I v TTIE MORNING ORECONIAN, FRIDAY, .MARC1T 11, 1921 . . "A ! x i '.V 1 I . -.1 ' i ' 4 . r " i i . "-1 i 1 .' 4 V ' " ' , o-t r-KTiTV I KEL FSTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. I i , ,' HEAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. rtuoi " rZTSStU. l or HI Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms, professional men, manu facturers, repairmen, etc., classified for ready reference. Information as to any class of work not listed may be obtained by calling Mam 7U7U, ACCOUNTANTS. JULIUS R. BLACK, public accountant, auditor. Income tax service. Concord bldg., 2d and Stark, Phone Main 7443. AIRCRAFT BCHOO .U DON'T HAVE A -WISH-HONE -i 1 HAY c a vv ir,n -no.-, c TOUR BACKBONE OUGHT TO BE. If you are not wurD IT satisfied with your present Income don't wish for something better to turn up get ready for something bet- and you wli "a get it. ' J will the presen Ill high wages continue? No one knows, but it is not ngeiy n noi, looking for something with better pay. Let ds tell vou how you can qualify in a short time for the newest and fastest growing profession AVIATION". Day or night classes. Oregon ex-service mn receive $25 per month for educational ' inTuKirr aip.cr aft corporation, Sch.iol of Aeronautics, J06-107 North Kleventb. tttrert, Portland. Oregon. ATTORNEYS. E. W. EASTMAN", lawyer snd notary pub lic 9;;4 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ACTO PAINTING. AUTO FATNTTN'O CO.. (OM Established Phop.) RKLIABLB SERVICE. PRICKS REASONABLE. PROMPT DKLIVRKY. VOW. BEST TIME TO DO IT. Phoue Broadway 4408 or call A. corner 14th. and Coueh, AJEJTON 1DIE3T tailoring, perfect t'ttlng; work I. Reubin. 406 Bueh & Lane bldg. ARMY tiOODS. ." S. AROT GOODS for w and retail; prices reduced. H. Horen- rr.i- o-. rt or 204 1st st. Main (5i3- . --. i? a A VI. ANALYSTS. llONTANA ASATtFFICB, J0 Gold. silver and platinum bought. . BATHS. Lr. McMAHON-S baths, P rtland. Steam showers, plunge tuba all : for SM. J 1irmL?:Kourth and -Washington CHIROPRACTIC, Bteam boths) and mas eaire 10th floor. Broadway bldg. Mar sha! V, i ST. Dr. Laura E. Downing. CELLULOID BrjTONS fiiEJRWrN.HODlWN Kf'eM. aR7 .o.h,n.nnBroadway T. CHIROPRACTIC. IR McMAHON'S chlropractlo spesks for Itself. Ponlsud. Uth year. Phones. CHIROPODISTS. CrTfT UISDT Come to Dr. Uartner, iooi rctl Ron I .rniiu: come, nunions. a-hna mnrln tO Order. ?,tl Swetland Mclg . Fifth and Washington Main lost. Ut O. O. k-LRTCHER Foot troubleli sci- entlfirally correcteo. rTnihtpTVDisTS arch specialists. wTi.LlAM. Estelle and FlorUo De Veny, tne only scientific chiropodists and arch peclalista in the city. Parlors M2 Oer Iinger bldg. s. w. corner faecoud and r.12 Morcan ni.ig. mam Alrtrr. Phone Main l. i. CH I KOPRACTOR. DR. E. B. ANGELL 1".. Shower, mineral and elertrio light baths; all Norwegian drugies meinoun. i I I.ANING ANIPRESSrNi. REGAL CLEANERS TA UXORS ANT) HATTEKS Clcsjilrg and dyeing a specialty, l.i Knrth' ifh L, Portland. Or. COLLECTIONS. kith A CO.. Worcejli-r bldg. Main 17!!. No collections. johargeEstaKUHil. CONC RETT. CONTRACTOR. BlIiEW ALES, ba?menls. floors, garages, concrete and wood driveways, concrete nd crwrrl. R. If. Ward, East H2. DANCING. SUMMERS' DANCING ACADEMY Private lrssons day and evening: all the feUi-Ht steps taught hy profuional tcn-li-ers: club danoe every Tuesday. A public dan-a every Saturday. Stage dancing and chorus st p- taught. Mani hoster hall, 8jVi Fifth, n.-ar tark. Bdwy. UM'ft. PROF. PATTERSON DOWNEY'S DANCE STUDIO SU Washlnston St.. over Kajelwood. !Paliroom, pf-p and various branches of stae riHnrjngauht1Mjlir.'; 5u PORUT II V liASMIWS N Pa 11 room and statro duncing. 610 Ellers building. Wnsh., between 'h and r.th. Main 1 l.:l. IIENTIM'RV. BETTER DENTISTRY FOR LESS 22- KA RAT CROWNS $5 TO $T. 72 K BRUmIK WfiRK TCI 8 A TOOTH. A LI, WiHtK GUARANTEED. IR. HARRY tE.Mt.Klt. 24 AT.ISKY PLUG. I.UNfi27S ' DR. B. E. WRIGHT, 8d Floor Rnleich Bldg.. cor. eth and W'.ihinlun Sts. Min 2IT.V A 211!. DENTISTRY Pit. A. W. KEEXE, 351 b r-iin. l,atFt nerve Mocking system. PIM.IS PENTISTRV. Y O II S A V K nearly one-half by our location bffC iTl rtTrWs- rent district. iia. I Hii 11' wift' OpeD nlglits. K. E. cor. Ill and Burnpido. Broadway 2-4. I (.LI.SS I'll VSKIANS. KING treats ludlfiLStlon, stomach trn ublo. nervousnPHS, all kinds of aick- and diwHpea, men. women and . cb rln 1 Idri-n: acute and chronic; bemor- ids lpll.' without operation, ;l(S-0 sUy hiilc. Third and Morrison. Main 7. A. M. to r. P. M. and by apt. E I E TK IC A I. R EPA I RING. H. M. H. ELECTRICAL CO., 1 N lsit St., Portland. Or. Re. winding snd electric repairing a spectulty. New or u.d mo tors. P,ioatiwuy 1CH5. A. 1048. s MOTORS REWOUND -3CV norcHT AND SOLD. anil paired &j!H NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS. P1' 1'hono SJ7-27. 226 Main Bt WHOLESALERS AND :NCfKKRS AM) MILL SITPLIKS. ROTE and BINDKR TWINE. 31, L .M. U KI.INH '., M--M7-l Kront. Pottland Cordage Co., 14tll and NortUrup. ! I ATS AND CAPS. Pl.I'MBTNG SITPI.IES Avp PIPK. HIANIIACSKR HAT -Q. Stir. Kront st. Ttu.; iU u KLINE OJ N4-ott-87-S Front. PIM. OILS AM t.l.ASS. LTTsOIZi7 EVKHI"N'1 FKK-t-U 10 front st. ITTilKS T)L and cascara hark. sash, doors and glass. KAliN BROTHKli, '.U3 Front St. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investlg-atea all cae of a 1 1 s d .crue:ty to animala. Offices, room 151 courthouse. Phone Main 378 from A. At to 6 P. a The society haa fall charge of the city pound at Its home. 636 Columbia bou levard. Phone any tims. Woodlawn 764. Dogs for sale. Horse ambulance for tick or disabled horses. tmali animals painlessly electrocuted where neceisary. and stray animals cared lor. Ail dead animals, cows, horses. K'EAtrFTATR. NOR HILL INVL'ST.UKNT. Now hi the time to buy clone-in prop erty as the prices are sure to advance on thin kinrt of property; with the an auranr of tbair in Portland tn 1!1'5: improved corner fiHOOO; at least ;U00 below value, for ale by BRVCfei noMlAN. RKALTOR. S-i Faiiin Bldg, Marshall 3&U3. House 4U. ELECTRICAL repairing. ELECTRIC MOTORS. Bought, sold, rented and renalred. Walker Electric Works, 413 Burnslde, corner 30th st. Bdwy. .1674. HAT CLEANERS AND DYErS. HATS cleaned, blocked, dyed reasonable and satisfactory. Royal Hat Works, 223 1st. LANDSCAPE GARDENERS. ATTENTION 1 Wm. Schaumann and Herrin Schrelber, practical and artistic landscape aarden ers. are back in Portland for business. Present address 204 Columbia st. Phone Main 7910. CALL SKLLWOOD 100.1. PACIFIC LANDSCAPE GARDENERS. Experts In creating and planning of new lawns and parks; furnish all plants and material; take care oi your lawnr and gardens. Ac Meyer, prop.. 4503 45tr ave. S. B. LIMBER, WE HAVE for sale any amount of good new size lumber. That Is ti. 1 and a. 1 and 1 E. or surface 4 sides; all good No. 1 stock. For sals cheap. Also all Interior finishes such as flooring, cell lng and everytnlng to build with. Either call us by phone or write xor prices. Both wholesale and retail. Fewless Lhr. Co.. 14 Yeon bide. Phone Main 3383. Yard phone, Wdln. 071)4, located at North Portland. 311 LTIGRAP1IING. MULTlliRAPH letters, addressing, mall lng, stenography, typewriting. 629 Plt- tocK block. Phone Bdwy. 40S3. MUSIC TEACHERS. ACCOMPLISHED PIANO TEACHER. American and European methods. Be ginners a specialty; rate l. r.ast mzo. L. CARROLL DAY, teacher of piano and voice. Broadway 14X lath st. MUSICAL' INSTRUCTION. AMERICAN. CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. Professor W. R. Beatty. director. A school devoted to every department tn music. Special courses. 