THE HORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL G, 1921 18 RF.AL F.STATE. POm-ROOSt BUNGALOW with large living. two bedroom, baih. white enamel plumbing, Dutch kitchen, fine basement; lot 43xli0; we can aell this place (or $2190; reasonable terms. WAKEFIELD, FRtES CO, 85 Fourth Street, ONE-HALF acre. 10 blka N. of Reed col lege, close to car; sowers, etc, paid; modern bungalow, with fireplace, fur nace, Dutch kitrhen, buffet, fruit, ber ries, garden; $4750. term". Cleveland, ".'is, Hoard or yra(l( ning. diwj. i DANDY little two-room house, good-sized rooms and brand new. Woodroere. Ml. Scott car line; $250 down. 311 Spalding bMg riuburban Home. IDEAL LOCATION FOR SUMMER HOME. SO acres, with springs and stream; Just the place for small trout lake and beautiful summer home: H mile off Co lumbia river highway, five miles east of Portland. 40 acres, 1 cultivated, fine soil. S-rm. modern bungalow, white enamel finish, water system; fine barn and milk house. miles east of Portland. mile off Co lumbia river highway, on gravel road. This Is a sightly place and one suitable for gentleman's summer home, or may , be reduced to acreage. i COB A. McKEXNA CO., 2 fourth St. Main 4522. SPLENDID LOCATION FOR I A CLOSE-IN DAIRY. I 18 J-B ACRES on 92d street and Pow f ell valley road, about 10O0 feet from the city limits; all fenced and cultivated, ex cellent soil, good well and small orchard; Bull Run water, gas and electric lights can be had If wanted. The price on this tract of land Is lower than is being V asked for land further out and much lower than any land adjoining can be (bought. Owner will accept $4.00 cash and the balance can run Ihres years, of probably longer, at 6 per cent interest. . CKf-iWV JL. RHAVT. ' ol Fenton Bids. Broad-tray S3??. 4 KOUALS Au ftAin. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. 100x100, $2400. Located Just one block from Ryan station on the Oregon Electric; 8c fare; bearing fruit and berries, chicken houses and runs, nice new furniture, not a lot of Junk. This place Is easily worth 43000: owner will sacrifice for quick aale for $2400, but you must have $13o0 n a. McCORMIC CO.. 242 Washington St., near 2d. Main 8220 or Main 0313. B.YAN STATION SNAP 3 acres and 7-room modern house; highly improved . with full-bearing fruit and shrubs; good outbuildings; small stream; cioae 10 aia tion and on hard surface road. Price is a real bargain; good terms. We have a list of modern west side suburban J homes, 1 to S acres. G. O. McCormlc Co.. ! 242 Washington st. Main 42-0 or Main . 9318. aiTDtTDDiMITG'.- We have hundreds of personally In spected suburban homes In every outly ing district in Portland. We're open very evening and Sunday. If you want a suburban home, see F. C Marshall. with nivf L McGUTRS. Ablnrton Bldg. Main 1088. LAon v.a . . $3300 equity i in hig-ciass suburban borne: 2 acres: choice varieties fruit and berries, garden, poultry yard; mod ern 7-room residence; new garage; de lightful, convenient location: will sac rifice equity for ouick deal or exchange for well-located bungalow and assume, jy k Hill. 42ft Lumbermen's bldg. nVO ACRES, running stream through place. 7-room house and garage. 8 blocks from Oregon City car. $2500. $1000 cash. Two acres, on Base Line road, 2 miles from city limits, part In raspberries and strawberries; livable shack, close to oar. $2200 half cash. Mr. Hare, a J DeFOREST & CO- . ; - t t i. f -V'r-U A V tl V 320 Henrv Bldg. Broadway BBOO. .. . - -T- I f 1 1 1 I ! L' R1RC1IVS 4-rm. house, barn, fruit, m acres $950 5 acres. 7-rm. house, barn, fruit running water, plowed ready to crop. 41900. Both places nearly level.- good drainage: fine for chickens; west side, auto road, school, ry. ta. 819 Railway Exchange bldg Main 675. rea, east T6S8. " SUBURBAN HOME. T-roora modern, wash traya. bath, toilet, cement basement. 22 fruit trees and berries. 1 acre ground, on hard sur faced street. An ideal home; part cash, balance to suit. McMonies, with Inter- Btate UUP Q.. warn a.. .r,-,.. BKAUTIFUL Capital highway, excellent 5 acres, loam soil. 300 fruit bearing trees, A-l house, 0 rooms, all conveniences, chicken houses and barn. $0000 cash, near station; 6 miles from city: must be seen to be appreciated. Auto. 225-22. Mr. Mnuicz. FOR SALE Just released, block 27. Lakevtew Villas, at $1600; If you have been waiting for a choice view acre at Oswego lake here Is your chance: $200 will handle. Call Main 83 at 600 Con cord bldg.. 2d and Stark. STORE BUILDING. 8!x living rooms, good location for ' cash store; no store within 10 blocks; reasonable, easy terms. Owner, R. J. Orusel. 375 Washington St. Main 1857. SUBURBAN HOME) $2200. FIRST PAYMENT $400. 4 acres, near station on Oregon Klectric; 8-room house: partly cleared. Call Hlnman. Umbdenstock & Larson, 200 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. $V ACHES under cultivation, good house, barn, hennery, furniture, chickens, cow, potatoes wood, all go. In Tigard. Ber ries, fruit. Fine place. $5000. terms. MrFARLANP. Main 3H72. Falling Bldg. JiEAT 4-room suburban home, lot 200x250. lots of fruit and berriea nice lawn, roses, j near car, gas, electricity, city water, $3500. easy terms. See Fisher with Inter state Land Co.. 248 Stark st. Main 5429. 1.AX.MOST an acre within city: six-room house, with sun parlor and sleeping , porches; lots choice fruit, good bearing: lawn and garden, chicken houses and runs. $5000. Auto. 644-14. ' JtXCEPTlGNALLY nice big home in For est Grove, 20 acres, paved street, big t house, barn, etc.. fine land. $18,000, or exchange, A. B. Caplea, Forest Grove, Or. 'ARTLY built house on half-acre tract, west side, water and gas. Only $750, H 10 per cent down. $10 monthly. L. J. Lamb, l-ornen ping. I CHOICE acres and 6-room plastered modern bungalow near Powell Valley road, close in. A snap at $3800. Ownsr. N 53C Oregonian. " IV, ACRES bVKOOM HOUSE. Pmall barn, fruit. Alberta car; no as sessments. R. W. Cary, 1219 N. W. Bank b Id g. Main 1043. CHOICE SL'BLRBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near carllne, from $1800 up. Inquire Sd house north of Risley station, on Oregon City carllne. bsWEGO LAKE front lot sacrifice, one of the best, $25 down will handle. T 373, Oregonlan. For Sale Acreage. A SNAPPY BUY. 2H acres on 82d St.. good (nil. one 8 Toom house, rented for $12 mo.: one 4 room house, rented for $18 mo. A dandy place for chlckena Full price $4200, ex tra good terms. Call Simms. Bdwy. 2P3T. CITY ACRE TRACTS. $300 cash, balance 6 per cent, close to car, walks, paved street, all in and paid for, level, fine soil. In berrlea and fruit, beautiful view. QUICK SALES CO.. 40B Conch Bldg. IS OR 10 ACRES south of roster road, east of Lents, partly cleared, best deep oil no rocks: line view; desirable neighbor hood; 12-minute walk to hout'y car aer vice; cltv people preierred: $200 per acre. F. W. HM1. owner. 1C1 Wellw-rV.rgo bidg. 10 ACRES, on Canyon road; Ideal view, lies level; all or any part at $500 per acre. This is abouL half price. Jones, with Interstate Land Co.. 248 Stark at. Mh in M2i Vi.ilE. tor map of western Waaningioe showing location, low price and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO, Tacoma, Wash. 2 ACRES $1500. 2 acre, near Oregon Electric; 150 trees, mostly prunes: $i."0 cash. Call llinman. Umbdenstock 4 Larson, 209 Ort eon bldg. Hroadway lh.m. AClttS HALF ACRES ALBERTA CAR. Kennedy school: water: no assess ments or gravel; $10. payments. R. W. Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. bu ACRES, $1000. Vi cash or good light auto and $500 cash. . Main 4379. J 52S, Orvgonlan. , T 'J 4 sectlo .a stump lana. s. W. Wash., suitable for colonization or stock; living streama Jesse R. Sharp. 83 St 3d at. iilGGEST bargain near Vancouver; 15 acres: good improvements: sacrifice, $4iill0. 141 B9th X- Tabor 7055. MALL, tracts, facing electric Metzgex. $525 acre. THOMSON. Mohawk BMg. ACiifciAGE surrounded by fint-st homea in city, will make attractive proposition for builders. l"1 Yeon bide. I7n"5 ACitS in cultivation, close to car and paved road, near Montavilla. Own er Wnort'awn :t:t47 a ACUfc'S. 4-room house and barn: all In cultivation. 