TIIE MORNIXG OREGOXTAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1921 EAVERS LOSE PEP OH MAN I E T m Scott Lets Portland Down Brennan Says No to 20 Round Go With Negro. With 5-1 Defeat. ONE RUN GIFT BY SWAP HERMAN HERE FOR FIGHT lit Francisco Allows Single Score Immediate Worry of Tar Boy Xov Is to Stow Tiny Away Tomor row Xlght at Milwaukie. 13 COLOR SNAGS Cexouse m6c.-" : i i neier TAKe Just a were i V The STUFF y SNFTV.lM ' ) uryDER SEAL ATTACK 1 kai& a mp Tva That 1 HANK I -STUFF AVWAlT- V NEVER -i ose ry FOftAIEH in Second in Trade for Doable Play. Paelfle Coast Lrarue Standing. W. L. Pet. I W. L. Pet. I Air... 2 O lOOOiPortland... O 2 .000 1 In Fran... 2 0 1000:Sattls. .. . 0 2 .000 I cramento 1 1 ..'.00 Salt Lake.. O 0 .000 Ircon.... 1 1 .5oo,Oaklnd... 0 0.0001 Yesterday's KcsoJta. Saa Francisco S, Portland 4. Los Angeles 4, Seattle 2. - Lt Sacramento 0, Vernon 9. Lit Salt .Lake. Oakland. Gain post- Iaed. snow. SAN FRANCISCO, April 6. (Spe lt!) Jim Scott took a lot of the learn out of ths Portland club's at- Ick today, and as a result the avers did not look as frisky as opening day. The Seals won, 5-1. e only Portland score was made in Is second, when the Seals swapped run for a double play. I After that round Scott allowed only ires hits and he kept them so .dely scattered that they did no nod. He had two men out each time fore be allowed the hit. I Jim Poole, the lanky first case in of the Beavers, looked like a Ijgger on opening day, out iacoix Ld his number, for he struck nun t three times. But rooie rot a It, anyway, so he felt much better an soma of his mates. I Caveney nearly took a leaf on "illie Butler in the first wnen ne Lot a drive down ths third-base line I. ... haeaa Thar rlnut 0Tlt iL&tn tampering In with the first run of night, when the Ottawa Senators de- la frame. In the fourtn scoti soaaeai . line drive into the left field bleach- the title. It was said today. Total is. He will get a razor, but his attendance was 45,166, an average of lin was bad for a nau Allison wmi - -.- ' t a hat and a razor. Willie jvamm t Aid some hitting. tie got a UD,e anu sent b rrHIBrrMv BASEBALL GAMES t a rignt neia xence wr hive. He walked his other two trips l itoM-r .suppose - I fi double the attendance at the cham pionship series In the east last year. ih. nlata. Rudy Kallio, an ex-seal, woricea I rrt but he really had no chance la way the Seals were hitting and la way Jim Scott was piicnms. L the Seals got In front there . no chance to head them off. Little Kingdon hurt his leg opening ,y. so a kid named xoung piayeu. nrt fnr Portland. Young handled Imself a good deal like Hollocher, ;d If he can hit at all he win ma.ae hoiinlavnr one or tnese oajs. xui Lrtland needs a stronger man than l.her Kingdon or Young at short to Cnb9 S, Wichita 1. HUTCHINSON. Kan., April . In an exhibition game the Chicago Na tionals defeated Wichita. The score: R. H. E.I R. H. E. .16 6 Chicago ...i 6 2i Wichita Batteries Cheeves, Trombley, Fuhr and O'Farrell; Sellers, Cooper aryi aiey umiin. Tigers 15, Oklahoma City 0. OKLAHOMA CITY, April 6. In an exhibition game today the Detroit ake the team look good, and Walt Americans defeated Oklahoma City. Credie is hoping that eitner in. , Detroit .IS 0 OjOklahoma .0 7 4 Batteries Holling, Stewart and Baaeler, Alnamith; Mitchell, Harle and Parker. ibs or Tigers will come tnrousu lith some mucn-neeaeo, iu tvu. Score: I Portland I B R H O A Ran Vrnr!ro ii Jt II U A I mnr.r I olfer.l lrug.2.. I ioie.1. itler,3. iker.c lallio.p sher." i'g'r.p 0 llF-IS-ldT S OiRath.2.. S XlCVn'y.a 3 0 Kelly. m. 4 OiO'C'n'll.l 4 1 Klliaon.l 4 SKamm.S 2 OAKntw.o 4 S Scott. p.. 4 OiSchick.r 0 01 1 2 0 2 2 1 1 0 1 11 2 1 2 0 6 0 0 0 0 S7 14 Total-ai 1 S24 9 Totals. 