10 THE MORNING OREGOXIAN, WEDNESDAY, ArRIL 13, 1921 FOR REVT rnrni-i.cd laoune. TO LEASE for year or longer, large modern west vide home. In beautiful lo cation, aa residence only; old mahogany furniture, oriental rugs, ft fireplaces. 2 radiant fires, electric range and water neater: can be used by two families. third floor has sepsrate entrance; large living room. kitchen, etc; rent ll Main SSIMI. FOR RENT 7-room house, completely xurnishea. on west side; run basement, furnace, fireplace, new furniture; Just been katsomlned and varnished, nice back and front yard: will be ready for occupants April 12: must have reference; HJ per month, will give lease. Phone Ent "X . KOK KENT furnished . 7-room house. 4 bedrooms, on west side, close In on csr line; strictly modern, good furniture, full basement with laundry tuba, fireplace and furnace; nice front and back yards, good location for rooms: everything new and clean: ISi per month. Phone East mh. KLRNISHED HOUSE TO RENT. 4'R E. 24th: Murray-Head dist.; rooms. modern: first-class condition: completely furnished: from May 15 to Oct. 1. Ground lOoslOO: plenty of fruit and 'lowers; price $h per month. HENRY W. GODDAHD. 2t.1 Stark St. ONB OF the most beautiful homes in Port Isnd. on corner, double garage; Persian rugs, concert grand piano victrola. silverware and linen, oil paintings, hot water heat. $150 per month. For further information phone East 732. DOUBLE HOUSE WITH FL'RN fTLRE. 'Jo Montgomery Street 160. Rooms all nice and clean. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH, Summer Reports. ATTRACTIVE s-room house for rent, fur niture for sale: good location; best car service. Reasonable; walking distance. no E. ?n:h st. GEARHART. Modern 7-room house. Gearnart. com pletely furnished, sleeping porch, sun parlor on ridge: ocean view. N. 401. More and ltnlne Place. WAREHOUSE SPACE with snde track, close in. to lease. H. N. BURPEE. Wilcox Bldg WAREHOUSE, modern, steam heat, freigh elevator, 10.000 to 13.000 squsre feet floor space, excellent location: suitable for factory or storage, sny line oi yuai nesa r or terms address r. j. ih a. Helena. Mont. UOOD location for rent. 40" E. Morrison St., fine modern store room, few feet from Grand ave., in heart of east side shopping center. See Mr. Levitt, corner ot 4th and Wash. Levitt's store. Z FINE FLOORS at 24 N. 5th. Each 50x 100; one floor 50x90 at 31 N. Ath, long lease, reasonable. D. C. wax. z . am t. Bdwy. 2730. r'OR KKNT-iSiore room 31x31. fine loca tion, near Broadway: rurnlsnea tor res taurant: can be used for other purposes. Inquire Park hotel. 3Wj Glman. DATI.ICIIT suiice. 25x30. suitable for ma chine shop, machinery district. 36 per month with phone. Main 4J. LuKT apart for electric plumbing, car penter, etc.: fireproof. Clay S. Morse, Inc.. l.Vh anrt t'linan nts. CORNER store. Stark st. 354 First St. Apply 253 R AS KM EXT room suitable for tailor: best retail district in city. Inquire Wright's Shoe Store. 131 Fourth St. FOR DESIRABLE space in fireproof warehouse phone Broadway 3il. AC ANT lot. suitable for storage- Jefler son near Second. -.'2 Stark St. HALF a store for rent. 351 Ankeny, cor ner Broadway. Offle OUTSIDE private office to rent In North, western Rank bids;, to' an attorney de siring to share reception room and ex pense of stenographer with another at tornev. Rfiftm 11 2.1-4 -.1. WE HAVE a few desirable offices, single or so suite: reasonable rent, bwetiana bldg.. Fifth and Washington. FRONT offl.es. modern, in Railway Ef change bldg. Apply room K12. DESK room, with telephone and steno- erapMc service. Phone Bdwy. Bil5. DESK room with telephone and steno graphlc service. Phone Broadway 3715. M Keel laneoiis. FOR KbNT Hall on Saturday nights for parties, etc Broadway iJVit. BrMVFSM OPPOWTfNlTIF.8. BUSINESS man's opportunity; established candy factory, owner wishes to retire; closest Inspection invited; would take well located lots or other realty. O 264, Oregonlan. GROCERY BARGAIN. Clean stock, rent 140. no fixture to buy. doing $2500 month; show books. Price $2100 Call quick. Room 511. ftaMwav Krrhange. GAKAljil business for sale, splendid chance for some one: am sorry, but must sell for nrire and terms. See D. M. Jack son, with J. P. McKenna, Belmont at 30th. Tabor R403. AT INVOICE. HALF CASH. Grocerv. fine location, living rooms no fixtures to buy: $50 a day business. Quirk Sales Co.. 406 Conch bing. AUTO repair shop right in the heart of the auto district: only ". J. O GRAY CO.. 71 Peknm Mdg. Antn. 561-45 $450 GROCERY, clean stock, good busi ness. 4 living rooms, plenty fruit, good garden ground in rear. Morris, with Interstate Land Co.. 24S Stark st. PARTNER wanted in a woodyard, a very profitable business: can draw salary and half profits. Call 511 Railway Ex change. CONFECTIONERY, doing a big business, pays a big Income. J. O GRAY CO.. Tie Det-nm b'rlir. Antn. 561-45 FOR SALE Grocery and school supplies, doing good business. 4 living rooms, rent $17; price $1350, and worth It. Auto- mtttlr 643-12. NATIONAL rights on building necessity of merit obtainable on small royaltv basis: $1000 royalty guarantee necessary; give phone number. Br 5H4. oregonlan Al'TO filling station on busy street. Only $650. Does $40 to 150 a day. J. O GRAY CO.. 71' Dekum h'de. Auto. 561-45. CAFETERIA. $3500, long lease, heart of city; some terms; fine business, well equipped. Quick Sales Co.. 400 Couch Bldg. BAKERY, fine location. Very busy, only $700. . J. O. (JJUI TO. 71 TVIrnm bldg. Auto. 561-45. YAMHILL market stand. sell bread, doughnuts, ice cream, soft drinks, etc.; lease; price $1100. Room 401 Dekum bias TOWING outfit, a money-maker, can be bought very reasonable. J. O. GRAY CO.. Tie reVnm Mr Auto. 561 -45. 191$ DODGE touring, will trade In as first payment on some small business. Car is in good condition and has good tires. AF 5.14. Oregonian. $650 CONK... light lunch, located by a large school; this includes building lease on ground: A No. 1 place for light gro ccrles. Quick Ssles Co.. 406 Couch bldg. WANTED Man with $600 and services, half interest In business: good Income. light work. Call 10 to 12. 388M East Bumslde. room V CHEESE factory for rent, fully equipped, living rooma upstairs, ground for- gar den. A. H. Runner. Salem, Or., R. 6, No B77. DENTAL practice for sale: up-to-date eauinment: fine location, suburban Port land. Call Columbia 477 or Columbia 625 GAKAGE 50 steady cars, fine location, brick bldg.. $35o. Including S good cars. 401 Stock Ex. bldg. CASH and carry grocery, doing $40 to $50 a day; cheap rent. Will Invoice about $1800. Bushue. 518 Cham, of Com. BAKERY FOR SALE. Smart shop; cash trade; bargain. 1081 E. 15th North. $650 BUYS small grocery and fixtures, two nice living rooms: rent $15. and lease. Bushue. 