rr .-- V 4, If TITE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 1?, 1921 - n t I :1 '. i :. ... v -J 9 4 SEW TODAY. SX2IHABE rirrt-ClM. In Every Wy. In 4-Ioot ractlooa. Easy to ct ml hip. Get cataloc. BEDIMADE BUILDING CO., 1'ortiand, Orrgon. K. 11th and Market. Phone E. B114 or 603 Lewie Bid ft.. 4th and Oak. Phone Hdwy. 4335. I,adl Save yonr old carpets, rnca and woolea clothing. Let aa make new rug lor you. Tiitj oldest and beat-equipped fac tory. Fluff and rag rugs woven all sizes; carpets refitted; 9x12 rugs steam cleaned. $1.50. We call and deliver. 188 E. Eighth St. Phone East 3580. BATES FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Daily or Sunday. One time Wo per Una bame advt. two consec utive times 22e per line Bame advt. 3 consecu tive times SOc per line Game tidvt. 0 or 7 con secutive timea ........ 63e per line One month 92. 5G a line (six month. .$2.25 a line per month (Change of copy allowed monthly.) The above rate applies to adver tisements under all classifications excepting "(situations Wanted Male" and "Situations Wanted leuiale," which xm Uo per Uua foe each insertion. No ad taken for lens than two lines. Count fire average words to the line. Advertisements (except "Personals" and "Situations Ward ed") will be taken over the tele phone if the advertiser fa a sub scriber to either phone. The Oregon) an will receive copy by mall provided sufficient remit tance for definite number of issue Is sent. Acknowledgment will bo torwarded promptly. No prices will Le quoted over the phone but statements will be ren dered the following day. Adver tisements are taken for The Dally Oregouian until "3:30 1. M. for The feunday oreguiu&n until 6 1. L bat urtiaj. REAL ESTATE. I 'or Sale Flat and Apartment Property. 13 1-3 PER CENT NET. Nob Hill apartment house, close In and a money-maker. Price $63,000, part cash, bal. 6 per cent. $13,000. An apartment house consisting of six 4-room apartments and one 3-room apt., five of which are completely furnished; place is In good condition ; a splendid location, close-in eas: side. $5000 or residence in Alberta district to $5000 as first payment, bal. 6 per cent. With careful management this place should pay out the bal. itself. $18,500. A busy corner, close In. on Grand ave., iir.proved with 3-story building, tores downstairs, apartments upstairs, reasonable terms; a frood buy. See Air. Shefler with FRED W. GERMAN CO., 7311 Cham, of Com. 13TH AND HALL STREETS. Corner lot. 50x100, a great big 10 rnniu house. 2 furnaces, 2 sots of plumb Jntr. brick foundation. The price Is $Ho0O and Is ridiculously low. This buy should not last long. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. 8PIjENI1D brick apartment, good district, west side, including furniture; income about $!oo per month; price only $47,500, half cash. L. .T. Lamb. os Corbett bide. For Sule Kots. IX) T OWNERS. ATTENTION. TV'e are purchasfnc agents for the THCKMAN BUILDING CO. and are go ing to purchase a number of vacant lota In addition to thia. we will build for prospective clients on their own lot or ' any lot that they select which is listed with us for sale. We know of no better method of selling that vacant lot than J by lifting it with us. Don't delay. Write , us at once. ' J. A. WICK MAN CO., "Shortest Way Home." 2fi4 Stark St. Main 1004 and SP3. PJKDMONT Second lot southeast corner Mallory and Killingsworth avenues, 60x 100 to alley; east exposure; close to car line and near Jefferson high school. Price $ir00, terms if desired. Address B 013, Orgonian. YOUR OPPORTUNITY. X.aurelhurst lots, while 'they last, at extremelv low prices. See J, A, Mc Carty. 270 Stark. Main 1700. evenings. Tabor .W57. BARGAIN : lots. .VtxlOO each. 2 blka. ea.3t of Union ave.. $400 each, easy t pnms. Jones, witn Interstate Land On.. 2i4 fitark yt. Main r4-JO. IRV1NGTON diHtrict, lots with hard-surface and newer In and paid for oi3 up. JOHNKON-DODHUN CO.. 3rt N. W. Bank Rldg. Main 37R7. FOR TWO cottier iota; 1 block to -tar. hard surface street, pa!d;v owner in hospital, must eeli. Hogan, 24o 1rat st. 1 CTOSE-IN WEST SIDE QUARTER BLOrK. VI X K A PA RTM T SITE. SNAP FOR SOMEON-E; $0600. AF 412, ;OR EGOXIAN. HAVE Tortland Heights city view lot, 60x300. all Improvements in. price $1800. Will trade my Jll'OO cash equity for auto nnd give or take difference. Tabor 42!Ui. YOUR LAST CHANCE. Laurelhurst lots at these prices... See J A. McCarty. 270V.. Stark. Main 1700; eveninss. Tabor ."iO,"7. GOOD Alameda Jot, streets in and paid $675. JOHNSON'-DODSON CO., ft33 N. W. Bank B!dg. Main 37R7. LOTS n DOWN, $1 WEEK. Alberta car, Kennedy school, 50x100, cemnt walks, no stumps or gravel. R. W. Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. LAURELHURST lot for sale, 1 blk. south . of car, for $1200; 50x124 ft. Owner, LAURELHURST LOT BARGAIN. See J. A. McCarty. J70 Stark. Main 1700. evenings. Tabor 50r7. I OFFER for sale a fine corner, 2 blocks south of Sandy, for only $450. Phone Main flSBft $3000 Large lot. N. E. corner" East 20th and Stark: apartment or flat site. Leon a rd. B road w ;t v 24 J4 ALAMEDA PARK, N. E corner U7th and Bryce: improvements paid; $1250. Ta bor 441. CHOICE LOT nr. Killingsworth ave. and car. city conveniences; will sacrifice for $385, terms. Phone W. 37PS evenings. GREAT sacrifice, quarter block, corner 22d and E. Pine; price lltWO cash. Phone Mr. Smith, quickly. Main 38.14. GOOD residence lot on fist ar.d Halsey. would take Ford and caah difference. Tabor 1M3. $500 WILL BUY 100x110 feet on north west corner of Montana ave. and Bryant st. jonn r.iii. jj-mmuns .'ins-, city. ALAMEDA VIEW LOT. 50x180. Phone owner, J a nor iuw. isroaaway iuia. HOSE CITY LOT on Sand, below the hill. $1600. Tabor 6441. . WOODLAWN lot, easy terms, phone Wdln. 114. ' T S1M LOT IN Woodstock; buyer assumes city lein?. terms. Phone Wdln. 1814. "T.Anns ADDITION BJcST. choice home sites. Owner., East 2154. ROSE CITY, 50x70. Alameda, near 56thT improvements paia; uu. laoor nm $250 BUYS fine Fulton Park lot, near school and carline. Tabor 4L'iW. CHEAP 25x100, near Kandy blvd., $J50. -Main 6bti0. . ' jjr., i-n ,-a4iraPi REAL. ESTATE. For Sale I.ots. 110 Tenth St. Broadway 110. H INCOMPARABLE - .WESTOVER TERRACES. If It's a "homeslte" In the midst of dfetinctlve and beautiful homes . with 75 feet or more frontage you want, and not Just "a lot" then let us show you W-E STOVER -TERRACES. "Portland's Best View Homesites," ani zoned for homes exclusively. For plat or other in formation you may phone, call on or write. . " HAROLD JTJNGCK. SECRETARY. INTERNATIONAL REALTY , ASSOCIATES. Plttock Block. 110 Tenth St. Broadway 110. LAURELHURST LOTS. SOME BIG BARGAINS. OFFICE ON THE GROUND AT E. 39TH AND GLISAN. Closing them out. some as low as $ou, some beauties at $50; all improvements paid; easy terms; your -opportunity to secure a choice lot at about one-tnira real value. WILL BUILD FOR YOU. Estimates furnished, free plans ana photographs at the office, E. 38th and and G'.isan sts. ; Montaviila car. Phone Tabor 3433; evenings East 1738. DELAHUNTY. CHEAP LOTS FOR SALE. Portland lots clear of liens from Jiou tip ; invest in vacant while it is low. They must go up. W. H. ROSS.. 1100 N. W. Bank Bldg. ROSE CITY, 50x100. $750. For quick sale, choice lot on E. 50th near Broadway, all improvements in cluded in price. ELMER F. BENNETT CO.. 318-321 Board of Trade. Main 7452. For Sale lluufes. BUY YOUR HOME NOW. ROSE CITY PARK. $7500 Beautiful 7-room bungalow, mod ern in every respect; has all the "latest built-ins, breakfast rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, lovely buffet Dutch kitchen, full ce ment basement, furnace, garage, beautiful shrubbery, located on East 43d St.. near Sandy blvd. Very good terms. ROSE CITY PARK. $503fj New 5-room