IS TITE MORXIXG OBEGOXTAX, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 1921 " EDrCATIONAI. A REAL OPPORTUNITY. Tou want a rood position, don't yon? Here's how to get It! Been a course of instruction at the Adcox Auto School at once. (Not 1 cent to be paid down.) IF. AT THE END OP" 30 DATS YOC ARE ENTIRELY SATISFIED, then pay one half of your tuition fee and AFTER YOU HAVE GRADUATED AND SE CURED A GOOD POSITION, YOU CAN PAY THE BALANCE OUT OF YOUR WAGES. School open for Inspection daily at 11 A. U. OREGON EX-SERVICE MEN! The state pays part of your tuition fe we will trust you for the balance until you secure a good position. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL, UNION AVE. AND WASCO ST. LEARN electrical engineering, machine shoo practice, mechanical drawing, vul canlzing, oxy-acetylene welding, gas and oil engines, automobile true as. tractors. airplane motors, electric starting, iigm inv m r. A torn it inn mvmtmmm. ky 1 1 rv r pairing, charging and testing; send for our "Pay when you earn plan, ecattw Gas Engineering School. 600 Queen Anne avenue, dealt Je. HELP WANTED MALE. ALL MEN and boy seeking employment in commercial or tecnmcai lines soouiu first go to the Y M. C. A. advisory and employment department. This im not an employment ajrency. but a section of the . M. C A. naving nign sutnaina- wup emDlnrera Men who will become Y ' members and follow instructions wl.l b protected by absolute guarantee .nat they wlr. secure employment or re' urn of membership fee. Er-service men get this service free. See the secretary, room 3"7. Y. M. C. A. WEAVERS WANTED. OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS. OREGON CITY. EXPERIENCED furnishing goods salesman wanted aa manager for coast chain of exclusive shirt stores; investment of II Mmi in ! irf pomniDV Wll furnish merchandise four times sise of invMimoni Wrttfl fult particulars in first letter. 510 Artisans bldg.. Portland. u-ivTt n Turn. nBi n w r in r. ambitious youna men to travel with manager by auto and learn rood-pay in business: good pay to right parties and steady position. Call room -0 Carlton hotel. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. today. REPAIRMAN WANTED Must be handy with tools and especially adapted ior re- ' pairing and reiinishing furniture; ex oerienced onlv. steady place for right man: state are. experience, references' and salary desired. AN 513. Oregonian. WANTED Al auto mechanic; state perlence in shop work, also what cars and trucks: must be producer; refer- , ences reauired first letter. J. A. Rich- srtlvon. Kord sgent. Bandon. Or. WANTED Experienced Jau. Chinaman or colored men for general housework and cooking; family four; references re quired. Phone East 2300 or call 493; Hassalo st.. corner East H'tn. .M.NUi.u man as n.gnt clern. witu some porter work after l'J. Must understand Kwitrhbnsrd. Hours 9 P. M. to 7 A. M. Room and board furnished. Ref. Ap ply Waverly Country club. STRONG boy to work in factory; steady work. Apply Simmons Glove Mfg. Co., b34 Fifth at., cor. ma ana unit, I'hon'x Mg- AI1 L'f!TII'(l itnlirltnr for IJ H r III 11 II ti H t DO- It Inn fionf anoearance: member L O. O. K. preferred. Apply 200 Stock Ex. bldg WANTED Painter for high work. Apply paintinr contractor. Mt. Angel, ur, acaa emv buildlnr J. M. OKnurKe. t.nAKL.s CO.. 5th and OaK, require the services of a furniture finisher experl- n-A In rAtuil work. irsL-Ciass r- I rrenrM required. Tuivm-'KR itiiKinvH owner wants re- Hflhi man an nartner: It ie paying well. Price $26i0. your money secured. Room 511 Railway Exchange. MILKER and milkhouse man; mut be very clean; married or single. Apply to j Mr. Wilcox. 15 Union ave., or puoue 17F12 St. Helens. Or. WANTED Competent male stenographer oavinr laboratory; references. Apply Warren Bros. Co.. 2S9 E. Salmon. YOUNG man. If you are doing clerical work and desire something belter, write me. O 51 8, Oreeonfan. WANTED By private school, solicitor and field secretary; give experience ana rei- er-nrps. N 524. OregoniaTi. YOUNG man. experienced in auto parts and accessories, for clerical wora. a i. Broadway. ROI.K'ITOHS for cleaning and pressing; splendid commission. 345 Jefferson, corner Broadway. WANTED Young men aa news agents on railroad trains: small cash bond. Cole News Co.. 14tf N. 10th gt. FIRST-CLASS watchmaker wanted. Ap ply Sartor! woiri, iu wan street, op- kane. v asnington. WANTED a doughnut man. one experi enced in operating a gem machine. Sell- wood bwkery. ftM) i manna. PRINTER wanted fur large country town; chanc to learn mill. AV 404, Oreo- nian. ANTED Experienced prsser. Apply Henrv W. Jacohson. 324 Morrison et. FIRST-CLASS barber wanleu. week guaranteed. J. A. Lynch. Dallas. Or. WANTED Men to distribute samples in city. W 537. Oregonian. GOOD, honest carpenter to figure on 4- room oungaiow. ran enwooa -hm. MEN WANTED to peddle homemade food: good money made. 405 E. Tavlor. WANTED Painting work; exchange for lot or land. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Help Wanted alemen. SALESMEN are you making enough In your present line to become independent ? Can you Increase your earning capacity to $1000 and up per month in your present po- TILDA NELSON. WRITE. I LOST AD si tion? If your opportunity is limited I "nRm "m j n me, because I can give you a position with unlimited opportunities. We have developed a large number of men in the last few months who are making big money. If you have ability, some experience and ambition, we will help you to develop your qualifications to I the fullest extent; position permanent. Call, after 10 A. M., 2d floor Gordon ; bldg., 4th and Stark. A wK for Mr. Kaint-y. FIRST-CLASS SALESMEN. I am In position to offer a salary position to one first-class salesman who can. and who know he can. secure reru.ta. I am not after an order taker, but an energetic, aggressive young American with red blood In his veins and something fa his head. Call Mr. Sharp after 10 A. M. - today at Automatic 525-07. or see me at 702 Title 4k Trust bldg. WE WANT A MAN In every town in Oregon, Idaho and Washington to give part or full time to selling our accident and health insur ance; capital and surplus over $1,000,000, assets over $2,000,000; premiums 1920 over $2,000,000. Absolutely the best policy Issued and our rates are much leas be cause of our plan of operating. Renewal commissions are paid perpetually, even though you leave our service, and in case of death are paid to your family. Ideal part-time proposition for insur ance, bank and real estate men. For par ticulars write Accident and Health Cran dalL 002 N. W. Bank bldg.. Portland. A LARGE corporation has an opening on Us sales force, man between 27 and Sa, of good appearance; the man filling this position must have ability to meet peo ple, lots of pep and be a real worker. For such a man we offer an exceptional opportunity. We will give you the nec essary training and place you in a per manent position, where you should earn not Jess thsn $100 per week. If you have the necessary qualifications we want you. For interview see Mr. Cook, 403 Spalding building, between 10 and 12 A. M. . WANTED Salesman for gents furnish ings, clothing, ladles and children's shos; must be able to do show card work. Eastern Oregon town of 2000 : steady position for a good salesman. Ap ply to Mr. Elliott, Oregon hotel. Wednes day A. M. SrTKfjT-CL ASS salesman with follow ing among retailers: high-grade line over alls and work pants; commission basis: give ref. Federation Overall Co.. Iaven port. Iowa. TWO HIGH-GRADE city salesmen, capa ble of selling a high-grade truck; per manent connection for producers. Ap ply manager State Auto k Truck Co., 4 -i ti B urn side. TOUNG man of good appearance and sales abilitv, good opportunity. Reed-French Piano Mfg. Co.. 433 Washington st. WANTED Salesman at once, real estate experience preferred; food proposition. AC 614, Oregonian. WANTED AGKNTS. AGENTS coin money selling Carbonclde, my original ana unsurpassed gasonne saver and carbon killer. R. Macks. o.