16 THE MORNING OREGOMAX, THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1921 REAL ESTATE. For 8ale Farm. HERE IS A REAL FARM BARGAIN, ClyiBE IN TO PORTLAND. 40 acres about 5 miles south of Beaver ton, close to mail and milk route: 10 acres In cultivation at least 10 acre'; more very easily cleared: 300 or 4(10 cords of wood In one corner; balance In good pasture; G-room house, barn and outbuildings: with this goes 8 cows, Holstein bull, 3 brood sows. 3 hogs ready for market. 4 horses. 3-year-old colt. 60 chickens, full set of farm machinery and tools; everything complete for $7500; some terms; this place is going to be old before April 15 so you had better act at once. STEWART & JOHNSON. SIS Northwestern Ranw Hldg. 23 ACRES, 9 MILES EAST. Just nine miles east from city limits, corners on two rocked mads, one to be paved right away; 23 acres all cleared and In crop, lies fine, best soil, no rock, five room plastered bouse, new barn, lots outbuildings. Including garage. Profitable cherry orchard. Right st school. Price $7500. Might trade lor acreage home on Oregon City car line. HARGROVE REALTY CO. 122 North 6ib St. Broadway 4381. 117 ACRES STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. NEAR 81LVEKTON. This farm Is located on the main road with mail and cream route: 40 or 5 acres In high state of cultivation; !( acres more very easily cleared: all fenced with woven wire and cross-fenced: has good set of buildings consisting of 6-room bouse, barn and outbuildings all painted; with this goes 5 cows, fine team, wagon and harness, all machinery stnd tools; everything complete for $75 per acre; now this is a bargain, so you iiad better act at once. STEWART A J,OHNSON. BIB Northwestern Hank Bldg. I SPLENDID 10 ACRES, 6 COWS, 200 HENS. This In best part Hillsboro dis s trlct. very best land, lies per fectly, all In cultivation, except one acre; 4-room bouse, good size barn, hen house 16x50; fruit and berries; horse, harness, wagon, implements; 20 tons hay, 6 fine, cows, 200 White Leghorn hens. Everything for $6200. On good rocked road. HARGROVE REALTY CO. 122 North 0th St. Broadway 4381. FARMS. We have um plendld bargains In farms only 4 miles from Portland on good roads with all improvements that can be had at a sacrifice at this time. Only 60 minutes from the center of the business district. It will pay you to ; Investigate this If you are looking for , f good, farm. BIHR-CARET, 211 Railway Exchange Bldg.. Stark and 3d Sts. Main T487. SNAP Small, choice cranberry ranch, cozy -home, nice location, $2700. Investigate. Owner, box 83, Lon g Beach, Wash. COMPELLED TO SELL at once. 80 acres, near Roseburg. Mra Shields. Wdln. 861. WANTED REAL ESTATE. LOT OWNERS, ATTENTION. We are purchasing agents for the WICKMA.V BUILDINO CO. and are going to purchase a number of vacant lots. In addition to this, we will build for prospective clients on their own lot , or any lot that they select which is listed with us for sale. We know of no better method of selling that vacant lot than by listing It with us. Don't delay. Write us at once. J. A. WICKMAN' CO.. 'Shortest Way Home." 284 Stark St. Main 1094 and 898. i HAVE 4 lots on East 28th St.. near Powell Valley road, one 1920 1-ton truck, run about 200 mile one 1917 light six. S-pasaenger touring car. Will sell cheap for cash or trade for house or acreage close-in. Call at 86 Powell Valley road, corner 20th. Woodstock car. , RESPONSIBLE business man wants to purchase 6 to 7-room house with garage, good district, Alameda, Irvington or Rose City preferred. Terms $500 down, balance substantial monthly payments. 4tate location, description and terms. C 519, Oregonlan. , INVESTIGATE our plan of disposing of vacant lots In any pait of city. ELWOOD WILES A SON. INO, 283 Stark St., near 4th. WANTED FROM OWNER. XJp-to-the-mlnute bungalow from 4 to rooms, with garage; must be In very desirable location, hardwood floors, etc Might consider a small ant. house or 2 flat building. This Is not an agent. E 510. Oregonlan. "WANT attractive 5-room bungalow, good district; no inflated values considered; have snappy, practically new 6-cylinder car, light weight, privately owned and operated by responsible business man; give price and details first letter; owner. E 5411. Oregonlan. 4uR LIST of bungalows around $5000 Is about exhausted. Have more calls than - we have places to offer. If you have a bungalow for sale in a restricted dis trict get In touch with u& POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. . Main 1800. Residence East 6771. WANTED SMALL FARMS NEAR PORTLAND. I want small farms from 1 to 10 acres near Portland. Apply C. L. Parrlah. 209 railing Ding. UUYERS wailing for small. Improved tracts from one to ten acres. Improved or unimproved, within 20 miles Port land. For a quick sale see Akerson & Marsters, 420 Henry bldg. HAVE three parties who want homes In Irvington, Rose City and Hawthorne. They will buy If you have yours priced without an inflated value. 326 Artisans bldg. Broadway 897. WANTBD To buy from owner 5-room modern bungalow, Sunnyslde, Hawthorne district; price about $3000; cash $500, balance $85 monthly, including Interest. V 840. Oregonlan. LIST your vacant lot with us If you want It sold. BIHR-CARET, ' Railway Exchange Bids;. Main 7487. WANTED. 8IX-ROOM BUNGALOW. Mast be modern and in good location. will pay all cash, but must have six rooma lail rsawy. zto. io agents. WANTBD To buy, small furnished house in Portland or suburbs; will pay small amount down and large monthly pay ments. Moore, 900 E. 27th st. N., Port land. SAVE CASE 8, in very best condition that 1 will exchange for $2500 equity In mod ern bungalow; describe property fully. .WEST SIDE 6 or 8-room house, walking distance, price not to exceed $0500. Client will pay casn k price is right. E. J. Oelser, 417 Chamber of Commerce. WEST SIDE 6 or 8-room house, walking distance, price not to exceed s.ihj. cli ent will pay cash if price is right. E. J. GEISEIt, 417 Chamber of Com. "WANTED 6 or 6-room house. In Haw- , thorne district, lot must have space for garage, t'rice or let-s.- t;. J. tTj-.iMi.rt. n Lnamofr or tom. Wanted Lots In Rose City. Sunnvside. Moreland; not over $1000; second mort gage propositions for builder. AB 311, Oregonlan. HAVE client for apartment house or flat Eroperty up to $30,000. Montgomery & eap, 437 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Broadway irc. WANTED Residence In RoM City oi Hawthorne districts. $R00 cash. good, monthly payment; must be bargain; - owners only, r-none -into, oiu-iij. preferred; will exchange brand-new Standard auto for equity. Phone Bdwy. 673. M. Lawson. WANT home to $4000; will give 40 acres of land and some cash as first, payment. Call 1230 Sandy blvd., or phone during day. Titpar aai-a. Wanted 5 or 6-room houpe, in Haw thorne district, lot must have space for garage; price $4000 or less. - E. J. Gelser, 417 Chamber of Commerce. "WANTED Moutrn Dungaiow ar part pay ment on 46-acre ranch, good build'fngs. running water. Owner. Estacada. Or., Route 2. box 11. WANT one to ten-acre place, well located, close to car, Multnomah or Ryan Place; nothing but actual sacrifice considered. A. K. Hill. 426 Lumh-rmens bldg. WANT disect from owner, lot In Rose Cllr Park, not over 8 blks. from car, not over $500 cash. 618 Chamber of Com- merre Mdg. WANT west side house in good condition south of Montgomery and west of 4th st. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. WANT residence; give cnolce acreage; good Improvements. 