410 Ellers Diag. pnone Main 41L'. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. (JLASSES AT A SAVING. jZftm I solicit your patronage on the V,' basis of capable service. Thou- - sands of satisfied customers. A trial vfll convince you. Charles W. Good- man. optometrist, i"U Morrison. M. ai4 OPTOMETRIST. Eyes scientifically tested with modern Instruments; glasses fitted at a saving; satisfaction guaranteed. Out of me nign-rent district: no overhead exn. A. E. HURWITZ, Optometrist, 21!5 1st St. LET OEUKGE RUBENSTELN, the veteran optician, be your optician; be is expert in fitting eyeglasses end his charges are ery reasonaoie. Morrison et. PAINTS, WALLPAPER, ETC. WALL PAPER, PAINTS, ETC, 230 Second St. L'HL BROS., INC. P.r'TINO AND DKCOBATIXG. C. H. TEKHILL, house and sign painter papTinK. inuing. ti( i-j. a tin, lap. i:m HAKTii will decorate your home for lea money. Fiione Aiarphall PAIXT1NO AM) JtOOF UKI'AJRtMi. VK KKPAIR. and uaint roofn. clfan ut tRrs; work puaranteed. Hoof Security, Inc.. mfrT. WVtiioot pt. Main 571. Col. IATIT ATTOKNKVS PATENTS uur practice has extended ovwr a period of 74 years. All com muni cations strictly confidential; prompt, eiiicient, conscientious rvlce; band book Iroe on requeM. - MUNN & CO., patent attorneys. San Francisco offices, Hot-art bldg., Market t.; Chicago otrice. room RiO Tower bldg.: waiihlnp ton office, riom ma 6'J.'. P L. iNefl York office, W'oolworth bJdi?. 11. C. WHUiHT, years' experience U. 6. ariq foreign patents, tun L-Kum bldp, rilVSKl.VNS. Vii. It. A. 1'HII.LIPS, lirudvay building. Rheumatism, stomach, bowel. lung, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostate, female dinnrders, Mn at lection, blood pre-voure, enlarged tonsil, moicb, birth marks. l'Li;MUi:Li SLlJlJLlfr:& at wnuie.le prices. Stitrh-Iaviw Co., 18 4ih et. Main 7l7. PRINTING I lililllllU Kippt and OaK. Main 511-R."t. AHJCI FYP1UNTIN"G f(r quality- nifOLtl 2.-,l Wash. St. Alnln 4flTl.. KOPK I'AlNTINfi A ' I R F P A I K I N i . HAVE VtlUK ItOOF PREHERVEn. A stitch in time saves nine. We paint ana re-pair an Kjnns of roots, call lot-lay. Oregon Roofing Co., Tabor 4817. Res., Tabor 72.1H. SK.WING MACIII.NLS. SEWING MACHINES ' W of used Machines In the city. IgrL'JH From $10 to I2..10. We rent SIIOK RKPAIKING. PDC-WAD PPIPCC'MEN S OAK TA.V 1 in. ..nil 1 iiiulu ), K KOL.J0S J1.50 l.sdMs 11.25: rubber lie Sllc. 122 41 h st MAilCCfJ CUnCBCDMQIUfiiiUAR IIIWUL.IIII UIIUL II 1.1 nuiiiiu ANTIiED ill1: Broadway, het. Oak nd Pine. NEW METHOD uuii V,1 1 NG sro"; RKPAIRING, WIfV BLY a new stove? We repair ail kinds of stoves, gf.s ranges, furnaces. P. K. Lninn, Kast ,"i3l. THAOKMARKS. OREGON TUADKAIARK BURBAU. 01 Hokum bldg. V.. S. foreign trademarks. TRANSITU AND STOR.VG K. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH Thirteenth and Kearney, ;knkhal hauling. Ten thousand square fet warehouse Stoiapc hpyeft now available. PHONE BDWY. 3309 . Aag SECXRITT STO E & TRANSFER CO. Parkin Movfnir Storasrs. Refluced FrelRht Rates. Money I-nancd on Warehouse Receipt!.. IN TI1K 1IUART OF TH H CITY. 53 PlU-RTU ST., COR. OK PINE. PHONB BROAD WAT 3713. OltLGUN' TUAXSKKB CO., 474 Gllsan Kl. FIVE WARKHOLSES. BTORAGK, CARTAGE. phoxk nr.OAnwAY 12m. IMB11KI.UK, RKPAIRING AND RKl.'O VISR HI). 3twtW A Id it Ft. The Surety Shop. VKTKRINARY. BOSK CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL, KaHt 7lh and Grant std. Both phones, day and night service: 3 V'-lerlnarians. " WOOD. NO 1 KIR, PERFECTLY DRY, $!( A CCVRD NET ALBERTA FUEL CO. WDLN. 2573. MANUFACTURERS "Vv. P. FULLKU CO., Front and Morrison. RE.U ESTATE. i:r Sale r't and Apartment Properly. MODERN' TWO-PA MILT PLAT. CLOSB IN ON KAST AIDE. Kech flat consisu of 5 rooms with all modern convenience, as butit-ina, etc. ; the building Is well constructed and la in very tfood condition; full cement base ment, excellent furnaces and the best of plumbing, in fact It Is a complete fiat bu;ldir,g in every respect. There Is aiso a uood concrete (raraffe. .has a very desirable location; rents at 8.S per month and has always a waiting list of tenants; price f7StK). terms rash balance t tt ptc cent. Ths property will be shown oy " appointment only. Worth your while to tnvf stigate. E. A. n.VrtGRSN. SAVON LAM) CO.. t3 N W. BANK BbDG, OWNER In navy will sell fine Income bldg., $150 month. stores. furnished fials, extra lot, .garage, paved Btreet, carline; bears Investigation; all goes $10,500, half rash. Woodlswn 321f. $JH50 A 2-I'AMIl.T flat, 4 rooms and bath each, basement, close tn. monthly Income $50; terms part chpIi. bal tf per ocnt; get busy. AG 4U4, oregonian. For Sale Beach Property. , J-or sale Houses. ,, HOWE-BCVElVs, ATiKNTluN. WILL sell either one or two 7-room houses at Seaside. Furnished or unfurnished. Both close to board walk. See Mr. Vail, 909 Wilcox bldg. For Sale Lota. 110 TenthSt. Broadway 110. INCOMPARABLE WBSTOVER TERRACES. If it's a "homeslte" In the midst of distinctive and beautiful homes with 76 feet or more frontage you want, and not just "a lot," then let us show you West over Terraces, "Portland's best view homes) tes," and toned for homes exclusively. For plat or other intormatio nyou may phone, call or write HAROLD JUNGCK, Secretary, INTERNATIONAL REALTY ASSOCIATES. Plttock Block. 110 Tenth SU Broadway 110. LAURELH URST LOTS SOME BIO BARGAINS COME OUT TOD AT OFFICE ON THE GROUND AT EAST THIRTY-NINTH AND GLISAN Closing them out some as low as ff.UO, some beauties at $So0; all Im provements paid; easy terms; your, op portunity to secure a choice lot at about one-third real value. WILL. BUILD FOR YOU Estimates furnished free; plans and photographs at the office. East 3iUh and Glisan. Also some choice five and six room bungalows and larger houses at greatly reduced prices. Come out tfcday. Tabor S433; 31ith and Glisan; Montavilla car. Evenings. East 7738. Delahunty. LOTS WILL ADVANCE $15 MONDAY. Some as large at 50x105 and as low as J-B5; clear of Incumbrance, cement walks, water, no stumps or gravel; Al berta ear: Kennedy school: SI weekly, $4 month; pay as fast as you like; 6 p-r cent interest. R. w. Cary, l-'XH in. w Bank Bid?. Main 1643. residence. Main PORTLAND Heights corner lot 7.".xlOO, Laurel st. at Montgomery Drive. Beau tiful unobstructed view. Close In. Two blocks from Council Crest car line. Phone Main 7S&8 or apply at 1117 "Sell ing building. TOUR OPPORTUNITY. Laurelhurst lots, while they last, al extremely low prices. See J. A. Mo Cany, 270 H Stark. Main 1700; evenings, Tabor 6057. N.-1T.AR hAAnrlful Peninsula nark and Jet- feraon mgn, ouxivo lot; sau casu. 10 monthly, permit for temporary Home. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. B53 ?)-. W. Bank bids. Main STST. TOUR LAST CHANCS, Lanrelhurst lots at these prices. Se. J. A. McCarty, 270 14 Stark, ilaln 1700 evenings, Tabor 6057, LOT NO. 9, block No. 1, Woodmere Park addition, on oa avs. d. jl, oou. .in quire of owner, 5915 85th st. 8. Z.t or phone Ant. 9112-53 TH REE beautiful corner 25-foot lots In Swlnton addition, ,no; email payment down, balance easy, or 10, a cash, call Broadway 1822 FOR SALE Two nice lots jOxioo eacn nn jta at n.r juason. in Aiuneu. Park, at a bargain; liberal terms. John, S. BealU; il.iMF.ni DRIVE. Beautiful corner lot, 50xl0. paved. Price 1200. See Mr. Boehm, 209 Oregon h!dg. Rroadivay liV.S. HUl-THllKNE AVE. LOT. For sale by owner, 50rl00-ft. lot near Glenn ave. t ins location, snap tor casu Tabor 7S75. ALAMEDA, unob-stiuctibi view lot for cash, unaer recent cosu aa to. Oroconian. P-fji;K lots. OoxlOO, fcl. 41st and t.oing sts; cement walks ana euro in. xuw. xaoor :i!is. 1RVINGTON Beautiful location, 50x100, nortnwest corner loin ana rreiuuui, nnce J13110: all llena paid. Tabor 664. 