16 TJIE MORNING OREGOXIAN, FRIDAY, . APRIL 22, 1921 REAL ESTATE. -Hull BIHR-CAREY, Main 7487. Main 6083. STRICTLY MODERN BCXGAI1W. GASCO FURNACE 5t0 DOWN. Five yrtn old. double constructed, yerv attractive bungalow of five large, well arranged room, with every con ceivable built-in. including built-in buf fet desk, seats, hardwood floors, fire place. Uuco furnace. Lot 60x100. with sewer, one block from car. This Is a verr unusual buy for $4600. It la In a restricted district. ROSE CITT PARK BUNGALOW. 600 DOWN. To be able to buv for this price and down payment a bungalow of this cnar-aot-r and In this district Is unusual. Fle large, well arranged rooms and Innum erable bullt-ins. Fine plumbing, cement basement and laundry travs. garage, va cant. The prica la only $3300. NEW RICHMOND P UNO ALOW. PAVED STBEET. SEWER $3200. New bungalow of artistic design on paved street with sewer: J'v'n f,oom with fireplace. Dutch kitchen, "ollt-ln t.uffet. bedroom, cement basement, laun dry trays. This is a very excellent buy for only $300 down. MONTA VILLA. 100x180 $300 DOWN. Fonr-room house wKh a bedroom and a sleeping porch on a large lot with an abunnce of fruit. Mod-rn PWng. gas and electricity. Only $2700; 100x100. $2200; 50x100, $1800. ALBERTA, NEAR INTERSTATE. $200. Five-room bungalow with fireplace: 2 Bedrooms, full plumbing, on paved atreet with aewer: for only -w uon. frELLWOOD BUNGALOW. 12000. a hnnHinw with two bed JTT.i -i..hin .-.a and electricity, ir foil lot ind sewer. 2 blocks from car; very convenient terms. PENINSULA BUNGALOW. $2000. Five-room bungalow with two large i . -nn- .'.-1nf porcn. nest oi modern plumbing, on a lot 4Sxl09 with paved street and sewer, two b.ocks from ar and close to high and grade '9: $700 will handle. This Is an excellent buy. 3d and Stark Sts. Main 7487 Main 6883. 211 Railway Exchange mog. " IRVINGTON HOME. , mir r.nnrvns. Beautifully landscaped and all kinds of fine shrubbery ana ir"'"' " '..",; B. 21st and Weldler sts. ,Th ur"nd'n,K homes are In keeping with this "jost at tractive one. The house ltK l bui t along colonial lines and Is of the very v... ,,.., -,,,.ii,,n living room, dining room on left of central hall m tn rirht. nice kitchen. upstairs there are 3 large airy ' .rom and batn. i nis nouse v ' - ';. real bargain price. If yon all the ground will keep 60x100 east of ah... t arm Itrive Uj a...- look it over, then call at house and iiv . cm.nn ( irolne to fret 1 rr.in Owner. 332 E. 21st N. Phone "Mn In R7 or Bast 3274. 2S73 3 ROOMS AND SLEEP1.W ruKUi 8 ROOMS AND SLEEriAU i-iitv.u. On West Church St., 1 block from St Johns car: 6 rooms and bath below n -,!. and sleeDinc porch, sum- clent room for two more bedrooms In attic double constructed throushout, ce ment basement, wasn trays. cement walks, sewer. Personally Jn spected. Immediate possession; $-io, v... inriehterinesa about tlOO. terms. a fine haraain for someone. O. B. Rlp- ..... bio-ii McKay bldg.. Third and Stark. Main 6229 SEVF.RAL English and Dntch co lonial homes and a number of very attractive new bungalows In Irv ington and Alameda districts, of fered for sale by MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER. East 7976. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN Here Is a modern 7-room house that will be herd to duplicate anywhere in Port'and for beauty and location: 3 lota. 5Oxl03 each, covered bv large fruit tree and ornamental shrubbery, flna lawn, beautiful stone wall 13" feet long, pawl street; house cannot bo bailt for 36000. If sold this week $7300 takes the hous and S lots, or $6500 for the house ana 2 lots Auto. 623-63. '.NEW 6-KOO.M bungalow. LAURELHURST DISTRICT. 15000 $5000. rooms and sleeping porch, hard wood flobrs. fireplace, furnace Dutch kitchen buffet, bookcases, finished In old Ivory, 3 bedrooms on first floor, sleeping porch above HENDERSON-BANKUS CO.. 426 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4i54. $300 CASH. 7-rooms In fine condition, beautiful fixtures, cement basement. 4-bedrooma. 30x100 lot. with fine shrubbery and fruit tH.a t,rif. street improvements a.l in and paid. $3900. photo at office, im mediate possession as owner Is leaving This Is a snsp. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO.. 426 Hnry Bide. Bdwy. 4754. ALAMEDA BUNGALOW. A beautiful living room 16x22. fire place. French doors to dining room and to sun porch, fwo bedrooms, all wood work In old Ivory, hot water heat, ga rage, corner lot 58x100: $5500, $1500 cafh. $30 a month. East T347. MR. RAILROAD MAN. HERE. NEAR S. P. SHOPS. ' 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. J31S0. $300 CASH. $20 MONTHLY. Fireplace, nice, large rooms, corner lot, 20th St., 1 block car: no mortgage. It's a bargain, see yourself. T. O. Bird. Marshall 1022. Sellwood 2706 evenings. a UK A I. INVESTMENT. 6-room house and a store building, with 4 living rooms, 6x100 lot. fruit: a real snap for 330O0. $1400 cash, balance $30 a. nonth. Including Interest. REEDY-MAVES CO.. 618 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 4190. T ROOMS, modern, np-to-date residence, nearly new, 100x100 feet, fruit trees, shrubbery, etc. One block from Sell wood car. In Westmoreland. . 5u3 Tol man ave. Inquire of owner on prem ises. Price 7oo. HALF ACRES. $275 TO J373. More than half acre. Bull Run water gsa, 2 car lines, 7 and 8-cent rar fare; easy payments, no Interest. Why buy a lot when you can get a half acre for less? call me. Mr. vomie, aiain 0000: evenlnrs. Woodlawn IfHS 67 ACRES. 1 miles from Portland. 4 mils from school, 15 acre cleared, fair baildings, running water. 4000 conls wood, only $1000 down, balance easv. Price $6500. J. E. Hunt. 626 Chamber of Commerce. OWNER, leaving city, will sell 6-room modern home, partly furnished: full ce- - ment basement, garden, some fruit; 1 block from Sunnyside carllne; 4 blocks from school; close In: price $4000; term a Tabor 3039. No agents. DON'T MISS THUS ONE. 5 rooms on paved street, corner lot; s regular snsp for $26m. $300 down. REEDY A MAVES CO.. 518 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 4100. BLASTER the house with a hammer and COLUMBIA PLASTER WALL BOARD, for battenless. non-buckling walla OHSTFELDT. 14!i First St. Main 6978. POORS. WINDOWS. PAINTS. $1200 FOR 100x100 AND a splendid 6-room house, near 41st and Woodstock. Only $1000 down, some furniture If wante.L Lots of fruit, berries and chicken house. J. E. Hunt. 626 Chamber of Commerce. house: PLANS. 'Distinctive Homex" Illustrated book en over 100 designs. $1: blueprints. $10 DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY. 924 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FOR SALE 3-room house and lot 30x1 U9 ft.. 2 blocks business district. $673; con sider Ford truck or car. P. O. box 24, Greyh.im. Or. . BEAUTIFUL Irvington home, large rooms, flowers, etc. Phone owner. East 30C9. -ROOM house, 3 minutes' walk lrm cltv halL lot 50x50 feet: $3M00. Blaeaing Granite Co.. 267 Third street. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE, infix 100. BY , OWNER. S8TK ST. AND 57TH AVE S. E. FOR SALE 7-room modern house, 14 acre of ground, $5500. Call owner, 6930 Fiftv-flfih ave.. S. E. Auto. 626-13. AT A SACRIFICE S rooms, modern, ex cellent condition: clo.e in; walking dis tanoe. Broadwsv 3.s.i6. HONEST value. Irvlngton. Beaumont. I-aureihurst. Walnut Park, Woodraere. Broadway 110. BY OWNER, modern home, 6 rooms, sleep ing porch, hot water heating system. Call bet. 9 and 1. 