TITE MORXIXG OREGONIAN, TV 3NESD A Y, MARCIT 0, 1921 If ."I , '-4 , i i I ; 1 TW TODAY. EAST IRVINGTON taunt W1 tfCCnn Cream bungalow, e o n OOOUU crete porches, solid con crete runway to garaee; ivory living room 20 feet long, beauti fully papered; indirect electric liKhtine; best hardwood floors and fireplace; diuiiiv room has larsrc bevel-plate buffet; Dutch, kitchen, very litrht; two itood sizes bedrooms, windows two sides; bathroom complete: cement basement; excellent furnace: un finished attic; inlaid linoleum kitchen and bath. Terms $1000 cash, balance $40 per month, plus interest. R. T. STREET, RK.UTOR. Kant SM. Office BOB K. Broadway- JOHN BROWN CO. REALTORS. $100 cash, balance $13 per month and interest. Three-room house. lrv ington park: district. Total price west smn. $300 cash, balance $25 per month and interest. Kive rooms, full base ment. A good buy at $i!S0O. BROOK1YX DISTRICT. $00 cash. Four-room house, small , basement, full lot. Total price $2000. ' Kasy terms. MONTA VILLA DISTRICT. Five-room modern, except furnace. Full cement basement. One block to Mt. Tabor car. Lot 86x100. $3650. $1800 cash. WOODSTOCK DISTRICT. ' Pix-room residence. Full basement: street Improvements in and paid. One block to W. S. car; 2 blocks to school. Lot 45x100. $3100.. $1250 cash, bal 'ance $20 per month, 6',c interest. See J. W. Lee with JOHN BROWN CO. REALTORS. 322'Railway Kuchnnare Bids;. Marshall 'Mil. MORTGAGE LOANS ' Lowest Interest rates; Installment re payments It desired. Bnildlnsr loans made yo delay In closing. - A. H, BIRRELL - GILL CO. Formerly A. 11. Blrrell Co. S16-21U Northwestern Hank, Hulldlnc. Marshall 4114. REAL E5TATK. Tor Sale flat and Apartment Properly. MOI IERN TWO-FA -M I L Y FLAT. CLOSE IN ON BAST SIDE. Each flat consists uf 5 rooms with all modern convenic-nccs, as built-lns. etc.; the building is well constructed and Is in very pood condition: full cement base ment, excellent furnaces and the best of plumbing, in fact it is a complete fiat building in every respect. There Is also a good concrete parage, has a very desirable location; rents at $S5 per month and has always a waiting list of tenants; price $7"rtMt. terms $20110 cash balance at 6 per cent. This propert will be shown by appointment only. "Worth your while to investigate. E. A. LINSCREN. SAVON LAND CO.. M5 N W. HANK BLDG. 23TH ST. FLATS $8400 WEST SIDE Fine, big flats with 5 rooms and bath down, and 6 and bath on tlte up per floor, 2 basements. 2 furnaces. AH rooms unusually large. The price of this flat is $-400 with $2000 cash. Will take bungalow to $50iy in trade. $100 monthly income for you here. Cnmts & Kohlman, M, 6550. 20S Chamber of Commerce hldg. BARGAIN in east side corner, 3 stores with 6 apartments overhead, furnished; buildinff and furniture. $H5,0l0. terms $50no cash. $2011 per month; leased for 4 vears for over $4000 per year. East 1317. 12 ROOMS. WKST SIDE. WALKING DIS TANCE. (idOl) FURNITURE; RENT $ia; SPLENDID INCOME; $25un; TERMS. FOR :! DAYS ONLY. MAR SHALL 1t. MRS. F.ERRV. For Sate Beach rroperty. GEARHART PARK Lots 1 and 2, blk. 4. east of and facine golf links. Pries $700. BC 450. Oreponian. For Sale Lots. $75. LOTS. 1 It VINOTON DISTRICT; STREETS PAID. SPECIAL PALE. TERMS. SEE US AT ONCE. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. !S N. W. Hank Bldg. Main 377. TWO LOT SNAPS. 50x100 S. W. corner Wiiliams ave. and Tillamook, liens paid, $2000; was ap praised $4500. looxioo, S. E. corner Ainaworth and Omaha ave; subject to some liens. ELMER K. BENNETT CO., S18-321 Hoard of Trade. Main 7432. BEAUTIFUL LOTS, (I DOWN. $1 week, better live in a tent than $ay rent. 50x100, cement walks; Ken nedy school: Alberta car. " K. W. CART, 12111 N. W. Bank Bide. Main ttM.I. residence Main 1377. '3OW IS THE TIME TO TURN VULR VACANT LOT INTO MONET. "We have sold many vacant lots lately for cash. Unless you wish to build do not pav taxes lonper. See us about yours. ' HENRY W. GODDARD. 2411 Stark St. $1 DOWN. $1 WEEK. It's up to you; own your home or work for the landlord. Which? Bit? Beautiful lots. Alberta car. R. W. CART. 121!) N. W. Bank Bide. Main 1643. I'OR SALE Ctieap. lot 14, blk. A, Smith's addition, Portland Heights: cost $1200; will sell for $400 cash, $350 time. Bar gain. Write B, A. Kawcett, March ? Field, Cal. YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Laurelhurst lots, while they last, at extremely low prices. See J. A. Mc Carty, 270 Stark. Main 1700; evenings. Tabor 5057. YOUR LAST CHANCE. Laurelhurst lots at these prices. See J. A. McCarty. 270 Stark. Main 1700; evenings. Tabor 5057. LOT NO. 0, block No. 1, Woodmere Park addition, on 62d ave. S. E., $350. In quire of owner, 5015 85th fit. S. K.v or phone AtiL e---;.. FOtt SALE Two nice lots 50x100 each on 5-3d St.. near Mason, in Alameda Park at a bargain: liberal terms. John S Beall: PRICE $400, 100x100, Margarette ave., west front, 1 ti blocks Killlngsworth ave. - - All Hens paid. Box 8. Multnomah, Or. ." . $o5u 1 BLK. R. C. PARK CAR. ' Nice full lot, assessments paid. Tabor .". ALAMEDA PARK, S. E. corner 2wth and Prescott, streets paved, paid, $950. Tabor 6441. IRVINGTON Beautiful location. 50x100. northwest corner ISth and Fremont, price I13:0: all liens paid. Tabor 5tL4. 110x123, "3 lots." Ladd-s aad. Elliott avs.. sear Hawthorne. U R. Fa.rchl.d. 229 teherloo b!dg. . BUILDERS' snap. Alberta St.: cor. lot terms to suit buyer. Owner, Phone Broad. wav 2i.40 LAfRELHURST LOTS BARGAIN. See J. A. McCarty, 270 H Stark. Main 1700; evenings. Tabor 5057. FOR SALE Corner lot, 50x100, 21st and Sumner; sidewalk and sewer, In all clear, 1500: terms. O 4rt5, Oregonian. ALAMEDA PARK N. E. corner. 27th and Brvce; improvements paid; $,1250. Tabor 6441. FINE b!dg lot 43d st. near Division, $500 plus city liens. Terms. J. H. McMahon, 2"5i6 East 43d St. Tabor 5301. LADD'S ADDITION BEST. 8 choice home sites. Owner. East 2154. ROSE CITY, 75x100, corner C6th Alameda; improvements paid; $100. Tabor t441. FOUR lots, 60x100, cement walks and curb in, ili'ou. iaoor tliioo CHOICE lrvington lot on t. 2ttn st. North, by owner. Tabor 193H. ROSE CITY, 100x100. S. E. corner 54th and Tlilamook; price $1050. Tabor 6441. 4 i.0X l IirfaiU. sitUlou. loone iL REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. 110 Tenth St Broadway 110. INCOMPARABLE) WESTOVER TERRACES. If It's s "homeslte" In the midst of distinctive and beautiful homes with 75 feet or more frontage you want, and not Just "a lot." then let us show you Westover Terraces, "Portland's best view homesites," and zoned for homes exclusively. For plat or other informatio nyou may phone, call or write HAROLD JUNGCK. Secretary. INTERNATIONAL REALTY ASSOCIATES. Pittoclc Block. 110 Tenth St. Broadway 110. LAUREI.HURST LOTS SOME BIO BARGAINS COME OUT TODAY OFFICE ON THE GROUND AT EAST THIRTY-NINTH AND GLISAN Closing them out some as low as $BO0, some beauties at $050; all Im provements paid; easy terms; your op-1 portunity to secure a cnoice lot k souul one-third real value. WILL BUILD FOR YOU Estimates furnished free; plans snd photographs at the office, East 3Hlh and Glisan. Also some choice five snd six room bunpalows and larger houses at ereatly reduced prices. Come out today. Tabor 3433; 3!Uh and Glisan; Montavlila car. Kveninps. East 7731. Delahunty. 5Uxloo OR MORE, 27th on Hawthorne at Slooo tOxSll on East thnrne Oth, 1 block Haw- 1000 son 1700 1750 1500 3 Ml 0'O 350 lonn 1150 KOxloo near "H.V cation , cariine, fine lo- f7xl32, joins Groveland park MlxlOO. East Couch at 24th 4CIXHMI Belmont at 21st 50x100 near Arleta school, cement walks 4:1x100 Flrland. walks and sewers In 50x10; East 7Hth and Hawthorne.. 