TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, AfRIL 12, 1921 18 ,,,,,, TOR MU FOR BALE AUTOMOBILES. I FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. I gOB 8Al-IE-APTOMOBn.ES. I TOR SAI-B-ACTOMOBII.EB. 1 TOW HALE Al TOMOBII.EB. TOR SALE TRUCKS AND TKACTOB. ST, " ' I 1 BIO . USED CARS. PRICKS Furniture fur Sale, Ulaccllaneous. - . I . I - . I I STOCK. RIGHT. FOR SALE Tuesday uid Wednesday: fine Anglo-Persian rugs, tlx 12; one fine Royal Wilton. 8.3x10.6: William and Mary dining room furniture, living room rurnlture. beautiful Ivory bedroom suite, Including vanity case. bed. chiffonnier, chairs, fine springs and mattress; gas range, vacuum cleaner, reed table lamp, writing desk and chair. SHO B: Keny. PRACTICALLY new furniture for sale, owner leavinr city, walnut dining set Ivory bedroom set. mahogany bedroom st Victrola and 100 records, mahogany &rarv table, mahogan writing oesK bookcase, rugs, pictures, gas range, heat er ana many small articles, i auuo " a.vn: or call at 41 Lombard st. 1'L'KXITL'KB of S-room bungalow includ ing player Piano: White drop-head sew. ing machine: leather morris chair; mor ris rocker; rugs; new lawn mower and hose. Call forenoons all this week. 538 Maiden avenue. Phone Sell wood liw. REED SPECIALTY SHOP. M-nufBrtiir-ra nf hirh-s-rade reed fur- nlture. Factory and display room, 319 Williams ave. Repairing ana retinisa Ing. East 8508. DON'T sacrifice your furniture if going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our tnrougo cars: fireproof storage. C M. Olson Transfer Storage Co.. 248 Pine at. Office f oral to re. DICTAPHONES 1 set complete, recording machine and reproducing macnine: new; latest model; price $225 for both.. Corona typewriter with case, nearly new ; price $35. Kuud No. 4 automatic water heater, perfect condition: price $125. Call East JV.i:,. USED equipment, condition perfect; 7 banlc Burroughs. S145: 5-bank (both with stand). 100: L. C. Smith type writer (late). $52.50. Desks, files, cnaira, safes, sare cabinets, new and used. Wax Office Equipment House, 24 N. 5th st. Bdwy. 273'.!, it AHCKiAN Y office table. 86x60 inches, practically new. Inquire 802 Title Trust o:og. THREE office decks and five dictaphones. Broadway 274. Monday. Typewriters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES. IRONCLAD GUARANTEE. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO. 321 WASHINGTON ST. MAIN 5681. DOANE GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER SERVICE. All makes overhauled. Experts. RE PAIR, ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy, sell, rent and exchanae. Suoplies. Auto matic 520-50. Main 6307. 124 4th St.. bet Wash, and Alder, over Circle theate REBUILT typewriters, aii makes, rental. lepalring. supplies Distributors CORON portable, SUNDSTRAND, adding ma chines. Main 2285. . W. Peas Co. 110 Sixth street. REPAIRS, rent. buy. sell; supplies. Type writer Inspection Co.. 312 Stark street Mam 554!). ALL MAKES rented and repaired. Oregoo Typewrite- Co.. 14 5th street. Main 3ot6 NEW, rebuilt, second-hand, rentals, at cut rates. P. 1). Co.. -31 stark st. again liui FOR SALE; Royal typewriter, like new. Jcti. 3i21 after H. Poultry . BOOSTERS WANTED. Wanted, 500 people to buy a setting of eggs from my heavy-laying stral of 8. C R. L Reds; 8 grand pens to select from; a few good breeding cock erels yet for sale. W. V. LOOM IS, 1923 Multnomah St, Phone Tabor 8197. PETALUMA BABY CHIX FOR SALE. Chix from S. C White Leghorn bena the world's greatest layers; eggs from free range Hogamsed stock only; safe delivery or lull count live cnix guaran teed; April, May JuLs chix, $1 per lou. 1135 per louo. OAK HILL. HATCHERY, Petaluma. Cal WHITE LEG HO UN baby chicks for May and June delivery from a heavy-laying boganized stock; safe arrival of full count: live, a tror.g chicks guaranteed. 112.50 per hundred: $120 per tliougand. I' 1 u., t--lv UAlLncni. 411 Sixth St. Petaluma. Cal. BABY chicks, S. C. White Leghorn: O A. C. and Tancred blend; very vigorous finest selected; free range breeders. $15 per hundred. George poultry i- arm. Gates and Foster roads, box 44 Arleta station. Portland. Oregon. LOO It LOvJik. l.uuiv. 6000 S. C English baby chicks. Mai and June delivery, at sio per lou; set ting eggs $7. Book orders DOW. Our lbth year. JOS. SAUNDER3. R. 2. PORTLAND. OB. R. L RED BABY CHICKS. The oldest strain In Oregon, made a creditable showing in a number of egg laying contests. Phone Tabor 0134. B2d St. and Kendall station. S. C. U. JllNOKCU eggs, 13.00 and $2.50 per 15; pape's McConnell strain, one pen, the other Speight s; very larg- also rooster fr sale; also cockerella. Mrs. r. A. iseluauer. uresnam. urPKon. OKDER May. June cmcks from heavy jr in ducers ox reliable strain: tiz.iju oer lot) any number: strong chicks, safe delivery 20 wiln order bal C, O. D. Grauarn W hlto Leghorn rarm. K.J, yvoodburn. Or BABY CHICKS Six varieties, best stock. prices reasonable; correspondence in vited, c pi.- reedham. balem. Or. BLACK Minorca hatching eggs. $L50 setting. Auto. 021-57. HENS with line strong White Leghorn papy micas, raoor ft'.iiiti. RHODE ISLAND rooster, or exchange for equity in laying pullets. Phone E. 534." 10 GOOD laying hens and rooster, $12. 561 w . LomDara. voi. 4i. Dogs. Babbits. Birds and lt Slock. A- STUD Sons of eastern fo:i--time neld trial champions. John proctor and Candy Kid Kvergiade Kennels. 504 Concord . Pldg. LEMON and white Llewellyn setter pup, v montns oia. untrained, fond of chil dren: $5. Tabor 5217. SPANIEL pup for sale, inquire 11 N. loth street. JhiaU. Launches, and Marine Kqnlpment. WANTED An Oldtown canoe: must be In good condition and 18 feet in length or over; state price ana terms, Y 33. Ore gonian MOTOR launch, fitur cylinders, four-evcl. engine. 30x5 to ft.. 8-passenger; complete wun an equipment, rnone Men. ::t;.,0. Machinery. GAS ENGINE. 8 h. p. Stover, nearlv new and 4-inch centrifugal irrigating pump and pipe. J as. H. Jack, Sherwood, Or. Route 4. SHAFTING hangers and pulleys at a bar gain. Call room 2 Selling-Hirsch bldg.. 3S'4 Wash, st. ftursery stock. PRUNE TREES ITALIAN. 7 to 9 feet, very fine preferred stock. reasonable. Woodstock Nursery, end of Woodstock carllne. Setlwood 2.132 f'UK SPRAYING, gardening and planting call Tabor 8219. Gregory Heights Nurs- ery. 688 80th st. N. Rose City car. Coal and Wood. FIRST GROWTH COUNTRY SLAB AND CORD WOOD. Green, extra thick red fir slab, de livered w.est side, $6.50 per cord; cord wood. delivered west aide, $9.50 per cora. rnone proanway n3. DRY FIR wood, sawed or 4-ft. lengths, also best coat Standard Brick Tils Co.. 83 5th st., between Stark and Oak, Phone Broadway 18; evenings and Sun. days phone Tabor 8422 or East 1634. OI.D-GROWTH dry fir wood, $8.50 a crod; 12 and 18-ln. wood. $11. iO a cord. Small orders solicited. North Bank Fuel Co., 659 Upshur St. Automatic 526-86. 600 CORDS extra good old growth; sell ajl or any amount you want- H. L. Bar chuse, Helsson, Wash. Phone 93SJ, Van couver. Wash. NOKTHUAs K "UEL CO. Wood and coal, small orders aollclted. 