i .v - ' i ' , i - J THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 1921 17 N(W TODAY. ', ' ! ; ( j ' Ji r . RF.AL ESTATE. For Walt rots. S4750 983 STEPHENS STREET Six rooms and bath, furnace, fireplace, garage; In lovely sec tion and close to Hawthorne car; high elevation. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER EAST 7078. 110 10TH ST. BROAD WAT 110 INCOMPARABLE WESTOVER TERRACES If It's hom--!t" Is the midst of distinctive ind beautiful homes with 75 feet Or mori frnnl.ra waii win. ta Just "a lot." then let us show you WEST OVER TERRACES. "Portlands Best View Homesites" and zoned for homes exclusively. For plat or other informs .Hon, you may phone, call oo or writs HAROLD JUNGCK. Secretary, INTERNATIONAL REALTY ASSOCIATES. Plttock Block. 110 10th St. Broadway 110. RKAL ESTATE. lor Sale Houses. BUILDERS! We win sell yon lots on a pay ment of 10 per cent down, with no interest, or monthly payments for 90 days and when you are rea1y to place a first mortgage on the property, we will give you the deed and take back a monthly payment eerond mortprae:. J. fc. HART. MAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bids'. liain 208. NEW HO MB NEAR THE PARK IN BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST. I most sell mv nw HfiTn m hnllt last summer. This bo una was built especially ur iiw owner who personally supervised the construction, which la a guarantee penecc satisfaction. WILL SELL FURNISHED 1' LSIR.D. There are five rooms, bath and hall on first floor and large floored attic suitable for two rooms: lance cement basement, laundry trays and excellent u'uaio, spactoua sar&ico and xuu ce ment driveway. , . Hardwood floors in all rooms and hall, inlaid linoleum in bathroom and kitch en; unique flreDlace and bookcases; bvel plate class front door. French ooors between living; room and dining room and hall; mirror door in hall; !are8 closets, one with window; kitchen has breakfast nook: exclusive electric lighting fixtures, imported jrall paper, liiBh-o.ual!ty hardware, screeSs through out; five French w.ndows In sewing room; iawn and attractive shrubbery. Terms Most Reasonable. 1233 East Pine Street. Second house from the northeast corner of East Fine and 41st Street. RF.AL ESTATE. For feale Huuset. PIONEER CARPET CLEANERS Finest Carpet Cleaners In City We do all kinds of carpet cleaning;, refitting, aewinsr, laying, resizing, binding and dye in jr. in our sLricWy modern equipped flant. PROMPT. RELIABLE SERVICE A11SKAC1 ION ULt RA.VlKiCU S4 UOLH. Sfc-KVllE 9x13 Una; Steam Cleaned M.30 Plant and Office, 1072 K. Lincoln St. Phone k ailKS We Cat. and Ueliver ' LAURELHL'RST LOTS. SOME KHJ BARGAINS. COMB OUT TODAY. OFFICE ON" THE GROUND AT EAST 3U1M A.M) OLISAN. Closing them out. Some as low as sraiu. enme b-autles at l50. All Im provements paid. Easy terms. Your op portunity to secure a choice lot at about I i-d real value. WILL BUILD FOR YOU. Estimates furnished free. Plans and I pnotograpns at the office. East SUth and uiisan. Also some choice 5 and fl-room bun- I gaiows ana larger houses at greatly re duced prices. Come out today. Tabor I sain and liftman. Montavilla car. evenings Kast 773S. Delahunty. SEND CS TOfR OLD CARPETS. OLD Bugs and Woolen tlolhing le Malte Beverslble, Hand-Woven FLUFF RUGS Ri-C Khr-s woven, all slrr. Mail ortlr Senil for booklet. Muttrentr-) renovated, made over. 1-eathero reuovutfd, cu.pet rlenninK, r-filtinc, rt. larK(t. finest rf)uip(ed rariiet clennlnr. refit tins worts in Oregon. eVpanile t'lonU, Vxli rujcs Mteumed cJruntMi 9 1.50. WENTEKN HU'F KIG CO.. 64-0 Ininn Awe. N. Eat 6516. Vli CALL AND DELH k.li. CHOICE ACRE! TRAPTS Bet. Irviugiua Park and Columbia Blvd. l.Z-acre lot. Dekum ave. and Ea?t 33d ft. North: $1375; $100 down. $17.75 per iiuuiu . ikh un. goou neignDorDoou, fine view; few oiher choic tracts left. J O. ELROD, Owner. 517 Corbett Bids'. Main 6173. HA WTHORXR. 6-room bunKalow, corner lot, paved treet. hardwood floora, 2 large plate giaes windows, fireplace, bookcases, very ounet, uutch Jtitchen in wnne. from car; house has cedar siding, 3 years I'm. KOOa BHJicmcnr rmont Tnnr. tftlin- dry trays. A bargain for $4750; iloi0 win aamiie. FURN'ISHED HOME. 5 rOflm. mnriat-n nil haaumAMf Hfrrl ftrt lot, hard surface street, 4 blocK Haw thorne ve. on 41st mt S.I.-.OO for nuitk Sale: terms. C. E. ADAMS, fiOQ Cham nf Cnmmoi-m Maln lSf,3. Evenlnga, Wdln. 3433. VACANT U)T4 I Have Tlim In the city and in tha suburban dls- i icis ouituae tn city. I wish to get In touch with people who want to build; will make you ftood building i "j B?oisi m procuring ror vou home. If you have a little monev and are tired of paying r-?nt. don't fail to look me up. For parilnulars see OWNEK at tT'-t riniz u;ai?. l-'f Park st. OWNER OFFERS FOR SAtE FuH two- siory and basement seven-room house, all built-in conveniences, hardwood floors, good furnace, fireplace, two toi lets, stationary tubs. Just completing reiU-coratlng throughout, snamlrd in old ivory upstairs and fresh, nt-w papery downstairs enameled in French grav ind very latest d-wicn of erav grass cloth paper. This niakts as bright and cheerful a home as there is in Portland. Lot ftOxlOO; street improved; owner liv-I ing in nouse and can be inspected any nine. i,f i s rei toeeiner and tfa slirt Fluff Rufjs m4n frnm worn-out carpets at tlQ sav " A 0,rn to oraer; guaranteed. 9x12 rngs steam cleaned for $1,501 We clean, refit and lar carpets. I none rut 3.o. 188 Cast KtKhth St. NORTHWEST RUG CO. MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest Interest rntca Imrtnllment re pajniema 11 dexlred. Ilnlldina; loans made. .No delay In rloainu;. A. H. EIRRELL-GILL CO. Formerly A. If. Ilirrell Co. Slo21S .Nenhnraters Mnnk liuildina. Marshall 4114. SACRIFICE TO SETTLE ESTATE Splendid modern brick apartment 70 ROOMS, COIIMJII. growing: section west side, paying uclltt "wu At per cent net on price. O.M.Y .10,(M)0 CASH REQl'IHED balance mortgage. Address O 417. Oresanlan. Edward E.Goudey Co. llllHTr.AdK LOANS I'nlted titatea Hunk Buildini CLAY S. MORSE. LC Drajmea and Warehousemest Broadway 3470 IP TOL' WANT A IDT Second blork from iiawthorne. on Eaft I'titti, imp. all paid Slono oum iwuuiiw on me ave. at Eattl ail imp. ail paid Jl.-.HO I One near tlie HA car .;,ki One on Mt. Tttlnr line JJ."iO I ,-i rv r f.-. ,m; eriingT Hln(f. ROSE CITT PARK. 16500. 6500. TERMS. Splendid (l-room home. all laree rooms. 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch, fine basement, furnnce, fireplace, hard wood floors, all bulit-ins, parage. SOiilOO lot. paved slreets. This hnm is in pi. collont condition. For further informa tion and appointment call East l DOWX-1'ITCH A TK.NT. -Save ront;-l weekly payments; see me on lots Saturday aflHriLKin or Sun day mornitiR; jfjiio buys biR lot .",0x1""; cement walk and Krudd streets, paid; 3 blocks north Kennedy school K. -A. (ary. 11:1 X. yy. Jiunk Bki WILLIAMS AVE CORNER. Ji'OOO. WORTH J40OII, noxiwi, s. w. corner Trllnmook. liem paiu. nun apprai.sn at s 1. 00. Act. RUIBK F. JtB.V.VETT CO.. im-ai'l Board of Trade. Main 7-1 M, LOT. JRMNufo.N dmnct; Mreets, f-v.rrs, pit., arc paiu; eany terms- : snap; nar irvinpton or Broadway car JOHNSON -HUDSON CO. ItfiB N. W. B:ink I-il.la. Main S7S7. YOUR Ol'i'OHTl'VITV i.aure.nurst iois, while they last, at neiiiciy iow prices. ;ee j. a. Mc- -il,lJ. -'el .