxophone reds, extra quai ny. G. F. JOHNSONT PIANO CO., 149 th St. 1 NfcKU T724. n pay cash. Main Furniture for rale. FREE. FREE. FREE. CLO SING -CUT FURNITURE SALE. Wo must vacate April 30; our lease has expired and the store has been rented for another busi ness. Only 4 days left to do business and in order to close out our Mock of new household gootia wa U1 give FREE With each $V. an I Electric Iron. With each $40. $3 worth of Alum inum ware. With each $23. $2.50 worth of granite ware. With each $10 we give $ mdse. Lont forget, 4 day more that we have to stay. Remember 4i4 WASH. ST.. COR. lTH. SAVE MONEY. Try our sales department If you want to buy or sell household goods. Reduced freight rates to moat all points In our through pool cars. K Xpert packing. Money loaned on goods In storage. Fire proof storage. Low Insurance rates. bKCL'RITY STORAGE ft TRANSFER CO 53 Fourth sU, opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3713. IjlXlSil table. 4 oak CUaira. Sltt.&O: bronn rug, $20; bed davenport, $30; Alcazar gas range, -' ; cook range, sua: a beds, com plete. $10 each; ivory dresser, $17; oak flreaner, heating stove, $U; oak rock er, il; rocker, 3; linoleum rug, $1 all rtig. k 7 Qnimby street. CU-VlFLfci I'K lumtd oak dining room fur niture and rug, andirons and fire sets, fumed oak library table, chairs, oak writing desk, rugs, walnut bed and dresser, onyx mantle clock, lawnmower and hose. Kast is. 3 ft ft E. 21st ?t. N ELKGA.NT furuishings of a 0-room bunga low, everything complete, by piece or wnoie: can oe seen alter 11 A. M. Mon day. U21 E. Stark st. Above could not be shown Monday, but win n tor snre mp.rny after it A. M. l)U.'T sacrifice your turnuure if goin , east or io ainomia. v 9 can save you money on your freight in our tnrougb cars, iireuroui. aiorags. u 1. Jiaoa Transfer & storage Co., 248 Pine st. DAVENPORT AT A BARGAIN. New davenport with Turkish arms: bargain for anyone wanting a fine piece or surnuure. rnone, any aay but Sun day. Automatic 814-26. GuLUtN UAK lolding bed with two mir rors, wnite iron oea. congoieum rug tix 1l)U Call after Sundnv A Orrnn 2 b!k!. c:i?t of Jrand ave. PLATE GLASS MIRRORS MAHB TO OR iER AND MIRRORS RESILVERED. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. PHONE BOA D WAY 1237. FURNITURE of a 14-rooin resort hoUl, Including bedding, clean and neat, all or part, will pack. 12S3 E. 17th N. Woodiawn ft38. tt-HoLE Jewel range, commode, 42-piece dinner set, oea ana springs, 4U, i it down, $10 per month'. Call Broadway 4433, apartment V. GAS RANGE. $-u; 4 dining chairs and table. :7.."0: grass rocker. $9.30; wicker buggy. $22.5": hall mirror. $; breakfast ta:le. 34. Tabr.r .t::-J.V FURNITURE fr five -room bungalow for aaie. Rose City district. Call at o0 K. 03d st. North Monday morning. NEW genuine mahogany dining set. con. aistir.g of table. 6 cbairs. buffet, also new Superior gas range, rhenp. Main FoK SALL. Mahogany reading lamp stu-ii, $10: 1 Jacohian table and chairs, $&5 Marshall 3240. FURNITURE for ii-room fiat for sale. Call 8 to 5. 124 Grand ave. BEAUTIFUL 14-piece gray wicker diniiiy room set. Call Main 77. g:7.' WuRTH of furniture. 47 E. 'Olh Office Furniture. 1 T. W. DESK and chair, 2 tables. 8 roll top desks, 2 flat-top desks, 3 bookkeep ers desks, 8 chairs, 3 filing cabinets, 2 safes. BHSHONO ft CO., 91 Par st ROLL-TOP and typewriter desks, files, big bargains, sates, adding machines and typewriters. Best values ever of fered. Wax Office Equipment House, 24 N. fith st. Broadway 2739. T O loiuop dttfks, Xiat-lop desks, 3 T. W. desks, 2 filing cabinets, 2 safe cabinets. 2 bookkeepers' desks. Bush ong A Co.. 01 Park st. BAMTAKY. roiltop. oak otfice dek; like new. N 55rt. Qregonian. Tyiewriter. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. TUK BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES. IRONCLAD GUARANTEE. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THB WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO. ?-M WASHINGTON ST. MAIN 5681. DOANE GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER SERVICE. AH makes overhauled. TSxperts. RE PAIR, ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy. ell, rent and exchange. Supplies. Auto matic 620-50. ?sin 6397. 124 4th PL bet Wash, and Abler. Over Circle theater HKttUiLT typewriters, all makes, rentals, repairing, supplies. Distributors CORONA portable, SUNDSTRAND, adding ma chines. Main 2285. E. W. Peae Co. 110 Sixth street. noiseless typewriters a limited fiw are now available for rent. Noiseless Typewriter Co., Bdwy. 0944. Corner 4th nd Oak. ALL MAKES rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94 Bth street. Main SUGfi NEW, rebuilt, second-hand, rentals, at cut rates, p. l Co.. 231 S'ark st. Main 1407 ZvEI'AIRS, rent, buy. sell: supplies. Typ writer Inspection Co.. 312 Stark. M. 554;. FOR RENT Underwood-Remington. $3.; mo. Empire Tranfr, Bd w y. 1 55. FOH SA LE L. C Smith typewriter good condition; $:to. Tabor 5125. Poultry. Ei;GS FOR HATCHING. Maguire's high-grade Reds, Brown Leghorn and O. A. C. White Leghorn and Barred Rocks, lite each for bal ance of season. J. R. Maguire, 7b7 Ore gn Pt., near E. 24th. Co MM EKC1AL breeder! or others who wish to dibpose of their young cockerels, write AN 614, Orcgonian. State price onintHy. V 1UTE LEGHORN hens, $1.25 each. Mh st. S. E. and Ancona youn Auto. 621-54. 634a BABY CHICKS Six varieties, best stock. prices reasonable: correspondence In- vited. N. Need ham, halem. Or. BLUE Andaluttian setting eggs. $1.50 a et- tjng. Automatic 640-80. WnTS Wyandotte eyrs. Incubator lot, :aytnr hens. W A 1 n. 02 I . WANTED 25 young white Pekiu doLitM. Addrss JLN 615, Oreitouiaaj. f v I FOR SAI.B-ArTOMOBH.KS. FOB BMB-AITOMOBttES. I fOH WAT.K-ArTOMOWT.r. I YOK g ll.K-A rTOMOim K. TOR SO K-AT TQWIUt .K. Poultry. BOOSTERS WANTED. Wanted. 500 people to buy a setting of eggs from my heavy-laying strain of S. O R. L Reds; 8 grand pen a to select from; a few good breeding cock erels yet for sale. W. V. LOOMIS. 11)23 Multnomah St. Phone Tabor 3107. 1500 O. A. C. W. L. day-old chicks, ready April 28. 18 Pr 10O; also R. I. Red, Brown Leghorn and O. A. C. Barred Rocks, each week, $23 p-r 10O; tome month-old W. L., R. I. Red and Barred Rocks. 35c and 40a each to clean up this lot. J. R. Mafiuire, i p i Oregon St.. nar K. 2Un. WUllb LEGHORN baby chicks for May and June delivery from a heavy-laying hoganlzed stock ; safe arrival of full count; live, strong chirks guaranteed. $12.50 per hundred; $120 per thousand. PIONEER HATCHERY. 