Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 24, 1921, Page 21, Image 21

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Demand Is Better Than for
Many Months Past.
Bids Are Made on Every Good Lot
Kemalnlng in Oregon, but
Market Is Blocked.
The hop market Is la the midst of a
boom of rood-sized proportions. The
activity, however, is in price changes,
rather than In the actual movement of
hopa Prices have risen suddenly and
sharply and are now at the 25-cent level,
but though values are almost twice what
they were a month ago, growers will
sot sell.
In the past two days offers of 25 cents
have been made for practically every good
lot left In Oregon. The market, however,
is completely blocked, as the rapid rise
In price has convinced most growers that
till better prices are In prospect.
The increased demand was occasioned
In the opinion of dealers, by the Palmer
ruling, the probability of tariff action
and the near approach of the summer
season. It Is a question In the minds of
Vme hop men whether the federal actioji
In regard to the use of beer for medi
cinal purposes will have the effect on
hop consumption that was expected. If
this view Is correct, the lack of support
may operate against maintenance of pres
ent prices.
The present Inquiry, wlille it cannot be
called urgent, is broader than for many
weeks past and has embraced the lower
as well as the better grade of hops. The
poorer qualities have participated in the
advance, as shown by the transfer of a
lot at 21 cents, which about a week ago
was being offered on the market at 13
cents. This lot and a carload of southern
Oregon comprise about alt the hops that
have been sold since the market .attained
its new level.
In western Washington conditions are
similar to those in Oregon. Bids have
been steadily elevated, but without making
an Impression on growers.
Exports from the United States for the
month of January, 1921, were 5,033,805
pounds and for the months of September
to January last, both inclusive, 13,814,870
pounds, of which 10,442,818 pounds were
sent to Great Britain.
Coarse Grains Also Weak and Lower
at Exchange.
The wheat market showed further weak
ness yesterday and bids on all grades
were reduced 1 cent at the merchants
The coarse grain market wu also weak
and dull. Oats and corn bids were 50c
SI lower. There were no offers for barley.
According to Chicago advices Greece
was expected to place an order for 1,3K),
000 bushels of wheat. For choice Canadian
wheat 37 cents was bid over the March
Broomhall cabled: "The British govern
ment holdings of wheat are as follows:
Stocks ashore 40,000,000 bushels, 20,000,-
000 bushels afloat. This total belonging
to the British government will fill their
requirements and carry out the fixed
selling programme until the end of the
season, supposing flour millers accept de
control on March 31. Under these condi
tions it is possible that the royal commis
sion will not enter the American market
this season."
Argentine wheat shipments for the week
are estimated at 7.850,000 bushels
A Kansas City report says wheat gen
erally Is looking fine, especially In the
eastern section, where there Is abundance
of moisture. It would be much benefited
by rain in central and western portions,
where there are complaints of damage
from soil blowing in late planted fields,
but the damage is not serious yet
Terminal receipts. In cars, were reported
by the .Merchants' Exchange as follows:
Portland. Wed.... :;4 4 8
Year ago 01 . . . 6 . , . 23
Season to date. . . 12.0.".4 211 6.72 432 2013
Year ago 7.217 100 3348 413 1081
Tacoma, Tuesday. 0 ... 4 1 11
Year ago 12 2 i.6 1 5
Season to date 3.S24 47 TS 110 7S8
Y ear ago 6,108 74 248:! 103 744
Seattle. Tuesday 1.... 3 3
Y ear ago 35 . . . 8
Peason to date.... 4.0it3 102 313 337 1102
Year ago 5,332 231 055 626 1122
Over Foor Million Pounds I'osold in Excess
of Year Ago.
The official summary ' of cold storage
holdings In the United States on March
1 of this and last year makes the, fol
lowing comparisons:
March 1, March 1.
11121. 1020.
Creamery butter 20,773,000 22,50s, 000
Packing stock butter. 2.571,000 1.472.000
American cheese ....17,435.000 34,039,000
Swiss cheese 2,034.000 2. U -Ml. Ml 10
Brick & Munster.... 1,180,000 802,000
l.lmburger 070.000 502,000
Cottage, Pot 4 Bakers 3,258. 0O0 2,041.000
Cream A Neufchatel. 57,tM0 158,000
All other cheese 4,743,000 S.305,000
Case eggs :( ooo
Frozen eggs 22,321,000 13.83il.0O0
Broilers 10.3H0.000 6,868,000
Boasters 22.2li7,000 27, UK3.000
Fowls 14,375,0110 18,384.000
Turkeys 6,859,000 5.001.000
Miscellaneous 11,703,000 19,705,000
Buying Prices 61lghtly Higher With Ad
vances In East.
The egg market was steadier yesterday
and there was a better demand for the
targe arrivals. Buying prices ranged from
18 to 20 cents. Firmer markets In the
east and south were responsible for the
improvement here. Opinions differed as
to whether the gains 4n the eastern mar
kets would be maintained.
There was no apparent change In the
butter situation. The demand for cubes
was fair and prices were unchanged.
Receipts of poultry were somen hat
better and retailers were not so keen to
take hold of the high prices.
Dressed meats were unchanged.
- First Strawberries Are Received.
The strawberry season opened yesterday
with the arrival of the first shipment from
Louisiana. A straight carload came In,
half of which was unloaded here and the
remainder sent on to Tacoma and Seattle.
The fruit was of fair quality and sold
at $3.50 per crate of 4 pints. Another
shipment of the same size will arrive next
Local Egg Storing Is Active.
Storage egg holdings in Portland In
creased 2503 cases In the past week and
butter stocks declined 5812 pounds. Hold
ings of dairy, and poultry products this
vac and last week compare as follows:
This wk. Last wk.
Butter, pounds..; 60.162 65,974
Cheese, pounds 22.448 22.757
F.Rgs. eases 10.5 1 8 V 985
Poultry, pounds 122.485 132,655
Bank Clearings.