-:arK. Alala 1700; ere ninprs Talior 5o."7. talk ok Tiiii town ji down. i eea on lots balurday afternoon aim Miouav morn in i; 3 blocks north "'iiituv M-nooi, Aiuerta car. R W ary, N. Bank liltlar Main 1fi4:i lOUK LAST fHJ.vrt Laureinurst lo:s at these prtces. See j. a. .occarty. iim stark. Alain 1700 evopjCKs Tn tor f0.i7. iO.t SALE by owner. lota. f.JxlOO each. i'l-j.-ar-om ooannK iruit trees, water, Uh'hts, Kan. blocks from car; $300 eacn, terms, j apor o.,4. KOR SALK Westmoreland iotl no rea ..nab!e oiler n i used : must De sold by 'J'g'ia:; .i' I . hot a!i -Miujea. LAI KKLHi:itSI Strictly modern bungalow, with livlnf room. diniuK room, music room, kitchen. 1 bedroom and bath first floor, 3 bed rooms second floor; hardwood floors, white enamel, furnace. 'Z fireplaces. Price B.p". Call Mr. .Maon, with I'ul.NtlEXTEK, Job SBLLIXO BLDfl Mam Imiu. ReMdence. T.bor mill Thone Your Want Ads to THE 0REG0NIAN Mam 7070 Automatic 560-95 LOVKLV llulia OF SIX ROOMS and nice sleeping porch; also ;i rooms in basement if wanted; dandv lot Woxloo. with parage. chicken 'house. Anunuance ot iruit and bern OIOCKS t , O car. Sitlpnriiti n..l7hn.,rl,f.l KALI 1 finmlvr li HARRIS CO.. f Cimiitn-rce. Main K1KST TIME AOVERT16KU. I.arKe H-rooni house near Irvington, one block from Broadway car; corner. liarowoi.d floors, larse living room, fire- "e. lurnace. larse yard, a Karaites: -wly tinted and painteii. Am oflerinic p. ace very nasoi.alile for 6u daia. i'hone owner. East lr.fv IIKTH CLASS ROSB CITY BUNGALOW. Attractive location near Alameda Brlve; laces east; f rooms: large livina; room: Me windows" fireplace: best oak floors; Dutch kitchen in white enamel; full cement basement; American hot- water hcatlne- rvstem: uarace: fina lawn:slerlins silver valu at a low price ot oouv. STRONG A CO., 6'6 Chamber of Oommerre Bldg. UNDISPUTBD NATIONAL RECORD Fur Home Selling. - See FRANK L. McGI'IRB. FRANK L. McUUIRK. to buy your home. LARGEST HOME-SELLER O.N THE PACIFIC COAST. H00 Photographs of Homes for Sale. BON'T LIVE I.N A STUFFY APART- MB.NT ALL YOUR LIFE. You owe it to yourself and your children to live in HO.MH OF YOUR OWN. Trus happiness cannot oe in a rented bouse. Why not take advantage of these balmy spring pays and come down and look over our listings? We protect your every interest and put you in Immediate touch with the home you are neoding! 1100 photographs 01 personally inspected and appraised homes for sale. If necessary, we'lf help 7 maKe your down payment. -5 salesmen with autos at your service. Open all day and evening Sunday. Open every evening until 8. INEXPENSIVE HOME BARGAINS. RF1AD THIS! SACRIFICE SALE! 2a0 JS00 down. UNDCPLICATED VALUE! FORCED TO LEAVE BY JIARCH 10, owner will sacri fice very attractive 5-room bunga low In good condition; best white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas, large double garage. TOTAL PRICE only f2'.i'.l0, M0 down! INCLUDES FURNITURE, and in this Ui a just-llke-new S75 gas range. E. 78th St. THIS IS lOUK OPPORTUNITY! See it toilav. 94950 NEW! DAINTY R-room HAW THORNS bungalow with every wnng in it: eiast urant street. 13430 MOO .down, 80x100; splendid valu - in a 6-room modern ALBERTA home. East 21)th et. 1600 LOOK AT THIS! S-room mod ern ALBERTA HOME! Webster street. ACROSS THE BROADWAY BPTDrjW t2:,0 Just across Bdwy. bridge, on Til lamook st-, attractive o-room bungalow cottage; new painted outalde and in; white enamel plumbing; electricity, gas. con venient terms. )3250 UN DUPLICATED! 8-room PEN INSULA HOME: 133 1-3x100. with abundanceof fruit, berries, nuts, grapes- and flowers: furnace; r fireplaces. A SNAPPY SNAP. OatmXn. MT. SCOTT RNAP 12350 Defies competition: J500 down; In Stewart Park, Mt. Scott's biggest bargain; 6-room very artistic shingled bungalow; white enamel piumoing. electricity, gas, full attic; !UKi clown, a, m ava. Your opportunity. $400 DOWN, SELLWOOD. ioi)U MOO down; good 5-room, very neat Seilwood bungalow cottage; corner lot, close to car and school; wnite enamel plumbing, elec tricity, gas. E. 9tb st. T-hese are but a few of the hundreds of good buys we have listed with us for sale. It's impossible to advertise them all. We're open every Sunday until 9 for your convenience. These are the ideal hume-seeklng days. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buy Your Home. Abington Bidg. Main 101.8. Third st., bet. Washington and Stark. Look for the Big. New Eleetrio Sign. The Sign of Scientific Sorvice. BEAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. NEAR PENINSULA PARK. 6-Room Modern Bungalow With GtixlOO 14000. Here'a one real bargain In a strictly modern home, close to school and Pen insula Park; strictly modern 6-room bungalow with hardwood floors, full finished basement; bullt-ina, bookcases and china closets, garage; street paved and paid for; worth reaily .5O0; owner will sacrifice for 14000 with 66x100 14500 with $10Gxl00. Positively the best buy in Portland. Get busy quick if you want; a real snap. G. G. McCORMIC CO.. 242 Washington St., Near Second. Main 8'.'20 or Main 9318. REAL ESTATE. FerSale -Uousea, KINGS HEIGHTS. FOR SALE by owner and builder, strict ly modern home at 09 E. both st-, near paved highway and car line. Large liv. ing and dining room, with fireplace den with bookcases and writing desk dining room with butfet; plate glass windows, mirror door; best of hardwood noors and fixtures; Dutch kitchen, breakfast room, laundry and bath on llrst iloor, 3 airy bedrooms on 2d floor, iuii cement basement with truit room, porches are. concrete and cobblestones. lot 75x100; garage, fine varieties of fruit and berries, shrubbery and flow ers. Look this up. Price ilGoO. Ta bor 54X2. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. BUILT BY KAY LABOR Five room Owner offer for quick sale at price fa below nvirftet value. Oak floors, fire place Uilt-lns; large attic; modern SKA T years; cement basement, furn M2.essmenls paid. E. Hist St. N., be Alameda Vr,ve and Stanton st. 'STRONG & CO., finft Chamher of Commerce Bldg. FOR SALK yL'ICK. Protty and convenient bungalow of rooms; immediate possession; large liv ing room, customary built-in features splendid lot 50x2Ol, with 12 full bearing iruir trees anu lots or Derries: garage; street graveled and only 1 block from pavement, i blocks to car; price Wild. witn towo casn. RALPH HARRIS CO., 81ft Chamber of Commerce. Main 5124. IRVINGTON CORNER BUNGALOW. J6.-.00 $2.VMl CASH. Six lnrge rooms, all ivory, hardwood noors. fireplace, bookcases, Dutch Kitch en, fine si'-eping porcli. 1 blk. to car and scnooi. cast 4iu. G HO V ELAND PARK. S-room bungalow, hardwood floors. jurai-e, luepiace, very nitry nome; yes. nooreu attic, garage, lawn ana shrub bery; near school and car. J. ROBIUNS. Main 7nnT. Talior f: 1 1. H01 Railway Ex. WE START In the basement and finish with the chimney, ready to move in when we move out. We handle all de tails and save you 20 per cent by our special unit system. ancner-McLean Co., building contractors, ;ios-l-lo Lewis bldg. Phone Broadway 3Hu2. IRVINGTON JS250. artistic rooms, sleeping porch, tiled bnth, central entrance. French doors, all ivory , near .-no and jinoiu cast 419. this slllwuod 0 rooms furnished not a shack. but Comfortable home Paved street; good furniture: 1 block to car; Bluwell avenue, 10O0 cash. See lr. T. O. Bird. Mar, lima, nell. 270. Evenings. REAL ESTATE. u GOOD CO. comp.ete building I iV V ."win. CAcnauge lidg. jdar- l'AVBD STREET. J.li'CMI (mio CASH. B rooms, lireplace, cabinet kitchen, buf fet, bookcases, laundry trays. A great buy for the money. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., 428 Henry Bid g. Bdwy. 4TM. Flat and Apartment Property. tLUr payment win cost you: m all this 2-f.innly flat Bir-aLinvB oi oeautltul homo: fine lot, trees and shrubbery; Piedmont district; joliOO. tiooo cash. balance JOHNSON-PODSON CO . N. W. P.ink hide. M.-in S7' ONLY J4200. New S-room modern bungalow, hard wood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch Riicnen. breakfast nook, cement base ment, east front; lntMl down. JollNsuN-DuDSON CO.. n.1 N. W. Hank bldg. Main 37S7. LOOK AT THIS! Iloor. a dandy 4-room bungalow that has two bedrooms- and a bath and on a 50x100 lot. ha: block to carline, for oniy IjOO down and terms. 326 Artisans bldg. Broadway :tK7, ONLY 2;.'0 By owner: a real bargain on a real heme; 5 rooms and sleeping porch paved streets and lawn walks. Yes, you can move in tomorrow; all furnished You. may hav it with or without furni ture. This offer lasts 3 days then the house will be rented. Main 7135. FOR SALE, by owner, bungatow Cottage like new; 4 rooms, bath, pantry, etc.; im provements all In and paid; nothing against property: close in; Irvington end Union cars: J1500.3O; (X00.30 cash; little less an casn. o.m railing st. IRVINGTON. READY FOR OCCUPANCY. Just completed, the two finest new homes In all Irvington, each combining the most attractive features of up-to-date homebuiiding. One has 7 rooms and breakfast room with tiled bathroom, corner has 9 rooms and breakfast room wtili 2 fine bathrooms; both have hard wood floors throughout: Ivory enamel finish; walls beautifully papered, artistic lighting fixtures, best quality shades, inlaid linoleum in kitchens and inclosed bark porches; garages; inclosed with colonial fences, lawns to be seeded and finished In early spring; splendidly lo cated amongst beautiful home sur roundings. Corner 17th and Brazee, near car, cnurches. schools. Prices U. 500, $J 4..VM). Liberal terms given if de sired. These homes honestly built by best skilled day labor, with strict econ omy consistent with best results; no overhead expense to pay for. Prices cut to conform to latest reductions.- which will go no lower this year. East 287a. ROBERT B. BEAT. Owner. Builder. PIEDMONT. floOO. Here Is the most beautiful 6-room Home I have seen In this district; Mory, s large rooms and music room down, 3 nice light and large bedrooms. hall and bath up; hardwood floors. All the latest built-lna. Full concrete base ment, furnace, fireplace, grounds 5(lx loo, beautiful shrubbery, garage. Now If you want a bargain in this beautiful district you will sure grab this. COE A. McKENNA CO. W Fourth St. Main 4522. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 0-ROOM HOME. Ml 00. Read every word of this carefully. You will then realize how much you are getting for such a reasonable price. At tractive exterior; east facing, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen; fine furnace. Ex cellent garage; splendid location; good surroundings; 11550 cash payment re quired. J. A. HUBBELL. 1089 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 8892. stucco Office ROSE CITY PARK. 3900. In the choicest nrt of this district. Modern 4-room bungalow, hard-w-ood floors, fireplace, all buitt-ins, pretty breakfast nook, fine lawn, street paved and paid; $1200 cash and $40 per month HILLER BROS.. 514' Rwy. Exch. Bldg. Aut. 528-63. Branch office, 50th and Sandy open Sundays and evenings. Phone Tabor MS5. Fine Tiew, strictly modern residence, eight rooms, four bedrooms, hardwood floors, fireplace; $8500: terms. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS. Fine view, strictly modern, eight rooms, large living ro.om, four bedrooms, besides maid's room; hardwood floors; Xin bath, Gasco furnace, fireplace. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Beautiful grounds, over quarter block; strictly modern nine-room residence; has hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace; lot level, on paved street, two blocks to car, five blocks to Ainsworth school. POIN DEXTER. HIGH-CLASS HOME SPECIALIST. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE, TABOR 9401. EAST 6771. BEAL ESTATE. For hale Jlout-es. IRVINGTON CORNER HOME. Living room, library, dining room, breakfast nook and kitchen, three bedrooms, sleeping porch and bath, two fireplaces, Gasco furnace and garage. Price in cludes blue velour hanging cur tains, linoleums, living room car pets, etc. Appointment Arranged. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER, fast 797. RICHMOND. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW $3875. Unusually well-constructed bungalow on full lot, paved street and sewer, one half block from car; 2 large bedrooms, living room with fireplace, livery con ceivable built-in, full cement basement. launory traya and rurnace. '1 nis is ex cellent value. $1000 to handle. BIHR-CAREY. 211 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. SD AND STARK STS. MAIN 7487. THE GREATEST BARGAIN WE HAVE HAD IN MONTHS. MUST BE SOLD. BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST HOME. 7-room bungalow-type, 1 more room could be used; 6 rooms first floor, fine large basement, furnace, laundry traya all kinds of built-lns. wonderful kitchen. hardwood floora 2 fireplaces, fine plumbing; near park, all improvement. paid. This is worth $"200. owners are leaving and the price is $0050, terms. Bee It NOW as It won't last. MARIEUS ft WILLIAMS. 820 Chamh-r of Commerce Bldg. BSACTIFUL WESTMORELAND 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. BUILT BY OA R.P ENTER FOR HOME. naruwooo noors. large living room I wiin fireplace, nnianed In Ivory; handy putoh kitchen. large attic with sleep ing porch: cement basement, furnace; I house 1 year old. Best material. Owner I must veil; only $.o). some terms. Seel mis wonderlul bargain; 1 block ear, I school: east front. T. O. Bird, alar-1 snaii in..; seilwood 2708 evenings $1..00, $:;uo CASH, 4 rooms, bath and toi let; Boxiuo lot. fenced; chicken house: very neat place; owner has good ab- euracx ana warranty deed; will sell on contract. $26 per month, including per cent Interest. I have other places I .v. -,,, fi.uv, i.itu and s.173. o-room I house and ecre, $1450, $550 cash. 5- room oungalow, fireplace, basement, oarn; acre for $2400. $1500 cash. Fred D. Spear, 68th st. south of 65th avr. r-none AUto. 01H1H. NOB HILL. rMricuy monern residence, with en-1 iem;e nan. fine living mom and dining I iou.it. iour oenrooma. sleeping porch. a, so maid a room: hardwood f ioors, I winLw enamei. an nuut-lns. two fire places, furnace: large attic, fine base ment. Shown bv appointment. POINDEXTER. 20S SELLING B7.DG. HIGH-CLASS HOME SPECIALISTS MAIN 1S00. RESIDENCE EAST 6771 110 10th st. Broadway 110 SUPERB WESTOVER TERRACES. If It's a distinctive and beautiful Home in the midst of otbera re- j nowned for their Individuality you I want and not just 'a house." then let us show you the new homes Just being I completed on westover now. vve will gladiy help you build an artistic home to meet your desires. Two homes sold last week, so hesitate no longer. For house numbers or other information you may pnone. call on or write HAROLD JUNGCK, Secretary. INTERNATIONAL REALTY ASSOCIATES. 