BOND INTEREST OMITTED Paving Company's Contract With Bend Mentions .No Kates. BEND, Or, April 10. (Special.)- The Western Willite Road Construc don company, now beginning the pav Sijf of the downtown streets of Bend iK BBnti9it Tnav htt forced to accept improvement bonds bearing an Interest rate so close to we -ishing point as to be scarcely percep tible. The company, through Its president. C S. Reed, agreed to take city bonds at par in payment for the work, but the contract makes no mention of any interest which the bonds shall draw. City Recorder Farnham has discov ered. The question is, up to the council, which may not consider the question for another month. - Phone your want ads to The Ore gon I a n . AlninJTiVAiitoT TRAVELERS' r.VTDE. - J T.,at I Him .T? ' LESS THAN A mm! at ions Unsurpassed N. y Cherbourg Southampton :a ! My3-May24 Aquitania jd .1 Mauretania K.i Berengaria N. Y.--Plym'th-Cherb'g-Hamb'g r Apr. SOJune i Saxoma u-au.: Boston Liverpool Glasgow Massilia 28 Castalia -yjwiy Assyria June 22 New york-Liverpooi Carmania M v 17-Jane 13 jnly 1-Aub. 13 Caronia Albania Vestris A lrrpria Apr. 30-June 1 Julr2-July 30 Jane '-July 13 Auk. 20-Sept. 27 Mny 14 . June 25 Montreal-Glasgow-Liverpool c, , May 27-July 2 Saturnia AuK.-s-pt-io Cassandra juneii-Juiyia New York-Londonderry--Glasg'w 1 April 2:Uly 21 Columbia jo is-auk.13 Alsreria Mny "- 23 n - June 1-Joly 2 Cameronia juiyso-Aue.27 FREIGHT SHIPMENTS SOLICITED for Information. Ticket, etc.. Apply I. Local Agent. In Portland or Com- uutre. ' w Pnone E.1110K iw. SHORT ROUTE To GREAT BRITAIN AND THE CONTINENT TRAVEL NOW BEFORE THE SDDIKIl RUSH LONDON AND PARIS Are Loveliest in Spring INCOMPARABLE SERVICE FOR ALL CLASSES Everything Canadian Pacific Standard NONE BETTER ST. JOHN to LIVERPOOL April 23 Kmpreaa France April 27 Mellta ST. JOHN to HAVRE and LONDON April 21 Tunisian MONTREAL. SOUTH AMPTON. ANTWERP May 13 Scandinavian Apply to Armli Eirrrwfcere or KS THIKII STREET I'bune Hrondwny IK Canadian Pacific Railway Traffic Agents.' ' a S. CURACAO Palls from Portland 9 P. M. April 11 and 23 for Coos Bay. Eureka and San Fran cisco. Connecting with steamers to Los Angeles. San Diego. Mexico and Central American ports. Regular sailing from Seattle to south eastern a--' southwestern Alaska. . S. CITY OF SEATTLE (Southeastern Alaska). April 12. S. S. ADMIRAL WATSON (Southwestern Alaska), April 26. TRAXS-PACIKIC FREIGHT SERVICE to :J1 Oriental Ports, U. S. shipping; Board A-t Steel American Vessels SAILING FROM Portland: S S. PAWI.ET May S S S. COAXKT June S 8.S. MONTAGUE June 30 For Furtner Information Apply to Pacific Steamship Co. 101 THIRD ST. PHONE MAIN 8281. ASTORIA AND WAT POINTS Str. Georgiana Lt. Portland Hon. Wed.. FrL. 8 A. M Lt. Astoria Tues.. Thura.. Sat.. 8 A. la. .Night Boat Dally (except Sunday Connections Made for North Beach. Fare $2.00 Each Way. Main 1422 541-22. Foot Alder St THE U-i.Kh.I-VS TRANS. CO. AUSTRALIA KEW ZEALAND AND SOUTH SEAS 1n Tahiti and K-ratonga. Hail and pa. axa;er service) Irons Sub Francisc avert l oaya. UMON 8. 8. CO. OF NEW ZEALAND IM California St.. Sun Francises, r local inship and rail nsu ageneiea, (Reg-ular service between Portland. Maine. Philadelphia. Boston and Los Angeles, San Francisco. Portland. Oregon, Seattle and Tacoma via the Panama canal.) North Atlantic and Western a. & Co.'a tiuO-toa ateel vessels. EASTBOCKD. From Portland 8. 8.Talin April 18 8. 8. Wa Islets. . May S S. 6. Articaa May 1 ' Portland, Me. S. 8. Lehlrh Apr. IS, S. 8. Went Toana. . Apr. 29, 8. S. Brush. Mar 12 For Farther Information Apply to THE ADUIKAJ. L1M, 101 Third Street ::a,::nf,K TRAVELERS' GUIDE. FRENCH LINE New York Havre Paris Menr Quadruple Screw Oil Burner. "PARIS" 33.700 Tons tft.000 Horsepower June 23, July 27, Auf. 17 I.EOPOI.DINA May II Jnly t LA BOI'RUONNAIS Apr. 1 LA LORRAINE .. Apr. SO May 28 July 6 FRANCE Apr. 20 -May IS June . MtAlETTE .... atay 1 June uii LA TOUKAINE .. May 12 June 7 ROCHA.MREAL' .. May 14 June 18 July 23 LA SAVOIE May 21 June 18 July 14 CHICAGO June 0 July 16 Aug. 20 Hamburg Direct NIAGARA May 7 July 18 Sept. I New York Vigo Havre ROUKSILLON .... Apr. 28 June 7 Aus. , t Kuguzi Bros., Pacific Coast Agents, 100 CherrStJjeBttlrnrAnJoeaAgentg. TOO T.ATK TO CLASSIFY. $850 GROCERY, fine location, doing good business, clean stock and fixtures; four living rooms, rent $35; must sell, leav ing city. See Morris. SUBURBAN GROCERY. $2500. or invoice, best location on hlgh wav, close In. doing $!0 day business; 6 living rooms, large garden, plenty of fruit; sickness reason for selling. See Morris. 1051) Restaurant and lunch counter, well located on busy street, doing good business, good place for man and wife; good reasons for selling. See Morris. INTERSTATE LAND CO. AUCTION SALES. At Wilson's Auction House. 10 Furniture. 109-171 Second street. M. MEETING NOTICES. TAKE NOTICE! The open meeting announced by George Wright Post, G. A. R., for Wednesday evening. April 13, through unavoidable circumstances, has been post poned until further notice. A. C, SLOAN. Adjutant B. P. O. ELKS, NO. 142. Members are requested to meet in the lodge room Monday. April- 11. 3:30 P. M., to conduct the fu neral services of our late Brother David F. Morrison. Visiting brothers Invited to attend. M. R. SPAULDINQ. Sec OREGON COMMANDERT. NO. 1. K. T.. will entertain with a formal dancing party at Christensen's hall. Monday pvnim. AdHI 11. Sojourning Knights Templar and their ladles are cordially invited. RECORDER. WILLAMETTE LODGE. No. 5 A. P. AND A. M. A special communication will be held this (Monday) afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Work In K. A. and F. C. degreea Visiting brethren welcome. By order W. M. F. VAN HEEKEREN. See. THE ACACIA CLUB la now open at Its new quarters on the mezzanine floor at the Multnomah hotel. All Master Masons cordially invited. By order of committee. HARMONY LODGE, NO. 12, A. F . AND A. M.Stated com munication this (Monday) eve ning at 7:30 o'clock. Visiting brethren welcome. W. M. DE LIN, Secretary. MARTHA WASHINGTON CHAPTER, NO. 