-k'srid. Oregon. AGENT on commission to represent east era manufacturer of textiles. Address box AV 402. Oregonian. ACENTS to sell something new in your city at demonstration prlcea Couch bldg, room 30&. HELP WAXTED FKMALB. 3 WAITRESSES for country hotel In south era Or., r0, room and board; fare ad vanced. Call Skinner & White. 35 N. 2d at. Bdwy. 203. LARGE, downtown institution need young iady of neat appearance for general of fice work; must be alert and "wide awake"; business experience not essen tial and second to above ouaUf ication. Letter of application should convince worthiness for interview. AH repllea held in confidence. AP 514. Oregonian. WEAVERS AND SPOOLERS WANTED. OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS. OREGON CITY. YOUNG lady stenographer; prefer one with war or machinery experience; must be accurate and good at figures, under stand billing and general oft ice work. Apply in own handwriting, state age. experience and salary expected. BJ 544. uregonian. J WANTED Girl to take charge of modern nome. one wno nag nad general estpe Hence; permanent position, witn extra good wages If competent; must under stand good plain cooking; only two peo ple in larany. call 74 E. it ur name au, 10 to 4 P. M. EXPERIENCED woman wanted to list houses for sale, salary and commission; tf you are a judge of house values and a worker you can easily make S3) week or better; kindly state experience In your letter. Y 830. Or-onian. WANTED School girl living near 160 E. 4d st. .V who can care for small child occasionally after school, evenings or on Sundays. Call Mra R. A. Ward. Cor nellug hotel. MRS. L. V SCOTT, formerly with the federal employment service, furnlabes competent office women ; also women for all other linen of employment. 829 Henry bldg. Broadway 4537. " LADIES. Tf you can spare from 2 to 5 hours a nay, 1 can rive vou pleasant outside work that will net you from $1.12 to $1.65 per nour. h7 t orh-tt bid. ANY GIRL in need of a friend apply to trie balvatlon Army Rescue Home. May fair and Alexander street Phone Main 34o0 DM car. I WANTED Lady house-to-hou-le solicitor I mufi De clever talker and energetic; sal I ry $70 per month and commission. Ans. I o-u. oregonian j WANTED Bookkeeper and stenographe not experienced need not apply. Insulit r. perienced need not aDDlv. Insulite Products Co.. 336 Railway Exchangs bldg. WANTED Lady to care for sick man lr her own home, for short lime: mua have constant attention ; wiii furnish night nurse. B 51 .. Oregonian. WILL GIVE room .and board to couple for woman s services In cafeteria, must be good plain cook, short hours, light work. 3: Kant Hurnslde st. BRIGHT girl, experienced In multlgraphing and typing, for reliable firm; state expe rience and salary expected to start. AM SH3. Oregonian. WANT iady took for eturn Oregon res taurant: small place: SoO month: rare advanced. Pioneer Employment Co., 14 N. 2d st. Phone Broadway 2278. WANTED To hear from ladies woo can do any kind of art needleworK. Send name and address. AM 340. Oregonian. FIVE grade teachers or college students wanted for welfare work during the summer. AC 517, Oregonian. YOUNG women desiring employment as telephone operator call at room noi Tei- ephone building Park and Oak sta. WANTED Experienced second girl in Vancouver barracks: give reference and wti-j expected. AV 42-1. Oregonlnn. WANTED Experienced young lady book keeper, capable of taking charge of set of books. Salary $125. Phone East 900. WANTED Experienced chocolate I dippers Chocolate Truffles Co., Grand avenue and . r-v ft. THE FLORENCE CRITTENTCN home 1 ready to help any girl in distress. o East Glisan. "MV car. East 31ft WANTED Woman to take caro of baby in home and do lirht housework. Cal Woodtewn 5585 Wednesday. SOLICITORS for cleaning and pressing; splendid commission. 34oVfc Jefferson, corner Broaaway. WANTED Waitress; must be experienced; good wa ges. room an d board. Mallory notei. intn ana lamnni. IF YOU HAVE veiling ability, we have an opening at once. 501 Corbett bldg. EXPERIENCED millinery makera Apply at once, Elsie Hat Co., Artisans bldg. TEACHERS for mission school. Apply 170S First from 2 to 7 P. M. AGENTS wanted at once, somethinr new. Apply 326 Fleiflner bldg. ALL-AROUND cafeteria girl wanted. aehtngton. EXPERIENCED lady solicitor fur furni- tire nu.inpfs i.n rirst, near Aiaer. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. rhon rtaurant, 52 N. d. WANTED A girl to assist in general housework, call 2S1 fcast itn st. in. EXPERIENCED fancy ironer. White Rose H-n! Laundry, n2i av ash, st. WANTED Experienced pants operator. 604 Goonnough bldg. Fhone Main ai4f. GIRL for general housework: three in famlly. Main 50!W. CASHIER bookkeeper, state experience. wares. BC 523. Oregonian. MAN WISHES housekeeper. AN 517. Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer, also for clerical work. Call 84 rs. bdwy. Warned lomestics. WANTED Girl for general housework; 4 in family; no small children : must be rood olain cook: new home and modern conveniences; permanent place right per- soon: good wagea can mornings, ziy Shenandoah terrace. Phone Main 7657. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR COOKING AND LIGHT HOUSEWORK. GOOD WAGES. NICE ROOM. CALL MORN INGS. HIGHLAND COURT, APT. 402. COR. 22D AND GLISAN. WANTED Neat, reliable woman to take general charge of new home in Laurel- hurst: good wages; references requirea. Phone Automatic 231-28. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; one who is fond or children: good home and good wages. Apply 491 E. Ifltn. N. Phone Knwt 2!t3Z. WANTED Girl for cooking and general housework: must be experienced: best references required; wages $60; no waah- lng. Marshall 410. GIRL for cooking and general housework: must have good references: good wagea Call at 953 Bryce ave. Broadway car. Woodlawn 4R?2 REFINED woman to do light work in apartment and to take care of 2-year-old child. Call Mar. 3026 or apply 300 Morr:son sr. WANTED Reliable girl for cooking and downstairs work; good wages; reference required. Mrs. Kenneth tteebe. Main 730. WANTED Neat, wilting girl for general housework; s in zamuy. . I'none sen 250. YOUNG girl for housework. Apply 1185 East Couch st., near iJtftn. Take Monta villa car to 39th. W A XT ED A middle-aged woman for lirtit houseworK m Tamtiy or two; wages S.tO. Tabor 4057. 423 E. 47th st. N. ELDERLY woman, unincumbered, elderly man, small chicken ranch suburbs. W 540. Oregonian. WANTED An experienced maid for cook ing and downstairs work: references re- quired. Main 7008. Address 731 Everett NURSE to take care of S small children and spend summer at the beach. Main 5550. 243 Cornell st.. head Marshall ft. WANTED Girl for cooking and general . housework; must be experienced; wages 60; no washing. Marshall 419. WANTED Elderly lady to assist with housework in small apt. 410 Harrison St., apartment 36. CAPABLE cook, private family. Phone Main 1742 or call at 743 Flanders, be tween 22d and 23d. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; good wages: do children; best ref e re nces required. East 1806. EXPERIENCED girl for general houko work; two in family. 155 N. 22d. GIRL to assist with housework in smaU bungalow: 25. Tabor 9520. GIRL tu aasist in housework. 22d St.. N.. E?ist 1499. GIRL for general housework. Main 11S4 after 8:30 A. M. GERMAN or Swiss girl for general house work. East 636. TOUNG Kirl for general housework; must like children. 639 Rorthwick. WANTED School girl as mother's helper; small wages. J 511, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; no cooking. 