31 a 8, labatted for Kalllo in eighth. ... .-.rtlonH O 1 U U U V U O U 1 Franclaco lOBlouuu x a Krrora, Poole, Butler, careney. uw U; Innlnga pitched, oy Jvaiao i; aioien ise. Rath: home runs, EUiaon, Caveney; Ivo-bae hits, Caveney, Lmm; bases on I'.lla, Scott 3, Kauio o; atruca vuu ott 8. by Kalllo 2. Nofzluer 1: double fay. Caveney to Kata to u i-onneu; ruua sponsible (or, Kallio . Scott 1; loalns Ltcher, Kalllo. Ya nkecs 5, Iodser9 4. WINSTON SALEM. N. C, April 6. In an exhibition gams today the New York Americans defeated the Brook lyn Nationals. The score: R.H.E.I R.H.E. New York .6 10 2jBrooklyn ..4 8 0 Batteries Shawkey, Piercey and Schang; Smith, Mamauz and Miller. Reds 8, Indiana polls 4. INDIANAPOLIS, April 6. In an exhibition game today the Cincinnati Nationals defeated Indianapolis. The score: R. H. E.I R.H. E. Cincinnati. 8 12 lllnd'napolis.4 8 Batteries Marquard, Fisher and Wlngo; Stryker, Whitehouse and Dixon. 1IT1I 'I GIVES LETTERS THREE POKTIiAXD 3IEX TTIX BASKETBAIili EJIRLEllS. Return of Most Slembers of Team Xext Year Assures College of . Strong Xnclcns. love Holds Sacramento to Three Hits Score 0 to 0. SACRAMENTO, Cal April 6. The ernon Tigers defeated Sacramento bday, 9 to 0, and evened up the se- ies. Slim Love aiioweo me nome layers only three hits. Chadbourne starred with the bat, etting three doubles In as many mes at bat. Score: Vernon Sacramento BRBOAt BRHO jton.r. 5 0 11 O MeO'an.S 4 0 0 2 Aian.a. o d a a imuup.i.. o w x x lh.l.. E 1 3 2 OPick.3... 3 11 U, .11 W1U.X. 2 3 2 0Cpton.r. 2 1 2 0 8 Rymn.m. 4 0 2 2 SlOrr.a.... 3 O 0 S O'EUiottc. 4 0 10 3;Faeth.p.. 2 Kunx.p.. u Schang. 1 yatt.l. 3 me.m. A nith.S. 4 awyer.2 S 'nah.c 4 love.p.. Tnfalx.34 17 2T 13 tiatted lor .Kuns in seventn. X4ih hit h hatted bAll. rernon . . . . 1 0 0 1 1 0 3 3 09 larramento owuwuwwu u u Errors, ChaODOurne, i-ick. innings I'trhari. bv Faeth 7. n.hiijA mts. enaaDoorne a. etoten oase. lawyer. Sacnricea, Hmltn, Hyatt, nannan. r.ases on bails, oti rao a. on un-e Struck out. oy raetn o. oy L.ove o. -ouble plavs. Mollwlta to Orr; Comptoo (o Orr: Gorman to Sawyer to Hyatt. Kuns .-sponsible (or, Kuns 3, Faeth 5. Charge tefeat to yaetn. 3IAES IT 2 STRAIGHT hinielr Hitting Aids in Victory Over Seattle, 4 to LOS ANGELES, April 6. Timely I Browns 5, Cardinals ?. ST. LOUIS, April . In an exhibi tion game today the St. Louis Ameri cans defeated the St Louis Nation als. The Bcore: , R. H. E. R. H. E. St Louis A 5 7 list. Louis N 2 7 Batteries Davis and Severeid Haines, Kircher and Clemons. Giants 4, Senators 2. PETERSBURG, Va, April 6. In an exhibition game today the New York Nationals defeated the Washington Americans. The score: R. H. E. R. H. E New York .4 8 2Wash'ton .2 8 Batteries Nehf, Ryan, Gaston and Smith; Courtney, Acosta and Ghar rity. Red Sox 8, Rochester 0. CHARLESTON, S. C, April 6. In Totals.30 o StSS 13 1 an exhibition game today the Boston Americans defeated Rochester. The score: R. H. E. R. H. E. Boston ....8 13 llRoches'r ..0 9 Batteries Jones, Pennock and Home run Hyatt. I KueL Walters; Brogan, Bonafay and Hargraves. 0 2 1 13 0 2 0 0 0 3 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 White Sox 6, Memphis 4. MEMPHIS, Teniu, April 8. In an exhibition game today the Chicago Americans defeated Memphis. The score: R.H. E.l R.H. E. Chicago ...6 14 llMemphis ..4 11 Batteries Kerr and Yaryan; Tuero and Dowie. Athletics 11, Phillies 4. SPARTANBURG, S. C, April 6.