17 THE MORNING OR EG ONI AN, TUESDAY, MARCH 33, 1021 f' FOR SALE. T)pewnten. RECON!TRUCTEn MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITER ALL MAKES. IRONCLAD ' SUAHANTKB. I CASH OR TKKM3. CALL OR WRITE FOB NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHrI.ESALK TYPEWRITER TO. 821 WASHINGTON ST. MAIN MSI. DOA.NE GUAKAXTKDn TtPBWKlTEK 8FRVICB All makes overhauled. Experta KH PAID. ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Boy. sell, rent and exchsnge. Supplies Auto matic 520-60. Malr. 6307. 124 4th at., bet. Wash, and Alder. Over Circle theater. l.VDtUWOODS lu and H-inch, L. C. Smith and Royal typewriters for sale. All in first-class condition, price, right. Burroughs 6-bank, flat model, $100; 2 c-nptonieters cheap. D. C. Wax, office equipment house. 24-20 N. 3th si Broad way 27:t9. KElilJILT typewriters, ail rnakea rentals, repairing, supplies Distributors CORONA portable, SUNDSTRAND adding ma chine Main 2284. E. W. Peas Co 110 Sixth at. 1 OR SALE National typewriter No. 8 and carrying cane, new, $30. Call after 5.30 P. M 2351. Hall at. LEPA1RS. runt, buy, sell: suppltaa Typewriter Inspection Co 312 Stark at. Main 6310. NEW, rebuilt, tecend-hand rentaia at cut rates. P. D. Co.. Ml Star t alplo 1407 Poultry. MAGUIKE'S BABY CHICKS. Electric hatched: K. I. Reds and O. A. C. Barred Rocka, $30 per 100: "White Leghorns, Tancred and O. A. C. strains, $20 per KM): Brown Leghorns, $25 per 10; from Hoganised stock on liberal range. Not forced.. Electric hatched chicks are better. EGGS FOR HATCHING. 1. 11. MAUU1RE. T8T Oregon St. East 1805. Portland, Or. BOOSTERS WANTED. Wanted, 600 people to buy a setting f eggs from my heavy-laying strain of 8. C. R. L Keds; H grand pens to elect from; a few good breeding cock- rels yet for sale, W. V. LOOMIS. 1923 Multnomah at. Phone Tabor 3197. fOULTRYMEN Send eight 2-cent alamos for special three months' trial subscrip tion of the best snd oldest poultry tour 3til In the went. The articles and adver tisements are of special interest to the poultry breeders of the northwest. Nortb m west poultry Journa i. Salem. Or. LOOK LOOK LOOK. 1000 B. C. English baby chicks. May nd June delivery, at $15 per 100; set ting eggs (7. Book orders now. Our liilh year. t JOS. SATXPERa. R. 8. PORTLAND, OR. BABY CHICKS and eggs, from S. c. K. I. Reds, the ! dark red. good type; kind that laya is Aind that pavs. CHARLES P. BABCOCK, Rome 1, box 78, Beaverton, Or. .g . .. .. : : . 'jiswsi illil Ka Irom Hollywood trapnesl nue i.egnorn nens, mated to a.l-ecg Cockerels, early April hatch: hatching eggs for sale. 4803 79lh at,, corner 4Mb. ave. mOKuLTillllRKD Buff Orphinjfton cock erels and s-tttng epfcs for sale cheap. Tabor H..V Write 1 1 iH K. Aider. 4-i DwZKN, chicks, lu days old. White Leghorn trap-m-sted hens, non better; Mainly Lee brnod-r, $4. Marshall 1038. A1U' CHICKS Six varieties, best stork, prices reaonable, correspondency lr- vlted C. N. ed ham. Salem. Or 24 TlIOROl'CIIRRBD O. A. C. White Leg horn hens and one cockerel for breeding. 21 r HaswiUn, rnr. Hth ot. TlIOHOUOIiRKD Barred Rock hens and rooster. 4 HO V. fiSih. near IMvjpinn. IHOHUUOHBKKl) Black Minorca hatch Ing cptrw: reaHonRhie. Autommio 8Jl-r7. THOitOl'Gli.BKED O. A. O. brtrred rtx-k hatching ecus. $t..H fnr 1 .". T;i"bor R.'t.Mt. Dogn, Katt)itn. Kirls sag Xet stock. PEnTfJREED Boston puppies, have a few left ; wonderful dnRs, at reawonabl prices; sired by Happy Cham i a. 5t7 A- STL'U S.nu o' eastern fon'-t.me htld trial champions. John Proctor and Candy Kid Everglade Kennels, 604 Concord hldjr BOSTON terrier pup 3 months old; rea sonable. Kearney, near ii-d. Main TWO fine pedigreed English bull puppies, mule. 3 months old. T. W. James, 11 E. MM st. i'UR SALE A Nubian billy subject to register. Call 53M4 3nh ave. S. L., one half block east of VM ft. FOH SALE Beautiful Bunion terrinr puppy. Hired by Wheatland Jackie. 136 Km s t M;i In Ft. linatw. LaurM'lieN nnd Marine Kquipinent. FOR. SALE 1-roorn houseboat, furnished complete. sri); all monthly bills, in cluding moorage, $24). Call Sundays. Sellwood 373. . Machinery. JiJWlLLK'S fiat and square roils and shears with stand, power hacksaw, Hartford filing machine, two Leymon pressure blowers, all at a bargain. Koora 1. Sellin g-Hlrsh bid g FOR SALE! Cheap, $l'0O high pressure 4 ln. rotary pump, fully equipped, 117 Smith aw. St. .lohnu, Portland. FOH SALE 3'ti horsepower Eviurude en gine. Call Tahor CARTER COaNX'RIfiTE MIXER FOR HUN'T. WOODLAWN 5(103. Nurnrry WtoU. PLANT roses for the rose show; special for this week oniy; choice rose bushes 2 and ." years old, 40c each; all kinds of shrubbery reasonable. We deliver to all parla of the city free. Gregory Heights Nursery. Rosa City car. G68 outa nt. N. Tabor 8?0!. MARSHALL and New Oregon strawberry plants, healthy and well rooted, $4. AO pwr thousand; reduction on larger amts. E. Lander, Troutilule, Or.. R. 1. Box 12. fii'RA WBEKKY plants Magoons. Im proved Oregons. Wellington Marvel, also ioganberry tips, reabonabls price. Rt. b, box 1ft-A, Tllllaboro, Or. FOR STRAYJNO. gardening and planting call Tabor Gregory Heights lSurs- fry, fiss 80th st. N. Rose City car CITHBKRT F: ASI'Bfcslt Hi' plants cheap. Woodlawn H0: P. O. Box in. Portland. Coal und Wood. F1KST GROWTH COUNTRY SLAB AND CORl WOOD. Green, extra thick red fir slab, de livered west side. t.30 per cord; cord wood, delivered wst sid, $U.50 per cord. T'honn Broftdwny DRY FIR wood, sawed or 4-fL lengths; also best coal; Standard Brick & Tile Co., S3 ftth st., between Stark and Oak. Phone Broadway 18. Evenings and Sun days phone Tabnr 8422. or East 134. viiirniui vc L'iiLi !,. Wood and cjal, small orders solicited 659 Upshur St., Portland, Or. Phone Auto 56-30. " MONTGOMERY WOOD CO., " CORDWOOD, SLAB AND COAI Large and Small Quantities. Tard 11th and Everett sts. AaL 522-83. FOR SALE First-growth cordwood, (9 50 per cord. 2 cords $18, delivered. Wood lawn A3 12. liLOCK and slab wood. 2-load lot. Na- nonni rui'i u., caHt ui i. FIRST old-growtn cordwood, 48.50; block and sltib, $0 per load. Bdwy. 4110. j ail o mm si, vumw uuu fi a, coru. ' berta Fuel Co., Woodlawn 2575. LOClv and SLAB. SPECIAL IN 2-LOAD LOTS. OREGON FUEL CO.. WDI.M aio Mlacellaneous. MOVING and transfer, local or long trips, rood truck, prices right; also dry old growth, 10-Inch wood, $8.60 load. Harry Smith. Col. 1101. VACUUM clean! tig in your home, piano in terior. 50c; ruga. 3 for 1; other work reasonablo. Tabor SUl!!. MUST SELL TODAY. Show ca?es. scales, cash register, soda fc-ur.taln. glassware. 