Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 22, 1921, Page 9, Image 9

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City Editor Mln 70T0. BMM5
Sunday Editor Main 7070. 60-i
Advertising- Department. .Main 7070. J0-
Superintendent of Bidg..Mln 7U70. 580-86
BAKER (Morrison at Eleventh) Baiter
Stock company In 'The Trail of the
Lonesome, rine." Tonlg-ht,
LTR1C (Broadway at Morrison) Muleal
comedy. "Oh. Baby. Baby." Three shows
dally. 3. T and P. M.
HIPPODROME (Broadway at Yamhill)
Vaudeville and raovlni pictures. 2 to S.
6:-4 to 11 P. M. Saturdays. Sunday and
Mondays, continuous, 1:14 to 11 P. M-
PA STAGES (Broadway at Alder) Vaude
ville. Thrae allows dally. 2. 1 and :0S
P. M.
Passover Services Announced.
Passover services will be held at the
Neveh Zedek Talmud Torah syna
gogue. Sixth and Hall streets, tonight
at 7 o'clock. Tomorrow evening serv
ices will be held at 8. Morning serv
ices tomorrow and Sunday will begin
at 9 o'clock. Rabbi J. B. Gordon, who
came here recently from London, Eng
land, will lecture tomorrow morning
on "Joseph and the Culture of Egypt,"
while on Sunday morning, the theme
r,t the narmon will be "Moses the
Man. and Moses the Prophet" Rev.
Abraham I. Rosencrantz will officiate
at all services. All men ana women
are welcome. Services for the Pass
over will bo held at Temple Beth
Israel at 6:30 o'clock today and at 10
n'clock tomorrow morning. Rabbi
Wise officiating.
Social Features Arranged. Plans
for the social features of the annual
election of directors and reports of
officers of the Chamber of Commerce
have been completed. It was an
nounced vfesterdar afternoon. The
Vimis. committee has arranged for
music of a special nature and a free
buffet luncheon will be provided. The
meeting will begin at 8 o'clock recep
tion of members will take place on
the seventh floor, in the green room.
The luncheon will be served on the
sixth floor and the meeting proper
will b on the eighth floor. A feature
of the evening will be the annual
report of 1L B. VanDuzer. president.
Automobile Drivers School Starts.
The national safety council will be
gin, today, a course of lectures on
automobile driving for the teachers
of the city. "Brakes and Braking"
will be the subject of the first lecture.
J. A. Crittenden of the Covey Motor
Car company, will present the lecture
on this very vital STibject The lec
ture will be held at 4:15 in room A
f course has been arranged at the re
quest OI me cauncra, uiucib rt -
Interested will be welcome.
Joseph N. Teal to Speak. Joseph
K. Teal, recent member of the ship
ping board and known as a lawyer,
scholar and rate expert, will speak at
the luncheon of the City club at the
Benson hotel today. ' Mr. Teal will
take as his subject "The American
Merchant Marine." Morris E. Crum
packer will present to the club mat
ters pertaining to the vocational and
health rehabilitation of war service
Frets Christian Science Lecture.
Second Church of Christ, Scientist, of
this city announces a free public lec
ture on Christian Science by John .
Doorly. C. S. B., of London, England,
a Member o the Board of Lectureship
of The Mother church. The First
Church of Christ, Scientist. In Boston,
Mass., in the muncipal auditorium,
Friday evening, April 22, at o'clock.
Doors open at 7:30. The public is cor
dially invited to be present. Adv.
Swan Free for Parties. R. J.
Belland. manager of the excursion
boat Swan, has announced that after
May 1 the boat will be available after
noons for benefit parties or entertain
ments for charity free of charge. This
Invitation, .Mr. Belland said, includes
card parties in which the profits are
glx-en to charity. The Swan will be i
moored at the foot of Tamhill street, j
Wife of Police Chief III. Mrs. L. '
V. Jenkins, wife of the chief of police,
is in St. Vincent's hospital with a
serious attack of pleurisy which de
veloped Wednesday night. Unless her
condition shows a decided change for
the better by today Chief Jenkins will
not leave for New, York tonight for
the annual national convention at
police chiefs.
