TIIE 3I0RMXG ORE GOXTAX, TIIUItSDAY, 3fAIiCH 3, IfiSl " 15 XHV TODAlf. IRVINGTON CORNER HOME V ST' Living- room, library, dining room, breakfast nook and kitchen, three bedrooms, sleep ing; porch and bath, two fire places. Gasco furnace and parage. 1'rico includes blue velour hang--in? curtains, linoleums, living room carpets, etc. Appointment Arranged. Mrs. Harry Price Palmer KAST 797. CLAY S. MORSE, INC Draymen and Warehousemen Eroadwaj 3470 REAL ESTATE. 6LE E D GOOD CO. complete bui din service. .10 block Exchange Blag, m Flat and Apartment Property. ii25u DoUBi.ii iiai, modern, income $ month; $140 csh, $23 mo.; one block of L nion ave. J ust like setting money from nome. See Jackson with J. F, McK'pnns, Belmont at X'.irh. Tabor 6403. XiiVlS. i'ON apartment site. JuOxloO, ner Fast 1 1 1 h and Mroanway, for bv ow ner ; s-mom hnn'-e. K-st 33SO. ror alc Uracil Property . OR SALE HcautUm Seaside summer home. 8 rooms, giased-in sun room, sleeping port h and view porches; EPln d'd vlw of both ocean and river, large and beautiful grounds, shrubbery, A bargain. Call Main 7732. GEARHART PARK Lots I and 2. blk. 4. east of and facing golf links. Price $00. Br 4 .vi. 'r"gonian. ON KIDUli ov onking ocean. 50x100. two hnu? for JL'l.in. Main 54 "4. For Sale Lots. 110 10TH ST. BROADWAY 110 INCOMPARABLE WESTOVER TERRACES Tf It's a "homeslte" In the midst of distinctive and beautiful homes with 7 feet or more frontage you want, and not Just a lot." then let us show you W EST- ovun j HKKACtia, "Portland s west View Homes! ts" and soned for homes exclusively, tor plat or other inform Lou, you may phone, call on or write HAROLD JUNGCK, Secretary, INTERNATIONAL REALTY ASSOCIATES. Pittock Block. . 110 10th St. Broadway 110. BDTLDERS! W wfl! sell yon lots on a pay ment of 10 per cent down, with no Interest, or monthly payments for P0 days and when you are ready to place a first mortgage on the property, w will give you the ded and take back a monthly payment second mortgage. J. L. HART MAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bids. Alain 208. LAURELHURST LOTS. SOME BIG BARGAINS. COME OUT TODAY. OFFICE ON THE GROUND AT EAST 8iTH AND GLISAN, Closing them out. Some ai low a . swu. borne beauties at $050. AH Im provements paid. Easy terms. Your op portunity to secure a choice lot at about 1-3 real value. WILL BUILD FOR YOU. Estimates furnished free. Plans and photographs at the office. East 30th. mad tjlisao. Also some choice 5 and (J-room bun galows and larger houses at greatly re duced prices. Come out today. Tabor 8433. 30th and Glisun. Montavlll car. Evenings East 7733. Delahunty. CHOICE ACRE TRACTS. Bet, Irvington Park and Columbia Blvd. 1.2-acre lot, Dekum ave. and East 33d St. North: $1375; $100 down. $17.75 per month; rich soil, good neighborhood, fine view few other choice tracts ieft. See Air. Nay lor. J O. ELROD. Owner. 617 Corbett Bidg. Main 6173, VACANT LOTS. " I Have Them In the city and in the suburban dis tricts outside the city. I wish to get In touch with people who want to build; will make you good building loans and assist in procuring for you a home. If you have a little money and are tired of paying rent, don't fail to look me up. For particulars see OWNER t 404 Piatt bldg. 127 Park st. f WILLIAMS AVE CORNER. $2000. WORTH $4000. 50x100, S. w. corner Tillamook, liens paid. Was appraised at $300. Act, ELMER F. HKXN'KTT r-O 318-321 Board of Trade. Main 745: $875 LOT, IRVINGTON district; streets sewers, etc., are paid; easy terms; a " snap; near Irvington or Broadway car JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 33 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. YOUR OPPORTUNITY Laurelhurst lots, while they last, at xtremely low prices. See J. a. Mc Carty. 