518 Cham, of Com. FOR SALE sm-li printing plant, two presses: g.iod location; terms. Fred K-llev Co.. ssu 1st st.. Portland. AUTO REPAIR SHOP. Busy street, plenty repair work. $975 handles It. Room 401 Dekum bldg. PARTNER wanted for vulcanizing busi ness. Will teach buyer the business. J650 cash needed. East 5553. FOR SALE Watchmaker'a business, owner returning to Canada. Address W. P. Boo,ee 247 to Msdison St.. Portland. Or. AUTO SERVICE STATION. Eastern Oregon town; cleared $9000 last year. Room 401 Dekum bldg. AUTO FILLING STATION. Looated on busy street: $350 handle Room 4:17 Cham, of Com. mi OKKK'h man or man with seliins: ability wanted as partner in wholesale business; I10OO rrqolred. RF SftH. Orearonian. FINB fishing- boat, now on drift, making 1300 month; worth 11700; sell for 1600. Tabor S449. DRrtKHST Are you Interested In estab lishing a wholesale house In Portland? W ST3. Oregonlan. WAN'TKD Partner, one who knows meat business. Call ti Uwood 1548. after 7:S P. M WANTED Partv with 11500 to help fi nance a proposition of merit. Call JO to 5. 403 McKay bids; PI cn be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean. Sec ond snd Morrison. BMiBfcR bilOP lor sa.e. 7S North TUirt at. BUSINESS OPPORTTlTIES. BTJT A GOOD BUSINESS AT THE RIGHT PRICE. WEST SIDE APT. GROCERY. Stock at Invoice; fixtures right: all for about iisuo. rent 132 so. Includes heal; I business averages JJ5 day; 2 living I rooma; clean brick corner; no compel!-1 tion. cash nniwuBT. 14220 Invoice stock and fixtures right: I a fine looker and doing .150 aver age cash business daily; close Sunday and evenings. There is no better store of this sue in I town. 11200 Busy little downtown confection ery, fruit and soft drinks: rent I only $15. Here's a good little I money maker. WEST SIDE POOL AND CIGARS. S1800 buys a dandy near Wash. St., good equipment, lease, rent only I 4a; make fiOO a month here. I some terms. nrsAss. Downtown office bid., cigar stand. sell at actual cost of fixtures and Invoice I tuck, about 12000 for all. SIMMS-KEITH CO.. 010 HENRY BI.DG. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC . 514-20 SWETLAXD BLDG., PORTLAND, ORE. Mar. S989. Mar. 126S. CAFETERIA. WEST SIDE. One of the largest and best equipped places in town, 5-year lease. 15500 cash will take this. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC.. 514-20 SWETLAXD BLDG.. PORTLAND. OR. Mar. 30S9. Mar. 1265. ALTO SUPPLY BUSINESS IN ASTORIA. Hold exclusive on well-known tire ana oil oroducts: stock and fixtures will In- I ventory net over JSO00; new 500-gallon Bowser filling station at euro; new, up- i to-date auto air compressor, etc.; lo- I cated on main street of Astoria: well advertised and well known: rent 100 1 per month; 3-year lease yet to run; l owner taking over large business In I Portland and will consider the sale of this branch store between now and Sept. 1. 1U21: vulcanising could be added I easily If desired; a fine proposition fori the right party; probably some terms could be arranged If needed. Address owner. L 547, Oregonlan. GROCERY and Ice cream, living rooms, good fixtures, doing $50 day. This Is an exceptional good buy; will invoice fix tures ana siock; aoout sivuu. Grocery and confectionery location. living rooms, private bath, fixtures; $325: stock will invoice about siuuu; Do ing tiro oay. Grocerv and confectionery, good lo cation and other fixtures rents with building: two nice Living rooms; rent $30; stock about $1700. Have several other good buys. 7.. E A KINS. 315 Couch Bldg GARAGE. Well-equipped garage shop, working 3 I men: stnraae about into Der montn: o- year lease. Price $2500; to cash and terms. AVCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 405 PANAMA BI.DG.. .'ID AND ALDER. WORKING MAN'S HOTEL. One of the neatest hotels for working- men in the city, brick building, fine ground floor lobby, very rine lease: win exchange this hotel for close-in acreage or will sell ror very reasonaoie rigure; 17500 will give you possession. Mrs. Al baugh, with Jobn Ferguson. Gerllnger bllg. GROCERY STORE. PRICE $1200 $700 CASH, rnnriv little auiiurbMn grocerv with living rooms: rent only $10; good lease; doing goon business. lvrHflR TVVESTMENT CO.. 405 PANAMA BLDG.. 3D AND ALDER. V1I b'llk S-2IHMI CASH. Confectionery and fountain. Ideal I downtown location; a dandy place fori home-made cany maker. MARSH It McCABE CO.. BUSINESS BROKERS. 322-4 Falling Bldg.. Third and Wash. ri(.'i.'ti'K HELP Would let capable and en ergetic man or woman nave interest m i good paying country daily newspaper I wltn position in cnarge oi uwRnrcju.., business correspondence and deialls. Full Information upon application. Address AV ma. Oregonlan. HaI.K INTEREST in ml luvlnv business, will bear inves tigation; 2 years present owners: $800 1 required: only reliable man willing to I do his share conslderea. MRS THOMSON. 2Q HB.MIt HLI.MJ. tT-.oi. in. I. Y .-u.oned little cafeteria. 2 1 Can nanuie. .Siaollsnea tnuo uu I expenses. MARSH St McCABE CO.. BUSINESS BROKERS. 322-4 Falling Bldg.. Third and Wash. PICTURE THEATER for sale. Equipment most complete, attractive and newest on . market. Four nunarea seats, very rw sonable rent, but applicant must assure exoerience and responsibility, boi o, Roseburg, ' Or. WEST SIDE CONFECTIONERY At Invoice: 3 good living rooma See JOHN BROWN A CO.. Realtors. 322 Railway Exch. Bldg. VI ih SALE Llatinas and furniture ' of business chance olllce: good chance to I start In business: nest oner taaes m entire outfit. Broadway 15J4 for inter-1 view. u-ivTr.n An associate in Investment business: $5000 required; money doubled every 6 months; good security. Write O 575. Oregonlan. $150 REAL ESTATE and business) chance office: owner sick: z onicea; low rent, . paid till May: large list of buyers Write N Du. oregonlan. ttvK of lha lreent and b st clothing busi nesses In Port;and for stile. Owners will retire or will retain Interest if desired. A N 5o. Oregrnlnn. 1 HAVE good proposition for reliable party who will invest aoliar ror aouar witn nie; $500 hand lea t ora car as part. AP 567. Oregonlan. A VALUE for your money; restaurant. - vear lease, acung a gooa ousiness. iah 543 Washington St.. Pinkie's Place, J. J. Layton. prop. GROCERY. DEL1CATESEN. Light lunch. $1400 to $1500. Grand ave. antf Belmont st., z stores. sir. acoit. 2'" Falling nine. PRICE 12000 CASH. Downtown restaurant and waffle kitchen. Marsh & McCabe, 322-4 Failing building. COMPLETELY equipped advertising of fice for sale; any reasonaoie otter con-slii-red. B.T 5C.1. Oregorlan. WANTED Business person with soms capital to manage tneater. siusi re ex perlenced. D. H. Welch. Astoria. Or. sl'To r n i-r shop, working 4 men. cleared over $bOO last montn; at invoice, iiooo v ti n tulle in nni. oregonlan. FINE little restaurant, good location, $75u. See Mr. scott. Jtcranana Keaity to., Falling blrlg. A SNAP Conf. and notion store near three large schools: one living room; 12851 AN 553, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Confectionery store; good lo cation. 