Bank clearings of the northwestern
cities yesterday were as follows:
Clearings. Balances.
Portland 5.157.509 1 831. S40
Seattle 6.258.446 1,501, H2
Tacoma 650.751 127, 5S2
Spokane 1.4.'6,251 508,476
Grain, Flour, Feed. Ete.
Merchants' Exchange, noon session.
Hard walls 1.38 I 1.30 S 1.30
Soft white 1.36 1.36 1.36
White club 1.36 1.36 1.36
Hard winter 1.32 1.33 ...
Northern spring .... 1.31 1.32 ...
Ked Walla 1.31
No. 2 white feed 82.00 32.50 82.50
Millrun 25.00 . 25.00 ....
No. 3 E. T. shipment 29.00 29.00 29.00
No. 3 Y. delivery 20.00 20.00 29.00
FLOUR Family patents, $9; bakers'
hard wheat, $7.85; bakers' bluestem pat
ents, $7.33; valley patents, $0.50; whole
wheat, $7.40; graham, $7.20.
MILLFEED Prices f. o. b. mill; Mill
run, $29 per ton; rolled barley, $4143;
rolled oats. $43; scratch feed, $55 per ton
CORN Whole, $39; cracked, $42 per
HAT Buying prices f. o. b. Portland;
alfalfa, $10 per ton; cheat, $2223 per
ton; clover, $16; valley timothy, $2526;
eastern Oregon timothy, $27,
Dairy and Country Produce.
BUTTER Cubes, extras, 3940c; prints,
parchment wrapped in box lots, 45c; car
tons, 46c. Butterfat, buying price. A
grade. 42c; B grade, 40c, Portland delivery.
EGOS Buying prices, case count, 18$
20c delivered; Jobbing pi Ices to retailers,
candled ranch, 25&2uc; selects, 272c.
CHEESE Tillamook triplets, price to
Jobbers f. o. b. Tillamook, 33c; Young
Americas. 34c lb.
POULTRY Hens. 2032c: ducks, 45
50c-; geese, 2.rc; turkeys, live, 35c; do.
dressed, 45 U 50c.
PORK Fancy, ICtflSc per pound.
VEAL Fancy, 17 18c per pound.
Fruits and Vegetables. '
FRUITS Navel oranges, $3.355.50 box;
lemons, $3.50 4.75; grapefruit, $3.258.50
per bait;, bananas, lOllc per pound; ap
ples, $1.35&4 per box; strawberries, $5.50
per crate.
VEGETABLES Cabbage. 2"4314c per
pound: lettuce, $44.25 per crate; car
rots, $1.25 per sack; garlic, 1520c pound;
beets, $1.50 per sack; cauliflower, $1.50 per
crate; celery. $4.50&5.50 per crate; green
peppers, 30i 4."c per pouti; rhubarb, 16
20c per pound; spinach. $1 (If 1.50 per box;
turnips. $2 per sack; sprouts. 2025c per
pound; tomatoes, $4.75 per lug; cucumbers,
$3r4 per doien; peas, 20c pound; aspara
gus, 224 ft 25c per pound.
POTATOES Oregon. $11.2K per 100
pounds; Yakima. $1.H0 1.75; sweet pota
toes. $3.75 per hamper.
ONIONS Oregon, $101.50 per sack.
Staple Groceries.
Loral Jobbing quotations:
SUGAR (sack basis) Cane granulated,
OWc per pound; beet, 9.15c per pound.
NUTS Walnuts. 15g35c: . Brazil nuts.
84c: filberts. 1521c: almohrts, 2R?30c:
peanuts, 10?llc per lb.: cocoanuts, $2 per
dozen; pecans, 23c; hickory nuts, 160
HONEY Comb, $7.75 per case.
RICE Blue Rose, 6Hc per pound; Ja
pan stvle, 4ic per pound.
BEANS Small white. Rttc; lanre white,
5M-c: pink, 7V4c: lima, 814c; bayou, llttc;
red. 7 He per pound.
COFFEE Roasted, bulk. In drums, 14
30c per pound.
SALT Granulated, hale, 3.504.25;
half ground, ton. 50s, $17.75; 100s, $15.50;
lump rock, $26.
DRIED FRUITS Italian prunes, "He
per pound; dates, $3.757 per box; figs.
$24.75 per box.
HAMS All sixes, 30ff.17c: skinned. 2B
30c; picnic. 17W19c; cottage roll. 30c.
BACON Fancy. 43&53c; choice, 30
35c; standard, 2fl'S'28c.
LARD Pure, tierces, 17c pound; com
pound tierces, 12c.
DRY SALT Backs, 22 g 25c; plates, 18c.
Wool, Hops, Ete.
WOOL Nominal.
TALLOW No. 1, Be: No. 2. 4c pound.
CASCARA BARK 1020 peel, 8c pound.
HOPS 1020 crop. 21 & 25c per pound.
MOHAIR Nominal.
GRAIN BAGS Carlots. 7c, coast.
LINSEED OIL Raw. in barrels. 94c;
5-gallon cans. $1.09. Boiled, in barrels,
00c; 5-gallon cans, $1.11.
TURPENTINE In-drums. 94c; S-gallon
cans. $1.09.
COAL OIL Tank wagons and Iron bar
rels, 17!c; cases, 30S37c.
GASOLINE Tank wagons and iron bar
rels, 30c; cases, 424c.
Prices Current on Vegetables. Fresh Fruits,
Etc., at Bay City.
