TIIE 'MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 1921 16 FUNERAL niKKCTORS. VAULT ENTOMBMENT or Cremation Phone Sellwood 067 Portland Crematorium EAST FOCRTEEXTH AD BVUEK Ask for Booklet i-4 Mausoleum Tombs Stasia or In Family Section. Handsomely arranged. Built to endure. Permanent care. Cost no more. R1VERVIEW ABBEY MAUSOLEUM "We hava Mausoleums in all principal citJc- In state, they contain tn only aanluxy tomb In Oregon. PORTLAND MAUSOLEUM CO. (11(1 lit tick Block. Phone Bdwy. 3M. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Less, Independent Funeral Directors. Washington street, between 2uth and 21at eta. weal aide. Lady Assistant. Main Stlst Auto. 678-85. HOLMAN & SON Walter J. Holman.) FUNERAL, DIRECTOR Third and Sa'mon Sta. McENTEE & EILERS Vuneral parlors with all the privacy of a borne, lttth ana j&vereti sis. rngni Broadway :;i3.-i. Amnmauc DOWNING & McNEMAR Th RMirifntlal Funeral Home. 441 Mnltnomah ft.. Irvington gist. B. B4. FINLEY'SMORTUARY MONTOnMRRT AT FIFTH. MAIN 9. jAjjl blDE FUNERAL DIRECTORS. tF. S. DUNNING, INC.) "The famllv sets the price." 414 E. ALDER. LtKUH. I.NKKKTAK1SK, Eat Eleventh and Hawthorne. Phone East 781. An 7EI I CD Pfl 592 Williams Ave. i Hi iCLLCIl UU. Phone East 1088. Ck'CUJCO UNDERTAKING CO. OrvLIILO Third and Clay. Main 4152. A. D. KEN WORTHY & CO, H;n?.n4 n-'rl st.. Ints. 618-21. BREEZE & SNOOK 1TilBei?508n'- MONT ME NTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS t(t 4th St.. opp. CHy Hall. NET BKQ8. OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLE WORKS QUALITY MZMOfilALS E. THIRD PINE STS. PHOKE E.743 PfS BLAESING GRANITE CO. nT TMIWO AT MADISON STWCCT RATES FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Daily or 8 on day. One time 12c per Hue bame ad -ft. twa consec utive times 22c per line Same advt. 3 conseca- tive times 30c per line Sam advt. 6 or 7 eon- aecative timea 6Sc per line One month $2.50 a line Six montis. .SZJtS a line per month Change of copy allowed monthly.) The above rate applies to adver 'tisemenu under all class. alcatione enceptins; "Situations Wanted Male" and "Situations Wanted juuUe" which it tfo per line for each Insertion. - No ad taken for less than two lines. Count five average words to the line. Advertisements (except "Personals' and "Situations Want ed" will he taken over the tele phone if the advertiser is m sub scriber to either phone. The Oreironian will receive copy by mall provided sufficient remit tance for definite number of issues Is seat. Acknowledgment will be iorwarded promptly. No prices will be quoted over the phone, but statements will be ren dered the folio wing day. Adver tisements are taken for The imily Oregonutn until 7:S0 P. AC.; for The Sunday Oreroniaa ua&il 6 f ; a. Saturday. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY IOTeitl tttea all cases of alleged cruelty to animals. Offices, room 130 courthouse. Phone Main 178 from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. The society has full charge of the city pound at its home, 636 Columbia bou levard. Phone any time. Woodlawn 764. Dogs for sale. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary, and stray animals cared lor. All dead animals, cows, horses, etc Dicked up tree of charg-a. XICW TODAY. A LAURELHURST BEAUTY That stands In a class by It self, unique and beautiful; just drive past 1225 East Ash street, corner Forty-first, and give it the "once over." This is one of th show places of beautiful Laurelhurst. DESCRIPTIOlf. Cheerf ul. large living room with massive fireplace, spacious dining room, central hall, two bedrooms and bath on first floor and spacious, airy bed room and enclosed sleeping porch above; hardwood floors throughout; fine heating sys tem; you can drive your car (or two cars) right into the base ment This home is a model of convenience In a grand setting, being located on a beautiful Tax 100 corner, one of the very best in Laurelhurst. This house is so strikingly beautiful as to cause people to exclaim "Who lives there?" PRICE IS BUT $10,000. J. W. CROSSLEY , 3 "Better Types of Homes.'' Main 5073. 1100x200 WEST SIDE TRACKAGE. CLOSE IJf, iOl K-STOBJ BRICK BUILDING ON QlwRTCk BLOCK. WITH ROOM FOR ADDITION. BIG SA I OS BITLDI.NU COST BY PURCHASE OF THIS PROPERTY. R.J.O'Ne.1 TIT BOARD OF TRADE BritniyG Edward E.Goudey Co. r.tted Stale. Bsnte BmIIHIbk. CLAY S. MORSE. INC. Dravmen and Wrehouemsi Broadwsv 3170 Phone your want ads to Thei Ore gonlan. Main 7070, Automatic 660-95. Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms, professional men, manu facturers, repair men, etc., classified for ready reference. Information as to any class of work not listed may be obtained by calling Main 7070, House 40. ACCOUNTANTS. JULIUS R. BLACK, publio accountant, sadltor, income tax service. Concord b!dg.. id and Stark. Phone Main 7448. ATTORNEYS. E. W. EASTMAN, lawyer and notary ub llc 1)34 Chamber ot Commerce bj'g- ALTERATIONS. LADIES' tailoring, perfect litting; work guar I Reubin. 408 Bush ft Lant bldg. AK.U1 COODS. U. S. ARMY GOOLS for sale, wholesale and retail; pricea reduced. H. Horen etein. 250 I'd su. or 204 1st at. Main ma. ASSAVEKS AND ANALYSTS. iIO.NTA.NA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second. Gold, silver and platinum bougnt. BATHS, UK. ilcMAHON'S hatha. Portland. stearu showers, plunges, tubs, all for 35c leu your friends. Fourth and Washington. CHIROPRACTIC, steam baths and mas sage, loth floor, Broadway bldg. Jiar- DIIA1I oioi, ur. mm. ait. BEA L IV PARLOR. SOMETHING NEW Have you tried the electric manicure for 60c at the Folly anna Beauty Parlor. 815 Broadway building 7 Phone Alain 6654 ChLLlLUlU BUTTONS. TU L- luii-ivr aJ.-. ii.V riLllPAXT, iua lit w A -uyiuvii - - 887 Washington. Bdwy. 434. Tabor 1254. L'UIROPRACTIC, UR. McMAHON'S chiropractic speaka lor Itself. Portland. 11th year. Phones. CHIROPODISTS. CCCT UIIDTCunie W LT. Gartner, loot ILL I nun I specialist; corns, bunions, foot arches made to order. 811 Swetland bldg.. 6th and Washington. Main luai- DR. O. O. FLETCHER Foot troubles sci entifically corrected. Lady assistant. on Morgan bldg. Alain m. HlitUi'UIII Vr,-. AKt 11 hPECHLXSTS. WILLlAil, iutlelie and Florello Ds Veny, the only scientific chiropodist and area specialists in the city. Parlors 302 oer linger bldg. S. W. corner Second and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROfKACTOJt. DR. ELIZABETH ROSTOCK. Cancer. tubercluosia. diaoetea many other so-cailed incurable diseases euccesstuily treated. NEW METHOD DKUOLJiSS PAINLESS, KNIlLlWa. 310-317 Bush & Lane bid. Main to.L Hours 10-3. DR. E. B. ANGELL dekum bldo. Shower, mineral and electric light hatha. All Norwegian drugless methods. CLEANERS AND PRESSERS. REGAL CLEANERS TA 11.11RS AND HATTERS Cleaning and dyeing a specialty. 127 N. 6th St., Portland. Or. COLLECTIONS. NETH & CO., Worcester bldg. Main 1796. No collections, no charges. Estab. lttOO. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. RELIABLE CONSTRUCTION CO. House construction, general and jobbing. 168 West Park. Main 3029 CARPET CLEANERS. PIONEER CARPET CLEANERS Finest carpet-cleaning; plant in the city. Uil2 rugs cleaned. 11.50 and op. We call and deliver. 1572 East Lincoln. EAST 6II5S. AUTO. 237-irr. DANCING. SUMMERS Dancing Academy; dancing guaranteed in 8 1-hour lessons. 86ft 5th St., near Stark. Club dance every . Tuea Class Thurs. Bdwy. 3590 MISS DOROTHY RAS.UUSSEN Ballroom and stage dancing. 610 Eilers building. Wash., between 4th and 5th. Main 112S. DENTISTRi. DR. B. E. WRIGHT Sd Floor Raleigh Bldg.. cor. 6th. and Washington Sta Main 2119. A 2119. riCWTICTDYCR- A. W. KEE.NE, 351, UCilllOlnl Washington st Without pain. Latest nerve blocking system. DRAMATICS. MRS. EDWIN GUIVER, recently from San Francisco, wll take pupils in elocution and expression; monologues a specialty. Special care given to children. Main 8189. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. H. M. H. ELECTRICAL CO.. 1st St.. Portland. Or. Re- lndlng and electrlo repairing specialty. New or-used mo tors. Broadway 1045, A. 1046. MOTORS REWOUND Re"idred BOUGHT AND SOLD. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS, Phone 627-27. 226 Main St MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. AMERICAN CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC Professor W. R. Beatty, director. A school devoted to every department In music Special courses. 410 JSllers bldg. Phone Main 4120. WHOLESALERS AND ENGINEERS' AND MILL SUPPLIES. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. 84-86-87-89 Trent HATS AND CAPS. THANH A USER HAT CO.. 5355 Front St. PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. V P. FULLER CO., Front and Morrison. HASMUSSEN & CO.. Second and Taylor. HIDES. WOOL AND CASCARA BARKl ItAHN BROTHERS, li) Front st NEW TODAY. SEND US YOUR OLD CARPETS. OLD Ross and Woolen Clothing We Make Reversible. Hand-Wovea FLUFF RUGS Rag Kuga woven, all sizes. Mall orders. Send tut booklet Mattresses renovated, made ever, leathers renovated, carpel cleaning, refitting, etc. Largest, tlnert equipped carpet cleaning, refittlns srsrka in Oregon. Separate plants. UU rugs steamed cleaned SLM. WESTERN CLUES' KUO CO-lf-60 tnion Ave. ti. East 6511. m HM tALL AND DELIVsklL Ground Floor Location FOR RENT 244 Stark St. Concord Bldg. Ladd Estate Company . Will Pay Cash for a building with trackage with 20,000 to 40,000 ft. of floor space, either brick or frame. L. J. LAMB 605 Corbett Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS Lomrst Interest rates; lutallmcat re oaTments if desired. Building loan, made. No delay In closing-. A. H. BIRRELL-GILL CO. . Formerly A. II. Blrrell Co. 216-218 Morth western Bank Building. Marshall 4114. WANTED 3Y LARGE, RESPONSIBLE COMPANY 10,000 feet of ground-floor space with railroad switcn. Aaoress a x, ur. onian. giving: location "and ierma. . ' HAT CLEANERS AND PYEB8. HATS cleaned, blocked, dyed reasonable and satisfactory. Royal Hat Works. 223 1st. EYES SCIENTIFICALLY TESTED with modern instruments, glasses fitted at a saving; satisfaction guaranteed. Out of tne nignTem mown-.. ' . A. E. HURWITZ, Optometrist. 225 1st st. -AJST GEORGE RUBEN STEIN, the veteran optician, be your ouuciau, ue m in fitting eyeglasses and his charges are very reasonqDle. 226 Morrison st. MUSIC TEACHERS. L. CAKKULL DAK, leacner of piano and" voice. Broadway 2055. 148 13th st. l'AJLNTLNO. PAINTING, paperhiuiisiug, Onting. Lapp, Willis 4 Co. Phone Woodlawn 2497. 'PAlNTa, WALLPAPER, ETC. WALL PAPER, PAINTS, ETC. 230 Second St. UHL BROS., INC. PAl.VH.Mi ANU UECOKAT1NO. liET l'OLR PAINTINU, decorating and signs done before the spring rush; JA years' experience. Tabor 286. - - i... . - PATKNTS uur practice eil-nded over a period of 74 years. All communica tions strictly confidential; prompt, ef ficient, conscientious service; handbook free on request. MUNN CO., Patent attorneys. San Francisco offices, Hobart bldg.. 682 Market St.; Chicago office, room 810 Tower bldg.; Washington of fice, room 103, 625 F St.; New Xork of- PAiii-N'i ATTORN E VS. noe, woolworth hldg R. C. WRIOHX, 22 years- experience u. a. and foreign patents. 601 Dekum bldg. I'lBUC SERVICE. ATTENTION, TRAVELING MEN1 WHY NOT HAVE ESTABLISHED AD DRESS AT 832 MOROAN BLDG. T MIMEOGRAPH, TELEPHONE, STENO GRAPHIC AND NOTARY WORK FUR NISHED. CALL MAIN 62B4 FOIU IN FORMATION. PHYSICIANS. DR. R.. A. PHILLIPS, Broadway building. jvuauniKiiim, imiuiwD, wwwci, ua, - kidney, bladder, rectal, prostate, femaie disorders, skin aflection, blood pressure, enlarged tonsils, moles, birthmarks. PLOWING by Fordson tractor in vicinity or muunoman or neaverton. jiam PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES at wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co.. 1S8 4th st. Alain PRINTING. PaiMTIUf! vv. aAivriis & company rnill I IflU First and Oak. Main 165. 511-65. alCI CY PHlNTlNti CO. for quality MHOLlI ay wash. Street. Main 4671 PRINTERS MODEL PRESS, PRINTERS. Main 6518. SUft Bd St.. between stark ana uan. ROOF TAINTING AND REPAIRING. OREGON ROOFING CO. Painting and repairing all kinds of roofa Best Gilsonite paint used. All work - guaranteed. 1764 E. Glisan st Phones Tabor 4817. Tabor 7259. ROOFS repaired and painted, -gutters cleaned. Roof Security, Inc.. mfgs. Web foot Paint. 226 Board of Trade. Main 571. Mlin SIGN. PAINTING. SIGN PAINTING. TABOR 266. SHOE REPAIRING. PRC WAR PRIPFMENS OAK TAN rnC-nflil I nillLO HALF SOLES J1.60 Ladles $1.25; rubber heels 50c. 122 4th st unnrnu cunr. DCDAiDlUfi guar- inutiLnu onut nLrninsnu anteed 68 M Broadway, bet. Oak and Pine. NEW METHOD SHOE REPAIRING 214 4th St STOVE REPAIRING. WHY BUY a new stove? We repair all kinds ot stoves, gas ranges, furnaces. B. B. Dunn. East by.il. TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU. 601 Dekum bldg. U. S. foreign trademarks. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH DRAYAGB AND STORAGE. Motor and Horse Equipment Furniture Moving and Packing. Baegaee. PHCNE BDWY. 3309 SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFEBr CO. Packing Moving Storage. Money loaned on joods in storage. 63 Fourth St, opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. OREGON TRANSFER CO, 474 Glisan Street. FIVE WAREHOUSES. STORAGE. CARTAGB. PHONE BROADWAY 1281. UMBRELLAS. "REPAIRING AND RECOVERED. 860 Alder St. The Surety Shop. WALL CLEANING. SMOKY walls of ail kinds cleaned. Broad way 4649. MANUFACTURERS ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AND PIPE. THE M. L. KLINE CO., 84-86-87-81) Front. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDIXG & FARRELL, 140 Front St. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER CO.. Front and Morrison. NEW TODAY. Flrst-CIaaa la Every Way. , 4-Zoot reoUona Kasy to erect aad ship. Get catalog. B.EDLMADE BUILDING COw Portland. Oregon. 