3ft p zn st. CLLA.MNU. pressing; rent $10, living room i". i.-io t orpett st. FOR SALE cheap, restaurant, card room, J conf actlonery. 275 3d St. Shux! Sam. She XAtX3HT&. AM 14 VOOF. H 's S6or) SHE'S Y e.fjfttsi. USt, y Wi ishii Wtmwm -wisavsm.SlSitss,fwwTw, BfglVESB OPPORTUNITIES. TACIFTC AGENCY, INC.. 514-20 S WETLAND BLDG.. PORTLAND. OR. Mar. 39S. Mar. 1295. SLAUGHTER HOUSE. Slaughter house In Clarke connty. Just outside city limits of Van couver. Wash. Only one In the county that will pass city inspec tion. Cost 15.100. 2-year lease. Price $1200; 1000 down. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. 514-20 S WETLAND BLDG.. PORTLAND, OR. Mar. S9S9. Mar. 1265. INVENT J.-.OUO. OLD ESTABLISHED INCORPORATED COMPANY. And with It secure steady employment , at good salary and 20 per cent guaran teed on your Investment. Battery, car' buretor and electrical service. Moving Into larger building and can use a few good men Mot necessary to Be finished .me chanic. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 40.1 PANAMA BI.DG.. SD AND ALDER. COUNTRY STORE. Small general store and postofflce. Will Invoice about 11500. 2 nice living rooms. Rent (10. Cau have nice 5-room cottage close to store for 15 per montn with family orchard. This store Is do ing good cash business and la close to good school and church. See JOHN BROWN at CO.. Realtors, 322 Railway Exch. POOL HALL EQUIPMENT. Complete outfit, 4 pool tables. 1 bil liard table, balls, racks, full rack of cues for each table and some extras. Good front bar. back bar, large safe, cue cabinet, fine cork linoleum worth over l.00. and 1 plate-glass showcase, all for $1200. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 405 PANAMA BLDG.. 3D AND ALDER. PHOTO STUDIO. On account of sickness must sell my studio on east sine. Good location. Ken 120. Will sacrifice for 1900. Sea JOHN BROWN A CO.. Realtors, 322 Railway Ech. WEST SIDE GARAGE. You have been looking for this on fully equlped. with best of modern equipment, working five mechanics $4000 cash. J. O. GRAY CO.. 71 Dekum bldg. Auto. 561-45 roR SALE General mds. stock and store, located IS mi!es north of Portland on the lower Columbia river highway will invoice about $&noo: sales East three years averaged 140.ouu annually; small overhead exoenses: terms if desired. AO' dress owner. J J. Havlik. SesppooBe. Or. RARRERS. ATTENTION! If you are looking for a two-chair shop that Is doing $90 a week, one of the best locations In town: low will handle. See Mr. Nichols, with J. O. GRAY CO.. 71 neknm bldg. Aitto. r.Bl-45. 14000 12500 CASH. Downtown boarding house: over SO boarders; good furnishings; Ideal lo- cation. MARSH McCAEE CO., BUSINESS BROKERS. 322-4 Falling Bldg.. Third and Wash. RESTAURANT. Old established place, good location monev-maker: seats 50 rteoole: renl $75. good lease and doing $100 per day business: u Interest. Can be handled for $750 or whole thing $1500. Call room t:w i.nam. or com. EX-SERVICE MEN ATTENTION! Homestead relinquishment for sale by owner. 640 acres. 36 miles from Miles City. Montana: in vicinity of oil fields can prove up in 7 months: must sell on account of other interest. Mr. Henry, 913 Rrnadway bldg. Main 670. PREPARE FOR THE FAIR! $1000 cash buys a Washington-street restaurant, doing siihio business pe month: can be increased very much rent $63. Can have lesse for five years. J. E. HUNT. 626 Chamber of Commerce. A PARTNER WANTED. Auto service station: will sell equal half interest to steady man willing to work: profits extra good. Sell gas. oiiK tires, vulcanizing, wash rack. etc. Room 401 Dekum bldg. r-tniD ct vna Hare 2 downtown cigar stands. I: lobby, doing good business and priced right. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 405 PANAMA BLDG.. 3D AND ALDER PARTNER WANTED. 11000 will secure half interest in wholesale soft drink business. Just open lng and is fine chance for good man references exchanged. AR 554, Orego nlan. MOVING PICTURE HOUSE. We have a good proposition In a first class country town : it takes $6500 cash. the balance can be arranged. Come In and let ns tell you about it. Weston Co.. u-" w. w. Bank oiog. Jid - l r l mh.) company nvrua iodic capital ano ut otienng an interest ana pcsltion to party with about lio.ovu. We expect to make 40 per cent on in vestment; best of references; full details eiven. O 566. Oregonlan. NEW MACK TRUCK. Man to purchase new 2?4-ton Mack dump truck on good steady haul and returns: must be responsible. 1117 Main street. Oregon City. Oregon. WANTED In guaranteed business $5006 ror the mfg. on patented electric warrie Iron: success is assured. Call Wonder Electric Waffle Iron Co.. 913 Broadway bldg. Patent granted Feb. 2. 1021. WOOD AND COAL. A cash business: have 2-ton truck and 2-ton truck, wood saw. etc., clears $400 month the year round. Room 401 Dekum bldg. RARE business opportunity..- one of finest iPt. nouses m rortiana tor sale: in a wonderful location: owner leaving for California on account of health: $40,000 terms, or 135.000 cash. Phone Tabor 7539 FOR SALE A fine grocery with confec tionery, drugs and notions on east side. doing a fine business; a good location and a nice store and good fixtures. Call Auto. B2U-44. IF YOU ARE FAMILIAR WITH Dr Ward's. Watklns' or Rawleigh prod ucts and want an established route of 8 years, write or call A. p. Mumier. 9712 651 h sve . Lents Junction. $Hi50 CASH-AND-CARR'Y grocery. 2 years' lease. X2ft month, busv corner, don t overlook this snap. A. J. DeFOREST CO.. 320 Henrv B'dg. Broadway 5500. CAUTION. BUYERS Before closing a deal or so-called interest in established real estate business, get advice of Port land Resltv Board. 421 Oregon building. Brosdwav 1002. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL A GOOD BUSINESS OF ANY KIND. TRY SI M MS-K KITH CO., 610 Henry Bldg. CAFETERIA, centrally located at a real bargain, fine lease. WALTER St TIKRNEY, 313 Stock Exchange Bldg. MODERN CONCRETE GARAGE. Good lease. 45 cars steady storage. big sale gas, oils, tires, etc.: a bargain. Room 401 Dekum bldg. WANTED Experienced man with spme capital to Join good woodworking com pany; business wen established and no experiment. AJ 420. Oregonlan. GROCERY SNAP. $850. close In. living room, some fur niture, good fixtures, averages $30 a day. Quick Sales Co.. 406 Couch bids:. BARBER shop for sale. 2 chairs, no competition; cheap rent. AN 611, Orego- nisn GOLD placer mine, sell or lease. 