441 Sixth Street. FetaJuma. Cat. BABY CHICKS. From the famous O. A. C. strain mat togs, 221 -egg hens, mated to cock erels from 300-egg hens. Place your or der now for April, May and June deliv eriea Portland Seed Co.. Main 4040. FOR SALE 6u0 White Leghorn hens, 1 year old; we are getting 420 eggs per day at present; price $2 each. Write J. D. Splawn. Gresham, Or., route A, box 233 Phone Gresham 430. FoR SALE One hen for setting. tkW Mr ket sTeet drive. lhKH, KabMt. Bird and Pet Slock. FOR SALE BlggeHt stock of toy doys ic north west; various sixes, ages and pries. Chihuahuas, blacks and tans. Toy Ken neis. 2 miles east Oregon City, Red 1 an 4 road. TRINER St. Andreasburg Roller canaries, money buys no better; guaranteed im ported and satisfactory; while they lasi $10. E. B. Flake. 510 S. 17th. Salem. Or. FEMALE Fox Terrier, spayed pup. 6 months old, beautifully marked. East CHOICE SINGERS AND FEMALES. CALL THE STUDIO. MAIN 468. BOSTON terrier puppies, registered, stock. 325-33. 0M E. 51st North. xioata, launches ana Marine Fqutpmrnt. 24-FOOT "Shell Lake" launch; 4-cyl. 4 cycle motor, seats 15. Call 129 E. Water st. Phone Auto. 231-64. 4-CYL. 25-H. P. Sterling marine motor and reverse gear; completely overhauled; $:I30. Main 87. Nurnery Stuck. STRONG loganberry tip plants $27.50 per 1000. J. Lemmer. Huber. Or. Machinery. MOTORS. We Have Purchased the Entire Electri cal Equipment of the NORTHWEST STEEL CO.. Consisting of Approximately 250 Squirrel Cage, Slip Ring, D. C. Crane ' MOTORS. Your Inquiries Solicited. R. R. POPPLETON, Electrical Machinery. 225 Stark St.. Portland. Oregon. FOR SALE 10-inch screw-cutting engine latne; rora starter generator, complete, wireless sending and receiving set : other equipment; 4-cylinder motor. 129 Water st. Phone Auto. 231-64. FOR SALE 1 H -horsepower gasoline en gine with pump, practically new; can be seen running ; been used about months. Taylor-st. dock, west side. FOR SALE 1 lU-imh steel bejm. 1 tooth 2-section harrow, both in good snape. jm oiods hu FOR SALE Merchon resaw, 60 In., good conaition. c. rt. ton is, rast Bttu. WANT steam shovel. 1 to 1 yards. E. ti. coins, f;ast Coal and Wood. CORDWOOD STUM PAGE FO SALU ALL OAK. 1 MILE FROM R. R. SPUR, DOWN-HILL HAUL. T. J. G I LRO 1 , MOTEL. MtAMl., H U W I . Iii37. NORTH BANK FUEL CO. Wood and coal, small orders solicited 659 Upshur st. Phone Auto. 626-86. $7.50 CORDWOOD $7.50 PER CORD Good, sound 2d-growth ; buy early, save money. Oregon Tuel Co., Wdln. 4102. FOR SALE First-growth cordwood, $y.50 per corn, z coras sio, aeiivered. Wood iawn oat-. FIRST old-growth cordwood. $8.50; block and siao, so per load; country slab, 4-tu n e avy. n ot per cora. nnwy. 4 no. DRY CORDWOOD. $b.50, 5 cords or more. i.ov. v ujo. loix. (.an axter i f, M Hansen. FOR SALE Oak cord wood, aiso uak iuiu- bpr. BroaQway-1 4-" INSIDE block wood, mixed, in 2 and 3- load lots. Phone Woodiawn 6233. CORDWOOD at $7.50 a cord In 2 -cord lots. National r uei to., iast 2041. BEST BLOCK AND SLAB. $5.50. SHALL 24 bH. DRY box wood for sale, $5.50 per load Call w din. .rtHM or ll.t3 .Montana ave FOR SALJ ; No. 2 fir wood. $8.50 cord de. Main 4S74. li vered. BLOCK WOOD. Main 8065. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE: Four good work teams: rea sonable prices. Muunomah Kuel Co., barn Curry and Macadam streets. FOR SALE xl2 rug, kitchen cabin-l heater, first-class condition. Apply 1419 V 1 n r p y; ( ;i vb BEAUTIFUL, large cabinet phonograph aiiu reeoi us, iiiunt e sum louay. W hat am I offered? Mar. 4 730. FOR SALE lOO-piece Havlland china din ner aeia. new. tan ai-i-oo I or appoint- ment. HEMSTITCHING machine, good location, witn iurnisnea living room, cheap rant. bargain, cash or terms. Tabor 9507. BARGAIN HUNTERS. Have number of dressed skins for sale cheap. Tabor 6565. GENUINE diamond ring, about k. Need cash, sac mice .. 4uo Morrison, room 16, evenings. FERTILIZER. Rotted cow or horse manure, delivered anywhere. East 7b36. GAS RANGE. Clark Jewel, slightly usd; leaving wwn mis weea.ouo East liroau- wav. PEKFECT blue-white diamond: paid $175; Lt laxei it : a niue less man 3 karat. R 67. (tregonlan. NEARLY new wicker baby carriage; thor- ougniy renovatea ana cleaned: cost 135. take $15. Sell. 2378. FOR SALE Taupe marmot fur cob'.. three-quarter length; a bargain. East 2;o3. ROOT BEER barrels, fountains, show cases, cash registers, computing scales, curhonator: other fixtures. 113 2d Ft. NEW WOOL knickerbockers, hiking snoen set of dishes. Tahtr 2SSS. LORAIN wood and coal range, first-claa conrtftion. almost new. East 4045. ELECTRIC plate aud oven, fine baker. cheap. Mar. 0079. ALMOST new 6-buie kitchen range. Tabo 8744. PERFECT diamond, almost karat, alinobt wholesale price. Marshall lbt6. FOR SALE 9-year-old boy's summer suit, practically new. $3. E.vt K . FOR SALE Strong stand of liailau bee. -al! Main 54. E1-.ECIRIC usIiit for bale, guarantee. - 949 Enst Kelly. with laciuiy OHIO vacuum cleaner, good as new, $40 Sellwnnd 34H. BEAUTIFUL b-k. diamond; sacrifice lur quick ale. Main 7159. STRICTLY lancy home-canned iruit, per dozen. Tabor 263 1. 0 EVENING drosses, 2 suits. 3 dresses. R;-38. reasonable. Ta bor 4422. ONE RELIABLE gas water heater, 410 Phone Woodiawn 1674. LADIES' slightly used garments, private Mar. 2250. "STAR A STAR" shingles direct from mil, Call Taylor-st. dock. Main 8065. SAFES, trucks, scales, coffee mills, cheese cutters. 48 Front St.. near Pine. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcase. 43 1st St.. nea. Ash. VACUUM cleaners for rent 85c per day. qeiivereu uj wunic. nuouiawn JUl'o. SAKE Fireproof, old. but in good order cheap. C 510. Oregonlan. SECOND-HAND tents and covers for sale Pacific Tent A Awning Co.. No. l jHt st ELEC vacuum cleaners sold, exchanged, repaired. Ray Bentley. Main 4907. NORTH BEACH RAZOR CLAMS. 7 , doz. $2 f. o, b. Chas. Parker, Sea view. Wash. LADIES and children's slightly used gar ments for SHle: Main 3979. FOR SALE Pittsburg instantaneous water h-ater 144 N. 1th Bdwy. 558. FANCY early seed potatoes for sale. Mar shall 5210 VULCAN GAS range and Ruud heater, alpo gas plate. East H775. GAS RANGE, Clark Jewel, slightly used; leaving town. 505 East Brnariway. BARGAINS IN ATTRACTIVE USED AP PAR EL. 1132 E. Glisan st. Tabor 2S25. BOY'S bicycle,, good condition. East 110. i'OJi FUitNAC& fur ie, ast 2.&iu M bce 1 Ian eous. WRECKING VANCOUVER BARRACKS BUILDINGS. BUILDINGS FOR SALE. 8.0 vitrous china closets and tanks. Steel storage and pressure tanks. 1- 664-gallon. test 110 pounds Tabasco h. w. heating boilers. No. 27. American Ideal h. w. heating boilers. 1 F. B. Mteitm hrti)r lS4il(t. 1 S30 8 steam American heatinc holler. feet steam radiators. -Pip, valves, fittings. FORESTAL MacQUAlD ft CO., ItHh and Reserve Sts., Phone R7. Vancouver. Wash., Box 24. SPOT C SFT PAID FOR SHOTGUNS. RIFLRS, TOOLS. TENT3, &HOVVU"ASK.S. SCALKS. Til BWK1I6 rur fi SM RLVMTE-DC Wf TO MIT1TH fit R1!G5. AiNTTlUNO OF VALUBi BOUGHT. SOLD OR EXCHANGED. VKWMiVS KVniANCR. 