120x128, "3 lots." Lad a s add. Elliott ave. near Hawthorne. l xu raircaiia, bherloc. bldff. . LAURKL1H RST LOTS BARGAIN. See J. A. McCarty, 270 V4 Stark. Main 17U0; evenings. Tabor 5057. FOUR modorn 5-room flats, a easily add- d. Close In. west side, ll.uviu; esuuu rawh. 514 I'ana snia bldg. FI.VU bldg lot 43d SL near l)iv!.?lon. $500 plus city liens, jcrms. j. it. jucuftnoo, 2I5i Last 41id St. Tabor 3361. LADD'S ADD1TIOM BkiST. 8 choice home sites. Owner. Bast 2154. FOR SALE by owner, beautiful Alameda ot, cheap. Phone .vtarsnan hii. :t;,0 1 BLK. R. C. PARK CAR. 50x100 lot, assts. paid. Tabnr S5'. 25x00 VALUABLE property East 21st 1 Oak. shoo; ffiity terms. Kiper. riqw. 4 LOTS at Tigard station. Phone M. 7727. CHOICE Alameda lot. Call Woodlawn 25S. For Sale Holn-es. ROSE CTTT PARK. DOUBLE GARAGK. t-RM. BUKOALOW, $5630. Kardwno floor thromrhoot, fireplace, furnace, built-in effects. Dutch kitchen. h"use In A-l condition and can be han dled with $1000 down and $50 per month, Including Interest; streets all In and paid; close to carline and scbooL J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Alain 208. TOUR RENT MONET. This modern 8-ronm house with a fine billiard room In basement, for sale just like rent. House hax all the latest bullt ins, full set of plumbing, hardwood floors, laundry trays, in tact, right up to date. Lot 50x100, only 2 blocks to car line, good garse. l'rice only $4000, $1000 cash, balance your rent money. PIHR-CARBT, 211 Railway Exchange Bldg., Third and Stark Streeta Main T417. RICHMOND DISTRICT. $4300 The bargain hunter will be In terested in this, lor the -price 1b on a pre-war basis. Seven well arranged rooms and all the bullt-lns that go with a modern home fireplace. ookcases, buffet, Dutch kitchen, linen closet, breakfast room, best of plumbing, full sized cmcnt basement, garage, paved street and block to car. You have said you would buy when you found some thing that ifi priced right. THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. A. G. TEEPE CO, 570 Utark St.. near 4th. Main 3002. $5500 ROPEJ C1TT. PARK $5500. UNDER THE HILL. 8 rooms and a p.. osk floors, fireplace and furnace, exceptionally welt con structed and 2 blks. to car; 70x100 lot; $5500; better see this today. . C. M. DERR. 1215 N. vV.. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2S15. FOR A LARGE FAMILY. I32.XO. $500 DOWN. llawthorne-Groveland park district, easy distance to Franklin high: 8 rooms and breakfast nook, 5 bedrooms. 2 sets of plumbing, fireplace, furnace, full ce ment basement, laundry trays, full lot, paved street, garage, fruit and berries. BRl'CE HOLM AN, REALTOR, 822-23-24 Fulling Hldgj COSY NEW BUNGALOW. PAVED STREET, $350 DOWN. On a paved street with sewer, a very attractive and well-built typical bunga low, with one bedroom, every conceiva ble built-in. cement basement. The price is only $3tl0ll. RIHR-CARET, 211 Railway Exchange Bldg., Third and Htark Streets. Main 747. $300 WILL HANDLE. 5-room bungalow, gas. electric lights, basement, house is neat and clean: ThixIOO lot; good chicken house: a won derful buy. Price $1050. $3in cash, bal ance $35 per month and interest. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. tan N. W. Bank bldg. Main 37ST, ROOM house, well conntrucled, built-in conveniences, fine basement, furnace, large porches, good view. 2 lota, in Brooklyn: bargain and easy terms. HEN'KLE, 512 Gerlinger Bldg. 5-ROOM HOME! FOR $2000. Half cash. bath, lights, gas, well built, 2 blocks north Kennedy school;- good corner for store. R. W. Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 1043 $150 CASH. $12503 rooms and attic, email base ment, garage, chicken house, cement walks, 0-.Kh, near Powell SU Sellwood 1 1X15. 1KVINGTON. Exceptional bargain, only $.1500. worth $15,000. for 16-room duplex house. See today and let me help make figures on earning cepaclty. LaHt 801 NEW MODERN BUNGALOW f.-50. 4 rooms and breakfast room, fire place, furnace, wash trnvs and bullt-ins; fine view, full lot: 4sth st, and 21'th ave. Enpv terms. E. S4i'7. LEAVING for Chicago, must sell 4-room cottnge, bath. etc., Irvington district. Small payment down, bal. $25 per month. Pushup. B1M Cham, of Com. Ml'T sell K-.Sse City bungalow of five rooms. Rui!t by dity Inhor and modf-rn. Would en.it $t'.oin today. Age 3 yrs. Will sacrifice at $5300. Main 2087. 1 I ' I I 1 1 ........ . I . . h mno (in NEW LAURELHURST COMPLETELY FURNISHED HOME. If yon are looking for a home, all ready to move into, see our artistically furnished home; very highest grade of furniture and fur nishings, all new; house absolutely new and modern, consisting of five rooms, bath and large floored attic; large garage and solid ce- t ' ment drive; beautiful lawn and shrubbery; choice loaction; two blocks from park. For sale by owner; terms. 1238 EAST PINE BT. Second house from the northeast corner of East Pine and 41st St. OWNER . Has newly painted full 2-story 7 room house, bulit-io buffet, bookcases and cupboards, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, two toilets, stationary tubs. We have just finished redecorating throughout, upstairs enameled in old Ivory and repapered, downstairs enam eled In French gray and papered with beautiful gray grass cloth in latest de sign. New linoleum In kitchen and bath, no spring housecleaning- to do here as it is spick and span. This Is one of the brightest and most piea?ant in teriors lo Portland. Owner will gladly show at any time. Tabor 2S86. INCOME PROPERTY. Splendid eight-room house located otose in on east aide; modern In every way and will pay for Itself; part rented, bringing in $50 monthly. Here is a chance to own your own .home by malt ing the initial payment: furnace, fire place, fruitroom. wash trays, draperies, gas stove, new linoleum on kitchen floor and bath; two tables and ome chairs go with house; lots of choice rose; du plex. $5750. Mr. Van Antwerp. OOE A. KcKEN.NA & CO., 82 Fourth St. Tel. Main 4fi22. . DESIRABLE PIEDMONT HOME. $6500. Strictly modern 7-room house on Mal lory ave., every built-in convenience, mu sic room or den, living room 24x16, large inlnff pnnm all V,apHwn,4 FlnAP, fire place, breakfast nook, Dutch kitchen, full concrete basement, furnace, garage 1 with paved driveway and floor ana ai-le-", 3 Bunnv bedrooms, bath and sew ing room on 2d floor, large attic, down stair, toilet. See RICHARD W. MAST, RITTER, LOWS CO., 201-3-5-T Board of Trade Bldg. PORTSMOUTH BARGAINS. Fix-room house in excellent condition water, fraa and. basement; two blocks to car. three blocks te school; lota 01 iruiv nd large garden; lot 100x110 ana for $270u. terms. Just think of It. Seven rooms and sleeping porch. ne block fmm car five blrKUca to eobool fruit and beriie. large lot. 100x88; only .ruin terms. Mr. SwengeL COB A. ilcKiiNNA CO., M Fourth St. Tel. Main 4522, ROSS CTTT PARK. $0500 Beautiful new two-story home hon estly built by day labor and modern tn all appointments. Thoroughly double constructed. hardwood floors. ivory woodwork, artistic fixtures, fireplace, full cement basement: deal directly witn owner on premises at 1752 Siskiyou at. Rose City car to 67th et.. one block south. Phone Main 8205 VIEW HOME. -We are offering a big bargain In that 10-room house. No. 3115 lntn St., between Montgomery and Hall. It is modern. In a sightly location and within 15 minutes' walk of the business center. If you ap predate these things and want to buy a good home uuuai- you, win see us i once. STRONG CO. flOft Chamber of Commerce Rldg. LEAVIXO CITY, will ell my home at bargain: 2 'A lots, artistic bungalow of 6 moms and bath, large sun parlor, ga rage: orchard ana small rrnics; won derful view of city, mountains: located on Corbett terrace. View Point; 1 block from station Oregon Electric; or will exchange for Spokane residence;' terms $1500 cash, balance on time. John D. Wilrnx. 