THE MORNING OltEGONIAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1921 14 BEAT. ESTATE. tor Sale Houses. ITNDtrPI.ICATED HOME BARGAINS. 12UO Photograph "f Home for cut. i FRANK L. McGUIRE J To Boy Your Home. 1 IARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE PACIFIC COAST Deal with an old established firm. THE HOME OP 1200 HOME BARGAINS. THE McGUIRE system " . . , .. i t a i i I. n and established a NATIONAL RECORD FOR, HOME j SELLING, because 11 is m -perlor. scientific, modern method, we protect your every Interest, and put you in immediate touch with the home you are looking for. IF necessary, we U Help ou make your down payment. Open every evening until p. Two salesmen at your service. ROSE CTTT SPECIAL. $0300 PERGOLA ROSE CITT of 5 airy rooms: massive built ?ns. cheVry fireplace. PIFELESS FURNACE, hardwood ''?r there's a clean Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook; finish la In white enamel, paved street In and paid for. E. 49th St. THIS IS REAXt ROSE CITT VALUE. Terms. $6300 SPACIOUS. attractive, close-in home on E. Taylor st, every modern convenience ; fireplace, .ar.e: EAST WALKING Dig- Terms. $5230-PRACTicALLT NEW. VACANT, UN-DUPLICATED IRVINGTON HOME BARGAIN! 8-room art's- tic bungalow; living fireplace and bookcases; solid naneled dining room with beamed ceilings; massive art glass teaueu v.,?ft- hnrHwood floors; den. OWNER A NON-RESIDENT OF FERS AT A REDUCED PRICE FOR QUICK BALE. Knujiet si. SUNNYSIDE HAKHUo. nnvn Down. 4975 ONLT $-"00 down. MODERN HAWTHORNE home of 7 rooms, in good condition, every conven ience, including furnace and fire- place. VACANT, East Salmon si. x.-too Down 1300 Down. I iTOO $300 down. VACANT. B-room, neat and comfortable HAW' thorvk hunsalow cottage. in . closed back porch, plumbing, electricity, gas. E. 35th. Only 1300 down. ii.RRRTA i.inn DOWN. 13200 ONLY $500 down. SPLENDID . ALBERTA VALUE. 90x100 with AN ABUNDANCE OF FRUIT; garage; house is In good condi tion, wnite enamei piuiuuiua. electricity, gas, close to car. ONLY $.100 down. REST LIKE RENT. E. 32d St. HURRT FOR THIS. AT.RERTA 1400 DOWN. . 11500 $400 down. 3-room, comfortable ALBERTA COTTAGE: built-in conveniences: .garage: Glenn ave. WftHTnAnR FORECLOSURE SALE. $3i'30 CENTRAL PENINSULA DIS TRICT. Just north of Portland blvd. Roomy, attractive 8-room - home with 5 fireplaces, 2 baths, furnace: 133 1-3x100 lot with A PROFUSION OF FRUIT, berries, grapes and nuts. THIS 18 AN EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN. Call Main 106S and ASK about It. Oatman Ht. Terms. PENINSULA 1450 DOWN. $1400 1450 down. HERE'S A REAL PENINSULA SNAP. 4-room, nice new bungalow, white enamel plumbing; only $450 down. Yale street HOMESEEKERS! It Is to your advantage to Inspect our LISTINGS FIRST. We have the widest selection and the biggest VAL t'ES IN THE ENTIRE CITY. Open evenings for your convenience. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. AWnrton Bldg. Main 1008. Third St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. Ttrflnce under the hip Electric Sign. BETTER TYPES OF HOMES. T have a selected list of home bargains, all sizes, all prices and In bent residential sections of the city. "House hunting" Is a tedious job. 1 know values and offer for sale only those home properties that are worth the money. To make "house hunting" easy Juet phone Main 073 and I'll call with auto and show you best types of bungalows and houses at lowest possible pricta. J. W. CROSSLET. Main 5013. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME. Central hall, large living room, fining room, pass pantry and kitchen. 3 lovely sleeping rooms and bath, second-floor balcony porch, all drapes, linoleum, elec tric range and radiant fire heater, extra size lot. Gasco furnace. Idea location. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER. East TOTS. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS. 111.000. Brand new 7-room house with unex celled view of the city and mountains 1 Right across the street from a 175.UOO i home; level ground; full basement, hard I wood floors, living room 16x24; Dutch j kitchen with breakfast room: 3 bed : rooms and sleeping porch on second ( floor; tiled bath room, shades, electric ; fixtures. Complete and ready for oc cupancy. House alone cost over $10,000. Call owner. Main 075. 819 Railway Exch. Bldg. BEAUTIFUL MURRYMEAD. Surrounded by handsome residences, this 1 splendid house is greatly underpriced: t six room a fireplace, furnace, wonderful ? sleeping porch. Located on the corner J irith no mortgage or assessments. No I cleaning, no repairing: lot has a 60-foot ! frontage. Owner moving south, so for 1 quirk sale has cut his price from $6500 I to $5500, with $1000 down. Main 4522. Mr. Van Antwerp. House phone. I COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 2 Fourth st. Sellwood 716. ! OVERLOOK ADDITION. Dvtch colonial house; Just being com pleted; kitchen, dining room, living , room, sun room and breakfast room on lower floor; 2 bedrooms, den, sleeping porch and bath upstairs. Finished in l ivory and mahogany throughout. Hard- wood floors and built-ins. Furnace and full cement basement. Would consider lot as part payment Owner. Wdln. 5741. PIEDMONT BUNGALOW. New, strictly modern 6-room bunga low with hardwood floors throughout, large, well-arranged living and dining room. Dutch kitchen, combination sleep ing porch, large attic, suitable for 2 or 2 bedrooms, full concrete basement. Ca loric furnace, garage with paved floor and driveway. For price and terms see RICHARD W. MAST, Realtor. R1TTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MT. SCOTT. I $2400 1500 CASH. I Six-room bungalow. garage. full plumbing; In best of condition; 100 I feet from car and paved sL If you are looking for a neat place, medium t price, this is it. and a bargain, C. M. PERU, ' 1213 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2245. $ U0 G-ROOM bungalow-cottage, white porcelain plumbing, electricity and , gas, Minnesota, ave. near Ainsworth ftvc close to Columbia park, car barns and Jefferson high. Terms. Main KHi7. A VERY attractive 8-r. residence, built by owner and thoroughly modern: four bed rooms and sleeping porch: one on first floor; also shower bath, plate glass wln ' dows. beau, buffet, garage, 50x100 lot. Auto 223-71. UOW.VSTAiKS BEDROOM. Seven-room house on Richmond car line; furnace, bathroom, two toilets (one downstairs): 14600. Buyers and agents apply to William M. Gregory, 820 Wash lngton bldg. Main 2Q2S. & P. MEN, ATTENTION. i 5-room modern bungalow, fireplace, Ihitch kitchen, near Mall St., hard- ! surfaced St., double constructed, only $3750, 1950 cash, balance easy. Mr. Johnston. Mar. 1022. Tabor 4703 eve. JltVlNGTON 25th. !oi Halsey. 7 rooms, modern, tinted, painted, fireplace, book cases, buffet, Dutch kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 3 up; toilet, bath, full cement basement, furnace; leaving city. .At place 10 A. M. to .1 P. M. 15251); 12.1O0 will handle. COMPLETELY furnished cozy 3-room bun-galow-style house, lawn, shrubbery, soma fruit trees, garage; 11S50; terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 373T. ilI'rJR-N 4-room house with bath; 12100, $500 down. 120 month. 