SAN FRANCISCO. .March 23. Vegetables
Asparagus, Sli'c; eggplant, nominal;
squash, cream, 654f75c crate: potatoes,
street prices, rivers, white No. 1, $1.75ej
2.00; sweets, Nancy Hall, $5&6.50; onions,
Australian trown, 50c. green, $1.25150,
celery, J15043 crate; garlic, V10c; cell
peppers, 7ii'20c; turnips. 75cti$l sack;
beets. $1.25jl.50; parsnips, $22.25 sack;
carrots. 75c 4i $1 sack; peas. 6fi)12Vc; rhu
barb, Alameda, $1.75fi2.25; lettuce, $1.73
2; artichokes, 25&ttflc dozen; spinach,
3(4c; peas, 6fiil5e; new potatoes, OfiJUc,
Poultry Hens, 8TS40c; strictly young
roosters, 42i45c. old, 2225c; fryers, 55
fetWc; broilers, 48fu6Sc; ducks, 30.B;V3c:
squabs, 70'75c; pigeons, iat 50 dozen;
Belgian haree, live. 25&2Sc; Jackrabhits,
$3&3.50 dozen; turkeys, dressed, 50to-6c;
geese, ?2(u37tc.
Fruit Oranges, navel, $24.75; lemons,
$23.50; grapefruit. $2i3 50; tangeiines,
$1,504)3.50; apples, $1.40g3; bananas, 3it
10c; dates, 17'ftlSc; avocadoea, $3ji8
Receipts Flour, 200 quarters; barley,
2427 centals: beans, 2273 sacks; corn, 75
centals; potatoes 4408 sacks; onions, 112
tons; hay, 73 tons; hides, 803 bundles; live
stock, 309 head.
NaTal Mores.
SAVANNAH, Ga.. .March 23 Turpen
tine steady. 47c; no sales: receipts. i26
barrels: shipments, 288 barrels; stock.
6353 barrels.
Rosin firm: sales. 1680 barrels; receipts.
330 barrels: shipments, 765 barrels; stock,
69,600 barrels. Quote: B, $3.50; D, E, F,
G, H, I. $3.76; M. N, WO, WW, $4.25.
Car Receipts.
MINNEAPOLIS, March 23 Car re
ceipts: Wheat, 175; corn, 24; oats, 9;
barley, 36: rye. 9; flax. 10.
Winnipeg Wheat All grain, 525 cars.
New York Sugar Market.
NEW YORK, March 23. Raw sugar,
$6.27 for centrifugal; granulated, $8 to
$8.25 for fine granulated.
Dried Fruit at New York.
NEW YORK, March 23. Evaporated ap
ples firm. Prunes easy. Peaches steady.
State Auditor Paying Veterans At
Rale of 500 a Day.
OLYMPIA, Wash.. March 23. (Spe
cial.) Five hundred bonus checks
were beinfr mailed daily to ex-service
men, according to the bonus depart
ment of the state auditor's office.
Up to the present time 3700 bonus
checks have been drawn by the state
auditor and 1786 of this number
mailed out to the ex-service mem
The employes in the bonus depart
ment are working1 nights, days and
Sundays to rush the bonus payments
State Auditor Clausen estimated
that it will be between f've and six
months before all the war veterans
are paid off. Those who are sending
their applications in at the present
time no -doubt will not come under
the first $11,000,000 bonds that have
been sold, and payments of thest
applications will have to come through
the sale of additional state bonds.
Efforts have been made to garnishee
some of the bonus checks. Attorney
General Thompson, however, has ad
vised State Auditor Clausen that the
bonus checks cannot be g"arnisneeo
as state money cannot be garnlsheed.
Clnb Trustees Organize.
CHEHALIS, Wash.. March 23.
(Special.) The newly elected board
of trustees of the Chehalis Citizens'
club organized Tuesday for the 'com
ing year. A. K. Pollom was re-elected
president, J. P. Hurley re-elected
vice-president, and V. R. Lee was
elected treasurer. The new members
of the board are G. W. Hutchinson, .
K. Kirtley, C. F. Anderson and H. C.
Governor Hart Jianies Agent.
CHEHALIS, Wash., March 23.
(Special.) V. L. Bevlngton, chair
man of the republican central com
mittee of Lewis county, has been ap
pointed Governor Hart's special rep
resentative in the Olympia peninsula
district, and has taken over bis duties
Trading In Bonds Broader ' and
Tone Steady Iron and Steel
Outlook More Hopeful.
NEW YORK, March 23. On the largest
and most varied trading of any recent
session, the stock market today moved to
substantially higher ground, with indica
tions of a moderate revival of public par
ticipation. Motors and oils, with many miscel
laneous issues, were features of the rise.
Ralls lagged for a time, but transcon
tinentals and coalers registered material
gains later. "
Outstanding features embraced Stude
baker, Pierce-Arrow, Chandler and related
accessories of the rubber group, Atlantic
Gulf, General Asphalt,, Mexican and Pan
American Petroleums and Associated Pa
cific and Houston oils at extreme advances
of two to six points.
Other prominent stocks Included Cruc
ible, Republic Steel, Baldwin Locomotive,
American International, United Fruit, Mer
cantile Marine preferred, American
Woolen, International Paper and Interna
tional Alcohol.
Gains In these Issues were more varia
ble, realizing to secure profits effecting
reactions of one to three points at the
close. Sales wece 1,275,000 shares.
Apart from conditions In the steel and
Iron trade, where the outlook seemed more
hopeful, news and attendant developments
of the day offered no plausible explanation
for the r bound. ej
Call money dropped from seven to six
points on the exchange and as low as 5V4
per cent In private loans.
Dealings in foreign exchange were re
stricted, British and French rates showing
firmness and" Scandinavian rates falling
back. Axlvices indicated further accessions
of gold from Sweden,
Trading in bonds broadened, with a
steady tone in the main. Total sales, par
value, $8,775,000.
Sales. High. Low. Sale.
Am Beet Sug l.HW 43V, 42Vi S
American Can l.SUO 3U3, 29 3UJ.