60x100 on Mt. Tabor, Improvements all In 50x100 on East Irvine at 31st HARRISON". 512 Gerlinker Bide. THREE beautiful corner Swinton addition. $775; down, balance easy, or Broadway 1 S22. 25-foot lots In small payment $075 cash. Call For Sale Houses. KKAR JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL. STRICTLY MODERN BUNGALOW This handsome bunpal-.w has hard wood floors, fireplace, furnace, every conceivable kind of built-in. paved street and sewer. It is near Jefferson Jiiph school and in an excellent neighborhood, and may be had on convenu-nt terms. KIHR-CAREY. 211 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BI.DO. Third and Stark Sts. Main 747. LAUKEI. HURST COLONIAL. Xot a better built home in city: " larpe rooms, sun room, breakfast room, hardwood floors, Gasco furnace, TSxlnO corner lot, double garage; price $12,"0, which is less than house cost to build. Any terms in reason. No mortgage on this property. For appointment to in spect, ask for Mr. Mack. Let us show you. CEO. T. MOORE CO.. HM17 YEON BLDG. LAURELH I.RST HOME BARGAIN. Clai-sy 2-story, 8-room house with sleepinp porch and garage on large lot near park and car, having view of city and mountains, all rooms extra large, 2 fireplaces, hot -water heat, French doors, hfiavv oak floors throughout, sun and breakfast rooms, tile balh with shower, walls papered; a real snap; easy terms. Tabor 4o7. . -RM. BUNGALOW. I. block from Haw thorne car, strictly modern. H. W. floors, fireplace, furnace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, built-in bookcases. Nice clothes closets, attic, cement basement with laundry trays, garage with cement runway. Lot 50x112 ft. Paved St. Fruit trees and berries. Windows in one bedroom open to make sleeping porch. Price $5000. See tiiis todav. Main :;:Ht. $2450 SNAP. ' Only $050 cash buys 5-room cwttage close in on Tillamook sL ; paved street and sewer in and paid; your chance to get a- homo at a real bargain. Hard wick, with FRANK McCRILLIS, 321 Henry Bldp. Broadway 77n SIX-KOO.M LAURELH URST BUNGALOW. GASCO FURNAC E $1100. New ti-roofla bungalow in choicest sec tion of I.aurolhurst, hardwood floors, fireplace. Gasco furnace. lhis Is a very good buy. $2500 will handle. BI H R-CARE Y. 211 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. Third and Stark Sls Main 74, S7. $::lOO JS.-.O DOWN. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Near Franklin high, 5 rooms and sleep ing porch, line bath, good basement, 45x lno cor. lot, garage, macadam street; a nice home worth the money. Ask for Mr. Mack. Let us show you. G EO. TUMOUR E CO.. lOUT YEON BLDG. $4000. $1200 CASH, $33 MONTHLY. 5 large. ItKht rooms, furnace, fire jlace. many built-lns, full cement base ment, large floored -attic. 5oxH!0 lot. streets paved: 1 H- blocks to car. This iiouse is well built, well planned and is an exceptional value at this price. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. fi::3 N. W. Uank Bklg. Main 377. WILLIAMS AVE. CORNER $:;i;.-.o read A bargain 50x100 corner lot. all street liens-paid. 2-story building, lower part rented for grocery, upper floor living quarters, garage. The Tot alone is worth the price. This is a snap. Investigate at once. Terms. Comic & Kohlman. M. 0550, 20H Chamber of Commerce hldg. $ 2 1 50 B U NG A LOW $21 50. 4-room, modern, built-in buffet, nice as found in large homes, good bath, white enamel Dutch kitchen, sewers, cement walks all in and paid. 4 blocks to car, nice lot. $2150; small cash payment. Michael, with Interstate Land Co, 248 Sturk st. IRVINGTON 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. $05t0. 1STH NEAR KNOTT. Large rooms, 2 fireplaces, hdw. floors, glaes-enclosed S. P., all drapes, full lot, garage. East 410. BEAUTIFUL WESTMORELAND HOME. Must be sold this week; 6 rooms, large, comfortable; hardwood floors, full ce ment basement, wash trays, furnace, east front, only $4200, $12ia) cash. See and U you It Duy. aiarsnaii ju--. jaour 4tuo evenings $400 DOWN. $0 per month. 7-room house, between the Waverly and Woodstock districts. Cement basement. furnace, built-ins; would cost $4,MM) to build to dav; tor quick sale will sacrifice at $:;io0. Shown by owner appointment. Mai n 70" before 12 M. or Sunday. $4500 HAWTHORNE HOME $750 CASH. Modern tj-room noiue wun sleeping Iorch. large living room with fireplace, dining room with extra large window, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace, paved, corner lot, assessments paid: real bargain. 517 Cham, of Com. IRVINGTON HOME. Singular charm and beauty, center hall, beautiful llvine room, French doors to dining, all woodwork in ivory and French tapestry paper; 3 bedrooms, hardwood floors, garage; $S0OO, easy terms. East 1347 $5000 5-ROOM bungalow with- sleeping porch, elec, gas. built-lns, fireplace, white tnamel plumbine, floored and ceiled attic: corner lot 50x100, 1 block car and school; street and sidewalk in and paid; this real buy can't last. Au tomatic 233-30. BRAND new, strictly modern, well-built bungalow; 5 large rooms, fireplace, hardwood floors, built-ins, tapestry paper, 50x100 ft. lot; paved St., V blk. to car. This is a wonderful buy for- $:i'Ml. $10o0 down. Wdln. 351. 5-ROOM bungalow, modern, hdwd. floors, fireplace, furnace, fine large bedroom, all in old Ivory; full cement basement; floored attic; leaving city; $4300, terms. J. Robbins, 301 Railway Exchange. Main 7031: Tabor 5.11!. WE HAVE a large number of choice lots for sale at your own terms and price, in every section of the city. BIHR-CAREY. 211 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG.. THIP.n AND STARK STS. MAIN 747. FURNISHED. 0 ROOMS, $3000. Sellwood, paved street, i block car, good furniture, excellent buy; am leav ing city; less for cash: some terms. T. O. Bird, Mar. 1022. Sell. 2706 evenings. FOR SALE; Modern 6-room house, lot 100x125; garage, fruit trees, chicken house and runs; furniture for sale. $3200, cash cr terms. Tabor 576. $23511 S300 CASH $2350 (l-R. cottage, full lot, loads of fruit, near Mt. Tabor school: must sell at once. Call Mar. 3352. Eve. Tabor 3000. ltXi MODERN 6-room bungalow, base ment, garaye: small payment, balance like rent. This is a bargain. Bushue. 518 Chamber of Commerce. fHUO ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. 4 rooms, large porches, bath, toilet, electricity, gas; built-ins; basement. Nice full lot: garage; lumber. Tabor 6559. WILL sacrifice my home located at 104 40th ave.. 5-room bungalow, city water and gas; hk acre of . land, 8 bearing fruit trees. FOR SALE 7-room house, close in, on east side: walking distance: $6000. part cash, balance term3. Phone Main 4178. GOOD 6-room house, close in west side, hardwood floors, furnace, $5000. Terms. L. J. Lamb. 605 Corbett bldg. 4-ROOM furnished cottage; equity $400. rest $-0 a month including Interest, bal ance $800: on paved st. Bdwy. 1318. IRVINGTON 7 large rooms, old Ivory; ftOtUl i'wUO. Pin.. H'Slj. East REAL ESTATE. For Sale Routes. FRANK L. McGUIRB. NEW LISTINGS! (Never Before Advertised.) SELLWOOD BLVD. S50fJ SELLWOOD BLVD. 8-rm. beau tiful home. WESTMORELAND. 17250 A DISTINCTIVE WESTMORE LAND BUNGALOW! rooms; splendid 100x100 corner; massive lines; EVERY IMAGINABLE convenience; E. 22d st. BROOKLYN. 14090 Very substantial commodious BROOKLYN horns ol rooms; Woodward ave. BROOKLYN $500 DOWN, $299fJ $500 down! Vacant! 6-room BROOKLYN HOME! 4 ROSE CITY. $6750 BEAUTIFUL 7-room semi-bunea-low in ROSE CITY I massive built-lfls; sleepine porch: garage; y, block from car on paved sL. $4300 Here's "iN UNUSUAL ROSE CITY AT AN UNUSUAL PRICE The best of our NEW LISTINGS! ' 5 rooms: built-ins: fireplace; furnace; fruit. E. 56th. WAVERLY-KICHMOND. $4500 1'iOxloo corner on 4,th St.. 7-rm. very modern bungalow type home. $1250 MOST DELIGHTFUL WAVERLY BUNGALOW! 