14, O. B. S. Stated meeting this (Monday) 8 P. M.. East 8th and Burn side. Degrees conferred by Past Matrons and Patron. Visitors I welcome. By order of W. M. BELLE RICHMOND, Secretary. w. CANTON PORTLAND NO. 1, CS'S PATRIARCHS MILITANT Regu VfSL lar drill Monday, 8 P. M., I. O. O. BfJuJr F. temple. All members urgently STT requested to attend. Important 4 matters to discuss. R, B. PATTERSON. Clerk. LIBERTY ASSEMBLY B28. UNITED ARTISANS A shirt waist party with prize waits as a feature, will be given by cadets .i-...J. .nln Anril 13. W. O. W. hall. East Sixth and Alder streets. Union music. Admission 55c BlJKS OF WOODCRAFT Regular meeting this (Monday), 8 P. M. visiting memoers welcome. LAURA MAC KENZ1B, correspondent. IVANHOE HOMESTEAD. No. 8038. B. A. Y. Dance Wednesday, April 13, at W. O. W. hall. 10th and Taylor sts. New music PEARL OWENS. Correspondent. Phone E. 7017. PORTLAND REVIEW. NO. 7. Special nwting will be held at 2:30 this (Monday) afternoon in the Knights of Pythias bide. Meeting called by commander. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, chartnu. pins, new designs. Jaeger Bros.. 131-3 Sixth st. FRIEDLANDEP.'S for lodse emblems, class pins and medals. 310 Washington at. DIED. BOH RAN At the family residence. 66 East Twenty-second street north, April 10, Martha Bohran. aged 45 years, sis ter of Mary and Arnold Bohren of this city. The remains are in change of the East Side Funeral Directors of 414 East Alder street. Funeral arrangements will appear in a later Issue. REIPMAN la this city, April 10. Geonce Retdman, aged 26 years, cousin of Mr. L. Nietchmann of Hillsboro. Or. Re mains are at McEntee & EilerV parlors. J 0th and Everett sts. Funeral notice later. LOVERI DOE April 10. at the residence. 335 East Broadway, Emily E.. aged 65 years, wife of Richard Loveridge. The remains are at Finley's mortuary, Mont gomery at 5th. Notice of funeral here after. WALTER At her late residence. 4103 Fifty-fourth street Southeast, Minnie Walter, aged 47- years. Remains at P. L. Lerch funeral parlors. East Eleventh and Hawthorne. Funeral notice later. FUNERAL NOTICES. JEPPESEX The funeral service for the late Anna E. Jeppesen of 891 Alblna ave.. will be held today (Monday), at 1 1 :30 o'clock A. M., at Finley's mor tuary, Montgomery at IHh. Friends In vited. Concluding service Hose City cemetery. MARKS The funeral service for the lat Marguerite E. Marks of 7154 Kearney street, will be held today (Monday) at 2:30 o'clock P. M. at Finley's mortuary, Montgomery at 5th. Friends invited.. Concluding service Rose City cemetery. CARTY The funeral services for the late Amanda 1. Carty, of 341 Eugene St., will be held today (Monday), at 10 o'clock A. M.. at Finley's mortuary, Montgomery at 5th. Friends Invited. Concluding service Rose City cemetery. PATRICK Funeral services for the late Mrs. Ollie Patrick will be conducted Monday, April 11, 1921, at 2 P. M. from Pearson's undertaking parlors, Russell street, at Union avenue. Friends in vited. MORRISOV The funeral service for the late David F. Morrison will be held todav j (Monday), at 3:30 o'clock P. M.. at the ciK!f xe iii pit-, a-v omrn bi. r i leuus in vited. Concluding service River view cemetery. J. P. Finley & Son, directors. VAN BLARTCON The funeral service for the late Elva Van Blaricon of 504 East Clay street, will be held today (Monday) at 1 o'clock P. M. at Finley's mortuary, Montgomery at 5th. Friends invited. Con cluding service Multnomah cemetery. WESTBOUND. From From From Boston Phlla. Apr. 15, Apr. 19 Mar 1. May S Mar IS May 21 Pacille Coast Asreata. Phone Mala 8281 iijinr i, i mm , i i''ui"i. -iii.a-i.!LJ.'i"iii''llt.jii'lgwsssj FUNERAL NOTICES. ELMORE At Astoria. Or.. April 4. 102L Mary Hurd Elmore, aged 74 years, be loved mother of Mra Sue E. Haradon of Astoria. Or.; Floretta E. Schriber of Oshkosh. Wis., and Mrs. Elsie E. Childs of Riverside. Cal.. and sister of Frank Hard, of Piedmont. Cal. The funeral services- will be held today (Monday). April 11, 1921, at 10 A. M.. at Portland crematorium, 14th and Bybee sts.. Re mains at Holman'a parlors. Third and Salmon streets. PAUS The funeral cortege of the late Anna Paus. will leave the residence 680 Lafayette street, Monday. April 11, at 8:30 A. M.. thence to Sacred Heart church 784 East Eleventh street where mass will be offered at 9 A. M. In terment Mount Calvary cemetery. Ar rangements in care ot Miller & Tracey. STOTT In this city, April 9. Emma M. Stott. aged 64 years, late of Walla Walla, Wash., sister of Dr. J. 8. Stott of Port land; Mrs. Sarah E. Fleck of Battle Ground, Wash., and Mrs. Martha J. Tur ner, of Walla Walla. The funeral serv ice will be held Tuesday, April 12. at 2:30 o'clock P. M.. at Finley's mortuary, Montgomery at 5th. Friends invited. Concluding service Walla Walla. 'Wash. BOULTON In th! city, April 10. Profes sor Payne A. Boulton. aged B6 years, late of Caldwell, Idaho, husband of Claire Boulton. father of Mrs. Paul L. Wilcox, of Turlock. Cal.. and Philip A. " Boulton of Caldwell. Idaho. The remains will be forwarded this (Monday) eve ning, by J. P. Flnley & Son. to Caldwell. ., where services will be held and inter ment made. MURPHY In this city. April 10 Felix Murphy, aged 54 years, late of i90 Will iams ave., beloved husband of Jennie Murphy. Funeral services will be held Tuesday. April 12. at 9 A. M.. at St. Mary's church, Williams ave. and Stan ton at. Interment Mount Calvary ceme tery. Remailns at A. R. Zeller Co.'s par- Inn Kft2 Williams ave. ANDEREGG The funeral services of the late inga Anaeregg, wuo u " city. April 8, 1921, will be held today, Monday, at 2 P. M. from Hie chapel of the Skewes Undertaking company. Third and Clay streets. Friends Invited to at tend. Interment Greet. naod cemetery. MEEK At the residence of her daughter. . . . no A L' , .. 