39 Upshur su, Portiana, Or. Phone Auto 526-3i.' BUY YOUR winter wood now, 6 cords good wood $48; one cord. $8.50. F. E. Bow man & Co. Main 302t. $7.50 CORDWOOD $7.30 PER CORD. Good, sound 2d. growth ; buy early, save money. Oregon Fuel Co., Wdln. 4102 FOR SALK Flrst-growtn cord wood, su Jo per cord. 2 cords $18. delivered. Wood lawn 6312. DRY COBDWOOD. $8.50; cheaper grade $7.50. . all Wdln. 4011 after 7 P V Hansen: " LOOK to S. R. Howell for first-class dry wood. Phone 61)6 Y. Vancouver. FIRST oid-growln cordwood. $8 50; block and slab. $6 per load. Bdwy. 4110 PRICES down, cordwood $9 a cord." Al- porta fMi -o., w ooqiawn za75. BLOCK and alab mixed, also old-growth H"'-" weuvery. labor 7B84 DRY WOOD for sale from $6 to $7 50 uf load Call Woodlawn 1530. CORD ood at $7.50 a cord In 2 u cord lots. National Fuel Co., East 2041 FST dry oid-growtb cordwood; you can'r eat It: only i so a cord. Auto. 616-87. W Ift-.i ivAti. wood cheap express and" long-rl stance hauling. Tabor SH43. AVAILABLE for prompt delivery, extra choice slahwood. East 2226. Ll-.sT block and s'ab. 5.r.l). Mar. 2-188. JIU HlAneon. 2 HEMSTITCHING machine for sale, bar galn for cash. Tabor 9507. IRON baby bed. buggy and nursery chair. Tsbnr 7765. SiiuttX block WuJcL Alaia Sum WRECKING VANCOUVER BARRACKS BUILDINGS. BUILDINGS FOR SALS. 350 vitrous china closets and tanks. Steel storage and pressure tanks, 120. 54-gaI.. test 110 lbs Tabasco H. W. heating hollers. No. 27. American Ideal H. W. heating boilers. 1 F. B. steam boiler. 54x16. 1 S3 8 steam American heating holler. 10.000 ft. steam raidatora. Pipe, valves, fittings. FORRESTAL MacQUAID & CO., 19th and Reserve Sts, Phone 527. Vaucouver. Wash., box- 14. SHINGLES. Extra Star-A-Star, made from live green timber; extra quality; $2.75 per M. at Western Reduction Company, 24th and Nlcolai sta. Come and get them. D. B. SCULLY CO.. DOWN-TOWN LUM BER STORE. 171 FRONT ST.. BET. MORRISON AND TAMHILL. PHONE Main 4213. Lumber, lath, shingles, doors, windows, molding and mill work, screen aoors, trult and vegetable box snooas. see our odd stock of sash, doors. ENGINEERS' offio trunk, opens like wardrobe trunk, has lilts, desk, every thing complete; Yale lock. Ideal trunk for highway enrineer. Can be seen a1 D. B. Scully's Lumber Store, 171 Front St., bet. Morrison and YamhllL Phone Main 4213. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new ana second-hand, at right prices, oougnt, sold and exchanged; easy terms It de sire a. NORRIS SAFE LOCK CO.. 103 Second St. Main 2043. "OK SALE Three pool tables and i snooker, all new. The only snooker tuoie in town, soda fixtures complete, and bar; 3 years' lease on building; some terms. For particulars address J. hlreeter. 178 s. commercial St.. baiem. SEWING machines, new and aecund-hand. sold lor less; no agents employed; com plete lines of Darts for all makes: ma chines repaired and rented. Main 943L SEWING MACHINE! EMPORIUM. .190 Third St.. near Taylor. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. Irons, toasters, vacuum cleaners, mo tors, fans, etc.; low prices, guaranteed wora: aoorbell and wtrlng.service. nyn. son Electric Co.. 62 6th St. Bdwy. 4293. THREE SECTION Globe Wernicke book case, fumed oak finish: one radio fume- less gas heater; white enamel medicine cabinet, fine mirror door; bargaina. Tel epnone Wdln. 8316. HAVE mink, otter, squirrel and many other skins for sale cheap. Call Tabor 6o6a for appointment- HOT-WATER tanks, 3l)-gl.. $7; 40-gal., $9: tested and guaranteed; stove and furnace coils, gaa heaters Installed, ex pert plumbing, repairing. Eatt Side Welding shop. 203 Adams st. Eyt 85 1 6. FOR SALE Fountains, registers, scales, al) sizes floor cases, counter and wall cases, peanut and popcorn popper, meat elicer. other fixtures; cash, credit. 242 Sa 'mnn. HULL and flat top desKs, chairs, files, safes, safe cabinets, adding machines, counters, etc.; new or used. Wax Of fice Equipment House. 24 N. 5th. ' Bdwy. 2739. CIRCLE exchange, 415 Fliedner bldg.. up stairs, sale Tuesday, 12th: hats, $1 to $3: shoes. 50c and up. Bdwy. 220. Tenth and Washington. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners: 24-hour day. 83c; delivered; guaranteed good condition; floor waxing done. Woodlawn 1259. SAVE YOUR WIFE. Let the Snow Flake wet wash and sun shine do the work. Lowest prices. Phons rjast c.id. LET IS wash your rug with the Hamil ton Beach electric carpet washer with out removing from floor; work guaran- teeq clean and sanitary. Wdln. 1250. COMPLl-lNG scaies, casn register, coffee mills, meat choppers and general store fixtures at 226 Stark St., between First and c-econd streets. THREE new electric washing machines. 9 to racn. guaranteed; l jaua used elec trio washer, overhauled. $70. Scott Eleo- trlc Co.. Dtn and Oak sta LADIES, let the Vogue sell your misfit snd slightly used garments. 10 per cent. Room 403 Alisky bldg.. entrance on 3d near Morrison. Main 3132. MULTIGRAPH. complete wun motor and automatic attachments, typesetter, lo first-class condition, less than half price, oseq one year. van ziz Artisans Dldg. NEW "SINGERS," $5 down, $3 monthly. Expert sewing machine renalrinor MORRISON STREET SINGER STOftB o. .Morrison. Marshall 721 KODAKS. We buy, sell, rent and exchange ko- gaits. tangy. aji wasnington st. FLAG POLES. Any size you want. 327 Ankeny. laroauway io-o. BERS1A sole stitcher for sale. $65: first class condition; good for one-man shop. tklM l,omoara st. LICENSED independent electrician wires 3 rooms for si::, o for S20; guaranteed to pass inspection, woodlawn S7H1. PILES can be permanently cureu wttnout operation, call or write Dr. Dean. Seo- nu and Morrison. FOR CORRECT time call Main 3579. For scientific watcn repairing see Miller. next floor to .viajestlc tneater. HUGS Mashed on your floor with Hamilton Beach electric carpet wusher; also vac uum irltaimigflone. Last 4045. FERTILIZER. ROTTED COW MANURE DEI.IV- EKKI). WDLN. 62:13. FULL MEASURE. bLCLiniv. vacuum cleaners sold, ex changed, repaired. Ray Bentley, Main 4lUi. ADDING machine for $17.50; works sim pler tnan 3uu macnine: adds to loo notl 4-u unamuer v-ommerce ouuqing. LADIES USED APPAREL, reasonable; smart styles se-cureu irom wealthy 4a dlea Tabor 2825. ELECTRIC washing machine oy owner leaving town must soil at once. Phone Mroauway lam. 2 TRUNKS for sale, also 2 mattresses. 2 rockers, lanies aresses. nats and other things. J4'n l-arn st. Marshnll 10im. GARDEN MANURE. Cow or horse, big loads, delivered. K:ist. inn ONE TAILORS Singer sewing machine tor saie; x electric tauor iron. Call Taonr li-il. CHILDREN'S bed In good conation; mat tress ana spring, reasonable price. Mar. 3(144 FOR SALE Twelve-foot fountain com plete, practically new. leas than 1-3 rash, credit. 242 Salmon. SECOND-HAND soda fountain. 8. font nu top; wan ca&e, o iu witu peg top. Wood, lawn 17S3. MUX APPAREL EXCHANGE : slightly used ladles' clothes, new spring hats. 719 Union ave. N.. cor. Ivy. E 1828. OR SALE 1 used Thor electric washing macnine; inoroug-my guaranteed; Xl)5, Smith-McCoy Electric Co.. 104 6th st. PERFECT blue-white diamond, about 14 karat, paid $173, a sacrifice for $100. i. niw, wregonian. BLUE silvertone spring suit, medium size. want steamer trunk, couch cover or electrical appliance. Main lltH.Y LUMBER, NEW. 1700 feet 4x4, dressed, for sale cheap. ALL, KINDS of framed mirrors, medicine cabinets at a bargain. 