566 E. 35th. R. M. car. ROSE CITY PARK Desirable 5-room bungalow, garage; $5000. Owner. 907 Wilcox bldg. MODERN 3-room bungalow, good district. 43d St.. near Division. Terma Owner. J. H. McMahon. 2H06 E. 43d. Tabor 336 1 IF YOU want a home we can help you. Broadway 3!3. $ tot s C OL O N I A L HEIGHTS home. 5 room, garage. Sea thin. Owner, E. .2009. REAL ESTATE. 1.1500. Terms? Tea. Colonial Type Bungalow. Colonial Type Garagb to Match. All hardwood floors in this 3 room little beauty ana it Is painted just the right tint of cream. It is on a corner lot. 30x100; streets are in and paid; cove ceilings, beamed dining room with buffet and all woodwork is extra fine, built-in bookcases and .French doors, ele gant fireplace, large plate-glass in front window; Dutch kitchen and breakfast nook in white enamel, really it cannot be described. The pioneering has been done on this home, and you won't find a better bargain, but you will have to get h-.re first. Call Main 6353. or Wdln. 763. ARTISTIC SMALL STUCCO HOME. WESTOVER ROAD. So aeldom Is there an oppor tunity to secure a small anal artunic home in this close-in and Ideal location. Large living room, dining room, kitchen and maid's room on first floor. 3 sleeping rooms, also aleeping porch and dreading room aecond floor, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, garage. For Appointment Call MRS. HARRY PRICE PA..M RR. East 7976. $300 CASH READ READ. Have you been looking for a modern bungalow with a small down payment? Well, here it is. and it's a bargain: 3 big rooms and floored attic. Dutch kitch en, built-in buffet, full concrete base ment, furnace, wash trays, 30x100 lot. The price Is only (3750. It will be a long lime before you have another chance to buy a bungalow like thia ona lor :ioo cash down., call at once. CO.MTE & KOHLMAN. Main 6330. 2"8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR 3130 CASH we will build aud finance on a well located I lotixlOO, with hard-surfaced streets, a dandy little bungalow, a pat tern you can see: has 2 cosy bedrooms. modern kitchen and breakfast nook. large combination living and dining room. Are you anxious for a home? Just think, $150 cash, balance 133 per month; total price jamiu. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. IRVING TON. , 552 East 16ih Street North. $8500. SOME BARGAIN. STRICTLY MODERN RESIDENCE. Nine rooms tiva bedrooms, one bed room first floor, practically two tiled ha til rooms, large sleeping porch, atao maids' rooms, garage, hardwood floors. lurnace. POrNDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. H AWTHuKN-E. ATTRACTIVE COiLONIAL BUNGALOW. f 4:ioo TKIOIA BS.VXD NEW. 3 ROOMS. ALL BUILT IN FBATUKES. FINE BUFFET. HARD WOOD FLOORS. FIRE-PLACE. MODEL DUTCH K1TOHEN. TWO FIN K BtU ROOMS. FUUL ATTIC. FULL, CEMENT RASfciME.vr. LAUNDRY TRAYS. PAVED STREETS: EVERYTHING PAID. OWNER. BROAPWAY 247S. ROSE CITY. ArtlMic. brand new 5-room bungalow, all the built-in features, buffet, book cases, fire-place, hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, tile drain boards, breakfast nook, tile floor in, bathroom, recess tub, shower, built-in wardrobes in bedrooms; best of construction; $3200. easy term. K. SOMERVILLE. BDWT. 2478. 320 U. S National Bank Bldg. HAWTHORNE. $700 cash and monthly payments to suit puts you In possession of one of the most modern and attractive new homes, on paved street, has delightful arrangement of built-lns, hardwood floors, fireplace, even tiled bathroom. This Is a buy at $46110. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadwav 4751 410 Henry Bldg. S2t30 BY OWNER, new modern 4-room bungalow, one diock wooaiawn car. cor ner 17th and Junior. Phone Woodlawn 80S. ROOM BUNGALOW. AUTO. 2-00. Suburban Homes. Jill. AND MRS. HU.Mt'SEEivth. JUST I.OOK AT THIS. Just oft East GUsan at., with its hard surfaced atreet and car line: one beauti ful acre, equal to 8 city lots, with choice limit and nowers; nice o-room nouse. ana only fto&oO. Here is another: 7 1-7 acre out Di vision st. and Section Line road, on hard aurfs.ee street- hai Bull Run water, tele. phone by the place, lVs acres of bearing fruit, cherries, apples, strawberries and other small fruit, and only $4000. 1 have many suburban places 00 which 1 can quote a -homeaeeaer very reason able prices. J. B. HOL BROOK. 214-218 Panama Bldg FIVE ACRES ON PAVED HIGHWAT. All in cultivation, with abundance of fruit and berries, good 5-room house, barn, large chicken house. Jersey cow, wagon, harness, plow, garden tools, also large flock of White Leghorns of choic stock, tins property is about 10 min utes' walk to station and 17 miles from Portland. Price $5S00. R. H. CONFREY. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 10 ACRES. 10 ACRES. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME. Modern 7-room house, porch on two aides, full basement, bath and toilet., pressure water system, garage, coops for 2.o cntckena, good Darn, tool nouse. family orchard, large assortment of fruit and berries; close to Gresham. schools and library, ft minutes walk to electr'c: $sooo takes It. I own it, O. W. Tarr. 407 McKay bldg. COUNTRY HOME. 15 acres 7 milea by macadam road south of Morrison street; grand view of mountains, good soil, young orchard, modern house, natural wood finish; has never been rented. 5 rooms, halls, bath, toilet, large closets, attic, base ment, fireplace, furnace, piped spring water, city telephone. $8000, terms. Owner. J. Q. Jamicson, route 1, box 1K. Oswero. Or. Phone Main 4S1I6 UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY TO GET A HOME. On E. 82d. paved road. 100x291 comer, nearly t acre, all in cultivation; price only $1300: will sell this home site with all city conveniences, without any money down and on very easy termv to anyone -who will build house. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 STARK ST NICE LITTLE COUNTRY HOME. About Va acre of ground, small 4-room ceiled house, good barn and chicken house, some fruit trees and berries. 15 minutes' walk to Multnomah station, near Capitol hill, on uuiln road; this is a good buy at $1200. O. W. TARR CO.. 407 McKay Bldg. IO ACRES PAVED ROAD. 10 MILES FROM COURTHOUSE. 8 acres in cultivation. 3 acres in or chard, tk acre of grapes: large house, barn and lots of outbuildings; dandy creeK runs tnrougn tne place. price $500, $1000 cash and eay terms. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 403 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. NEW BUNGALOW for sale: 5 rooms. nearly Vj acre of ground, 6 full-bearing fruit trees, berries, shrubbery, new lawn, etc; modern plumbing, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, furnace, half cement base ment: $1000 down, balance on terma Call Main 7115 or see owner at 204 Henry bldg. FOR SALE New 7-room house fronting on Capital highway; approximately 14 acre of ground: house has full cement basement with first-class furnace. Dutch kltcnen. moaern plumbing throughout; small payment down, balance on terms. Phone Main 7113 or see owner at 2o4 Henry ptag. NEW BUNGALOW. ONLY $1350. With fine homesite 143x305: 3-room and bath room, electric lights, nlcelv painted and finished inside. This Is not a shack, but a home to be proud of. Terms like rent. See owner, 500 Con cord bldg.. 2d and Stark. M1LWAUKIE BARGAIN. One sere, worlds oi fruit trees and perries: cnicken oinga; electric lights, gas, city water, $3200. terms. AKERSON & MARSTERS, 420 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5349. Evenings, East 1193 HALF-ACRE tracts for sale, close to Ore gon Electric, Multnomah station; close to city water, electric lights and gaa; can give easy terms on these. Apply 204 Henry bldT.. or call Main 7115 6Vs ACRES, with neany finished 4-room bungalow, on Powell Valley rd., just be yond Gresham: about 2Vj acrea cultiva tion, convenient car line. Charles Hourk. 