37th and Alnsworth ave.; fiu..p per n p. ii'm r. o-'iii m. .-v 3.5 ACRES, also house-moving outnt, 0131 92d at. S. E- Thomas Allen, city. T"OR SALE 10 acres In good alack coun try. Call 6223 both. St. RF.AL KSTATK. For Sale Acreage. VERY MODERN CHICKEN RANCH. IS acres. 12 miles south Portland: H mile from 2 electric stations; all under cultivation: 2 acres bearing fruit, lots berries, 8-room plastered house, electric lights, barn, modern chicken houses with electric lights, for over 2000 chickens; H mile to grsde and high school; ot tered at real bargain; Sl.iou casn, mi ance 1 1000 per year. 0 per cent; Inspect ed by atalone. 254 ACRES BEARING FRUIT. 10 acres. 14 miles from court house. 8 miles northeast Oregon City; macad amized road: fi acres under cultivation; balance steep land in heavy timber, but can b farmed when cleared: small house ot a rooms, large chicken house, barn, well: price $2.30. small payment down. inspected by Alalone. NEAR BEAVERTON, OREGON. Over 4 lrr.t L Tnlle from station; 1 mile to school; mile of dirt road: all can be cultivated; nice level land, well drained: 1 acre under cultivation. 20 young fruit trees. W0 strawberry plants, some loganberries; 2-room house, barn 14x18, ahed garage, chicken house: price llooo, SUDO cash; well wortn i.uuu. SEVEN MTT.1CS PROM PORTLAND. 10 acres, 1 mile from station and small town, with bank and store, one mile to School; 8 acres under cultivation and in crop; oats, clover and potatoes: bearing orchard: 2-room house, small barn; good well; southeast of Portland 7 miles; price 12100, 1300 cash, balance $200 year, o The crop is included. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger Bldg. Over 600 small places near Portland. Get our extensive classified lists. 20 ACRES, $7500. All In cultivation; 6-room house, barn, 8 cows. 1 heifer, 1 calf, 5 head hogs, horse and wagon, all kinds of tools and implements, Al soil, close to highway and electric line, between Hillsboro and Forest Grove, $1500 cash, balance time, 15 ACRES, $5000. All In cultivation; well fenced: four room house, barn, other outbuildings; all kinds fruit and besrles; one-half mile to electric station, one mile from Hills boro; 11000 cash, balance 6 per cent. 40 ACRES. 24 miles from Portland, 3Vi miles from town and electric line; 9 acres In cultivation, lots more easily cleared; good 5-room house, old barn, 1 acre fine young prunes, new prune dryer, 2 horses and Buggy. 3 dozen White Leghorns. 1 cow. 1 calf, some other tools: Al soli. ' lies' finely; R. F. D., close to school: price xoouo, uait casn. 40 ACRES. 80 miles from Portland, 12 acres In cultivation, 8 acres slashed, 20 acres of timber, small barn, good spring, orchard, fine soil, no. rock; price $2150, $S50 cash, balance 3 years, 6 per cent. 40 ACRES. 32 miles from Portland. 8 acres In cultivation, small shack, lies finely. Al soil, close to neighbors; price $1050, $300 cash. 40 ACRES 13200. Twelve acres in cultivation: house, barn, fruit, spring water; 30 miles from Portland. $1200 cash, balance 3 years, 6 per cent. BIS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. I AM OFFERING on the market that beautiful tract of Lyndhurst, subdivided Into near-acre building sites, at prices ranging from $975 up; all the utilities In the ground, ready for building, on terms of 10 per cent down and $15 a month; Lyndhurst has a wonderful view of the Tualatin valley, with the Coast Range mountains in the background; you can't beat these tracts for a perma nenthome.slte; let me show them to you Call Main 880 and make an appointment; 1 will be glad to take you out in my machine over the Terwilliger blvd. and how you the dlstrlct. BEN RIESLAND. 404 Piatt Bldg. 12T Park St. ' Main RS0. 20 ACRES. 18 cleared, moderate buildings, en state market road, two miles from paved highway; stock and machinery go with farm; some cash, some trade, balance terms. Price $3500, Are you looking for a little farm for your present or fu ture home, a place where prunes, berries, walnuts, fruit, flowers and vegetation of every kind grows in abundance? If so. come and see me about this farm or the numerous other farms 1 have In the Sherwood district. LEWIS MONTGOMERY. 822 Gasco Bldg. Phone Main 7602 PERFECT 10 ACRES, 5 MILES OUT, FOR $4000. In fact a perfect 10 acres, all In cul tivation; -choice mellow loam; no rock; 4-room plastered bungalow, barn, chick en house, orchard and lots berries; hard road all way: on east side; In splendid community, near school, caurchea rind stores and just o miles from city limits; price $4000. y, cash. Why waste time running around? We can show you in one trip out the best to be had along the lines you want. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North Wth St. Broadwav 43S1. NOW. PEOPLE. WE HAVE 21 ACRES, ALL LEVEL AND IN CULTIVATION, on good automobile road. 14 miles from Portland on mail, milk and cream route, 1 V, miles from street car line. ' The buildings are old but this can be made a fine home for a little money; only $3150, only $1000 cash; long time on balance at 6 per cent. STEWART & JOHNSON. 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg, PARK ROSE BARGAIN. Two acres. 7 blocks from car. 8 blocks to school; all under cultivation, best of soil: 300 berry plants, city water, gas in bouse and lights 200 feet from place; 3-room house, chicken house: good back porch ready to screen for sleeping porch; place well finished inside. Price $3000 with chickens: reasonable cash payment. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerllnger Bldg. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Clasaifled Lists. EXCELLENT LAND AT $30 PER ACRE. Ou Columbia river, between Portland and Astoria: 7200 acres of logged-off land Just put on the market In small tracts, deep rich soil, slightly rolling; good transportation. school. church, etore, postofftce. warehouse and dock. Select now while you can get choice tracts; easv terms. JOHNSON-DODSON -CO.. 33 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. lt ACRES ON PAVEMENT FOR $1500. This is a splendid piece of land, lies well and very productive; 7 miles out of Vancouver: pavement all the way from Portland to and by the place, there are 10 acres, 6 acres cleared, balance easy to clear: price $1500. on easy terms, or Will take good machine. HARGROVE REALTY CO, 122 North fith St. Broadwav 4381. $25 DOWN. $7.50 MONTHLY. A splendid tract of 1 acre, good soli, mall creek, fine for chickens, berries and fruit; IVi miles from city limits, total price $273. We have only 28 tracts left in this platting, some as large as 6 S acres and on proportionately the same terms. Get in -on the ground floor. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. ALBERTA HALF-ACRE TRACTS. $900 $180 CASH. Sightly k acre tracts on Sumner at., between E. 37th and 42d streets, all in cultivation, city water piped, to each tract. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., 428 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. 10 ACRES $1800. $1000 cash: nearly all cleared. 8 acres ready to plow; good shack, running water nil year; 1 mile from Reedville and highway: balance of place can be cleared easily: all fenced. W. E. LENT CO., 524 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8560. TEN ACRES. Located close In, about 100 yards from 82d St., all In cultivation, excellent soil, about 2 A. orchard: good 7-room bouse, barn. etc.. on macadam road. Bargain. $8000; $3000 cash. Consider small house as part payment. 403 Stock Exch. Bldg. Marshall 3324. 35 ACRES $2000. Nine miles from Newport on good road; fine soil; close to school and depot; running water; place has small brush on it now; $700 will let you in, balance $13 per month. 6 per cent. W. E. LEST CO.. 524 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8560. HERE YOU ARE. Fine five acres, all out in bearing or chard; small bouse and other equip ment; owner must aacritice for the low price of $2500; might consider Portland property. You are the loser if you miss this. Main 116H. it ACRES NEAR TUALATIN FOR $61)0. This la a line piece of land; faces on good macadam road, is near Red elec tric station and Tualatin: some nice ce dar and tir timber; price $000. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North 6th St. Broadway 4381. 5 ACRES, $105(1. CIosa to Base Line road. 1 mile from end of ML Tabor car line; land lies nicely and covered with small brush. This is about half price. $950 cash, bal ance 7 per cent. til CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. $100 CASH. $17.50 MONTHLY. A splendid 2-acre tract, all In culti vation, about 30 young fruit trees, all fenced, about 1 4 miles east of city lim its, about 400 feet off Baseline road; to tal price $1575. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Commerce.. ACRES, sightly location, 2-room house. 1 mile electric station, Gresham district. $1250, good terms. Extra soil. McFar land. Fa ling Bldg. Main 3B72. Irrigated Lands. IRRIGATED lands, close to town, easy payments, in sunny California. Address J. L Lakln. Cottonwood. Cal. Homesteads. Relinquishments, HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT , WANTED. If you have a homestead, well Im proved, we can sell it for you If your price is right and If the place Is near a grade school. John Ferguson, Gerlinget bldg., 248 Alder at. Largest farm dealer on r actus coast. . REAL ESTATE. Homesteads. Relinquishments. APPROXIMATELY 1000 valuable timber and farm homesteads entered In western Oregon in past 0 months. Copy of gov ernment map. to date, showing more . than 1000 claims still open: $L We cruised and classified these lands for the government and will locale you without waste of time or money. Ex aervice men secure title with V to 14 months' actual residence. M. J. Ander son. 531 Railway Exchange bldg.. Port land. : A HOMriSTEAD location Is worth money. r ,ti in mv office so I can show you and explain In detail; special induce ments for ex-service men. w. Jleini, 316 Board of Trade bldfi For Sale Farms. OA A rTi EJ Tl'TfTT o ACRES PRUNES. This is decidedly the best buy you will find in a proposition ot tins ainu; lo cated in Washington county, in a dis trict conceded to be one of the very bet in the state of Oregon for prunes; only Hi miles to good town, with co. lege ana high school; there are 20 acres. 18 in cultivation ucrea in 8 and 9-year-ola prunes, in splendid condition; H acres strawoerriea. h acre grapes, sorted fruits; 5-room plastered bungalow, hot and cold water, bath; barn, new 12 stack prune dryer, built last year at a cost of $1500; mllkhouse. two chicken houses: water piped to premises: price only $8000; owner refused $12,000 last spring, out rupture in meir uuam lations forces immediate sale. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North 6th St, Broadway 4381. - FOR RENT. 19 acres, all cleared and under cultl varinn e-ood A-room house, large dairy barn, assorted fruit and berries, 20 acres that adjoins this tract can be. leased for pasture; both tracts have running stream all the year, personal proper wo. a i veariinr heifer, team of horses. 100 chickens, mower, rake, wagon, plows, harrow, cream separator, milk cans, house completely furnished: rent paid until September 15, 1921. This place Is located 1 V4 miles from country town with cheese factory and in a good farm ing locality. Price $2500, half cash. For particulars see Air. uiair wim THOMPSON. SWAN LEE, 8d and Main Sta.. Vancouver, Wash. 13 IT AROUND 20 ACRES YOU WANT? 11 ere we aescrioe one be had for the price; but before giving description let us say that right now we have one of the choicest list of tracts around 20 acres that we have ever had In our long experience here and we are the oldest farm dealers in Portland. This 20 acrea Is near one of the best towns In Washington county and in one of the best farming districts in the state; all in cultivation, all in crop except corn for the silo; no dilapidated buildings here: all practically new; 5-room bun galow, good barn 40x50, silo, other good outbuildings: plenty fruit and berries; price only $5500. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North 6th St. Broadway 4381. FOR SALE 2 farms in Swedish colony; one 20-acre farm with buildings, orchard and running water. Priced $1500. No. 2 140 acres, 85 In cultiva toln, good buildings, creek, plenty of stock and farm Implements. Price $12,000. N. W. MERRIFIELD, 810 Wash. St., Vancouver. NEAT 20-ACRE COUNTRY HOME. This 20 acres is all cultivated, level and best of soil, about 15 miles from Portland; all paved road except 2 miles which Is good macadam; has 6-room bungalow, barn, chicken house, garage, well house, water system with water piped to bldgs., horse, cow, farm im plements, furniture, place all plowed, 8 acres in oats and vetch, 5 acres potatoes, other garden truck, abundance fruit and berries, all for $5500, easy terms. F. B, Jesse, 527 Corbett bldg. FARM WITH AN INCOME. 28 acres in Linn county. 9 miles south east of Corvallis; dairy, fruit and chicken farm; all in cultivation; no waste land; best of soil, almost level; close to school and electric R. R. ; located on gravel road, 10 acres In prunes, full bearing; 6-room house, barn, 3 chicken houses, team, cow, chickens, and all necessary tools to work place. Where can you beat this tor $7000? Reasonable terms. Owner, JOHN PIMM. Shedd. Oregon, EQUIPPED FARM. SELL OR TRADE. 43 acres, two-thirds in crop. 21 graded cows, 1 registered bull. 4 heifers, 3 horses, 8 dozen chickens, 6-room house, large barn, silo, milking machine and every farm implement required; on milk route; 16 miles from Portland. $5000 cash handles; will take modern home in or near city up to $6000 as part pay ment. Mr. Hare. A, J. DeFOREST & CO.. 320 Henrv Bldg. Broadway 5590. IF CITr LIFE HAS DISCOURAGED YOU, TRY THE FARM. Price $3500 Here Is a little winner of 10 acres; 5 acres highly cultivated, bal ance partly cleared; 2 miles from Van couver, on highway; very rich soil, with lots of berries and a family orchard; plastered house with cement basement: a beautiful place the year round. Don't tail to see this. SPEED REALTT CO.. 807 Panama Bidg. Main 7264 15 ACRES ON THE STREET CAR LINE. AT THE STATION. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. FOR $4500. ONLY $2000 CASH. Good house, barn, outbuildings, nearly new; cow. horses, heifer, chickens, tools and machinery: the finest kind of onion and berry land: out on the big red car line from Portland. STEWART JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 160-ACRE stock ranch with 82 nead of good cattle, mixed ages: farm equipment. 110 tons of hay, ranch produces 200 tons and will produce 800 tons; excel lently located in good range country; $18,000, half cash, balance long time at 7 per cent. , Ranch alone worth the money. Write JORDAN VALLEY ENGINEERING & 10 ACRES ON THE PAVED ROAD OUT y V.W u v. :. i-- 6-room house, fruit house, good bam, tool shed: family orchard, some berries; paved road all the way from Portland to the door, only 17 miles from Port land: crops, chickens, some tools, for $3150. Dir. i , 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg HOOD RIVER farm and orcnard combina tion, 160 acres, $18,500; 98 acres In cul tivation, irrigated, . 60 acres In bearing orchard, 20 acres in wheat, vetch and timothy: building, team, tractor and full equipment; nothing to buy. Cost present owner $53,000: must sell for family rea sons; sounds too good to be true. See it and be convinced. Write Ralph Root. Hood River. Or. 240-ACRE ranch, south of Eugene, run ning water, 20 acres plowed. 4 acres or chard, old house. 3 miles to railroad town and cement highway, good home stead Joining you can file on. If you act Quickly S-UUU lor ail. QUI v.oroeii mu. 404 ACRES. 20 acres cultivation: 6-r. house, barn, rocked road, close In; dairy farm: some stock; $1500 will han dle Information Fred Lawson Co.. 416 C. or J. dips DANDY HOME, 17 ACRES. NEAR TOWN. FENCED. 8 CULTIVATED. SPLENDID HOUSE. WATER PIPED INTO IT: OUT BUILDINGS. ORCHARD, $2500. TERMS. DUBOIS. PU4 M'Aluiku ntjiM, FARMERS' opportunity. Best alfalfa, hog, sheep, cattle, readg made alfalfa farms in U. S.. $150 an aere. terms. Write 'Wooster Co.. 320 .Phelan bldg.. San FrRnrisco EXCEPTIONAL BUY, 3V4 MILES FOREST 'GROVE, PART CULTIVATED. BUILD INGS CREEK, 2000 CORDS FIR: $2500, GOOD TERMS. DUBOIS, 804 SPALD ING BLDG. 40-ACRE farm for sale at a sacrifice; good two-story house, 2 barns. 