11th and Market. Pboa. B. 5114 or SOS Lewi. Bids.. 4th and Oak. Phone 3dwy. 4335. anu sToolea clothing. Let us make new rags for you. The oldest and best-equipped fac tory. Fluff and rag rugs woven all sixes; carpets refitted: 9x13 rugs team cleaned. $ LSO. We call and deliver. 188 K. Eighth St Phone East S58. BEAT. ESTATE. For Sale Flat and Apartment Property. MODERN FLAT BUILDING. Sacrifice " Price. Four-flat building, each flat having a living room, dining room, Dutch kitchen, bedroom and den; full corner lot with pavement and sewer; 5-room house on rear of lot. Excellent location. Price only $9000 with terms. MAIN 61183. MR. CAREY. FOR SALE by owner, rooms and apta., nicely furnished and good net income; 8 lovely rooms for yourself; beautiful home, fine location, close in, less than 10 minutes' walk; just right for man and wife or one or two ladies. 'Address W 568. Qregonlan. For Sale Beach Property. S ACRES, with 5-room house . and good barn; land all cleared, suitable for vege tables, berries or fruit; only 1 block from Cranberry station on Long Beach. Wash., facing improved county road, which I will sell or exchange for income prop erty in the city or acreage in the sub urbs. For particulars see OWNER, 404 Piatt Bide;. 127 Park st. MODERN 8-rooui furnished house, cen tral location: Gearhart! S2bV0, worth tlOOO more: $1650 cash. Snap. J. D, Kennedy. 3Z8 Salmon. Main ilttX REAL ESTATE. For Sale Beach Property. BEACH LOTS EXCHANGE FOR PAINTING OR BUILDINO. Lota are well located at Tillamook Beach, near station and ocean. Address AH 646, Oregonian. 4-ROOM cottage, fireplace; facing ocean; 1 block from main business center; some furniture: quick sale. East 1S23. For sale Lots. COLONIAL HEIGHTS DISTRICT. CHOICE VIEW LOTS $1000, $200 CASH EASY MO. PAYMENTS. On E. 26th at., between Stevens and Harrison sts., choice lots 48x110 feet deep in this sightly addition, only four blocks south of Hawthorne ave. These lots are offered at half their real value. You will probably never again have an opportunity to buy a lot in this close-in beautiful district for only $1000.. Terms $200 - cash, balance easy monthly pay ments. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., 426 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. . LAURELHURST LOTS BEING SAC RIFICED. COME OUT TODAY. OFFICE ON THE GROUND EAST 30TH AND. GLISAN STS. A few nice lots for (800; very choice enes for $1000 and $1100; your oppor tunity to secure a, choice lot at about one-third real value while they last. Tract office East 39th and Glisan sta, M. V. car, or phone Tabor 3433; eve nings. East 773s. DELAHTTNTY. VACANT LOT OWNERS, Investigate our original plan for the profitable disposal of your vacant lots In any part of the city. EI. WOOD WILES ft SON. Im 283 Stark St.. Near Fourth. BERKELEY SNAPS. 25x100 $75 60x100 $150 60x100, corner $200 75x100 $200 75x87, corner $200 These won't last long; come early. HARRY BECKWITH. Realtor, 104 5th St. Main 8fi9. FOR SALE LOTS. Lots 7, 8, 9, 10. Block 9. Berkeley. . 100x87, near school and car line. 100 feet from hard surface. 100 feet on the corner sold for $1000; our price $300. ' HARRY BECKWITH, Realtor. 104 6th St. Main 6869. SACRIFICE PRICE $1800. FACTORY WAREHOUSE SITE. Adjoining ' Russell-Gilbert candy fac tory, on O.-W. R. & N. tracks. Holladay avenue near E. 24th. Mr. Carey. Main 74 S 7. CHOICE building lots in Irvington district, near school and car, improvements all in and paid; price $595 to $875; very easy terms. JOHNRON-DODSON CO., 633 V. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. LAURELHURST BARGAIN. TAKE A LOOK AT IT. Northwest corner of Floral ave. and Burnside st No better location In this beautiful district A rare - bargain. Phone Tabor 2124. YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Laurel hurst lots, while they last, at extremely low prices. See J. A. Mc carty, 2701,4 stark. Main 1700; evenings, Tabor 5057. LOTS. Choice Rose City lot on 42d st. near Sandy: a bargain at $900. COE A. McKENNA CO.. S2 4fh St. Main 4?T2?. $1 DOWN $1 WEEK. 50x100, cement walks, Alberta car, Kennedy school: no gravel; can you buy better lots for $300? R, W. Cary, 1219 Northwestern Bank bldg. VACANT LOTS and ACREAGE in and about Portland, which I will sell at low figures or trade for houses or other income property. For particulars see OWNER. 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Parkst FOR SALE OR TRADE. 60x100 corner lot in Mt. Scott reason able cash sale, or take anything in trade, such as machine or merchandise. F 564, Oregonian. 50x100 CORiNER. on paved street, all im provements in and paid for. $odU. in Westmoreland. COE A. MoKENNA CO.. 2 4th St. Main 4522. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 60x100 lot. won derful view Mt Hood; Improvements in, bonded; excellent neighborhood. Price $1800, terms. Take auto part or alt Tabor 4298. NL'MBEs building lots, 43d near Division; terms or exchange for sellers contracts, liberty bonds, income property. J. H. McMahon. 206 East 43(1 St. Tabor 5.361. lyjij.n Ajrtox vi. Laurelhurst lots at these prices. See J. A. McCarty, 2704 Stark. Main 1700; evenings. Tabor 5057. LAURELHURST. ISO ft east of 32d. st, near Couch. $375. COE A. MoKENNA CO.. 82 4th St. Main 4.TC2. LAURELHURST corner bargaiu: lot 12, block 41. 56x100. 35th. Sandy boulevard; all streets, sewtrs paid. Price $1200. Ta bor 9S4. ALAMEDA PARK, 40 ft. lot on E. 23d St., 140 feet north of The Alameda, $750. jonn pain, "t opinmus -oatis. ROSE CITY PARK corner 60th and Ala meda, $1500; next to corner $1000; even Ings. Broadway 271. LAURELHURST LOT BARGAIN'S. See J. A. McCarty. 270 Stark st Main 1700. Evenings. Tabor 5057. LOT IN Holgate addition for sale: a good . chance for home builder: for sale at cost, worth more, w uregonlan. FOR SALE 2 choice lots in White Sal mon, Wash.; a bargain at $300; buy the two. E 532: Oregoaian. ' $265 CASH buys Fulton Park 50x100 clear lot. near school and car lines. . Tabor 4296. FOR SALE at a bargain, two lots in Lee Bow Park addition. Box 1155, Klamath FaHs. Or. 20 ACRES platted in 120 lots inside city limits, $1100 an acre; excellent invest ment. Broadway 271. evenings. BY OWNER Splendid building lot. 100x75, west slope of Mount Tabor. Tabor 1926. COE A. McKENNA FOR LOT BARGAINS. We lsuild and finance Aladdin housea. LADD'S ADDITION BEST. 8 choice home sites. Owner East 2154. ROSE CITY, corner 41st and Tillamook. $1150; next to corner. ?nou. tapor M4i ROSE CITY, on Sandy blvd., corner 43d; price $1(r,0. Tabor 6441. BY OWNER Alameda lots, cheap. Call Marshall 1487. 9 to 12 A. M. For Salt? Houses. WALNUT PARK, RODNEY AVE. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 6-room modern house with garage; 1 large bedroom and bath on first floor, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, large hall and storeroom on ' second floor. French doors between living and dining roems. fireplace, full cement basement, high class furnace. Faces east, on 50xl00-ft lot, with improved alley to garage; front and dining rooms fully carpeted. Carpets, linoleum and A-B gas range included. Price $6000. Call Woodlawn 2071. 