932 Chamber of Commerce. , BEAUTIFUL 2 V. -acre under cultiva tion, with 4-room bungalow, attic and garage: water, light and gas: 30 min utes from city, on Etacada line, 5 blocks from station. Call Tabor 1041. $675 DOWN buys a nearly new modern bungalow on choice acre near Mult nomah station: balance on easy pay. ments. For particulars call at 404 Plait bldg.. 127 Park st. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near carllne, from $1600 up Inquire 3d house norta of Risley station, on Oregon City cariins. $700 2-ROOM cute new cottage, H acre near elec. sta. and Portland. $450 cash. McFarland. Falling Bldg. MsinS672. 6-ACRE home near Milwaukle. small creek, price $4500. terma Phone owner, Mil waukie 81 -Y. SUBURBAN homesitea going fast, $10 pay ments while they last. 392 hi tb, st, apartment 4. Hard to beat. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. A BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME ON THE COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAT. One of the most desirable homes on the famous highway, just 30 minutes' auto ride from center of city, consisting of I H acres of ground. 5-room strictly modern bungalow, spring with flow of 3l gallons per hour, waterfalls, the best of shrubbery, fruit trees. berry bushes, artistic driveway from highway to garage, grounds prepared by the best landscape gardeners. Western Electric light plsnt of 1500 watts per hour, water tank with capacity or ti.'j ganons. septic sewer system, living room ioxj. oeu rooms 12x12. kitchen 13x14: this Is not a illtle farm but an up-to-date modern suburban home; price $8000. well worth 110,000. See W. S. Chlene. wltn A. N. MIKKELSEN CO.. 62d and Sandy Blvd Tabor 2380. '.EARLY 4 acres 1 mile from Beaverton, Or., on macadamized street. over acres under cultivation, balance in pas- ture. Few vounr fruit trees. hi mil to high school. 5-room house with- elec trio lie-hta. lars-e new thicken house. small earn, gas In street, over 100 chickens and furniture with place. Of- fered at a real bargain. Inspected by Brooks. VERY FINE HOUSE. 8 acres 12 rnlln west of Portland, mile from electric station, near tb Hillsboro hlrhwav. 4 acres under CUltl vatlon. 2 acres of fir timber. All can be cultivated Rear-ins- orchard. Good room house with plumbing, barn, chick en house. Water system and gasolim engine. Plumblnc. Dutch kitchen with built-lns. Price 31730. on very easy terms. JOHN FERBUSON. GERLINGER BLDtt Over 500 Small Places Near Portlano. Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. MOST charming home, located in Oak orove; 8 large rooms, modem, xuil ce ment basement, barn, chicken nouse, e.fc orr-hnrri hard surfaced atreeta Ca be had with 1 1-3 acres or 2Vi acres of ground: $2000 cash win nanoie tois. Deal direct with owner. Call Marshall 642. For Sale BuineM Property. DO YOU want Income property? $16.000 -16000 down: owner going to Seattle, must sell; close in. in central east side, 4 car llnea, business center, schools, churche. library and movies: building on 50x123 ft. with 5 apartments, 1 storeroom, bak ery and atails for 8 cars; full concrete basement, steam heat. elec. light and zas: has an income of $260 per month and with small Improvements would produce $300. C. C DUVALL, S42t4 Williams Ave. Auto. 310-04 WILLIAMS AVE. BUSINESS LOT. 50x100 on Williams ave.. near Tills mook. east front: If taken at once. $3000, $2000 cash, balance time: suitable tor any kind of buslnesa Inquire 222 Cham ber of Commerce bidg., 4th and Stark sts. Marshall 203. For Sale Acreage. NEARLY II acres lti miles south from Port land courthouse. mile from electric station and school; wire fences; good black loam soil, all under cultivation. 22 young bearing fruit trees. Good well. Macadamized road. Small houe. barn, chicken house. 'Price $2500; $600 cash. balance $30u year 6. Property south of Tualatin. Thia la fine berry or gar den land. OREGON CITT LINE. 8 acres H4 miles from Oregon City, electric station on place. Good macad amized highway. 6H acres under culti vation, balance In pasture. Creek and spring. 2 acres bearing fruit, every va riety. Some berries. Woven wire fences. 5-room house, barn, chicken house. In cluded with place 1 horse, 1 cow, 2 hogs, 70 chickens, harness, wagon, plow, cul tivator, sprayer, etc. Price $1300: large cash payment. Only 35 minutes out, be tween Portland and Oregon City. JOHN FERBUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. SUPERB SITE FOR COUNTRY HOME. l&hi acres In beautiful Green Hills. Just outside city limits. 1600-ft. front age on Shattuck road: land Is rich, warm, early soil with gentle slope: half clear, balance natural trees: city conve niences; protected from cold winds; magnificent view of Tualatin valley: this property la offered at the low price of $930 per acre: TERMS. WILLIAM P. MERRY. 301-302 Title & Trust Building. GENTLEMAN'S COUNTRY HOME of 11 ti acres, 5 minutes from city limits of Vancouver, 6-room plastered house, full basement, barn, garage, chicken yard and shed; commercial orchard of pears, cherries, apples, plums Italian prunes, close to car. 40 minutes to fort land, 3 miles to Vancouver; all machin ery, cow, chickens, horse, wagon, h nesa. Only $8500, $3300 cash and move in. a. E. LENT CO.. Main 8560. 324 N. W. Bank Bldg. THE DIKED LANDS of southwest Wash fngton are unexcelled in fertility, produc Ing wonderful crops of hay. grain, po tatoes; higher levels grow largest yield of loganberries and fruits of all kind. See this district before buying land Write for free illustrated literature an list of land for sale. Lawrence Perry P. o. Box 341. iveiso. w asnington. S ACRES, just west of city limits, elegan country home site: $6000. 75 acres L' miles from center of city, near Llnnton road: $6000. Acre tracts, river front and other desirable landa along the Oregon Citv car line. RISLEY, STARKWEATHER A BLACK. 602 Broadway Hlflg. rnone Main BllTJ. $50 DOWN $15 MONTHLY. Nice level 3-acre tract. Well-built 2 room cottage, good garden planted, 15 minutes out on the Oregon Electric. Just south of Ryan Station. Total price $11)00. A buy with a future. Fred W. Oermnn Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. ON CANYON ROAD. 6 miles west of city. 23 acres. 8 acres clear, rustic nouse and good barn; spring water, paved road, beautlfullly situated: for sale at $12,500 terms. Oregon Investment & Mortgage Co., 222 Chamber or commerce olug., 4til and stark sts. .tiarsnau 'u. GARDEN HOME, Or., bargain, right ui Oregon electric, near station, one fine acre, cherries, plums, apples and all kinds of berries; small house and chick en houses, south slope: must see to ap preciate it; $1300, terma Write E. C. Smith. Box 7. " 1 OR SALE 2 acres bottom land, 6-room bungalow in good condition, furnished fruit bouse, barn, chicken house and park, 1006 strawberry plants, fine or chard. In city limits: $3500. Address M. B. O., Gn. Del.. Centralla, Wash. FOR SALE My equity of $5500 of 14 S acres, well Improved; rlgnt at tne a tion and hard surface road, mile from town. Will take $4500 or trade for good home In Portland. See owner at 630 E. 24th st. South. Kenwood 717. FOR SALE by owner, appproximately 10 acres near 'ngara ; nearly an in crop; 3-room house, good well, chicken house and barn, 2 live springs on place, good family orcnara lun-Dearing trees. Ap- pty 2Q4 nenry pips-, or can main 7113. PITCH A TENT on one of these gardens and save money this summer for your new home: west side, water and gas; only $330, 10 cash. a montbly. L. J. LAMB, Corbett bldg. WRITE for map of western Washington showing location, low price and eaay terms ottered to seuiera WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO. Tacoma, Wash. 4 2-3 ACRES, Buckley ave.. In clover, city water, 3 miles out, near bandy blvd, $2750. $230 down. Main 4112. owner. 