128 FIRST. NEAR ALDER. MAIN 4495. KERN PARK STORE. AUTO. 625-83. D. B. Si'in.I.V DftW.V.TuWN LtiM BER STORE 171 FRONT ST.. BET, MORRISON AND YAMHILL PHONE Main 4213. Lumber, lath, shingles, doors, windows, molding and mill work, tscreen doors, fruit and vegetable box shooka. See our odd stock of sash, doors. SAFES Fire and burirlar-Droof safes, ne and second-hand, at rieht nrices.bough sold and exchanged; easy terms if de sired. NORRIS SAFE ft LOCK CO.. 105 Second St. Main 2045. BIS WING machines, new and second-hana. soia ror less; no agents employee; com Diets lines of narta for all makes: mi chines repaired and rented. Main 43 L SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 Third St.. near Taylor. WHY AN everlastlnar ascravation by leaky roof? Whv not a comfortable and durable roof 7 We repair Rubber Bond, and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roofs. Work guaranteed. Alain ol-O. LET US wasn your rugs with the Hamll ton Beach electric carpet wasner witn out removing- from floor: work euaran teed clean and sanitary. Woodiawn B758. BROKEN furniture repaired, relinished upholstered. crated - and shipped, acruAchea removed from jtianos and Dho- nograhps. The Furniture Shop. Phone East 3574. 4iS INlAiD duo) Labie: a mastc niece of hand work, fit for a palace ball and cue rack, set of balls, keno board, carom plugs and bed cloth, in Al shape BJ 518, Oregonian OFFICE FURNITURE. Bought, sold and and exchanged. HANSEN-WADENSTEIN DESK CO., 105-107 Twelfth St. Brdwy. 1877. FOR SALE 12-foot soua fountain com plete: all sizes iioor caes. meat sheer, electric coffee srrinder. scale. registers, wall counter cases, iron gates, rolling step ladders: cash, credit. 242 Salmon s: HuT-WATER tanks. 30-icai.. $7; 40-gal $9; tested and guaranteed; stove and furnace coils, gas heaters installed, ex pert plumbing, repairing. East Sid Welding shop. 203 Adams at. East 8510. BEAUTIFUL ivory bedroom set. dresser, complete bed, rocker and chair, also reed buggy; real snap; party leaving city. Marshall 1761. 204 Porter St., Stansfield apartments, apartment 21. AUTO camp cupboard and table combined, made to fit any machine running buarc: duKLproof ; price reasonable. Phone Woodiawn 3242. PLATE-GLASS MIRRORS MADE TO OR DER AND MIRRORS RESILVERED. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. PHONE BROADWAY 1237. PIANO WAITED Will excnaiige fine ne v VIctrola, Edison, grafonoia or Brun: wick phonograph and records for plan . Hyatt Talking aiacnine 10., aov Aioer. FOR SALE SxlO Premo camera and iut set of Zeiss lenses, finest professional outfit In the city; price right N b2, Oregoman. THE ROYAL APPAREL EXCHANGE wi.l sell ladies new or slightly used gar- ments 3.V4 Morrison st. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 6x3 Ice box, 2 counters, show cas. meat block and new Standard sea lei Inquire 411 Failing st. CIRCLE exchange, 415 Fliedner bldg.. JOtn and Washington ; ouy ana sen laaie slightly worn clothing; also reline suits. Hroanwny 22t. SAFES No. 70 Sixth St.. near Oak. New and second-hand Herri ng-Hall-Marv.n safes and steel cabinets. Bushong t Co.. telephone Proa d way 1262. LADIES, let ihe Vogue sell your mif t and slightly used garments. 10 per cent Room 403 AUsky bldg.. entrance on lid near Morrison. Jiain jijj. FOR SALE Child's white wooisen b d with good mattress; $25 ; will sell for $12. Mrs. Smith. Call Main- 1131 between 30 and 12 A. M. PLANET JUNIOR SEED DRILL. 7-fot crosscut saw, 2 Australian parraquettei. brass cage, bargain: will trade for man a trunk. Marshall 2820. NEW "SINGERS." $5 down, $3 monthly. Expert sewing machine repairing. MORRISON STREET SINGER STORE. 382 Morrison. Marshall 721. THREE new electric washing machine . $5 each, guaranteed: 1 Jadd used eiec trio washer, overhauled. $70. Scott Eiec trie Co., 5th and Oak sts. COMPUTING sea tea, cash register, coff- e mills, meat choppers and general store fixtures at 226 Stark st, between First and Scond streets. DAYTON meat siicer. late model, ajid Hobart electric coffee mill, good as new, at sacrifice price. 320 Henry bldg. Bdwy 5Mo RUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton Beach electric carpet washer; alzo vac uum cleaning done. East 4045. ADDING machine lor $17.50; works aim- pier than $300 machine; adds to 100.00J. 420 Chamber Commerce building. KODAKS. We buy, sell, rent and exchange ko- daKs. tsanay. ju wasnington st. FLAG POLES. Any size you want 327 Ankeny Broadway 1626. BLACK FIGS. 25-lb. boxes. $3; Muscatel raisins. 25-lb. boxes. Su.oO. Beaver Gro cery. 287 Yamhill st. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean. Sec ond aud Morrison. FOR CORRECT time call Main S579. For scientific watch repairing see Miller, next door to Majestic theater. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners; 24-hour day. boc; delivered; guaranteed good condition. Woodiawn 1259. 0:'E hotel double-oven coal range, one gas range, one noi-cae gnaaie. Apply 113 Mliingswonn ave. ALL KINDS of office equipment, best values ever oirereu. wax urnce Equlp ment House, 24 N. 5th st. Bdwy. 2739. SHOW-CASE and 2 jewelry wall cases. Western fixture & Show-case Co., 10th and Jefferson. LICENSED independent electrician wires 3 rooms tor 1A 0 for $20: guaranteed to pass inspection. Wdln. 3791. FOR SALE ArTOMORTLER OWNER out of work, must sell 5-pass- enger touring car; Al conaition. 1 nis car cost $1950 new; good tires; price 275: come quick. J, W. Barrand. 49 Salmon. Main 4215. FORD touring, 1919, starter, shucks, other extras. 4iti; terms. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, Used Fords Exclusively. Cor. Grand and E. Yamhill. East 471. 1919 LIBERTY Driven only 4400 mile- Excellent condition mechanically. Price right Looks like new. Mr. Buckley, Main 113 week days. THINK OF THIS! Late model Oldsmobile roadster, new paint overhauled, cord tires all arouud for $SO0. 421 Burnside st. n BIG STOCK. USED CARS. PRICES RIGHT. No Misrepresentations. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. 1919 Buiuk roadster, Al condition; run 70 Ou miles. This is no junk; need the cash. Priced for few days only, $950. Mar. 3352. 403 Couch bldg. 19U DODGE delivery, practically new tires, first-class condition; must sell this week for cash. $900. 188 Grand ave. Enst 6363. 1919 BU1CK touring, wind deflectors and spotlight, car in finest of condition; will sacrifice for $11.'.Q. East 4216. 