Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 07, 1921, Page 19, Image 19

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WantM, an experience! lumber c
rountnt; one that Is capable of handling
the position a, secretary and treasurer
fur a corporation that operates Its
own kiw milt and logging camp. This
company owns sufficient timber for six
years', operation. Party must be In a
position to purchase a block of stock,
to the amount uf $10,000. Salary $3o0
per month. Do not answer this ad
vertisement unless you can qualify as
lumber accountant ; alpo If you cannot
buy and pay for the approximate amount
of stock. AV 407. Oregonian.
I believe there are a number of young
mn employed in Portland who desire tJ
make their way In the world as sales
men. I will train such young men in
their spare time. I shall pay them a sal
ary for their work. I offer an oppor
tunity to become Identified with one of
the largeat financial corporations on the
Pacific coast, and the type of young
man I am sneKing is the ambitious, clean
cut, go-ahead young fellow with his life
before him and the ambition to make a
etake for himself financially and other-
wine. Such young men are requested to
call automatic 525-07. 10 A. M., and ask
Mr. Sharp for an appointment.
to art as promoter and handle the sales
or stork m a very powerful Industrial
enterprise of first-class money-making
merits. Factory to bo built about 1 AO
miles from here; town support behind
in; good big money for a good ho net t
man who Is wilting to work; exceptional
chance for the right man; you handle
your own mn. If you mean business
raw cor tne manager at the Multnomah
hotel after Wednesday, April 13. or
write io n. t Personal interview
attended to only.
CLERICAL Large industrial corporation
In this city, offering all modern work
ing conveniences would like to receive
applications from a number of young
ladies having better than average edu
cation or previous business experience.
Those qualifying will be given a course
or instruction tnrough various office de
partments of the business. For train
ing as supervisors and special work, re
quiring accuracy and experience. Apply
by letter, atatiog fully your qualification,
ag. education, etc. K 404. Oregonian.
-tttations wanted ma le.
STRUCTURAL engineer wants position
with construction company; 7 years' ex
perience, design, estimating and super
intending building construction: Univ.
graduate, capL angrs .. U. S. army, I
member A. A. E.. 8. A. M. E.. A. F. and
A. M. F 521. Oregonian.
requires Lfce services of saleswoman ex
perienced in selling waists and house
dresses. Apply superintendent's office,
S.15 to 10:30 A. M.
ALL MEN and boya king employa:ent
In commercial or technical lines should
first go to the V SI. C. A. advisory and
employment department, Thia is not an
employment agency, but a section of the
T. M. C. A. having high standing with
employers. Men who will become Y''
members and follow instructions wLl be
protected by absolute guarantee chat
they will secure employment or return
of membership fee. Ex-service men get
this service free. Sea the seers tax, room
307. Y. M. C. A.
WANTED An experienced low-pressure
oil burner man. experienced in apart
ment house work; A-l janitor and wife,
not over do years, for hicn-ciass apart
ment house. Only experienced oil burner
man neea apply. Must unaersian
plumbing, electricity, painting and cal
draining: wife required to help; refer
ences required. Mar. 2S30. 166 SL Clair,
for, of Washington.
STE7VOORAPHER, with billing experi
ence. Prefer mature woman, capable
of assuming some responsibility. Perma
nent position, with well established and
growing concern. Salary commensurate
with ability. Anolv In own hand
writing, stating age, telephone number, i
experience and salary expected, f WJ
BANrC experienced young man. 18, de-
sires position In smalt bank: have two
and one-half years' exoerlence and gen
eral knowledge of all phases of banking.
Now employed; references. tSJ ui. ore-gonian.
WANTED At once, by two young college
women, work on large farm for summer;
can take charge of cooking and house
work; salary usually paid for one satis
factory. AL fill. Oregonian.
GOOD experienced cook wants a position
in the city or out of town: good refer
ences. Phone Broadway 1102. Ill North
Jith st.
WOMAN of business ability desires posi
tion in apartment house: desk or a saint -
ant In general management, ou ou,
List your bouses, flats or apartments
with us; quick results and good tenants.
63 Fourth St., Opp. Multnomah Hotel.
Phone Broadway 3715.
Rooms With Hoard.
CARPENTER,- quick service, will build
garage, $". np; also sleeping porches,
rooms, etc., and make alterations
promptly at reasonable prices. Phone
Woodlawn 6101.
REFINED lady wants housekeeping 1
widower's home or cook for men; no
incumbrance; in city or out. BJ 54
MAN AND wife, first-class, all-around
eflok and assistant, wish position in
country hotel, logging or construction
camo. Broadway 4201. ask for Mr.
Kelly. '
LA DV. all-round heloer on e en til' tailor-
Ins- a II kinriit rnir- wishes work,
steady or 'part time. Tabor 1530. CaU
after 7 P. M.
EXPKRIENCED girl wishes position sec
ond work, city references; wages $60.
K fi12. Oregonian.
requires the services of an experienced
saleswoman for laces. Must he competent.
Apply superintendent's office 8:13 to
lo.oO A. M.
Big demand for high-salaried execu
tives; past experience unnecessary; we
train you by mall and put you in touch
with big opportunities. Write at once
for particulars. Lewis Hotel Training
School. Desk 141. Washington, D. C.
WANTED Lady capable of managing
help, keep books, correct in English,
stenographic and dictations for secre
tary. Answer in own handwriting with
full explanation of abii.iv. willingness
and salary expected ; $ 1000 cash bond
required to secure position. BD 609, Ore
MAN WITH 10 years office experience de
sires position as purchasing agent, wouiu
nn.ilA- Iriuinv for nrivate family:
references furnished. Sell wood 3tt53 till
2 P. M.
QUISETTE CURTAINS done up like new
Will call. East 8518.
MECHANIC, 14 year experience with
t h nira i tn intne fArmin nine years;
foreraanshlp only considered; A-l ref er-I
ences. tfJ ."4.. irrcgonian.
CASHIER with 9 years' experience wishes
position in restaurant or cafeteria, dsc
references. AM 536, Oregonian.
I DO ALL KINDS of garden and lawn
. work; will take care of your lawns by
the week or month. Julius Johnson,
phone Broadway 2339. -
YOUNG LADY wishes employment at once
capable meeting public and reliable
references. Main 40H. ask for 29.
EXPERIENCED lady wants cooking or
combination lunch counter and fountain.
Wood lawn 1 20. ask M rs. Bradford.
DmiL'C nnoirod B f HV tjmft. rain OT
shine; all work guaranieea; "cu usi rnui, o yearw experience.
cleaned and repaired. Portland -tool
Repair & Paint Co. Main 6320.
all-around, man, wants position, best
references. L 541. Oregonian.
CAPABLE married man wants job on
farm as working foreman: tractor experi
ence; large outfit preferred. G 614, Ore-
YOUNG MAN. aged 30. neat appearance.1
good personality, aggressive, wants posi
tion with sales organisation; some expe
rience: references. C 523. Oregonian. ;
EXPERIENCED plain cook wants posi
tlon, country or Seaside, private family.
o ft., oregonian.
YOUNG lady desires position clerking, any
line, assistant to physician or demon
stratlng. Main 202. room 53.
Must be thoroughly familiar manu
farture of K. D. window and door frames
completely milled, also working of fau
lory specials from blue prints. Modern
equipment. Steady work. V rite appli
cation to Crosse tt Western Lumber com
pany, Wauna. Or. 75 miles below Port
land on S. P. A S. Railway.
Help Wanted Salesmen.
Large corporation ia about to appoint
cTistnbutors in each state where not
bow represented, to handle automobile
acceenory. This device given foot con
trol on Ford cars and Is guaranteed by
the manufacturer to Klve 50 to KH per
cent more mileage per gallon of gaso
line; thousands already sold; actual tests
have shown &0 milea on 10 gallons of
gasoline: only highest type, progressive
men or organisations financially able to
carry on aggressive sales campaign will
-e considered. With our co-ODerauon die
tributora can easily make $10,000 to $50.-
oou tno nrat year. -or cetaus write
rr wire
l i u., isw rieans. ja.
efre-ieea: Any New Orleans Bank.
ao-e yen making enough In your present
line to become mnepenaeni r can you
Increase your earning capacity to $1000
and up per montn in your present po
si ti on ? -If your opportunity Is limited
it will n to your advantage to taiK witn
me. beoaue i can give you a position
with unlimited opportunities. We have
developed a large number of men In
the lnjit few months who are making
btg money. If you have s butty, some
experience and ambition, we wilt help
you to develop your qualifications to
the fullest extent; position permanent.
Call, after 10 A. M.. 2d floor Gordon
bldg.. 4th and Stark. A-k for Mr. Rainey.