916 Union ave. vinin. 147. RADIANT fire, used 3 months, original cost sou. quick sale price $30. Tabor !I3.). RAY SULKY, $S. good condition. 1119 E. Lincoln. Auto, -r-'o-io. FT. COUNTER for sale. Call 127 N. 6tb Kegai uieaners at t ailors. OOT-BEER barrels, fountains, scales, ssfe. check writer. 113 2d st. SHOWCASES, cash register, scales, desk. typewriter, wasnington. FREE DIRT. 1119 E. Lincoln. Auto. 226-70. WICKER baby buggy, cornet. Elks pin. v an fveii. -niv any nine. GOOD sewing machine, baby sulky, boy's SAKE Fireproof, old. but in good order' cheap. v- am. vjregonian. UOVER vacuum cleaning. Tabor 302H. S rugs $1 SECOND-HAND tents and covers for sale". raciuc lem " Jiwmns V.O.. WO. 1 1st st. 8TAK A STAR" shingles direct from mliE v-sii iijwftt, uuv. jaam HUoo. SAFES, trucks, scales, cottea mills, chaese FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding . aji. ay., near Ann FANCY Earliest of AU seed potatoes 2c ID. marsuaii 75 NEW-MARTEN one-animal fur. 160. EWLLEH'S ;i case and watch rack. UK RENT Sewing machine. 2 mo.. $5. BICYCLE, in Al condition, cheap. 386 rJrazee si., or proiumT oui'j. VACUUM cleaners for rent, 85c per ttayj FOR SALE Ladies' and children s slightly useq CllHlira. .nuni .I.-,.,. FOR SALE Hoffman press $150. H. a Hardman, imperial notel. FOR BALK ArTOMOBIXES. E WRECK cars for their parts. Ore gon Ants Wrecking Co, S2 N. 1U at. BARGAINS and PRICK ADVANTAGE on USED AUTOMOBILES. Price advantage being a better used car at the same price or at a very much lower cost to you. During the oast three years we have been the largest retailers in Portland of automobiles. On account of the vol ume of business we are In position to better rebuild service used cara Our used auttomobllea are sold with a warranty the same as factories give with near automobiles and 80 days' Ires service. OR On those cara that are not sold with warranty and free service are sold with ten days' free trial subject to their be ing returnea wun tun creuix ou other car you may select. Call at onr used car branch stors at the corner of Broadway ana v-oucu u ima Uavwall .mil nwnlnv Mndl. tin " ::.,.T ...:..:..:r...$ ax 1817 Maxwell good running condi tion 1918 Maxwell, all gone over, re paired and repainted; fine little car 1920 Maxwell roadster, a dandy lit 400 600 tle car 72S 1920 Velle big 6. 5-passengr 1250 1918 Olds 8. gooo condition and good tires 900 Rebuilt Essex, sold with warranty same as given on new cars; atao 90 days free service. 1919 Essex, everything fins condi tion I1S00 1920 Essex with warranty and serv- ice - 1400 1919 Chalmers roadster. In fins con dltlon 10j0 1919 Chalmers light six. with hot spot, overhauled and repainted, all In fine condition 1250 1920 Chalmers 5-pass.. a real auto- mobile and a decided bargain m i t r, t't, t. fjTTntinvil WlTW M) DAYS' FREE SERVICE AND A FACTORY WARRANTY. 1918 Hudson super-six. 'bul't and repainted; looks Just like new: will sell with a factory war ranty' the same as given on new automobiles 1010 1920 Hudson super-six. overhauled and retinished like new; sold with factory warranty that we carry ourselves; great buy...... A'u 1918 Hudson speedster, sold In 1919. now with warranty ana servn... great buy at 1850 1920 Hudson speedster, ail gone over; sold with warranty........ 20o0 Our store for these used car bargains at 40-464 Broadway, which Is Broadway and Couch street. Phone Broadway 6739. C. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. USED CAR BARGAINS. 1 Overland Roadster 1 Peerless Touring - 1 Ford Touring 1 Maxwell, 1917 - 1 Ford 1 Overland 90 2 Saxons 6s, each 1 Baby Grand Chevrolet 1 Ford Truck, Al LONG A SILVA," 462 Hawthorne. ..$123 . . 175 ., 200 .i 250 .. 275 .. 325 . . 430 . . 450 .. 500 PREMIER. -$1950 TERMS. 1919 7-pass.. run 13.500 miles. Beautiful finish, mechanically per ' feet. Owned and personally cared for by mechanical engineer. Wire wheels and cords. Bdv.-y 6500, or R. 606 New Postoffice Bldg. 9 to 4. 18 DODGE TOURING. This car is 'in finest condition and has this year's license and extra tire mount ed, will do as well as new one and looks and runs as good as the price is low. and I will take bonds a-t full value or take Ford or Chevrolet touring In trade as first payment. Open Sundays at 514 Aliler street. Murphy Motor Car Co. REMEMBER we handle all the used Fords taken In trade by the authorized Ford dealers of Portland. - Look for the Sign. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Cor. Grand and E. Yamhill. East 47L USED FORDS EXCLUSIVELY. OPKN SUNDAY AND EVENINGS. 18 BU1CK FOUR TOURING. This is the finest light four In the city, baa nearly new tires, one extra, this year licenses and is ready for a trip to New York right now; come and try It; low price, $675 with $225 down, balance monthly: take Ford in trade. .-,14 Alder street. Murphy Motor Car Co. 1920 HUPMOB1LE. driven only 3900 miles with care, motor like new. finish ex cellent, car never off pavement: a real economy car: see this Hupmobile. Mr. Buckley. Main 113, 80 Fourth st (week days.) ' KING 8 sedan; owner must sell at once; 6 new oversize tires; car just completely overhauled and repainted. Can give easy terms and take a car In trade. See Whltaker at 128-130 N. Bdwy.. opp. new P. O.. or call Bdwy. kh. LOCOMOBILE 6-4S 7-PASSENGER. Just the car for hire or stage: good substantial machine that will stand the test: $500 cash or terms. Mr. Clover, Broadway 4184. Broadway at Flanders. FORD bugs. $150 to $050. lfizo Chevrolet delivery, saou. 1012 Cadillac. $123. Good rubber. Late model. 7-passenger Paige, $850. Overland -oadster. $125. 188 Grand sve. E. 6563. LATE model Buick touring car. Excel lent condition, cora tires ana paint, lixe new. $100 worth extra equipment. Cash or terms, or will trade lor small roadster. Call 649 Pittock bldg. ANDERSON SACRIFICE. Practically new, 5-pass., 6-cyl.. $2500 car. in pertect condition, must sell. $1150; good terms; demonstrate eve ning s.Eastillhi. OLDS 8, good rubber, paint and top, motor and all in line shape, .extras, win sell outright or - trade for a 'smaller car. Terms. See Mr. Whltaker, 128-130 N. Bdwy.. or phone Bdwy. 89. FORD touring, starter, shocks, dcm. rima, speedometer, license, Sd7d. This is a snap. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Cor. Grand and E. Yamhill. East 471. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 1917 7-passenger Hudson sedan, looks and runs like new, front and rear bump ers, power tirs pump. Phone 804, Camas, Washington. FORD roadster, 1920; starter, shocks, speedometer, license, other extras; like new; $523 UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, Cor C.rand and K. Yamhill. East 471. WE CARRY a full line of auto accessories, tunes, r ora pans, ngnt globes, etc. Also do towing. Open day and night. LONG A SILVA. Phone East 6140. 462 Hawthorne. WILL trade a Hudson super for a light car ana give terms on tne balance. 128 130 N. Bdwy., opp. new P. O., or phone Tidwv. 