15. THE 310MLNG OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 1921 REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lot. BmR-CARW. IdAIX J4S7. We have m large number of choice lots in every part of the city which we are permitted t ell at m sacrifice price. "WEST PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 13 lots: blr sacrifice; fSOO take them all. SOUTH HT. TABOR. 9 lots on Powell Valley road, 1150 each. PENINSULA DISTRICT. lots, corner of Van Houten and Tale. $2.10 each. 17 lots on Lombard and Wall, 50x100. on paved street, all paid for. price ranging from $300 to $300. 1 lot. half block eat of Union are. on Buffalo street, $300. 1 lot on 74th su, near Paclflo, $330; terms. 1 lot. 50xlnA, on 37th, sear Holgats, $425; terms. ROSE CITY. 1 lot, 50x100. on eath street, between Alameda, and Stanton, $000. On Gladstone, between 86th and 37th. 2 1-3 acres: bis; sacri fice; $2700; terms; will subdivide, BIHR-CAREY. Sll RAILWAY KXCHAXGE BLDO. THIRD AND STARK 6TS. MAIN 787. WATCH!!! WE STOVER TERRACES. "Portland's Best View Homesites." Harold Jungck, SeeretarT. XNTERNATL RBALTT ASSOCIATES. 110 10th St. Plttock Block. Bdwy. 110. LAURELHURST LOTS BEING SACRI FICED. COME OCT TODAY. OFFICE OX THE GROUND EAST SltTH AND OLISAN ST8. A few nice lots for 1800. very choice ties for inio and IIIOII; your opportun ity to secure a choice lot at about one third real value while they last. Tract Jtfficn Vlumt '('llh an1 Rlkin at..! M. V. mr. Or phemo Tabor S433; evenings, al 1.-3. DELATTfN-TT. ' SOME FINE "LOT BARGAINS, t'l'io. Laurelhurst, Imp. pd. ItfHlO. Lnurelhurct. Imn. nd. l.vto, Laurelhurst. choice, Bunulde it, SflnO Ram rtfv Sftfh St. $!mhi. Rose City. 72d and Sandy blvd. S..S0. Rom City. S3d ana Broaaway. I230, cor. lOOxloo, 3th and Clinton. 1 1 MM), cor.. lUOxlOO, 8th and Mason, $30, Wood I awn, 100x100. $.'., Woodlawn. 50x100. t M M I Pi.dmnnt Kil1lMU rms. ringi.kr Co.. 22.1 Hni bids;. SPECIAL OPENING SaLK CHOICE LEVEL VIEW LOTS. POPULAR MULTNOMAH DISTRICT. CITT WATER. GAS. ELECTRICITlf. 1 BLOCK TO OREGON ELECTRIC, soxloo. $io to $200. 7.1x1110. SIM to $300. imi.im. e-'no n x4oft PIlHnp, than arrears. 20 minute, by ear or auto. Only few to be sold at these ridiculously low prices our sums uj to show nrooertv. 319 Railway Ex change bid. Main 675. re. E. 76S8. WEST SLOl'K MOUNT TABOR. CHOICE BUILDING 81TE. 73x100, east side of 56tb St., 100 ft. south of E. Yamhill; Improvements all In and paid: Sumo, terms. HENDKRSON-BANKUS CO., 426 Henry Bltlir. Broadway 4754. ijiVl.NGTON. Last 17th. near Knott, facing east, 1 lot left on this 80-foot paved street at low price for cash. RITTKR. LOWE & CO.. 201-S-S-7 Board of Trade Bldr. Host; CITY I'AKK. 84j blocks north from 63d and Bandy; price $325, for quirk sale only. HENDKRSON-BANKUS CO., 426 Henry Bids. lor Sale Houses A. G. TEEPK CO. $37006 rooms and den. Beautiful cor ner lot with fruit trees. -This is located close In. one block from car. Paving and sewer paid. Lot alone is worth' probably $2imm). Can be handled on very euy ." . terms, too. 13000 ROSE CITT PARK DISTRICT. This .ttrsotlve bung-alow of 5 rooms is located near 3tifh and Knott streets; $300 cash will han dle. To the right person, we might even arrange a. smaller payment. Large lot. Paving paid. This bungalow has a fire place and furnace, full cement basement. $4600 We are offering here new bun galow of 5 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast room, full ce ment baeement. Most expensive plumbing: tile floor, flush tub, shower, etc This bungalow is beautifully papered with expen sive tapestry paper. You'd never expect to buy such a substan tially built home one so well finished for so little money on such easy terms. (4650 ROSE CITT PARK. 6-room bun galow with fireplace, furnace, full cement baeement, etc., lo cated near Sandy, facing east. An inspection will convince you that surely here's a bargain; paving and sewer paid. Terms, with 6 per cent Interest on bal ance. 8750 LAURELHURST T-room house with hardwood floors through out, fireplace, full cement base ment, furnace, etc Tile bath. Ideally located on Couch street. 2oo feet from 3!th; near park. Owner must seU Immediately, moving from city. Let us show you. FOR A REAL. HO MB See A. G. TEEPB CO.. ST") f'xrM St.. near 4th. Main WW. HAWTHORNE BUNGAIXVVV8. $3500 Here is your opportunity. If you have been "waiting for something real good, don't wait longer but hurry before this opportunity slips by. Just think. 4 rooms and bath, double constructed, erected by one of Portland's best builders. Strict ly modern, right up to date, new and never occupied. Street Improvements all in and in cluded in price. ONLY $500 cash required. J. A. WICKMAN CO. "Shortest Way Home." ?M Stark st. Main 1H"4 and Si M0. THREE LARGE ROOMS. 80x230 LOT. Some garden spot! You can make money here raising marketable produce, lots of berries, some bearing fruit trees. 3 room plastered house, gas. electricity, running water. If you want a large lot and comfortable home, we know of no better buy than this; located near Lents school, 5 blocks car. .'i00 puts you in possession. Ask for Mr. Mack. Let Us Show Tou. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Teon Bldg. UNPARALLELED BARGAINS. $34.00 6-room bungalow, Westmore land, paved street. Terms to suit. $300 Fine 7 -room house on 100x100 all in fruit. 62d and Powell, Terms to suit. $6500 Fine 9-room home, comer Cast Oth and Davis streets; furnace, fire place, very large garage. Lot alone la worth the price. C. DeYOUNG ft CO.. S10 SpaMine Bide. Main 7851. KOE CITY ?AilK.v $4700; 50 feet from Sandy blvd., under the hill; a modern 6-room bungalow; all Improvements In and paid; there -S nothing like this in Roue City for the price; terms $1000 cash and balance by the month. HTLLER BROS.. 14 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 86. Branch Office. 5oth and Sandy. Open Sundavs and Evenings, Phone Tahor Ms.y ;,t, 1 11LK. ROSE CITY PARK CAR. Fine modern bungalow, 5 nice rooms and sleeping porch, double constructed, very convenient, hardwood floors, fire place, all bullt-ins, cement basement, wah trays, floored attic. Tahor 6551. CHEAP small house and furniture on Ltnnton road, back of Union Oil plant; $1 per month for location. John Tyler, rout? 1. Ltnnton. Or. $J2.0 FOR 6-ROOM hou: bath and pan trv: i acre ground; t'J0 down, balance easy. Inquire Mr. Bowker, 163 12th St., at Norton hotel. IF VOL' want to bur a home, either for cash or easy terms, we can heip yon. Tail Broadway Sfl or Marshall IMrtO XOR SALE by owner, beautiful home In Irvtn gto n. a snap, m u st selL Main 17r,4; 8 .days East 1614. 5-ROOM house. East 6th sL close In; easy ttjrina. Auiuiualio 5-51. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. NEW HOME NEAR THE FARE IN BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST. This house was built last summer especlslly for the owner, who personally I uvcrvisea tne construction. WILL SELL FURNISHED Is np'aiRV'.n There are five rooms, bath and hall on first floor and large floored attic suitable for two rooms; large cement basement, laundry trays and excellent mrnace; spacious garage ana tun ce-i Anent uriveway. Hardwood floors In all rooms and hall. Inlaid linoleum in bathroom and kitch en; unique fireplace and bookcases; I bevel plate glass front door, French I doors between living room and dining I room and hall: mirror door in nail: large closets, one with window; kitchen has breakfast nook; exclusive electric lighting fixtures,- imported wall paper, high quality hardware, screens through out: lawn and attractive shrubbery. Price most reasonable if you really I want a gooa nouse. 