lg m THE MORNING OREGONIAV WEDNESDAY. APRIL 13, 1931 V .HOME BL'YEISS ATTENTION. SEW. NEW. MSW. $350 CASH DOWN. $4150 Buys S rooms and bath, new and never occupied; fireplace, nwd. fioorr. butfet. Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, cement basement. wuh trays. One block to Haw thorne car. Never again an op portunity to buy a nifty modern bungiiow at such a reasonable pn and such very attractive term, ROSB CITT PARK. We are now in a position o offer yon attractive homes in this desirable district from $3950 up to $21,000. Many sro homes that have never before been of fered for sale. See our listings before bu ins;. Remember we have a building com pany in connection with our firm and can build you Just the home you desire at very reasonable prices and can ar range terms to suit. WICKMAN BUILDING CO. now has tn homes under construction In Rose City Park. Alameda Park and West moreland. Why not one for yon? J. A. WICKMAN CO., "Shortest Way Home." M Stark St. V.Tin 1004 and S3. ROSE CITT PARK. J2550 $900 down, balance Ilka rent, rooms, -bath, comer, near car. $3500 50 down. 6-room bungalow. Karate. $3900 4.100 down, 4-room modern bun galow, near car and school. $420041000 down. 6-room modern bun galow, garage. $480011000 down, 4-room modern house; a snap. $'000 (lotto down, 8-room modern nouse; a sacniice. A. X. MIKKELSEN CO- . 83d and Sandy Blvd. Tabor 2580. Open Evenings and Sundays. I ARTISTIC gur.T.T. grTCCO HOME. f WESTOVER ROAD. e seldom Is thera an oppor ( (unity to secure a small and artistle borne In this close-in and Ideal location. Large living room, dining room, kitchen and maid'a room on first floor. 8 aleepinr rooms, also sleeping porch and dressing room second floor. 2 baths. 2 fireplaces, garage. , For Appointment Call KRS. HARRY PRICK PALMER. East 7176. BEAUTIFUL AND COMFORTABLE HOME. This ts a home worth owning: lovely rooms and den. all large and attractively decorated; three fine bedooms, one ex tra large, with fine closets, full cement basement with furnace, lovely grounds with 12 fruit trees and oceans of berries, S blocks to Irvlngton car. close to schools; price $5000, with $750 cash, or will consider house to 42200 as part pay ment; paved street, garage. RALPH HARRIS COMPANY, 16 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main MM. 1KVISGTON BUXGALCW. 440 E. 21st St N. Living room. 16x30; gunroom, dining room, large white kitohen. one bedroom and bath first floor, three bedrooms second floor, full cement basement, hardwood floors, best of plumbing, garage. Owner. East 7;a, ROSE CITY PARK. $3500. This is something different; 6 rooms with every modern feature on a lot 71x100: this Is an exceptionally at tractive home and will appeal to any one wanting a large piece of ground; can be handled on $1000 to $1200 cash and reasonable monthly payments. HILLER BROS., 14 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 84. Branch Office. 60th and Sandy. Open Sundays and Evenings. Phone Tabor 4.V $3500 GOOD looking. Terr well built 6-room bungalow on a paved street, with sewer. Two good- sized bedrooms, more than the nsual built-ina Including a built-in buffet. Cement base ment, Isundry trays. Hardwood floor, garage. Convenient terms. JiAIN 7487. ARE XOU LOOKING FOR A HOME CLOSE INT Her It Is and It's a bargain: eight rooms and bath, fireplace, full concrete basement, furnace, street paving paid. This fine, big home could be easily ar ranged for two families or you could rent rooms The location Is East Bum side St., close in. The price Is 44975, with (1000 cash down. Let us show you. COMTE ft KOHLMAN. Main 6550. 208 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ' WEST SHB. 47000 SACRIFICE SALE $7000. Nob Hill district; modem 10-room ftrouse, beautiful view; 4 bedrooms; Sox 100 lot fine condition; owners must sen and will give good terms to reliable parties. By appointment. East 4SKIL ROSE CITY PARK $500 CASH 43100. 6-room bungalow in first-class condition; has furnace, full-size lot, . garage. 2 blocks from car. If you want a snap, see this. HILLER BROS., ' $11 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 84. Branch Office. 60th and Bandy. Open Sundays and Evenings. Phone Tabor 8485. '. " IRV1NGTON $4750. s-mnm bungalow, on corner lot. close tn. oak floors, fireplace, furnace, old Ivory finish, tapestry paper, many built Ins, fine lawn. Once In a blue moon we embrace something like this, so hurry with your $1000 deposit and thank ma. Frank Mahoney, COE A. McKENNA 4b CO., 2 Fourth Street. Main 6S71. $2000 $200 DOWN. I' 4-room cottage, dandy location, lot ' alone worth $2000, near Jefferson high , school. I REEDY STAVES CO., ; 818 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 4190. tOCK SO. ROSE CITY PARK SCHOOL. Beautiful new bungalow, built by owner; 6 rooms, bath, glass breakfast room. furnace. fireplace, hardwood floors, cement basement, all bullt-lns. best material and workmanship, 50x125 lot. 12-ft. alley: price for quick sale, $4450; $2300 cash; balance terms. Phone Tabor 5245. WEST SIDE HOUSE. . In choicest part of Nob Hill district, near 24th and Irving; 7 rooms, fire place, full cement basement, furnace, etc. Price $10,000; terms $2000 down, balance ltke rent. IjUBDDEMAXN company. 13 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. BUY FROM OWNER. 6-room modern house, full cement basement, furnace, cement garage, 1 bik. from pavement. 4 blks. from Montavilla ear. Come out and see for yourself; price right: 41000 cash, bal. terms; immediate possession. 25 E. 71st St. North. FINE IRVINGTON HOME. Attractive 2-story. 8-room house with sleeping porch and garage, on large cor ner, best section, near car; 30-ft. living room, den, sunroom, old Ivory finish, plate glass windows throughout; vacant; easy tirms. Tabor 407. PARTY leaving city must soil beautiful 6-room residence in Hawthorne: hdw. floors, fine furnace, fireplace and book cases, panel dining room. wonderful buffet. 3 nice, large bedrooms, also ga rage, H block to Hawthorne car: ex ceptional value at $3750. Auto. 223-71. Will build to suit laurelhurst. 4looo down, balance like rent; very desirable location; make your own con tract. MARSH ft McCABE CO.. REALTORS. S22-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marsliall SHOT. WHY PAY RENT? Good 4-room cottage. Mt. Scott, close to ear and school, lot 26x80; $900, $150 '"RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO. 30.1 Oak St. LOOK! 44B0O! TERMS. ROSB CITY, i T rooms, modern, must sell; eeilerg low your gain. 326 Artisans bldg. Broad- way 37. PORT LAND HEIGHTS HOME. Owner leaving, will sacrifice modern ta-mom house and garage, two lots. Ideal location; terms. Owner, Marshall ?4ff. JiOSB CITY 6 rooms, reception hall, den. full cement basement, furnace, etc.. $2500 cash, balance time. $14 East 44th street North. IRVLNGTON bungalow. 7 rooms, strictly modern. I am going to sell this bunga low. Look at it today. 678 E. 14th at. N. and then see owner. 670 E. 15th st. N. iiiVlNGTON 7-room residence. No. 410 East 21st st. North. Lot 50x100. Price $1500, one-third cash, balance terms. Ft, it Sunday. East 4H". $150 if sold at once. 5-room modem bunga low. garage. 50x100 lot. Auto. 519-10. JlVK-ROOM modern bungalow. Immediate possession. Sellwood district. Owner going east, p. jiam-ii ,cur. IVLKELIIURST CUy home, wonder fully low priced. 1'honn Tabor 5139. $300 DOWN on 5-room house close in. P&uQS sUito. SSJ-iJ, i f .,.- . I P1I TST1TI I KEAt KSTATE. J I x.olxv. I " ' - - . - . ".riJiro"-"1 ' For Sale-Acreaac. I tor Bale-Farms. 5 RoOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. Double constructed throughout, ce ment basement, cement walks, living room, dining room, Dutch kitchen, two bedrooms, bsth below, floored attic and sleeping porch up: uoxiuu lot; m oiks. to car- 20 minutes out. A splendid buy at $2it., witn terms. 5 ROOMS 430O DOWN. Ntr PmiiiikuIh avenue. 30 minutes out, chicken house and runs, plenty of fruit, electricity, gas. Bull Run water. Tours for $1200. Why accumulate worthless rent receipts? OWN YOUR, HOME FIRST. O. B. RIPPEY. 