1. A nc tl Airs. E,awara luttuu, .., 10, Nancy Marietta Mackey Meek, aged 85 years. Remains will be forwarded to Condon. Or.. April 13. by Breese & Snook. Belmont at 35th. KUNTER The funeral services of the late Albert F. Kunter will be held Tuesday, April 12, at 3 - P. M., at the Portland Crematorium. Arrangements In care of Miller and Tracey. FUNERAL CARS. LIMOUSINES for funeral service. J OJNJJ.O AUTO LIVERY. MARSHALL 114. FUNERAL DIRECTOR!. VAULT ENTOMBMENT or Cremation Phone Sellwood S67 Portland Crematorium EAST FOURTEENTH AND BVBEK Aak for Booklet Mausoleum Tombs Single or In Family Section. Handsomely arranged. Built to endure. Permanent care. Cost no more. RIVERVIEW ABBEY MAUSOLEUM We have Mausoleums in all principal cities in state, they contain the only sanitary tombs in Oregon. PORTLAND MAUSOLEUM CO. S Plttock Block. Phone Bdwy. 351. Perfect Funeral Service for Less. Independent Funeral Directors. Washington street, between 20th and 21st sts. west aide. Lady Assistant Main 2891. 1 Auto. 678-85. HOLM AN & SON (Walter J. Holman.) FUNERAL DIRECTORS, Third and Salmon Sts. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home, 16th and Everett sts. Phone Broadway Jiai. Automaiii; n-i-o.i. DOWNING & McNEMAR The Residential Funeral Home. 441 Multnomah St.. Irvington dist. E. 54. FINLEY 'SMORTU AR Y MOXTOOMERY AT FIFTH. MAIN 8. KAST SIDK FUNERAL. UlltKUiUtia. (F. S. DUNNING, INC.), The family sets the prlee." 414 E. AT.PER. I.KKCH. UNDERTAKER, East Eleventh and Hawthorne. Phone East 7X1, A. R. ZELLER CO. 'R Williams Ave. e East 1088. 0sr CU EC UNDERTAKING CO. OINLIILU Third and Clay. Main 41. "2. I f KEXWORTHY & CO.. swi.-ni fM Bt. I.enrs 618-21. nnTTTVT.-' g, CMAlW 1 Belmont. Tabor 158. FLORISTS. MARTIN & FORBES COMPANY S54 Washington St. Main 269. Largest rose growers in the Northwest. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged Personal attention given wedding, reception, tea and table decorations. Floral tributes promptly .Mended to. SWKTLANIV8 FLOWER SHOP. Morrison St.. bet. 3d and 4th. Tel. Main am. And Floral Designs. 25 Hothouses. No Branch storea 25 Trs. on Morrison at., between 4th and 6th. Main 7709. Smith's Flower Shop Portland's progressive florist We spe cialize in funeral designa 141 V4 Sixth. opposite Meier A Frank's. Main 7215. NOB HILL FLORISTS. .jfHH Rnrlthariltl. N. B. cor. 23d and Olisan. Main 13S9. rn KM ORAL SHOP rtUrLtd 245 Alder. Marshall 5!-2 TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 2S7 Washington St., bet. tn ana om. mmn " " MONTMKNT9. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS B6 4th St.. opp. City Hall. XEP BROS. OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLE WORKS QGALTTY MEMORIALS P TMIPP A PINE STS. PHONE E.T43 feTi BLAESiNG GRANITE. OO. I Fir TWBPAT MADISON BTHEET OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases' of alleged cruelty to animals. Offices, room ISO courthouse. Phone Main ! from 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. The society haa full chargre of the city pound at its home, 636 Columbia bou levard. Phone any time. Woodlawn 764. Doss for sale. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary, and stray animals cared tor. All dead animals, cows, horses, etc picked uo free of charge. ' NEW TODAY. CLAi S- MUUSE. INC. Draymen and W arenouaesmssi Broadway S47t tar Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms, profession men, manu facturers, repair men, etc., classified for ready reference. Information as to any class of work not listed may be obtained by calling Main 7070, House 40. x i . ACCOUNTANTS. Mt'BIC TEACHERS. JULIUS SI li LACK publio accountant, L. CAKROLL 1JAY, teacner of piano and auditor, income tax service. Concord voice. Broadway 2555. 148 13th L bids., 2d and Stark. Phone Main 7443. FAlXTlXti. ATTORNEYS. FA1NT1.NG, papernangmis. tinting. Lapp. E. W. EASTMAN, lawyer and notary pub- Willis & Co. Phone Woodlawn 24D7. lie. D34 Chamber ot Commerce bldg. FAlNTa. WALU'APKK. ETC. LADIES' tailoring, perfect fitting; Jrlt WALL PAPER, PAINTS, ETC. guar I Reubin, 4u8 Bush & Lane bldg. 23u second St. army ;ooua. UHL BROS., INC. U S. ARMY GOOLS for sale, wholesale Mllfa JIIUv'l "'' and retail; prices reduced. H. Horen- PA1NT1SU AM) UKCURAT1NG. stein, 250 2d St.. or 2U4 1st St. Main 7573. jx VoUK PAINTING, decorating and ANSAlhKS ANU ANALYSTS. signs done before the spring rush; 25 MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 heconu. years' experience. Tabor 266. Gold, silver and platinum bought. PAli.r-1 ATluKt8- UATHS PATENTS Our practice has extended over . MCMAHON'S baths." Portland stea.u , JSTyJSSt ?ZT- showers. Plunges, tubs, all for 35c " . llclent conscientious service; handbook your friends. Fourth and Washington. (ree oQ request MUNN A CO.. patent CHIROPRACTIC, steam baths and mas- attorneys. San Franclso offices, HJbart sage, lUtn floor. Broadway bldg. Mar- bldg., 582 Market St.; Chicago ofUce, shall 8187. Dr. Laura E. Downing. room 810 Tower bldg.; Washington of- ii. ,i Tv n.p. nH fice, room 103, 625 F sL; New York of- MLXJLAJii& flee. Woolworth bid SOMBTHINU NEW Have you tried the ,-nanence U S" electric manicure for 50c at the Polly- tjllh&tSl'tS2EI anna Beauty Parlor, 315 Broadway . building? Phone Main 6054 PIBL1G &LRltfc. 1 fr i I I I out I11TTONS ' ATTENTION, TRAVELING MEN! tLLlLQIU m.HU.. WHy T HAVE ESTABLISHED AD- THE IKW'iN-HODSON COMPANY. DRESS AT 832 MORGAN BLDG.T 387 Washington. Bdwy. 434. labor MIMEOGRAPH, TELEPHONE, STENO- t'HlROPKACTIC. GRAPHIC AND NOTARY WORK FUR- DR. McMAHO.VS ca.rupraci.o speak, lor HvE.DioLI- MAIN 6264 FOR IN- Itself. Portland, Uth year. Phonea. FORMATION. ; fHIKOPOl.mTS PHYSICIANS. tauwrouiaia DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, Broadway building. CCCT UDT Come to Lir. Gartner, foot Rheumatism, stomach, bowel, lung, liver. ILbl UUni specialist; corns, bunions, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostate, femaie foot arches made to order. 