123$ East Pin Street. Second house from the northeast corner I of East Fine and 41st street. IRVINGTON $7500. Modern, attractive home. No. 762 Schuyler sL (inspection by ap pointment):, all nice, big, airy rooms, best home environment; 8 bedrooms and bath, garage, etc My auto la at your service. J. W. CROSSLET. "Better Types of Homes." Main 6073. IRVINGTON. $6500 $6500 S6500. Exceptionally well built 8-roora house, double construction, hard wood floors downstairs; 8 larga airy bedrooms and sleeping porch, 2 more in attic; fine condition, owner leaving for California, is sacrificing and will give good terms to reliable people. For in formation call East 41)6 L IRVINGTON. SII500. If you want one of the best T-room homes In this district, call me at once, I have rot a Brest sumrlee for you: you cannot build the house under $15,000. and can prove it to you. Who is going to oe tne lucky person .Must seu toaay. lour own terma FRANK MAHONKT, COE A. McKENNA CO.. 2 Fourth St. Main 4522. TILED RATH ROOM. $750 cash. bal. S-'IO per month and Int. buys one of the most beautiful 5-room bungalows imaginable: has even the re cess tub and shower, also fireplace, hard wood floors, dellght'ful kitchen with breakfast nook and cement basement with laundry trays: even paved street. and In splendid district; a real bargain at -). INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 47r1. 410 Henry Bldg. 40TH ST.. ROSE CITY PARK. A really lovely 2-story bungalow with 8 rooms and sewing room on lower floor ana 3 big beautiful bedrooms and bath on the upper floor; of course this home I Is all modern with oak floors, fireplace. large outlet, concrete basement, high- grade furnace, garage; the price Is $04.10 I on terms. We have other beautiful homes In this district. COMTB AV KOHLMAN. Main 6550. 2UH Chamber of Commerce Bldg. O SL,L OK HhM, WK3I UlDl HUME. 6-rm. house. 3 large, level lots, fine beairng fruit trees, all kinds of berries: 1 block from car. 15 minutes from busl- I ness center of city; chicken house and runs, machine shed, up-to-date barn with cement floor, 4 other lots, fenced in for pasture. With the fruit, some chickens and a cow most of your living is made on this place. Price sjhoo; terms. ,Me Mr. AcKley. fi-j7 Cortitt bldg. HAWTHUKNK BUNGALOW. H ROOMS Sea this excellent bungalow, located on comer lot: has fireplace, Dutch kitch en, buffet, furnace, wash trays, one bed room downstairs and Imo up; price $4000: you will really be surprised to see ex xnucn value lor so uttie money. J. A. HUB BELL. 10S9 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 8892. 'Stucco Office" I.....O hose CITY. A 6-room bunralow. furnace, fire- I place, oak floors, bultt-lns, paneled din ing room. Dutch kitchen, cement baee ment. wash trays, large garage.- 50x100 lot; city improvements in and paid: terms easy. RUMMELL A RUMMELL, 274 Stark ft. FUR BALE, BY OWNER. A REAL HOME. Modern 6-room and batn: perfect con - dition: hardwood floors, built-lns. full cement basement. garage. Universal Pipeless furnace, 50x100 lot, fruit and I chicken house. All improvements in. $4M0; $1500 cash. Owner, 2508 E. 48th St.. near Division, IRVINGTON SNAP. Here's a real snap In a 21, -story 8-1 room house in excellent condition, on E. 16th St.. near Thompson, for $9500. It's a real home built right, thoroughly I modern, dandy upstairs living room witn fireplace, finest hot-water heating plant; easy terms. Tabor 407. S1700 IN ALBERTA. This can't be beat for price! Almost new S-room house on fine larare Iot: im- I proved lawn; good neighborhood; handy 6 to car and stores. For a small cash pay ment you can move right tn. SPEED REALTY CO.. 307. Panama Bldg. Main 7264. TERRACE PAKK Modern 5-room bunga low, $3300; needing money in business and muxt sell soon; 2 lots on hard-surfaced street, large rooms, attic, fire place and built-lns, full cement base- j ment with trays, good plumbing, bear- 1 lng fruit. 3 blocks to car; 14jU cash. Tahor r4. - NOB HILL HOME. Rare buy In a 2 -story. 1 0-room house with garage, on nouoie corner, with wonderful view of city and moun tains; center entrance, 6 bedrooms, 24 baths, gas furnace and hot-water heat; must sell; terms. Tabor 407. BEST HOME IN WESTMORELAND. 6 rooms, extra Large; lovely Dutch kitchen, furnace, fireplace, full cement basement. 1 block car, near school, east front; double garage, any reasonable terms; no mortgage. T. O. Bird, Juar. ihjj. ypuwoog L'.im evenings. HERE'S REAL VALUE. 6-ROOM CAL. BUNGALOW $3750. Corner lot, paved street, 1 block car; cement basement, fireplace. garage : must be sold at once; some terms. T. O. Bird, 526 Cham, of Com. Mar. 1022. SelL 2i0q, evenings. SIX-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. VIS E CORNER LOT. FRUIT A very pretty home on hard-surfaced I street; bearing fruit, good garden spot I and lawn, full basement' and sleeping porch; $3'J0. terms. Phone L'3-17. 5-ROOM modern bungalow in Rose City I Park. Hardwood Iioors, sleeping porch. furnace, etc.; all Improvements In and naid: located on 51st near Sandy. This Is certainly a snap at $5250. See this I at onre. C. A. Wagner Co.. 230 Stark st. LEAVING FOR CALIFORNIA. MUST SELL THIS WEEK. Beautiful Laurelhurst 5-room bunra low ; every modern convenience; for less I than cost. tome, mane oner. Air. JohnMon. Marshall unrj. Tador 47. FOR SALE by owner, neat. co2y 5-room bungalow, half basement. Dutch kitchen, some bullt-ins: good garage, lot 50x100, right on car line and paved street. For price and teems see owner at 6013 48th st. s. K- " " car. A SURE BARGAIN $1000. 4 -room house; lot 50x100; plenty of fruit ; 9300 will nan die. js. Emerson, near vtn. HENRY W. GODDARP. 243 Stark St. KENTON BARGAIN. Just paid S300 on new 5-room bunga low and 6 clean lots; must leave, will take $100. 248 Halleck. 8 blocks west of Kenton hotel. GOOD 5-ROOM HOUSE. S:i000. Alberta car; Kennedy school. Good corner for store, R. w. Cary. liilO n. W. Bank oldg Main 1643. 7-ROOM house, k to 1 acre land, bearing fruit, paved street, peat plane in district; come see IL Owner, 6657 olid St. 82d and FOR SALE 5-room bungalow, plastered attic, lull Dwriueni, urepiace, DUfret, wash trays, 1 biock from paved street and car line. I3(m0; terms. Phone 619-55. I 5-ROOM mod. bungalow almost new with gas furnace; 50x100 lot; $3000; $1000 cash. See W. M. Schaffer with J. P. McKenna. Belmont at 30th. Tabor 6493. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 6-room modern house. - garage: price I ana lerms nsau oco owner. 41 a tu- rth st. . IRVINGTON bungalow, 7 rooma strictly modern. 1 am gumn 10 sen in is ounga in. Look at it today. 673 E. 14th f N. and then see owner. 670 E. 15th st. N. 4 ROOMS, partly furnished; bath. gai. lots of rruit ana perries; 101 jwxiuu; i-tHJu. rail t 635 Hotman ft; ROSE CITY PARK. Six rooms, strictly modern: by owner. 665 K 53d st. N. NIFTY bungalow; sewer; pavement: bar gain: $2500: cash. $400. Tabor 7055. 6-ROOM modern hoone In Gresuam. 50x200. Terms, pw&er, 221 MUi, SEAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. ROSE CITY PARK. $3050 100x100 corner, 4-rm. md. bungs low. $3500 S-rm. md. bungalow and garage. S3UUO 3rm. md. bungalow, just com' nle.tAit $4150 -S-rm. md. bungalow, garage; nr. eanay. $4200 5-rm. md. bungalow and garage worth $5000. $4500 s-rm. md. bungalow, nicely ar ran red. $5000 S-rm. md. bungalow on 54th sL, below hllL $3000 8-rm. md. house, near school and car. $5100 5-rm. md. bungalow on 55th at., below nill. $52906 rm. bungalow, on 45th at., below hill. $0500 Lovely 6-rm. house on 45th St. below hill. $8400 Choicest corner in R. C. P., with high-class 6-rm. bungalow. $10,600 buys the best bungalow located on a very good corner, well worth is, 000. mui said. A. N. MIKKELSEN CO., 62d and Bandy Blvd. Tabor 2580. Open Sundays and Evenings. mniric ni.nsF.