Am Car & Fdy 1.100 124 122 J
A H & L. pfd 500 4il4 48 Jj
Am Inter Corp 5,100 47W 4- bji
Americn Loco 2.0(10 88 86 Vi i J4
Am Sm Ktg 2.4(H) 40 illk 40'
Amercn Susar 1.000 5 4 4
Am Sum Tob 1,800 81 Ml 81V
Am Tel & Tel 3.DO0 100 Oil; 10
Amcr Woolen 12.400 72 t7 .0
Am Z. Ld & S 100 9
Anaconda Cop 1.000 -tWit 36v 3i
Atchison l.uuo SHi M il
Atl. Olf 4 W I 60.4410 SIlVs SOU , 384
Ba;dwln Loco 12.1MIO OO-i i'-
Balti & Ohio 4.100 33V 32 33',
Beth Stl
B" 4,800 iS 5i. "')
200 12 1- 7
Calif Petrolem 1.3i0 42 41 Jr
4 !i li.i jnttt
Centrl Leather 12, 100 4 w
Chand Motors 81.100 82 77 t
Cheep & Ohio 1,500 60 50 r.0
Chi. M & St P 2.000 20 25 , 20
Chicg & N W 2.100 63 62' 03
Chi. R I & P 3.400 20 6 20
Chlno Copper. 4"0 21 i 2
Corn Products 8.3O0 75 i4 ..
Crucible Steel 15,8'M - fll 80 t0
Cuba Cne Sug 2.200 23 22K -3
Erie 1.3O0 12 12 12
Genrl Electric 300 137 130 lJi
Generl Motors 65.100 1 4 13 34
Gt North, pfd 2.600 7 4 '3 74
Illinois Central 5O0 M 80 80
lnsprn Copper 700 33 32 33
It Me Ma. pfd .3"0 54 o2 5.1
Intf rnl Nickel 000 15 To lo
Interntl Paper 9.400 61 57 30
K C Southern 4.S00 24 22 23
Kenne Copper" 2.000 1S IT 'A ;
Mex Petrolem 66,800 151 140 149
Miami Copper :MH1 17 17 'i
Mid States Oil 3.SIK) 13 :2 13
Midvale Steel 1.7M) 30 30 30
Missouri Paclt 3.100 IS 17 i;S
Nevada Coppr UK) 10 10 10
X Y Central 2.100 71 70 70
X T. NH&H 6.100 16 15 16
Norflk & West 2.400 07 ".'. 06
Northn Pacific 13.0OO 70 77 '.
Ok Prd & Hfg 000 3 3 3
Pan-Am Petri 16.000 73 70 72
Pennsylvania.. 17.000 30 25 ,i.
Pitts W Va 1.600 26 26 26
Rav Con Cop 1.500 12 12 12
Reading 10.000 60 6, 0S
Rev Irn & Stl 8.000 6n 67 -s
Rvl Dtch. N Y 10,300 6 6S 60
Phatt Ariz Cop 200 " 6 6 6
Shell Tr A Td 300 42 41 42
Sin Oil Rfg 10.000 24 22 2
Southn Pacific 14.000 75 73 74
South Railway 8,700 21 20 21
S O. N J. pfd 500 1 07 107 107
Studebkr Cor. 100.100 79 73 i
Texas Co 0.000 42 41 42
Texas Paclf 2.5O0 22 20 51
Tobc Products 3.300 4S 4i. i.H
Transcontl Oil SflO 8 g
TTnion Pacific. 2.300 118 116 117
U S Fd Pdts R.7O0 24 22 22
U S lnd Alco 10.000 72 6!) .0
TJ S Ptl Stores 13.000 51 40 50
TJ S Rubber.. 30T1O0 74 73 74
U S Steel.... 89.600 82 81
TJ S Steel, pfd 200 110 110 110
1'tah Copper. 1.3O0 40 49 ,0
WMf Electric 1.300 48 4S 4R
Willys - Over 10,000 8 7Ti 8
D S 2s reg 00pT Y C deb 6s.. 8S
do coupon ...!I9 N P 4s 75
U S 4s reg 104'V P 3s 54
do coupon ..104IPac T & T 5s. .. 83
Pan 3s reg 78 Pan con 4s... 86
do coupon ...78 S P cv 5s OS
A T & T cv 6s.. 97'So Ry 5s 84
Atch gen 4s 77 U P 4s 80
D & R G con 4s 63iU S Steel 5s... 94
Mining Storks at Boston.
BOSTON, March 23. Closing quotations:
Allouez 21 iNorth Butte ... 8
Ariz Com 7IO!d Dom 17
Calu si Ariz... 45 lOsceola 24
Calu Hecla..221 IQuincy 88
Centennial 8!Superior 8
Copper Range.. 32'Sup & Boston.. 2
East Butte 8 I shannon 1
Franklin lil!tah Con 4
Isle Rovalle IS 'Winona 50
Lake Copper... 2Wolverine 11'4
Mohawk 4.) 'A (Greene Can ... 20
Money, Silver. Ktc.
NEW YORK, March 23. Prime mercan
tile paper, 77c.
Time loans, steady; 60 days. 90 days and
six months. 67 per cent.
Call money, easier; high, 6 per cent;
low, 6 per cent: ruling rate, 6 per cent;
closing bid. 6 per cent: offered at 6V per
cent: last loan, 6 per cent.
Bar silver, domestic, 99c; foreign,
56 c.
Mexican dollars, 43c.
LONDON, March 23. Bar silver. 33 d
per ounce.
Money, 8 per cent.
Discount rates, short bills, T per cent
Three months' bills, 6 per cent.
Liberty Bond Quotations.
N8W YORK. March 23. Liberty bond
quotations closed as follows:
3s 00.56 Third 4s 90.12
First 4s 87.00IFourth 4a 87. OS
Second 4s 86.74:Victory 8s ...07.30
First 4s 87.3IVictory 4s ...07.38
Second 4s ... .86.001
Foreign Exchange.