80 ACRES. Pacific county, wash., price $1200. $200 cash. M. P. Hobba, 472 Main St.. Portland, or. iruK SALL one cultivated acre, close in; cottage, poultry bouses; good locality. Tabor 4572. 15 ACRES, also house-moving outfit. 6131 B2d st. S E Thomas Allen, city. $160, 5 ACRES near Kelso, trade. East 8498. 3i ACRE, 3 blocks from Hawthorne car line, $1000. Owner, East 3Wo Irrigated Lands. BURBANK ON THE COLUMBIA. They are shipping asparagus and pie plant by the carload from Kennewfck. Note prices in local markets. Burbank is directly across the Columbia river from Kennewick. We will cut alfalfa in 30 days. Early potatoes are up. Soil, sunshine and water in abundance. Some excellent im proved and partially improved places for sale or trade for Im proved property. Raw land with paid-up water rights, $100 per acre up. 10 years to pay. Inves tigate. Write or call EARLB C. MILLER, with THOMPSON, SWAN A LEE. Sd and Main sts. Vancouver, Wo. Homesteads, Relinquishments. THROUGH our many years' work in the government service we have become fa miliar with several hundred very valu able timber and farm homesteads which we are now locating. Charge reasonable. You will do well to see us at once. Copy of government man corrected to date, ahowlng western Oregon homesteads, $1. M. J. ANDERSON. 531 Railway Exchange nidg . i orland. I CAN locale you on a HOMESTEAD in western Oregon, either farming or tim ber tract, government map on file, checked up to date, showing more than 1000 claims: special inducements to ex service men: call at my office for in formation. E. W. Helm. 316 Board of Trade bldg. Every Saturday Afternoon A special force of telephone ad-takers and counter clerks are busy every min ute receiving Want-Ads. A great battery of 24 linotype ma chines, manned by expert operators, work at top speed transferring the Want Ads into type. Another group assemble, them so that they can be published in proper classi fied form. Proofs must be read and casts made before they can go to press. In publishing the more than 5000 Want Ads which appear in a Sunday's Oregonian the principal difficulty en countered is last-minute copy. Phone or Bring in Your Sunday Oregonian Want -Ads. Today REAL ESTATE. Homesteads. Relinquishments. SALE or trade, homestead relinquishment. 1n &crea. 40 fenced. 21 irngateu. buuk, well other buildings: also 320 acres deeded adjoining. W. E. Blurton, French, Idaho. for 8aie Farms. 56 ACRES. 13 miles from Portland, i mile from station, near Oregon t,uy : v" wire fences. 2 macadamized roau. -acres under cultivation: all can be culti vated: good pasture, large orchard. In good condition; S-room plaeteree house, am 50xo0, 3 chicken houses, granary, hogbouse. Included with place. 2 cows. 3 heifers, good team. 3 hogs. 40 chickens, very complete line of machinery anu crops. Ranch Inspected by Nelson. There Is over 1000 corda of standing 2d-growtn fir timber on this place. Price for every thing $12,000. $5000 cash. Might consider email place close to Portland for part, 30 acres on Foster road. 15 miles from center of Portland. 8 miles from city limits: all under cultivation; lots of bear ing fruit and berries: beat of loam sou, free from gravel or rock: all in crop, which is Included with place: nice level land: 7-room house, barn, chicken house good granary: good team. 1 cow. oo chickens, plow, harrow, wagon, harness, spring-tooth harrow. drill, toole. etc. Price $7330 for 1 month only. ioUOO cash. Inspected by Nelson. 20-ACRE RANCH BARGAIN. 20 acres 11 miles from center of Port land, southwest of Beaverton: macadam ised road: hi mile to school; 10 acres in cron. which is Included; no waste land; acme pasture: spring on place: Vj acre bearing orchard, good 5-room. house with basement and Portland gaa; Darn 30x40, chicken house, wire fences. This Is the best of soil: $1630 cash, balance easy ( terma. Ready to move on. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland. , Get Our Extensive Classified Lista. "BIG SNAP FARM WITH INCOME-" For sale by owner. 28 miles from Portland. 2 miles west of Estacada: 160 acres, 70 acres in cultivation and all in crop. 8.000,000 feet good timber, plenty of water, stock and machinery all go; 212 bearing fruit trees; every- thing you need. I step out. you step In for $100 per acre: $8000 down, gool terms on balance. John Marshall. Route 2. Box 8, Estacada. ur. FOR SALE 320 acres, Joseph. Or., Wal lowa county, all level, no rocks or gravel: 5-room house, cellar, fireplace, bathroom; all fenced, good spring, iu mittii tom. -n .v,- hr... a man needs, all farming tools, household goods and 200 acres of leased land for sloca; every mms, gether, $1(000; terms. J. F. Wellman, 351 E. 57th st. N. Call 12 to 3 P. M. 47 hi -ACRE BARGAIN. 37 In cultivation, bearing prune or chard. 2 acres timber. 5 cows, 2 horses, 125 chickens, all implements, fair build ings, spring water piped to house; $22..0 cash will handle; balance at 6 per cent. RUMMELL & RUMMELL, 274 Stark St FOR SALE 0 acres, farm or dairy land, in Tillamook county; ideal place for summer home: creek runs across land Which is 2hi miles from the ocean and same distance from Neskowln; cheese factory is nearby and school house on place. For particulars write Tracy W. Myers, laanu r nhia. m " $2500 BUYS my 180-acre western Lane Co.. Ur., rancn; aDoui ' ' - part cleared, rest easily cleared, balance low bench: wagon road, telephone line through place: fine for dairy, fruit; close to school: will take good late model Ford touring car as part and give time I on $1000. W. A. Mead. Reed. Or. 8 2-3 ACRES, 1 mile west of Hillsboro at . . i. Du-ir station, near niKtinay. u iuuiu house, small barn, hen houses. 2 cows and calves, horse snd old wagon.. some farm implements, 90 laying hens, seed Oats and rotatoes. young orcnaru. pumo berries: price soiuw icimu. McAllister. Hillsboro. Or.. Route 4. 80 ACRES In Willamette valley; house, 2 barns, ol acres unaw cutiivaiiun, - more have been. 10 can be, rest wood lot and pasture: 1000 loganberries, orchard and walnuts: would also sell stock; $6000. John Fisher, Route No. 4, Mc- Minnvllle. Or. STOCKED and eqaipped; 34 acres, 30 In cultivation, balance pasture; o acres Clo ver: 7-room house, barn 45x47, silo, ga rage, 4 hen houses, fruit and berries: 8 cows. 100 nens, depot, scnooi, store ana postoffice at place: on Pacific highway; price soouu, terms. vwuer, iw Wells. Or. STOP LOOKING FARTHER! 40 ACRES FULLY EQUIPPED. Close In, Washington Co., very best nil. house, barn and other buildinga Horses, cows, chickens. Very reasonable terms. Mr. Colt. 526 Cham. Com. 200 ACRES, Tillamook county, good lo cation; 50 acres river bottom, meadow. Spring water, family orchard, berries, good barn, old house, timber, good roads. best buy on market; must sen. run par ticulars, Leo Keller. Tillamook. Or. 46i ACRES. 