TII12 MORNING ORKGONIAX, FRIDAY, MATtCTT 25. 192! ' 17 Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms, professional men, manu facturers, repair men, etc., classified for ready -reference.-. Information as to any class of work notjisted may be obtained by calling Main 7070, Housq 40. Af CfH S"MTH. JLL.lt b U. BLACU uMtu 44Cc.juut..nL. auilltor, Im-om. tux. -rv,i;e. Con'trd HrlK.. Sd an1 Stark, phono .Main 743. AIKI H lr SdllMH.. The Omlrty School of Aeronautic will train yu for any of the big pay po sitions iu Aviation. Kiirull now and and your ap- piUatitn in fop tula M'awuu'ti wort In ll.a i-tKulixsit u II rl bent paytns proi8Mm of the iav. DUDRVY AIKCKAKT CdUPOHATION, Ki liool of Aeronaut it:, in.i-7 yorth KlvtMith Hi.. Portland. Or. ATI'OKNKVS. 111. W, K A: ST MAN, lawyer and notary pub lic. v. ChHiiilwr f Coinnifrce hhl AITKK ATIONS. -.ADIUS' lal fori us,' prl'i-t liLLiiitf;"" ork guar. T. H'n,.in, 4tH Bush X- l.ano hrrig. AHMV LOODS. L. 45. AHMV (iuuUH lor aio, wholesale and retail : pricey rodncfd, H- Horen MfHin. JM tM (.. or ;U I. t. Main 7'i7fl. ASSAY K KM A N l ANA I.YKTS. AlON TANA A.S.SA1 OKKM'K, I 14 Socvnd M'l'i, Niifr and philinum hotipttr. UK. Mc.M A Ho.VS biitJi.s. i'ortlaml. tiU-am. "ovrr, pliiiiKt-M. tubs, alt for ."c. Tll your frit-ndN. Knurl h ami U axhhieton. CHI fiUJ'KACTIU, am l-aiiiti and mat haicf. tin h fh.or Broadway hid)?. Alar ftiHM 3IS7. Ir. ljiura K. Pnwnins. Itl II IH, MATKKIXL i.t:Mu-;it. " We han for tiiile any amount of new Mzed liiinttcr. Ni. J htotk for aalc, clump; ha llnorins. cpllins, rustic, tdd fnpr of h 1 1 Uimlv. fhinglch, everytiiintf to build with. shipped by rail or river boats to ail points. Hum- planking and jjudur poM, both wholesale and retail. ri-JWI.KS I.I MI'.KII CO., Moo Yfon HI. Ik. I'ltone .Uin :;(:;. YHi-rts to I'nrfland, ( Kl.l I I OII HI TTONH. Till; UV l.-lHtl'i5tiN t'U.M i N Y, .T7 Wwjtlnniffon. Hroadway -(Ml. T. 12 t IllltvrKA TH . iJJt. Mc.M A I1.N H eh iroprac-lic ptaki lor ftlr". I'ortlHiid 11th year. 1'honen. MHKoroiH vr. I LLI nUnl artcidaMst; cornw, bunions, foot arches marie to ordr. 311 Swetland bide.. Kifth und Va.liinirlon. Alain 1IIS1 JDK. U. t). l-'I.KTUH i:it i- oot troubles tri-entifh-ally eorrM t-d. I.a aKi.!tant. 51J Morpan bids. Main 7i. ( niit(n oiui -A Id H M'KI'IAI.ISTS. YVU.MAM, .sl.l.e and Klureliii Ue VVny, tlur only eiellliI'c eh iropod i.sts and arch Mpeelatijsi" in the city. I'arlors 3bJ tler liner bids., H. V. corner Second and Abb-r. I'Iiomc Main i:pil. H IK(rA T(lt. no r r Aunm win wi ut nnwt.Lt DRKT'.M KLDG. Hhower, mtueral and electrie light baths; a 1 1 Xnnvfglii i) driifib'Hs irn'thnds. t l.MMNii AMI I'KKSSIXi flEGAL CLEANERS TlTTERs 'lfanf nsr and dyHnr a specialty. 1'7 North nth st.. Portland. Or. I OM RKTK I ()TI1A TOH. S I'D hi WALKS, bast'iiuiita and flours. ClaraRfH, concrete, or wood. Irivevaya, concrete or gravoL ft. II. WARP, Kuat .MIL". CIII.I.K'TI(IS. MIOTIl Jt CO., Wurcekler bldg. Mala 171111. No fntlecttnnw. no 'hariie.s. Kslah. Intnl. IIAM'IMi. HISS UtlHuTIIV KA.SU rSSK.N Ballroom and atawe danciiiB. 6111 Kilern building. Wash., between 4l b and 5th. Main li:'3. DKNTISTKV. DR. B. E. WRIGHT 3d Floor Raleigh Bldg.. cor 6th and Waaliinglon Sla. Main 'Hi A 21 1. npUTICTDV HR.A.W.KEEXK? 35Hi ULI1MOII1I Waahlngton street. Without pain. Ijitest nerve blocking Fratein. I'AIM.KSS liHXTISTHV. -yyr w t o u save -V" , V-K ir- nearly one-half tL:'C Pby "l dlatrlct. cor. 2d and Burnable. Broaiiway 224.1, KI.I'XTKH'AL HKlAlKINt. H. M. H. KI.KOTRTCAL CO., 1 N. 1st at., Portland. Or. Ke winding and electric repairing & bpeeiaity. New or used mo tors. Broadway 1U45. A KHtl. & MOTORS REWOUND Repaired bHo BOUGHT AND SOLD. NICHOLS KLECTHIC WORKS. phone o-'7-'.'7. L'.'W Main Pt. " LLb;i.THII-' 1IOTUUS." " Bought, soll. rented and repaired. Walker Kleclric Works, 418 Burnslde, (Vrner lmh st. Iblwy. ,"iK74. Il il1 CI.KAXKIIS AM) IAKKS. HATS cleaned, uIock'd, dyed reasuliaole and !-atil'actoly. Koyai Hal Works. i,H lat. I.ANUHCAI'K ;akhkxeks. ' ATTliNTloN! ' " Win. Schaumann und Herrln Schreiber, practical and artistic landscape garden era, are back in Portland lor business. Present address 204 Columbia atr Phone Main 7!lltl. . MI'SIC TEACHERS. VIOLIN, piano harmony, mandolin, guitar, banjo Inst. Kol Kenbeuk. 4Utf Yamhill. WHOLESALERS AND E7iTM":ryirNVviriiiii.L si rri.iEs, bopk and binder, twine. THK M. L. KLINE CO., H4-SH-87-KI Front, Portland Cordage 14th and Northrup. AK AXl CAI . PI 1 MHIN(i Ml PPI.IEN AMI PIPE. ""TlS MXIT " XilK M. L. KLINE CO.. Pront W"r. FCLLKR CO.. Front and Morrison. rKOI"'fK COMMISSION MERCHAXTW. ilASMUSSEN & CO.. Second and Taylor. EVERPINO & PARRKLI.. 140 Front st. lllDFS, WOOL Al C'ASCAKA BARK. BASH. DOORS AND CLASH. KAI1N HHUTI1 lailS, l!ia Front St.' W. P. PULLER CO.. Front and Morrison. 'EW TODAY. BIG INCOME $12,000 A YEAR NETS Extra fine hotel, best of location, fine brick building, northwestern heat, modern in overy respect. Furniture and rugs in good condition; new linens, enough for two years; new blankets, etc. Furniture, lease and business for sale, with only 112.000 cash, balance can be paid out income, which is about $1000 net per month. No trades. WilPbe shown by appoint ment only. BIHR-CAREY R. C. OKriER, Manager, Main 74M7. $3500 , CN EAST TAYLOR VKAK atlth ST, Four rooms and bath on first floor, ;wo rooms and sleeping: porch on second; concrete garage; lot 43x143; berries and fruit. Not a new house, -but a good buy. Well located. Fins car service. $1000 will handle. UNION SAFE DEPOSITS. TRUST CO. . 2M Oak. Phone Broadway 943. MORTGAGE LOANS i0wnt lteret ratr tnntallmcat r iiTHient' if Uelred. UuildiMv Mmum uado. oelay In viumingc A. H. B1H8ELL-0IU. CO. Formerly A. H. Blrrell Co. S1-31B NerthwMlers Hank Buildla Itlarahall 4114. Edward E.Goadey Co. llORTtiAGIC LOANS Cnitctf tiiici Bank Jiuildlas. MTKIC TKAC'HKRS, AiUS. ANNA t;HnlIKI)ll-:ii KiOllK. Teacher uf piamt. At atutlio or at iu- niiit. i:m f.awt l-.th, r.HHt 4.tM. L.. tAiiuol.J. 1aV, W-dulicr oi piano and voira. H road way LV.".. 1-1 l.Hlli Kt. Mt'SU'AL 1NSTRK.TIOX. AM Kit JUAN CONSKUVA'VOltV UK MI HJC. ProlttMkT W. It. Bt-attv. director. A bcltoui devoted ta vvery department in inutoic tipecial votirnea. 410 Kiiurs "ig. f'honc .Main 4IL,(. OX'TUMKTRlSt AS1 DI'TIt'lANS. 1 U1.ASSKS AT A HAVING." I soliutt your palronaue on tlUS ZdyLL uhhim of capable atrrvice. inou hands of aiiatH'd iUcUomen. A trial will convince you. Uharlcs V. Oood- mati, nptome.triHl. Hi Hi .Morrison. At. li 1 1M, OPTOMKTK1ST. K i;s SOI K N T I V 1 UAilA TKSTED with modern lustrum entv: Elaasen filled at savins; fatluiaction suaraiUccd. Out of the U'Kh-rent district, no overhead e.p. A. K. HCKvViTZ, Optometrist. 1st t. LKT tiKOHjfcjR I'BifiNSTKIN, the veteran optician, bo your optician : ho it expert in titling eycKlaMcn and hi charges are very n-aona bte. Jb Morrison M. r.iXTix i'A I NTINt ;, paperhanfe-ins. tintinK- Lapp, Willi Up. i'lionr Woodlawn Jt07. 'AIMS. WAI.lJ'At'Kli. rK. WALL PAPER, PAINTS, ETC. ' 23U Srrnnil HI. UHL BROS., INC. IMI.NTIMt AMI llll ATIi. OfcTT Vt.l"K i'AtNTtXT. 