89. FORD touring. 1020, starter, good tires. '21 license; 'a. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. for. Grand and E. Yamhill. East 471. NEW 5-PASS. Chalmers; regular factory equipment ana service. usr must be sold at once; big discount, don't delay. Terms. 128-130 N. Bdwy. Opp. P. Q. 1918 REO SIX, a good buy and will con sider small car in traae ana give terms. TMwv. 8S48. FOR SALE Chevrolet, mechanically per fect, o gooa tires, tio casn takes It. See owner. 400 Eugene st, or E. 2176. 1919 VELIE, 6-pasa., Just like new; run 60OO miles. will consider small car In trade and give terms. Call Bdwy. 3648 BRAND new Dodge. Have purchased an other car and will discount with terms, P 573. Ore gonian. 1918 OVERLAND, a real buy and a bar gain at a price mac a rignt. call Bdwy SK48 1917 BUICK light 6 roadster, will take r oro or v-nevroiet in on trade. 188 Grand ave. E. 6563. MY 1917 VELIE 5-pasa. touring at a bar gain; leaving rorusno. w in give terms. Bdwy. 3648. WILL trade 7-passenger Buick 6. In fine condition. lor city property. AR 652. Oregontan. MY MAXWELL at $373, $150 cash, balance terms. mr. Dacoa, zi 17th SL cor. Lovejoy st. Phone 13C7. SNAP Late 1918 Studebaker, 7 passenger. HIIC VOIIUILIOH. f-Jtftf. Alain vif. FORD COUPE in first-class condition fot saie or traae: neeq money, lail E. 6956. 1920 STUDEBAKER special at a big bar- fsrsui. isuw ilia. TOTJ CAN'T CATCH FISH UNLESS YOU GO FISHING. YOU MUST SEE THESE LATE MODEL CARS IF YOU WANT REAL VALUE. DODGE. Dodge touring with spotlight and bumpers, new battery, best of condition, at $750; it's soma buy. ELGIN SIX. Here are a couple you must look at: Elgin touring, good condition, special at $675. Elgin Scout, Just out ot the shop, $1450. HUDSON SUPER. Ton know a Hudson. This one Is "Just right" at $1050; it's a real buy. CHANDLER BIX. We want you to ride In this and then see If $1250 Isn't too little to ask for It? OAKLAND SIX. 1920 model. Compare this with anything In the city and vou will be convinced that at $900 it's a wonder. OVERLAND 90. 1919 model. Just put Into con dition to take you anywhere, at $550 it can't be beat. MAXWELL. 1918 Maxwell touring. $400. See If you can't find any more for your money. CHEVROLET. 1918 490 model; good condition, nly $425. WELLETt MOTOR COMPANY, WASHINGTON AT 15TH ST. OUR SPECIAL SALE. FEATURING TREMENDOUS PRICE REDUCTIONS. WILL CONTINUE ALL THIS WEEK, OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 8:30 O'CLOCK. Many buyers are being attracted by the unusually low prices. Think of it! An overhauled, repainted Chandler automobile for only $500. We never before heard of a Chan dler car being offered for this price, and remember it's a real automobile and we stand square ly behind it with our guarantee. Furthermore, this Is not a special, any more than any other car be ing offered during this sale. They are all specials and will go fast at marked prices. Our stock con sists of nearly new .Chandlers and Clevelands, used and rebuilt Chan drela and Clevelands: repaired and repainted Hud&ons, Chalmers, Maxwells, Studebakers, Overlands, Pattersons and many othera. In fact a full line of hlg-h-clets cars to choose from and priced- so- low that we honestly belieVe they are Impossible of duplication at pres ent listings of competitors. Come early. They won't last long at these prices. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO., 19th at Washington. LONG TERMS. SMALL PAYMENT DOWN. REBUILT BUICKS. THOROUGHLY REBUILT AND GUARANTEED. We service them the same as new cars 90 days. ALL IN FINE SHAPE. BARGAINS. ' EASY TERMS. NO BROKERAGE FEE. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE CO., , New Salesroom: TWELFTH AND ALDER. Phone Broadway 1130. '20 CHANDLER DISPATCH. This wonderful car is like a new one. would be after you have driven It a few weeks; has cord tires and one extra and has never had licenses issued to It this vear. been stored all winter: we can save you hundreds of dollars and take I your car in traae; give uoerai terms. Open Suiidavs for your Inspection.- 514 Alder st. Murphy Moior Car. Co. We give service. USED CAR SNAPS. Oaklands from $500 to $1500; also Chevrolet. Gardner, Liberty, Lexington, National and many other makes. These cars have all been through our shop and are guaranteed. WILLAMETTE MOTORS CO.. Broadway at Flanders. Broadway 414. BUICK ROADSTER LIGHT SIX. This Is a fine roadster, has had very little use and will do any job; has cord tires and one extra, car has been re built and we will let you try it anywhere. Low price, $850. with $275 down, balance easy; take car in traae. upen cunaays. .I4 Ainer st. murpny .viotor lar un. LATE model Ford touring, good rubber, new nalnt. electric dash, tail and side lights, speedometer, storage battery. Car I has Just been overhauled: $350 cash or terms. Better hurry. See Whltaker, 128-130 N. Bdwy. opp. new P. O. or phone Bdwy. 89. OLDSMOBILE EIGHT. Here Is an opportunity to buy a 7- paesenger Olds for $1200; 5 new cord tires, good paint and motor in perfect condition; will take small car as part payment. Mr. Hanley, Broadway 4184. Broadway at yianqers. '18 BUICK TOURING. This one has new cord tires all over and reflnished and looks as new; will take car In trade or bonds. Open Sun day. Liberal terms with $350 down. balance easy. 514 Alder st. Murphy Motor Car Co. 1920 STUTZ. 6-passenger. run 6000 miles; $400 In extras; classiest and best car mn the market; everything good as new: worth $4500; price $2500. Greatest bargain ever offered. Call day. 31aln 76T.6. OLDS SIX SEDAN. Like new, perfect condition, cord tires, many extras, easy riding, eco nomic will climb Portland Heights on high, must sell, $1450, terms; demon strate evenings. .ast 7i)oa. LATE 1918 Chalmers, a fine new paint Job, new top of best material, engine In per fect condition, tires good, at $850, terms This is a good buy. Call Mr. Nester, Bdwy. aa7ur LEXINGTON "SPORT." The best buy In Portland a very elassy car new paint, cord tires; motor in perfect condition. Mr. Stover, Broad- way 4184. Broadway at Flanders. OLDS CHUMMY, late model, Just over hauled completely; new seat covers, good I rubber; purchaser gets service graaran- I tee; extras; will sacrifice for $650. Auto. SU)-.-7, 1919 CHANDLER Dispatch, tires excellent; motor in nrsi ciass connition; ooay fin ish blue, white wire- wheels, $1250: terms if desired. - Call Marshall, Broad way 321. FOR SALE A beautiful Olds coupe, over- U..l-J ...n.nU,.l rmfinmimA I I hauled completely, reflnished and looks like new, priced very low and terms to responsible party. Mr. Nester. Bdwy. 2270. SAXON SIX TOURING. $1.V down, balance monthly, take Ford in trade, come and try it; tike new. Open Sundaya 514 Alder st. Murphy Motor Car Co. LIBERTY TOURING CAR. Late model, good mechanical condition. gooo tires, many extras; let us aemon- , strata It to you.. Mr. Plokens, Broad- $3 way 4114. Broadway at Klanders. 1 FOR SALE. TOURING CAR. ..y....-. . 19t8 Ford touring. Just overhauled. Shock absorbers and speedometer, $200. Call Auto. Lents 2011. FOR SALE Oldsmobile 8. driven not quite 12.000 miles; new cord tires, oversize rear, $1250. $250 cash, balance arranged. Phone Main 2217. No dealers. 