610-811 McKay Bldg, 3d Hind Stark. Main 6229. LADD ADDITION BUNGALOW. $5750 5-room. very modern new artis tic hnnnlnv beautifully fin lshed. hardwood floors even in r bedrooms, full basement, furnace, fireplace, 8ullt-ins. crystal glass : " door sets; very easy terms: paved St.. liens paid. Vacant. We can arrange to iinance snu DungalOW DUHl lO Bun jwu. Pleased to talk It over with you. Bee .FRANK L. McGTJTRE, To Buy Your Homo. AMngon Bldg. Main loft" $500 DOWN. New 4-room Bungalow. A little beauty. Just the place for couple, fireplace, built-in buffet, fin ished old Ivory and tapestry paper, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, laun dry trays, paved streets ana sewer well located in fine home district, three blocks car. Pay $500 down and make your rent money come back to you. Ask xor Mr. AiacK. LET US SHOW YOU. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. PIEDMONT BUNGALOW. New, strictly modern 6-room bunga low with hardwood floors throughout, large, well-arranged living and dining room, Dutch kitchen, combination sleep ing porch, large attic, suitable for 2 or 3 bedrooms, full concrete basement. Ca loric furnace, garage with paved floor and driveway. For price and terms see RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor. R1TTER, LOWE ft CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ' ROSE CITY. $3500 TERMS. 6-room bungalow, 2 fireplaces, garage, large living-room, beam ceilings and fireplace; fine dining-room with built-in buffet; cosy den with fireplace; Dutch kitchen, garage; block from Sandy. Owner leaving city. Call R. SOMERVILLE. Broadway 2478. OWNER LEAVING FOR CALIF. MUST SELL THIS WEEK. 5-room bungalow, cosy living and din ing room, fireplace, large Dutch kitchen, lovely screened-ln back porch, large at tic, full cement basement, furnace, paved street. 2 blocks car: only $3900. some terms Mr. Johnston, liar. 1022. Tabol 4708 evenings. . $300 DOWN FURNISHED 4-room house, 100x126, on paved street, garage, 2 blocks car, 15 minutes from center of city; 11 fruit trees; $2800. In the very best of condition. 401 STOCK EX. BLDG. Main 5385. SuDuroan lit me LAKE VIEW VILLAS. PLAT 4. A new tract at Oswego lake, water, auto roads, lights, fine vfew property with good soil and splendid groves of cedar, dogwood, yew and madrona; spring brook flows through several, giv ing admirable chances for effective landscaping; a walk through this beau tiful tract will convince you. Prices run from $300, on very easy terms. Take 8. P. electric or Boone's Ferry road to Lake Grove. Ask for Mr. Allen, or Mr. McClure. or call at 600 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. Main 85. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME, 11 hi acres. 4 In oats, sandy loam soil, no rocks, all kinds of berries, sev eral apple, three Italian prunes, 22 cher ries, 22 Bartlett pears, 29 chickens. 1 fine Jersey cow. 1 horse, year old; wagon, all implements, 6-room plas tered house, full basement, good barn. $8500. $33u0 cash. Will trade for city home. ' M. E. LENT CO.. Main SftflO. 524 N. W. Bank. BUSINESS man sacrificing his choice suburban home for quick deal; acres highly developed; fruit, berries, garden, etc. Deliehtful. convenient location; pleasant 20-minute drive. Modern 7 room house, new garage, poultry run. etc. Easy terms on $3000 equity or will exchange for city residence at cash value and assume. If you want some thing good here's your opportunity. A. K. Hill. 426 Lumbermens bldg. SUBURBAN HOME. $100 PER A. Near city limits on skyline ra.. a line iraci of 27 acres, 7 acres cultivated, small house and barn, fenced and running stream. Practically every foot tillable when cleared. One of the most re markable land bargains today. Any terms in reason. Call Main 1575. O. H. SKOTHE1M CO.. 40S-4U Couch hldg. illLWAUKIE BARGAIN. One acre In high state of cultivation: all kinds of bearing fruit trees and ber ries; good six-room house, gas, electric ity; good well, water in front; good barn and poultry houses; price $3250, $1250 down. AKERSON ft MARSTER& 420 Henry Bldg. NEARLY 2 ACRES of choice gardening ground close to Multnoman station, on the Oregon Electric. An ideal home site, suited for chicken raising, berries and fruit, which I can sell you on rea sonable terms, with 6 per cent Interest on deferred payments. For particulars call upon BEN R1ESLAND, 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st BEAUTIFUL VIEW PROPERTY. acres In cultivation in "Palatine Hill,." about 2 miles from city limits, near school, make fine chicken or berry ranch, all fenced. 40 fruit trees in bear ing; for quick sale to close estate. $2500. TAGGART BROS., 1102 Spalding Bldg. BEAUTIFUL VIEW PROPERTY. SVfc acres in cultivation In "Palatine Hill." about 3 miles from city limits, near school; make fine chicken or berry ranch, all fenced, 40 fruit trees in bear ing; for quick sale to close estate, $2500. TAGGART BROS., 1102 Spalding Bldg. HALF ACRE, 8-room plastered house, ce ment basement, garage, close to car. 18 minutes. Bull Run water, gas. good road, corner Lee ave. and Ash St., maple wood, chicken house, young fruit, finest kind of soil; will sacrifice $1500. $1000 down, balance to suit owner. 331 First St. Call Main 4942. BIG ACRE. CITY LIMITS Modern bunga low, cement basement, gas, electricitv. Bull Run water, garage, strawberrifc. logans, grapes; an ideal house for a growing family. Good for poultry. Pay big returns on investment. Ask for easy terms. See it today. Call Main 1575. SEW COBBLESTONE bungalow, 5 rooms, bath, gas, city water, furnace, large liv ing room with stone fireplace; acre fruit trees, berries, garden, lawn, hens, cow; Gresham or Mt. Scott cars; east of city limits on Foster road -and Lenox ave. This house will stand hundreds of yeara C. Bruce. East 6317. FOR SALE i acres full bearing prunes and walnuts: miles from Vancouver on Fruit valley road; good 4-room house, garage, chicken house, woodshed; good well, all fenced chicken tight; good terms. Address box 24, route 3, Van couver. Wash. HIGHLY improved 20 acres, apples, prunes and walnuts; Al soil, new barn, large dwelling, all stock and equipment, in cluding household goods; a splendid sub urban home and a paying investment; only 25 minutes' drive from center of city. AH 538. Oregonlan. BEAUTIFUL, rich 6-acre home, 6-roora bouse, all conveniences, barn, chicken bouses. 800 fruit bearing trees, H mile from station. Capital highway. 6 miles from city; price $!000: must have $7000 cash. Call Auto. 223-22. R. Schultz, real estate agent. YOUR LUCKY CHANCE! 5 acres, level, close-In; trade, in your surplus furniture, team, cow. car, build ing material or labor as part payment; balance easy. No dealers. Owner, 4o2 Fourth st. Nothing better. $0.Hi ACKKAGE HOME acre. 7 -room house, fruits, berries and grapes. The place can be had for K"0 cash, bal. $3000 On terms. Main 1575. O. H. SKOTHE1M CO.. 40-411 Couch hldg. NEAR ALOHA. 35 MINUTES OUT. , 3 acres of splendid garden land, all in cultivation; house, barn, good bearing orchard; a bargain at $2350. $750 down. Akerson & Marsters. 420 Henry bldg. EXCEPTIONALLY nico big home in For est Grove, 20 acres, paved street, big ' bouse, barn, etc, fine land. $18,000, or exchange. A. B. Caplea. Forest Grove, Or. ACRES, about 2 in cultivation, 4-room house, nearly finished, material on ground for shed; on hard-surface road; east of Gresham; good soil, easy terma Chas. Houck. 932 Cham, of Com. MULTNOMAH STATION. 4 rooms, mod ern, lots of fruit, berries, acre.4!7 Spalding bldg., 3d and Washington eta Main 1038. J MODERN 4-room house with bath; $2100, $500 down, 1-0 month, 7 per cent In terest. 209 Gibbs street, south Portland. Call evenings after 5 o'clock. Main 2805. 