'kalsuiiiiiiuiK ani tiRnK done tnrtre th mirini; rUbii; 5 U. II. '1 iKlil 1.1'.. liduse hikI 'MKn ' jiaiiiLnr, nHpfrtuc. tinting. -tttT K.iTllt. Tah. L'fill. I'iIMIMi .) IK Ml I HI'AXIu. K iCol'Aitt and paini iuu, clean gul ters; Hirk piiHriiDLcid. Itoof Scrurity, Inf.. mfR. Wlirii lit. Main S7t l ol. HU.'i I'ATK.Vl'.S jilr ji! aulict; lias . efcli uilt-d ovftr a period of 74 years. All cottiiuuiii calinnN striflly conl idenlial ; prompt, eriK-ieiU, coiiKclentioua rife; hand book free on retiufsU Mli.NN & i'U., patent attorneys tjun ''ranclf'co offiefs. ilnbart bldg.. 7b Markot at.; Chioago oitice. rooiu niu tower bldg. : wabliinK ton ofTife, room 1U3, JA b' at.; Vork ol'fiff, v'oolwirth bldn. 11. C. VVHIUIIT, ytian' expo riu nee V. S. mid foreign PHtenttf. HH Ieknin bldg. ' I'l HI. If vrKMM.KAI'IIKK. cai.1. .main stii, :u auiuus ui.lh... WHK VOU -NliiOD A HTKNOtiKA rilSK; TVI'4ST OK NOTAHY. .'(ll. l.EGIi (iHAbl'ATK WITH ti YEARS' I'KAI'TII'A 1. HXI'KRI KXI.'K. I'llVSK'IANS. IK. K. Afllll.Mt'tf. Broadway building. KbenniatiHiii. aloniHCh, bowel, lunff, liver, kindey, bladder, roolal, protilato, female diorder:i, Hkin affuotlun, blood pressure, aniarged luntiilti, molea, birlb tunrks. tJ1.0Vl.Li by l-'ord.oii tractor in vicinity ol" .MnUnnmah or Hi-averton. Main 7;;1. I'l. I .MHl.Vli Wt l'rl.lKS. l'l.L'M UlNij SUl't'1.1 at wtiolcale pneea. Slai k-lnvla l'o., lx 4th ft. .Main . 7!7. I'KIVIIM. PHINTInlR R vV- BALTKo & COMPANY I 11.111 111 U Klrat and tlak. Main 1 H,. 51 1 -115 A ajCI CY I'HINTl.SG CO. fur nuality, nllOLLI -jr-,- wa.h St. Main 4(i71. I'KIM'KKS. ilOUUL PKESS, I'KINTKUS. .Main ,Uti. H-Jj 3d gt.. between Hiark and Oak. ttWI.Nu MAtlll.Vtb. SEWING MACHINES Wa have the largest stock of uaed Machines in the city. Krom $lt) to lli'.ut). We rent and repair 17'J 3d, Nr. Yamhill Ml!)K KKI'AlltlMi. PRE-WAR PRICES Ladles-' ruhher heels 5llf. 122 4tli St. MODERN SHOE REPAIRING uaued su. Broadway, bet. Oak and Pine. NEW METHOD 213 4th St. STOVE KKFAIK1XC, WHY lit1 Y a new stove? We repair all kinds of stoves, gas ranges, furnaces. H. E. Dunn. Kast iiiisl. Tit A I) KM AUKS OiiKGoN TllADEliAKK BUKEAC, 6ul Dekum bldg. U. B., foreign trademarks. TRANSFER AVI NTORAtiE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH ' DRAYAGE AND STORAGE. Motor and Horse Kquipment. Furniture Moving and Packing. B;i,'!-'aKe. PHONE BDWY. 3309 SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. Packing Moving Storage. Money loaned on goods in storage. 53 Fourth st., opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 8710. , OKliGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Glisan St. FIVE WAREHOUSES. STORAGE. CARTAIJE. PHONE BROADWAY 12N1. TKY L'S for service; furniture moving, trunks and baitgage. Portland Auto Del, Co.. 212 Flanders. Bdwy. 17SU. HI UK Kl.l. AS. KKPAIRINO AND RECOVER SD. XHD't Alder at. The Surety Shop. VETEKIXAKV. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL, East Tth and Grant ats. Both phones, day and night service: 3 veterinariaus. MANUFACTURERS BEAT. KSTATE. Tor Sale Flat and Apartmeut Troperty. BIG INCOME. ' S7.t.ltil). West sido apartment house pf 23 3-room suites, fine furniture, lineqs sil verware, etc. fiuxi'Hl-ft. lot; 8-story and faasoment. Over $1000 net Income per ' month. This is a ulass A apartment house. Fur more information call at 40 Couch bldg: .1. B. ROCK. II ROOMS. FURNISHED. A HOME AND AN INCOME. In good locatidn in residence aection on west aide, close in; Hue proposition. Price JlOuo: cash 50U Call Hinman. UMBDENSTOCh. & LARSON. jrm Oregon Dlriir I'roadway lfl.'i8 PROPERTY nets over Ki per cent: owner in navy, must sell: fine new building; stores, flats, furnished; always rented; extra lot, garage, carline, pavement, aewera. all paid, bears investigation; all goes price til), r00. half cash. Mornings, Woodlawn 32111. 1)25 Emerson St. WEST SIDE FLAT. 12.!;llO. On 11th It., near new Elks Club oidg. and walking distance from business cen ter. RITER. LOWE fc CO.. 2P1-S-.1-7 Hoard of Trn.lc Bldg. BRICK, ap-irtnienl. nearly new. Nob HilJ. 5 stories, electric elevutor; .7 4-roorn. 7 3-room, all private baths, phones; f4o, OlK). good 'terms. This is beajtiful: r.ets over $4ut) easy. Barney Johnspu & Co., 170 Tenth st. 11-ROOM housekeeping; dandy location; good furniture; water in rooms; electric itfrht; furnace heat; several gas ranges: prlfe 11100; this will sell for more. 387 Ttiylor street. For Sale Beach Property. BEACH HOME FOR SALE. One of the roost attractive and best built homes in Gearhart: u rooms and sun parlor; strictly modern and com pletely furnished, Including bed linen and bed clothes, table linen, dishes, sil verware and all kltohen utensils. If you are looking for a summer home don't overlook this offer. AL 431, Ore gonlan. Fort SALE Two houses and tent-house, furnished: summer rental $otlO, Price s;t7.".0. Owner on premises Saturday to Tuesday. A-jn Third st. Hputh, teaside For le Lots. SEE ME fur luis In' Irvingiotj. V, B. Roh'nson. 414 Ahington b'dg. ONE LOT. Kind: ISO- cash and $10 per pto. V. P. Robinson. 414 Abincton bldtr. CCK A. McKENNA FOR LOT BARGAINS. .We build and finance Aladdin buuaca. RKAl. KSTATK. For SaJe .Lola. liLaiN'rlriri LuTa. 8Pl''ljl.ATlVB LOTS. APAItr.vlH.ST BITK LOTS. $soimi s,".il2i. west side, on -Mill at. ilU.OUO On west aide, neat' Washing ton at., facing JlHt. OUllllU. I2.MH1 On Thurmau at., near 2Jlst, I2.".u0On Tth. K. Broadway. iUOO. comer. 7Jiu( Upper Wasltlngton, KOslUO. en Slo.utMi s. K. ear. 1st and E. Yarrhlll, oOxinn. trackage. 2."i.00U Afar loth an Washington, .VjxttHI. Wu have manv -others. Bnv your Va cant lota now; you will pay mure if ou Qeisv li 1 TTKR. LOWE & CO.. RKALTQRS. 20l-.1-,-,-7 Hoaj.. of Trade Bldg. WIS W11ITK ALL KINDS Olf' . INrtt'HANiMi 1 WATCH! WATCH! WATCH! WESTOVEIl TERIACES. "Portland's Best View Homeaitea." INTERNATIONAT, REALTY ASSO CIATES. 110 Tenth at. flttock Block. Bdwy. 110. KENTON DISTRICT SNAP.. l'iuo corner lot. 4-room cottage. It has electric lights and gas. city water is piped in, is handy to school, stores and street cars and Is vacant, ready lo . move into; only S14m, reasonable pay ment down, balance like rent; there is a good kitchen runue and beating stove goes with t lie place. Vou can -ake imiuc- ulatu possession. See K. W. HUGHES, S07 .fournal Bldu. Main i!KS8 l.AURELHURST LOIS. CLOSING THEM OUT. COME OUT TODAY. OFFICE EAST 3IITH AND GL1HAN. A few specials this iveek for IM'O, all Improvements paid. Your last chance lIq secure a choice lot at about one-third real value. Your opportunity. Office en the ground, East Until anil Glisan els. Montavilla 'car. Phone Tabor 3133, evenings East 77.1Hi Helahunly. ALBERTA DISTRICT. SMikllltl FT., 2J5. S45 CASH. Xft MONTH. Sik-htiy .".tlx 1 oil Kvcl lots, all cleared ready to build on, close to school, stores and car line; city water iu street. Why pay hi,rh rent when you can put up a little home of your own and bu inde pendent of the landlord? II EN DERSON-BA NKl'S CO., 42W Henry bldg. Broadway 47.M. MONTAV11.LA SNAP. HURRY. Big lot lutlsl2a feet, with fruit, ber ries, garden, chicken bouse and barn; fairly good house uf 3 rooms, bath, toi let, lights and gas, and a real snap for S2200, 300 cash, balance like rent. See this in a hurry. My auto la at your service. Do not hesitate, come right in and so E. W. HUGHES. SOT Journal Bldg. Main 28,78. 11OSI0 CITY 1XJTS. Choice, inside. East 37th, near Broad May, facing east; paved: bargain at J I null. For quick sale, on EaM GOth, near Broadway; all improvements in nd paid, $.Ol. ELMER F. BE'NNETT CO.. 31H-.