20 cultivated. 5-room house. barn, outbuildings, orcnaro. cmcgens ana cow; loooo, take x.-uuu down. 30 acrea 5 miles out, house, chicken houe. barn; $2200. half cssh. FRED I.AWSON CO.. 416 Cham. Com. THE FAMOUS DESCHUTES VALLEY of fers you choice irrigated lands with paid- up water rlgnt. aj low as su per acre, eajv terms. Why Pay more? Investigate. REDMOND LAND A LOAN CO., INC, RbUMI'.Mt. UK, FOR SALE 320 acres. Myrtle Creek. Or.. Douglass county. s mues to ft. K. and lhi miles to school; creek on the place: some buildings: $1700 cash takes it, 351 E. 67th St. N. Call 12 to 3 P. M. 40 ACRES $4500, large portion seeded to clover, good o-room nouse, phone, etc.. orchard; just off Pacific highway, near Kelso, Wash. Easy terma Owner. G. A, Norby. 120 E. 83d St. S. Tabor 3437 FARMERS' opportunity. Best alfalfa, nog. sneep, caiwc iwu uuun aiiaiia farms in U. 8.. $150 an acre, terma Write Wooster Co.. 820 Pbelan bldg.. Saa Francisco. S3 ACRES. 6 miles south of Lebanon, 65 In cultivation, wen tencea; a good buy. or will trade. Owner, Tabor 6308. 20 hi ACRES, adjoining city limits of Cor nelius; 2 acres loganDerrles, 15 acres grain, balance clover; $350 per acre. Jacob Correll, owner, Cornelius, Or. OR SALE Dairy farm of 32 acres, worth $4000: am leaving for Alaska and will sell for $2800. Write E. M. Johnson, R. F. D. No. 1. Westport. Or. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland, iotr to souu per acre; easy terms, best soil; farms for sale, ail sixes. McFarland. 208 Falling bldg. LOGGED-OFF tanas, $10 acre up; running water, gooa son. t iinaoie; scnooi, easy terms. J. R. Sharpe. 63 Third at. & 10. 25 ACRES level, timbered land, near JieavtrioD, coca r. J. tt. boars, oata U. The Oregonian switch board is taxed to its ut most capacity receiving Want-Ad calls. REAL ESTATE. l-or Male Farms. THIS IS A REAL BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE. A highly improved 20-acre home, al ready stocked hogs, -cows, chickens, etc. : good 4-room house, barn and other out buildings: water piped from spring to Kitcnen; a good tractor goes with this place; 10 acres of bottom cultivated. balance easily cleared: located on hig way less than one hour's ride fro; Portland. TRY-US REALTY CO.; 169 West Park St. Anto. 513-48. FOR SALE Fine home In southern Ore gon; 115 acres, 30 in cultivation, balance timber and pasture, all kinds fruit an berries, stocked and equipped; good clean o-room bungalow, practically new- fine scenic location near fine stream good hunting and fishing; forced to sell first one to see this farm who wan Ideal home will buy it. Let me tell you about it, too much to advertise. Wri O. J. Shirley. Sutherlln. Or. UASY TERM!. 80 acres In the big corn and alfalfa section ot x. w ., smau nouse. 2 miles from Vale, plenty of water, more land than can farm, so low price ot $5300. Box 4V1, vale, ur. WANTED REAL ESTATE. LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Is your home for sale? IT'S SOLD IP LISTED WITH US! SO sold already th month. LIVE BUYERS WAITINO! We'll inspect, appraise and photograph same within 4 hours after listing. No charge except tne standard commission of per cent in the event of a satisfactory aaie. zo salesmen to snow you. Bee FRANK L. McGUIRE To Sell Your Home. AMncton BMg. .Main 10B8 CONSULT US If yon want to sell your real estate holdings. You will be pleased with our efficient and cheerful services, STAR REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT CO. ' Realtors. Office In The Man's Shop, 331 Stark St. Phone Bdwy. 5358 WANTED Small house on 1 or 4 acre of grouna. city water, electric iignts. pnone. not over 5 or 6 blocks from carline: price about $2000 with $150 down, balance monthly payments: must be within 8 or 10 miles from Portland: prefer Oak Grove. Lake Grove or Multnomah sta- tion. X SID. Oregonian. HOMES WANTED. Have several clients wanting homes In Walnut Park from 5 to 7 rooms. If your price Is right will give Quik ac tion. Aianoney, COE A. MeKENNA CO., 82 Fourth Street. Main 6871 WE'LL guarantee to seii your home with in 10 days if reasonably priced. We have many buyers wanting homes fn Rove city park, Laurelhurst and Irv- lngton. call us at once. Main 6550. COMTE & KOHLMAN. 208 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. HAVE MANY BUYERS for west side house's, handling west lid property is my specialty. JOHN SINGER. 420 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. UAVK clear lot in irvinglon and few nun dred dollars cash tor modern 4 or 5 room bungalow in Rose City Park section. See Hunter, wltn John Ferguson, Ger linger mag. B1AVE CASH. WANT HOilE FOR C'LIBNT in close-In east side district, 5-room, homelike: run lot, Improvemen-Ls paid full price, up to $2000 cash. O HL uregoraan. ONE OR MORE acres rough land, on Clackamas river, suitable for summer home. Give full particulars. N 665. oregonian. BUNGALOW WANTED. Near 72d and Sandy blvd.. 4 oi rooms, about $3500 or less; will pay cafh: owners only. F 308. Oregonian. WANTED Best lot ia Alameda park, $U00 will buy. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. WANT close-In modern bungalow, will ex change brand new Cole 8 auto and aa- sume some differenoe. Cochran Broad- way 673. FIVE-ROOM Dungalow, Montavilla. about $3000, $500 cash; must be on good st. Tabor 42St. LIST .your houses, lots and business prop erty with us. We will show results. Fa rn ey Johnson t o.. 17(1 loth St. WANT 3 OR 4-ROOM COTTAGE In Alberta district, near car. Cobb Bros., 2N cnamper or commerce. WANTED At Seaside, a lot 'on boardwalk facing beach: give lot number, block and price. AlJ 5112. urcgonian WANTED 3 or 4-room bungalow that $2800 cash will buy. on paved street if possible. Call Borland, Bdwy., 1658. WANTED Bungalow, have beautiful Cole 8 with special equipment to trade for your equity. 420 Belmont. WANTED 1 or 2 good lots In Rose City Park below the hill. Call Tabor 2124 even l n gs. HAVE CLIENT for lot ill Rose City. Main 3787. " Farms Wanted. WE HAVE 2 parties looking for small places on paved road, between Port land and St, Helens. Write full de scription and get quick action. STEWART & JOHNSON. 313 Northwestern Bank Bldg. WANT to lease with privilege of buying within 3 years, 20 acres or more, 2 or more acres cleared, not over 25 miles from- Portland. AJ 586. Oregonian. WANT farm or orchard, only big bar gain considered, white 426 Lumbermen a bldg. Wanted to Rent Farms. WANTED TO RENT. SMALL PLACES. Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small farma Close to Port land preferred. Some people will buy the place after leasing for year or more. We make lots of sales this way. Will buy equipment If priced right JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE. Half Interest in 15 M capacity sawmill with donkey logging outfit; plenty good second growth timber; good opportunity for mill man or logger. Adjacent to Portland. AE 378, Oregonian. FOR SALE. 15 M capacity sawmill, near Portland, donkey logging equipment, good second growth, some fallen, good road, short haul to railroad. AE 577, Oregonian. FOR SALE Cheap. 3,000.000 feet yellow fir on Kalama river, Washington, a, AC Bertllseo, Kalama. Wash, FOR KENT FARMS. nAIRVM PTN LOOK. If you have got 73 gal. milk. I have eo thn reur' milk route in Portland, all on paved streets, new truck, bottle holler steriliser turbine and washln vnis- win nell all or &nv Dart. Hurry for the price is right and thio won't last, Marshall lo::;'. ENTIRELY new 3 rooms and bath (first occupancy); aU outaide rooms, large llgnt and airv; narowooo noors. luring ano1 RwdlolitA heat: commodious colset and butit-tns; five minutes to bueinega r.n 1 ,r elnsv homA for excitative ten ant. 66 North lth (opposite Trinity church). D. and M. cars to Davis St. 30 ACRES. 