Foreign exchange rates at close of busi
ness yesterday, fnrnished by Northwestern
National bank of Portland. The amount
quoted Is the equivalent of the .foreign
unit in United States funds:
Country, foreign unit. Rate.
Austria, kronen $ .0035
Belgium, francs . v 0735
Bulgaria, leva 0130
Czecho-Slovakla. kronen 0138
Denmark, kroner 1700
England, pound sterling 8.0350
Finland, finmark 0278
France, francs .0704
Germany, marks 0107
Greece, drachmas ................ .0767
Holland, guilders S4S5
Hungary, kronen .0042
Italy, lire 0410
Jugo-Slavia, kronen 0077
Norway, kroner 1622
Portugal, escudos .0015
Roumanla, lei 0145
Serbia, dinara 0304
Spain, pesetas .1408
Sweden, kroner .2230
Switzerland, francs 170
China Hongkong, local currency.. .4775
Shanghai, taels 6f00
Japan, yen 4850
NEW YORK, March 23. Exchange
steady; sterling, demand, $3.91: cables.
$3.91. Francs, demand, 6.95; cables, 3.97.
Belgian francs, demand, 7.26; cables, 7.28.
Guilders, demand, 84.87; cables, 84.37. Lire,
demand. 8.B7; cables. 3.90. Marks, demand,
1.61 : cables, 1.62. Greece, demand. 7.54. Ar
gentine, demand, 84. Brazilian, demand,
14.85. Montreal, 12 8-16 per cent discount.
Metal Market,
NEW YORK, March 23. Copper stead
ier. Electrolytic, spot and March, 12 0
12c; second quarter, 12 13c
Tin firm. Spot and nearby, 29.259
29.50c; futures. 3030.75c
Antimony easier. Spot 5.235.50c.
Iron nominal. No. 2 southern, $25026.
Lead dull. Spot 4c.
Zinc easier. East SL Louis delivery,
spot 4.70 6 4.75c.
Coffee Futures Advancing.
NBW YORK. March 28. Barly reactions
were followed by sharp rallies in the mar
ket for coffee futures here today. Late la
the day, however, there was a flurry of
covering or fresh buying accompanied by
rumors that Sao Paulo might secure the
assistance of the federal government in
Brazil In plans to stabilize the market.
May advanced from . 5.62c to 5.95c and
closed at 5.07c; with the general market
closing at a net advance of 17 to 23 points.
March, 5.72c; May, 5.87c; July, .37c:
Sept., 8.27c; Oct., 6.85c; Dec., 7.12c; Jan..
Spot coffee .dull: Rio 7s, 6 to c;
Santos 4s, V to 9c.
Market ' Prices Baling on Butter, Cheese
smd Eggs.
SAN FRANCISCO. March 28. Butter
Extras, 80 c: prime firsts, 3s c
Eggs Fresh extras, 30c: extra firsts,
29c; dirties, 27c; extra pullets, 28c; un.
dersized, 26 a
Cheese Flats, fancy. 25c; first. 22 c;
Young Americas, fancy, 26c; firsts, nom
inal. CHICAGO. March 23. Butter Un
changed. . i
Eggs Higher., Receipts. 25,428 cases.
Firsts, 26 6 27c; ordinary firsts, 2S24c;
at mark, cases included, 2526c
NEW YORK. March" 23. Butter firmer;
creamery higher than extras, 46
47c; creamery extras, 4646c: ditto,
firsts. 42645c.
Eggs firmer; fresh gathered extra firsts,
2727c; ditto, firsts, 24626c
Cheese firm; unchanged.
SEATTLE. March 23. Eggs Select lo
cal ranch, white shells, 29ty30c; ditto,
mixed colors, 28c; pullets, 25c
Butter City creamery, in cubes, 44c:"
bricks or prints. 45c; country creamery
extras, cost to jobbers, in cubes, 41c;. stor
age, 38c '
Duluttt Linseed Market. ,
DULUTH, March 23. Linseed, on track
and arrive, $1.72.
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. March 23. Spot cotton
steady. Middling, 12.55c.
flogs Are Also Taken Readily, but
Sheep and Lambs Drajj.
Receipts Are Small.
Only seven loads of stock were received
at tile yards yesterday and one oX these
went through. Prices were unchanged In
all lines. Cattle and hogs continued firm
In tone with a good demand, but the
feeling in the sheep division was weak.
Receipts were t3 cattle, 1 calf, 3 til hogs
and VJ-k sheep.
The day's sales were as follows:
Wgt. Price.j Wfft. Price
1 cow 1WS0 .Vl-'oi 2 hoffs. . 240 12.23
2 cows. . 85 B.OOtOfi hogs. . 1:S ll.'
1 COW...1 730 4.50120 hogs. . 7 1-.00
1 cow... 1&H 7.U0 a hogs- . 3tiU 10.23
lcalf... lou 11 O'.'i 2 hug.. lbo 12. 2o
1 bull. .. 1000 b.OOt
The following prices are .current t the
local yards:
Cattle Prices.
Choice steers 8.0uGt S.50
Medium to good steers i.20 8.00
Fair to medium steeis 6,ji)(ti 7.25
Common to good steers 0.00 4yJ ti.00
Medium to good cows, heifers ti.uo& 0.50
Fair to medium cows, heiiers S.THKtf 'j.uO
Common to fair cows, heifer 5.04Ky 0,00
Caiinerj 2.20'yj 4.00
Bulls S.oUtf 5.00
Choice dairv calves... 32.5oU l.0O
Prime light calves 11.0012.00
Heavy calved 6.00'ij 1.50
Best feeders ti.OOtg) 0.50
Fair to good feeders 5.00 0.00
Hog a
Prime light 12.00 I2.2o
Smooth heavy 11.2011.75
Rough heavy 7.0O(&10.2o
Stags, subject to dockage. . . . tt.00 ii i0. 25
Fat plga U.O0& 12.00
Feeder pigs l.OOGtf 11.70
Sheep '
Spring lambs 100012.00
Prime east-of-mountain lambs 7.00 .25
Valley lambs 6.00fc 7.00
Heavy lambs, 90 lb& and up.. d.00ft 7.00
Feeder Iambs O.OU'fr 6.50
Cull lambs 4.00 4 ii.00
Light yearlings 6.504H 7.00
Heavy yearlings 6.00 6.00
Wethers 5.00 6.00
Ewes " 1-30 6.00
Chit-ago Livestock Market.