245 Vs Yamhill st. I kaJOw boss but I 3oox if VX)' 1 baWl hej. OlTT' i 1 11 i r J II THE'RAXZ. 1 II i.rrlT ' i .1 ' Willi I I IsssHswwawl I TsSfr II II II BrSINKSS OPPORTUNITIES. PlIOl.HOOM. 4 pool tables, fine big front and back I bar, nice, clean stock of cigars, to bacco and soft drinks, on west side In business district. Can be bought on good I terms. See Montgomery &' Leap, 437 I tnflm. or uom. FORD AGENCY FOR SALE. You would be surprised how cheaply I you can buy this up-to-date garage. with the Ford agency. You know what I that Is worth. J. O. GRAY CO.. 71 Deknm bldg. Auto. fiffl-4.. FOR HALE A good paying lunch counter, I pays good all the year round; good lo-1 cation. Just the place for man and wife: I good reason for selling. JL Boa, urego- nlan. SOFT DRINK AND CARD ROOM. Good west side location, rent $95. doing from $30 to $75 per day: a snap for $3200. Call room 437 Cham, of Com. ON ACCOUNT of other business, I will offer my equity In the best located, fully equipped restaurant on Columbia high way; $000 cash. Owner, AV 469. Gre- gontan. FOR SALE Cheap if taken at once, first- class blacksmith shop with steam ham- I mer and boner. Also practically new 16- Inch heavy duty American turning lathe. 1 l lo K. i.nn St.. Vancouver, wash. UKOCEiiY, with 5 living rooms, well I located with lots of business and a mighty good profit; takes about $2000. . J. Oi GRAY CO.. 71 Pekum blriV Auto. 561-45. $M00 A REAL GOOD GROCERY. You cannot beat It in Oregon for the I money. You can buy It right. No fix tures to buy, they go with rent of bldg. COBB BKOS., Chamber Com. $$50 GROCERY, close in. clean stock. fixtures, good business: 4 living rooms. Must sell, have other business. Morris. with INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 248 St irk St. AUTO TIRE STORE. Opening lor active man in auto tire I and vulcanizing store: $300 to $500 1 month clear profit: teach buyer . the I business Room 401 Dekum bldg. $1000 RESTAURANT, fine location, doing good business; rent loO. lease. Ideal I place ror man and wire. $350 cash, bal ance, easy terms. Morris, with INTER STATfi LAND CO- 24S Stnrk st GARAGE. 100x100 cement building, low rent. good storsge and repair trade; a bar - gain at $3700. Koom 511 Railway Ex- cnange. CONFECTIONERY store doing excellent! business, will stand every Investigation; 2iou will nandie. see Mr. Smith. UMBDENSTOCK LARSEN CO., 20B Oregon Bldg.. B. 1656. AUTO REPAIR SHOP. Will invoice, price asked $3000, clears I $500 month, has 4 men working; first I time offered. Room oil Railway Ex- cnang". TRUCK line, making good money; $2750 I win nanaie. J. O. GRAY CO.. 71S Dektim bldg. Auto. 561-45. lluslness Opportunities Wanted. JUST arrived from the east, want good I apartment nouae or hotel, positively win not desl with agents. AR Ml, Oregonlan. WANT to buy a pressing shop and shoe shining establishment. Will pay cash. Automatic ottl-to. AUTO mechanic wants a garage or repair 1 snop tnat 43UOO win nanaie. Ah. ou, Oregonlan. PHYSICIAN wants contract work or coun try location; would substitute. S 551, oregonlan. Stocks and Bonds. TWENTY to fifty shares American Life- ograph stock at a bargain fo: cash or I on monthly payments. AV'436. Orego-I nlan. MY LOSS I must sell some of my West ern Rubber company stock at a big loss. will sell for A J sin. oregonlan. JANTZEN Knitting Mills stock at dis- I counC 55 shares common, 55 shares I preferred. AH 537, Oregonlan WHAT have you to trade for 1 10 sharea I of stock In Jantzen Knitting Mills. AO 513, oregonlan. EXCHANGE xl (I. DUO worth of stock in I Jantzen Knitting Mills for real estate. J A J o3n. Oregonlan. Hotels and Rooming Houses. ' SPLENDID PROPOSITION. 32 housekeeping rooms, best corner loca tion In city; always full: 4 baths; 4-year lease; net income !2ou; sjoou; naif cash. 54 N. Hth St. FOR SALE Board and rooming house, 23 rooms in manufacturing district, rooms all rented; will sell cheap on account sickness 660 Savior. WE HAVE BUYERS WAITING. BRING I OR PHONE YOUR LISTINGS: WIS WILL SELL THEM. - TRY US REALTY CO.. 169 WEST PARK ST. AUTO. 513-48 12 ROOMS, h. k.. close in. $800 handles. a beautiful home and over $100 clear I every month. I can show you. see E. v. I Nicholson, 527 Cham, of Com. NOB HILL. 10-room h. k. ; rent $50. . Income $05; 4 rooms for self: $750 will handle. 017 1 Cham, of Com, bldg. Main B12i. 19 ROOMS. 2 kitchenettes, housekeeping. nets $150 and leaves you nice suite lor I self: 122MJ; terms. J. EUGENE HEDGES, 201 W. PARK. FURNISHINGS of modern apartment I bouse, 5-year lease, 123UO will handle. WALTER & TIERNKY, S13 Stock Exchange Bldg. TRANSIENT HOTEL. 14 rooms, steam heat; rent $55. ' a I money-maker: $2000 will handle. 517 I Cham, of Com, bldg. Main 61 '7. 40 ROOMS, housekeeping, west side; rent I $150, good income; iea?e. xinuo handles. A. J. ofrniiSi at lu., 320 Henry Bldg. Broadwav 5500. A COSY home and good income; 13 rooma elegant furniture; furnace heat, gas I stove; all modern; close in. west side. 346 College St.. near -Broadway. WANTED Rooming houses. 12 to 35 rooma. If you want to sell Phone Main 1 3669. Pay mostly cash. H. W. Gar- land. ?ni Third st. NETS 200 RENT $50. Low rent, up on Morrison. 22 rooms, all housekeeping. 2 stories. Price $3150, ?nn tirtn-n. Main 7MI. Ct0-.VU.OAJ hotel, brick, west side, lease; clears $400 a month: :j..oo handles. A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. 3?0 Henry Bldg-. Broadwav RSM. $3.'.0 W1L.L, handle fully modern hotel in I center or city, see Mr. Smith. UMBDENSTOCK & LARSON CO., '2i Oregon B!dg., Broadway 1058. WATER IN ALL ROOMS. 8 R, all H. K., close in. will net around I $75 and own home; for short time only I tnmt win nannir. ian itw w. rurK st. FOR BEST bargain in apartment house see members of the Keaity Board. Yates Kity :o.. -jau 4tn t. FOR SALE .33-room hotel, brick bldg. Northwest heat; 4-year lease; $47.'0. 18H 4th st price BY OWNER 16 rooms, all housekeeping: gooa west siae location; z-year lease n wanted: pr.ee nw cash. 408 4th st. 13 HOl'SK KEEPING, heart of citv: in come smo; rent 47.ou; $100 will handle. nu uernnger Ding. WANTED Small hotel or rooming house. centrally located; owners only, no deal- era. J nni. uregonian. 18 ROOMS, all H. K., White Temple disL, sitwu win nanaie; a line iitue money matter. 5'U hiock ki. oiag. 10-ROOM house, close in; furniture for1 sale, $7ft0. Cosy Home with income. Mnln 7023. ANT from owner, about 20 rooms: can I pay $1500 down. Call Bdwy 6500, or W 1 am uregonian. FOR SALE Furniture and lease of 12 housekeeping rooms; good location, west I side: rent N ms. Oregonlan. -ROOM, ail H. K.. White TemDle dis place in very good condition: terms. 401 Stock Ex. bldg. POLLY AND .SHES BEEaJ IjAIE SEAto HER EVERV XAwGCtNjE I 14 Avl' iljJ TAY TiERsl IT' ) K3IV& HER. Ftmi WOT KJfOWIN'G, HE COIXDXT BUSINESS OPPOBTTjynTES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. MAIN 7487. We think this Hated below and a few others are good buys. 1 5-ROOM BIG SNAP. 15-room, extra fine furniture; nave a lease; total price only . $1650, some terms. 