- -In hitting enabled Los Angeles to make 1 an exhibition game today the Phila' t two straight from Seattle today by score of 4 to 2. The home team ewed up the game in the fourth in ilng wUh four successive hits. Carroll doubled to right center and cored on Griggs" single to right. rawford singled to the same place. jriggs taking third, and both scored hen Lindimore singled to center. Score: Seattle I Los Anfeles H K H U A 1 II II U A lot) Kirrr.ra 4 1 2 SiZelder.a. 4 1 13 0 Carroll. 1 S 0 1 OGriKRal 4 0 3 0'Cwrd.r 4 3'Li dim e.a 3 0 Neih'((,2 4 llStan'Ee,o 4 8Lyona.p. 4 U Krid'fn.r 3 fill. 3 S frhpy.l Id ci.m l "n'r'm.1 5 t;Hl.2.s 3 Mobin.o 4 1-fmpf.l 3 "rtn r.p s ildriB 1 ne.2,T O ircla.p 0 0 1 2 3 1 4 1 13 2 1 1 1 0 2 2 3 0 0 otals 33 2 8 24 12iTotals.. 84 4 9 27 14 Watted (or Gardner In eighth. tBatted for Stump( in eiehth. eatt'e 1 v u 1 u v o o o z .oa Angeles 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 z Errors, Tobin. Zeider 2. Neihoff; Innings kihed, by Oardner 7: two-base hit. itumpf. Carroll, Wisterzil. Stanage: sac Ifica hit, Elliott; struck out, by Gardner . by Lyons 2. by Francis 1: bases on alls. Gardner 1. Lyons 7; runs responsible or. Gardner 8, Francis 1, Lyons 1; charge .efeat to Gardner. Bees-Oaks Game Postponed. SALT LAKE, April .Oakland- Salt Lake game postponed, wet grounds. v Attendance Records Broken. VANCOUVER, B. O. April . At tendance records for a sporting event In Canada were broken at the world hockey series, which; closed Mdoday J jjuiior.. delphia Americans defeated the Phlla delphia Nationals. The score: R. H. E R. H. E. Phil. Amer.ll 17 1 Phil. Natl... .4 9 Batteries Naylor, Harris and J. Walker; Causey, Smith and Peters, Bruggy. COLUMBIA BEATS JAMES JOHN' Score of Ball Game, 22-11; Flay. Ing of Teams Ragged. Columbia university defeated James John high school, 22 to 11. yesterday, on Columbia's new diamond. The playing of both teams was ragged. James John started the scoring and led at the end of their half of the fourth, but after that crossed the plate but once, while Columbia held a slugfest in the seventn that netted nin runs. The score: R. H. E. R. H. E. Columbia.. 22 13 6James John.ll 7 10 Batteries Columbia, Wise, Bueno and McCarthy. Cole; James John, Robertson and Cole. Baseball Summary'. Where the Teams Play Next Week. Portland at Sacramento, Vernon at Los Angeles. Oakland at San Francisco, Se attle at Salt Lake. Beaver Batting Averages. AO. H. Av.l Ab. H. Av. 2 1 .600ICOX 8 1 .123 T 8 .4281Kingdon... 8 0 .OiH) 8 8 .37j Fisher 2 0 .000 8 8 .37.V King 1 0 .000 7 2 .2R6lYoung 8 0 .000 8 2 .250KaUia.w.M S O .000 Plllette.. Knig.... Bourg. .. Poole... Wolfer. . Baker, WHITMAN COLLEGE, Walla Walla, Wash., April 6. (Special.) Three Portland men, members of Whitman's 1921 varsity basketball squad re ceived varsity "Ws" when award of letters was made to nine players at a student assembly held in Memorial hail of the college this morning. The men to receive letters were Jack Gurian, forward, "Ich" Reynolds and Knudson. centers, of Portland: Captain "Sid" Rjch, forward; Ben Comrada and Jack Laden, guards, of 6eattle, and "Buzz" Schroeder, and Nathaniel Penrose, guards, of Walla Walla, letters being awarded to three forwards, two centers, and four guards. All men, with the exception of Carver, will be back for basketball next fall, giving Whitman a good nucleus for next season. ' Captain "Sid" Rich, forward, who was recently elected to an all-northwest berth on the mythical all-north