CHICAGO, March 23. Receipts, 7000:
killing classes, slow; early sales generally
steady, bulk butcher steers, 8.75&10.O0;
bulk butcher cows and heifers, $5.V04p
7.75. canner and cutter cows, largely
$3.00&4.0O; bulls, mostly 5.25&).2u;
calves, dull; packers talking 50c lower;
stockers and feeders, weak to 20c lower.
Hogs Receipts, 14,000. active; lights
about 20c lower than yesterday's average;
others mostly 15c to 25c higher; spots up
more on llht butchers; top, $10.75; bulk,
200 pounds and down, $10 li.Va 10.GO; bulk,
220 pounds and up. $.O010.25: pigs, 25c
to 40c lower; bulk, desirable 00 lo 120
pounds, $10.00 10.60.
Sheep Receipts. 16,000. killing cla-ses
about steady, lambs, top, early, $10.00;
Some held higher; s&orn, top, 40.00 early;
bulk, fat wooled lambs, early, ."O
10.50; shorn yearlings. $7.20; average
around 80 pounds; no fat sheep sold early.
Omaha Livestock Market.
OMAHA, .March 23. Hga Receipts,
14.000; mostly 25c to 35c lower; closing
active, 15c to 25c lower; bulk, medium
and light butchers, $0.409.75; top. L0;
bulk, strong weight butchers, 200 pounds
and over, $.ft5l&9.40.
Cattle Receipts, 0000; beef steers and
he-atock generally 25c lower, top steers,
$9.40; bulls, veals, stockers and feeders,
generally steady.
Sheep Receipt, 5000. all classes steadv;
bulk Iambs, $0.25? 10.00: top. $10.10; snorn
lambs, $8.258.50; ewes. $4005.75.
Kansas City Livestock Market.
KANSAS CITT, March 23. Cattle
Receipts, 0500; beef steers, steady to 25c
lower; bid off more on heavies; top, $9.90;
bulk, $8.25&9.25; Colorado pulpers, $8 35$
8.90; she-stock, steady, undertone wak;
yearling heifers, $9.00. best cows, $7.75;
bulla and calves, steady; bulk vealers,
$9.00 9.50. few sales $10. 00 10.50; din
ners and feeders, dull
Sheep Receipts, 7500; killing classes
strong; ewes, $5.S5; 85-pound lambs,
$10.10; 81-pound clipped lambs, $8.70.
i0 peaiiie livwiw-k .-narKec.
Seattle, March 23. Hog Receipts,
102; weaker; prime, $U.70H2.5; smuotii
heavies, $10.70&11.75; rough heavies,
$3.75fi9.25: pigs. $.00U1.50.
.Cattle Receipts, 20: steady, prime
steers. a.2uv. .5; medium to choice,
$6.25i6-7.75; common to good. $0.00t6 00.
best cows and heifers, $7,00(7.50; med
ium to hoice, $5.0O6.5O; common to
good, 14.005.00; bulls. $4.003.50: calces,
light, $11.0012.50; heavy. $6007.50.
Swift A Co. Stocks.
Closing prices for Swift A Co. stocks of
Chicago were reported by the Overbeck &
Cooke company of Portland as follows:
Swift 4 Co 102
Libby McvSlV'rLibby "5
Nation a I r " hr .
This Company, With Assets of Over $100,000,000
$54,000,000 INVESTMENT; $36,000,000 IN SUPPLIES; $11,000,
000 CASH; 472,000 ACRES OF LAND.
For High Yield and Rock-Ribbed Security, We
Recommend These 7 Cold Notes
Humble Oil & Refining Co.
Trust company
Chicago Market Is Unsettled and
Lower at Close Crop Reports
Are Also Bearish.
CH ICAGO. March 28. Assertions that
British government holdings of wheat
would be . sufficient to the end of the
season had a depressing effect today en
the wheat market ' Prices closed un
settled, 1 H c to 1 c net lower, with
March $1.50 and May $1.41 to $1.41.
Corn lost lHc to lc and oats c to c.
In provisions the outcome was unchanged
to loc down.
Favorable crop reports tended also to
weaken the wheat market, the gereral
tenor of advices being that likelihood of
any disaster, from the green bug pest was
about over. During the first half of i-be
day, before such news was a factor, prices
had an upward slant owing largely lo
hope that export business would develop.
After mid-day, however, the disposition
to sell was general.
Despite curtailment of receipts, com
and oats gave - way to the influence of
wheat weakness. - (
Provisions were Inclined to Ag pending
return to more stable wage conditions In
the packing houses. -
The Chicago market letter received yes
terday by the Overbeck & Cooke company
of Portland said:
Wheat Displayed strength at times but
outside buying power failed to make its
appearance in sufficient volume to main
tain the bulge and the market closed at-a
net loss of 1H cents per bushel. News
items were generally of a bearish tenor,
particularly the Broomhall Item reporting
total supplies owned by the British gov
ernment of 08.800,000, which is considered
sufficient to last until the dissolution of
the commission and means that they will
not be in the market again this season.