7 clear, 1 Va acres In crop; fur nished house, close to highway and station- rent S0 till Oct. 21. Write R. F D. 1, box 64, Corbett, Or., or phone 801 Cnrbett. 60 NEAR Oregon City: also 15 near Van couver: desirable tenant; season $1 Box 68. Astoria. TO EXCHANGE BEAI. ESTATE. B. RILEY & CO- BEAT, ESTATE AID INSURANCE. 977 Ch eh alls Ave. Chehalis. Wash. We can exchange your farm, eirr property or business, no matter where located. Exchange agents in every im portant city and town in every state and territory, just the property you wan mav be on our list, w rite us. 8-ROOM BUNGALOW FOR EXTJHANGB. $300 See me about this 8-room bun galow. modern except heat. 1 block of pavement and car. garage in rear for cars, with cement floor and connected with cesspool. This is a bargain and party wants 40 to 30 acres with some stock and equipment up to about $6000 prefer Clark county. Wash. See M Stephens. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber o: Commerce. $8000 MORTGAGE. First mortgage on beaverdam. hlrh class truck garden land, 8 acres In crops. i acre loganberries, z acres young bear Ing orchard and strawberries; comfort able house, hi mile from Pacific high way. MRS. SNOW, Broadway 4664. MR. FARMER, here Is a chance to get real farm consisting of 40 acres. 39 acres in high state of cultivation and 21 acres of this is in fruit just commencing to oear: small nouse. good barn: all seeded sightly place; 26 miles from Portland will trade for city home or close-in acre age. Call evenings. East 2118. 674 East salmon st. WHY WAIT ? A going farm of 240 acres In the best district In Oregon, 3 miles from Molalla, 100 acres under plow; will exchange for Portland property up to $10,000. bnl ance cash and mortgage. Price $22,000. Call owner at 403 Couch bldg. Mar. 3.152. BARGAIN $3750. Will take automobile up to $500 or sow and inoo cash on strictly modern 5-room bungalow; selling on monthly contract; run basement, furnace, 4 blks. from Mt. Scott car; will sell furnished. Owner. Automatic 616-88. HOUSE WANTED. 5-room. modern, as first payment on 1o acres A-l farm land In Idaho. S. R Svendsgaard. owner, 829 hi E. Morrison St., Portland, or. FOR SALE My equity of $5500 of 1414 acres, well Improved: right at the sta tion and hard surface road, hi mile from town, win isae ouu or trade for good nome in r-ortiana. cee owner at 630 E. --qtn st. aoutn. renwoon 717. TRADE that farm you are renting for juu per year ror a ousiness building in a gooa country town mat rents for $720 per year. I own this building and want a farm, oeai wun owner only. AV 483 ureeronian. FOR EXCHANGES we have several on our list, acreage, timber lands, house equl ties; come in and see us. What have you? QtriCK SALES CO., 406 COUCH BLPrj ir lcrc nave any farms or city property lor CAuiiauKt), write us mil description anu price. HESOARD BAR A LA 801 M isslssippi Ave. FOR TRADE. Southern Idaho Irrigated land, vslued at $7000. for Portland garage or other property ot equal valuation. Box 336. rucniieiu, itiaiiu. $1500 7-ROOM BUNGALOW FOR FARM. i nis is a oeautllul home, 100x100 ground, on car line, east side; exchange for 20 to 40-acre farm and assume. coop rtros.. cnamner or commerce. CALIFORNIA for Portland, two irood lo: nicnmona, cal., some cash and will as sume for Portland residence. Oregon City line preferred. A, W. Estes, 905 Cham- nr or t nmreree. FULL acre, all paid, near school, car blocks, water in main, electricity, phono service. Owner anxious to apply on 3 or 5-room house as first payment. N nr4. tirpgonian. FURNISHED 5-ROOM BUNGALOW Located on corner. 2 blocks car, east side; price $3000; will exchange for gro cery 1 city. Cobb Bros., 928 Cham. Com 4u ACRES. 15 acres irrigated, 3 miles from Redmond, Or., clear, for lots or bouse equity. A. H, Akerson, 420 Henry building. 15-ACRE tract berry land; want small business in exenange; will assume. Ad dress A E 509. Oregonian. WANT to trade 40 acres, small shack and 'Darn, 4 acres prunes, for 160 acres in Lincoln county. Wilson. Main 5429. 320-ACRE wheat ranch In Sask Canada. value siK,uou, for Oregon property. Mrs. Wiley. 4.121 58th st S E FORD touring, good condition, for vacant lot. Auto. 219-19, evenlnga TO EXCHANGE MISCKU.ANr.OC3. pAACi'iCALl.V new Columbia graphonola. exenange for wardrobe trunk and some cash or diamond. Call Sellwood 2434, after 6 P. M. BEAUTIFUL set of mole and ermine furs for piano. Hudson coat, diamond anything of $300 value. AP 691. Ore gonian. FOR SALE 1917 llgnt 0; seil cheap or trade tor torn or livestock- call at 6J0 b. 24 th st. 3. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. FOR SALE Team weighing 1200 pound- each, 5 year-old brown and gray, well broke, gentle, with harness, $250; one team about 1100 pounds each with har ness, $120. These two teams have been consigned pending settlement of estate must be sold; they are cheap. Taylor-sL. dock, west side. FOR SALE OR HIKE. 20 head of horses, weighing from 1000 to 1700 iba. price from $40 to $200 each these horses are all guaranteed to bt good, true workera G. K. Howltt, Co lumbia Stables. Front snd Columbia sts. CROWN STABLES. INC. For sale, horses 100 head to pick from, we take horses, mules or cattle In exchange. We hire by day, week month. We guarantee all stock as rep resented. 283 Front st. Phil Suetter. Pres. WO-SECTION spring-tooth harrow, uaed twice; light old farm wagon, heavy dou ble harness, good condition; 6-year-old gray mare, weight about 1350; cheap. 348 Kussen st. Mrs. naumer. URE-BRED registered Holsteln bull, pure- bred registered llolstein cow and heifer; these have very best of breeding. S. P, Woodward, Route A. Gresham. Or. THREE work teams, Just off contract work, no further use for them. Come and see them in nsmess; cbeap lor cash Blue Front. 387 Water st. MULES, 2200 lbs., both 3 years old, very gentle and well-broken, also good saddle pony and saddle for $4o; guaranteed. Woodyard. 32 1 Front at. KEYSTONE FEED STABcrJ Horses for sale or hire, stalls for rent, 381 Water St.. foot Montgomery. Marshall 3315. GOVERNMENT harness, converted for farm use, at a sacrifice prica J. H. Bader. 243 Front St.. cor. Main. ULES AND HORSES wltb harness for rent by carload. Williamson Ranch. Lathrop, cal. FOR SALE Six horses: reasonable prlcea Hoiman if uei co., oarn ji ttu and Ivon treets. OR SALE Shetland pony, 38 Inches high, 4 years old; price $100. Phone woodlawn 5192. FOR SALE 2 good teams, wl 29U0 and 3300 Ins.; sound, good workers and gen tle. 630 E. 24th st. S. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. Phone Milwaukie 69J for beat service. VETERINARIAN. HOWES. TABOR b566. DR. GOOD ranch mare, harness and wagon, cheap. Call 60 E. 7th sL DEAD horses and cattle laken promptly. Call day or night. Auto. 627-64. WAGON for sale by Alblna Fuel Co., 453 Goldsmith St. Phone. East 717. FOR SALE Farm team and harness 1023 Powell Valley road. GOOD heavy lumber wagon, cheap lot quick sale. Box 192, Cautiy, Or, FOR SALE. Pianos. Organs and M usiral Instruments. 8CHWAN PIANO CO. DOWNSTAIRS. STORE. Factory Rebuilt and Used Planoa $ 900 Steinway A Sons. poL man. .. . $3!S $ 650 L. V. Chase, oak $296 $ 875 KrelL mahogany ,.