414 Pittnck blnck A CLINTON SNAP. 75" rant 5-room bungalow on 18th St. .tHrtlv modern, full basement, good plumbing and tn eVcellent aondltlonri $11100. $000 down will handle, balance like rent. MADDOX, BfTRCH ft LOfiEFTIrL. 315 Couch P.ldg. Automatic 520-19. EXCELLENT live-room bungalow, corner garage, 2 rooms in attic; large closets srrangement fine, conditions very good; one block to car. A wonaerxui buy Af $3100. with- f!-00 flown. Mr. Van Antwerp. COB A. McKENNA & f"0., ? Fourth Stj Tel. Main 4fi2i. . THAT VACANT LOT. Whr not 'tum a burden Into Income? We design snd build apartments, ga rages, residences, anything; furnish Tilans and finance. Established 10 year.- We offer SECURITY, SERVIOK. SAT ISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co., 24 N. W. Bank bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. . On Prospect drive, near Montgomery drive: H-room modern house: uppraiseu at $14,000; for quick sale price reduced to I7U00; rearonaoie terms. BROWN & GRANT, 2H Frnton Bids- Broadway 1)221 IRVIVOTON 6-ROOM HTTNGAT,Ov7. $s.-,00, 18TH NF.AR KNOTT. T.nrn-e rooms. 2 flreplsres. hdw. floors. rl. 1-euclosed P. P., all drapes, full lot. garage. East 1. A FINE REStnENOB rm w Salmon and E. 30th sts. Grounds R7xlt0. shrubbery and flowers, cement wail, mortem house with all e.onven lences; price $1KS0. $40'K cash, balance 5 year. at ev per enc. a.ook at 11., then see John D. Wilcox. 414 Plttock Mock IRVINGTON HOME. Singular charm and beauty, eenter hall, beautiful living room, French doors to dining, all woodwork in Ivory and lreeneh tape.itrv naper: o bedrooms. hardwood floors, garage; $5000, easy terms. Fast 1.147. ;i000 5-ROOM bungalow with Bleeping porch, elec. gas. hunt-ins. Tlrepiace. white tnnmel plnmbing. floored and ceiled attic; corner lot 50x100, 1 block car and school: street and sidewalk In and paid; thla real buy can't last. Att- tomatic z-jii-.w. A REAL BUY, - $2300 TERMS. 6-room bungalow, Dutch kltrhen, full lot 2 blocks to car and only 1.100 down. Don't wait. See Herider, 32 'J Artisans bldg. H WVTlK'llNE RUNGAIOW. $1500. n-KT COMPLETED BY OWNER. 5 roona. Ivory finish, bullt-lns, hard- wood tloiiii, nrepiace auu luruace. ouxiou lot; $10O0 cash. bal. easy. Tel. Aut. 2 1 0-1 1 evenings. 6-RO-M house, 50x100 lot. Inrorovemenls In and paid, full basement, garage, close in, 2 Mocks Sunnyside car near 35th et. $3350, terms. See owner, 1071 U. Alder. v FINE Irvlngton 7-room corner home with den and billiard, hardwood floors, all In fine condition, "garage, cement driveway: billiard and draperies Included. Owner going to California. $5800. East 5li. FOR SALE 5-room house icl 50x100. full cement basement, laundry trays, bath, furnace, gas, electricity, fruit and ber ries. 340 Cook ave., beL Rodney and Union ave. l-.,-,ij0 300, BALANCE like rent; 4-room semi-bungalow, large sleeping porch, bath, toilet, gas, electricity; Alberta car. 1125 K. H1st st. N. Owner on premi.es. Aut. 642-65. Overlook. Owner leaving city, must sell, beauti ful modern bungalow, like new; built-in., furnace, full basement, garage: every thing inajrlpai d;oodrnn3J WILL sacrifice my home located at 104 4'.tth ave.. 5-room bungalow, city water , and gas: M acre of laud, i bearing fru it trees. 1 ROslfciTY BUNGALOW. Furnished or unfurnished 5 rooms and sleeping porch, living room 12x24. trees and shrubbery. Owner 510 E, 44th No. LAURELHURST DISTRICT. 9-room house. Al condition. Owner. Phone Tabor 5004. FOR SALE Modern 5-room house furn. Ished. $3000 cash. 1071 East Morrison ,t. Near 35th. Call Tabor 8197. FOrIalE By owner, 5-room house with bath, gas and electricity, west aide. Main 1734 5-ROOM house, 5 minutes' walk from city hall, lot 50x50 feet: $5800. Blaee Ing Granite Co.. 2'1T Third street. IRVINGTON HOMES. McDONELL East 418. 500 R. 14TH ST. N. IRVINGTON 6-room, strictly modern, good condition, close in, readv- to move into. Terms. Phone Tabor 492. 4-ROOM furnished cottage; equity $400, rest $20 a montn inciuaing interest, oai ance $S00: on paved St. Bdwy. 1313. BARRETT BUILDING CO., Designers, Builders and Finance. 514 Panama Bldg. Marshall 42'J2. 4 ROOMS and bath, plastered cottage, full lot and fruit; 2 blocks to 3 car lines, $20o0. terms, bv owner. Sell. 3442. FOR SALE Ry owner, beautiful resi dence in Cedar BUI addition. Call Main 1 734. . BARGAIN. Irvlngton dandy home, 6 rooms; leav lng city will sell for $41)50 East 1347. BEFORE vou buy, look over our listings. (Jail 623 Henry bldg. konccke-Gu.'btrt. JOHN BROWN CO., REALTORS. $200 cash, balance $15 per month and Interest; 3-room house. Irvlngton park districL Total price $1200. WEST SIDE. $300 cash, balance $25 per month and Interest; 5 roums, full basement. A good buy at $2800. BROOKLYN DISTRICT. $400 cash; 4-room house, small base ment, full lot. Total price $2000. Easy terms. MONTAVILLA DISTRICT. 5-room modern, except furnace: full cement basement; 1 block to Mount Ta bor car. Lot SUxlOO. $;',6."0. $1800 cash. WOODSTOCK DISTRICT, -room residence, full basement; street Improvements in snd paid; 1 block to W. S. car; 2 blocks to school; lot 45x100. $3100. $1250 cash, balance $20 per mo.. 6 per cent interest. See J. W. LEE, with JOHN BROWN CO.. REALTORS. 823 Railway Exchange Bldg. Marshall 3331. . 6-ROOM house, cement Dasement, corner, 50x100 paneled dining room; east side, walking distance, $3800; $1000, terms. 6-room house, attic, 50x100; brick foundation and basement; South Port land. $3200; $1000, terms. 5-room house; 50x100, corner, Sellwood $1800; $500, terms. fc 4-room bungalow, It. Scott; $2000 81000. terms. 3-room house. Alberta; 50x100; $1450; $200, terms. FRED LAWSON CO., 416 Chamber Commerce $4250 A POSITIVE BARGAIN. Say. this is a acmd buy; 7-room 2-story bungalow, a. 62xi5(i lot wth 10 bearing- fruit trees, all kinds of berries, chicken houses, fine garage. Now here's the best part of the proposition. On the rear of tne lot is another 3-room house that you could rent. The location is east of Mt Tabor, 1 block to oar. Owner asks $1000 down. CO.MTS & KOHLMAN. M. ST150. 28 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. RUSE CITY PARK. $5250 One block from the car, under the hill. A 6-room modern bungalow, hardwood floors, fireolace. cement base ment and furnace." This is a. wonderful buy. The people re leaving the city. xou can buy it for $1000 cash anu oai ance to suit. HILLER BROS. 514 Ry. Exchange Bldg. Aut. 528-63. Branch Office 5ith and Sandy. Open Sundays and Evenlnge. Phone Tabor 848fi. $14,000. A massive 10-room house of pleasing arc'-iltectural design, large, beautiful grounds; fine shrubbery and roses; liv ing room, dining room, den, kitchen 1st floor, 4 bedrooms 2d floor, 2 bedrooms and large storeroom on 3d floor, 2 fire places, set of plumbing, hot-water heat ing plant, large garage. COOVER it HOLMAN. 822 Falling Bldg. Marshall 8993. IRVINGTON. If you want a home In thla district ean show you one at $9500, that yon cannot beat under $15,000;. 