TIIE MORNING OREGONrAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 1921 11. FEDERAL PLUMS DUE JO FALL IN MONTH McIYary and Stanfield Busy With Recommendations. JOB IS QUITE BIG ONE (There Is Really No Ilnrrj, How" ever, About Making Selections, Except in Candidates' Hinds. Within a month. Senators McNary knd Stanfield are expected to have the federal appointments ready for rec cmmendatioa. Of course, there may be a hitch or two, and the delay may te a little longer.. There Is really no hurry about making the selections knd the only ones who are eager for a display of speed are the chaps who are working- for the jobs. Senator Stanfield said, when in Portland, that the matter of natron age would not be formally discussed until atter congress started. Con Kress has started so the next thing Is for Senator McNary and Senator Stanfield to compile a list of all of the applicants and then assort the accompanying testimonials and rec ommendations. Candidate Baa 800 Letters. One canditdate for United States knarshall Is said to have 600 letters in bis behalf. This sounds pretty skoo kum, but another candidate for the same appointment has caused TOO let ters to be written. One thing the campaign for federal jobs has done is to increase the sale of postage stamps and strengthen the market in sta tionery. Having assorted the applicants for ach position, the senators will see a series of mountains on the desk, if they can find a tabletop large and spacious enough to carry some 200 heaps of letters and applications. Then will start the game of picking the winners. So far aa known, the two senators are not of one mind for any individual for any job. In other words, while most applicants think they have the support of both sen ators, most of them have the support of neither and only a very limited tew have the backing of either. Seaaloa la to Be Held. Because things are as they are. the senators will engage in a session which would make the average mem ber of the diplomatic corps look like rank amateur. First each senator will have to feel out bis colleague on each of the several score of candi dates. It will not take long for the senators to agree that about two thirds of the applicants can be tossed into the discard, and when this has been accomplished, and the field nar rowed down to the possibilities, the senators will endeavor to get in their fine work. It 'has been said that .the three bouse members will be invited to sit la. but the representatives in congress are not particularly anxious to m so. This patronage, outside of the small stuff in the postoffice line, goes to the senators and the representatives mar consider that it is a thankless task to vote for or against applicants in whom they are not personally in- t.rMltd. If It comes to a snow down, however, and the senators annt find someone on whom to com nmmise. then the representatives may step In. but otherwise the house mem bers are not expected to vote. At least, this Is the way the situation Is figured out In local political circles. and Cranston Hoeg will sing and play bis own accompaniment. Miss Helen Herner will read. Re freshments will be served. To make reservations phone Woodlawn 2680 or Marshall 8511. Chapter C of P. E. O. sisterhood will meet with Mrs. Laura Harney, 15 South Decatur street, Friday, April 15, at 12 o'clock. Mrs. Rogers will act aa joint hostess with Mrs. Harney. The Woman's association of Cen tral Presbyterian church. EaBt Thir teenth and Pine streets, will meet in the church parlors today at 2:15 o'clock. The toplo for the afternoon will be "American Negroes" by Mrs. Ten Haaf. Mrs. Walker and Mrs. Benjamin will telT of the work they are doing among the negroes of Port land. A special musical programme will be given by Mrs. Kennedy. At the meeting of the Alberta For ward club held at the home of Mrs. R. c. Crane 806 Going street, Thurs day, the members responded to roll call with quotations on spring, and Mrs. A. C Perrln gave an interesting talk on the growing of gladioli. Offi cers elected for the coming year were: Mrs. R. N. Pogne. president; Mrs. B. M. Hurst, vice-president; Mrs. Dwlght Green, secretary, and Mrs. J. B. Clark, treasurer. A dainty luncheon was served Mrs. C. M. James. 