Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 01, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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Envoy and Others Discuss
German Problem.
France Declared to Be Facing
Grave Situation Message Ad
dressed to Americans.
WASHINGTON'. D. C, March 31.
Problems Involved in the collection
by France of reparations from Ger
many were discussed by Rene vl-
vlani. envoy extraordinary from the
French reDublic. with Senator U)ge,
chairman of the foreign relations
committee, and other American offi
cials at a dinner tendered the former
French premier tonight by Ambas
sador Jusserand.
M. VivianL in conference with
Senator Lode and Geonte-W. Wick-
ersbam, former attorney-general of
the United States, after the dinner,
reviewed at some length results of
the recent London conference in whicn
the allied reparation demands were
refused by Germany.
Those close to M. Vlvianl were em
phatic in disclaiming any request by
him for material aid to j-rance, stat
ing that he suggested only the ex
tension of "moral support" by the
United States in what was represent
ed to be a grave international situa
tion confronting France.
M. Vivlani tonight addressed a
message of greeting to the American
"I have acceDted the miss on," he
said, "with a deeper joy. as by tn-
trustintr me with the mandate of
bringing to President Hardinir the
wishes which friendly France forms
for him and for his administrator., I
could have the opportunity throujl
you to hail America, all America.
'I came here in other times, trai
u -.a15 Hi
ftl-ITifl 1 W I'll 1 I - '11 ilul I I Hill, ij"
Tornr," which opexs at the star
Columbia Pola Negri. "Pas
sion," Majestlo Harold Lloyd, "Now
or Never."
Rivoli Roscoe (Fatty) Ar-
buckle, "Brewster's Millions.'
Peoples Katherine MacDonald.
"My Lady's Latch Key."
Liberty William S. Hart.
"O'Malley of the Mounted."
Star Edith Roberts, "The Fire
Circle Bert LyteU, "The Mis
leading Lady."
Hippodrome Gladys Walton,
"All Dolled Up."
Globe Bebe Daniels, "Every-woman."
xHE blindness of youth has served
as a theme for many a tale, but
what gives "Blind Youth," which
comes to the Star tomorrow, its title
.-al and dark, which, howevei. shine is the statue by that name made by
foi me with all. the enthusiasm ,h. h... ... .l, Un lln h.
'""r-"" ."'" I fortune on hi. ..l.h.d
"'Vnti tnav TRArin the sacreri P ni O - I - " '
tion whrch I felt when I roturncd.
Let me express to you this emotion
in my message. v
Never America, whole America,
will know the
try for her.
"Nothing will ever break the ties
of the heart which unite France to
your republic. France, which has
suffered so much for right, asks 'only
for justice and hopes for the salva
tion of humanity through a better
Maurie Monnier goes to Paris to
become a great artist. He comes
back a failure with a great discon
tent. He is sitting deiectedlv on
.atitude of my coun- I bench in Central park when a young
woman. Hope Martin, comes along
and asks him to her home for dinner.
They fall in love.
But Maurie has a past, and there's
woman in it. of course the kind
who always comes back. For a time
it looks as though she is going to
rock the boat irretrievably, aided by
Maurie's jealous rjid selfish brother;
out, and Maurie ultimately comes in
lor nis belated share of happiness.
Aerial Stirrer of Olvmlo Tlmhef x ""PL""" 'S marKed by careful
Destruction Finislied.
EUGENE. Or., March 31. The three
irmy airplanes detailed by the war
department to make an aerial survey
of the timber on the Olympic penin
sula, in Washington, recently dam
aged by a severe wind storm, arrived
in Eugene this afternoon on their re
turn flight to Rockwell field. San
Diego, and remained over night. - The
aviators expect to start on the second
leg of their flight tomorrow morning.
They flew to Eugene from Camp
j-wis witnout stopping.
Captain Lowell Smith, in charge of
the squadron, said that numerous pho
tographs taken of the devastated tim
ber show that immense damage was
done The pictures, when developed,
will be turned over to the forest de
partment and & complete written re
port will be made by the aviators.
attention that Is given to every de
tail which tends to make the por
trayal mora realistic. -.'