7 rooms, 2 baths, garage; now this house Is beyond description and will leave it to your own Judgment; can arrange terms to auu you. W. F. MAHONET. COE A. McKENNA CO., 82 Fourth St. Main 6371 ALBERTA 8-ROOM BUNGALOW. PRICE $3650 ONLY $700 CASH. Here Is & dandy good buy. A bunga low of 8 rooms and sleeping porch, con crete basement, newly painted and tint ed: located only a few feet from car. Just think, there are 5 bedrooms in this bungalow. Call us up. COMTE & KOHLMAN. M. .'.50. 20S Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WOODSTOCK. 5-room cottage, neat as can be, 65x100 lot, hard-surface street: several fruit trees, on car line, $3200 buys this; good terms. C. M. DERR, 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 224S. Large bungalow in irvington, If you are Iookin-r for modern home in beautiful district, here is your oppor tunity. Seven rooms, four bedrooms, 3 upsuiirs; excellent furnace, fireplace, concrete basement, bath, ganage. Price $0800; $2000 cash, balance :; monthly. A house that would rent, for $75. See Hlnman. with Umbdenstock & Larson, Boa Oregon bldg. Broadway 1058. IRVINGTON. COLONIAL HOME. Consisting of 7 beautiful rooms and glassed-in sleeping porch, large center entrance hall, ivory finish, high tapestry wans, two fireplaces, tun basement, fruit room, furnace. This place must be sold by the 15th of March; $8000. C. M. DRRR. 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 224S. HAWTHORNE AVENL-K I BARGAIN. 6 rooms and lHr-;e slrenlne- porrh. 50 x-mo lot: $750 cash required to handle. Shown by appointment only. EAST 4tKll. IRVINGTON REAL HOME $11,500. On 22d St., near Brazee. Large rooms, hardwood floors, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, fine library, full basement, $225 water heater, n-w awnings, screens; lares one of Irvington's finu -rner homes and adjoins the other. East 4Ae A REAL SNAP. 8-room new modern houne, $4000. bun galow style: first-class restricted dis trict, Hawthorne-Division, full lot, all imp .In and paid, well btiMt, double con structed, fireplace, furnace, wash truys. built-in conveniences; terms $1000 cash. 11. W. GARLAND, 201 3d., cor. Taylor. IRVINGTON COR. BUNGALOW $6500. blk. to ear and school, central en trance, all ivory, hardwood floors, 4 sets of bookcases, fireplace, buff-'t. Dutch kitchen, 2 large bedrooms anil sleeping porch; $1500 cash bandies this. East 410. tl-ROOM Hawthorne bungalow, corner PJ. 3tth and Arnold sts.; 4 rooms and hath downstairs, 2 large bedrooms upstairs; hardwood floors. lots of built-ins, full concrete basement, laundry trays, fruit, fireplace has Radiant fire. 43t E. 37tll St. Owner. TWO-STORY, It rooms, full lot, plenty fruit, oak - floors, concrete foundation, gas and eloct. lights, close to car, $4000; $1000 will handle, hal. like rent at 6 per cent. Main 8560. M, E. Lent Co. Mr. t'aaey. 524 N. W. Bank bldg. 5-ROOM Bl'NGAIXlW among fine trees,. lot jooxiou; garage, one Dlock to. oar and school. $1250; $25'MJ cash, balance terms. St. Johns oar to Peuineule, school. 1550 Kitowles .ve. THE RICE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. Homes built and financed, repairing and Jobbing; homes and bomesites for sale. A. R. Rice, Mgr.. phone Automatic 320-85. R. IS. Rice, agent, l-.-ast 2432. IRVINGTON" BARGAIN Corner lot, near 2 carllnes, must hk suld; owner leav ing April: 6 rooms, sleeping porch, at tic, garage, oak floors, fireplace, Nuu hausen, East 3l4. Main 807S. $900 FURNISHED HOUSE BOAT $000 R rooms, large porcnes, city water, electrio lights, on garden lot Fulton district: overlooks river. CHAS. RINGLER & CO., 225 Henry bldg. BY OWNER, neat ,1-room co-tage; gas. bath, electricity, tun basement and ga rage, paved st. ; all improvements in ana paid for: going away: price $2500: Ricb- mund district. 6ll'.( E. 2Hth. $2S00 MODERN 5-room home et 6015 58th ave. o. x,. -f-'w h, iwwut-e easy pay ments. Telephone week days. Main 7218. Ask for Mr. Hawes. J. W. McFADDFIN BLDG. CO.. BUILDERS OF FINE HOMES. 85 NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION. 268 STARK ST. MARSHALL 12. ATTRACTIVE IRVINGTON HOME. 7 rooms, ivory finish, oak floors, hot wates heat, tile bath, costly fixtures, garage, sncrlflce. Owner. East 6"36. MODERN bungalow. 6 rooms, hall. bath. storage room ana run basement, fire place, all built-ins. hardwood doors; fine locality: hard street. Owner. Main 2776. BY OWNER, 5-room modern bungalow, Dutch Kltcnen, ouui-ins, run basement, furnace, wash trays; $3000, $1000 cash. 4311 52d St. S. K. 7-ROOM modern house, corner 2 lots (85x 110), rrun anu oerries, pavea street, near high school, by owner. 417 E. 58th. Tabor 1QS5. LAURELHURST. New colonial, 8 rooms, breakfast nook, reception hall, double plumbing, garage. 1185 E. Davis st A"NEW 5-ROOiI bungalow, modern, hard- wood rioors, nrci,ii:, Brue, OUXIOO lot and a dandy value, close to car. Terms. 326 Artisans bldg. Bdwy. 387. : $250 DOWN. $25 per month, 5-room honse, one block from street car, corner lot. some fruit; deal direct. Call Marshall 1753. "sf.LLWOOD BUNGALOW. $2750. 5 rooms, well arranged, full basement, corner lot. Bidwell nve.. $1100 cash, bal ance easy. Mar. 1022. Fell. 2706. FOR SALE By owner, 7-room house, sleeping porch, near good school and Cr.N agents. Tabor 1026. 8-ROOM Laurelhurst home for sale: good as new. Price $0500, terms. Call at 1170 East Davis street. 6-ROOM completely furnished modern cot tage, east Morrison St., Hunnyside, $3000. T-a i)0 r 386. evenings Tabor 35. IRVINHTON worth $650 -7 large rooms, old ivory; i. Price $4 07 5. Fast S01 5. 6 'K EAST STH 8-room house, $4800, $1000 "cash, balance eauy terms. LET US HELP YOU S SOLVE YOUR HOUSING PROBLEM! FRANK L. McOt'IRE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. 1100 Photographs of Homes for Sale. LARGEST HOME SELLER CM THJ- PlClB-in COAST. THE McGUIRE SYSTEM HAS WON AN INTERNATIONAL REPUTATION and established a NATIONAL RECORD for home selling, because it is the orig inal, .tinerior. modern, scientific method of home selling. Every home personally inspected and appraised. If necessary, we'll help you make your down pay ment, i 25 Salesmen With Autos at Tour Service. Open All Day and Evening Sunday. Open Every Evening Until . ROSE CITY. 14900 REATITIFLL 7-room stucco ROSE CITY home, on Sandy blvd. Every modern convenience: bullt-lns; hardwood floors. SEE THIS TODAY I SUNNYSIDE HAWTHORNE. $5250 DISTINCTIVE GLENN AVENUE BUNGALOW type home; 6 airy, well arranged rooms: HARD WOOD FLOORS; massive bullt lns; fireplace; furnace; 1 blk. to car! ONE OF THE HOMIEST HOMES IN HAWTHORNE. 13400 EASY TERMS! B-rooin modern HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW; ft blk. to car on E. 45th st. $3378 50x124. 1 blk. to car. 5-room at tractive HAWTHORNE BUNGA LOW: modern. E. Yamhill St. $2850 HERE'S A PLEASANT LITTLE HAWTHORNE 4-room coxy bun galow; built-ins; Grant BL Terms. ALBERTA. $3700 PRETTIEST BUNGALOW IN AL BEFAA! 6-room, artistic shin gled. lH-story type; every con venience; furnace, garage, etc. E. 13th. close to car and school. $3675 SIX ROOMS, ALL ON ONE FLOOR! .THINK! No tiresome stairs to climb! HARDWOOD 7 FLOORS; built-in conveniences; furnace; close to car. E. 21st st. 82900 INVESTIGATE THIS AND YOU'LL BE SATISFIED! 5-room ALBERTA BUNGALOW that's made for practical people! Built in labor-sating devices. GO TO DAY" AND SEE THIS! E. 2th. $;SO0 ACTUALLY DEFIES COMPETI TION! 5-room BEAUTIFUL, FURNISHED ALBERTA BUN GALOW! Hurry If you want this! Built-in conveniences. E. 20th St. 