The announcement that Australian wheat
prices had been reduced about nine shill
ings emphasised the probability that Euro
pean buying will be diverted to other
countries than the United States. Crop
reports from the southwest were generally
favorable. Ixcal receipts only 15 cars but
the demand was indifferent and hard
winter premiums were reduced about one
cent. While surface Indications would
seem to point to lower prices, it must be
remembered that the marknt hn re
cently undergone a substantial decline and
the technical position is such as to give
good reason for expecting a rally at any
Corn Ruled strong early,, but encoun
tered considerable pressure and cloned with
a weak tone. Local receipts were only
122 cars, but the demand was not keen
end spot offerings sold at one cent under.
Country offerings remain small despite the
favorable conditions of roads for hauling.
Indicating that the producer is not dis
posed to accept present prices. There were
some export bids here, but no business
confirmed. We doubt the wisdom of tak
ing a position on the selling side at this
O&ta Declined with etner grain, but
displayed some buoyancy, due to the ab
sence of cash pressure. Receivers said to
day that the country refuses to sell on
this decline and that leceipts are likely
to be even smaller than at present.
Rye Futures were neglected and aold
off in sympathy with wheat. Cash was
stesdy at 7 cents over May for No. 2 on
track, with offerings meager. No export
demand reported.
lieading futures ranged as follows:
Mar..... i.o2 $1.5.1 $1.49 $1.50
May.... 1.42 1.44 1.40, 1.41 J
-S -?5
.Hi ,D(
5 ::
May.... 20.50 20.80 20.S2 80 32
May 11-8S T0 j, j0
July.... 12.12 12.13 12.05 12.05
May 11.37 11.47 11.32 11 32
Ju'y--- "-TO 11.78 11.65 :67
Cash prices were as follows:
si.7m- 1 red $158: No- 2 h"d
- n0-;?,0 JLn mld. 6262Xc; No. 3
Oats No. 2 vhltA 4141c- Ko 3
white. 3X40c. , a
Rye None.
Barley None. r.i i rf-- ' '
Pork Nominal.
Timothy seed J 4 If 5. 50.
Clover seed $13 18.
Lard 11.40.
RK $10.75011.75.
Minneapolis Grain Market.
MINNEAPOLIS. March 28 Cash wheat
o. 1 dark northern, tl.SOU 1 63U No
2. S1.51M01.61K; No. 3. $1.38 tt 15614'
No. 1 northern, $1.53 H 1.5(1 ; No. 2.
$l.49tt 1.56tt : No. 3. $1.3'6tt1.49tt: No
1 red sprinj, $1.48 tt 1.54 Vi ; No. 2, $1 43 i
1.49"4: No. 3, $1.3tt1.42!4: No. 1 dark
Montana. $1.64 1.64 ; No. 1 hard Mon
tana. $1.59Kr.61tt: No. 1 durum. $1.44tt
1.48tt: No. 2, $1.40 1.44.
Flax No. 1, S1.72V4 1.75,.
$l'V36ttat' tutures: March- $137; May,
Winnipps Grain Market.
WINNIPEG, March 23. Wheat: May
$1.7651; July, S1.61V..
Grain at Han Francisco.
RAN FRANCISCO. March 28 Wheat
Milling, $2.502.60: fed. $2.402.50; corn,
white Egyptian. $2.602.70; red milo,
$l.902; barley spot feed, $1.3001.35;
shipping, $1.4.i 1.55; red feed, oats, $1.50
Hay Wheat, fancy. $2021; tame oat.
$17410; wild oat. $1215; barley, $12
15; alfalfa, $1720; stock, $1014.
Seattle Grain Market.
SEATTLE. March 23. Wheat, hard
white, $1.40; soft white and white club,
$1.37; hard red winter, soft red winter,
northern spring and Veastem red Walla,
$1.33; Big Bend blueste-m, $1.48.
City delivery: Feed Scratch feed, $57
ton; baby scratch feed, $55; feed wheat.
$58; all grain chop, $46; oats, $46; rolled
oats,-$48; sprouting oats, $51; rolled bar
ley, $44; clipped barley, $48; milled feed,
$34; bran, $34; whole corn, $41; cracked
corn, $48. . ' .
Hajr Alfalfa, $27: doubls compressed
alfalfa. $33; ditto timothy, $38; eastern
Washington mixed, $34; straw, $24; Puet
sound, $31.
Logging Camp to Resume.
BAKER, Or., March 23. (Special.)
Work at Camp 1, Oregon Lumber
company, will be resumed, U was an
nounced today, after a shutdown
during: the winter months. A new
contract for the delivery of 3.000,000
feet of logs has been secured.
Surgeon Wins on 'on-Sult.
MTEHAUS. Wash.. March 23.
(Special.) The case of D. Cornwell
versus Dr. J. M. Sleicher, was non-
1 suid Tuesday on motion of th
I defense, after the plaintiffs evidence
Bond Department
There is sound reason behind an investment
of funds in Portland Flouring Mills First
Mortgage '8 Gold Bonds. In the first
place these bonds pay you $?0 a year on
each $1000 invested. On a long-term in
vestment (these bonds mature in fifteen
years) such a large yield becomes exceed
, ingly attractive.
In the next place the security back of these
bonds makes them attractive. Consider that
each $1000 bond is secured by more than
$3000 of property of which nearly half is
quickly convertible into cash if required.
was received. Cornwell, a mechanic
at Randle, sued lor iiu.uuu, tce...e
malpractice by the defendant in set
tins; the broken bones in his arm. The
case taken up In the afternoon was
that of G. "W. Vankirk versus F. P.
Sickles, damages. -iainun 's
, ... .an.jVari whpn ha was rid-
1 1 1 j u i y was, , . .
ing a bicycle and was hit by defend
ant's automobile.
BIW School Fills Vacancy.
Or., March 23. (Special.) John H.
McCormick, D. D., former president of
Parker college, Winnebago, Minn., has
been secured to take tho chair of
Biblical Interpretation at KlnVball
school of theology on the local
PORTLAND. March 23. Maximum tem
rierature. fiO deerees: minimum, 42 decrees.