For instance Maurie Monnier, hero,
is a sculptor. He was given special
training by a famous western sculp
tor in just how to go through the
motions of modeling in clay. Also
French officers who were touring the
country, when the picture was being
filmed in California were induced to
lend their services to give "atmos
phere" to masquerade scenes of the
Latin quarter of Paris.
From the drawing rooms of Fifth
avenue and the studios of Greenwich
village to the ateliers of Paris and
the garrets of Montmarte 60 the
characters of the story travel.
"Blind Youth" was adapted from
the stage success of the same name,
written b; Lou Tellegen and Willard
Mack. It was directed by Ted Slo, and. a capable cast, headed by
Walter McGrail and Leatrice Joy,
portrayed the various roles. The
screen version was written by Kath
erine Reed.
Screen Gossip.
According to a report from New
York; Jackie Coogan, the kid who
scores so heavily in Charlie Chaplin's
latest and best picture, "The Kid,"
will, for a time at least, desert the
films for the stage. Jackie has just
finished the first of a series of pic
tures based upon the "Peck's Bad
Boy" stories. The stage engagement,
according to the report, has to do
with headline appearances on the
Keith circuit at a salary of 2500
week, Little Jackie is to make a
speech telling of funny incidents dur
ing the filming of "The Kid" and of
his own starring -ehicie. A couple of
recital. ons will rou a out his stunt
The engagement is to begin in New
York city.
Oregon Commercial Secretaries In
Gathering at Eugene.
EUGENE. Or., March 31. (Special.)
At the University of Oregon short
course session for commercial secre
taries here thU afternoon George A.
Mansfield of Medford, president of i
the state organization of farm bu
reaus, spoke on the farm and busi
ness, and C. D. Rorer. president of
ine Hank or Commerce of Eugene,
discussed "The Farmer's Place in the
Business World." T. E. McCroskey
of Salem tonight spoke on community
leaeration leadership.
The regular programme of the
course will be completed tomorrow
with the class work, in addition to an
address by John R. Whitaker and a
discussion of annual reports by H. O.
l'robach. secretary of the Medford
Mrs. William Snidow of Willamette,
the patient.
Misa Beulah Snidow. aunt of the
little girl, gave the skin necessary
to graft on the child's face and chest-
Dr. Scholx Will Assume Dntles Im
mediately at College.''
Dr. Richard Frederick Scholz. the
new president of Reed college, ar
rived on the campus yesterday and
will assume the duties of his office
today. The college will open after
the Easter recess on' Monday.
Dr. Scholx left the University of
Washington, where he was professor
of history, about a week ago and has
been enjoying a short vacation- He
has taken up his residence on the
campus in the president's house, with
his wife and two children.
Several informal student and fac
ulty gatherings have been planned to
welcome the new president, who was
introduced to the student body of the
college on his initial visit early in
March. y
Ten-Cent Bread Reduced to Jflne
at Rosebnrg, Or.
ROSE BURG, Or., March, 31. (Spe
cial.) The three bakeries of this city
today announced a reduction in some
lines of goods, effective April 1.
I Bread that has been selling for 10
1.C1110 win use yi iiiru ai a leilis.
Doughnuts, formerly 30 cents a dozen,
will be sold at 25 cents. j
Cookies are reduced from 25 centa
What the New York Newspaper
Critics Said About "Black Beauty"
"It is a far better product than the book itself, and it is prob
able that Anna Sewell would say as much. Must be considered as
one of the fine pieces of motion picture work of the season. A
picture play deserving of large patronage and long life." New York
Morning World.
"Charm and good taste the production and direction teem with
. them. 'Black Beauty is the sort of wholesome entertainment that
builds sturdy tissue in the interesting picture industry." New
York American. .
"Right after the two weeks' run of The Kid' the Strand theater
presents this week 'Black Beauty another of the best pictures of
the season. The picture is so refreshing in its atmosphere, so kind
in its message and so clean in its purpose that it cannot fail to
captivate the hearts of motion picture patrons." New York Morn
ing Telegraph. ' "
The presence of the various stable characteristics makes this
picture one of the alluring novelties of the season. A very attract
ive production which, in the immortal words of any clothing adver
tisement, is fitted to customers of all ages'." New York Herald.