6 ROOMS, 2 stories, exceptionally well constructed residence, lot 62x100, sewer and paving in and paid for; this house and lot cost $5250 and was built when labor and material were very low; you can have $1000 on the above price, $800 down, balance to suit See house at 7S8 Tlbbet st Call Marshall 746 t FOR SALE AT $3500 $1400 CASH. It you are looking for a home, here It Is. Cosy 5-room bungalow and all the furniture, nearly all oak, 2 carpets, sew ing machine. In fact, everything that goes to make a home. Ready to move into. Garage. Lot 50x100. Auto. 623-65. Call Monday morning. FOR SALE AT $3400 $1400 CASH. Fine 6-room bungalow, fireplace, book case, Dutch kitchen, fine electric fix tures, hardwood floors, cook range and a heater. Launce, 3 rockers, sewing ma chine, library table; cement basement; lot 50x100; 2 blocks from car. Auto. 623-65. Call Monday morning. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME. Ten-room modern residence on 21st facing east; large lot 100x100.. garage, nice lawn: this home must be seen to be appreciated; shown by appointment only; price under $20,000. If interested 660 TAGGART BROS.. , 1102. Spalding Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. Only $750 Cash, A modern 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, paneled dining - room with built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, ce ment basement, furnace, garage; nice lawn and shrubbery. Price $5750. Call Bdwy. 2954. MODERN 5-room house in good section of city, facing improved county road; no street improvements to pay; will sell for $2250; easy terras to responsible buyer. For particulars see owner, 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. ' $20o CASH for a 4-room house-pavement and sewer in and paid, in Hawthorne; only $2000; lot 45x118. F. L. BLANCHARD. 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Marshall 829. $3500 BUNGALOW BARGAIN $3500. 6 rooms, nice built-ins. cement garage, in beautiful Waverley Heights, 1 block to car; $700 cash will handle; must be seen to ne appreciateq. tapor 4ii). PLASTER the house with a hammer and COLUMBIA PLASTER WALL BOARD, for hattenless, non-buckling walls. OHSFELDT. 145 First st. Mala e&lS. LOOfiS. WINDOWS, FAINTS. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. YOUR HOME IS HERE. 1200 Photographs of Homes For Sale. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Deal With an Old-Established Firm. Main 1068. Main 1068. The McGulre system has won an In ternational reputation and established a national record for home selling be cause it is the original, superior, modern, scientific method. We protect your every Interest and put you in immediate touch with the home of your requirements. If necessary, we'll help you make your down payment . Open every evening nntll'9. 25 salesmen at your service. ' ROSE CITY GEM. $4500 This Just "came In" and if II soon "go out." because, Bargaln-Seek-- er. you'll "snap this right up," A bargain that defies competition, a beautiful 5-room pergola bun galow with every convenience; hardwood floors, built-ins. fire place, etc. E. 63d st Terms. Come early. ROSE CITY $500 DOWN." $2300 Only $500 down! Artlstlo end neat, homey Rose City bungalow of 4 rooms: white enamel plumb ing, electricity, gas. E. 60th st Paved street. $500 down. REAL ALBERTA SNAP. $2900 $500 down. Five rooms In en especially artistic Alberta that's Teally good value for the Alberta home buyer. Built-in conveni ences, white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas. Only $500 down and it's yours. K. 25th st Come today. ALBERTA 1i BLOCK TO CAR. $;237j Convenient, substantial, modern Alberta cottage. Just block to car; fruit. E. 7th st. Terms. ALBERTA! ALBERTA! ALBERTA! $1990 Good five-room Alberta cottage on E. 25th St.; white enamel plumbing, electrlcltv. gas. Terms. WALKING DISTANCE: $500 DOWN. $4250 $500 down. Look at this. Close to Washington high and easy walking distance to town; 6-room very substantial, comfortable modern, central East Portland home: bnllt-ln buffet, convenient kitchen, fireplace, furnace, ivory finish. E. 19th. Only $500 down. Rest like rent. PENINSULA REAL SNAP. MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE. $3250 Here's a splendid opportunity te secure an undupllcated home bar gain: 8-room large, comfortable central Peninsula home: furnace, 5 fireplaces, 2 baths: 133 1-3 lot with a profusion of fruit, berries, grapes, nuts. The terms are rea sonable and you'll have a home, with a little care, can be con verted into a place of satisfying beauty. Oatman st MT. SCOTT $300 DOWN. $1450 Very artistic five-room Mt. Scott bungalow, with built-in conveni ences, white enamel plumbing, gas; vacant: close to car. COME TODAY. Every home is first personally Inspect ed and appraised before being offered for your consideration. Hundreds of truly wonderful bargains in every dis trict in the citv. See FRANK L. McGUTRE To Buy Your Home. Ahlngton Bldg. Mm 1068. Third St., bet. Washington and Stark. Entrance tlndor the big electric sign. ROSE CITY PARK. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. $4800. A real snap below the hill, half block to Rose City car line, facing east, lot level with street, nice lawn and flowers, good furnace, fireplace, full cement base ment large living room and dining room: all rooms on one floor; good attic. If this is what you want call at once. J. L. HARTMAN CO.. 8 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 208. Branch Office: 45th and Sandy. Tabor 252. THE FINEST HOME IN ROSE CITY PARK FOR $6500 We have sold many homes In this popular district but never have we been able to list such a splendid home for $6500. Description: 2-story bungalow, big. beautiful living room with fire place, large dining room, lovely tapestry paper in both rooms, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen. 3 lovely big bedrooms and sleeping porch on the upper floor, full concrete basement, high grade fur nace, garage; street paving paid. We want you to compare this home with others that you've seen for the same price. Call us at once. COMTE & KOHLMAN, 20R Chamber of Commerce. M 6550. $4500 $2000 DOWN. Man must sell his. 7-room home, on Mississippi avenue car line, near Jeffer son high school, paving and sewer In and paid; reception hall, living room, ' dining room, kitchen and toilet down stairs, 3 bedrooms and bath up, fine fireplace, full cement basement; house in fine shape, 51x100 corner lot. Call A.. H. Young, Woodlawn 4122. 