-iN FARM. IK acres in beautiful Sunnvsld dlS' trict only 30 minutes' drive from heart or Portland, on main nignway; an un der cultivation excent 1 acre pasture trout stream on place, family orchard containing all kinds fruit, lots of berries, comfortable farm house, excellent barn with cement floors, fine accommodations for chickens and rabbits, close to school and store; a beautiful farm and biggest bargain in district, Place tormeriy -neia at $7000; price now for quick sale Jttiuu, terms. LUEDDEMANN OMPANT, PI 3 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6fl6T. WE START in the basement and finish with the chimney, ready - to move in when we more out. We handle all details and save you 20 per cent by our special unit system. Fancher-McLean Co., building contractors, 808-0-10 Lewis bldg. Phone Broad way 8652. NEW COLONIAL, BUNGALOW. B rooms and aleaDlnar norch. hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, buffet, book cases, cement basement wun cement floor, laundry trays. 50x100 lot: well built dnnhla constructed bungalow in eluding the very best of material and workmanship; fine garage; at price and terms this la a pick-up, siauu, jiuuu cash. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., 42 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. LET ME sliowj'uu where by investing $500 you can mane sjotm in o montns; jusi a little work with a hammer ana saw; just think, only 1500. and a little work will fixe this 6-room house; 50x100 iot. base ment, berries. 12 fruit trees, one b.ock from school, so that It will sell for $2500. PRICE NOW ONLY $1500. $500 down. bal. ea,.y. SUN-HOUSE BUILDING CO., 216 Abington Bldg.. On lid bet. Stark and Wash. THREE NEW BUNG ALU WiS. 770 E. 25th st. N. Modern in every 880 E. Burnside: everything that would make a home nleasant. 82 Weldler su 6 rooms: within every one s reach. I have others, but these are almost finished. Look them over and if in terested call owner, ' GEOHUIS E. WJSU.CK. Main 5231. Builder. East 6372. NK.n TirFFEBHON HIGH SCHOOL. Iit 50x100. between 1159 and 1167 Waliory avenue, rieamom, juhi oil llngsworth, two blocks from postofflce - ana stores on union avenue-, nireci im proved and lateral for sewer in alley terms if desired. B 13. Oregonlan. KKin REICr) COLLEGE S2500. Verv neat, well-built cottage of $ large rooms and sleeping porch, sink, hot and cold water, corner lot 100x100: everything in pink of condtlion. 1 block to car; a truly beautiful place, photo at office; $300 cash. $20 monthly. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. HERE IS A SNAP. 4-room bungalow, with large barn. more than y acre of ground; fine place for chickens: only 4 blks. from Wood stock car; $3000, very easy terms. Call owner, J. H. Grlesel, Main 1857, 375 Wash. st. AMONG THE FIRS. Onlv $3300 for a dandy bungalow on Mt. Tabor: beautiful view of mountains and valley; living and dining room, kitchen, two bedrooms and bath, full basement, aoxioo lot: wio cam win handle. Hurry. 615 Chamber of Com merce blng. ' ' . THAT VACANT LOT. " Why not turn a burden into Income? We design arid build apartments, ga rages, residences, anytning; turnisn plans and finance. Established 10 years. We offer SECURITY, SERVICE. SAT ISFACTION. L. . isaney ,o.. v-i N. W. Bank bldg FOll SALE by owner, fine 0-room house VMIU.B yauu J, t , ..... ets, full cement basement, four 50x100 lots; Zs Kinds ot Truit, 4 large rruil trees: Hawthorne line, close to high and public school: good streets; must be seen to be appreciated. jau auto n.i-n.-. $3850 .1850. SR50 CASH $850 CASH. The best buy In Richmond district. modern bungalow, 6 rooms and sleeping porch; full basement, fireplace, corner lot. Close in. in. .uonneuy, juam - ROOM bungalow, with 8 bedrooms, fire- nlnne. nantrv. larae verandah, nice cor ner lot. near Peninsula park; walking distance of Jefferson high; owner wants to leave city; for quick sale. S3UUU, loSU cash; furnished lr apsirea. O. A. PEARCE CO.. 201 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 4S. $100 CASH, bal. $:J0 per month incl. Int. buvs a aanay larve o-rxom ounwmw It's a swell little home for the money; has nice 50x100 lot: good district; close to school: a buy at s.koo. skmj cash. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Broadway 47M. ,410 Henry Bldg. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. itiva verv larre rooms, attic and .ra- rage. Hardwood xioors tnrougnout. rue bath. Beautiful decorations. Come out today to 2,"fl Hazelfern st. 2 to 6 P. M. Owner and .Builder. . Tabor W $11,500. Trvlngton corner home grounds 75x100, outh and east face, hot water heat. large rooms, double garage with quar ters above an neaien; reaiiy snap. MCUONKLIi, KAST 4IH. ALAMEDA HOME. One of the most beautiful corners In Alameda. 145x125; 8 rooms, bath and sun parlor, hardwood floors throughout. 8 fireplaces, double garage; owner leav ing city, 13,000. iNortnwest corner 33a and Bryce ave. wnin. ozna. $1000 BUYS a 3-room house, lot. 50x100. Idewalk and sewer In and paid. Thl nrooertv is close in and a bargain. Terma. See Mr. Campbell, METZGER-PARKER CO, 2B9 Oak Street. Bwdy. B3I.5. ROSE CITY PARK. Bv owner. 5-room modern bungalow on corner, one blk. to car; hardwood floors throughout, cement basement. wash trays, furnace, garage; $4500. half cash. B''7 E. 4lSt iN. .moor .n.Hl, SACRIFICE BY OWNER. Leaving city; will sacrifice modern J 0-room house and garage in fine condition, beautiful grounds must be seen to be appreciated. This Is a real buy. Terms. , Owner, Marshall 2486. iv K ARE offering for first time 6-room modern house on Z7tn ana juuitnoman for $3850. We believe that the house would cost much more than this to build, so look this up at once. C W a gn er, 230 Stark st. 5-ROOM bungalow, hardwood iioors. full basement, wasn trays. 11 replace, floored attic, duui-jiuj. Aicnmona aistrlct. Price JM.-iOo. siuvu casn. Also number fin hiiiimng jo is. uwner. J h vi... Mahon. 26r6 E. 4Sfl st. Tahor 5361. BY OWNEK Three large rooms, first Iioor; secona nwr 0 rooms; o closets bath, sleeping porch, basement, trays! water heating system; improvements in and paid. Terms. 566 E. 85th aU S RM ear. DEAL WITH OWNER. But this 4-room buneM ' in 50xll4H; $1850, very easy terma This must be seen to be appreciated. Call owner, R. J. Go rise. Main 1807. 875 Wash. st. BEST BUY TN" CITY FOR ONLY $2300. o-rooro oungaiow, large lot, easy terms. Call owner, R, J, GrieseL Alain lb57. 875 Waah. sU BUY FROM OWNER. 6 rms. and den; fine fireplace, furnaoe. full cement basement with laundry trays. H. W. floors, built-lns; lot 50x108; garage. Auto. 318-12. BARGAIN. 5-room modern bouse, paved sta. ail street improvements paid, 1 1700. $1000 down. Call 450 Rose lawn ave. Wdln. 2385. - - ATTRACTIVE 5-room bungalow, 2d bouse off Sanny, ai o.o c. ooin at. in., must sell. Price .i-ou: no agents, uwner East 2tJ.- or Tabor 5847. BEAUTIFUL rooms, 50x123. old Ivors Holladay Park. East. 7154 ana enamei. MODERN six-room bungalow, enameled WUOuWUia. rx w. vouj iivvuuswa ouw. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Hon sea. $600 CASH A POSITIVE BARGAIN. Owner, leaving city, has cut the price of his home from $4500 to $3950 and will take $600 cash down. Description: 2-story bungalow type of 7 rooms and bath, 4 rooms down and 3 on the upper floor; a great big lot, 62x186: all kinds of fruit trees, berries and roses, chicken houses and run on the rear of the lot, good garage; in the rear of the house there la a 2-room cottage; one could live In the cottage and we will rent the house In front for $40 a month; we want you to see this home it's mighty rowi nuy. COMTE KOHLMAN, ' Main 6550. 208 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR SALE A pretty modern bungalow. 5 rooms, completely furnished; furniture almost new; full basement, - concrete foundation and floor; furnace and laun dry trays: Dutch kitchen, all white enamel; baths and electricity; paneled dining room with china closet and win dow seat; cozy living room with pretty . fireplace. Built-in bookcases, and en trance hall; cloak room with large plate glass door mlrrow; house well built; ail double constructed; ground 75x100, with fruit and berries; cement sidewalks; 4 blocks from Mount Scott car; all $4250; must have $2000 cash, balance $20 per montn at 6 per cent, uwner leaving. For appointment call Auto. 616-88. WATCH III WESTOVER TERRACES. "Portland's Best View Homesites" Harold Jungck, Sec, INTERNATIONAL REALTT ASSOCIATES. 110 Tenth St. Plttock Block. Broadway 110. V $400 CASH will handle thla modern, up- to-t no-minute Kenton district ounffaiow home of 6 rooms. In restricted district, on select corner, full lot, east front, with fine view; has furnace, fireplace, cement basement, paneled dintnff room, 6 years old, newly painted and enam eled Inside and out; just like new and cheaper than you can build; now va cant; move right In; price $3750, bal. $25 per month and interest. Call owner, WELGER3 D. SMITH 690 Williams ave. Fart Woodlawn 611. ALBERTA. Here ia a place you can raise your living on. 100 by 100 ground: all kinds of fruit, all bearing, fine seven-room house, all kinda of built-in full con crete basement, fine fraraye; now thts place Is beyond description: only two blocks from car; $1200 cash, balance your own terms. Tou must hurry. Frank Wahoney. OOE A. McKENNA CO.. 82 Fourth st. Main 4522. OWNER OFFERS FOR QUICK SALE. 6 KOOMS COMPLETELY FURN16HED. SOLID MAHOGANY. LIFETIME FURNITURE. Beautiful square home, extra large rooms with plenty closets; well arranged; built for a home; fireplace, finished In ivory, tapestry paper, all newly painted Inside and out; paved street, garage, block car; everything goes, even piano. If you want a bargain phone Sell. 270B, or take SHI wood car to 544 Mnlifn ave. FOR SALE BY OWNER ONLY. S large rooms, $3000; west slope ML Tabor; fine neighborhood, near school and one block from car; paved streets, driveway and garage; 28-ft. living room, hdwd. floors, fireplace, built-lns, Dutch kitchen, full attic and basement, furnace and laundry. This is not a flimsy, built' to-sell house. flBOO cash, possession May 1. Shown by appointment only. Tabor Ml!-. A LITTLE GARDEN can be made to pay for your home. Get one of thoee 3 or -room bungalows being built on acre lots between Irvlngton Park and Columbia boulevard; payments nae rent, 'laue Al berta car to 30tn and Alnsworth, walk 2 block north. Owner, 517 Corbett Duiidiug. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Artistic 6-room bungalow on most prominent corner in tract, near park old ivory finish, mahogany trim, walls papered, French doors to side porch, elaborate mahogany buffet, dainty kitchen, 8 fine airy bedrooms, oak floors throughout; owner needs some cash for business; a real snap at sbaou; lerros, Tabor 407. SttTiOO -ALAMEDA PARK. A nifty 6-room bungalow, oak floors, furnace, fire-place, all luilt-lns; finished In ivory, Al white enameled cjibinet kitchen, breakfast nook, full cemen basement, wash trays, etc; 50x100 lot hard-surface st. and sewer In and paid. Terms. RUMMELL RUMMELL, J74 Stark St. CLASSY LAL'RELliLKST HOME. Attractive 2-story 0-room house In most exclusive section, near car and park, on view lot; center entrance, large living ana dining rooms, oia ivory rin Ish, walls papered; dainty sun and breakfast rooms, 2 fireplaces, 4 fine airy bedrooms and sewing room, garage, lota of shrubbery; a rare buy at $10,000; never offered before; terms. Tabor 407. ROSE CITY PARK. $400 cash. bal. $45 per month Incl. Int puts you In possession of one of the nicest modern and new bungalows con ceivable; has 2 lovely bedrooms, hard wood floors, fireplace and breakfast nook. Call for an appointment. Price $4250. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. ANOTHER IRVINGTON BARGAIN. Five attractive rooms and attic on 60x100 lot; strictly modern: beamed ceiling, built-in Dutch kitchen, full ce ment basement. Must be seen to be ap preciated; price J473U. SPEED REALTY CO.. S07 Panama Bldg. Main 7264. THE OWNER of strictly modem 5-room bungalow, lo cated Alberta d istrfct. near car line, with excellent service, newly painted and tinted : run lot. inn cement casement fireplace, built-in features; Immediate possession; small payment down. Mr. L:iwn, Broadwav 6i3. Ptttcc-k block WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS Modern 8-room bungalow; bath, fur nace, hardwood floors; first-class condi tion: select neighborhood; nice yard unsurpassed view, on car' line; cash, terms or payments to responsible neoole Shown only by appointment. No agents. price uwner. wain .vsao. FOR SALE BY OWNER NEAT LITTLE 3-ROOM plastered cottage, in Al condition, with Dutch kitchen, good plumbing, gas. electricity, fruit and berries; 1 or 2 full lots. Price reasonable, with terma 171 WEST HUMBOLDT ST. WEST SIDE INVESTMENT. Two cozv cot ta eps. 5 and 6 rooms, with bathrooms, toilets and basements. in good condition: lot doxiou; easy walk ing distance: $5500. terms. See TAP PART BROS.. HOC Spalding Blflg. A HOME FOR EVERYBODY. 60O to sieet from. MARSH & McCABB CO., REALTORS. 822-24 Failing Bldg. Mar. 3993. IDEAL semi-bungalow, tully illustrated, in last Sunday's Oregonlan. section 5. page 1: only $8750. $3000 oaWi: beautiful home for elderly couple: modern, seven rooms and sleeping porch. 1010 Thurman St., mot or westover terraces, tan afternoon RRING your plans and SDeclflcatinna in and let us figure your home. You'll get tue surprise vi juui inn. SUN HOUSE BUILDING CO., 216 Abington Bldg., On 3d, bet. Stark and Wash. 7-ROOM strictly modern bungalow, $7000; H;ash; ahould bring 9000; lot 50x100; fruit, berries, garage, near Franklin high school. This ia your chance for a grand bargain. See J. P. McKenna, BMmont at 30th. Tabor 6403. WANTED WOOD-SPLITTING CON TRACTS; NONE TOO LA FOE OR TOO SMALL. TELEPHONE BEFORE 8:30 A. M. OR AFTEK 6:30 P. M. EAST 4470. 126 EAST 18TH ST. ONE ACRE with 6-room, mod. plumbing. . sewer streets, 8ft miles of courthouse, $4100. Clear of all incumbrance. $700 cash. See Schaeffer with J. p. McKen na Belmont at 30th. Tabor 64P-3 11-ROOM home, mod., lot 78x100, west of 22d st. $8500. Money maker for house keeping rooms. See Dave Jackson for terms with J. P. McKenna, Belmont at 39th st. Tabor 6493. THE RICE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. Homes Duut ana iinancea, repairing and jobbing; homes and homesites for sale. A, R. Rice, Mgr., phone Automatic SL'O-85. R. B. Rice, agent. East 2432. 5-ROOM. mod. bungalow, cor. lot. $3500; SS00 casn; uieocoe scnooi aiat. Must sell this week. Most excellent bargain. See J. P- McKenna, Belmont at 30th Tabor 640JV BEST BUY IN PORTLAND. ' " vrv la.rre 6-room bungalow. Piar.nu furnished, very fine location. 1040 East XOIU - ' v" - V aVV. UttlA VHHO Phone Woodlawn 772. 4-ROOM fur. bungalow, lot 80x145; ga rage; a his is a cozy nome and a bargain; 4 blocks of street car. See Schaffer for terms, with J. P. McKenna, Belmont at 39th. Tahor 6403. MODERN bungalow. 