311 Swetiand disorders, skin affection, blood pressure, bldg., 5th and Washington. Main 1081. enlarged tonsils, moles, birthmarks. DR. O. O. FLETCHER Foot troubles sci- PLOWING. entifically corrected. Lady assistant, ol- PLOWING by Fordson tractor in vicinity Morgan bldg. Mam 8762. of Multnomah or Beaverton. Main 731. CMlKUPODl.VrS-AKHI SPECIALISTS. PLIMHIXO SUPPLIES. WILLIAM. Ikstelle and Florello Ue Veny, ptl-v.H,v.. uiri i k- , nrluea the only scientific chiropodists and arch PL,?IrSvf'.1'' f,V.t Main 7" speciahsts in the city. Parlors 302 Ger- Stark-Davis Co.. 188 4th st. Main ivi. linger bldg. S. W. earner Second and PRINTING, Alder. Phone Main 13U1. PfllMTIIUP VV. BAL.TKS & COMPANY CHIBOPKACTOB. rillHI lllU First and Oak. Main 165. 511-65. DR. ELIZABETH ROSTOCK. A 1J0 CV PHINTING CO. for quality. Cancer. tubercluosis. diabetes and MIlOLLl 252 Wash. Street. Main 4671. many other so-called incurable diseases .T ,.v successfully treated. NEW METHOD 1 RINTEltfc DKL'ULtSa PAINLESS. KN1FELE&S. MODEL PRESS. PRINTERS. Main 6510. ' 310-ai Blush & Lane bid. Main oitiL 82 3d t., between Stark and Oak Hours 10-5. ROOF PAINTING AND REPAIRING. DR. E. B. ANGELLdekumbldg. oekoon rooflng co. , Shower, mineral and electric light batna Painting and repairing ail kinds of All Norwegian drugless method. roofs. Best Gilsonlte paint used. All CLEANERS AND PRESSEBS. work guaranteed 1764 E Glisan st. - . . TA.i ORu Phones Tabor 4817, Tabor 7259. REGAL CLlANERS a vn HATTERS ROOFS repaired and painted, gutters T.7 . ULLflllLim AND HATTliK& cleaned Roof Security. Inc.. mfirs. AVeb- Cleanlng and dyeing a specialty. 17 fi. foot Patnt T2u Board of Trade. Tdain 6th St.. Portland. Or. 571. nfi44. COLLECTIONS. SEWING MACHINES. ' NETH & CO., Worcester bldg. Main 1796. . No' collections, no charges. Estab. 1900. St f -i lllssi' Boof Vrotected CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. JIST n It?uh"V RELIABLE CONSTRUCTION CO. fgES. House construction, general and jobbins. . gSlU5L. H 1 ffig? '.JT 168 West Park. Main 3029. -3,'s!i-' jX PIONEER CARPET CLEANERS R&K Roof Painters Finest carpet-cleaning plant in the k-vbbtdt DOoeRDC city. 9x12 rugs cleaned. 11.50 and up BAHBHT KUeBKS We call and deliver. East 6953. 1072 ARGENTINE QUEBRACHO PAINT East Lincoln St. 237-07. l443 uu-1 au pkOBe Tabor OUST. DANCING. Bealdenee Phone Tabor 7514L SUMMERS Dancing Academy; dancing rrv lrvTTX guaranteed in 8 1-hour lessons. 85 A 6th .', St.. near Stark. Club dance every Tuea SIGN PAINTING. TABOR 266. Class Thura. Bdwy. 3590. SHOE REPAIRING. MISS DOROTHY RASMUSSEN Ballroom rjg p 111 n ijnift rf JIKN'S OAK TAN . and stage dancing. 610 Eilers buildlnj. f fi t"II fltl T flluLO HALF SOLES Jl. 50 Wash., between 41 h and 6th. Main 1123. Ladle ii 25: rubber heels 50c. 122 4th st. DOTwm'EHT MODERN SHOE REPAIRING aed Dili Ui Li lllllblll 68 Broadway, bet. Oak and Pine. nCWTI?TDViR A. W. KEENE. 35H4 STOVE REPAIRING. U til 1 10 III I Washington St. Without WHY BUY a new stove? We repair all pain. Latest nerve blocking system. kinds of stoves, gas ranges, furnaces. DRAMATICS, B E. Dunn B9"R MRS. EDWIN GUIVER. recently from San 5" r"' '-.,. ST Francisco, wll take pupils in elocution OREGON TRADEMARK BLRBAU 601 and expression: monologues a specialty Dekum bldg. U. S. foreign trademarks Special care given to children. Main 8189. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. " . ,..,. h M h electrical co OREGON AUTO DESPATCH f NstPoSTaVaTor.R0,- DRAYAGE AND STORAGE l CCNffJi' winding and electric repairing Motor and Horse Equipment. J ViVJs),y a specialty. New or used mo- Furniture Moving and Packing, fc tora Broadway 1045, A. 1046. .33,39 , MOTORS REWOUND RepSfred SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. SjJT BOUGHT AND SOLD. Packing Moving Storage. tjr&3a Mnnev loaned on .xoods in storage. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS. ourth St.. opp. Multnomah HoteL : Phone 527-27. 226 Main St. M phone Broadway 3715. HAT CLEANERS AND DYERS. . . HATS cleaned, blocked, dyed reasonable and OREGON TRANSFER CO.. satisfactory. Royal Hat Works. 228 1st. 474 Glisan Street. ,... ivTm'nill FIVE WAREHOUSES. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. STORAGE. .CARTAGE. AMERICAN . PHONE BROADWAY 1281. CONSERVATORY OP M"Sia TRY US for service; furniture moving, bldg. Phone Main 4120. UMBRELLAS. OPTOMETRISTS. REPAIRING AND RECOVERED. EYES SCIENTIFICALLY TESTED with StiO'A Alder St. The Surety Shop. , modern instruments, glasses fitted at a VETERINARY. saving; satisfaction guaranteed. Out of rITy VETERINARY HOSPITAL, the high-rent district: no overhead exp KOfB Vth nd Grtnt sta Both Dhonea A. E. HURWITZ, Optometrist. 225 1st st. gt Jh andGrant e.tag Bothphonea LET GEORGE RUBENSTE1N. the veteran i TTTTl 11 KtvlVG ' optician, be your optician; he is expert '" i.r...-. ..... in fitting eyeglasses and his charges are SMOKY walls ot all kinds cleaned. Broad- very reasonable. 226 Morrison st. WHOLESALERS AND ENGINEERS' AND MILL SUPPLIES. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. S4-S6-87-89 rront. HATS AND CAPS. TKANHAUSER HAT CO.. 53-15 Front St. PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. V P. FULLER CO.. Front and Morrison! HAMTSSEN & CO., Second and Taylo: 11111KS WOOL AND CASCAKA BARK. K.AHN BROTHliRS. 195 Front St. NEW TODAY. Ladies Save yonr old carpets, ruga anti woolen clothing. Let as make new rugs for you. The oldest ana ubl-m i' " " tore. Fluff and rag rugs woven all; carpets refitted ; 9x14 russ steam cleaned, 1.60. We call and deliver. , 188 E. Eighth St. f hone East 8580. 100x200 WEST SIDE TRACKAGE. CLOSE IN, FOUR-STORY BRICK BUILDING OS QUARTER BLOCK. WITH ROOM FOR ADDITION. BIG SAVING ON BUILDING COST BY PURCHASE OF THIS PROPERTY. RJ.O'Neil 717 BOARD OF TRADE BI7ILPINO SEND l'S YOUR OLD CARPETS. OLD Bus and Woolen Clothing We Make Reversible. Hand-Woven FLUFF RUHS Kms Uukii Hoven, ail s4se- Mall oriers- Kend lor booklet. Mattresses renovated, aiade over. 1-ex tilers renovated, carpel cleaning, refitting, etc. Largest, "nest equipped carpet cleaning;, refitting works In Oregon. Separate plant, SaU ruse steamed cleaned $1.60. WESHuKN FLlit KKG CO Union Ave. N. East 8ia, YVK CALL AND DELIVKii. MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest Interest rates; Installment ra oarments If desired. Building; loans made. No delay in closing. A. H. BIRRELL - GILL CO. a? VB auHSra 1 m- 218-219 Northwestern Bank Building -Bkaill A iA. OMUBHIHl way 4640. MANUFACTURERS ROPK AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordase Co.. 14th and Northrup. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AND PIPE. THE M. L. KLINE CO., S4-8-s7- Front. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVEHDIXO & FARhELL. HO Front S SASH. HOOKS ' AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER CO.. Front' and Morrison. NEW TODAY. WANTED 3Y LARGE, RESPONSIBLE COMPANY 10,000 feet of pround-floor space with railroad switch. Address AN 413, Ore gonian. giving location and erma. Edward E.Goudey Co. MORTGAGE LOANS Catted States Bank Building. REAL ESTATE. For hale Beach Property. beach lots exchange; for painting or building. Lota are well located at Tillamook Beach, near station and ocean. Address AH 648. Oregonlan. For Sale Lots. IRVINGTON corner 100x100. 21st and Stanton, $3700. Southland East Front. Best location. Real sacrifice. McDONELL. E. 411). FOR SALE OR TRADE. 80x100 corner lot in Mt. Scott, reason able cash sale, or take anything in trade, such as machine or merchandise. F 564, Oregonlan. ' PORTLAND HEIGHTS 60x100 lot. won derful view Mt. Hood; improvements in, bonded; excellent neighborhood. Price $1800, terms. Take auto part or all. Tabor 429B. LAL'RELHUKST corner bargain; lot 11. block 41. 56x100. 35th. Sand) boulevard: all streets, sewirs paid. Price t liiOO. Ta bor 9fl4. ROSE CITY PARK corner 60th and Ala meda, $1500; next to corner -$1000; even ing sBroadwaySTL LOT IN Holgate addition ior sale: a good chance for home builder: for sale at cost, worth more. W 463. Oregonlan. FOR SALE 2 choice Iota in White Sal mon, Wash.; a bargain at $300; buy the two. E 532. Oregonlan. $265 CASH buys Fulton Park 50x100 clear lot, near school and car lines. Tabor 42M. 20 ACRES platted in 120 lots inside city limits, $1100 an acre; excellent invest- Tnent. oroauwaj 1 x. ociiiiiKB, BY OWNER Splendid building lot. 100x75, WeSI Slope ..mum iairi. mum ROSE CITY, on Sandy blvd., corner 43d; Price 11U. i l. COS A. McKENNA FOR LOT BARGAINS. JVe sulld and finance Aladdin houses. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. $790 ROSE CITY PARK. 50x100 ft. lot on 65th street, near Stanton street: paved street and sewer Improvements in and paid. This Is just a short distance from Sandy blvd. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 203. Branch Office 45th and Sandy Blvd. Tabor 52. PARKRP6E DANDY ACRE TRACT. On Prescott st. (a good grav eled road) between Slauson and Clarnle roads; ground all cleared. Terms, $150 (own, balance 2 per month. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 208. Branch Office 45th and Sandy Blvd. Tabor 252. LAURELHURST LOTS BiUNO hAC RIFICED. COME OUT TODAY. OFFICE ON THE GROUND EAST 30TH AND GLISAN STS. A few nice lots for $800; very choice ones for $1000 and $1100; your oppor tunity to secure a choice lot at about one-third real value while they last. Tract office East 3!th and Glisan sts., JU. V. car, or phone Tabor S433; eve nings. East 7738. DBLAHITNTY. VACANT LOT OWNERS, investigate our original plan for tbe profitable disposal of your vacant lou in any part of the city. EI WOOD WILES & SON. Inc., 283 Stark St., Near Fourth. $4000. . Beautiful quarter block corner East 16th and East Oak sts.. walking dis tance: income $25 a month on property; fine for tpls. or flat; easy terms. This is half price of what lt formerly sold for. Phone owner, r.ast 100x100, cement walks, sewer, four blocks to car, $800. subject to city liens; will sell one or both lots. ELMER F. BENNETT CO., R1R-321 Board of Trade. Main T4SIJ eiruinrp PHll'K S1M00 FACTORY WAREHOUSE SITE. Adjoining Russell-Gilbert candy fac tory on O.-W. R. & N. tracks. Holladay avenue near E. 24th. Mr. Carey. Main 74S7. WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS lot; present owner will pay all Improvements and taxes. Fine view, good location, close to street car. price $750; $10 down; terms to suit buyer. Call at 27 E. 30th. Phone Kast mi. I. Ann's ADDITION- BEST. - 8 choice home sites. Owner East 2154. For Sale Houses. ROSE CITY PARK. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. $4800. A real snap below the hill, half block to Rose City car line, facing east, lot level with street, nice lawn and flowers, good furnace, fireplace, full cement base ment, large living room and dining room; all rooms on one floor; good attic. If this is what you want call at once. J. L. HARTMAN CO., 8 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 203. Branch Office: 45th and Sandy. . Tabor 252. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. BARGAIN. If you have $1000 as an Initial pay ment, you can have a fine home just off ot 37th street, at a bargain price; 6 love ly rooms, fine basement, furnace; three bedrooms, hard surface street: owner leaving. For appointment call East 4091. A BIG BARGAIN. 6-room house, built only 4 years; garage; 78x125 lot; $3150. This property is four blocks from car; is well built throughout; has one bedroom down stairs, white enameled cabinet kitchen, basement, laundry trays, lot of bearing fruit; $750 cash to handle. ELMER F. BENNETT CO.. S1R-321 Board of Trade. Main 7452. $6000 IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Close in. 7 rooms, hdw. fls., firepl., buffet, bookcases, full basement, furnace, 3 bedrooms, living and dining room, li brary. Dutch kitchen. Terms. CLEVELAND. 308 BD. OF TRADE. Bdwy. 1150. J7500 $1000 CASH. Irvington, 6-room house, on 18th. near Knott, hardwood floors, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, breakfast room, 3 large bed rooms with dressing rooms, large sleep ing porch, just painted outside and dec or a tedlnsldeM ccieJl1Bst419; ON BEAUTIFUL AINSWORTri AVENUE. West of 14th St., 6-rm. bungalow, built tns. Dutch kitchen, sleeping porch; nice large rooms, cement basement, furnace, ldry. trays. Price only $4000; terms $500 cash bal. $25 mo. You'll have to hurry! BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS, 4T4-irt-1ti r-atl rwtlK. ;umn iw.. 11-ROOM modern house, $8500; lot 78 ft. front; would be swell apartment; high class district, walking distance; large rooms; lots of fruit. See Mr. Jackson for terms, with J. P. McKenna, Belmont at 3Pth Tahor 43. Ill V l.Ul I'vmu. ' t. knnnnin i'.th unit Rrazee neui 6 artistic rooms. hardwood floors throughout, large sun room and sleeping porch. Owner leaving city. " ALBERT A $3700 ALBERTX $1000 down: 7-room bungalow, garage; ' this Is a nifty place at a very low price; terms to suit. MARSH & McCABE CO.. Realtors. 