2701, Stark. Main 1700: sve- nincs Tabor 5037. TALK OF THE TOWN $1 DOWN" $1 week on lots Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning 3 blocks north Kernedy tchool. Alberta car R W Ca.--. 1210 N. W. Bank hidg. Main 1643.' : YOUR LAST CHA.NCE.". ' Laurelhurst lots at these prices. See J. A. McCarty, 27ou Stark. Main 1700; evenings Tabor 5057. sst 1 v 1 FOR SALE by owner, 6 lots. 50x100 each. HS-year-otd bearing fruit trees, water, lights, gas, 24 blocks from car; $3o6 BEAUTIFUL AL V VIE OA PARK LOTS a' a sacritW price or build to suit our- chaser, h rr particulars &? HUiiMi:ix v r. .'i.'ir.m,, it .-var s'. LOT 50 x i uO tn Jonesmore; sidewaik sewer iu. all clear, $475; near Glisan AR 410. Ores-or.Ian. OK SALE Westmoreland lot; no rea sonable offer refused: must oe sold bv V- t ,, IT . ll rt M n .ul, .. II .J... SEE E D GOOD CO. compete building service. 210 Stock, Exchange Bldg. Mr- KOSE CITY PARK loOxliMj comer, $1300, all improvement taxes paid. Phone East 5164. Owner. ROSE CITY corner, 56c ana Alameda, 73x100; improvements paid ; can build 2 houHow: pHco $1S00. Tahor 644 1. LAUK-LHCKST LOTS- BA RC AiN ' See J. A. McCarty. 270"-, titark. Mala 1700. evenings Ta bor 503 7 FoR SALE Six Portland Heigl.'s lots on paved street for sale cheap. Phone Mar shall 3ISM. i:0xl2S. "3 lota." Ladd's add Elliott av , pear Hawthorns. L, R, Fairchlid, Sherlocf bidg 6 - FINE bidg lot. Division st,, near 43d. $.Vm, plus city liens, terms. J. H iic. Mahon. 2606 E. 43d. Tabor 3361. BUY A lot in Rom City; I havethem from $300 up; eaHy terms;, will help finance a small home for you. Tabor 7174. IRV1NGTON S BST 2o CHOTCB HUMS SITES. OWNER. EAST 3223. LADD'S ADDITION BEST. choice homi s!!ea Ownr, East 2154. A BO.-F. CITY TALK lot prl'""s and ea terms. hareains Tabor 65 Iio-E CII'Y lUoxjoo, S. e. corner 54tn Xiwaauook. i'nca $103U, Tabor 6 -Hi. REAL K STATE, Fur Sale Houiea. i 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. $2500. $750 CASH, $15 My. AND INT. HAVKD KT. AM SEWER. Trouble constructed bunKulow,, 4 large roomtt. uutcrt kitchen, white enai plumbing, full cement basement. 60x100 tut., mi street improvements in and paid. RICHMOND BUNGALOW GARAGE. $3500 $7h0 CASH. 5 rooms, lire place, bookcases, Dutch Kttcnen, laundry trays, cement basement, Ktrat,'e, paved streets and sewer In and paid; ihO pa.Hh, balance $33 month, in cluding interest. WESTMORELAND BUNGALOW. $35uo $1100 CASH. Modem 5-room bnngalow, fireplace, bookcases, Dutch kitchen, cement base ment, laundry trave; large floured at tic; Mix 100 lot; paved street and sewer in ana paid ; 3 blocks to car. trice $350-0, Jlioo rash. bal. $27.60 month, in eluding interest. HAWTHORN 13 HOUSE. IS EAR CATHoLlO CHURCH AND SCHOOL. $ 4 20O $7 50 CAS H. 6 rooms, cement bac:m'nt, S large bedrooms, SOx loo lot, double (tar.ee. all street improvements In and paid; choice shrubbery; a well-built, attractive home, ou easy terms. 6-ROO M B U NG A I G W. $4400 $1000 CASH. 6 rooms on firnt floor, fireplace, fur nace, hardwood floors, buffet, bookcase, Dutch kitchen, cement basement and floor. laundry trays; paved si. and sewer. This is a well-built, double-constructed bungalow. UB.VOBRSON-BANKU3 CO.. 426 Henry Bids. Hrlwy. 