5 rooms; massive built-ins; the most artistic bun galow you've seen! Franklin St. $3750 H-room splendid bungalow, built ins; PIPELESS FURNACE; ga rage. 42d ave. ALBERTA. $3900 THINK ! 8-room ALBERTA ALL ON ONE FLOOR; built-ins; ga rage. E. Emerson st. $3900 ALBERTA REAL SNAP! Jut put on the board 5 rooms; hard wood floors; built-ins; PIPELESS FURNACE; close to car and school. E. 2Uth st. $2500 tj blk. to car. VACANT! 3-room modem ALBERTA that's Just as cosy. E. 30th st. MONTA VILLA. $2800 ft fruit trees: 50x140! Very at traetive 6-room modern MONTA VILLA HOME. E. 7Mh St. $3130 EASY TERMS! DEFIES COM PETITION! 5-rm. shining MON TAVILLA BUNGALOW, close to car: garage; lots of fruit and berries. E. 69th st. KENTON! $2990-THE BEST BUY TN KENTON! 5-room artistic, Kerby st. bun galow; built-ins: easy terms. SUNNYSIDE. HAWTHORNE. $430(1 8-room modern HAWTHORNE home; sleeping porch. E. Sal mon st. EVERY DAT! We are receiving new listings fr"m, every part of the city. COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER. OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL 9 for your conven ience. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Ablngtnn Bldg. Main 106S. 3d St. Bet. Wash, and Stark. $4500 NIFTY 5-room bungalow and ga rage; hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook. cement basement, wash trays, etc.; block from car. Let us show you. $3650 ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT 6-room bungalow and garage; newly decorated and painted: splendid furnace; very reasonable terms. $3957 Very attractive 5-room bunga low with garage; near car; fruit trees; for workmanship and con struction you can't beat this. Very liberal terms. $3150 HAWTHORNE 5-room bunga low on corner lot 60x811. with all assessments paid. Terms. $5250 ROSE CITY PARK 6 rooms and garage; ncr beautiful Alameda Drive. Fireplace, furnace, etc. Wonderfully well built. See this. Nothing like it for the money. $0250 ROSE CITT PARK A real home located on corner lot near Sandy, facing east and south. This was built by the present owner for his own home and no expense was spared in the building. , Would probably cost $7500 to duplicate this. $5950 LAURELHURST New, nifty bungalow with hardwood floors in every room: fireplace, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, fur nace, etc. Located near beauti ful Laurelhurst Park. Nothing better in Laurerhurst for the money. See this. IF YOU WANT TO BUY IN ROSE CITY PARK OR LAURELHURST see A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark st. Main 3002. $4500. MOUNT TABOR BARGAIN. 6 Large Rooms. You don't get a chance like this everv day: lar - 1 -story 0-room residence In apple pie order; double constructed throughout: hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen. 3 extra large light bedrooms. large closets, full cement base ment, laundry trays, delightfully located among homes of distinction, west slope Mount Tabor. 1 'i blks. car, paved sts. and sewer in and paid; inspection by ap pointment only; terms; real value here. Ask for Mr. Mack. Let us show you. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 YEON BLDG. KGciE CITY i'AHK. $4200.' 5 rooms. hardwood floors, fireplace, faces eat on 50 by 100 lot. This is Just a beautiful little bungalow with a large living room. Can be bought for $650 cash and easy monthly payments. It you want to see this and other bungalows we have in Rose City remember we specialize in this district. HI1.1.EK BROS. 514 Railway Exchange Bldg. Aut. 52S-63 Branch Office 50th Sandy. Open Sundays and Evenings. Phone Tabor 8485. $s.-,00 DUTCH COLONIAL. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW 6 rooms, oak floors throughout, cement basement, wash trays, wonderful cabinet kitchen, breakfast nook, Gaaco furnace, fireplace. French doors, etc., ivory finish, beauti ful tapestry paper, very large llvine room, plate-glass windows, 50x100 lot, cement runway and garage; terms to. "Uit RUMMELL & RUMMELL, 274 Stark St. ROSE CITY'PARK BUNGALOW. $2750 $300 DOWN. On full lot, 114 blocks from car. a bungalow of 5 well-arranged rooms, 2 ot them being bedrooms, finest of plumbing, gas and electricity; splendid neighborhood. BIHR-CAREY. 211 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. Third and Stark Sts. Main 74S7. WEST SIDE 8-ROOM HOUSE SNAP. Good 6-room house, furnace, electric ity, gas, bath, basement, 3 bedrooms, corner lot 40x120; no city liens to as sume; on Kelly St., near Failing school; close in: only 12 minutes ride down town; price $2500. $250 cash, $30 month ly. Shown by appointment. ELMER F. BENNETT CO., 818-821 Board of Trade. Main 7452. IVY ST. WILLIAMS AVE. CAR Here Is an 8-room cottage with S rooms and bath down and 3 up, good basement, large chicken house, paved street paid. The price Is only $25 with $050 cash. This home is large enough for 2 families. Terms $1000 cash, balance 6 per cent. Comte & Kohlman, M. 6550. 20S Chamber ot Commerce bldg. WHY PAY RENT I will sell this 3-room house and 50x 80 ft. lot with ft full bearing fruit trees, wood shed, chicken house, to a responsi ble party who can pay $50 cash and $23 per month. Price $1000, see Mr. Farns- worth. with H. A. DRYER THE ACREAGE MAN" 50S-9 Lewis Bldg. Broadway 5PS1. $335t Buys 5-room bungalow, with large attic, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, full basement, wash trays, cor ner house, double constructed. Immediate possession. Terms. J. A. W1CKMAN CO., "Shortest Way Home." 24 gtark St. Main HMI4 and 5S3. SUBURBAN HOME Rieht in city; $500 cash; bie H acre, fruit, berries and garden; choice location on East 56th St., convenient to car and Franklin high school; good 7-room house, concrete walks, etc.; only $500 cash re quired, balance very easy terms. See A. K Hill, 426 Lumbermen's bldg. A FINE RESIDENCE . on E Salmon and E. 3oth sts. Grounds 87x100. shrubbery and flowers, cement wall' modern house with all conven iences: price $!KK10. $4000 cash, balance 6 years at 64 per cent. Look at it, then see John D. Wilcox. 414 Pittock block PRICE ONLY $1400 ALL 1LKM5HEU 8-room house with modern Improve ments, all furnished, ready to move in. Easy terms. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO. 05 Panama Bldg. Main 0404. IRVINGTON HOME , 6 large rooms and sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, built-ins. 50x100 ft. lot paved and paid, asking $4500. $1000 cash. Mar. 3352. Eve. Tabor 3090. 0-ROOM house, strictly modern, up-to-date conveniences, east side, close to car- garage and drlvew-ay; small cash payment, easy terms. 318 Piatt bldg. BARGAIN. C Irvlnrton dandy home. 8 rooms; reav iu city, will aeU lor $1UjO ast 1317, REAL ESTATE. OWNER OFFERS HANDSOME LAURELHURST HOME. One of the most elaborate 2 story bungalows with garage and every new feature. Including rich old ivory finish, French doors, fin est oak floors throughout, dainty breakfast room, one fine bedroom snd bath downstairs; three large, square bedrooms, bath and sleep-. Ing porch upstairs; finished base ment and billiard room; located 1112 E. Flanders In most exclusive section, near car and park; built by day labor four years ago. In spection any time. Sunday pre ferred. Special opportunity to get this beautiful home it bought -within few days. ! HERE'S A CHOICE BUT ! If you're looking for a real value in a comfortable, attractive, modern ROSE CITY bungalow rTHAT'8 a genuine sacrifice. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS! 6 rooms, every convenience; nicely located, on E. 78th. This Is sbso lutely a bottom price. Call Tabor 731 mornings and evenings. PORTSMOUTH BARGAINS. Six-room house in excellent condition, w-ater. gas and basement; two blocks to car. three blocks to school: lots of fruit and larite garden; lot 100x110 and a.l for $2700. terms. Just think of it. Seven rooms and sleepine porch, one block from car. five blocks to school: fruit and berries, large lot. IOOxSS; only $4O0O. terms. Mr. Swengel. ' OOE A. McKENNA & CO.. 2 Fourth St Tel. Main 4522. IRVLNGTON. Here Is snother one of my bargains: New seven-room bungalow; extra large living room, beautiful dinln-g room, built in buffet, kitchen and breakfast room downstairs, three larpe, light bedrooms and hath up; all finished in old ivory; hardwood floors both up and down: fire place, concrete basement. Gasco furnace, garaee. and a beauty; can save you $850 on this if sold todav. so hurry. OOE A. McKENNA CO.. 2 Fourth St. Alain 452 WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. 971 Raleigh St., a. beautiful hungalow of 7 rooms, with 2 large glassed-in sleeping porches, oak floors throughout, living room 16x30 ft., dandy dining room, built-in kitchen, furnace, fire place, every built-in convenience, ivory finish; It's a real beauty VACANT. Terms to suit. Lot 50x100 ft., garage And fine view. RUMMELL RUMMELL, 274 Stark St. : ROSE CITY PARK. 4 ROO.MS. $250 DOWN. Well-built bunealow of 4 large rooms, on a full lot. I block ftom car. The price is $1650. BIHR-CAREY. 211 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. Third and Stark Sts. Main 74Si. V 1 I. VV d'-'-M I".. ' We are offering a big bargain in that 10-room house. No. 395 istr. st.. between Montpomery and Hall. It is modern. In a sightly location and within 15 'minutes walk of the business center. If you ap preciate these things and want to buy a good home CHEAP you will see us at once. STRONO CO.. 606 Chamber of Commerce Bide. l,.lUnDl,nim..i. Strictly modern bungalow, with living room dining room, miwic room, kitchen. 1 bedroom and bath first floor: 3 bed rooms second floor; hardwood floors, white enamel, furnace. 2 fireplace Price $OS50 Call Mr. Mayson. with POINDKXTER. 20.S SELLING BLDG. MaJn lO0. Kesioence. laoor . . ,-r.,.,T UT-OCT DItVC.it.nV 5 very laree rooms, beautifully dec orated, hardwood floors throughout: tile bath, elegant plumbine: garage, with solid driveway. Just completed. Come out today to 256 Hazelfern St. Terms " deSired N. O. EKLUND. Owner and Builder. Tabor Bn. $2050. Five-room plastered house, bath and toilet, clothes closet, pantry, laree tool and wood house. 10x211 feet, on back of lot' berries, fruit trees, splendid neieti borhood; paved streets, cement side walks; 3 blocks to car; $1500 cash. See owner. 340 E. 45th St.. south of Haw thorne ave.. arternoons iroio i- m EXCELLENT live-room bungalow, corner, garage. 2 rooms in attic; large closets; arrangement fine, conditions very good, one block to car. A wonderful buv al $3100. with $00 down. Mr. Van Antwerp. ("OK A. McKENNA & CO.. S? Fourth St. Tel. Main 4'.i--. Why rfot turn burden into Incomer We design and build apartments, ga rages, residences. snything; furnish plans and finance. Established 10 years We offer SECURITY. SERVICE. SAT ISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co., 824 N. W. Bank bldg. . LARGE 7 ROOMS. SLEEPING PORCH. Corner 100x100. hard surface, all Im provements in and paid: hardwood firs fireplace, furnace, bookcases, buffet. 1 hi . blocks to car. $7000. 30R Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 1150. S300 WILL take our nice 6-room. batn and pantrv: cement basement, electric lichts " cherrv trees. 1 plum and logan berries 2 walnuts: right at Myrtie sta tion Mount Scott car line: house Nil r.Ml' 41st ave.. 58th St. Will take'$l000 down and terms to suit Call Automatic K-.'i;-411. Hv owner L. T. Sinclair. ... '.vvji:!.- ,'OHV 1.' R . Onlv $2050. some terms, by owner; s real bargain for a modern 6-room house, large front porch, close to Laurelhurs park. Good neighborhood. If you want a nice cozy home on a small lot, phone owner, labor in-i. A 1JAM1I HL.M3ai.v $3000. combination living and dining room. 2 bedrooms and bath, full base ment; See me quickly If you want this. S. S. PRENTISS. 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. A REAL BUY. ' $2300 TERMS. ' 5-room bungalow, Dutch kitchen full lot 2 blocks to car and only $o00 down. Don't wait. See Herider, 326 Artisans bldg. 5-room modern bunga ow; hardwood floors, floored attic, sleeping Porch, rrre pUce 2 blocks north of Sandy; hot water' heating system; $6000. Tabor o.2. 741 E. on in . 1--,0 (-ROOM, very good cottage. 100x100 lot chick run, fruit trees: $200 cash. Hurrv and beat the rent man. See Jackson with J. P. McKenna. Bel- ont at .iiun. inoui FOR SALE 5-room house .ot 50x100 full cement basement, laundry trays, bath, furnace gas, electricity, fruit and ber rie 340 Cook ave.. bet. Rodney and ..-'(Hj$300. BALANCE like rent; 5-room semi-bungalow, large sleeping porch, bath, toilet, gas, electricity; Alberta car. 1125 E. lst st. N. Owner on premises. Union ave Aut. 642-65. 7-xioo GOOD seven-room house, paved st block to car; terms; $5oT will take in auto as part payment; also six-room house. 50x100; nice home. 430 Lumber F.xchanpe oiog r...... . t nu etnnn RICH MUO J DLi.unw-, 5 rooms, corner lot. paved and paid, 2 blocks car; owner nonresident. T. O. Dll"i FOR SALE Beautiful corner home, strict ly modern: hardwood floors throughout; must sell at once. Rose City. Phone Auto. Bird, Marsnan m- 555-23 FOR SLE From owner, a strictly mod- ern home of 6 rooms in city view park. Take Sellwood car to Leo ave., west 1 laae .,,(, v ...h t hloca. goum w - A NEW 5-ROOM bungalow, modern, hard wood floors, fireplace, garage, 50x100 lot and a dandy value, close to car. . Terms - 326ArUsans bldg. Bdwy. 37. crrv VIEW PARK Six-room house at Maiden ave ; 50x100 lot, paved st.; pr e $3050. easy terms. Take Sellwood $"5 per month, 5-room house, one block from street car, csrner lot. some fruit; deal direct. Call Marshall 1753. SELLWOOD BUNGALOW. $2750. 5 rooms, well arranged, full basement, corner lot Bidwell nve.. $1100 ca.sh. bal ance easy. Mar. 1022. Sell. 2706. ROSE CITY. Beautiful 5-room bungalow,price' very reasonable. ' Tabor 2728. FOR SALE By owner. 7-room house, sleeping porch, near good school and car No agents.' Tabor 1926. BY OWNBR Three-room new bungalow; price $1650; easy terms. 5501 63d ave. ' s. E. : evenings phone Broadway 2564. FOR SALE By owner, 5-room house with bath gas and electricity, west side. Main 1734. 5-ROOM house, 5 minutes' walk from city hall, lot 50x50 feet; $5800. Blaes Ing Granite' Co.. 267 Third street. IRVINGTON HOMES. McDONBLL East 419. - , . 500 B. 14TH ST. N. $30OO BUNGA-LOW cottages, have several -gOOQ CUS Vll iciiiib. nine inc. I ii i..ii with auto. 4:10 Lumber Exchange bldg. j;;s00 5 ROOMS. 392 Fremont, gas, elec, furnace, pavement, sewer, new built-ins. E. 7140. WANT to sell or trade for Seattle home, my seven-room strictly modern home at 869 Tillamook st. Call East 2502, REAL ESTATE. For halt? Houses. KENTON. New 5-room shingled bungalow, -rooms finished, full basement, lot lonx 100, paint to paint house, 2 oords wood, 14 full bearing fruit trees, big chicken house, 200 laying chickens. 200eet from paved st., 3 blocks to Kenton and St. Johns carllne, $2100. $400 to $500 cash; more cash might reduce the price, 4- room bungalow, full set of white enamel plumbing and right on Kenton car on Lombard St., hard -surfaced st and sewer in and paid; garage, lot 50x03; $2500, $300 to $51)0 cash; more cash down ,Will reduce price. 