1919 FRANKLIN touring car in finest of mechanical condition; good cord tires and ' other extras; a bargain. Phone Broadway 4825. 1918 DODGE touring will trade In as first payment on some small business. Car is in good condition and has good tirea AF 654, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Light 6, good order, new paint, nearly new top, glass windows; private owner: best of care. Cheap. Phone Wdln. 36 forenoons. - HUDSON 7-passenger, cord tires; $675. Auto Sales Co.. nth and Couch Bts. 1U18 CHEVROLET, good tires, new top. A-l condition; $450. terms. Bdwy. 3648. CHEVROLET 490, 1919. leaving city, beat cash, oiler gets it. Main 6681, THE TIME THE PLACETHE CAR. 40 AUTOMOBILES. ALL STANDARD MAKES AND SIZES. THESE CARS ARE READY TO GO. FORD TOURING Fine mechanical con dition, demountahl rim., s-ood tirea, shock absorbers, new top, reflnished. im MAXWELL CHASSIS In fine condition, ready lor bug or delivery, $330. MAXWELL TOURING Mechanically fine condition: good tires, new top, reiinisnea, -S40U. OVERLAND Model 90: motor over hauled, reflnished, good tires; If sold mis week, souu. MITCHELL Seven passenger. 1918: this car is in exceptionally good condition sou. OVERLAND Light six cylinder; refin iBhed. two new tires, new top. me- chanicaly in first-class condition; $775. 1920 OLDSMOBILE TOURING Five good tires, wind deflectors; come quickly if you want it; $1151). It will pay you to look these cars over oeiore placing your deposit- xou win save from 10 to 20 per cent. TERMS IF DESIRED. NO BROKERAGE. Prices range from $150 to $2000. C. G. BLEASDALE, 630 Alder St. Broadway 1852 USED CAR HEADQUARTERS. THE USED CAR WAREHOUSE. GRAND AVE. AT TAYLOR ST. New ones arrlvlntr everv day. Read this entire list. The one you want is here. Low prices and easy terms. 1920 Cole eight sportster demonstrator, lVJv riaynes 4-passenger. 1920 Stephens Salient six. 1U20 Hupmobile touring. 1920 Hudson speedster. 1920 Chandler dispatch. 1920 Chandler dispatch. "1920 King eight touring. 1920 Chevrolet touring. 1919 Buick tlx touring. 1019 Oldsmobile little six. 1919 Scrfpps-Booth roadster. . 1919 Studebaker light six. 1919 Chevrolet touring. 1918 Dodge touring. 1918 Dodge sedan. 1918 Willys-Knight 88-4. 1918 Oldsmobile 8 touring. 1918 King eight touring. 1918 Chevrolet roadster. 1918 Oakland six touring. 1918 Maxwell touring. 1918 Studebaker 4-cylinder. 1917 Oakland six touring. 1917 Cole eight touring. 1917 Studebaker 6 roadster. 1917 Buick 4-cyI. touring. 1917 Chalmers 6 touring. 1917 Buick 6 touring. 1917 Buick 4-cyl. sedan. 1917 Maxwell touring. 1917 Reo 6 touring. 1917 Hupmobile, model N. 1916 Oakland 6 touring. 1916 Olds 8 touring. 1915 Studebaker 4 roadster. 1916 Dodge touring. Chevrolet bug. Maxwell bug. GRAND AVE. AT TAYLOR ST. Evenings and Sundays. USED CAR BARGAINS. - 1920 Chevrolet roadster, run 6300 miles, for $ 650 1919 Maxwell touring. In Al condition 625 1918 Oakland touring, good shape 600 1919 Chevrolet, looks like a ' new one 500 1919 Maxwell, good tires and in good shape 500 1918 Oldsmobile roadster, overhauled, new paint, cord tires 900 1919 Buick, 7-passenger, cord tires; a real bargain... 1200 1919 Nash. 7-passenger, over hauled, new paint, new tires; good as new .... 1300 1918 Dodge 750 Overland touring, self starter 100 PORTLAND MOTj. 10th and Burnside. CAR CO., Bdwy. 621. OLDS EIGHT TOURING. This seven-,rasBenger Is In the very pink of condition and will please anyone wanting light elglit of standard value; low price and will take car In trade as first payment ; balance monthly: cord tires and one extra. Open Sundays. lth and Alder stree-ts. Murphy Motor r o. 1 NEW HUDSON Speedster, latest model out- driven oiy few nunoreu muro, 11.0 cord tires; must be sold In ten days: no reasonable offer refused. Call Broad way 4881 from 9 till 5 P. M. OAKLAND TOURING. sw- thnu "rAMuhiA light BixeS. Just the car for one who wants a good car for a little money. A demonstra tion will convince you. Mr. Stanley, Broadway 414. Broadway at Flanders. juuST eH ' once my brand new case. seven-passenger car; onra ,"' miles. aruaranteed perfect condition. original price was $3350. Will aacrlf c for quick sale for $1950. Call Main 8221. Car can Pe seen ay pi 'urvoni.KT 4-00. only run 8500 miles, good as new, spot ana qasn ukuu, iw swucn, new uic " . .mil ai bnlAncn in monthly install ments. Marshall 6060, phone 9. between and 5 P. 31 nB-:ATV FORD SEDAN. tooi model, oversize steering wheel, dash light. Including 1921 license and Insurance, almost new; $800,. terms, for quick sale. Automatic ----'. 11117 BUICK LIGHT 6. Perfect condition mechanically; $850, $300 down, balance 1U monina; suap. Hurry'. Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 3281. ONE OF THOSE good studeDaker tours at S5SO. XOU get UOlltLT tamo. re - welter Motor company,- wasaingiou si 15th st. FOR SALE 1918 Dodge touring car. This car Is in gooo snape an s""'"" ber. Inquire for H. C. Shirer, 102 Davia Phone Broadway 691 iTimeRAKKR ROADSTER. T. 1B18 4-cyl.. fine condition; dandy salesman's car; $000, terms; snap; see It. Mr. Argo. tinwy. aai. BUG in fine condition: eleciric ngnia ana starter; wilt iaae a moiuivj. navment. balance terms. Phone Mr. Kilton. Aotomatic 214-10. SPORT MODEL NASH tro-iw ia-0: 11400. terms $500 down: splendid condition: wire waeeis; snap. Mr. Argo, ouvy. p-oi. jjqtSPOT Chalmers. '19: this is In excel- leut condition, ano. me f will consider small roadster In trade. A. 220-41. l-'-O oaiiuoii. SEE THIS 1920 CHEVROLET ROADSTER. $575. $200 down, bal. 10 months; snap. nurry. ."- j.". j . . - A -a.n Hil-l V a'' I . rnn aLE- by private party, snappy 1020 U" p-" ,'.: .. OOO mils. Dodge roaasier. i.u -j - - ' mostly on pavement: a good buy. Ta bor 8528. B23-- s-iin ave. o. c. ronL-.i . rimvrolet. . in perfect condi tion: wouiq accept a c . .... . - .. 1 1 Tn nAn at I r, -1 11 . oart payment, v. way 2270. I NEED money, you need a car. Model 90 Overland, only a-aoo. oon ""i- at wener Aiotor comisuii, nMiumwu at 15th st. TARES my mT studebaker touring, - 0 iAiw r,t -elans condition. J"":"?' ..7. a s not- a hov BS7 luauo i-ni" w-c ... . . - , , u q.rv r: n A V I) CHEVROLET. Al condition, like new, must sell, $600. terms. Wdln. 2173. . HITPMOBILE. 1918: fine condition; $1000, $350 down. Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 8281. LATE model Chevrolet, a very fine buy. can arrange terms, phone Auto. 216-23 es tf - ." A n( a am evenings alter i. .ci-c.. 1920 BUICK touring car. a bargain and In fine condition; will give terms. Phone East 1962. PAIGE, 5-pass., In excellent condition, 1917 model, price $885; $350 down. Walter, 313 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 7540. GRANT SIX $4o0 Is the price. The place Is Weller Motor company, Washington at 13th. LIGHT six Studebaker, 1919, driven 5060 miles, full equipmenL A. H. KreuL Wdln. 1945 FORD touring car, 1919 model, a bargain for cash. Call Tabor 9507. 