4754. THIS HOS K C IT V B U NG A LOW. of 5 large rooms, was built for a home, from original plans; it is harmonious, complete, simple. A large living room "with a. broad, deep f m-plaee. The dining room Is of good size, paneled and with a beautiful butfet; the kitchen is well ngniea, con vnnipnL w it h it lent v of closet room sunny breakfast room, two doiightf ul hed rooms. baLliroom wit h pedestal lav atory; large tub and shower; lull ce ment haHcnirnt and furnace. A dlitrhLful home and excellent vat"' for $tit)0; terms. $L"0O0 cash, balance $.".0 per month. Tabor -JJOJ. Evans, or Bdwy. 7-ROOM HOUSE. IOOxUj o00 DOWN. Tf Is aldom that a house of the value of this one can bo had for this price and down navmont. Three large well-ar- rans'ed upstairs hed rooms, living room. dining room, kitchen, den. The price is only $2100. BIHR-OARET. ?I1 RATT.WAY EXCHANGE BLDO. THIRD A.D STARK STS. JUAIN 7487. LA-TR ELHURST, $S0O0. A RHAf'TIKIIIi HOME. This is a lovely 6-room bungalow, fin ished in old ivory and tapentry paper; of course, it has every modern feature j that you could expect In a high-class I home; wonderful built-ins, fireplace. hiEh-erade furnace, fruit room, garage; the location is good, on E. Flanders St., 1 block to car; this is not a cheaply constructed new bungalow; it couldn't be duplicated now for the price. Terms. omttt & Hohlman. .M. ooou. .ua tnam- her of Commerce HIHg. ROSE C1T1 PARK. jrtfWM) Tn the choicest part of this dis trict: modern 4 -room bungalow, nard- wood floors, fireplace, all built-lns, prt- I tv breakfast nook, fine lawn, street paved and paid. $11100 cash and $40 per month. HTLLFR BROS.. 614 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. Automatic rU8-R;. Branch Office: .Vhh and Sandy. Open Sun. and Evenings. Tahor KENTON. 4 ROOMS $300 DOWN. Two bedrooms, combination living and I dining room, kitchen; full plumbing. This house is 4 years old. in moat ex cellent condition. Price only $2-00. BTHR-rAREY. ' ?11 RATT.WAY EXCHANGE BLDO. THIRD AND STARK STS. MAIN 74S7. ROSE CITY PARK. 16500. $5500. TERMS. Splendid A-rooin home, all large rooms, 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch. fine basement, lurnace, fireplace, hard wood floors, all built-lns, garage, NOxlOO lot. paved streets. This home is tn ex cellent condition. For further Informa tion and appointment cail East 4H0L ROSE CITY PARK. 4 ROOMS $250 DOWN. Substantial 4-room house on E. 75th St., one block from car; one bedroom. combination living and dmiag room, kitchen. BTHR-CAREY. 211 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. THIRD AND STARK STS. MAIN 7487. ROSE CITY PARK. $3500 w 6-room bungalow, strictly modern, hardwood floors, fireplace, fur nace, breakfast room, all street work in I and paid. Owner. In California writes me to sell on any reasonable terms. H1LLER BROS., . 514 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. Automatic 528-63. Branch Office: 50th and Sandy. Open Sun, and Evenings. Tabor S4S.". HIGH CLASS ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Attractive location near Alameda Drive; faces east; 5 rooms; large living room; big windows; fireplace; best oak. rioors; uutcn mtcnen in white enamel; full cement basement; American hot water heating system ; garage; - fine lawn; sterling silver value at a low price OI tttoUU. STRONG & CO., 60fl Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. $5250 buys this attractive, close-tn Rosa City Park home: o rooms and bath, also attic, hardwood floors, excep tional bullt-ins, fireplace, ful ce ment oasement. wash trays, ga rage; street improvement paid; let us show you. J. A. WICKMAN CO., REALTORS. 