6 rooms, new oak floors, ltrepia.ee, large ouiu-in kitchen, buftet and cases, fine view locality, at. and value. Owner. Main 2776. BLOCK off Seliwood carllne. small, neat ana wen-uuni dhubc,- luruiaueu or un furnished: lot 80x100: terms. 571 Rural ave. Phone Auto. 22.1-72. NEW 4-ROOM bouse in Alberta; furni ture; best leatner turniture; full bas t., cement floor, hardwood floor. . garage; :imm. terms. 110.1 E 30th st. X. AT A BIG SACRIFICE Strictly modem bungalow. Just completed; must be V cash. Owner. 346 . 51st at. N.. Bom City, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. I (Never before advertised.) ! NEW LISTINGS 1 Offered for the first tlm. by FANK L. McGUIRB. 'by FRANK L. McGUIRB. LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE PACIFIC COAST. 1200 Photographs of Homes for sale. JrVRRT TTOMF1. HETOBB BEIVO OF FERED FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION. I HAD FIRST KEKN PERSONALLY rpected AVn appraised. If nec essary, we'll help you make your down I payment. ...... ,. 25 Salesmen at Your Service. . Open Every Evening Until :00. , . Open All Day Sunday. $1200 J500 down! Comfortable KEN-I TON COTTAGE on Bryant st-, close to car. 9&00 down. FRANKT.IN Hinm - 1500 DOWN! 13300 S500 down! Beautiful little I : NEWEST 4-room bungalow: with I the latest built-in conveniences; I fireplace, etc. 47th st. ONLY 500 and IT'S YOCRS. A T.TlRltTA I 1400 downl $1500 $400 down! Neat and comfort able 8-room ALBERTA cottage; built-in conveniences; parage. uienn ave.. iuu aown. ANOTHER EASY ALBEBTAI $2100 EASY TERMS! 4-room attrac tive cosv ALBERTA cottage; x white enamel plumbing; electric- , lty. gas. 13. Zlai st.' MMRR-S A V At.RERTA! $2520 Comfortable 5-room ALBERTA! PAVED ST.. ALL PAID! White enamel plumbing, electricity, gas. ta. 12th st. ARTTSTtr- AI.RRRTA! 7 RoOtJlS. $3W0 HERE'S- GOOD VALUE In our KEW LIS TINUB! l-roora into ai.rerta bnnzalow: solid pan- 1a dininff.rnom: built-in bllffetl whit. Dutch kitchen, etc. E. ISth .f TERMS. $6300 JUST BAST OF UNION AVTfl. is 1 this distinctive 9-room ALBERtTA HOME. Hot water heating piam, bulltlns, garage. Ainswortb. ave. mwr,rnvr TicinrirRsriV. $2200 THI8 IS A REAL SNAP! LOOK I AT IT TUDA X ! ionvenieiii mi i JEFFERSON High; good sub-1 tantlal attractive 5-room cottage; best whit, enamel plumbing, elec tricity, sas. Minnesota ave. 1 Terms. TIMAITTTTJTTT. PTPTTIVOVT ' $4100 A WONDERFUL 4-room PIED MONT JEFFERSON bungalow, every, convenience; fireplace, ga rage, attic, paved st. RIGHT ON CAR. THIS IS A TRULY GEM BUNGALOW. Albina ave. PBS1NSIII.A. 11710 NINE FRUIT TREES! 4-room comfortable PENINSULA COT- I TAGE. BUILTIN buffet. Dutch ! kitchen: ABUNDANCE of if Hull. Haven St., terms. WRST RTDH. $3990 BEAUTIFUL WEST SIDB bun- I galow or 6 airy rooms on Virginia st. Every convenience; garage. WEST SIDE. 10 Rooms! ' $3500 10-room WEST 81DB home On .Baker at. '.t erms. . srfx-v-vqmm TT WTTTORNTQ. 15775 ft-rnnm ARTISTIC HAWTHORNE nome on rj. sua, very .n.n.ci lines: fireplace, furnace; l dik . to car. HAWTHORNE SNAP! $3300 THIS IS a 6-room HOMEY HAW- I THORNS! bungalow: Stephens I St.; every modern convenience; terms. MT. SCOTT. 139(H) DOUBLE-CONSTRUCTED BEAU TIFUL MT. SCOTT BUNGALOW; 6 rooms, mansive bullt-ins, pan- I ! dining-room, etc., garage. 2Kth ave. : terms. $3500 MT. SCOTT'S MOST ARTISTIC I BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, 1 blk. to I car; latest built-in features. Oia street. COZY BUNGALOW! I15B0! $1330 A GENUINE BARGAIN In a 8- room MT. SCOTT BUNGALOW on !th St., WILL TAKE A LIGHT CAR A3 part payment. BEAUTIFUL WAVERLY-RTCHMOND. ' $411(0 A DIFFERENT TYPE OF BUN v GALOW: 6 rooms; low, rambling! lines; all builtins; fireplace, fur- f nace. 3 block to car. siargue-1 rite ave., terms. NEW ROSE CITY! $1400 EASY TERMS! Lovely little stucco Colonial ROSE CITY bun galow! Combination living and dining-room, tapestry paper. Ivory finish; floor tub. furnace, fire place. IT'S ALTOGETHER THE NICEST BUNGALOW YOU'VE SEEN! B. 78th. ADJOINING LAURELHURST. $2425 ADJOINING LAURELHURST on I Buchtel ave.: 5-room very attrac- live neat oungaiow cotssge; white I enamel piumoing, electricity, gas; . terms. ! LAST, BUT NOT LEAST I 11200 S500 down! $1200 ONLY 1300 down! HERE'S AN UNDUPLICATD SNAP! HUR RY! 7-room .attractive modern! nomer rirepiace. musio. room. very convenient- kitchen, ' THE LOT Is 45x125 with ALL KINDS OF FRUIT. BERRIES, GRAPES IN ABUNDANCE. 5th. close to Car. AStv US ABOUT THIS TO- DAY! $500 down, REST EASIER I WE'VE' HUNDREDS OF OTHER SPLENDID BUYS. ' Sea FRANK L. McGUIRB, To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. 3d St., Bet. Wash, and Stark. Entrance below the big electric si gn. WEST BIDE BARGAIN. ' $6500. Fins location, beautiful 'view, exceptionally well built. 8-room bouse, 4 bedrooms, close In. near 23th St., 2 blocks from car. BOX 100 lot. For Information call East LOOK AT THIS BARGAIN ismio. EAST IRVINGTON K-room bungalow I ana sleeping- porcn; Hardwood floors: fireplace, bookcases, buffet; full base ment; street Improvements In and jald; garage. Look the town over then see this. You'll have to hurry. Only $1000 uowu. "A HOME FOR EVERYBODY. "' MARSH lc McCABB CO.. REALTORS, Falling Bldg. Marshall SIHt.S. 1200 DOWN. bal.; easy; four-room cottage, one block I Mi&s. car, on paved st.; modern plumb-1 lag. a snap lor inu. REEDY & MAVES CO., 618 Chain, of Com. Bldg., Main 4190.' ALBERTA. $500 down, five-room modern house, beautiful lawn, trees and fruit, paved street, 26 tons coal, considerable furni ture, garage, chicken house., basement. electricity, gooa piumoing. fJOOO. Air. Bockman, with A. J. DeFORKST CO.. SV) Henry Bldg. Broadway R'OO. DON'T YOU WANT A COUNTRY HOME WITH CITY ADVANTAGES 7 IDEAL I i-OK BEKKJT OK CHICKEN PLACE: 3 ACRES; HOME COMPLETELY FUR NISHED: FRUITS AND BERRIES: $5000 FIRST PAYMENT. PHONE MARSHALL ItTM. MliS BERRY. LADD'S ADDITION. $6300; $2500 down. Strictly modern I nome. o rooms and steeping porch; at tic. A very line place, worth iiooo. MARSH & McCABE, REALTORS. 322-24 Falling Bldg. Marshall 3H9S. $1900 $300 DOWN $1900. Large 4-room house, 2 years old; lot I 80x100; lots of fruit; garage; near East! Glisan and tmn; terma on baianxe to I suit. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK BXCH. i-RUOM modern house, near Division St., line restricted district, nara-surtace sc., I fine, well-made home, fireplace, cement I basement, furnace heat, washtrays. A real snap, $4000; terms $1000 cash. H. W. Garland. 201 3d. REAL BARGAIN. MODERN 0-ROOM HOUSE. 100x100. PAVED STREET, FRUIT, BERRIES, (3300. TERMS TO SUIT. 804 SPALDING BLDG. MAIN 308. ALBERTA DISTRICT. T Rooms. Price -J3700. 60x100 corner, one block to car; T-room modern Dungaiow; siso garage. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., 405 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder ONE ACRE. 4-room house, pantry and bath, chick en house ldxtio leet. iruit. Berries, flow ers, on St. Johns carline. near old Cedar park; $5500, terma J. rj. Hunt. 626 Chamber of commerce. $1200 SNAP $12O0. Near Piedmont car Darns. 4 rooms: 50x100; 1200 down, i0 a month. Includ ing Interest. SMITH-WAGONER CO.; 3d and Yamhill. BIG. GOOD. CHEAP. 100x100. 8 rooms and sleeping norch. fruit and flowers plenty, good basement. S2000 cash, siouu long time, see Hunt 626 Chamber of Commerce. , FIVE-ROOM house, $300 down, $11' a . month. . - J. 6. GRAY CO.. 718 Peknm Bldg. Auto. 861-45. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Rose City stone-front bungalow, artis tic and different, very reasonable: about .