'THIS WON'T LAST! (COM PLETELY FURNISHED.) 12495 LOOK AT IT! On E. Mth St. N. YOU CAN'T EQUAL THIS! 6 room modern ALBERTA BUN GALOW! Close to car and school! A SNAPPY SNAP1 EASY TERMS. 11600 HERE'S A NINE-ROOM AL BERTA HOME for only $1600! Can be arranged for two families! Webster at. READ THIS! VACANT! VACANT! VACANT! 12750 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION! OWNER MUST SELL! WILL SACRIFICE FOR ONLY $400 down! Rest easier than rent! 6 roora modern attractive home on , flHth St.; best white enamel plumbing; electricity, -gas; G2x 145, with 10 full bearing fruit trees: plenrv of ground for eihlck ens and garden. FIRST PERSON IN THE OFFICE FOR THIS WILL BE THE LUCKY ONE! MT. SCOTT. $1990 10(V-tlnoii; convenient 5-ronm MT. SCOTT COTTAGE: built-in con veniences; ganage; fruit. 66th av. HOME SEEKERS! -It's Impossible to advertise a!! of the splendid bargains we have for sale! An inspection of some of our wonderful val ue will convince you thst the RIG BEST. BEST BARGAINS IN THE CITY ARE YOURS IF YOU SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Abiasrton BMg. Main mM. 3d St. Bet. Wash, and Stark) T,onk for the Big Electric Sign. $P2O0 LAURELHURST. Folks, here posi tively is one of the most attractive six mom bungalows in all of LAUREL HURST. Hero la one you have always admtredbut you have never dreamed it possible to buy such a home for so little money. Words cannot adequately convey an expression of downright good ness of the real splendor of this matr niflcent home. To say that it has hard wood floors throughout, tile bath, etc., really means nothing. We invite a per sonal inspection. A. G. TEEPF. CO.. 270 Stark St. , Main 3092, $1450 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW $1450. K-room bungalow, not auite finished bat a good looking little place; French windows and doors all aroun.J. nicely painted, good lot, fruit trees and roses: you can't buy a shark for this price; -nnst be cash, or good Ford up to $350. 1835 Sandy blvd. HOSH CITY PARK. ' Best buy In the district, has six rooms and Is a wonderful bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen. cement basement. furnnce. 50x100 lot. Only one block from Sandy, below the hill, very easy terms. Leav ing nnd must sell. Call F.rlwy. 25 i. MODERN 10-room bungalow style, 2 bed rooms and bath nrst tloor, large living room. 3 bedrooms and hath second floor, billiard room with fireplace; splendid hentlng plant: fine shrubbery. Some fine carpets will be Included In the price of $10,000 Corner lot 00x1 00. HENRY W. GODDA RI), 2i.l Stark st. ALRBRTA. $3200. $500 down, balance like rent; 5-room house, all nice rooms, good plumbing, has water, electr-clty and gas. white enamel finish, full base ment, close to carline. i II liens paid. JOHNSON-DO-DSON CO.. 6?,3 N. W. Rank hide. Main 377. A REAL BARGAIN MIT5T SELL. ' Seven-room home, with sleeping porch: has fireplnce, Dutch kitchen. full cement basement, furnace. 50x100 lot, hard-surface street Hml sewer In and paid for. splendid terms. Will make a good price on tliis. Call P., I wv. 2054. WOODSTOCK A ('UK. 1 acre of ground on 65th ave.. with 4 mnm house, bath, toilet, gas. city water and concrete foundation, several fruit trees, strawberries, etc.. garage: price $3000. $500 cash. $25 monthly. Fred W. Germsn Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. TABOR district, fine view property ; 7- room house, with sleeping porch, double constructed, full cement basement, wash trays, U toilets and modern con veniences; ground 100x103; hearing fruit trees snd ornamental plants. Owner.j Tahor 571. FURNISHED" 4-ROOM HUNGALOW. A nifty little Wood lawn bungalow. 4 rooms, with good furniture: move right in. $2250. half cah. Worth $2800; you 11 say so. RALPH HARRIS CO. P1f! Chamber of Cc-m merer. Main iR2l. $3(100 5-ROOM bungalow with sleeping porch, elec., -gas, huilt-lns, fireplace, white enamel plumbing, floored and ceiled attic: corner lot 50x100. I block car and school: street and sidewalk In and paid; this real buy can't last. Auto. 2"3-3K 4 NEW BUNGALOWS: $-1000 EACH. Absolutely the niftiest crealion In homes at this price. Modem. On paved streets. While they last $5on cash. -'5 a month. Owners, agents. Main 1575. O. H. SKOTHEIM CO.. 401-411 Couch bldg. ROSE CITY bungalow. garage. $21150. terms; Waverly Heights. 5 rooms, floor space 26x48, garage, terms; Alberta, 0 rooms, sleeping porch, easy terms. We specialise in 5-room bungalows. City Realty. Main 1153 6 ROOMS, elec. lights, bath, paved st sewer in and paid: lot 40xioo. east front 1 blk. to Alberta car, $2650; $1150 cash.4 bal. like rent. 6 per cent. r. Casey M. E. Lent Co., 524 N. W. Bank bldg. Main S560. FOR SALE By owner. 2 attractive corner lota 7-room modern house, 1 block from rarllne, near Franklin high school; chicken yard and fruit: ell for 12650; not less thsn $900 first payment; no ngents. Call Tabor 1209. MT. TABoR DISTRICT. Must be sold this week: 5-room cot tage, full lot, fruit, near the school; nnlv $2350 and $300 cash. Marshall 8352. Tabor 3090. .7. B. ROCK, 403 COUCH BUI LP TNG. $3750 1 BLK. R. C. PARK CAR. Fine modern bungalow, 5 nice rooms and sleeping porch. Double constructed. Very convenient, hardwood floors, fire place, all built-ins. cement basement, w a s h traya . Flop r e d attic. Tabor 6559, IRVINGTON $6500. IRVINGTON. 6-room bungalow. Fine sleeping porch, fireplace and furnace, full lot and ga rs ge. Some furnishings. Near Knott and 19th sts. Owner, E. 5747. ROSE CITY PARK. 5-room modern bungalow; hardwood floors, floored attio, sleeping porch, fire place, 2 blocks north of Sandy; hot water heating system; $6000. Tabor 673. 741 E. 66th N. - eo50 LA ROTS double-constructed house. white enamel piumoing: acre ot ground. Woodstock district: $500 cash. Phone Sellwood 1965. HOLLA DAY'S ADDITION. 7-room house, close to earline, hard wood floors, furnnce. fireplace; double garage. Price $7350. HENRY W. GODDARD. 213 Stork St. SACRIFICE 20 per cent for ouick sale 5-room house, modern conveniences, Sun nysldo district. 11- Hatfield, 23H4 Morrison. I . I us duiiu yiiu t.a "-j - which vim have had your heart set- 10th at. Broadway 110. 8CPERB WESTOVER TERRACES. If It's a distinctive and beautiful "Home" in the midst of others re nowned for their individuality you want and not Just "a house." then Jt us show you the new homes Just being completed on Westover now- We will gladly help you build an artlstio home to meet your desires. Two homes sold last week, so hesitate no longer. For house numbers or other informa tion you may phone, call or write HAROLD JUNGCK, Secretary, INTERNATIONAL REALTY ASSOCIATES. 