- ...$345 $ 623 Vose, dark mahogany $233 $ 850 Conover. fancy oak $3:S $ 473 C A Smith, ebony $25 $ B75 Arlon. fumed oak $-'95 $ 600 Kranich A Bach, golden oak. $315 $ 950 Thompson pluyer. pol. mah...$493 $ 450 Hallett A Davis, rosewood $IB $ 950 Thompson player, oak 593 $ 230 Collard & Coliard, walnut $ 63 $ 275 H. Bord, rosewood $ 73 $1050 Singer player, dull walnut. . .$695 $15 to $25 Cash. $6. $10 to $25 Monthly PARLOR ORGANS. . at a Fraction of Their Original Cost. $135 Western Cottage, mirror $3 $100 Great Western, high top $23 $150 Schoenlir.r r-Kanel $38 a 1 itu 1 nuf n . M. ,n m rrnr ....... t , $10 Cash. $5 Monthly. 101-103 Tenth at Wash, and Stark. WE WILL TRADE YOU A BEAUTIFUL NEW PHONOGRAPH FOR YOUR OLD PIANO. WHY NOT? COME UP AND LET US TALK IT OVER. SEVENTH FLOOR. LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO. MORE FOR YOUR MONEY. Former $120 Columbia (new) $ 73 Former $350 Pease up. piano (usd) 100 Former $150 Columbia (new) 115 Former $200 Brunswick (like new).. 133 Former $450 Klndler & Collins (pin.) Sii Former $50 Farrand player, little used, bench snd 12 roils included. 890 Former $00 Packard, perfect 438 HAROLD S. GILBERT. 3.H4 Yamhill st. BUY. SELL OR TRADE PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. PIANOS, ORGAN'S. MUSIC ROLLS. NEWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE. 128 FIRST. NEAR ALDER. MAIN 4495. eiK.N PARK STORE. AUTO. 625-8: TRADE YOUR PIANO. $223 new Vlctrola and Victor records for good used piano. Our proposition win ptease you. SEIBKRLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St., bet. Wash, and Alder. Main KoKti. $1673 STEINWAY grand piano, style O, ror i-tM: win accept vlctrola and rec ords as pert payment: ued only in prl vate family. Auto. 32S-07. PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING. Any make, guaranteed work. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St., bet. Wash, and Alder. Main 83811. KIMBALL PLAYER PIANO, just used to demonstrate at a big reduction. Terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 123 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. LOOK! LOOK! HARDMAN PIANO! $750 upright Hardman piano, plain wal nut. used very little, only $225. This Is some bargain, terma Brokerage Co., 311 Worcester OKtg. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING. Guaranteed work by experts. SElBEKLtNG-LL't'AS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St,, bet. Wash, and Alder. Main 8386. NEW PIANOS hl-JNTED. On the apply-to-purchase plan. C proposition will please you. SEIBERLING-LUC AS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. HADDORF GRAND. LATEST STYLE. Used for demonstration only, at a big re duction; terms given. SEIBER LING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. SECURITY STORAGE CO. Closing out now; upright pianos, i.a, $193, $213. $295 cash. Also one $..-o Player. $36. $930 Player, $495. Pianos stored 73c monthly, cor, uttn and Mark sts. KIMBALL PIANO. $275; oak case, best of condition; terms given. SEIBER LING-LUC AS MUSIC CO.. 123 4th St., bet. Wash, and Alder. EVERETT PIANO Real barguin, $250: $900 piano, walnut case, In best shape, am sacrificing it as I am leaving for Canada shortly. Call Main 7990. LaFARGUE I'lANu, lalt .11 lo. a real bar gain. SEIBERLINO-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. PLAYER piano, only $590. very late;. take another piano part payment, terms. Wonderful bargain. Main 4424. 311 Worcester bldg. Foil SALE New Stradivara phonograph. also 20 records, will sell for !a, $73. In quire Security Storage Co., R. Orth, 4th and Plne SED player only $393. others at $535 an 1 $575. Also some good used pianos at $250-$275-$30O. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 147-149 6th St. SCHIR.MER PIANO. $150. SEIPBRLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St, bet. Wash, and Alder. 15 CASH and $10 mommy ma be fire til war) buys 23 new piano tor 30 Schwan Plaio Co., 101 10th St. at Star! RESPONSIBLE party will take SDlend care of piano for use ot same, w ood- lawn 645i. COLONIAL phonograph for sals with S: records, worm inn, price 3U. can be Been at 272 Madison St. PIANOS at lowest prices on terms; well-known makes. It win pay you see our stock. 409 Ahlngton bldg. Ill) GKNU1NE $1100 Schaeffer piano, m hogany, little used, terma 311 Worces ter blrts CHICK ERI NO r-lANO. $35; give ternii SElliEKLi:NU-LCCA JUCflC CO.. 123 4th St.. bet. Wast, and Alder. trnR VIOLIN strings, cello strings an musical gooas oi iirsi quality see Ki. Johnson I'tano CO.. no tun at. OR RENT OR SALE Nice grafonol and music, oak piano, r-inpiro iran.ler, Bdwy. 1.13. OKU AN. $10. SEIBERLING-LUC AS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. WILL PAY cash for a gooa used piano or player If price Is right. Auto. 511-20. PIANO WANTED, pay cash for bargain. from private parties. Alar. ir.t2. OR RENT Grafonola. $3 month. E..v pire Transfer, z.4 riuwy. dwy. Ifti OOD old Steiner violin and banjo-man dolin. 1078 K. 2.'th N. ( all evenings. 10 BUYS fine $000 upright piano. 31 Worcester bldg. PIANO wanted, pay cash Main 8586 Furniture lor Sale. SENSATIONAL, BARGAINS! FOR SALE. MEIER & FRANK STOCK of high-grade furniture, draperies, nigs and overstuffed davenport, lightly damaged In warehouse and removed to 849-331 OAK ST.. between Broadway and Park (across from Telephone bids.). Come thla week and select what yon want at great savings. Stock consists of mahogany and walnut bedroom, dining room and living room furniture, draperies and por tieres, ruga and a good line of overstuffed davenports and chairs. The prlcea average about 60 on the dollar. Remember the ad dress 349-331 OAK 6T. DON'T sacrifice your turullura If going east or to California, we can save you money on your freight in our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer at Storage Co., 248 Pine St. DAVENPORT AT A BARGAIN. New davenport with Turkish arms: a bargain for anyone wanting a fine piece of furniture. Phone, any day but Sun day. Automatic 814-26. WE PAY THE highest prices lor used furniture and nousenoid goods and tools, clothing and Junk. Oregon Furnl ture Exchange. Main 3433. GENUINE Spanish leather chair, table. lamp, rockers, sewing mien, porcn swing, dresser and rug. 349 Montgom ery et OWNER leaving city, beautiful new 8- piece genuine manogany aining set, miso new Superior gas range. Main 100.1. ROLL-TOP desk, $30; awivel chair. $5; Regulator clock, . can at o-u Henry building. COMBINATION wood-coal heater, coil. nickel trimmings, sitgntiy used; a-a. aj-i East 7th. corner Mill. MALLEABLE RANCH. six-hole. water coils, excellent cuflliUutt. labor aiVa. FOR HAI.E. Furnllnre for Nale. ALL READY TO KEEP UOl.SE. 4 rooms and alcove, only $30 month. We have for sale the furniture of a very dear 4-room corner flat, walking distance; everything goes. Im-ltiding Kurtxinann piano, solid mahogany rock, ers. quarter-sawed oak bullet, china closet, dining table and chairs, first class rugs, combination wood and gas range, aluminum cooking utensil, also dishes: just lite home for a newly mar ried couple: $rtiM will handle. SEE M KS. KKI.I.EK. 1KO T. M'lllHB CO.. l"7 r,m Bl.lg FU II .N 1 Tl.'k K or 4-room sin., ninety oak; sell all or part: leaving city. 170 Vita ave., spt.5N. Mar. ISM. FOR SAI.K Runs. Calfsr.lM! Ilverrtl !.. apartment K, any time .Friday or Salur day ritornlne Office Furniture. Sl . IAL priCt'S new snd used H..u. riles, chairs, ele. Safeguard cheek writer, regular $t!5, for $37.30, wltn $10,000 bond, bank Burroughs adding 5 and 7 machines, perfect condition, about half price. Dictaphones, nittllitfral'lis, etc. Prices lowest in city. Wax office Equipment House, 24 Nl 5lh. Bdwy. 27:lt CLOSING UP. MUST SELL OAK ROI L TOP DESK AND SWIVEL CHAIR, TYPEWRITER DESK AND CHAIlt OTHER FIXTURES. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER USED only FKW MONTHS. SHOWCASE COCNTKR. LONG TABLE AND SHELVING. 817 UNION' AVE AUTO. S3! -14 t. OA K- ENEEKEO display tables 23x72. 1 typewriter tleak and typewriter, I flat top oftice desk and swivel chair. 2 oak chairs; also nice large office to sub lease, or rent. Detroit Automatlo a.e Co.. 30l Oak st. 1 T. W. DESK and chair. 2 tables. 3 roll top desks, 2 flat-top desks. 3 bookkeep ers' desks. S chairs. 3 filing cabinets. 3 axes. BUSHONO CO., 91 Park st PLATE glass- slioweass with niarbe base at about H prlco; trade conaidered. Uroatiwav 423 T pev, riters. RECONSTRUCTED MACRrVFf. THK BEST IN TYPEWRITER! ALL MAKES. IRONCLAD GUARANTEE. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO, 321 WASHINGTON ST. MAIN 3tl81 DO AN E UUARANTKKD T U'ElVUlItK SBRVICK. All makes overlisuled. Experta RE PAIR. ESTIMATES ON RKyUEST. Buy sell, rent and exchange. Suppllea Auto matic 620-50. Vain 63117. 124 4th rt, bet. Wash, and AMer Over t'lreie theater. REBUILT typewriters, all makes, rentals, repairing, supplies Distributors CORONA portable. Sl'NDSTRAND. adding ma chines. Main 2283. K. W. Pease Co 110 Sixth street. - NOISELESS 'I' VP I-.; WRITERS A limited Tew are now available for rent. Noiseless Typewriter Co., Bdwy. 6044. Corner 4ta and Oak. W ILL SELL Remington No. II typewriter and cahinet cheap or trade. What have you. Hro.-ulv:iy 3258. lLL MAKES rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Cu 94 5th street. Main 3tlx. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand, rentals, at cut rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark st. Main 14117 REPAIRS, rent. buy. sell: supplies. Type writer Inspection Co, 812 SLirk. M. 33tj. ROYAL typewriter, aliuo.l now. only $aU. (all Kiist 79911, Poultry. BOOSTERS WANTED. Wanted. 500 people to buy a setting of eggs from my heavy-laying strain of S. C. R. 1. Reds; 8 grand pens to select from; a few good breeding cock erels yet for sale. W. V. LOOMIS. 1923 Multnomah St, l'none Tahor 8197. PETALUMA UAIIV CHIX FOR SALE. Chlx from S. C. White Leghorn hens, the world's greatest layers; eggs from free range Hoganized slock only; safe delivery of full count live chlx guaran teed: April. .May. June chlx. $14 per 100. $135 per 1UIIII. OAK HILL HATCHERY. Tetaluma. Cal. ONE THOUSAND WHITE LEGHORNS Day-old chicks. April 21, $18 per 100. Barred Rocks and R. . I. Reds ready now. day old, 23c each; month old, 490 each. Month-old White Leghorns. 3..0 each. J. ilt. .Maguire, 787 Oregon St., near E. 24th. WHITE LEGHORN baby chirks for Msy anu june ue ii very irom a heavy-laying hoganlxed stock: safe arrival of full count; live, strong clilika guaranteed. $12.50 per hundred: $120 per thousand. PIONEER HATCHERY. 441 Sixth street. I'etaluina. Cal. HAHY CHICKS. From the famous o. A. C. strain matlngs, 221 -egg hens, mated to cock erels from ami . Kg hena Place your or der now for April. May ami June drily, erles Port Ian I Seed Co.. Main 4010 LAST of May chlx. While Lt-sliot us. 5e eacn, .' or in, tie; June chlx, I2'ic. Hart's quality 400 egg .-ray Incubators for sale. $.10. Installed, a mammoth Don't come Sunday. W. 11. Hart, u. 3, Heaverton. Or. BAUY chicks. S. C. While Leghorn; O. A. C. and Tancred blend; very vigorous; finest selected; free range breeders, $13 per hundred. George Poultry Firm. Cates and Foster roads, box 44. Arista station. Portland. Or. ORDKK May, June chicks from heavy pro ducers of reliable strain. $12.30 per 100, any number; strong clucks, safo delivery; 20't with order. Iisl. C. O. D. Graham White Leghorn Farm, R. 3. Wooilhurn. Or. 200 S. C. WHITE LEGHORN year-old pul lets, healthy chickens, Tancred strain, $1.25; must sell quick. 61136 60th svs. S. K. Mt. Scott car to 62d St.. i block south. O. A. C. SINGLE comb White Leghorns, strong, healthy stock; bred to grow, lay, pay; every chick well born: loo $15, Write for catalog. Acme Poultry Farm, Walker. Or. BAUY CHICKS Six varieties, host stock, prices reasonable: correspondence In vlted. C. N. NeiMlham. Salem, Or. BLUE Alidaiusian setting eggs, $1.30 a sel- ting. Autonia tic 64U-80. THOROUGHBRED White Leghorn chicks, 13 cents each. Q'14 Linn ave. Sell. 1818, Dogs. Halililts. Birds and I'et Stork. FOR SALE Shepherd puppies (police) from imported stock, also Boston ter riers at stud for short time. Imported Irish terriers, Australian Ambassador snd Anzac, Airedale, Norman Tip. Top, fees, $25. COQUET KENNELS, 9901 51st ave. South.. Sesttle. Wash. TRiNEK St. Amlrrasbiirg Roller canaries. money buys no better; guaranteed Im ported and satisfactory; while they last I'M. E. H. Flake. 390 3. 17th. Salem. Or. Foil SALE Full-blooded police dog. 1 vear old; splendid watch dog. Phone Portland Woolen Mills. I'ol. 16 CHOICE SINGERS AND FEMALES. CALL THE STUDIO. MAIN 468. BEAUTIFUL green singer with cage. $10. a pt. 2'si. tjooq nougn piqg. FOR SALE Beautiful Hoston terrier ma tron, highly bred. East 3219. IMPORTED Anclreasberg rollers night si ngers. also 2 females. Woodlawn 36.12. Boats. Ijsuni-lies and Marine Kqnlpmcnt, W ANTE D To buy, for rash, a 24 to 'in foot speed boat, making from 12 mile per hour upwards; must be a 4-cycie marine engine; will buy such engine or hull separate. Dr. E. J, Jasper, Wcat- pnrt, ' if. LARGE furnished houseboat, very rea sonable; also fast 30-ft. pleasure bosi; house or boat sell separately; bargain. Benson'a Moorage, fool Ivon st. Brook lyn car, ask for Mr. Roseland. 4-ROOM completely furnished houseboat. player piano; must be seen to be appro. ctated. HI 5M1. Oregnnlsn. 17-FT. OLDToWN CANOE, and outfit, bought new Isst season. Woo'llawn 4781. Suntlay afternoon. Machinery . TUB FOLLOWING NEW STAKRKTT TOOLS: 1 12-1.VCII COM HIXATION SET INCLUDING SUUARB. CENT Kit HEAD AND PROTRACTOR; 1 3-Illx8-INCH RULE. NO. 4 GRADUATIONS: 1 SET 8 INCH INSIDE AND OUTSIDE CALL PERS: 1 SPEED INDICATOR IN CASE, 1 '.-INCH .MICRO MET Lit I.N CASK;; 1 THICKNESS GAL'GK: 1 SCREW GAl'HK AG 587. OREGONIAN. WO 7x10 DONKEY engines In rirst-cla condition; 46-ln. band saw in first-clas running order: electric motors Oregon Junk k Hardware Co. Call 2otl Front sL OR SALE One aud half horsepower gsa- ocne engine wltn pump, practically new; can be seen running; been used about two months. Taylor st. dock, west side. u Gil C11LAP for quick sals. Willamette wide face rnadlng engine, 12x14. wit's or without lines. AV 3u9. Oregonian. Nursery Mock. EKY CHOICE pansy plan's, $1 per bas. ket parcel post prepaid. a. Knowlea. Ryan Place Hillsdale. Or. UTHIJKRT rasuberrv plains, 45 thouaand. Woodlawn son evening. Coal and Wood. " FIRST-GROWTH COUNTRY SLAB. AND CORDWOOD. CKDAR CREEK WOOD CO., 48-80 N, 18TH ST. HDWY. IT!,. UY YOUR winter wood now; 6 cords good wood $48; one cord $.ou. r. t,. Howe man Co Main 3026 BLOCK and slab mixed, also old-growttl cordwood fnr quick delivery. Tabor 71914, BEST ary old-grnwth cordwoo; you can't beat 11; only .ooa corq. Auto. 616-87. FOR SALE 200 cords old-growth fir. Phone 6 F-15, Hnllon. Or. NSIDB block wood, mixed. In 2 and S- load lota Phone Woodlawn 6.'3:i. ORDWOolJ at $7.30 a cord In 2', -cull ioia. iSaUQuai n ut Co., fetal --,