141 69th North. Tabor 7055. .WANTED A lot in Laurelhurst,, or Rose City; lowest cash price AK 421, Ore-, r gonian. WANT acreage -near Portland; have Al farm mortgage to apply on same. Main 8931. WILL pay all cash for a real bargain Is a four or l-room modern bungalow; owners only. 60S 8th St. Main 3589. - WANTED 4 or 5-room house under $3000, 8700 cash 783 Brooklyn st. LoT and acreage listings. Barrett Build ing Co.. 514 Panama building. ,W ANTED Building lot as payment light car; $600, M 643, Oregonun. ' ' - . . T ANTED REAL ESTATE. WILL trade a good used touring car for a vacant lot in Rose City, Irvington or Alameda Park. Bdwy. 3696. Want ed to Rent Farms. WANTED TO KENT, SMALL PLACES. Have several people wanting to rent . acreage or small farms. Close to Portland- preferred. Some people will buy the place after leasing for year or more. We make lots of sales this way. Will buy equipment If priced right. JOHN FERGUSON, Uerllnger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. WANTED FARMS TO RENT. We are having many calls every day for farms to rent, especially close to Portland, if you have one to lease, drop us a line and we will do the rest. . F. L. EDDT, RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOB RENT FARMS. FOR RENT 200 ACRES. 200 acres, 23 acres seeded hi oats and vetch, some wild meadow, bal ance good pasture; silo, barn with concrete floors will hold about 23 or 30 head of cows; personal prop erty for sale; 20 head of cows, all to freshen within the next thirty days; team horses; mower, plows, harrow, cultivator, 15 ten-gallon milk cans and all crops. Rent $70 per month. Give possession at once. Price $3250. Half cash. Terms. 20 ACRES. 20 acres, all nnder cultivation,; family orchard, fair 8-room house, good barn. 8 acres in oats and vetch, 2 miles from good country town, high school, bank, railroad station. Rent $250 a year. 160 ACRES. 160 acres, about 70 seres under . cultivation, balance good pasture, good set farm buildings. Will lease. 17 cows, tractor, horses and all farm Implements, together with land, for $100 per month. - THOMPSON. SWAN LEE. 3d & Main SLs. Vancouver, Wash. FARM LEASE FOR SALE Snap on per .sonal property and crop If sold soon: everything on the place to handle this year's crop; rent all paid to Oct. 1; move right in and take the lines. Owner, AV 369, Oregonlan. 40 ACRES near Oregon City, $150; 15 near Vancouver, $17S; 1U near Eugene, mv. 141 East 69th North. Tabor 7055. TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE Sawmill, 20,000 oaflracltj daily; 20,000,000 feet timber tributary, owned and under option, 40.000.000 more available, government owned, short haul to railroad track, plank road, -year-round operation, 1 549. oregonlan. WANTED Reliable. competent logger able to finance himself to take contract to log; all equipment for one side camp furnished on jod. av oso. uregoman. FOR SALE Oak timber, first growth. For particulars write Stevs Petroff, box 34, Battleground, Wash. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. BEACH LOTS EXCHANGE FOR FAINTING OR BUILDING. Lota are well located at Tillamook Beach, near station and ocean. Address AH 546, Oregonlan. 160-ACRES STOCK RANCH. $4000. 9 miles from Wlllamlna; from 80 to 100 acres tillable; shack house, good sized barn, young orchard, large creek: will take house up to $2000 or $500 cash as part payment; we have photographs of this and hundreds of other exchanges, and can surely match your trade. See Mr. Stephena Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. EXCHANGE OFFICE. A modern 6-room house, has hard wood floors, furnace, fireplace, garage and breakfast nook; on paved street, will trade the $3000 equity in this beau tiful home for Improved acreage that Is close to carline. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. EXCHANGE. 714 acres, all In cultivation, good 7 room house, half mile from station, stock and implements. Will exchange for good 7-room in good location. BIHR-CARET, 211 Railway Exchange Bldg.. Stark and 3d Sts. Main 7487. FINE FARM NEAR N'EWBERG. 53 acres, near New-berg, all In culti vation except small grove; all finest soil with excellent drainage; large house with modern plumbing, big barns and other buildings; fine location and beau tiful view. Cash price $300 an acre; 'owners will consider up to half in trade. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. WILL consider a small place close In to Portland for part of the purchase price on a fine 200 acres about 60 miles from , Portland: fully stocked and equipped; grain crops all in; balance of culti vated land plowed; full purchase price IS $14,000. STEWART JOHNSON, '815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 7-ROOM MODERN $5000. Oak floors, fireplace, furnace, modern, good location, clear of liens, exchange for farm within 40 miles of Portland. Will assume. Cleveland, Bdwy. liau, 808 Board of Trade bldg. SELL OR EXCHANGE. All or part of my 880-acre ranch, suit able tor stock, dairy or general larming; school and highway: abundance of water for irrigation; reasonable price and easy terms: will take Portland or valley prop erty in trade. Owner, p. o. Box 284, vrlnevnie. ur. 42M, ACRES All cultivated, good build ings, orchard, berries, stocked and eaulnned with croo all in: $15,000: take residence to $4000. $3000 cash, balance terms; in miles out. FRED G. LAWSON A CO.. 416 Chamber of Commerce. Main 867 FINE STOCK FARM. 260 acres, all under plow except -15 seres; large barn, good house; fully equipped; ssu.ouu: want jrortiana prop erty; will go to $100,000. W. H. ROSS, 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 80 ACRES. 2 miles Brush Prairie. Wash.. 45 acres In cultivation, good buildings, J mail and cream route. Take house In Portland. COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 Fourth 8t. Main 4SI2. I HAVE 4 lota on East 28th st.. near Powell Valley road, one 1920 IK -ton truck, run about 2000 miles, one 1917 light six, 5-passenger touring car. Will sell cheap for cash or trade for house or acreage close-in. Call at 890 Powell Valley road, corner 29th. Woodstock car. WILL trade equity of $2100 for lots or light car, half cash; my home at 4543 E. 61st st. S. E. ; 6 rooms, modern; lots 50x150 ft.: sidewalks; 2 blocks from car; 7 fruit trees, berries, chicken runs, large garden spot; $700 mortgage. Main 5322. Dr. Flnnell. WEST SIDE CONFECTIONERY. Good location with some living rooms: price $2600; want land up to $2000 on North Bank highway. SEE JOHN BROWN & CO.. . 822 Railway Exchange Bldg. I WILL exchange good building lota or acreage for a small car.- Have a great ' deal of vacant property and can give you your choice. See owner, 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st. TWO FINE quarter blocks, one on Bel mont other on East Pine St. All Imp. In and paid. Sacrifice for quick sale, or will trade. What do you offer? Private owner. East bllJK. FOR SALE or exchange, large 9-room ,. modern house, 8 lots, on E. 60th st.. In heart Mount Tabor district; abundance fruit, $8750. See owner. 126 E. 60th st EASTERN WASH., 2 sections of land, all in cultivation; price $40 an acre; for sale or exchange, by owner. -Main 3590. S. A. Ootter. 313 Wilcox. FIRST mortgage. $2890, 8 per cent, due two years, on 160-acre Montana farm, to trade for land in Oregon or Washington. W. L. Mitchell. Albany, Or. 1S00-ACRE stock and grain ranch In east ern Oregon, to exchange for property In or near Portland, by owner. Main 8590. EXCHANGE lot 35x100 on Woodward ave. and 23d at. for knockabout launch. J. Kropp. box 91. Camas. Wash. 120 ACRES GOOD LAND FOR EX CHANGE FOR ACREAGE. IMP. AND ORCHARD. rKU.'li ALTO. 014-B3 SEATTLE waterfront residence property for exchange for Oregon property. Main 8590. . HAVE Improved acreage; exceptional bar gains: want residence. 141 69th North. Tabor 7055. . WILL trade house and pay cash difference for carpenter to build 9 housea See Mr. ' Morris. 401 Stark, corner Tenth. TO EXCHANGE Lot, 50x100, In good lo cality, (or good used car. TRADR late model Liberty 6 touring car for lots or acreage close in. Main 1570. WALLOWA county wheat and stock' ranch for exchange by owner. Main 8590. EXCHANGE 2 lots for house and lot or equity, pay balance cash. Call E. 840. WE HANDLE substantial trades, city and country properly. (Ml tie Couch bids. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. 160 ACRES, $1800, unimproved; 20 acres old fir, 100 acres brush, alder, cherry, fir, vine and soft maple; several springs; 40 acres clean burn grass, peavlne and fern: very fertile soil, good pasture and outrange; 1000 cords of wood; hi mile from road, 8 miles from railroad and Columbia river, 5 miles from Woodland, Wash., 4 mile from school. The making of a fine and comfortable home for a young man who wants to work tor such a recompense; about 8U acres lies nice and easy to clear; elevation 1500 to 2200 feet. Will trade for suburban home, either Portland or other city, equal value, but will not consider place with out fruit. Phone Tabor 4894 before 8 A. M. and after SFfU. week days. All oay bundays. TO EXCHANGE FOR. INCOME PROPERTY OR FARM. 45 acres. 27 miles from Portland, on electrio line, large barn, silo, garage, blacksmith shop, modern honse, hot and cold water, electric lights In all bldga, station and creamery on ' place, near church, school and high school; all buildings newly painted, steel stalls and stanchions In barn; 2 HEAD REGIS TERED JERSEY COWS AND 10 HEAD OF PURE BRED JERSEYS NOT REG ISTERED. Will take income property or trade for larger farm, will assume or pay difference. See REVERMAN INVESTMENT CO., 210 Lewis Bldg. Broadway 2954. I RAVB been very successful In making trades because I insist that both parties must be bene filed. If you have a house to trade for a farm or acreage, or a farm to trade for a houe. sea ' Maclnnes. with HARVEY WELLS CO , 03 Gasoo Bldg. Main 45M. Where Trades Are Made. 20 ACRES CLOSE IN. On good road, land levol. soil Tery rich, some cleared. An Ideal berry and poultry location. It U very low priced' at $5500. Will accept Portland home of same -value. Maclnnes. with HARVEY WELLS CO.. 603 Gasco Bldg. Main 4564. Where Trades Are Male. HAVE colonial Inrlngton residence of 11 rooms, finest location; hot water heat, hardwood finish, grounds 75x100; doubly con structed; client will accept smaller home in good location up to $6000 on an exchange. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER, East 7876. EXCHANGE. Thirteen acres, with three-fourths acre In strawberries, 100 filbert trees, all kinds of farm Implements; only 11 miles from Portland. Will take good aato In part payment. BIHR-CARBY. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg., Stark and 3d Sts. ' Main 748T. 40 ACRES NEAR OREGON CITY. All very fine soil, 20 acres cleared, 15 In crop, some good timber, 5-room house, barn, 2 springs, 10 acres of won derful berry soil, close to school, on cream route, daily mail. A very de sirable 40-acre farm and has good value tor $6000. Want Portland residence. MacINNES, with HARVEY WELLS CO.. 603 Gasco Bldg. - Main 4564. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. WHAT have you to trade for latest im proved American Can Co. aaaing ma chine? Write Sellwood Pharmacy. 1631 E. 13th St.. or phone Sell. 132. WANTED House painted inside and out side, in exchange lor good lue insurance. AJ 54', Oregonlan. WILL trade some good milk cows for horses or light automobile. Call at 896 Powell, Valley rd. FOR TRADE 1 diamond cluster ring for cabinet phonograph. Main 1941. rOR HALE. Horses. Vehicles. Livestock. SPAN of brown mares and geldings, wt 2500. aged 4 and tt years; $iwi. Span of bay mares. wt 2U50. 6 yean old; good workers; $260. Black 6-year-old horse, wt. 1300; sound and true: $100. Span of bay geldings. 6 and 9 years eld. wt. 2400 lbs.; good, tr-ie workers, $160; also several well-matched teans: wagons and harness. J. K. Howitt Columbia Stables. Front and Columbia. 7 HEAD of good work horses, weight from 1100 to 1800 lbs., age from 6 to 10. Price from $25 to $225; also 4 farm wag ons. 1 spring wagon, 3 sets of double harness, 2 single; buggy, cart, 8 plows, cultivator, mower, rake etc. Will sell this above very cheap or trade for a light automobile. Call at 896 Powell valley rd., cor. 2tn. wooostoca car. 18 HEAD of horses and mares, weighing from 1200 to 1800 pounds, from 3 to 8 years old, all are good. true, sound workers and must be sold this week. If you are looking for a bargain, see this stock. KEYSTONE STABLES. 881 Water Street, Corner Montgomery. COWS 12 head Jerseys, excellent dairy types, 3 to 7 yrs. old; 7 new milking, others to freshen: also 2 Jersey yearling heifers, fine type; 1 yearling nelfer, mixed Jersey and Shorthorn strain. Tele phone McMenamin farm. 9X1, Ridgelield. Wash., or Main 306. Portland Or. FOR SALE at bargain, extra fine team of Belgians, mare and gelding, weight 3200, 7 years old. sound, good workers, harness and good wagon; nave Deen usea tor an kinds of farm work. 783 2d. Ask tor the old man team. JUST in from the farm, will sell 8 good milk cows, milking from 2 to 4V4 gal. per day, price from $45 to $75; also two good calves very cheap. 896 Powell Valley rd. Woodstock car. JUST ARRIVED from my ranch at Castle Rock, Wash., 12 good, cheap work horses. 1100 to 1600 pounds: no further use for them. Ask for Stardblrd, 222 Union ave. South. AT BARGAIN, span well-mated brown horses, weight 2800 pounds, age 6 years, - blocky built, sound and In fine condi tion. Inquire for Locke's team, feed barn. SSI Water St., cor. Montgomery. FOR SALE Good, all-around horse, 1:150 lbs., sound and gentle. 8 years old. har ness and wagon; fine animal for a ranch. Also 1 fresh s-gaiion cow, rich milker. 1967 East Stark street, corner 78th. CARLOAD of eastern Oregon horses Just arrived at Union stockyards, some well mated teams. Call and see them today. F. W. Ball. FOR SALE Two horses and harness, weight 3000 lbs. Can be seen working at 1025 Powell Valley rd. Mr. Hender son. THREE milch goats. 1 billy, well bred: 1 fresh with 2 kid does, the other two will kid very soon; $100 takes all. Catter. 389 N. 19th St. BIG BLACK Percheron mare, weight 1600 pounds, good, true worker. Price $125. Inquire for Jack's mare, feed barn, 381 Water street, comer Montgomery. 4 BIG mules cheap; also team young marea 2700 pounds; harness and wagons of all kinds; must be sold. Atlas Woodyard, 827 Front. FOR SALE Three first-class cows, one fresh and two to come in soon. Inauire Grounlund. farm route 6. Oregon City, box 130. 1 SPAN mares, 2200 lbs., good harness and farm wagon, $135 takes them. One span grays, 2700 lbs., got to be sold. r4n f ront st. 2 TEAMS, 2oo and 3-00 lbs., with har ness, $225 each; horse, wagon, harness, $70: Jersey-Holstein cow, $70. East HEAVY team of horses, harness and w wagon for sale cheap. Portland Auto Delivery Co.. 242 Flanders st. - Bdwy. 1730. - 3 TEAMS, weight from 2900 to 3500 lbs., harness and wagon very cHeap. Call at 896 Powell Valley rd. Woodstock car. $80 BUYS grey Percheron mare, gentle, true worker and blocky built, in good condition. 381 Water street., west side. GOVERNMENT harness, converted for farm use. at a sacrifice price. J. H. Bader. front si... cor, .-vi.iin FOR SALE Several teams and wagons by Albina Fuel Co.. 453 Goldsmith st. Phone unary, a 3 CHEAP horses at almost your own price: have been working every day. moo v.amt Yamhill st- WANT 2 SOVS WITH PIGS: STATE AGE, PRICE AND PARTICULARS. PHONE MAIN twa CARLOAD of horses from Eastern Wash ington. C. L. ChappelL 222 Union ave., cor. of Salmon. - KEYSTONE FEED STABLE Horses for sale or hire, stalls for rent. 881 Water St.. foot Montgomery. juarsnail 8515. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. Phone Milwaukie 60.1 for best service. DEAD horses and cattle taken promptly. Call day or night. Auto. 627-64. VETERINARIAN. DR. HOWES. TABOR 6566. CALVES AND BEBF CATTLE WANTED! PHONE MARSHALL 2178. COME to foot of Main and Front for- good work horsea Prices right. I GOOD Jersey-Holstein cow, jut fresh reasonable. 28th and Col. blvd. liii YOUNG cow and calf 4 weeks old. Atlas woodyajd. 