328 Jackson. HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT. WANTED Young man, between the ages of 20 and 23, with selling experience, to Invest $500 In growing concern, good salary guaranteed. Call room B. Henry bldg.. between 10:30 and 12. WANTED Position as office manager or accountant in good reliable business; wih make Investment in the business if war ranted; best referencea R 523, Orego nian. BEST opening in northwest for good motor cycle repair man with at least $300. If you can qualify see Robinson. 518 fi. 2d UMt, The Dalles, Or. HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT- CITY hauling contract; permanent haul ing; muat be familiar with city; requires purcnase oi a a1 -ton iruca; uppnwim must be experienced in operating a high-grade truck and used to city driv ing; contract with well-established Port land firm. Apply truck manager. State Auto & Truck Co.. 430 Burnslde st. iVE WANT good honest worker for a con struction company, one who can take working Interest and make investment. SEE MR. ENGLISH. 1210 Northwestern Bank Bldg. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. CAPABLE saleswoman, handle children's apparel to dealers, producer lor novelty baskets, pearl and bone buttons; line for man calling dry goods trade. Ye Oriental Gift Snoppe. 403 Bush-Lam bldg, WANTED Experienced man or woman (white or colored! for general house work and cooking, family fou.-; refer ences required. Phone East '-I3O0 or call Hassalo st.. comer K. 10th. COOK In country hotel, man or woman $75, room and board. Lewes Employ ment. 43 4 N. 2d TWO SOLICITORS to sell household ne cessity: pays $3 to $5 per day. Call 5 to j if. m., so. o n-ast tn si. o. firrrATiONS wanted male. STRUCTURAL engineer wants position with construction company :7 years' ex perience, design, estimating and super intending building construction; Univ. graduate. capt. enfcrs.. L". S. army, member A. A. E.. S. A. M. E.. A. F. and A. M. F 521. Oregonian. YOUNG man, speaks French. Italian. Ger man and some English, experienced in plumbing, warm water and steam-heating, understands plans and specifications, wants position as steam or pipe fitter or maraziner. AV 382. Oregonian. BANK experienced young man. 18. de sires position in small bank: have two and one-half years' experience and gen eral knowledge of all phases of banking. Now employed; references. BJ 501. Ore gonlnn. YOUNG BUSINESS MAN. WELL EDU CATED, 5 YEARS' BUSINESS EXPERI ENCE, DESIRES POSITION PRIVATE SECRETARY; NO OBJECTION TO TRAVELING. BD 520. OREGONIAN. EXPERIENCED Japanese gardener who has his own patented device to pull off any kind of weeds wants position in the city, about 4 days in a week. BC Qrgnnlin. CARI'BN'TKR, quick service, will build garage, $75 up; also sleeping porches, rooms, etc., and make alterations promptly at reasonable prices. Phon Woodlawn 6101. , WANTED Position as night watchman, in or out of town, by reliable married man. 492 Market st. Phone Auto. 513-34 after 6 P. M. H. W. Wagner. ' MECHANIC, 14 years experience with technical training, foreman nine years: foremanshlp only considered; A-l refer- encps. ij aa. oregonian. ROOFS repaired at any time, rain shine; all work guaranteed; e ave troughs cleaned and repaired. Portland Roof Repair & Paint Co. Main 6320. I WANT a job that will keep me busy at least v or iu hours a day; nave o years experience with railway express. A. Diu, Oregonian. CA PA BLE married man wants job on farm as working foreman: tractor expert ence; large outfit preferred. G 514, Ore gonian YOUNG MAN, aged 30, neat appearance. good personality, aggressive, wants post tion with sales organization; some expe rl p n r erferemTesiiMjtjregoman. MARRIED man wants work on farm, ex perienced truck driver and tractor driver. Address 551 Second St., or call Clyde Jenkins, Marshall 103B. PKt NING of trees and shrubs, garden work of all kinds; fertilizing; now is the proper time to do it. Call up Woodlawn SI4I. YOUNG man 27 with Ford touring wants work with car. Call or write L. V. Lina, 247 4th st. Phone Main 6Q57. ANY KIND auto driving by experienced man. acquainted In city; local references. al .yr.. oregonian. WAN TED Garden lots to plow and har row; big teams and good plow, uroaa way 3Q16. PRINTER Experienced ad solicitor ad man desires permanent position. AV S .n. oregonian. CARPENTER New or repair work, esti mates cheerfully given. Blaco, Tabor 3.W-. GET your painting, decorating ana &:gn be i ore tne spring rusn; so vears expe nence. Tabor 266 YOUNG man wants job driving car; knows city and country. Phone -Auto. 822-06 from 10 A. M. to 1 P. M or arter 4 r. m YOU NO man wants wor; handy with tools; can drive car; win leave town. J 530. Oregonian. HAVE YOUR garden work done by expe rienced men ; no job too small, no job too large. Phone M. 0375. Mr. Baldwin. PAINTING FIRST-CLASS PAINTER WANTS WORK, VERY REASONABLE. BOX 4516. FLAT D. YOUNG man with three years' grocery experience wished position or other work. A L 52. Oregon la n. HOTEL CLERK, elderly man, wants posi tion in small hotel. 03 N. 6th at., room 16. Broadway 1112. BAKER, all-around man. long experience. large and small snops. jhj u20. ore gonian. PAINTING, papering and kalsomining, bet ter work for less money, rnone Mam 7S36. ' DO CHORES and housework on ranch, un derstand fruit; $1000 to loan. AC 616. Oregonian. ALL KINDS of carpenter work done, plans and opacifications furnished. Marshall 3086. F. West. JANITOR or other work, mornings, even ings, in exchange for room and board. X 528. Oregonian. WANT work on ranch, by man and wife. Address George D. Brown, New berg. Or., Klver street. MAN. EMPLOYED, wishes light work morning and evenings in exchange for board and room. AM dim, oregonian. MAN AND wife, first-class cook and waitress, want position; city preferred. d 510. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED gardener, painter, bandy man, wants steady work, good refer ences. Columbia 092. Call Buchanan GARDEN work: lawns made or renewed; satisfaction guaranteed, rnona ;. ifc. MAN WITH 2-ton Mack truck wants job, steady if possible. Wdln. 4709. EXPERIENCED married man wishes PO' sition driving truck. A 5.'i0. Oregonian. HOUSE painting and tinting, first-class work, reasonanie. pawy. POSITION wanted, registered pharmacist. city or country, if 01. oregonian. PAINTING, tinting, enameling by day or contract, woodlawn aaiB. BRICK contractor, tile houses, garagea fireplaces, chimneys. Tabor 8793. PAINTING and tinting; good work; no dirt. Woodlawn 3471. PAINTING, papering, tinting, work guar antee djprtcsreaiabh PAINTING, tinting, papering; good work reasonable. Sell wood 1399. CESSPOOL and sewer connection, cement work. Call Main 1818. Miller. NOTICE Wanted, a steady job hauling; have 2H-ton truck. Tabor 3C43. MARRIED man, middle-aged, night or day watchman. Phone Woodlawn 2717. WANTED A position as hotel clerk. Ad dress Room J. B2 Third st. ROOFS repaired, painted, water-proofed; work guaranteed. Tabor 9324. WANT to do landscaping and gardennig. Aut. 211-27. ask for Wallace. GAKDEN work : experienced men. Gilroy, Broadway 1937. PAINTING, tinting estimates given, effi cient work. Main 4691. Apt. 22. CARPENTER work wanted by day or con tract. Broadway 2390. CARPENTER-FINISHER, quick and accu rate: small jobs taken. Bdwy. 716. WANTED Work polishing floors. East 5703. hardwood WANTED Contracts for excavating and grading. C. G. Bowers. East 8183. SMALL set of accounts to be handled in spare time Tabor 7311. PLOWING AND HARROWING. PHONE WOODLAWN 6214. KALSOMINING. 60c per hour, you furnish. Phone East 2034. LNDSCAPr: gardener, lawns graded. seeded, rolled. East 6296. HOUSE painted. S50-395; rooms tinted, II $5: papering. 33c roll. Wdln. 6084. . PLOWING, harrowing and woodsawing Tabor 8479. GOOD Japanese cook wants situation In a private family. Kama, 286 Everett st. SPRAYING in city, short notice 7545 Tabor PAPERHANGING, painting or short Jobs; m ny Kino. rriunr nn y. ,i;.i. Bookeepcra, Stenographers. OfflceT" BOOKKEEPER and office man, thorough lumber experience, wholesale and mill, desires position; will consider country; good references. B 544, Oregonian. PUBLIC accountant will keep your book: no client too small; charges reasonable. O 535, Oregonian, HOTEL CLERK Will clerk or do clerical work in hotel for $75 If given chance to learn business. AR 527. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, competent and reliable, hand A hrtrtk- mnit r-.H I m fn ,- years, seeking position. B 528. Oregonian. ' EXPERT male comptometer operator, with Tabor 4109. machine, will take extra work days or SMALL furnished bungalow by quioL re evenings. Mala 2S04. . gponeible ooupie. Mar. Ii7. , SITUATIONS WASTED MALE, ftuokeepers, Stenographers, Office. TOUNG man, experienced office assist ant, capable of handling statements, statistics, pay rolls, timekeeping and general office matters, desires position, local firm. BJ 502, Oreironlan. BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly practical, ex tensive experience; temporary or per manent, in or out city. BJ 550. Oreo- nlan. " BOOKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER, work. AH 608. Oregonian. desires Salesmen. SPECIALTY salesman with -ton speed wagon would line to connect wun some firm adv. through northwest making fairs, camping grounds and small towns. r- qb, oregonian. WANTED BY LIVE SALESMAN. DRY GOODS LINE FROM PORTLAND HOUSES AND MFRS. ON COMMISSION. A 546. OREGON I AN. COMMERCIAL man. selllnr northwest, re tail drug trade, wants good second line on commission; give full information. R. 521, Oregonian. 8ITCATION8 WANTED FEMALE. ENGLISH lady seeks post as companion or governess; highest references; thor oughly experienced with children. Please write particulars to Miss Tate, z&ttt w, Moone ave.. ypnkane. vt awn. STRONG woman wishes position, good ex perienced cook for sawmill or fishing camp or any camp; best reference. Phone Broadway 1103. 141 N. 16th st. REFINED lady wants housekeeping in widower's home or cook for men ; no Incumbrance; in city or out. BJ 54 1 Oregonian. LADY, ail-round helper on gent a' tailor ing, all Kinas repairs, wisnes worn, steady or part time. Tabor 1080. CaU after 7 P. M. EXPERT laundress wishes position in hos pltal or institution, in or out of city or state, anywhere; will take full charge of it. K &-t:, oregonian. YOUNG lady wishes position in home csr- Ing for children from 7 to 12 if. M. can Mis Honney. East 03a. after if. M. WANTED An apartment, hotel or room ing house to manage, by two competent. experienced women. Call Bflwy. azvi. LACB AND SILK SCRIM a.'U MAR QUISETTE CURTAINS done up like new Will call. Eaft SS18. EXPERIENCED woman wants work cleaning, etc., full days. Main 5237, apt. 3. EXPERIENCED young iady wishes posi tion as switchboard operator: can also u?e comptometer. j .!. oregonian TWo CAPABLE young women wish tight worn togetner on large, well-kept farm in Oregon, av sa.i. Oregonian. NEAT, careful woman wants housework by hour Tuesday and Sat. Bdwy. 29oi room 20. TO TAKE charge of small apartment house or hotel by woman with expert' ence. B.I 54H. Oregonian. CASHIER with 9 years' experience wishes position in restaurant or cafeteria, best references. AM 536, Oregonian. EXPERT saleswoman desires position as demonstrator m grocery or department stores. AN 515, Oregonian. lAi Uli.NCbl) city reference. lady wants day work; Woodlawn 5067. YOUNG lady wants dishwashing experl ence. Tabor 621. Mrs. E. Shorry. COMPETENT, industrious woman wants day work: references. Woodlawn 2328. WANT work in restaurant washing dishes or Kitcnen neiper. aateuui. PLAIN sewing and children's clothes" specialty. , Call Woodlawn 3439. EXPERIENCED woman wishes day wrk Wed.. Thur.. Frl.. Sat. Sellwool 1031. CURTAINS home laundered. Phone East sosr. EXPERIENCED young woman wants work n lunch counter. AL 504. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED chambermaid work. Phone Auto 527-30. or day LAcE CURTAINS HAND LAUNDERED; 11 YEARS EXP. EAST 6136. COLORED lady wishes work preparing and serving dinners. East 3047. , NURSE cares for children evenings during parents aosence. .wars nan a-vj. EXPERIENCED waitress wishes short hour work. BJ 542. Oregonian. REFINED young lady wishes to stay with children evenings. W 513, Oregonian. WINDOWS cleaned, $1.50 dozen, all kinds house cleaning. Woodlawn 2063. LaY work, washing and cleaning; exper iences 23 tun Ft. i-'none Main Kftl. CLEANING, window washing, laundry -vrs, ennstensen. Main SI22. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. fnone Hdwy. 3423. WOMAN wishes work y day. 263Vi Rub COLORED girl wants day work. East 7055. Boo keepers. Stenographers, Office. EXPERIENCED. COMPETENT STE- OGrt A riiJK, K N O W EDO E BOOK - KEEPING. DESIRES IMMEDIATE Jr KK'M AN ENT POSITION. MAR. 3041 THOROUGHLY competent and reliable stenographer, 10 years experience, de sires immediate position. Room 224, Campbell hotel. Phone Marshall 881 CAPABLE young lady with 3 years' expe rience wants woru as assistant Door keeper or general office work. Refer ences. Woodlawn 0-1. YOUNG lady wishes position, typist and general ornce worn; experience years. N 528, Oregonian. COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER DESIRES POSITION. TEMPORARY OR PEKMA' NEXT. J 514. OREGONIAN. - YOUNG lady desires position as assistant bookkeeper or general office work: rei erences. .Main itw. YOUNG lady with stenographic experience wisnes snort-nour work. BJ Ore- gonian. TYPEWRITING TO DO AT MY HOME PTRS REASONABLE. MAR. 981. YOUNG lady wants clerical work or filing or addressograpning. fnone mast 331 POSITION wanted by experienced stenog- rarher. Main Apt. :N. STENOGRAPHER wants good opportunity, Dtibltc stenograp-hy. F 522. Oregonian EXPERIENCED stenographer wants posi tion. Tabor 2B78. Oresnmakers. DRESSMAKING, remodeling, alterations. ch ildren s sewing. reasonable Drices. Mabelle Apts.. 11th and Jefferson, Apt. in. Marshall 5714. MODISTE, recently from east, making smart spring and summer frocks at rea sonable prices. Main 8164. DRESSES. (4 up: makevovers a specialty; guaranteed. wooaiawn eoui. buo E. 7 th N. ALL KINDS of hand embroidery neatly done; eyelets a specialty. Work called for and returned. Phone Auto. J22-03. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, reasonable; work guaranteed. 526 Emerson. Wood lawn 3693. SMALL children's sewing, coats and hats. Call evenings. East 5122. DRESSMAKING, remodeling; work guar- anteea. o caat outn. n.ajt oim. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, $3 . 50. Broadway 5652. tailoring, DRESSMAKING, work guaranteed, rea son ab le311Cenja COATS, suits, dresses, remodeling. Wood lawn 2665 t GOWNS, sulta coats made to order. Lelaa Hatchmson. 1 Morgan pidg. DRESSMAKING AU kinds, reasonable; 422 Morrison St.. room 6, qpstaira DRESSMAKING, reasonable. children's clothes a specialty. Apt. wain B497. COMPETENT dressmaker will sew in your home. Kast jam. Nurses. TRAINED nurse will care for an invalid for IS per week. Eaat 49, room IS. PRACTICAL nurse wishes confinement cases: best reierences. labor I2 WANTED Position by practical nurse to care for invalid, mam 4M. . PRACTICAL nurse desires cse, best phy- sicians' references, au oh, oregonian. HOME nurse, doctor's ret.; furnish necea- saries. Mar. 44u. apt, 22. H o usekeepers. WANTED By middle-aged widow, as housekeeper; good Dome considered more than high wages; fond of children. Phone M;iln 1051. 189 W. Park st. LADY, experienced, would like housekeep ing for gentleman, city or country, jsd 519. Oregonian. LADY with small boy wants work as house- keeper for gentleman. BJ 045. Orego nian WANTED Position as housekeeper in small rooming house, experienced. Call Main 1834, WOMAN wants houaekeeping for widower. 246 Montgomery st. M. 3187. Houwecleaning. HOUSECLEANING. Housecleanlng, window wasting, car pet cleaning, by expert workmen; floors waxed, furniture polished. CITY HOUSECLEANING SERVICE. 