R. L. Thompson Made Sales Man
ager. R. L. Thompson, for the past
two years manager of the traffic and
purchasing departments of King's
Food Products company, has been ap
pointed to have charge of the sales
department and has already taken
charge. Samuel McMurran, formerly
plant auditor of the firm, has been
appointed in his place.
Realtt Board to Hear a. L.
Barbur. A. L. Barbur, city commis
sioner, will given an address at the
luncheon of the realty board at the
Portland hotel today noon, taking as
his subject TJivic Improvements." The
speaker will be introduced by Joseph
W. Beveridge. W. B. Shlv.ely, chair
man of the legal committee, will
speak on a legal subject.
Toith Committee to Reform School.
Julian IT. Corbett, arrested at a
downtown hotel recently on a forgery
charge, the second to be placed
against him in the past year, was
ordered committed to the state reform
school at Salem by Judge Kanzler of
k the court of domestic relations yes-
I t . rd :i v 11 lm 17 vaoev f a a&
Rabbi Abrahamson to Conduct Serv
ice. Passover services will be held at
the Congregation Ahavai Sholom. Park
and Clay streets, tonight at 7 o'clock.
Saturday evening services at 7 o'clock,
Saturday morning services at 9 o'clock
Sunday morning services at 9:30
o clock. Rabbi R, Abrahamson will
officiate. All are welcome.
Thief Gets Jewelry. While A. II.
Harmon was absent from his room
at 231 Fifth street for a few minutes
yesterday morning a sneak thief en
tered and stole his gold watch, sev
eral articles of wearing apparel and a
few pieces of jewelry, Harmon re
ported to the police detective bureau
Hutchinson Estate 120.000. Will
iam Hutchinson, who died in Portland
March 25. left an estate valued
at $30,000, according to a petition for
probate of will filed in the circuit
court yesterday. He left three sons,
George, Joseph and Edgar Hutchin
son. Burglars Bust in Crrr. $1000 in
loot stolen Tuesday night by burglars
who robbed six Portland homes. Pro
tect yourself against such losses.
Phone Mar. 2391 for a Burglarv and
Holdup Policy. W. R. McDonald Co.,
insurance, Teon bldg. Adv.
Do Not Foroet to call up East 3088
when you want the Salvation Army
auto truck to call for cast-off cloth
ing, magazines, newspapers, furniture,
etc. Address 24-26 Union ave Major
John Bree. district officer. Adv.
The Etrie, on the bluff of the Co
lumbia river, at White Salmon. Wash.,
will be open to guests for week ends
or for Sunday dinners by arrangement
not later than Friday. Mrs. C. W. J.
Reckers. Adv.
Old 8-Room Residence. 50x100. 23d,
two blocks north of Washington street!
Lot worth $10,000. Future business
property; $7500. E. J. Daly, 221 Fail
ing bldg. Adv.
Tired, aching feet can be relieved:
consult Dr. Ingalls, Knight Shoe Co.,
Morrison, near Broadway. Adv.
Lxwis-Stenoer, Morrison at Tenth,
grind razors, scissors, knivea perfectly.
y Kemmerer Coai. Carbon Coal Co ,
r ( ....... L . .i.fl J
uiuv a ft t- ... E,Moi lie o. t.
Cordwood, $8.50 F. E. Bowman Co.
Dr. Daitoh, glasses. Swetland bide
Botdston Evades All Clews.
Police detectives end deputy sheriffs
had received no additional clews yes
terday, which might lead to the
whereabouts of Jess Boydston, Van
couver barber, who shot and serious
ly wounded Mrs. Mabel Baker and
her husband, Tom Baker, near their
home in the Woodstock district late
Tuesday afternoon. Nothing but the
statement of a street-car motorman
that he saw Boydston a few hours
after the shooting. Sunday night,
driving toward Vancouver has been
obtained which might lead to his ar
rest. Mrs. Baker is improving rapid
ly at Sellwood hospital from two
bullet wounds, while her husband is
well on the road to recovery at St.
Vincent's hospital. Baker's right arm
was shattered by a bullet fired by
Boydston. Mrs. Baker was shot twice
in the face.