west basketball five, has been re- I elected by the varsity basketball let termen to captain next year's team. He is a sophomore and has received varsity basketball letters in both his freshmen and sophomore year. In his first year he was one of the five players on the Whitman 1920 quintet which won the northwest conference championship. PTiAYER, 52, EXTENDS YOUTH Fulton Cutting Forced to Five Sets to Defeat Joshna Crane. EOST0N, April 6. Joshua Crane of this city, E2 years old, today forced his younger opponent, Fulton Cutting of New York, to five sets before the latter gained a victory in the semi final round of the national amateur court tennis championship tourna ment. The match lasted 2H hours. The scores were 6-1, 4-6, 6-4, 2-6, 6-4. In the other semi-final rounds Stan ley G. Mortimer of New York de faulted to C. S. Cutting of New York. The Cutting brothers meet tomorrow. the winner to play Jay Gould of New York, the title holder, in the chal lenge round. Youngest Students Ball Stars. ALBANY. 0r April 6. (Special.) The two lowest classes of the Albany high school will battle for the base ball championship of the school, as a result of the victory of the sopho mores over the seniors In one of the elimination contests played on the junior high school grounds yester day afternoon. The freshmen had eliminated the juniors previously. The score In the senior-sophomore game yesterday was 17 to 12, the high score being due to the fact that because of nnfavorable weather the teams had had little opportunity for practice. CADETS TO PLAY FACULTY Academy Xlne to Make First Local Appearance of Season. The Hill Military academy baseball team will make its first local appear ance of the season Saturday afternoon on the Raleigh-street diamond against the academy's faculty team. Yester day afternoon the cadets in their first start of the season were defeated by Vancouver high school at Vancouver, Wash,, by a score of 6 to 2. The Hill players could not find their bearings in the first inning and as a result Vancouver chased over five runs. One more run was made by Vancouver in the second frame, but after that the Cadets held their oppo nents scoreless. The Hill team has material for a fast organization. 12 CO-EDS IX ARCHERY CLASS Lois Rankin in Charge of Spring Training at Corvallis. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE, Corvallis, April 6. (Special.) Twelve co-eds are enrolled in the archery class for the spring term un der the physical education course. Miss Lois J. Rankin is in charge of the class. Co-eds who have been practicing are Sarah Wlnniger, Los Angeles; Veva Smith, Salem; Eva Black well, Reedsport; Rose Shelton, Wasco Velma Canfield, Chico, CaL; Margaret Taylor, Corvallis; Alice Wood, Salem; Margaret Howe, Waterville, Wash.; Ethel Glover. Portland; Amy Thomp son, Corvallis; Martha Davis, Delarto, Cal., and Lucy Wldmark, Sitka, Alaska. EAST WILL MEET WES MICHIGAN" AXD CALIFORNIA TO CLASH AT BERKELEY. Track Events Seem to Indicate Vie tory for Bears, Although Wolverines Are Strong. On the Alleys. i. .... T J 'V) 3 t. v scif!S!'j''jSv' is:?&r " ! -;.' 4 Lee Anderson, Oakland baser, who meets Tiny Herman at Mllwaukle tomorrow night. TTV3LLOWING are the results of J? matches rolled Tuesday night In the Swift & Co. bowling league on the Oregon alleys. Sllverleaf 1st Peterson 154 Mueller 163 Webster lis CIsdd IAS Parr 183 Handicap 6 Totals 789 Empire 1st. Burns , 378 Ketchum 184 Larson 188 Qreenwell 144 Evans 18S Totals 878 602 784 2364 High score, Empire wins, 2. 