322-21 Falling Hide. Marshall 31103. A PALATIAL residence of 8 rooms, on a sightly spot overlooking Willamette river, cost $15,000 before the war. as good as when it was built, $5ll0. $4000 cash, bal. easy. Phone Broadway 8850, Marshall A BEAUTY Modern bungalow of 7 rooms on west slope of Mt. Tabor; lot 50x100: garage; several fruit trees. This is sim ply grand for $7000. See J. P. McKenna for terms. Belmont at 8!lth. Tabor 64!3. CAN YOU BEAT IT? $1800. $30o down. 5-room wall built cottage on corner lot. with good small barn. Your own terms. MRSH & McCABE CO.. Realtors. 322-24 Falling Bldg Marshall 31HI3. 5-ROOM modern; large attic: cor. lot 100X 100: $4750; $500 cash. bal. like rent; bet. Hawthortie and Belmont. We have also 8 bungalows under construction; will build to order. For terms see J. P. Mc Kenna, Belmont at 30th. Tahor 6403. " 1000 $300 DOWN 100. Large 4-room house 2 years old: lot 80x100; lots of fruit; garage; near East til-isan anu win. i" .-u,.. SMITH-WAGO.VER CO.. STOCK EXCH. IRVINGTON Modern 6-room bungalow, floored attic, 2 fireplaces. $6750. fur nished $7000. Zimmerman, 818 Cham ber of commerce ping. -ROOM cottage, close in. modern, paved street, sewer and sidewalks paid, easy terms, house with one lot. $2200. with two lots, $21100. Phone owner. Tabor 1180. FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. East 6!)th st. Southeast, $2200, terma HERMAN MOELLER, REALTOR. 105R Gasco Bids. Main 14S0. .'100. TERMS. 5-room cottage, cement basement, wash trays, paved street, Sunnyside. Ta bor 386. evenings -ranor WONDERFUL value; new 5-room colonial ' bungalow, Alameda Park. S blocks from car with garage, only $6000: $1500 cash. Coe A. McKenna. 82 4th st. $350 DOWN, $30 a month buys new mod ern bungalow; price $2750. O. L. Webb, 414 East wtara si WONDERFUL Irvington bargain, $4075. worth $0500. terms. This will pay 30 nern-ni. IRVINGTON New 6-room bungalow, just completed! a real snap for cash. 575 E. :otn st. i.. x..... i-ROOM house, 5 minutes' waik Jrom city hall, lot 50x50 feet; $5800. Blaeslng nrnnlte CO.. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW SACRIFICE. FURNISHED. FINE LOCATION. X,. Tirnvq PiRT 14m vrR SALE 100x100. 4-room house, U5 Florldi st.. Fulton. $1800. Jas. E. Kelley, FOR SALE BY OWNER Dandy 5-room bungalow, 41 Lombard st.. furnished or " i n...m. rall anrl lniMt unrumigneu. - fine 8-room corner, R. C. home, 4 large bedrooms, hwd. floorsthroughout. $7900, terms, can taour -mo. FOR SALE Modern home and garage for 5 aUtOS. OIQCKB irum uai., ap... U-ROOM modern nouse in Gresnam. 50x2U0. Terms. uwner. -s-i "heaittiFUL 7 rooms. 50x123, old ivorj .nH enamel. Holladay Park. East 7154 8-ROOM modern house close in, bargains for someone, inar. imj. FOR SALE 5-fioom modern bungalow en carline. Wdln. 1264. REAL ESTATE. For ball -Houses. ROSE CITY PARK. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. $5850 2000 CASH DOWN. JUST OFF ALAMEDA DRIVE. A real home that is of the Tory best construction throughout, real white oak floors, which you have not been able to purchase for the past five years, every modern con venience. There is attic space for a billiard room or 3 good bed rooms: 3 blks. from Sandy blvd. and carline. 600 E. 48th st. N. Drive by this, then make an ap pointment. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY 8 Cham, rf Com. Bldg. Main -08. Branch Office, 45th and Sandy Blvd. Tabor 252. JOHN BROWN CO., REALTORS. Why pay rent when you can buy a S-room house, lot 50x100 for $1050. with only $200 down bal. $15 per month and interest? . , -Aftft. 4-room house close In for only $2000, $400 down. See this one today. Easy "iUroom house, lot 100x110, $2500: only $300 down, bal. $20 per month and Int. 4-room house, lot 50x100, good base ment; only $300 cash, bal. easy or will trade for small acreage. 4- room house furnished, lot 80x100, $500 down. bal. easy. 5- room semi-modern. 3 blocks from Woodlawn car, lot 50x100. $2750. o0O cash, bal. $25 per month and interest. 5-room house, Kenton district, only $2500; $1000 cash. 5-room houe on Thurman St., west side, $2800; $300 cash, bal. easy. 5- room house, cor. lot 6oxl00. on pave ment, close to car, school and factories. Only $3600; $1000 cash; will accept light auto to $500. 6- room, semi-modern, close-in Missis sippi ave.. :iorto; $500 cash. Hurry if you want this before It Is leased. Many others to choose from rn all parts of the city; 3 to 10 rooms from $1000 to $10,000. JOHN BROWN CO.. REALTORS ! Ry. Exch. Bldg. Marshall .1:1.11 Sep vv . i.rr nil" IRVINGTON COLONIAL. $8500 HOM E $8500. 4 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, fireplace, furnace, full cement basement. Vacant In side lot also for sale. 635 East Broadway. Owner, 71T BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. ROSE CITY PARK. $3000 1-rtn. new bungalow. Pnnp. $4300 5-rm. bungalow furnished. $5250 6-rm. modern bungalow. $5750 8-rni. high-class bungalow. A. N. MIKKELSEN CO.. 52d and Sandy Blvd. Tabor 2580. Open Sundays and Evenings. WALNUT PARK. RODNEY AVE. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 6-room modern house with garage; 1 large bedroom and bath on first floor, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, large hall and storeroom on second floor. French doors between living and dining roims, fireplace, full cement basement, high class turnace. Faces east, on 50xl0O-fL lot. with Improved alley to garage; front and dining rooms fully carpeted. Carpets, linoleum and A-B gas range Included. Price $6000. Call Woodlawn 2071. 