In every town in Oregon. Idaho and
Washington to give part or full time to
veiling our accident and health insur
ance; capital and surplus over Sl.OOo.OtW.
a.-ets over g2.OO0.0oo; premiums 1920
over $2.400.000. Absolutely the best policy
Issued and our rates are much less be
cause of our plan of operating. Renewal ijw ions are paid perpetually, even
though you leave our service, and in
case of death are paid to your family.
Ideal part-time proposition for insur
ance, bank and real estate men. For particular-
write Accident and Health Cran
dall. 902 N. W. Bank bldg.. Portland.
. LAKvjE corporation has an opening on
its sales force, man between 27 and 35,
of good appearance; the man filling this
position must have ability to meet peo
ple, lots of pep and' be a real worker.
For such a man we offer an exceptional
opportunity. ' We will give you the nec
essary training and place you in a per
manent position, where you Should earn
not less than $100 per week. If you
have the necessary qualifications we
want you. For Interview see Mr. Cook,
4t3 Spalding building, between. 10 and
12 A. M.
FIRST-CLASS, all-around, small goods
man for a music house. One who plays
one or more instruments preferred. Good
chance for the right man. BJ 500. Ore
gon ian.
TWO HIGH-GRADE city salesmen, capa
ble of selling a high-grade truck; per
manent connection for producers. Ap
ply manager State .Auto & Truck Co.,
43Q Hurnaide.
WAMfcU Good live city real estate sales.
YOUNG lady stenographer: prefer one with
naraware or machinery experience; musi
be accurate and good at figures, under
stand billing and general office work
Apply in own handwriting, state age,
experience and salary expected. iJ o,
WANTED Girl to take charge of modern
noma, one who baa had general expe
rlence; permanent position, wit a extr
goo a wages lr competent; must unaer
stand good nlain cooking: only two peO'
pie in family. Call 747 E. Bur aside t.
10 to 4 P. M.
COOK, out, $4,", r. and b.; pantry woman,
in. $; one experienced second maid
one upstairs maid, same family. $jQ
each ; cooking and downstairs general
maia, gooa wages. Mrs. icott employ'
ment bureau. 32! Henry bldg1.
WANTED immediately, young married
couple not fraid of work. Man for
waiter, wife for kitchen helper. For
large road bouse near Astoria. No pay
until season. Good tips, room and board.
1 1 44. oregonian.
ANY GIRL in need of a friend apply to
the Salvation Army Rescue Home, May
Tatr ana Aiexanaer streets. Anone -dain
34 o0 DM car.
Wanted Domestics,
WANTED -Girl for general housework; 4
in lamny ; no small cniiaren ; mum oe
good plain cook; new home and modern
conveniences; permanent place right per
soon ; good wages. Call mornings 1270
Shenandoah terrace. Phone Main t57.
j. a
GIRL or women wanted to assist in house
work; also take care of 2 children and
do light washing; no cooking; rood
wages and congenial home. E. 0084.
441 E. lBth N.
WANTED Competent girl for general
housework; one who is fond of children;
good home and good wages. Apply 491
B. 16th. N. Phone East 2032.
GIRL for cooking and general housework;
must have good references; good wages.
Call at 953 Bryce ave. Broadway car.
Wood lawn 422.
OLD GENTLEMAN wanta a woman not
under 60 for housekeeper; very light
work: no children; no washing. Ad
dress box 23. Banks. Or.
WANTED Woman to do cleaning few
hours day; no Sunday work; must be
capable. Polly Ann Cafeteria, 10th and
WOMAN for general housework in small
auult family; modern home and conven
iences. Phone East 14u3 for appointment.
REFINED woman to do light work in
apartment and to take care or 2-year-old
child. Call Mar. 5026 or apply 360
Morrison st.
WANTED Reliable-' girl lor cooking and
nownsiaira wora; good wages; reierences
required. Mrs. Kenneth Bee be. Main
WANTED Middle-aged woman to do light
noust: worn ana care xor oaoy l yr. old.
CaU Auto. 214-39 between 10 A. M. and
1 P. M.
WANTED Experienced grlrl, general
housework, 2 in family, good wages; city
references. Phone Main 3oh3.
l- a v-t l-i i . . k mvwir and car. some
thing where intelligence and industry
will count; no quick-rich scheme consid
ered. r 52J. oregonian.
EXPERIENCED woman wants work by
day or hour. Sellwood 2o.J2.
LADY wants work as helper in private
boarding house. Phone Main ftiO. rm. .
YOUNG married man with selling experi
ence wishes position with wholesale or
retail firm; will take anything
reference. Y .S40. Oregonian.
1LAIN sewing and children clothes a
specialty, tan wooaiawn
CURTAINS noma blundered. Phone East
tocai I .iUHo.
MARRIED man wants work on farm, ex
perienced truck driver and tractor driver.
Address 551 Second at-, or call Clyde
Jenkins, Marshall 1Q3B.
GIRL wants work as bus girL Phone Main
n2!2, ask for room 17.
EXPERIENCED chambermaid
work. Phone Auto 527-30.
PRUNING of trees and shrUDS. garden
work of all kinds; fertilizing; now is the
proper time to do it. Call up Wpodlawn
WANTED Posi I ion as chambermaid. AK
527, Oregonian.
DAY, WORK Washing and cleaning; ex-
peripncea. 2:r ETfth st.
FIRST-CLASS auto electrician and battery
repair man wants Job in battery or auto
electric shop. Call Roy Sandberg, 873 COLORED lady wishes work preparing
Rnu t Phone Kast ZftWI. I ""'S umu--ia.
WANTED Young man. 19 years, position I KKUABLK woman wants worK rnaajs.
as salesman in gents furnishing; not East 11)4I, room 6.
experienced. Wood lawn 4130 TWO ladles want work by day of any
JLSY KIND auto driving by experienced I kind. Call, from 2 to 4. Woodlawn 43
man. acquainted in city; local references. EXPERIENCED waitress) wishes short
AL aOa. oregonian.
xr iTi-n na rrion intfl tn nlow and har-
row; big teams ana gooa piow, -"-.-- j
way 50 is.
hour work. BJ 542, Oregonian.
WOMAN wants day work Tnursdays. CaU
w oooiawn oow.
PRINTER Experienced ad solicitor or
ad man desires permanent position, av
870. Oregonian.
worker wishes
. apt. 10.
MIDDLE-AGE man wants work in whole
sale house, nanay witn toots
Oregonmn. :
REFINED young lady wishes to stay with
children evenings. W 511. Oregonian.
WINDOWS cleaned. 91.50 dozen, all kinds
house cleaning. Woodlawn i'U.i.
CARPENTER New or repair work, esti
mates cheeriuiiy given. xiaco, .u.
FIRdT -CLASS baker would like work
CLEANING, window washing, laundry.
Mrs. Chrlstensen. Main S12..
EXPERIENCED woman wants day work.
Phrne Bdwy. 3423.
or out or city, gooa on Da ur wm-
K 5 3 S . Oregonian.
WOMAN wishes work by day. 2t3 Rua
eell. near Williams.
WANTED Position as assistant candy-
maker. Write n. narvey, oa
st.. Salem. Or. .
DAY WORK washing and cleaning, ex
peHenced. 235 Fifth st. Phone Main 851.
BOY lit WANTS job driving Ford; expe
rience in grocery aeuvering; a- -e-t-ences.
Main 3Hl.
YOUNG LADY wants dishwashing, experi
enced. Tabor 621. Mrs. B. Sh'orry.
COLORED girl wants day work. East 7V
irt uT-rT.A.4 nititrv cook and confection
er wants position, notei or resmutduu
BF 5:W. Oregonian.
Iiookeeers, tetenographcra. Office.
GET your painting, decorating ana :sns
nence. Ta bor bw.
YOUNG man wants work; nanay wnn
tools: can arive car; win le-vu wwu.
J 530. Oregonian. i !
HAVE YOUK garden work done by expe
rienced men; no Joo too srnan. no jod
too large. Phone M. 0375. Mr. Baldwin.
wants position on country paper; ex
sorvice; wages right. W 517. Oregonian.
A YOUNO lady stenographer and typist,
with three years experience, desires
position with Insurance company or
wholesale house. Can operate mimeo
graph, do filing and make myself gen
erally useful. Will be glad to make an
appointment to discuss salary. Can
give best of references. H 50, Oreso-nian.
KEK1NKD elderly lady living alone, not
employed, desires to rent partly fur
nished apartment of one room, kitchen
ette and bath; private family preferred;
Irvington district preferred; no rooming
house; rates reasonable. N 626, Oregonian.
1 WANT to rent a S-room furnished apu
or small flat or house, close in ; must
be clean; will give beat of care; -to be
occupied by mother and three grown
sons. Address Lee Odgers, 491 Morrison
st.. or 60 N. Broadway.