1919 BRISCOE Driven 2900 miles. A real bargain; looks and runs like new. Mr. Buckley. Main 113 week days. 1920 CHEVROLET TOURING, looks like new ; don't overlook this one; price is way down. Portland Motor Car Co. 1920 BRISCOE, new. with. extras, by own er, $300 under list; terms. East 8241 or Bdwy. 133. WE PUT steel teeth in your old flywheel, crankshaft turning. H. B. Blacky ma- chine shop. 534 (Aider st. Bdwy. 2631. VELIE 1920. light six. practically new; spotlight and other accessories; terms. Phone Main 6416. MICHELLf- i-pas-senger. first-class condi tion. Call at 450 East 52d N. 1920 PEERLESS, cheap. Auto Transit 1919 FORD touring, in fine uondiliun, a starter block. ' Call 191 Grand ave. BRAND new Ford louring body; must ell. MK Uninn ave. N. ' 1918 DODGE touring, the best Dodge In the city. 421 Burnside st. 1917 WUD TOUR., cheap as dirt. 107 13th. bet. Stark and Wash 1921 HUP. RUN 2000 miles; lots of extra price tl'.V). Call Cons-r. East 490. tut xui wue. 3&o. t:.a aui BARGAINS IN REBUILT AUTOMOBILES. Our used'automobiles are sold with a warranty the same as factories give with new automobiles and 90 days' frea service. Or On those cars that are not sold with warranty and free service are sold with ten days' free trial subject to tneir ing returned with full credit on any other car-you may select Call at our used car branch store at the corner of Broadway and Coucn su I0 1 VotiuoII vnnH running condi tion so 1317 Maxwell, good running condi tion 1918 Maxwell, all gone over, re paired and repainted; fine little car 1920 Maxwell roadster, a dandy lit tle car Maxwell demonstrator at a bargain. 400 600 725 1920 Velie big ft. 5-passenger 1250 1918 Olds 8 good tires good condition and 900 Xrnriol V HiinmnTill rnmnletelT overhauled and repainted 800 Rebuilt Essex, sold with warranty same as given on new cars; aiso vv w" free service. IOIO VTeatt-r svai-WVilncr fin MT1 dl- tlon ...7. " "300 1920 Essex witli warranty and serv ice I"0 1919 Chalmers roadster, in tine con dition 930 1919 Chalmers light six. with hot spot, overhauled and repainted, all in. ine condition 1-aO 1020 Chalmers 5-pass.. a real auto mobile and a decided bargain at. looO REBUILT HUDSON WITH 90 BAYS' FREE SERVICE AND A FACTORY "WARRANTY. 1917 Hudson super-six. rebuilt and repainted; looks just like new; will sell with a factory warranty the same as given- on new auto mobile 1 ,0 1818-1919 aeries Hudson super-six. rebuilt and all gone over, also re painted; sold witn stanaara iac- tory warranty 13S0 1920 Hudson super-six. overhauled and refinlshed like new: sold with factory warranty that we carry ourselves; great buy 1770 1918 Hudson speedster, sold in 1919, now with warranty and service; great buy at lss0 1920 Hudson speedster, all gone over; sold with warranty 2050 Our store for these used car bargairs ac 40-4tt Broadway, which is Broadway and Couch street. Phone Broadway 573a. '' C L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. ARBUCKLE'S AUTOS. tve give you more for your money. Our cars are ready to serve you. Our prices and terms will suit you. Wlnton, used 90 days iZR'd Apperson 8. 4-pass li'XiO Jordan, like brand new 21r F. B. Chevrolet sedan lfi. O Mudebaker big six, big buy 1 0 Reo 4, runs like new 101 0 Columbia, Just new lli.'O Stephens 6 roadster . . . 12.; 0 Mitchell 7-pass., 3000 miles 1U''0 Buit'k 6, refinished 12.'i" Moon 6-4B, like new 15f0 Jackson, run 400 miles lr-'t Dixie, run 2500 miles V2 it Chandler, cord equipment... Chevrolet, first class 601 Chevrolet, new tires fi 0 Maxwell, refinished 0H Buick 4, a beauty '' Briscoe, all good shape 3." 0 Grant 0, ready to go " Reo. repainted, new top . 400 t'tudebaker 4, 5-pass 3"'0 Studehaker 6, a find 5r0 Chevrolet, light delivery 4i0 Baby Grand Chevrolet, rebuilt, re painted, new battery 4fi0 Overland 7i. repainte.l Ib5 Hudson super, overhauled, 5 fine tires 10"') Cadillac 4. good shape tfoo looO-lto. trailer, just new 75 Complete assortment or used cars. izes and prices to fit every pocketbooK. AH cars guaranteed. Open evenings and Sundays. ARBUCKLE'S USED CAR CENTER, Successor to COVLEY'S USED CAR CENTER, lid 10th, Bet. Stark and Oak. 3roadway 1424. SPECIALS THIS WEEK. Late model Liberty, like new J 1000 Dodge touring, many extras, per fect mechanical condition, 1921 license 504 490 Overland roadster, good con dition, runs fine, dandy car for that fishing trip, 1921 license.... 350 Small payment, balance terms to salt. 88 10th St.. Near Stark. WINTON SPECIAL. 4-pass. sport model, refinished, new plush seat covers, two extra cord tires, also special equipment; one of the most attractive cars in the city; owner has given us a very low figure; your inspec tion invited. A. C. STEVENS. Broadway 1614. 529 Washington St 1650 7-PASSENGER Hudson. In first-class condition. New top and Cord tires. AUTO SALES COMPANY. Ninth and Couch. HUDSON SPEEDSTER. 1918-19 series, perfect mechanical cen. dltion. o cord tires in excellent shape, wind deflectors, spotlight, cutout; a demonstration will convince you; will sacrifice. Marshall 5719. MUST sell my 1920 Ford roadster at once. Car IB in tine conaition ana tires good. Has starter and 1921 license. Can handle some terms. Call Mr. Kipper, Automatic 214-10. LIGHT-SIX CHALMERS. Must sell my Chalmers car. In fine condition; good top, with plate-glass windows in back, good tires: will sacri fice for 575. Call Tabor 8152. WILL sell my light 6 Chalmers at a great sacrifice.- It is in line mechanical shape and I will give some terms. Will accept a Ford as part payment. Phone Mr. Zaehariasnn. Automatic 214-10. HUPMOBILE TOURING CAR. Purchased new last fall, run only In the' city! will give big discount and terms. Consider Ford in trade. Call East 302. V E CARKV a full line of auto accessories, tubes, Ford parts, light globes, etc Also do towing. Open day and night. LONG & SILVA. Phone F.nst 6X40. 462 Hawthorn". FORD COUPE. 1921 Ford coupe, with almost S100 extras: better than new. Must sacrifice. Wdln. 3Q73. after 6 P. M. OVERLAND roadster. 4 new tires, good paint, in A-l condition, a real snap, 100 down, small balance, easy terms. Call Probst. Bdwy. 3". 1U20 MAXWELL automobile, like new. with 5 new tires ana bumper, will sell at your price for cash; must have quick sale. Broadway 4881. 1921 CHEVROLET 490, touring, brand new, never run; consider used Ford or Chevrolet on trade. Phone owner, E. 8044. 192U ELGIN SCOUT, in A-l condition, a real snap, will take small car or motor cycle as part payment; long, easy terms. Call Probst. Broadwav 3fin. MY CHEVROLET 490 touring, brand new tires and recently overhauled, $525 for quick disposal. H. V. Adix. or phone 2l Gresham. Or. MY BRAND new H. C. StuU for sale. Cash or terms. Car never been run, $500 less than new price. Call Mr. Hoover, Bdwy. 240. 