16 ROOMS. 16 rooms light housekeenlnr: close In: $650 cash win handle, balance out of prom oi place. 1R50. 0 rooms of fins oak furniture, rent of nouse only !3o. GROCERY. GOOD LIVING ROOMS. This place is doing a nice business and making good money, and live right on tne jod. RESTAURANT. One of the close-in places that doe a good business, will not give name over phone; if you want to make money come In and ask about it; $800 cash will take half interest: 11600 cash down takes it. balance out or net profit. We have the very best of business chances in the city, with autos at your service to snow -you. BIHR-CAREY. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg. Third and Stark Sts. Main T47. FOR $750 CASH OR TERMS. You can buy 8 beautifully fur nished rooms, modern, close in flat; five si. rooms rented : large living quarters reserved. This can not be beat in town. $1500 TERMS. . Buys nine comfortably furnished rooms in White Temple district. Ail rented: rent $40: everything In fine condition. Let us show you. SPEED REALTY CO.. 307 Panama Bldg. Main 7264. BEAUTIFUL NOB HILL 13 h. k. rooms, a beautiful home and nice Income, cash or terms, best of xur- niture. 10 h. k. rooms, rent $30. close in, good furniture, good home: !oo. terms. h. k. rooms. Yamhill location, rent $40. clears $80; $1100, $730 down, very good. BARNEY JOHNSON CO.. 170 10th St. BOARDING HOUvSE. 30 rooma completely furnished; 80 people may be served in dining room; in Industrial district; bar gain at $2000. STURM-KEFBR CO.. 214 Fifth st., cor. Salmon. MAGOON & SPENCER. HOTEL AND APT.-HOUSE BROKERS. 517-19 Cham, of Com. bldg. Main 6127. A FEW SAMPLES. 26-rm. modern brick hotel: rent $65; 150-rm. brick ant. house: rent 1300: 43- rm. h. k. apts.. 6 private and 3 pub. baths; should net $325 per mo.: 26-rm. h. k. apts. Price $.1500, some terras. Net income about $200. ONE OWNER FOUR YEARS. NET INCOME ABOUT $250. $4O00, no less to handle, balance mtg. back; all h. k. or part sip., some apts. have hot and cold water. Well and completely furnished. No information by phone. MAGOON & SPENCER, 517-10 Cham, of Com, bldg. NEW ' LISTINGS. DAILY. MODERN HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSES. Let Us Show You. . MARSH & McCABE CO., BUSINESS BROKERS. 822-4 Falling Bldg., Third and Wash. xr k i.ir.vT company. 623-4-5 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. LEADING HOTEL ANU AfAHI MRVT HOUSE AGENCY. TF VOII WISH TO BUY OR SELL, COME IN AND TALK IT OVER: 14 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS la rultl" LAND ENABLES US TO LOCATE YOU RIGHT. 24 ROOMS and storeroom below; lot GOx 100. on good street, close in; must ne sold: price for whole, building and lot Is only $6500. terms $1200. balance like rent. This would make good rooming house If furnished, and can rent store room. A rare snap. H W. GARLAND. 201 Third, corner Taylor. PIB HOTEL. BIG BARGAIN. Fine Washington-street corner brick hotel, over 70 rooms, lots of private baths fine place, clears over $700 per month, brand new lease. Price for im mediate sale, $15,000, terms. Bargain. Particulars this office. List 155. PACIFIC HOTEL NEWS. BROKERS, 714 Couch Blag. SPECIAL TODAY. 16 rooms, H. K., dandy house, fine vrd. fruit trees, furniture above av erage; rent $40; clears $100 month and apartment for self; only $1000; some terms. A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. S20 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5.100. A BARGAIN $4500. 30 rooms, some apartments, some singles, verv nicely furnished, modern; hot and cold water in ail rooms, fur nace, several fireplaces; net 1200 witn S-room apartment ior sen ; gooa tease. SEE T. A. MADDEN. 512 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5487. MR. HOTEL MAN. Would you invest $2000 as first pay- ment on a hotel that is clearing 1800 monthly right now? Close In. west side Think ot it, clearing $800. 7-year leasd, too. EARL V. NICHOLSON. 527 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $50011 $3000 DOWN. 60 housekeeping rooms, lease, low rent, brick building, west side, running water. This place is clean and clears over $50 a month. JMARSH A McCABE CO., BUSINESS BROKERS, 822-4 Falling Bldg., Third and Wash. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL business, hotel, rooming or apartment house of any kind, anywhere, ses F. Kierdon, RITTER, LOWE Sc CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We write all kinds of insurance. ' TWO FIFTY NET. 25 rooms, best west aide location, all h. k. ants, low rent, nice appearing place. Nets S-jv over expenses every montn. Bee this before you buy; $-500 handles. C. E. BOWDKN CO., Wlfi Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOU SALE by owner, rooms and apts.. nicely furnished and good net income; 3 lovely rooms for yourself; beautiful home, fine location, close In, less than 10 minutes walk; just right for man and wife or one or two ladles. Address W "tfi-S. Oregon ian. - 2$ ROOMS $2500 $1500 DOWN. Ordinary furnishings but a money- making transient place; Just the place to fix up and selL MARSH ft MCt'ABK LU, BUSINESS BROKERS, S22-4 Failing Bldg., Third and Wash. 10 H. K. ROOMS, rent $45; very good; $1400, good terms; clears 90: iom 01 good furniture; good home; also at Nob Hill. 38 H. K. rooms, downtown. rnt $125; good lease; clears $300; price $4200, 13000 handles, all on one floor: have ' others. Barney Johnson ft Co.. 170 10th. BRAND NEW FURNITURE. Swell little fiat, walking distance, H. side; everything neat and clean and cosy. Comb'n gas range, stove heat, 5 R; rent only $35. A beautiful home ana can hnvf n?nt free. Call 104 W. Park st. 22 ROOMS. 4 baths, west side, all h. k.. clears $140; price 11.0. j. n. klx, li's ntn. st. .uroaaway aopy. HER PALS I HWEaJT Tt SLIGHTEST IDEA EMPLdVEES Or "TrttS office its To WORK I SAY BY CLIFF STERRBTT, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. . Hotels and Rooming Houses. RKlvn INIRW APARTMENT HOUSE PROPOSITION Close In. west side brick apartment house, with potential revenue or S200O a montn. to be leased at once. Will nut In new furniture and hard wood floors. Reasonable rent- Takes $10,000 to handle. See Parson, with O. H. SKOTHEIM CO.. 40R-411 Couch bldg. can! 12 HOUSEKEEPING rooms for $1300: Co lumbia st- location; extra good furnish ings and attractive home for owner; can clear loo per montn: luou gives pos session. See Mrs. McClain. with M. E. Lent Co. 524 N. W. Bank bldg. Main R.iHQ. FOR SALE BY OWNER- 29 rooms In heart of business section: good furniture; mostly transient, with good lease: am forced to sell on ac count of sickness. Main 9124. Call after 10 A. M. 14 ROOMS, east side, very busy corner, spotlessly clean, large, light, airy rooma rent $60; could get lease; income good at present but can be greatly increased. $1500, terms Mrs. Albaugh, .wKh John Ferguson. Gerllnger bldg. I BEAUTIFULLY furnished apartment house, I 21 rooms, all threes. Drivate bath with I eacn; very attractive place: lease at 185.1 1.1000 will handle. Walter & Tlerney, aiJt stncit rexenange Ping., Main in-to. ROOMING house. 