121 Killlngsworth avenue IRVINGTON DISTRICT. Just finishing a 5-room bungalow with large attic; It will be modern in every respect: 75 ft. of Broadway car; come out to 770 E. 23th st N. this aft ernoon. GEORGE E. WELLER, Main 5231. Builder. Enst 6372. BRING your plans and specifications in and let us figure your home. You'll get the surprise of your life. SUN HOUSE BUILDING CO., 216 Abington Bldg., On 8d. bet. Stark and Wash. ROSE CITY PARK HOME. On account of poor health will sell my 6-room bungalow at a bargain If taken at once; everything modern; ga rage, lot 169x112; $6500, $2400 down. Tabor 7539. 11-ROOM modern house, $8500; lot 78 ft. front; would be swell apartment; high class district, walking distance; large rooms; lots of fruit See Mr. Jackson for terms, with J. P. McKenna, Belmont at 39th. Tabor 6493. 5-ROOM modern: large attic: cor. lot lOOx 100; $4750; $500 cash. baL like rent; bet. ' Hawthorne and Belmont. We have also 8 bungalows under construction; will build to order. For terms see J. P. Mc Kenna, Belmont at 39th. Tabor 6493. A PALATIAL residence of 8 rooms, on a sightly spot overlooking Willamette river, cost $15,000 before the war, as good as when it was built, $9500, $4000 cash, bal. easy. Phone Broadway 3856. Marshall 2609. BY OWNER. 8-room modern house; light, gas, wa ter, bath, full cement basement; lot 68x 100, walks and sewers in, street now paving; close to 15th and Alberta. $3100, $500 down. Call Auto. 622-67. 6 ROOMS, breakfast nook, oak floors, built-lns, cement basement full lot, ga rage; $3500, $600 cash, balance $30 mo. Including interest Smithpoter, with In terstate Land Co., 248 Stark st Main .VI 20. A BEAUTY Modern bungalow of 7 rooms on west slope of Mt Tabor; lot 60x100; garage; several fruit trees. This is sim ply grand for '$7000. See J. P. McKenna for terms. Belmont at 39th. Tabor 6403. VERY attractive up-to-date 5-rooin bun galow; fireplace, buffet hardwood ' floors, furnace, garage, fruit trees, ber ries; built less than year. 658 E. 50th st. N. HOUSE PLANS. "Distinctive Homes." Illustrated book of over 100 designs, $1 : blueprints. $10. DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY, 924 Northwestern Bank Bldg. $500 DOWN 4-room shingled bungalow, basement, bath, electricity: lot 50x100; 1 block to Alberta car. Mr. Bockman, A. J. DE FOREST & CO., 320 Henry Building. Bdwy. 5590. IN CITY VIEW PARK. Modern home, six large rooms. Dutch kitchen, furnished, cement basement, steps and walk, garage. 1528 East 11th st. Sellwood car. IRVINGTON Modern 6-room bungalow, floored attic. 2 fireplaces, $6750, fur nished $7000. Zimmerman, 818 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. ,-HOOM cottage, close in, modern, paved street, sewer and sidewalks paid, easy terms, house with one lot, $2200, with two lots, j-jwi. nioiig owner, i aoor oou. IRVINGTON New 6-room bungaloi. Just Completeu; a real suo-p wr casn. DO m. 25th St. f"., PCT xvimiL. 7um. jiq-Qj, 5-ROOM house, & minutes' waik irom city hall, lot 60x50 feet; $5800. Blaeslng Granite Co.. 267 Third street "iRVINGTON BUNGALOW SACRIFICE. FURNISHED. FINE LOCATION. GOOD TERMS. EAST 6431. FOR SALE 100x100, 4-room house. 95 Florida St.. Fulton, $1800. Jas. E. Kelley, 225 Second St. FINE 8-room corner, R. C. home. 4 large bedrooms, hwd. floors throughout $7900, terms. Call Tabor 2676. FOR SAL1S Modern home and garage for 5 autos, 2 blocks from car. Wdln. 1877. 8-ROOM modern house, close in, bargains for someone. Mar. 1753. FOR SALlii 5-room modern bungalow on carllne. Wdln. 1264. BUNGALOW FOR SALE BY OWNER. PHONE AUTO. 641-61. Aii.'DV .Iv.rnnm tiiinirulnw anamalarl n l LJ Hi IV iv da - a - - , Tsrrt-ri A4& FV ftKth. Wood lawn Kft MODERN 7-room nuiuo toy uwuex. 1133 i .inn svg. a. XAm REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. BIHR-CAREY. MATN 7487. MAIN 698S. RICHMOND Story and half 6-room house on paved street with sewer, 1 block from car: plastered, full plumbing: fruit trees. - Price only $2650. Small down payment 77TH-ST. 8-room house on half aore of very tine land for only $2300. An excellent buy. Only $300 down. ALBERTA New 4-room house with 2 bedrooms, plastered and full plumb ing. Price only $2300 with con venient terms. MONTA VILLA 1-room house on full lot with abundance of fruit: full plumbing: 50x100. $1800; 100x100. $2200; 100x180, $2700. $300 down. KENTON Very attractive little 4-room house on full lot 1 block from car. for only $1100, on easy terms. CLOSE-IN 7-room house with 4 bed rooms, paved street sewer, full plumbing, close in, for $1800 on easy terms. RICHMOND New 4-room house with 2 bedrooms, full plumbing, gas and electricity, fruit trees; for only $1600 with small down payment. 6STH ST. t4-room house with 2 bed rooms and sleeping porch, full plumbing; 1 block from car; for only $200 down. MONTA VILLA Good looking 4-room house with 1 bedroom, full plumb ing, fruit: 2 blocks from car; for only $1600. ' MONTA VILLA 4-room house with 2 bedrooms, on full lot. 3 blocks from car; for only $1200, with convenient payments. BIHR-CAREY. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg. Stark and Third Sts. Main 7487 and Main 6983. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON COLONIAL. A 2"4-story, 11-room. southern colonial with garage, on 100x140 corner, in best section, near car. Built for home 6 years ago by present owner, no expense spared and never offered before. A spacious entrance hall leads to hand some living room, having French doors to concrete side porch; additional French doors open to delightful dining room and to a charming den and an all glass breakfast room; 3 tile fireplaces, artistio decorations, 7-coat old ivory finish with hardwood floors throughout. An ornamental stair-leads to 4 com modious bedrooms, 2 enclosed sleeping porches and 2 elaborate tile baths on second floor; on the third floor are maids' rooms and bath; large basement with best hot-water heating system; beautiful grounds, tree's and shrubbery; price $25,000, which Is far below value. R. H. Torrey. Tabnr 407. A $6000 HOME FOR $3500. This 8-room modern house could not be built today for less than $6000; in come can be made to take care of pay ments. A 6-room modern house In Alberta district 60x100 lot, some fruit: price $2450: cash, $500, balance like rent. A Walnut Park 7-room house, full basement 4 rooms down, 3 rooms up stairs:; bath, price $2950, cash $550; balance easy terms. WOODLAWN 5-room house, 1 block from Alberta car; $1975, cash $500, bal ance $25 per month. 6 per cent. . BRACE & PULLMAN, . 314 Couch Building. Phone Main 7036. LAURELHURST. FIvd-room bungalow, new and modern In best part of Laurelhurst. Screens and Acorn gas range goes with house. This house in easily worth $8000, but will sacrifice for $7150. Must sell by May 1; $2500 cash and balance like rent 1233 East Pine Street. Near Corner ot East 41st ROSE CITY PARK. $.V00. This is something different: 6 rooms with every modern feature on a lot 71x100; this its an exceptionally at tractive home and will appeal to any one wanting a large piece of ground; can be handled on $1000 to $1200 cash and reasonable monthly payments. HILLER BROS.. 514 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 86. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. Open Sundays and Evenings. Phone Tabor 8485, FOR SALE BY OWNER ONLY. 5 large rooms. $5000: west slope Mt Tabor; fine neighborhood, near school and one block from car; paved streets, driveway and garage; 28-ft. living room, hdwd. floors, fireplace, built-lns. Dutch kitchen, full attic and basement, furnace and laundry. This Is not a flimsy, built-to-sell house. $1500 cash, possession May 1. Shown by appointment only. Tabor 1515. FOR A QUICK sale will let my home go at $5900: will take $3300 down: a real home, modern, convenient: 6 rooms with lots of built-ins; extra large living room; fireplace, large basement, furnace, por celain tuba fruit closet, garage: ons of the finest locations In Portland: corner lot 100x100, near car line, schools and park; lots of fruit, berries, grapes, English walnuts; S fine holly trees, roses and email garden. Woodlawn 31169. E. BELMONT ST. $600 CASH. For $3750 this is a good home and the location, right on the Sunnyslde car line. Can't be beat. Three rooms and reception hall down and 3 large bedrooms and bath up, - full basement paved street paid. The price is only $3750 with only $600 down. Let us show you today. COMTE & KOHLMAN. 208 Chamber of Commerce. M. 6550. WILL TAKE A LOT LN LAURELHURST as part payment on this excellent bun galow in Rose City. 2 blocks to car, paved street. 5 delightful rooms and bath, full cement basement with Gasco furnace, corner lot, double garage, val ued at $5000. and good value at that. See Maclnnes. with HARVEY WELLS & CO.. Main 4"i4. Evenings. Tabor 4502. ROSE CITY PARK $000 CASH. 83000. 6-room bungalow in first-class condition; haa furnace, full-size lot, garage. 2 blocks from car. If you want a snap, see this. HILLER BROS.. 614 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 86. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. Open Sundays' and Evenings. Phone Tabor S4,'.'i. WALNUT PARK. Strictly modern 7-room home In first class shape; all large, airy rooms: Dutch kitchen; breakfast room; full cement basement; furnace, trays: full lot with fine fruit trees; all improvements paid; one block to car, near two good schools; $5500, one-half cash. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. $7800 BUYS the most attractive Colonial bungalow in Rose City Park; excellent hardwood floors throughout, large liv ing room with beautiful fireplace, mas sive buffet In dining room. The entire house finished in old Ivory and tapestry wallpaper; Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement basement and furnace. One of the best located corner lots in Rose City. Call Bdwy. 2954. $600 CASH PRICE $3850. Close to Franklin High school, typical bungalow of 5 rooms and bath and two finished rooms In the attic. Dutch kitchen, full basement, high grade fur nace; 50x100 lot. See a photo of this pretty bungalow at our office. COMTE A KOHLMAN. 508 Chamber of Commerce. M. 655fV l.itTHEI.HIIHST BUNGALOW. Artistic 6-room bungalow on prominent corner, near park; old ivory finish, ma hogany trim, walls papered. French doors to side porch. . elaborate, ma hogany buffet, dainty kitchen. 3 fine airy bedrooms, oak floors throughout; snap at $8250. terms. Tabor 407. STRICTLY MODERN ROSE CITY PARK. Beautiful bungalow, 6 large room large attic, oak floors, except kitchen and bath; close to car; one real pretty home. For owner, phone A. 623-17. "WE HAVE 8 Dungalows under construction and intend to build 20 more. Will build to suit buyer. All large lots In good dis tricts. See J P. McKenna, Belmont at 89th. Tabor 6493. $3400 5-room bungalow; $700 cash, bal. like rent This iB splendid location, one block of Sunnyslde car, 4 blocks of school See Jackson, with J. P. Mc Kenna. Belmont at 39th. Tabor 6493. AN EXCELLENT 5-rooni nungaiow, fur nace, nice basement, all built-lns. in fine condition; a good, home, $4200. reason able terms. Phone Broadway 3856. Mar shall 2669. 7-ROOM home in fine snape, close in, west side, furnace, lull basement, fruit: rooms will pay for place after first payment. Broadway 3856. Marshall 2669. WEST SIDE home, close in on 25th st Full $10,000 value for $8000. on terms. ' Modern, h. w. floors throughout; 8 rooms. ;0 agents. Phone Main 3720. IRVINGTON residence, , rooms, modern, new plaint and tint; garage: best block in Irvington. Phone East 4198 and see house at 410 East 21st st N. FOR SALE Modern tt-room house, sewer and paved street In and paid, for $3000, terms. 694 East 21st st. S. ; no dealers. BY OWNER, 8 rms., vacant, modern, near Larrabee st., north of Bdwy. Right prlca Terms. Woodlawn 6191. $350 DOWN, $30 a month buys new mod ern bungalow, pneu e-iuv. v. xu. vveuo. 414 East stars: st. $26T0 5-room bungalow, $500 down, $30 per montn; ynvcuiciu, mil M'l. cny realty. 602 Stock Exchange. Main 953. WONDERFUL Irvington bargain, $4975. worth $6500, terms. This will pay 30 per cent. Owner. Enst 8015. BY OWNER 4-room Rose City bungalow. lOOxllO corner lot. jaoor -n;i. BY OWNER Five-room modern bunga low and esTaie. 106.1' B S2d . IBVINGTON Beautiful 7 room a. up to J m.,.w - - REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. IRVINGTON CORNER COLONIAL. HOT WATER HEAT. $13,500. Built by present owner for permanent home. Best of plate glass windows, all weather-stripped. Home is double constructed; three sets of French doors, all plate glass. First floor solid ma hogany and ivory; three artlstlo bed rooms and dressing rooms on second floor, all havov long mirrors and two closets. Tiled bath, pedestaled plumb ing and showerM; hardwood floors throughout. See this perfect home to day. ENGLISH HOME. Grounds looxloo. large rooms, light oak woodwork and oak floors through out; three bathrooms and three fire places, sun porch and sunroom. This Is one of the prettiest corners in Irv ington. $15,800. Could not be dupli cated for $35,000. IRVINGTON CORNER HOME. Ten rooms, two fireplaces, double ga rage with quarters above. Home has hnt v,lor bent: grounds 75x100. south I and east facing, one block to either Irvington or Broadway car. in.. Real bargain. ' , IRVINGTON. 22D AND HANCOCK. Seven rooms, two baths, two fire places, hardwood floors throughout liv ing room 33x20: $11,600. McDONELL, East 419, IRVINGTON HOME. $8500 8 large rooms, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitch en and lavatory room first floor; 4 bed rooms 2d floor; billiard rooms and maid's room 3d floor; hardwood floors through out; full lot: garage and beautiful serv ice fence. McDoncll, East 419. $1900 ROSE CITY PARK. 250 ft. to Sandy blvd. 6-room bun galow, garage, on good road, bearing fruit trees, grapes, shrubbery and flow ers. Small payment down, assume $1000 mtg., name your own terms on balance. J. L HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Coin. Bldg. Main 208. Branch Office. 