1917 FOUD touriug, condition. Owner. lots ut extras. uod UODliE EROTHKIlii MOTOR CARS. A used Dodge Brothers motor car is probably the most popular choice of the buying public today. If bought from us after being rebuilt and reflnmhed. your selection will represent the highest pos sible motor car value . and the least eventual loss. 1918 Dodge Bros, rdetr. and tour. . I 6-M 1917 Dodge Bros, touring 775 3918 Dodge Bros, rdatr. and tour.. 3 019 Dodse Bros, touring 1000 . 3!0 Dodge Bros, sedan 18.V) 3J20 Dodge Bros louring 1200 1920 Ford sedan with lots of equip ment. T'S 1918 Ca) touring, a beautiful car.. 1250 1914 Cole. 7-paafi.. privately owned car. only j0 3920 t'hevnilpt tnur a dandy, only 3019 Chevrolet touring 5tM 1UU rhirn!.h tnnrfnir in excellent eliape 1920 Chevrolet rdstr., in nice shape 62o 3017 Kissel sedan, a swell little ti.. 00 101A Maxwell tnurinjr. a dandy.... H' 31120 Maxwell, an excellent car for. 1400 lU'.O n:trlun,1 tnurintr I'nnrl rendi tion, snap 1917 lteo touring, cheap at M)0 3919 Falge touring, a fine car 1.100 3II1S Willys-Knight 8. big snap... 3200 3920 Nash touring, only 1 3919 National 6. priced only 140 391S Buick roadster, tine shape... 1000 3919 Studebakcr big 6. 5-paas l.";00 3917 Studebaker 4 touring i7o 1914 Studebaker tour.. 6-cyl.. snap. 40 12( Hudson touring at only....... 2"0 3920 Hayne 7-pass.. a beauty ..... 2iM) 3918 Hudson super . line shape... 3 00 111 1 Hudson speedster, a good one. OO0 1919 Hudson limousine, a beautiful car 2700 391S 6-54 Hudson, wire .wheels BOO 1U1Q Tttinmthila tnlirin?. looks likS new 13 1913 Chandler touring, new paint. Rpat rovers 111. rh.nillB. httTTimv rnfl(ititr in fine shape 3020 Chandler. 7-pajw.. almost new. 19.. 0 1919 mod. 90 Overland, reduced to. JtH) DEJJVEKY CARS. 3918 Dodge Bros, screen side dcllv. 875 3920 Ford delivery, starter 'tV Ford delivery, good snape.... oov COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY, 21st at Washington St. Main 6244. A Un o Hicr fliltnlnv t the REVT KTOaa way salesroom, downtown. Call at the salesroom most convenient for you. Our automobile transportation service - will make it quickly nossloble tor you to look over our entire stoca. -. . BKOADWAY USED . CAR BRANCH 2S-30 X. Broadway. Main 62H j. h. graham, distributor: CASE SIX. DAVIS SIX. ALSO some new light sixes, never used, placed with us for quick sale, -AND a few real used-car bargains. MODEL R HUPMOBILE. A dandy little car. in splendid condition, nearly new cord tiresi and 1921 license. 1920 DAVIS SPORT MODEL. Newly painted, five wire wheels, new tires, 1921 license. 1917 CASE. Vow in paint shop; fine condi tion and will be sold right; 1921 license. ; ' 1919 CHEVROLET. Good condition, spare tire, 1021 license. 490 OVERLAND ROADSTER, Priced lo: 1921 license. DODGE TOURING. Excellent mechanical condition; many extras: $1."0 handles this, balance on easy terms. C. H. COLBURN, Sales Mgr., 88 10th St., Near Stark. tf DON'T BUY A CAR UNTIL YOU: HAVE INVESTIGATED THIS. OPPORTUNITY TO OWN AN ALMOST NEW STUTZ. SEVEN PAS SENGER. RUN ONLY 2400 MILES. NEVER OFF PAVEMENT, PERFECT CONDITION. FULLY EQUIPPED. FIVE SILVERTON CORD TIRES, 1021 LICENSE, FIRE, THEFT AND LIA BILITY INSURANCE. AT A RE MARKABLY LOW PRiCE, EVEN FOR THESE TIMES: WILL TAKE SMALL ER LATE MODEL CAR IN PART PAYMENT. WOODLAWN 1271. 1914 HUDSON touring $1-5 . 9t4 Apperson touring -'-0 1918 Chevrolet touring 225 3915 Velie touring - 3916 Mitchell touring, A-l S2J 19ia Buick touring -23 VRANSON'S USED CAR EXCHANGE. Union Ave and Belmont. Upstairs. Open Evenings and Sundays. io-n niRT GRAND Chevrolet touring, ab solutely perfect condition, with many extras; owner sacrifice at $1050, with terms. Phone Col. Bj6. FORD touring, runs good, tires good, 1921 license. 195; terms. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Used Fords Exclusively. Cor. Grand nnd E. Yamhill. East 471. Open yunnays ana r.vemnKJ. -PASS. 1SU1CK, new paint, good corl ilren. in Al condition in every way; will i.ii. trade: drive this car and be con vinccd; long terms. Call Probst, Bdwy. 30fl. FORD trucks, worm drive, fine condition. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Used Fords Exclusively. Cor Grand and E. Yamhill. East 471 ti i ti:j.i. the world niv 1919 Velie tou Ine car is the best buy In town; has nlwavs had the best care: see it and ynu'll want It. 342 Burnside st 1919 FORD roadster: looks as good as a neW Car; in line uicvuauivai tion; good tires: $350 cash. Call Tabor why WAIT for prices to come down? . . , " r r . .! .1 .. I'm asking oniy ,ov iui wj axnn touring car. in good shape. S-e It Rt 3(2 Burnside or call Broadway 364 yo CHEVROLET 490 touring, excellent condition throughout: a real buy. Call Fvans Broadway. 240. or call at house. 21 E 71st st N. ,,.,, HUDSON speedster, driven 40o0 miles: good tires: price 1900. See Frohman or Marshall at 60 N. Broad way, or Call rroaown.. o-i. LATE model Buick roadster in first-class shape, new uiuc k..... romlng out like new. terms cash or trade small car. Mr. Nester. Bdwy. 2270. MY 1921 OLDS O afrniirisimiui. ua nucu rive service on this car like new; will S. . -..11 A. - RHwV OOTfl Erive terms. vnu .! . .. . . - j . HERE'S your car! My aanay ovenana tOUrlng. Witn KUUU Mica muit,, .1 splendia conniiio", - ""'f Call Bdwy. 3048. iq'ji CHEVROLET 490 demonstrator, like new. oau ' . cr Tabor 3913. MY MAXWELL muring car, in the finest condition, lor .. - "'"l""'" "r iiTTO OWNERS SALESROOM. Tou wish to sell your car? Can. get miick action at 16 Kinr st Main 14. LATU mod. Jiuick In perfect shape, guod rubber new paint job; see this car; will clve tormi Call Mr. Nester. Bdwy. 2270. S500 BUYS my Dodge touring, in won derful condition: has new top and plate b-1hi bsfk curtains. CaM Wdln. K3. ii it i BUG. 4 touring, 1117, A-l shape, must be sold this week. Ii0 Union ave.. upstairs. lvit UL.US 6, a real good buy; motor In 'perfect shape, good tires; will give form. Mr. Nester. Broadway 2L'70. 1W1U COL. K 8 A real bargain. Excellent car for bus or for hire, Mr. Buckley. Main 113. KOR SALK Chalmers roadster; will take late model light car in on trade. 460 Belmont st advanced on autos stored with us. Cut Prka Auto Wrecking Co.. 15th and Airier ts. 14oO DEPOSIT on new Essex; sacriUce for s::x). Kast ITU. 1118 BAB V GRA-N'D Chevrolet, bargain. Call Kast 4!0. Ask for Conner. WILL, sacriiii-e my iiupmubile model R an(i give trms. Call Woodiawn 6S3. FOKL coupe, lUl-u. like new; new Urea. Kast 71,23- . imy SCULPl'S-BOOTH ROADSTER: sell or trade. 