1 ACRE cleared, close to elec. station; 2 rm. house, water, fruit, elec. lights. Lake Grove; furniture, move in now, $ls50. McFariana. railing nmg. FINS wooded acre, near Lake GroVe, $500, 110 down, piped water, electricity. Mc- . . V.iti t aro Farlann. ranmn m... OSWEGO LAKE view building lot. This i. ne of the most sightly acres left. ' 1 Q-.fUt 20 FREE homesites. How! Where? Ask Mrs. Bee mail, 132 .Fourth, street. MODERN SUBURBAN HOMES. Wonderful half-acre home In city, on car line, east side; $5300. Multnomah bungalow with half acre, wonderful view; $5500. Furnished 4-room bungalow, Ryan sta tion, 100x100. fruit, berries; $2400. Near Multnomah, 6 acres highly Im proved; wonderful view; $9000, 3 -acre snap: 6-room bungalow, Ryan station; see this sure; $7500. Multnomah acre. all. cleared but no buildings; sacrifice, $1250. Strictly modern Multnomah bungalow, hardwood throughout, half acre; $9500. Nifty 6-room bungalow, quarter acre, city conveniences; only $3000. Real modern 5-room bungalow; base ment, furnace, half sere: 44250. . Real modern 6-room bungalow; four acres highly improved: $8000. 6-room bungalow , basement, furnace, fruit, stream, 2 acres; $4750. LI8TE2 We can show yon any kind of a suburban home you want from 1 to 20 acres. Modern as you could wish and located on paved highway. See us before you buy. We have the largest listing in Portland. O. O. McCORMIC CO., 242 Washington St., near 2d. Main 8220 or Main 9318. QUARTER ACRE Good 4-room cottage. woodshed, chicken house, all ground In garden, nice fidwer garden, near car, hard-surface road, near Vancouver; $850, easy terma ONE ACRE With a modern, right-up-to-the-minute bungalow, garage in the same class, everything In elegant condition. land highly cultivated, near car, on paved road 40 minutes Meier & Frank store. $5000; you can't beat this for the money; terms. TWO ACRES Good 2-room house, wood shed.' fine chicken house, land all In cultivation, level as a floor, just out side of city limits. $2000: $200 cash, balance $20 . per month including in terest. PETERSON ft YORK. 437 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8731. BETWEEN GRESHAM AND PORTLAND. 1 acre, all in berries ana ia oearing fruit trees: 2 blocks to electric station; macadamized road: 6-room houso. barn, chicken house, lots of shrubbery: cow. chickens and furniture Included at $3500, $1000 cash; also enough wood for over 2 years. Inspected by Hunter. 150 BEARING FRUIT TREES. Nearly S acres, mil from electric station, school and store, between Gar den Home and Tlgard; all under culti vation; ltt acres in bearing, assorted fruit trees. 8. 6 and 7 years old, in good condition: have been sprayed and pruned for 1921; good well; IV, acres clover; price $1025 cash; well worth $2000 JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. Over 600 Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near carllna, from 41800 up. Inquire 8d house north of Risley station, on Oregon City carllna. For Sale Business Property. $8300. Concrete building on East Gllsan, cor ner; income $125 per month; 2 stores, 2 S-room flats, furnished, also gasoline pump and tank; street Imps, all paid. This is a good investment. Call on or write to BURKHARDT BUSINES3 BUILDERS, Suite 415 Piatt Bldg. Main 7027. CITY INCOME stores and apartments paying better than 12 per cent net; equity $10,000, mtge. $7200, long time. Might take city residence or suburban for part. 142 Shaver st. Woodiawn 1184. For Sale Acreage. FRUIT IN FINE SHAPE. 10 acres. 15 miles west of center of Portland, hi mile from high school and station; 6 acres under cultivation: all can be cultivated; all city conveniences available; 4-room house, other build ings; a fine lot of fruit trees. 10 years old. set out by experienced nurseryman; all In the beat of condition and bearing; 60 apples, 23 prunes. 8 plums. 4 quinces, 50 grapes. 100 gooseberries, 100 logan berries and currants. As fine a iot of fruit trees as we have ever seen. In spected by Malone. 1 acre on 92d street, which is macad amized; in city limits: under cultivation; water and gas there; few small trees; price $S30. $300 cash, balance $10 per month. 6. JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. Over 600 Small Places Near. Portland Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. CHOICE CLOSE-IN FARM. 15 acres tn beautiful Sunnyside dis trict, only 80 minutes' drive from heart of Portland, on main highway: all under cultivation except 1 acre pasture; trout stream on place, family orchard con taining all kinds fruit; lot of berries, comfortable farm house, excellent barn with cemeht foor. fine accommodations for chickens and rabbits; close to school and store; beautiful farm and biggest bargain in district. Formerly held at $7000; price now for quick sale, $6100, terms. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. 18 A .HIGHLY IMPROVED. Half mile from Montavilla. 4 a. straw berries, pears, apples, cherries and grapes, 1 a. blackberries; large modern house. - large barn, chickenhouse, air pressure water system. All A -1 soil. Owner in sawmill business and needs money and will sacrifice. Investigate as we must sell. $8500 will handle. MONTGOMERY ft MEISSNER, 822 Gasco Bldg. 4300 (TEN ACRES) $300 CASH. 10 acres, 8 in high state of cultiva tion, good 3-room bungalow, with fire place, good yard, lots of fruit, loan of Jersey cow for the summer; one block to paved road. Price $2-500. $500 cash, balance in 5 years. Low rate interest. Fisher, with INTERSTATE LAND CO.. Main 5429. 248 Stark st. $200 WILL HANDLE. 16-ecre partially improved farm near church, school, transportation and post office, on good road, price $800, $200 cash, balance payable over 3 years; has small house and barn, some cleared. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg Main 378T. ONE ACRE all In cultivation, close in. facing on hard-surface road, city water and gas on lot; $100 down, balance . $10 per month. Main' 6915. THE LAWRENCE CO., 212 Corbett Bldg. LOGGED-OFF land located on good road, easily accessime to marKet, witn deep rich soil, for only $30 per acre; very easy terms to actual settlers. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 378T. 1C ACRES. 3 miles southeast from MI1- waukie on Carver R. R., part in culti vation, running water. some timber, good road: price $4000: some terma E. C, Box 330. R. D. No. L Milwaukie, owr.er. MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS. 8 acres. No, 1 soil, level, In cultivation; 5 blocks east of 82d St.; 4 blocks north Section Line road, inside city limits. This is priced below its value. Bdwy. 29.16. ROCKWOOD ACREAGE One or more acres on Troutdale elec tric; all cleared; close to station: only $500 per acre; easy terma See Mr Boehm. 209 Oregon Bldg. . Broad way 1658. .. - BEST BUY IN -CLARKE COUNTY. A 10-acre tract near Vancouver. $400 down, balance terms to suit; has 3 room nifty bungalow, etc. BUSHUE. 518 Chamber of Commerce. ONE AND ONE-HALF ACRES. Dandy corner on Powell Valley road, paved, all in cultivation and perfectly level, $1275. $450 cash, balance easy. 403 Stock Exchange bldg. Mar. 8324. COLUMBIA BOULEVARD AND SANDY ROAD. 40 acres, free from all Incumbrance. For information call East 2K3B. TWO ACR KS. Beautiful tract, perfectly level, all cultivated. Powell Valley road, paved, $1200. $400 cash, balance -easy terma 403 Stock Exchange' bldg. Mar. 8324. ACRES, HALF ACRES $10 PAYMENTS. Alberta car; water; no gravel; no as sessments. R. W. Cary, 1219 North - western Bank bldg. THREE acres In Gresham, all cleared, ex ceptionally fine 8-room bungalow, full set of buildings, choice familv orchard. Only $0000. $3800 cash or will divide. Tatior -mo. WRITE for map of western Washington showing location, low price and easy terms offered to settlers. "WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO, laconic, n ami. 1 TO 4 sectlo .s stump land, 5. W. Wash., suitable for colonization or stock; living E. B9u e streams. jcbpq m w 20 ACRES 11 miles east of Astoria to ex change lor gooa MBiii. Bum, parity ira proved. H. A. looa. pox an, i-oriiapq, or. 4 2-3 ACRE'S. Buckley ave.. in clover, city water, 3 miles out, near Sandy blvdi $275": 42.VT down. Main owner. 