7 per cent In terest. - 209 Glbbs street, south Portland, fall evenings after 5 o'clock. Main 2605. t ROOMS and sleeping porch, corner, fur., cement basement, fireplace, garage, 16,-iOO, $inoo cash. Tabor 386. Evenings Tahor 385. IA SNAP for 12oOO by owner; n acre. 3 room modern house, fruit and berries, large barn. 1526 K. Burnslde. cor. 67 U t reet FOR SALE 5-room furnished house. Sun nyslde, $3200. Tabor 386; evenings Ta- bor 35. SvEST SIDE For sale by owner, t-room house with bath. 41frf uth at. BEAT, ESTATE. ROSE CITT PARK. 12550 1900 down, balance Ilka rent, 4 rooms, bath, corner, near car. $3500 1.5(0 down.' B-room bungalow, garage. $3000 1500 down. 4-room modern bun galow, near car and school. $4300 11000 down, 6-room modern bun galow, garage. $4800 llooo down, s-room modern house; a snap. $3000 Jluoo down. 8-room modern house; a sacrifice. A. N. MIKKEL8EN CO.. 52d and Sandy Blvd. Tabor 580. Open Evenings and Sundays. $500 DOWN. I believe you will say this la one ot the most charming homes you ever saw. The interior Is beautifully finished and the house Is attractive in every way. East front, also fine view of city; five fine rooms; new plpeless furnace, full cement basement, laundry trays, buffet, bookcases, Dutch kitchen, with lots and lots of bullt-lna There are eeveral large closets: garage, several fine cherry trees which will net you at least $200 a year. Woodstock car stops right in front of the door. Lot almost 75x100. Sacrifice price is $3050; terms to suit you. Call 4427 42d St. S. E. Sellwood 925. THE FINEST HOME IN ROSE CITY PARK FOR 10500. We have sold many homes in this popular district but never have we been able to list such a splendid home for 165O0. Description: Two-story bungalow, big, beautiful living room with fire place, large dining room, lovely tapestry paper in both rooms, naruwood floors, Dutch kitchen. 3 lovely big bedrooms, and sleeping porch on the upper floor, full concrete basement, high-grade fur nace, garage; street paving paid. We want you to compare this home with other that you've seen for the same price. Call us at once. COMTE 4 KOHLMAN. 208 Chamber of Commerce. M. 6550. rRVTNOTJpN 17500. T62 Schuyler M. (inspection by appointment); nice modern borne in best borne environment; 8 bed rooms, very attractive Interior, garage, etc.; a home for "people who care." Price ItoOO. My auto at your service. J. W. CR08SLEY. Main 5073. A GARDEN VIEW. Very choice 5-room bungalow, one block to car. facing beautiful city park; with 100x100 Int. beautiful trees and choice roses; with hardwood floors, fire- place and garage; this is Indeed a snap at $5000. with a payment down ot $000. Such locations are rare, so hurry. Mr. Van Antwerp. Main 4522. House phone. Sell.. T16. COE A. McKENNA A CO- 82 Fourth St. LADD ADDITION BUNGALOW. $5750 5-room. very modern new artis tic bungalow, beautifully fin ished, hardwood floors even in bedrooms, full basement, furnace, fireplace, built-ins, crystal glass door sets; very easy terms; paved St., liens paid. Vacant. We can arrange to finance and have a bungalow built to suit you. Pleased to talk it over with. you. See FRANK L. McGUTRE, To Buy Your Home. Ahlnrfon Bldg. Main 106. ON AINSWORTH. 14500. Here Is a bargain for some one: five room bungalow, all extra large rooms, fireplace, furnace, full concrete base ment, garage, lot 30x100. improvements all in and paid:. Now. when you see this you will agree with me. this is some buy; immediate possession. FRANK MAHONEY, COE A. McKENNA CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 6871. 14750 IRVINGTON 14750. A really beautiful bungalow home with living room, dining room, Dutch kitchen, bath and bedroom; full concrete base ment, furnace, garage; no street Hens to assume. This pretty home is finished In ivory; owner will accept 11000 cash, the balance on easy terms. Call us at once. COMTE & KOHLMAN. Main 0550. 208 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. HALF HOUR FROM COURTHOUSE. Near paved highway, 60 acres, dairy farm : good 6-room house, garage, barn 04x76, horses, cows, hogs, sheep, chick ens, sufficient machinery and tools re pair shop and feed to last till harvest: farm aud stock only $12,500. half cash. Snap. ELMER F. BENNETT CO.. 318-321 Board of Trsde. Main 7452. WILL BUILD TO SUIT. In Laurelhurst or Mount Tabor. This Is an opportunity to .have your home as you want It. Smals payment down and balance monthly. MARSH McCABE CO., REALTORS. 322-B-4 Falling Bldg. Marshull bLOCK SO. ROSE CITY PARK SCHOOL. Beautiful new bungalow, built by owner; 6 rooms, bath, glass breakfast room. furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, cement basement, all built-ins, best material and workmanship, 50x125 lot. 12-ft. alley: price for quick sale. 14450; 12300 cash; balance terms. Phone Tabor 5245. GO TODAY LITTLE HOME 12000. Here is your chance: Almost new. fine plumbing complete, gas, electric lights, basement, double floors, nicely finished; Mt. Scott car to Firland, 8 blocks east to 41)30 76th st. SIDNEY G. LATHROP, 516 Ablngton Bldg. CLOSE IN, EAST SIDE. 8-room modern home, gas. electricity, furnace, 2 lavatories, cement basement, stationary laundry fixtures, sleeping porch, garage, on 100x100, beautiful gardens, lawn and fruit trees; occupied and for sale by owner: price $6000 for quick sale. Woodlawn 2111. FINE LAURELHURST CORNER. Nearly new 2-story, 9-room bungalow with garage, on large corner, near car, park section, 30-ft. living room, old ivory finish; hot-water heat, 5 bed rooms (1 downstairs), 2 baths, con crete porches; first time offered; snap with terms. Tabor 407. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL. Lot 30x100. between 1159 and 1167 Mallory avenue. Piedmont, just off KU lingsworth, two blocks from postofflce and stores on Union avenue; street im proved and lateral for sewer in alley; terms if desired. B 913, Oregonlan. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into Income? We design and build apartments, ga rages, residences, anything: furnish plans and finance. Established 10 yeara We offer SECURITY. SERVICE. SAT ISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co.. 924 N. W. Bank bldg. DOCTOR'S HOME SACRIFICE. OVERLOOKS THE CITY. 8 rooms with sleeping porch, all mod ern conveniences, hardwood floors, built by careful day labor, worth $10,000, take $7000 with half cash for quick sale. Mar. 1022. Sell. 2706 evenings. WALKING DISTANCE. 5-room bungalow, on East 20th st. If you want a nifty 5-room bungalow with sleeping porch, furnace, in Al con dition for $4300, terms, see this at once. Mr. Boehm, 209 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. HOUSE Hawthorne dist-, 8-room mod ern bunga., 3 bedrms. and oatn up. 2 bedrooms and bath down: lot 66 2-3x100; cost $16,000; price $10,000, 13000 cash, or exchange small bungalow.. Marshall 2309. M. A. Raymond. $4ku 6-KooM home close to Jefferson nign; wnue enamel pium-oing, electricity and gas. sleeping porch and garage. Haight avenue, near Humboldt. Very easy terms. Phone Main 1069. PLASTER the house with a hammer and COLUMBIA PLASTER WALL BOARD, for battenless. non-buckling walls. OHSFELDT. 145 First St. Main 6978. DOORS WINDOWS. PAINTS BEAUTIFUL WESTMORELAND. 8 rooms, hardwood floors, nice large rooms, east front, excellent condition, only $42r.o. $1200 cash. Mr. Johnston, Mar. 1022. Tabor 4708 evenings. A BEAUTY Modern bungalow of 7 rooms on west slope of Mt Tabor; lot 50x100; garage; several fruit trees. This Is sim ply grand for $7000. See J. P. McKenna for terma Belmont at 39th. Tabor 6493. BEAUTIFUL new Rose City Park bunga low, five rooms and breakfast nook; cor ner lot. on paved streets; furnace, fire place, hardwood floors; easy payments. Owner. East 4634. HOUSE PLANS. "Distinctive Homes." Illustrated book f over 100 designs. $1: blueprints. $10. DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY, 924 Northwestern Bank Bldg. IRVINGTON. A real bargain, $7000, terms; 8 rooms, sleeping porch, garage. 326 Artisans bldg. Broadway 387. IRVINGTON New 6-room bungalow, just completed; a real snap for cash. 575 E. 25th st. N-. near Knott. Auto. 819-83. 5-ROOM house, b minutes' walk from city hall, lot 60x50 feet; 13800. Blaealng Granite Co.. 267 Third street. DANDY little 4-r. bungalow with all built lns. on paved street. Auto. 223-71. BUNG LA LOW FOR SALE BY OW&ER. PHONB AUTO. 8U-U. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. ROSE CITY PARK. CK7S.O HERE IS BEING OFFERED ONE OF ROSE CITY PARK'S MOST BsAUli FUL BUNGALOWS. LOCATED ON A CORNER LOT BELOW THE HILL AND WHAT IS POSSIBLY THE VERY CHOICEST LOCATIONS. IF YOU WILL INSPECT THIS AND IF YOU DO NOT BELIEVE THIS A BARGAIN, w B, WILL BE GLAD TO PAY FOR THE TIME YOU HAVE SPENT IN INSPECT ING IT. AS TO CONSTRUCTION WORKMANSHIP. CLASS OF MATERI ALS USED. AND FOR DOWNRIGHT CLASS AND DISTINCTION. YOU WILL FIND NOTHING LIKE IT IN ROSE CITY PARK FOR THE MONEY. THIS OWNER MUST SELL AND SELL QUICKLY HENCE THE SACRIFICE HE IS MAKING. IF THROUGH THE MEDIUM OF THIS AD WE ARE ABLE TO GET YOU TO VIEW PUB mui" ERTY TO INVESTIGATE WE KNOW WE HAVE MADE A SALE. WE CAN NOT WRITE AN AD TOO STRONG. IT IS 8IMPLY IMPOSSIBLE TO OVER DESCRIBE THIS BUNGALOW. SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. kkmkm BER THE STORY OF THE EARLY BIRD. A. Q. TEEPE CO.. 270 STARK ST.. NEAR FOURTH. MAIN 8092. OPPORTUNITIES like this are few and far apart; 50x100 on the cor ner of East 10th and Davis: on carllne. with a B-room residence: 2 fireplaces, full basement, fur nace. 2-story garage all for $6500. The lot alone Is worth that. This was formerly the mansion of a . prominent Portland business man As this will sell quickly, owing to the low price, no time should be wasted. iC De YOUNG CO.. 810 Spalding bldg. Nights Sellwood 2523. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. It-room hiHiminw In Al condition: ex cellent furnace; improvement in and paia. Terms. J3lMj. If you re looking for a completely furnished bungalow we have one that cannot be beat for value. Hardwood floors, fireplace; very best built-in fea ture a Immediate possession can be eiVAn rwiml tM-ma tn reliable party. Everything to piano goes. Call us for appointment. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., Cor. X6th and Hawthorne. Tabor 7463, $41)50100x100. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW with pivran a vn srwer PAID. THIS FACES ONE OF PORTLAND'S MOST BEAUTIFUL PARKS. YOU CAN LOOK PORTLAND OVER FROM ONE ' END TO THE OTHER WITHOUT FINDING A BARGAIN TO MATCH THIS ONE. BUNGALOW IS EXCEP TIONALLY ATTRACTIVE. WITH HARDWOOD FLOORS. FIREPLACE. YES, THERE IS A GARAGE. REMARJi. ABLY EASY TERMS. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 STARK ST., NEAR FOURTH, MATN 3002. IRVINGTON. 17000 S7O0U. 17000. Almost new, thoroughly modern Co lonial home, beautiful large living room, 3 bedrooms and enclosed sleeping porch on second floor: 1 large and 1 small finished room on third floor. This house has nverv built-in and is in Derfect con- dition. Fine garage and a beautiful view lot. A bargain at $7000. $3200 cash required to handle. Shown only by appointment. East 4001. ' IWO CASH, BALANCE AS RENT for a nrettv brown bungalow, large liv ing and dining room combined, nicely decorated, red brick nreplace, . ongnt and spacy bedrooms with closets, Dutch kitchen, full nickel plumbing, bath, small basement, corner lot on paved St., with sewer paid. Nicely located, Rich mond district. $3000. $400 cash. O. A. PEARCE CO., 201 Oregon Bldg. B. 4835. Eve.. Sell. 1115. $3700 SUNNTfSIDE J3700. Owner going away at once, must sell 5-room bungalow in fine con dition. Dutch kitchen, built-lns, full cement basement, young fruit trees, berries, porch and all lm- f provements paid. Main 6353, Woodlawn 765. ROSE CITY. ATTRACTIVE AND DIFFERENT. 6 rooms on one floor with all hard wood floors; broad fireplace in living room; French doors to beautiful dining room; Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, excellent furnace. Beautiful In terior and In best part of Rose City. Below the hill. Price 16300. on -terms. R. SOMERVILLE. S20 TJ. S. Nat. Bank Bldjt. Bdwy. 2478. NEW BUNGALOW. $750 cash and $25 per month and Inter est buys a modem 5-room home on paved St.. has garage, fireplace, beautiful kitchen, cement basement ' and tapestry papered living room. Wonderful value. Call for appoint ment. Price 14000. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. TtrrvuTway 47"t1. 410 Henry BMg. $3500 ON EASY terms. 7-room home. 100x100, with lots of .berries and grapes. This is on paved street, next to corner of 62d and Powell, Hawthorne carllne. Owner in Idaho. C. De YOUNG & CO.. 810 Spalding bldg. Nights Sellwood 2528. $300 CASH and $60 per month, including interest, puts you in possession of a new and modern 9-room bungalow; has two bed rooms, first floor, beautiful built-in buf fet, fireplace, breakfast nook- and ga. rage close to Peninsula Park. A real bargain at $5000. 1300 rash. " INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. ' Broadway 4751. 410 Henry" BMg. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. 13900. 1350 CASH WILL HANDLE THIS AT TRACTIVE BUNGALOW WITH FUR NACE, FIREPLACE. PAVING AND SEWER PAID. EASY MONTHLY PAY MENTS, A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 STARK ST.. NEAR FOURTH. MATN 3092. NEW BUNGALOW. $250 cash, balance $42.50 per month. In cluding Interest, buys a beautiful little modern home, has two cosy bedrooms, bright kitchen and breakfast nook. A real bargain at uxr.o. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. WEST SIDE. Close in on the west side, good modem house of 5 rooms, good basement, all in good condition. Will sell on easy terms of small payment down and balance like rent. Price $3500. O. W. Bryan, 509 Chamber of Commerce. ' Main 1963. Residence, Marhall 865. 5-ROOM modern house, all on one floor, basement; 6 acre of land, fruit and berries; 5 blocks to car: 1 block to school; $2650. Terms, or will trade for grocery and confectionery to $2000. Mr. Hare, with A. J. De FOREST CO.. 320 Henry hlrtg. Bdwy. rifinO. A BUY AT $1750. $300 cash and $25 per month, includ ing interest, buys a dandv 4-room home, beautiful 50x100 lot with .strawberries, roses and grapes; good district, 1 block to pavement. Only 11750. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. LET ME SHOW YOU THIS ONE. 14750 MODERN BUNGALOW. Very large grounds, sewers, etc. paid; bearing fruit, garden, berries, bungalow has fireplace, furnace, buffet, etc.. CLEVELAND, 308 Board of Trade, Broadway 1150. ROSE CITY PARK BY OWNER. ' Large living room, dining room, white enameled Dutch' kitchen, den. two bed rooms, fireplace, hardwood floors, built in features: full basement, furnace, pavement. By appointment only. Main 4203. Tahor 4626. MT. TABOR BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, modern, fireplace. 50x100 lot. Owner does not live in city; sacrifice, $3200. terms. J. ROBBINS, 301 Railway Exch. Main 7931, Tabor 5319. OWNER leaving city, will sell 6-room modern home, party furnished; full ce ment basement, garden, some fruit: 1 block from Sunnyside carllne: 4 blocks from school; close in: price $4000; terma Tahor 5959. No agents. BARGAIN, west side, 7-room house: walk ing distance; lot 50x100 for quick sale; $4000. terms. E. J. Geiser. 447 Cham ber of Commerce. BEST buy in Portland, modern 6-room bouse. 100x100. psved street, fruit, ber ries: $3500, easy terms. 804 Spalding Vrtg. Main 30S. FROM OWNER 5-room bungalow, half block to Rose City car. 655 E. 65th st. N., for $3750, terms. Has garage. East 2299. TWO SMALL houses on 50x100 lot, at 1078 E. 16th N., half block from car. $2100, $500 down. By owner. Wood. 63 74. 7-ROOM bouse with basement on paved street: fruit and flowers; some' terma Sell. 563. MULTNOMAH 4 rooms modern, lots of fruit, berries; acre. 417 Spalding bldg.. 3d and Washington sts. Main 103S. BARGAIN l-room house. East 7th st, North; 11750. Reasonable terma G. L. Webb. 414 East Stark st. . LAURELHURST Classy home, wonder fully low priced. Phone Tabor 5130. 