RESPONSIBLE lady will render service
in exchange for apC. furnished or unfur
nished. Sellwood 1(M8.
RELIABLE couple want o-room furnished
or partly furnished flat, west side; rea
sonable: pay 3 months in advance. Ta
bor l 03.
ONE OF finest homes in city not con
verted into exclusive family hotel, cater
ing to professional people; all home con
veniences, home cooking, targe grounds,
porches, shower, etc., east side, close in.
Shown by appointment only. East HOfl
Rooms With Board In trvafe family.
LARGE, airy front room for 2 or 4 men,
with board; home privileges; near dental
co ! lege and - Adcox auto school. 330
Multnomah. Call East
BOARD and room in beautifully furnished
home, suitable for 2: $9 per week each.
Near Montgomery Ward and American
Can Co. Auto. 522-81.
Furnished Apartment.
lRfl Vista ave., near 23d and Washing
ton Three carllnes, splendid view; one
a-room witn disappearing bed ano reai
bedroom; one 3-room, two disappearing
beds, mahoaanv und wicker furniture ;
high-class house ; will rent by week to
reponsipie people: outside balconies.
2.U 12th St.
April 0. vacant unfurnished apt. of 3
large, very nice ouUida rooms with 2
disappearing beds, private balcony. Jan
itor service, all modern conveniences.
Phone Marshall 21.
IRVINGTON Sitting room, sleeping porch
2 or 3 people, also room for man, excep
tional board, laundry privileges, garage.
.asi 0O4D.
ROOM with board in private family across
irom Multnomah club for gentleman
Main 7720.
WILL give best mother's care to chi.
i rom 5 to 12 yrs.. near school ; :
Marshall 43fi6.
NICE front room, excellent board: fcuitabl
for two gentlemen or- married couple,
notn employed. Call Tabor 4y.
4 ROOMS unfurnished, fine location, heat,
light, water and bath; rent reasonable.
i Knaver st. wain. ii4.
ROOM and board suitable for 2 youns-
men or younip couple, reasonaDie. b.
Last Couch, near Ibth,
HOUSEKEEPING and Sleeping rooms;
sleeping porcn. . boo Washington;
-furnished Rooms.
Broadway and Ankeny St.
modern, single or en suite, with or with
out private bath: rates to permanent
Washington at 13th; rates by the
week, $5.50 and up; hot and cold running
water, hot-water heating system; heat
24 hours a day; tub and shower baths.
Rooms by Day or Week.
$4 per Week and Up.
4S9tt Wash. St.. bet. 14th and 15th.
Broadway 569ft.
Special weekly and monthly rates, $6
up. Let us show you our accommoda
2 COMFORTABLY, elegantly furnished
rooms for 1 or 7 people, walking di
tance to center of city; all conveniences.
Rent reasonable. 741 Hoyt St., near 23d.
Main 0014.
112 N. Sixth. 2 blocks of depot.
$1 per day. $5 per week and up.
Hot and cold water, steam heat.
Free phone and bath.
Corner Third and Main Sts.
Attractive Rates to Discriminating
Permanent Guests.
Steam heat, hot and cold water In
every room, elevator runs day and nigh
rooms, 73c up. It's a high-grade brick
hotel with nice lobby.
Fast Morrison St at East Sixth.
The principal east side hotel, dignl
fled and refined; $1.25 per day and up
f h per weeK ana up.
Corner Twelfth and Stark Sta,
Modern, all outside rooms: Der wee
without bath, $5, 6, $7; private baths.
.ao, siu, per week.
ANGELA HOTEL, 025 Washington st.
Large lobby, automatic elevator, phone
and running water In each room; rooms
witn or witnout batns; $d.ou week up
excellent home-cooked meals next doo
LARGE, light, airy sleeping room an
large wardrobe space, suitable for tw
women or men employed. Free hea
light and phone; walking distance. Mai
;t!'r. n. Marsnaii
Morrison and Park Sis.
New, Fireproof and Modern.
Special Rates to Permanent .Guests.
BEDROOMS one unfurnished, 1 fur
nlshed: gas. electric lights, phone an
bath; $10. 379 N. 31st and Thurman.
D. M. car. Marshall 283S.
SITUATION wanted as butler, valet or
houseman; years' experience, aa, u-.
FIRST-CLASS carpenter and estimator
can take charge or wonc jo ox enia.
YOUNG woman wishes work of any kind, j
in office or cashiering: has had consid
erahle experience in all kinds of office
work. Call room 343, Ramapo hotel.
FURN 1 SHE O room, across from LI brary
for one or two gentlemen; also uye of
adjoining room and piano. 409 Yam
hill, flat 1.
THREE men want contracts digging base
ments, small or large, unvor L.aioni-ine,
1228 Boston ave.. city.
EXPERIENCED stenographer want po
sition. temporary or permanent. Call
Marshall 1251.
BOX 4516. FLAT D.
YOUNG lady wishes position, typist and
general ornre worn; experience
years. N 528, Oregonian.
YOUNG man with three years grocery
experience wishes posiuon or otner wora.
AL 502. Oregonian.
WANTED Position. Young woman, comp
tometer operator, wants position. C 630,
HOTEL CLERK, elderly man, wants posi
tion in small notei. rt. oiu su, room
16. Broadway 1112.
YOUNG lady with stenographic experience
wishes short-hour worn. j ure-
YOUNG lady wants, clerical work or filing
or addresso graphing, rnone &ast aam
BAKER, all-around man. long experience.
large and sman so ops. dj oo. ure-
POSITION wanted by experienced stenog
rapher. Main o-. Apt. J-.
PAINTING, papering and kalaomining, bet
ter work lor less money, x-none main
EXPERIENCED stenographer wants posi
tion. Tabor 2tns.
WANTED Girl for general housework; no
rocking; 3 adults and a children. Tabor
HIGH SCHOOL GIRL to assist with house
work in exchange for good home and
small wages. 811 Irving st. Main 3H2.
EXPERIENCED maid for second work;
?rivate family; references required,
lain 216$,
WANTED Neat, willing girl for general
housework; 3 in family. Fhone Sell.
JANITOR or other work, mornings, even
ings. In exchange zor room ana ooara.
X B2R, Oregonian.
DRESSMAKING, remodeling, alterations.
children's sewing, reasonable prlcea
Mabelle Apts., 11th and Jefferson, Apt
16. Marshall aui.
WANT work on ranch, by man and wife.
Address George V. -frown, ftewoerg, or..
River street.
MAN AND wife, first-class cook and
waitress, want position; city preferred.
G 51. Oregonian
MODISTE, recently from east, making
smart spring and summer frocks at rea
sonable prices. main am
nuvu 14 ud: makevovers a specialty
guaranteed. Woodlawn 1-601. 805 E.
7th N.
man with machine.
322 Failing bldg.
Marsh & McCabe,
WANTED Live house-to-house salesman.
513 Panama bldg., 3d and Alder. Hours
to l
SALESMAN wanted, Ford litrht controllers.
et in tne market. 40tt Burnside.
AGENTS coin money selling; Carboncide.
my original and unsurpassed gasoline
aver ana caroon Kilter. it. Macks,
uaii&na uregon.
14RS. L. V SCOTT, formerly with the
federal employment service, furnishes
eomoetent office women; also women
ror all other lines of employment. 32U
Hnry bldg. Broadway 4337.
If you can spare from 2 to 5 hours a
day, 1 can give you pleasant outside work
that will net you from $1.12 to (L66 per
Hour. i i v uroeu DiQg.
W AN TED lo hear from ladies who can
do any kind of art needlewora. Send
name and address. AM 340. Oregonian,
FIVE grade teachers or college students
wantea ior wen are work during the
summer. AC M7. Oregonian.
TOL - G women desirln employment as
leie.none operators can at room 601 Tel
' ephne building- Park and Oak sta.
WAN1ED Experienced second girl in
Vancouver barracks; give reference and
wages expected. AV 423. Oregonian.
MJDLLE-AGED woman for general house
work. 20 minutes from Portland, S. F.
line. Main f376.
WANTED Experienced chocolate dippers.
Chocolate Truffles Co. Grand avenue and
Fast Stnrk nt.
ready to help any girl in distress. 9o.
East GMyan. "-V" car. East 316.
"WANTED Waitress; must be experienced;
xood wauei. room and board. Mallory
hotel. 15th and Yamhill.
V AM'lvU ijooU colored lady, good posi
tion. Apply Clarmunt Tavern in person.
Linnton road.
EXPERIENCED canvassers; exceptionally
good proposition. 307 Couch bldg.. 4th
nnr Washington.