5- room house!, fine condition, full set of plumbing, woodshed. workshop, chicken house, nicely furnished; lot 100x100. worth $2800; must sell for cash. $1950; might consider $1000 cash; only 8 blocks from ear; money talks on, this. Several small places, large lots and plenty of fruit, on terms that you can buy. Peninsula property only sold from this office. A. C. MCDONALD, 206 W. Lombard St. WOODLAWN 6273. NEW LAURELHURST COMPLETELY FURNISHED HOME. If you are looking for a home, all ready to move Into, see our artistically furnished home: very highest grade of furniture and fur nishings, all new; house absolutely new and modern, consisting of five rooms, bath and large lloored . attic; large garage and solid ce ment drive; beautiful lawn and shrubbery; choice loaction: two blocks from park. For sals by owner; terms. 1233 EAST PINE ST. Second house from the northeast corner of East Pine and 41st St. OWNER WANTS ACTION.. ONLY $4500. 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. 3 LOTS. If vou are early you may have the opportunity of buying the best bargain in the city. This is a well-built house, modern except heat: 1 block to car. Yes. there is a garage; some fruit, balance . arranged. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bids. Main 208. . KENTON BUNGALOW. $2000 $300 DOWN. Four-room plastered bungalow with 2 bedrooms, full and modern plumbine; this bungaluw is 4 years old and in fine condition. BIHR-CAREY. 211 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. Third and Stark Sis. Main 7487. WESTOVER HEIGHTS HOME. Magnificent new Georgian colonial home built of hollow tile and stucco, on double lot, having unobstructed view of citv, mountains ' and river; every new feature direct from New York, including brocaded silk paneled walls, hand-palnt-ed solarium, hand-carved fireplaces and arches, 12 sets French doors, 3 elaborate baths, double parage, pas. hot water heat: easy terms. R. H. Torrey, own er, labor 4U XJli 11 I I. 1 Strictly modern residence, with en trance hall, fine Hiring room and dining room, four bedrooma. sleeping porch; also maid's room: hardwood floors, white enamel, all built-ins, two tire places, furnace: large attic, fine Dsjje ment. Shown bv appointment. POI N DEXTER. 20 SELLING BLDG. HIGH-CLASS HOME SPECIALISTS. MAIN 18QO. RESIDENCE EAST 6771. WONDERFUL BUY IN BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST. New 5-room bungalow, near Sandy blvd.; Just completed; paved street, all paid: full concrete basement, hardwood floors, fireplace; everything modern; beautiful location. Price $6500, easy terms. See Hinman. with Umhdenstock & Larson. 209 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1 658. ' ; ACRE 6-ROOM HOUSE. $4250 1 blk. city car and paved street. This house is nicely arranged. Has new plaster, paper, etc. Is good house. In good condition; gas. electric lights and plumbing: good soil, all ready ts start garden. Can have corn and chick ens Variety of fruit, shiubbery and flowers. Good terms. 135 E. 87th st. N. Phone Tabor 7547. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. One of most elaborate 7-room - bunga lows in city, on large corner, near car. park section: one that you've all ad mired for past three years and couldn t buy: every new feature: very large liv ing room, breakfast room, 3 large bed rooms, old ivory finish, mahopany thlm and doors, oak floors throughout, ga rage connected with home. Tabor 4Q7. WOODSTOCK. 5-room cottage, neat as can be, 65x100 lot, hard-surface street; several fruit trees, on car line. $3200 buys this; good terms. C. M. DERR, 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2245. IRVINGTON". $4750 A 6-room home on E. 14th St., all modern: 3 dandy bedrooms and sleep ing porch; nice location, close to Broad- "maddox. BURCH Sc LOGEFEIL. 315 Couch Bldg. Ant. 52n-T!. IRVINGTON. Stricllv modern residence: five bed rooms, besides maid's room, one bed room first floor, practically twf tiled bathrooms, furnace, hardwood floors, fireplace, garage. Might consider some trade. POI N DEXTER. 2o SELLING BLDG. FINE IRVINGTON HOME. I want to sell quickly a 2-story, 8 room house with sleeping porch and ga rage on large corner, best section, near car: 30-ft. living room, "den, sunroom. old ivory finish, plate-glass windows throughout; vacant; easy terms. Tabor 407. FOR SALE 6-room modern nungaiocv, 3 bedrooms, fine heating system, large garage with electric lights and water; solid concrete driveway, flowers and fruit; 50x100 lot. 100 ft. from good car line and restricted district. $4000. Own er. Tabor 500. ROSE CITY PARK. One-half block from R. C. P. car line. Bungalow. 5 rooms and bath, full base ment, floored attic. Dutch kitchen, fire place, bookcases, etc. Garage. One of the best buys in the district. Only $5500. 4 "2 E. 42d st. N. Phone 312-18. WE START In the basement and finish with the chimney, ready to move In when we move out. We handle all de tails and save you 20 per cent by our special unit svstem. Fancher-McLean Co., building contractors. 308-9-10 Lewis bldg. Phone Broadway 3852. $3oo Five rooms with Dutch kitchen, bath, gas and electricity, some built-in features: ground 100x100; abundance of fruit and berries, large garden; half cash. 1432 Fern st.. one block from Woodlnwn car. Woodlawn 4S62. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 5-room bungalow: full attic, floored, full cement basement, furnace, paved street. 1 block from car line; $:1600. terms. Inquire 259 East 43d St.. cornel- Madison. 6-ROOM bungalow with sleeping porch and cellar, all built-lns, barn and chick en house. Lot 2S0x95 ft.: fruit and flow ers; paved street; furniture and chick ens: for sale; a bargain. 5130 60th sti S. E. TtBOR district, line view property; 7 room house with sleeping porch, double constructed, full cement basement, wash trays, two toilets and modern con veniences: ground 100x103; bearing fruit trees and ornamental plants. Owner, Ta- bor 571 ROSE CITY PARK. BY OWNER. Modern five-room bungalow with all built-in features, line new garage, on 42d near Sandy blvd. Phone Auto matic 312-01. ' H VWTHOR-NE BUNGALOW. $4500. JST COMPLETED BY OWNER. 5 rooms ivorv finish, built-lns. hard wood floors, fireplace and furnace: 50x100 lot: $1000 cash. bal. easy. Tel. Aut. 219-19 evening ONLY $26110 by owner. Mr. Homeseeker. here you are. Some bargain. I must have money; 5 rooms, large sleeping porch, paved streets and walks; neat and clean: all ready to move in. 711 Spoaane ave. or ..mm i 6-ROOM house. 60x100 lot. improvements In and paid; full basement, garage, close in 2 blocks Sunnyside car. near 3otn st' $3350. terms. See owner. 1071 E. Alder. OVERLOOK. Owner lcavife city, must sell, beauti ful modern bungalow, like new; built-ins. furnace, full basement, garage: every thlng In and paid. Woodlawn 4138. 3-ROO.M modern bungalow, from owner; Sellwood district: furniture for Fale; owner leaving Portland; best buy in Sell wood. 538 Maiden ave. $ S00 MODERN 5-room home at 0615 58th "ave. S. E. $500 down, balance easy pay ments. Telephone week days. Main 7218. Ask for Mr. Hawes. NEW HOUSE. 4 rooms and bath. 56th ave. and 101st St.. $1400. $4O0 down. $17 per month. Owner. 393 E. Yamhill ti. after P. Al. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. 110 10th St. Broadway 110. SUPERB WESTOVER TERRACES. If It's a distinctive and besutiful "Home" in the midst of others re nowned for their individuality you want and not Just "a house," then let us show you the new homes Just being completed on Westover now We will gladly help you build an artistic home to meet your desires Two homes sold last week, so hesitate no longer. For house numbers or other informa tion you may phone, call or write HAROLD JUNGCK. Secretary, INTERNATIONAL REALTY ASSOCIATES. 