1300 DOWN on 5-room bouse, close in. Phone Auto. 235-51. REAL ESTATE. For Sal e H ou ses. BIHR-CAREY. MAIN 7487. MAIN 6983. SELLWOOD. 100x100 PAVED STREET 13000. On a large lot, with pavement and sewer in and paid; a substantial five room bungalow cottage with two large bedrooms, fruit, berries and shrubbery; two blocks from car line. It takes only $500 to buy this home. AIJ3ERTA BUNGALOW. $3000. ' . Double constructed bungalow of five v well-arranged rooms, every kind of built-in, finest of plumbing, one block irom car. f ireplace; this bungalow Is very attractive and in a good neighbor hood. Very convenient terma ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. $600 DOWN. Very good looking, unusually well constructed typical bungalow with two large bedrooms, living room, dining room and Dutch kitchen: cement base ment and laundry trays. This bunga low Is vacant and has a garage. The price la only 13500 a very good buy. SELLWOOD. 11850. This four-room bungalow has two bedrooms on a full lot, with abundance of berries and ten fruit trees; one block from the car; full plumbing; very easy terma ' RICHMOND BUNGALOW, 11600. New four-room bungalow with two bedrooms, living room, combination din ing room and kitchen. This house has full, modern plumbing and is a real buy at this price; 1300 will handle. BIHR-CAREY. 211 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. THIRD AND STARK STS. MAIN 7487. MAIN 6983. " HOME, SWEET HOME. ONCE TO EVERY WOMAN an opportunity to own their own home. Here is a home at a price you can hardly believe. Hardwood floors, dust and laundry chutes, built 7 years, sun room, musio room, garage, just a few minutes' walk to Laurelhurst park, furnace and fireplace, fine basement, fruit room; cost about $10,000 to build today; $75po takes it and good terms. PETER PAN HOME CO., Main 6353. Woodlawn 765. BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITY HOME. Large living and dining rooms, mir rored door in wrap room, oak floors, cheerful fireplace, with all built-ins, costly electric fixtures, buffet, full cabinet kitchen and breakfast room, basement, furnace, trays, three fine bedrooms, upstairs, Al bath. roomy linen and clothes closet, large garage, cement floor and runway, 50x100, paved. Delightful district and neigh borhood: 16000. $1500 cash. ELMER F. BENNETT CO.. 318-321 Board of Trade. Main 7452. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. 14675. FIRST TIME ADVERTISED. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW WITH HARDWOOD r'L.OOKS, FIREPLACE, FURNACE, COMPLETE DUTCH KITCHEN, BREAKFAST ROOM, FINISHED IN RICH OLD IVORY AND WHITE THROUGHOUT. LOT 00x125. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. . A. G. TEEPE CO., 270 STARK ST., NEAR FOURTH. MAIN S01I2 $2100 5-room attractive bungalow, large front porcn, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, white enamel plumbing, cement basement, elect, and gas. Easy terms. Close to Mt. Scott car. You are welcome to visit our large display room, where over 1200 photographs of homes for sale are displayed. See FRANK I McGUlRE. AMneton Bldg. Main 1068. OVERLOOK. Tandy home, hardwood floors, newly finished inside and out, fruit trees, garage, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, east frstit; easy terms. Main 6353, Woodlawn 765. - MODERN WEST SIDE ' BUNGALOW, 62 BY 170 LOT 1300 DOWN. Five-room bungalow on a very large lot with a very fine view; two bedrooms, liying room, dining room, kitchen; pave ment and sewer in and paid; full cement basement; this .house is well built and In very good condition and may be had for only $3100. This bungalow is ou Hamilton avenue. MAIN 69S3. ROSE CITY. $3500 TERMS. 6-room bungalow, 2 fireplaces, garage, large living room, beam ceilings and fireplace: fine dining room with built- in bullet: cozy den with fireplace. Dutch kitchen; garage; block from bandy. Owner leaving city. Call R. SOMERVILLE. Broadway 2478. 320 V. S. National Bank Bldg. LAURELHURST. 8-room modern home, choice 'section of Laurelhurst; hardwood floors', fur nace, fireplace, full cement basement. lot 50x100. all Improvements in- and paid for. large garage. 50-gal. gas stor age tank in garage; immediate posses sion. $6HO0. $2800 cash, terms on bal ance. Sletten. with Interstate Land Co. Main 5420. 248 Stark St. OVERLOOK BARGAIN 13500. A six-room bungalow; furnace, fire place, oak floors, all built-ins; Dutch kitchen, cement basement and wash trays i 50x 148-foot lot: fruit and roses: city improvements in and paid: price only $5500. with terms. RUM M ELL & RUMMEU,. 274 Stark Street. $4200 ROSE CITY PARK. Fine, strictly modern 8-room typical bungalow, double constructed, A-l con dition; very convenient; furnace, fire place, all built-ins, extra fine plumbing, full cement basement, fruit room, ,aun dry room, trays; nice lawn and shade trees. A splendid home. Tabor 6559. HAWTHORNE. ' Between Belmont and Hawthorne: 7 room modern bungalow, all large rooms, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, bullt-lns; a roomy, attractive home on 70xl00-ft, lot. Street assessments all paid. Price $6300. Terms if desired. BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS. Suite 415, Piatt Bldg. Main 7027. A BARGAIN. Beautiful 5-room bungalow in Alberta, strictly modern, newly painted and tint ed, near car line and school, full cement basement, built-lns, and to apprecaite this house you will have to see It. Call owner, Mr. Lawson, Broadway 673, for particulars. 12500 VERY attractive 7-room typical bungalow, white enamel plumbing, F. C. basement; full width pergola front porch. A home you will be proud of. Full lot. E. 75th st. N. of Gllsan. Very easy terms. See FRANK I McGUIRE, Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. . Jouu DOWN, BAL. LIKE RENT. New 5-room bungalow, strictly mod ern, good location, near car line and school, 60x100 lot, full basement, street paved, all assessments paid; immediate possession. Call owner, Broadway. 673. Mr. Lawson. Be sure and see this bar gain. 50x100, 2 BLOCKS from car; fruit "trees and a shack that could be fitted up real fine; this Is a dandy little place for a young couple: $150 cash, balance $15 monthly for 10 months. HARRY BECK WITH, 104 Fifth St. Main 6869. 13500 WEST SIDE BARGAIN. )WNER GOING TO SPOKANE. Dandy little 4-room bungalow, strictly modern, fireplace, bkf. nook, cement bast., built-ins, one block to car; 1760 cash will handle. G. C. GOLDENBERQ. MAIN 4803. PIEDMONT. 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in bookcases. buffet, paved street, sewer in; a real buy at 16000. Terms if desired. BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS. Suite 415, Piatt Bldg. Main 7027. BY OWNER. Beautiful 5-room ROSE CITT bunga low; hardwood floors throughout, built ins. fireplace, furnace, Dutch kitchen, large lot. paved street: $5350, terms or cash. A COZY HOME. Phone Tabor 5215. SEVEN rooms, sleeping porch, near car, school; $4000. Tabor 14ft . Get the Morning Habit Bring in or Phone . Your "Oregonian Want-Ads" in the Morning Yon will find that you save your self a great deal of time, avoid the afternoon crowd, and elimi nate the possibility of any errors which sometimes occur in last minute copy. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Hounes. HOME BUYERS ATTENTION. NEW. NEW. NEW. $350 CASH DOWN. $4150 Buys 5 rooms and bath, new and never occupied; fireplace, hwd. floor, buffet, Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, cement basement, wash trays. One block to Haw thorne car. Never again an op- Eortunlty to buy a nifty modern ungalow at such a reasonable price and such very attractive terms. ROSE CITT PARK. We are now in a position te offer you attractive homes in this desirable district from $3950 up to $21,000. Many are homes that have never before been of fered for sale. See our listings before ou3 ing. Remember we have ft building com pany In connection with our firm and can build you lust the home vou desire at very reasonable prices and can ar range terms to suit, ' WICKMAN BUILDING CO. now has ten homes under construction in Rose City Park, Alameda Park and West moreland. Why not one for you 7 J. A. WICKMAN CO.. "Shortest Way Home.' 264 Stark St- Main 1094 and 383. WEST SLOPE MT. TABOR, 15250. This 6-room bungalow type is priced $1000 under value: it .has 4 rooms and bath downstairs and 2 bedrooms upstairs; excellent den. fireplace. Dutch kitchen, buffet. 1 bedroom downstairs: cement base ment, furuace and 45x9o-ft. corner lot. See this wonderfully con structed home and your house hunting wiU be over. i. A. HUBBETX.. 1089 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 8802. "Stucco Office." LAURELHURST. Five-room bungalow, new and modern in best part of Laurelhurst, Screens and Acorn gas range goes wlili house. This house in easily worth $8000, but will sacrifice for $7150. Must sell by May 1; $2500 cash and balance like rent. i x 1233 East Pine Street, Near Corner of East 41st, PIEDMONT. If you want one of the finest homes In this district at your own price, see me at once; eight-room house, hardwood floors, fireplace, full concrete basement, two baths, house like new and a beauty, .garage, corner lot 100x100: improve ments all in and paid; owner has been asking $10,500. He just called me and told me to accept any offer that is in reason, as he must sell at once: so here is a chance to get one of the finest homes in this district at your own price and terma Call me today and I will show you the place, then make the offer. Frank Mahoney, COB A. McKENNA CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 6871. LOOK HERE.' A MONEY-MAKER! . Close in, near Belmont car. we have ft 2-family flat with 2 complete sets of plumbing on both floors. There are 4 rooms and bath on lower and 5 and bath on the upper floor, fireplace on each floor, full cement basement, front and back entrance to both floors. Both floors are completely furnished . for housekeeping; the street is paved and paid ; the price furnished is $4850. with $1000 cash, balance less than rent; buy this and we'll agree to rent the upper flat for $40 monthly and you could live in -the lower flat. Better see this today. It won't last long. COMTE & KOHLMAN. Main 6550. 208 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. SACRIFICE. MUST GO EAST AT ONCE. $4200 will buy my 5-room modern, very artistic bungalow, full-width front gorch. living room with fireplace, uflt-in bookcases, dining room, built-in buffet, hardwood floors, white Dutch kitchen, two airy bedrooms, floored attic, full lot. . Located In Groveland Park In Hawthorne district on East 52d. Paved St.. liens all paid. He-re is a real bargain. Terms. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. FOR SALE BY OWNER ONLY. 0 large rooms. $5000; west slope Mt Tabor; fine neighborhood, near school and one block from car; paved streeta driveway and garage; 28-ft. living room, hdwd. floors, fireplace, built-ins, Dutch kitchen, full attic and basement, furnace ana laundry. This is not a xumsy. bunt- to-sell house. $1500 cash. possession May 1. Shown by appointment only. -labor loio. $2000 $200 DOWN. 4-room cottage, dandy location, lot alone worth $2000, near Jefferson high scnoou REEDY MAVES CO., E18 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 4190. OWNER LEAVING FOR CALIF. MUST SELL THIS WEEK. B-room bungalow, cosv living and din ing room, fireplace, large Dutch kitchen. lovely screened-in back porch, large at tic, -full cement basement, furnace, paved street, 2 blocks car; only 13900, some terma Mr. Johnston. Mar. 1022. Tabof 4(08 evenings. AUTOMATIC 520-19. TWO IRVINGTON SNAPS. ' One strictly modern 9-room " house. price $6500; 1500 will handle. This is an exceptionally good buy. One 7-room house, strictly modern price $6000, with terms. MADDOX & BURCH, 315 Couch Bldg. WEST SIDE HOUSE. In choicest part of Nob Hill district, near 24th and Irving; 7 rooms, fire place, full cement basement, furnace, etc. Price $10,000; terms $2000 down, balance like rent. . LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. CENTRAL ALBINA. Splendid 8-room house, modern, full basement. 2 lots. 75 rose busbes. 11 bear ing fruit trees, one bearing walnut tree; a sightly, nice corner; lots of berries. House is perfectly dry, takes very little heat to Keep warm; 7 blocks to H, S. Call Woodlawn 23S2. IRVINGTON CORNER BUNGALOW. $050011500 CASH. 6 beautiful rooms; all ivory, hardwood floors, nreplace, sets oi bookcases Dutch kitchen. McDONELLr EAST 419. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Artistic 6-room bungalow on prominent corner, near park; old Ivory finish, ma hogany trim, walls papered. French doors to side porch, elaborate, ma hogany buffet, dainty kitchen, 3 fine airy bedrooms, oak floors throughout snap at 18250. terms.' Tabor 407. WESTMORELAND. 4-room modern bungalow; fireplace, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, baaerucnt with stationary wash tubs:. 50x100 lot. garage, chicken house; drapes and stoves lnciuaea; s.wvu. less tor casn. looo 19th Mt. acuwooo ,'IICM. FINE IRVINGTON HOME. Attractive 2-story, 8-room house with sleeping porch and garage, on large cor ner, best section, near car; 30-tr, living room, den, ssnroom, old ivory finish, plate glass windows throughout; vacant; easy terms. rapor u. TAKE LOT OR CAR. A 5-room bungalow on corner lot in Alameda: block to car: hardwood floors. fireplace, tapestry paper, enameled throughout: French doors. Call Mar. 3352. eve. Tabor 3090. to see this. J. B. ROCK. 403 Couch Bldg. $1375-6-ROOM substantial home, white enamel piumuing, cement uasement. on Morris st., convenient to o.-w. R. & N. shops. Easy terma See FRANK L. McGUIRE. A bl ngton Bldg. Main 1068. A PALATIAL residence of 8 rooms, on a sightly spot overlooking Willamette river; cost 115.000 before the war. as good as when It was built, 1500, $4000 casn. oat. easy. rnone jsroaaway oeoo, Marshall 2669. A FINE 7-room home, beautiful Colonial Heights. all conveniences, close in. restricted neighborhood, A-l Gasco fur nace, fine garage: $7500, half down re quired. R. Schultz, Auto. 225-22, real estate agent. WE HAVE 8 bungalows under construction and intend to build 20 more. Will build to suit buyer. All large lots in good dls tricta See J P. McKenna, Belmont at 39th. Tabor 6493. FOR SALE By owner. 5-room house. Rose City; corner lot, paved street, h. w. floors, built-ins. no . fancy work but a good substantial buy. Call Auto. 320-19. 5 to 6 P. M. I HAVE a. fine 4-room bungalow in Sell wood rfiat I will sell for $2000. 1500 ' down. It has two bedrooms, fine plumb ing, berries and fruit. This is a snap. MAIN 6983. SUNNYSIDE BUSINESS DISTRICT. 5-room comfortable house, fruit; equity $1055, balance 11620; $15 month; better terms If desired. 147 E. 84th st. $2100 6-ROOM Alberta bungalow -cottage, white enamel plumbing, electricity and gas; easy terms. East " 2oth, near Alberta. Phone Main 1071. IRVINGTON residence, i rooms, modern, new plaint and tint; garage; best block in Irvington. Phone East 4198 and see house at 410 East 21st st. N. - NICE 5-r. bungalow, furnace, fireplace, etc., fruit trees and berries, nice gaxage, .a.Iaa 1 CixnO Ants, 5fa71 WUUV T . REAL K STATE. For Sale Houses. ARTISTIC SMALL STUCCO HOME WESTOVER ROAD. . So seHom Is there an oppor tunity to secure a small and artistic home in this close-in and Ideal location. Large living room, dining room, kitchen and maid's room on first floor, 3 sleeping rooms, also sleeping porch and dressing room second floor. 