$3000 cash, balance easy: furnished If aeurea. iu tun mi. a. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Honse BUY YOUR HOME FROM BEVERMAN INV. CO. $5250 Beautiful ROSE CITY PARK bungalow of five rooms, located on 60th st. near the Alameda, one of th. niftiest home, in the dis trict; has all the newest Ideas and built-lns that person could want and a bargain at this price. See this If you want a real bar gain and a lovely home. $3250 Seven-room home and aleeplng porch, on hard-surface street, modern In every way, large living room with beautiful fireplace, best - of furnaces, full cement basement, was built for a home and fs double constructed throughout: will trade for five room bungalow or. sell on good terms. $2000 Woodlawn nearly new three-room bungalow, 100x100 corner lot with all kinds of fruit, flowers and berries, fine garden spot; thla Is an ideal home for a couple of old folks; see this and stop paying rent; will sell on good terms. See . EEVERMAN INT. CO., 210 Lewis Bldg., Broadway 2034. ROSE CITY PARK. 5-room bungalow, floored attic oak floors, fireplace, breakfast nook In kitchen, garage, well located under the hllL Fries $5250, possession at once. HAWTHORNUr A charming 5-room bungalow, oak floors. Ivory finish, fireplace with Ra diant fire, plate glass window, large lot, close to Hawthorne ave., quick posses sion. 14750. See thts today.. MOUNT SCOTT. 6-room semi-bunralow lh good eond! tlon, 100 feet to car, garage, must be sold, $2500, on very easy terms. Ask for Mr. Larson. CM. DERR. 1218 N. W. Bonk Bldg Mar. 8245. HOME, SWEET HOME. $5500. $5500. Six-room Colonial bungalow, hardwood floors all over. ; Yea, it Is pretty and attractive, on . beautiful corner 60x100, has ga rage to match house, and streets are all In and paid. This llttl. home has all you require in th. way of modern facilities. Terms arranged. Main 6353. Wdln. 705. AN IRVINGTON HOMii. 16300. A 6-room residence, large attractive living ana dining rooms, fireplace, moa em kitchen, pantries, etc., 3 bedrooms. Datn and sleeping porch on second lloor, beautiful lawn, shrubbery, etc., very convenient to car. terms. Can be bough completely furnished at small additional cost, ana will take good auto as par payment. RICHARD W. MAST, Realtor, RITTER. LOWE A CO., SO! -3-5-7 Board of Vraile Bldg. 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. Two Lots. This bungalow is In A-l condition, just been repainted, has full base ment, furnace, built-lns. garage, close to Catholic school, fine neighbor hood; has hard surface street. The extra lot is worth SH0 to $700, all for sale at $42u0, $1000 cash. Call Bardwick, Monday, with FRANK McCRILLIS. 824 Henry Bldg. Broadway 779. BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITY HOME. Large living and dining rooms, mir rored door in wrap room, oak floors, cheerful fireplace, with ail built-lns, costly electric fixtures, buffet, full cabinet kitchen and breakfast room, basement, furnaoe. truys, three fine bedrooms, upstairs, A-l bath, roomy linen and clothes closet, large garage, cement floor and runway, aoxloo, paved. Delightful district and neigh borhood; $11000. $.0 cash. ELM BR F. BENNETT CO.. S18-S21 Board of Trade. M:iln 74n2. ALAMEDA BUNGALOW. English style. large living room, dining room, library, Dutch kitchen, 3 bedrooms. 2 baths. Fin. furnace, fireplace and garage. Owner leaving for Europe and will sacrifice for Immediate sale. MRS HARRY PRICE PALMER, EAST 7970. 1'ltlCE REDUCED. WEST MT. TABOR, HOME AND FITRNITIinlT; Owner, leaving city, must sell good 7 room modern home, rnmn:.-, u f,,r. niehed. or will sell hum. without f,u. mailings, xuu cement Dasement, lot OOx lOO. good View, fruit. tr XTn 1411 KV,f oain st., ia nouse nortn of Mt. Tabo car. l-rlce for all I4;t00. terms. L. E, rsieinmetz. .oo tiernnger Bldg. Mai FIVE-ROOM VIEW BUNGALOW. Largs living room, dinlne- room two nice oeurooms, uutcn Kitchen and bath, an rooms papered and white enameled, two fireplaces and full cement hniw. ment with heating plant; corner lot with ireec irontAsre. seven hnrnir fm t trees, i nis is one or tne Dest made homei in Portland. Ideal for anv aranl! fjimllv Call and inspect property at 1K34 East lamnui; price ;ooo, with all improve ments in and paid. Owner. Tabor 21 '1(1 S3500. BIG BARGAIN. OA RAG K 6-room bungalow, attic band.nm. Kitf. fet, Dutch kitchen, full basement. $000 concrete garage, paved streets, sewer in and paid. 2 blocks Richmond car. In line nome district. win sell on easy terms, xree oi ncor. nuieu nniunn aba, tor Air. AiacK. toaay sure. Let us Show You. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. MT. TABOR BUNGALOW S4fl0. '80x100 lot. 6 rooms amf .Ie.nln rmrr.Y. fireplace, bullt-ln buffet, bookcases, etc. full basement. Iaree attic Dutnh klmh.n beautiful view, lawn, garden, shrubbery uu. uuu 1 1 rr,, terms. " RICHARD W. MAST, Realtor. RITTER, LOWE A CO., aOl-a-5-7 Board of TrsMe Bldg. NEW ALBERTA BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, with h. w.. floor. In Huln. nd dinlrg room, lovely fireplace. Dutch Kii-nen. oreajtiast nook; bedrooms, bath between. Fu.ll cement basement; 1 hi blocks to car. Ready, to move In. Only $.(S.-.o. soo cash. Main ;s. O Ei BOWDBM CO, 815 Chamber of Com- RO S H CITY BUNGALOW. S rooms, breakfanr nook h,ni..i iiwr., iurua.ee, urepiace. run basement, plastered, bookcases, buffet, full lot ment drlvevfiy for garage, large front vvinu, uuuae is aouoio .constructed. J0U.1U. M. E. t.kvt rv-fc Main Ml!0. N. W. Bank bldr. HAWTHORNS O rooms and sleAOln. nny.l. n.. ceilings, good plumbing, cemen base ment and walks, furnace, fireplace ga rae. on paved street. A home to be u.uuu v i mvv. iijuu uown. i r 1 .1.-1. man, with A. J. DeFOREST A CO., Kin Henry Bldg. Broad way 5.190. SACRIFICE NEW ALAMEDA BUNGAI.OW. Five rooms, large attic nr..ur... nook, enameled tnroughout, tapestry paper; on a 60x100 ft. corner lot, only iu tr. uue oi xne llnest loca tion, in tne ciiv. uwner ia rn n. ., Call Mar. 3332 to. sea this or at 403 uuTn uiua $4200, 33 1-3 by 100. $800 cash, balance terms: 5 rooms, full cement basement, furnace, flrenlace. built-lns. beamed ceiling, wash trays; i fine home and easv to a-et Hg.thn,n, and Fiftieth. J. E. HUNT. 626 Chamber of Commerce. litVlNUTUN COLONIAL A LITTLE 05AUT1. Artistic deeirn. lvorv flnl.h n.u tile bathroom, fireplace, a-araae. ehni. surroundings, 21st St., near Knott. Own er leaving city. Knst 3!4. Main S"78. WK&T SLOfE OK MT. TABOR. 4-room cosy bungalow for two: ma condition, near Belmont si.; paved st and paid for, a beautiful 1st for a high class residence. Price onlv 1'Jiain oulrk sale. Call Broadway 54S7. 6-ROOM double constructed bunitalow. with one acre of highly improved land, garage, chicken house. 2 blocks to car: excellent condition: can give immediate possession; saiao. see fisher, with Inter state Land Co.. 248 Stark St. Main 54:19. 5-ROOM strictly modern bungalow. Uni versity park location. corner 40x100 brand new, completed by May 1 Price $.1600. Will take $1000 down, balance !lke rent: no agents. RP MS. Oregonlan MT. SCOT1 8-room modern home, bullt-ln hnff Dutch kitchen, nice bath, half basement' 50x100 lot. paved street, 2 blocks to car. $2-100. easy terms. Seliwood 375. KJiW small house, 2 rooms and bath aas eifutntitjr , iuiuibucu. AUU,- Oai. easy Ask for BUSHUE, 518 Chamber of Commerce. NEW, MODERN 4-room bungalow in Rose city rark district. Dutch kitchen, ivory enamel woodwork, full 'basement Jtn7.in. til'5 East 7.1th ft. N. Tabor 2704! $500 CASH 6-room bungalow cottage. modern; a uioun er nue; .woou; roses, fruit. McFarland. Falling bldg. M. SS72. 