-12I Hoard of Trade. Main 74S2. 1RVINGTON IMPROVED LOT. 5.VxlOO, with Garage. On Woidler at., -between East 21t and 22d sts. This lot is in cultivation, has S full-bearing fruit treea. fine concrete garage, paved streets, etc.; 1 blocs, to Broadway car. low price for cash. Phone Main ."t07. Go look it over. WILLAMETTE LOTS l.iuu. Located 50 ft. from Portland blvd and close to the beautiful Willamette 'blvd.; 30x1110 lots; S200 down, easy terms on balance. COB A. McKENNA & CO.. S2 4th St. Main 4S22 l.AURELHURST LOTS. Now is the time to build and here is a well-located lo't in Laurelhurst for only Sl5u with everything in and paid. Fine corner on Hoyt and -Mirimar, large lot, price $1 000. HKNRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St.- PIEDMONT Second lol nortnwest corner Matlory and Killingsworth avenues, 50x 1t)0 to alley; east exposure; olose to car line and near Jefferson high school. Price (1500, terms if desired. Address B m:t. Oregonlan. Bf OWNER. SHOO 3 lots Swlnton. $ 7.10 (JOxltlO Virginia street. S12r0 Lot Laurelhurst. $ 200 Lot Willamette Add. Terms. Phone East 2009. YOUR OPPORTUNITY. ' Laurelhurst lots, while they last, at extremely low prices. See J. A. Mc carty. 270 Uark Alain 17UQ, evenings. Tabor .1","7. 1RMNGTON district, lots with hard eur- . lace ana sewer in and paid, for .iOo und up. .IOHNSON-DCDSON CO fi.n Northwestern Bank Bldg. Main 'UM. WEST MORELAND. Lot ."iOxKkj; everything in and paid for, lo.'iii; 10fr cash, balance easy terms; will build Aladdin house to suit. Coe A. McKenna. 82 4th st. I NEE IJ MONEY. Lot 60x0 ft., southwest corner Savior and 25lh st. Take 23d, 16th or NS cars, all assessments in and paid. Make me an offer. Auto. 327-08. ll.-.T IRVINGTON' lot, 1 block from pew city park; half cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. "33 N. W. Bank bldg. Main B7S7. YOUR LAST CHANCE. Laurelhurst lots at these prices. See J. A. McCarty. 270 H Stark, Main 1700; 1 DOWN, il WEEK. 50x100. Cement walks: Alberta car. R. W. Cary, 1211) N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 1B43 Residence. Main 1.177. 50x11111, PAVING in and paid: 1000 cash; 15th and Ma-son: will build an Aladdin house if desired. Coe A. McKenna. 82 4th st. LAURELHURST LOT. 75x100, on E. Burnside, overlooking park : 13000. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. LOT IN University Park. $490; streets graded, sidewalks paid; easy terms; will build an Aladdin house if desired. Coe n. JirivcJilin. a- till St eiixiou. all Improvements in and paid' a beautiful lot. ' R. F FEEMSTER. 417 Abington Bldg. Lot 14. block 2, South Woreland: $250 cash and assume 200 street, sold for .!-". oe j. .nurenna, a J 4tn St. LEAVING country. Make me an offer on l.iOxlOO at Prescott and H. 3Sd; side walks and sewer in. Tahor 21)34. CORN ER iut. nar Irvington; imp. all in and paid; $1)50 cash, W. B. Robinson. 414 Abington bldg. LOT IN Holgate addition for sale; a good chance for home builder; for sale at coyt. worth more. W 4rt:t. Oregonian. QUARTER block near 22d and East An keny, sacrifice for 14.iu; worth double. Hugh Smith. East 22H. LOT .-.0x111(1 Eust 18th St.. Irvington dis trict; 17000; 135(1 cash and terms. W, B. Robinson.' 414 Abington bldg. ROSE CITY On 41st, corner, $1250: In - aide, $1000; improvements paid Tabor 6441. . LAURELHURST LOT BARGAINS. Bee J. A. McCarty. 270. stark. Main ALAMEDA PARK, lot 6, block 51, $730 cash. John Bain, 507 Spalding bldg. LADDS ADDITION BEST. choice horn ites Ownyr East 21 54 LUIS w- a.-nu JO. oioca 104, ixvingLon 13500. Wdln. t.348. -' ALAMEDA view lot. 00x1 SO. Owner Ta- bor ."iQtvS. Broadway 1075 For Saift Houses. $250 DOWN, $30 PER MONTH, buys this 6-room house with sleeping porch, bath, full uement basement, wash trays, fireplace, etc.; this is an absolute bargain and won't last long; price re? dueed to $3000. $3200 ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. Modern 6-room bungalow, double con structed, good condition, fireplace, all conveniences, full basement. 50x100 lot. fruit, shrubbery, gas range and water heater. Included; quick possession. Tabor 65SB. $2500 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT.' ' Well constructed 5-room cottage, full cement basement, laundry trays, mod ern plumbing, gas. electricity; large lot with fruit and shrubbery. An exception, at buy. R. F. FEEMSTER. 417 Ahington Bldg. FOR SALE ' West side oorner lot, 53x106; 3 bouses, 1 8 rooms, renting for $50 per month; 1 5 rooms, can rent for $35; 2 blocks from Multnomah club, $10,000; 13000 cash, terms on balance. Owner. 575 Madison. NOB HILL D1STP.ICT, 14725. Good 6-room house with full basement and good furnace, lot 25x100, near 23d, on Kearney st. TAGGART BROS.. 1102 Spalding Bldg. HOUSE. FRUIT. IV. ACRES Simpson street; city water; no city assessments: Alberta car. R. C. Carv, 1210 N. W Bank Bldg.; Main 1043. Residence. Main 1377. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. In best part of 0istrlct: 5 rooms and sleeping porch; large living room. Owner. 510 4Jth st. N. Tabor 2K91. FOR SALE 4-rooni bungalow, fuli cement liagooiUBl, laundry trays. Xabur SfiUW. RF.AI. KNTATB. l-'or hale llou.es. (Never before advertised.) ,NBW LISTINGS offered by FRANK L,. MdGCIRE,' FRANK L. McliUIRE, LARGEST HOME SELLKR ON THE PACIFIC COAST. 1100 photographs of homes for sale, Every one personally Inspected and ipraised. If necessary, we'li help ou ake your down payment. an make 25 salesmen at your service. Open every evening until 9. IRVINGTON. $ll,0O0.TUST A LINK ABOUT THIS BEAUTIFUL NEW COIAJNIAL IRY1NGTON. A 6-rooin home " with the touch of aristocracy. East 251 h st. fJ0250 DISTINCTIVE, ultra modern -room IRVINGTON BUNGALOW; Will please the must exacting. , Hi'huyler st. SUNN YSIOE-HA WTHORNK. $11500 BF.ACTIFIIL 8-ROOM MURRAT lIKAt) 1IIIMI-: Kast 22d. $5230 Radlaut 1-KUHM HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW with every modern convenience. massive bullt-ins, HARDWOOD FLOORS. E, 42d st. ALBH1UTA DISTRICT. 14750 fi-rooni inofiern. convenient AL. BKRTA home 6n East Church, 1 OlocK to car. -jernis. $4200 ONE OF OUR NEWEST UPT INGS IV AI.BF.RTA: 7-rooin ar tisliu semi-bungalow, on E. 'JKth St. Bullt-ins, tapestry paper, ivory finish. Yofj'J-J-. WANT THIS ONE. $.1930 EASY TERMS. Massive btinga - low type of ALBERTA. Sleeping porch, bullt-ins.. fireplace, elc. ' . 'IHIS IS KXt.'I-il' TIII.V A 1. VAI-I SEE IT TO APPRECIATE IT J.iaOO Tixino corner in ALBERTA, on tioing at., sleenins porch, fire place, fruit. COME EARLY FOR THIS. KIRRV, NEAR GRAHAM. 14725 GOOD VALUE In this very com forlatile and substantial 6-room modern . home on Klrby t.. close to car. with all liens paid, Xrm MONTAVIf.l.A SNAP. - $3950 I'NDUPl.lCATKD VALUE in a 7-room bungalow t pe borne on 62x156 with 10 full bearing fruit trees, chicken house, etc.. garage. K. t!3d st. EASY TERMS. $3500 A BEAtlTlFUL MODERN MV. --bungalow on E. Yamhill st. with narilwo.id floors, built-in bufrol, w hlte Dutch kitchen, fireplace, garage, 5 rooms. RIGHT ON I A R. $2250 4-ROOM MODERN VACANT MV Bl NGALOVV. best white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas. East 6L'd street. PENINSULA HOUR BARGAINS $4751) 1(10x100 on Houghton st.. with all kinds of fruit. Home contains 6 rooms, modern, neat and very substantiate hull). On ear tin. $310fJ A RUSTIC LITTLE PENINSULA BUNGALOW that has the most homelike atmosphere imaginable. 