240 Washington st. a DY'S elegant mole coaL brown fox and 2 model dresses for sale cheap; sizes 84 and 30. East 01 SO. MUST sell my large cabinet phonograph today; used one month; no reasonable offer refused. M a rshall 4730 mornln gs. MUST BE SOLD TODAY. Auto knitting machine, only $30. cost rt5, Newman, 128 First nr. Alder. FERTILIZER. Big 2-yards or 3-yards loads selected cow and horse manure. Tabor 2704. WILL sell brand uew $S5 electric sewing ntacmne tor need the money, call 012 Henry hid. WILL sell brand new $S5 electric sewing machine for $.'5; need the money. Call ft?! Henry bldg. AJ A HOG AN VT bedroom furniture, rockers, chairs, leather chairs and dining room set. East 2174. 7!7 Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE Beautiful cross fox, like new, reasonable. Call before noon, Marshall 2147. FOK SALE L'.'.nu pounds Grimm alfalfa seed at 35 cents a pound. P. O. box 021, Boise. Idaho. BASSINE T,' new, for sale. $15. Si'O Haight ave.. or rsll .Tacohson, Woodlawn 3fi7. $14 FOR HUTI'UINT VACUUM cLeAN ER: OOOI.) CONDITION. SELU S.S0. FOR SALIi Hiater for water rhpftp Call Woodlawn 270lt. tauk. FUR SAI.K ll-hurntir gas range, a bar gain. M.-iln niiL'7. '26 Washington st. FOR SALIi One gut) range, flrst-claas ronflinon. ilHl Knott t. FOR SAI.aV 1 NFIW TEXT, SIZIfl lOlLlA AT 2nr. JKFFBRSON ST. 1JAIN'TI,VG and papering exchaniieti lor russ or luinuuio. ami aivu FOB SALE. Miscellaneous. W ECKINO VANCOUVER BARRACKS BUILDINGS. BUILDINGS FOR 8 A LB. 50 Vitreous chlnr. closets and tank, tiatv. range boilers, 60-1O0. Steel slorage tanks, 120, 260, S70. 564 gallon. 5teel pressure tanks, tested 110 lbs. Kewanee hot water heating boilers. No. 27. Ideal hot water heating boilers. No. 0, 08, 30. American Radiator Co. hot water heat ing bollera, '1KB. steam boiler. 54x16. 1 S.!6 8 steam American heating boiler. 10.000 ft. atearo radiators. Pipe, valves, fittings. F. B. lip urinal and tanks. , FORKK8TAL. MacQUAID & CO., 19th and Reserve Sts.. Ma:: address, Box 24, Vancouver, Wash. ' Phone .1:7. - MOVING TO LARGER QUARTERS at 24 am: 26 North 5th St., and we offer our entire line at a substantial discount from our already low prices. Roll and riat tc. desks, chairs. Tiles, typewriters, audliif machines and time clocks. I. a WAX OFFICE EQUIPMENT HOUSE. Si N. 5tJ t. Broadway :!7S9. D. B. SCULLY CO DOWN TOWN LLA--BER STORK 171 FRONT ST., BKT. MORRISON AND YAMHILL. PHONE Main 4213. Lumber, .'nth, shlnjle. doors, melding and mill work:, scieen door, fruit and vegetable box shook. Se our oca gtoc k or gaah and aoora. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices; bought, ld and exchanged; easy terms U de sired. NORRIS SAFE & LOCK TXX. 10S Second Wrret. Main 204 B. E IS WIN Q machines, new and second-band, sold for less; no agents employed; com plete lines of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Alain 9431. SEWINO MACHINE EMPORIUM, 100 Third nt.. near Taylor. WE HAVE lowered our prices on auio top coverings, curtains and all repair work, oils and tires; givs us a trial; fireproof building for storage of automomiles and trucks. Monarch Motor Co., &. Broadway and Vancouver avenue. FOR SALE National register, four 8-foot floor cases, one refrigerator case, meat slicer. scale, electric coffee mill, all sixes of floor cajses, card tables, cheese cutter, bread and counter cases, act. cash-credit. 24'J Salmon. HOT-WATER tanks; 30-ga... 47; 40-gal., $0: tested and guaranteed; stove and furnace cofls. gas heaters installed, ex pert plumbing, repairing. East Side Welding shop, 203 Adams St. East SMIL COLUMBIA PLASTER WALL BOARD. Cannot buckle, warp, swell, shrink, burn. No battens. Portland made. DOORS. WINDOWS. FINISH LUMBER. Ohsfcldt. Bdwy. 1901. 41 ! Henry bldg. LEAKY KOoF, EH I Very aggravating, indeed. Why not a comfortable, perma nent roof? We repair, rubber-bond, re juvenate and rebuild all kinds of leaky roofs. Work guaranteed. Main Ki't. SHOW CASES. Three second-hand show cases, 2 ma hogany Jewel wall cases, one large sta tionary. Western Fixture & Show Case Co., 1ft th and Jefferson. Liii lis wash your ruga with the Hamil ton Beach electric carpet washer with out removing from floor; work guaran teed clean and sanitary. Wdln. 1259. LADJ ES, . let the Vogue sell your misfit and slightly used garments, 10 per cent. Room 403 Alisky bldg., entrance on 8d near Morrison. Main 3132. NEW "SINGERS." $5 down, (3 monthly. Expert sewing machine repairing. M R R I SON-STREET SINGER STORE. 8fS2 Morrison. Marshall 721. COM PUT1NG scales, cash register, coffee mills, meat choppers and general store fixtures at 220 Stark at., between First nnd Second sts. FOR SALE Complete file Oregonian. kept during world war, valuable for writer or scholar; make me offer. AV SOU, Oregoninn. NOTICE Fresh Columbia river smelt, fl per box; sent to any address, f. o. b Kelso. Inclose money order or check to box 634, Kelso, Wash. O. L. Orovo. PLOW ING. Dots, gardens. General teaming and excavating done. Aut. 320-62 or East 4313. LAUVS all-wool light gray suit, price $.0, will sell for 1 15, size 38; also hand-embroidered baby cape, price $10, will sell for $5. Broadway H33. SKXU your laundry to the Snow-Flake Wet Wash. Clothes washed snowy white In separata compartments. Phone East 8 4. -13. AIULT1GRAPH, complete with motor and automaito attachments, typesetter, in first -clans condition, less than half price. used one year. Call 212 Artisans bldg . INVESTIGATE THIS A fine fishing rod and basket for sale at half price. Phone East 513. ONE REFRIGERATOR, Kitchen Treasure, mattress and rocking chair, for sale, reasonable. 841 Haight ave. Wdln. H3. LICENSED, independent electrician wires S rooms for $12. 5 for $20. Guaranteed to pass Inspection. Woodlawn 3711. BLOCK, and slab mixed, also old-growth cordwood for quick delivery. Call Tabor 70(14. 40 PE XN i" weighing mac h in-es for sh le ; take part cash or trade; income $60 a monin. . i oao. uragonian. TWO NEW Chinese oriental rugs each : color old rose, size 3x0. Ji!0-32. a t .Phone MUSCATEL RAISING. 25-lb. boxes, $0; overstocked. Beaver Grocery, lis 7 Yamhill st. FOR CORRECT time call Main 357I. For scientific watch repairing see Miller, next door to Majestic theater. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners, 24-hour day. 85c delivered guaranteed lo good condition. Woodlawn 12.ft. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton Beach electric carpet washer; also vac uum cleaning done. East 4045. kodaks: We buy, sell, rent and exchange Ko daks. Sandy. 329 WaHhlngton st. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Sco- ond and Morrison. SAFES Two large office, one with chesT. also one small sale, cheap. AL 43tt. Oregonian. -HOLE range, nearly new; 6 oak dining room chain and table. 1 kitchen table. 