642 East Ankeny street, will entertain the club Thurs day. April 21. An opportunity school will be an Important part of the summer pro gramme of the Young Women's Chris tian association. The dates are June 27 to August 5. and courses will be offered in Latin, English, history, mathematics and French, as well as in elementary subjects. Miss Blanche Small of the Irvington school, who was in charge of the elementary work last summer, and was unusually successful, will be in charge again this year. Miss Ruth Elliott will be In charge of the high school work. Anvone wlshlnr further lnrorma tion in regard to the school should communicate with Miss Doris Miller, Y.-W.C.A. At the all-day meeting of the Wom en's association of the First Congre gational church today several novel features will be presented. One is a I shower of linen, bedding and. furni-1 ture for the home which the church people of Portland have established for the graduates from The Cedara Another feature will be the luncheon at 12:30 o'clock, at which there will be a birthday table for all who cele brate their birthdays during April and May. A business meeting of the association will be held at 2 o'clock. Next week the Women's Missionary society will hold the unique cere monial of "lighting the candle" and on the following Wednesday Dr. Mc- Elveen is to give a lecture on "The Humor of Shakespeare." At the last meeting of Omega Re- bekah lodge No. 67, Amelia De Vors, Bessie Ferguson and Clara Lawrence I were elected as delegates to attend the Rebekah assembly to be held at I Albany May 7. Amelia de Vors was I lso unanimously recommended tor deputy district president. A large class of candidates will be initiated I the next meeting to be held Tues day evening. Women's Activities. TODAY the.. Portland Shakespeare Study club will hold lta annual luncheon in the Tyrolean room of the Hotel Benson at 12 o'clock. The vrogramme will be short but ex ceedingly Interesting, and will In elude a -talk on "The Humor of Shakespeare" by Dr. W. T. McElveen and a reading of "Othello's Defense of His Winning of Dasdemona." Mrs. T. W. Swanton will give a short talk on behalf of "Hdmane Week." The musical programme will feature a group of songs by Miss Mae Breslin and a piano selection by Gordon Soule.f Mrs. J. C Hare is chairman of the luncheon and Mrs. Julia La Barre. president of the club, will preside. ' Mrs. Victor Brandt will be hostess today to the study department of the Portland Woman's Research club at her home. 160 Mirimar place In Laur elhurst. Luncheon will be served at 12 o'clock and the programme will start promptly at 1 o'clock with a citizenship drill. There will be a demonstration of Armenian customs by Armenian girls In native costume. Speakers will be Mrs. H. O. Car tesian. Rev. L. R. Hadley, Mrs. U. D. Maxson and Mrs. B. M. Hickox. As sisting Mrs Brandt will be Mrs. Philip Blumauer. Mrs. J. B. Bennett, Mrs. A. Morgan, Mrs. Anna Watson, Mrs. G. II. Duncan, Mrs. F W. Warren. Mrs. O. W. Dean. Mrs. E. J. Steele and Miss Veils Winner. Take Montavilla car to Floral avenue and walk one block vest. e " Joseph Kellogg Parent-Teacher as sociation will meet today at 2:10 o'clock in the- school assembly An interesting programme and refresh tnenta will be enjoyed. Auxiliary to Company F, 162d In fantry, will be entertained today at the home of Mrs. Huntington, 325 Marguerite avenue. Pot-luck lunch eon will be served at noon. Oregon circle. Neighbors of Wood craft, are to enterta'n with a 600 curd party tonight at Woodman hall. 334 Russell street Attractive prizes will be awarded and all are cordially invited. - Willamette chapter. Daughters of the American Revolution! will meet today at 2 P. M. at the home of Mrs. Clarence D. Tlllson, 706 Homer street. Portland Heights. There will be -an interesting programme. Take Coun cil Crest car to Talbot road. The Peninsula Park Lavendsr club will hold its regular meeting Thurs day at 2 P. M. -Ths Portland Woman's club will give a card party at the Laurelhurst clubhouse tomorrow for the benefit of their club building fund. The current literature department will be hostesses and Mrs. Eldon J. Steele Is general chairman. Assisting on the committee., will be Mrs. J. C Costello. Mrs. M. C Banfield. Mrs. Peter I. Nellson, Mrs. C. E. Dant. Mrs R. B. Wanless, Mrs. Tbaxter Reed. Mrs. Leander Martin. Mra. A. II. Schmidt, Mra Byren E. Miller. Mra S. A. Murhead. Mra J. C Knuth. Mra Alva Lee Stephens, Mra W. L Swank. Mrs. E. O. Lelh and Miss M. L Smith. Bridge and five hundred will be played and the programme will In clude a solo by Miss Henrietta Hepp- I aer. a reading; by Mrs. Walter Klein: UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eugene, April 12. (Special.) After teaching nd traveling all over the world. Miss I Rosalie Cuevas. Instructor In Spanish, was-taklng a short respite from work. Miss Cuevas was born in Bogota. Co lombia, South America, and began her teaching career at the age of 19 yeara She has trsveled In Central America, Europe. South America and the United j states, and has taught romance lan guages In seven colleges and uni versities In the United . States and Central America. KELSO. Wash, April 12. (Special.) The Kelso Parent-Teacher assocla- I tion Monday evening was addressed by R. A. -Walmsley, pastor-of the Presbyterian church. The next reg ular meeting of the asosclatlon will be the annual meeting, when officers will be elected for the year. ABERDEEN. Wash, April 12. (Special.) Honors and ranks will bel awarded Aberdeen Campflre girls In annual grand council tomorrow night. Four active groups of the city and the Boue Birds, girls not yet of Camp flre age. but led by older gtrls, will attend the ceremonial. The rank of fire maker will go to Vaunda Borum, Marlon Rose. Clara Liter. Marjorie Klelst. Katherine. Manwell. Daisy Miller, Dorothy Schumacher, Edith Nelson. Ruth Nelson and Mildred Heatlie. SEASIDE, Or, April 12. (Special.) Mra Umbach, worthy grand matron, Order of the Eastern Star, has Invited Mapls chapter, at this place, to put on the noral degree at the grand chapter in Portland In June. Mrs. Umbach recently paid an official visit to Maple chapter, where she was guest of honor at a luncheon given at Hotel seaside. Wear Tour Button ATTACK jS ALLEGED S. T. Pierce Is Arrested on Charge Made by Mrs. Fred Breske. Following an attack on Mrs. Fred Breske In her apartment at 187 East Fifteenth street about 11 A. M. yes terday. S. T. Pierce, 22 years old and married, a tenant of the same house, was arrested. Pierce, according to Mrs. Breske. and later according to his alleged confession, knocked on the door of Mra Breske s apartment and forced his way Into the room when she opened the door. The woman fought! Plerco off and screamed for assist ance. Pierce became frightened when other women in the house started to I the assistance of Mrs. Breaks. He was arrested in his room. Until recently Pierce had been em ployed in the shipyards. He is mar ried and is living with his wife at the Fifteenth street address. COFFEE f THE SIGN OF THE COFFEE CLUB. Look for it in store win dows. The dealer who displays it can advise you in the right selec tion and making of Cof feenecessary to real Coffee satisfaction. JOINT COFFEE TRADE PUBLICITY COMMITTEE 74 Wall Street New York A Safe Place to Shop! True Values, No Exaggerations, Dependable Merchandise Glenwood Butter 90c " Wednesday Special. No deliveries except with other purchases made in the Grocery Dept. , Glenwood Butter, 2 lbs. 90 RELIABLE MERCHANDISE . REUABLE METHODS. 1 MORRISON. ALDER, WEST PARK. AND TENTH STREETS,! JLJU Salted Peanuts 10c Lb. Candy Dept., First Floor Fresh Salted Peanuts put up one pound to the box. On special sale for one day only 10 a box. ASeSEMT .OMPEWSC STORE PORTLAND'S ORIGINAL DOWNSTAIRS BARGAIN BASEMENT TODAY the Basement Store will feature a series of Special Sales that will establish a new record for value, giving, and demonstrate once again the unquestioned leadership of this store when it comes to bargains. Read every item in this advertisement and plan to share in the splendid savings. S. & H. Green Trading Stamps with purchases. Another Sensational Offer in the Basement Garment Store A Gigantic Sale of Shop Early! f Women's Dresses -AT- 1 4.95 This Season's Smartest Styles From the standpoint of value these surpass anything we have yet offered and that is saying much when you consider the many phenomenal sales of the past. High-class Dresses from a leading maker, secured by our Basement buyer on his recent trip to New York. Made up in the following materials: taffeta Satin Tricolette Velveteen -Velour Serge Shop Early! Stylish, becoming. Frocks for street, sport and business wear in the straightline and blouse effects trimmed with braids, buttons, etc. Also many handsome embroid ered models beautiful designs worked in the bright sport shades. To see these Dresses is to want one and take our word for it, there's going to be active choosing for such values are sure to create wide interest. Blue, tan, henna, (PI A Qf? gray, black. Specially priced for today in Basement