bungalow and large attic, all the new ideas and built ins you would want, hardwood floors, fireplace, cement base ment, furnace, breakfast nook, tapestry paper; located on the Alameda, Jlose City's lovely drive. Very easy terms. LAURELHCRST. $5050 New 5-room bungalow near the beautiful park, modern to the jninute, tapestry paper, fireplace, hardwood floors throughout ex cept kitchen and bath, Dutch kitchen, breakfast pook, cement 1 basement, furnace, hard surface - street, 50x100 lot; a nifty little bungalow lor the money; terms to suit. 1RVINGTON. $9000 Beautiful lrvington home of 7 rooms and sleeping porch, hard wood floors throughout, splendid fireplace and beautiful buffet, Dutch kitchen, tile bath, recesi tub. four lovely, large, light bed rooms with full length bevel pjate mirror in each, glassed-in sleep ing porch, full cement basement, hot water heating plant, vegeta he and fruit room. One of the finest and best built homes in the district and a bargain. SEE US FOR SERVICE. REVERMAN INVESTMENT CO., 210 Lewis Bldg. Broadway 2054. $3500. PRETTY BUNGALOW, f EASY TERMS. Beautiful large double constructed 5 room bungalow, a real home, fireplace, bookcases, French doors, paneled dining room, Dutch kitchen, 2 light, airy bed rooms, ine bath, large floored attic, full basement, laundry trays. 50x100 lot, natural shade trees, fine lawn and shrub bery, 4 blocks car; good homey neigh borhood; owner leaving city. Ask lor Mr. Mack. Iet us show you. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. COMPLETELY FURNISHED FOUR-ROOM BUNGALOW. $2500. Furniture alone worth the price, and here you have a substantial home witn a f in, basement, large porch, 50x100 lot, 'garage, dishes, pictures, rugs, cur tains, stoves and everything imaginable to make a complete little home; onry $750 down, balance $30 month, including interest; you'll have to hurry. COK A, McKENNA & CO., 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. TENTH, NEAR SHAVER. Six Rooms, $2150. Full lot with pavement and sewer In and paid; three bedrooms, two of which are upstairs; cement basement, laundry trays; best of plumbing, gaa and elec tricity; $t50 will handle. B1HR-CARET, 211 Railway Exchange Bldg,, Stark and Third Sts. Main 7487. Open E ven I n gs. J5050 LAURELHURST New. tiiftv bung alow, thoroughly double-constructed, well finished. For quality of material used and workmanship, nothing like it in Laurel hurst for the money. Hardwood floors throughout, fireplace, cement base ment, furnace. etc.; expensive paper. Truly a good buy. Rea sonable terms, too. v A. G. TEEPE .CO.. 270 Stark st. Main 3002. IRVTN'GTON HOME. ON 2STH, NEAR B RAZEE. $8250 Charming home; artistic liv ing room, French doors to sun room, 3 fine bedrooms and large Bleeping porch, hardwood floors throughout ; ivory .woodwork and art paper; full lot and garage; immediate possession. East 410. I RVINGTON HOME! BEAUTIFUL 100x125 CORNER. One block from Broadway. This Is a well-built colonial type home, 8 large rooms, large porches, alf kinds of high grade shrubs and trees. If you want a real homey home at a real bargain price, come and look this place over. 332 E. 21st North. Phone East 3274. MUST SELL at once my new 4-room plas tered bungalow, 2 bedrooms, small barn, lot 80x125. Some work to do to com plete. A snap at $2300 with $250 cash. Or will trade for farm rp to $4000. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St. BEAUTIFUL WESTMORELAND, fl-room modern home, large light room a, cement basement, " hardwood floors, buffet, furnace, paved street, sidewalk, all paid ; owner must sell ; some terms. Mr. Johnston, Marshall 1022. Tabor 4708. evenings. BREAKING UP HOUSEKEEPING. 5-room bungalow with sleeping porch, completely furnished ; large lot, near 6!Hh and Glisan. Electric lights, extra wiring, gas, modern plumbing, sewer connected. No city liens. $3150, $650 cash. Tabor 2034. IRVINOTON HOME. Large hall with French doors to living, dining and .sun room. 3 bedrooms, lOOx 10Q lot, only $6050. East 1347. 6-ROOM house, modern, 10 min. ride from center of city; all street improve ment in and paid ; a snap at $2250; terms, $250 cash, balance like rent See me for other bargains. H. W. Garland. 201 3d. FOR SALE by owner, completely furnisned modern 5-room bungalow in Rose City Park on carline; fine location; furnace, fireplace. 50x100 lot, fine garden. Tabor 72f or East 423. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. V 5 large rooms, beautiful oak floors, fireplace, built-ins. large basement, cor ner lot. only $ 43(H). easy terms; Imme diate possession. Tabor 4200. HOMES designed, buiit and remodeled; satisfaction is our aim; prices reasona ble. WOOD & COLE. Woodlawn 5348. I HAVE good large house close in; if you have good car up to $500 or $t00 and $500 cash and want a home, call me up and we can arrange terms. Sell. 70."i. IRVINOTON HUME SACRIFICED! Hot water heat, large living room, oak floors, choice location, garage. Owner leaving. East 304. Main 8078. I HAVE A GOOD REASON FOR SELLING $2300, TERMS. 5-room bungalow. 50x100 lot. dandy location. 2 blocks to car. Bdwy. 387. a BARGAIN, 3-room house, 3 blocks from Firland station; $800, $25 down, balance $20 per month, including interest: Call at 5018 72d at. S. E. Phone auto. 624-34 IRVINGTON; exceptional 7-room modern bungalow, garage. $5500; no agents. East 7504. IRVINGTON HOMES. McDONELL East 419. 500 E. 14TH ST. N. ' MODERN 6-room bungalow, enameled woodwork. e45 E. 68th. Woodlawn 666. IRVINGTON 7 large rooms, oid Ivory, .worth txA)0. Price $4i)75. Owner, E, 6015. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Hnuar. YOUR HOME IS HERE! SEE FRANK L. McGUTRE FRANK U McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE PACIFIC COAST. i 1100 Photographist Homes for Sale. OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL 9. The McGUIRE SYSTEM has won an International' - reputation, and estab lished a NATIONAL RECORD for home selling, because it is the original, su perior, scientific, modern method. WE PROTECT YOUR EVERY INTEREST AND PUT YOU IN IMMEDIATE TOUCH WITH THE HOME YOU ARE , LOOKING FOR. If necessary, we'll help you make your down payment. , - 25 Salesmen at Your Service. Open every evening until 9. Open All Day Sunday. AN UNDUPLICATED .SNAP. $525fJ l,OOK AT THIS! Superlative value in a 7-room modern, close--. V T InHOLLADAY HOME: hardwood ' . floors, fireplace, furnace, ' etc. . ' '' . Grand ave. N. TERMS. THIS VN IS VALUE! $3500 JUST ACROSS THE BROAD ' WAY BRIDGE, Is this unusually ' cozy- 5-room modern homey bun ' galow; furnace; built-ins; ivy. SEE THIS. LAURELHURST. $6500 A LOVELY LAURELHURST BUNGALOW; owner must sell; 5 rooms every imaginable con venience; Senate street. IT'LL PLEASE YOU. HAWTHORN E-SUNNYSTDE. $4325 EASY TERMS. HERE'S BIG VALUE for your money, 7-room HAWTHORNE bungalow; fire place, etc., fruit. E. 31st st. $3780 Half block to car; very substan tial comfortable 6-room HAW THORNE home. E. 35th st. $3675 HERE'S A HOMEY HAW THORNE: built-in conveniences; LOOK AT THIS TODAY. East Grant. Terms can be arranged. FRANKLIN HIGH. $375fJ A NICE DAINTY NEW 4-room little bungalow with all the mod ern conveniences that you are looking for. 47th street. EASY TERMS. ALBERTA. $2550 $300 down. FURNISHED: fcewly oecoratea. s-room nomey al- KEKTA BUNGALOW COTTAGE. Fruit, -garden. Grand ave. $300 down. $3500 $500 down. REAL ALBERTA VALUE. 5-room very pretty modern homelike bungalow;- E. 6th street; fruit, flowers, i etc. THINK! ONLY $500 down. MT. SCOTT $400 DOWN. $275"0 $400 down. OWNER MUST SELL. Good comfortable 6-room MT. SCOTT home, all on one1 floor; modern: fruit; chicken house; - $400 down. th st. - ROSE CITY. $3275 $000 down; ROSE CITY RE DUCED. A nice little bungalow; , 5 rooms; built-in conveniences; hardwood floors: fireplace: E. 80th. JUST THE LITTLE HOME YOU CAN "FIX" up so nice. MONT A VILLA. $1350 $300 down: 4-room neat cottage: close to car. E. b6th st. VACANT VACANT VACANT. V $2100 J440 down. VACANT PENIN SULA cottage, just 1 block to car; Leonard street. IT'S IMPOSSIBLE to advertise all of the exceptional bar gains that we have for sale. Come down and Investigate. 