10 rooms, nice modern place close in: some nice furnishings. rent cheap; rooms always rented. Price $800. terms halt cash. Also other snaps. tx. w. uarianq, TnirH st. FOR QUICK SALE. We have buyers for 8 to 15-room hoases' in hod mil district. Mam C. E. BOWDEN CO., Chamber of Commerce bldg. NOB HILL. 12 rooms h. k. : rent $35. nets $118, lurnace neat. Price 120O0. terms. MAGOON & SPENCER. M7-10 Chim. of Com, bldg. 15 ROOMS, h. k., walking distance, con crete ouuaing; is Duut for apts; good lease: price $1500, terms. Better look into this. E. v. Nicholson, 527 Cham. or com. ' LEAVING town, must sell 18 1 and 2- h. k. rooms. $1100. terms h. and water, nets $140; walking distance, west side, consider 1-ton Ford truck or car. first payment, or acreage. 663 Hood st. THE CHANCE of a lifetime, hotel for sale. furnished. In what promises to be one j or tne Desx on Doom towns in Montana, $4500 cash and $2700 on time. Write at once. Banner Hotel. Denton. Mont. 11 ROOMS of good furniture for sale, house I for rent with lease, fine location, some terms, can Main 4H04. MODERN and transient rooming house for I sale, iv rooms, good location; terms to 1 suit. 3JB Couch. Auto. 516-22. AM FORCED on account of illness to sell my lease and furniture on my apt bouse. SPECIAT. NOTICES. Proposals Invited. IN THE ' DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DIS- TRICT OF OREGON. In the matter of Watt-Jenkins Cloth ing company, bankrupt. REQUEST FOR BIDS. I will receive sealed bids for the fol lowing personal property, formerly the I property of the bankrupt above named. situated at tne storeroom formerly oc cupied by the bankrupt at Astoria. Ore gon, up to and until 12 o'clock noon on Wednesday. April 20, 1021, at my orrice, 740-747 Morgan building, Portland, Oregon : A stock of goods, wares and merchan- I dise. consisting of mens furnishings, clothing, hats, caps, etc., of the inven- I toned value 01 10.o26.80. The highest bid received will be ac cepted, subject, however, to the approval I of tne court. All bids must be in writ ing, sealed and accompanied by certified check for at least ten per cent (10) off the amount offered. Inventory of the above property may be seen at mv office. 140-747 Morgan building, Portland, Oregon, and the stock and fixtures inspected at Astoria. Ore gon, where an inventory may also be seen. R. T SABIN, Trustee, 740-747 Morgan Building, ' Portland. Oregon. M tscel iaiieous. COUNTY WARRANTS Notice is hereby riven that Multnomah county warrants. classes "63," "64" and "48-B." the same having been drawn upon the general fund, and tnat presented and indorsed, "Not paid for want of funds." from February 1. 1921 to February 28. 1921. both dates Inclusive, will. If properly Indorsed, be paid on presentation at the office of the county treasurer; interest thereon ceases on and after the date of this notice. Portland Or., April 12, 1921. JOHN M. LEWIS, County Treasurer. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Sunday morning. 7:30. Union sta tion of on Pullman car, a gray purse; monev. letters and money order, ad dressed to party In eastern Oregon; re ward. Leave at oregonlan orrice. IF THE person who picked up 2 children's sweaters yesterday on ittn st. iv. be tween Siskiyou and Klickitat will re turn them to 609 E. 17th at. N. a liberal reward will be given. LOST Fur neckpiece Saturday evening between Laurelhurst and Elmhurst or on Sandy blvd.; reward. Phone Tabor 9333, or Marshall 432. LOST SEALSKIN NECK PIECE. SUN DAY AFTERNOON, DOWNTOWJM DIS TRICT; LIBERAL REWARD. MAR. 4246. BETWEEN Villa St. Clara and down town district, small engraved wrist watch. valued as gift from mother. Liberal re ward. Phone Main Bjo. IZVStWo money.CMrs!nvl I Insurance papers and money. Mrs. W . Drollinner, 200 Vi MacMlllaa at. LibrraJ reward LOST stratght-hair Airedale dog, light color, license No. 171. East 04S5. Ke- wa rd. LOST Sterling sliver Eversharp pencil in downtown district. initials engraved. S. E. S.. Call Main 7200. LOST Saturday, between 3 and 5 P. M., lady's wrist watcn, Knicar mane; re- ward. Phone Col. LOST On Washington, near Broadway. ring wnn Diue iiuue, rewa.ru. vv uuuiaa H7J. LOST Saturday evening, nandbag, Arleta, Mt. Scott. Reward. &ti.u 03 a. su s. Jii. Main 8322. T.OST Saturday night, out or an auto. large brown horsehair fiat witn crapes 1 insine rim, can laoor LOST Saturday night, out of an auto. large brown horsehair nat witn grapes 1 Inside rim, t an lapor nun. LOST Bv working woman, tan wallet con taining sum 01 money, an 1 nave; win be liberally rewarnea. .Main mi. SMALL Eastern Star pin lost within la&t ten days; reward. . ast ouuz, or .Alain I 5354. ' j LOST Black Boston Bull, female, with face halt white: license 10. aw; rewara. Wood la wn 54H, DROPPED, Sunday, April 3, on East 12th st., near Salmon, one cameo brooch. Call Sellwooa FOUND Lady's watch. Coffee Cup, Washington st. t nex nti tir una i-uh: reward, v .vv' I nrarnninn I LOST Pearl beads belonging to child who I grieves over loss, uroaaway vii. room zi. LOST Black and white bulldog, name "Col on el . ' R eward. Milwaukle 48 phone LOST Wrist watch near or at Washin ton high Call Tabor 46. Reward. SAT., ENGRAVED goid ring, dark green set: keepsake. Phone East 7748. IOST Saturday night, mink fur. Auto 518-32 mornings. Reward. A LOST AND FOUND. THE FOLLOWING articles were found on cars of the P. R., L. & P. Co., April li: 6 umbrellas, 4 lunch boxes, I purse, 1 pin, 2 suitcases, 2 hsndbags, 2 pairs gloves, 1 single glove. 8. P. ticket book, cigarette case, coat, horn, fur cuff, over alls. $ pieces of lumber, 1 sack grain, II packages, 1 letter, eversharp pencil, 1 pair glasses Owners may obtain property at First and Alder streets. LOST A yellow female collie pup, six months old, four white feet, a white stripe down head: reward of $10 for in formation leading to return of pup. Phone Auto. 52X-28. LOST Saturday evening. Brown fur neck piece between Laurelhurst. Elmhurst on Halsey st., or bandy blvd. ; a reward In money as well as in conscience to the finder, -rtpor 133, or Mar. ,:i2. LOST Amethyst and pearl earring Satur day. Main 83H2, evenings Mar. 348. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AITOMO BILbl. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 2UB StoLLl.NU BI.UU., SISLU.W LOOK FINANCIAL AGKNT. for individuals. estates, corporations or institutions; re liable references; long experience. in quire st 1218 Yeon Hldg.. Portland. Or. CAJH paid for mortgages snd sellers' con tracts on real estate. Washington, ore gon. H. E. Noble. 316 Lumbermens bldg. WE BUY first and second mortgages snd sellers contracts. . E. Bowman A Co., 210 Cham, of Com. bldg. Main 3026. BUY NOTES, contracts, mortgages. F, 11. Lewis. 713 Lewis bldg.. 4tn and oak. SEE WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO. for builrterr loans. Money to Loan on Real Estate. CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSIONS. On Improved property or for improve ment purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 per month for 96 months pays a loan of $1000 and interest. Loans of otber amounts In same pro portion. Repayment Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASS'N 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. RESIDENCE LOANS. Five-year period, repayment privilege ox $100 or any multiple tnereor. INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan 60 per cent value of your home; small monthly payment, with ex celient.repayment privilege. BUSINESS PROPERTY LOANS. Five-year period, repayment privilege. BRICE MORTGAGE COMPANY. Portland mortgage cdrrespondent the Prudential Insurance Company of Amer Ica. 1210-17 Yeon bldg. Main 8308. SEE US TODAY We loan money on city property; lowest rates: no commission on choice loans; long time, short time; monthly payments; pay as you can; sums to suit; contrscts, second mort gages bought. 725 Gasco bldg., 5th and Alder sts. CELLARS-MURTON CO. MORTGAGE LOANS on farm or city property. Prompt and helpful service. Liberal repayment priv ileges. Lowest rates. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 80 Fourth St.. Portland. Or. WE HAVE funds available for good resi dence loans, also Insurance money tor business property, at lowest available ratea. MORTGAGE BOND CO.. Main 2S31. Wllcog Bldg. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms; no commission: no delays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY. 87 Sixth St.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS On real estate security, any amount from $500 up on Improved city or farm property. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. 21 2 Corbett Bldg. Main 6015 MORTGAGE LOANS In any amounts at lowest rates, on city or country property. Prompt and helpful service. B. LEE PAGET, 622 Corbett Bldg. Main 8230. $500 $1000 $1500 $2000 AND UP. No delay, we are loaning our own money; loans quickly closed. F. H. DESHONG. 615 Cham, of Com. LONG ESTAB. RELIABLE SERVICE. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved farm and city property: lavorabie repaying privileges; no commission or neiay. The OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. LTD, 309 Plait bldg. Main 5371. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed, Attractive repayment prlvuegea A. H. BIRR ELL-GILL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank bldg. Marshall 4114 $300. $400, $500. $600. $1000, $1200, $1500. 1200U ano up, lowest ratea quick action, Day off $100 or more at sny Interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co., 631 Chamber of Commerce blag. Main Uio. MORTGAGE loans In sums to suit; city, farm ana suournan property. BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY. WILLIAM O. BECK, 215 Falling bldg. WILL cash umall mtg. or sellers' contrac Also private. funds to loan; lowest rates prompt attention. A. K. Hill, 426 Lum bermens bldg. $500. $1000 AND upward on improved real estate; favorable terms; no oelay; no brokerage. John Bain. 507 Spalding bldg. $300, $400, $500, $750. $1000 AND UP Low rates, quick action. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Main 6445. MONEY .0 loan on real e.tat. security . going rat of Interest. Otto A Harkiop Keaity Co.. 4U mam per or Co nunc rce, PLENTY of mony to loan on real estate at 7 per cent it security is ample. Edw. f. Mail, 3ua Chamber or commerce. UORTUAO& LUA.NS, and 7 per cenL sa.oman & to., aoi ny. taxen. puig. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO., Cham, ot Co., 4th and Stark. MONEY to loan on realeetate, 7 per ctnt- tieo. if. Lent, ill corpett Didg. $000 TO $2000 PRIVATE money to loan. rnone wain. na-n. MORTGAGE loana See Robert S. Co Jr. 3S4 Hawthorne ave. $1240 TO LOAN on improved city property. r m. r'neips. .nam 1111. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. 8 ALAR 7. LOANS. 'CHATTELS. WB LOAN MONEY. on short notice to salaried or working men on ineir own notes; weekly, semi monthly or monthly Dsymenta Eaun transaction strictly coniiuentlaL NO MORTGAGE. Nu 1NDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household Kan rim. pianos, eic CALL AP4 U liN V BM1IUATBI, COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, 218 FAILING BLDO. MONEY TO Loatv on roods in storage. Bank rata. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. t3 Fourth bt. opp. Multnomah, hotel. jnone uroaaway si io. MONEY to loan on diamonds and Jewelry: confidential service; government 11- censed and bonded brokers. Zell Bros. 4 Co.. 2b3 wash, su Deu 4th and 0th. Marshall i-i. MONEY to loan; diamonds. Jewelry. (to., legal rate: articles held 1 vear. Vines. Jeweler, cor. 8d and Washington. QUICK money to salaried DeoDle cn un- securea note; coniiaentiat investigation. Bin cnam. or com. Diag. Licensed. HATHA WAY Loans on pianos and furni ture, legal rates. 208 Washington bldg. "XheVre ALWAVS AT iTj VX7BEA1 t SeK HtrRE.!Y FINANCIAL. Money to I-oan Chattels and Hnlarles. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. MONEY AT S PER CENT, ESTABLISHED BY PORTLAND BCSN NESS MEN TO PROTECT BORROW. ERS. LOANS MADE ON DIAMONDS. WATCHES. JEWELRY. VICTROLAS, PIANOS, LIBERTY BONDS AND FUR NITURE. S94 STARK ST, NEAR 10TIL CARRIE MYERS 11ERRMAN, MGR. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. DO YOU NEED MONET? AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SERVlCEt YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE, PIANOS, VICTROLAS. REAL EbVATE, BONDS. ETC If your payments are too large en your automobile or furniture contracts, we will pay them up and advance you more money if needed. We make a spe cialty of these loans and leave the se curity in your possession and you can repay us In small monthly payments. WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on their own notes. Rates reasonable. Private offices. Ail business strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY, (LICENSED), 806-307 Dekum Bldg. Marshall 8288. 8. W. Cor. Third and Washington. MONEY to toan on diamonds. Jewelry, legal rstes; .articles hold a year; estab llshed 18m. Hun Marx A Co.. 315 Wasn. Loans Wanted. $2500. 