STENOGRAPHER, good permanent posi
tion for girl with ability, state experi
ence and references. AK 424. Oregonian.
WANTED An experienced maid for cook
ing and downstairs work; references re-
qulred. Main 70K. Address 731 Everett
EXPERIENCED girl for general house-
work; two in lamny. J-ri is. JZa.
GIRL to assist with housework in small
bungalow; 825. Tabor !rr.
G1R L to assist in nous work.
22d St.. N.. East 1 4?ft.
WOM AN for gene ral h o use w ork.
plain home. Main ft303.
GIRL for general housework. Main 1184
after H:o a. m
GERMAN ur Swiss girl for general house
work. Eat R3rt.
YOUNG Jfirl for general housework; must
like cntifiren. usi sortnwicK.
WANTED School girl as mother's helper;
small wages. J 511. Oregonian.
CITY hauling contract; permanent haul
ing; must be laminar with city; requires
purchase of a 2 -ton truck; applicant
must be experienced In operating a
high-grade truck and used to city driv
ing; contract with well-established Port
land firm. Apply truck manager. State
Auto A Truck Co., 430 Burnside st,
WE WANT good honest worker for a con
struction company, one who can take
working Interest and make investment.
121 Northwestern Bank Bldjc.
WANTED Position as office manager or
accountant In good reliable business; win
make investment In the business If war
ranted; best references, R 623, Oregonian.
CARPENTER wanted. (500 investment
required; steady position. $150 per mo.;
inside job. One who can handle men
preferred. BJ 50."i. Oregonian.
ACTIVE man wanted for manager of gro
cery store; .oo required ; salary 4u
per month ; steady position ; experience
not necysary. J 537. Oregonian.
WANTED Auto drivers running out of
Portland; o0 cash required; steady po
sition. $150 per month salary. D 537,
AUTOMOBILE repairman wanted; $500
casn investment required; steady posi
tion; salary $150 per month. C 532, oregonian.
EXPERIENCED gardener, painter, handy I SMALL children's sewing, coats and hats.
man, wants s tea ay worn, gooa reier- call evenings, mast pi.-.
ences. Columbia 6!-. call uucnanan. I jyy a lt i vi reasonable, home or by
DO CHORES and housework on ranch, un- j day. llfl Mall st. beuwooq .fM,
derstand fruit; $1000 to loan. AC 51o, d REs MAKING, remodeling: work guar-
urwuiuaii. i anteed. 7u tuast dum. .a3i oi.
NTRY club man would accept position I EXPERIENCED dressmaker.
ith club or as golf Instructor. D oil, tri n Prondwav 56".2.
i i - -
CEMENT work, all kinds, basement floors j
a specialty, let me suDmu you a iigure.
E. 05. -
iiiiMAKINO; work guaranteed, rea
snnable. 311 Central bldg. Main 3408
WOOD cutting wanted, long job on or near
stream, preferred. L 543. Oregonian.
COATS, suits, dresses, remodeling. Wood
lawn 26a!
YOUNG man wishes position; can drive
car.' Marshall 1310. " ;
GOWNS, suits- coats made to order. Lelaa
Hatchinson, s jAoryan oiq.
JANITOR, on the square, apartment house.
Office, hotel. AL o-g, urenonian.
rRESSM AKING All kinds, reasonable
4824 Morrison St., room 6. Upstairs.
DRESSMAKING. reasonable, children's
clothes a specialty. Apt. 22. Main 5497.
GARDEN wor;. lawns made or renewed;
satisfaction guaranteed. Phone E. ft5.
PRACTICAL nurse wishes confinement
caes: best references. Tabor Bl:
WANTED A position by an experienced
machinist. Phone Sellwood 3527.
WANTED Position by practical nurse to
rare for invalid. Main 4fi(9.
MAN WITH 2-ton Mack truck wants job,
Htea d y if possible. Wdln. 4709.
PRACTICAL nurse desires case, best phy
siclnns referenres. AL 514, Oregonian.
DISHWASHER, good man,
neat. AK 526, Oregonian.
active and
PRACTICAL nurse wants case.
or ehllrtren. .Mam .
EXPERIENCED married man wishes po
sition driving truck. A 530. Oregonian.
I HOME nurse, doctors ret.; turnisn neces-
sariea. ..Mar, -nw. apt. --.
PAINTING, tinting, enameling by day or
contract. Woodlawn 2216.
NURSE takes maternity cases in her home
best of care; reasonanie.
BRICK contractor, tile houses, garages,
fireplaces, cnimneys. ispor gia.
PRACTICAL nurse wishes case; terms rea
sonable. Marsnaii
PAINTIN- and tinting; good work; no
dirt. Woodlawn 3471.
RELIABLE lady will care for children af
ternoons and evenings. Bdwy. -O0Q.
PAINTING, papering, tinting, work guar
antee rtjiricesreas(maDie;KaBt
PAINTING, tinting, papering; good work
reasonaDie. aenwooa in.
NOTICE Wanted, a steady Job hauling;
have z-ion irncn. laoor
AN ELDERLY Swedish lady would like
position in eweaisn nome wnere -ii- wo
help with children or light housework.
Phone Broadway S755, ask for Mrs.
Christina Carlson.
MARKIEU man, middle-aged, night or day
watenman. rnqna n oouiawn zt it.
SWISS man and wife, work on dairy farm.
Write AL Pis, crregonian
ROOFS repaired, painted, water-proofed;
work guaranieea. iaoor van.
WANT to do landscaping and gardennig.
Aut. Jll-zi. asK ior wanace.
GARDEN work; experienced men. Gilroy,
Broadway iw.w.
wanted Bv middle -aged widow.
housekeeper; good home considered more
than high wages; iona or cniiaren.
phone Main Htfl. 18 W. Park st.
FAINTING, tinting estimates given, effi
cient worK. Main -ttrni. Apt, a a.
WANTED Position as housekeeper in
small rooming house, experienced. Call
CARPENTER work wanted by day or con
tract. nroauwH.v
WANTED Experienced man or wjman
(white or colored) for general house
work and cooking, family fou.; refer
ences required. Phone East 23U9 or call
4t3 Hasyaio St.. corner E. 10th.
WANTED Woman solicitor. Intel itgent
and of good appearance; city work. BJ
r4. Orexonian
EXPERIENCED waitress wanted.
WOMAN for general housework-; family
i.f 3. Phone Tabor 29"7.
EXPERIENCED waitress wanted.
China Inn. 1-Vt Pmndwiy,
WANTKO Teacher who can teach piano
tr-1 rocal. V 5.V. Oregonian.
IF YOU HAVE selling ability, we have
an ooeninie at once. 501 Corbett bid g
EXPERIENCED millinery makers. Apply
at onre. Elsie Hat Co.. Artisans bldg.
EXPERIENCED waitress .wanted,
thn r-staumnt. 52 N. Sd.
WOMAN fur Reneral housework. 3 in (am
iiy; no children. 4025 521 st. 3. E.
WANTED A girl to assist In general
housework. Call 281 East 15th st. N.
WANTED Experienced pants operator.
04 Onotlnouith bid. Phone Main 5147.
MAN AND wife to help with housework
and build fire In exchange for apt. 274
N. 21st st.
TWO SH'LICITOKS to sell household ne
cessity: pays $3 to fa per day. Call 5 to
6 P. M-. No. 6 East 7th st. &
WANTED Contracts tor excavating and I
grading, v. u. cowers, cast nitsd.
CESSPOOL and sewtr counections; cement
worK. can wain j-i.-. .vmier,
LA Y1NG floor.
Tabor 8151,
scraping and finishing
afternoon and evenings.
Trnnnecleanlnff. window wasting, car
pet cleaning, by expert workmen; floors
waxed, furniture polinhed.
188 Chapman st. Phone Main 1157.
Bookeepcrs, Stenographers, Office.
YOUNG married man with bookkeeping,
coat, payroll and' general office experi
ence desires permanent position with op
portunity of advancement with local
firm. BD 501. Oregonian.
WANTED Work by day, housecleanlng or
washing. East bun
srrrATiov- wanted malic.
NEED HELP- Phone, write or wire for
competent American citizen?, ex-serv-e
men. to fill the place. UNEMPLOYMENT
XMM I TT 170 Fourth st. Telephone
Main .1347. o fe charged.
bU ALL. et of accounts to be bandied in
5pre time Tabor 7311 1.
KALSOM1N1NG. 0c per hour, you furnish.
Phone East 2034.
L, NDSCAPE gardener. lawns graded,
seed e d, rol led. East 6296.
WANTED Experienced pants
Sr ady. 30f Abington Mdg.
WANTED Erperinced waitress. Delmont
restaurant. 40 & Worth 6th st.