Underprice Store D.I.TrIt) Basement Sale Low Shoes -Special $3.98 Pair Several hundred pairs of Women's Oxfords and Pumps in black kid, pat ent, white kid, gray satin, nubuck, silver, gunmetal. Also a big lot of Women's High Shoes. This sale is composed of Odd Lines from our regular stock and a number of special lots bought underprice. Good reliable makes. Excel- PO QQ lent assortment of sizes; at DO50 Men's Shoes Special $3.98 Basement Underprice Store Mr. Man, here is an opportunity to buy a pair of good serviceable shoes at an extremely low price. Russia calf, vici kid and gunmetal leathers in black, brown and tan. Standard makes with Goodyear welt soles. Sizes (PO QQ range from 5 up to 12, but not in each style. Priced special, pair v)0UO 3000 Yds. New Silk Crepes Special $1.39 Yard Basement 38 and 40-Inch Crepes for blouses, frocks, underwear, etc. Black, white, peach, maize, light blue, pink, henna, copper, gray, orange, green, lav ender and navy. Georgette Crepe and Crepe de Chine of splendid quality. Profit by this very special offering and supply your Spring needs. (PI Oft Specially priced for today's selling in the Basement the yard DXetl 34Jnch Imported Pongee 89c Yard Basement Millinery Flower Trimmed Hats MM Fresh shipment of 150 beautifuj new Hats just in by ex press. We are going to close them -out qnickly at close to cost price. Small, large and medium sizes, trimmed with flowers also a number of black Banded Hats with (PQ QQ colored facings. Wonderfully smart Special at DO0 We Give S. & H. Green Stamps Screen Doors $2.25 Special Basement Sale Today we shall place on special 6ale our entire line of Screen Doors at an exception ally low price. Avail yourself of this oppor tunity to equip your home at small cost. Dogrs of standard construction. Made From Select, Well -Seasoned Material and nicely finished. Each door is complete with hardware.. Bring in the exact measr urement of your doors, this will save time and labor. No telephone or C. 0. D. orders filled. One size only 2.8x65. While they last Basement Store Sale, at only $2.25 Sale of Dinnerware Basement Thousands of separate pieces such as all homes need for everyday use in this sale at notable savings. Plates special, 15f, 18c1 to.25 Soup Plates S5 Oatmeal 2s Fruit Dishes special at 120 Vegetable Dishes 4o and ($00 Tea Cups and Saucers only 33 if Dinner Sets 25-Piece Dinner Set $4.08 I 39-Piece Dinner Set $8 48 32-Piece Dinner Set $6.08 41-Piece Dinner Set $0.08 , BASEMENT HOUSEWARES STORE "Notion Day" Bargain Circle, First Floor Pocahontas Steel Pins priced special for this sale, pkg. 4 Kid Curlers; regular 20c kind1 on special sale today 18 Defender Safety Pins assorted sizes; special, package 4 Portland Hair Pin Cabinets on special sale today, at 10 Vera Silk Taffeta Binding Tape, white only; special 12$ Skirt and Trouser Hangers on special sale today, at 8 Odds and Ends in Snap Fasteners, white and black, only 2 Ribbon Wire in black and white, priced special today, 4 Cotton Tape 24 yards 2of 10c Lingerie Tape, a bolt 7f $1.50 Solid Steel Scissors slightly imperfect each $1.00 Bone Hair Pins 10 Wire Hair Pins, per package 4(5 Silk Luster Mending Cotton 4 Shoe Trees, special It ASK FOR YOUR S. & H. GREEN STAMPS. Basement Underprice Store No telephone, C. O. D. or mail orders accepted for Dollar Day specials and we reserve the right to limit quantity to a customer. Every item listed below is offered at a very special price. Shop m the Basement and share in these great savings on wanted merchandise Women's Sleeveless Vests Special. 2 for Basement Pure White Cotton Vests in bodice pp styles. .Nicely finished. All sizes from 34 up to 44 in the lot. On sale today in the Base ment special, 2 Vests for $1.00 Boys' School Blouses Special, 4 for $1 Basemen t Get a good supply of these for Spring and Summer wear. Made up in plain and fancy striped, ma terials. Sizes range from 6 up to 15. Special, 4 Blouses for $1.00 Men's Good-Grade Shirts Priced Special 1 Basement Soft or stiff cuff styles. Perfect fit ting and - well made in every way. , Excellent range of desirable .patterns in best colors. Priced special at, each, ' $1.00 Fancy Bead Necklaces Special, 2 for $1 Basement T h e s e were bought at a big cut from regular price. Every imag inable color and shape in the lot. Specially priced for today's sale only 2 strings for $1.00 Women's Pink Bloomers Special, 2 Pairs $1 B a s e iti ent Made up in good