1919 FORD coupe; some extras. Will take $600; tarma. (Ml Main 6361, MANLEY AUTO CO.. HUPMOBILE DISTRIBUTORS. Never before have we had this range of used Hupmobile cars: 1U16, 1017, luis, .1919, 1920 all are 6-passenger tourings and ready to give you immediate serv ice with no mechanical expense. Besides these we have the following cars at prices that are lower than else where: 1918 BUICK. 1919 MAXWELL. 1918 GRANT SIX. , 1920 OAKLAND. ' 1919 CHEVROLET. 1915 STEARNS 4. 1916 MAXWELL, $300. 1916 GRANT, $300. 1015 DODGE, $450. 1915 STUDEBAKER 4, $250. 1913 HUP ROADSTER, $300. REO SPEED WAGON. New GRANT trucks, 1ft tons, at prices that win interest you. Sea Mr. Mountain, Broadway 217. 11th and Oak, at Burnside. J. H. GRAHAM, DISTRIBUTOR. CASE SIX. ' DAVIS SIX. , ALSO some new light sixes, never used, placed with us for quick sale; AND a few real used car bargaina MODEL R HUPMOBILE. A dandy little car In splendid condition, nearly new cord tires and 1921 license. 1920 DAVIS. SPORT MODEL. Newly painted, five wire wheels, new tirea 1917 CASE. Now In paint shop; fine condi tion and will bs sold right; 1921 license. FORD LIGHT DELIVERY. Fine engine, 1921 license; $250 buys this. 1916 FORD ROADSTER, with box on rear; 1921 license: priced low. f. H. COLBURN, Sales Mgr. 88 10th St., Near Stark. WE HAVE the best a-gaortment of light used cars In town. 1916 Ford touring $ 223 11)16 Ford roadster, tail delivery.. 225 1917 Ford touring, repainted 225 1918 Ford touring, overhauled 365 1919 Ford touning, starter type.... 425 1920 Ford roadster, like new 525 1920 Ford touring, used little 575 1920 Ford coupe, extras 625 1920 Ford sedan, overhauled 725 1914 Apperson touring, starter.... 200 1917 'Saxon 4 roadster 2n0 1913 Buick touring 200 1913 Hup touring. Al shape 250 1916 Mitchell touring, starter: snap 325 1917 Chevrolet touring, Al shape... 225 1917 Chevrolet touring, snap 3110 1917 Chevrolet touring, used little. 475 1917 Grant 6 touring, a bug 400 1917 Oakland 6 touring, snap....... 450 1918 Overland 90 Country Club.... 500 1918 Overland 85, like new 550 1918 Velle 6. touring..., 800 1919 Oakland 6 touring, overhauled 800 1919 Mitchell 6 touring, overhauled 850 1918 Studebaker 6. 7-passenger 700 1919 Paige 6. 7-passenger. W. W... 1400 We have lots of other cars to pick from. Ford bugs, lots of them. VRANSON'S USED CAR EXCHANGE, Open Evenings and Sunday. Union ave. and Belmont st. Upstairs. WOULD YOU I.IKE TO GET A USED CAR FREE 7 Call at our store for particulars, and while here visit our splendid tine of used car bargaina You will find no better values anywhere In the city. And Just think what It means to you when we tell you that we guarantee satisfaction. AND YOU MAY GET A CAR FOR NOTHING. Don't buy without first seeing these bargaina 1920 Paige 7-pasa 1920 Paige Coupe. 1019 Paige 7-pasa 1918 Paige Sedan. 1919 Paige 4-pass. sport. 1919 Paige 5-pass. 1918 Studebaker. 1918 Paige 5-pass. 1016 Studebaker. 1918 Nash sport model. 11)11) Velie 5-pass. 1918 Chev. 5-pasa. 1917 Buick 5-pass. 1920 Chev. rdatr. 1918 Hupmobile. 1920 Paige 5-pass. 1917 Hupmobile. 1920 Dixie Flyer. LOWEST PRICES. CARS IN , SUPERB CONDITION. EASY TERMS TO ALL. OPEN SUNDAY UNTIL 2 P. M. COOK GILL CO.. INC., Paige Distributors. 1 1th and Burnside. Phone Bdwy. S21. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH TUB MONEY. OUR SERVICE w ILL PLKASE YOU. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO. 208 SELLING BLDG., SECOND FLOOR. 20 OAKLAND TOURING. This one is new and will please you tf you are looking for a sensible six; has extra tire and will furnish new licenses free: the car has had very slight use and will readily pass for new; low price and will take light car in trade or s.i.o aown balance monthly. open Sundays. 51 Alder street. Murphy Motor Car Co. 1 HAVE had left with me by a client choice collection of precious stones, -which 1 am authorized to sell at ex ceedingly low figures or trade for good securities. Do not care to deal with brokers; principals only. If Interested, address me, A 3-". uregonian. and shall be glad to arrange an Interview WILL SELL reasonaDie latest type Chand ler DisDatch. dark blue, wood wheela run less than 5000 miles, cost $2350 new without extras; has Alemite greasing system, extra tire. tube, bumper and spotlight. Tabor 1543. 666 East 54 tn st N. BUICK LIGHT 6. $850 Fine condition mechanically; 6 Silvertown cora tires, spotngnt. Dumper and other extraa Will give terms; $300 cash, balance mommy payments. Air. Nichol. owner, Broadway 2825. HUDSON SPEEDSTER. 1918-19 series, perfect mechanical con dition, 6 cord tirea In excellent shape, wind deflectora . spotlight. cutout: a demonstration will convince you; wilt sacrifice. Marshall 6719. NATIONAL 4-PASS. SPEEDSTER Will sell this recently overhauled and newly painted sport model for $1000. An especially good bargain for the discriminating buyer. Mr. Clemons, Broadway 4184. STAGE DRIVERS. ATTENTION v-naasenger bus. new tires, new body, the best looking bus in the city of Port land; will take car in trade. Auto Sales Co.. 9th and couch streets. 7-PASS. 8-cylinder Oakland special, in fine snaps, gooa urea, newiy paiiuru. Wonderful car. Will trade for equity on a small house. 1 148 13th st- After Sunday 1017 FORD touring. In good condition good rubber, lots of extras. Including starter ana biuihho urn., .,(. vobu. Woodstock ave. S. E. Sunday or after 6 P. M. OAKLAND six touring, late model, over hauled and repaintea; oargain, wouia take late Ford as part payment. Phone Woodlawn asm. FOR SALE 1019 Dodge delivery, panel body, new paint, gooa tires, ai mechan ically; $875, some terms. Call Mr. Du- mats. Hroaaway 3--. FOR SALE M. 39, 1918 Haynca 5-pass., In flrst-Class conaition, ims Kuua as new: will take small car as part payment- Call Main 8419. FORD coupe? 1020, tine condition, many extras: sono. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Cor Grand and E. Yamhill. East 471. FOR SALE BY OWNER 1919 Oakland touring, first-ciass mecnanicai conuition, good tires, lota of extras. Will sacrifice. 169 King st. FORD sedan. 1920, fine condition; mat extras: li -n. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Cor. Grand and E. Yamhill. East 471. llllio FORD touring car with starter and other extras: price ooo, m gooa conai tion. half cash. Call Main 4H-JI. STOP! LOOK NO FURTHER! 1918 Mitchell light : $775. 210-212 Jefferson st FOR SALE 1919 Chevrolet, like new; It will pay to loos, tuw up. v-a.ii tester, Broadway K70. WE PUT steel teeth in your old flywheel. cranksnatt turning, n. x. jsiaca, ma chine shop. 534 Alder st. Bdwy. 2681. WI-jL sell or trade 1918 Oldsmobile tour ing, in excellent conuition. oroaaway 2270. Ask for Nestor.- AUTO OWNERS SALESROOM. You wish to sell your carf Can get quick action at 168 King st. Main 184. FOR SALE 1919 Chalmers light 6. xea.- saabis. AUt, M2--0U, No Misrepresentatlona COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. 6-PASS. Velle, tirts nearly new, top, paint x and motor in fine ahape, cheap. Terms. 128-130 N. Bdwy.. opp. new P. O., or phone Bdwy. 89. Ask for Whltaker. FORD BUG A beauty, top and wind shield; $3X5. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Cpr. Grand and E. Yamhill. East 471. 