188 Chapman sL Phone Main 1157. WANTED TO RENT. MOTHER, with son employed, 3 to 5-roora furnished house, bath, yard, very rea sonable; year or more. Box 2110. Sta. A. RESPONSIBLE couple want furn.shed bungalow May 1 for four months; bea' city references. East 545, 8 OR 4-KOOM hoouse with 2 or 3 rooms furnished, in Upper Albina district. 310 Cook ave. East 2069. WANTED Before April 16. by responslb). party 4 or 5 -room bungalow. Phone WANTED TO RENT. Houses. MEIER & FRANK'S . Information and Rental Bureau. Reliable, up-to-date lists of desirable vacant houses, apartments and flats witn aeiinito information pertaining 10 each. Newcomers to Portland will find this bureau of great value in helping tnem get properly and quickly located. Sixth Floor. RENTAL BUREAU. List your houses, flats or apartments with us; quick results and good tenants PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. LOANS. SECURITY S rORAGS & TRANSFER CO 53 Fourth St., Opp. Multnomah Hotel Phone Broadway 3715. REPRESENTATIVE of wholesale house, valuable to Portland, must rent at once B-rnnm itinrtarn hmiu w h An entabllshcd may buy later; must rent for at least 6 month-. Phone Moyer at Broadway nw. FURNISHED 5 or 6-room modern and nicely furnished bungalow or lower flat; must be good locality and modern in every respecb: references. Thos. Mao- Kelson, tel. Mar. 00, or Mafn 6500. WANTED- To rent by April 12. 5 or 6 room bungalow or cottage. eat side. south of Alberta; must be in good local ity; references furnished. A i23, Ore- gonian WANTED To rpnt, by responsioie party. a .six or seven-room nouw wr with garage preierreo. -v. ox. v.r - 11 WANTED at Once, o-room or o-ruuui iui- rhi fit nr hURfl in rood location. close in; small, careful lamliy; wiu pay - ' . tt; , , g tnnrn ' hr,.J2 i'"' . rJv,Kr,j or 1 1111 . 111 udi ue 11 e, uuv .p, r.frnPM .ii.hnH. Woodlawn 243. flat; able to keep 2 or 3 ooaraers; win board tenant it desired, wooamwn ot. Apart meiits. .L-tMv.n .),,.-! lu,l. litina- alone, not employed, desires to rent paruy mr- ni-hed apartment of one room, kitchen-I ette and bath; private family preferred;! Irvington district preferred; no rooming I house; rates reasoname. r 0-0, urt- ntan. REFINED young couple and daughter 0 years old want two rooms. lurnisnea or unfurnished, with connecting oath, in I nice, clean private home; Irvington pre-1 ft-rred. fc-ast 021 n. RESPONSIBLE lady will render service In exchange for apt., rurnisnea or uniur- nished. ScMwood 1048. WANTED Management of an apartment house for use of apartment oy reiiaoiw , party. AR 524. Oregonian. ri'ivksk criri k room in uDartmunt, close in; meals optional; renrwit-M. ;i 2, regonian. WANTED Two or three furnished h. k. rooms In exchange for services in rwuni Ing or apt, house. Main orfjj. Business Places. WANT to lease unfurnished or partly furnished building, either apartment or notei ; west siae preierreu. Oregonian. FOR RENT. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, 1 sleeninr norch. 655 Washington: no children. f urnished Rooms. I DKSIRE TO ANNOUNCE TKAT THB NEW AMERICAN- HOTEL,' AT 92 NORTH THIRD AND FLAN DERS, IS NOW READY J?OK uubi NESS. . We have 127 light and airy rooms that j have -teen thoroughly cleaned and nicely furnished, and we are in a position to , satisfy the most exacting patrons, with our service at pre-war prices. We are catering to gentlemen of high character and will guarantee them that if they give us a trial they will not be disappointed in ineir rup-ciauwuB. ED F. GODDARD. Manager. RECTOR HOTEL, Ttrnariwav and Ankenv St. TRANSIENT ROOMS, all new and irinHern. ftinrle or en suite, with or with out private bath; rates to permanent guests. HOTEL FRANKLIN. Washington at 13th; rates by the week. $5.50 and up; hot and cold running water, hot-water heating system; heat 24 hours a day; tub and snower pains. HOTEL FABIAN. Rooms by Day or Week. $4 per Week and Up. 489 Wash. St., bet. 14th and 15th. Broadway 5099. NEW PERKINS HOTEL, WASHINCTON AT FIFTH. bpeciai weeKiy ana moniuiy ----- a COMFORTABLY, e.e.nnUy furm.hed nuns. rooms for 1 or 2 people, walking dis tance to center of city; an conveniences. Rent reasonable. 741 Hoyt sL, near -:-d. Main 6094. LARGE, light, airy sleeping room and large wardrobe space, suitable for two women or men employed, rree neat, " l n.3 poneC Walkln digtance. Main 5125. HOTEL BARR. 112 N. Sixth. 2 blocks of depot. 1 $1 per day, $5 per week and up. Hot and cold water, steam heat. Free phone and hath. A SELECT FAMILY HOTEL. HOTEL LENOX. Corner Third and Main Sta Attractive Rates to Discriminating Permanent Guests. HOTEL MATTHIESEN, 204 COLUMBIA. Steam heat, hot and cold water in every room, elevator runs day and night; rooms, 7lc up. It's a high-grade brick hotel with nice lobby. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison St. at East Sixth. The principal east side hotel, digni fied and refined; $1.25 per day and up; $6 per week and up. HOTEL TAIT. Corner Twelfth and Stark Sta Modern, all outside rooms: per week 1 without bath. $5, $6, $7; private baths, $8.50, $10. $12 per week. ANGELA HOTEL. 625 Washington at.- Large lobby, automatic elevator, phone and running water in each room; rooms with or without baths; $.vso week up; 1 excellent home-cooked meals next door, j RITZ HOTEL, Morrison and Park Sts. New. Fireproof and Modern. Special Rates to' Permanent Guests. 2 BEDROOMS one unfurnished. 1 fur-1 nished: jras. electric lights, phone and bath: $10. 379 N. 31st and Thurman. j D. M. car. Marshall 2838. I FURNISHED room, across from Library, I for one or two gentlemen; also use of adjoining Toom and piano. 409 Yam h"l. flnt 1. LARGE, front room, suitable for two working girls, so per ween: also one nice room for $15 per mo. 489 hk Wash. street. ONE LARGE front sleeping room, furnace heat, hot and cold water in room, suit able for one or two. 57 Trinity Place. Bdwy. 1796. FURNISHED room tn apt., April 15; use of kitchenette; o, a. preierred. Main 223B, ST. PAUL HOTEL, 130 Fourth st. Clean. respectable, modern; transient, $1 up. Rate- to permanent guests. FURNISHED room for gentleman; use of phone and bath. 1057 Eaat Salmon st. Tabor 953. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison at Tenth Rates $1 day up; weekly sa.&o up; free phone and baths: steam heat. BUSHMARK Wash. St., cor. 17th; clean. mod ern, respectable. $3.50 per wr. up. FURNISRED rooms. $5 per week. Steam heat, batn ana pnone. ,u -viomaon. $1 DAY $2.50 WEEK, up; clean; baths free, notei aaniac. an near -teircrson. TWO-ROOM suite, nice and clean; walk- In gtance THE ALEXANDER. 131 10th at., tran sient rooms, n. r. ana sleeping. NICELY furnished 2 rooms housekeeping SDartment. Manitou. ni inn so. FURNISHED rooms.. and up. Overton. NICE sleeping room. 470 Columbia st. Marshall 1843. L'nfuriilhhed Rooms. RENT $36 a month. 5 nice rooms, large bungalow, porcn, oatn, louet, gas. elec tricity, ail to yourseix. iovr uei mont at 39th. ' UNFURNISHED rooms on ground floor; newly kalsomlned; including .lights and water. 224 North lAth Ft. UNFURNISHED rooms with bath. $22. See janitor, Waverly Court, East 2Stb and Clinton sts. Furnitthed Rooms in Private Family. DESIRABLE room in modern brick steam- heated apartment, wanting distance, wpst side; references. Marshall 2402 MODERN rooms for employed women only. 3f-". J'arK. corner toiumpia. $14 ROOM In nice home for gent. Mar. 6096. 54 Lucretia. near 23d and Wash. NICELY furnished sleeping rooms; steam heat, hot and cold water. 209 Sth st. NEATLY furnished rooms. 775 Glisan, for employed laoiea uni.r. mam imn, FURNISHED outside sleeping room ant. Marshall 2037. - CLL-AN. light room, cloae in; reasonable. 38" Koss. pi or kb nmnnway on age. V. r.., urtrtiv h..mM rnni -' . . .! Qi-Q I . 1 8 - JaP'liJ WBJIV HUB ' FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. FURNISHED rooms, hot and cold water in rooms, strictly modem, beta, ciose-m, an exclusive home, business men pre ferred. 