327 Front. FOB SALK. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. CROWN STABLES, INC. Consignment of two loads of horses Just arrived. One load of horses a log ging company has consigned to us from Bend. Now these horses are to be sold regardless of what they bring. They are borses that weigh 1600 lbs., 1700 lbs. and 1800 lbs. Some of them are 9. 10 and 11 years old. but they are good workers and sound and fat. We have one carload of farm chunks that we will sell for cash or exchange for other horses, mules or cattle. We have over 100 to pick from. Have some three and four-year-old chunks that are well broke and ready to go right to the plow; have harness of all kinds; everything guar anteed as represented. 285 Front streeL Phil Suetter. Pres. DR. CHARLES ANDERSON, Veterinarian. Prompt attention to all calls. Office, 110 Livestock Exchange bldg. Wdln. TMOO or Wdln. 6324. 1'iauoe. Organs and Musical Instruments, GET YOUR GRAFONOLA NOW WHILE THE REDUCTION IS ON. We Offer the $275.00 size for $175.00 $150.00 size for $125.00 $120.00 size for $ 85.00 $ 75.00 size for $ 60.00 $ 50.00 size for $ 45.00 $ 32.50 size for ....$ 30.00 These machines are all of the latest type, with non-set automatio stop, and can be had In oak, wal nut or mahogany, on terms to suit your convenience. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 188-190 First St, DOWNSTAIRS STORE OFFERINGS. $1000 SteinWay & Sons upright. .. .$395 $ 525 Vose & Sons upright 235 $ 5JO Mclntyre & Goodsell upright.. 215 $ 750 Planista player piano :.. 365 $ 050 Thompson player piano 595 $25 cash, $7, $8, $10 to $18 monthly. SCHWAN PIANO CO., 101 Tenth St. SECURITY Storage Co. CLOSING OUT. 2 small uprights, $65 and $75 cash. 2 parlor organs, $25 and $35 cash. $900 Steinway upright piano. $290 cash. $250 Pianola player (only) $45 cash. $475 Hallet & Davis upright piano, $195 cash. Pianos stored 75o monthly or sold for cash only. Cor. 10th and Stark sts. THREE .PIANO BARGAINS. We have a Knabe upright, ma hogany case; a Fisher upright, oak case, and a beautiful Chicker lng Grand, all slightly used, but In excellent condition, at special prices and terms. Knabe Ware rooms. LTPMAN WOLFE CO. Seventh Floor, A VERY beautiful mahogany player piano, cost brand new Christmas three years ago $735, latest design, all latest im provements and 28 music rolls, left here to be sold for what it will bring; pur chaser must pay down at least $150 cash or liberty bonds, balance easy payments or In six month. See this at once or write Oregon Eilers Music House, 287 is Washington street. Just below Fifth. KRAN1CH & BACH grand, at about half price, not a scratch on it and In the best of condition. See this wonderful piano; terms given. SEIBERLING-LU-CAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St., between Washington and Alder. $175 MASTERPIECE PHONOGRAPH, MAHOGANY CASE, PERFECT SHAPE, WILL SELL HALF PRICE; includes SO records and 2 albums; will give some terms If desired. Phone East 7333 or 514 East Market st. NORRIS piano, new but slightly shop worn; fine walnut case at almost half price: don't fail to see this instrument. Terms given. SEIBERLANG-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th sL. bet. Washington and Alder. . CHICKER1NG & SON piano, $375, this Is a real bargain in a high-grade instru ment; best of condition; terms given. SEIBERL1NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 123 4th St., between Washington and Alder. CLARENDON piano, mahogany case, new. used as demonstrator, at a big reduction, terms given. SE1BERL1NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 15 4th St., bet. Washington and Alder. ORGANS. ORGANS. $10 and - up, Estey, Mason Hamlin, A. B. Chase, Kimball, and others, all In good condition. SEIBEP.LING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th st., between Wash lngton and Alder. OUR LINE of used phonographs includes Victors. Columbia, Edison and all the leading makes at prices to suit your pocketbook. Come in and look them over. Terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 6th st, PIANO FOR SALE. $640 Wellington upright, mahogany ease, beautiful tone; sacrifice for $275 cash. Miss Schrlver, Glen Court apts., apt. 2. . STEINHAUER player piano. $395, with 50 rolls and bench, latest style, equal to new, a big snap; terms given. SE1BER-LING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St., between Washington and Alder. Ki'lllRMtlt uiano. $150. This Piano will make a fine practice Instrument; terms given. SEIU1SKL1INU-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 123 4th sL, between Washington and Alder. VOSE & SON, $175. terms given on this snap. Sbil.Bfc.ltijiiNU-t.ui-Aa juubio CO., 125 4th St., between Washington and Alder. JACOB DOLL piano, mahogany case. Just like new, a wonderful buy at $325. Terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 6th st CONWAY piano, new. never been used, at almost half price, terms given. SEI-BERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 123 4th St., between Washington ana Alder. PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING. Any make, guaranteed work. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th at. Main 858S. STORY & CLARK piano, used a few months on rent; don't overlook this one; $3!a. Terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 Btn st. KINGSBURY, plain mahogany case, $323, terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MU SIC CO., 125 4th St., between Washlng- . HnH ilitp. MANV1LLE piano, plain mahogany case, $165. small size, suitable for an apart- menu v. 125 4th st- bet. Washington and Alder WEGMAN player. 8S-note scale; this is an exceptional buy at $375; Includes 1 dos. rolls. Terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 1411 6th st. $125 BUYS $5l0 plain case upright piano. nice tone, uuw, , " - cester bldg NEW $1X50 HAMILTON" player piano fur $475; walnut case; aiao ueuca. tin x,. 51st st uimir.ANY CABINET VICTROLA. only $75. Including 50 good selections. Cost $ 15U. flawjiA:,, J-o nrei. SAXOPHONE, soprano B-fiat, almost new. 213 Gerlinger bldg., 2d and Alder. Call between 4 and 8 P. M. A BARGAIN. Leedy snare drum and base drum cheap. BQtn in Al snape. laiwr no. BUSH & LANE piano, very latest model. . $35 bench. Sell real cheap on terms; make offer. 311 Worcester bldg. PRIVATE party will pay cash for used Steinway, Weber, etc., upright or grand. T 53'l. oregonian. RESPONSIBLE people will store pisno for use of same. Will consider paying small rentalJBC432. Oregonlan. FOR VIOLIN, guitar, banjo and other strings, see us. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 tn Bt. $15 SENDS new piano to your home, then $10, $12 or more monthly. Schwan rMano vo., mi xcniii, m oi. VICTROLA valued at $173. will sell for 8125 with 22 recorda Call Broadway T . . Ann SLIGHTLY used snare drums. Leedy multi-model and others. G. F. Johnson nano i. j . no vi" $200 BUYS $675 Scheffer piano, mahog any. $50 down. $15 mo. 311 Worcester bldg. "SPECIAL FOR CASH." One new $200 model phonograph for 192.50. mahogany. ij ivortnrup st. VIOLINS, guitars, banjos, mandolins, ac cordions and other instruments. J. F. jonngnii x inn.. v.. - - ..... -v. WANTED---Sweet toned piano for cash. Main 4424 before 5 P. M. J oh nson Piano io.. n otn st. PIANOLA and 40 rolls, $20. Harold S. r-.ik.ri RK4 Yamhill st. FOR RENT Grafonola. $3 month. Em- . t- ' Ttrfwir D.l PITS limio... --j. untrj. jj) 7 PIANOS, uprights, $100 to $325; many fine makes, terms. 311 Worcester bldg. I WILL pay cash for a good used piano or player If price is right. Auto. 511-20. $650 W. W. KIMBALL piano only $225 take $50 down. 311 Worceater bldg 1000 PLAYER rolls to exchange, 10c each. narum -' , WANTED fiano at once; cash for bar rain. Marshall 5709. Harold p. Uiiucn, ooi launuu sr. LADY wants store piano for ths use of It; responsible party Phone Broadway 2308. oirv-T W.h,r ni&ver with Vnll. xj TO RENT Weber piayer with rolls. Har 1 .u st Gilbert 3S4 Yamhill st. NEW BUESCHER saxophone, case and . . -; r l ii ij,i, v , . equipment, rn-inn-c micrg UlUg. CHIC KE RING upright, mahogany; sell at once, cheap. 