Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 30, 1921, Page 20, Image 20

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Principal Portland Agents for Hoover Electric Suction Sweepers Make Your Own Terms in Reason Basement, Sixth Street
All Charge
today and balance of month will
go on April statements
Dated May 1
Mil 1
See Our Ads in Other Papers! Many Good Unadvertised Values All Over the Store!
rr Tim
Mexican Pinoche 39c
Regularly 55c. Made of Mexican pinoche
sugar, pure Vermont maple sugar, corn syrup,
sweet cream and creamery butter. Generously
mixed with walnuts and pecans. Found boxes
39c. None delivered.
Main and Ninth Floors; Basement Balcony
Gas Hot Plate $4.85
Two-burner size with plain black framf
and star drilled burners. Lever valves. A
substantial and efficient gas hob plate.
Meier & Frank's: Sixth Floor.
Stationery 29c
Regularly 50c box. Good grade linen finish
paper in white, buff, pink, blue, etc 24 sheets
of paper and 24 envelopes to match.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
Glycerine Soap 10c
Regular 15c cake of Jap Rose Glycerine
soap. Dozen cakes $1.
25c Lazell Massatta Talcum, 10c.
65c Hospital Absorbent Cotton, No. 1 roll,
special 39c
Meier Sc. Frank's: Main Floor.
The Store for Boys features these two re
markable values for Opportunity Day.
$2.50 Boys9 Caps $1.65
Formerly $2 and $2.50.
. Fine quality wool caps in newest mixtures of
greens, browns and grays. Silk and sateen linings.
Fine leather sweatbands. Sizes 6 to 7H.
Corduroy Suits $7.95
Serviceable corduroy suits at a real "Opportunity"
Belted style.
Full cut garments allowing plenty of room for the
active boy.
Sizes 8 to 18 inclusive.
Meier & Frank's: Third Floor.
Pocket Knives $1.50
Just 144 in the lot. Good quality pocket
knives with 3 and 4 blades. Several styles.
Large and small knives. Wonderful values.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
Suiting 19c
Regularly 85c. 32-inch suiting in checks,
stripes and plain colors. Short lengths.
Meier & Frank's: Second Floor.
Huck Towels 35c
Regularly 50c. 20x35-inch huck towels with
hemstitched ends and monogram space in
border. '
Meier & Frank's: Second Floor.
Women's Silk Hose $1.59
Some seconds.
Extra fine quality full-fashioned silk stock
ings some all silk, others with durable lisle
tops and soles. Black, white, brown, gray,
etc. All sizes..
Meier s rrank's: Main Floor.
Kiddies'' Hall Sox 25c
Hundreds of pairs kiddies' white half sox
with fancy striped roll tops in a variety of
patterns and colors. Sizes 6 to 9. -
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
Women's Vests 35c
500 women's good quality swiss- ribbed cot
ton vests in bodice top, narrow shoulder strap
style. Regular sizes 35c, extra sizes 45c each.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
Women's Union Suits 85c
400 light weight combed cotton union suits
knit on spring needle machines. - Low neck,
sleeveless, tight knee, reinforced crotch style.
Regular and bodice tops. Regular sizes 85c,
extra sizes $1 suit.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
Main Floor, Fifth Street
6000 Yards
Standard Percales
A remarkable value for Opportunity Day.
6000 yards of new standard quality percales in a
wonderful assortment of light and dark colors plain
shades, stripes, checks and polka dot designs,
AH are YARD WIDE.. Lengths 2 to IS yards.
Early selection is advised.
Yard Wide All Silk
Messaline $1.59
A very special low price for this quality of
yard-wide, all-silk satin messaline. Such desir
able shades as navy, Florence Harding blue,
copen, Havana and seal brown, red, garnet, plum,
gold, pink, ciel, helio, corn, black and white.
Meier & Frank's: Second Floor.
Toweling 25c
Regularly 50c yard. 22-inch extra heavy
huck toweling. For all kitchen purposes.
Meier & Frank's: Seoond Floor.
Imported Embroidery 98c
Formerly $1.25 to ?1.59 yard. 27-inch im
ported lawn embroideries in dainty filet and
floral patterns. Scalloped and ruffled edges.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
Women's Gloves 33c
800 pairs of real lisle and fine quality fabric
gloves in 2-clasp style. Just the thing for
everyday wear. Wash perfectly. White,
. black and polar bear with embroidered backs.
All sizes.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
Stamped Towels 1-2 Price
Regularly priced from 35c to $1. 200 guest
towels stamped for embroidery in attractive
patterns. All at exactly half price. .