2 ACRKS, cleared, small house, lots of berries, near car, on Base Line road; must sell. Tabor 8457. ONE LEVEL acre. Woodrow station, city water, 9c fare. 20 minutes by Red Elec tric. AntO. 324-IH. CHOICE close-in acreage. Owner. Terma Quantity to suit. East 745. 15 ACRES, also house-moving outfit. 6131 82d at, & lit Xhouaa Allen, city. WONDERFUL. GARDEN LAND. 15 acres, located ltt miles from Hub bard, with 14 acres in cultivation; on main county road; no rock, gravel, and entirely out of the white land district, good fences, rich dark loam soli. Just the place for gardening, chickens and barrles; a fine large painted barn, 8 room house, some orchard and berries; owner unable to work It and will sac rifice it for $3000. terma JOHN E. HOWARD, 318 Cham, of Com Irrigated Lands. IRRIGATED LAND. Do you wsnt to get started farming in irrigated land 7 The Burbank tract is a proven Invest ment. 160 successful farmers on it now. The alfalfa is 6 to 8 inches high now. They will ba cutting In 30 days. If at all In terested in irrigated land It will pay you to investigate this tract. Land for $120 to $180 with pald y up water rights. Clear property accepted as first payment. . BEE EARLE C. MILLER, WITH THOMPSON, SWAN ft LEI5, Sd and Main Sts. Vancouver. Wash, payments, in sunny California, Address J. 1 . a K 1 U . uononwoou. w. Homesteads. Relinquishments. THROUGH our many years' work In the government servioo we ne -miliar with several huiidred very valu able timber and farm homesteads which we are now looating. Charge reasonable. You will do well to see us at once. Copy of government map corrected to date, showing western Oregon homesteads. $L r r , V n CD Crt 1 SSI Railway Exchange Bldg.'. Portland. A HOM-STEAD location is worth money. Come to my office so I can show you and explain in detail; special induce ments for ex-service men. K. W. Helm, 816 Board of Trade Diag. Fruit Lands for Sale or Rent. THIS APi'LE ORCHARD SHOULD PAY FOR ITSELF IN ONE SEASON. 40 acres), near Mosier; ail good land, plenty of water, on main road, close to school; 10 acres in 11-year-old trees in fine condition. Price is only $4000, on terms. STEWART ft JOHNSON. 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. For Sale Farms. THIS IS THE LAST OPPORTUNITY YOU WILL HAVE TO BUST THIS 41) CLOSE TO BEAVERTON. If this place is not sold owner Is going to lease it on the 15th of the month and will be taken off of the market. About half In high state of cultivation, more easily cleared and in good pasture, some fine wood in one corner. live creek, no bettor soil to be found. There is over $2000 worth of personal property, con sisting of 8 cows, bull, 5 horses, 2 brood sows and 2 fat hogs, about 60 chickens, full set of farm machinery; 6-room house, barn and outbuildings: will sell with nart of the personal property for 4xo0. or all of the personal property Included tor siouu. nan caan. xl juu reallv want a farm it will pay you to investigate this before it Is too late, STEWART & JOHNSON. 815 NorthweMern Bank Bldg. 3730 33-ACRE FARM $3730. 15 acres of finest kind bottom land under cultivation, five more acres of same kind of land to be cleared, balance good for wood and pasture only. Four room house, barn, chicken house, one Jersey cow and heifer, team of horses, 125 chickens, wagon, buggy, hayrack, wood rack, plow, seeder, etc.; good well and pump on back porch of kitchen. Located about 17 miles from Portland and about li4 miles from electric sta tion. Terms $1000 cash," balance easy payments. A snap, look this up. E. A. LINDGREN, Savon Land Co. 035 N. W. Bank Bldg. wat on.AfRR COUNTRY HOME. This 20 acres is all cultivated, level and best of soil, about 15 miles from Portland, all paved road except 2 miles, which is good macadam; 5-room bun galow, barn, chicken house, garage, well house, water system with water piped to btdgs. ; horse, cow, farm implements, furniture, place all plowed, 8 acres In oats and vetch, 5 acres potatoes, other garden tvuck, abundance fruit and ber ries. Everything goes for only $6500. terms. F. R. Jesse. 527 Corbett bldg. 20 ACRES TIGARD. 20 acres, all under cultivation, 14 a. family orchard. The place is all in crop which is included in price. Good small house, large barn, also new cow barn, i Located on fine graveled road only short distance from pavement. Price only $5500, $2500 cash. , F. L. EDDY, Realtor, ' RITTER. LOWE ft CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 80 ACRES IMPROVED $3500. 20 acres in cultivation. 20 acres more almost ready to plow, 2 acres orchard and berries; 4-room house, large barn, shed and other buildings, all fenced; 1000 acres open range; on good 'road, only 6 miles from town and highway; easy distance from Portland; price $3500, terms $300 cash, balance to suit. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. 40-ACRE Washington ranch, 18 miles north of Vancouver, lhl miles from town, high school, Pacific highway and water transportation, 5 acres in culti vation. 4-room house, about 800 cords wood, big timber and running water. Price $3000. Also 160 acres in same locality. See owner, E. W. Horn, at 167 Stout St., apt. 18. Thursday, 12 to 3 P. M or write C. W. Horn, La Center. Wash. 18 ACRES HIGHLY IMPROVED $3800. Located 3 miles from good valley town, 6 acres potatoes and garden, six acres oats, 6 acres hay, 100 prune trees, family orchard, all kinds berrlea all fenced; good buildings; 2 horses, harness. 2 cows,. 2 pigs, 36 chickens, wagon and all necessary implements; price $3800, terms $2000 cash, balance reasonable. . LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 100 acres of mostly levei land on good rock road, bus service to high school; has 40 acres cult, and fenced; good well, spring, barn, chicken house, etc.; 10 acres seeded to oats; 4 cows, chickens, all farm equipment and household goods. A real bargain at $4000: $2000. cash. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Bdwv. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg, DANDY 23 AORES. 3 MILES FROM REEDVILLE. 1 MILE FROM OtRENCO. Has a 10-room plastered house. In good condition; live creek the year through, good barn, modem set of plumbing; on the main road. For quick sale will take $5750 and give some terms. STEWART ft JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. " 34 ACRES. CLACKAMAS STATION. 30 acres fh cultivation, good build ings, on paved road and car line; good berry land; will subdivide well; would cut into three or six tracts. Owner is ' Seattle merchant and very anxious to sell: easv terms. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. 160 ACRES. 100 ACRES IN CULTIVATION. Fair set of buildings and lot of fine orchard; $4500, mortgage at 6 per cent; , all fenced and cross-fenced. What have ydM worth $6000 to trade for equity? ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 405 Panama Bldg.. Third and Alder. FOR SALE 25 acres on Clear Lake, one of the three big lakes in western Lane - county, south of Florence. Or.; short dis tance to Ocean Beach; part cleared, re mainder easily cleared: nearly all small alder stumps; some good onion land; cheap tor casn. v t., is.i.n.i. DROP IN and see photos of this fine stock ranch, 245 acres, Camas prairie, buildings and alfalfa land; mortgage $3000- trade equity for bungalow or vacant. Walter ft Tierney. 313 Stock .-.-i htiirr Vnln 7.-.40 r.xfiiiic . vnn SAT. PI BY DffXER. 80-acro dairy farm, stocked and equipped; 22 miles from Portland; in fine condition; no better land. Priced at $16 000 for short time only: no agents. Call or aaaress -ion c. .u at. WELL IMPROVED farm of 168 acres. 150 level, no rock or gravel; good buildings; close to school, store and carline: 17 miles from Portland:- C miles east of Oregon City. $150 per acre, terma John ueiningor, nwic -. ....m FARMERS' opportunity. Best alfalfa, hog. sheep, cattle, ready made alfalfa farms in U S $150 an acre, terms. Write Wooster Co.. 320 Phelan bldg.. San Francisco 93 ACRES, 6 miles south of Lebanon, 65 in cultivation, well fenced: a good buy, or will trade. Owner, Tabor 6308. 