3 chicken houses, living stream, family orchard, berries, etc. For particulars write Chas. Hockman, Mist. Or. 98 ACRES, 6 miles south of Lebanon. 6 in cultivation, we.l fenced; a good buy. or will trade- Owner. Tabor 0308. 10 ACRES A good chicken and berry ranch, on electric line and highway; $1000. $75 down; work nearby. Draper, QUI tf,.--. - PUR SALE 10 acres fertile land, near Vancouver, Wash., only $1000. terms. $200 cash and small monthly payments Phone Vancouver 323. 307 MC rvay Pius., ami omrn. GOOD 4-acre chicken ranch on electric line, near station, good soil; price $400, $50 down: work nearby. Draper, 307 Mctvay pius., n 2 ACRES, all cult., fine soil, 5-room bunga low modern, barn. hennery, extra good place, $3700; terms. McFarland, Fail- ng bldg. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN .RANCHES near Portland. $50 to $300 per acre; easy terms, best soil; farms for sale, all (ires. McFarl-.nd 20" Failing bldg. 10 ACRES of berries withid 25 miles of Portland, $2500 down. A real proposi tlon. Address AV 389, Oregonian. LOGGED-OFF lands, $10 acre up; running water, good soil, tillable; school, easy terms. J. R. Sharpe. 83 Third st 10 ACRES, fine farm, 250 bearing fruit trees. Capital highway. $5000. MrFARLANP. Main :I072. Falling Bldg. FOR SALE 60 acres Improved. $6000. Two miles of Corvallis, Or., and State college. Address owner, box 386. Philomath. Or. 52 ACRES, close in; 8-room house, barn, mr. stock, machinery, close to oar line. 1 tow jtrica, aaay terms. 318 Piatt bldg. REAL KSTATK. For Sale t arms. RIVER BOTTOM LAND. 123 acres, located 24 miles southeast of Portland, on main macadamized road that will be paved. 80 acres un der cultivation; 23 acres can be cultl . vated; spring and creek; some standing fir timber; two blocks to electric sta tion; two miles from good town; 8-room house, milk house, smoke house and other buildings. Family orchard. Price $125 per acre, which includes all the crop and machinery. $75wO cash. Might consider house in Portland that is clear for part. This is rich bottom land not subject to overflow. One hour out from Portland. Inspected by Brooks. 40 acres. 32 miles southeast from cen ter of Portland; all can be cultivated: 30 acres uuder cultivation and in crop: good soil; half mile to school; bearing orchard; 6-room house, large barn, granary, modern chicken house. Included with place, team. 4 cows, calf, 150 chick ens, 2 wagons. 1 binder, drill, rake, plow, harrow, buggy and tools. Price for farm without equipment, $4500, $1000 cash. With equipment, $5500, $2000 cash. Inspected by Hunter. Over 15 acres, south of Reedville: 13 acres under cultivation, all can oe cul tivated; crtek on place; wtro fences; bearing orchard. Nice lying land, very productive; good macadamized road by place; 4-room house, barn, chicken house. Price $4750, including 1 team, 1 cow, chickens and machinery. Large cash payment. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger Bldg. largest farm dealer on Pacific coast. Over 500 small places near Portland. Get our extensive classified lists. 200-ACRE STOCK FARM $12,000. Good shot loam soil, 65 acres cleared and in cultivation, 25 acres more can be cleared for $10 per acre, 40 acres first class first growth fir timber, some good cedar timber. 4-room house, large barn and other outbuildings; 3 acres in Ital ian prunes and assorted family orchard. Fenced and cross fenced. Good water from creek, well and spring on place. Located on good road In Clarke county Wash., 7 miles from paved Pacific high way, within 1 mile of store and school. Terms $4000 cash, balance to suit at 6 per cent. ELWELL, WATTS 4 PERCIVAL, Washington St., at 8th. Phone 236 VANCOUVER. WASH. TWO CHEAP PIECES OF LAND. ' 30 ACRES FOR $1350. This tract is near . La Center. Wash.: borders on Lewis river and is all smooth bottom land; 2 acres cleared, balance brush and timber; house 14x22; chicken house 14x20; price $1350. $750 down. 31 ACRES FOR $1350. This tract is only 1 miles from Marion. Or.. Just south of Salem; faces on good graveled road and runs back to Satiam river; it is all smooth bottom land; no buildings; 2 acres cleared, bal ance some nice timber; price $1350. $700 cash. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North 6th St. Broadway 43S1. FOR RENT. 200 acres on Sauvles Island, 25 a now seeded to oats and vetch, 3 acres of clover, 4-roora house, good dairy barn with concrete floors and silo, mlik bouse, water piped to buildings, running water in pastures; rent $70 per month. Per sonal property for sale: 20 head of cows that will all be fresh within the next 80 days, 2 horses, wagon, mower, rake, cultivators, plows, 15 10-gallon milk cans. Price on personal property $3250, $1750 cash, balance long time. See Mr. Blair, with THOMPSON, SWAN & LEE, 3d and Main Sts.. Vancouver, Wash. OWNER OF THIS FARM IS HEAVILY INVOLVED AND MUST SELL, HENCE THIS SACRIFICE. 150 acres of fine land; 2 miles from station at Donald; 27 miles from Port land; good road on two aides: in one of the best localities in the state ;' several acres set in loganberries. lot more plowed, some seeded; some timber for home use; 6-room house, barn and out buildings; price is only $85 per acre; Just mark this down as the best buy in the Willamette valley, then come In our office and let us prove it to your satis faction. STEWART & JOHNSON. 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 40 ACRES OF FINE LAND. COVERED WITH HEAVY GROWTH OF TIMBER, NEAR SHERWOOD. There are not many as good pieces of timber- left in the country as there is on this 40 acrea There are several thousand cords of fine wood, besides a lot of good saw timber and very fine piling; 5Va miles from Sherwood, good road to within a few hundred feet of the place. Owner is a non-resident and has authorized us to sell for $2500. $1500 cash, good time on the balance. STEWART & JOHNSON. 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. YAMHILL COUNTY, Kill ACRES, ONLY $6 PER ACRE. 80 practically level, SO rolling; all could be cultivated; fine trout stream, 10 acres cleared ; good 2-room cabin with stove, bed, 1,000,000 of fir; plenty ot piling, some cedar; this Is a rare buy and cheaper than a homestead; not far from Meauow Lake and would make a dandy hunting and fishing lodge. See Maclnnes. with HARVEY WELLS A CO., 603 Gaeeo Bldg Main 4564. IDEAL DAIRY OR STOCK RANCH. Within 2 hours' drive of Portland; nearly 1000 acres, over 200 acres Alder creek bottom, about 50 cleared, including 3 a. orchard, water piped to bouses and barns, all good soil, no rock, no waste. 90 per cent tillable, plenty of creeks and springs, close to good school, high school, good town. R. R., Columbia river boat landing and highway; cheap; some cash, terms, and might consider part unin cumbered trade. J. B. LABER. 705 Bdwy. Bldg. Main 769. 60 ACRES ON MAIN ROAD. 13 MILES This is a beautiful piece of land, less than 2 miles from street car and high school; about half In cultivation, good family orchard, berries of all kinds; 6-room house, barn and outbuildings; 2 cows. 4 hogs. 25 chickens; some small tools; everything complete for $3500 cash, long term of years on the balance at 6 per cent. r- - J" I-." 11" . -.-it B Touvcnw 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. SMALL FARM. COLUMBIA BLVD. 6 acres, 7-room house, barn for 80 cows: milk house; $6000. R. W. Cary, N. W. Bank bldg. Main 1643. WANTED REAL ESTATE. 1 WISH TO BUY from owner a modern 6 or 6-room house in sunnyslde, Haw thorne or Laurelhurst, as near as pos sible between E. 42d and E. Alder; must be within $5000; I desire to turn in a good vacant building lot, some cash and will assume mortgages. For particulars, call Main 880. . INCOME PROPERTY WANTED. Cash buyer for good income property In close-in west side district. Can get quick action, if your property is good. ANCHOR INVESTMENT COMPANY. 405 Panama Bldg. 3d and Alder Sts. WANT 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Will make quick sale for you if your price is right CASH BUYER WILL GO TO $4500. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., 426 Henry Bldg; Broadway 4754. ARE lOU willing to sacrifice for spot cash and quick deal 7 1 want attractive bun galow, well located, or small suburban place close to car line; anything $1000 to $3500 will buy. A. K. Hill, 426 Lum- bermen s bldg. LIST your vacant lot with us if you want it soiu. BIHR-CAREY, Railway Exchange Bldg. main fiat. HAVE client that wishes to invest up to 1IUU.UUU in moaern miariwicm iiuuse it your price is right. See James B. Daw son with Coe A. McKenna & Co., 82 4th st. Phone Main 4.'22. WANTED Good 5 or 6-room house, not to exceed $3500; about 3uu down; can make good monthly payments; no agenta Call Woortlawn :in. WANTED from owner, A-rooin modern house; iiawmumw ot ivubo pre ferred; substantial payment down. Phone Auto. 510-10. WILL exchange clear lots, diamonds or auto for house equity. Owner. 525 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5858. WANT modern 5-room bungaiow. well located. Have snappy, ugnt. new o-cyi. car. balance cash. Owner. Bdwy. 421. WANTED Lots suitable for home build ing, on or near nara-sunace street: must be cheap for cash. BP 517. Oregonian. WILL trade my 2-ton truck, which la working, as nrst payment on small nouse. AC M.S. Oregonian. WANTED 5-rm. modern bungalow, up to $3000; gooa aisinci. irom owner; nave j:UKi casn. rnone r.awi o-,if. WANTED to buy on terms from owner. Bmall furnisnea mouern nouse. al oju, Oregonian. WANTED 100x100 comer lot between E. 12th and E. 20th and Broadway and Park. Will pay cash. Main 37S7. WANTED A HOME Want 5-room house up to $3500. Can pay all cash. Sellwood 375. 4-ROOM modern bungalow. Rose City dis trict. Will pay $4000 cash. Call Main 5420. ; WANTED At once. 6-room house. 3 large ' bedrooms: must be- near car line. Will pay around $:t(iu. pnone Main 7K02. IF YOU want to sell your home or busi ness. rail Broadway 3856 or Mar. 3060. WANT Ford car or Chassis; not over $100. A. W. Kane. 804 K. Caruthers st. WANTED To buy or rent 3 or 4-room house. AC 503. Oregonian. WANT residence: give Improved acreage, 141 63 Lb N. Tabor 7055. WANTED REAL ESTATE. LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE PACIFIC COAST. . . 1257 homes sold In 1920. 121 sold In March. 1921. 23 sold during the first five days in April. Is your home for sale? IT'S SOLD IF LISTED WITH U.S. We inspect, appraise and photo graph same within two hours after list ing. We spend thousands of dollars advertising and are In touch with HUN DREDS OF EARNEST HOME SEEK ERS. No charge except the standard commission of 5 per cent in the event of a satisfactory aale. 25 salesmen to work on It. See FRANK L McOTTTRE To Sell Your Home. Ablngton bldg. Main 108. Third St.. bet. Washington and Stark IF YOU WANT to sell your home, phone me (Main 5073), and I will personally call and Inspect your property and candidly tell you price it will readily bring. J. W. CROS8LEY. "Better Types of Homes. " WASTED FOR A CLIENT. From owner only, a 4 or 6-apartment or flat bldg., located on west side; will pay as high as $20,000. 'See Mr. Camp bell or Bannon, METZGER-PARKER CO., 269 Oak St. Bdwy. 6355. will pay casn tor your equny n iuu need money and are willing to sacrifice. I am not interested In what you paid for It or cost to duplicate; give description, location and lowest cash price and If bargain will do business in 10 minutes. BC 512. Oregonian. Wanted to Rent Farms. DAIRY WANTED. Have two Swiss dairymen; one has $10,000 cash and wants a large retail dairy In Portland; other has $4000 cash, wants smaller dairy, 25 cows or more; prefers retail, but will consider whole sale. They are going to buy soon, and It yours is for sale can make a quick turn for you. Call, write or phone at once. F. L. EDDY, UTTTTiTT? . T.nWR Jfc CO.. 201-8-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ' WANTED TO RENT. SMALL PLACES. Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small farms. Close to Port land preferred. Some people will buy the place after leasing for year or more. We make lots of sales this way. Will buy equipment If priced right, JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coait. TIMBER LANDS. 20-THOUSAND mill, 15 million feet old growth yellow fir; retail market for one million or more per year; timber at $2 60 per M.; mill and Improvements at actual value. A paying proposition with a big future. Address AV 854. Orego nian. WANTED Old growth fir stumpage. not over 2 miles from railroad: state price wanted per cord. Box 295. Carlton, Or. FOR SALE, cheap. 3,000,000 feet timber near McMinnvllle. Oregon. Call 330 Morgan mag. SMALL portable sawmill, close to Port land. Phone Main 953 FOR BENT FARMS. FARM FOR RENT. PERSONAL PROP ERTY FOR SALE THIS IS A BEAU TIFUL PLACE ONLY 22 MILES FROM PORTLAND ON PAVED HIGHWAY. 53 acres. 40 in high state of cultivation- dandy 6-room plastered house and 2-room house, extra fine big barn, new silo, lots of ensilage; between 30 and 40 tons ot good hay: crops most all In. With this go 12 extra fine teams of horses, wagon, plows. 2 horse cultiva tors, new mower, rake, hay tedder, po tato digger, roller disc, harrow and - spring-tooth harrow, platform acales, forks, wheelbarrows and shovels: 8 10 gal. cans. 2 5-gal. cans. Will lease for 3 years at $500 a year. Price for every thing. Including first year's rent, is only $3000. Better hurry. STEWART & JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bidg. 20 ACRES FOR RENT. Small house, fair-sized barn. Bull Run water piped to house, located on south west corner Base Line and Kennedy roads. Just east of city limits; some fruit on place, ail cleared, first-class garden soli; will rent for $50 per month to desirable tenant, Whitmer-Kelly Co, 414 PlttOCK DIOCK bo-ACKE dairy or chicken farm, on hard surface road, 6 miles from Vancouver. 7-room house, water piped to house, barn; $500 brand-new chicken house; reasonable rent; snap; quick action. H. S. Goddard, 1409 Columbia St., Vancou ver. Wash. ALiloaT two acres, near Para liose, ex cellent bottom land, comfortable two room shack, some berries; close to car. $180 per year. , JOHN FERGUSON. Gerllnger Bldg.. See Mr. Hunter. liililiT acres garden land, west of Port land: near station and pavement; mod ern house, good barn. $360 per year. See II. El, in, at- with JOHN FERGUSON. Gerllnger Bldg. 40 NEAR Oregon City. Slou: -lo "ear couver, $175. 141 09th N. Tabor iOjo. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. CLASSY 1-ACRE HOME. $5500. A modern up-to-date place, very de sirable to one wanting to get lots of ground in the city; 35 assorted fruit trees, bearing, all kinds of berries, 6 room modern house, in first-class condi tion, woodshed, chicken house with ce men'. floor, 8 blka from car; will ex change for small placj close to car, as owner is getting too old to walk that distance. Come In and see me about this and nun. -reds of other exceptionally fine exchange bargains. Mr. Stephens, Fred .-. . . . --JO rl.,m .. , rvm NICE LITTLE FARM AT H ILLSBORO. ItlAUC rwft . . ... . .. Want a good home In Portland even up for this place: 14 Vs acres, between Portland and Hillsboro. near electric station; all in cultivation; lies fine; no rock; 5-room plastered bungalow barn and outbuildings; plenty fruit and ber- rle1 HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North 6th St. Broadway 4..S1. "WANT PORTLAND CITY PROPERTY. "00 acres in the heart of the Willam ette valley on good road. All in cul tivation. Spring water, running creek. Buildings old but habitable. Family orchard. Price $23,000. No land around this for less than $150 per acre. 20-year mortgage of $0000. Will accept city ANCh'Jr'YnISTMENT COMPANY. 405 Panama Bldg. 3d and Alder Sts. BEACH LOTS " EXCHANGE FOR PAINTING OR BUILDING. Lots are well located at Tillamook Beach, near station and ocean. Address AH 546, Oregonian. INCOME PROPERTY. 10-room house and 4-room house, ten minutes' walk from down town; $6000. Will sell on easy terms or accept smaller house farther out as part, long time on balance. Fisher, with Interstate Land Co., 248 BtarK St. Main oi- 260 acres, all under plow except 15 acres; large barn, good house: fully equipped; $30,000: want Portland prop erty; will go to $100,000. W. H. ROSS. - 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. WILL EXCHANGE for auto or anything of value, large lot, 100-ft. frontage on Columbia blvd., only 1 block from St. Johns car: $900 equity. See R. J. Griesel, 375 Waxh Ington St.. or phone Main 1857. WANT to trade 160 acres of Alberta, Can ada, land for city property. 