"It's a job to be proud of, I think, having made Black Beauty
into a picture which will please infant and adult, a job which so
easily might have been badly done, but is not. At the Strand there ,
were hosts of unnaturally quiet little boys marshaled in to see it.
ffhep thought it was 'great stuff." New York Daily News.
"A picture that will attract thousands of animal lovers to the
Strand this week. The film version of this tale follows the book
closely." New York Journal of Commerce.
"So skillfully has Vitagraph told this story on the screen that
to many it will seem even better than the book itself." New York
Evening Telegram. ,
"As a picture it is indeed a novelty for which the producers de
serve more than the usual credit." New York Globe.
"On the silver sheet 'Black Beauty is in many respects a
remarkable picture. There are thrills a-plenty, likewise the race
for the train in the final scene being one of the best filmings of its
kind the motion picture world has produced, with a succession of'
sensational riding feats. Jean Paige has an appealing beauty. She
screens and plays extremely welL Her supporting castas of the
best." New York Evening Mail..
"One of the unique offerings of the season is 'Black Beauty,'
which atones for many a' vampire-laden blight of the past. It's a
relief to meet with actors who aren't trying to register.' Jean Paige
leads the human battalion and does itas one to the manner and
the saddle born." New York Evening Sunl .
"'Black Beauty scores. There is an excellent race to climax
the story." New York Journal.
a dozen to 15 cents, and buns from 25
cents to 20 cents a dozen.
Approximately $18,000 Will Be
Expended This Tear.
SALEM. Or., March 31. (Special.)
Approximately 818.000 appropriated at
th. iont HRfrfnn of the legislature
will be expended in improving he
capltol and supreme court buildings
this year. I
The Improvements will include in
stallation of a new passenger elevator
in the capitol building, new freight
elevator In the supreme court build
ing, painting the walls and roof of
the state house and providing awn
ings for the supreme court structure. 1
Plans and specifications for the two
elevators are being sought, and it Is
probable that the contract for these
improvements will be awarded soon.
King to Boost Reclamation.
Washington, D. C, March 31. Will
R. King of Ontario, Or., former chief
counsel for the United States recla
mation service, located in business
here, was appointed today by Gover
nor Davis of Idaho as a member of
the legislative and educational com
mittee of the Western States Recla
mation association. Governor Davis
is president of the latter association.
A new radish from Siberia is being
offered by all the grocery and general
stores who handle Morse's seeds. It
is Morse's specialty this year. Adv.
22-Montlis-OId Girl at Oregon City
in Delicate Operation.
OREGON CITY. Or, March 31.
(Special.) A delicate skin-grafting
operation was performed in the Ore
gon City hospital this morning by
Dr. H. S. Mount. Dr. Guy Mount and
Dr. McLane. with little Helen Snidow,
Il-tnonths-old daughter of Mr. and
, Sturdy Suits
for Boys.
Every "PeTTection" Suit is
sturdily and beautifully tai
lored of genuine woolen fab
rics. Pants linings and trim
mings are of best and strong
est fabrics coats are alpaca
lined most of them have ex
tra trousers. Sizes as large
as 18.
$15, $16.50 to $25
Member Greater Portland
A Message to Everybody
In the State of Oregon
Keep 1921 Prosperous Keep the Wheels of Industry Moving!
You All Need Somethin:
You business men in every line of endeavor you women you are all
anxious to see the wheels of industry kept moving. You want good times to
prevail, steady employment, good wages IT'S UP TO YOU.
Be normal follow the imnulse to buv the things vou need. HelD
. - 4 tJ A
increase the demand to the point where there will be enough normal demand
to keep every man at his job with money in his pocket.
I'm doing my share placing orders every day because the' necessities
are now back to a sane price basis. . YOU-WANTED LOWER PRICES
I am now offering you new merchandise at THE NEW LOW PRICES.