107 13th. bt. Stark and Wash. llll! KOilD, in tlie very nesL condition, $3110, tfrms. Marshall 3471. . BABY GRAND CHEVROLET, never driv en; sacrifice. M300. Kast 4216. IMi rHEVb.OL.ET touring; a bargain at $4.10; will give terms. Call Wdln. flS3. WE WRECK CARS. Portland Auto Wreck lne Co.. 531 Aider st. Broadway 5254. NTKTY FORI BUG: fenders; bargain. 107 13th. bet. Stark and Wash. iuKU bug, a dandy, repainted io, JL'njoa avenue, uiitaira SALE SALE SALE. Every price stashed. Ho cars excepted All ffo. A genuine clearance. Anyone, anywhere, who Is fimirins; on buying a used car. now or In the future, will profit In a big way by taking ad vantage of Mitchell s used car sale wnitn Started Monday morning. April 2i. We intend to move every car in our stock and we have priced them down to the point where we know they will go and go ouicklv. Used cars of unusual qua my used cars with the chance removed. With but three exceptions all of them have been tnoroughty overhauled, repainted, reiin ihed and put in first-class shape In every respect. As priced they are the greatest bargains on the market to aay. Make your choice early. Former Sal Price. Price. Chevrolet, ltS, good shape . . . . touring. BOO $ 400 Mitchell Light Six touring, a good buy and very serv- iceable ' Maxwell, 1918, touring, re painted, new top, new seat covers 1 Mitchell, 1010, touring A fine light six, repainted, spotlight, bumper, aood tires 1330 1150 Mitchell, inie, Light Six touring, excellent shape, repainted, spotlight, bump er, rear vision mirror, good tires. A find at our price J200 1050 Mitchell, H-pass.. 4-cylinder .at a snappy price 300 225 Mitchell Light Six. thor oughly overhauled with Borg & Beck clutch; new tires, repainted and refin-ish-d It will appeal to you 1200 900 Mitchell. 1910, Light Six touring. Another one of these cars in A-l shape, good appearance and good tires 1200 1000 Mitchell Six. 7-pass., In good condition mechanically and otherwise; 2 new cord tires, good spare and other extras 1200 976 Mitchell, 1018. light touring, thoroughly overhauled, fine looking paint job, good upholstery, easy rid ing and handling 1000 800 Mitchell Light Six touring, painted a classy maroon color. with guod tires. Overhauled and refinished from stem to stern: Borg . & Beck clutch 1100 Briscoe, 1019, touring. Turned out in our usual ' first-class manner. re pain ted, new top ; a rare bargain 750 950 650 Mitchell Light Six touring with good tires, two of them new cords, repainted 650 Chevrolet delivery. Just put through our shops; has open top with side cur tains and Is a bargain for anyone needing a light de livery 450 GOO Mitchell 1017. 7-pass., a car of fine finish and in good shape, just the thing for the man with large family or for-hire service 7f0 Mitchell, 1018! 7-pass. This car Is powerful, quiet, easy riding and will give years 6715 oi satisiactory service. Re painted and refinished.... 900 Chevrolet touring, 1016 mod el, with good rubber and good appearance 300 Mitchell. 1919. 5-pass.. light six; an unusually fine looking car and one that you will be proud to own and drive. Overhauled and repainted, good tires 1100 Mitehell, 1910. roadster. In dandy shape 1500 Overland, 1019. 4-cytinder. touring, practicaliy new tires, good upholstery, runs like a top 675 950 Patterson, 1920 model, never abused Mit.heiJ, 1918. touring. In good shape 975 900 760 Great Western 4-cyl. tour ing at a bargain-counter price Late model Excelsior motor cycle with generator and tandem REBUILT TRUCKS. 178 Every one thoroughly overhauled and spcviany priced lor tuts sale. Former Sale Price. Price, Sterling 2 '4 -3-ton Kelly 3-ton .... White 1 -2-ton Maxwell 1-ton .... All-American 1-ton ..,.$2500 .... 1750 .... 1300 . . . . 000 .... 1000 $2000 12S0 830 fiAO 750 900 All-American 1-ton, new... 1450 Terms given with no charges for brok erage and the privilege of stopping in- rrsi wa part or an at anj time, Come early and see this stock while It is complete. Jt will be sold rapidly a. i meao snap prices. MITCHELL. LEWIS STAVER CO.. Broadway and Everett St. LATE 10IS CHANDLER. Seven-pas9nger. In fine running order; looks like new : three extra tires and spotlight: has had private use onlv; a snap at SI 000 cash SQ.'t YamhDI. lf17 HUPMOBILE. The famous big Hup; this Is In exce' lent condition in every way and a splendid buy at $1000; terms. See It. Mr. Argo. Bdwv. 32S1. WILL EXCHANGE. Our 1020 Chevrolet for 1918 or lfllft Chevrolet or Ford; need the money. Phone Bdwy 2403. A REAL snap in a good Franklin, good rubber, goon paint ana runs line; name your own terms. Call Probst, Broadway :wmv f FORD touring with starter, excellent shape. Can be seen at wiuara service Station, 12th and Hawthorne. Auto. 237-1.2. FOR SALE A Ford bug or trade for Fori touring and pay some nurerence. oia West 13th at.. Vancouver. Waph. 1020 CHEVROLET touring car. with same guarantee " new , tiv wm Owner E. 17S. $1350 LEAVING CITY, obliged to sell my ji-U cnannier; aimoei new, icriiia. her. Main ..4'JP. DE TAMBLE roadster. LoZier motor, good shape, lo0, win traae tor niotorcjcie. 74Sii Union-ave. N. DODGE touring car for sale, by owner. In good condition; must au now, whj Garage. 132 12th Mreet. FOR SALE, 101S Ford touring, with li cense, looks ana runs into new. ruum Bdwy. 240ft. HAVE a number or gooa usea ch rs. win Sell Very Clieap son mm- in pnmn Lrt varment. Call Probst. Bdwy. 3f,0l. ELECTRIC CAR, $100: good runnmg or der; make a gooa uu. c uju mont. Kast g7S. 1 HAVE a real snap in a lew good stage piipg. n rice n yy ry "-"'o vmoj terms Call Probst. Bdwy. 3000. WILL sacrifice 1020 baby grand Chevrolet, like new; COnsiaer Liievrumi ur rurn in trade, witn terms on mhihu't. r. im. vu AN KLIN 6B. o-pass,. flrat-class condi- tion. run o.u."w "ia, t umn KXA , a bargain. Phone Main 741. Bdwy. S4Q. A REAL 'buy is a good Paige car, very small payment uuwu, iuus, imm un ba la nee. Call Probst. Bdwy. 3ti06. LEXINGTON 7-passenger, condition and appearance iik urw. ivwa, must 8eit this month. Residence 505 E. Bdwy. HUDSON super-six, 1018 model, very good condition; su ratHMiouio, huich. eaie. Se Owner. P0 N. Third st. FOR SALE 1013 Cadillaa lor $0. Applj Covey Motor tir o. 1918 DODGE touring, good condition; terms IP rpupnnmum ymiiy. uoor Q1. 1018 DODGE, in good shape. $u0 cash. 2J i lay at- LATE model Olds 8, runs and looks new, tires new, win avi 1 1 v-. o t ... ii ar. j.i. HAVE a good used car, will trade or motorcycir. isn rrnnm, tin wy. nnyn. tt0"L la i Aid in t (UOA XUtc 7ti3. HE BOUGHT a Packard and left hie Steams-Knight for sale. This car is dandy shape, has five cord Ures. spotlight, xnetometer, looks like sew. If you want a reel buy -' and a car that has had the best of care, come and see this one at the PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO.. 10TH AND BURNSIDE. SEVERAL Kord buKS. all in good condi tion; prices range Hot and up. 1920 Ford coupe for sale or trade, cord tires and other extras. 