440 E. 37th. Phone Tabor S744. FURNITURE repaired and remoueled; new furniture, doors aud screens made, rea sonable. East 2S7. GOOD as new, $J35 electric range. Will sacrifice at $150. J. H. Hartog, 203 Gasco. aiain p..mi. SillNGLBS, Star "A" Star and vertical gram lor saie ai oucn-su qock, uoae Brtmdway 2121. FERTILIZER. Cow or horse manure delivered In city, big load. Automatic 320-82. CIRCLE EXCHANGE. 415 Fltedner bldg.. 10th ana wasn.. upetaira. Ladles' spring suit from 15 to $30. Bdwy. 220. TIMECLOCK, Howard, registers luo em ployes, cneap. ftoom x, Deuing-uirscn blug. ADDI.XG machine, Wales nine bank, per- Hirsch bldg. LADIES' USED APPAREU reasonable; smart style securea irom wealthy 1a- dics. Tabor 2S25. AGATES, 20O0 pounds, finest rough agats tor gem purposes; sell all or part. Boom 1. SelUng-Hlrscn DlQg. J 31 ii I TAKKS a 113-luo karat gent's diamond ni n.nwn. G.qn n-n ring, niune muni o-.u. aau se, 11. M3 Pittock block. FOR SALE! Cheap, a beautiful black bear rug. For particulars call Broadway 7111, between 8 and 10 A. M. CHILD'S wooden Ivory bed. sliding aides, just like new. Main 4748. WILL, sell my diamond ring. kt. and quar. ter, alio, c jih, oregonian. UlACKBEIUU' plains, all kinds, 15c each. MHh and East Ptark. FOR SALE Burroughs bookkeejlng nxa- cr.ine: pargain. aj j. uregonipn. SAFE and Burroughs adding machiue. 15 North Hroauway. FOR SALE Cedar posts, car lots at Scappoose. Lnas. piston, scappoose. FOR SALE Ladies' silghtly used dresses, coals and waists. Main 3979. ROTTED cow manure delivered. Wdln. 62.t:i. run nieasuie. l a oor ilOOKE electric hair cutting machines for sale. 86 0th at., near Stark. FlNbl adding machine. S17.S0. See it at 420 Cham, of Com.. 4th and Stark. VACUUM cleaners sold, rented, repaired, ...ti.rf.il hnu-ht Bentlev ifaln ,111,7 'STAR A STAR"1 shingles, direct from mill. Call Taylor-at. duck. Main MOiiS. SECOND-HAND tent and covers for sale Pacific Tent & Awning Co.. 1 No. 1st st. SAFES, trucks, scales, coffee mills, cheaae cutters, eo f ront at., near iine. VACUUM cleaners tor ren, &c per day. delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 8496. WICKER furniture repaired and refluished. irostea eiiecL. nnmiway lie. SWITCHES from your combliigsi S. F. Pierce. -4 "-.nungsworin. w oor.iawn 4380. AGATE cutting wheels for sale cheap. Room l. p-enina-mrscn piqg. SIX BARBER chairs, good condition, rea sonable price. 48 IS. aa. Bdwy. 4481. A BARGAIN Electric copper coffe perco lator. Cell Main 6M6. FOUR dozen fruit Jars, almost new, (2.23. 390 Russell st.. apt. 8. PERFECT coal and wood range, good an new, J3. 1'aoiie VYoodlawn. 3270, FOR AI.F MiscelUuteous. PRACTICALLY all new. sell cheaply: electric Bluebird washing machine and wringer; never been used, white enamel; Ffoosier kitchen cabinet; large -size elec tric Hoover carpet sweeper and all at tachments. S2S-B7. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. Trans, toasters, vacuum cleaners, mo tors, fans, etc; low prices, guaranteed work; doorbell and wirina; service. Hyn- son Electric Co.. 62 6th St. Bdwy. 42:l. NOTICE. Buttonholes worked 10 cents apiece; alterations of all kinds; your own cloth made Into a flrst-claa suit for tuO. O. G Turgesen, 518 Abinttoo bldg. THREE new electric washing machines, 975 each, guaranteed: 1 Jadd nsed elec tric washer, overhauled, $70. Scott Elec tric Co.. 5th and Oak sts. 44.1 20-FOOT telephone poles near Dallas. Ss cents per foot on ground or 8 cents at R. R. Roy Turrell, 61V EL Chicago St.. Portland. Or. FOR SALB Folding chairs, table and cols, nearly new drop-head sewing machine, magneto, small tent, bass and snare drum. Afternoons S to 4, 23ft '4 Russell. STRAND of genuine Chinese jade beada, very fashlonablo and of intrinsic value, most reasonable. G. H. Cramer, 712 "A," Selling bldg. FOR SALE Lady's Scotch fweed auit, size 36; blue serge tailor-made suit, size 42; one moose hide, burned with Alaskan scene. Main 577. FOR SALE Lady's blue serge tailored suit, size 42; one taupe fox fur; brown Jersey dress, size 42; all good as new. Tabor 1336. FOR SALE ArTOMOBTXF.S. 1919 BTJICK ROADSTER. , Cord tires, somewhat worn, me chanical condition and finish ex cellent; If interested in first-class roadster, investigate. Ask for D. M. Smith, Broadway 1130. BTJICK 6 ROADSTER Fine appear ing car, with five good tires, best of mechanical shape, powerful, economical and easy to operate; 1W18 model, completely equipped; ' cash or terms. 1 311 tt. Oregonian. PAIGE? SE7DAN. Am sacrificing on account of my wire's Illness; car run only 000 miles; seat covers have kept upholstery brand new; wire wheels, 5 nearly new cord tires: mechanically perfect; aacrifice, I231K), terms. See Mr. Argo. Broadway 3281 for demonstration. 1918 FORD TOURING. Finish of car Is practically as good as new, good tires, lens, spotlight, speed ometer, cutout and shock absorbers: must sacrifice for (400, some terms. Call E. BISfl. lt)2 OLDSMOB1I.E 6-passenger touring car, in finest of mechanical condition; will sell this car at J7IXI less than a new one; a bargain; will give terms. Phone East 1ft62. OAKLAND ROADSTER. Latest model, driven. 2300 miles; good as new and guaranteed; you can save 400 on this car; terms will be given. 100 N. Broadway. Phone Bdwy. 41S4. LOOK FOK THE SIGN" CSKD FORDS EXCLUSIVELY! It Means a Savine to You. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Cor. Grand ave. at Yamhill st. East 471. OLDS EIGHT New paint, new tires, good motor, all appointments like new. can be guaranteed; will Bell' at a bargain price; just look at it. 1O0 N. Broad way. Mr. Clover. Broadway 41S4. LOOK FOR THE SIGN USED FORDS EXCLUSIVELY. It is your guarantee of satisfaction. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Cor. Grand ave. at Yamhill st. East 471. MERCER SPORT. 4-PASS. An unusually good car at a very un usual price; soe this car and be con vinced. 1O0 N. Broadway. Cash or terms. Phone Broadway 41M. FORD PRICES DROP? No! But Prices Are Always Lower. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Cnr. Grand ave. at Yamhill st. East 471. FORD COUPE. New 1920 coupe, sacrifice, owner leav ing town. Main 1092. PACIFIC GARAGE. 2XB 11th Street. FORD BUG, beautiful body, top and wind shield, large steering wheel, wind de flectors. J.1K5. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Cor. Grand ave. at Yamhill st. East 471 siloo IF VOU see it vou will buy it. Jaj four-passenger National; new palnt and cord tires: will take Ford coupe in traae. Tabor 7467 or Main 2iS3 LATE 120 Ford touring: $180 worth of extras: 3 good tlrea. This car Is a good buy. (COO; terms. Call Evans, Bdwy. S::46. 191S CHEVROLET, has been thoroughly overhauled, good tires, good top; .'.his car is In first-class shape all the way th rough. Call Marshall 5719 ijEL'AN Practically new. run aLout 1000 miles; Maibohm six in perfect order; would consider trade in Seaside cottage nnd assume, or cheap for cash. R. 46.17. 