quality pink mate rial, effectively trimmed with dainty laces and stitching. Good range of sizes in the lot. Priced special, 2 pairs for $1.00 Basement Domestic 4 Aisle New Plaid Ginghams Boys' Denim Overalls Special, a Pair Basement Just the thing for the youngster to wear at play and during vaca tion. Made just like Dad's sus penders, bib and all. Sizes range from 7 to 16. Special, pair $1.00 Sale of Toilet Paper 16 Rolls for ! Basement Only 16 rolls to a customer and no tele phone or C. O. D. orders filled. Good quality Crepe Paper put up 6 ounces to the roll. On special safe 16 rolls for $1.00 Women's Fancy Collars Special, 3 for the '1 Basement Many of Collars in this lot are from lines selling hereto fore up to 69c. Large assort ment of 6tyles to select from. Priced special, 3 for only $1.00 Boys' High-Grade Shirts Priced Special $1 Basement Of excellent quality Pereale. Neat at tractive patterns in the best colors. Made with collar at tached and soft cuffs. Sizes 12 to 14. Special, each $1.00 Women's Coutil Corsets iced Special Basement Corsets of a well known make noted for service and style. Pink or white coutil, some with elastic tops. All 6izes from 21 up to 30 in the sale. Special at $1.00 Children's Lisle Hose Special, 3 pairs Basement Black Silk Lisle Hose of an excep tionally good grade. Dou ble heel and toe. All sizes from 5 up to 9V. Supply the chil dren's needs. 3 pairs for $1.00 Men's Black Cotton Hose Special. 5 Pairs Basement Better come early in the day, for we have only a limited quan tity of these. Split foot Sizes 10 to 11. Some slightly imper fect. Special, 5 pairs for $1.00 Dainty Envelope Chemise Special, 2 for $1 Women's Slip-On Aprons Priced Special $1 Basement M a d e up in good quality Percale in a large assortment of nov elty plaids also some in plain colors. Several very pretty styles. On fgecial sale at $1.00 Men's Seamless Socks '1 Special, 9 Pairs Basement Fine for the working man or for out ing wear. Good grade cot ton Socks every pair perfect. Limit of 9 pairs to a customer, On special sale, 9 pairs $1.00 Women's F'cy Brassieres Special, 3 for Basement Of pink and white material. Several at tractive styles neatly trimmed with laces and embroid eries. Wonderful values. On special sale today, 2 for $1.00 Sale Men's Union Suits Priced Special to think $13 ply of 1L Basement Time about your sup; warm weather underwear! Long sleeve, ankle length Union Suits in white only. Sizes range from 36 to 50. $1.00 a Suit. Women's Silk Hosiery $ Basement Front or back fastening styles. Made up in excellent quality fancy nink material. Full assortment of sizes from 32 up to 44. Spe dally prioed today 3 for $1.00 Women's Kitchen Aprons $1 Special, 2 Pairs $1 Basement These are sold aS "seconds' on account of slight defects. Black only; sizes 8 to 10. It will pay you to buy several pairs. Spe cially priced 2 pairs for $1.00 Special, 4 for Basement Of blue and white striped gingham with one pocket. A handy , useful Apron for wear about the house. Specially priced for to day's selling, at 4 for $1.00 Women's Union Suits Priced Special Basement Medium weight Union Suits of fine white cotton. Low neck, sleeve less, knee or ankle lengths. All sizes from 34 up to 44. Extra values. Priced special $1.00 Suit. Special, 7 Yards Basement Seyeral thou sand yards in this sale. Beautiful new patterns in the best colors. 7 yards for $1.00 Plain and Fancy Scrims $5 Special, 10 Yards Basement For sash, bed room and cottage curtains. Take advantage of this sale. Special. 10 yards for $1.00 $1 Sale of Huck Towels Special, 12 for Basement Only 150 doz en in this lot Limit 3 doz en to a customer. No tele phone or C. 0. D. orders. $1 doz. Large Bleached Sheets $1 Priced Special Basement 72x90 inches; the size most in demand. Good Quality' and weight On sale today at $1.00 each.' $1 Silkolette Draperies Special, 10 Yards Basement A very serv iceable material for cur tains and other uses. Lim ited quantity. 10 yards for $1.00 Fancy Art Cretonnes Special, 5 Yards T Basemen t For side V El drapes, overdrapes, small curtains, bags, etc. Large assortment patterns. 5 yards $1 ' Basement Domestic Aisle Sale of Scrim Curtains Special, a Pair $ Basement Only about 200 pairs in this lot. Spme j with dainty lace edge, oth ers hemstitched a pair $1.00 Bleached Pillow Cases Special, 4 for B a s e m e n t Size 42x36 inches. Good quality Cases for hotels and room ing houses; sale, 4 for $1.00