1 117 Buick roadster, new paint, good tires; mechanically A-l, 11HS Olds S. 7 -passenger; will take smaller car In exchange. litis Indian motorcyclo with side car and tandem; very cheap price. 1H2U Moore i0. new; cot $1365; $UG0 taken this one. 1919 Velie. 5-passenger: beat of con dition; SI 100. 1920 Bell touring: new paint, good tires; mechanically 1st class. Make me an offer. 1117 Maxwell, fine shape: new battery; l.- down, balance easv terms. 1120 Chevrolet delivery. $."..".0. terms. lft 18 Chevrolet, o-passenger touring, fine shape; $.':h. terms. 7-pasenger Paige, late model: lust the thing for a stage run; $s:.o. terni.t. GRAND AVE. AUTO EX CHANG IS. ' IKS Grand ave. 6.";3. Buy your RFBUTLT CHEVROLET From the USED CHEVROLET DEPOT Owned and operated bv THE CHEVROLET DISTRIBUTORS. GUARANTEED REBUILT CHEV RO USTS. All Model All Prices Excellent Terms. Grand ave. between Ankeny and Burn side. Onen Daily and Sunday. . Phone East 410. The House with Chevrolet Pride." UBERTT BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. TOU BUT OR SELL AS AUTOMO BILE. WE FUR N 1SH THE M ON E Y. OUR SERVICE WJLL Pl.BASK YOU. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLDG.. 2D FLOOR. TWELVE PASSENGER Locomobile, new body, five new Cord tires; absolutely in first-class condition; 3020O. AUTO SALES COMPANT. Ninth and Couch. SAVE 700 ON THIS. 1020 big six Studebaker. It looks and runs like new, is fully equipped and is some buy for $2000, and I will take ligin car in trade. This car has been In storage all winter and now I need tl j money. Phone Broadway 4WH or write AH 62? 1, Oregonlan, for a demonstration. $625 LATE mode Reo. five-passenger, new top and Cord tires. AUTO SALES COMPANY. Ninth and Couch. 1020 STUDEBAKER SEDAN. Financial reverses compel me to sMI my 1020 Special Six Studebaker 6-pass. sedan; run only 3100 niil;s and In perfect condition. Has 4 cord tires and new snare: brown plunh upholstering. I wit take a small car up to $1U00 as part pay ment. Can handle terms, l'hone Auto matic 32-52. WILL sell my laio 1120 Haynes 4-paa sport model; lust put on 5 new ovorvued non-skid Royal curd tirs; has ft wlr wheels. I can handle a light car or pno 7-naas. car bs part payment and en easy terms. The price im a sarrif ic. Call the Advertising Manager. Auto. 214-1 FORD DELIVERY HLIE6. Fine condition, $10 and up. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Used Fords Exclusively. Cor. Grand and E. Tamhill. East 471. Open Knndnys and Kvnlngs. WILL sell my late mode) l! II Oldsmnbix little six 5-nassenger; has & tires, ulrno new and some other extras; car in in fin condition. The prico win surprise yn, cash or terms. Call Mr. Kilton, Aut. 214-10. 1921 CHEVROLET baby grand touring Perfect mechanical condition and finish Factory guarantee given. $Ui23 with terms. Phone owner, CoL 630. 1110 ROADSTER delivery, very line col dition. $250. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, Used Fords Exclusively. Cor. Grand and E. Yamhill. Eaxt 471. Open Sundnv and Evoninga. I HAVE a P20 Cole 8 4-pass. sportster. run only 1300 miles. This car is new and I will give a new guarantee with It. I can handle a small car as part pay ment and give easy terms. l'hone Mr. Hoffman. Automatic 214-10. FORD TUUiUNU, lUliO, Starter, demountable rims, Goodyear tires, one new spare, shock absorbers, Gardner carburetor, all good condition. See Parsons, 10 N. Broadway, i'bone Broadway 321 1020 KISSEL-KAR. SPORT MODEL. Cost $.'7u0; equipped with wire wheels. cord tires ana other extra : will dl. count -V) per cent ; the irreateat va'ue ever offered: take small car in exchange. Proad-way ..'.. Ask for Mr. nn K, OAKLAND ROADSTER. This Is a peach of a car; newly paint ed, mechanically perfect: spotlight, wind deflectors, etc. A snap lor Terms MR. ARCtO. Bdwy. 32H1. CHANDLER 1016. but only run 24.000 miles, tiy private owner; a bargain at SOuO. Phone Marsnall l-M. LATE 10 lb Chevrolet touring, splendid condition; 0 good tires, genuine leath.-i uoholstery. Car looks like new. Jauu terms, $200 down, balance in 10 months. Mr. Argo, Bdwy. ;il"i. I HAVE two Mitchell 0 touring cars, t is a 1018 and one a ion victory mod!. 1 will sell either one of them and give easy terms. v ill guarantee eitner sar. Phone Mr. Nnfh. Auto. 214-10. $.'.00 ttuva 5-nassentrer. 8-tyllnder Studebak. overhauled and refinished; terms, $200 down. MR. ARGO, Bdwy. 321. . WILL Kil mv 10 IS 4-cyl. liuick sedan: n ear is In berfect condition ana the price Is right; I will take a piano or talking machine as part payment. Phone East T33S. MARMON. Model 41 In superb condition: $000 for quick sale: terms. If you try this car out you will buy it. Mr. Arga Broadway 32M. A REAL snappy bug. juft liko new; four new tirea; don t overiooa mis one; drive it nnd vou will buy it. binaii nayin-nf down, long, eay terms on balance. Call Pro1-!"t at Bdwy, 3mti. PACKARD for sale, $1000; fl-cyl.; will mrrv u comforiaoiy; Tirai-ciass inernan- IcaJly and otherwise splendid for hire or stage purposes; must see to appreciate East 10HH. 1U1K OAKLAND ROADSTER. 1010 Oakland tix roadster, good con dition, $3aii, terms. Francis Motor Car Co., Grand ave, and Hawthorne. Laat 3770. CHEVROLET ROADSTER. Iftin psed very little; mechanically perfect and looks nearly new. Sacrifice for $050. with $20 down. MR. ARGO. Bdwy. 32l. MY 1H21 OLDS b demonstrator, as jjooj as new; & good cord tires, spotlight; will give service on this car, like new; will (jlv tern-a. Call Mr. X-1"', Bdwv. 22?: WILL sell of trade lor u i cows 1 Over land I Ford in ffni condition. Hanwn, 310 Prescott et. Wdln. 401 L Cali after 7 P. M. HUDSON super aix, just like new, never off pavement: 6 tires and extras; $17.i(t; private owner. Phone Wdln. 264b. 230 Arizvle st.. weekdays. CHANDLER Dispatch. 1020. juat painted and overhauled. $17M. driven by me only. H. V. Adix, or phone tt21, OrruU- am. Oregon. 1120 HUPMOBILE Driven 4200 milts with care. This car rum and looks like new. A real buy. Mr. Buckley. Vain 113. weeKnays. MUST sell my 1020 Franklin louring car, will give frma to responsible party ; might consider small car In exchange, phone pyeningn. East 3270. 