30 acres broke, house and barn, 6 miles from railroad, all fenced and cross fenced, 1 mile from school and postofflce; plenty water. TaDoroiy. IF YOU wish to sell or exchange your acreage or farm, list with us. BIHR-CAREY, Railway Exchange Bids. Main 7487. I WANT to trade my equity In the best located restaurant on the Columbia high way for rooming house. 14 to 20 rooms; reason. 1 am too old to run this busl- ness alone. AV -i".. oregonian. THE BEoT trade, my equity In a well equippeu BIUll iftuuuij, wu,s B. business, for Portland real estate. It will pay you to investigate. Box 85, White Salmon, WaBh. WANTED House or 7-passenger car for 101 acres In Alberta, ready to plow ex cept about 15 acres; close to good town and R. R- 245'A Wash. St.. room 1. Will take in car as part payment on Rose City house. J. O. GRAY CO.. 718 Rekum Bldg. Auto. 561-45. GOOD residence full lot in East St. Johns to trade for Ford autumobtle; must be In first-class condition or don't answer1. R 522. oregonian. 40 ACRES, 15 acres irrigated. 3 miles from Redmond, Or., clear, trade for lots of house equity. A. 1L Akerson, 420 Henry Building. 191R MITCHELL to exchange for 5 or 6 room house. Call' East 4447 or Wdln, 41 w WANTED To buy on terms from owner small furnished modern house. AC 550, Oregonian 45 ACRES, fine soil, all in cultivation, within one mile good valley town: trade for city properly. A r ni... oregonian WILL take lot for down payment on 5 rooni modern bungalow, close to car line. Call Tabor 112, . . TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FARM FOR PORTLAND RESIDENCE. TiTvDflfffTirn vinxi i a H V I suited for dalrv. fruit and poultry; 92 acres of good red loam, some sandy loam, located 7 miles from Eugene, on good road; land Is all rolling and has fine drainage; there are 80 acres in cultivation and 12 acres in pasture, with Just enough oak timber for your own . fire wood; one field of 52 acres which is In vetch and oats, would be especially suited for a prune or chard; 5 acres In prunes, with 9. trees In full bearing; 1 acre of strawberries ( acre of young plants and 14 acre In full bear ing), 4 rows 6 rods long of Con cord and raisin grapes, 12 young Lambert cherry trees, 1 acre of young loganberries, 12 acres in wheat; 1 mile to grade school: a 4-room house (Just fair), good barn 40x50, granary, machine shop, wood, smoke, hog and hen houses; with the place go 2 cows. 2 horses and harness, 40 hens and farm ma chinery; price $14,000; will take a residence in Portland which Is tree and clear up to $7000, and the bal. ot $7000 can run for 8 years at 6 per cent. This Is a real farm and will prove worthy of Investigation; we will be glad to co-operate with any member of the Portland Real ty board on this exchange. KINNEY ft HYDE 1 REALTY CO.. 693 Willamette St.. Eugene. Or. Home of the University of Oregon. A JUST EXCHANGE BENEFITS ALL PARTIES. Look these 8ver. there may be something that will help you. Full details gladly given. Fine residence and store building In Forest Grove, valued $18,000. Want equipped dairy ranch. Handsome home with large lot In lrvlngton. valued $16,000. Want close-in acreage or timber. 120 acres In Clackamas county, very fine soil, some Improvements, value $3600. Want home In Port land. 40 acres In Clackamas county, a dandy place, close in, value $0000. Want Portland home. If you have a house you want to trade for farm or acreage, see Maclnnes. with HARVEY WELLS ft CO..,,, 603 Gasco Bldg. - Main 4564. Where Trades Are Made 160 ACRES. 51600. unimproved: 20 acres old fir. 100 acres brush, alder, cherry, fi-, vine and soft maple; several springs: 40 acres clean burn, grass, peavlne and fern; very fertile soil, good pasture and outrange: 1000 cords of wood: Vi mile from road. 8 miles from railroad and .Columbia river. 5 miles from Woodland. Wash.. mile from school. The making of a fine and comfortable home for a young man who wants to work for such a r ompense; about 80 acres lies nice and easy to clear; elevation 1500 to 2200 feet- Will trade for suburban home, either Portland or other city, equal value, but will not consider place with out fruit. Phone Tabor 4894 before 9 A. M. and after 5 P. M. week days. Ail day Sundays. A JUST EXCHANGE Benefits both parties. We are very successful in making such ex changes. Have you a house, acre age or farm to exchange? Get expert service. Mr. Maclnnes, witn HARVEY WELLS ft CO COS Gasco Bldg. Main 4o64. Where Trades Are Made. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOrS. WILL trade some good milk cows for horses or light automobile. Call at 898 Powell Valley ra .38-CAL. Smith & Wesson P"'1"1: waD for chickens or what. 994 E. Main st. FOB SALE. Horses, Vehicles. Livestock. SHIPMENT of horses from Grand Ronde valley, all well broken, farm and logging horses, at a very reasonable price. Span of bay geldings. 7 and 8 years Old. wt 2900 lbs.. $250. Span of gray geldings, wt. 8000 lbs ages 7 and 8 years, $275. Mare and gelding. and 7 years, wt. 2700 lbs.. $175. The above horses are all good, true workers In every way. I also have bug gies, horses and wagons for sale. O. K. Howltt, Columbia stables. Front and Co lumbia sts. U. S. STABLES. Horses, harnesses and wagons of all kinds, horses weighing 1300 to 1800 pounds. 5 to 7 years old; some well matched teams; everything sold with a guarantee. 365 Union ave. 8 corner Stephens sL G. D. Williamson and oiass 1' HEAD good work horses. 1000 to 1000 lbs ages 4 to 10 years, wagons and harness of all kinds at 'ur Mnhpr'ne,i Woodyard stables, cor. of E. 9th and HjwinnrneavE WE HAVE for sale 3 or 4 good work teams of work horses which we are sell ing cheap, as we are going out of busi ness. No. 20, Grand Avenue. W. - G. Euiitvan. j- WE HAVE for sale 3 or 4 good work teams of work horses which we are sel -ing cheap, as we are going out of busi ness. No. 20 Grand ave. W. G. Sulli van. East nn GOATS Angora, well-bred, matured. A-1 condttion. choice fleeces McMENAliIN FARM Phones 9X1 Rldgefield. Wash- Main ,1UQ. ron-.n.... - FOR SALE at almost your own price two oay-anfer Co.. between 34th and 30th sts.. on rasi i' 1 i'l35 BUYS a good honest work team, wei-ht 2300 lbs.; nearly new harness aim " . kuvtTO.NK FEED STABLE Horses for KblSIU-" ...ii fnr rnt 3R1 Wator and wagon. ian i j sale or nire, n i . . n " - - ... at., foot Montgomery. Marshall 3515. GOVERNMENT harness converted for farm use. at a sacrlilce price J. H. Bader. 243 Front st.. cor I,.-, tru ivn HORSES with harness ior en? by carload, Williamson Ranch. THREE extra good cows, milking from 3 to 5 gallons; vr ... ... T- at xo roF" ' ' VfiH SALE Several teams and wagonj by Alblna Fuel Co.. 433 Goldsmith st. Phons Hqwy. ovyy. f-APlTAL stables, 2H Front. Just re- " . . . ., . .. . t r. t 1 wi r" h a n . I mares from 4yea rs'to 7 years old: all good workers. TEAM of good work mares, weight 3UO0 ed.'1 Henderson, 1025 Powell Valley rd. ii v ad horses ana cattle taken quickly. Phone Milwaukie 6t)J for best service. ns-AD horses and cattle taken promptly. ufAV i-.. .l,hl Auto. fi7-B4 cull j -- , -nn i b HORSE cheap; no further use 1 him. Atlas Woodyard, 827 Front. VETERINARIAN. " Tin HOWES. TABOR 65)6. Uall qajr " r-ATVFS 1D BEEF CATTLE WANTED. CPL4QNE MARSHALL 2178. TWO GOOD family milch cows for sale. 1074 Holgate street. "tuo-LB. TEAM mules cneap; win gi " term". Atlas Woodyard. 327 Front. "FRESH Jersey cow, 3 years ld. 7812 iive ,-nlf. Tahor 4:107. S2ii East 77th N? 57th ave Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments, A miiwi w u., FOR SALE by private party. Ludwig up right piano in good condition: dark oak case; 1 "ilELODY C saxophone and case, including war tax, $165.75: terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 14 1 tun NEW $150 GRAPHOPHONE for sale half price, leavina tuww. --- forenoon S.IKLODY C saxophone. Conn, Just like new only $140, Including case; terms or new, oniy . r, l j.i in . rash. ti. r .