Postal Violation Charged. Hymen
Rosenbloom, aged 19, was ordered
held under $200 ball yesterday by
United States Commissioner Frazer on
a charge of violating the postal laws
In sending morphine through the
mails. It was alleged and admitted
by Rosenbloom that he had associated
with a woman drug addict in Port
land until she sought reformation and
went to visit relatives in Idaho, where
It was thought she. would be free from
temptation a sufficient length of time
to effect a cure. However, she was
said to have sent a telegram to Rosen
bloom, urging him to mail her some
morphine, which he said he did. His
arrest followed. Assistant United
States Attorney Lusk bandied the
Father of Six Sentenced. With
hl six children, all under 14 years
of age, beside him in court, John Will
iams was sentenced yesterday to serve
60 days in the county Jail by Judge
Bean in federal court. Because of the
rather reduced circumstances and the
helpless condition of his family, the
court made the sentence as lenient as
possible in the hope a mild punish
ment would serve the purpose of a
lesson to the offender. Williams,
shoemaker when he can work, lives
at 437 Fremont street and had been
arrested four times, in May and June
1920, and in February and April, 1921
each time on the tame charge, viol
tion of the dry act in having had
prune mash In his possession.
Girl Faces New Charoe. Police
Investigation yesterday developed
that Pauline Westerman, who robbed
the home of Policeman Epperson after
the policeman's wife had taken the
elrl into the home to befriend her,
likewise robbed the home of W. E.
Stewart. 865 Tillamook street, early
in March, while she was employed as
a maid at the Stewart home. The girl
was said to have confessed to police
detectives yesterday. The Westerman
girl was released from the Cedars in
March. A few days later she disap
peared, taking with her, it is said.
property valued at more than $500.
Another Bio Ego Laid. The nu
merous reports coming in of unusual
sized eggs would indicate that the
farmyard denizens of the northwest
are in open contest for the production
of the largest specimen. Idaho and
Oregon have been represented among
the claimants and now comes Mrs. i..
B. Hayslip of Vancouver, Wash., with
the shell of an 8 Hx6 '.4-inch egg. Mrs.
Hayslip declared that a Minorca hen
with her flock has quite a habit of
producing large eggs, two others
having measured! 8x6 and 86 Vs
inches, besides the one described
Jat Stevens Badlt Injured. Jay
Stevens, Portland ex-fire chief and
now head of the bureau of prevention
of the national board of fire under
writers, was badly hurt in an auto
mobile accident in California, Mon
day, according to word received in
Portland yesterday. He Is now in a
hospital at Ripon, Cal., but is ex
pected to recover. Mr. Stevens left
Portland in 1917 to take up fire pre
vention work and has had his head
quarters at San Francisco for the last
three years.
Alcohol la Fatal. Five empty
wood alcohol bottles remained as mute
evidence of the cause of the death of
Charles Rush, a laborer, 45 years old.
whose lifeless body was found In a
room at the Burnside hotel. Second
and Burnside streets, early yesterday
afternoon. The coroner took charge
of the body and began endeavoring to
locate relatives. The man had regis
tered at the hotel Wednesday after
noon. Clews to Bank 'Explosion Followed.
Deputy sheriffs investigating the
explosion which wrecked the State
Bank of Troutdalo early Wednesday
morning reported yesterday that sev
eral clews being followed appeared
to be "warm" and that it was quite
possible that arrests might be made
in a few days. They were convinced
that the attempt was not the work of
expert yeggs or drunken cracksmen
but rather of amateurs.
Oregon Pioneer Seriouslt Jll. C.
II. Dodd, well-known Oregon pioneer,
is critically ill at his home, 580 First
street, and but slight hope is held out
for his recovery, attending physicians
said last night. His condition has been
alarming for the last 36 hours. Mr.
Dodd is founder and for 32 years has
been a director of the Waverly baby
home, being one of the leading spirits
in the guidance of this philanthropic
Liquor Violation Charged. Mike
Stankovlch, proprietor, and Mike
Plecas, bartender, at the soft drink
establishment at 60 North Third
street, were held to the grand Jury
by United States Commissioner Frazer
yesterday upon charges of violating
the prohibition laws. Evidence showed
the two had served forbidden drinks
on April 11. Cash bail was furnished.
Liquor Violation Charged. Tom
Johnson was arrested at his home yes
terday, near Fourteenth and Lovejoy
streets, for an alleged violation of the
state prohibition law. The police con
fiscated 2-4 bottles of Scotch whisky
they said was found at Johnson's
house. He has been convicted repeated
ly in pojice court for the same offense.