2 ' baths, 2 fireplaces, garage. For Appointment Call MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER. East 79T6. $3900 ' New 5-room bungalow, finished In old ivory and double construct ed throughout; has fireplace, buf fet, hardwood floors. Dutch kitch en, cement basement and 60x100 lot. If you want a good buy, let . us show you this. J. A. HUB BELL. 1089 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 8892. "Stucco Office." MT. TABOR BUNGALOW. Rtrlctlv modern 7-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in con veniences, 2 bedrooms. bath. Dutch kitchen, large, homey living and dining room and sun parlor on first floor, bed room and large combination sleeping porch and bedroom on seconu iioor. iu" concrete basement, Jewel furnace, fruit closets, etc., modern garage with con crete floor and driveway. For price and terms see RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor. RITTBR. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade- Bldg. $3990 6-room, gray-shingle, colonial type home, very distinctive lines, at tractive living room, large fire place. H. W. floors, tapestry paper French doors to dining room, real Dutch kitchen, up 8 airy bedrooms, nleAtiinr nnrch. Woodwork in old Ivory. On East Ankeny st., west of Laurelhurst. Just like new. i-aay terms. See FRANK L, McGUIRE, ,' Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068 WE START In the basement and finish with the chimney, ready, to move in when we move out. We handle all details and save you 20 per cent by our special unit system. Fancher-McLean Co., building contractors, 808-9-10 Lewis bldg. Phone Broad way 8862. DISTINCTIVE LAURELHURST! IN THE HEART OF LAURELHURST. 6-room beautiful, distinctive home; six rooms; ultra modern; an especially good baroLin: hardwood floors, etc. IN LOVE LY LAURELHURST. within breath of tne plnee. AJavls st, abil aooui uus. FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buy Your Home. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. 3d st. bet. Wash, and Stark. WEST SIDE. 17000 SACRIFICE SALE $7000. Nob Hill district: modem 10-room house, beautiful view; 4 bedrooms; 60x 100 lot: fine condition; owners must sell and will give good terms to reliable parties, By appointment. East 499L $4000 FURNISHED COMPLETE. Can you beat this? A five-room bun galow with finished attic, sleeping porch, fireplace, hardwood floors, full cement basement, wash trays. 50xS2-foot lot: hard-surface street and sewer in and paid. This home furnished complete for 14000. with $1000 down, balance like rent. RUMM ELL & RUM MELL. 274 Stark Street. BEST BUY IN TOWN. 4-room bungalow, new, well located, good piK lot: a regular snap for 12250, very attractive terma REEDY & MAVB8 CO.. 518 Chamber of Commerce Bldff. Main 4190. LAURELHURST. 8-RCOM BUNGALOW. Located in the center of Laurelhurst, on a fine comer: has the beBt of mate rials and workmanship; Ideally laid out for entertaining: has every modern con venience; also garage, rnce wajji otiuu $4000 cash will handle, ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 4Q5 PANAMA BLDG. MAIN 9404. LAURELHURST. NEW. NIFTY BUNGALOW. 15950. Hardwood floors throughout, down rich t modern, attractive bungalow, thor oughly double constructed, ideally ar ranged, furnace, fireplace, full cement basement, spienaia view; eaty icrum. A. G. TEEPE CO:, 27ft Stark St., near 4th. Main 3092. xjitloO REAL bungalow home; furnace, fireplace. Dutch kitchen. 2 airy bedrooms and sleeping porch. Just like new. On Fargo St., close to Union ave. Only 1600 down, A bargain. See FRANK I McGUIRE, Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. A REAL BARGAIN. "ARLETA DISTRICT S 1850 T E R M S. Five-room cottage, bath and toilet. In good condition, lot 50x100. 54th avenue. Owner leaving. Is priced for quick sale, cash needed; $770. balance 120 monthly, including 6 per cent interest; don't miss thin harFflin. See TAGGART BROS. 1102 Spalding BMg. 4(50 ROSE CITY PARK Will accept a good lot as part of first payment on this 5-room bungalow, on pavement. 1 block from car. This is a well-built house, with full basement and GASCO FURNACE, double garage, corner lot; everything in first-class shape. Call Mr. Everson, Main 3092. $405 HERE is a real buy., 6-room home, white enamel plumiblng, cement basement, on 50x100 lot. East lth near Going: close to school, car and stores. Terms, See FRANK L. McGUIRE. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. 11200. Good 2-room house, fulf basement, 50 X100 lot, fine garden spot, nice lawn and roses, chicken house and yard. 2 blocks from Rose City car; $300 cash, bal, 120 and Interest at 7 per cent. 618 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. $2990 KENTON district. 5-room attract ive bungalow, white enemal plumb ing. corner lot. .large, light, airy rooms; unusual bargain. Very easy terms. Close to car. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. PARTY leaving city must sell beautiful 6-room residence in Hawthorne: hdw. floors, fine furnace, fireplace and book cases, panel dining room, wonderful buffet, 3 nice, large bedrooms, also ga rage, block to Hawthorne car: iex- ce ption a 1 value at 15750. A u to. 223-71. 12425 JUST west of "Laurelhurst, close to the park, 5-room, neat, modern bungalow; white enamel plumbing, electric and gas, st. Hens included. Terms. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. AN EXCEPTIONAL HOME, INCLUDING 8 ACRES. 657 E. 39TH: $5000 FIRST PAYMENT, BALANCE ON TERMS TO SUIT. MRS. BERRY MARSHALL 1684. $2250 5-ROOM bungalow, hot water heating system, white enamel plumbing, elect, and gas; full lot; fruit, berries, flowers. Easy terma E. 80th -st., Montavilla. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Modern, up-to-date 6-room bungalow, unsurpassed view, select neighborhood, on car line, nice yard; sell for cash or payment down, balance same as rent; v no agenta Price $7500. Owner, Main 8836. BRING your plans and specifications in and let US Ilgure your noma. xuu u the surprise of your life. . SUN HOUSE BUILDING CO.. 216 Ablngton Bldg.. On 3d. bet. Stark and Wash. I HAVE 11600 house contract as first pay ment on a mooern o o o-roora Dungaiow, well located ; H. A.,, R. C. or Irvington, UP to $7000. C. M. DERR. 1213 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2245. 5-ROOM modern; large attic: cor. lot 100X 100; $4750; Z.MM) casn, Dai. uko rent; Det. Hawthorne and Belmont We have also 8 bungalows under construction; will build to order. For terms see J. P. Mo Kenna. Belmont at 39th. Tabor 6493. lKVINUTON COLONIAL WONDERFUL SAKUA1A. All oak floors, art paper, ivory finish, tile bathroom, choice location, garage, reduced for quick sale, Neuhausen, East 394. Main 8078. BEAUTIFUL five-room bungalow, Waver- ly Heights; iirepiace, garage, pavement, $3800, terms. Five rooms, floored attic. Rose City bungalow, garage, $3400, easy payments. City Realty. 602 Stock Exoh. Main 053. $2250 6-ROOM substantial home, white enameiea piumoing, etc. n, stars: near 22d. Walking distance. Easy - terms. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1008. $3450 $700 DOWN, balance 130 month. buys uanny o-room ouanyatae mate, tsu Tabor 310. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. "A HOME FOR EVERYBODY." 6U0 to select from. $3000 WAVER LEIGH HGTS. 13000. 5- room bungalow, corner lot. $25 mo. SUNNYSIDE $3800. 6- room home, all Improvements, near school and car; excellent value. ALBERTA $3200. S-room bungalow; now renting for $35. WALNUT PARK $3700. 7- room bungalow and garage. Corner. CLOSE-IN. EAST SIDE $4300. 