110 Tenth st. Pittock Block. Broadway 110. ROSE CITY PARK. DOUBLE GARAGE. 5-RM. BUNGALOW, $5650. Hardwood floors throughout, fireplace, furnace, built-in effects, Dutch kitchen, house in A-l condition and can be han dled with $1000 down and $50 per month, including interest; streets all in and paid; close to carline and school. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 208. $3750 ROSE CITY PARK. NEW 1 ROOMc GARAGE. Here is the best buy we have had in months; strictly modern. 4 rooms and balh. furnace and fire place, built-in effects, oak floor in livine room. French buffet, cement basement, garage, cement floor and driveway; 2 blocks to car. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. THU1 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW of 5 large rooms, was built for a home, from original plans; It is harmonious, complete, simple. A large living room with a broad, deep fireplace: a dining room of good size, paneled and with a beautiful buf fet; the kitchen is well lighted, con venient, with plenty of closet room; sunny breakfast room, 2 delightful bed rooms, bathroom with pedestal lavatory; large tub and shower; full cemont base ment and furnace. A delightful home and excellent value for $6100; terms. $2000 cash, balance $50 per month. Call Tabor 4502. ' HAWTHORNE ti ROOMS. HOT WATER HEAT $4350. In fine condition throughout: full ce ment basement, hot water heat, trays, large cabinet kitchen, corner lot. 50x 66 2-3; room for garage: paved street and all work in and included in price. A barpain at $4350, $1150 cash and $30 per month. Shown by appointment only. ELMER F. BENNETT CO., 31S-32I Board of Trade. Main 7452. IRVINGTON COLONIAL HOME. Consisting of 7 beautiful rooms and glassed-in sleeping porch, large center entrance hall, ivory finish, higli tapestry walls, two fireplaces, full basement, fruit room, furnace. This place must be sold by the 15th of March. $8000. C. M. DERR, 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2245. , IRVINGTON ENGLISH HOME. 100x100 CORNER, $15. SOU. One Blk. Broadway Car, Brazce St. Owner leaving, is going to give some one this bargain; living room 33x20, French door to east porch, fine dining room, massive buffet, also tiled bath, large bedroom and sunroom or s. p. on first floor: second floor has 4 large bed rooms, servants' room has plumbing, lien lit I fill grounds and parage. East 419. BARGAIN ROSE CITY HUME. $5000. $II0 CASH. Modern home in fine location near Sandy blvd.; 6 rooms and sleeping porch. 3 large bedrooms. fireplace, furnace, bath, concrete basement. Must be seen to be appreciated. Cash payment of $800, balance easy terms. See Hinman with Umbdenstock &- Larson, 209 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. IRVINGTON". Fine corner lot. loOxlOO. 2-story mod ern resilience, entrance hail, double par lors, dinine room, kitchen, four large bedrooms, fine attic and basement. 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors, hot-water heat. POINDEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG.. HIGH-CLASS HOME SPECIALISTS. MAIN ISOO RESIDENCE EAST 6771. IRVINXiTON. $4800 Classy 7-room house, close in in lrvington, on E. 9th st. North: all mod ern, full basement, wash trays, good fur nace, built-ins; must be sold at once; $13110 cash will handle.- MADDOX. BI"R'H & LOGEFEIL, 315 Couch Bldg. Aut. 520-1!. BUNGALOW AND PARK. One-half acre with new plastered cot tape, just east of city limits on Craig road near Glisan st., 1' blk. from car. Electric lights, gas and Bull Run water available. Price only $1750. easy terms. S. P. Osburn, 010 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark. STRICTLY modern residence. S rooms, very iarge livine room, hardwood floors, built for a home: hot water heat, ga raKe. fine corner. lltOxIOO; will trade for anything worth the money. Take or pav difference. POI N DEXTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. FOR SALE BY OWNER. $3000 cash, balance terms. SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE with large sleeping porch. 705 Overton st. ; 50-foot lot. room for garage. Phone Main 353. Sunday Main 740. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Large home in Kenton, modern, 100X 100 lot, large garage, some fruit, seven rooms, linoleum, extra kitchen and din ing room, furnace and cement basement, near car and school: terms. East 6747. $5250 6 rooms, moaein, furnace, fire place, laundry trays, lot 90x93, garage. $750 cash. 60 feet from Laurelhurst streets, sewer paid. This is a snap. See J. P. McKenna. Belmont at 39th. Tab 6493, $2500 COZY 5-room cottage, some built ins. plenty room for garage and garden; would like $825 cash, but will take less See J. P. McKenna. Belmont at 39th Tabor 6193 $0750. TERMS. Owner will accept $750 liberty bonds as first payment pn a l.aau ave. home. $75 per month, including interest; pos session any time. Phone Sell. 3579. i'i,l0 $250 CASH. 4 rooms and bath, no fixtures: pantry, water in sink, gas on street; plastered house; garage In rear; 40x100 lot. Fred V. Spear. Auto. 610-19. 6th St.. south of 65th ave. S5j 550 CASH. 4 rooms, basement. 87x 100 lot. fenced, lawn, garden, modern large chicken house and barn. Fred V". Spear Auto. 619-19. 6Sth St., S. of 65th ave. HOUSE PLANS. "Distinctive Homes." illustrated book of over 100 designs, $1: blueprints, $10. DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY, 924 Northwestern Bank Bldg. THE RICE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. Homes built and financed, repairing and Jobbing; homes and homesites for sale. A. R. Rice, Mgr.. phone Automatic 320-85. R. . Klce. agent, cast -lo $4250 6-ROOM mod. bung., pipeless fur nace; lot 80x100, garage,, sewer, street imp. paid; fruit, berries: bargain. See " Jackson, with J. P. McKenna, Belmont at 30th. Tab0r 6493. ' WAVERLY-RICHMOND. Corner bungalow, 6 rooms, finished at tic full basement: also furniture; no agents; i.m i'n"" .. REAL HOME. FURNISHED. 3 ACRES. CULTIVATORS. AND. CHICKENS. 657 E 39TH ST. $5000 FIRST PAYMENT. PHONE MARSH. 1684. MRS. BERRY. LAURELHURST. New colonial. 8 rooms, breakfast nook, reception hall, double plumbing, garage. 115 E. uavis st. JW. McFADDEN BLDG. CO., BUILDERS Of FINK HOMES. 35 NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION. 268 STARK ST. MARSHALL 12. ATTRACTIVE IRVINGTON HOME. 7 rooms, ivory finish, oak floors, hot water heat, tile bath, costly fixtures, garage, sacrifice, uwner. r.ast noon. $3-100 5-ROOM. almost new, furnished, on Belmont st. This is a surprise bargain must be sold this week See J. p. Mc- Kenna. penuouv ni .--ni. .m. ,.t.,.i 40 ACRES, near Wilhoit Springs, 20 acres ,,it nonse. uurii. wen, -iwu. lei ins. MoFARLANP. Failing Bldg. M. 3072 4 ROOMS and bath, plastered cottage, full lot and fruit; 2 blocks to 3 car lines, $000 terms, by owner. Sell. 3442. BARRETT BUILDING CO.. Designers. Builders and Finance. ' 614 Panama Bids. Marshall 4202. por SALE By. owner, beautiful resi dence in Ceda?HlIl addition. Call Main 1734. . SMALL house, just completed, fine home, 2 people: built-ins; terms. 298 E. 74th N. FOR SALE Modern six - room bouse. Phone taoor o. iq. k rrOOM modern houses in Gresham, cneap. in i"". J--'-- -- -.i" n FOR SALE By owner, home in West- doreianu. oeuwuov o. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW. 6-room bungalow, living room, 16x30; fireplace, bookcase, mahogany mantel, French doors to dinine room, buffet, cabinet kitchen with tile sink, canopy over range, breakfast nook, tile batn room with pedestal lavatory and shower: 2 .Isrpe bedrooms on first floor, 1 a hove: hardwood floors throughout: deep cement basement, furnace and fruit room. 5"xlo0 corner lot; large garage. Easv terms. ROSE CITY PARK $1000 CASH $15 MO. INC. INT. Modern 6-room bungalow located below the hill. 2 blocks from Sandy. Hard wood floors, fireplace, furnace, buffet, bookcases, dutch kitchen, cloak closet with full length mirror door; wall hung with tapestry paper; 2 bedrooms first floor, 1 large bedroom above. iOxlon lot street imp. paid. Velvet lawn, fruit and flowers. Only $1000 casn Immediate possession. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW GARAGE . $.;-00 750 CASH. 5-room double constructed bungalow on corner lot; full concrete basement with concrete floor. Laudry trays. Dutcn kitchen, buffet, garage. St. imp. paid. $750 cash. Bal. rent terms. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW GARAGE PAVED DISTRICT $300 $500 CASH rooms on 50x00 lot with paved streets and sewers, 1 bedroom, bath and to'let first floor. 2 fine bedrooms anove. Fire place, bookcases, buffet, dutch kitchen, cement basement, laundry trays, garage. Only $5IK cash. bal. $20 month. 4-ROOM BUNGAIA1W, $2500. $7.50 CASH $15 MO. & INT. Double constructed bunealow on PavJ1 streets with sewer, all assessments paid. Full cement- basement, dutch kitcnen and white enamel plumbing, built-in conveniences, all large, light rooms. If you cannot find the Ideal home let us build for you. HKNDERSON-BANKUS CO.. 426 Henry Bldg. ' Broadway 4754. ROSE CITY REALTY CO., 2STH AND SANDY. EAST 601. TABOR 6442. See us before you buy your home, we have all kinds of unfurnished bungalows and some furnished on. the east siae. Cars at your service. Look, close in on Sandy, six-room and hath modern bungalow. All im provements in and paid; $.800 wun casv terms. , ,A How about that garden lot. 100x100 with fruit and berries: 5-room house, bath, sewer, light: 1 block to s. -hool Close to Montavlila car; $2.i00. $o00 down. WHY PAY RENT. 4-room furnished modern bungalow, finished In white enamel throughout. Dutch kitchen; all Improvements in and paid: $1250, easy terms. New 5-room modern bunealow hard wood floors, fireplace mid lots ot built ina Improvements in and paid. ( lose to Hawthorne car and school; $4-.iO with terms. nnqr. citv PARK $0000. Here Is everything. 6 rooms sleeping porch, hartlwood floors, fire place, furnace, garage. Yes. everything you ran think of. All street work In and paid. $1200 cash. $40 per month Including interest at 6 per cent. Tins is not a great big house but a nice little bungalow. KILLER BROS. 514 Railway Exchange Bldp. Aut 5-8-0.. Branch Office 50th & Sandy. Open Sundays and Evenings. Phone Tabor 845. NEW HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. $3500 $900 DOkV.V Tapestry paper, old Ivory woodwork, fireplace, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, paved street, sewer; 5 well-arranged, airy rooms; 3 months o.d; A-l con dition; convenient terms. BITTR-CAREf. 211 RAILWAY EXCHANGE RLDG. Third and Stalk Sis. Main .41. TORTLAND HEIGHTS, VACANT. . A sp.endid home of seven rooms ana . eeping porch, modern in every dr-erre. finished in ivo-y enamel and In Ati.''i' LUTELY PERFECT CONDITION : beau tiful view, select neighborhood. Cail at 650 Ravensview Drive for key n.C Sunday Main 4099, weekdays Broadway 2326. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. $3275. 52x100 LOT. See this 4-room cottage bungalow, finished in Ivory and tapestry Paper, with hardwood floors, buffet. French doors, kitchenette, bathroom, 1 bedroom and basement; heater anl gas ranee in cluded la the price, .lust the deal home for 2 people, $1400 cash, required. .). A. HUBBELL. 10S9 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 889.. "Stucco Office. WEST SIDE. 5-room flats, close In, walkine dis tance. Montgomery near Park. In ex cellent condition. If you want a home and income it will pay you to Investi gate All assessments and liens paid, term's (an be arranged to suit. See Hardwick. with FRANK McCRILLIS 324 Henry B!dg. Broadway i.n. MT TABOR CAR $400 CASH You'll like this pretty bungalow ; liv ing room with fireplace, dining room with built-in buffet, a lovely white kitchen, bath and bedroom, full base ment. 50x100 lot. Fruit trees In bear ing 1 block to Mt. Tabor car 1 he price is only $2450. Call us and we II show vou today. Comte i Kohlman M. 0550. 208 Chamber of Commerce bldg. CARPENTER or handy man. here l.- a verv nice 4-room bungalow, not yet completed. Will sell at a big discount and give terms. Price $2300. $10O0 or fess sh. If you are at all handy with carpenter tools, here Is a great chance to get 'nor,gAht.pEARcE co 201 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 4S3.. Evening. LEWING CITY, will sell my home at a bargain- 2'i lots, artistic bungalow of 5 rooms and bath, large sun parlor, garage-orchard and small fruits: won deVful view of city, mountains: located on Corbett terrace. View Point. 1 block from station Oregon Electric: or will exchange for Spokane residence: terms $15iw cash, balance on time. John D. Wilcox. 414 Kitten noicn tt m I , I V. -VII III' Reduced to $4000 for quick sale: 5 rooms, long llvine room, south exposure: hardwood floor, fireplace, el c. ; English type home: $500 down, balance easy better hurry. Don't often find this kind T in Rose City on terms like these See Roval. T2d ana fanny m... r:. ...... ,, t.-i, - li uL-ir:HTS 5-room bungalow. fireplace, -bookcases, buffet, good heating system, base ment nice lawn, good view, street and sewer in; all liens paid. Price $3500. Term'jOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Hunk Bldg. Main 3 1 7. $'i750 1 BLK. R. C. ri vn, Fine modern bungalow; 5 nice rooms and sleeping porch; double constructed; verv convenient: hardwood fiTws, fire place; all built-lns; cement basement; wash trays: nooiro n.m. . - uu'i:u '1'st 'MOO - 2.O0 AV .. - - , If you want a snap here is a good 6-rm. home on paved St., near carllne. All Improvements In and paid. Very easv terms. F. R. Jesse. 527 Corbett hldg. Main 7141 6-ROOM modern bungalow. It's a dandy; hardwood floors. iuiu.c, . Jraraee- on account of business, must make change. Price $4500. easy terms. See Mr Fox. 301 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 7931 IRVINGTON COLONIAL. A LITTLE BEAUTY". Near 21st and Knott, extra large liv ing room, ivory finish: fireplace, ail oak floors -attractive grounds, garage. East 394. Main poi-i- ' " . . m . e. a -irjitrrriTr tr.-.ftfi $1500 cash, balance time; center hall, large livine room, ivory finish; 3 bed rooms, sleeping porch, B,tic near 21st and qrazeeEast 394. Main 80 1 8 rROOM corner house with garage and some furniture. 552 Roselawn cor. 13th. ftoilO- $500 down. $3000,... .t. DB FOREST & CO., 320 'Henry Bid g. B dwy. 5590 " BUNGALOW. $4750, $1250 CASH. 7 rooms, fireplace, elect, lights, gas: full basement, furnace. . 50x100 lot. ga r"ge. 417 Spaldlne bide. Main 1038. BY OWNER $4400. new bungalow, very attractive, all the built-ins. cement porch full lot: leaving the city, terms. Discount for cash. 902 Weidler. East 6372. . " : ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Furnished or unfurnished 5 rooms and sleeping porch, living room 12x24. trees snd shrubbery. Owner 510. E. 44th No. STRICTLY modern 4-room bungalow, all in ivory: lot 50x100; fully improved; by owner. U-"-' v n'aro me 8-KOUM Laurelhurst home for sale; good as new. Price $9500. . terms Call at It TO Fast Uavi M IRVINGTON 6-room. strictly modern, good condition, close in. ready to move Into. Terms. Phone Tabor 402. LAUKELHURST DISTRICT. 