110 Tenth st. Plttock Block. Bdwy. 110. ROSE CITY PARK. A dandy 5-room modern bungalow Corner lot, double garage, $2000 cash. Balance easy monthly payments. A. N. MTlJKELSEN CO., 52d and Sandy Blvd. Tabor 20S0. WESTOVER TERRACE. Westover road, fine view, strictly mod ern residence; six rooms and sleeping porcn. very large living room, three bed rooms, hardwood floors, white enamel, I ineo. Datn ana snower, fireplace, fur nace, garage. Call Mayson. with POINDEXTER. 20S SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE. TABOR 9401 $2500 CASH. $7500 Close-in flats; income big; near Burnslde bridge. Main 4b03. G. C. GOLDENBERG. Abington Bldg. "35 Years in Portland." $500 CASH. balance $42 per month, including Inter- I est, duvs a modern 4-room bungalow in fvortn Piedmont district; has fireplace! anu ouiu-in ouriet; a very attractive I nome ana a real bargain at $3550; $500 INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO, Broadway 4751. 410 Henry bldg. A BEAUTIFUL LITTLE HOME 5-room bungalow on a corner lot 50x50. in excellent condition; 8 blocks from car. Almost warning distance; concrete I basement: some built-lns. Gas, lights.! winer, sewer, sidewalk all paid, $2050; $1500 down: balance $30 per month, in- t-iuuinp o per cent interest. Mar. 1022. Mr. Johnston. Tabor 47is evenings. . LAURELHURST HOME. Thoroughly furnished 7-room buns low. 1 block from car line, only 2 years old, built for owner; plumbing, fixtures ana an building material or highest quality: hardwood floors throughout, over $500 worth of plate glass, finished in oia ivory ana choicest real mahog any trim. Oversized lot, solid 8-foot runway to garage. The costly furnish ings, all in fine condition, make this home at $12.0oo a very desirable buy. Inquire YOUNG'S Gown Shop, 130 10th street. WEST SIDE INVESTMENT. 25x50 lot with an old T-room house, which is rented for $.15 per month, on Jefferson street, near 5th, and less than two blocks from the corner of 6th and Madison streets, where the finest apart ment building in the city is to be erect- I ed. The price or tlUR property Is $42ao. which is $baO less than the tax assessor I considers it worth, but the mortgagee J oemanas sale. easy lemu; can be ar ranged. BROWN & GRANT, 201 Fenton Bldg. Bdwy. 222. $4200. H-rm. bungalow. This bungalow is mod ern in every detail; has one bedroom In I attic; Dutch kitchen, finished In white enamel; fireplace, furnace; sure! hard wood noors: mil cement basement; ga- I rage; located on corner; streots all Im proved and paid. On East 47th between . Hawthorne and SS car line, fine neigh borhood; half cash, balance to suit. Now w-hat more -do you want? Don't fall to see tnis. c. P. Jordan, 009 McKay. Phone Main 1.1M0. LARGEST HOME DEALER O.N THE PACIFIC COAST. 1100 Photographs of Homes lur Bala FRANK L. McGUTRE. FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. The McGUIRE SYSTEM has won an International reputation, and ESTAB LISHED A NATIONAL RECORD for home selling, because it Is the ORIGI NAL. SUPERIOR, SCIENTIFIC. MO! F.R.V METHOD of Home Selling. The system of 100 per cent service. 1100 photographs of homes personally in spected and appraised by our expert appraiser. 2$ salesmen at your service. Open All Day and Evening Sunday. Open Every Evening Until 9:00. Hundreds of WONDERFUL bargains. PflQP riTV Tjrrtra $5250 A beautiful, exceptionally well built ROSE CITY Home: hard wood floors: fireplace: furnace every modern convenience; East "h LOOK AT THIS. $4250 Dainty ROSE CITY 5-room Colo nial type ROSE CITY. E. 6ith. lis EXCEPTIONAL. $3990 ROSE CITY'S BIGGEST BAR GAIN! SPLENDID VALUE In I typical 5-room artisiio modern Dungaiow. East 7:h at. SUNNTSIDE-HAWTHORVE. moo HAWTHORNE'S NEWEST nicest oungalow; EVERY' CONCEIV ABLE convenience; 5 airy rooms. $3675 VERY HOMEY 6-room modern HAWTHORNii bungalow; K. Grant st. $2225 EASY TERMS! Bargain In a 4-room HAWTHORNE bungalow cottage on E. Salmon street. White enamel plumbing; elec- trlclty; gas: terms. PIEDMONT JEFFERSON HTOTT. $4250 CONVENIENT TO JEFFERSON HIGH, park and library, sub stantial modern 7-room home; Commercial street. $3300 $500 down! JEFFERSON HIGH PIEDMONT SPECIAL! Presentt street. Very nice modem shingled -room bungalow. THE VALUE IS ALL HERE! ALBERTA SNAPS! $3-00 $500 down! Attractive 5-room ALBERTA modern bungalow; E. 11th: lam) down. $2!)90 ALBERTA'S STAR BARGAIN! 8-room very artlsiic, built for comfort bungalow: -Vullt-ins; E. 20th. DON'T MISS THIS! $1975 .00 down! GREAT BIG AL BERTA HOME BARGAIN! 5 rooms: best white enamel plumb Ing: electrieitv. gas: close to car. K Isth st. ITS SOME BUY $1800 HERE'S A NINE-ROOM AL BERTA home for only $1600. $147j $21)0 down: good neat Alberta bungalow cottage; 1 block to car. East lth st. MT. SCOTT. $302,1 $475 down! Good comfortable el- room MT. SCOTT bungalow type home. E. 77th t. $2350 SPLENDID VALUE! It'll go right off! R-room shingled mod ern bungalow: $500 down! YOU COULDN'T commence to build it for anything near the price asked! SEE IT NOW! 37th ave. $1650 1 block to Mount Scott car: -room modern Mount Scott home: white enamel plumbing; elec tricity; ga: S!td st. NOTE! Home seekers! Before you buy THAT . home come In and look over our re markable list of home bargains. SURE LY AMONG such a great variety, there's me one to satlstv vou. See FRANK L. McCriHE, To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main 1068. 3d St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. Look for the big Electric Sign. REAL ESTATE. For lSale -lioUK WOULD you like to own a nice new bungalnv located on one of Rose City a best streets with all Improvements in, for $4750 7 Well, here Is your chance. We are Just starting to build this bunga low and we are building a duplicate of one that Is already finished and sold. But we can etiow you the finished prod uct. If it suits we will duplicate It lor you for this money and give you the very best of terms. This will Include every modern feature excepting fumaee. So drive out and look It over and re member' our brunch office is always open from 8 A. M. lo 10 P. M. Sundays and all. HILLER BROS.. 614 Rwy. Exrh. Hlrtg. Aut. B28-R8. Branch office. 6ith and Sandy open Sundays, and evenings. Phone Tabor 8 1.-5. 1-1 ACRES 6-RJf. BUNGALOW. On-ly S bike, to Bonlta station:, sidewalks, macadam road to place, dartly 5-rm. bungalow (not ijune finished), land all In cultivation, fruit and berries; owner is com pelled to move In ten davs to large farm and vieeds the money to put In a swing crop; tli.a is a real sacrifice. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. Ivo. 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. JVlaia uei. MR. AND MRS. BARGAIN HUNTFR. STOP! LOOK! READ! THEN PEK BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. REALLY A DREAM PLACE. S rooms one floor, large floored attle, fine rement basement, laundry trsys, furnace, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, buffet, booacaaes, breakfast nook, hardwood floors, very large living room across en tire front of house; nice view; Mixloi) lot. garage; all bond liens paid; nenr car. This u y.rtainly a snap at $5750, oa terms. MARTEI.S sV WILLIAMS, 820 Cham, of Com. Bldg. WEST SIDB. For sale, reduced to $6500. 13-roora house, good condition, good investment; rents as well-paying lodging house, near Industrial center, 2 baths. 