'Shortest Way Home." 2n4 Stark st. Main lOi'4 and 5S3. LAURELHURST. New five-room bungalow, ready to move Into; modern to the minute; has every new feature imaginable and a beautiful home: hardwood floors throughout except kitchen and bath; tapestry paper, nmy Kiicnen Wltn break fast nook, cement basement, furnace large lot; price is $5750, very easy terms. can uawy. zy-i. HERE IS VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY. MODERN HOME IN ALAMEDA PARK. Located on Glenn avenue, in the midst of good homes; 8 rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, all kinds of punt-ins. iirepiace, good basement, laun dry trays and furnace; 50x100 Jot and garage; price uuu, easy terina BROWN & GRANT, 201 Fenton Bldg. Broadway 3222. $4200 ALBERTA. 5-room bungalow, large rooms; buffet. ouicn aiicnen, aitic, run oasement, fur nace, munury irays, ooxiUU lot, garage, 1 block car; $1ooo cash, terms on bal ance, ask ror Mr. Alack, LET US SHOW YOU. GEO. T. MOORE. 1007 Yeon Bide. ROSE CITY PARK. 5 r. and den, large living room, fur nace, iirepiace, n. w. t loora, built -ins this Is a good buy; $5400, terms. Main dl. Tabor 061U. J. BOBBINS. 301 RAILWAY EX. WELL-BUI LT. attractive 6-room bunga low on 20th st.; close to good car serv ice; ouiit-in conveniences, sleeping porch, full cement basement; lovely lot and shade trees; chicken house; fruit and berries. A real home and It's yours for 'kju aown, :n a montn, price $3650. To see it call Wdln. 3S01. STATELY 8-room home in University Park. coioniai verauaa, i large rruit trees, many roses and shrubs; a wonderful snap st $3650, with terms. It's in fine con dition and will sell at once. Mr. Van Antwerp. COE A. McK ENNA & CO. ALBERTA. t 5-room modern bungalow, newly painted and tinted throughout; fireplace, attic finished; built-lns; near car line; immediate possession. Call Auto. 325-71, owner. ROOM modern house, $2350. Big lot, 40X150; fruit and berries; house has full cement basement, plastered, built-in conveniences; nice looking home. Terms $K30. located near Lenta. Garland, 2H1 3d st. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Three bedrooms, absolutely modern, close to car and school. East 643 L Price 6100. terms. S - $5750 STRICTLY modern 5-room Roe City Park bungalow for $5250, If you can pay halt cash. No agents. P 406, Oregonian. 2 NEW 4-ROOM house; built-lns, cheap; terms. Call any day, 2U6 . 74in N. REAL ESTATE. For hale Housea. NEW HOMB3 NEAR THE PARK IX BEAUTIFUL LAUR ELHURST. I must sell my newfiome, built Ia?t ummer. This houae waa built especially ior tno owner who personally supervise the construction, which is a guarantee perxect aatlsi action. WILL SELL FURNISHED IF DESIRED. There are five rooms, bath and hall on first floor and large floored attic outiuDio ior two rooms; large cemeni basement, laundry trays and excellent iurnacb; spacious garage and full ce ment driveway. Hardwood floors In all rooms and hall, iiuaia linoleum in bathroom and Kiicn n; unique firenlaca and bookcases bevel plate glass front door. French aoora between living room and dining . wi una nan ; mirror door in nan. large closets, one with window; kitchen has breakfast nook; exclusive electric lisnung rixtureH, imported wall paper, high-quality hardware, screens through out; live French windows in sewing room; lawn and attractive shrubbery. Terms Most Reasonable. 1233 East Pins Street. Second house from the northeast corner ux n;aat Pine and 41st Street. I-RAVK L. McGUIRE SPECIAL! L.VOK AT THIS: One big acre Of A;UfV,: YOU CAS GROW ALL YOUR l-"OOD! Plenty of grapes, all kinds of oerricv ; K Hi II T IN CI TV. wit h paved street, sidewalks, sewer all in and paid for; good, attractire. modern i-room roomy nome, with best white enamel plumbing, etc. THE OWNER OF THIS JiUAih JS JN NEED OF MONEY and authorized us to e at the low price of 'u""w. rsj?i l BK.US. Hee FRANK U McGUIRE To Buy lour Home. Abincton Bldg. Main 306. 