River readlnr, 8 A. M., 12.7 feet: change
in last 24 hours, 1.1 feet fall. Total rainfall
(5 P. M. to 5 P. M.), 0.26 inch; total rain
fall since September 1. 120. 41.10 inches:
normal rainfall since September 1. 85.44
inches; excess of rainfall since September
1, luu. o.w incnes. sunrise, ,.wo ..
iini,r A 27 P. M Total sunshine March
23. none; possible sunshine. 12 hours, 18
minutes. Moonrise Thursday. 7:f6 P. M.;
moonset Friday, 8:R8 A. M. Barometer
(reduced to sea level) at B P. M.. 30.08
Inches. Relative humidity at 8 A. M..
8S per cent; nat noon, 8 per cent; at 0
80 per cem.
Baker .....
Boise ......
Boston ....
Calgary ...
Chicago ...
Denver ...
Ds Moines
Eureka ...
Galveston .
Helena ....
Juneaut . . .
48i0.00l. .IS
Kwm no! ioi w
42:0.001. . IK
4810. 021. .ISE
7!0.00il4iSE IClouily
401 .Ml (1.0(1
Kansas City
K',lo m;in(3
Los Angeles.
Marshfleld ..
.Medford . . .
4-io njil'MHR
84 0!00. .INWICIoudy
New Orleans
New York
48)0.00tlflM liear
ah n lttl12;ti: IRain
North Head.
Phoenix ..
Pocatello ,
Portland ..
780.00I..IW IClear
KV A ?4
ISW Pt. cloudy
H0I0.2A . .ISB Raln
. 38 O2I10ISVV IPt. cloudy
tui.n nol Is ICIeur
St. Louis..
B4I0.00 1813 ICIoudy
Salt Lake...
B4i0. 001.. !NW Clear
San Diego...
S. Francisco
Seattle .....
Spokane ...
Tacoma . . .
Tatoosh led
820. 221.. IN
448IO'.02. .1.
.. N
"SlO. 24
10 NWIPt. cloudy
IS IRaln
Walla Wallal
Winnipeg .
B2!O.OOilO!SB IClear
4010. 001. 4SE ICIoudy
G4I0.00 . . SB Rain
i a. M. today. P. M. report of preceding
Portland and vicinity Occasional rain:
winds mostly southerly. -
Oregon and Washington Occasional
rain; moderate winds, mostly southerly.
United States
of Brazil
4 '
Sterling Bonds
100 500 1000
A Direct and General External
Obligation of the Republic.
At present rate of exchange,
f200 purchased at present price
will yield a profit of $405 at ma- .
turity, in addition to an annual
Income of over 8.21. Increase
In price of Sterling Exchange
will increase this profit and in
come proportionately.
Ralph Schneeloch Co.
1 PcRnjwn, DRtacK.
Business and Residence Property
Mala 2831.
Wilcox Bids;..
enough for
Then consider the character of the Company
a soundly established, soundly financed,
soundly 'managed corporation, engaged in
manufacturing an essential food commodity.
. From whatever angle you care to test these
bonds yield, security, maturity, market
ability, character of the borrowing company
you will find them good bonds for you to
have and to hold.
Why not-now when the matter is in your
mind decide to call, write or phone for
descriptive circular?. Do it today.
Yeon Bldg., Portland
Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, kew York
campus. This department of the
theological school was left vacant at
the daath or- Dr. Edwin Sherwood
recently. The new department head,
who has Just arrived in Salem, comes
highly recommended.
Freight Cut on Wood Protested.
SALEM, Or., March 23. (Special.)
The Southern Pacific company today
sixty-one years of continuous service as
a financial institution means anything to
you as a bond buyer, then the Ladd &
Tilton Bank recommends itself to the care
ful investor. "
An unusual opportunity to purchase
Portland, Or., Improvement
Dated 2-1-21 Due 3-1-31
Price IOI, to Net
Nearly 6
We have a considerable num
ber in $500 denominations, and
as we have had a big demand
for these bonds, especially in
this denomination, we urge that
all orders be placed early.
1111 . .. ... :l1j
Oldest in the
J.i.? . m .. .,!- "'n:
7V2 for
19 Years
nnHE wildest guess in
the world would ad
mit these high yields
will be forgotten long
ere 1940. '
That Is. unless you buy
NOW and own THEN'
some of those Portland
Gas & Coke First Lien
and Gen. Mtge. Bonds,
which we are offering; at
95 to yield 74 and
maturing in 19 years.
Jnat think, the average
et earnios; for the past
7 years haa been 2.24
time the Interest charge.
& CO. INC.
Fifth and Stark Streets
Every larg-e city has one newspaper
which, by universal consent, is the
Want-Ad medium of the community.
I In FoMland' it's The Oregoaian.
filed with the Oregon public service
commission application for rehearing?
of the recent order of the commission
reducing: transportation rates on
wood approximately 30 per cent. A
similar petition was filed by the OreV
gon-Washington Railroad & 'Naviga
tion company yesterday. The rata
as fixed by the commission applies
to all railroads operatlne; in Oregon.
Where Are The
Railroads Headed?.
With the trouble of th
country's roads apparently
multiplying from day to
day, and the outlook for
railroad securities appear
ing more gloomy, the an
swer to the above question
is of extreme importance.
Therefore, we have com
piled a circular covering the
entire situation, having en
deavored to outline what the
future holds forth for rail
road security holders, and
this circular will be sent
free to anyone upon request.
Atk for tdSSJ
E. r.l. Fuller &'bo.
CoBSolidsUd Stock iusasaf pt K. T.
SO Broad St., New York
Mm York , Oucaie CWveW
Hittaburia Bostoa
Wirtt Prvttt Wirt)
City of
10-year 6 Bonds
At 101 to yield about 5.80
round noo
Fifth hO SraaK