1"80 ACRES land. 21.500.000 ft. timber, 30 miles Portland;. $20,000. Will exch. for prop, and assume $10,000. FRED LAWSON ft CO., 416 Cham, of Com. 40 ACRES Irrigated farm. 1 mile from Wendell.1 southern Jdaho: water right paid up; 30 acres in crop; $5000, ten years to- pay it. . B. M.- Price, 142 SDavpr. wooqiaii iio-,. 160 ACRES Multnomah county, free from incumberance. 40 cultivated, 4-room house, large barn, outbuildings, 25 miles from Portland. Woodiawn 1239. Owner, 1330 Clevelanq avenue. FOR SALE California stock ranch, $10 per acre; 863 acrea Improvements, timber, plenty water. Close to R. R. For information write, H. W. Gooss, 226 nyu- .el. . .... LOGGED-OFF lauas, $10 acre up; running water, good soil, hi tillable: school, easy . , O Cha-no B1U Th I rA - teriiiw. a- 1 ....... 640 ACRES on Long I om. near Lugeffe; fine soil; timber will pay same; $15,000, terms. 823 Chamber of Commerce $ 10. 25 ACRES level, timbered land, near Beaverton. good rd. J. R. Sharp. 83 3d. S-A. ORCHARD for sale or trade. Mala 6474. WELL IMPROVED AND EQUIPPED. 62 acres. 22 miles from Portland, on fine rocked road; Hi miles to electrlo station, southeast Portland; woven wire fencing, creek; ail under cultivation and will all be In crop; bearing family or chard; 14 mile to echool: good 5-room plastered house with bath; garage, chicken house, barn, machine Bhed, smokehouse. Included with place: 3 horses. 4 cows. 3 hogs. 125 chickens. 6 geese and very large and complete line of machinery. Price for everything $10,000 or $8300 without the equipment. The crops would be extra; easy terms; or might consider Portland property and some cash. The ranch Is clear; build ings all painted and in A-l shape, VERY CLOSE-IN FARM. 40 acres, 8 miles from Portland court. Jouse. west; i mile to school: good fences: 34 acres under cultivation; 3 acres standing fir timber; no waste land; creek, family orchard, lots of berries; 6-room house, new large barn, chicken house, brick and cement fruit bouse. In cluded with place: 2 horses, harness. 5 head cattle, brood sow. 60 chickens, wagon, binder and trucks for moving, mower, rake, plow, harrow, cultivators, tools and all crops; hay fork in barn; only So minutes out from Portland. In spected by Nelson. Price for everything $10,000. $4000 cash, balance 6. Ranch is clear. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. Over 600 Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC., 614-20 SWETLAND BLDG., PORTLAND, OREGON. MAR. 3989. MAR 1265. 8 ACRES. 8 -acre farm, all In cultivation, good bldgs., located in Ridgefield, Wash. Price $6500. Terms can be arranged. SO ACRES. 60-acre farm, partly Improved, located in Clarke county on Bat tleground paved road. Price $4000. Most anything down and 6 interest; would consider city property. PACTFTO AGENCY, 514-20 SWETLAND BLDG., PORTLAND, OREGON. FISHERMEN'S AND HUNTERS' PARA DISE will he found on the premises of Mr. Jackson's ranch, located 21 miles south of Seeuslde, Oregon. There are 120 acres, of which 12 acres is under cultivation, about 68 more acres tillable land after cleared: good 6-room double constructed house, barn, fruit and meat house, milk house, garage, about 18 cords of split wood. 8000 hand-made shingles, wood shed, three Jersey and one Holstein cows, one horse, some chickens, about 30 bearing! fruu trees of various kinds, all kinds of implements and tools. Ne halem river runs by the house, has a 50-foot waterfall, from which water is piped to the house. An unexcelled place for fishing and hunting. The price is only $3500 and requires but $1500 to handle the deal. If you want some thing that's worth more than the price asked, you better look this up. E. A. LINDGREN, Pa von Land Co. 9:15 W. Bank Bldg. AN OPPORTUNITY FOR SOMEONE WTTH A SMALL AMOUNT OF CAPI TAL TO BUY A GOOD FARM CLOSE IN TO PORTLAND. 67 acrea between Portland and Hills boro: 50 acres In cultivation, all good land, close to the street car line and good road: new house. 4 rooms below and floored attic above: large old barn, good granary. There is a federal farm loan on this place of $4000. owner will take $1000 down and a second mortgage for his equity: total price is $6500. Don't overlook this buy and say you never had a chance. STEWART & JOHNSON. 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 20 ACRES. COLUMBIA HIGHWAY. This 20 a. Is located on bank over looking the Columbia river, having beau tiful view of river and surrounding sec tion. It is hard to describe this as lo cation, soil and possibilities are excel lent; 16 a. are under cultivation, fairly good house, fine barn, family orchard. The soil is bench land sandy lotm, fine for garden. The place will soon pay for Itself if properly handled. Price only $11,000. good terms. F. L. EDDY, Realtor, RITTER. LOWE ft CO.. 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. A COUNTRY HOME WITH CITY CONVENIENCES. PRICE $7000. 80-acre farm, 12 miles from Portland; on Tualatin river; paved highway to gate. Rich soil. 8 acres orchard; 4-room plastered house. . A snap for some one. SPEED REALTY CO.. 307 Panama bldg. Main 7264. 20 ACRES CLOSE IN. 20 acres, located on Cornelius Pass road. Just off paved highway on fine macadamized road; 8 a. of this is in bearing apples, fine soil: 12 a. under cultivation, balance pasture and timber; ft-rnnm house. Karaite, also set of old bids.; only 14 miles to Portland. This is one of the best located small places near city. Price only soooo. souau casn. F. L. EDDY. Realtor, RITTER. LOWE ft CO..., 201 -3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. CHICKEN, FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES near Portland, loo to iouu per acre, mj terms, best soil; farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland, 208 Falling bldg. WANTED REAL F.STATB. ' WANTED APARTMENT HOUSE. Will give in exchange 70 acres highly , l -lan at UnnH Rivarr improve ,nuu . . 30 acres 10-year-old commercial apples OL UIUII loiiwvB. v . .... 3 acres in strawberries, balance good land; fine large modern buildings. In cluding fruit house. This Is one of the best places at Hood River and priced fto (vm ,icr nf nil incum brance; will exchange for apartment . . .... n a. k.i nouse anu uauuio uv w v,vw. See agent at 402 S TOOK rJ.-Uri. PL.1-H. WANTED PORTLAND HOUSE. 12 acres. 4 miles from Hood River, fine bearing orchard of choice variety apples; modern buildings, beautiful sur roundings; price $9500; mortgage $4000: very easy payments; wants bouse for i... mul. ;- einie- l a monev maker; a fine home and well worth your time to investigate, dm e.it 402 Si-nJil CAn. puw WANT April 15 or May 15, 5-room mod- . i h....U all one floor ern punsaiuw Jn,m", : not over 20 min. out; must have good basement, large yard, surrounded by nice homes. Will make no down pay ment but will pay $50 mo.. Including ' interest. State price, location, descrip- tion. wnen vacant, wr. u.... v. ....... WANT modern 6-room house or bungalow, good district, close In; prefer Hawthorne; , . .i ' -aol Karelin essential: qUICK aVLiuii au ' o , can nay all cash If necessary: price $4000 , c , t.- -nil) io t.iiTTi,her- or unuer. owi a. mens bldg WT 4 WTPn WEST SIDE APARTMENT BLDG. Client will pay $20,000 to $25,000 cash and assume. Main 3638. C. E. BOWDEN CO., m Chamber of Commerce Bldg. " ' "HAVE MANY BUYERS for west side houses, handling west side property is my specialty. , JOHN SINGER. 420 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Well-established realty firm wants a bunch of lots I to sell on easy terms; prefer subdivision already platted. V 304. Oregon inn. WANTED. House In Irvlngton of 6 rooms or more bungalow or 2-story; would con sider Rose City or Laurelhurst; $1000 cash down payment. j om, -.in-Konia". WANT attractive bungalow; good district: have snappy, new, light 6-cyl. car for yoW equity. A. K- Hill. 426 Lumber mens bldg iOR PERSONAL ATTENTION and quick results list your home with BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS. Suite 415 Piatt Bldg. Main 7027. HAVE 2 clients for Rose City property up to $6000. Call Bdwy. 387 If you desire to sell at once. 326 Artisan bldg. Bdwy. 387. FIVE-ROOM bungalow, first payment 1919 Studebaker light six. BC 663, Orego nlan. HAVE Vz acre in Cadwell Addition and $-oo cash as first payment on modem o or 6-room bungalow. AN 560. Oregonlan. THE RALPH HARRIS CO. can sell your home, suburban or city. 816 Chamber of Commerce, iwam u.,- i wAVT a cheap house needing repairs. $lOO dOWn, DilUUlbD ..,..