311 Worcester bldg. MUST sell player piano and rolls, perfect condition. F 548. Oregonlan AMATI violin for sale. Call Auto. 824-25 $1J4 VICIkOLA lor 4j. FOR SALK 1'iauos, Organs and Musical Instruments. EXCEPTIONAL VALUES IN USED PHONOGRAPHS. . Used Pathe, 6 used records. .... .$100 00 Used Victor, 8 used records 97.00 New Columbia. 6 new records... 80.10 New Columbia, 6 new records... 55.10 Used Victor, 6 usdd records 60.00 New Columbia, 6 new records.... 87.60 Used Columbia, 8 used records... 15.00 Used Victor. 6 used records 15.00 Terms. $5 to $10 down, $3 to $6 monthly. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. 101 10th St.. cor. Stark. furniture for bale. BIO SALE! BIO SALE! OVTR ENTIRE STOCK OF FURNITURE. The building is leased by Mr. Hoover and we are forced to vacate the store. We must sell our entire stock of furni ture regardless of cost price. SOME OF OUR BARGAINS: $27.50 ivory dresser for $ 17.50 $45 brass bed. latest design 29.30 $250 blue enamel Alcazar combin ation latest style, with every necessity 102.30 $00 9x12 Axminster rug for 43.50 40-lb. cotton felted mattress 6.60 $375, 3 pieces overstuffed con sisting of 1 davenport, 1 rocker 1 chair with loose cushions, spring edge and high-grade of tapestry, beautiful pattern, re duced to 213.30 And lots of bargains that you must come and be convinced. W"e don't sell them, we sacrifice them. Come early and get your bargain. Don't forget. 454 Washington Street, Cor. 13th St A VERY beautiful mahogany player piano. cost orana new cnrlstmas tnree years ago $735, latest design, all latest im provements and 28 music rolls, left here to be sold for what it will bring; pur chaser must pay down at least $150 cash or liberty bonds, balance easy payments or in six month. See this at once or write Oregon Eilers Music House, 287 H Washington street. Just below Fifth. DON'T sacrifice your furniture if going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer & Storage Co., 248 Pine St. SOLID top office counter with swing doors 68x22 Inches, $15; one revolving desk chair, $5; one directors' oak table with plate glass top 84x60, $50. Phone Main 2675. 902 N. W. Bank bldg. BED. spring, mattress, $7; library ta ble, $18; oak rocker, $14; Morris chair, $14; golden oak dining set and 6 chairs. $45; bed couch, $8. Call Tabor 5435 ( Deiore noon. SOLID oak sq. din. room table and six chairs, leather seat; rockers, arm chair, library table, curtains, lady's heavy black coat, size 36, $6. East 4569. FUMED oak buffet table and chairs to match. Many other good pieces: must sell this week. What la your offer? 4858 96th St. S. E. MODERN gas range, splendid baker, cost $100; slso white enameled steel range, wood or coal, coils, cost $150. both in perfect order, bargaina Phone 617-61. LEAVING city, must sell Turkish leather rocker, Morris chairs, library table, din In groomset:dressers 522 Goingst. SLIGHTLY used hotel ranges, with sin gle 30-inch oven, $75 each. Call May Hardware Co.. 124 Front st. EXTENSION table, rocking chair, heater, bedstead and dresser, small congoleum rug and flour chest. 1229 Montana ave. PRINCESS dresser, library table, book case, rugs, sanitary cot ana paa. Tabor 1861. : SPANISH leather arm chair, electric table lamp. 549 Montgomery st. WOOD or coal heater, oak dresser, good as new. wooqiawn oobj. BED SPRING and mattress, $35. 124 Front st. FURNITURE FOR SALE. TABOR 9520. Office Furniture. NEW AND USED office furniture; prices lowest, stock largest In cltyj wax ortice Equipment House. 24 N. 5th. Bdwy. 2739. BYRON typewriter desk and coair foi sale ve-y cheap, zau unamDtr or oom- merce Diag. 2 ROLL-TOP uesks, 4 flat-top desks, 2 (,..,!, .1tq 1 Vwinlr if pp nr Hh1t 9 safes, 3 files. Bushong & Co., 91 Park. FOR SALE Office safe, 15x22x28 inside, Typewriters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES, THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES. IRONCLAD GUARANTEE. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO. 321 WASHINGTON ST. MAIN 5081. DOANE GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER SERVICE. All makes overhauled. Experts. RE PAID. ESTIMATES ON REQUEST, Buy. sell, rent and exchange. Supplies. Auto matic 520-50. Main 6397. 124 4thst., bet. Wash, and Alder. Over Circle theater. REBUILT typewriters, ail makes, rentals, repairing, supplies Distributors CORONA portable, SUNDSTRAND, adding ma chines. Main 2285. E. W. Pease Co.. 11U Sixth street. NEW CORONA typewriter and case, writ ten about 12 letters, original ribbon, good as new. Price $40. Mr. Powell, 011 -IS linmugr vuiiimcivp mus. FOR RENT Underwood, Remington, $3.50 tfmnlre Transfer. 254 Broadwav Bdwy. 155. REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell; supplies. Type writer Inspection Co., 812 Stark st. ALL MAKES rented and repaired. Oregon m S-. a L,Vl Main AttQ NEW, rebuilt, second-hand, rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co., 231 Stark st. Main 1407 FOR SALE Fox typewriter, $28 cash. 1010 E. 17th N. Woodiawn 8442. UNDERWOOD No. 5, In fine condition. 2liil Fifth, opp. city hall. TYPEWRITER, good condition, cheap for cash. Y 537, oregonlan. Poultry. BOOSTERS WANTED. Wanted, 500 people to buy a setting of eggs from my heavy-laying strain of S. C. R. 1. Reds; 8 grand pens to select from; a few good breeding cock erels yet for sale. W. V. LOOM IS, 1923 Multnomah St, Phone Tabor 8197. s PETALUMA BABY CHIX FOR SALE. Chix from S. C. White Leghorn hens, the world"s greatest layers; eggs from free range Hoganlzed stock 'only; safe delivery of full count live chix guaran teed; April. May June chix, $14 per 10U, $135 per loiio. OAK HILL HATCHERY, Petaluma. Cal. LOOK LOOK LOOK. 6000 S. C English baby chicks. Mat and June delivery, at $15 per 100; set ting eggs $7, Book orders now. Cur 16th year. JOS. SAUNDER3. R. 2. PORTLAND, OR. FOR SALE Queen incubator. 600-egg ca pacity; Buckeye incubator. 2oO-esg ca pacity; large coal oil brooder, used only one season. Mala 5008. 1122 Ma cadam. ORDER May. June chicka from heavy pro ducers of reliable strain: $12.50 er loo. anv number; strong chicks, sale delivery: 20 with order, bal C, O. D. Graiiam W hlte Leghorn f arm, n.a. woouourn. or 9 LAST year's laying hens, mostly leg horns, $1.50 each; like to sell together. ' 57 E. 58th st. N. Take Montavllla car. 1000 O. A. C. WHITE LEGHORN baby chicks. $13 for 100; ready nw. 200 E. 23d St. N.. Rose City car. WEEK-OLD tancred White Leghorn chicks 25 cents; day-old, 20 cents. Tabor 3822. Cockerel I. " BABY CHICKS Six varieties, best stock, prices reasonable; correspondence in vlted. C. N. Needham. Salem. Or. PARTRIDGE WYANDOTTE setting efcgs, $2. 715 Williams ave. COCHIN and Leghorn bantams. 13ul Will iams ave. WEEK-OLD Barred Rock, O. A. C. strain, 25 cents each. Broadway 4240. 15 BARRED ROCK hens, $2 each. 6C57 82d at. .Phone 617-40. RHODE ISLAND eggs for setting, $1.23. Call Tabor 6079. FRESH ranch eggs direct lo you by mail. Write V. Ramsdell. Shedd. Or. WHITE Pekin Bull eggs for hatching Tabor 18116. 232 E. 55th N. Dogs, Rabbit", Birds and l'et Stock. ATTENTION. DOG LOVERS! THOROUGHBRED GERMAN POLICE DOG. CALL BROADWAY 4298. A 1" STUD Sons of eastern fou--lune held trial champions. John Proctor and Candy Kid Everglade Kennels, 504 Concord bldg. ONE AIREDALE puppy, 5 months old, black and tan, an excellent dog; price $ 15. Call Wd In. 6324. 166 Klllpatrlck st. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Boston terrlei puppies, sired by Wheatland Jackie. 