HOUSE painted. $50-$f5; rooms tinted. $1
S; papering. 85c roll, Wdln. 6084.
PLOWING, harrowing
Tabor 8479.
and woodsawing.
YOUNG man, experienced office assist
ant, capable ot handling statements.
statistics, pay rolls, timekeeping and
general office matters, desires position.
local firm. HJ oo-. uregonian.
PUBLIC accountant will keep'your books; I
no client too small; charges reasonable.
O 335. Oregonian.
FURNISHED 6 or 6 -room modern and
nicely furnished bungalow or lower flat;
must be good locality and modern in
every respect ; references. Thos. Mac
Kelson, tel. Mar. 6060, or Main 6500.
help you build a bigger business; small
salary to begin. D 512. Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER, competent and reliable,
handled books and credits for many
years, seeking position, a o-s. oregonian.
WANTED To rent by April 12. 5 or 6
room bungalow or cottage, east side,
south of Alberta; must be in good local
ity; references furni-hed. A o28. Ore-
EXPERT male comptometer operator, with
machine, will take extra work days or
e v e ni n g s. Main 2pQ4.
WANTED Unfurnished 5 or 6-room house
or flat; must be in good neighborhood;
references exchanged. Woodlawn 2843.
work AP 50ft. Oregonian.
RESPONSIBLE couple want f urn. shed
bungalow May 1 for four months; best
city references. East 545.
WOMAN wishes a furnished house or a
flat; able to keep 2 or 3 boarders; will
board owner if desired. Woodlawn 824.
LARGE, front room, suitable for tw
working girls, 95 per week: also one
nice room for 15 per mo. 489 Wasn.
street. ;
ONE LARGE front sleeping room, furnace
heat, hot and cold water in room, suit
able for one or two. 67 Trinity Place.
Bdwy. 1706.
ST. PAUL HOTEL, 130 Fourth st. Clean
respectable, modern; transient, $1 up.
Bates to permanent guests.
3 ROOMS furnished, bath adjoining, heat,
water and light; garden spot if wanted.
142 snaver st. wain. ii4.
HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison at Tenth
Rates $1 day up; weekly $5.50 up; free
phone and baths: steam heat.
FOR SALE or rent, 1-room shack, close
In, furnished, $150. $50 down, monthly
payments, ti nan, uregonian.
BUSHMARK Wash. St., cor. 17th; clean,
modern, respectable. 13.50 per wk. up.
THREE rooms, furnished, private bath
rent $30. Beach apts.. 7S3 Williams ave
FURN1SRED rooms, $5 per week. Steam
heat, bath and phone. 40 Morrison.
il DAY $2.50 WEEK, .up; clean; baths
free. Hotel Cadillac. 3fi near Jefferson
TWO-ROOM suite, nice and clean; walk
In? distance. 12S 14th st.
THE ALEXANDER. 131 10th St.,
slent rooms. H. K. and sleeping.
ROOM suitable 2 gentlemen, steam heated
apartment. Phone Broadway 4572.
NICE sleeping room.
Marshall 14.
470 Columbia at
LARGE, pleasant furnished room. 181 11th
st. -pone Main wit.
Unfurnished Rooms.
RENT $36 a month, 5 nice rooms, large
bungalow, porch, bath, toilet, gas, elec
triclty, air to yourself. Tabor 6493. Bel
mont at 3fth.
3 UNFURNISHED rooms on ground floor
newly kalsomined; including lights and
water. L':m iMortn mtn st.
3 OR 4 MODERN unfurnished rooms, let
floor, walking distance of Troy laundry
BD 510. Oregonian.
Furnifched Rooms in Private Family.
LADT employed during day wishes to rent
modern furnished room to empioyea iaay
or gentleman; home privileges, west, siae,
close in. Main 3507 after 3 P. M.
HANDSOMELY furnished bed-sitting room
in exclusive home; beautiful surround
ings; Portland Heights; suit refined lady
referencea Main 7S95.
YOUNG couple have a very pleasant room
that would maKe a nice nome ior a
bachelor; west ride: easy walking dis
tance. Auto. 523-...
PLEASANT large front room in a lovely
modern home suitable tor one or two,
kitchen privilege if desired; garage also.
1441 E. Morrison. Tabor 8850.
NICELY furnished room for rent; gentle
man only, west fsrit near uoiumoia.
Phnne Marshall 24R.
IRVINGTON Beautiful room and break
fast. 935; 1 block to car and rasee at.
East 419.
LARGE room, suitable for 2 gentlemen;
walking distance, pnone Main 4254.
GOOD furnished room, walking distance.
62 East 10th st. South.
348 MONTGOMERY Clean front sleeping
room: walking distance.
MODERN rooms for employed women
only. 3Q2- Paric. corner Columbia.
$14 ROOM in nice home for gent. Mar.
outo, 04 ucreiia, near xaa ana wain.
NICELY furnished sleeping rooms: steam
heat, hot and cold water. 20W oth st.
apt. Marshall -37.
sleeping room in
LARGE room, attractive home.
family, west side. Mar. Btfotf.
WANTED 2 children under 10. to board
monthly; mother's care. 1219 Wilbur
at., Mrs. Waters.
ROOM and board, young girL employed,
$5 per week. Wdln. 6133. bet. 8:30 and
425 CHILD 8to 9 years to board; lovely
home, nice surroundings; near coucn
scnooi. yroaaway .-44j.
ROOM and board for two ladies employed
w. s.. close in. Ask for Mrs. Patton,
CHOICE room, 2 meals, home privileges,
walking distance. ,ast 3.
ROOM and board for reliable people, rea
sonable rates, m arena n .i.ii4.
IN IRVINGTON, board and room in pri
rate family. Call East 2 SOP,
ROOM and breakfast for business women
References exchanged. 2.U-r.
ROOM and board on east bide, walking
distance. 355 K. 11th st.
A GOOD HOME for children aged 3 years
to 10. Call Sell. 2673.
LARGE sunny room and board for two
young men; private ramtiy. iaoor tw
HOARD and room very reasonable for 2
men 62S-22.
LIGHT. sunny, corner room
home: breakfast if rtegired.
in private
East SI 51.
MMTHKRLV care to baby. Aut. K12-PH.
WILL care for children. 552 Morrison.
Fumbdied Apartment.
'Fifth nH Columbia Streets.
Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's
store; good surroundings, strictly mod
ern 2 and S-ronm furnished HPts., out
side, with French doors and balcony.
Permanent ana transient.
4104 Hawthorne ave.. near Grand five.
3-room furnished apts.. beautifully
clean and strictly modern, $40 to $50.
East 24S4. Walking distance.
4-room modern front apartment, steam
neat and free phone: also --room nact
apartment, with sleeping porch. 3d and
College. Phone Mar. 5..i5.
THE JABGER apartment. 701 Washing
ton, has one 3-room furnished apt. va
ern front apt.; steam heat and free
phone : also 3-room f roht aut. ; 3d and
College. Phone Marshall 5555. Adults
and Jefferson Attractive two and three
room suites; outside rooms; summer
rates; adults only.
SINGLE rooms, 2 and 3-room apts., fur
nished; hot and cold water, steam .eat
each room; $12 per month up. 400 North
lftth st. Phone Broadway 1546.
THREE rooms, furnished, with heat, hot
water, electric light and gas: married
couple or bachelors. Inquire apt. 1, 42?
Rodney avenue. East 7817.
COMPLETELY furnished 5-room apart
ment; heat, water, phone, light, gas;
$75 per month. 711 Johnson at. Tele
phone Main 7051.
3 VERY large rooms, all outside, furnished
apartment; hot water neat; dandy piaee;
two adults only. See this: references ex
changed. Sl Alhina. car.
LOVELY 2-room front apt.; clean and
neat. Apply C4 Johnson St.; also steep
intr room.
2 and 3-room furnished apartments,
S-minute walk from business section.
WEST SIDE 3-room apt., very rt-axonable
1 or 2 ladies: one room occupied by
nurse. Aut. S23-08.
.-ROOM furnished apt., -team heat, free
phone, 2tn and bandy Diva., I blk. from
2 car lines. 843 Nelson. :
VERY large rooms, outaide furnished
apt., dandy place; two adults only; come
early. H1B Albina MisFist-ipi car.
STRICTLY modern 11 and 4 -room apart
ments. Ready today. Leeds apts., 210
Market st
3-ROOM furnished apt. Woodlawn ls:S.
Cnfurnlnhed Apartments.
THE CECILIAN apts.. 22d and Gllsan;
brick bldg.. steam heat, etc.: every apart
ment renovated and painted ; choice 3
room apts.. all outside: rent MT.SO to $."5.