25 sa Icemen rea'dy at all times to tatce you out and show you homes in which you are interested. WHEN WANTING A HOME, see FRANK j. McGUIRE. Abington bldg. Main 1068. Third St., Bet. Washington and Stark. Look for the big electric sign. LAURELHURST. FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. GARAGE; $6300. Large living room and dining room, beautifully decorated, im mense frpl, full cement basement, very large attic, Dutch kitchen. 2 good sleeping rooms, wide cement driveway with pergolas extending from front porch over the drive way. This home has distinct lines of architecture, giving it an in dividuality that but fine houses have. Call. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Alain 20S. BEST BARGAIN IN LAURELHURST. Almost new and strictly up-to-date 5-room house, attic and large garage, beautiful lawn and shrub bery, full lot. Ideal location: most expensive draperies and fixtures and gas range go with house. This home was built for owner and is now offered at less than cost. 1233 EAST PINE ST. Second house from the northeast corner of East Pine and 41st st. BEAUTIFUL MODERN IRVINGTON HOME AT A SACRIFICE. Lafge well-constructed 8-room bunga low in lrvington, to be sold at a sacrifice owing to owner leaving city. This mag nificent home, modern in every detail, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, sev en rooms on first floor. One bedroom in attic, which could be easily made into two more large rooms. Three bedrooms on first floor. Attractive music, living and dining rooms; garage, corner lot, 50x100. Price $6500, terms $2500 cash and $50 monthly. CALL HTNMAN. TTMB DEN STOCK & LARSON, 200 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 1658. SIX-ROOM HOUSE, Furnace, $3000. Six rooms, well built, good-looking house on full lot, one block from car; three large upstairs bedrooms; all kinds of built-ins; full lot with sewer; this house is in excellent condition, and may be had for onlv $600 down. BIHR-CAREY. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg., Stark and Third Sta. Main 74S7. Open Evenings. $400 CASH 8 ACRES. This Is one of the most beautiful build ing sites you ever saw. From this prop erty you have a glorious view of the valley; about 6 acres in cultivation, the balance in timber. There's a running spring on the tract. If you want a beau tiful spot on which to build your country home, don't rotes this. Located 7 miles from courthouse, west of King's "Heights. COMTE & KOHLMAN, Main 6550. 208 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. SIX-LOT BUNGALOW HOME. " Ground all in cultivation and set out to fruit and berries; good 6-room bunga low, full basement with large porches, linen closeta; all kinds of built-ins-, good wood lift; splendid view, on macadam ized street. A real bargain. $500 cash, $20 monthly. Total price $2900. FRED W. GERMAN, 732 Cham, of Com. ROSE CITY. Six-Room Bungalow, Fifty-Second Htreet. One block south Sandy. 'Tis a beauty; 3 bedrooms, 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors, furnace, garage, wonderful base ment, shrubbery, beautiful location; first time offered; price $6000. $1000 lessthan its worth; half cash. By appointment. TABOR 3000. MODERN 12-room house tn choice resi dence district on E. 12th St., which 1 can sell to you this week at the ex tremely low figure of $7500 on very easy terms. The house would make an ideal home for a large family or it could easily be turned Into flats. For partic ulars see BEN RIESLAND, 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. , $350 CASH. Balance . $40 per month. Including in terest, buys a modern new bungalow in . Rose City Park. . Has fireplace, hard wood floors, breakfast nook and cemenf basement with laundry tubs. A real bar gain at $3625. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Bdwy. 475L 410 Henry Bldg. 50-H A WTHORX'E bungalow on corner lot ouxsu. a splendid buy. You never would expect to buv a home like this one for so little money. See this. A. G. TEEPE CO., 270 ' Stark st. 1 . Main 3092. CLOSE-IN HOME BARfHiv -' $2950 6-rooms, bath, toilet, basement trays, garage, alley and paved street; two blocks to car, $500 cash, balance easy. rfeu". " " "am. 01 i;om. bldg. I OWN a 5-rm. house on Improved county road, with large basement, that -1 will sell for $2500. If you- want a bargain, see me at once. OWNER, 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park street WELL-BUILT 8-room house with bath and pantry; gooa ceuar. nice neighbor hood on 2-carlines, all improvements in and paid; some fruit, flowers, $4500 from owner." Phone Wdln. 3690. I.ATTP IT I . IX IIDCT ' New colonial, 8 rooms, breakfast nook, reception hall, double plumbing, garage. FOR SALE 11-roorn house, ideal for con verting into apartments; fine residential district, wniniiig umiBuuo, grounas Tax 100. Phone owner., Marshall 1394. BEFORE you buy see this new Alameda bungalow t utn st. A. for sale by bultder and owner. 6-ROOM house, 5 minutes' walk from city ball, lot 50x50 feet; $5800. Blaea ias Granite Co., 2Q1 Third street. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. ROSE CITY PARR". 1 FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. -GASCO FURNACE. DOUBLE GARAGE. $5150. This Is one of the best con structed bungalows in Rose City Park, full cement basement; all modern built-in effects, Dutch kitchen, 1 block to Sandy blvd. and on paved street, $2000 down. $50 per month. This is a real snap for quick sale. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. - IRVINGTON HOME LARGE GROUNDS. Beautifully landscaped and all Kinds of fine shrubbery and trees, southeast corner E. 21st and Weidler streets, the surrounding homes are in keeping with this most attractive one. The house it self is built along colonial lines and is of the very best construction, living, dining room on left of central hall and music or party room to right, nice kitch en. Above stairs there are 3 large airy bedrooms and bath. This house will be sold at a real bargain price. If you don't want all the ground, will keep any part you don't want. Drive by today and look It over, then call at house and Inspect It. Some one is going to get a i bargain. Owner, 332 E. 21st sL N. Phone Main 567. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. KINGS HEIGHTS. Fine view, strictly modern residence, 8 rooms, 4 bedrooms, hardwood floors, fireplace; $8500, terms. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS. Fine view, strictly modern, eight rooms, large living room, four bedrooms, besides maid's room; hardwood floors; fine bath. Gaaco furnace, fireplace. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Beautiful ir rounds, over quarter block: strictly modern 9-room residence; has hardwood floors, fireplace, lurnace; .ot level, on paved street, two biocKs to car, five blocks to Ainsworth school. POINDEXTER. HIGH-CLASS HOME SPECIALIST, 208 SELLING BLDG, MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE, TABOR 0401. EAST 6771, ALAMKDA VIEW CORNER. Sacrifice of charming nearly new 2H story 8-room home with sleeping porch and garage on 100x108 view corner, with nice lawn, beautiful trees and shrub bery; tile vestibule, 16x26 living room with double set French doors to con crete porches; den, delightful dining room with lots of windows (overlooking citv and wall so ace: pass pantry, dandy n kitchen with new linoleum and stove; 8 large oearuonia anu mccpiiiB fuivu, dressing room 2 baths, attic large enough for 3 rooms; finished basement with best hot water heat; finest oak floors and woodwork,; built for home by owner; like new, easily worth $25,000, fcut must sell and will cut price to io,uuu. Terms. Tabor 407. m WE START in the basement and finish with the chimney, ready to move in when we nfove out. We handle all details and save you 20 per cent by our special ' unit system. Fancher-McLean Co., building contractors, 308-9-10 Lewis bldg. Phone Broad way 3652. .WALNUT PARK. $5000, WORTH $7000. Seven large rooms and sleeping porch, rooms all extra large, full concrete basement, furnace, beautiful lot. 50x100. east front. Now, this would be fine for some one wanting to rent rooms and also have a home of their own; upstairs would bring in $80 per month ; $2000 cash will handle it. This Is a beautiful place and a bargain. Frank Mahoney, COB A. McKENNA CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW, $3200. This bungalow is on a lot 57x100,' two blocks from car; it has two bedrooms, cement basement, fireplace and furnace; it has numerous built-ins; will accept 1020 model automobile up to $1000 to wards payment. Mr. Hughes. Main 7-187. BIHR-CAREY, 211 Railway Exchange Bldg., Stark and Third Sts. Main 7487. Open Evenings. BEAUTIFUL 6-room bungalow style home, best eastern hardwood floors in 3 rooms, fine fireplace, large view windows, full beveled plate glass in door, porch ex tends across entire front, enclosed back porch, large full cement basement, house piped for furnace, large grounds, lOOx 100; 2 good chicken houses, lawn, fruit and flowers; owner says cut price to $3500 cash for quick sale. If you want a real home see this. Royal, 72d and Sandy blvd. IS YOUR HOME FOR SALE ? CALL BROADWAY 2054. UNDER OUR SYSTEM OF SERVICE WE HAVE MANY PEOPLE WHO WISH TO BUY HOMES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR HOME AND IT IS WORTH THE MONEY CALL US UP. REVERMAN INVESTMENT CO.. 210 LEWIS BLDG. BDWY. 2954. $ 5050 R OSE C I TY PAR K Fo Iks, here poHiu v t-iy is one oi i ne most Deau tiful bungalows in Rose City Park. 5 rooms and sleeping porch, pa rage; hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, furnace, etc. Now vacant; move right in. Terma. Let us show vou. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark st. Main 3O02. IRVINGTON. Strictly modern rpsidence; five bed rooms, besides maid's room, one bed room first floor, practically two tiled bathrooms, furnace, hardwood floors, fireplace, garage. Might consider some trade. POINDEXTER. 2n SELLING BLDG., MAIN 1S00. RESIDENCE EAST 6771. ONLY $500 REQUIRED. BIG HALF ACRE. RIGHT IN CITY. Dandy 7-mom house, all city conveniences, fine loca tion, close to car, schools; fruit, berries, garden, rich soil ; immediate possession ; get busy. See A. K. Hill, 426 Lumber mens bldg. 3 ACRES, $5000 FIRST PAYMENT. IMPROVEMENTS IN AND PAID FOR. FRUIT. BERRIES, GARDEN, CHICK ENS, ETC. OH. YES! A 9-ROOM HOUSE, SPLENDID FURNITURE. POSSESSION IN 10 DAYS. 657 EAST 39TH ST. MARSH. 1684. MRS. BENNY. FINE IRVINGTON HOME. Attractive 2-story 8-room house with sleeping porch and garage, on large cor ner, best section, near car; 30 fL living room, den sun room, old ivory finish, plate glass windows throughout; vacant; easy terms. Tabor 407. $7500. West- side. fine view, modern, six rooms and bath, hardwood floors, fur nace, garage. At least iihmp casn. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG., MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE EAST 6771. HOME WITH INCOME. 9 rooms, furnished, oak floors, full cement basement, double garage; 60 x 100; 6 bedrooms; rent them and place will pay for itself; $5000. $ looo cash, bal. monthly. Located near S. P. R. R. shops. Phone owner. East 3225. HOUSE PLANS. "Distinctive Homes," illustrated book of over 10O designs, $1; blueprints, $10. DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY, 924 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW among fine trees, lot loOxlOO; garage, one block to car ajid school. $4250; $2500 cash, baJance terms. St. Johns car to Peninsula school. i:.u Knowifg ave. THE RICE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY! Homes built and financed, repairing ana inbbinir: homes and homesit m fnr sale. A. R. Rice, Mgr., phone Automatic 320-85. R. B. Rice, agent. East 2432. ONLY $2600 buys from owner a 5-room house, large sleeping porch, paved streets and sidewalk, in good district; try and see this before buying. Main 7135. 5-ROOM modern house at sacrifice, owner leaving city. Must see to appreciate. $400 down, bal. $25 per month. 632 Oswego st.. at. jonns. J W. McFADDEN BLDG. CO.. TTIf TWR ( i W WIVK UflML'. 35 NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION. 268 STARK ST. MARSHALL 12. MUST SELL THIS WEEK 6-room house. 50x100 lot: Improve ments in and paid: only $2750. $800 cash. Woodlawn 1402 or 760 Borth w ic k st, $3400 NIFTY NEW BUNGALOW. Four large rooms, fireplace, breakfast ' nook, attic, cement basement and porch, ' full lot, near 28th and Weidler; no deal era East U372. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. By owner, strictly modern 7 rooms and sleeping porch, central entrance, two fireplaces, large lot, garage; two blocks to Broadway car. East 4021.' IF YOU WANT A HOME. LOOK AT THIS. $2300 TERMS. Five-room bungalow, Dutch kitchen, 50x100 lot; 3 blocks to car. Bdwy. 387. MODERN 6-room bungalow, hard wood floors, fireplace, full basement, built-in kitchen and buffet, fine locality, street and value. Owner M. 2776. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Six rooms, high grade and up to date 760 Clackamas at., bet. 22d and 24th. No agents. MUST s-11 my bungalow in beautiful West moreland. The price is right; terma HAVE TWO FLATS. CLOSE IN. HOMES WITH INCOME. MARSH. 1C84. MRS. $650 BUYS 2-raom house; $150 down; nlenid aardan and IrulL. Aii ?:r.-i REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. ROSE CITY PARK. $4700 Unusual bargain, a bungalow of 6 rooms on one floor. This bungalow is modern with the exception of a fur nace, is located 100 feet south of Sandy, under the hill. This bungalow waa built before the war and has been occu pied by the owners, and they are now leaving the city, which explains the low jrice. You will be surprised when you see this. $1500 cash and balance to suit. H1LLER BROS., 614 Railway Exch.- Bldg. Auto. 528-63. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. Open Sundays and evenings. Phone Tabor 8485. ROSE CITY PARK. $6200 Something different. Here is a beautiful bungalow of 7 rooms, lOOx 125 lot, has over 50 bearing fruit trees of various kinds, garage. This is a won derful buy for someone who wants a real home with all the luxuries of city and country life combined. Remember, this is In Rose City. H1LLER BROS., 514 Railway Exch. Bldg. Auto. 628-63. Branch office, 50th and; Sandy. Open Sundays and evenings. Phone Tabor 8485 $4500 If you want one of those real beautiful little bungalows with combina tion living and dining rooms, see this. The entire house is finished in white ivory enamel, living room and dining room papered in tapestry paper, oak floors, beautiful fireplace; a wonderful kitchen and breakfast nook; has full ce ment basement. This house is now com pleted and you can move right in; $500 cash and $50 a month, including inter est. If you are looking for a real cosy little home be sure to see this. HILLER BROS., 514 Railway Exch. Bldg. Auto. 528-63. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. Open Sundays and evenings. Phone Tabor 8485. $4000 WORTH $0000. 