1326 East Main st. Tabor 2U28. ONE BOSTON bull terrier and pup one month old for sale. 693Vi Davis st. Broadway 1403 FOR SALE. Well-bred female Scotch terrier. Call Broadway 450. MATED pair St. Andreasberg birda and yellow singer. Phone East 4175. FOR SALE Shepherd-collie, one year old; black. "009 62d ave. S. E. Boats. Launches and Marine Equipment. FOR SALE Houseboat, furnished, cheap, terms or cash. Apply Scandia Rest-, bet, 2d and 3d, Burnside. 5-7 evenings. t FOR SALE Rowboat, 16-foot, cheap. Ap ply Scandia Restaurant, between 2d and 3d, Burnside, 5-7 evenings. STL'DEBAKER special 6. 4-paa3T4ger. 1920 $1550; terms, trade-in accepted if priced right. Call Couch, Broadway 616. FOR SALE 24-ft. launca. 4-cylinder. 4 cycle. 12-horsepower. Call Sell. 1994 al tar 430. FOR SALE Boats. Launches and Marine Equipment. 20-FOOT LAUNCH. TH-h. p. Detroit motor, canopy top: will demonstrate. Call East 4794 be tween 11 and 12. FIVE-ROOM HOUSEBOAT Furnished complete; must be seen to be appre ciated; leaving city, must sell. No. 10, noigate moorage. YACHTS, launches, houseboats sold and chartered for marine service. PORTLAND YACHT AGENCY, l:t"3 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Nursery Stock. FOR SPRAYING, gardening and planting call Tabor 8299, Gregory Heights Nurs ery. OSS 80th st. N. Hofe City car. SHRUBBERY and all kinds of perennials, reasonable. Gregory Heights Nursery, 68S 80th St. Tabor 8299. FOR SPRAYING, gardening and planting, Gregory Heights Nursery. 688 80th st. Tabor 8299 CUTHBERT RASPBERRY plants cheap. Woodiawn 800; P. O Box 116. Portland. Coal and VVooa. FIRST GROWTH COUNTRY SLAB AND CORD WOOD. Green, extra thick red fir slab, de livered west side, $6.50 .per cord; cord wood, delivered west, side, $9.50 per cord. Phone Broadway 1783. DRY FIR wood, sawed or 4-fL lengths; also best coal. Standard Brick & Tile Co., 83 5th st., between Stark and Oak. Phone Broadway 18; evenings and Sun days phone Tabor 8422 or East 1634. NORTHBANK FUEL CO. Wood and coal, small orders solicited. 659 Upshur at-. Portland. Or. Phone Auto 526-36 MONTGOMERY WOOD CO., CORDWOOD, SLAB AND COAL. Larae and Small Quantities. Yard 11th and Everett sts. Auto. 522-88. FOR SALE First-growth cordwood. $9.50 per cord, 2 cords $18, delivered. Wood lawn 6312. ; BLOCK and alabwood. 2-ioad lot. Na tlonal Fuel Co- East 2041. FIRST old-growtn cordwood. $8 50; block and slab, so per loaq. isqwy. eiiu. PRICES down cordwood $9 a cord. Al berta Fuel Co., Woodiawn 2575. BLOCK AND SLAB. SPECIAL IN 2-LOAD LOTS. OREGON FUEL CO.. WDLN. 4102. BLOCK and slabwood. green and dry; re duced prices. Mr. Camp. Marshall 2483. GOOD dry cordwood. $S.50. F. E. Bow man & Co. Main 0-'Q. BLOCK and slab mixed, also old-growth nrdwood for quick delivery. Tabor 7084. BEST dry old growth cordwood; you can not beat It; only $9.50. Auto. 616-87. A-l DRY 4-ft. cordwood. 16-inch block and slab. Westover Fuel. Auto. 523-40. BEST oak cordwood. dry, $9.50; stove wood. $8 per cord. Sellwood 314. DRY BLOCK wood. Main 2676. rwwemnery. WANTED TO PURCHASE No. 4 turbine fan, second-hand, to de liver 6000 cubic feet per minute, 365 R. P. M. Belt driven. Give full descrip tion and price. M o-itt. irregonian. JEWELER'S fiat ana square roils and shears with stand, power hacksaw, Hartford filing machine, two Leymon pressure blowers, all at a bargain. Room l, seinng-nirscn oiug. MRTER CONCRETE MIXER FOR RENT. WOODLAWN 5053. Miscellaneous. A VERY beautiful mahogany player piano, cost brand new Christmas three years ago $735. latest design, all latest im provements and 28 music rolls, left here to be sold for what it will bring; pur chaser must pay down at least $150 cash or liberty bonds, balance easy payments or in six month. See this at once or write Oregon Eilers Music House. 1187 Vi Washington street, just oeiow ruui. FOR SALE Will sell my multigraph business to a reputable concern which uses considerable of this kind of work: can show you how you can get your work done without operating cost: or will sell to a cash buyer. Call Wiiliims. Main 848. IN FIRST-CLASS condition, wicker per ambulator, corduroy lined, used only short time, $25. Address 5811 41st St. S. E. Phone sellwooa zaou. BEAUTIFUL all-black accordion pleated georgette hat. never worn; snap. $12. Call Marshall 394 between 8 and 10 A. M FO;i SALE New Marvel shock absorber for Chevrolet cars, $28; regular price $35. H. D. Green, 348 Alder st. Main 3208. AGATES, 2000 pounds. :inest rough agate for sem purposes: sell all or part. Room 1. Selllng-Hlrscn biag. ADDING machine for $17.50; works sim pler than $300 machine; adds to 100,000. 4U WnaminjrUJlIIIUCIUJ uuimm6. LLOYDS princess reed baby cab. used 8 months, cost $60; will sell for $25. Auto. 224-56. 3-STRAND switch, bob. transformation and curls made of my own light brown nat- ural cuny na:r. ncvci ww,. ,.-, SILK FLOSS mattress, less than half price good as new. Nita Hartley. Gen. Del. cuy. PETERBOROUGH canoe; will sacrifice for J"5 if sold at once. Jim Thompson, r-ortianq nw int. m. FINE MAHOGANY CABINET BR U N S WICK, Including 50 selections, cost IliU, only i-o j-iic, SHOWCASES, computing scales, cash reg isters, fountains; slightly used. 240 Washington. 1 RANGE and No. 7 cook stove, also fin quartered oak buffet; no dealers. Phone Tabor WILTON rug. 9x12. Al condition, sewing machine, glass Jars; reasonable. 15 E. 30th st t &K l ll.lir.n. ROTTED COW MANURE DELIV-n-o i.-r-, wnt.v B2SS. FULL MEASURE. FOR S'ALE Magnus root beer barrel, large r,,.,tn rnmnnlinir wales and electric coffee grinder, (all -'-'5 11th. UADiES' USED APPAREL, reasonable; smart styles secured from wealthy .a- dies. laoor ioj. BICYCLE. Harley-Davidson, good as new. ,i hM. O.l o n H AMpr full ZI3 ueriuisei wiMj,., - between 4 ana o i-. " FURNITURE repaired and remodeled, new furniture, doors and screens made, reas- onable. East 2S7. FOR S VLB Boy's suit, overcoat, laaiea' coats,' dresses, waisls. at iow prices. .wain o..,i. FOR SALE Cheap, an Alexander Hamil ton business course, in good condition; cost 1120: make offer. C 646. Oregonlan. TIMECLOCK, Howard, registers 100 em ployes! cheap. Room 1. Selling-Hirsch bldg. ADDING machine, Wales nine bank, per fect condition, cheap. Room L Selllng- Hirscn oiug. r ctv 1 iuinEn. Cow or horse manure delivered In city, trig load. Automatic 3-0-62. " FERTILIZER. Big I-yard or 3-yard loads selected cow and horse manure. Tabor 2704. UNION APPAREL EXCHANGE sells allehtly used ladles' clothes, new rpring hats. 719 Union ave. N cor Ivy. E. 1826. PERSIAN lamb fur coat trorn selected skins, size 40, 52 Inches long. Phone Broadway tin- LAWN mower, ball bearing, 16-lnch, 4 hlades. 3531 65th St. S. E. POTATOES, $1 sack; seed 75c sack. 40 E. 9 ist at. Tabor 8S17. A. F. Thompson. FO RSLE Painting, tinting and paper j n K : will give an estimate.- Taoor '1736. HOOVER vacuum cleaning, 3 rugs $T. n-,h.r 5929. BURROUGHS adding machine and Todd check writer. 269 5th. opp. city hall. SECOND-HAND tents and covers for sale. pac jflc Tent & Awning Co.. No. 1 1st st. FREE dirt to fill In your lot at 701 E. 16th sUNearJCiCKtat. RITUD gas water heater, $15; kitchen heater, S22.50. East 4S5X VACUUM cleaners sold, rented, repaired, exchanged, bought. Bentley. Main 4907. STAR A STAR" shingles direct from mill. . . , f,in una call layiui-oi. 5 SACKS potatoes. $1.00 a sack. Sellwood 3"4 S. V. Ashfleld. THREE-BURNER gas range, $12.50; also a 3-noie gas timic w- j.ql o. AUTO. KNITTING MACHINE, ONLY Jo. Cost B0. 128 First, near Alder. CHARTER OAK range for $35; heater $10. Tabor oizo. SAFES trucks, scales, coflee mills, cheese cutters. 48 Front St., near Pine. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcase. 43 1st St.. near Ash. AGATE cutting wheels for sale cheap. Room l, aeilinK-nimiiii ums. BLACKBERRY plants, all kinds, 15c each. 89th ana ci. piariv. MEN'S Panama hat and 2 lady's hats, rea so nabie. Broadway 1995. 629 Everett. BEAUTIFUL hand-crocheted bedspread. Call East l-na. RHEOSTAT, $20, films, $1, moving picture outfit $75. 