2d. 164 18.1 123 211 137 6 775 2d. 18S lWi 178 lit 160 10 130 180 169 Sd. Total. Av. 180 4A8 160 185 481 178 417 186 665 172 492 S 899 2463 3d. Total. Av. 152 616 172 146 4115 1R2 618 1.16 411 178 624 165 173 1S7 175 Premium lrt. 2d. Sd. Total. A v. Todd 193 167 202 661 187 Baker 125 185 149 469 156 Thorns 130 138 118 886 129 Willis 175 150 212 637 1 Young 157 174 201 632 177 Totals . 779 814 882 2475 Winchester 1st . 2d. 8d. Total. Av. Sundqulst 108 156 135 849 133 Spencer 174 146 168 4N8 163 Cameron 112 121 114 847 116 HenriKsen 140 isu B94 1.11 Murdock 135 194 166 495 165 Totals 653 757 703 2113 High score. Premiums, 8. Columbia Merrlman ...... Travillion ...... Picket Clausen Red Totals Gold Crest Krause Hirsey Carter Kraft Merrick Handicap 1st. 121 95 156 148 123 2d. 157 113 170 161 151 643 752 1st. 151 116 111 119 152 19 2d. 151 115 120 128 288 19 3d. Total. Av. 133 401 136 133 341 114 182 508 189 165 414 158 123 397 132 726 2121 Jd. Total. Av. inl 453 151 818 133 SST 129 81 132 616 206 167 147 150 178 19 Totals 668 830 70S 2291 High score. Gold Crest. 8. Gems 1st 2d. Gustatson .n Filler Young Hal . Sourbeer .... James ...... Handicap . 114 147 141 169 169 42 Totals 783 Stockyards 1st. Thompson ....... 203 Beacon 176 White 117 Bayly 133 Plerson 179 Totals 808 857 837 2502 High score. Stockyards win, 2. Special Matches. 180 141 154 167 186 42 870 2d. 166 215 181 127 168 8d. Total. Av. 138 432 144 ISO 418 ISO Z 504 168 192 528 1 123 478 159 42 834 2287 8d. Total. Av. 136 505 168 214 605 202 179 477 159 144 404 1S5 164 611 170 1st 2d. Sd. Total. Av. Webfoot W. O. VT. Voelker 179 142 160 481 160 Boydston 179 162 165 606 169 Miller 132 146 125 403 134 Wilson 207 181 135 623 174 Sholln 160 190 105 4o5 152 Totals 857 811 690 2358 Vogan Candy Co. 1st 2d. 8d. TotaL Av. Hoeh 134 126 122 882 127 Diller 159 132 110 401 134 Springer 132 122 131 385 128 Poble 170 199 150 619 173 Vetsburg 182 159 158 499 166 Totals ......... 777 738 671 2186, j High score, Webfoot wins by 172 plus. BY WILLIAM UNMACK. Next Saturday another east versus west competition will be held at Berkeley, when the University of Cal lfornia track team represents the Pa. cific coast, or the west, against the University of Michigan, representing the east Last year California oe feated the University of Illinois team and with the present wonderfully balanced team that California has, the west has another good chance of downing this year's eastern represen tatives. Michigan has a good team, well balanced, and it includes some dividual stars who will make Cali fornia's stars hustla to win. The meet is limited in point of numbers of competitors, each college being represented by a total of IS men to cover the full programme. Last Thursday California met Pomona col lege and did not enter any men in which Pomona could not place an en try. That is sportsmanship as It should be. It is poor sportsmanship to try to "grab off" points from a team where the team has not or cannot place men in the events. That is competition on as close to an even basis as it is able to get. though technically a team is eligible to enter and take points on the events, of a standard programme. The limiting of the number of men of California to the same number as Michigan can bring here, purely through geographical and traveling expenses, is a good move and equal izes matters for the visitors. Michi gan has not yet had any outdoor com petition but has been competing "on the boards" of indoor meets and took second to Illinois in the annual relay carnival staged at Urbana, 111., last