0 SNAP $65. . Reo 5-passenger, new top, new paint Job; cord tires. Auto Sales Co.. 9th and Couch streets. OLDS EIGHT Pacemaker, like new; could use a Dodge or Buick as part payment: terms on balance. Call Johansen at Broadway 2270. 1U20 FORD coupe, run 300U miles, best of condition, lots of extras; will trade for touring car. 1K8 Grand ave. Fast 65K3. FORD touring, running condition, $150. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Cor. Grand and E. Yamhill. Fast 471. HUDaU.N pass., eh.ieil.-nt cutiultion, for hire. Mr Ste.b, 431 Davis. Bdwy. 4331. Mar. 27. lull) CJIhA HOLET touring, thoroughly overhauled and very reasonably priced. Must sell. Call Woodlawn 1S7K. FRANKLIN series 9A touring, finest con dition; looks new; private party; must sell; $1530 cash. Phone East 6'.".'S. LEAVING town, forced lo sell my annost new 11)20 Chandler for $1450. Main 4-172. 190 SPECIAL 6 Studebaker, cord Urea, motometer, spotlight, mechanically per fect; sacrifice. 11375. East 4216. HUDSON Super Six. In Al shape, three new cord tires and extra equipment. Phone Jensen, Broadway 32L ESSEX, spotlight, buuipeis, glass slneM, parking light, extra tire. bed. 44 Hoyl st. Bdny. .'.456. East Jill'?. Mar. 2766. ..AXftiil-u 1918 model, good ruuber. re painted, good top, good mechanical con dition. $r,30.- Phone Jensen. Bdwy. 321. NEW 10:11 7-pass. Paige for sale by owner. Classiest car on street. BC 514. Orego- nian. . LATE 1918 Oldsmobile 8. will take lot or small car In trade. 188 Grand ave. B OVERLAND louring, lull). In firsl-cl shape; price way below what lis woi Phone Jensen. Broadway 321. FORD COUPE A snap for $2U5. UNIVERSAL IAK r.. Utt A - G r.. Cor. Grand and K. Yamhill. East 471. 7-PASSENGER cioeed Plerce-Arrow car ncrfect order: trade or sale; at Broad way garage. East Broadway and 24th j FORD BUG Here's a dandy, boys. $2Jo. UNIVERSAL CAR EACHANUt, Cor. Grand and E. Yamhill. East 471 1 1 1 k 1 11-1 toiirfnir. Al condition. new top, price is right ana wni give terms. uu . J-'ill. ASK lor Green. lull) DODGE ruadster, looks like new, fine condition, rive good tires and some ex tras. Tabor 4324. lull) VEL1E chummy roadster, fine con ri t nn. 1 want a a-naas. car. will con slilr-r a car In trade. Call Bdwy. 30IH 1U20 STUDEBAKER, special six, cord tires, driven 5500 miles; will sacrifice, $1373. Phone East 4216. OLDSMOBILE e, as good as new. Dr. C. R. Lorgreen, Aioerta. Wdln. 134 Mar. 2766. LA'l'E 51axell at a great bargain. 7. BUICK 0, good rubber and good inechau- Ically. Pnone Jensen, llroailway 321. 1919 ANDERSUN 4-pasneiiger, good tires. Auto Sales Co.. wri and couch sts. LIBERTY SIX for sale In good condition wner leaving city. a3D wnerinan st. 1U1H .MAXWELL, in good condition. Phone Tabor 3003. Nil W CHEVROLET; will trade for Ford, with terms. East liS. DUDGE touring, five cord tires. Phone Jons-.'n. Broadway 321. FOR SALE Cadillac b roadster, by owner at a bargain: ximimi. Tabor H341. FCR SALE Cheap, 1917 Ford bug. sell. 175. Call B20-M Monday. Must BUICK 4. 11)17, a good, cheap buy. $5 Phone Jensen. Bdwy. 32L FOR SALE 1913 Cadillac for $250. Apply Covey Motor tar to. FORD touring. 1920. like new. Phone Jensen. Broadway 321. Automobiles 1 anted. WANTED Ford: must be cheap for cash. 530 Alder su WE ARE in the market for some good cars of various kinds. If your car Is in good shape and priced right, drive It to 523 Alder st. WE ARE In the market for a number of small cars: will pay cash Grans ave. Auto Exchange. 188 Grand ave. Pbons East 6363. 1D1II CHEVROLET roadster. $350. Speed well Garage, 14th and Couch sta Ask for Mr. Cnss. WANTED to buy. one m -2-ton auto truck White preferred, must be new. E 651. Uregonian. STUDEBAKPIR, late 1918. 7 passenger, best condition, to trade tor Ford. Main 9124. CASH lor all maKcs ot cars; condition no object. 415 Olisan. corner loth. IF YOU have a light car and need money, drive It to 107 13th st. LIGHT touring; prefer a Saxon six. erenlncs. S East 32d st. N. WANT l-'ord will pay rsi .ouiing lunii piivale oMller; h Woodlawn 7-'l. WANT Kord roadble Lents '-'"11. body. Call Auto. Auto fires and Arceasories. DEMOUNTABLE rims. Firestone and othera Sizes from 30x3 K to 34x4. $1 and up. Fisk rubber cement, 6-gai. cans, $1 per gallon. Ford wheels $2.50 each. Lambert Tire A Rubber Co.. 2$ Grand ave cor. Ash. Motorcycle. 102U ELECTRIC cnuipm-d Indian, big valve motorcycle, with new speedometer and dream tandem; has been run only 5000 miles, motor in perfect condition, having been completely overhauled three weeks ago; good tires. Complete for $330, terms If desired. Phone Muln 2MI3. FOR SALE 11)11) liarlcy-Davidson motor cycle with sidecar, good tires, new paint. Just overhauled; $400. AU O.V. urrnuiiniH. HARI.EY-DAV1DSON motorcycle wit tandom attachment and sidecar. In fine mechanical condition and good tires $350. Broadway is.,2. .Vlil Aider st. MOTOR CI CLES. 1920 Harley. run only 600 miles: very cheap, on easy terms, can Johansen, al riroanway -io. MODEL '21l Indian and sidecar, used leas 2iO0 miles, first-class condition; $4 this is real bargain, terms. A. 22041 1120 E. SalmqtL MOTOl-.CYCLES and parts, all makes EAST SIDE MOTOR CYCLE CO.. 44-46 Grand ave. FOR ilOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 204-206 3D ST. MAIN 6139. Automobiles for Hire. AUTOS FOR HIRE, with or without drivers. uay or mgni service. COUCHMAN GARAGE, inth and Couch. Broadway 8A96 Remember our number, Broadway 3696 AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. LOWNSDALB GARAGE. BROADWAY 26rm, 15TH AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New 1920 models, reasonable rate. 132 12th St., between Washington and Alder, uroaaway s-tu. H. S. BENNETT, CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DK1VEKH. ARMY OARAGE, T HIKIJ A.vo i a I wa. .viAli ins. 7 AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. L 1. SULLIVAN K fASHlUS GARAGE. Mar. 232. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A 1236. 1920 5-PASS. BUICK FOR HIRE. WITH DK1VEK. SUUA1JIVA1 S047. FOB SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTO R S, FACTORY representative has four new 2 to -ton cnassls and one used 8 to -ton truck, equipped with dump body and hoist, in first-ciass conaition. Small pay ment down and long time terms to re sponsible purchasers. H 624. Oregonlan. LUMBER haul. $3 per M. for 7 to miles; Kiin-orieu slock, paveq roau; year-round Job: 4 trips per aay; sjtMX) to handle must be closed In next two days. 92 N 10th st. ' TWO-TON truck with steady hauling Job; $600 will handle; the truck Is on the job now. Hawthorne Fuel Co., East 6106. FOR SALE Tractor, 14-28 with extension rims; Suhu; a oottom tractor plow com plete, S2O0.- Address, K. H. Camp, 162 East 14th street. TRACTOR for sale; Case 1918 tractor; In good running order; only plowed 850 acres F. H. Joasy, Banks. Or.. Routs 3. Phone 14F2 North Plains THE BEST YET. Another truck snap. Owner says sell 2-ton slightly used truck at a price that can't be beat. Phone Auto. Lenta 2I1. FOR SALE 1920 ton truck with a steady Joo; terms. . a. ouuye. aac-aunnvitie. or. TON Ford with transfer body, $300; u-ton Stewart, like new; cheap, terms Main 3516. FOR SALE 1 to -ton Selden truck, new. S200U; one zto-iun. new, sauu. owner, 883 Williams ave., spt. 10 No dealers FOR SALE 3Vi-ton truck; will sacrifice. East 4541. TRUCK for rent to responsible driver or business house. Apply X 571. Oregonlan. J BARGAIN 2-ton Al GMC truck. . A, I Cbxtieuon. 