110 Tenth st. Plttock Block. Broadway 110. NEW LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. $35 PER MONTH. INCLUDING INTEREST. In a choice part of Laurelhurst, two , blocks from park, with Gasco furnace, hardwood floor, fireplace, 5 large" well arranged rooms, attic large enough for 3 more rooms; garage, street improve ments all paid; price $6800, $2000 down. X BIHR-CAREY, 211 Railway Exchange Bldg., Third and Stark Streets. Main 7487. $4500 NEW 5-room bungalow, heavy oak floors, fireplace, full cement basement; has all buiiit-lns, including a breakfast nook. This house is just being completed, street work in and paid. This is one bun galow which you will find much better than advertised. One block from car. Terms $500 cash and $40 a month, in cluding interest. - HILLEK BROS. 514 Ry. Exchange Bldg. Aut. 528-63. Branch Office Coth and Sandy. Open Sundays and Evenings. Phone Tabor 8485. WALNUT PARK. Here la a bargain for someone in thl: beautiful district; 7 large rooms and sleeping porcli, full concrete basement, furnace, wash trays, garage snd every thing complete; this place can be bad now for $5000; would like to have $2000 down, balance In three years will con sider any terms; now this is a real bargain. W. F. MAHONET. SOB A. McKENNA CO.. ' 82 Fourth St. Main 67l. 6uirCA.SH BALANCE 6 PER CENT. 100X109 WITH GARAGE. Talk about a good buv. Here it Is A handsome 5-room bungalow, bullt-lns, white enamel plumbing, full cement basement, garage, 10!xlo5 lot. all kinds of fruit and berries, only 2 block, to Aiontavllln car. on a hard atreet. Th price Is only $2975. This la too good to isct long, tee us al onoe. COMTE & KOHLMAN. M. 6550. J08 hamber of Commerce Bldg, WONDERFUL V I E W WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. An absolutely modern 8-room bunts low, complete In every detail; 1 block to car. From tiie sleeping porch in this house you get a view of miles of the river. You will Immediately re-eogntao the value when you see this home, shown by appointment only. Price $5250; $1000 uasu. RALPH HARRIS CO. SIB Chamber of Commerce, Mritn 5624. ROSE CITY PARK. $3000 In the choicest nart of this dts trlct; 4-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, all buiit-lus. pretty breakfast nooK. tine lawn, street paved and paid. fi-uu casn ana s-in a montii. HILLER BROS. 614 Ry. Exchange Bldg. Aut. 528 63, Branch Office 50tli and Sandy. Open Sundays and Evenings. Phone Tabor 84S5. $81(00 LAURELHURST. corner 41st and Ash, near park. Truly a remarkable home, built about 4 years ago by one of t'ortlanu s best builders. Nothing in Laurelhurst like It for the money. Five rooms and den on first floor and 2 rooms finished on second. This is a bungalow noine you tl be prourt lo own. It 11 bo downright pleasure to ehuw you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Starlt St. Main 8092. ".ihi CASH. HAWTHORN!-; HOME. HA Hi JAIN. $45110. .vionern tt-room home, with sleeping porch, on paved corner lot. Lurge living room, with fireplace: dining room, dandy iiutcn Kltclien. l-ull cement basement, luiuaco. Kooms nicely papered, ex cellent location, 51 1 4:ham. of Com. Alain n i i . 4-ROOM house on 5nlli0 lot (terraced) 2 cherry trees, 18 years old; 2 apple trees: i room l(,x4, electricity, gas. paieiii toiiei, cooa woodsneil and cms. shed for car; block from St. Johns canine; cement sidewalks; house in good shape. 118S Detroit ave. See owner at Chetopa aids, 80 N. 18th St. .1. R. Graham. Broadway 4021. HY UWNBI1, Jl'.l.-.n. TERMS. 10 PF.ll CUNT OFF FOR CASH. Good 6-room house, patent toilet sewer In, lot 50x100. best garden soil cow and clilckon house, 7 assorted fruit trees, firm neighborhood. Muntsvilla car to 53d st., 3 blocks south to 1129 1-.. 1JIU IS St. OWNER will s-ll fine big 7-room and sleeping porch; full cement basement with trays; large living room, paneled dining room, oak floors; double garage: lot 60x100; street paved; this bouse is furnished with good furniture, all gi for $1(1(10. Its .No. 863 B. 25th. near K. P. R. It. shops. Phone East 32.i. CHOICE 11(0x100. 7 rooms and sleeping poc-h. $3700. all kinds of fruit. l:ood garage, well-built bouse, good plumbing, full basement. small down payment, balance like rout JOHNS' iN-IX 1DSON" CO.. (133 N. W. Rank bldg. Main S7T. WE START in the basement and finish with the chimney, ready to move tn when w-e move out. We handle all de tails and save you 20 per cent hy our special unit system. Fancher-McLean Co., building contractors, 308-9-10 L.wis bldg. Phone Broadway 3852. FOR SALE li-rooiu modern bungalow. bedrooms, fine heating system, large rat-age with electric lights and water solid concrete driveway, flowers and fruit; 50x100 lot, loo ft. from good car line ana rtstnei.e'i uistricu fiviuv. jwn er. Tabor 500. BEAUTIFUL home in Irvlngton oT 7 rms.. hdwd. floor, furnace and fireplace, full li,i. on corner: bookcases and buffet very modorn; fine district; $s5o0; $2000 will handle, ,vir. i asey. ai. j-,, i.eut v-o. 524 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8560 $3000 FIVE rooms ulth Dutch ktlclien, hath, gns and elertricitv; some built-in features; ground looxloo; abundance of fruit and berries, large garden; half rash. 1152 Firn St.. one block from Woodlawn car. Woodlawn 4802. NORTH MT. TAHOR BUNGALOW 7-room modern bungalow, double con structed, all built-in features, lull base-'mi-nt, furnace, chicken house, fruit trees, lot 40x117. half block from Montavilla car. Tabor 1HI3. TOR SALB RY OWNER. Larg. home In Kenton, modern, lOOx 100 lot, large garage, some fruit, seven rooms, linoleum, extra kitchen and din ing room, furnace snd cement basement, near car and school: t-rms. Hast HT47. IF YOU want to buy J ourself a home here is your chance now, best locution. 7 rooms, full siac. basement, all modern, part cash, rest easy terms. Call owner. Auto. 227-60; ; , $150o'ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. 4 roums. large porches, bath, toilet, electric lights, gas. bullt-lns. basement. Nice full lot. lawn, trees, shrubbery. Lumber for garage. Tabor SACRIFICE for $1500, eyulty in lovely modern house, 8 large rooms, ilno-ft. corner; lots (if berries, fault, strawber ries, garage: close in. Hawthorne district. Mor'tirrigc $4"OQ. 6'r. Owner, phone 219-59. HOUSE PLANS. 'Distinctive Homos." Illustrated book of over 100 designs. $!; blueprints, $10. DISTINCTIVE HOMES COM PAN Y, 924 Northwestern Bank Bldg. FOR SALI-" Lovely Allierta home. 7 rooms, dandy lot. roses and flowiTs. full base ment double fireplace, toilets upstairs and 'down; no accnta; owner handling norsonally. Call 1039 East 19th North. 7-ROO.M house, N. W. corner Jtast i-lne and 16th; fine future apt. site, near new Huckmau-Hawtliorne school and high. Terms. Anuly 695 B. Couch. HOUSB for sale, owner leaving city; 6 rooms, bath, electricity, gas, furniture, $2400; terms. At 808 Halsey, near Will- lams avenue. WEST SIDE. $4500; 7 ROOMS. BATH, GAS ELECTRICITY. 3 FIREPLACES. CIJMF.NT TUASBMBNT: FULL LOT. OWNER 4lf7 TENTH ST. HAWTHORNE MODERN BUNGALOW. Owner's sacrifice, your gain; 5 large, light rooms, fine condition. Must be sold quickly. Easy terms. Tabor 42KU. 7-ROOM residence, large lot, choice fruit, paved streets, fine garage, at 55th and Eist Tavlor. $5500; term Owner. Mr. Smith. Main 3854. w A V F. n L Y - R I C H M O N 1 ) . Corner bungalow. 6 rooms, finished at tic full basement; also furniture; no agents; $1500 cash. Sellwnad 709. AREl' HOME. FURNISHED. 3 ACRES. CULTIVATORS. AND CHICKENS. 657 V tHTH ST $5000 FIRST PAYMENT. PHON K MARSH. 16S4. MRS. BERRY". BIG BARGAIN in attractive bungalow, 6 rooms, sb-eping porch, lots built -Ins; price $3000. $1000 down. Woodlawn 3219. MODERN cottage, completely furnished, on easy terms, by owucr. Phone Marshall 3. I i in HOI! K-ltrVKUS. ATTENTION. Let us build you tl.ai ery home rhlch vnu have had vour heart Klther on of yours or one own. Bring In vour plans sou -let you kuow Just what this home will cost you. As a sample, here is what we ran build you: ROSii CITY PARK OR ALAMEDA PARK. $5500 5 rooms and large floored sttlc. fireplace, buffet. Hutch kitchen with breaklast nook, hardwood , floors, 24x26 full cement base ment, w-ath trays, furnace, garage to match house: double con structed with building paper be tween: finished in enumtil end tapestry paper; street Improve ments all in and paid. $4800 buys double constructed Swiss chalet bungalow home, with liv ing room across entire front, din ing room with buffet. Dutch kltrhen with breakfast nook, ce ment basement, wash trajs. hard wood floors, finished in enamel and tapestry paper. Always see us hetore having a bom. built. W1CKMA.N BUILDING CO., 264 Stark Street Main l'U'4 and 53, ROSE CITY. ONLY $700 DOWN. 4-room bungalow, full set of plumb ing, extra fine place, good lot 5oxliMi. only one and one-half blocks to Rote City; Just the place for newlyweds. Price only $3000, $;uu cabh, balance only $25 per month. BIHR-CAREY. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg.. Third and Stark Slreets. Main 7K7 BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITY HOME. Large living and dining rooms, mir rored door In wrap room, oak floors, cheerful fireplace with all bulH-lns, cost ly electric fixtures, buffet, full cabinet kitchen and breakfast room, basemtnt, furnace, trays, three fine bedrooms up stairs, Al baxh. roomy linen and clothes closet, large garage, cement floor and runway, 50xl00, leaved. Delightful dis trict and ueigliborhood; $ouoo, $15uu cash. ELMER F. BENNETT CO. 318-321 Board of Trade. .Main 7452. 1500 DOWN. This young farm and 6-room house, with 3 large bedrooms, full set of plumb ing, only three and one-half block, from car line, lot 100x200. graded street, etc. Total price only $250o, $500 cash down, balance $30 per month. B1HR-CARKT. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg, Third and Stark Streets. Main T4T. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. ONLY $6000. Strictly new. modern 5-room bunga low with breakfast nook, large attic, cement basement and only one block to car line; large living room, fireplace, hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, with 2 bedrooms and bath on the first floor; lot 50x100. All improvements In and paid. Absolutely the best buy of its kind in the city. A beautiful little pluce. Terms. J. L. KARNOPP ft CO.. 319 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 675. . A SPLENDID HOME. 6-room bungalow on west slope of Mt. Tabor. Right up to the minute in every detail; large living room; excellent view of citv of mts. A pleasure to show you this ideally kept lluiil". $1500 cash. $1500. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO. Cor. 36th and Hawthorne. Tabor 71(13. $51150 LAURELHURST, near park. A beautiful bungalow. with hardwood floors in living room, dining room and two bedrooms; living room extends en tire width of house; expensive tapestry paper; complete in every way. including furnace, etc. Can be hundled on very liberal terms. A home you 11 bo proud lu own. A. G. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark St. Main 3092. BARGAIN ROSE CITY HOME. $5000, ,U0 CASH. Modern home in fine location near Sandy blvd.; H rooms and sleeping porch, 3 large bedrooms, fireplace, furnace, bath, concrete basement. Must be seen to be appreciated, (lash payment of $800, balance easy terms. See llinmatl with Umbdenstock Larson, 209 Oregon bldg. Broad vvsy 1058. , WONDERFUL BUY IN T4EUTIFUL LAURELHURST. New ft-room bungalow, near Sandy blvd.; Just completed ; paved street, all. paid; fuM cnnrrelo basement, liardvo,ui floors. fireplace; everything modern; beautiful location. l'rice $H5oo, asv terms. See Hlnman. Willi Lmbdensiock & Larsun, 209 Oregon bldg. Broadway . 1658. LAU K ELH URST D I STRICT. $500 cash. bal. $10 per month buys a modern new 4-room bungalow oil paved street. Has fireplace and full c.-inent basement; 2 bedn-onis. A beau tiful little homu In a beautiful district. A real hargain ot glois). INTERSTATE INYESTMEMT CO.. Bdy. 4751. 410 Henry Wdg. ALMOST NEW. 5-Iino.M HUNGALOW. NEAR IRVINGTON. WASCO SI $3,-,D0 Owner iie-(ts money. Large rooms, with fireplace, full basement, large nttlu excellent condition; street not paved; 1 block car. This is a bur gain. Some terms. Mr. Johnston. Miir. IOL'2. Sunurliau Homes, M Ul.TNOMAH. Beautiful 6-room Bungalow. Half Acre $6000. WonderfnL view home the best real modern buirgalow bargain 111 this btgb class suburban district: 5 rooms and bath with shower on grourd floor; largo floored attic and flii.sr.cd sleeping porch upstairs; wonderful view at en tire Coast range. Council Crest snd the whole valley; bouse Is modern and un to date, with all built-lna, fireplace, gas radiator best, cement basement, large chicken house and run: laces hurd sur iace road. If you want one of ttio b-st hollies In Multnomah, let us show you thla today; $2000 cash will handle. LISTEN We have several other good bungalows In this district, st GARDEN -HOME snd at oilier points on the ORE GON ELECTRIC. Some Aith 1 acre and others up to 5 and 10 acres. Let us show you some of the best SUHl'KHAN HOME BARGAINS around Portland. G. G. McOORMIO CO. 212 Washington St.. near Second. Main 822(1 or Main 93Lv FINE suburban lionu. Gi-j-iuiin, 1!, acres nicely Improved wllh modern bungalow, 6 roomsr inmost new concrete haseaucnl, laundry tnays. electricity snd gas; Hull Run water, up-to-date, plumbing. Dun li vltrhen, large elosei. carp. -Is. rugs anil linoleum; two stoves; window shades, chicken house, garwge; soiuo berrba and trees, cement walks, cal and wood III basement; owner is leaving) and offers this fine home at a sacrifice for unit k sale; everything goes; nothing reserved; price $t'-'Oo: terms arrang'-d. KKIDER ft ELKINUTON. Orcshain or, Telephone 1631. $1,000 BUYS excellent 6-riejiti liomu; full attic and run Dasenient. u OH--1 i i, 'i loam sail; 800 fruit-beurll.g trees and many fine trlmiytng. fine barn hikI chicken house; alllconveniences. This Is a real buy, but you must have the cash; Al condtlion; mile, from Multnomah station on beautiful Capital highway: by appointment only. Adm. 225-22. Mr. Schult. SUIII.'RBANI'I ES: We have hundreds of personally in spected suburban h-mies iu every outlv ing district in Portland. H e re open every evening snd Sunday. If ml want' a suburban home, see F. C. Marsnall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, blnglon Bldg. Main 1011 ACRE. 6-room house and furniture; ga rage on paved road. 3 Mocks from Oak Grove station. Price $35 $15(10 caslu balance $25 per month snd Interest, bee JOHN BROWN & CO. Realtors. S 22 Railway Exchange. FOR S A L1-. .1 ust released, nines, - Lakeview vninn. i . been waiting for a choice view acr , iVanro lake here Is your chai it-.no will handle. Call Main 85 al 6O0 Concord bldg.. -n ami S'ark. i M,-re rich son. u-rmiiii uuiiattiw , r l.. - , . , , ,,. . CltV Convenience,, w u. o . -... v . a most beautiful snd desirable home in Meldrum Portland's choicest eubiiro. Week days only. No agents. Phone oak Grr.ve 102 M. Exceptionally mce big home m For est Grove, ici". ,.. house, barn, etc.. fln land, $18,000, or exchange. A. B. Caples, Forest Orove, Or. ' FOR SALE Oil RENT 1 -room house, full basement sou iui ...... .... Palatine hill-, part furnished; price $7200: rent $75 a month, inquire Mr. Eaves. Broadway 2384. ; LAKE GROVE AND GOODIN BUYS. $1850, acre, neat house, near else.; $3000, acre, 5-rm. bungalow, modern; XT'50' ac-re, 4-room hous--. modern. Mcl-'A R I. A ND, Fail in g B idg. M. 3672. WOODSTOCK DISTRICT. 1150 snd UP for 14 -acre tracts, streets. Ball Run water, small payment do tw n. interest on the balance. Phone Sell. 1 9M5 CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near carline. from $1800 up. lnouire 3d house north of Ris!'-- station, on or--gon City curl-n-. 5 AND tt-room housi s at .Multuoinsh tion: lowest prices, best terms. Main 4253, Mrs. Ryan. I: Lii.