month. At that It was a glorious sec ond, as Illinois only defeated Michi gan by 2 points. Michigan has no sprinter to cope with Hutchinson, their best being Losch, whose best times are 10 1-5 for the 100 and 22 1-5 on a curve for the furlong. ..In the 440 yards, how ever, Oxy Hendrixson, national inter collegiate champion, will have a real opponent in Butler, captain of Michi gan, who has a record of 49 flat. Burkholder is the visitors' best in the half-mile, though his 1:58 does not look good against Sprott's 1:56, though at that the Michigander may be able to give Sprotty a great race These sprints, quarter and half, look to be Michigan's strongest, though in other events they have men who should be capable of scoring points. Westbrook for example should be a sure point winner in the pole. In doors he has done better than 12 feet this season and in the high jump Walker, with 6 feet inch in an indoor meet last month, means that if he Is in shape he can better that mark outdoors and give California's Olympic games hero and football phenom. Brick Muller, a big argument for first honors. In the relay Michi gan may be able to spring a surprise, as the time of 3:29 is better than the California team so far has shown, but under the stress of hard competition California unquestionably can better Its own mark. There is enough strength and abll ity In those 16 Michigan men to give the 15 from California a real argu ment. True, Michigan is In for i licking . for many first places, but they have men whose performances will run up points in the seconds thirds and fourths and that is going to count All in all it should prove another close affair, such as hap pened last year when California nosed out Illinois In the east-versus west fracas. TILDEX WTXS TEXXIS MATCH Richards Defeated in Singles of Invitation Tourney. PHILADELPHIA, April 6. William T. Tilden II. world s singles lawn ten nls champion, defeated Vincent Rich ards of New York, 6-4. 6-3. 6-3. In the final round of an invitation tourney today. In an exhibition doubles match. Richards, paired with Wallace John son of Philadelphia, defeated Tilden and Carl Fischer, a University of Pennsylvania star, 6-3, 4-6, 7-5. Good Fish Catches Reported. WHITE SALMON, Wash., April . (Special.) The shores of White Sal mon river and Northwestern lake have been dotted with fishermen the last few days, many of whom carried home well-filled creels. The fishing season opened in Klickitat county April 1. Forty-seven resident licenses and six non-resident licenses have been issued from the local office to date. ,J , BY DICK SHARP. Lee Anderson came within a shade of landing a 20-round .battle with Bill Brennan at Mexico City next month during a convention in that city. The "shade ' explains why ne didn't get the bout. After several days of communication with an American in Mexico City, who was going to promote the affair, Ben Dau- bert Andersons manager, receivea word that Brennan would not box a negro fighter. The cromoter was ready to sign An derson and had come to terms with Daubert when he struck the "color line" snag, which Brennan saw fit to inject in the deliberations. Willie Meehan, the San Francisco heavy weight, was originally slated to meet Brennan in Mexico City, but called the match off vh he signed for a 15 weeks' vaudevil'o tour in Australia The most immediate worry in An derson's career is his 10-round muss with Tiny Herman at the Milwaukie arena tomorrow night Lee is in fine fettle for Herman and is doubly eager to score a victory over Tiny