' Meier &. Frank's: Second Floor.
Stamped Needlework 39c
500 pieces of stamped needlework including
center pieces, tea cloths, scarfs, children's
dresses, etc. Regular values range up to 85c.
Meier & Frank's: Second Floor.
6 Handkerchiefs 72c
Were 20c each. Women' and misses' hand
loom embroidered lawn handkerchiefs in one
corner effects. 4 -inch hemstitched hems.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
Handkerchiefs 7c
Were 15c-17c.' Women's and misses' fine
sheer lawn handkerchiefs in hand -loom em
broidered corner designs and initial styles.
Hemstitched hems.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
Handkerchiefs 37c
65c and 75c values. Men's fine lawn hand
kerchiefs in initial styles with wide hems and
satin or woven cord borders. 3 for $1.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
Axminster Rugs $535
Regularly $7175. Just 100 best quality Ax
minster rugs in size 27x60 inches.
Meier t Frank's: Seventh Floor.
Axminster Rugs $10.75
Regularly $13. Just 75 best quality Axmin
ster rugs in size 36x72 inches.
' Meier & Frank's: Seventh Floor.
Notion Specials
Kleinert's Rubberized Household Aprons, as- Q.
sorted color plaids, each U7l
Cardinal Twilled Tape, to inches wide, 4 T
yard pieces to bolt, 6 bo!ts23, each
Mending Cotton, mercerized soft finish, black,
white and dark brown, 50-yard spools. ......
Lingerie Ribbon, with bodkin, white, pink and Q
blue, 3-yard pieces, two pieces 1'5, each. . . , 0
Rubber Shampoo Bib, protects garments JTA
while washing hair : DAt)l
Dress Shields, nainsook covered, regular Ofl
shape, white, sizes 2, 3 and 4, pair iJ
Cotton Elastic,' and -inch widths, white, 12
yards oof1, yard
Sanitary Belts, elastic, white and flesh, spe- OPT
cial, each AO
Sanitary Napkins, cotton, seamless,-6 to box, O-!
for only 11
Jet Wire Hairpins, assorted cabinet, specially
Washington Steel Pins, 400 count papers, 3 for JT
10??, paper
Meier & Frank's: Main Floo".
3000 Yards "
Silk Mixed Jacquards
Another unusual Bargain Square sale.
8000 yards of Imperial silk mixed. Jacquards in
pink, gray, copen, white, navy, old rose, brown, plum,
nils, etc. For dresses, waists, etc.
' All are YARD WIDE. ; -Regular
75c quality,
.-MeleF A Frank's! Center Aisle, Main JFioer,
Children's Hats $2.85
' A sample lot of children's hats in desirable
styles. Some pretty two-color combinations.
Sizes 6 to 10 years.
Meier & Frank's: Second Floor.
5 Yards Scrim $1
Values to 60c yard. 200 five-yard lengths
of serviceable scrim and marquisette in plain
and bordered effects.
Meier & Frank's: Seventh Floor.
Outing Flannel 13c
2 yards for 25c. Good quality 27-inch light
weight white outing flannel for summer night
gowns, diapers, etc. 10 yards of this material
will make one dozen diapers ready-made
diapers dozen $1.50.
Meier & Frank's: Second Floor.
100 Women's
An extraordinary opportunity to secure .a
fine new dress for spring and summer wear
at this very special price.
Taffeta, crepe and twilled dresses in fancy beaded,
braided and silk embroidered effects. Dozens of the
latest models. Fashionable shades of navy, brown,
gray, tan and copen.
Sports Coats $11.50
125 new jersey sports coats in belted style with
tuxedo collars. . Wanted shades of navy, brown,
. tan, green and red.
Meier & Frank's: Fourth Floor.
Handy Volumes 25c
Regular 40c editions. "Autocrat of the t.
Breakfast Table," by Oliver Wendell Holmes;
Emerson's Poems; "Lady of the Lake," by
Scott; "Hans Brinker," by Dodge; "Black
Beauty," by Sewell these and many others.
Meier & Frank's: Fifth Floor.
Organdy Collars 59c
Good quality organdy collars in roll style
for wear with new spring dresses. Deep ecru
collars with English eyelet embroidery designs.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
4 Pairs Sox $1
4800 pairs of first quality mercerized cotton sox with
double soles, heels and toes. Black, navy, cordovan,
gray, green, palm beach and white. Sizes 9 to 11.
Sold only in 4 pair lots.