14 Broadway, room 47. $"5 RANGE for $60; some furniture. East jl-t. oil Jimo. COLLAPSIBLE baby buggy, bargain, $9. Automatic o-o-ui. GRAY wicker collaspsible sulky and nurs ery Chair tor sale encap. fjeuwuou otng VULCAN gas range for sale, excellent con- :.t,n liirnmnlir DIAMuND, 1-Karat, periect, worth $j00; WESTERN ELECTRIC washer, good as new, $100. 72 E. 66th st. N. SMALL-SIZE range for sale reasonable. Phone Marshall 1267 . FCR SALE $75 ivory wicker baby car riagc. like new. $10. Auto. 227-39. FOR SALE Universal thermos lunch box, i trays, J-i.iO. Auto. 227-o9v ros SALE. Miscellaneous. Wi.ECKINQ VANCOUVEB BARRACKS BUILDINGS. BUILDINGS FOR SALE. S50 Vltrrous chlnr. closets and tanks, Galv. range boilers, 66-100. Eteei storage tanks, 120, 260, 370, 564 gallon. Steel pressure tanks, tested 110 lbs. Kewanee hot water heating boilers, . No. 27. Ideal hot water heating boilers. No. 0, 08. 30. American Radiator Co. hot water heat ing boilers. 1 F. B. steam boiler, 54x16. 1 S36 8 steam American heating boiler. 10.000 ft. steam radiators. Pipe. valfs. fittlnga F. B. Hp urinal and tanks. FORRESTAL. MacQU AID tk CO., 19th and Reserve Sts., Mail address. Box 24, Vancouver, Wash. Phone 527. 80 SLIGHTLY USED 50 SEWING MACHINES will be eold at greatly reduced prices to make room for the New White Phonograph. All leading makes. Will take liberty bonds at face value on all new machines and phonographs. & S. SIGEL & SON. 3S2 WASH. ST. D. B. SCULLY CO., DOWN TOWN LUM BER STORE, 171 FRONT ST.. BET. MORRISON AND YAMHILL. PHONE Main 4213. Lumber, lath, shingles, doors, molding and mill work, screen doora, fruit and vegetable box snooks. See our odd stock of sash and doors. HOLES. We plug all kinds of holes, big holes and small holes, good holes and bad holes, in Oregon or Washington. We repair, rubber bond and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roofs, 6 to 13 years. Phone Main 5560. LOVERS of good phonograph muslo save half buying records of all makes here; rare old favorites, operatic, late hits, 25o to 85c. Music rolls, 5 for $1. Paclfio Record Exchange, Central market, 4th and Yamhill sts. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices; bought, sold and exchanged; easy terms if de sired. NORRIS SAFE LOCK CO., 103 Second street. Main 2043. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, sold for less; no agents employed; com plete lines of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main 943L SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 Third St.. near Taylor. WILL sell or trade white enamel gas range with elevated oven for good steel range; dining table for lafger one; aiso z-qt. ice cream ireezer lor larger cne; briquette heater for sale. Woodiawn 0283, COLUMBIA PLASTER WALL BOARD cannot buckle, warp, swell, shrink, burn; needs no battens. Made in Oregon. lOORS, WINDOWS, FINISH LUMBER. OHS-FELDT. 145 First St. SHOW CASES. Three second-hand show cases, 2 ma hogany Jewelry wall cases, one large stationary cabinet. Western Fixture & Show Case Co.. 16th and Jefferson. HOT-WATER tanks; SO-Ka... $7; 40-gaL. $9: tested and guaranteed: stove and furnace coils, gas heaters Installed, ex pert plumbing, repairing. East Side Welding shop, 203 Adams st. East 8516 ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. Irons, toasters, vacuum cleaners, mo tors, fans. etc. ; low prices, guaranteed work; doorbell and wiring service. Hyn- eon Electric Co., 62 Btn Bt. Bdwy. 4293. TWO WAYS If you have the cash and want a diamond or have a diamond ana want the cash, see Miller's Clearing House tor utamonas, next aoor to Ala Jestic theater. DESKS CHAIRS FI LES. Everything In office furniture at the lowest prices In the city. Our new build ing, Wax Office Equipment House, 24-26 IV otn. Krnaflway FINE OAK dining set. table, buffet, 6 chairs and china closet, $55; drophead sewing machine, $17; 2 beds, $11. Take Council Crest car to Mt. Zion. Inquire at Greenhill s grocery. Marshall 5210. GOLD DOLLAR strawberry pians. 25 cents Der hundred. Anv amount un to 10.000. Paved highway from Portland. Inquire for King's ranch at New Era, south of Oegon Lity. BEAUTIFUL lady's navy trlcotlne suit, size 38. practically new; original oilce ou; win sen very cneap. marsiiai 4400. Apt. 25. THREE new electric washing machines. $75 each, guaranteed: 1 Jadd used elec trie washer, overhauled, $70. Scott Elec tric Co.. 5th and Oak sts. LET Us wash your rugs with the Hamil ton Beach electric carpet washer with out removing from floor; work guaran teed clean and sanitary. Wdln 1259. LADIES, let the Vogue sell your misfit and slightly used garments, 10 per cent. Room 403 Alisky bldg., entrance on Sd near Morrison. Alain disz. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN Sanitary roll top desk and fine chair, Underwood typewriter table, typew.-ilei chair. NEWMAN, lzs First, near A.qer. FOR SALE National register, eight-foot refrigerator, floor case, electric coffee grlnuer, all sizes tioor cases, scales, meat slicer: cash or credit. 242 Salmon. MULTIGRAPH, complete with motor and automatic attachments, typesetter, in first-class condition, less than half price, used one year. Call 212 Artisans bldg. PRUNE TREES ITALIAN. 7 to ft feet, very fine preferred stock, reasonable. Woodstock Nursery, end of Woodstock canine. Henwooq zam. NEW "SINGERS." $5 down, $3 monthly. Expert sewing macnine repairing. MORRISON -STREET SINGER STORE, 3S2 Morrison. Marshall 721. r-flM PI IT1NG scales, cash register, coffee mills, meat choppers and general store fixtures at Z-tt star si., oeLween r irsi and Second sta PLOWING. Lots, gardens. -General teaming and excavating done. Ant 320-62 or East 4313- . LICENSED independent electrician wires 3 rooms tor si-, o tor -u. ouaranteeq to pass inspection, wooqiawn am PILES can be permanently curea without .operation, call or write ur. uean. oec ond and Morrison. BEAUTIFUL hand-made sweater for sale, burnt orange color, size 42; never been worn. Phone East 31'iu. KODAKS. We buy. sell, rent and exchange Ko dak aSa n dyJ9wsnjngionst. FOR CORRECT time call Main S579. For SClentltlO WHICH rrpainiia mtsv junior. next door to Majestic theater. mil RENT Electric vacuum cleaners, 24-hour day, 85c delivered; guaranteed in good condition, wooaiawn lzon. FOR WA1.B AfTOMOBILES. FEDERAL truck, 1V4 ton, in perfect shape, Late 1919 model worm drive. phone Jensen. Broadway 321. 1918 MAXWELL touring car, all ready to go, cheap. See private owner, 423 Pit- tock block WIS BolCK light 4, touring, good shape and a bargain, at aulu was. oc ware house Co.. -- Aiaer st. iiik maxwell touring, fine shape, all good tires, $485, terms. Al Auto Works & Warehouse Co., 522 Alder st. FORD chassis, newly overhauled, good tires, $163. 10303 61st ave., Lents Junc- 4 Ion. ArJ aim, vjresuman. 1918 Reo six. overhauled. Cord tires. This car is Al. A real buy at $700. Call Bdwy 3618. NEW FORD with starter and extras, have purchased Chevrolet and will discount with terms, fnone owner, cast 11H, FOR SALE or trade. Ford light delivery body with windshield, cheap. Call Tabor l'.'n. rii-rni.iM) 85. New tires and motor. In fine condition. Will take small car in tradt and give terms, fall Bdwy. 3648. 1120 HUPMOBILE, Just like new. run only 70H0 miles. 1 "HO mr i uuuy. f 11UV, Pall Mr. Hlller, Bdwy. 217. viriv TtinCK. has never been run: have purchased another car and will dis count with terms, r qui, uregonlan 1018 Velle 5-pass. New paint. New tires. ReDunt oy " .i v-n.i Call Bflwy. ,na. 1917 FORD touring, snock aosorber, spot llrrht. dim., etc- $'270. Mir. 3471. OAKLAND tt tourins, $700, terms. 107 1 :it n st. mi?. FOR SALE 1913 Cadillac for $230. Apply vr . nr Car Co. 191b i-ORi' touring, fine . ooudition, .4325 tei ms. rj. ni-'r. FOR SALE Bargain price. 1919 Stephens six, linacondition. Phone Main 698li: 1918 TODGB, good shape, $730 cash. 248 Vnmhi'l it.. rnr,m .lir. 1918 DODGE, 3 tires, new battery. 88 E. UUin St. I-- -1.1-m 11-"'. DODGE. $400: good running condition. Ta- bor mil FRANKLIN. 