321 12th at., corner Clay. Main 4H31. LADY employed during day wishes to rent moaern curnisnea room to empioyea ijr or gentleman; home privileges, west atae close In. Main 8307 after 3 P. M. PLEASANT large front room in a lovely moaern nome suitable for one or two, kitchen privilege if desired: garage also. 1441 E. Morrison. Tabor 8850. NIC E, clean front room in respectable home; walking distance to town: heat, bath and lights free; rent reasonable. Main 2172. 348 4th st. HANDSOMELY furnished bed-sitting room in exclusive home: beautiful surround ings; Portland Heights; suit refined lady; references. Main 7805. YOUNG couple have a very pK'asant room wuuia mane a nice home ior a bachelor: west side: easy walking dis tance. Auto. 523-23. LARGE, well-ventilated roms in a mod ern home, W. S.t 10 min. to center of town, $12 per month up. 407 Harrison, near 14th. I HANDSOMELY FURNISHED ROOM IN EXCLUSIVE. MODERN HOME MEV ONLY ; REFERENCES REQUIRED. PHONE MORNINGS MAIN 4711. NICELY furnished room for rent; gentle man only. West Park near Columbia. frnone Marshall 2465. SLEEPING porch with dressing-room fo 1 or 2 ladiea or gentlemen. 572 Lnriri v Kast HT. IRVINGTON Bea utlful room and brk. - , flieU ,35. x block cap aQd BrMee 1 j.asx 4iif. Tn vtirvr i-n w j ; RNT w rniHhed, clean seep Ing room, suitable for 1 or 2; modern nome privileges. ath s I LA KG iC room, suitable for 2 gentlemen I bilking distance. Phone Mafn 4254. . , GOOD furnished room. walking distance. 62 East 10th st. South. 1 luv.ur.n iruai sleeping 1 -,-.n..;IK umbih,, NICE clean room, dinner if desired, walk- inBoiscance. o-TF .veretl. tiddwy. iuo. nvm ioum ior wo muies em ployed: board if deired. Mar. 4t. Rooms With Boar a. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23 D AND HOYT STREETS, CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known residential hotels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath. s' a day up; rates by day or month. meats served to transients. ONE OF finest homes in city not con verted into exclusive family hotel, cater ing 10 professional people; all home con ven fences, home cooking, large grounds, porches, shower, etc.. east side, close in. Shown by appointment only. East 80S9 NOR TON I A HOTEL. Portland's dowmiwn nign -class family hotel; rooms en 4;ite or single, witn or without board for families and business men and women. we give vou all the comforts of a home. reasonable rates. DANDY single rooms with high-class ooara ior people employed; walking dis tance, everything new. Broadway 3465 Shown by appointment only. ROOM and board for business girls ; all moaern conveniences; waiKing distance; 90 per week. Auto, imh-74. 13 E. 7th st. HOTEL HEREFORD Rooms single or en suite; homelike atmosphere. Mam 3305 ROOM and board. Whitehall Hotel, i!53 Sixtnst. -Main 1308. KuutMM Hi til Board 'n Private Family. LARGE, airy front room for 2 or 4 men. wun ooara; home privileges; near dental college and Adcox auto school. 35 .Multnomah, Call East S580. BOARD and room In beautifully furnished home, suitable for 2: $9 oer week each Near Montgomery Ward and American tan Co. Auto. 522-81. IRVINGTON Sitting room. sleeDinr oorch a or t people, also room ior man, excep tional board, laundry privileges, garage. East 6045. WANTED Refined girl to share 2-roora apt. with gin employed; walking dls tance. Broadway 4157. ROOM with board in private family across from Multnomah club for gentleman Main 772. GENTLEMAN ca have desirable room with board fn private family, near Irv ington and Broadway car line. East 732S. WILL give best mother's care to child 25. 1 rom o to 12 y rs., near sc hool . Marshall 4306. NICE front room, excellent board; suitable for two gentlemen or married couple, both employed. Call Tabor 4SS;p. KOOM and board suitable for 2 young men or young couple, reasonable. 626 East Couch, near 16th, WANTED 2 children under 10, to board monthly; mothers care. 1219 Wilbur St., Mrs. Waters. CHOICE room, 2 meals, home privileges, 1 waiKtng a 1st a nee. rai Rhrendrabtea,rd TU'MT'- LA RGE, well-furnished room with board. 701 Irving st. IN IRVINGTON, board and room iu pri- vaie ram ny. t"au rcast ROOM and breakfast for business 'women. References exchanged. 2:t4-59. ROOM and board on ea8t 5ide. WltikinK distance. 355 E. 11th st. WANTED Children to hoard; from 3 years up; 22.0 month. 502 Lnlon ave. N. ' A GOOD HOME for children aged 3 years to 1. Call Sell. 2W.S. ! LARGE sunny room and board for tw young men; private family, 'ianor m- ROOM and board for youna man: horn privileges; good table: garage. Kant i.-h, BOARD and room very reasonable lor m en . 629-22. LIGHT, sunny, corner mom In private home: breakfast if nrsirefl. East 31n VOTHWRi.v cre to bfhy. WILL care for children. S2 Morrison. W I Mi CARE FOR BART. MARSH. 2295. ROOM and board. 403 Clay st. Furnished Apartments. KING ALBERT APTS. Three rooms, strictly modern, elevator, tile bath, llth ana Montgomery. 3.ROOM furnished apt., private bath, laun dry trays. $40 a month. Adulta E'Lair ants. East nz. nEWISON' APTS. 2 and 3-room apartments, furnished. Tabor 54 . THREE very large clean rooms. Nob Hi 1 1 district: private natn, nice Kiicnen, adults. 140 N. 23d. Marshall 29QB. LARGE front 2-room apartment, dressing room, bath and rree pnone, west siae. Marshall 47. dk a ittt wt'I .l.v furnished 2-room a Dart ment. suitable for business girls. 390 ciev. iff YOU would appreciate large, clean. airy apartment with new rugs and fur niture call nt -''i r.. i.un si., cnr. ju. 3 AND 4 ROOMS, $37.50 to $00. 414 llth st. Marshall limi. RpRk'Ki.Ei' APTS.. 39 Trinity plac Modern 2 and 3 rm. apts. Marshall 17S0. 2-ROOM APT. and 1 single h. k. room. 2S9 lQtn st. BELLE MAE APTS., 414 4th st. 2-roora f urn iPhed apt., moaern; anunw. m. 2-R. APT. Fur. heat, elec. lights, bath, phone; desiraPie. ia w. oroaaway, NO. 9 CHAPMAN APTS. for rent; 2 rooms completely rurnisnea; per montn COSY 2-roem apt. for rent. $30 a month; clean and convenient, nmi neimont. LARGE desirable 3-room apt., 3d floor private balcony; adulta. 730 Hoyt. NICELY furnished apartment, reasonable. $4.50 ana o. vz cast Morrison st. FURNISHED apartments, steam heat, pri vate oatn. .i-aiBBippi ave. 3-ROOM modern apartment west side walking dlstapce. Marshall 1857. UNION AVE. and Killingsworth, $23.50, all complete; concrete punning, NEW YORK apartments. 7th and Bel- mo ntl Jid2j3m8ijurr LARGE light front 2-room apu; phone.. Atarsnau o-a. PORTNOMAH 5 rooms, sleeping porch. hardwood iioors; aauus ;uu n;. itn, KING-DAVIS APTS., 64. N. King; 4-room formsnea apt.. An.rniue. mam zoo a. l.Hfinvi iLDartments. furnished and unfur nished. Highland court. 22d and Glisan. 3-KOOM apt., strictly modern, private bath. "27 MllwailKie at. rnone oeiiwooq pj. MODERN furnished two-room apartment. ;t00 Ruseell at. iasi i, 2-ROOM apt., room and kitchenette. 328 Mill, near isroaaway, NICELT. furnished apartment, reasonable. 645 Washington st. Broadwsy 3449. MODERN 2-room apt., reasonable. Alco apts.. E. Couch and Union ave. TWO ROOMS, fur., heat; people employed. reasonable. 789 Kearney. Mar 3456. :-KOOM front apt. 17th st Belknap apu., 181 ONE 3-ROOM apt-; adults only. Broadway and Jefferson. Main 6213. 3-ROOM furnished apt., Harrison court, 394 5th st. Main 5148. 3-ROOM apt., modern, walking distance; $ 40 ; adults only. E. 1990 or E. 2312. ONE 2-ROOM furnished apu 521 Everett, cor. 15th. PEN INSULA APTS. 2 and 3-room apla 113& Aioma ave. GLADSTONE APTS.. 71 GRAND AVE. N. 1, 2 and 3-room modern apartments. TWO NICE H. K. rooms with private bath at Pine Grove Apts. irai noyi st. STRICTLY modern 1 or 2 -room apt, rea- snnable. 370 6th st 5 - KOOM turniahed DU Woodxawa XbJH, 1 . - FOR RENT. Furnished Apartments. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 186 Vista ave., near 23d and Wash'ng ton Three carlinea, splendid view; on 3 -room with disappearing bed and real bedroom; one 3 -room, two disappearing beds, mahogany and wicker furniture; high-class house; will rent by week to responsible people; outside balconies. $50 3-ROOM APARTMENT $50. Every room an outside room; entrance hall, living room, dining room. bath, pass pantry, kitchen, ground floor: front ana siae entrances; 2 people oniy, iup nishetl, nice and clean; west side, walk ing distance; heal and water furnished SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK K. HAXTIIOIIX API'S.. 251 12th St April 9. vacant unfurnished apt. of 3 large, very nice out hide rooms with disappearing beds, private balcony, jan itor service, all modem conveniences. Phone Marshall 21 THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Streets. Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's tore; good surroundings, strictly mod ern 2 and 3-room furnished apts., out side, with French doors and balcony. Permanent and transient. 1IISLOP HALL APTS. 410U Hawthorne ave., near Grand ave. 3-room furnished apis., beautifully clean and strictly modern, $40 to $50. East 2484. Walking distance. COLLEGE APARTM ENTS 4-room mod ern front apt.; steam heat and free nhone; also 3-room front apt.; 3d and College. Phone Marshall 6555. Adults only. lovely folk-room .modern fcr- N1SUED APARTMENT. 55 month. Bath, heat, janitor service, etc. Immac ulately clean and new. THB COLUM BIAN APTS.. 11th and CniumbiH. Ji.FFERMj.lAN APARTMENTS. Idtll and Jefferson Attractive two and three room suites; outside rooms; summer rates: adults only. SINGLE rooms, 2 and 3-room apts.. fur nished; hot and cold water, steam l eaf each room; J12 per month up. 409 North lth st. Phone Rroadway 1540. SLNNVS1DE APARTMENTS. Fine 3-room furnished apartment, outside rooms, ready Thursday; modern brl-k building. Tabor 3it0ii. BUStiAlA RK, Wufh. m., cor. lTth. One large outwide 2-room apt., $42.30, In cluding gas, electricity, steam heat. phone; also one room. $32.50. FURNISH KD apts., $45; 3 rooma. 2 clos ets, bath, newly furnished, walking dis tance; tio other roomers. 315 E. Couch. corner ICtb. . THREE rooms, furnished, with heat, hot water, electric light and gas: married couple or -bachelors. Inquire apt. 1. 4: Rodney avenue. East 7817. 3-ROOM apt.; very liirht: newly tinted hot and cold water, heat and light fur nished: 4 blocks off Washington. This apt, very reasonnbie. 109 N. imh. YOUNG woman wishes work of any kind In office or cashiering; has had conoid erabie experience In all kind of office work. Call room 343 Ramapo hoti'l TWO-ROOM modern apt., first floor; heat and ligtit furnished, ISth and Gleason st. 109 N. IHth. THE ELMS APTS.. 191 14TH ST. 2 and 3-room f urnlhhed apartments, 5-mmute walk from business section LUXOR APTS.. 13th and Clay. 4-room corner apt., handsomely furnished, strictly modern. CLEAN 2-room furnished apartment, with bath; use of porch and yard; no objec tion to infant. 071 tinntenbein ave. WANTED BuNlnesH woman to Khare fur niahed apt., close-In; references. B 526, Oregonian. SHEFFIELD APTS. 3-room modern apt. Free phone. Broadway. WEST M LE -looin apt., very raMonable 1 or 2 ladien; one room occupied by nurse. Aut. 523-0H. LUZERNE APTS.. 3d and Hall 2-rooin furnished front apartment: private bath and phone. all Mar. 3Uu. 5 SUNNY rooms, well f urniMied, steam heat. Call Broadway 2883; after 7 P. M Broadway 22K4. 4-ROOM furnished apt., steam heat, free phone, 27th and Handy Diva., l Dlk. xrora 2car lines. S13 Nelson. 3 VERY large room, outside furnihhed apt., dandy place; two aauits oniy; come early, him a inina. at imp if Fippi car. STRICTLY modern 3 and 4 -room auart ments. Ready lousy. ieeas apts., xiv Market st. MODERN front apartment, 3 rooms, com pletely furnished; newly decorated. 100 f Isnners t. AND 2-ROOM ants., well furnished, light, heat, bath, phone; very reasonable. 53 North istn si. I nfurniwhed Apartment. 4-ROOM apt., modern, all outside rooma very light and sunny. At tne irving apis. 2Tt and Irving. Main 9239. 3-ROOM modern unfurnished apartment; steam heat; no children; waveriy Court. Kast 20th and Clinton sta. Furnished or t'nfiirnlshpH A ointment. LEONCK APT. 3-room front apt., furnished or un- furnished. ISO N. 22d. Marsh. 2250. Math. 137.504 - ROO M MODERN F LAT $37. &0. ti. lltn ana uavm, oanay rtni. Entrance hall, living room, fireplace, dining room, paneled wainscoting, buf fet, bedroom, closet, cabinet kitchen, cement basement, wash trays, fine front porch; 2 people only; year's lease; walk ing distance. No phone information. SMIT H-WAQONKR CO., STOCK EX. 5-ROOM modern unfurnished flat, hot wa ter heat, water hill and garbage hauling paid, $05. Inquire owner, 564-366 Couch street. MODERN six-U rue-room flat, thoroughly renovated. 806 ! Belmonu Rent $40. Open 10 to 4, 3-ROOM basement flat, .lefferson St., near 14th. $17 50. Wdln. 445.V u-ROOM upper flat, steam hcaL 4109. 1114 Williams ave. NICE furnished flat with piano, close in. cast wide: '. Main 912 Furnished Flats. $3;j FURNISHED modern 5-rm. flat with bath, sleeping porch, furnace and fire place; west side location; 3 months' rent in advance; permannent adults desired. P 523. Oregonian. 5-ROOM partly furnished flat on Park st., 4 rugs, bedroom set, gas range, dining room set: price $325, very cheap. Phone Automatic 523-80. TWO FLATS for rent to party buying fur niture; income more than pays rent; walking distance; 7&u; no aeaiera main 3018. 5-ROOM -A ND-BATH UDDer Hat: 4 room fur-uhpn s'jn urnn si., near ioni gomery-Ward; $27; adulta Call Mar. :w 1 FOR SALE Furniture of 6-room flat; 3 rooms rented; rent $32.50; price $700. S.12 Kearney st. Fun RENT 5 rooms, elegantly lurnihed 2 mlddle-aseo people; mum give ooa references. Call after funuay. aiain ootiw. moderm A-rooin flat, nicely furnished best location, west siae. l.JS iota su Adults only FURNISHED flat for rent or furniture for sale. 452 a. aiaraet. FURNISHED flat, 444 4 Park st. : furnl ture for sate. rnone lapor aim. 1 30 3 ROOMS, modern, ch an, completely 3-ROOM furnished flat, close iu. itlht E. th. between oaK ana r-ine. 3-ROOM modern flat, couple employed; 00 children. Hen, n-'- 4-ROOM nicely furnished flat, piano. phone. East 4 iu. auuiii; line locamy. 3-ROOM furnished lower flat, piano dulls prererren. c. om:n s.. FOR RENT $-1 00m turni-lied Hat wiLt earnjre. '.an r. m. r. Housekeeping Riwmn. HoUSEvEEiiNu 1 ooiiih. couple employed preierreo. 1 rs. i.nn. -o wy. itn. 1 LAKGt ciean H. K. room, suitable tor 2 adults: w per montn. n.M noyt si. CLEAN furnished h k. rooms, reasonable. walk ing distance, ai. nawinorne ave. SINGLE and 2-room housekeeping suites. $4.30 ano on. -i asL Morrison st. THREE-ROOM furnished housekeeping apsrtment. ween, a.-iu nin street. FURNISHED housekeeping apartments. 125 Mtn St., near v aaningion. CLEAN front h. k. rooms, walking dis tance. . iu oecona bi. FOR RENT 2 h. k. rooms. Phone East 7122, or call asa Mancoca st. ON E 2 and one 3-room suite; telephone, baths. 67 N. -Win at. isroaaway 41.M. BAGGAGE, furniture and piano moving, reliable service, reasonanie. r.ant n;n. NICE, clean h. k. rooma 201 Vs Morrison street CLEAN housekeeping room; phone and bath. 281 y Larranec st. 'INE H. K. rm.; heat. h. water; reason- able. 53 N. ltn. ttnwy, .00.. NICE rooms, gas range, electric lights; couple; $2a. u tn. SINGLE steamheated housekeeping rooma $12 a montn. jt i.un m. K. AND sleeping rooms, reasonable. 532 Williams ave. East 8020. 171 MINNESOTA ave., rooms for light housekeeping, wooniawn mm. TWO SMALL rooms, single rooma, hot water always. wo r lanoers. FU R N IS ii ED h. k. rooms, single or en suite. JW Kj. aiornwn. HB MAPl.E t'urmiihej H. iL. room.. North 171h nt. 36 OR KfciNT Front rooma on iir.l fiuur. 347 HnM m.. near Mrnanwwy. LAKUK front furnished H. li. roum. o3ij Wanhlngton rornpr I nirn. h. iL. room witU kitchenette, cloM in; 16 ir wk. !M liomgomery. FOR KENT. HouTkeepIng Room. FURNISHED H. K. room. room witn kitchenette, hot and cold water; private phone, elect rlo lighta stt-am heat, $ minutes' walk to town. 2V1 Columbia. near 3th. 135 per month. 