$20 UNFURNISHED 2-room bament
Apt. ; clean; 1 block central library ;
water, light, phone; adults. Owner. -10
11th st. Mafn Ml".
IRVINGTON 0 rooms and sleeping porch,
heat and janitor service; rent $7.V.
adults only. Apt. No. S at 409 E. ltfih
St. N.
4-ROOM apt., modern, alt outside rooms,
very light and sunny. At the Irving apts.,
21st and Irvin g. Main 02iW. .
IONIAN COURT. 18th and Couch. 4-room
modern front apt., $57.50. Phone Broad
v ay 2781.
ONE 4-KOoil unfurnished aparUueut.
Everett, corner lftth.
Housekeeping Rooms In Family.
$25 GROUND floor, nicely located," suite
of furnished housekeeping rooms, gat
and wood stoves: 2 porches, lawn, ross,
electric lights and water fre: alto same
on second floor, $21, walking distance.
134 Porter street.
VSll NICE, clean futmslted li. K. rum,
large closet and 2 large windows; fur
ne heat, garage : good location. 111
Russell fit. East I740.
2 Olt 3 LARGE, cb-an rooma (or bou -keeping;
new furniture and rugs; mii.-t
be seen to be appreciated. 20 Last 12th
st., corner Ash.
LARGE, l.iclit n. k. room and kiuh-n-'U
on ground floor, private entrance, hut
and cn!d water. 414 Market sr.
ATTRACTIVE front ,M.rvs. luwer Hi;
porches, fireplace, gas range, etc.; waik-
injt dlHtance. Kst "H I
LARGE, IlKht, first-floor rm and kiuli
enetLe, ink and gas range. Droadw ay
2472. ftWI Hoyl
FRONT ROOM with kil neiielie ; workyit
people preferred; no objections to one
rhlld. ISO 1 71 h st.
2 LIGHT housekeeping rooms in the cen
tral part of town: a rittii ran receive
mother's c:re. Phone Knt Mot.
FURNISHED ouifidt liou-keeplnK rooins,
newly kHUomlned, walking distance
near Couch st. 4t Union avenue North.
TWO LAitGK H. K. rooms for rem: ever
thing furnished; two refined working,
people. Kant MMWt. .
3-ROOM unfurnished apt. EI bridge apt..
274 N. 21M st. Broadway 47 :w.
Large porch, yard, almost new, entire
floor; located 2 blocks from Laurelhurst
park, one block north of Sunnyide and
Mt Tabor car, 3 blocks to school; hot
water heat and Janitor service; nice
plaie for the right party. Call on
premises, 12. E. 34th St., or phone Ta
bor .HNS.
5-ROOM modern unfurnished flat, hot wa
ter heat, water bill and garbage hauling
paid. $05. Inquire owner, 504-566 Couch
3-ROOM basement flat, Jefferson St., near
14th. I17.M1. Wdln. 44BS.
j-ROOM upper fiat, steam heat.
410. Tim wunams ave.
Furnished Flats.
TWO FLATS for rent to party buying fur
niture; income more man pays rent:
walking distance; $750; no dealers. Main
FOR SALE Furniture -of 8-room flat; 3
rooms rented; rent $J2.u(; price $ 00.
352 Kearney st.
FOR RENT 5 rooms, elegantly Xurnished;
2 middle-aged people; muni give good
references. Call after Sunday. Mutn 5rt .
MODERN O-room flat, nicely furnished;
btxt location, west side. 171 Itith at.
Adults only.
VERY desirable 4 rooms, nicely located.
absolutely clean ; adult. only; ref. 26
Knst Utth. near Ash. $13. East 271.
FIRST-CLASS furniture nf a ti-room mod
ern flat for sale and flat fur rent. 274
Park st.
FOR RENT Furnished three-room llai.
ii' I Eaft Salmon st. Phone Tabor 1030 or
Tabor 7(1.
5-ROOM modern Hat, furnished, Kaul
;.i i
FURNISHED flat for rent or Xu
for sale. 432- E. Market.
3-ROOM furnished Hat. close
th. between t ak and fins.
in. 51 E.
4-RuOM nicely furnished
phone. East 4707. Adults:
flt, piano,
fine locality.
FOR RENT 3-room f urn If bed flat with
garage. Call KHk'i E 24th st. N.
M .. iM-i KH I tat lor re
DES1RARI.B h. k. rooms. Nub 11111. walk
ing distance; adults only. R-lwy. 2i;l.V
LARGE front room for light hum'kepuig
suitable fur 2 S21 Uh. ror. of 'ly.
Iarge porch, yard, almortt new, entlr
floor; located 2 blocks from I-fturolburt
park, one block north of Suunyslde and
Mt. Tabor car. R blocks to hnol; hot
water heut nd Janitor service ; nine
place for right part y. Ca II on premise-.
120 E. 34th st.. or phone Tabor
b-ROOM modern house for rent on the rU.
Johns-car line on Ji'dxHH) lot; frutt and
berrlts, ready to move Into; rent $15
SI 3 Northwestern Hunk RMg.
STR ICTLV inmJi-rii irv Iiik'mii Imme, Im
mediate possession, 5 lifdrnomi. 1 first
floor; maids room 3d floor; large sleep
lng porch, garage, practically 2 bath
Northwest hi.ectric CO.
J L'ST east uf Laurulhurt, 4-room t olLaite,
close to si'hool si ores and good -tr
STVlre. only 1M. J. H. llolbrook, 214
213 Innnnia bldg.
R1ANO and furniture inovintc. exprr.tnoej
men; local Hnd bitig-dlsiHnri hau.ltm;
autui, hurses. Mua
3 is
lft du stnrago free.
Furniture moving fur less, ltdwy. 244a.
AK'VING i'lumiM, furnifur ond ltng-dlj-tance
haullntc a spectaltv. O. r W. Truck
Service Co., 40 2d at. l'hon Hdwy. Mjl.
$20 S1X-KOOM hoii-e, ni
more; eiei-tricity, ostn. not
rnent : adults only fi324 4 J
month or
water, bat
d ave. 8. K.
5-ROOM cottMK'. SS" Tliurmnn St., $M
per month. Wakefield, Fries & Co., Mj
4th si.
W H RN mo lng, city or count ry. tet the
bst at lowest price. Ore.n Trana Co.,
Main 121. 2024 Alder si
NICE 7-riMim house, ' fine ond It hm, $ 10.
7il K. Main, corner 2od. Call iiH Hoard
of Trade.
Housekeeping Rooms.
F UKMSHKb H. K. room-, i room with
kitchenette, hot and cold water; privai
phone, electric lighta steam hea", i
minutes' walk to town. 2D1 Columbia
near Oth. t35 per month.
2 LIOHT, newly decorated connecting
rooms, also single room, modern, ...!"
per week; children welcome; walking
distance; 2 blocks from 14th and Mont
gomery. 3d I Harrison.
ROOM and kitchenette f-.r liht house
keeping: furnished steam heat and light:
just calcimined and painied : suitable
for 1 or 2 men employed during day.
314 Hnnrnrk.
2 FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms, h'd
and cold water, furnace heut, suitable
for one or two working people, 2a. 57
Trinity Place. Bdwy. 17ftd.
$o A WEEK l;F Completely turnished
housekeeping suites, large, light, clean
rooms, every convenience; save carfare.
Hotel Cadillac. 3d, near Jefferson.
WHOLE upstair, ttoiil room, bedroom.
kitchen and bath ; completely f uruislied
for housekeeping. 61 1 Clatsop st. Sell.
(.'LEAN room witn arge aU'ove uiid
bath, nearly furnished. E. 1-th near
Washington. $27 50. Adults only. Eat
1 titi.
0-KOO.M huu-. mi
(lonHble, 27.3d.
Srark ft.
IT. i Meuoo nt.; rent r'
C. A. Wagner Co., 2:10
IRVING TO N , b-room lu-utwi.
nare. lea no. 711 ThompMi
tut'piHt-t, fur-
tt-RtHM i
of fruit
uodei li, WiMiUt
:m n morii h
v..'k district; lots
all Hdwv. 4ft7.V
iK IMi io.M- t 'o:ii (caiit;
guircd. owner, 711 Thumpr-tin.
FnrnNheil Imtnw
WEST SI I : Large ftirnlsht-d hou.-te, 1 I
rooms, double garage, suitable for nuni
tarium, nea r honjdis I ; now roldential
boarding houiir. Will rent only with
!.; north of Nob Hill distrb:t. Rent
I70. Avuilable May 1. A E 40, Orcgo-niiin.
NICEl.V furnished hinne. lnie enough fnr
2 families ; Z bed rooms and sleejtJns
purch; 1 lt blocks to car; plenty of small
fruit and garden put out. Rent rrutsun
able. 'h1I Tabor o.V.i for Information.