Narcotics Seller Fined. Upon
changing his plea to guilty of the
charge of having sold narcotics, Ralph
E. Bellinger was fined $1000 yester
day In federal court. A co-defendant,
W. E. Terry, entered a plea of guilty
some time since and was fined $500.
The crime was committed in Feb
ruary. Hospital Plan Withdrawn. The
application made by Strong & Jlc
Naughton for a permit to erect a
hospital on Nineteenth and Lovejoy
streets, has been withdrawn. The per
mit met with strong opposition from
property owners in the vicinity of
the proposed site of the hospital.
Ex-Vice-President Marshall lectures.
auditorium, Saturday eve., April 23.
Adv. . V
M. Albright, Assisiant
Parks Director, Here.
Hunting and Fishing In Oregon
Are Praised as Large Attrac
tions; Roads Liked.
Tourist travel to the west during
the comlna- summer months will be
exceptionally heavy in spite of cur- i
. i 1 ...!r.n in jinm sec-
reui uuBiacaa ucj,, .,t..... ...
tions of the country, according to
H. M. Albright, field assistant to the
uireetor of the national park service.
who is in Oregon in connection witH
the projected development oi crater
lake national park facilities.
Mr. Albright, who is also superin
tendent of Yellowstone national park,
is considered one of the highest
authorities in the country on tourist
travel conditions. He recently re
tnrned from the east, where he was
in constant consultation with rail
road and government officials on the
tourist situation.
1020 Travel Sets Record.
While Mr. Albright did not venture
to predict that the tourist travel this
year would exceed that of last year,
he did go so far as to say that it
would undoubtedly be as large. The
tourist travel of 1920 was the greatest
ever experienced in America, exceed
ing by far that of pre-war years and
even excelling travel in exposition
years. Mr. Albright also looks for
ward to an exceptionally heavy
motorist traffic.
-All the railroads are planning to
establish very attractive tourist rates
which are designed to help the sum
mer travel. These rates will be an
nounced in the near future, according
to Mr. Albright.
Oregon has a wonderful future as
the playground of America, the mecca
of tourists, and the great outdoor
state of the nation, in the opinion of
Mr. Albright.
"The Columbia highway is consid
ered one of the most unique scenic
features In the country, famed
throughout the world for its singular
and Impressive beauty.
Hunting and Flaking Landed.
"Oregon today la probably the best
state in the union for hunting and
fishing. If the natural game re
sources are properly conserved, and
by present indications they no doubt
will be, Oregon will soon be supreme
!n the outdoor line"
Mr. Albright is extremely enthusi
astic about the road system in the
great western states.
There is nothing in the east that
can compare with them." he said.
'They form a perfect lure and fasci
nation to the motorist. The surface
of automobile travel, by the way, has
so far not even been scratched. When
the contemplated networks of roads
are finally completed, Oregon will be
swamped with eastern motorists; each
one bringing money into the state for
expenditure here."
Mr. Albright predicted that thou
sands of Oregon automobiles would
visit Yellowstone park this summer.
The roads are in good condition, he
said and the scenery between the two
places is wonderful.
As soon as be completes his mission
In Oregon, the formulating of plans
for the development of Crater Lake
national park Mr. Albright will re
turn with Mrs. Albright to Yellow
stone park, where he will await the
opening of the summer season on
June 15.
After Throwing Wife's Effects Into
Street, Portuguese Slioots Self.
As the culmination of extended
marital troubles. Albino CabraJ Va
rela, a Portuguese negro, shot him
self three times in the head in front
of hie apartment. Nineteenth and
Upshur streets, yesterday morning.
He was removed to the police emer
gency hospital, where physicians said
the wounds were superficial.
Varela aroused the neighborhood
when he threw his wife's trunk
from a third floor window of the
Peabody hotel, where they have, re
sided, and then began throwing his
wife's wearing apparel into the street
and gutter. Other patrons of the
hotel put in an emergency call for
the police.
When motorcycle police arrived
Varela drew a small caliber revolver
and began shooting himself. One bul
let plowed its way through his scalp,
another penetrated the cheek, and
the other barely grazed his skull.
At police headquarters Varela
talked incoherently of his domestic
troubles. He probably will be held
for examination as to his sanity, the
police said.