202 i. Aluar. st. I SU-ton CMC, overhauled as carefully as good mechan ics and careful Inspection can make possible $2450.00 SM-ton Velle, equipped with wondrack. ceb slid wind shield; good tires 147S.OO 4-ton Packard, body and cab platform 145O.0O 2-ton Bethlehem, equipped with cab an' windshield. This truck has been used less than five months.. I60O.OO 2-ton GMC. has been out of our shop 11 months. A bigger bargain ws have never offered 2j0.00 lH-ton Moreland; has never been Used. 1921 model at nearly $1000 below regular price 2450 00 lH-ton White. platform stake body, cab and wind shield I81JOO Ht-on Nash, elect, lights, self starter, cab. wind shield and platform bid 771.00 lVJ-ton GMC. on pneumatic tires, almost braud new 2650.00 -ton Reo, overhauled, re painted, cab and wind shield (550 00 Its -ton Republlo 1-ton Ford Worm drive.. 1150.00 450.00 Ite-ton CMC. express body, top, side curtains, wind shield and Presto lights 673 00 Two K-ton Whiles, $1273 and 137S 0O WENT WORTH A IRWIN. INC.. 200 Second St., Cor. Taylor. DELIVERY BODIES. We have a large stock nf deliv ery bodies for Ford, Chevrolet, Overland or other light cars, which we will Install at $115 ea h. which Is considerably bvluw our cost as manufacturera $113. WENTWORTH IRWIN. INC, 200 Second SI., Cor. Taylor. NOTICE To CONTRACIOitS. We solicit your hauling. Write, wire or see us If you are In need of dump body trucks for this season's work- Ore gon Motor Truck Hauling Contractors Association, 201 Worcester bldg. Pbuu Main 4007. TRAILERS. SEMI-TRAll.KltS AND ' END OR SIDE AUTOMATIC DUMP BODIES. v Trailers snd bodies suitable for any kind of work and with any make n't truck. See F. V. PARSONS, 60 N. Broadway. Broadway 321. I HAVE several l1?, 2 and 3'-lun high grade motor trucks that can be bought at a real sacrifice price and with terms. These Jobs are absolutely new, the latest models and carry the factory guarantee. Speedwell garage, 14th and Couch sta Ask for .Mr. I'oss. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Republic "-lon truck. In excellent condition, 1918 model, price $000, or would cunsider good Ford touring as part payment. CARL STUTZ, Vancouver, Wash. Route 2. Box l&L WANTED MISCKI.LAXKOrW. ADI.ER. THE TAILOR, BUYS LADIES' AND GbiN T'S CLOTHING We answer phone calls promptly. Highest prices paid. Also meu's hwla shoes and women's wearing apparL Call in any part of the city and all calls answered promptly and confidential. PHONE MAIN 3207. OU CALL 201 THIItli ST. $12.60 TO $25 FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MEIER. THE TAILOR. He pays more than anyone In the etty for suits, overcoats and shoes. Call Marsnall 1229 or 253 Madison St. near Third st. Will call day or evening. V.'.O LP TO 123. OOI.nSTElN. THE TAILOR, PATH HIGHEST CASH PRICES Full MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES. ETC BROADWAY 31)32. 245 1 Hl'RNSIDIt, BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD. CALL MM IIBKOKH ANYHODV El. MB UP TO $.13 FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We pay any price for men's clothes. OHKlil), CLEANERS AND TAILORS. 117 2d at.. N. W. cor. Wash. Main 934. WH WANT your us,-d household goods an-1 will pay tup market prices. If you have anything in the hardware or furniture line to sell or exchange, ceil us flraL Main U072. Levin Hardware & Furni ture Co., 221-3-5 Front st. l'Llts: FLKSI FL'USI laiw Rent and Low pricca. Remodeling and Repairing. LA FRANCE FUR MFG. CO., Mall- ti.'.'.'B. 1113 W. Park. JIOUSKCLEAN1NU TIME. Do not throw things away. I pay good prices for second-hand furniture, clothing, tools and all kinds of Junk, Main 734 OUR SPECIALTY is buying mens cast-off cjutning; nighusl caah prices pala; will call day or night. PEOPLE'S SliCOND-HAND STORK. Marshall .1225 2119 Madison. WANTK RIFLES AND SHOTGUNS. Highest cash pries paid for your rifle, shotgun and kodak. Gors am' Carl 7.elas lenses f . sale. Hdwy. 5841. 85 3d St. WE PAY Til hi hii.li.st prices for used furniture slid household goods and tools, clothing and Junk. Oregon Furnl- ture Kxrhang' . Mam M33. SAFE Fireproof lor office. Give slxa. lowest price aud where at, D 506. Ore gonlan. W A N T ED A wheel chair, must be A l'. tall Bdwy. 1414, leaving. Arthur A. Collins. WE BUY and rent dress ulta. Marell'a Misfit Clothing, 61 Third st, DIAMONDS bought at mgnest market prices, E. Dr.ds. 810 Washington St. HIGHEST spot cah prices paid tor du motids. Dan Marx & Co., 813 Wash, r, GARDEN TOOLS WANTED. CASH PAID. MAIN 44H5. AUTO, 2f -82. 627 47. WANTED Lady's blcvclu. 211311 son Interstate ave. 1'lloUu Wdllt, rurnlture U anted. CASH FURNITURE CASH, We need used furniture, stoves, ranges, etc., to ship out of town. Will pay higher prices than any other local dealers. Call ua up for ons article op a house full and a courteous, consistent buyer will call. Main 7714. Rosenbergs Furniture- Exchange. BE SURE AND LET US SEU Your furniture and household goods be-, fore you sell. We are in the market t os same and will pay highest prices. PORTLAND FUKNITUKM EXCHANOB. 208 FIRST ST. MAIN 772M CALL MAIN SK7S- Ws pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE tSTORH. MAIN 8N7. IT IS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE and benefit to sen ye-ur lurniture to us. Call A, r. shall 2693. Crown Furniture Co. IF YOU SELL your used furniture, call us, as we pay toe nigncst pries. Mala 5433 WE NEED SECOND-HAND FUHNJTUKsi of any aescription; pave tne ready cash. Phone today. Main 4127. or lliti First at. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTKIaI" lUi-i-TAiLflnii. ,-IIAI.v S33;i WE BUY used furniture and pay cash. For best results phone East 24 03. BDUCATfOXAU BEHNKE-WALKER. West's largest business college. Enroll any time; day or night schooL WRITE FOR FREE CATALOGUE. Fourth, near Morrison. Phone Main 696. LADIES. I will Instruct six ambitious women and help tliein develop a business for themselves; outside work; short hours. 627 Corhett bldg. SPANISH INSTRUCTION, private or class. Mrs Vejar, 306 Piatt bldg., 127 Park sal No telephone. ROCKY MT. Teacners Agency. Enroll free. Frana ft., wenes, ex-asst. stale supt.. Mgr. N. W ' Bank bldg. Auto. 512-13. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway TeTei grapn institute, e.te itauway alxchanga bldg. Night classes RUSSIAN language la faaclnaling: lears) io. . ' vuhuh, cor, 17th. room 9 IF YOU WANT to learn the vulcaauiuk I - .. 1 , .so I.- u .. . UU.ll-c.. , . , ' - . ioaumB7. FISK Teachers' Agency Journal bldg. Main 4835. Teaching position, free reg. LEARN vulcanizing business: we teaca tne newt mfinon Known. 43.T, Ml ark. WANTED Two men to learn vulcanizing. 102 Grand ave. WANTED At once. 2 mon to learn vul, ewnlzing and retreading. 432 Hawthorne. XATBS - FISHER Teachers' Agency Frets wutinUea. Maia 6-4.4, Broadway bUo