5-room modern bungalow; sleeping porch. WINDSOR HEIGHTS 14300. STRICTLY MODERN bungalow, six rooms and sleeping porch; furnace, ga rage; line location. $500 DOWN $300. 8-room home, double plumbing, built ins. furnace, garage, cement bathroom. Too much can't be said for this place at $5200. 50x100. ROSE CITY PARK. Magnlflcen-t 5-room bungalow; strictly modern; best location. $6000. 600 others at right price. MARSH & McCABE CO.. REALTORS. 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall 3993. IRVINGTON. 582 East 16th street North.; strictly modern 9-room residence; five bedrooms; practically two baths; some bargain, $9500. ROSE CITY. Fine corner, 100x150; paved street: 3 blocks car; strictly modern 8-roora resl- aence; not-water neat. All kinns now ers and fruit. Owner will sacrlfloe. WEST SIDE. Walking distance; lot 60x100: strictly modern 8-room residence, hardwood floors throughout. POINDEXTER, 208 Sellirg Bldg. Main 1800. Ret.clence East 6771 WEST SIDE SNAP. On Loveloy st.. near 23d. orrx slte Good Samaritan hospital, good 7-room house, remodeled, with modern Improvements; 3 nice bed rooms and bath, very attractive interior; a good roomy home in fine condition; 50x100 lot: price oniy 15750. A good investment, J. W. CROSSLEY. Main 5U73. FOK SALE 8-room house and full lot at 192 Simpson st., built by first-class workman for his own home; family grown up. Porch across the front, large reception hall with fine stairway, liv ing room, dining room with nice built in buffet, one bedroom downstairs, bath and toilet; 4 large bedrooms upstairs; full basement and furnace. This house is furnished throughout with extra good oak furniture and piano, carpets, etc. Located 4 blocks from Jefterson high school grounds and library, one block from Peninsula park. This property and furniture, including chest of fine carpenter tools, all goes for 15500, 4 cash, balance like rent. B. S. Cook, fini stock Exchange hldit. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. 440 E. 21st St. N. Living room. 16x:u): sunroom, dining room, large white kitchen, one bedroom anoj-bath first floor, three bedrooms second floor, full cement basement, hardwood floors, best of plumbing, garage. Owner. East 7976. CAN YOU BEAT THIS? ROSE CITY. $4,150. $4850. $1850 6-room bungalow, corner lot 50x105, automatic Gunco furnace, fireplace, all built-ins, white enamel finish, full ce ment basement, laundry trays, double garage, 1 block to car. double construc tion. Will consider good lot part pay ment. Terms. Yes, the street is paved and sewer In. CHAS. RINGLER CO., 223 Henry Bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. FINE VIEW", LARGE GROUNDS, RESIDENCE. ENTRANCE HALL. VERY LARGE LIVING ROOM. FINE DINING ROOM AND KITCHEN. FOUR LOVELY BEDROOMS, SLEEPING PORCH. TWO TILED BATHS. BE SIDES MAID'S ROOM AND BATH ; HOT-WATER HEAT. POINDEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDO. Main 1800. Residence East 6771. $3900 ONE OF the most artistic bunga lows In Alberta, low. rambly Cali fornia bungalow linos, full cement basement, beet plumbing fixtures, many built-ins. Five large, light airy rooms, beeides music room, corner lot. Terms. This is a real buy. See FRANK I McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. Ablnrtnn Rldg. Main 1068. MY FINE Irvington home at 16th and Wasco, corner 110x110: fine flowering trees and roses, first floor finest Sibe rian oak, hand finish; second floor white enamel. 6 bedrooms. billiard room, sleeping porch: fine basement, brlcked ln vapor furnace, 2 bathrooms and tnl leta. enod Karage. In nerfect condition. You can buy at a big sacrifice. Call East 2552 or Main 1209. R. M. Gray, owner. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. $1850. 50x100, corner lot. 5 rooms and bath, garage; a cosy little home, heating stove, gas range and coal and wood range Included; $750 cash. bal. 120 per mo., with interest at 6 per cent. RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IRVINGTON DUTCH COLONIAL. 7-room, oak floors throughout, large living room, very modern; owner leav ing city; have reduced price for quick sale. Call me. C. M. DERR, 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2243. 16500. Very large living room, fine dining room, kitchen, one small bedroom first floor. 4 bedrooms and bath second floor, fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, large attic Bargain if you have at least half cash. POINDEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. Main 1800. Residence East 6771. ONLY $195(1. BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED 6-room modern bungalow, all on one floor; hard wood floors, fireplace, breakfast nook, dandy garage, all late built-lns: lot fidx 100: 1 block to car: furnished I495U. un furnlwhert 144.V): part terms. E;ist 8113s. LOOK! 14600! TERMS. ROSE CITY. 7 rooms, modern, must sell: seller's loss your gain. 326 Artisans bldg. Broad wny 387. 13500 5 ROOMS $3300. Modern, fine location on paved street, near Laurelhurst park, full basement, rarage 1700 cash, balance terms. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. Owner leaving, will sacrifice modern 10-room house and garage, two lots. Ideal location; terms. Owner, Marshall 2486. ROSE CITY 6 rooms, reception hall, den. full cement Dasement, lurnace, etc.. 1 oAA ,..h balance time. 514 Kast 44lh street North. IRVINGTON bungalow. 7 rooms, strictly modern. I am going to sell this bunga low. Look at It today. 678 E. 14th sL N. and then ses owner. 670 E. 15th at. N. IRVINGTON 7-room residence. No. 410 East 21st St. North. Lot 50x100. Price 17500, one-third cash, balance terma See It Sunday East 4198. 12850. $250. $2850. Mt Tabor 5-room bungalow, modern. CHAS. RINGLER & CO.. 225 Henry bldg OWNER leaving city, must seit at once, at tractive new 5-room bungalow, bullt-lns; large lot, garage on paved st, and car line. Phone Woodlawn 5562. $2500 8-ROOM, modern, bungialow-type home, corner iot; easy terms. East lth near Alberta, Terms. Phone Main 1061V FOR SALE Small home In Sellwood, large garden, seven fruit trees, grapes, blackberries, price $1300, cash or terma Owner, G 074, oregontBn. MODERN 6-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, and all built-in con veniences; paved street; fine view. Owner. Main 2776. 7-ROOM home in fine shape, close in, west side, furnace, full basement, fruit; rooms will pay for place after first pay men tBroadway3M;larshaJ126 IF YOU want a nice 7-room thoroughly modern home much under value. Im mediate possession, telephone owner, East 7154. IRVINGTON 6-room modern bungalow, has Gasco furnace, garage, shower bath, etc., near school and car. Call owner, Enst 7007 ROSE CITY PAR A beautifully furnlshe-i 6-room bungalow, enameled throughout, hardwood floors, gasco furnace, flre- place. garage, lot ouxtuu. o k. n3d N. IF YOU want to buy a home, either for cash or easy terms, we can help you. Call Broadway 3S56 nr Marshall 2669 $1550 UNFINISHED bungalow and sere, move In. finish at leisure. Tabor 7404. BY OWNER l-room Rose City bungalow, 100x110 corner lot. Tahor 9269. 5-ROOM bungalow Id Hawthorne district by owner; l.Miw. reroaoway om. tt ROOMS, while. a furnace. meuLACe, OOJfc tfWUM, SOMfc, MJW KKAL F.STATE. For Sale II nuses. ROSE C1TK 1'AKhl DISTRICT. $2.'i0. NOW, IP YOU ARE IN THE MAR KET FOR A REAL DOWNRIGHT MOD ERN CLASSY LITTLE BUNGALOW AT AN EXCEPTIONALLY LOW PRICK, STEP RIGHT TO THE TLLKPHON AND OUT BUSY ON THIS. AT THIS TIME IT IS ALMOST UNUELI KV'A HI, 1-1 TO BE ABLE TO BUY A HOME WITH HARDWOOD FLOOKS THKOI'GHOI'T AND GARAGE. FINISHED IN HK'll P!:! IVOR AND WHITE TIIKOIGH 2!;X ,THS ' A SMALL BUNGALOW, BUT EXCEPTIONALLY WKI.I.