4 rooms with beautiful built-in eonveniences. splendidly located in a natural grove, 1 block to car. S. Leonard st. $2700 ONLY S5II0 DOWN. DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED, 5-room bunga low; butlt-lns, large atlic, lots of fruit and berries, garden, olose to car. THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST OF' OUR NEW LISTINGS. Wilbur street. $l0ofj S4O0 DOWN: furnished PENIN SULA BUNGALOW COTTAGE. 3 rooms, attic; $400 down. Lenore street. , BEAUTIFUL WESTMORELAND. $52o0 HOME LOVER, HERE'S JIWT THE BUNGALOW you've been wanting. Built with every con venience for comfort, everything for beauty, 5 rooms. E. lJ)tl st. $3300 HARP SURFACED STREET. 61 x200, distinctive 6-roo.m modern home, built-ins. garage. 77th st. $2050 KxxttlH. 7-room artistio MT. SCOTT home on hard surfaced street, built-in conveniences. 45th avenue. WAVERLY-RICHMOND. $3450 Easy terms. ONE-HALF ACRE. 5-room bungalow with sleeping porch. block to car. E. 37th st. WOODSTOCK 1500 DOWN. $2100 $500 down. 10(1x100, neat, com fortable Woodstock cottage on 50th street. NOTE. We are receiving new and most at tractive listings every day and these, combined 'with our already great dis play, make it possible for the most dis criminating home seekers to select the home of their requirements. See FRANK U McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Third St.. bet. Washington and Stark. IRVINGTON CORNER COLONIAL HOME HOT WATER HEAT. 113,300. Built for home by present own er. Light mahogany woodwork first floor; Ivory on second floor, hardwood floors throughout; three sets of French doors, all plate glass. Beautiful bedrooms, each has long mirrors and two closets. Finest bathroom in city. Also has lavatory room on first floor. If you are looking for something good that is modern to the minute, see this. M MRS. McDQNELL. EAST 41. ' " ROSE CITY PARK. , J 1.1000 Would you like to have that $6000 bungalow for $5uoOT Well, here is your chance. This has fi large rooms and breakfast nook, every built-in fea ture, hardwood floors, fireplace, faces east on paved street. This bungalow is wearing competition and if you bought it now you could have all those little finishing touches as to color of paper, electic fixtures and shades and all those things so dear to the heart of every housewife, and Just to suit you. Can be handled for $1000 cash and $50 a month. Call at our branch office and we will show you a few surprises. ' H1LLER BROS.. 514 Railwav Exchange Bldg. Main 86. Branch office, SOth and Sandy. Open evenings and Sundays. Phone Tahor 8485. REAL HOME VALUES. 110,500 The last word in modern 7 room home, Irvington. $7850 Irvlnston, 7-room modern home, pear 20th and Knott. 17350 Irvington bungalow, close In, corner, 2 blocks Broadway car. 15250 Sunnyside. new modern 6-room bungalow, just built. 35ti0 E. Piedmont, 9th, near Killings worth. 7-rooro bungalow, 100x100; $1000 cash, balance 6 per cent. - 130mi Dekum ave, new bungalow. $3000 Terrace Park bungalow. $4000 Oswego lake, furnished bunga low. Mr. Harrington, with CHAS. RINGLER CO.. 225 Henry bldg' ROSE CITY PARK. $1600 $1000 LESS, that is the way this bungulow is priced. We can show vou tite ame bungaolw thaU-is selling from $5730 to $6250. It you want to convince yourself that this is a bargain, just call us up and we will show you. Has 5 rooms, large attic, cement base? ment. hardwood floors, fireplace, all built-ins. living roora... entire width of house, large plate glass, garage, lot 50x lull. Can be handled on terms. HILLER BROS.. 514 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 86. Branch office, 60lh and Sandy. Open Sundavs and evenings. Phone Tabor 813 WILHAMS-AVE. CAR. We want you to see thie big fine home, close- to public, and Catholic schools and 1 block to car. There are 4 roome, in cluding breakfast room, down and 4 bed rooms and big glassed-in sleeping porch - on the upper floor, bath up and extra toilet down, fireplace, full basement, fur nace. 50x100 lot, fruit trees in bearing. This home is in fine condition. It could easily be arranged for two families. The price is $475U with $1000 cash down. Let ' us shown you today. COMTE & KOHLMAN, M. 6550. 2nS Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ' Bt-'ST PLUMBING IN ROSE CITY. " Two fully equipped bathrooms, besides shower in basement; hot-water heat; double garage, corner lot, 7 beautiful rooms, sleeping porch; plate glass; built for a permanent home and no expense spared to make an artistic, substantial home. Business changes compel sacri fice for quick sale. $8500, HALF CASH. See Maclnnea, with , HARVEY. WELLS CO.. 603 Gasco Bldg. - Main 4564, WE START In the basement and finish with the chimney, ready to move in when we move out. We handle all details and save y you 20 per cent by our special unit system. Fancher-McLean Co.. building contractors. 808-0-10 Lewis bldg. Phone Broad way 3852. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A HOME CLOSE IN? Here It Is and its a bargain: 8 rooms and bath, fireplace, full concrete base ment, furnace, street paving paid; this fine -big home could be easily arranged for two families or you could rent rooms. The location Is East Burnside St., close in. The price is $4075 with $1000 cash down. Let us show you. COMTE & 'KOHLMAN. M. 8.-.50. 2S a-'namher of Commerce Bldg. FOR SALE cheap, by owner, two houses on Union ave. near Russell st. Call 282 Russell st. ' i-ROOM modern bungalow cue5. city View Park add. Sellwood car. Paved St. Owner leaving city. 338 Maiden ave. 4 AND 5-ROOM mudern cottages by owner, J easy terms. Marshall 5u5, I REAL KSTATE. For Sale Houses. ATTRACTIVE, NEW LAURELHURST HOUSE. $7100. This price Is far below the cost, but owner needs money. Hous, consists of ft large rooms, small hall, bathroom gnd large floored attic: very best furnace an.i plumbing; large garage; strictly modern snd everything the very -best. $.'000 required to handle. 1233 BAST PINE STREET. Two Blocks Bast of Laurelhurst Park, BE SURE AND READ THIS. BIGGEST BARGAIN IN THE CITY, ONLY $330 BALANCE LIKE RENT, Here Is a dandy 7-rm. bungalow three p!)xln-ft. lots, garage. 1 bik. lo ear line; all for $45111). Why not come in and see us about this place? You will have to act ewickly, J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. - LAURELHURST. COLONIAL. 7 rooms, right up to the minute; oak floors, large rooms, attractive built-ins. garage; located near the park. Price $7500. You w ill, have to hurry on this one. LARSON. 1213 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mgr. 2213. BEAUTIFUL Laurelhurst bungalow, ope block from car en Laddington Court; 7 rooms and bath, breakfast nook, hard wood floors throughout, plate-glass win dows, old ivory woodwork, with choicest mahogany trim, wonderful built-in fea tures, full cement basement, garage, oversized lot, screens, awnings, water coil. Radiant fire. This real home, built 2 years, at a price way under present cost of material alone. Sold completely furnished, or will move furniture, Tele phone 71)1 Multnomah hotei. ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW. New modern 6-room bungalow, living room 3r -:6, hardwood floors throughout, tile bath, shower, pedestal lavatory, breakfast nook, fireplace, furnace, ga rage: located at S, W. corner 20th and Bryce. Call owner, Bdwy. 4754 or Tabor 6CJ. . CHARMING HOME $500 DOWN! ! 6 rooms, bath, hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furniee, laundry trays. 50x100 lot. line fruit, rosea, paved street, sewer, all paid. Thio ls a splendidly constructed and attract tive home in line condition. It will surely- delight you and you mr.y pay for t on very easy terms: convenient to all Union ave ears. Price only $4250. Call Si4 E. 7th st. N. any time. WATCH! . WATCH! WATCHI WESTOVER TERRACES. "Portland's Best View Homesites, INTERNATIONAL REALTY ASSOCIATES. 110 Tenth St. Pittock Block. Bdwy. 110. IRVINGTON. $7000. TERMS. Near 10th and Brazee, well-built 8-room house, all built-ins. hard wood floors. For further informa tion call East 40V1. $1850 FOR SALE. " " BY OWNER. 4-room modern house with some fur niture; cement basement, fireplace, 15 minute car ride to heart of city, with best of car service; $300. with payments of $15 a month will handle thia This is one of the best buys in the city and should be sold quickly. Call Woodlawn 5149. HAWTHORNE. We have 15 bungalows under con struction; cement basement, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, oak floors, large attics. lot 50x100. Be the first one in a real home. Small cash payment. . CLOW REALTY. 1131 Belmont, Automatic 223-31). THAT VACANT LO'f. " Why not turn a burden into income? We design and build apartments, ga rages, residences,- anything: furnish plans and finance. Established 10 years. We offer SECURITY, SERVICE, SAT ISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co.. 1)24 N. W. Bank bldg. MODERN 5-room bungalow and attic: in good condition, large lot, near E. CSlh ana Ullsan: fireplace, Dultt-lns In dinm roum. Dutch kitchen, complete nlurib- ing. laundry trays in kitchen and base ment; full cement basement flouted, sewer connected: no liens or mortgae to pssume. $8150: $1650 cash. Tabor 21134. IRVINGTON REAL HOME, $11,500. On 22d, between Hancock and Tilla mook, living room 33x29, large library, 2 fireplaces, 2 tiled baths, guest room has lavatory, full lot, garage. MRS. McDQNELL, EAST 419. BUY FROM OWNER. Close in. Rose City Park, modern 6 . room bungalow and sleeping porch; lot 50x100, lawn, roses and garage: furnace and fireplace: lots of bullt-ins: exuet lent condition. Price $5800. Can ar range terms. 368 E. 87 lb st. N. Tabor 43i2. 4-ROOM MODERN BUNGaLOW. This place has full cemer-t basement with heating plant, wash trays and gas Blate; nice living room. ai,-ing room, uich kitchen, bedroom and bath; price $271)0 on terms to reliable pa: Ilea par ticulars. G. A. barles. 434 Northwestern Bank bldg HOMti FOR 11600. ' $350 CASH. Good five-room house, near Northwest Steel shipyard, good location, small pay ment monthly. Call Hinman. UMBDEN6TOCK A LARSON. Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 11138. HAWTHORNE, $3730 II-room bungalow', cement basement, furnace, built-ins. Im provements in, 1 block to car, dandy lo cation, large rooms. CLOW REALTY. 1131 Belmont, Automatic 223-39. 3 ACRES. ALL KINDS OF FRUIT, GAR DEN. CHICKEN HOUSE AND GOOD FURNITURE. POSSESSION IN TEN DAYS. $5000 FIRST PAYMENT. E. 657 3UTH ST. MAR. 1684. MRS. BERRY. IRVINGTON CHARMING COLONIAL. Near Knott, artistic design, large rooms art paper, French doors, ivory finish, oak floors; owner leaving, must sell. East 3lil. Main sing. VEH Y FINE BARGAINS IN CHOICE HOMES IN IRVINGTON DISTRICT; I HAVE ONE, LOT 100x100, GOOD HOUSE. MARSHALL J684, MRS BERRY. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW COLONIAL style. 6 rooms, sleeping porch, all oak floors, artistic finish ..iroqahout, garage Neuhausen. East ,'1!'4, Main S07S. t)NLY $2450 Bargain by owner: 5 rooms and sleeping porch, paved street and good district; $500 cash, balance easy, 711 Spokane avenue. " J W. McFADDEN BLDG CO BUILDERS OF FINE HOMES-' 85 NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION 208 Msniv ?-i. MitnpnALL 12. PARTLY completed bungalow, and acre near Powell Valley road and Buckley avenue for $1?50. Owner, E. p. Vigars. 1208 Well-Fargd bldg. IRVINGTON bungalow 7 rooms,' strictly modern. I am going to see this bunga low. LOOK il it louay. ois fe. 14th st N. and then see owner. 670 E. 15th st. N LAUKELHUUSl New colonial, 8 rooms, breakfast nook, reception hall, double plumbipg, garage 1185 Ei Davis St. PRETTY 5-room bungalow; neat and clean; now vacant; payments ike rent ' CITY REALTY. ' ' k 602 Stock Exch. ifan 953 7-ROOiI house on Cook ave., neaf Union ave.; ..uuu w. a.,.. Lei ins. W. a. Robinson. 414 Abington bldg. , DON'T YOU-WANT T WO FLATS. WEST SIDE" A MOMK AKO AN INCOME. MARSHALL 1684. MRS. BERRY. XI4111) COTTAGE. 3 rooms. Kern .Park; .'ton niah VI KV. ..I-n.1 c7:tiin- Ulg IIIL, ew " " ' uu, lit . 1 11 . Ding IRVINGTON HOMES. UcDONELL 1 East 418. 500 E. 14TH ST. N 5-ROOM house. 54th ani E. Washington ats.; l-uuo casn, oat. terms, . yy. B. Robinson, 11) Ainiision Ping. MODERN 5-room bungalow, restricted dis trict, iiuuu casn, oaiance iiae rent, owq- en senwguu o 6-ROOM ntodern bungalow. 100 feet off Glisan, 85th St., $2850, $1050 cash, $53 per mom". IRVINGTON 7-room house, E. 12th N. ; (JIU IVUry, lUIIIAC, STU1114 fuuvu, inc. $11)75. K. 8015. MODERN 6-room ' bungalow. ' enameled wooawora. rvio ej. n.in woomawn est) .COST bungalow, $2500, cash $400; also - room coit-age, lavcu, s-iouu. iiapur jujo. REAL ESTATE. l-'or Saie Houses. $3750 HAWTHORNE 6-r. bung.; cozy home. $3660 5-r. bun., new. modern. This is a bargain in Fulton. Will take car. $3500 -Rose City 6-r. bung., mudern; garage. $6(10 wUI handle. $3900 NEW Rose City 4-r b, w. floors. modern. Good value. $3650 FI'KNIMIIMD 4-r. bung., excellent. $3650 Windsor Ills., 5-r. modern. Less than buildiiuj cost; lot 50x100 $4500- Exceptional 5-rm. bung, in Wav- erlclgh Heights- Beautiful and well builL ; PIEDMONT 11 OMR. ' $5800 Priced under value for short time. Strictly modern. Very desirable. NOT A HOI'SE. BUT A HOME. $5000 Let us show you this -r. bung.: has everything. (You can look it over, then make offurv 1 600 Homes to Select From. MARSH & MuCABE. REALTORS. 323-23-24 Falling Bldg. Mar. 3fl'3 COLONIAL BUNGALOW ADJOINING l.AURELHURST. $4500 $li)O0 CASH. 5 rooms, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, Dutch kitchen, buffet, bookcases, i-einent basement, ce ment floor and laundry trays, garage, only 1 V years old; absolutely double constructed throughout and the very best of workmanship. This is a buy. ROSB CITY PARK. 5 rooms, fireplace, furnace, bardwoed floors, Dutch kitchen, buffet, bookcases, cement basement, laundry trays, ga rage; 50x100 lot; this is a nifty, douliio constructcd bungalow that -is up to the minute in every detail; $.".500. II EN D Kit SON -BAN K UH CO. , 426 Henry bldg. Broadway 4754. . tills' BUNGALOW. $300 DOWN. On a paved street, with sewer, a very gooil -looking, welt-built bungalow of four rooms, there .. being one bedroom, all kinds of buiif-ins and fireplace, eemojit basement, laundry trays; price- $3300. BI1IR-CAREY, 211 Railway Exchange, Third Slid Slark Sis. Main 7I8T. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. -An exceptional buy st $5900; bard wood floors, full basement, fireplace, nil thi built-ins, large floored attic; &UxlU0 lot. MR. LARSON, 1215 X. W. Bank bldg. Marshall 2245. FRETT y"buna'aluw" of 5 rooms, like new though 5 years old;, hardwood floors, nice fireplace, with built-ins, Dutch kitchen, 2 lovely bedrooms with closets, bath complete, eernent basement, laun dry trays; up to date and in Al condi tion; corner lot, street paved; Tibbctts at., Richmond district; underpricud at $3500, with $1000 cash. O. A. PEARCE'CO., 201 Oreron bldg. Broadway 4R35. A HANDSOME QUEEN ANNE HOME. An absolutely up-to-the-minute bunga low of seven rooms with sun porch, love ly hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, roomy closets, everything opmplete to the last detail. And the lot is 100x100 in choice location. Price $U5O0, with $2000 caeh. RALPH HARRIS CO., R16 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5rt?4. FINE rt-ROOM HOME. FURNACE $UO0 DOWN. This house Is a most excellent at the price; It has three large upstairs bed rooms, cement basement, furnace; full lot with sewer, well built, fine appear ing, good district; only $30O0. BIHR-CARET, 211 Railway Exchange, Third and Stark Sts. Main 74S7. BRAND NEW ALBERTA BUNGALOW. BRAND NEW ALBERTA BUNGALOW, $3800 38H0 $3800 $3800 3800 5 large rms., artistic design, best plans you ever saw; fireplace, hdw. firs., bullt-ins, cement bas't., en, plumbing, old ivory finish, numerous conv. ; 50x100, paved st., blk. car; never occupied. A wonderful bargain, terms. Main 4803. U. C. GOLDEN BERG. Abington Bldg. "35 Yrs. In Portland." IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. $6800 $10U0 down, balance like rent; 5 rooms in perfect condition, each room attractively designed, includes all the new features, big living room; the din ing room has beautiful buffet, kitchen is very convenient, ivory finish, hardwood floors, close to car, on paved street; will take piano, lot or good car on trade. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Slain 378.7. HALF ACRE good bearing assorted fruit trees, raspberries, blackberries, goose berries, currants, flowers. shruboery: good bar-i, chicken house, woodshed and other buildings; nice 3-room bungaiow. citv water, gas. electricity; iust east of Mllwaukie; $2800, $400 cash, balance terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. NEW BUNGALOW, $3750. New 5-room bungalow on East 47th, high and sightly. 5Uxl00; fireplace, floored attic, basement, good street, near paving; finished. March 1; only $3750; $1000 cash, $25 month and Interest. A bargain. ELMER F. BENNETT CO., 318-321 Board of Trade. Main 7452. SROOM modern house uud garage: 330 E. Weldler st.. for sale by owner; walking distance. House in Al shape. At a big bargain, $4450, $2000 cash. ' balance to suit buyer. Home Sundays only from 12 to 4 P, M. Week days inquire at 221 Morrison. Also will trade for stock of merchandise. ROSE CITY. Modern 5 rooms, hardwood floors, fur nace, fireplace, all built-ins. breakfast nook, fuli basement and lot, large front porch, double constructed, cement drive way lor garage. A snap, $50oO. il. E. LENT CO. Main SS60. 524 N. W. Bank Bldg. RICHMOND DISTRICT. MODERN BUNGALOW. TWO LOTS. Five rooms first floor, 2 finished In attic; paved St., fine neighborhood. A good home, close in, $4200. Terms. Hard wick, with FRANK McCRILLIS. 824 Henry Bldg. Broadway 77Q. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. $6000 Two-atory home. 50x100: can get adjoining lot: 3 nice bedrooms, sun room, sleeping porcn, finishdd in whue and Ivory, hardwood floors, lireplace, furnace: near Irvington car: -terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 Northwestern Bank Bldg Main 37S7, STOP PAYING RENT. k Good 6-room house, 1 blk. from car line, Westmoreland dlst., corner lot, sts. paved and paid; choice rose hedge; $700 cash will handle; balance less than rent. Price $4000. H ENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark 6t. UNIVERSITY PARK. 5-room bungalow, elec, lights, gas, bath, inlaid linoleum in kitchen goes with place; concrete foundation base ment, fruit, close -to park and cars. $2200. $1000 cash: your rent will pay it out. . M. K. LENT CO. NEAR 2.1 and Foster roau. H'j acres, C room plastered house, chlckon house, barn, land ail cultivated, 2ft acres in clover, balance assorted fruit. A dandy chicken ranch. Price $6(100. or will trade for cottage m Hawthorne district up to $31100. Brnadvay 4133. a) ROSE CITY PARK. V $5500. Five-room bungalow with den, hard wood floors, fireplace, beautiful buffet, lutch kitchen, cement basement, fur nace, 50x100 lot, near the Alameda. .Very a-ooil terms. Call Broadway 2Q54. $3000 SUNNYSIDE, 6-room house, with batn, good basement with wash trays, gas, electricity, . good condition, fiewly - painted; street improvements in and 'paid, 2 blocks from Laurelhurst Park; $1000 down, balance $15 per month. Owner. Tabor 5577. ' WORTH $3000, near Reed college and mu nicipal golf links: fireplace, furnace, garage,- built-ins, . 3 bedrooms, sleeping ?orch. Ready for occupancy. Your own arms within reason. Arrange appoint v ment. Broadway 2700. Sellwood 405. ST. JOHNS 2 beautiful corner lots, loox 106, close to new 65-acre City park; mall new nouse, water, electric lights; $1300, terms, or will sell house and one lot. Owner, 943, N. Hludspn, opposite North school. BEAUTIFUL HOME ON WEIDLER. Corner jot, 60xT00, w(th 10-room house, bungalow style, every modem sonven lence and everything clear; beautiful carpets included in prioe of $10,000. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. . $39011 5-ROOM attractive bungalow, old ivory woodwork and tapestry paper; full cement basement, laundry trays, Dutch kitchen, large lot. street improvements all paid; $1650 cash. Auto. 232-86. HERE is a real bargain for someone vho wants a neat o-room cottage with sleep ing porch, on paved street, good ais trtct. can be had from owne-. for 12450, $300 down. $25 per mo. Main 7135. WHY PAY RENT? Dandy . 3-room furnished boat house, e extra floats, close to oar and shipyard. A snap for $750. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 303 Oak. LAURELHURST. ' ' New colonial 2-stery 8 rooms; garaye. Owner and builder. Tabor 0452. BY OWNER 5-room Colonial bungalow In desirable district, Alust sacrifice. Sellwood 137-1, REAL ESTATE. For hale Houses, ROSE CITY PARK GEM! Here is a bungalow par excel- . lencel No. 60 E- Oorh street N-. one 'block north of Sandy. It's NEW. NIFTY and NIC!'".! Large living and dining rooms, hardwood floors; one of the prettiest kitch ens one ever saw, Immaculate In white enamel: built-in HerrtcV' refrigerator, two nice bedrooms and dandy white tile bathroom with shower on first floor: on the second floors are enclosed stepp ing porch and large finished room. F.vcry room in this house has pol ished floors. Splendid full base ment: flue lawn and selected shrubbery; 50100 lot. This home embodies the best possible ' con struction and 'Workmanship. Price is but S"ii (former price $7."oO). (Contract has been let for asphalt pavement.) DON'T MISS THIS BIG OPPORTUNITY to secure one of ROSE l.'ITV'K BEST BUYS. Ask for IT. W. Crossley, manager High-class Home Dept., with FRANK L. McGUIRF. To Buy Your lligh-clase Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. 3d St. Bet. Wash, and Stark, MOUNT TABOR. 