2 separate toilets, furnace; about 51O00 down, bal ance like rent, or terms to suit shown by appointment only; -present tenant would like to remain; no agenta Alain 3836. $ loot .-. .i, nouu piuntDinv. close in, Commer-I .it no railing; terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., "11 N w. Hank bldg. Main 3787 RICHMOND DISTRICT. Going to California: must welt ho.,,11. ful home, C rooms and sleeping porch hardwood floor, firenlucp fnrnu,- !. fet, house finished in white enamel. It will please you. S65U0. Main 5-15K 11-'-, Gasco bldg. -c-itni apartment building, east side j apartmonts and 2 stores; net Income e- inouiii. frice IL'0,000. V 4211 v"y .in income, fine proposition; ,.'' "" , ouiiciing; price 2 : '""i wan. oars nves hfu inn HA T HORNK BUNGALOW. 6 large rooms, breakfast nook, large attic, oak floors, fireplace: Ivory finish: tapestry paper, garage; 5xlOO lot: 1 block to car. Only $1500 cash to handle. Let us show you. Tabor 4219. Wdin H2I0. IRVINGTON apartment site. 100x100. ,r r.iifi inn and llroai'vr:. e- -room house. East R:lso, by owner; CORNER all 4744. lo.Ver l'or:.'an,l 11 1,, uie for apartment house, cheap. ' suit. Mar- FIVE ROOMS NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH cooa plastered home with bath com piete; splendid lot with garage; three lu car. i dis IS a snan Anil fin. ijusiaae at I i I'll " cash. RALPH MA VI WT ii 1 namoer of Commerce. Main 564 $500 DOWN. Rose City Park. 5 rooms and garage new anu mourrii. a wen-pianned an weil-Duilt nouse at the right price and oneasy payments. t.all owner. Marshal j i .a. ROSK CITY PARK. $.",975. Must sell beautiful new coionial bun galow; hardwood lloors. fireplace, all muii-iiis. iuii uasement. wasn trays, ga. raet?; imiBiiru u.u lvo,y ana Wnlt inrougnoui. uwner, lanor 9240. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW BARGAIN. Five rooms, large attic, fireplace, fur nice, numnocu noors. garage, z bloi k trom Lauriuiurai canine: only s,,. terms, lohn M. Payne ai Co., Main mil 2 For Sale Beach Property. GEARI1AKT PARK Lots 1 and"X tn.-t vi aiio lacina en r link DC 450. Oregonian. t7 blk. 4. Price FOR SALE BY OWNER. SEVEN-ROOM . HOUSE with lnr. eiwepuig porcn. iuj uverlon St.; 50-foot lot, room for garage. Phone Alain 353. iv 1 I rif:ir .... . , " U"A oc;itn- oxioo. two .nam ,mi For Sale -Lots- ill, o-r.i.i, ooxiuu corner lot for what " ,' Mo graning nad cost: t me cost; restricted district r-hri... Hmirlt. 9:2 nam.'er or Commerce lll.lo. IWHITO, Ainsworth and Oman e-"". eun.iect to some liens 50 ROSE CITY PARK Nifi. !,,.' low, near Sandy, facing east: 3o-foot liv ing room. .Trench doors between living um uiuiiiK rooms, mooern CO the last detail, cei us snow you. A. O. TEEPE CO. 270 Stark St. Mam 3W2. ave.. for Bennett Co.. 318 Board of Trade. Main itB E JJ. GOOD CO. complete building shali 2310: " 'a xiu.-e, tin i akv itiuxiuu corner $!;7o aii improvement t&xtm paid. Phone -nvtu Kin corner. Mit.. ina Alamt-UiT xjuu; improvemenia paid; can build DJM-ri jour vacant ioi.3 trom mv i.ZT and up. W. K 637 Chamber or ULALT1KI L Alameda Fark lot fyr". at the rtffht price. KT-MMELL A RI'MMELL, 274 Stark Hi - liAIjO W, furnished, j room. M3 w 2"rth 8.; full CPment basmnt. mctnA n ameKMl plumbing, laundry trays; lot 4."x Jm; t. paved, sewer in; rood furniture-. gas and coal range. fJiM), $5uu caah. Owner, East H2'J. $3700 HAWTHORNE; irUO cash. $25 per month ; 5 roomn, modern, all bui It-ins. paved Jtreet. clo.se to car and school. JOHNSON-DODSON ro N. W. Hunk hM. Mnln RTRT Slf.dO KO.SK CITV FAKK CAR. 4-room lane Dorehtta. hmh nii. etec, gas, built-in batoment; nice full lot; lumber for garage; lawn, shrubbery T,hor LAUUbLilLK.ST LOTS EAKGAIN ea j. a. Mccarty. .'iflH Start Main $J-',o ON U i S J."u down. 5 rooms, kas, electricity, water, macadam road block to car. JOHNSON-TODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank bide. Main S7ST iron AlJJ &ix Portland Heigl.s lotson h 11 SlVs cneap. i'hone Alar- JiOxlS. "3 Jots" Ladd's add. Elliott near Hawthorn. L. R. Faircnild. i.NC- Diuit iol. uiviaion St.. neae J.lrt $.(K), plus city liens, terme. J. I iio. i aoor 03tI. 8-ROOM modern house, basement, ood lot. ui iu. oe&. owner, i. ij tL. 33i st. 3. HAWTHOKNM bungalow. J3750. bv uwnr 6 rooms, fireplace, paneled dininfr room! white ur-n Kitcnen, wnite. enameled paiaruoiii, - urtiiuuin.i, iuu cement base. ment arm irays. xu. at in. Phon' i a nor i -n. piasje.reu xiouse, iuii naatmeut, modern piumoing eieeinc iikuis and gas- acre, 'Zl nearmg rruit troe, 1 block souin uj ' a"ey on lu ck J ey a v THE KIRHT ONE with $'JltH) cash takes" O-rUOlli tUUdsr;, u a III, cicji.ric lliTntS go basement; lot 83 l-3xlor paved street! liast .Morrison, near oau. lUDOf 3btf evenings, i .iuui BARHKTT BL'ILDINOCO, Complete plana. e?ttmates and ron structlun or aii classes of buildintr. nour9 anu uuukhioh b a "Pecialtr a 100xli, 8-KOOM houne, 2 blocks car" sower ti, gas, water. 30 fruft trees cnic'Ken noune, u inmuies; si 4,o, $ jfto ca.-n. v-imiu. com. bldg ' ROSK CITY BUNGALOW ' Three pearooms, aosoiuicJy modm Prire 100, terms. chooL East 6431.' A 1750 tSTHiCTi-y modern 5-room Ro ran ps.v half cath. No agents, p t'regonlan. you 4U0, IRVINGTON. TRVINnTON HUM E. SIX ROOMS. t ti.Ml; TERMS. KA3T 1347. BUY FROM OWNER Jjo.0 " Just completed, double constructed; 4 rilllllll ayfca, K Oele JT J DOX ABUNDANCE of fruit of all kinds- 4- room Dungaiow, ouui-ms; larpe, cheerv rooms, lot 100x100. Owner. Wdln. 2"in -i.-oo AluUKKN ti-room house, Al condi tion In and out, now vacant. Owner. t oak, bet. 14th and lath. East 2400. I RVFNOTOM HflMES McDONELIj EAST 410. 500 S. 14TH ST N. ahon. 260 B. 43d. IU IN'iTUN S FKST 20 CHOrCB JIOMB i rjr. u n . n rt. N.w I tt JJU. " LADD'S AniJlTION BEST. 8 choice home wiles. Owner, Kast 21 M. KOSE CITY" loo ji i io, a R. corner 5-ltn and Tillamook. Price fH50. Tabor 6441. IiADDS ADniTirrSj mro-r ' 6 choice bome siiva. Owner. aat 2154. I BIO BARGAIN. $2S0; 8-room home. o09 ;'-7 Bt i'hona owner, be 11 wood 4:,oo WEST. SID1-; 7 rooms, bath, gas. electricity. 2 fireplaces, cement base ment, full lot. Ownwr. 4fi7 lmh st. ",""-' r rt'inonl. cas. elec. iwavemeni, sewer, new bum-ins. lliv i.Miiww Aycpiioiiai oargain, worth Gj0U; price siuou; rooms. OwneV East 8015. wwner. ! SPECIAL ! 3MT. TABOR BINGALOWS-8. oa cret ot beautiful MU Tabor, near peat carline in the city. These are I modern, attractive, snappy homes and excellent values, ranging: Jn price from $4joo to j.h i r. jor appointment to show call Tabor 731, mornings or evenings. i THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn burden Into Income T We design end build spartments. ga raffes, residences, anything; furnish I plans unci itnanre. Kstablis'ied 10 year We offer SECURITY, SERVICE. SAT ISFACTION. L. K, Bailey Co.r 924 N. w. HatiK bldg. ROSE CITY PARK by owner golns; to Cal Ifornia; B-yoom bungalow, built for home, artistic and dltferent; must be sold this week; full cement basement, j r t luniaco, lire pmce, DUi il-ina, nard wood floors, garage 12x20, concrete floor, half block north of Sandy. tit5 64th at. N. ; tlfinn will handle. ALMOST AN ACRR 5 roomi; modern: S.1."i00: invelv hnm- Vz block to car and paved street; rifcht In city; this house practically new; larxe jiving room; wnite untcn kitchen: best of plumbing: excellent soil; can't be near; jots or rruit and berries; jrood chicken house. 154 E. 87th St. N. Phone &':)0 CASH. balance $25 per month and Interest, buys I m whumiui o-room ounffalow and ga,- I rar, SOxlOO lot, has truit; a real buy at INTRRSTAtK 'iXVESTMENT CO. Prondway 4751. 