Pin Your Faith on the
Store's Reputation
CHEAP PRICES in themselves mean nothing. Any unscrupulous clothier
can name them. Here's the point! Buy from the merchant whose
reputation rests on years of clean, straight merchandisingwhose
prices are the result of careful, honest planning good worth-while mer
chandise. On such standards we base our prices. A garment must be worth it!
Our window fashion display
of men's and young men's
spring clothing features
these two prices:
Nationally famous
Gttorf IfttLTk How si Ksva&aaa
Lion Service Suits
Exclusive Kuppenheimer House in Portland
Morrison at Fourth, S. & H. Stamps Given
dinner at the University club,
will leave tonight for Seattle.
Staggering "Woman Pickpocket Gets
Purse From Victim.
Bohumll Siller, 228 Tenth street, is
the second victim of the staggering
woman pickpocket. As he was walk
ing home early yesterday morning on
Salmon street he noticed a woman a
short distance from him staggering
so badly she could hardly walk.
Siller went to her assistance and
put his arm around her to help her
some. At 209 Thirteenth street the
woman stopped and thanked Siller for
his assistance. Then she went to the
rear of the house at that address and
As he started to leave Siller looked
down at the sidewalk and found his
purse. A 10 bill was missing. This
is the second time in recent weeks
that the same woman has staged this
staggering pickpocket ruse.
Motor Vehicles Are Not Exempted,
Says Secretary Kozer.
The city of Portland must pay
license fees on all of its motor vehi
cles, according to Information re
ceived yesterday from Secretary of
State Kozer.
The only exemption granted by the
state applies to government-owned
vehicles, traction engines, farm trac
tors. roRd rollers, fire wagons, fire
engines, invalid chairs and baby bug
gies. Officials of the city of Portland do
not agree with the secretary of state
and have referred the question to
City Attorney Grant for an opinion.
Pacific State9 Fire Ins. Co.
Stock for sale, 25 per cent below
book value.
405 Merchants Trust bldg.,
326 V4 Washington street. Adv.
S. & H. green stamps for cash.
Holman Fuel Co., coal and wood.
Main 353. 660-21. Adv.
The United States produced $667.
204,000 worth of rubber products in
Braiding, embroidery. Hemstitching.
Booth's Morgan building. Adv.
430 Alder St.
Telephone Broadway 2816
ment of finest soaps and
toilet powders in the world
for children. Famous Barbara-Elizabeth
WE ARE making; a
"beaten path" from
dairy to city with
constantly increasing de
liveries of
Dean of Dartmouth College Talks
to High Scliool Students.
Craven Laycock, dean of Dartmouth
college, in speaking yesterday morn
ing to the students of Jefferson high
school, emphasized the importance of
a college education for every boy and
girl. He urged students to go about
their college work in the right spirit,
for in this way only, he said, could
it mean all that it should to them.
Bishop W. T. Sumner, who was at
Dartmouth for two years with Dean
Laycock. introduced the speaker.
. This was Dean Laycock's first tjrip
to the Pacific coast. He is making a
tour of the west, visiting Dartmouth
college alumni associations. A trip
up the Columbia River highway, ar
ranged for yesterday, was postponed
until this afternoon. The dean was
the guest of Bishop and Mrs. Sumner
at dinner last night. He will speak
this morning at the Washington and
Lincoln high schools and tonight at a
Did you just miss being run down yesterday by an
auto? If you were the man, did you feel a twinge
of conscience because your life insurance is inade
quate ?
Lovejoy & Hazen, State Agents, Pittock Block, Portland
"Buy Pure Protection invest your own savings."
Hazelwood Candy
Fairy Flakes
Regular price 60c Per Lb.
Will Be Sold Friday, Saturday and Sunday for
Per one-pound box, assorted flavors.
Peppermint, Wintergreen, Lemon, Spearmint,
Apricot and Grape.
The artistically blended ingredients in these dainty crispy
Flakes, are of a quality which insures the purity and tooth
someness of every piece.
Candy of this quality has never before been sold
in Portland at this price.
Hazelwood Pastries
Individual Pies, 10c Each.
French Pastries, 2 for 25c.
Hazelwood Layer Cakes, 75c Each.
Birthday and Wedding Cakes made to order. I
388 Washington Street.
127 Broadway.
'Red Rock
Quality will tell!