45th and Sandy Blvd. Tabor 252. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME. Central hall, large living room, dining room, pas pantry and kitchen. 3 lovely sleeping rooms and bath, second-flour balcony porch, all drapes. linoleum, elec tric range and radiant Ore heater, extra size lot, Gadco furnace, ideal location. MRS. HARRY PRICK PALMER, ' .East 797Ki. OVERLOOK ADDITION. Dutch colonial bouse; Just being com pleted; kitchen, dining room, living room, sun room and breakfast room on lower floor; 2 bedrooms, den, sleeping porch and bath upstairs. Finished in ivory and mahogany throughout. Hurd wood floors and built-ins. Furnace and fuil cement basement. Would consider lot as part payment Owner. Wdln. 5741. MT. SCOTT. $24011 $500 CASH. Six-room bungalow. garage, full plumbing; In best of conditlun; 100 feet from car and paved St. If you are looking for a neat place, medium price, this is it, and a bargain. C. M. 11 EUR, 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2245. ALBERTA. Lovely 7-room homo and a 100x100 lot, with such an abundance of fruit It would amaze you; only two blocks from car line and the house is unsurpassable; fruit trees a-blooming and now Is the time to prepare for heavy canning; tlooo down, move in today. Frank Mahouey, COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 Fourth Street. Mnln 4S22. N bi VV UCNUALO VV . Five beautiful rooms and stairway to large attic, which if finished would provide dandy sleeping quarters. This modern home on paved street, lias hard wood floors, fireplace and exquisite built-in lectures. You wil! appreciate our advertising such a bargain at $4750, 1KTKKSTA IB INVESTMENT CO., Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. IRVINGTON DUTCH COLONIAL 7-room, oak floors throughout, large living room, very modern: owner ieav ing city; have reduced price fur quick sale. Call me. C. M. DERR, 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2245. ROSE CITY. $5500 TERMS. 6-room bungalow. 2 fireplaces, garage large living room, beam ceilings and fireplace; line dining room wttlt built In buffet; cozy den with fireplace; Dutch kitchen; garage; on 5wd St., block from Sandy. Owner leaving city. Call R. SOMblRVlLl.E, Broadway 2478. INCOME PROPERTY. 2-famlly flat on Corbett street, street Improvements all in and paid for; five rooms in each flat, with basement and attic; some furniture goes with Hie place; price only $2ii0, $ooo cash, bal ance terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Blilg. Main S7S7. NEW i-RUOM BUNGALOW, $38.10 FOR QUICK SALE. Finished in old ivory, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, hardwood floors, tapestry dec orations, cement basunent on 50x100 lot, paved street and sewer in and paid, 2 blocks to car; $1000 cash, bal. easy. Ask Donnelly, Main 4803, evenings Sell W'lnd 29110. 6-ROOM bungalow in irviugion, hardwood floors, white enamel finish, fine base ment. 1 know this house will be pur chased by the first person that sees it. It Is a real bargain, cost me $1000 more than my present price of $0000. Must sell out, but don't answer this ad unless you have $1500 In cash. W 572, Oregonian. $2350 BUNGALOW. $300 cash and $40 per month, Includ ing all interest, buyB a beautiful little 5-room bungalow on improved street, nice kitchen, a dandy buy for little monev: 23.0. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. ROSE CITY. $3025 $500 CASH. TOandy little 8-room bungalow, large liv ing room with fireplace, Dutch kitchen, concrete basement; full size lot; good location. This is brand new. $500 will handle. R. SOMERVTLLE. Bdwy. 2178 AN EXCEPTIONAL HOME, INCLUDING 3 ACRES, 657 E. 31ITH; $5000 FIRST PAYMENT, BALANCE ON TERMS TO SUIT. MRS. BERRY MARSHALL 1684. FOR SALE Laurelhurst. Beautiful semi bungalow, nearly new; 6 rooms down stairs, 2 up; old Ivory woodwork; hard wood floors; built-lns; French doors; fireplace, furnace; garage. Part cash will handle. Owner, 1009 E. Irving at., near 33d St. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Modern, up-to-date 6-room bungalow, unsurpassed view, select neighborhood, on car line, nice yard; sell for cash or payment down, balance same as rent; no agents. Price $7500. Owner, Main 3N36. WILL sell my equity in 5-room modem bungalow for $650; has 50x100 lot, garage and shade trees: price $1800. Phone Auto. 519-10. OWNER leaving city, will sell 6-room modern home, partly furnished; full ce ment basement, garden, some fruit; 1 block from Sunnyslde car line. 4 blocks from school; close In: price $4000; terms. Tabor 5'J.VA No agents. BEND. ORE. Convenient 7-room bungalow, close in. bath, electric range, water heater, lights; lot 80x114: no agents. 6111 43d ave. S. E-, Mt Scott car. SIX-ROOM modern IVa-story house. East 26th st South., $3250, terms. All im provements in and paid. HERMAN MOELLER. REALTOR. 1025 Ganco Bldg. Main 1480. 1UVLSGTOX, $7000, $1000 CASH, balance time; 7 rooms; extra large living room, fireplace, French doors, oak floors. Neuhausen, East 394. Main N(78. WOODSTOCK bungaiow. 5yxlO0 lot, mod ern except furnace, full basement, gar den and grapes, price $350o. $2.n0 cash, bal. terms. Room oil. Railway Ex change OWNER leaving city, must sell at once, at tractive new 5-room bungalow, built-lns: large lot. garage on paved st. and car line. Phone Woodlawn .'i.'t62. MODERN 6-room bungalow. hardwood floors, fireplace, ami all built-in con veniences; paved street; fine view. Owner. Main 2776. $3100. TERMS. 5-room cottage, cement basement wash trays, paved street Sunnyside. Ta bor 386. ev-nlngs Tabor 385. Lb YOU want a nice 7-room thuruughiy modern home much under value, Im mediate possessiou, telephone owner. East 7154. SUNNYSIDE BUSINESS DISTRICT, f.-room comfortable house, fruit; equity $1055, balance $1620: $15 month; better terms If desired. 147 K. 34th st. SL'N'N VSlDI", 6 rooms, den, lot 4txlo0; some fruit Owner, labor 183. 1137 HmI fa I m on. REAL ESTATE. "A HOME FOR EVERYBODY. 600 to Select From. HAVE YOU FERN TH1ST 4-room bung., near Irvington, 3 rooms extra finished In basement: hdwd. in laid floors; Improvement In and pah 6uxl00 lot; garage; $3200, $4200 MT. TABOR $4200. 8-r, bung., strictly modern, corner lot close to Glencoe school and MT car; garage 'n everything. HERE IS A MT. TABOR DREAM. 8-r. bungalow; all the built-lns; cor ner Int. location ideal. Owner going east and will sacrifice at $5250. Let us show you this, $3700 WALNUT PARK $1000 DOWN. Nifty 7-r. bilng., garage; very de sirable; terms to suit it's a, bargain. ROSE CITY PARK $5000, $1000 DOWN. 4-r. and sleeping porch bungalow, hns all the built-lns; strictly modern; 60x 100 lot; garage. HOME FOLKS. LISTEN! Here Is a typical bungalow of 8 mi., A-l structure: floor plan Ideal, h. w. floors, f. p., bookcases, Dutch kitchen, furnace; all improvements in: garage; close to school. Must sell. Give It the "O. O." and state your terms. HUNDREDS OF OTHERS ON EAST TKK.VS. ASK US TO SHOW TOIT. OPEN EVENINGS AM) SUNDAY. MARSH McCAHB CO.. REALTORS. 