1918 liUICK, fine cord equipment, car In best of , condition. Will sacrifice for $u.0. Will make terms. See Mr. Cajnp bell at Speedwell Garasre. or Bdwy. Pol. FuIlD touring, good rubber, lock (steering wheel, keroseue carburetor, back of front seat cut down for bed; Just the car for camping; (2H5. 35 Thurman st. FOKD COUPE. 1820 model, just like new (685 UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Cor. Grand ave. at Yamhill at. East 471. FRANKLIN, series 9B, in my garage; call East 120 for appointment; car fresh from paint shop and with special lot of equipment: price reasonable. MUST SACRIFICE my 11118 Hupp. Mis lit terms. Mr. Campbell. Auto. 520-11 eve nlnes. AMERICAN underslung roadster. 1921 license; owner must sell; S130 cash takes it. 415 Glisan, corner 10th. Broad- way BIG USED CARS PRICES RIGHT STOCK U Mlrnra.ntjitlnn. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO FORD TOURING, good condition; special. (150. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Cor. Grand ave. at Yamhill st. East 471. MUST sell my light six 5-passenger Chalmers; will take (625; would con sider Ford aa part payment. Call Tabor 8152. SNAP in late model .Bulck. 6 cord tires. 2 bumpers, all In Al condition; will sac rifice as owner is leaving city. Call Mar. 2 7 2 for demonstration. FOR TOURING, 1U20, starter, fine con dition; many extras. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE). . Cor. Grand ave. at Yamhill st. East 471. FRANKLIN TOURING CAR. Run about 6000 miles, purchased last August; a wonderful buy. Phone Mr. Oaks, Broadway 1460. FORD SEDAN. Has starter; ftne condition (585 UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Cor. Grand ave. at Yamhill at. East 471. LATE 1919 Paige light 6, 5-pass., thor oughly overhauled and high grade paint Job; sacrifice for (1250, terms. Air. Argo, Broadway 3281. ESSEX, two spotlights, extra tire, two bumpers, glass shields, parking light, ex tension bed; at a great bargain. Call Mar. 2766. ' FORD CHASSIS fine for bug (133 UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Cor. Grand ave. at Yamhill st. East 471. 1018 BU1CK. new paint Job and in fine condition. $900, terms. See Mr. Camp bell at 501 Burn-ride St.. or Bdwy. 901. FOR SALE 1920 Ford touring car. 4 new tires, starter, (465; terms. Call Mar shall 4sr,0. NEW DODGE, has never been run. Have purchased another car and will discount with terms. V 466. Oregonian. WB PUT ateel teeth In your old flywheel, crankshaft turning. H. B. Black, ma chin eshopjBSJl AJderstBdw 2681. AUTO OWNERS SALESROOM. You wish to sell your car? Can get quick action at 168 King st. Main 184. 17 HUDSON, fine condition, extras, a bar- gain, for hire. Call Broadway 4331 or Sellwood S311. or Marshall 2766. 18 MAXWELL, private party, bargain. Call Broadv.-ay3401. aak for Mr. Nupea. or Jiarsnau .mn 1920 CHEVROLET, like new. Will sacri fice for $700 with terms. East 178. sTI'DliBAKER coupe: sats 4: eoori it.rr er. engine and tires; (4isl. 148 13th st. WILL sell my 1918 Chevrolet for (225. 188 Grand ave. East H.ViS. FORDS repainted. Open cars, $18o0. Robinson Smith Co.. Sixth and Madison. 1920 FORD touring cheap for caso. 210 jenerson sc. FORDS repainted. Open cara, (1S00. Robinson amun . p.. mhh and Madison. CADILLAC. 1919. 4-paas.: 8 wire wheels. cord tires, reasonable terms. Main 249. 1B18 FORD touring, (365 cash. 210 Jeffer- son st. FOR SALE Dodge touring car, cheap. frM Glisan. Must sell, going east. FORDS repainted. Open cars. (1800. Robinson hmltn to., sixth and Madison. 1917 FORD, (50 extras, for (275. Mar .h.ll KJ71 Monday. e ti'DI t'lriT IQIO iiV.rri lnr-tnv In ....I lent condition for $300. Owner, E. 178. . TOR SAT.E Al'TOMOmi.ga. J. H. GRAHAM. ' Distributor CASE BIX. DAVIS SIX, MOORE "SO." Also we have some very fine cars placed with us for quick sale. These are listed below: 1920 MONITOR SIX NEW. 1920 ANDERSON SIX NEW. 1920 CROW ELKHART NEW. 1920 DORT SEDAN LIKE NEW. And some real bargains In used cars. J. H. GRAHAM, 88 Tenth Street, Near Stark, THERE are many reasons why you should buv your car at THE USED CAR WAREHOUSE, but the' main reason is this: You can buy a better car here and buy it cheaper. Following is a partial list of our cars: - 1921 F. B. Chevrolet roadster; ex tras. 3921 Scripns-Booth. touring. 1920 Big Six Studebaker, touring. 3!20 Chandler Dispatch, sport. 1920 Hupmoblle. louring. 1!20 Winton Six, touring. 1920 Moon Six, touring. 1920 Stephens Salient Six, tour. 1920 Oldsmobile Little Six, tour. 1920 Chevrolet, touring. 1920 Maxwell, roadster. 1919 Studebaker. 4-cv!.. touring. 1919 Big Six Studebaker. 7-pass. 1919 Special S 1 x Studebaker, chummy. 1919 Buick Six. touring. 1919 Oakland Six. touring. 19T9 Chevrolet, touring. 1918 King Eight, 7-pass. 1918 Ford, sedan. 1918 Chevrolet, sedan. 1918 Mitchell Light Six, touring. 1917 Chevrolet, touring. 1917 Ford, touring. J917 Maxwell, touring. 1917. Cole Eight, touring. ' 1917 Oakland Six. touring. Packard Twin Six, 7-pass. Wtnton Six, 7-pasa. Mercer, 6-paas. Reo Six. 7-pass. Chalmers Six, 7-pass. Steams-Knight Six, 7-pass, Ford, roadster, $185 cash. Easy Terms on Any of the Above. THE USED CAR WAREHOUSE, Grand Ave., at Taylbr St. Open Evenings and Sundays. LOOK over this list of cars and compare prices with private advertised cars. Look up our reputation. VRaNSON'S USED CAR EXCHANGE. 1916 Ford touring, extras ( 22.1 1917 Ford touring, extras 31.1 1917 Ford roadster, license, etc... 300 1915 Ford touring, license, etc.... SCO 1918 Ford roadster, license, etc.... 340 1920 Ford touring, license, etc.... 525 1920 Ford roadster, like new r:.0 1919 Ford coupe, starter, etc f!2.1 1919 Ford sedan, starter, etc 7"0 Ford bugs, $300, $825. $3.r.O. 425 Ford I -ton trucks. $225. $375 425 1919 Chevrolet touring 375 1916 Grant 6, touring, license 430 1917 Grant 6, touring, license 450 1917 Oakland 6. touring, license... 450 1912 Franklin 175 1913 Chalmers 175 1914 Apper8on 2i0 1913 Hup 230 1IIIS Hup 325 1915 Velie 275 1915 Overland : 25 litis Overland 375 We have lots of others to pick from. VRANSON'S USED CAR EXCHANGE. Open Evenings and Sundays. Union ave. and Belmont St., upstairs. REBUILT USED TRUCKS OF VARIOUS MAKES AND SIZES AT PRICES THAT WILL PLEASE YOU. WE LIST HERE A FEW FOR YOUR APPROVAL. MANY OTHERS TO SE LECT FROM: White m -2-ton ... Sterling 2 V4 -3-ton .. Jumbo 2-ton ..... AU-American 1-ton . Maxwell 1-ton $1300 $2600 (2800 (1000 S 800 We will accept your used automobile or lighter truck as part payment. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO., BROADWAY AT EVERETT. PHONE BDWY. 4675. OAKLAND SIX. 1919 5-passenger, with nearly $200 worth of extra equipment; everything in excellent condition; at a very attractive price; $975. Ask for D. At. Smith. Broadway 1130. I HAVE one of the most beautiful cars in Portland, Peterson. 