6 ROOMS, 2 stories, exceptionally well constructed residence, lot 52x100, sewer and paving In and paid for; this house and lot cost $5250 and was built when labor and material were very low; you can have $1000 on the above price, $800 down, balance to BUlt. See house at 788 Tlbbet st Call Marshall 746 ON EAST 20TH ST. $5500. $1500 CASH OR IRVINGTON LOT FIRST PAYMENT. C-room bungalow. Ivory, and hardwood floors, comfy Dutch kitchen and break fast nook; 2 bedrooms, dressing room; garageMrDONEI,T,. EAST 410. N E W N E V E R OCCUPIED. 5-room bungalow, 50x100 lot. East 47th, near lloluate; strictly modern, with fireplace, floored attic, near pave ment; only $3750; $1000 cash: $25 a month and Interest; this Is less than cost price of house atnne: a bargain. ELMER F. BENNETT CO.. 318-321 Hoard of Trade. Main i4.2. 82x240 ten blocks N. of Reed college, close to car, sewers and c. paid; modern bun galow, fireplace, buffet, furnace, etc., fruit, berries, garden. Something worth investigating. Cleveland, 308 Bd. of Trade. Bdwy. 1150. COME TAKE MY FA RM. BEST DAIRY FARM IN THE STATE. 160 acres dark loam soil, close in on paved highway, 19 milk rows. 19 other stock, team, pigs, poultry, all Imple ments; at low price, but not for rent. Take $7000 or $8000 first payment. See Mr Colt. 5211 Cham, nf Com. blrig. WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS Mi 1U.M Benutiful 5-rm. bungalow, fireplace, built-in bookcases, etc., hdw. flours In living and dining rooms: Dutch kitchen, concrete basement, 40x100 lot. $3N7., $1175 down. bal. $35 per mo. Incl. Int. BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS. 414-15-16 Piatt Hldg. Main 7027. FOR SALE AT $3500 $1400 CASH. If you are looking for a home, here It Is . Cosy 5-room bungalow and all the furniture, nearly all oak, 2 carpets, sew ing machine. In fact, everything that goes to make a home. Ready to move into. Garage. Lot 50x100. Auto. 623-65. Call Monday morning. win half AT $.14110 $1400 CASH. Fine 5-room bungalow, fireplace, book case, Dutch kitchen, fine electrlo fix tures, hardwood floors, cook range and a heater. Launce. 3 rockers, sewing ma chine, library table; cement basement; lot 50x100; 2 blocks from car. Auto. (123-05. Call Monday morning .NEAR FHAXKI.I.V HIGH. $3000 for a fine 4-room buniralr.w with large sleeping porch, in pink of con dition: half block from car; lot 50x100. $650 cash. bill, terms. F. L. BI.ANi'HARD. 401-2 Swetlanil Tllrlg Mar. S2rl or E. 2134 NEAR WASHINGTON HIGH. $3750 for a good rt-room. ail con. base ment furnace, all Improvements In. paid, on E. 18th near Stark. $1000 cash. bal. tern"'- F. L. BI.ANCHARD. 401-? Shetland h'rig. M;ir. S20 or 575. UAIVTHOK.VE BUNGALOW. $3200 for a 5-room with fireplace, bookcases and bullt-ln buffet, on paved street: only $700 cash. bal. terms: In f,. condition. ,.. 401-2 Swet'lB-id Hl'lg. Plmr.e Mir. 820 $1000 FOR a good 3-room. con. basement, wood and poultry house, shoo: lot W3x 150: all kins of fruit and berries. A snap. $600 cash. F L. BI.ANCHARD. im.- Pwi-tland Bldg. Marshall B'-'fl. "i HAVE TWO WESTMORELAND rltJL;i'.ri. 8 rooms, hardwood floors, nice large rooms, furnace. full basement; only $4200; $1200 cash. T. O. Bird, Mar. 1022. Tahor 4708. evenings. I44MK) FOR A fine 6-room with lot 93x200. lots of fruit, berries and grapes: paved streets a-nd sewer in: aisn a garage. This is a snap but mostly cash. F. U BLANCH A RD. 401-2 Swetiand Bldg. Phone Mar. 820 5-ROOM bungalow fireplace, double con structed: wash trays, full cement base ment; 50x100 lot. two fruit trees: 1 block from car. Will take late model car as first payment and some cash. E. 4401 T-inwv a. ROOM HOUSE. Half acre 3 blocks east 72d and Brll station, all fenced, cultivated, plastered, electricity, gas. water, , SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. $200 CASH for a 4-room nouse. ' emeu i and sewer In and naid. In Hawthorne; only $20OO; lot 45x118. y F. L. BLANCHAFtD. mi-" Swetiand Bldg. Marshall 820. MOVING to suburban home and will sell my'Rossmere bungalow at a bargain. Five large rooms, fireplace and attic. best pavement In city. Owner at Main 8550 Monday. Buivn. ORE. Convenient 7-room bungalow, close in bath, electric range, water heater, lights; lot 80x114; no agents. 6111 43d ave. S. E., Mt. Scott car. SIX-ROOM modern 114 -story house. East 26th st South., $3250. terma All im provements in snd paid. HERMAN MOELLER, REALTOR. 109.1 fiasco Bldg. Main 1480. IRVINGTON Beautiful 7 rooms, up to date, garage. 18750. East 6438. REAL ESTATE. For lale fTu ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 6 RMS.. Vi BLK. TO SANDY BLVD. $5150. This Is close in. below the hill, on paved street, has every modem convenience and built-in effect, right in the heart uf the most salable district in Rose City Park; has beautiful shade trees In yard. This Is a good investment. A lit tle paint and you can realise fioou profit. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 208. Branch Office, 45th and Sandy Blvd. Tabor 252. LAURELHURST. Five-room bungalow, new and modern In best part of Laurelhursu Screens and Acorn gas range goes with house. This house In easily worth $8000, but will sacrirlce for $7150. Must sell by May 1; $2500 cash and balance like rent. 1233 East Pine Street. Near Corner ot East 41st. 1363 EAST LINCOLN. This Is a Utile dandy, new and open for inspection today; coinblnatlnu living and dining room, 2 bedrooms, bath, kitchen and breakfast nook; Interior In while enamel and hardwood floors; streets and sewers in and paid; $4000, terms. Seo It todsy. BALD A BOOT1IE, Tabor 2110. HIGHLY-FURNISHED 6-ROOM IIOMK. City View park, excellent location; ei tra large living room with fireptace; large windows; furnished in Ivory; tapes try paper; newly painted Inside and out; solid mahogany furniture: piano; paved street: half block car. Consider any rea sonable offer and some tiTlus. 