1920 model 9B; good .tires and i UQ special en mimmiu. lBt 1 ZU. BARGAIN Chevrolet. $273. Main 7384, l.l mm pi,, "i" wij 1919 CHEVROLET, good condition, $475, must sell. 486 Wash.- Broadway 4558. 1918 FORD delivery, good condition, new tires, l-reo. san wasn. uronaway FORD TOURING, 1920, looks like new Fhone Jensen, oroaaway rui. JciL'lCK 4. 1U17 model. In fine shape. $025, irMione jensen, xroaaway ojt. FOR SAIF AUTOMOBILES! MURPHY MOTOR CAK CO., Phone 513-07. I have the best line of late models up-to-the-minute cars that are for sale In this city and my terms are longest; no brokerage charge, and we handle our own notes; can give you favors; read this list and come and try our cars. It will cost you nothing. NEW "21 CADILLAC. This is the four-passenger model, braird new, can save you hundrode of dollars, no trades. NEW HUDSON SPEEDSTER. This one has oversize new cords, and Is priced very low. 20 CHANDLER DISPATCH. THIS CAR HAS CORDS AND WERE NEW LAST AUGUST. WILL talk for . Itself; low price, and will take $500 down, balance easy terma 19 OLDS TOURING. . Refinlshed and has cords, looks and runs as good as the day It left show room; take car In trade or $400 down, balance one year. '18 BUICK TOURING. New cord tires all around and we will show you the greatest bargain In this city In this Buick; $350 down, bal ance easy; take car in trade. '18 BUICK ROADSTER. Refinlshed and has cords and some other extras; low price of $8i5 with $350 down, balance easy: come and try It. 90 MODEL OVERLAND. ! The 1919 model and this one Is re finlshed and good tires and will pass for new: has had such good care and slight use: low price and will take $1iO down, balance easy; take Ford in trade. "18 FORD ROADSTER. Car has new tires and new license, new top, runs fine, having Just finished being rebuilt; if you want a bargain, come and see this roadster; take $170 down, balance long, easy terms. LIGHT ROADSTER, At $485 with $185 down, balance easy, and this car has been reflntsh.ed: ha five good tires and two brand new ones with the paper on; lota of tools; all ready to go. '19 CHEVROLET TOURING. This car Is In fine condition all orer and has extra tire mounted and will run to please you: low price, no brokerage charge and will take $200 down, balance easy. 19 FORD TOURING. New tires and this year's license: an ready to go; low price, and will take $185 down, balance long, easy terma '17 MAXWELL TOURING AT $365. This car Is in the beat possible con dition, having been gone all ovor and refinlshed. and will make you think It is new; this year's license; all ready to go; long, easy terms, and take $160 down. '18 DODGE TOURING. This ear is like new In every way, will speak for Itself; fine tires and finish like new one; this year's license and extra tire mounted; low price and will take $300 down, balance easy. Come and try 't- Remember, lowest prices, DO broker age, longest terma Phone Auto. B1S-67. MURPHY MOTOR CAR CO.. V B14 Alder St. Open Sundaya DON'T DO ITI Don't buy a car Just because It's cheap. But bur your car where you get satis faction and you know your car will be right In price and in Al condition. Oldsmobile 6. 1918 model, at $700. You will not make a mistake. Oakland 6. One of those light sixes that always give satisfaction. Elgin 6. Don't miss this one. Guar anteed the same as new; $1585. Buick 4 roadster. 1918. See this II you want a roadster; $700. Dodge touring. Wire wheels, bumper, good tires, at $1050. It's hard to match. Remember We sell you satisfaction. WELLR MOTOR COMPANY. Washington at 15th SL DODGE. Used Dodge, in fine shape me chanically, new top, new finish, new battery, recently overhauled, looks like a new car; price $075, terma Phil Dana, Buick sales man. Broadway 1130. 12th and Alder. 1920 BUICK, five - passenger, all good tires, license for 1921. car carries guarantee and service for 30 days; price $1500. Ask for Glen Hord's car, at Buick sales room, 12th and Alder. Terms if you wish. SMALL PAYMENT DOWN and easy terms buys: PAIGE, late model. OVERLAND, roadster. MITCHELL, seven-passenge:. OLDSMOBILE. touring. CASE, sedan. CHALMERS, roadsler. STUDEHAKER. se.iiu 18. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO.. Sixth and Everett Sis. Udwy.-gnofl, LIGHT SIX ROADSTER. 1919 Buick. in excellent condi tion, both mechanically and in ap pearance, cord tires, about half worn: $1200, cash or terms. Phone D. M. Smith, Auto. 315-33, or Broadway 1130. FOR SALE by owner. 1920 Chanuler chummy roadster. In best of condition; equipped with 4 b:and new tires and 1 spare tire slightly used: will sell at right price, with factory guarantee and will give terms to responsible party. Only reason for selling there are two more cars In the family and do not need this one. Call Sellwood 131 between 9 A. M. and 6 P. M. week days and 10 to 12 mornings, on Sunday. 1919 BUICK 8 roadster, like new, cord tires all around, and two extra cords. We have a low price on this car and make terms to suit or lake car In trade. A-l AUTO WORKS & WAREHOUSE COMPANY. 5L'2 Abler Street. IWL'O BUICK touring car, like n-w, five tires, four almost new; bumper, spot light, extra lire, lube and tire cover; car has had exceptional care and is in fine mechanical condition. Phone owner, Tabor HW. VJM COLUMBIA l. alnio.-t iirw, low price and will take small car In trade. Al AUTO WORKS & WAREHOUSE CO,. 522 Alder st. FORD TOURING. 19-11 starter, good tires, new finish, fine condition, $49.",. Terma. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Cor. Grand ave. and K. Yamhill. E, 4 1. FOR SALE Late model Liberty touring car. cord tires, spare cord tire, seat covers, privately owned. Call Wdln. 5916. . FORD BUG. fine body design, top, wind shield, new tires. $473. Terms itvTVKRSAf. CAR EXCHANGE. Cor. Grand ave. and E. Yamhill. E. 471. 1920 ELGIN SCOUT, in A-l condition, will take small car or motorcycle as part payment, balance easy terms. Broadway 3606. 19U0 BUICK roadsler, run 4200 miles; ex tras are 2 bumpers, spotlight; an ex ceptional used car; will guarantee. Call owner, Tabor 1543. BUICK lignt 6 touring. $.i2j; Just over hauled: good Pansote top: car is in first class condition. Room 219 Paiace hotel. PhoneBroadwav1251: FOR 6 ALE One 1919 Chandler, seven passenger, hirst-class mechanical condi tion; newly painted: oversized tires; nearl y new, rnone .as a o i, alTTil OWNERS SALESROOM. You wish to sell your car 7 Can get quick action at mi is-ing st. .-wain j.ti. CALL Bdwy. 8608 If you want to trade your car or motorcycle for something better. MODEL 90 Overland, 1918; good condition every way; owner will sacriflre for $550, terms. See this. Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 32M. . BARGAIN. Ford ' delivery, 1921 model, electrio starter. 09 5th, opp. city hall. NATIONAL six. good Job for lent, or bus service; owner leaving city, will sell very cheap. Phone Jensen, tiuwy. .$1. CADILLAC 4, '13 make, a fine bug; will trade for good motorcycle. Mr. Whlt aker. 128-130 N. Broadway. 7-PASSHNGER Pierce car at a bargain, first-class condition. 1910 model. Burness Auto Works, 12th and Everett.- BUG Running condition, $75 ca.sh. 10303 61st ave., Lents Junction. BD 542, Ore- gonian. FOR SALE 1918 Dodge touring in good condition; new top, cord tires; price J650. 35 E. 7Sth X. after 0:30 r. m 7-PASSENGER closed Plerce-Arrow car; perfect order; trade or sale: at Broad w ay garage. East Broadwa:' and 24th . FOR SALE Ford delivery new panel body, over-size tires on rear, $685, $300 cash. Main 9304. 1919 FORD touring, starter,, block motor, 1921 license, extras. Bargain, $415 cash. 194 4tn st. DODGE touring, fine cord rflres. $000. rnone Jensen, priwunttv o,i 1918 CHEVROLET, A-l contlition, very Cneap; namr yum m. mo. -,.,. CHEVROLET, like new, tor sale cheap i-uone i.ia'ii --J. 1920 OLDSMOBILE 6: will sell on easy payments. Sell. 2704. STEPHENS Salient 6. 1920 modol Phone Jensen, Broadway U21,