1W0 OLUt . a ral good buy; motor in perfect shape, good tlra; will give tetuuh Uim NcsL&r, Broadway 270. HKRE IS TOT'R BTTTZ, For nale hy owner, 4 passenger "01T Ptuts. in exelent rneWtaniral condi tion : a barga in ; v- ltl dcinunsliste. Call mornings, labor oiuj. JVKL Tul KING. Have late m.ll Kord tourln. ehoea; aborbT!t, spfMlimet t. i-poi I ttrUt, olr.. new tlrr. fine condition; will mI1 st hat'rifMT. or UTm. No dt-alers. Cut! nod!a n 7.M. For s late 10H Stutfhker roadster. a Pudid condition; ha had bct car; $2iK rash. haI.n-o in 10 months. Mr, Arc o. Hrortdw:iy :L'M. l'.iJM KURD O 'I I'E. Finest condition; musl !!. Tshor 31 43 'iVrniM. Aiiionii.nll. Uiinien. WANT 1'nrd muring car. k...m1 end It ion, in ekrhang- for my it nod 3 -room semi -modern buiiHiilow. nice llltlf home. b"t locHtlon un the ivninula. Call Col. 1112 during day or Col. b3 evenings. Ask fr Mrs. litton. . , 1 WILL PAY fcpot rahh for rt H'20 Hun k, Paige. Ch.mdl'T. St ud- tn k-'f t-r Cadillac or touring car; tnut a and good a n'W and at a rvni sact if ne. t want quick act loll on I his. H.I HM.'i. Qrr ri I it ti - cash for korp, touring oh kuai'ster. 530 ALDER foT. WE ARE in Hit) market for some sool cars of various kindt. If your car Is In pood nhnpc and priced right; .rive U t 523 Alder st. WANT DndgM cur. I have a 1017 light iX In fin cimdition and some ca.h to trade. Call "m3 ( r-u.'in.i n bldg - Al'TOMoHli.K :int. iiioUci ; will trade t ton I'irk. C;l 1 I'.r.. not lut'T than 111 tmod lots in Irxing- ALH..I"HI.E Hade 1a. tory site in Tacoma or l.'t mcic tn stna.l Mr. Mol man. Main K.7.Y j ACRES, ail clear, al Wood burn. Or, $21. "in; take car to iO.'iu as liiot panuut, Tattor s:Xl. WILL my Ji.'iO dimly "i a iicv 1-ton truck for a Fold car. N 01 gonian. $ tuiiO Or- WE SEEL K lrive to 107 Washington. Hl at. lrtfL UN we get tin. Lith &t., between Stark and $o7.0 KIM HALL player pialio to extliange for a Chevrolet ruadatcr. Apt. 10. 2l'lli l'Rl tourtiir-s and'luiB wai.ud, la I modelh ; will piiy caiUi. Robinwon, 1 1 Union ave M. W I LL Hade uiirstutied luri.Muiu ani drape or rug lur Ford coupe. Call Broadway Iomi. W A N I' E 1 'a r.n for wiukiKK. Url'" Auto Wrecking Co.. 02 N. 1UU St.. Dear Ev-rctT CASH for nil n.ak. a of cars; condition n object. 415Gli?an.cor.Hth.ldwy. 213. WANT Fora touring trmn private owner; wl': Vy c:U W"wl!t'vn 721. M m AUTO A KEv'K KKS HI V ANY CAR. lath ami M'i'"V iMOlOt'irn. 1017 HAIil.KY-HAVII'SON, Ju.-t liko now. Will guarantor this one. Name your own tern,!-. C:iU Pr..b-t. Bdwv SitOH. 1017 JILNHLKmi.s m.doi, . Ih with or without side car. A very Minnll p.ivmnt down. long, easy terms Hdwy. mm;. MGTvM'CYCEE ami parts, all makes, EAST Slt'H .MoTMKC.CLE CO., 44-Kt Cr-ii'd am. Fl'R M T( UtfVri.K.-. AND HI CYCLES TRT VS. 2'M-2 31 ST MAIN HH. Auto lire and Accerie. DKVOl'NTA Ml.h i mix. Fit-v'ton and others. biz-B from aosUW lo atx4, 4L and up. Fihk rutdn-r cement. 5-gal. cans $1 per gallon. Ford wheels, $2 e:ch. Lambert Tire At Kubvr Co., 2J'I n ve., cor A NEW .KT ol luid ileniouiildb'," ttiirr.t and carrier at discount, cubli. Aut. Ln:s 2i Ut. COMPLETE u outfit lor fill g h n fl reii'padir.g Tabor Oai. ICR : tire. ALL. U ,-i.Vl Tnvi i ut aitu in w ;ux.i -a Aulniiiohil- for Hire. AUTOS Foil HI KE. Willi or without tlr.v trs. Day or nlht service. OH'I'IIMAN GARAGE. 10th and Couch. Hnm-i" ny 3'V Renienib'-r our number, Hro:id-y 3H-H AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. I .O W N S I A LK GARAGE. rnoMw. y aUTo.n v iTIIOl.T l'KI KKS. Late model car. r.-.isoii)Glo rul'S. CITY GARAGE, 132 3 2th st., b t w den t.-MnRton and A td-T. llro-idwny M'J H S. BENNKIT. CRS K'K HIRE WITHOUT ItRIVERS. ABVY (iVRGE. THIRD AN I TAVI.QR. M M V ai tus w i iii 1 1 r ii;f i-.its for hike. L L SILLIVWS KAMI 1 1 N OARiK. MAR. 232. 1"TH A NO YAM HILL A 123 ioo r -pass. itricK for hike. witiI HH1VKK. BKOA DWA Y :C.4i. FOR SAtK TTttTKS IM) TRXCTOHsl. 2;y-TuN TKl.i'lv. To be sold Kt dealer's cost. Thla tniek Is ntw anti fully gUMr.iniircd. ctiuipptd with cab. curtains, bunipr iin1 r.idntor gu.irdy. Will K.ive you numi and U fully gunratrcd by the Ltclory and the d's tributor. S;itijtactoi y terms can be ar ranged by responsible parties. Our rea son for this cut is dun to our new models being equipped with (he ilinkley motor In piaco of Continental. Write or c Mr. Lyon, Cook Ac GUI Co., Inc., Rroati wfiy 32M GRA MM-BERNSTEIN 2-TON TRUCK. Run leas than 200 miles, ben" an 1121 license, at a sacrifice, tciini or cash. 88 10th St., Near Stark. HAVE a few .slamUiid marvc of ti'uci of 2-ton capacity. Pay fK.OO in 0 days and balance in IS months. Sa $750. A Uo 3 'a - ton on same tor inn. equipped with dump body. 1L 02 i, Or goman. PLENTY of work w it li a inioft nf w truck all ready to go: owner cant handle; wid sacrifice- 1''hs than haif or wili tiado atid give terma. What have you? Cali Ail- tou ot.r Lei-jta 2"! 1. MAX W ELL 1 - toll li uck fof sale v' v cheap; hai fiat slake uony and is rady to run: $H0 cash or terms. See Mar shall. fiO North Hroadwii.v. tOli SALE i-.a-lull ieiutn irucK, ew, 12000: one -',j-ton, new, ..too. owner. 3s3 Williams ave., apt 10. No dealers. FiVE-TON Pacific Car Foundry log trailer. complete; 3-ion log trailer, compiois. 33 Thut man street. 3-TON White truck, Due lui contiact u;k or heavy nuuimib f ot oimti ai tjU North Bro:idw ny. ONE NEARLY new .Ct-lou irucli with dump noisi; wm ri n nk ioi -tuo long wheel base 200 Oak st. FoUL tiuck, chain urive, fc(m conuitjon. for saie ctieup nu ior our wo: a. Atlas Wood :i rd. 327 Froti ' st. FORD truck, 1020 Uiodel, Uhed oliu molilh plietlllialic ure, ftti i m it mnvu St once. Box 211. Canl.y. r. BARGAIN 2-1 AL G.l(J 'j Alder II uck. E. Chrisu'UMin. - 5-TON LOG trailer, complete; B'-toa log trailer, rompiere. .oj nan wt. ONE-ToN Fold truck, A-l haiiu, U-riUA. 332-60. AUTO KF-PAIRING. Motor exper r- Ad kinUi Mllteed. ur. !!!? motor worJc B-M rcter- etices. ?1 PT h' 1T IS HERE Poi Lime, n.oioi -urivi.n cyl inder boring maeiime mjt an iio. (lemoiistraUoiK K. J1- LX 1 RA auto repairing at our ho Ai TO tcpairliig at vnur Ktiragc. 1 iluUf. MATF,t M ISCIMANMHS. I-RS: FI RS! I I KM lstjw Rent and Low Pt ices. Remodeling and Repairing. LA FRANCE FUR MFG. C;. Ma'n UVJU. ! "h HOl ' S H ; I - E A N 1 S G T I M l!i. Do not throw things away. I pay good prices il,r aecond-hand fmniturc, cloth ing, tool and all kinds of Junk. Main 734. bAl- E i-'ir. prooi lor on ice, on :. lowest price auu muvtw u w wo, soman. , , W A N T ET N a I in n a ; ca h register. .c t n JUL.; imibl be cneap lur cau. aj- ota Orconlau WANTED Prices on iuol-grown riiign- tc Cliineae pnessanta r . x. itcr, cm Ysid ro. i aiiiurma. ; liU Y and rent di e-s auiL MiMit i. mining, in i niru Pt. 1)1 AM ON DS bouaUt al hisht-ft market priCS. r. I iq y hmii ii, ton ru WANTED Earn reed baby butiay. uvd bill in goO ronn'tinn. nil auto. i i. WANTED S W A N 1 ED (.' t lie. goa ts on ilir.-, etthef stock or Tlnancs. A ww. fregnniwn. L'NK. raaa, bottler, old clothing. irui ilurcature, tosus; jcuoi. vxiu-. ijawx, ia A N f