7 passenger, ma roon colored, with five wire wheels and five new tires; can run less than 50110 miles; this car waa taken in by me on a mortgage and 1 will sell it for just the amount of the mortgage or will take a good Portland lot aa first payment. Phone me. Main 2026. BIO SIX PACKARD at bargain price; I owe $1200 on car; my loss your gain. See Murch. Port land Motor Car Co. 1918 BTJICK, 7-pass. touring: In good shape; 1921 license; a snap. $950. Call Knox, at Tabor 6037. HUDSON SPEEDSTER. 1918-19 series, perfect mechanical con dition. 5 cord tires in excellent shape, wind deflectors, spotlight. cutout: a demonstration will convince you; will sacrifice. Marshall 5719. BUICK light 6 roadster, tires almost new in first -class mechanical condition; own er leaving city, must sell. Car can be seen at 5S0 Alder at. Broadway 1852. LATE 1920 FORD COUPE. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 7 EXTRA ACCESSORIES, EXCELLENT MECHAN ICAL CONDITION AND APPEARANCE. WILL SACRIFICE. PHONE BETWEEN tf -A.su t- A. m. o-fv i -on OLDS 8 chummy, late model, completely overhauled; engine guaranteed for one year, new seat covers, side curtains; will take small car in trade, lots of extras. Auto. 318-73. i.rvi. KTi;KBAKER ROADSTiiR. Fine condition every way. a practical, economical and efficient salesman's car; $650, (200 cash, balance ten months. Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 3281. 1919 DODGE, $1050. Has had exceptional care and is In excellent condition; many extras; li cense; cash or terms; private owner. Main 55t3 for demonstration. oi tcui curixiviv l i w j ...... - " . classy and popular car, repainted and overhauled: looka like new and me chanically perfect; (1000, terms! a snap for someone. Mr. Argo. Broadway 32SL LEAVING CITY. 1920 Overland sedan, 5 wire wheels, ear run only 2700 miles; liberal discount for quick sale. CALL ROWAN, MAIN 930. A BARGAIN. Ford delivery, practically new. latest model. Beaver Nut Co., 26 N. Sth street, 8d floor. MODEL 90, Overland, 1918, 6-pass. ; extra 4-ood condition every way: aacrifice (575; tetnis $200 cash, bal. 10 months; a snap for someone. Mr. Argo. Broadway 32M. FOKD TOURING, some buy T. ..$275 UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Cor. Grand ave. at Yamhill st. East 471. FOR SALE Maxwell, 5-pass. touring car. In Al shape; this Is a snap. $300. (150 cash. bal. terms. App. 194 W. Park. WE WRECK CARS, all mattes. Portland Auto Wrecklmj Co., ifUO Union av. .76611, A FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. PRICE ADVANTAGE ON USED AUTOMOBILES. During the past three years we have been the largest retailers In Portland of automobiles. On account of the vol ume of business we are In position to better rebuild service used oars. Price advantage being a better osed car at the same price or at a very much lower cost to you. Our used automobiles are sold with a warranty the same as fsctorles give with new automobile and 90 days' free service. On those ears that are not sold with warranty and free service are sold with ten days' free trial subject to their be ing returned with full credit on any other car you may select. Call at our nsed car branch store at the corner of Broadway and Couch at. 1918 Maxwell, all gone over, re paired and repainted; fine little car $ 500 1920 MaxweU roadster, a dandy lit- tie car T73 1917 Buick . cord tires, all good; running condition 800 1920 Olds light 6 In first-class con dition; a decided bargain at.... 1250 GOOD LIST OF OTHER CARS NOT SPECIFIED. Rebuilt Essex, sold with warranty same as given on new cars; also 0 days free service. 1910 Essex, everything fine eondl Hon 1S59 1920 Essex with warranty nd serv Ice 150 CHALMERS BARGAINS. 1919 Chalmers roadster. In fine con dition 975 1919 Chalmers light six, with hot spot, overhauled and repainted, all in line condition 1250 1920 Chalmers 5-pass., a real auto mobile and a decided bargain at 1650 rebuilt hudson's with 90 days' Free service and a factory warranty. 1917 Hudson super six; has been rebuilt in our shop, has been re painted and sold with a war ranty for 12o0 918 Hndson super six. rebuilt end repainted, looks Just like new; will sell with a factory warranty the same as given cn new auto mobiles ....... ......... 1673 1920 Hudson super six, overhauled attd refinlshed like new; sold with factory warranty that we carry ourselves; great buy. ' 1900 1918-1919 (series) Hudson speedster, sold In 1919, now with warranty and service; has Westlnghouse air springs; great buy at . . 1850 1920 Hudson speedster, all gone over; sold with warranty 2050 OUR STORE FOR THESE USED CAR BARGAINS AT 40-46 BROAD WAY, WHICH IS BROADWAY AND COUCH STREET. PHONE BROAD WAY 5739. ' C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO, LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY 'OR SRT.T, AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. . OREGON" BOND AXH MOTtTG GE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG.. SECOND FLOOR. 1920 FUICK 7-pass., In best me chanical shape; 4 brand new tires; car looks and runs like new; see this car and be convinced it Is a snap at $1700; terms, or will take Dodge In trade. Call W. C Mont gomery, Auto. 324-36, Auto. 562-41. 1918 OLDSMOBILE 8 touring. Will take small car In trade. 1918 Velie touring. 1918 Paige, 7-passenger tourl.ig. 5 conl tires. 1920 Bell touring. 1920 Moore touring. 1920 Chevrolet delivery. 1917 Buick 6 roadster. Several Ford bugs from $150 to S550. 188 GRAND AVE. EAST 6563. BUICK. 1917 Buick K-pass. ; new paint, good shape. $750; easv terms. Call Hoesly. Broadway 1130; evenings. East 283. BUICK. 1920, 5-pass.. like new In every detail: cord tires, wind deflectors, spotlight, mo tomet.r, extra tire, shield swipe, bump ers, etc.: performance perfect, condition guaranteed. Price $10O A value that cannot be duplicated. Terms If neces sary. C. W. Phillips. Bdwy. 3433 eve nings. 1918 BUICK touring car, fine me chanically: looks like new; bump er, spotlight and clock; used Tprl VHtoly; terms. Call Frank V. Smith, Tabor 4459. MR. FOR-HIRE MAN! Here is your chance! A Pope Hartford llmnslne in fine condition and a Hudson 6-40. 7 pass. In fine condition. I will sell both cars Including this year's license, fnr $1000 and will make terms. See Mr Campbell at Speedwell Garage or Bdwy. ftot. OVERLAND. 1P18 Overland, Just over hauled and newly painted, $430 easy trms. Call Hoeslv. Broad way 330. Evenings. East 283. t A GIFT. PRICE ONLY $125. Maxwell, rood mechanical condition. Globe garage, 50 North 20th street. BUICK SIX ROADSTER. 1917: rood finish, new top. rear tires new; used for pleasure: good mechanic ally; leaving city, desire quick sale at (790. Call or leave word for P. L. Hes lop. Marshall 422. or Good Samaritan hospital. Main 5SO0. 