because of the fact that he has a possible match coming up against Frank Farmer in Tacoma if he wins. Farmer is another boxer who draws the color line, but not until after he met Sam Langford in Seattle. However, George Shanklin. Tacoma promoter, thinks he can coax Farmer into a match with Lee should the latter beat Herman. Herman arrived from Tacoma last eight looking somewhat thinner than usual. He explained that it was due to the fact that he has been doing some real work for his setto with An derson. Herman has tasted Lee s sauce before, their first meeting end ing in a six-round draw, and is not going to be caught out of shape over the 10-round route. Stanley Willis didn't put Neal Alli son away in their eight-round match at the Milwaukie arena a month or so ago, but he came close to flooring the easterner several times. Willis did not boast of much of a kick when he departed from Portland six months ago, but since his return seems to have taken on a little hitting aoimy. Stanley will meet Claire "Kid' Bro meo of Salt Lake in the eight-round pemi-final tomorrow and is going to try and stow the gold-toothed young ster away. If he does it will oe tne first time in his career that Bromeo has been counted out Bromeo has a lght hand that he can use to perfec tion. and not only has it but has omething behind it. The four-round melee between Jim my Brenton and Billy Ryan is coming n for Its share of attention. Brenton tailed to register against Billy Mas- cott. but was off form and Is going to make up for that performance when he tangles with Ryan. Ryan is ot the classiest boxer at his weight in Portland, but be is an aggressive. hard-hitting youngster. Underwear without visibility Start the day with a fresh, clean Richmond Union Suit then forget your underwear. Richmonds are not visible in wrinkles or bnnchiness under your outer clothes. They fit like your photograph. Nothing to mar - your tailor's handicraft or your own solid comfort. The time to think about Richmonds is when you buy underwear. Ask your haberdasher to explain the Richmond double loek-stitched, overcast seams and seven other exclusive features. LEVI STRAUSS & CO.. Ssn Francisco, Cal. Facifio Coast Distributors to CLOSED CROTCH UNION SUITS miosw 36 ANSWER GRID CALL COACH HAGS HAW HAS FIRST WORKOUT OF SPRIXG. Mickey Dempsey will box Filipino Kid" Martin in th" six-round special event, while Battling Lester and Sol dier Stockton, a couple of light weights, will meet In the curtain raiser. e e. Dave Shade will meet Frankie Hay- nie in the six-round main event of to- lght's boxing card in Tacoma. Bert Taylor will meet Jim Barry in the eemi-wlndup, while Mickey Dempsey will meet Mickey Kannon In the spe cial event. GIRLS TO MEET OX DIAMOXD Xlnea of State Offices to Tlav at Salem Tomorrow. SALEM, Or.. April 6. (Special.) The girls' baseball teams of the sec retary of state's office and industrial accident commission will meet Friday afternoon. The girls have been prac ticing daily. Coach Matthews of Willamette university will umpire. The losing team will entertain the victors at luncheon. The line-up follows: Accident Com. .P....lna May Proctor ,c....Mary Carrutbers .lb. . .Klzanore Pepoon .2b.. Dorothy Chambers .3b Melita Wolfe .ss Florence Varley .if Ruth Walker .cf Rhea W'iLoon .rf. Maria Brelttensteln Marjorie Baumaa..sub Kcbo Hunt Orpha Cole sub. .. .Dorothy Cardln Kutn Koss sud Xcw AVashington Mentor Loses Xo Time in Getting Down to Busi ness With Charges. 