You have needs. Fill them. Start right now. LET 1921 FULFILL ITS
New Spring Suits at Money-Saving Prices
$2 $55Th $41(TiV
r f o jj
i II m l lit I
Upstairs, Broadway at Alder
. mm
3-If MONEY. llll
Due to the
success of
everywhere, we
have decided
to hold ,
A Clearance Sale of 4
ana .
- of All Other Makes
At S;
TTIi 0
acrnice rnces
Beginning Friday, April 1
The Prices Named
Will Create a Wave
of Buying That Will
Start' This Sale With
a Rush?
It will pay you to buy a supply
of Tires and Tubes to last you
throughout the entire Spring and
Summer. " '
(A ropy of which Is reprinted here.)
Broadway at Glisan Street
Portland, Oregon
Owing to enormous success of Keyston Cords everywhere we want
you to hold big sale and clear your store of all other makes. Begin
clearance sale at sacrifice prices on April first r.nd call cuHtomcrs'
attention to this greatest of all opportunities to save money on
standard tires and tubes. Expect you to break all records advlne
your customers to attend sale at once and get best bargains.
List. Sale.
Qpnn, Make Tread. Price. Price.
142 Batavia Plain $18.75 S 8.40
8 Flak Plain 15.00 9.4S
28 Batavia N. S. 19.70 9.KS
17 Warco - N. S. 17.80 74S
10 Fisk ' N. S. 17.S5 11.45
200 Batavia Plain 22.15 N.5
107 Batavia N. S. 23.50 12.9S
117McGraw N. S. 20.50 13.B5
23VltaIio N. S.N 22.35 14.B5
5 Riverside N. S. S0.00 B.43
10 Fisk N. S. 20.S0 14.9S
5 Fisk - N. S. 2630 17J
2 Goodyear N. S. . 25.30 1T.S5
30 Republic N. S. 25.30 1.8S
13 Warco N. S. 23.60 IS.O.1
- fi McLean ....26.95 10.S
2 Riverside N. S. 23.00 11.45
9Cenfy PI Rib 32.40 1M.45
68 Warco N. S. 29.60 14.35
137 Batavia N. S., 32.80 ISMS
10 Fisk B. T. N. S. 29.05 16-5
10 Fisk R. T. N. S. 34.85 1H.75
18 Perfection N. S. 33.60 15.35
, 32x4.
5 Ajax Plain 80.30 15.00
35 Batavia Plain 34.40 17.43
6 McLean N. S. 36.00 11.55
1 Goodvear N. S. 33.63 23.W5
109 Warco N. S. 30.60 15.35
56 Batavia Plain 35.80
S Fisk Plain 31.80 1H.K5
4 Gillette Plain. 31.80 1B.OO
62 Batavia Rib 37.85 19.S5
36 Gryphon Rib 35.10 1J5
110 Warco N. 3. 33.75 1B-H5
3 Defiance N. S. 36.00 21.45
4 Batavia N. S. 39.25 24.35
4 Fisk N. S. 36.80 24.83
10 Firestone N. S. 39.25 23.5
.19 Pullman N. S. 38.60 1B.H5
34x4. '
49 Batavia Plain 37.10 17.30
2 Gillette Plain 32.50 16.K5
64 Warco N.S. 34.85 17.35
14 Gryphon Rib 86.60 22.K5
10 Fish N. S. 37.55 25.55
Otmn. Make.
List. Pale.
Tread. Price. Price,
31 Kent
17 Pullman
20 Cenfy Pt.
N.S. J35.70 SIM.RS
N. . 39.65 17.45
N.S. 40.15 24.05
4 Fisk
2 Ajax
2 Globe
N. S. 146.80 2K.h5
IN. ss. 4!.UU iSM.m
N. 8. 47.25 1K.73
6 Fisk
4 Klsk
N. S.
41.80 2M.'