- j - LARGE style Stelnway piano, wonderful Hition. as good as new; $675. terms. G n. Johnson Piano Co., 147 6th st. ill CASH and $10 monthly (as before the war) buys $525 new piano for $395 at Schwan Piano Co.. 101 10th st. at Stark. vTrn SALE Thompson piano, parties moving away. . - 673 iMlssissii'i" TTnR RENT Grafonola. $3 month. Em- pire i wn.L Day cash for a good used piano or playeV if Vjcejs right- AU t0;5 11-20. mra imn,.". ' TunICIAN wants Stelnway piano for own cas". " r want a good sweet-toned piano, may 1 JlAd- cash. Main 7724. piano WANTED, pay cash for bargain m private parties. Mar. 1532. n.ri-i w,i-n.,A, ,i..,j... UORHM svsiem u-..c........,. , viaiiiici, very reaionabeCallTabj33l.after6. VICTROLA with 33 records; $75 takes it, S07 i;anifn'-i ... t"R5 BUYS P'ano in nicest condition; 'errr.s 213 Ablngton bldg. a I HOST new mahogany cabinet phono- grapn and records. 546 Broadway. CONN cornet and casa, Blightly used, $55. q. jc. Johnson Piano Co.. 147 6th at. KMERSON Grand cabiut phonograph. golden oak. $53. Main 3020. rOW 8A1.K. j'iano.. Organs and Musical Instruments. SCHWAN PIANO CO. DOWNSTAIRS STORE. Factory Rebuilt and Used PI"0"-.,.. $ 900 Stelnway & Sons. nol. man....;!;1; $ 650 L. V. Chase, oak -' 5 573 Krell, mahogany f-J"? 625 Vose. dark mahogany j- 8."0 Conover. fancy oak $ 473 C. A Smith, ebony '-J? ! 675 Arlon. fumed oak ..Jii 600 Kranich & Bach, golden oak.3J 950 Thempson player, pol. mah. .. $ 450 Hallet ft Davis, rosewood jlji $ 950 Thompson player, oak ; $ 250 Collard ft Collard. walnut $ J $ 275 H. Bord. rosewood 'J? $1050 Singer player, dull walnut . . . . $15 to $25 Cash. $0. $10 to $23 Monthly. PARLOR ORGANS st a Fraction of Their Original C0,t- tino flreat Western. nign top j-- $150 Clough & Warren, mirror.. !$38 $150 Schoeniger. chapel $10 Cash, . sionin.r. .-101-103 Tenth at Wash, and stars:. $ 225 MAKPEL, priced at 250 Columbia, priced at 175 Edison, priced at 150 Brunswick, priced at 140 Columbia, priced at 125 Packard (new), priced at. 85 Packard (new), priced at. 85 Loraphone, priced at 75 Victor, priced st Kfl i'nlnmhi. nriced at ,$165 , 135 . 115 , 110 , 100 , 85 , 65 , 65 , 65 . 18 " See our windows for other bargai phonographs. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 147 Sixth St. ns in PIANO TO RENT. We will rent you a brand new standard piano for $6 per montn and allow the rent to apply on purchase price. KNABE WARHTROOMS. LIPMAN-WOLFE ft CO. MORE FOR YOUR MONET. Former $120 Columbia (new) t-.I? Former I350 Pease up. piano (used) in" Former $150 Columbia (new) 11' Former $200 Brunswick (like new)., l.ta Former $450 Klndler ft Collins (pin.) 2t5 Former $S50 Farrand player, little used, bench and 12 rolls included. 89" Former $800 Packard, perfect 438 HAROLD S. GILBERT. 884 Yamhill St. ,.1. i ti i.. yrrl'a rl A vn $223 new Vlctrola and Victor records for good used piano. Our proposition will please you. SEIBERI.ING-LUCAS MUSIC CO 125 4th St., net. ' 'ash. and Alder. Main 85K6. KRANICH & BACH GRAND. $S00. If you want a grand for your home, this piano Is Just the instrument. Practicallv new. Terms given. SEIBERLING-LUOA8 MUSIC CO., . 125 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. SECURITY STORAGE CO. Closing out now; upright pianos. $73. $195. 121.1. $295 cash. Also one $750 Player. $365; $950 Player. $495. Pianos stored 73c monthly. Cor. 10th and Stark sts. SCHIRMER. $150. Good condition and fine tone. Terms given. SEIBERL1NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO 125 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. KINGSBURY. Practically new and a snap. Terms given. SF.IBF.RLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO 125 4th St., bet. Wash, and Alder. nurtvn n , 1)11 n IT r A T 11 1 Vfi Any make, guaranteed work. SEIBEr.LlNG-LLX'AS MUSIC CO.. 123 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. " PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING. Guaranteed work by experts. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO 125 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. J.1UIII r-. NEW PIANOS RENTED. On the apply-to-purchase plan. Our proposition will please you. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO .125 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. ' .-..,,,,.' I.'., TV, 5 HI , Ml Lil H ni.iw ... - ....... $375. All we ask you to do Is to see this real bargain. -A SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO 125 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. Plain walnut case, equal to new. See BKlBi',KLl,u-i.n.rtii .fT. x.,., 125 4th St., bet. Wash, and Alder A $300 REGIN A machine with 2 dozen recoros ai a " - , , quickly. G. F. Johnson Piano Co- 147 sixtn st vnRH PIANO. $176. Terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO 125 4th St . bet. Wash, and Alder. t. . .jit p i in irrm PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. NEWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE. u,n 4495 128 First St.. near Alder. I'lOLl.NS llttni-i" ,D. tra quality and finish, with hand-made bows, irom l" m -"" - - P ano oo.. 11 om . . ii i.lAlin msmtnlin I COMrLM E mi w. guitar and banjo strings and musical merchandise. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.; 147 6th st. "Special string bci.ii:p ni pletely overhauled, $325. G. F. Johnson P ano CO, lit oin o. FOR SALE Emerson piano in Prim, con dition; am going away: obliged to sell, A F 524. oregonian PIANO wanted, pay cas": Main 85! Furniture lor Sale. DO YOU want a new enameled coniblna tlon range? One oven for wood, coal and gas; compact and durable ,tandard make A beauty. We are going out of business and you can save " range by coming to us. It Is worth the . k. i L-iiav trma If (Ifslrea. call Samuel" L Brown. 312-14 East Madison HIGH-GRADE furniture tor sale, Includ ng large Vlctrola: also modern 4-room flat and sleeping porch for rent. Call after 9 A. M. at 929 Thurman. near 7th Flit No. 1. . 114 50 llbraiv tables, mahogany. I14.60. Direct from factory. Full line of din 20. 379 East Morrison st- orner tninn .-'"- DON'T sacrifice your furniture if going eksl or to California. We can save you "iey on your '"lf'n our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer ft StoraEeCo-24 8 Pine st, BUY FROM OWNER Furnishings oi ii good" income': nTaTI ichoo.r positively no rUhMTfRJi tor sale, iron Ue,la, Vible and chair.. ck dreer. baby bed, (fas range, must bo sold tni weeK. Hrtn avr. i3V golden oak chftfon.erwlth ova eo.i, a ...i. oo. ft tilr caruet. $4: frencn Kiasa, c-". - -o,c ; J COMB NATION' coal and gas rgeJ 'J-. ruci.' . -- - wood heater, no. varL r,iJ ,1.1. dining table. $12; must be sold this week .110DH Hawthorne ave. MUST sell siiisle brass bed. Morris en air, "leather rocked, dresser dining table. Jew- e range, r - vmTF rotary black walnut cabinet sew "g'machTnforced to sell immediately; T-f!inriliD.e. .niiifim'1 " ' 7.a ai k While sewintc machine. Ivory '"bed dresser. Call Marshall 1272. after n r. si si, .i in oak library table. Hrm chair and rlUng aesk..Ane condition, cheap. J24 V. .lih St. ."Norm FOR SALE 3-piece lumeu i. ,rl as new. 524 E. 41th N. SoND-liA.SL. furniture for saie. -. w",,ea,u 74i.r2VhV.r-; illNING ROOM set one in"i. u v........ buffet L'i 1 - ; OAS RANGE, side oven, 2l.u0; good cun- dit on war. '' CHIFFONIER AND DRESSEH. CALL EAST 7:'"' n..r 1 .it--tio-HI h,ul,P. 1 portable oil heater. 1057 M. Salmon st nifiM wornltare. xTfE-FOLLOWING used equipment in per fect condition: 7 bank flat Burroughs $10 5 bank, both with stand. $100 14-ln Underwood, almost new. ..,..1,5 L. C. Smith ..$0 Roll and flat-top desks, files, chairs, new and used; prices lowest in city. WAX OFFICE EQUIPMENT HOUSE. !4 Norm riling BURROUGHS adding machine with stand. 1 b-ink- No. 5 Underwood typewriter. Todd check writer, rolltop desk, wire trays, Ink stand, swivel chair. 269 3th St.. opposite 1 ny FINE SANITARY ROLLTOP DESK ON Lt $ COST $110. 128 1ST, NR. AI.DER. Ty pewriters. "DOANE GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER All makes overhauled. Experts. RE PAID, ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy. aell rent and exchange. Supplies. Auto matic 520-50. Main 6397. 