COMI'LKTELY or partly furnished houart
for rent or leane to reptnslble party, 8
rooms, sle'dnR porih and bathroom.
4713 111 fit Ht. Sout heast. Mount feeott
car. Cnll after 10:30 A. M.
54 OLISAN ST. 2-rom apt., housekeep
ing, on first floor, $25 month; 2 house
keeping rooms, $20; gas and light fur-
TWO 11. K.. DurtmenlM. clean and in very
desirable location; west sitle. fnune
Main 2777.
MODERN front apartment. 3 rooms, com
pletely furnished; newly decorated. 700
Flanders st.
AND 2-ROOM apts., well furnished
light, heat, bath, pnone; very reasonable.
03 Nortn iNtn st.
Three rooms, strictly modern, elevator,
tile bath. 11th and Montgomery.
For rent, 2-room apartment; also room
for woman only. Alain ho4i.
ROOM furnished apt., private bath, laun
dry trays, $40 a month. Adults. E'Lair
apts. East bl02.
WANTED Refined girl to share 2-room
apt. with girl employed; walking dis
tance. Broadway 4157.
BUSINESS woman to share three-room
apartment: walking distance, west aide.
AL o3Q. Oregonian.
WANTED One or two irirls to share neat.
clean apartment. Call Main b'Jaa after
6 P. M.
FOUR-ROOM furnished front apt., steam
heat, also sleeping poom. 11 Grand ave.
North. East 7451.
2 and 3-room apartments, furnished.
Tabor "4fl.
FURNISHED apartment, 2 large rooms;
equal to 4 oral nary rooms; nice ana
sightly. 5r3 ueKum ave.
LAKCE front 2-rootn apartment, dressing
room, bath and free phone, west side.
Marshall 4744.
YOU would appreciate large, clean,
airy apartment with nevr rugs and fur
niture call at 20 K. 13th st.. cor. Ash.
THREE very large cltan rooms, Nob Hill
district; private batn, nice Kitchen,
adults, ir.t .n. ..m. i:atnerine arm.
ROOMS, fur., steam heat; every conven
ience, reasonable. 780 Kearney. Mar.
COZY 3-rm. private
room, $43 per mo.
12th, cor. Stark.
bath and dressing
Todd Apts., 8U E.
OULD like 2 or 3 srentlemen to hare
large room, with board. Sheffield apts.,
apt. 32.
THE STAN FIELD, 204 Porter St. Mod
ern 2-room apt., iignt, neat, pnone, laun
dry facilities; I26.S0. Main 73.2.
ROOMS, dressing room and private bath;
walking distance. iNo. a onapman Apia;
$42 M) a month.
ROSELYN APTS., 110 N. 21et st. Modern
corner apt., z rooms ana oatn, -ia.
ROOM furnished h. k. apts.
car. Woodlawn 4219.
St. Johns
Trunks, baggage delivered downtown
district, 2-"c. Sun, servicn. Hdwy. 244ft
TIIE BEAVER. 12th ana Marsha.i Fur
nished h. k. rooms. $15 up includ ng
hot water, electric llghta. laundry room
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, clean and con
venient; free phone, light and water. 311
Clay street.
NICE h. k. room with h. and c. water,
suitable for 2 bachelors. 2tm Morri
son st
MODERN front housekeeping roomn, sinKl
or en suite, close in. at reduced rales;
a Iso che:ip attic room. Rdwy. 3240.
CLEAN single h. k. rooms, $7 to $12 a
-month, men or women; bath and lobby;
suites. $12 to $20. 414 North l'.Hh at.
2-ROOM housekeeping apartment, modern
furniahlngs. free light, heat, bath and
phone. Main BI2.V 772 Marshall st.
WILL share my s-room modern home with
desirable people: hardwood floors, fire.
piH.'". etc. Irvington district. Auto.
;t 1 1 so. .
r'Oit REN I' 4-rooin inol. rn iiou.-u on
paved st., beautifully f iirnihlied, Mo, ref
erem'e rci"ired. i'hune Wdln. or
Selhvood 1077.
3KOOM furnilH'd cottage. Kan, eh'ft rlcit y,
bath; adults only; 427.0. 7HU E,
Main Ft. ,
UiiUKRN furnished home, :
H months or longer, $00
Clinton st.. corner 33d.
ouiiu. leaa'-.
mont h. U7 1
El'RN'isHKU 7-rofnn hou. 710 Second st,
R..fe rmc-es ret u I red. I n d u ire M 3d s
CENT R A I. eat Hide, beautiful home, eh
gantly furnished, piano. 40s 'otiimTeiiil.
T UN ISil KD shack, J rooms, adulta, 14Mi
O rn a h i a v. . K'-ntnn.
NICEl.V furnitthe-l o-m
able. 40S K. I'inn Ht.
jiu houao, reaon-
Folt RENT d-room furnished hoiint-, clot
in Call after IV M .. 310 Hollnd ty aw.
jloUM'i ir Itint I ti.niture lor Niile.
V LITTLE iour-room cotiaHe for rt. the
furniture for pitlo ch-p; eleotrit- lights,
gHS but no bath; very clone in and rent
verv rt-HHonahle. Call al dXd AJuin St.
for Information
4-KOOM houst. for rent. luruiture for Mil"',
2oo. Cull I, m. aiier ji-o ..
UOW.NTUWN, one large 11. K. room with
kitchenette; all conveniences; private
entrance; party employed. 230 10th at.
FURNISHED h. k. room, running water,
bath; rent cheap, free phone. 11)3 13th.
cor. Taylor.
170 CHAPMAN st.. ft block from INth and
Morrison; 1 room and kitchenette.
Bdwy. 2S37.
TWO EXT It A large front H. K. rooms
with gas furnished; also 1 sfng!e room;
rrn t s redurtd. Ttdwy. ItH. Th'S lavis.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms front
ing to park: very reasonable rent. 3 S3
Davis, corner Park.
2 CLEAN, light rooms, alcove and bath,
$27.50; adults only. East 12th, near
Washington st. East fSl.
2 NICELY furnished h. k. rooms; tvery
convenience; warning instance. 4tH ..
Oak at., between Sth and !lh Adults.
FRONT 2-room apts, rum ratine, eleiiric
lights; two adults, sud jeiierson st.,
corner flth st.
SL1TE of houwekeeping rooms on first
floor; rent reasonanie. am c.ast An
keny st. Eat 4
tuni.y room and kitchenette,
closets, fireplace; no oojections to small
child; 130 per momn. wmi eimont.
;1im TAKES Kuod furniture in ."i-room f!nt
for rent, walking dintunro. 44'4 0th Ft.
EIGHT-ROOM huuw for rene; furniture
for sale. 110 E. 2i'th st.
Htnre and Ru.lne-i I'lurew.
ftooi) to himo fm u n r left on grouml
floor; sheltered loading platform, pur
tra k ; 2 nkyllMs afford natural lixht
and good cement floor hiMures cltan,
dry hpace; up to ooo itnre feet adapt
ed to ue for office. Telephone Bdwy.
track. clone In. to lnt.
H. N. BURPEE, Wilcox Bldg
2 PLEASANT rooms and sleeping porch
close in. k. jum.
NICE, clean, IlKht housekeeping room. 162
14rh st. North.
HoLSEKLEi'iNG rouma. couple emjdoyud
preferred. i.a :n. i;tn. uawy. f-toa.
CLEAN f .rniahed h. k. rooms, reasonable,
walking Qiatance. i nawrnorne ave.
KRKELEY APTS., 39 Trinity place
Modern - ana 3-rm. apis. .viar?naii
KING-DAVIS APTS., M N. King; 4-room
furnished a-pt. Keierence. aiain 2uoM.
AND 4 ROOMS. $37.50 to $G0. 414 11th
Marshall n.
ROOM APT. and 1 single h. k. room.
Sfl loth st.
apartment. $0
furnished housekeeping
weeK. a:u m n street.
FURNISHED housekeeping apartments.
125 14th st.. near Washington.
CLEAN front h. k. rooms, walking dis
tance. 410 Second et.
ON E 2 and one 3-room suite ; telephone,
bat hg. 07 N. 20th l. Broadway 41-3.
LARGE front room 'for two ladles em-
toyed; board if desired. Mar. 416.
LARGE cozy room for man in quiet mod
ern flat. 3Q2tt Park st. Marshall 17o.
COZY front room in a modern home, suit-
ahle for two gentlemen. E. 7QftQ.
NICE ROOM for employed person, bath.
electricity ; reasonable. Marsnaii wo.
LARGE front room, furnished. ot)7 East
Washington near 10th. 312 per month,
Rooms WKb Ilo&ra.