-Ul'll.T A'.I..,T HAH LOTS OF CLASS AND DIsriNiTTlUN. A LITTLE HoMK VOU WILL TRULY BE rilOl'D TO OWN. , ., a o- tekpe co.. 270 stark ht,. near fourth. main 311112. UDSE CITY. .,,::"''" EASY TKRMS. MOVE RIGHT IV THIS ATTR CT J V. 5.KOOH HI NGALOW; lou FEKT FROM HANDY HI. VI). AMI CLOSE IN. J 'REPLACE. t.l Ti'H KITCHEN. Ki l l. CEMENT HASEMENT. iOxloo LOT. Ruetd. NOW VACANT. A BARGAIN. It. f'JMERVILI.E. 320 u. s. nat bank bldo. bdwy. 2478 li.'Hl CASH. ROSE CITY PARK. 5-room bungalow, finished attic, sleep ing porch; 2 blocks from Sandy on 47ih St., flrep.ace, furnace, nlso gas rndin tors, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, French doors between dining un.l living room; 5)xK)-ft lot. gnrg. pnCe oniy 14S..0. Inc. all cltv lli-iis. BURKHARDT BUSINESS HUILDFRS. Suite 415 Plntt bldg. Main 7':7 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT BARGAIN. $4800. $4MHI. 4mh. Just off 87th st. Fine modern home or 6 large rooms and reieptlon hall; beautiful white kitchen, fine basement and furnace; 40xloo lot, 3 fruit trees and b-rries; paved street. About $HMiil to $1500 to handle. Shown by ap. pointment. East 41)81. WEST PIEDMONT. This 6-room home and garage, close to car line, and Just south of the beau tiful Peninsula park, Is an opportunity for a goud handy man or carpenter to buy on almost any terms, then fix up to sell, priced now at i:t2.M). INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 4751. 410 lnrv llldg. 13200 7 liuoMs ;uim. Bungalow-type houre. modern In every respect, cement basement, sewer, 50x120 lot, 12 fruit trees. $7uo cash, balanc terms. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOTK KNCIf. ROSE l.'ITV DISTRICT, 4-room cottage rotupli-tely f iirntshfil, good bath, full sized lot, closo tu car and school. $ terms. SEE ROYAL, 72d and blvd, Tahor 155. JUST think. 5-room furnished home, elect., gas. cement basement ; best p'umMuK. built-ins: block Sunnyslile cur. near 3m1i and Belmont; Imp. In nnd paid. All for IIJIHI. terms. A1110, 223-39 IRVINGTON, I'lUiMl, lliiui) CASH, balance time; 7 rooms; extra large living room, fireplace. French doois. oak floors. Neuhausc-11, East ul'l. Main M17S WALNUT PARK. 6-room bungalow with hot-water heat ing plant: moilorn In every wsv: hsrd wood floors: 17M0; J'l.MKI r.-ish. tal. easy terms Call Wdln 24 nr Wdln, 52II2 $39:l 6-R'MJM. west Piedmont home, on Church st., very artistic. Just like new. fireplace, built-ins. A real lluniu. Terms, Phone Main 1071. $3G', e6."i) DOWN lty owner, new tiuni: low Just finished, Kara no. 6U1 E. XHh t l';i nor I.ViV ruhilrlun Homes. STANLEY SI'ECI.M., 13"0. ' M acre, abotil 5 Mocks Irom car, 4 room house Willi 2 sleeping porchei, white kitchen with linoleum, gas ami water, gixot cliickcii house and ham: EASY TERMS. Ask lor F. C. Mar shall, with FRANK L. McGUIKE. 205 AhlliKlon lililu. Automatic 512 07. Third St. .net. Wslt In gi on s nil Stark, M I LW AUK IB BARGAIN. One acre In high stale of cultivation; all kinds of bearing fruit trees ami ber ries; good six-ruuln hnuae. gas. elecl rir ity; good well, water lit front; good barn and poultry huUbes; price $3200, $1250 down. AKERSON MARSTERS. 420 Henry Ulilr. STRICTLY MODERN bL'KUKKAN Hi'ME. 5 acres extra i-hoici- land, 255 bear ing fruit trees, one acre ioKaiitmrrlcs; 8-room strictly modern new house. u the highway. 2 minutes' walk to eleetrio cars. 11 miles out ol the city. This Is an exceedingly flno home; price $10. mm, terms. Full description and photograph on application. R. M. llATBH'lHn rn 1II5'- 4th st. FOR. THE Nl-lWl.YWLDB. ONLY $1350. Acre and new 3-room double-constructed bungalow, right at eloelrle sta tion; finest garden soil, electric lights, 3 rooms, basement and room for hitlh, for only $1350, terms ulmosl like rent. Can you believe it? Sco owner, 5IM1 Concord bhig.. 2d and Stark. . NIFTY LITTLE CHHKEN RANCH. A home with an income, looxloll: 6 room house In One t-onillt ton : MkIiU, gas, water, etc.; 211 tine fruit trees, all knuU of berries, roses. Ilowers. shrubbery, etc. You don't seo one like this at U'o price very often. To sec it call Marshall 3'JW.. MARSH At M.-OAHE CO., 322-2I Fulling HMg. COUNTRY HOME. PRICE CUT IN HALF. 7 acres, all In cultlvntlon, good 8-rm. house, garage and chicken house, good orchard. Bcaverton district, l'rlco $3700. THIS IS A SNA I'. NE1LAN ft PARKHILL. 219 T.umberniens bldg.. 5th and Stark. HALF ACRE. S-room plastered house, ce ment basement, garage, close to car, 18 minutes. Bull Run water, gas. good roan, corner Lee ave. and Ash st, insple wood, chicken house, young fruit, finest kind of soil; will sacrifice ll.'.oo. 110110 down, balance to suit owner. 831 First at. Call Main 4IK2. NEW COBBLESTONE bungalow, 5 rooms, bath, gas, city water, furnace, large liv ing room with atone fireplace; acre fruit trees, berries, garden, lawn, hens, cow; Gresham or Mt. Scott cars; east of city limits on Foster road and lnox ave. This house wilt stand hundreds of yeara C. Bruce, East 4SH17. AN ATTRACTIVE sultuinan DiiiiKaiow. rooms, basement. Hull Run water, gas. electricity lu, other special features, .1 blocks from car, $(100 cash, easy terms. Mr. Hare, with A. J. DeFOREST & CO., 320 Henry bldg. Hilwy. 5590 1W ACRES. 6-HOOM HOUSE. Small barn, fruit, cltv water. Alberta car, Kennedy school. Why pay as much for an ordinary lot Bnd house? lou can raise must of yuur living on this pluce. IIIKOO, terms. 11. W. Cary, 121V N. W. llnnk hlilg. , BUY A home near school where your chil dren can raise chickens and vegetables and have all kinds of fruit to use and sell. Come and see this 3 acres with 8 room house, barn and other bulhllngs: 48 fruit trees and small fruit. 5241 6-d st. S. E, NEAR ST. HELEN'S. 20 acres, 10 acres hlgtilv cultivated; 4-room house, barn, tractor, 2 cows. 2 hogs; creek; near hard-surface road; 12UO0. STURM-KEFER Ol.. 21 4 Fifth si, cr. Sulinon. FOR SALE 414 acres full bearing prunes and walnuts: 1 V miles from Vancouver on Fruit valley road; good 4-room house, garage, chicken house, woodshed; good well, all fenced chicken light: good terma Address box 24, route 3, Van eouver. Wash. BEAUTIFUL, rich 5-acre home, 5-rooiu house, all conveniences, barn, chicken houses, U0 fruit bearing trees, , mile from station. Caplisl highway, 6 miles from city: price I'.kioO: must have $70011 cash. Call Auto. 220-22. R. Schults. real estate agent. VIIL'R LUCKY CHANCE! 5 acres, level, close-in; trade In youf surplus furniture, team. cow. car, build ing material or labor as part payment; balance easy. No dealers. Owner, 4JJ Fourth st. Nothing better MUST LEAVE l-'OK THE OLD COUNTRY. Will UStOUO- '"'J . ....... .v.. en house, gas, city waler. outside city limits; a bargain at 1IH.MI. PRENTISS, KI5 Chamber of Commerce M,ig. k;EAR ALOHA. 33 MINUTES OUT. 3 acres of splendid garden land, all In cultivation; house, barn, good bearing orchard: a bargain at 12350. 1750 down. Akerson & Marsters. 420 Henry bldg. (114 ACRtS. abuut V In cultivation. 4-room house, nearly finished. material on ground for shed; on hard-surface road; east of Gresham: good Boll, easy terma Chas. Houck. 932 Cham, of Com. 1 ACRE, new 5-room bungalow-. I'owi-il Valley road; electricity, telephone In, Bull Run water coming soon; 2!."u, terms. Tahor 51S5. 1 ACRE with new house, 5 rooms and bath, close to city limits, on good street, by ojvncr. Price $3800. T 561, Orego nlan. ' CHOICE SUllUKIiAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near carllne, from $1800 up Inquire 3d bouse norttt of Rlsley station, on Oregon City earline. 10 ACRES, Capital highway, 250 bearing fruit trees, neat cottage, barn. Main 8672, 13000. McFarlaud, 2U8 Failing bldg. TWO NEW 3-r. houses, near elec. ata. and Portland; 11350. 11400. 1160 down. AL 8672. McFarlsnd. Falling bldg. OSWEGO LAKE view building Int. Tills Is one of the mot sightly seres left. i20 FnlvK h AUs, JBeox Owner. Tabor 2.ol oiuesites. How-7 Where? Ask leamao. 44 J'ourtu slrasl. s--