124 4tbt.. bet wan- i$- -" - FOR SALE Royal typewriter, model 6. fiSe condition. Sll for $35 caah. Main V as ii. ana ai--"- 1 " -"T v. - K074 trom noo" mi... - - REPAIRS, rent, buy. sell; suppliea Type writer Inspection Co.. 312 Stark street. Main ALL MAKES rented and repaired. Oregon A J !--,. OA Hth .tro.1 Main SttilM v-ijtv rebuilt, second-hand, rentals, at cut rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark st. Main 107. for stir Typewriters, RFCONSTRUCTKP MACHTNKS, THE BEST IN TYPE WRITE Kit. ALL MAKES. IRONCLAD GUAKANTEK. CALL OU VVRITK FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THIS WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO. sVl WASHINGTON ST. MAIN MIS I. REBUILT tjpewrliers. ail makes, rentals, repairing, supplies Distributors COKoNA portable. 8LNDSTRAND. di1lng ma chines. Main 2283. K. W. Pease -o-110 Sixth sireeL Poultry. BOOSTERS WANTED. Wanted, 500 people to buy a setting of eggs from my heavy-laying strain of S. C. R. I. Reds; 8 grand pens to select from; a few good breeding cock. eruls et lor sale. W. V. LOO MIS. 1923 Multnomah St, Phono Tabor 3197. PETALUMA BABY CH1X FOR SALE. Chlx from S. C. While Leghorn hens, the worlds greatest layers; eggs from free range Hoganlsed stock only; sale delivery of full count live chlx guaran teed; April. May June chix, $14 per 100, $135 per I011O. . OAK HILL HATCHERY, Petaluma. Cel. LOO ii LOO ti LOO K. 6000 a C English baby chirks. Mar and June delivery, at $15 per 100; set ting egg $7. Buok orders now. our ltfth year. JOS. SAUNDER.1, R. 2. PORTLAND. OR. R. I. RED BABY CHICKS. The oldest strain In Oregon, msde a creditable showing In a number of cg . laying contests, phone Tabor 6131. o.d St. and Kendall station. ORDER Mav, June clucks from heavy pro ducers of reliable strain; $12.50 t-er 100, any number; strong chicks, safe delivery: m.rlL -Ith nimr hnl l Ii II llraii.m White Leghorn Fariii. R.3. Woo.lhnrn. Or TANCKED WHITE LEGHORN clilx. April hatch. $20; May. $1S; June, $15. Ta bor 3822. Parkrose Hatchery, Portland, Oregon. BABY CHICKS Six varlettes. best slock, prices reasonable; correspondence In vlted. C. N. Needham. Salem. Or. THOROUGHBRED O. A. C. Barred Itock hatching eggs, $1.50 per 15. Tabor ,559. RHODE ISLAND eggs tur selling. $1.1:3. Call Tabor fi70. HATCHING EGGS from choice caaturn Hrahmas. j per 10. o" un v. WANTED Good small bruodcr ilusp. Tabor 3224 Logs, Italililli. Birds 4 Mih-k. TRAINED St, Alldrcasberg rollers (Import ed). "The canary with a college educa tion." Guaranteed new shipment, E. B. Flake, Salem, Oregon. A STUD Sons of eastern fo l--lune held trial champions. John Proctor and Candv Kid Everglade Keunela. &4H Concord , hldg. AIREDALE for sale, pedigreed thorough bred. 4 months old. Call 277 I'eeriess Place, near 33d and Sandy. THOKOl'lllUi:i Boslon bulldog. 8 mo old. K 34Ih or call Sell. :t.MQ NLW ZEALAND does; service I'Pdigrccd bil'-ka. Tab'ir i"'.i-' IMPORTED St. Andreaaberg tollers, aiiix- e ra, trained singers, females,'-. Iloats, l.un'h- anil Marine Knulpinent. YACHTS. LAUNCHES. Hi lUSKHl 'ATs, SOLD AND CHARTERED. MARINO K R V I ( E PORTLAND YACHT AOFINCY. 1333 NORTHWESTERN HANK H1.DG. S-ROO.M HOUSEBOAT, furnished com- filetely; must be si en to be appreciated: paving city; must sell. No. 10 Holgate moorage. sellwood 8-KOOM houseboat for sale, furnished; everything Just as It stands, a bargain! leaving city. 211 Wlllamelle moorage. 8-ROOM boat house for sale, partly fur nished. Apply foot of California st. A bargain. 2U-H. P. GRAY motor, propeller tank and stuffing box; good as new. Tabur 9 4 S2J fiuraery Mock. PRUNE TREES ITALIAN". 7 to 9 feet, verv line preierred stock, r'asonable. Woodstock Nursery, end of Woodstock carllne. Scllwooil 2.132. ETTEltUEKG strawberrv plants. 8000 at $:t per 1000. Tabor 4793. R, A. box 40. Portland. FOR SPRAYING, gardening and planting call Tabor 8299, Gregory Heights Nurs ery. 688 M'tll st. N. Rose City car, CUT11HBHT KASPHKRRY plants cheap Woodlawn 800. evenings. Colli and Wood. FIRST GROWTH COUNTRY SLAB an: 11 t'ORD WOOD. Green, extra thick red fir slab, de-llv-red west side. $6 50 per cord, cord wood, delivered west side, $9.50 per cord I'hone Hroadway 173. Dry FIR wood, sawed or 4-fL length; also best coal. Standard Brick A Tils Co.. 83 5th L, between Stark and Oak. Phone Broadway 18. evenings and 6un days phone Tabor 8122 or Kast 1034. . NOKTHUANIv VUKL CO. Wood and coal, small orders solicited. 659 Upshur St., Portland. Or. Phone Auto 620-36; , MONTGOMERY WOOD CO., COKDWOOD. SLAB AND COAL. 1 .ra and Small Ouantltles. Yard 1 1th and Everett us. Auto. 522-83 FOR SALE First-growth cordwood, $9.50 per cord, 2 tords $18, delivered. Wood lawn o.ii-- BLOCK and slabwood. 2-luad lot- tlonal r ui-i i-o.. cam FIRST old-growtn cordwood. $8 60; bloc and slab, $0 per load. Hdwy. 4 HO PRICES down, cordwood $9 cord. Al BLOCK AND SLAB. SPECIAL IN 2-LOAD LOTS OREGON FUEL CO.. WDLN. 4102. i-i , .im? U..H uli.h mixed, also old-growth ordwood for Quick delivery. Tuli BEST fir cordwood. dry $9; green wood. $S per euro, cimiwoimj BLOCK. SLA 11, CORI iWOOD. MAKMIAI.I. ;i- G00D dry cordwood, $8 50. K. B. Bow man o aiain .v.- DRY WOOD for sale from $0 to $7.50 p. r load. Call Woodlawn 1539. M iM-ellalicona. SHOW CASES, cash register, candy scati'S, computing and platform scales, pool table, back and front bar, coffee urns, restaurant sioole. safe; cheap today. 1 a v a."litngion si. WILL sell and Install new lluu.l waier heater for $27.50; also plumbing done of any kind, bast .'.. ELL-iCTRIC vacuum cleaners sold, ex chanaed. repaired. Ray Bentley. Main ' 4'.i07 FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners. 24-huur day, 83c delivered; guaranteed ID good condition. Woodlai.n 1259 ' 15 00 MAN IKE l'KRTII.IZKR-$7.00. c'uw or horse, delivered anywheru; big loads. Bast .'i-l". 100 TIRES. new and used, for sale at bargain: flrat hfre first served. 514 UNION AVE N. ADDING machine for $17.5u; works al 111 pier than $:io machine; adds to 100.000. 420 Chamber Commerce building. , LADIES' USED APPAREL, reasonable; smart styles secured from wealthy ia- dlea 'lanor ,0 .. UNION APPAREL EXCHANGE sells allchtly used ladies' clothes, new rpnng 7g Union ave. N- cor Ivy. B 1.126. it A MILTON BEACH carpet washer, almost new. chtap. F. Wood Jr., box 937. Boi.v. Idaho. LICENSED Independent electrician wires 3 rooms for $12. 5 for $2": guarantied 10 . Inanertlim. V loillin n 3, '.II. 'OK SLK Twelve-loot soua louniuin, half price, as good as new; front, back bar con.plele: terms 242 Salmon. LA RG E cabinet pnonograpn. used one montn. .viiai ...... ....... 4730. mornings. ELECTRIC wahlillig iiiaciiine iiv owner leaving town; I1IU11 sen vn.e. 1 none HrmiilftaV 1:110. FUR SALK Lloyd Princess Wleker baliy huaitv used 6 months, cost $83. will sell for saV Woodlawn 5761. 1'lH'Kl'l Ul.itald taUiea or sale. 35 N 41 n st. tV,Vr- SVN1TAKY ROLLTOP DESK IINI.l 1(1 COST $110 128 1ST. Mt. Al.liKtt 7 A ill KS spring cuat. size 30 and rc-l lox r.,r Annlv room A. Tilth st. rv fur. Annlv roo i . iii : i.; ineat-KlleiiiK machine for .u "In. -14 " " Fui SL1C Haiiy buggy. ua.-iucite, couch tX,.:,v?r Tahor I"". , eHA v wicker buggy for sale, good lull "'r. Wo...llan Ml2 v. 1H sAl.i-; Good coal and wood range, j,H iic,5 F- 751 h slreet North. T. . i,. i.' Fireproof, old. but in good order, i- Mil Oreuonlan. ,-ing..,. - TSTtaToES. $1 sack: seed 75c sack 40 K 9 1,7 .t. Tabor 8817. A. F. Thompson. hoover vacuum cleaning. 3 rugs al. ,T...i , so-n. SECOND-HAND tents and covers for .ale. i..,.(ite Tent Awning Co., No. 1 1st st. STAR A STAR" shingles direct from BlllL r.ll Tavlor-st. dock. Wain 81185. SAFES, trucks, scales, coftee mills, cheese ' ,u LVnnl at nt'a r I'lfta cullers. - - -. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcase. 43 1st st . near Ash. MARION FUEL CO. Dry. short block wood. Main 21170 WRECKAGE wood cheap; general hauling and moving, reasonable. Tabor 8i43. VAt'UUM cleaners for rent. 85c per daa delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 31115. $3n VIOLET ray. A-l condition, for $10. 993 K. Main st. v R KE DIKT Top soil. ln'-4 K. Main GUUX rufi'lgcralwr Xwr sale. $X liaail eUaaa. A A