1920 HUDSON SPEEDSTER, $1630 CASH. Has 5 cord tires, snubbers. 2 bumpers, spotlight and automatic windshield cleaner, G. P. cutout. Runs beautifully and is certainly a snap at the price. Phone Marshall 6060. room 517. 1920 STUTZ. Touring. Just like new. 6 good cord tires, 2 spare wheels, wire. Must sell at once on account of business having called me away. See this at once. Price $2850. T 506. Oregonian. BUICK touring 1920. Mr. Buick buyer, here Is the car you have been looking for; act iow; run only 4000 miles; 5 fine tires, all nonskid; spring bumper, spotlight. 1921 license, all for $1400. Call Broadway 3277. OAKLAND TOURING. Perfect motor, cord tires, gunmetal color, wonderful car at $1000; best buy in city; you will agree If you see It. Call Mr. Pickena. Cash or terms. Phone Broadway 41S4. 100 N. Broadway. WB CARRY a full line of auto accesso ries, tires, tubes. Ford parts, light globea etc Also do towing. Open day and night. T LONG SILVA. Phone East 6S0. 462 Hawth orne. A 1918 TOURING car, new top, good paint, new storage battery and 4 new Good year tires a snap. If you are getting a new car can make yourself $100 by buying this and trading It in. Wood lawn 26SS. LIBERTY TOURING Leaving town; will sell my Liberty touring car at very low figure; will stand rigid test and is oniy 1 year old; cash or terms. Mr. Stover, Krnadway 414. nwi North Broadway. 5-PASS. Overland 83, cord tires, self starter and demountable rims. This is not junk: $250, $100 down, balance terms. 415 Glisan, corner loth. Broad- way 4592. $400 OAKLAND $400, Must sell at once; new tires, new bat teries, spotlight, good mechanical condi tion, w Qin. n'i. i erms. 1918 IXflXiB, B tires, new battery. SS Ja, 30th st. N. Tabor 66-15. '17 MAXWELL service car or bug for $230; bargain. Marshall 2706- lul9 FORD touring, in A-l condition, sale cheap. Atlas Woodyard. 327 Front. ESSEX FOR SALE. Call Marshall 2766. ilODEL N Hupmobiie; lota of extras, good mechanical condition; terms. M. 3!i5. $T-i Litht Chalmers car. 210 Jefferson at. FOR PALE AUTOMOBILES. MAKE TOUR PRICS. ' Ton know about how much money you want to put Into a used car and we are satisfied that we- have a stock of such a variety that we can supply you with a GOOD used car for the money you have to invest. Our cars are all splendid values for the prices asked. Here Is a partial list of- what we hare: 1915 Mitchell, 5-pass.. 4-cyL. In very good condition. and .wouM mal.-. Mm. ear foe fish ing or hunting trip: price....! 1916 Briscoe. 5-pass.. 4-cyl.: a good car for a small amount of money 1919 Briscoe. 5-pass.. 4-cyl.; car is thoroughly overhauled, wtth new top and curtains 1916 Mitchell. 7-pass., 6-cyU would make a dandy stage or tor hire car: price 1918 Chevrolet. 5-pass.. 4-cylinder. painted and has new battery. 1917 Mitchell. 5-pass.. 6-cyllnder: painted and is In very good condition 1918 Mitchell. 5-pass.. 6-cylinder; 500 425 750 400 500 850 1150 1200 650 5AO 430 thoroughly rebuilt ana also has a new paint Jo 1918 Mitchell, 7-pass., cord tires; price 1917 Mitchell, 7-pass. .1918 Briscoe. 5-pass 1918 Chevrolet delivery 1U20 Premier. T-pass.. like new. at a price that will please you. 1919 Hupmobiie sedan, very fins condition 1918 Ov land, model 90 1750 650 And we also have a few Victory bj els (Mitchells) and Jordan Silhouettes on which we give satisfactory guarantee and service. Deal with a house of recognized sta- f Dtiity 38 years in ousmw. w We handle our own notes and; do not charge for brokerage. MITCHELL, LEWIS STAVER CO., BROADWAY AT EVERETT. PHONE BDWY. 4675. FACTS "WORTH KNOWING. Remember, we are the largest and most taiked of exclusive used car firm In the state. The cars listed here are In first-class running condition and you will notice we can save you several hundred dollars under the new price. 1920 Ford roadster, runs like new.. $500 1919 Chevrolet, 5-pass.. overhauled.. ttUO 1919 Chevrolet, five-pass, very good buy ' 19T? Chevrolet. 5-pass., rebuilt..... 4oo 1918 Maxwell. 5-pass.. looks like new 500 K.ix u., k ,, n..nrf rhuilr new baL- t.rv .' 500 I 1915 Buick 4, rebuilt, new battery.. 5"0 Fiat bug 3U0 Overland, model 83, runs very good 3.i0 1915 Studebaker 4. overhauled S 0 Buick rimdster, some buy J2o 1019 Chevrolet dellv., overhauled... 500 1U20 Baby Grand Chevrolet, never been sold 1T00 1920 Jackson 6, 5-passengcr, run 400 'miles 1600 1020 Moon 6. 6-pass., 5 wire wheels. 100 1920 Dixie Flyer, just about new.. .1200 1920 Apperson, 4-pas., wire wheels. 2oil0 1920 Paige 6. 7-pass., cord tires. ... 1MI0 1919 Nash 6, 5-pass., just about new. 1200 1918 National six, "-pass., runs and looks new 1400 4-pass. Coupe, had fine care 800 1919 Moon 6, 7-pass.. looks new 1600 1917 Hudson Super Six, runs fine. ..into Franklin series 8, just new cord tires.l2m) 1917 Hupmobiie. 5-pass.. like new.. 1000 1916 Hupmobiie. good buy' WtO 1920 Mitchell Six, 7-passcngcr; run vcrv little 110 1916 Cadillac 8, 7-pass.. fine tires.. 15ml 1919 Olds -ton truck '. . . . 6n0 1919 Reo 4. 5-passenger, like new..llo0 1917 Hudson Super Six, Just rebuilt. 1100 1918 Chandler Dispatch 1600 CONLEY'S USED CAR CENTER, 86 10th St, Bik. N.. Pittock Blk. Phone Broadway 1424. Conley & Arhuckle, Props. HARMON 84. . TOURING. This car Is not a "bargain." Tht Is, It has not been doctored up to cover defects in the motor or running gear, and offered at a "sacrifice." The price la stiff, but It is worth ery cent 1 am asking for it, and I will guarantee it to be free from any mechanical defect subject to the examination of any me chanic you pick. If you want a car that has more power than you will ever want to use; the easiest riding car you were ever in: a car that will respond to the slightest touch of the acceler ator; a car that combines grace ot out line with speed and power, you will ap preciate my Mannon. I've good reasons for selling, but I'm In no hurry and I'm going to pick the new owner. I will not discuss the car over the phone nor en tertain any proposition from a dealer. Write me for a personal appointment. W 455, Oregonian. SPECIAL. 1920 Anderson, 4-bearlng Conti nental 7-R. enBlne, Borg & Beck clutch, Salisbury axle., beautiful maroon color, 7-passenger, brand new. Placed with us for quick sale at several hundred dollars un der regular price. La:e model Ford, excellent me- chanlcal condition, first-class shape throughout; will be sold reasona ble, cash or terms. J. H. GRAHAM, 8 Tenth Street. Near Stark. AT LAST! WHAT YOU HAVE WAITED FOR. GUARANTEED USED CARS AT FAIR PRICES. Oakland touring car $ 400 Oakland touring car 500 Oakland touring car 600 Oakland touring ear 700 Oakland touring ca-r 800 Oakland touring car 900 Oakland touring car. looo Oakland touring car. 1450 Winton. 