-. www, ww- few. ....... LOT WANTED from owner, best cash buy gonian. In rtose twiiy, w. A,..wUa Bast wwfl 7-PASS. BUICK 6. -in perfect condition. exchange lor city proiiijr. -.-, Oregonlan I WANT a house close to car, $ bedrooms around i3Uou, nan casn, v,icyeuriu Broadway nan WANTED House from $2300 to $3500. 5 or , . . a . , r. L: I r-l-evnnlaH rooms. Clone o rv'J w, v ,.,v...-u. TF YOU want to sell your home or busi ness, call Broadway 3S5S or Mar. 3669. LOOK!! $600 TAKES THIS. REALTY BROKERS. ATTENTION! I am requested to offer for sale the furniture, equipment and listings of the real estate offices of the late M. J. Clohessv. which have heen established some 25 yeara The office equipment is modern and complete. This oflice spe cializes in suburban property and there are also many listings of city property. This is an unusual opportunity. ACT QUICKLY. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE. Abington bldg. Main 1068. Third St.. Bet. Washlng'on and Stark. LIST your lot with us for quick sale. Lots wanted particularly In Laurelhurst, Irvlngton, Rose City Park. Alameda and similar districts, although we are in terested in real bargains in any part of the city. We are arranging to build for a number of clients. Possibly your lot will just suit. Call or write; don't phone. Wickman Building Company. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 264 Stark St. Main 1094 and 683. Farms Wanted. SMALL FARMS WANTED. We are having calls every day for small farms that are stocked and equipped and that can be handled with around $1000 to $2000 cash. If yours is for sale, let us sell it for you. F. L. EDDY. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE ft CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Wanted to Rent Farms. WANTED TO RENT. SMALL PLACES. Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small farms. Close to Port land preferred. Some people will buy the place after leasing for year or more. We make lots of sales this way. Will buy equipment if priced right. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacifio Coast. TIMBER LANDS. KINNEY ft HYDE REALTY CO. FOR SALE. Sawmill, 20.000 capacity, new setting in $20 acres, large second growth fir, close to branch of S. P. R. R. in Oregon, is fully equipped and, now running and can be bought for one-half its value. Easy terms; or will sell one-half interest and will take house and iot or a car and some cash. Stumpage $1.60 per M. ANOTHER 40.000 CAPACITY. Mill near Fall creek. Or., 3 miles ' from R. R. station; fully equipped with 470 acres fir, second growth, runs from 12 to 30 Inches; old growth from 30 to 44 Inches, land lies well and can be logged with a team. This tract will cruise 12,000,000 feet. Will sell land out right or stumpage with two teams and harness, milch cows, as part is in cultivation, goes a complete line of farming Implements. Good house and barns, bunk - house, household fixtures complete. All you need Is to put your men to work. One can farm and run sawmill at same time. We have the exclusive sale of these two mills. Write us for full particu lars. KINNEY ft HYDE REALTY CO. 693 Willamette Street, Eugene, Oregon. 12.000-FT. MILL FOR SALE. with 3,000,000 ft. timber, donkey and full equipment, only $10,000; easy terms. Plenty more timber adjoining. See Tim- ber-Land Bureau.-v BOARD OF TRADE BLDG.. Portland. FOR SALE, cheap. 3.000,000 feet timber near McMinnville. Oregon. Call 330 Morgan Bldg WANTED To lease, with option to buy. small sawmill, with planer; fir or pine timber. Address P. O. box zuva, at a. a. FOR KENT FARMS. FARM FOR RENT, PERSONAL PROP ERTY FOR SALE THJS IS A BEAU TIFUL PLACE ONLY 22 MILES FROM PORTLAND, ON PAVED HIGHWAY. 53 acres, 40 in high state of cultiva tion; dandy 6-room plastered house and 2-room house, extra fine big barn, new silo, lots of ensilage; between 30 and 40 tons of good hay; crops most all in. With this go 12 extra big cows, 4 heif ers, 1 bull, extra fine team of horses, wagon, plows, 2-horse cultivators, new mower, rake, hay tedder, potato digger, roller disc, harrow and spring-tooth har row, platform scales, forks, wheelbar rows and shovels: 8 10-gal. cans. 2 5-gal. cans. Will lease for 3 years at $300 a year. Price for everything, including first year's rent, is only $3000. Better hurry. STEWART 4 JOHNSON, 31.r Northwestern Bank BUIg 114 ACKES, 33 miles from Portland, near Capital highway, 45 acres cultivated, running water, good pasture and abun dant outrange; 35 acres in crop, two acres strawberries, 75 bearing fruit trees, all necessary buildings, near school and all rural conveniences. Per sonal property includes 13 head cattle, 2800-lb. team, poultry and all neces sary Implements. Price $1260. rent $300 per year, two-year lease; convenient terms can be arranged. See Mr. Hunter, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger Bldg. CLOSE-IN DAIRY FARM. 106 acres. 60 acres cultivated, mostly in crop, wheat, oats, clover and pota toes. On pavement, about four miles from city limits by level road. Good buildings. 13 cows, some young stock, three horses, binder, mower, hayrake, root cutter, wagon, plows, harrow, gas engine and numerous articles. Rent $700 per year, 4-yea.r lease. Personal property $2350. See Mr. Hunter, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger Bldg. FOR RENT OR SALE. 80 acres near Woodland, Wash. Small orchard; some cleared. East 923. 40 ACRES stocked, implements, seed and rent for one year. $1000, $600 cash, bal ance easy. ee John Brown ss to., real tors. 322 Railway Exchg. 60 ACRES near Oregon City, also 15 near Vancouver; special terms for desirable tenant, nome weaneeuay. a ujiu .-. Tabor 705.), TRUCK farm for rent or sale cheap; small cash payment; easy terms. E. Pratt. Madras, Or. TO FXCHANOF REAL ESTATE, FOR SALE or exchange for apartment house or good-paying income property in Portland, 4500 acres timber lands on rhl-h there la 250.000.000 feet fir tim ber price $1.30 per thousand; timber Is located handy to railroad: can be reached for Inspection Dy auiomooirc: located in Lane county. Oregon. J. O. Storey. Oregon note), t-omann. ur. Awiiwo ii u w....n, - ..... from Vancouver on paved highway: price $4000; mortgage $1200. Will trade for nouse ana ioi or guuu aim , ...... COSh' BRACE ft FELLMAN. Main TO.IA 314 Couch Bldg STORE bldg. and stock of goods; ware house. P. O., express and ticket agent; steady income, besides good mdse. busi ness. 2V4 acres of ground in good coun try point, $6500. Exchange for stock ranch in western Oregon or Washington. Cleveland, 308 Bd. of Trade., Bdw. 1130. F RM FOR ROOMING HOUSE. . 80 acres fine soli, near Vancouver, Wash.; mostly under cultivation; good buildings: will exchange equity to $2300 for Portland home or rooming house. E. V. NICHOLSON. 