6eo. of State, arte Matthews., Evelyn Stevenson. Vera Oehler Edith Welborn Dorothy Bteusioii. Ruth Reeder Helen King Ildred Gill ary Phillips RIckard May Go to 3IontreaI. MONTREAL, April 6. Promoter Rickard may come tomorrow to con sult with Eastern Securities company officials, who have made a new offer for the Carpentier-Dempsey boxing atch. SEATTLE, Wash., April 6. (Spe cial.) Thirty-six candidates answered Coach Bagshaw's call for varsity foot ball material In the first spring turn out held on Noble and McDonald fields today. The workouts will last six weeks, with five practices a week. None of the letter men answered the new mentor's call, although many are expected to put in their appear ance within the next few days. It is doubtful whether Bagshaw will be able to use Elbert Harper, fullback, on the 1920 eleven. Harper is turn ing out for baseball, and at present stands a good chance of being among the players who will make the trip to Japan this summer. Should he go, his services to the 1921 eleven will be lost, as the baseball team will not get back until late In November. Bagshaw lost no time in getting down to business and telling his new charges what he expects of them. No loafers are wanted in the squad, said the new coach. "When a player steps on the field I expect him to be ready for business, and when he leaves the field I want him to go straight to the gymnasium." Close followers of Bagshaw expect the spring training season to count a great deal toward making the eleven, as the first game to be played in the fall is scheduled two weeks after college opens GOLF FAVORITES VICTORS First Round Matches in Xorth and South Championship Played. PINEHURST, N. C, April 6. Favor ites won their first-round matches to day in the north and south amateur golf championship. Perry Adair of Atlanta and James Stadish Jr. of Detroit went 19 holes and Adair won. Results of first-round matches In the championship fight included: B. P. Merrlman, Waterbury, detested Donald Larson, Youngstown. 5 and 4; Frank Dyer, Upper Montclair, de feated Lou Hamilton. Oarden City, 1 and 1; Gardiner White, Nassau, de feated V. C. Newton, Brookline, 5 and 3. Gourdin to Race Paddock. CAMBRIDGE, Mass., April 6. Har vard university athletio authorities today announced that E. C. Oourdln national Junior 100-yard dash cham pion, would be entered in the special 100-yard event at the Pcnn relay games, in which Paddock, I'acll'lo coast sprinter, is to compete. Pratt to lie Released. ANN ARBOR, Mich., April 6. Derrtl Pratt, baseball coach of the Univer sity of Michigan, will be released from his contract April 15, after the Michigan club's spring training trip. Athletic Director Bartelme announced tonight. Pratt plans to Join the Bos ton Red Sox. Tit tccrptMl tdlar lljlt of JOO jtarl at tt painltd iy tht Mast it Crcjttm Rtmbrandt, Beach- Made by Troy's Master Craftsmen for ihe Man of Today. LI DEW-EM crCT rr i a oc are dignified, comfortable and give long we. made for the man who demands standard-value mer chandise attractively priced. Your dealer is show ing the latest styles. 'HAUL IIARTWELL & CO.. Makers, Jroy, N.Y. Repay That Obligation With a Dinner at Ye Oregon Grille Your giwsls will enjoy It even more than at your horns and we know your wife will. Dinner Service Table d'Hole$1.25 or a la Carle Music and Dancing during dinner and supper hours. Appetizing Food Itrnpectful Service Cheerful Surroundings Reasonable Prices ES 1DEMONT Fits like a starched collar Feels like a sot collar an Zepbgr-TOeigKt YOUNG MENS STYLE Thai tt'a an IDE t Sn assurance that you W Bl needra wornj about QUALITY JSJ