8 Rooms Hardwood Floors Downstairs. LoT 100x120 $500 Down. This house is 8 years old; has four up stairs bedrooms with nursery and sewing room; eight-foot full cement basement with excellent furnace; one bedroom downstairs; entire lower floor and wood work all hardwood; this house is worth more than twice, the price we are asking; it is an unusual snap. ' BIJIR-CAREY. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg Stark and Third Sts. Main 7467. Open Evenings. A BEAUTIFUL HOME ON A BIG LOT $5250. One lot is a corner, 80x90 feet; on the lot is a handsome semi-bungalow with a big living room 16x22, a large fire place, built-in bookcases, built-in buftet, hardwood floors, large Dutch kitchen down and 3 bedrooms and bath on the upper floor, concrete basement; location Waverleigh Hts. Owner wants $2000 cash. Call us. COMTE & KOHLMAN, Main 6550. 208 Chamber of Commerce -Bldg. 6 LOVELT ROOMS $500 DOWN. Hardwood floors, plpeless furnace, full cement basement, laundry trays, Dutch kitchen, lots of built-ins. 50x100 lot, fruit, roses, paved street., sewer in, all paid. This Is truly a charming home in abso lutely perfect order, and you can buy it on your own terms. The way others ask it's worth $5000. but it's yours for $4250 your terms. 864 E. 7th St. N. ABSOLUTELY modern 6-room bungalow, right up-to-the-minute: adjoining Wal nut Park; beautiful H. W. floors, extra large living room with fireplace; dining room, well lighted Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook: 3 large bedrooms, bath and finished attic: corner lot. street im provements all in and paid for; house is vacant; owner is badly in neea or money and will give someone an extra good bargain. Mrs. ialV Wdln. 351 or Main 7141. FIFTY-EIGHTH AVENUE. Four Rooms, $1200. This house has two bedrooms, full plumbing, gas and electricity; it is on a lot 120 feet deep; 1 hs blocks from car; it is a very good buy for the money; $30O will handle. BIHR-CAREY, ' 211 Railwav Exchange Bldg., Stark and Third Sts. Main 7487. Open Evenings. EAST 41ST STREET. 5-room bungalow, in best of condition; charming living and dining rooms; full plumbing-; linoleum on kitchen and bath floors included; 65x100 lot; several fruit trees; on car line and hard-surfaced street; price $3250; $lono cash. C. M. DERR. 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 224fS. LAURELHURST HOME BARGAINS. Classy 2-story. 8-room house with sleeping porch and garage on large Jot near park and car, having view of city and mountains, all rooms extra large. 2 fireplaces, hot-water heat, French doors, heavy oak floors throughout, sun and breakfast roorns. tile bath with shower, walls papered; a real snap; easy terma Tabor 407. $2100 l-ROOM BUNGALOW $2100. Just what you are looking for, with nice basement, 2 bedrooms. Dutch kitch en, bath, electric lights and gas, extra large living room, lot 43x100, all clear. Party going away and is selling H a bargain; $5o0 to handle, balance easy. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO., 85 Fourth Street. WALNUT PARK. PRICE $6850. $2000 CASH. 9-room house, only 1 block to car. 4 blocks to Jefferson high school; lower floors hardwood ; house in fine condi tion. 50x100 lot. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 405 PANAMA BLDG. MAIN 9404. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into Income? We design and build apartments, ga rages, residences, anything; furnish plans and finance. Established 10 yeara We offrr SECURITY, SERVICE, SAT ACTION. L. R, Bailey Co., 024 N. W. Bank bldg. IRVINGTON HOME. ONE BLOCK FR"M BROADWAY. Beautiful corner. 100x125. all kinds of high-grade shrubbery and trees, extra well constructed, colonial type house, containing 8 large rooms; will be sold at a great sacrifice price. Come out and look it over. 332 E. 21nt North. $5200 ROSE CITY PARK Nifty bunga low and garage: hot water heating plant, narawooa rioors. fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full ba-e-ment; 100 feet from Sandy, facing et. A dandy buv. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark st. Mam 3092, $100 CASH. Balance $30 per month, buys a beau tiful little 3-room house on 50x100 lot. Why pay rent? Close to car and school. A real bargain at $100. $100 cash. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Bdwy. 47M. 410 Honry Bldg. WOODSTOCK. $3000 TERMS. 5-room modern bungalow, fireplace, full baspment. 50x100 lot; a dandy fine place with fruit; 1 block to car. Bdwy. 387. . ALBERTA BARGAIN. T am the owner; strictly modern 5 room bungalow, newly painted and tint ed, built-ins. fireplace, full basement, full lot. near car line and price right. Call Mr. Lawaon. 618 Pittock blk. 6-ROOM modern, hardwood floors built ins, breakfast nook, cement basement, gaiage. lot 100x100, corner. 2 blka to Montaviila car. near 60th st. $4200. easy terms. Smithpeter, with Interstate Land Co.. 248 Stark st. Main 5429. BY OWNER 1st floor, 3 large rooms, built ins; 2d floor, 3 rooms. 6 closets, bath, sleeping porch; basement, trays, hot water heating system; improvements In and paid; terms or discount for cash 566 E. 35th st. S. R. M. car. Tabor 1126. JEFFERSON STREET. NEAR 17TH ST. Large house, full basement, two sets of plumbing; lot 55x70; $6500, convene lent terma if sold thin week. E. E. Cumps-ton. Sellwood 1422, evenings Sell wood 3 3 NOB HILL BARGAIN. Six-room modern residence, fireplace, cement basement, furnace, lot 25x100. Kearney street. West 23d, $4750; $3250 cash. T AGO ART BROS.. 1102 Spalding Bldg. ACROSS WESTMORELAND. $3750-Beautiful 5-room California bungalow, nice rooms, fireplace, corner lot, paved and paid; garage; one block car: some terms. Marshall 1022. Sell- wood 27Qtt, evenings. WAVERLY HEIGHTS. 6-room corner bungalow, full base ment furnace, finished attic; furnished or unfurnished; $1500 caah, terms, bell wood 76a SMALL PAYMENT DOWN. $25 per month, good 5-r. house, nice corner lot with fruit trees, one block from car on 58th st. S. E. Deal direct. Mar. 1753. evenings 315-50. $2100 ROS.E CITY $2100! Nifty 4-room bungalow and bath, large attic, basement, 75xl00-foot lot, 3 blocks to Rose City car. Terms. Auto. 318-12. ROSE CITY. $5250. A fine 5-room modern bungalow under Liu a KArinfl In Ctn... o-r FOR SALE By owner, 7-room house, sleeping porch, near good school and car. no agents. laoor idjb. NOB HILL, corner, 6.3x100, two modern houses, terms; no agents. AE 471, Ore gonian. BARRETT BUILDING CO. PLAN'S. ESTIMATES CONSTRUCTION. 514 PANAMA BLDG. OWNER leaving; cosy bungalow. $2500; also 6-room cottage; paved; $2800. Ta bor 7 00, 5 0-KOoM modern houses in Greha:n fox n'jrtipiikirs jdreaa 1W QtiT. 227 XI ill REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houbes. 110 Tenth St. Broadway 110. SUPERB WE ST OVER TERRACES. If It's a distinctive and beauti ful "home" In the midst of others renowned for their individuality you want and not just a "house," then let us show you the new home Just being completed on Westover now. We will gladly help you build an artistic home to meet your desires. For house numbers or other information you may phone, call on or write HAROLD JUNGCK, Secretary INTERNATIONAL REALTY ASSOCIATES. 