6-pasunger 2RU0 Olds, 7-passenger 1000 National Sport 950 Chevrolet touring , 600 MANY OTHERS. Wonderful line to choose from; cash or easy terms. WILLAMETTE MOTORS CO, 100 North Broadway. Phone Broadwny 41S4. BABY GRAND SEDAN. Near new Chevrolet sedan; run but 850 miles; this Is one ot these fine-looking cars of this make you see on the streets; plenty of power, comfort, easy to ride in, economical to maintain and oper ate: easy to look at. PHIL DANA, Buick salesman. Call Woodlawn 4964 evenings, Bdwy. 1130. FRANKLIN sedan, late model ..$2250 .. 1000 . . 850 .. 650 winton ligm six roaueiur. . Haynee, 6-passenger Model 90 Overland A. a STEVENS, 18th and Washington Sts. . Broadway 1614. CADILLAC 8. This Is a 1917 model and has had excellent care; would make a good for-hlre car: terms. Phil Dana, Woodlawn 4904. BUICK ROADSTER. LIGHT BUICK ROADSTER. LV EX CELLENT CONDITION, WITH SPARE TIRE AND LOTS OF EXTRAS. CAR 1M H-ITimT.r'T.ASiS VhTHANICAL CON DITION. PRICE $830. WILL GIVE 10 MONTHS' TIME IF DESIRED. CALL BDWY 3577, AUTO. 218-11, 1919 BRISCOE, new paint Job, mileage 2500, runs like new; 1919 Cole "8," taken In foreclosure proceedings, good shape n.ech.nicallv. aDnearahco good, will aac rifice; 1919 Liberty and 1920 Hupmo biie, both, driven only awu mites. Air. Buckley, 80 4th 'st. Main 113 (week Days t OWNER must sell at once Overland model 90 Country Club; engine and car In A-l condition except paint; five Goodyear tires. 5 wire wheels, motometer and spotlight: price $475 If sold at once; rterms. BJ 480, Oregonian, for appoint ment and demonstration. FOR P.4T.E AUTOMOBIT-FH. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO. Open Sundays. CLETELAND3. 1921 Cleveland touring, wire wheels, equipment, good as new mechanically, used by us as demonstrator and la guaranteed same aa new car, including service; tires are good, with extra. Price $1450. 1920 Cleveland roadster, driven 4000 miles. In perfect me chanical condition, has been used as demonstrator, good tires, guaranteed same aa new car, including service. Price $1300 ( CHANDLERS. 1920 Dispatch model, newly paint ed, equipped with Gabriel snubbers, oversize cord tires with extra, regular servtM and 90-day guarantee, same as factory r $1750. 1920 touring. 7-passenger, had only 6000 miles of service, just sufficient to break in. pew cord tires with extras, guar antee and service (1750 1915 Dispatch mode!, a beauty, newly painted, wire wheels with cord tlrea in A-l me chanical condition; you will have to hurry to get this one $1250 1918 Seven-passenger, rebuilt, re painted, excellent tire equip ment, we guarantee this car. Price (1150 1918 4-passenger chummy road-' ster. a beauty, first-class me chanical condition; good' Urea Price (1050. 1916 Chandler. 7-pass, dandy run ning condition, new top and curtains, good tires with ex tras $700 1915 5-pass, touring, A-l mechan ical condition, repainted, good tirs, look at this and you will buy It (500 1918 Buick coupe, first-class me chanical condition, oversize cord tires, like new, with ex tra (13O0 1917 Chalmers roadster. Al condi tion $700 1917 Studebaker 4. 7-pass. .touring, , perfect mechanical condition, nearly new tires with ex tras $500 Hudson light six, 6-40 model. In excellent mechanical condi tion, good top with new cur tains, good tires, motor re built. A snap ...$450 1918 Chevrolet touring, fine con dition, good tires $400 Saxon 6-cyllnder roadster, good condition, good tires. .. .$275 Overland 85, a dandy $500 TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO., Washington at 19th. Broadway 494. No. Brokerage. Exceptionally Easy Terms. nnm'.w ri."th Kits' moto R CARS. Our stock of used and rebuilt Dodge Brothers' motor cars la very complete. As Dodge Brothers' dealers we nave the loolj.. the parts and me experience to produce cars ot me nisiieet chanical efficiency. mm n.ww nrAih.' m.dHter and touring ' $ 1917 Dodge Brothers' touring .... 77 J 1918 Dodire Brothers' roadster and tniiTin. 85 lolft Tl.dirp Rrothera touring .... 10IH 1920 Dodge Brothers' touring .... 1200 -i.ii,. K".. .l trtiirliic .i.rl.r. fine shan '. POO 1913 Cadillac, fine tow car 4oU lull ..illla B fn, nate hv owner. onlv " 1?M8 Cafe tourlnp. a beautiful oar. liioO Kim f'liairf-nit'.f- tnllriticr si dfLTldV. nlv 25 14.T-Q r-hvT-ni4 t o u r i ntr excellent Hhane 80 im. r'He.tri-stiAt (rvarictor In stiice hnpe 4' 1!.7 Jefte.-v or Nnnh, 7-pas., ex- cIlent condition Iftlft Maxwell tourinr 0 K.-. XluviL-oll B H a n an aceil(?nt far for - 10 rkakluni. tntirintr trnnd COildl- " lion 1919 Pniffe touring, a fine car .... joOO 1918 Saxon six touring, good jhape, sells as Is 300 1918 Willys Knight 8. big snap, only J -J 1fl19 Nash touring, onlv 1919 National 6. priced only 1400 1916 Buick 6. In excellent shape.. 750 1917 Studebaker 4. touring 37j 1914 Studebaker touring. 6-cyl., fnan 400 iooa eoi.h.lrfl, hlff aix nructioallv new. onlv 19O0 1918 Hudson super-six. fine ediane. loOO 1919 Hupmobiie touring, iooks iiae new 3150 lOl 7 Franklin touring, a beauty. . 1300 1918 Ohandler touring." new paint, seat covers io 1919 Chandler chummy roadster. fine shape . . .' Hon 120 Chandler. 7-pass.. almost new 19., o 1919 model 90 Overland, reduced to 6O0 DELIVERY CARS. 1918 Dod-re Brothers' screen-side delivery 8i 1917 Chevrolet panel delivery .... S-'O 1919 Chevrolet panel delivery 575 1920 Ford delivery, starter 025 We Are Open Sunday, OOVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY, list at Washington St. Main 6244. Also a big display showing many of our best models at the new branch sales room down town. BROADWAY USF1D CAR RRANYTT 2S-30 Broadway N. Main 62 -H. NOW TS THE TIME. PRICES RIGHT. FORD TOURING, motor overhauled, new top. reflnished, shock absorbers, camp bed, tires almost new, de mountable rims; $400. MAXWELL CHASSIS, In fine condition, ready for bug or delivery; $300. MAXWELL TOURING, 5 good tires, new top, reflnished; (450. FORD SEDAN, late model, with starter, detn. rims, spotlight; $825. MAXWELL,' 1919 roadster, reflnished, 6 new tires, like new; $575. CHEVROLET BABY GRAND roadster, bumper, spotlight, good tires, (495. OVERLAND 85. six-cyl., reflnished, new top. overhauled, two new tires; $800. CHEVROLET. 1920. This car Is as good as new, 5 cord tires, spot light; $050. HTJPMOBILE. motor overhauled, ew top, reflnished; $650. OAKLAND light 6-cyllnder, This ear is a snap; $76. CHEVROLET, reflnished, good tires; for quick sale, (300. MITCHELL light six. 7-pass., fine me chanical condition, good tlrea; $750. CHANDLER, 7-pass., fine condition, re finished, good tires, motor over hauled; $1150. PACKARD, 32-eyl.. original finish, like new. cord tires; private owner; $1450. 