3 YEARS. 7H Lot and 6-room bungalow on 45th near Hawthorns ave.; hardwood floors, fireplace, full cement basement, fu'.nace; st. improvements In snd paid fr: value 15000: insurance to cover. Call Rdwy. 41' H. 83 4th st. WANTED, from private parly, 1:1500 on a well located lrvlnglon residence, worth $!000. r. M. DERR. 1215 N. W. Bank RlilK Mar 1-13 WANT 120011 private money 011 first-clusfl security. Two high-grade Inclosed cars and Indorsement of party worth over 1:10.000. Answer at once for particulars. Y 52. Oreg.inlnn. WANTED from private parly, loan of $3000 for 3 years, at 7 per cent, secured by a new modern five-room bungalow In Rose City Park. Phone Sellwood 351, or address AN 520. Oreironliin. FIRST MORTGAGES FOR SALE ON IMP. PORTLAND PROPERTY. F. H. DESHON. 613 CHAM. OF COM. LONG EST A R. RKI.IAHI.E SERVICE. WANT S45H at 8-, $5110 at ST., 1700 at 8, $:I500 at 7. Improved property In city of Portland. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Commerce bldg. rCK Gll.r-EDGE m ana av mortgaite bonds In Jocal concerns see Oregon In vestment a: Mnrtgsgt, Co., 223 Chamber of Commerce bldg LOAN WANTED 13500 -at 7 per cent on real estate on 23d st. In lrvlnglon worth $7500. Phone Main 0471. ,51100 LOAN Hauled on U-fUt bu.ldlng J11M . purchased for $12,000. See me st 525 tlenrv h'de.. Rroadwxv 5VN. WANTED Loan on Hawthorne resitlftHc up to $20011. R. Snmervllle, Bdwy. 2478. 320 r. S. Nat. Hank bldg IT PAYS to wi-e us for gllt-edse first-mlg. loans. 2 years successful experience. A. K. Hill. 426 l.umherm- ns hi. lit. $750 TO $n5o Hunted on Kood 4 -room house In good district. P. o. hps 2Q0H. city. SEW OREGON INV. 4 MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Cham, of Com., Fourth and rHark. WANT IonTi $20,000 on apsrtment house , from private party. H 526. Oregonlan. $1300 SELLER'S CONTRACT. 2Vs DTe? COUNT. I1C 433. OREGON I AN. WANTED $10,000 for building loan, busl nea property. .1 .Vid. tire g o 1 1 1 .1 n . . $175" ON HOSE CITY PARK 5 room bun galow. AE 5.M, Oregoulitn. WANTKD fi.100 loan on Uosr Clly Park bungalow. 3 years. THbor 73. WANT ?4O0 on A-No. 1Roe City rel-riVnr-c property, i'ail Main M'H. VVA.NTULl $3jlH loan from private party, 8 per cent. Call 317-70. tkhsovat.. ACCOMPLISHED AT t.AST. Painless dentistry, by the nrrve-hlock-lns mnhori, without after rrfects. I make X-ray examination of teeth. I specialize In first-dsns dentistry al rea sonable fees. l.adv attenrlnnt. .Mar. Sl'O. IK. A. XV. KKKNK. Majestic Theal-r lIMir .1.M 'j Ws.h ELECTRIC IIINKRAI, STEAM BATHS slop colds, rheumatism and nervous troubles; violet ray, scientific body and scalp massaKe; both sexes treated; hours 10 to 6, evenings by appointment. Netlls Benson, D. P. Main iinii. 3u4 Iekum bids'. Corner Third and Wsphlnvton sts. WlCl-TllilEU KVSTKM SI'UGKSTIVi: THEHAPKUTICS. The latest and most up-to-data sclenea practiced. If you have failed with others, try us. Dr.. Ayers & McRloslry, 71J Dektim Mdi!. .Main L-1'711. DRUliLESS PHYMCIAN. Nervous snd chronic diseases a spe cialty. If others have failed, don't be come disrourafted, but ftive me a trial. Dr. Ada N. Scott, l.ltl 13th at., bet. Alder and Wash, llromlway Ml.'.'-'. CHARLES II. KINDT, formerly of .Mil waukee, ia Please communicate with me at once concerning matters of Im portance and value to you as an heir of your father's estate. W. A. Walker, 83S Wells bldK . Milwnukee. Win ClliROPIlACInJ. BEST STEAM HATH, chiropractic, vi bratory and electric maxeage. Dr, Mar garet Haynle, , 13 Swellaud bldg. Kea sonable prlcea IF YuU ARti tired and nurvoua you can rejuvenate you.- nervous centers and Eoor circulation ly having a sclentnio ody mansags. Dr. Ovldla Larsen. 03. Morgan hldg. Main li'im. TAKARA ANTl.Sh.FTlC POWDER Is a soothing, cieanxiug, healing germicidal and Invigorating douche, a great aid la female disorders; Aoo and tl par box. Portland Hotol Pharmacy. St'PERFI.UOUS HAIR permanently removed by multiple nesdts method; consultation free. f04 Hwutlaad bldg., 6th at Wash, st. Msln 1C. EXPERIENCED nurse gives electric. Laths, masi'age, vioiei ray auu vutraiory treat ments; 10 A. M. to N P. Al. 711 bl- land bldg. Main 77H. EXPERIENCED nurse gives sleani baths. massage and vinration; open l to 7 P. M.. Sunduys 2 to 4 P, M. H3i Flled-n.-r bldg. loth ami Washington sts. SOMETHING NEW Huve you tried t lis electric manicure ror ooo at the Polly anna Beauty Parlor. 311 Uroadway building I'hone Main mzi. UKAUlATIi nuise and chiropodist, scien tific massage, magnetic treatment. Ke- niuved from room 2O0 to to room Itlti Alinkv hid... Hd and Morrison sts. 1 GETS both luet fixed up at Dr. Eaton s the a-n i iwr . . n . . . .t i , who doenn't hurt you; 0 yrs. here; turn, free. Globe bid.. 11th Wash. Bdy. FOR BEAU J. I worK can aiay ou!f.r( manicurma, wean- menu, facial and care of feet. Apt. 4, wrrraonlan. .112 Jeffer.on nt. Main r,4frj. tik i.ixe Body m ass auks 415 BCCHANAN HI.IX1.. WAS If. BET. KOCRTH AND FIFTH STS. 10 A M. TO 0 P. M.. AI..SO m'NDATa t)R. EMMA I'lAinaiAii. mineral steam treated by drugless methods. 411' Uw.i- land niag. fcliVET 4tHAN'EHLT. leading wig iT3 Kouda. permanent and marcel waving, leal p trea iment. 8411 Alder. Msln 548. yjH y BA1.D heads, dandruff, ecsems or falling ' -.... .. . .. .. v remedy. Try 814 Macleay bldg. NVONE knowing address of Lena Perkins or sisters pirw.c v , n.iw. .uucaaa h.. mi ama... Wash. A. I- Perltlns. IT-O-NET swents with body massaga and VIOM'T. lu' . ,; --. " " 4-.0 Atorgnn im'i. - T777erlluou Hair, moies, . warts removed ' - ,. A 1 mulhnii: trial tmm I n . I vTnlev. f)14 Biifh A Lane bldg. Main B3IIS. KI LPHUR steam batn massage, violet ray and vibratory treatment. 4J0 Clay. Mala bioll. 10 A. M. to It P. M. piT.ES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or writs Dr. Dean, So ond and Morrlnon. GRADUATE nurns treats lumbago, elo. Hours 2 to or by appointment. Phona Main 10411. O'ftca 8QB-C Third st t MASSAGE BATHS, kidneys, constipation, rheumatlim. Dr. Elna goren.en, drug, less Phys.. 501 Panama bldg. Main oOHtt. SCAI.P treatments, shampooing, manicur ing, facial maasages, halrdresning dona li your home. Main 40.n. room 8fl. JL'NICIDE will cure rlieuinaiistu or tuoue hack. 40S Dekum Mdg. k'liic;!' McCOY, cnlropodl. Hon iiuchau. an bldg.. Wanh.. bet. 4th and Bth. JTACE. scalp treattnent, manicuring; 10.3' to 8 o'clock jlM1 Morrlnon. room 9 UQUVY NORTON. MANlCl lUiiT. in nrfiiAN'Ax m.pn PP1VATE d-lrtive. inveMtigallune. worlc all cases. C Ml. Orrgonlan. PJWMEDA HALM, formerly csllcd ilaitii of rtgn. B.. n. a.i.i. n.-n. -.ie mornings. DOESN'T Tom, Dick or Harry pay youf See Vlereok, collectors. Dekum bldg. PR. ETHEL GIUKKITH Steam baths, vl. bralion, scalp treatments. 417 Ewetland. WH.T. party who pbooaT s. Psaka. wroto letter pica