410 Hnry bMp. 5-ROOM bunselow. modern, h. wood floors I fireplace, furnace, fine laree hedrnnm' all in old ivory; full cement basement; floored attic: leaving: city; $4300, terms. J. Robhins, 301 Railway Exchange. Main ALBERTA $2N50; 6-rooin bungalow with) uam, KB3, eieciricity, iuii basement, full lot. between 2 carMnes, close to school; win jw uown, per mom n. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., N. W. Bank bldg. Main S787. faOME BARGAIN; property cost $10,000 nine years ago; paia over $450 street Improvements; 4?ood 7-room house; 4 lots; near car lines; a sure sacri- i fire at 02r.0, $27D0 down. Owner AV ii, i rpnnian. E. PINE NEAR lflTH. 8 ROOMS $ou0 DOWN. Fine 8-room house with 4 largre np- stalrs bedrooms, on full lot, 2 blocks I rrom car. This property la very close in anu weu worm the price asked 54000. BIHR-CARET, 211 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDO. SD AND STARK STS. MAIN 7487. ROSE CITY PARK $5000. New bungalow of substantial construc tion, 5 rooms, hardwood floors, fire place and modern In every way; finish details such as wall paper, tintinc. elec tric fixtures to be chosen by purchaser wunoui anuuionai cost: a cnarmine com pact home close to car line and on paved streets; fi-'uu aown wm nanuie. Mr. HalKht, COE A. McKENNA & CO., 2 Fourth st. Main 45gg. ALBERTA BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, lust being1 finished, all bnllt- lns, cement basement, 50x100 lot, paved street, sewer, all paid. The contractor Is bulldinr a number of houses and you I get the benefit of quantity buylnff. Only .ifttw dus mi nirtv nttte bungalow. Terms. See Hnrdwlck with FRANK McCRILLIS. Financial Arent, 824 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 770. KOJsK CITY PARK. $5250. New 5-room bungalow, modern te the minute. Has every new feature Im aginable and a beautiful home, hard wood floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen. breakfast nook. Tapestry paper, full cement basement, furnace, tiled bath, re cess tub. Paved streets; food terms. 4-Rlf. MODERN BUNG A LOW, 5c FARE. $2150. Me! plwe for (carder,, chickens' and cow; bot eurden lnnd ssound Portland: 20 fruit trees, berries, grape, currants, eooseberrieei. nig H acre with dandv 3-rm. bunca low. bath, toilet; electricity, gas in street, barn, chicken hotie. wood rhed. all fenced; 3 Tnlnutes walk from station. 15 minutes' rMe to town: $000 down, balance $W per month. J. L. HARTNTAN COArPAVT. No. S Chamber of Com, Bidg. Main 208. i -TO-PATB 2 - FAMILY A PA KTM 1TT IN DiksIRAHLE IH'ATION. CLOtoE IN ON EAST SIl'E. A good solid building with extra lirri windows; well arranged with modern built-lns, coolers and extra conveniences, plumbing and; furnaces are excellent. Tina building is complete even te the bst of screens; there ia slao a s:ood con crete garage. Five rooms in each fl"t; rented for $8S per month. Price oniv $7500. terms, $2000 cash, ba at 6 per cent. Look this up. E. A. LIVPGREV. Pavon Land Co.. f.Vi N. W. H.inkTiMr. LA lTR KL1 it'll ST 7-romn bunttalow I, rated on the aouthweat corner 4 1st and, A?h, 1 blork from Lsurelhurst Park, Thi? was built about 4 years hko bv one of Tortlnnd'a bent builders. The price is only J!t0O0 and we believe there m null ing like It In LaurHhurat. 'n the firwt floor is reception hull, den, living room, dining room, kitrhen end brenhfat nook; 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch on sec ond floor. Let us have the privilege of showing you. A. a. TEEPE CO.. ?70 Ptnrk St. Main m ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW. $J0UO. ' This bunpnlow in on a corner lot with garnge; 2 large bfiirooms, glnfa-encloned sleeping porch, all built-in-, cement bane ment. Of mtist attractive design very well constructed. $500 will handle. PTHR-CAREY. 211 RATLWAY KXCHANGE PLHO. 3D AND STAKK STS. MAIN 741ST. ROSE CITY PARK. Jt.VMO. This la a beautiful 6-roorti bungalow located on the corner, with everything in and everything paid. The owner refused $ if. too a year ao, but on account of business must sell, no he-has mnde thn wonderful price. It will re quire J.3K0 c,Trh. If you want the big gest buy in Kuxe City und IT you've gut the money call us for uppointment. HILLER BROS. 614 Rwy. Exch. Hlrlg. Aut. B2-M. Itranrh office, fimh and S;indy or"H Sunday nnd evenincs Phone T:h"r Slv. rJK CSH liitSK I'lTl" PAUU.. 7-ROOM ItT'NGALOW filotMl. Here's a mighty -rood buy; ;i rooms and den down. 3 bedrooms, and sleeping porch on the upper ihmr. hard woa floors, buokeasef. huffet, tl replace, con crete basement, furnace; located C:- to car below tho hill. W tit m lv in, lieve there Is no better Biini-lMiimalo for the price Id this district. Se lui at once roMTFI KOII T.MAN, M '0 'JuS Chanihi'r of I'unimer- H:-Ilt WEST SI UK 1KIMI-:. tS(lOt) Fun a 5-room. wuh lot lllux250, on Rwdway; has barn poultry house, lots of berries and bearing fruit trees: only 2 blot-lcs irom Seilwood car; or will trade for $ 6-room bungalow to $4000. See this. F. L. BLANCH.ARD. 411-2 Swetland Bldg. Marshall 819. I'LAN YOL'R OWN HOME We will build you a bunealnw H T . relhurst, using your plans, up to 6 rooma I for JtiOUO; i-iOUO down. H 423. 0si G-RUUU bungalow, large hall, hniit-i. Xull cement basement, laundry trays, fur. nai.c, lame ivi, bubii eiecinc rixtures liuuu o-room house, partly furnished, I Ui n (i. Mir. w icuer. A" J' VeFORKST & CO., 30 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5390. SUNN'YSIOK CORNER Only U(i-0, some terms, by owner; a real bargain for a modern 6-room house, large front porch, close to Laurelhurst park. Good neighborhood. If you want a nice cozy home on a small lot, phone owner. Tabor 7027. ONLY $3000 with bath. buffet, full basement. ror this 6-room bungalow I na. eiccirjcuy, DOOkcane. I JOHNSON-nonsov rn 33 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8787. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. R-room bungalow on corner with beam ceiling, panel living and dining rooms, buffet, full cement basement, wash trays and garage; $3500; less for cash. lUliu E. Lincoln. Tabor 809 1. iO YOU WANT A BhAUTIFUL HOME IN SELLWOOD ? Have some real buys; must be seen to oe appreciaieu. a nose are going fast T. O. BIRD, 526 Cham, of Com. Mar. 1022. HOUSE PLANS. niATrvrnvB nouVi X,PiV"l 924 Northwestern Bank rm Tlili RICK CONSTRUCTION rr.dlTrTTZ? Homes built and financed, renairinV and jobbing; homes and homesitea fo aale. A. R. Rice. Mgr.. phone Automata I " aggr Vi J'l ALAMEDA PARK. Bv owner: story and half house on 24th, nir Prescott; new. modern, well built; living, dining, bath, breakfast book, 2 storage, bedrooms and &a- I rage. cement cellar, iruit room and pipeiess lurnace. Lots of cozy, com fortable rooms. Cost you no more than a good 5-room. $tiiu0, part casn. Phone Aiitornnnc 6 ROOMri. modern, ii large bedrooms on second floor; full cement basement with w-ash trays; house In AI condition; lo cated on East Taylor between 31st and i-'d. line neighborhood. Price S3."oo. This house could not be duplicated for 40(mj. it takes Iiooo as first payment. balance to suit purchaser. If you are a I ouyer, jook at tnis. c. P. Jordan, 50i fli c k ay. .vi a i n I .vm). ROiJB CITY DISTRICT. 