Flannel Shirts $2.98
228 fine quality well-made flannel shirts with 3-way
collars and double pockets. Khaki, gray and blue
heather mixtures. Sizes 14 to 17. Good $4 to
$6.50 values.
Pajamas $2.75
126 outing flannel pajamas in sizes 15, 16, 17 and 18.
Extra full cut garments in neat patterns. Regu
larly $3.85.
Union Suits $2.95
600 famous "Vassar" medium weight union 6uits for
merly priced at $5. Full fashioned. Sizes 34 to 50,
stouts 38 to 46.
B. V.D's $1.25
2000 suits of genuine B. V. D.'s in sizes 34 to 45 at
$1.25 while any remain.
Cuff Links 1-2
The nationally-known "Kum-a-Part" cuff links regu
larly 50c, $1.50 and $2, at 25c, 75c and $1.
Meier & Frank's: Main Floor.
Bathing Suits $1 r
Formerly $1.98. A broken assortment of
women's cotton bathing suits in large sizes
only. Several desirable colors. .
Meier & Frank's: Second Floor.
5 Yards Cretonne $1
Values to 50c yard. 200 five-yard lengths
: of cretonnes in a good assortment of patterns
and colors.
Meier & Frank's: Seventh Floor. .
Draperies Yard 95c
Values to $3.25 yard. 500 yards of drapery
materials, including sunfasts, Kapock silks,
etc., in a variety of colorings.
Meier ft Frank's: Seventh Floor.
Ukuleles $2.79
A special purchass Just received accounts
for this Bale of 72 genuine Koa wood ukuleles
In the Osborn model, Excellent value,
Meier & Frank's: Sixth Floor.
Extraordinary Sale
800 Pairs Trousers
Best Assortment and Biggest Values in
Town at the Price Majority Are $10 and
$12 Grades None Have Been Less Than
$8.50 Choice at
This sale will enable many men to
give their clothes a new lease of life
at small expense. 800 pairs of trou
sers of finely serviceable quality and
excellent workmanship are here to
choose from at $6.95.
Men's, Young Men's
Plenty of good worsteds in many
stripes and mixtures (some plain
colors) , majority are the wanted dark
patterns. Good styles with cuff or
plain bottoms and belt loops.
Sale is for four days while
quantity lasts.
Meier & Frank's: Third Floor.
Is Going lo "Break"
THIS is the last of the advance notices
that have got so many men waiting
for a big announcement from us.
Well, tonight's and tomorrow's papers will
tell the tale.
jj j
1000 Sets of .5 Mixing Bowls $1.09
More of those desirable glass mixing bowls that women buy so quickly. Sanitary, clear,
easily cleaned glass mixing bowls which are so much nicer for the kitchen than the ordi
nary yellow mixing bowls, while costing no more. Each set consists of one 5-inch, one
6-inch, one 7-inch, one 8-inch and one 9-inch bowl.
Serving Trays $1.99
Regularly $2.75. Limited number of these good
inahogany finish serving trays in size 11x17 inches.
Here's a chance to mate
that old coat with a new
pair of trousers and have
a presentable suit from
the union. -
Comforters $3.95
Regularfy $5. Good heavy stitched silkoline
covered comforters with sateen borders to
match. The coverings are in .neat floral de
signs of blue, pink, rose and yellow.
Meier & Frank's: Second Floor.
Desk Lamps $4.88
Regularly $6.50. Brass desk lamps with
flexible arms and heavy bases. Parabola
shade, aluminum finish inside. Complete with
cord and Mazda lamp.
Meier & Frank's: Basement, Sixth Street.
Hair Nets Dozen 94c
Regularly 15c each. Real hair nets in large
cap shape browns, black, auburn and blonde,
Meier & Frank's: Fifth Floor.
Hair Nets, Dozen $1.19
Regularly 20c each. Large size fringe
shape hair nets in wanted 6hadcs.
Meier & Frank's: Fifth Floor.
Hair Nets Each 25c
3 for 60c. Regularly 35c each. Real hair
nets in gray and white fringe and cap shape.
Meier & Frank's: Fifth Floor.
Women's Dainty Voile
Waists $1.95
360 in the lot all just received. Good quality
voile waists in lace-trimmed effects, embroidered
styles and tailored models with long roll collars.
One over-blouse style has round neck and lace
Meier Frank's: Fourth Floor.
Wash Boilers $3.89
Regularly $5. Made of heavy sheet tin with copper
bottom. 11 inches wide, 20 inches long, 13 inches deep.
Meier & Frank's: Basement.