5-ROOM house. 5 minutes' walk from city hall, lot ooxou teei: sonuu. Hlaeslng Granite Co.. 287 Third street. $1!50. Five-room modern bungalow. ' 50x100 lot, 4 blocks to car. . Main 7478. . -. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. BIHR-CAREY. MAIN T487. ROSE CITY PARK-BUNGALOW. $3400. This bungalow has Just about everything In the line of architec ture, construction, appointments and arrangement that one could reasonably expect to find In th. modern bungalow that this one Is. Five large rooms, 2 of them bed rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, full cement basement, laundry trays; 1 t blocks from, car; $1200 will handle. A very fine buy; pavement and sewer ars in nd paid. KEW HAWTHORNE BrNGALOW, $25 PER MONTH. This new California type bun galow is of very sound construc tion and has 5 good-sized rooms, of which 2 are bedrooms, dining room with built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, fire place; pavement and sewer tn and paid; the price Is only $4000 and call, for $1000 down. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. MOST SPLENDID ALBERTA BUNGALOW. $3475 $700 DOWN. , Pavement, sewer, full lot, tw. blocks from car; five large rooms, including two very fine bedrooms; oceans of bullt-ins; fireplace: thla bungalow la very smart looking; double constructed, and Is a real bargain. MT. TABOR BUNGALOW. $3500. The lot Is 44xllT and ths pavement and sewer sr. in and paid; two fine, airy bedrooms, bullt-ln buffet, Dutch kitchen, larg. living room, hardwood floors. This bungalow Is of mors than passing attractiveness, and in construction Is without fault; very convenient tarms. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. $3000 $700 DOWN. Handsome - looking bungalow n s full lot, 1 block from car; - living room, dining room, Dutch kitchen, bedroom and sleeping porch, cement basement, best of modern plumbing; a very good place. KENTON BUNGALOW. $2800 $600 DOWN. Modern K-room bungalow with garage. 2 bedrooms, all the bullt ins you want; French doors and beautiful light fixtures. This bun galow Is only 1 year old and Ia excellent condition. BIHR-CAREY. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg., Stark and Third streets. Main 7487. GOOD VALUES IN HOMES. $(V0 Furnished boathouse. $3000 Terrace Hts. bunRaiow. )30t)0 Dekum ave. bungalow, new. $:t.KMl Vernon, 7-r. bungalow. 100x100 $4000 Oswego lake, furnished bunga low. $4200 Hawthorne, 6-r. colonial bunga low. $5230 Bungalow, new. 6 r., comer. $7000 Irvlngton bungalow, close In. 17850 Irvlngton. 7-r. modern home. $10.500 Hawthorne, colonial bungalow. ii.ioo Laurelhurst, new bungalow. $10,000 Alameda, new modern bunga low with garage corner lot, Imp. paid. Mr. Jess Harrington, with CHAS. RINOI.ER & CO., 225 Henry Bldg. LAURLI.HURST SACRIFICE. 7-room Colonial. 72x100 Corner Lot. Owner reduces price JlO0 for Imme dlate sale, 7-room Colonial built by day labor for nresent owner tt montns ago, large living room, hardwood floors, sun nurlor. finished old ivory and tapestry taoer. Dutch kitchen, breakfast room, 8 large beautiful bedrooms, tile bath and shower, beautiful Txiou corner lot double garage. This property Is entire ly free of Incumbrance and the price Is less than house Cost to DUlia. limy $12,000. any reasonable terms, to respon sible party. Shown by appointment only Ask for Mr. Mack. Let Us Show You. OF.O. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. HOME. SWEET HOME. LAURELHURST. How would you like a $50,000 front yard, a crew of men always keeping It spick and span? op portunity knocks but once at your door. This cozily situated home has every modern built-in con venience; garage; four blocks to car. This offering shown by ap pointment only. PETER PAN HOME CO.. Main 6353. 304 Ry. Ex., Wdln. 763. A DESIRABLE PIEDMONT HOME. $0,100. Strictly modern 7-room house on Mal Iory ave.. every bullt-ln convenience, music room and den, living room, 24x16. large dining room, all hardwood floors. fireplace, breaklasi nook, jiutcn kucn en. full concrete basement, furnace, ga rage with paved driveway and floor and allev, 8 sunny bedrooms, bath and sewing room on second floor, large attic, down stairs toilet. see RICHARD W. MAST, Realtor, RITTER, LOWE CO.. 501-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. BARGAIN. S4800. West of 88th St.. 6 rooms, re ception hall. flne basement and furnace, hard surface st.. besutl ful lot with fruit and berries: splendid condition: present owner moving; about $1000 cash will handle. East 4991. WONDERFUL VALUE $.100 DOWN I 5 rooms, furnace, full cement base ment, laundry trays, buffet, bookcases, Dutch kitchen; lot almost 75x100; ga rage; macadam street, sewer. A splen did home and In absolutely perfect or der. Right on Woodetock car line. Oh. yen. lots of fruit, chicken bouse. Prlre S:i0.10. Easy terms, vacant; walk in There are not many bargains like thin In Portland, especially on such terms. You'll be sorry If you do not see It quickly. 4427 42d St.. corner Mall. Owner. Marshall 746 moo. ROSE CITY SUBURBS. Lot 41x212. A real buy, 5-room bungalow. 2 bed rooms. Dutch kitchen, full bnsement furnace, laundry trays, lot 41-212. with bearing fruit trees and small fruits, lo cated E. i2d St., l 'i D10CKS rtose l. lty car. $1300 will handle. Ask fur Mr. Mack. Let Us Show You! OEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. IRVINGTON. COLONIAL BUNGALOW. Five wonderful rooms, and large floored attic, living room 14x27 feet, a very attractive fireplace, best grade of tapestry paper, a most complete kitchen, pedestal lavatory In bath room, full basement, furnace, garage, the best buy In Irvlngton for $8000. don't let some one bear you to this. C. M. DKRR, 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2215. KOsE CITY PARK CAR tH)0 CASH. $.1100; 6-room bungalow In first-class condition; has furnace, full-size lot and garage; 2 blocks from car; If you want a snap, see this. HILLER BROS., S14 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 86. Branch Office. 30th and Sandy. Open Sundays and Evenings. Phone Tabor 84S.1. " FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. $.1000 FURNISHED, $4500 UNFURNISHED. Six-room home, all in line rondttlon, newlv decorated, cor. lot, 6ox'JO. ,all paved and paid, close to car and schpol. It takes $2310 to handle furnished. $2000 cash unfurnished. To sea this, call Mar. 332. J. B. ROCK. $5110 CASH. $500 DOWN. $300 DOWN. tttst LISTED TODAY. SEVERAL FINE BUNGALOWS. SOME NEW. GOOD LOCATION. 'jrtr, rniov ia nioni. HURRY. R. SOMEHVII.LE. BDWY 2478. 320 V. S. NAT, BANK. BLlMi. $ 1330 $ 1330 $1830. losn ,..h. 120 monthly for very neat 4-room plastered cottage, electrlo lights and gaa. city water, concrete foundation, hair h.aement. 5 blocks to car: photo at office. Fred W. Oerman Co., 732 Chain. of Com. . . A ROSE PARK BUNGALOW. Six rooms, -all newly decorated, has Dutch kitchen, furnace, cement base ment, garage, full lot, close to car; only $30.10 $700 each. baL. easy. Mar. 8332. .Eve., Tabor 3000. J. B. ROCK. $3250 7 ROOMS $3250. Modern In every respecu full base ment; 80x100 lot; $500 cash; walking dla- saMlTH-W.iOONBR CO.. STOCK BXCH, MODERN 5-rooin Waverly Heights bunga low, garage, $3800, terms. Owner. Sell ' wood 2704. " " , FF.AI. ESTATE. For hale -lloiia ma. ALBERTA HOME. $3700 $.100 down; 6-room horns: book rases, buftet; lot 60x187: $35 month,' This is a classy horns. Bargain. $2300 $830 down: Walnut Park. 5 room cottage; Improvements in and paid. Cood location. $1800 $300 down. 20 mo. l-room ent tsge; corner lot; near outh and Glisan. barn for garage. $2300 Small down payment: -room cottage, very desirable; now renting for $35. $1800; $300 down; fairly good cot tage. $1600 Smsll cottage, large lot In Al bina near Williams; good terms. MARSH McCABB CO., RKALTORB, 8L-2-24 Fsillng B'dg. Marshall 3"H3 ROSE CITY PARK. $4700. This will bs real nirnrts.: new 6-room bungalow with every mod ern feature. Including a breakfast nook, snd complete In every Retail with ths exception of a furnaos: located on on. of Roue City's best streets; everything In and paid; It would cost us $3 to tell you all the good features In this bouse through our ad; call us up snd w. will both save money; terms $730 cssh snd $50 a month. HIT.LER BROS , 614 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 16. Branch Office. 