Delivered daily to
your dealer by
Hillsdale, Oregon
Telephone Main 4768
Strap Pumps Specials
Values to $1U
Blwk Vld medo and bm-k
with Frmrh or Baby Louis
heels. Special
R 1 k and hroim utiHn.
French and Baby I.oulft
heels : blnek nuecle. buck
and kid, French and Bntr
umiR heels. Ail i
1-ptrap, S-trap,
All six, Special
per pair
Blaek, brown and rmy
suede, French nnd Bab.r
Louis heels. Illark and
brown kid and calf k in,
French and Cuban heels.
cross-straps, ankle-strap.
Military Heels
Low Heels
Kid and Calfskin
Cuban Heels
Black, tan, mahoffanr and
brown, with ail desired
W Vk leels and too.
All Sizes
Values to
$3.98 1
Bet. Wash.
and Alder
on 4th St.
Bet. Wash.
and Alder
on 4th St.
Mail Orders Promptly Filled Subject to Return
Postpaid Open Saturday Evenings
to buy a new diamond ring
have your old diamond put in
a new mounting: and it will
look the same as a brand new
one. Our stock is made up1
of all the newer designs in
platinum, white gold, green
gold, etc.
You may find it interest
ing to watch the workman
set your diamond you are
welcome to do so.
266 MORRISON ST., Between 3d and 4th
For a man who
expects to start in
business for him
self, establishing a
banking connection
now is vital.
Orders filled in rotation.
37 Miles from Centralis.
63 Miles from Portland.
The White Lunch
-Gustav Mueller, Prop.
Rcfrenhmentii, Lunches, Meals
Moderate City Prices.
N. E. Cor. Second and Taylor Sts.:
Pres. Jantzen Knitting Mills
"I want you to know how well
satisfied I am with my SUPERBO
Automatic Water Heater since
you installed the new control.
"It's two months now since this
new device was installed and my
bills are just about one-third of
what they were.
"Besides the WONDERFUL
CONVENIENCE of the heater,
the cost is now the lowest that
we ever had on any method of
Sale ends this week!
Next week price is restored.
We guarantee the Superbo
against market decline for
the entire balance of 1921.
17 Sold, Only 13 Left
See it demonstrated at the
Gas Office, Alder, near Fifth.
m mm
Our bruwn buses muct U trains
ufl bf!lv our
CM'B lKKKI- A.STH nnd our
I I M II KII VS. 40c, ftllc. mid our
IIINNKHS. (. 7 Ac, SI.IHI, nnd ntir
HI. (Ml, lire nnrqiiulrd.
W have flnlnbrd our new riming room,
which altnont doulileii our former ca
pacity. Mud we hto now nblo lo tk caro of arnull bunquula and
part I. -8.
W. C CULBKRTSON, Proprietor.
m " 1 )
For. Expectant Mothers
Dseo Br Three Geoaticks
Try This for Indigestion
Foley Cathartic Tablets are Just
the thing for headache, biliousness,
bloating-, sras. bad breath and other
symptoms of indigestion. Mrs. H. J.
Marchard. 36 Lawrence St., Salem,
Mass., writes: "I used Foley Cathar
tic Tablets for constipation with
good results. I will never be with
out them." Adv.
No Lower Prices In the CHy.
U '
KIT -d St Ilri. Vah. and Mark Sta.
On Gsary St, just off Union Sqnttra,
Close to everything worth while. Good
accommodations at moderate rtas.
Breakfant, 60c, 60c 76c; Lunch, 76c;
Dinner, SL85 (St-ndayi, I1.&0). Muni
clpal car pastes the door. Stewart
Motor Bus meets principal trains and
steamers. It is advisable to make res
ervations in advance of arrival.
Phone your want ads to The Ore-
gonian. Mala 7070, Automatic i&Q-SZ.
Proper Treatment for Whooping;
It In of Interest to all and especially
to the parents of young children to
know what is beet to be done for
whoonlnir couch. Mrs. Walter BealL
Pattonstiurg, Mo., relates her experi
ence. "A few years ago our children
had whooping cough and the only
medicine we gave them was Chamber
Iain's Cough Itemedy. It kept their
coughs loose and expectoration easy.
They were not sick very long and
had a light attack of It I give credit
for their speedy cure to this medi
cine." Adv.