5(4 Mai den ave. Sell. 2706. Agents slid lboj not Interested in buying pleaso do nut come. FOR SALE BY OWNER ONLY. 5 large rooms. $50O0: west slops Mt. Tabor; fine neighborhood, nesr school and one block from car; paved streets, driveway and garage; 28-ft. living room, hdwd. floors, fireplace, built-lns, Dutch kitchen, full attic and basement, furnace and laundry. This la not a flimsy, hullt-to-sell house. $1500 cash. possession May 1. Shown by appointment only. .Tabor 1515. FOR A iH'K'K sale will lei my hume g'l at $5000; will take $3300 down; a real home, modern, convenient: 6 moms with lots of bullt-ins; extra large living room; fireplace, large basement, furnarc, por celain tubs, fruit closet, garage; om of the finest locations In Portland: corner lot 100x100, nesr car line, schools and park; lots of fruit, berries, grapes. English walnuts; 3 (Ins holly Ire.s, ruses and small Woodlawn 3'IW BY OWNER 5-room moiiern bungalow, first-class condition; bath, hot-water connections, gas, electricity; reception hall, mirror doors, paneled illnllig-rooni. white enameled Dutch kitchen, full ce ment basement; lot 40x110. alley, fruit trees, paved street: pnrs $.'l(Mio plus paving; $500 cash, bal. easy terms; must be seen to be appreciated. 070 East Hist st. North. Broadway car to Masnn. I'VE GOT TO SKI. I. 75 ACRES NEAR NKWHERO. STOCK AND EVERYTHING FOR $6500. Very best soil. 35 acres under plow, 4 acres prunes, living springs. L am worth $40(1, good cow. pigs, poultry, farming Implements; $25011 cash will handle If sold In 3 days. Mr. Colt, 026 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $1500 CASH will handle this 6 room hun galow, with sleeping porch: white enamel kitchen and dining room: hardwood floors; furnace, fireplace and garage; on a corner 100x100 In Mount Tabor district, the balance can be arranged on monthly payments. Call Tabur 4705 Sunday or Main (1015. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. Just finishing a 5-room bungalow with large attic: It will be modern In every respect; 75 ft. of Broadway car; come out to "70 E. 25th st. N. this aft ernoon. GEORGE E. WELLER. Main 5231. Builder. East 63,2. CLOSE-IN BARGAIN 43ou $1000 DOWN. Five rooms and s P.. attic large enough for another room: bookcases buffet, furnace; Improvements In and ""maRSH McCABE CO., Realtors r.-J-'-'l FnMIng Wrir Mnrs'uill 3'io3 WILLAMETTE HKIGHIS Modem 6-room bungalow: bath fur nace, hardwood lloors; lirst-class condi tion: select neighborhood; nice "r''' unsurpassed view, on car line; cash, terms or payments to responsible people; Shown only !v appointment No aseuU. pn.e $7.''0i Owner. M;iln 3836 UL'V FROM OWNER. 6-room modern house, full cement basement, furnace, cement B.irsae. one block from pavement, 4 blocks from Montavllla car. Collie out anil see for vourself; price right; $I0no cash, balamo icrn.o; Immediato possession. 2.) h. 71st st. V l.Al'REI.HL lt.VI'. Five-room bungalow, new and mod ern' living room 15x18: best part of this modern district: $7500 and terms. Mr. Hiilcht, COM A. McKENNA CO.. Hi r h Mt. M:itl 4.'22 mtlNG your plans and speeillcations In and let us figure your home. You'll get the mtimrii-e ol your life. 1 SUN HOUSE HUILI-ING CO.. 216 Ablnstou Bldg.. On 3d bet. siarK and Wash. F;,o cash 2. ' " 1 N ' 11 -room neat home on 5IKI00 lot .1 blocks from Union ave. Fruit trees, chicken !(!" price only '-125. Sidewalks III. BUKKHARIVT I.USINESS l.l ll l;ERS. 4H-1VU! I'l-itt '"'Ii- Mai'' i"' ' "ii.kk CITY 1'Altht HoMill. On account of poor health will sell niv 6-room bungalow at a baigaln If i.i'iieii at once; everything modern, ga rage, lot HlllxlU; $0500, $2400 down. Tat'iir . '.'. 4- H AND ROSE CITY A real barualu. "5-room house, all modern, oak floor, firenlace full cement busenient, furnace. z bin. trom r-anu uiu., ..-. Tahor ii'-'q LOOK HERE! 3 j so M o I ' i ; K N 11 L'NGALOW. R rooms, fireplace, nicely arranged, close In. only $5'I0 cash. See It. No mort age. Mar. 1022. S' M 2706, evenings.. VERY attractive iip-to-ilalo o-loom bun galow; t'rcplace. bulft. haidvo.o.1 floors, furnace, garnge, irull trees, ber ries; built less than year. 6..8 E. .mill st. N. llol.Si: PLAN.-. . , "Distinctive Homes." Illustrsted boolc of over 100 designs. $1: blueprints. $10. DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY, 024 Northwestern Hank Hldg IN CITY VIEW PARK. Modern home, six large rooms. Dutch kitchen furnished, cement basement, steps and walk, garage. 152S East IHh ,. Sieliwoim STRICTLY MODERN RUSK CITY PAlllv. Beautiful bungalow. 5 large roon a, large attic, oak floors, except klleh' n and bath; clne to car; one real prellf v.,,mn For owner, phone A. 623 17. U F HAVE 8 oungaions under construction and Intend to build 20 more. Will build to suit buver. All large lots in good dis tricts. See J P. McKenna, Bill t at Tabor '"" , vVAVEKLY-l'.lCHMONIJ HEIGH 1 S. Furnished 5-room bungalow, including nlatio aas furnace, etc ; close to (ar End school, on K Kelly St.; $4200. $U00 cash. Owner. 212-13 V-ijoll 5-ruom bungalow , $700 cash. bal. like rent. This Is splendid location, one block of Sunnyside car. 4 blocks of school Pee Jackson. Willi J. I. Mc Kenna Belmont at 311th. Tabor 6103. AN EXCELLENT 5-room nuugaiow, tur nace, nice basement, all bunt-ins. In fine condition; a good home, $4200. rtason able terma Phone Broadway 3856. Mar shall 260M. tjono 5-ROOM. Ioo DOWN. Electricity, gas. full bsseinent. 50x100 lot within 2-mlle circle. Balance terms. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. 7-ROOM home In fine shape, close In. west side furnace, tull basement, fruit; rooms will pay for place after first payment. Broadway 3856. Marshall 2cn. , WEST SIDE home, close in on 25th sL Full $10,000 value for tsnoo. on terms. Modern, h. w. floors throughout; 8 rooms. No sgents. Phone Main 3720 1R V lNijTON 1 esliienee. , ruoms, tnoilei u, new plaint snd tint; garage; best block In Irvington. Phone East 411)8 and see house at 410 Enst 21st st. N. FOR SALE Modern 6-room house, sewer and paved street in and paid, for 3oo0. terms. o:4 cast -isi si. ; no uesieis, BY OWNER. 8 rms., vacant, modern, near Larrabee st., north of Bdwv. ltight price. Terms. woonlawn onu BY OWNER Small home with Income for sale, west aide. 331 Montgomery St.; good furniture.