30th and Sandy. Open Sundavs and Evenings. Phone Tahor 8483. $4li:.u. EXTRA Sl'K.CIAL. 6-room Bungalow. You'll find a happy ending to nousy huntlng here. This strictly modern -room bungalow priced very low for Im mediate sale; every convenience that goes to make a real home from hard wood floors to furnace. S bedrooms ana enclosed sleeping porch, beautiful 50x100 lot, paved streets and sewer In and paid, 1 block Hawthorne car. close t. Frank lin high. In one -of Portland's prettiest home districts, som. terms ,t,h0,"'n appointment only. Ask for Mr. Mack, lt l's Show You. OFO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Tlr1g. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOMsTt Central hall. larg. living room, dining room, pass pantry and kitchen. 3 lovely sleeping rooms and bath. Hsrond floor baloony porch. All drapes, linoleum, elec trie range and radiant fire heater. Extra sise lot. Casco furnace. Ideal loiatlon. ..,., MKd 1UKKY PRICE PALMER. A8T 7V76. HEAL II I'LL BUNGALOW IN ALAMEDA PAKK. $6300. $1,100 down, balsnes 3 W month: 5 rooms In perfect condition. The conslructlon Is first-class, all rooms attrai'tltelr denlgned. Includes all tn. new features; nlee big living room. 1 hj dining room has beautllul buffet. French doors; kltrhen is very convenient: lire, piace. furnace, big basement; clos. to car. All Hens Paid JOHNSOS-DODSON CO.. SS N W Hank Hldg. Main FTST. itiUTHoliM; llAUGAl.V Modern home of 7 rooms, In best nan of Hnwtliome. on .al euunion. Rllxioo corner, paved, concrete, ga- .--.. o.ment basement, furnace, trays. fireplace, largo living room, all the) bullt-ins snd four cheerful bedrooms upstairs. This is. weii-con.trui ie.. house and in perfect condition, l'rlc. $iouO. $1000 cash, $30 month snd lulereftt. K I.M EH F BENNETT CO.. 818-3'!1 Hoard of Trade. Main 74T2. i K . i vi.tu.s;. t)...,tiri,l 7-rnotn huncalow with hardwood floors throughout, tub and ahnu-er hath, hot water heat. fin. fire place, two blocks to car line, gsrags t.n. .rrhlt.f turn of Knglleh design, one 'of th. finest bungalows In Irvlng ton: $11500, terms. Mr. Halght, COE A. McKENNA A CO., Main 4322. 82 Fourth Wt. Mivv ami ih,-n an unusual iJurKm pre sents Itself. Classified as such, we .r. off.-rlng a fine 7-room home for sal. at $.17110. On maradam street, garage, full . . K...u.unr i.rt tuileta. bath. Double constructed and In fin. stat. of repair; two lotn, 3 o locks rrom c.r, an rooms large. Il.'.oo rash. Fee this bows snd you will appreciate Its value. OTTO & HAMKSON. 413 Chamber of Commerce, IRVINGTON BUNGALOW, tlllMMI a-l11v mwlArn It. room hlinsSloW With full cement basement, furnace, large living room with hardool rioors, shades, fixtures with beat of hardwood, tin,,,. 1. readv to move Into. All Im provements In and paid for. Easy terms. AOSOIUteiy tne ii j.'l. KAKNOPP CO.. Rv. Exeh. Bldg: Main 673. HAWTHORNE BUM". A LO W. SA-Jtl SS00 CASH. 6-ronm bungalow, Isrge living iwwn. flrenlace. Dutch kltrhen, 3 lnrge bd- cement basement. B0X1IH1 10 L, bearing fruit trees, all street Improve ments paid. .uv casn. u,..."-. month, including Interest. H E X D K HSO X- B A N K US CO 42H Henry Bldg. Bdwy, 4i.-4. t t u-tii, 111 v i.: l.vwio. A modern 6-room bungalow with all built-in, hardwood floors, furnace, tlre olnce. floored attic, large bath, .nam eled kitchen. Inlaid linoleum In both, built-in cooler and Ironing board, ga rage, paved street ana sew.r, $1800 cash. Bin. eniy. W. K LENT CO.. N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8360. VATVIVT i-'OU CASH. Six-room home In splendid repair: bath and one bedroom downstairs, i k.t ... .....I air.: InV.lV COrntT lot. no mo fruit and berries; 1 block to car. Peninsula district Prlc. $2500. $200 cash .,, 816 Chamber of Com meres. Main B6M, 1 t s: I'l K. 1 1 M UXT. Fine 8-room house with 5 rooms on lrt f oor. '1 IUI1 seisin Pit"'"'".. iiioio corner, streets all Improved, ......... . hiru-k. to car: hardwood firs. 4 f.,.'ni,r lura. cement basement. xple. r..r uulrk sale only $S750. Terms. E. 11. HOLMES CO. . Btark St. Main "I'M. FURNISHED 3-KOOM COTT Alibi v tl-MftA KARGAI.V v. K-.u..n hnu.e. Including furni ture; good locality on east side: lot mi.kmV chicken houses, barn and IHO .iruwberrv plants; clone to good school; ...X . h.ndl. I7.1H. Call Hlnmsn. 1 nibdemtoek A Larson. 200 Or.ttoa bldg Hr.ia.Unv 10 .N A I 1 Uk'llA I'AKK. Nine-room residence with oak floors throughout, the last word In ultra-mod ern construction, nioaeraieir .. . $10,500. Me Haleht. COE A. McKENNA CO Fourth Ht. Main 452. t a i iici.ii i i:s r lioMK. Eight rooms, four nearinim.. ""-. lots of hullt-ln features. Se this and you will say best buy In Portland for the money: priced way down for oulrk aale: moving: com. furniture also. PRICK $7.1un. 1218 Fant Climn st Phone Tnbor 3130... V,,.. . ,-n-i i.i'l. ..lnni.tl HelslllS fine home modern, restricted and excellent neigh borhood; 7 rooms, all conveniences, fine garage, on 22d St., near Hawthorne; 10 minutes ride to downtown; must be seen to be appreciated; $7300. half down reoulred: by appointnieni onu. 223-22. Mr. K-liultz. ON E. 2TH ST. $3.1110. , $1500 Cash or Irvlngton Lot First 6-room bungalow, lvorv and hardwon floors, comfy Hutch kitchen snd break fact nook, 2 bedrooms and a dressiuc r0'm; TrlNFI.T.. EAST 410 300 down and move Into the best ii, .i. a.-nA.n huniralow you ever owneo. with a lot. frontage of loo feet and only 4 blocks to good grade school, 2 blocks m e.r. Owner leaving town immedl- ately. Call Main 6333. Wdln. 763. 7-ROOM BUNGALOW In Laurelhurst; others wouiu m-i it fijw, v, " - . - MR. VAIL. 609 Wilcox Bldg. Vain 441. siVAi' KXAI' SNAP. Near Laurelhurst Park; modern 5- room bungalow, electricity. gj. iurii.-r, garage. Improvements paid, $3300; $7j0 cash, balance terms. SMITH-WAUONKR CO.. Stock Kxrh. Hide.. 3d and Yamhill. lU-Vkif miiut niuk. oulck Ra,. or nil beautiful Laurelhurst horn., 1'ioxloo .r, beautiful shrubbery. If you are In ths market you should arrange to Bee It. call UC lor u.-uni. .iu.uvv. JOHNSO.V-DODSON CO . 603 N. W Hank Hldg Main 37T. VAI.VI'T I'AIIK BUNGALOW. $.180050x100 lot; Ideal 6-room bun- ' galow.; strictly modern; garage; best buy In this district: near Jefferson high. MARSH McCAUB CO.. REALTORS. 822-24 Falling Hldg. Marshall 3IW3. IRVINGTON HOME. Beautiful modern residence, 100x100 corner; 8 rooms, sleeping porch, hard wood floors, etc.. garage; one block to Broadway and Irvlngton cars. Marshall 14S7 or Main 7732. B to 12 A M. ROSE C1TV BUNGALOW. 4 large rooms, lot 57x100 corner, ga rage, bullt-ins. $2500. $f.MI cskh. $20 per month. Smlthpeter. with Interstate Land Co., 248 Stark st. Main 542'J. COMPLETELY furnished ll-rooin bunualow style houne, bath, garsge. $300 down, ba'iance $25 month. Aek for BUSHUE. 518 Chamber of Commerce, MUST Sell my 10-room modern bouo. rental $45. Pries $2200. Terms. 62i6 92d St.