3?2-?4 Falling Hl.lg Marshall 390.V A REAL BUNGALOW llOMli . . ROSE CITY. o delightful rooms; a large ItvtBLg room with dc.p. broad flreplaoea Sk bright dining room with beautiful buf fet: a sunny kitchen, breakfast room. I charming bedrooms, bathroom wits, shower, full basement, furnace and trayn. This bungalow was not built to sell, but for a home from original plans; no expense was .pared to make it complete harmonious and artistic: It has excellent value at 85000; $1900 cash, balance $50 per month; proud to show It. See iiaclnnea. with , HARVEY WKL1.S & CO.. Main 4504. Kronlno. Tahnr 4.W WILLIAM1" AVE. CAR. HiuiO. Close in. half block to Williams ave. car. wo have a splendid, modern borne of 7 rooms and gla.sed-ln sleeping porol". tapestry paper, fireplace, concrete ruus ment. furnace, SoxlOO bealitilul lot with fruit; there are 4 rooms. Including breakfast room down and 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch up: this Is clos lo Catholic church and public and papocrri.il schools: If you are looking for a fine big home at a low price, don't fail to eeo this: owner will take $1000 ess-rt down. Comte & Kohlman. M, 6500. '-'os Chamber of Onmnurri' hMg I WILL "SEE THIS! $3S0O Three large rooms and den down. 3 bedrooms, toilet and bath up, also toilet down, every mom dolled up dandy, newly decorated and painted throughout neat as a pin. street paved and paid, 00x100 lot. alley, full basemen", wa.xh tray. Open 4 P. M. every day. Call at 227 Skldmore. near MiMssip!l car. J. A. WICK MAN CO.. "Shortest Wav Home.'" 261 Strtrk St. Main 1094 sn4 SM IKVTNGTON BUNGALOW. 440 E. 21st St. N. Living room. IrtxiiO: sunroom, dining room, large white kitchen, one bedroom and bath first floor, three bedrooms second floor, lull cement basement, hardwood floors, b.-st of plumbing, .-arafic. Owner. East 7976. 0 llOOJW, TlloltorOHLY MODEIUN. :i2.-. When the Ralph Harris company says snap it Is a real one. Here you are: Full ba-emcnt, furnace. fireplace, beuined celling, lot of butlt-lns. won derfully clean and attractive, genuine bungalow, full lot with lovely fruit, 1 block to pavement. 2 bloika to car. It should sell first thing today. Only 15 minutes nut. RALPH HARRIS COMPANY. 816 I'liamlier ot' I'limniirriv Main ."'"? I. WEST SIDE. $7000 SACRIFICE SAI.R $7onn. Nib Hill district; modern lo-ronm house, beautiful view; 4 bedrooms; 5ix 100 lot; fine condition; owners must sell and will give good terms to reliable parties. By appointment East 4101. IRVINi; ION. New R-room bungalow mu-t he sold and owner is reiluilng prlco frnin $ii.in to $5750 for linmeillatu sale. This homo has all the advantages and rniiveuii-iii'i'M of modern architecture and for $10110 rash you would make a huppy Invest ment Mr. llalght, rOR A McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main IJW; 6-room bungalow, on corner lot, close In. oak flours, llreplaci.. furnat-e, old Ivory finish, tapestry paper, many built lns, fine lawn, once In a blue moon we eiiiiMaue eonii. S .t.,. r'. hurry with your $ 1 Hint deposit and thank me. Frank Malinney, luu. ri.im ..inn "... COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 Fourth SI reel. Maln 6171. A COSY lit "M K 0 iiuo.MS 2ilO0. On a 50x100 lot. 8 blocks to car. In good district, 8 rooms below, 2 above, good plumbing, gas. electricity; a dandv home that will beat any apartment lor comfort; terms $.IM) cash. Maclnni., with HARVEY WELLS ft CO., 603 nn, lt:il Main 4"' $.IOO CASH and $25 per month, Including Interest puts you In possession of a dandy 4 room home; a real buy for little money, 50x100 lot, nice bed of strawberries, roses and grapes; close to pavement; only $1750. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Broadway 4751. 410 Henry niflg. OVERLOOK. BUNGALOW .ViO0. A U-room bungalow, ftirnace, firs place, oak floors, all built-lns Dutch Kitchen, cement basement and wash trays. 50x14s ft. lot. fruit and roses, city Improvements In and paid; price only $.'ioo. with terms. RUMMEI.L & ltrMMELL. 274 Slark St. . ' ROSE CITV. $750 cash and $50 per month. Includ ing Interest, buys a perfect bargain, modem new bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, breakfast nook, cement base ment, garage, tapestry puper. Call lo appointment. $4750. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. ALAMEDA BUNGALOW. A bfutlful living room 16x22, fire place. French doors to dining room and to sun porch, two bedrooms, all wood work in old ivory; hot-water heat, ga rage, corner lot 58x100; $:500, $1500 cash, $50 a month. East 13"7. E. 63D ST., about three blocks from the car; three rooms unn large screenen back porch, disappearing bed In living room, breakfast nook: all conveniences : best buy in Ruse City Park fur tlw. money: let us show you this place; $2700. HARRY BECKWITH. Realtor, 104 5th St. .Main osnff. A REAL HOMR. 82x240 MODERN BUNGALOW, close to car and 10 blocks north of Keed col lege: fire-place, furnace, buffet etc.: splendid trees, garden, berries, sewers, etc paid; certainly worth seeing, tall Cleveland. 308 Board of Trade. Broad- wnv ll.'O. iiii i. liiiii nU'Vli'll 6-room modern house, full cement basement, furnace, cement garage, 1 bill, from pavement, 4 blks. from Montavllla car. Come out and see for yourself; prlca right: $1000 cash. bal. terms; Immediate possession. 25 K. 71st si. North. TAKK A LOT An ultra-modern 6-r. bungalow, targe lot paved, paid; restricted district; parage- 2 blks. to car: one of the ben bullt houses In Portland. Don't delay; must be sold. Price 0."i0o; worth $7."isi. Mar. 3352. Tabor ::""" VllIT WILL BUY this 4-room bungalow, new. in the piaU of condition. It Is a gift at $2150; splendid terms. Let us show ou. REEDY & MAVES CO.. 518 Chamber of Commerce Bldg Main 41'.'Q $ 4 7501 1 A W T 1 1 o It N I ' 4 7511. 5 rooms and sleeping porch, mar 481 h St.; block from car: hardwood floors In front rooms, hullt-lrrs: this Is a real buy at $1750. $no cash will handle. BURKIIARDT BUSINESS III! 1 1. HERS, Suite 415 Piatt bi.lg Main 7"'- TAKE LOT OU . A 5r. bungalow de luxe, in Alameda; blk to car; corner lot- Imp. paid. Tills house and lot cost $7000; reduced ti $6500. Take lot or car as part; Ji.vmi cash. Marshall 3302; evenings. Tabor 311911. .1 . Rock. DOWNSTAIRS HKDKOOVf. Seven-room house on Richmond oar line; furnace, bathroom, two toilets lone downstairs): $1000. Buyers and agents apply to William M. Gregory, 8-.H Wash ington bldg. Mn'n 202S. WALNUT PARK. 6-rootn bungalow with hot-water heat Ing plant; moilern in every way; hard wood floors; I7SOO; $3800 cash, bal. easy terms. Call Wdln. 21 or Wdln. ,-.-'62. WILL take lot and small payment down as first payment on 7-room modern house in Rose City Park. AR 614. ore- ginian. IK YOU want to buy a home, either for cash or tasy terms, we can help you. yi liroaiinay "w(l or MarsliaU -JM).