4X30 20.45
2 Ajax Z Plain 43.15 2i.oo
42 Fisk' Plain 43.15 21.53
7 DreadnaURht Rib 46.60 24.S5
2 Endurance N.S. 44.00 ik.5
3 Stirling N.S. 58.90 25.75
4 Ajax N. S. -7.95 32.00
10 Dreadnanght N. S. 61.80 2.i5
69 Fisk N.S. 49. t 27.K3
2 Globe N.S. 50.35 24.43
National N. S. 47.95 27.55
18 Fisk
24 Batavia
68 Fink
5 Firestone
35x4 ',4.
Plain 45.10 21.33
N. S. 65.65 20.75
N.S. 62.15 2X.43
N. S. 55.65 27.W5
5 Globe Plain 50.60 20.H3
10 Batavia Rib 55.25 2W.K0
2 Dreadnailght Rib 66.60 26.45
82 Batavia N. S. 66.50 20.43
8 Dreadnaught N. S. 58.80 2K.45
7 Fisk N. S. 62.90 2I.H5
4 Globe N. S. 53.40 24.15
14 Nat'l Sn'dwy N. S. 50.85 27.K5
3 Firestone N". S. 61.65 2S.B5
" 2b Batavia Rib 63.85 33.43
2 Ajax N.S. 62.90 3H.40
35 Batavia N. S. 65.35 3.45
4 Fisk - " N.S. 61.15 32.35
2 Batavia N. S. 67 45 35.40
5 Fisk Plain 60.00 21.N3
28 Batavia N. S. 69.25 3S.45
250 Fisk N.S. 64.85 30.45
2 Nat l Bp'dwy N.S. 62.35 34.43
' 4 Savage N.S. 69.00 23.45
List. Sale.
Qnn. Mke, Trend. Price. Price.
31tl4 ord.
8 Fisk Rib 14'.I.M S2H.45
2 Sterling Rib SO 27.IMI
32 Fisk N. S. 62. HO 3Q.OW
33x4 -orJ,
4 Kisk Kill i,l 3.'. 20.S3
2 Fisk N S. 63.90 3I.5
32 4 H roril.
4 Firestone TTTii 02. nil 20.R3
5 Firestone N. S. 65.25 32.B5
6 Fisk N.S. 69 16 33.05
3.11414 "rd.
2 Klsk X. S. 61). 50 31.115
34x4 s mm.
u.'i Kisk Jffii STiTi STTitS
2 Firestone I!lb 65.30 3.45
2 Stirling N.S. 66 20 20.H3
2 Fisk p. S. 62 06 3.V45
33x4 4 ford.
3 Kisk Rib mXii 3T2H
18 Firestone Rib 66 55 3XH3
ZIZ- 1
' 44 Fisk Tub (iTTii SuTS
6 Firestone Rib 68.45 34.23
1 Gillette X. S. 65.20 30.113
33x5 ord,
2 Firestone Uih 77.45
4 Firestone X. S. 8180 43.K5
33x3 rd.
168 Kisk 1 Rib tTbT! 373
1 Firestone Rib 81.25 44.BO
4 Carlisle N.S. 75.25 S7.H5
43 Fisk X. S. 77 35 .1W.II5
37x5 ord.
15 Fisk jTTT 77.50 3H.45
2 Fisk N.S. 81. 35 40,03
IGlllette N.S 81.35 31.45
30x3 l.43
3xS V. I.3
32x3 2.03
31x4 .? 2.35
82x4 , 2.05
33x4 2.75
34X4 ., 2.H3
Other Sizes Priced In Proportion.
In the history of the Tire and Tube sales there has never been a more attractive oc
casion for motorists and business people to save money than in this event,, which begins
Friday, April 1.
Some Tires and Tubes are classified as "seconds," but the term simply means that
these are surplus lots, overproductions, etc All Tires and Tubes offered are brand new,
and everything we sell; no matter how low it is priced, is guaranteed.
Of course, it goes without saying that there will be a tremendous attendance bright
and early, and we advise you to lose no time. -
Remember This Is a Final Clearance
Your Greatest Opportunity
We Are Distributors of
(Guaranteed 8000 Miles)
Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention
M. A. Wurzweiler, Manager
143 9lxtfc t, Kear AMrr.