527 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. T-room house on Taylor st.. 12 min utes from west side. Price $3500. mtg. $1500 7 per cent. Want acreage on good 'road for my $2000 equity. B18 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. TEN ACRES, all In cultivation, a fine barn and house, would make ideal chick en ranch; $6500, or would consider a good bungalow. Auto. 223-71. WILL trade lot In Irvlngton for acreage near Portland on paved highway, or Cor lots on Division street east of 50th. AUtO. 3IMI, 22 ACRES on highway, 20 miles from Port land. water. timber. fenced. partly cleared; trade for suburban home, or sell. Woodiawn 5919. INCOME PROPERTY. Close in east side, monthly Income $90 want to trade for residence. BF 565, GROCERY for cottage. If you have a bungalow anu ness. see us at once. rxBB BKUS.. n- t-.namoer 01 iom. $3500 EQUITY in 2!5-a. stock farm, Camas Prairie; exchange for house equity. WALTER ft TIERNEY, $13 Stock Exchange bldg. WANTED House or 7-passenger car for mi irrm in Alberts, ready to plow ex cept about 15 acres; close to good town and R. R. 245 Wash. St., room 1. vvrii anoE rooming house or small buai ness for 15 acres berry land. 4-minute walk from Gervals. F. Orr, Ockley hotel. Portland. TC EXCHANGE Nice nome in southern California for something in Portland. J. B. DE BORD. 13B0 E. 7th St. N. TO EXCHANGE A good automobile for a good building lot on east side. East 1201 EXCHANGE automobile, good condition, want iot or house equity; give full par- tlCUlars. V POO. I" CKunmii. "WIS OAKLAND as part payment on lot ill mm w... - ACRE tract near Oakland, CU Johnson, in gOOO man ii... w... - FARM FOR PORTLAND RESIDENCE. DIVERSIFIED FARM, especially suited for dairy, fruit and poultry; 92 acres of good red loam, some sandy loam, located 7 miles from Eugene, on good road; land Is ail rolling and has due drainage; there are 80 acres in cultivation and 12 acres In pasture, with just enough oak timber for your own fire wood; one field of 62 acres, which, is In vetch and oats, would be especially t,ulted for a prune or chard; 6hi acres In prunes, with 193 trees in full bearing; 1 acre of strawberries ( hi acre of young plants and hi acre in full bear ing!, 4 rows 6 rods long of con cord and raisin grapes, 12 young Lambert cherry trees, 1 acre or young loganberries, 12 acres In wheat; 1 mile to grade school: a 4-room house (just fair), good barn 40x50, granary, machine shop, wood, smoke, bog and hen houses; with the place go 2 cows, 2 horses and harness. 40 hens and farm ma chinery; price $14,000; will take a residence in Portland which Is free and clear up to $7000. and the bal. of $7000 can run for 8 years at 6 per cent. . , This Is a real farm and will prove worthy of investigation; we will be glad to co-operate with any member of the Portland Real ty board on this exchange. KINNEY ft HYDE REALTY CO., 893 Willamette St., Eugene. Or. Home of the University of Oregon. SUNNY CALIFORNIA, DO YOU WANT TO GO THERE T" AND Jf yon do and will give me an Idea of what yon want and where you want it I can get direct action or you. INFORMATION regarding trades can be had by calling at our office on Fifth and Washington sts. BOB ROLES. With the PACIFIC AGENCY. INC, 514-20 Swetland Bldg. Two Phones: Mar. 39S9, or Mar shall 1265. 5 ACRES, with 5-room house and good barn; land alt cleared, suitable for vege tables, berries or fruit; only 1 block from Cranberry station on Long Beach. Wash., facing improved county road, which I will sell or exchange for Income prop erty In the city or acreage In the sub urbs. For particulars see OWNER, 404 Piatt Bldg. 127 Park St. 61 ACRES, 40 cropped; sale or trade busi ness property, highway or city; will as sume. 227 Washington, Room 822. TO KaTWANGF MlsrFI.r.ANFfr. 5-PASSENGER Bulck 4 for Ford delivery. East 7279 after 6 P. M. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles. Livestock. AUCTION SAt.K AT UNION STOCKYARDS SATURDAY. APRIL 16. 11 A M. 42 HEAD OF HORSES on Inspection at the yards now; well broken, heavy draft, all-purpose and farm teams; no better horses were ever offered at sale In the state; right oft the farm and bred in the Percherons and Clydes; circumstances compel me to sell; attend the sale and you will not be disappointed. C W. Martin. Col. W. S. Wood and Col. J. W. Hughes, auc tioneers AM SELLING out; 4 teams of good young work horses, weight from 1400 to 1800 pounds; 2 single horses, 4 good milch cows, 3 calves, 5 sets of good heavy work harness. 4 wagons, 1 buggy, cart, 3 plows, 8 2-section harrow, grain drill, a mower, rake and binder, 1920 1-ton truck, eood as new: 1917 lleht 6 touring. etc Come and make me an offer. For one or all. I want, to sell. Call at 896 Powell Valley road. Woodstock car. U. S. STABLES. Horses, harness and wagons of all kinds, horses weighing 1300 to 1800 pounds, 5 to 7 years old; some well matched teams; everything sold with a guarantee.) 365 Union ave. S.. corner Stephens st. G. P. Williamson and Glasa I'VE BEEN out to the stockyards and se lected my team. Have you? They're the best horses I've ever seen shipped in here, and will be sold at auction on April 16. NOW, GENTLEMEN, It you need horses at all. don't miss that auction sale of nice dapple grays, browns and blacks, real heavy chunks, at the stockyards, April 16. DR. CHARLES M. ANDERSON. VETERINARIAN. Day and night service. Phone Wdln. 2400 or Wdln. 6324. TEAM for sale; weight about 30oo pounds; 2 blacks, guaranteed anywhere; 0 or 10 vears. Write Fred Joal, Oregon City, Or.. Route No. 3. FOR SALE Fancy Toulouse geese, good milk goat, fresh, and 3 kids, nannies; also thoroughbred Togg buck, 1 year old. Phone Main 314. KEYSTONE FEED STABLE Horses for sale or hire, stalls for rent. 881 Water st. foot Montgomery. Marshall 8315. GOVERNMENT harnesa converted lor farm use. at a sacrifice price J. U. Bader. 243 Front st.. cor. Mnln. MULES AND HOUSES with harness for rent by carload. ' Williamson Ranch. Lalhrop. -ai. FOR SALE Six horses: reasonable prices. Holman Fuel Co. barn. E. 6th and lvon sts. GOOD fresh ((-gallon Jcrsey-IInlstein family or dairy cow for sale. 1520 E. Taylor st. WAST gooa lamuy uuw. iie.-u, not over six years old; Jersey, Guernsey or Hol- Btein. AO H-4. ureKonian, YOUR choice ol 2 Belgian mares, 6 years old, weight t4'0. Tabor 6272. Can be ipen worKi ii w K-nR SALE 3 good teams on a tie con- tract, earnm ' .w , nieauy ,t. Inquire AV 437, Oreconlsn. ir,-)B SALE Several teams and wagon , by Alblna Fuel Co.. 453 Goldsmith st. Phone Bdwy awn nEAD horses and cattle lasen quickly. Phone Milwaukie 69J for be.t service. ' VETERINARIAN. Dru HOWES. TABOR 856. CALVES and beef cattle wanted. Phone Marsnaii -w. i-noD ranch mare, harness and wagon. Itu W. TtU mt cheap. f.EAD horses anu cattle taken prumplly. Call dav or night. Auto. 627-64. Pianos, Organs and Musical Inntriimcnu.. SCH1KA1EK PIANO, $150 This piano win make a fine practice Instrument; terms given SEIBERL1NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St., between Washington and Aider srs. .....-w-r, ,Dl DITPlIltl-r. rnu.uwi,i ,i -. - .... Any make, guaranteed work. SEIBEJ-.LING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. iiain n.io.i. , -v-i, I'lutn mnhnCHnl case at a snap: see this wonderful cane, i. r...,- u hWRMP 1 .1 N.'ll. piano; iprmn kitc... LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th st,. between Washington ann jihh-i i "PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING. uuaranieeu " " ' " J - ' . . PEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St., bet Wash, and Aldur. iv;n)n o.io.,. NEW PIANOS RENTED. On the apply-to-purchase plan. Our nrooo'lt.jn will please you. PSK?BERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4tB i-it.. net, r. ..... j.iw.. WIMBALL PLAYER PIANO at a big re- fclftlDJW.w ...... riL-ul 1 Vf'.-I lieiU M11KI1' CO "lis ith st'. between Washington nl Airier em "PLAYER PIANO. BRAND NEW, $400. Fine action, sweet tone, easy to play. See it Terms. Best snap in Portland. Brokerage JQ- 1 KIMBALL PIANO Almost new late style case. 3;ju; lermo ...... LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St.. between Washington ami vrwE ft SON, $175 Terms given on this 1M Vh .t-7 between Washington and Alder sts. FOR SALK-Mahogany wagner piano (up. right), i "" " $00. Mar, WANTED Sweet-tone piano, consider " A" 1 . iih.,iu luini), Mur grand; pay casn or w r7)r.' VOSE ft SONS' piano for sale; superb tone .Zi r 218 Ahlngton bldg. lis CASH and $10 monthly (as before the '"..i S... 1525 new piano for $395 at c"..n Piano Co.. 101 l"'h sL at Stark. win RENT Grafonoia. $3 month. Em--R-r?r.n.fer. 254 Bdwy Bdwy. 154 l WILL PAl" cash for a good used piano ol ff'we, if nrlre Is right. Auto. 511-20. piano WANTED, bay cash for bargain - ,m private parties. Mar. 1332. W'ANTbO .Nice u.iru pi.ii", it riKui; private party, mam FOR SALE $133oak grafanola, bargain. East flftin- PIANO wau. Led. pay Main -386. Pianoe. Organs and Musical liijormcnts, SOU WAN PIANO CO. DOWNSTAIRS STORE.. Factory Rebuilt and Used Planoa $ 900 Stelnway ft Sons, pot man. . . . $ 650 L. V. Chase, oak J-1' $ 573 Krell, mahogany . 