6-ROO.r HOME. BEAUTIFUL GROUNDS. - 100x130 FEET- Living room 18x18 feet, fireplace, large (lining rtn.. tapestry paper, - foil eemeMl basement, furnace and laundry t ra ys ; 3 -la rge sleeping rms. . "ajimudance of closet room; 3 full 'Vols. "17" bearing fruit trees. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, Chamber of -fVmmercc Bldg. Main 208. IRVINGTON. GOOD BUYS. 110 500 10 ROOMS. HOT-WATER HEAT. PLATE GLASS. H. W. FLOORS, 2 BATHS. $11500 BUNGALOW. 18TH. NBA R KNOTT. LARGN ROOMS. 2 FIRE PLACES. GARAGE. $0O07 ROOMS. BREAKFAST NOOK. KKAR KNOTT. $0500 CORNER RI'NGAI.OW. IVORY H. W. FLOURS,, BETWEEN BRAZEE McDONBI.L. EAST 419. 500 EAST 14TH N. WEST MT. TAROR. " HOME AND FURNITURE. Owner leaving city, must sell good i-room modern home, completely fur nislied. or will sell home without fur nishings, full cement basement, lot f0x 100, good view, fruit, etc.: 140 E. 6th at., second house north of ML Tabor car. Price for all, $4500. terms. L. K. STEIN MET.. 406 Gerlinger bldg. Main 0091 or labor 3224. A BARGAIN Double constructed bunga low of 5 large airy rooms snd bath, combination living and dining rooms, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, half floored, large floored attic, garage: paved street; all the improvements in and paid for; block and half to Monta vllla car. close to school and churches. Price $:17(KI: $1150 cash and $30 a mo., including interest at 6r4. 52 E. 79lb St, N. Also all the furniture tor ship. HAWTHORNE SACRIFICE. Owner 6-room b'ingalow. recently painted: ivorv and white en-vmel inside, new oak floors, largo light kl:ehen. built-ins large porch, attie, cement basement and wash trays; corner lot, street improvements paid, Vuican gas range, gas water beater, curtains and draperies- Included, r-rice ilov. 1142 E. Stephens 38th St., 3 block south Hawthorne ave. No agents. ALAMEDA IIOMU. R1BATTTIKUL 145x125 CORNER. Living room 19x26, sun parlor, three fireplaces, sleeping porch, hardwood floors throughout: Ruud water heater, full cement bssement; double garage: street Improvements In and paid for; owner leaving the city; immediato pos session. Corner East 33d and Bryce. Woodlawn 5258. LBAUTIFUL SUNNYSIDE HOME. T rooms, bath and reception hall, old Ivory enamel finish, hardwood floors. built-ins, fireplace, furnace, full eoncrete basement, laundry trays, etc.; close to car. hard surface street and ail assess ments paid; arranged for one. or two families. Buy from owner, price $350(1, and very liberal term. Ph'ons East 1736, or call at 70M East Taylor st. A RARE- opportunity to let a home. $1600, only $160 cash, balance small monthly payments, isew 4-room nouse, near 82d St.. Montavilla district. Phone Alain 570, 407 Board of Trade bldg. FURNISHED 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. Cozy little bungaiow. just the place ror small family: furniture 13 an prac ticallv new. w-htrh includes A. B. com binntlon gas range worth $183. For quick sale we will sacrifies for $3200, Including everything. This Dlace is In fine condition. For particulars call at 888 E. 24th. near Holgate. or phone owner. Spllwood .in'. J. . NEAR REED COLLEGE $2500. . Very neat well-built cottage- of 5 large rooms and sleeping porch, sink, hot nd cold water, corner lot, 100x100, every thing in pink of condition, 1 block to car, a truly Deauiuui place, iouii casn $20 monthly. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber -f Commerce. HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS $1850." An extra well-built plastered collage, concrete foundation, electric lights, gas, patent toilet, 3 bearing fruit trees, al) kinds of berries snd grapes, good chick en house and woodshed, on paved street, neav JCenton; $2tl0 cash, $20 mon'.nly. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Corn. 5-ROOM Hawthorne bungalow, real bar pain, $4050; strictly modern, hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases and buffet: French mirror in hall, Dutch kitchen in white enamel, cement basement, wash trays, furnace, beautiful driveway and garage: all street improvements in and pain, tall ownar.ymmr 1 lib. BY OWNER 1st floor, 3 large rooms, built Ins: 2d floor. 8 rooms. 6 closets, bath, Bleeping porch; basement, trays, hot water healing system: Improvements in and paid: terms or discount for cash. 566 E. 35th st. 8. R. M. car Tabor 1926. $2200. TERMS. Good 5-room bungalow, sleeping porch snd large back porch; glass inclosed; full basement, bath, gas and electricity, chicken house, garden, choice roses; one block from Franklin high. Broadway 401'g. WE HAVE 5-room bungalows as low as $2800. Let us show you our lists. We make a specialty of looking up just . what you want. CITY REALTY, 802 Stock Exchange. Main 053. $3150 5-ROOM bungalow, Sunnyside, ce ment basement, bullt-ins, 3 blocks to Car. corner lot 60x100, streets and side walks in. CLOW REALTY, 1131 Belmont. Automatic 223-30. ROSE CITY PARK home by owner, C-roon. bungalow with hot-waler heat, ivory finish throughout and tapestry paper: - high-grade plumbing with shower bath: double garage; price $6700. 623 East 61st North, half block from Sandy blvd. HOUSE PLA.M3. "Distinctive Homes," illustrated book of over 100 designs. $1; blueprints. $10. prSTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY, 024 Northwestern Bank Bldg. THE RICE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. Homes built and financed, repairing and jobbing: homes and bomesltes for sale. A. R. Rice, Mgr.. phone Automatic 320-85, R. B. Rice, agent, East 2433. 6-ROO.M house, 50x100 lot. improvements in and paid; full basement, garage, close in, 2 blocks Sunnyside car, near 85th st. $3350, terms. See owner, J071 E. Alder. IRVINGTON DISTRICT 7-room bunga, ' low lype, strictly modern, double con structed, best of plumbing, living room and dining room across the front; a bargain. From owner. Call East 5460. $2800 6-ROOM house; bath, gss. electric ity, garage, chicken house, abundance of fruit gnd berries; ground lOOxloO; cash $1200. one Mock from Woodlawn car. 1432 Fern St. Woodlawn 4802. By owner, 5-room bungalow, modern; 1 block to car. Call Auto. 620-12 after U r anH h,fnr, A A U $2650 I-ROOM modern cottage, fruit, ga rage, sidewalk, sewer, half block hart surface. 1 block car; terms. 5219 42d st a t. w cue Owner 8-ROOM house; barn 28x28; woodshed. 3 lots, to trade for house and lot In Port land. W. B. Robinson, 414 Abington bldg. ' - HOMES designed, built and remodeled; satisfaction is our aim; prices reasona ble. WOOD ft COLE. Woodlawn 6348. IF YOU have money to lend, write us. We pay 10 per cent Interest, Ford Jersey airy, Vancouver, w.an VSIST upon a- tile bath-room floor and a tile mantel In your new homo, Oregon Art Tile Co. 411 Alder St. NEW modern bungalow, 6 rooms and breakfast nook; a real snap for cash. 575 E. 25th. N., Aut. 819-33. 5-ROOM house, 5 minutes' walk from city hall, lot 60x30 f.rt; $.1800. piaes ing Oranite Co., 267 Third street. MODERN 6-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace and all built-in conven iences. Owner. Mala 2776. MODERN 5-room bungalow, fireplace, full Address 853 Powoll Valley road. $ Tl 00 MS 16th St., Aiberta district; 15000, W. R. Uobinsnn. 414 Ahington bldg. 'A 4 AND o-KUOM bungalows, built for ;2t)0 and up. Phone M4. iViU RE. I. ESTATE. ROSE CITY PARK. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. Half block to Sandy b'vd. en 49th street: east front, full lol. nice shade trees, all modern built in effects; Dutch kitchen, fire place, full cement bssement, good furnace, atllc. TERMS: $21o0 down. $400 per year. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Fourth and Stark Sis. Main 208. IRVINGTON CORNER COLONIAL HOME HOT WATER HEAT. $13,500. Built for home by present owner. Light mahogany woodwork first floor; Ivory on second floor, hard wood floors throughout; three sets of French doors, all plate glass. Beautiful bedrooms, each has long mirrors and two closets. Finest hsihrnom in city Also has lava tory room on first floor. If you are looking for something good thnt is modern to the minute, see this. AiuS. McliONELL. EAST 410. i (.' A I I l-'O I! N 1 A BUNGALOW ROSE CITY. A real bungalow home to frel proud of. Five large rooms with every mod em feature. Built under architect's su pervision of the very best material and workmanship; beautiful, harmonious, ar tistic, complete, it is a pleasure to show a homo of this quality and finish. Price $ium)ii. Onr-third Cash. Full details. Sluclnnes, TIARVEY WELLS CO.. fln.t rtasco Bldg. Main 4.".vt. FNIVICIISITY PARK BUNGALOW. . Near fine school, Columbia university, library, poetoffice, stores, ark. on paved street, the location of this home is ideal: 5 rourne. full cement basement, wash travs, new garage, choice roses: owner Js moving to Conn, and must sell. For quick sale. $4200. First payment $2im0; balance $20 per month with 6 per cent interest. MR. VAN ANTWERP, Main 422. House phone Sellwood 716. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. Fourth Ht. ilODERN RUNG A 1 .0 W, $3500 $500 DOWN. On a paved street with sewer, 1 bleek from car; a very good-looking and well built bungalow of five excellently ar ranged rooms. Including two bedrooms, all kinds of bullt-ins, fireplace, furnace, garage; this is a' real buy. BIHR-CARET, 211 Railway Exchange, Third and Sta rk Sts. Main 748T, $5lMl IN ORDER to close an estate, we can offer for sale a wonderful bargain In a 6-room bungalow, about 8 years old. Has lot 100x145, which is almost acre; has lot of bearing fruit trees. Including Royal Anne cherries. This property is located at 49th and Belmont sts., near Glencoe school. This will re quire about $2000 cash. HI 1. 1. Kit BROS.. 514 Railwav Exchange Bldg. Main 86. Branch office, ,'illth and Sandy. Open Sundays and evenings. Phone Tabor HI85. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH. 7 ROOMS $500 DOWN. This close-in house is on a paved street with sewer and full lot; four fine up stairs bedrooms, cement basement, laun dry trays, finest of plumbing; a snap for $3750. BIHR-CARET, 211 Railway Exchange, Third ami Stark Sts Main 748T. - ROSE CITY PARK, Modern 5-room bungalow snd sleeping porch, paved street; $500 cash, balance like rent. A. M. MIKKELSEN CO.. 524 and Sandy. Tabor 5230. Open Sundays. $4400 $T30 DOWN, balance easy terms: 6 rooms In perfect condition, each room attractively designed; all bullt-ins; the arrangement is very convenient; nsre bedroom on first floor, two on second floor; has fireplace, full cement base ment, on paved street and car line; ail liens paid; close to Willamette blvd. JiTHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 37T. RICH M ONI) BUNGALOW. $1700 $300 DOWN. A S-room bungalow, with 2 bedrooms, lots of built-nis, good district; gas and electricity, BIHR-CARET, 211 Railway Exchange, Third and Stark Sts. Main 74S7. 30TH ST. HAWTHORNE. We want you to compare this bunga low, priced at $4500. with homes In Hawthorne priced from $5lili0 to $5500. 6-room semi-bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in bookcases, beautiful built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, fuli con crete basement, furnace, wash trays and located block to car. Don't overlook a good buv. COMTE KOHLMAN. M. 6550. $300 CASH, balance $40 per month (including inter est), buys a modern new bungalow tn Rose City Park; a wonderful little home; just see it! Has fireplace, hardwood floors and cement basement with laun dry trays; a vary bright kitchen with breakfast nook; yours for $3025, $30(1 cash. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Broadway 4751. 410 Henry bldg. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW, $18.'.0. 5-room bungalow on sunny corner, paved streets, large closets, bullt-ln wardrobes, buffet, bookcases, etc., break fast nook, full concrete basement, fruit closet, laundry trays. Gasco furnace, double garage, good terms. RICHARD W. MAST, Realtor. HITTER, LOWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Hoard of Trade Bldg. VACANT, HEADY TO OCCUPY. Modern 7-room house, near east end Broadwuy bridge: large, 'roomy base ment, gas raiiiators. bath, two toilets, house la in best of condition; rooms all very large, light and airy. For quick ssle. price reduced to $4075; must have half cash. GIBSON. 2BS STARK". MARff'fALL 1? WALKING DISTANCE. $2430 buvs 5-room cottage. Irvington district, lion't pay rent when you can buy this for $1150 down, balance $20 and interest. Hardwlck, with FRANK. McCRILLIS, 324 Henry Hldif. Broadway 77. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. $I.'IINI. Six-room bungalow, hardwood floor throughout; wonderful fireplace, book cases, buffet and beamed celling. Dulch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace, garage, 50x100 corner lot. all kinds of shrubbery; good terms. Call Broadway 2!34. ROSE CITY PARK. Bv owner going away. 3-room strictly modern furnished bungalow on corner, one blk. to car: hardwood floors through out cement basement, wash trays, fur nace, garage; $5500. half cash; without furniture $4750, i(27 E. 41st at. N. Phone Tabor 5:141 1HOO WILL HANDLE.. 5-room bungalow, gas, eleclrlo lights; house is neat and clean: SOxlnu lot, xnod chicken house; a wonderful buy. Price $1050. $300 cash, balance $53 per monLu, and interest. JOHNSON-TJODRON CO.. ' 633 Northwestern Hank Bldg Main 37-ST. .,-.,i.i 1 R VI Nil TON tlMIOO. SWELL T-ROOM BUNGALOW. Modern throughout, garage, improve ments all lu snd paid; must be sold this week; biggest bargain ever offered. $4000 cash, balance In two years. Mar shall 3352; eve,, Tabor 3090. 403 Couch building. 5-ROOM HOUSE on improved street, good residence section of city, for $2300. X must have some cash and would rather sacrifice on this property than borrow the monev. F.r particulars see owner at 4o4 Planning. PIEDMONT DISTRICT. New T-rootn modern bungalow.' close to car and school, garage, lot 50x100, good district. Price $5600. Very easy terms. Broadway 4133. KJNO EIGHT. 11)21 model. This car has been run 1600 miles and it Is the same as new. Cost $3550 and will sell for $2100, 1850 casb, baaince on terms. Soli- wood 10211. FOR SALE By owner. 1375U. terms, 0- . room modern house, fine condition, full basement, furnace, laundry trays, east front. 1 blocks from Aiberta car. Call Automatic 331-34. HAWTHORNE new 5-room modern bunga low. all built-ius. paved street, cloo lo car and school. $1200, easy terms. Bdwy. 4133. A COY-, well-built uroom .bungalow, t year old, all bullt-ln features. Jots nf bei ries, 2 blocks from car, close to Spud actios. 7804 62 a ave. at lltiu