2-ROOM and kltchenttefnr light house keeping; furnished steam hvat and light: just calclmlned and painted; suitable fur 1 or 2 men employed during day. 514 Hsnroi k. 2 FURNISH tI houwkrf ping rooms, hot and cold water, furnace heat, suit ah le for one or two working people, $!3. 57 Trinity Place. Bdwy. 1790. 13 A VVEhlv UP Cuintm Uly f urnlthvi housekeeping suite, large, light, cleaa rooms, fverv convening-; sn ? carfare. Hnl.-l Cadillac. 3d. n-r J.-ff.T!.nn CUE AN liuuM-k filing rooms, all conven iences, children welconm; reasonable prlcrs iMl Sherman, near shipyards, walking ltnt;ini r ON t I.AiuiK fui'ni. 11. d f 1 out ImuM keep ing room, f irsd floor, gan, elect riit . phone, htal furnlnltcd ; no object loo to chllilrrn. M;irhHl! t " t . WllOl.h! upMtHirft. front room, bdr no in. kitchen and bat h ; citnjl'lly furnihi'd for boufeekeeping. 019 ClaUop si. Sell. 1510 V t'i.H..iN room with !aif ma-vi bath, nearly furnished. E. 12th 73 near Washington. S27.50. Adults only. East TOO. 510 GLISAN ST. 2-rn.uu apt.. Iuutkfp Iiik. on first floor. $25 month; 2 houne keeping rooms, $20; gas and light fur nished. TWO 11. K. i-Uan and in ory dnirahlo location; wat side. Phone Mnin 2777. L 1A.S hUiUAiiK PULE. Trunks. buggMKe delivered downtown dtxtr-ct. 25c. Sun, cervic-. Hdwy. 2445. T.IC HEAVER. 12tn ami Marsha.. Fur nished h. k rooms. $13 up includnf hot water, elect rlc lights. Imindrv rom HOl'SKK lPI.NO room, cit an and con venient; frf-e phone, light and water. 312 NICK h. k. room with h. and c. suitable for 2 bachelors. 201 HOn fit atcr, Morri- MoUEKN front house Kt'-jing roon, tdtiiris or en suite, cluse in. at reduced rates; also fhfim sttlf room Hdwy. 32 (n CLEAN single h. k. 100m it, $7 tu $12 a month, inn or women; bath and lobby; sultoa. $12 to $20. 414 North 19th id. -ROOM houcke ping apartment, modern furnishings, fre light, heat, bath and phono. Main M2.V T?2 MarMhsU ONE Mol'SKK LKI'ING r..oiu. ti. e u". $4 week; large nom and kitchenette, 3; J room, i-m per montn. -r"i 1 lay trrr. DOWNTOWN, one Urge H. K. room with kitchenette; all conveniences; private entrHnce; party employed 2."(0 Khh st. ONE H. K. room in buf"-ment. outHidf en trance and good ventilation. 470 Coluni Mw nt. Mnrhall 170 t'HAI'MAN st.. blo k from lMh an 1 Morrison; 1 room and kitchenette. Hdwy. 2337. FURN LSH KD housekeeping rooms front ing to park; very reasonable rent. 33 Davis, corner Pnrk. FRONT 2-room apts, khm ruruf, eh-cing lights; two adulta 3053 Jefferson St., corner 5th St. SUITE of houNf Ket'piug floor; rent reasonable, keny st. Knt Hntli, rooms 011 iini 3 b 7 East An- IIoum keeping Koihiih iq 1 ate Fauiil. 25 GROUND floor, nicely located, suite of furnished hnusekef-ping rooms, gss and wood stoves; 2 porches, lawn, rones, electric lights and water free; alno mims on second floor. $21, walking distance. 134 Portr street. ON ti NICE, clean furiUMlnti II. K. room, large closet and 2 large windows; fur nace heat, g.n age ; good locaLlon. 391 ltiuscll rt. Kjni 174o. 2 OR ;t LAK(il, cleitii rotunit for house keeping; nfw furniture and ruics; muft be seen to be appreciated. 20 East 12th st., corner Ash. 3-ROOM f ui - ti tubed spt., clean wiul sunnv, phone, light and water furnished; walk ing distance; adults only. 639 Vancouver sven up. ON 2-R(H)M furniHlied h. k. suite and one slnicle room, com In; freo light, heat and phomv .'tK, YwmhiTI t. LA RGK. liKhl h. k. room and klldii u in on ground floor, private entrance, hot nnrt cnJd writer. 414 Market t, ATTRACTTV K front ,oous. iuw.r llm; porches, fireplace, gss rnnge, etc.; walk- tnr distance. V.nst lt I. ' LIGHT housekeeping roum in the cen tral part of town; a child can receive mother's rari1 Phone Knm M "1 . FURNISHED outside hounekeepiug rooma newly kalsomlned. walking d 1st h nee, near Couch st. 40 Union avenue North. 2 FURNISHED H. K. rooms, clone In; rent reasonable, am Kverett at., corner loth. I'hon Broadway B2o7. KOIl RENT 2 laras front rooms for IikM h. k., suitable for 4 adulta 424 3d st. Phone Main R830. TlJKKl. clean, sunny houtttkeepinK rooniM; phone, light and water furnished; $27. H0!i Vancouver v TWO LARGE H. K.. rtMHUa for reni : rwr thing furnished: two refined working penpfe. Knst 8tNi6. 2 DKSIRAHLE h. k. rooms. Nob II til. walk ing nlstHm-e; adults only. ltdwy. 2i.T.. KURN IS1I KD house kee pi nit rtionil $3 a we-K Jin txn, nrnr .n-rTernn LARGE front room for Iittht houc keepliig suitH-i mr 2 .i-'i n, cor, nr f'lsv CK, clean. 1 1 k Ut huusukuc-ping room. Jft2 14th st North. l.ARiiE lruitt uiodciii li. k. to lth nt. .Ill Xlilw.L weil lui - nished : THHKK housekeeping roornv, three rBrliiiM; cheap; sdolls. ." 2"t h st. FURNISH ED h. k. Htiite. $M a month. ftSH Pettvgrov. Iiroiidnv Jtl-'l. HoUftTN. ROOMS, modern, cast rldo home for lease; garage; $',. 8-room hou for lease. Irvington, $00. bee Mr. M liner, with THOMSON. 20 HKVRY PT.HO DOUHLE HOUSE Willi FURNITURE. $10 Montgomery Street too. Rooms si I nice and clean ; west side. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. HTOt'K FX. CALL BROADWAY fM FOR NORTHWEST ELECTRIC CO. LIGHT POWER HEAT. ITASHINGTON AT tOTM HTRKH JUST east of Laurelhurt, 4-room cottago, close to school, stores and good car service, only $18. J. B. Hoi brook. Sli 215 Pnnnma bldg. PIANO and furniture moving.' experience! men; local and long-disiunce hau.lng; autos. horsea Mlers-Hockcnfeld. Mela 5M : ELK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. 13 da s' storage free. Furniture moving for less, ltdwy. MOVING -Pianos, furniture and long-distance hauling a specialty. O. A W. Truck Service Co.. 40 2d st. Phone Hdwy. 5IJ1. WHEN moving, city or country, get the best at lowest price. Grcoa Trana Co. Main 1261. 202 Alder at. HOUSE for rent. Ml East 14th si Irvington car to Shaver St., west. Woodlawn 02.V N. Tak 1 block 6-ROOM at 17i Meade st.; rent rea sonable, $27.50. C. A. Wagner Co., 30 Stark st. 6-ROOM modern bungalow ; siepins porcn. o uien av. owner on premiics xroiu 10 to 4 Wednesday. IRVINGTON, 3-room house, fireplace, fur- nace, lease. 71 1 Thompson st. HOUSE and garags fur rent. Caii Wood la wn 1 .hi. MODERN 5-rooin bungalow, Al condlllO-k ati pa.xama ni'i r.iuxo. 5-ROOM cottage, 2.(5 N. 17th nt., cor. Northrup, $lft. Inquire Q7 Railway Ki, ROOM modern house; ulko chicken hnue: Earmor'land. Phone ?10-ft( b-ituuM modern. V'oialu:K district of rrnit: .iu a montni an itnwy. 47i, f unti it Im. WEST SIDE Large furnitthed ho urn , 14 rooms, double garage, suitabio ror sani tarium, near hospital; now residential boarding house. Will rent only with lease; north of Nob Hill district. Rent $170. Available May 1. AE 40. Orego nian. NICELY furnished home, large enough for 2 families; a bedrooms and sleeping porch; IV, blocks to car; plenty of small fruit and garden put out. Rent reason able. Call Tabor R.V for Information. COMPLETELY or partly furnished house for rent or lease to responsioie party, g rooms, sleeping porch and bathroom. 4713 01st st. Southeast. Mount Scott cnr. Call after 10:30 A. M. VVJLL share my 8 -room iiiooein home with desirable people; naru wooa rioors, 1 ire place, etc. Irvington district. Auto. SH-ho. k 5-RoOM house, good furniture, piano. fruit trees, grtien space, j. niontns rent In a-lvnnce. uto 313-73. FOR it ENT 0-iooni mod ern I urnuftied nouse wun irun trees, oerrics ana cuica ens. Woodlawn "06 IJODERN furnished home, A rooms, lca' 6 months or longer, tu month. Hii Clinton st.. corner 33d. FURNISHED 7-rooni house. 710 Second st. References reiuirea. inquire nw 3d st. UKNTHA1. -t beautiful hornet el pa ntly fiirnHhd. plwnn 41'N rmm."l.. i.tii a-K( u.l (urniHliud bou.w. luoUurn, M4 Mnrk-t ft (li--i-i:uull uppi.r floor. luttuir, dtt THlHmKtk wt- t'uK RKNT tt-ro(iin furnifthetl houa', clone -i In. ''nil ff r P. M . Sin H.illn1y ve. V ';. 1: M'M f iit Ti-s? I'. !, .Mt Mrtmlw. A Siimiiier rtrftnrt. Fl.HNITlliK KUH tiAl.i:, 'Ji;.. J.KOU.Vt HOl'HK KOFI HUNT. 18 40, Ul VAXAMX iUlHjL.NO. 4