0-room house, Al condition. Owner. Phone Taborotni-t FOR SALE Modern 5-room house furn ished $3000 cash. 1071 East Morrison it! ; iceax 33th. Call Tabor. 8197. R EA LESTATK. For Sal1 ileuses. YOUR HOME IS HERE! 1100 Thotopraphs of Homes for sale. LARGEST HOME SELLER ON THE PACIFIC COAST. See FRANK L. McOUIRB FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. The MeGUUlB SVSTEM HAS WM AN INTBRNAT!ONAL REPUTATIOM and established an UNDISPUTED NA TIONAL RECORD for home selling, be cause it is the original, superior, SCI ENTIFIC. MODERN method of Home Selling. We safeguard your every Inter est and put you in immediate toucll with the home you are looking for. NO Home offered for your consideration until It has been personally Inspected and ap praised. IF NECESSARY WE'LL HELP YOU MAKE YOUR DOWN PAYMENT. 25 Salesmen at Your Service. Open All Day and Evening Sunday. Open Everv Evening Until 9. COURTKST. EFFICIENCY, SERVICE. A FEW ROSE CITY SPECIALS. $4990 BEAUTIFUL STUCCO 7-rn ROSE CITY home In itosdy sd.J double i i vtructed; a home ot substantia, comfort snd unusual appeal; cv. ry convenience; terms. $3900 THE BEST VALUE FOR TPS MONEY IN ALL ROSE CITY; a radiant 5-room bungalow with everv modern convenience. YOU'LL WANT IT SO. E. 16th. street. .w, $2700 DAINTY LITTLE 4-room ROSB CITY; E. 75th. OWNER MLbT SELL AT ONCE. SUNNYSIDE-HAWTHORNE. $4990HERE'S GENUINE VVLUfl IN A HAWTHORNE HOME: ths most artistic 0-room bungalow In ths entire district: hardwood floors, built - Ins. furnace. fireplace, sleeping porch, paved street, all paid. IT'S WORTH TOUR Wim.E Til 1XYKSTIGATTI THIS! BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW. E. 34th. . READ THIS! Sl'nf) DOWN! $4500 $500 down! UNEQUALLED HOL LA DAY HOME BARGAIN: 6 room very convenient home; HOT WATER HEATING PLANT! Built-in conveniences; garage. ALL l.IKNS PAID. DON T WAIT Fol! THIS. E. Broadway. Think! $.".no down. , t""25 HERE'S A BARGAIN In a 4 room HAWTHORNE BUNGA LOW COTTAllE: white enamel plumbing. electricity. gas. A SMALL PAYMENT DOWN. $!J per mimth lor HALANCE. East Salmon st. SUPER VALUE. ALBERTA. $oioo ITS ONE OF THOSE RARsl BARGAINS; 6-room unusually attractive bunealow: EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE: half block to car. 10. 2tilh bt. F.AKV TERMS! $147 -S200 down: ONLY $20 per mo. Neat 3-room ALBERTA COT TAGE: full lot: close to car. E. 16th st. $-'K down. -HEVI'TIFI I. KENTON BUNGA-iiivc- vl.-w- hnilt-lns. fireplace. $200- breakfast room. can. tapestry paper. A DELIGHTFULLY con venient little home. Minnesota ave. EASY TERMS. ONE-HALF ACRE UOMR. $2990 $500 down; ' sere with fruit, garape, pood 4-room cotlSKe modern: VACANT. Cooper St. $100 EASY TERMS; Mt. Scott cottage, E. i;7lh st. $1700 $500 down: verv artistic Mt. Scott cnttace. 4 rooms; 51th nve. P I E I I'M O N T - J E F F E R SO N. $1(KWV Convenient to J l-lKl'RRSOV HIGH. Peninsula park and II-b-ary; 5-room modern cottage, -Michigan ave. NOTICE. LOOK FOR THE BIG ELECTRIC SIGM ON THIRD STREET Between Washington and Stark Sts. SEE FRANK L. .McGUIRE To Buv Your Home. Ablngton Bldp.. Third St. Main 1068. Opposite Lndii Tilton. ROSE CITY PARK. $5500 Strictly modern 6-room horns, has all the latest built-in conven iences, hardwood floors, good fur nace, cement basement; garage; nice shrubbery snd some fnirt; located on E. 60th st. N. Terms. ROSB CTTT BUNGALOW. $5950 -, rooms and sun porch, located oil a beautiful corner lot; finislvd in white enamel, with fireplace, bookcases, hardwood floors: ce ment basement and good furnav'l priced for quick sale. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. $8300 Beautiful 5-room bungalow wltll glassed-in sleeping porch, lark-shying room with fireplace and bookcases; paneled dining room, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen. J Urge light bedrooms. Terms. MUST SELL HAWTHORNE HOMB. t,-.no Seven rooms and sleeping porcn, ,"j0 hardwood floors throughout; larg. light rooms; full cement base ment: new furnace; lot la all kinds of fruit; right on Haw thorne ave.: all imp. v'l and paid for. Only $i"0 cash, balance like rent REVERMAN INVESTMENT CO.. "10 LEWIS HLDG. CM.L HDW Y. 2054. , LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Wonderful 6-Hoon, Bungalow. ..arase. Worth $10. 500 Price $8.i0. Here folks Is m,o of the most modern and up-to-the-minute bungalows in Lau ?elluirsf 6 large rooms, all on one floor; fC " in!shed"basen,en. with fine furnace, best buffet in Portland, -nice Nrepla.i. !h s high-class district, surrounded hv beautiful homes, still li" ''nl best of them all; beautiful built-in robes with bevel-plate mirrors, ideal kitchen: shout 5 years old: not s dol.sr need be' s,.e-,,t on this place ; wor h eas ily $10 5imi; owner will siu'rif u n lor s.-.fMi; half cash. Let .. show you the best hu,i.a,;r .uLaoreUiu.odav. "4" Washington St.. near 2d. Main 8220 or MillnJKluj; ToTonTal HEIGHTS. R rooms, of hollow-tile conduction, beau'iful view lot. xloil feet, full 8-ft cVment basement, furnace and wash travs center entrance hall, large living remand dining room Inlaid ".tr, Dutch kitchen and den on the first floor 4 large, airy bedrooms and tiled bafh on second. This hou.-e could not be built today for $11,000. Price for ouick sale $-7.".o. Entire house In ivory finish and modern in every respect. TermRUMMELL ft RUMMELL. 274 Stark St. . ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. j4.-,nn 5-room furnished bungalow. $4-0,1 5-room bunealow. modern. $1,Vki 5-room bungalow brand new. 4voll 6-room house, a bargain. $.-,50 6-room modern bungalow. t-,7-,0 5-room classv bungalow. j.moi) 5-room bunealow and garage. fsdoO 8-room house, modern. A W . Al 1 IV lv ?.L v-u.. 52d and Sandy ivivu. INCOME PROPERTY. Splendid eight-room house locate" close in on east side; modern In every wav and will pay for itself; part rented, brlngmg "n $50 monthly. Here U chance to own your own home bv mak ing the initial payment; furnace. Pre face fruitroom. Mb trays draperies. Cas stove new linoleum on kitchen floor and bath; two tables and some ch.u.s S with house; lots of choice roses: du- lex- $5750. sir. v "."."."'m A. .p p m a in 4522. . TrVINGTON DISTRICT $5750 jif.tory'UpalowT'noi a nu one but nice. large rooms, four bed n"oms,b bie living room, hardwood floors fine basement, furnace. Its Just a "snoy nice roomy house in good neighborhood ?ooms all white enamel, splend d value ?"750 $2500 cash will handle. In JpecUon by appointment ".iJ; 7" ,CrwHhyFr"nkal Mci;ulr.la"Tohu.v voSr' hTgh cfas. home. Ablngton Bldg. Vain UrMJ,': f7Tv"TToRNE bungalow of 5 rooms; ths 11 . Ti.it little home you have seen un- half cafh. A. PRAROR CO 201 Oregon ni'ig : -n ,. , -,. r i,1CT n 1 " T 1100 cash, balance $55 per month buvs . mode new bungalow: a beautiful lit tle horn for little money, has fireplace and Skfast nook; a real bargain t ,;i,'v"TirRTATB INVESTMENT CO.. INTER. T Air- Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4 i.il. -z , i.,-n eull balance $25 per month and -, Cbav,' a 5 room bungalow In Norm i?-SJwoit district, with garage: a beau- SrulTomworth-th; money; 50x100 lot; Vl?RVSTB lNi'-ESTMENT CO.. ni;N.r 171 410 Henry Rldg. rio'viVo-rni house, on looxlou Imnrove OOOD r u. no . frnm rflr. .Yne Lot. frui? Tnd 'berries. Just th. Dw. for a large fnmlly or to keen rP, ,?er.and boarder. Only $S too 7"l ?.?-w.,tddTy XX'iuV Jw CHOICE UHlxlOo. 7 rooms and sleeping noreh. $-"oft. ' kinds of fruit, good parage, well-nurt hou"e good plumbing, full basemen . small down payment, balance Uk. rent. "m JOHNSON-DODSON CO,. (U3 W. Bank Biiig. iUia iiTn. A