110 Tenth St Pittock Block. t Broadway 110. LOVELY NEW LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. $35 Monthly. Including Interest. This bungarow is an exceedingly at tractive design; Is very well built, and is in an excellent location; two blocks from the park; it has five large well arranged rooms and breakfast nook downstairs and room upstairs for three or four rooms; hardwood floors, Gasco furnace, fireplace, full cement basement, garage; street Improvements in and paid; this offer is worth investigating. Mr. FItz Gibbon. BIHR-CAREY, 211 Railway Exchange Bldg., Stark and Third Sts. Main 7487. Open Even i n gs ROSE CITY PARK, $6500. TERMS. On 60th st., 6 large rooms and sleeping porch, reception hall, Dutch kitchen, fine basement and furnace, hardwood floors, 3 bed rooms, garage, paved street; house in perfect condition. Owner must sell; about S2O00 required to handle. Shown by appointment only. East 400L $3800. SPLENDID 6-ROOM HOME. EAST 6TH ST. NORTH. Large 1 1 -story double constructed bungalow tvpe residence, in best condi tion; large," light rooms, reception hall, living room, dining room, beam ceilings, Dutch kitchen, 3 bedrooms, fine bath, full basement, furnace, laundry trays 60x100 corner lot, beautiful lawn and shrubbery, 8 bearing fruit trees, 2 blks. Union ave. and Woodlawn cars, close school; a fine home, reasonably priced, terms. Ask for Mr. Mack. Let us show you. CEO T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. BEAUTIFUL MODERN HOME, BY OWNER. $6500. $1500 CASH. BALANCE TERMS. 8 rooms with sleeping porch. 2 white enameled Dutch kitchens, hardwood floors, all usual built-ins, fireplace, hot water heatine svstem. full cemont base ment, laundry trays, on car line, near best grade school, near neea conep;e. Address 5811 41st st. S. E. Phone Sell wood 2850. HAWTHORN E S 4100. We want you to see this lovely 5-room bungalow, it has narawooa uoors, m nlart. a rlnssv built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, 2 bedrooms and bath, ivory fin ish, beautiful tapestry paper. The lot is 50x100 and the paving and sewer are in and paid. If you can pay siuw aown call us at once. COMTE & KOHLMAN, Main 6550. 208 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. IRVINGTON HOME. LARGE GROUNDS. One block from Broadway on E. 21st. beautiful large colonial type house, extra wp.Il constructed, and 8 well arranged large rooms, all kinds of high-class shrubbery. This is a real place for some one who appreciates nome iree iruin congestion, with beautiful landscaped plot of ground. Come and look it over. 332 E. 21st North. Real snap price. A FINE WEST SIDE HOME AND INCOME COMBINED. 12-room house, completely furnished, onrf tu-ft 5fhc I IKW not lots on Jackson St., near 6th; street improvements, etc., fully paid, full plumbing, gas and elec, two toilets, garage for 3 cars, bringing in $190 per month; a snap at the price, $9500. Don't overlook this for an in vestment. Conn urns., n.t uan, uor. .vi IRVINGTON CORNER BUNGALOW $6500. Central entrance, all ivory, hardwood floors, 4 sets of bookcases, beautiful buf fet. Dutch kitchen, full basement, fur nace and fireplace. 1 block to lrvington car; $1500 cash handles this. EAST 419. NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH. Four Rooms $150 Down. Full lot. three blocks from carline and near Franklin high school; there ore two bedrooms; 20 fruit trees; the price is only $1350. BIHR-CAREY, 211 Railwav Exchange Bldg., Stark and Third Sts. Main 74S7. Op-n Evenings. $5500. West side, on Overton street. Near 22d st. N., full lot, ftoxiuu; z-stnry, 7 rooms and sleeping porch, four bed rooms, fireplace, full concrete basement, furnace, immediate possession. Terms, $3000 cash, balance mortgage. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING. BLDG.. MAIN 1800 RESIDENCE EAST 6771. $300 CASH $300 CASH. 6-room home In splendid condition, You will find all the ronmx in this home are good and roomy, lovely cornpr lot, one block to car. See this at 1275 Bur rage st. Price $2700, $:-too cash. $30 per month, including interest. RALPH HARRIS COMPANY. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624. $5000 V. -ACRE tract near Multnomah station and nifty 5-room bunga low. Hej-e is an exceptionally well built bunralow wit h lot of ciass and distinction. Modern to the last detail. Offered at a bargain price. A goon buy. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark st. Main 3001 WEST SIDE BARGAIN $71500 Eight-room house. As I have to leave the citv, I am offering my home at this extremely low figure in order to get a quick sale. ray me enougn to insure sale snd you can have reasonable terms on baiance. See my agent at 61o Chamber of Commerce bldg Balance $40 per month. Including in terest, buys a 7-room house, right on Union avenue, all cars pass door; close to business center, one of the biggest bargains in the city at $4750. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Brt wy. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. IRVINGTON 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. Near Brazee and 17th: large rooms, 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors. sleeping porch, breakfast room; full lot and ga rage; $6500. .EAST 419. CHOICE lOoxlOO. 7 rooms and sleeping porch. $3700; all kinds of fruit, good garage, well-built house, good plumbing, full basement, ' small down pavment. balance like rent JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Pldg. Main 3787. IRVINGTON PARK. 5-room modern house, cement base ment, furnace, paved street, lot 50x100, close to car and school; $3500, easy terras, RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 Oak St HOLLADAY. Good 8-room attractive modem home on paved street. 3 blocks to lrvington car; must be seen to be appreciated: Bnap for $4500. terms. See Mr. Hinman. with Umbdenstock & Larson, 200 Ore gon bldg. Bdwy. i.8. 13000 5-ROOM bungalow. block from Hawthorne carline; buffet china closet. Dutch kitchen, cement basement. 50x100 foot lot Price only $3000, $700 cash, balance easy monthly payments; lot ad joining this place can be bought very reasonable. Main 3968. FOR SALE BY OWNER Large home in Kenton, modern lOOx 100 lot, large garage, some fruit 1 rooms, linoleum. extra kitchen and dining room, furnace and cement base ment near car and school; terms. East 6747. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. On Freemont st, near Union ave.; 5 Ox 100 lot beautiful yard, lots of fruit; all improvements paid; a snap at $3250; reasonable terms. THE LAWRENCE CO., 212 Corbett Bldg. Ma in 6915. IRVINGTON HOME. $6500. Owner leaving city, 7 large rooms, 14th st, close in; hardwood floors, fur nace, fireplace : any reasonable terms. ' Mr. Johnston, Marshall 1022. Tabor 4708, evenings. HAWTHORNE district. 6-room house, full basement, laundry trays, furnace. Dutch kitchen. lot 50x125, garage, chicken house, fruit and berries; improvements in and paid; near car; $4800, $1500 cash. Owner. Tabor gvi. OTT KEN ANNE BUNGALOW. Modern 7 rooms, corner lot, 50x100, garage . newly f in ished and vacant ; small payment down will handle; rent terms on balance. Wilson, with Inter state Land Co., 248 Stark st. Main 5420. IF YOU have money to lend, w rite us. We pay 10 per cent interest. Ford Jersey pairy, Vancouver, W'a&h. REAL ESTATE. lor Sale Houe.cs. THE BIGGEST SNAP Five-room bunga low, 50-foot lot, paved street, close to car; price $3oo0, terms to suit, $500 down payment. 5-room house, 45-ft. lot, close In east . side, fine river view; price $2200, terms; $J00 down. Neat 4-room double constructed, full basement, good plumbing, full lot, nice neighborhood, close to c-r; only $3000, $10O0 down payment Half acre, 8-room house, 82d street; $2500, terms $50 down, $25 monthly. Near 33d and Hawthorne, six-room double constructed house, concrete foun dation, good plumbing, small lot, paved street; only $2650. terms on part. Rose City Park bungalow, built-ins, hardwood floor, piped for furnace, 50x 100 lot, fireplace; price $4300, half cash. We deal In bargains; our auto will call for you. Don't phone, write us if you want to buy, sell or exchange prop erty. Real Estate Exchange, 430 Lum ber Exchange bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. On the finest view point on the Heights, commanding a panoramic view of the whole city; fine modern 11-room house, besides servants quarters, three baths, 5 bedrooms, spacious balconies, porches and grounds; Rector gas fur nace besides hot water heating system; laundry, equipped with latest electrical appliances. The home is modern, won derfully constructed and in perfect con dition. Death compels a quick sale of the property and present owner will take a smaller modern home in good location in part trade. For further in formation and appointment CALL EAST 40tfL A COSY HOME, 6 ROOMS, $2250. A dandy house on 50x100 lot, only 3 blocks to car, gas, elec tricity, good plumbing, 3 rooms first floor, 2 bedrooms above. You will look long for a better buy at $2250. Pay $1000 cash and straight mortgage. Beats any apartment for comfort. See Maclnnes, with HARVEY WELLS & CO., 603 Gasco Bldff. Main 4564. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW IN ALAMEDA PARK. $670X $1000 down, balance $50 per month, including interest. In perfect condition, each room attractively de signed, includes alt the new features, big living room, the dining room has beau tiful buffet, kitchen is very convenient, fireplace, furnace heat, big basement, nice garage with cement driveway, on paved street JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787- HAWTHORNE. 5-ROOM COLONIAL BUNGALOW. $4300 $1500 DOWN. Artistic new bungalow, with all the built-in features; hardwood floors in liv ing and dining room, fireplace, fine built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, linen closet, full concrete basement with laundry trays, full attic, finished In old ivory and beautiful tapestry paper; paved street, evervthing pa.id. Call us nt once. R. SOMERVILLE. BDWY 3838. U. S. NAT BANK BLDG. IRVINGTON. 7-room colonial, the kind you do not find, in everyday house-hunting; best of oak floors, large center entrance hall, 2 sets of plumbing, ivory finish, sun room, 2 fireplaces, full basement I want to show you this home; price $8000. O. M. DERR. 1215 N. W. Bank bldg. Marshall 2245. S UN X V S I n E SN A P 1 1 1 R It V Good 5-i oum semi-bungalow ; It has modern bath, electric lights ana gas. small basement; street la paved, city sewer i in and all paid; one bloeK to Sunnyaide car line, 2 blocks to Glenco school, handy to stores and churches ; good lot with fruit and ilowers and a real enap for $2500; terms absolutely satis factorv: s thi for a real nicktin it belongs to a non-resident and praters sellyig on easy terms to renting it. See 507 Journal bldg. Main 2158. ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. Wonderful large room beside reception hall and inclosed sleeping porch: splen did basement and furnace ; gHrage ; all modern and in fine condition; must be seen to be appreciated. EAST 4001. $4000. PENINSULA PARK. 2 vears old. hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in buftet, old ivory finish, Dutch kitchen. 1 bedroom down, 3 up. cement basement, laundry trays, 47x100 lot, 1 block Mississippi and Kenton cars, in Portland's fastest growing district ; $1250 cash, balance $25 month. Ask for Mr. Mack. Let us show vou. GEO. T MOOKE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. CLOSE IN. Five Rooms. $2100. Substantial 5-room hotie with cement basement, gas and electricity ; two bed rooms; best of plumbing; pavement and sewer in and paid; garage; very small down payment. BIHR-CAREY. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg., Stark and Third Sts. Main 7487. Open Evenings. A RIG BARGAIN. Six-room house, built only 4 yeai; garage, 78x125 lot; $3150. This prop er! y is four blocks from car. is well built throughout, has one bedroom down stairs, whit enameled cabinet kitchen, basement, laundry trays, lots of bearing fruit. $750 cash to handle. ELMER F. BENNETT CO.. 318-321 Board of Trade. Main 7452. $ 4 50O FO LKS. here truly in a nifty bungalow with hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, tile bath, shower, tile rirainboard. If there is anything ese like it in Port land for the money we would like to know about it. Pav ing and sewer paid. Terms, too. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark st Mnln 3092. HOME AND FURNITURE. Owner leaving city, must sell good modern 7-room house, completely fur nished, full basement, lot 50x100 feet, cherry pear and prune trees; 140 East 58th st, only 100 feet north of Mt Ta bor car line. price for home and fur nishings. $t500. terms. L. E. Steinmetz. 406 Gerlinger bldg. Phones, Main 6001 or Tabor 3221. 3-ROOM HOUSE. T.ot 50x1 00. in lrvington Park. $1050. $200 cash, balance like rent We have others in all parts of the city. See J. W. Lee. with JOHN BROWN & CO., REALTORS, 322 Rai I way Exch. B 1 i g. Mar. 3331. IRVINGTON'S BIGGEST BARGAIN. Elngant home, 100x100 corner, ga rage; $12,500, terms. Could not he duplicated for $15,000. Center hall. Ivorv finish, oak floors, 3 fireplaces. 2 bathrooms. very complete. DON'T WAIT. T. B. Neuhauaen Co., N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8078. t A NICE 4-ROOM plastered bungalow, fur nished with good furniture, cement base ment, garage, fruit t rot's, lot 50x100. Lots of wood in basement Price $3000. Terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 3 05 Oak S t. OWNER leaving city, wishes to t-cll liiF modern home' of 7 rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, built ins, hall floor, furnace, full cement base ment, wa-sh trays, on car line and close to school. 50x100, everything in and ' paid; terms. Call Automatic 236-06. EAST IRVINGTON DISTRICT. Owner leaving city, therefore will eel! my home at a bargain; it's in a fine lo cation and at the right price; 100x100. 5 rooms, electric lights and gas. fruit trees, berries and roses; price $3500. with terms. 549 E. 3Qth st. N., near Knott. NIFTY Hawthorne bungalow. 6 large nns., buffet, built-ins., Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, full basement, furnace, fire place, dandy lot, fruit, berries; imp. all in; terms. Clow Realty, 1131 Belmont Auto. 223-30. MUST BE SOLD this w-eek. 5-room cottage, plastered, full line of plumbing, price below lot value; for quick sale, $1750, with $600 cash. Marshall 3352. 403 Couch bldg. J. B. ROCK-. $LV CASH. $20 AND INTEREST MONTHLY. 3 rooms and attic, garage, chicken house, cement walk; 9th st. near Pow ell road. Phone Sell. ltHo. FOR SALE by owner. $2SO0, dandy 4-room house with bath, pantry, fuil basement. fiiped with furnace, new garage. 50x1 ofl ot; $500 down. 6 interest, bal. like re n t 1 9.5 E. Jessup. Woodlawn 32i5. FOR SALE 8-room house, equipped with electric lights, gas and pipes for fur nace; garage, chicken house and lots of fruit. Terms if necessary. Wdln. 3537. IRVINGTON bungalow. 7 rooms, strictly modern. I am going to sell this bunga low. Look at it today. 678 E. 14th st. N., - a nd then aee owner. 670 E. 15th at. N. A SNAP Equity of $550 in a three-room house on 100x100 lot. bal. on payment $440 at $10 mo.. 67e int. .10 E. Burr at., St. Johns ROSE CJTY bungalow, garage, $2950. Waverleigh Hts., 5-room modern, garage. Hawthorne, 5-rm.. sleeping porch. $3500. CITY REALTY CO., MAIN 953. 4-ROOM furnished house on paved street, $1000, $500 cash. bal. like rent. Jones, with Interstate Laad Co., 4 Stark at iiaaa 5423. RE AT. ESTATE. l or Mile LAURELHURST DISTRICT. 5 rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace, furnace, hardwood floom. Dutch kitchen, bufiet. bookcaf.es, 50x100 lot, garago, with hot water heat; a fine buy, only t4500. $1000 cash, balance $4a per month, ac'.uding- interest. ROSE CITY PARK $4200. Five large rooms, fireplace, bullt-lns, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, laundry trays, 50x100 lot, paved fit, lo cated below the hill; $1200 cash, HAWTHORNE. NEAR CATHOLIC SCHOOL Six rooms, first-class condition, beau tiful fixtures, cement basoaient, double garage, cement driveway, 50x100 lot, lawn, shrubbery and fruit trees, imp. in and paid, close to car; $4200, $750- eah, balance easy. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW, $2900. 5-room, floored attic, full cement base ment and floor, laundry trays, Dutch kitchen, 50x100 lot, 4 block 10 car, $750 cash, balance $25 month. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., 426 Henry B!dg. Broadway 4754. INCOMK pi!Opi.:rty Splendid 8-room house, walking dis tance east side, modern in every way and can be made to pay for itself; part rented, bringfng $50 monthly. Here is a chance to own your own place by mak ing the initial payment, furnace, fire place, concrete fruit room and wuth trays; 2 gas atovea, two tables, several chairs, all the draperies, some carpets, new linoleum on kitchen and bath room, and some pictures go with house; very line neighborhood. MR. VAN ANTWERP. COE A. McKENNA & CO., Main 4522. Fourth SJreet. MT. TABOR UOilK. $4500. Exceptional barSani, lH-story home, double constructed throughout, 6 large light, clean, modi-rn rooms; 3 bedrooms, full cement basement, paved streets and sewer in and paiL located W. Mt. Ta bor, among beautiful homes, 1 blocks car; $1500 required first payment Shown only by appointment If you want a real home and not merely a place to live in, see this at once. Ask for Mr. Mack. Let us show you. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yon B,1dg. GAY STREET. Plastered House With Full Plumbing, $200 Down. This house has four rooms, of which two are bedrooms; it (a plastered; has full plumbing, gs and electricity; It is ft good looking, well-constructed houe and is a bargain at $21 Or. BIHR-CAREY, 211 Railway Exchange Bldg Stark and Third S:. itain 74S7. Open Evening. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW, Five dandy rooms, all on one floor, oak floors, attractive built-in features, fireplace, full basement, 50x00 lot. locat-e?T-m,n?oth'r hlKb-clasi bungalows; $47o0, $100 cash. C. M. DERR 1215 N. W. Bank bldg. Marshall 2245. SEE THIS ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. ' Sunny n. e. uor.. on paved street, neat o-room bungalow, fireplace, built-in burret, bookcases, etc.. breakfast nook, lull concrete basement. Gasco furnace; double garage; $4koo. good terma Must sell before April 1. See this. RICHARD W. MAST RITTER, LOWE & CO., 32Hrd of Trade Bldg. j ,v., , mi.MJrt W . One of most elaborate 7-room bunga lows in city, on large corner, near car, park section; one that you've all ad mired for pant three years and couldn't buy; every new feature, very large liv ing room, breakfast room. 3 largo bed rooms, old Mvory finish, mahoPanv trim and doors, oak floors throughout, ka- -U wim name. 'labor 407 REMARKABLE HAWTHORNE BARGV1N. 1 iose in. 6-room 2-story modern homo with large, airv rooms, complete built ins. niftiiy arranged in all details; good bawenioiit and Dutch kitchen, paved street. Takes $HNo. balance of $:;imh on c;Lsv terms. 1 ran save you m-jney on this. Shaver M;iin 157." O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY, Couch 1 t:i cr $4500 ROSE CITY PA l K 6-room bunga lnw. located near Sand v. fating east; paving and sewer paid. Hera is a downright bargain and rnu'll appreciate that fact. too. Pn.o ahiy never again an opportunity like this one. ,et us show jou. A. ii. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark st M:i!n 3off K SE CITV BARGAIN. Leaving town, must sell my 7-room strictly modern Dutch Colonial home, 2 f i re p laces, su 11 pa r I r, Kre ur h d oors ; corner lot. 50x100; 1 Mock from car. A real buy for $7700. Easy terms RELIABLE I N V ESTMENT CO., 305 Oak St. $300 DOWN. Total price $3ioo bins good 5-room house and beautiful corner lot with g,i ra;e on East I3t h, near Alberta e.ir; lot tixN5. house partly furnished; imme diate icsesMon. Main 3f.38. C. K. BOW (EN CO., 815 Chamber of Commerce Bide. Moo WILL 14 a vm .w 5-room httnga low. ks, electric lights: house is neat and clean. 5MXino lot, good chicken house; a wonderful buv. Prh-a $1050. $300 cash, balanco $35 per month and interest. Ji 'HNSON-DOPSON CO 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. vifn 37Q7 r rt land heights. ' $3050 .Modern A-room house and sleep ing porch, attractively located among trees; newly finished downstairs; will sell furnished or unfurnished; price re duced for cash or substantial first pay ment. Mit'n 3116 $2050. R-room plHslered house, full nlumhlne, It arp- Il,,ai" 7-'i -''ve.. near GOth at S. L. Terms. Srll. 1 005, IRVINGTON REAL HOME. $11500 Or. 22d betwe.-n Hancock and Tilla mook; living room 33x20. large library 2 fireplaces. 2 tiled baths. gUe.-t rooin has lavatory, full ,,t, pa race Mrs. Mcdonald, east '410. $62.-,tU- FROM OI-njTi250. I am offcrimr.a real bargain in a 7 room splend id Iv const ructed two-tnry house. ThiM hou.o" has been newly painted outside and re-enameled and re-p,ipere.i tlirouKhout this month. Main 768. GOOD MODERN HOME. On Broadway carline, 7 rooms, hard wood floors; very nice rooms; sleeping porch: lot 50x100. vacant; $ouno terms. SEE MR. M ILNER. with THOMSON 620 Henry Bldp. ' $3150 5-ROOM bungalow, buffet, built -ins, Dutch kitchen, basement, pavement in. close to Sunnynlde and Hawthorn cars and school; lot 50x100, corner; small cash payment. 1131 Belmont Auto 223-30. THIS WILL PAY FOR ITSELF. Modern 0-room, 2-story home in Rose City Park: garage, all conveniences anil built-ins; l..t 75x100; lawn, flowers and shrubbery, fruit 1 nrome $130 Priced for quick sale. $7500. Bdwy. 3350 FOU It-ROOM cottage, corner lot "5x ltuv electrtc lights, hath and gas East Snrk st. : price 1750. $;;iw down, balanco $22.50 per month, including interest 7oi 7o4 Chamber of Commerce bldg Auk for Mr. Grauer. $6500 FINE 7-ROOM IRVINGTON HOME Very attractive, corner, desirable In every respect, well constructed and ar rangement of house gcod. You cannot duplicate this home for $75041. See Atty G. A. Cobb. 263 Oak st. A RTISTK 5-room bungalow. hard wood floors.' fireplace. larire buffet, lar-o nttir w ith French windows, used h& sler pin;? porch; garage under house; choice shrubs, treps; owner; no agents. $iooo, terms Ta hor l.Va t $4500 CASH, bal very easv terms; beau tiful home with income $110 clear month besides 5 rooms for owner; $1200. Al furniture; separate entrance; baths, heat, beautiful lawn. flowers. Come pee th1 place. lOOOii. Belmont. $0.V HOUSE- and lot; 3-morns and att.c, electric llu-hts and pas. hot water: largo garage, block from Powell Valley road and school. $550 cash, balance $10 a month, 6 per cent interest. Phone Auto. 624-74. Address 3526 61Mh R. E. 6-ROOM modern house, r-emnnt basement, paved street, close to car and school, lot 50x1 tiO. para pe; a snap at $3500. terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak Street. IRVINGTON COLONIAL, A LITTLE GEM All oak floors, ivory finish, large liv ing room, fireplace, French doors, art paper, garage. Neuhausen, Ea-bt 3 it 4, Main 8078. Suburban Homes. CLOSE TO PORTLAND. 10 acres on paved highway. 5 acres bearing fruit ; 7-room house and pa rage, gas and electricity; $13,000, $60iM cash, bal. terms. Jones, with Inter state Land Co.. 2f Stark at. Main 5420. RIVER BUNGALOW. $4750. cash $3000. Modern, 5 rooms, bath, fireplace, be.iu'.i ful large living room, overlooking river. Jot 50x200. Call Woodlawn 2323. 20 minutes out from 2d and Alder. BEAUTIFUL VIEW ACREAGE. 10 20, 30, 40 or 60 acres, $175 per acre and up. Most of it in cultivation; fnm ilv orchard, house, barn, near carline; terms. Prentiss. 615 Cham, of Com. Mdg. EXCEPTIONALLY nice nig home in For est Grove. 20 acres, paved street, big house, barn, etc., fine land. $1S.O'0, or exchange. A. B. Caplea. Forest Grove. Or. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMM and acreage, well located, near carline, from $1SOO up. Inquire 3d houso north of Risiey station, on uregoa c.ty carline. ' 4 i r' -