Two of the best-known residential
hotels on the Pacific coast.
American plan, with or without bath,
$2.50 a day up; rates by day or month.
Meals served to transients.
NORTON I A HC1EL, Portland's downtown
high-class family hotel; rooms en tuite
or single, with or without board for
families and business men and women.
We give you all the comforts of a nome.
re asorabl e rates.
WANTED BT LIVE SALESMAN. DRY I & OR 4-ROOM hoouse with 2 or 8 rooms
furnished, in Upper Albin district. BIO
Cook ave. r-asc :'wa,
GOOD Japanese cook wants situation in I
a private family. Kuroa. 2S6 Everett st. I
COMMERCIAL man, selling northwest, re
tall drug trade, wants good second line ;
on commission; give full information. R.
521, Oregonian.
WANTED Before April 16, by responsible
pcrty 4 or 5-room bungalow. Phone
Tabor 4169.
SPRAYING in city, short notice
SMALL furnished bungalow by quiet, re
sponslb'.e couple. Mar. 1027.
any kind. Phone Bdwy. 3123.
HOt'SE of 9 to 12 rooms, good location.
ast lbtRfc-
DANDY single rooms with high-class
board for people employed; walking dis
tance, everything new. Broadway 3465.
Shown by appointment only.
ROOM and board for business girls; all
modern conveniences; walking distance;
J5 per week. Auto. 219-74. 12 E. 7th st.
LA RGE front room with board, suitable
for 2, $30 a month each, or one $35;
walking distance. East 5505.
HOTEL HEREFORD Rooms single or en
suite: homelike atmosphere. Main 3305
ROOM and board. Whitehall Hotel, 203
Sixth st. Main 1398.
URNISHED apartments, eteam heat, pri
vate pain, ow -?.iiygippi ave.
3-ROOM modern apartment west
walking distance, jiarsnaij
UNION AVE. and Killings worth, $23.60;
all COmpieio; cuiicrete nuiming.
NEW YORK apartments, .th nd .Bel-
mo n t: 1 and z rooms, furnished, Kast 23M.
PORT NOM AH 5 rooms, sleeping porch.
naraWOOQ Iioorg, uunn 'rx ;. iatp.
3-ROOM apt., strictly modern, private bath.
727 MilwaUKie hi. rnone aonwood b,V
MODERN furnished two-room apartment.
31W Kuaell st. rasi ia-r.
2-ROOM apt., room and kitchenette. 328
M i 1 1, near croaaway.
MODERN 2-room apt., reasonable. Alco
apts.. E. toucrn ana i-mon ave.
2-ROOM front apt.
17th st.
Belknap apts., 187
3-ROOM furnished apt., Harrison court,
3i4 5th st. Main 5148.
ONE 2-ROOM furnished apt. 521 Everett,
cor. 15th.
1 1 35 4 Aibina ave.
2 and 3-room apt a.
1, 2 and 3-room moaern apartments.
TWO NICE H. K. rooms with private bath
at Pine urove Apts. on uoyt st.
STRICTLY' modern 1 or 2-ruom apt. rea-
Bonaoie. nin si n.
8-ROOM complete apartment, high-class.
private nome. juj vviiuams ave,
NEWLY renovated 2 rooms and bath.
Fairmount. inn st.
3-ROOM outside apt., 2 beds, Southampton
Apts. .Marsnaii z-'im.
2 AND 3-ROOM furnished apts, Elbridge
apt.. Ji-i N . -ist st. ttroanway i30.
MODERN 2-room Carlo ia apts., 14th aud
Market. Main n-J.
BAGGAGE, furniture and piano nmvlng.
reliable service, reawonaDie. r.ast ih:h.
FIN E H. K. rm. ; heat. h. h ater;
able. 53 X. ISth. Rdwy. 2fi04.
NICE rooms, gas range, electric lights;
pntiple: 23. 3"" t 4th.
SINGLE steamheated housekeeping rooms,
$12 a month. 147 13th st.
H. K. AN-U sleepiiiff rooms, reasonuble.
532 Williams ave. East HftJtt.
1171 MINNESOTA ave., rooms for light
hoos keep lng. Woodlawn 14SH.
TWO SMALL rooms, single rooms;
water always. Flanders.
FU R N IStlED h. k. rooms, s-n n I e or e ii
suite. Stt4H E. Morrison.
FOR RENT Front rooms on first floor.
347 Hall St.. near Broadway.
LARGE front furnished H. K. room, 2o'6j
Washington st.. corner Third.
LARGE, cleAn 1 and 2-room housekeeping
apartments. 101 N. 22d. Main 22NH.
Kl'RNISHED housekeeping room for rent.
2:l 4th st.
2 FCKNISHED housekeeping
room. T3 ?m rnrK. t.
Lud 1 Siiiifit
AT'I KACTlVL. clean h. k. rooms, near
hospital. 770 Hoyt st
House keeping Kooms In PrUute I amlly.
TH REE housekeeping rooms, near three
carllnes: cheap; anuns. . raat mn st.
WAREHOL'tiH. modern, st.'ni ht ai. freigh
elevator, 10.0(H) to 15.000 square (Vet
floor space, excellent iNatin: smtaue
for fartory or storage, any line of bud
nesa For terms address P. O. Box 10.
Helena. Mont.
SWELL store. Y- Thurman st . between
2dth and 21st sts.; 5" bv HO it.. 2 lain
show windows; 2 car line paw the door;
suitable for any nrm-ciiiM imi-jhm, iu.
ii few days m 1 -.1
FtR RENT -Store room .Mix.'lO. line lo
tion near Uroadwav; furnished lor r
taurant; can be u-ed for other purposia.
1 n ii uire frx nni-i, .i ""
FtiR RENT Store spucu at .44 ft
ington st.. near lbth; Ideal place for
barber gtwp. , ,
STOKE room, rooms in rear; $-0
3rt l-t.
warehouse phone Bdwy. H715.
a month,
ft FINE FLtxiRS at U4 N. Sth. Each 5o
100; one floor 50x0" at 31 N. 5th. lng reasonable. D. C. Wax, 24 N. 6th
Ht Bdw v. 273!.
WE HAVE a lew d.-nlinbU' otucen. -nn.'.o
or n suit'; rea.-mnabl- rent. SwctUnd
bldg.. Fifth and Washington. ,
FT'RNTs'HEr) office room with telephone
and um of typewriter. 1021 Chamber of
( nmm-rre .
FRONT offices, modern, in Rut I way lx
change bldg. Apply room ;i!2.
HAVE desk room for rent. Apply 431 L. S,
Bank bldg. .
FOR KENT Desk room. $12.50, int. pljone.
'ail I'M! FilMI ntf bldg.
DFSK room, with telephone and steno
graphlc service Phnn Rdwy. 3715
Si'ACE in garaice for auto paint nlmp for
6 cars, or win rem small ouuamg. niun
Marshall 0j. Wilson. .
(Ut( i,L'Nt tl t-ouiiit-r, downtown location.
doing goon nun net. iwner sick, niun
sell, $400 will handle. St-atnan with in
terKtate I.nnd Co., 24S Stark st
ONLY shoe shop In town; good loifiio m;
want to be sold n account or m nr
busiuese.. Estacada Shoe Shop. Kita-
c a tin. Or.
$sr0 OROCLRY. corner location. I liviioT '
room in connectinn, ownr m mHi
at once. Se Seaman with interstate
Land Co., 24 Stark st.
5-ROOM. 343 E. Glisan, corner E. Second,
$4S. Call Thursday.
H. K. ROOMS, walking distance; children.
East 577. Mrs. licox.
FCRNISHED houne for rent; 4 roonw, no
bnth. 44 t lacKamas pr an r.?ut
LaRGE, clean, well-furnished room, kltch-
enette and beat. i'MV i-'tn st.
THE BUST two rooms for h. k. iu Fort-
land tor the price. lamnni.
NICE h. k. suite, running water, heat. 414
Taylor. .
LAitui. Irvnl h. k, ruouas. R loth SL
A MuDKHN concrete tea rage ; 4-t cam;
steady storage; busy street; big sale ga,
oils, tires, etc.; a real bargain. Room
401. Dekum bldjr
WANTED Party with $I.MM Hnd services.
If you want to make some nml money,
Investigate this. m E f37. Oregon i a n.
CoMi'LETE shoemaker snop. live town;
money-maker; about half original .oi; ;
act qulckl y. F'e d e rAVN a 1 h . .Mam ol 7 5 .
partner wanted ; canh htmlness; takes
JtllO. Room 4('1. Dekum b!d-r
PARTNER wlHhlna- tu sell h m halt iiir.
est in a lunch wagon. 1773 E. loth sl