13750. -room modern bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace buffet. Dutch kitchen. cement basement, 2 large light bedrooms 1 ana sleeping porch; ono block from I Snndy Blvd.; $1700 cash. Call Bdwy. I - . A REAL BUY SEB IT AT ONCE 6-room ceiled bungalow. Mount Scott I district, close to the largest school In I Portland, on nara-surface. stone base ment, lot 40x100, price complete, Jess I piumoing. i.i.)U. djo cash will bundle: balance easy terms at 6 per cent. If I you are looking lor a home, don t miss I mis cnance. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK ST. VACANT MOVE RIGHT IN. 8 large rooms; full basement. 2 toilets. bath, gas radiators; house newly painted I Inside and out is in fine condition; could I be remodeled at small cost, make a 2-fIat I mag., ana wouia rent ror so per month; located near east end Broadway bridge. I For quick sale priced down to $0000; I OIBSQX, 2f,H Stark St. Marshall 12. LAT'R ETjHI'RST. $700. On Laurelhurnt ave., close to rnr: big I riving room with nrop'ac and built-in I bookcases, dining room with bufTet. den. Dutch kitchen nn lower and 8 bedrooms, bath nnd sleeping pornh on nxt floor; one bedroom and lnrge finllied i on top floor; oak floors in main rooms;! full concrete basement, hlcii-frrade fur nace, fltw earnire. If vou sre looking for I a large house w want you to nee thisl one. It was constructed bv ihe owner tor his home. You'll not flni a better f built house In Lit nr! hurst. Te.rms. POMTB KOITIM AN. M. RV-0. 2 hamber of Commeive Bldg. T-ROOM HOTTpwi. 100x95 $300 DOWN. Tt Is sHflom that a house of the value I of this one can be nnd for this price and I down payment. Three larre. well-nr-1 ranged upstairs bedrooms, living room. dining rim and kitchen, den. The pric I is only uu. BTHR-CARET. Ml RAILWAY EXCHANGE TfLDO. 8D AND STARK STS. MAIN 7487. LAU R ELH 1'RST II O M I-'.. . Here' a fine 2-story. 8-room house I with sleeping porch and garage. oversized lot near car: pnrk section, with view of city and mountain: extra larirel rooms. 2 tile fireplaces. French doors. oak floors throughout, sun and broskfnst rooms, tile bnth with shower; master's I room SO ft.; hot water heat; wails pa- pered, exoellent condition: nice lawn and! shrubbery: biggest snap In a really well- I built house In city; terms. Tnnor 4Q7. ROPE CITY PARK". 4 ROOMS $-50 DOWN. Substantial 4-room house on E. 75th I st., one block from car; one bedroom, I living room, dining room, Kitcnen. BTHR-CAREY. 211 RAILWAY EXCHANOE BTPrt, 8D AND STARK STS. MAIN 74H7. oms. li"-tH'ino; cated on 11th st.. close-in. lot is 1 this home is the perfection of ne t ne and refinement, plate-glaa window, fireplace, lnrge clonet. bedt of hardwai e; a full basement as ciean as nmnv par lors; cement garage with full cement driveway. Price oniy $ 1 ",doo. which is about the a.-wssed vaiua-iion. Siiowa by appointment only. .1 M N K. HOWARD. 3H Ch.-uiib. r nf Cnmmorrs KENTON. 4 ROOM S $300 DOWN. Two bedrooms, combination livings rut dining room, kitchen; full plumbing. Thu hou is 4 jeiirs old. In most t-xcelleut condition. Price only $J-U0. BIHR-CAREY. i 211 RAILWAY E.XriiANCE PLTfl. 3D AND 6XAK li STS. MAIN 74ST, , ROPR CITY PARK. A 7-room home. 3 blocks from th R. C. car; very modern and In excel lent condition; corner lt l-'RMt. .'-O fruit trtH and all kinds of brrt'-H. S elng i beljevin-g. I tell you the prit e? of -''- l right. At you willing to be shown? MR. LA Ft SON. 1215 N. W. Bank bid-. Marshall lioo ruVN-i,i;i;.''orr st, NEAR MISSISSIPPI CAR. The rooms In this nice little noma beautifully finished lu whit"; In a'lo' tion to the living and dining room tmre a nice white k itclttn. a lur no pant i v. bath and one bedroom; fireplace, jte-.a bam-men t. r0xlH lot. pav,-d Mreet. Tn I r i i : e ia o n i v $ - s' . Be lu- r see Ui I s once. It won't lat. COMTR KOULMAN. M. 0V.O. 2o.s ha her of I 'oinnieree Jildg. "WEST FIDE. fl-room house on Overton street, one I block to car. 60x100 lot, large rooms. full basement, furnace, fireplace, g rsge. This place can be made to bring In good income at small expense. i uoo, I terms. See Mnrqwlcg wltn FRANK McORILLTS. Financial Agent, 324 Henry HIdg. Hfiwy. 770. "A BEAUTIFCL HOME." 5-room modem bungalow ; furnace, fireplace, nice built-in, fine view of mountains and river: lot noxlOO feet; cement garage: paved strict, 1 block carline, close to park; price 4700; good terms. This la a choice loca tion. R. M. OATEWOOD CO., 4th st. CIASE IN. WEST SIDE. Must s-il at once mv S-rttrn modern houne; has 4 bedrooms; 2 are aleo bedrooms; if you are locking lor a g"il home, clo"e in. ee this, i'ru-e J"r."o, ln eluding J700 worth of carpuia and ruoV Ternis. ICE LI A RLE I NT K ST M ETNT CO., ;'.'". OAK ST. HUM 15 FOR Till; OLD FOLKS Jl.s.0. An extra well-built plastered C4tUt,gef concrete foundation, electric dgh is, g.m. patent tolle-t. H bearing fruit ireea. a J klnd.- of berries- and grnpe. good chick en house and wondhed. on paved str"ti near Ronton. $-00 cash. monthly. Vn d W. lifrmnn (, 7:tJ Chsm, of 'om, CLOSK-1N MODKRN IlOl'SE. ""' 6-room modern house ; furnace, fire- place, in fi rat -clans condition; puve.f irtreet; west of K. 2rtth; price $47oo; ; fioou cash, or will difount for half j cash. This Is good value. f Tt. M. OATKWiHUi A: CO.. lfi.'4 4th st. 0-R. HOL'SE AT SAORIFIM'E. Owing to iliness of owner this prop ertv will be sold at sacrine for iA. Three bedrooms, fireplace. French doors bullt-ina. gas1, elec.. full basement, lo 70x204). chicken run, garage, all kinds of berries. Take M. v. car to CIM. fou blocks north. 1030 vvuiow at. o rea. estate men need apnlv, FOR SALE BY OWNKrT chicken house, wired chicken run! fruit trees and berries. Phone week rtv Rroadwav 4559: Sunday. ThJ ,Daay 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. BY OWNER-- oarage, lot ooxiuu electric washing 4S."0 6-ROOM house. Mississippi carV, machine and range; block to school and minutes out; 66x110; corner- olentv i? car. f 2.-j00 cash, balance terms, St. Johns car to Peninsula school, 1550 Miowifs ave. SNAP 5-large-room bungalow, hardwood I noors, large amc, line sleeping porch; lurnace, iirep.ace. targe Durtet, garage I uiiuer nuueo, mi uw, c-nooi, view, new I nnoieum, pavea street; fouoo, part cash. 1 auur lj.in. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE. 7fWO; 11500 Lam, utt.iM.11ut; leruuj, center nail. French doors, oak floors, art paper, ivory fin ish; near club. Neuhausen, East o44. Ji.iin cm a. fruit; wood range; $700. bflrcifn Fred Lawaon Co., 43 6 C. of C. B Idg. LAURELHURST 1 - New colonial, eight rooms, bresV-fn-. nook, reception hall, doubia piumhin? garage. 11SS E. Davis st. plumbing, I J, W. McFADDEN BLDO On BUILDERS OP FINE HOMES 85 NOW UNDfclR CONSTRU'Trnw 203 STARK Sr. MARSHALL to ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. 5si50. Six-room bungalow, hardwood floors, iirepiace, ount-in Duiret, uutcn Kitchen. cement basement, furnace. Owner leav- ing city and must sell; will take $lo00 ! caan. oaiance monrniy. can nawy. 2c4. IRVINGTON PARK. 6-roora bungalow with sleeping norcn. cement basement, all built-ins, fireplace I ana cnitnen noufe. iot ovxiow, bloca I irom oar; extra gooa location; &UO ca-sh I win nanuie. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 306 OAK ST CORNER 50x100, 3 blocks from Broad way bridge, modern upper and lower I flat, o rooms, sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, paneled dining room, tiled I noors in oaths, in good condition. In come 70 per month; room for garages. I d y non-resioent. Appiy azj hoss st. ONLY S70 CASH. BALANCK EASY. For a dandy 0-room house in A-d. con dition, full basement with furnace, lino leum. shades and fixtures Included I price; corner lot. enclosed with rose hedge; streets paved. Can you do bet ter for J4000 7 HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Ptsrk Pt, I rjoO N tW HUNG A IX W W2?A New 4-room bungalow : 2 bedrooms, breakfast, room, all hullt-tns. cent en basemewt. lot 5xl00; Piedmont district a dandy little home, j.vhj will handle. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 3)6 OAK ST BROADWAY 4333. "GOOD HOME." 8-room modern house, fireplace, sleep ing porch, on car line, situated 15.11 E. G;:san st., at 57th. Owner in house; $4340, good terms can be made. R. M. OATBWOOT) & CO.. 15S 4th st. IRVINGTON EA'GLISH COLONIAL A LI t i LJu dBAU l X ; all oak lloors, ivory Mam S07S. HOUSEBOAT for aale, furnished No 20 Willamette moorage. Soma term sil 2164. WANT to sell or trade for Seattle horns' my seven-room strictly modern hom at j09 Tillamook st Call East 2502. OWNER offers cosy bungalow, JJOOO' aluo 6-room cottage; paved; 2S00. Tabor NEW 5-R.M. bungalow. $3L'50. Lawsnn & Co.. 410 Cham. Com. Fred G. 2 LARGE rooms; gas, water in house- fruit .in IOO nlnmn tn f d UV' S65Q. half cash. Mar. 1075. ' $1J00 EwUITY In 5-room mnuern bunga low for light auto and cash. 6644 5uh ave. S E bane alow, 2 feEh, THLs bargain in attractive bungalow. " NEW -frice jooo; I0U0 down. Woodlawa 3-'l. ten 5-ROOM en house, cheap lots. terms. garage, chick Sell wood 4I4. 4-moom nouse; built-ins. chn- terma. Call any Uay. VjH ii. 74tn w V r j T-iiM Hit.-' wcu.llcui residence Phone Main I 34. owner, 7-rt)om house. FOR SALE By sleeping poroh, near good school and FOR SALE by owner, five-room house on 13th si., near Hail et.; price reasoaabla Phone Mflin 1734 SEE E D GOOD CO. compiete buiMlng ervice. 210 Stock Exchange, rm- l ' shall 2310. iO-KOOM houi-e. 3 fireplaces, furnace and half block yard with fruit trees; good location. Bdwy. 5200. uua 6-ROOM house, 5 minutes1 walk from city hall. lot :0x50 feet; 15800 Blaes ing Granite Co., 287 Third street. 8-ROOM HOUSE. Modem; hardwood floors; paved street a gooo. ouy tor euouu, s.iuy cash, terme. write air, jjaaer, jranKlyn Hotel. City. dd.u bArt Aiameda; 4 rooma, built-ins, ,t.u d.m., (.ni in, an iins paia. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., SB N. W. Bank bldg. Main S7T. 1400 i UOOMa, 4 acre, varieties of rjjJt I and berries, fenced, chicken tight, good I barn, garage. See owner, 40tf Couch I FOR SALE, by owner, leaving city 7. ' mom modern bungalow, e-n r. block trom Irvington club. Phone ui 4ul 1. ROSE CITY. 5-room modern bungalow, hardwood noors, nrepiace, Dutch kitchen, full basement, lot 50x100; block off San-I cy; eei'ov; ooo casn. Michael, with Interstate Land Co., 248 Stark st. Main 748 E. 27TH S. SOUTH. " 6-room modern house, hardwood floors. btillt-tn buffet and bookcase, fireplace. full basement, street made, terms. See AUbAiti ijriuM., iiu spammg Bldg. 6 rooms. Westmoreland! " -4-jh. tiarawood floors, large roome. furnace, full cemnt basement; excel-1 lent ouy. casn. t. o. Bird. 1 Marshall Tabor 4703 even Ings. NORTH MT. TABOR BUNG A LOW. 7-room modern bungalow, double con structed, all buiit-ln teaturee; full base ment, furnace, chicken houe. fruit tre-s. lot 40x117. half block from Montavi.la car. Tabor 1043. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. Six-room residence with steeping porch and den, full basement with furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors; good garage; an excellent ouy si uuu. wear Knott. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. rwo LOTS. 3-rooni house and celln-t fruite and berries. 800.50 cash; by owS er. Mt. Scott car. 126 80th st. a K. 6-ROOM bungalow, modem, 5500 mtg $1000, balance cash. Call at 548 Bid well ave. Automatic 210-92 6-ROOM houae, modern except heat, full cement Dasement, pavea streets. Tabor 1fi77. 44 B. 72d. awor IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. 843 Multnomah st., between 26th and 27tn. For saie by owner, sivast 22, 7-ROOM residence, beautiful lot, fruit, ! west slope Mt. Tabor, paved streets. garage, vacant soon; real bargain; 5500, terms. Owner, Main 3SM. Mr. Smith. b00, $2oi) CASH, large 2 -room hous 8. xi 00 lot; also half acres, $000. fro 1 cash. Fred D. Spear, 68th t.( south of I ;rn ave. rnonr hiwih, o-ROOM Laurulhurtit home for ate, good I as new. Price IU500. Terms. Call at 1170 1 Kast uavis st. $250 2-ROOM boathouse, partly furnished, iine location. See over, 409 Couch bldg. NEAR REED COLLEGE. 0-room ultra-modern home, steam )fat, oak floors, 5 blks, to college; this ie ld-al end UP to da to, must be sold at once, liar. 3352. Evening, Tabor 8010. , J. R. ROCK. MODERN double constructed home, splen did location' and view. 7 rooms and ga rage. 70x147 ft. In lawn, fruit, berries and flowers, all Improvements, an ideal home. Call Seilwood 1250. MOOERN bungalow, storage room and 6 rooma hall. full basement. bath. rir fdace, all built-ins, hardwood floors, fine ocality. bard street. Owner Main 2770. KO-SK CITV PARK. 7-room Duich colonial and sun parlor strictly modern; 2 ii replaces, furniwii.-a In old Ivory; corner lot &oxl0. 2 bkuKsj from Sandv blvd.; a snap at $7750. ternia, RELIABLE IN V KS'J'M EST CO.. .'l'5 OAK ST. price MONTAVILLA. ' 4-room new modern bungalow, Slfloo: f;'.00 cui-h. t20 month. 8-rootn ncv." bungalow, price $1250; $;i00 cash, balance $20 month, R, M. GATEWOOD CO.. 105' i Fourth HtPTt. 10-KOO.M intMlt-rn home; & lu'droo.a, 1 bedroom and bath on loww flor. 5rxI30 lot, apple, pear and celery trci-s. 2 gu raej. close In on wist slie, near Bro.i-f-way; nowsrssion givt-n first of June. I'-'r sale by owner. Phone East S-'OO. Pn- e f 7.VI0. TABOR district, fino view. 7-rontu huu.-e with sleeping porch, double-construct d, full cement basement, wanh truys, two toilets and modern conveniences; ground 10UXI03, bearing fruU tre.-s and orna mental plants. Owner, 0 E. 71st St., tir. Base Line roa d. $3ii50 ROSS CITY PARK DISTRICT room Dungaiow ana garae; spt-ndJi furnace; nowly decorated and pslnted; it surely is a good buy, aud the Urine axe easy. Hurry. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark St. Main Son $22' M) SNAP $2 Jon. 4-roora modern bungalow, Dutch, kitchen, built-in buffet, electricity and gas, fine bath, sewers and walks in and yaid; small cash payment. Michael, with Interstate Land Co., 2-18 Stark et. Main 5120. 6-ROOM modern bouses In Ore sham, cheap- terrna Add.Owner. 227 M ill st. FOR SALE 5-room modern bungalow Seilwood, Uiet. Maluen ava, $1250 $500 CASH. For well constructed 4-room house on lot KOxluo; all kinds of lnri:e and small fruits and plenty of garden space; E Ksth street. HEN RY W. GODDART). 213 Stark St. ALBERTA AND ALBLNA AVE. A-rooin house, corner lot. a very fine home. Go look at the location. thi let ine show you. This property ia fts from Incumbrances. Main 64 06. Il2i Gasco bid g. Prl c e $5io. SACRIFICE SALE. 8-room modern house, comer, nil street Improvements in; $:t200. $10o0 cssh, baL terms. Close in, on eatft side. , R. ai. GATE WOOD A CQ..lfl5H 4th st. HOM EY 6-room house, Irvington. $0000 ; $2000 flown, balance n per cent: no agent a A B4 0 sO re c on i a n. HOTTRB FOR SALE HY OWNER." In Westmoreland, Must soil Quickly Sellwaod Siili. V