625 Vose, dark mahogany -' 850 Conover. fancy oak ) $ 475 C A. Smith, ebony J-? 1 KTX Aefnn ..n.rf n, k -") 6KI Kranl'ch ft Bach, golden oak.:HJ $15 to $25 Cash. $6. $10 to I2 Mommy. PARLOR ORGANS st a Fraction of Their Original Cost. 138 $2S $135 Western Cottage, mirror $100 Great Western, high top $150 Clough A Warren, mirror $156 Scboenlgcr. chapel $10 Cash, $3 Monthly. 101-103 Tenth at Wastt. and Stark. $16 $38 TWO PIANO BARGAINS. A Knabe upright and J. C. Fisher upright, both In excellent condition although second hand, specially priced aud special terma KNABE WAREROOMS, LiPMAN, WOLFE ft CO. Seveuth Floor. TWO GRAND BARGAINS. A very attractive Ctilckerlng parlor grand in beautiful ma hogany and a lovely Aldnch apartment grand at very special prices and convenient payments. KNABE WAREROOMS, LIPMAN, WOLFE ft CO. Seventh. Floor, MORE FOR YOUU MONEY. Former $120 Columbia (new) $ TS Former 1350 Pease up. piano (used) 100 Former $150 Columbia (new) 11$ Former $200 Brunswick tllko new).. 131 Former $4M Klndler ft Collins (pin.) Sbi Former 450 Farrand player, little used, bench and 12 rolls indudod. 89 Former $800 Packard, perfect 484 HAROLD a GILBERT. 884 Yamhill SU TRADE YOUR PIANO. $135 nev. Vlctrola and Victor records for good used piano. Our proposition will please you. SEIBEKLING-LCCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th SU. bet V ih. and Alder. Main S.V6. FINE pianos, $125 to $325. terma Kim ball. Shonlnger. Cable ft Nelson, Steek. Wellington. Jacob Doll, Kingsbury, Mc Camon. Hardmnn muke and othr-rs, a safe place to buy a good piano cheap. Hundreds of pleased customers. Bi-ok-erage Co., 311 Worcester bldg. ORGANS ORGANS. $10 and up; Estey. Mason, A. B. Chase, Kimball and others; all In good condi tion. SE1 BER LING-LLC AH MUSIC CO 125 4th st., between Wadhltiglon and Alder sts. NOHR1S PIANO -New., out slightly shop worn; fine walnut case; at almost half price; don t fall wo seo this instrumr-ut; terms given. SEIBEKl.lNG-LUl-'AS 'MUSIC CO., 125 4th St. between Wash ington and Alder sts. i.iin.Kr.KIM. & SuN PIANO. $375 This is a real bargain in a high-grade In strument; best of condition; terms given. SE1BERL1NG-1.UCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th st., between Washington and AMer sts. SECURITY STORAGE CO. Clwaing out now; upright pianos, $73, $195, $215, $295 rash. Also ons $751) Player. $305; $950 Player, $495. Pianos stored 75a monthly. Cor, loth and Stark sts. CLARENDON PIANO Mahogany case, new. used ss demonstrator, at a big reduction; terms given. HE1BEKLING LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St., between Washington and Al'ler st. A MAT I violin for Mil' till 324 riiruiture tor bale. PRACTICALLY new furnuuro for sale, owner leaving city, walnut dining set. Ivory bedroom set. mahogany beilruom set, Vlctrola and 100 records, mahogany library table, mahogany writing desk bookcase, rugs, pictures, gas range, heal er and many small articles. Plioue Wdln. 5502 or call at 41 Lombard st. FURNITURE of 5-roum bungalow includ ing player piano; White drop-head sew ing machine; leather morris chair; mor ris rocker; rugs; new lawn mower and hose. Call forenoons all this week. 538 Maiden avenue. i'lione Sellwood 1119. t KEED SPECIALTY SHOP. Manufacturers of high-grade reed fur niture. Factory and display room. 319 Williams ave. Repairing and refllllaU Ing. East 3508. DON'T sacrifice your furnlturo if going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olbua Transfer ft Morage t o., 2lo i-ine st. FOR SALE South lielirl range, a good baker and good condition; must bo sold between 9 and 10 A. M. ; It will be sold cheap. Ask Mrs. E. T. Younger, Security Storage ft Tran., 33 411) st. AM SACRIFICING some beautiful niahog unv -e..H a ml Ivorv f urn! I lire, including Vlctrola and piano. 818 Patton ave.. cur Falling ih. .... . . i I u,i.l ...... I iuiil'.i w II h hot water colls. $14 5u; ah-o a lloonler kitchen cabinet, $24.50. m)4 Haight ave. ;t nioi-Ks wem in tviniMiui, SOLID oak dining set, dav enoiDl, lilnuiy talile, 2 rugs, 3 roekers. same as new, Hal-nail) If taken at onee. No dealers, It.) LHP M.. nrwi v'f" FROM owner, new classy -iece mahog any dining set and new 7-plece ivory ... o.in toirt FOR SALE or trade lor lignt auto, Ford preferred, modern furnUitre of 5 ooins eomplele; value nn"ui SECOND-HAND furniture for sale ulieup. 371 IPth St. IS., rurnunii. vt. SlX-lltiLE steel range stove. $12 If taken at once. 47 K. n')) si. FOK SALfc. Sectional bookcase. 5372. Office Furniture. DICTAPHONES 1 set complete, recorunig machine and reproducing machine; uew; latest model; prlie $223 fur notn. Corona typewriter with case, near.y new; price $35. Kuud No. 4 automatic water healer, ncrfect condition: price $125. Ca'l Kast -'"!)'. USED equipment, condition perfect;, 7 bank Burroughs. $145; 5-bnk llmlh with stand). $100; L. C. Smith type writer (latel. $32.50. Desks, flics, clialn. safes, sale rahinets, new ami used. Office Equipment House, 24 N. alh st, Tlilwy. 2730. MAHOGANY office table, UHnOO Indus, practically new. Inquire 802 Title irusl bldg. Tj pewTHers. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES, THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES. IRONCLAD GUARANTEE. CALL OR WRITE FOB NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO. 821 WASHINGTON ST. M AIN itiM. 'DOANE GUARANTEED TYPE WHITER SERVICE. All makes overhauled. Expert. RE PAIR. ESTIMATES ON HKyl KSl'. Hu. sell, rent and exchange. Supplies. Auto matic 520-50. Main 63117. 121 4th St.. bet. U'.h and Alder. Over 1 'Irele t lieater. REBUILT typewriters, aii makes, rentals, repairing, supplies Distributors CORONA portable: SUNDSTKAWD, adding ma blnnes. Main 22SJ. E. W. Pease Co.. 110 Sixth street, , UDERWO D standard typewriter, snap; hHS two-color ribbon. AG 5w2, Orcgu- nlan. , REPAIRS, rent. buy. sell; suppll.-s. Type writer Inspection Co.. 312 Stark street. Main boi.i. MAKE me a tlrally new. offer erfi-Ct ui) tvpewriter, pnn--conditio)). Tabor 17)1 A l 1. MAKES rented and repaired. Oregon Typewrite- Co., 94 5th street. .M..lr. '.WIS, NEW rebuilt, second-hand, rentals, at rut r ttes. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark St. Main 1U7. Poultry. LOOK LOOK LlJOK. B000 8. C English baby chicks. Mar end I June delivery, at $15 per loo; swt ting eggs $7 Book orders now. Our JUS. SAUNPFR.'. R. 2. PORTLAND. Oil R. I. RED 1UHV CHICKS. The oldest strain In Oregon, made a creditable showing In a number of egg laying contest. I'lione Tabor 6134. b2d St. and Kendall st-ttlon. S Tj 3. MINOItCO eggs, $3.50 aud -. 'per 15; Pane's Mct'onnell strain, one pen, the other Speight's; very large; also rooster for sale; also cockerelis, Mis. f" A. NeU'aiier. Gresham. Oregon. ,.it,i.-D x lima ehielta from heavy oro. ducers of reliable strain; $12 M :.er ti. any number: strong chicks, sale delivery; 20 witn order, bal C O. D. Grauain White Leghorn Farm. H i, Woodhurn. Q -. BABY CHICKS Six varieties, nest slock, prices reasonable; correspondence in vite iLC. N !Needh a mS a 1 ,Ot bXbY CHICKS, thoroughbred R. I. Reds, Mead strain. 20c. Columbia I4S. THOROUGH HltED O. A. C. Bal led Ho. hatching eggs. si.. in lor ) a our n.n BLACK Minon setting. Auto hatching eggs. $1.50 a 621-57. HENS with fine strong W'ilito Leghorn h.ihy elileks. Tsnor .VHP. FOR SALE l-iaiitam. part plieananl, $2 pair. Sellwood Ml". WHITE WYANDOTTE liuli-lilug eggs and laying hens. Wdlu, 62dL Hoi . 26ih N, $ Will Thompson player, pol. man. $ 430 H.ilct ft Davis, rosewood ';' $ 950 Thompson player, oak '? 8 259 Collard ft Collard, walnut.... $ 275 H. Bord, rosewood $1050 Singer player, dull walnut ... .'- T A J