40 OTHER CARS TO SELECT FROM, ALL STANDARD MAKES, $250 TO $2300. C. G. BLEASDALB, 530 ALDER ST. BROADWAY 1852. 1921 BUICK 1921. 1921 Buick 5-pass. touring, run only 8500 miles, all In city; cord tires and alemite lubricating; has the new body lines anil car looks just like new; guaranteed and service like new car; can save you some real money If you hurry; terms can be arranged: no trades. Phone Auto. 324-36 today. 1921 1IUPMOBILE demonstrator, run 1500 miles, better than new car broke In. Goodyear cord tlrea extra on rear: 2 Bluck diamond bumpers, spot lamp: buy this car now and save (375; greatest snap ever offered. Terms Call Mr. Ire land, itiiwy. .it. lanor aim. 5-PASSENGER LIBERTY Wire wheels, like new; gone 8000 miles; tires, motor, paint and appointments good as new; must sell and will sell at low price; see It to appreciate; try it yourself: cash or terms. Mr. Pickens, phone Bdwy. 4184. Car at I"" .,n. nroacway 1917 VELIE 6 touring car. new top, new paint, tires like new. 1921 license; $700, terms. Woodlawn 57:10. 4-CYL. BUG, must sacrifice, $225 If sold at once. Telephone Broadway 2877. FOR SALE 1913 Caiilliao lor $230, Apply Covey Motor Car Co. FOR SALE ArTOMOBn.F.a. USED CAR BARGAINS. 1918 Podge, a dandy I 7!" 1918 Baby Grand Chevrolet.. 6M 1918 Oldsmobile. Al shape .. 1920 Chlo truck with deliv ery body 850 950 1919 Chnndler. new paint. 13O0 2230 Twin A Packard. 7-oass. K-411 Packard 7-nasa.. 6 cord tires 1900 9-35 Twin 6 Packard, 7-pass. Ssoit 1812 Packard for 1 300 Saxon light six ' 1919 Chandler Dispatch .... 1000 1916 7-pass. Cadillac; make ua an offer. Many other bargains too numer ous to mention. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO.. 10th and Burnslde. Bdwy. 62 L MANLBT ATJTO CO. WE SEJA ON EAST TERMS. NO BROKERAOE. 1918 Hup, like new 11030 1917 Hup, new paint 900 1916 Hup roadster T30 1920 Oakland 1000 1918 Buick light six 1000 1919' Maxwell 600 1918 Grant, rides like new... 700 1919 Cher, touring 650 1918 Maxwell -50 MANLEY'S USED CAR DEPT.. BURNSIDE AT 11TH ST. B 217, or call Mr. Hlller at Main 3610, evenings. THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL. 1919 Ford touring with 1921 license, mechanically perfect, looks like new; will be sold reasonable. Casn or terms. Late model Ford light delivery with 1921 license, mechanically In tine ehupe; at a positive sacrifice. Cash, or terms. Come In early on these two. J. H GRAHAM. 88 Tenth St.. near Stark. BUICK. Seven-passenger, late 1919 mod el; an unusually good car; like new In appearance; mechanical condition perfect; the price is at tractive and a Buick guarantee goes with the car; our cars are RIGHT before offered for sale. Kasv terms if desired. C. PHILLIPS, Buick salesman, Broadway 1130. iJveninga call Broadway 3135. 1018 LIBERTY 9: a bargain. 1920 Baby Grand Chevrolet, sedan. 1918 Buick touring, like utiw. 1919 Buick louring. 1918 Cole 8 chummy. 1919 Stevens. 1919 Maxwell touring. 1916 Oldsmobile 4 touring. Hint Daniels 8, good stage car. 1919 Overland delivery. 1918 Chandler chummy. Many others. Easv Terms. Easy Terms. JAKES USED CAR KXC.H ANG L. 2S N. 11th. Broadway 3214. BUICK. 190 demonstrator; Is guar anteed and has three months service; runs like a new car; lib eral terms. Call Knux at Tabor 6037. Bdwy. 1130. BUICK 1920; orglnal finish. Ilka new; fine mechanically; good tires, two new. extra tire and tube, spotlight; here's a good car at a snap price. Phone Frank V. Smith, Tabor 4459. 1918 FORD COUPE. This car is in A I shape, has demount able wheels, extra tire and carrier, speedometer, dash light, good rubber, finish of ear is in first-class shape; will give terms to responsible par.y. r,. FOU SALE Pierce-Arrow closed car, taxi or depot use; perfect running ordi r. self startor. Keisey rims; make offer. Broad way Garage. E. Broadway and 2-tth st. LATK Oldsmobile six, mechanically per fect, at sacrifice. Can see at Oregon A uUunobllea anted. HAVB $1500 stock In established Oregon corporation; will exchange part or all for best bargain in used car and guar antee 7 per cent dividend this year; car must be in A-l condition and ap pearance: Ford sedan or Essex pre i.rred; full details first letter; no dcal- ers. Q 600. Oregonian. WANTED 1919 071920 Buick, Oldsmobile or similar class car; no use to answer unless you have genuine bargain ana can save me substantial margin on price. H 920. Oregonian. SMALL rooming house to trade for light car and some cash. J. O. GRAY COMPANY. Automatic 661-45. 718 Dekum Bldg. WANTED Second-hand closed body for one-ton Ford truck; must bo in good order, ready for use; dirt cheap; cash. Address box i-aiiiun. WE ARB In the market for some good cars of various kinds. If your car Is In good shrpe and priced right, drlva It ta Aluer - WANT Studebaker or Hudson touring car, will give good trade with almost new B-lon truck. Call automatic al Lents stntlon. 2011. FORD 1-ton truck, late model; this truck la equipped wlth a $250 body; will sao- nrice -lor xav 1U19 OR 1920 SEDAN Paige, Buick or Oldsmobile six; must be reasonable for cash. AL 34, Oregonian. WANTED A Ford coupe for a Rose City lot, or any other light car In good cod- ditlon. I mo. uitkulii.ii. CASH FOR YOUR CAR: CONDITION NO OBJECT. NORTH BANK UARAG1C MIX 11TI1 ST. BDWY. 453. . FORD touring; m-st be in good shape; new Edison disc phonograph, part pay Sient balance cash. AR 424, Oregonian. CASH for all maaes of cars; condluoa no object. 418 Glisan. cor. 10th. WANTED Stanley steamer. Postotflos box liwi, noisg, i""" V.'E CAN use several good Fords; must bs cheap. 101 t'tti st. 1U18 SAXON" tt, exchange for Ford. B 431, Oregonian Motorcycles. MOTORCYCLES and parts, all makes EAST SIDE MOTOR CYCLE CO.. 44-46 Grand ave. 1919 ELEC. Harley-Davidson. two spot lights, speedometer. good condition. 1223. labor ij-1.1. FOR MOTORCYCLE AND BICYCLES TRY VS. 204-S06 3D ST. MAIN BKIi'. Automobiles for litre. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. LOWNSDALE OARAGE. . BROADWAY 21138. 15TH AND WASH AUTOS FOR HIRE, with or without driv ers, liny or nixni reivive. n,:ruuiu rilKlliK ' 19th aud Couch. Bdwy. .1696. Remember our number. Bdwy. 3G96. ALTHOF & BENNETT. CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE, TH1H D AND TAYLOR. MAIN 1IW7. . 1 , WITHIIIIT IlKIVS'.RS. New 1920 models, reasonable ratea 132 12th at., between Washington and Alder. Broadway ' AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE L I SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARAGE. Mar" 232. 10TH AND YAM HILL. A 12311.. "l9'0 5-PASS. BUICK FOR HIRE. WITH DRIVER. BROADWAY 8.'.47. FOR SALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. PASSENGER BUS CHASSIS. , Packard 6-48. Will be sold at a ridiculously low price. THE WHITE COMPANT. Park and Couch sts.