3rt St.. he Wash, and Stark Utt.NhK OFFERS FOR (i.LK-Full two story and basement seven -room house all built-in conveniences, hardwood iioors. good furnace, fireplace, two toi leis, stationary tubs, just completing redecorating throughout, enameled in ivory upstairs and fresh, new paper; downstairs enameled in French grav and very latent design of grav grass cloih paper. This makes as bright and cheerful a home as there is In Portland. Lot ROxlrtO; street Improved; owner liv ing in house and can be inspected any time. Irf-t's got together and deal direct. Tabor s k . PRICE $3730. Good house with 100x100 ground, chicken house, barn, garage, also 12 lots; wll exchange for acreage close to Portland where one can work in tae city. PRICE $8000. Modern house In St. Johns: will ex change for stocked and equipped farm up to $8000. See me about your trades. I have many listings. See Mr. Ste phens. Fred V. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. FOR SALE QUICK. Pretty and convenient bungalow of 8 rooms; Immediate possession; large liv ing room, customary hullt-ln features; spkndid lot oOxl'00, with 1- full bearing iruit trees and lots of berries; garage Btreet graveled and only 1 block from pavement, 7 blocks to car; price $2073, with U" rash. RALPH HARRIS CO.. Sift Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624. LAUR ELHURST HOME. Here's a fine 2-story, 8-room house with sleeping porch and garage, on oversized Jot near car; park section, with view of city and mountain; extra large rooms, 2 tile fireplaces, French doora, oak floors throughout, sun and breakfast rooms, tile bath with shower; master room 30 ft.; hot water heat; walls pa pered, excellent condition: nice lawn and shrubbery; biggest snap in a really well built house in city; terms. Tabor 407. WEST SID13 6-ROOM HOUSE SNAP. Good 6-room house, furnace, electric Ity, gas, bat h. basement, 3 bedrooms, corner lot 40x 1 20 : no city liens to as suine ; on Kelly street, near Falling school; close in ; only 12 minutes' ride down town; price $2300, $250 cash. $30 mommy; shown by appointment. KLAl KK F. BHNMflTT CO.. 318-321 Board of Trade. Main 7452 PIED MONT. lOllx 100. ' TRADE FOR SMALLER HOUSB. One of the most beautiful corners In Piedmont, shade and fruit trees, paving liens an paid; D-rooin cottage, bunualo type, big attic fireplace, built ins. full cement basement, furnace, garage; price SOdOO on terms or trade for small house or bungalow to $4000. Comte & Kohl- man. M. 0350. 20S Chamber of Commerce. WOODSTOCK. 5-room bungaiow. in best of condition. charming living and dining rooms, full plumbing, linoleum on kitchen and bath floors included, 63x100 lot, several fruit trees, on cartlne and hard-surface street. Price $o230; $looo cash. C. M. DERR, 1215 N. W. Bank Bh'g. Marshall 2243. LAUR ELHURST. Strictly modern bungalow, with living room, dining room, music room, kitchen. 1 bedroom and bath first floor. 3 bed rooms second floor; hardwood floors, white enamel, furnace, 2 fireplaces. Call Mr. Mayson, with POIN DEXTER, 20S SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RESIDENCE TABOR 9401. IRVINGTON CORNER BUNGALOW. SB30U S2.OU CASH. Six larce rooms, all ivorv. hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases. Dutch kitch en, fine steeping porch, 1 blk. to car and school. East 410. G ROV ELAND PARK. 5-room bunga.low, hardwood floors. furace. fireplace, very nifty home; yes, floored attic, garage, lawn and shrub bery; near school and car. J. KUbcilAS, Main 7031. Tahor 53H). 301 Railway Ex. WE START In the basement and finish with the chimney, ready to move in when we move out. We handle all de tails and save you 20 per cent by our special unit system. Fancher-McLean Co., building contractors. 3O8-0-1Q Lewis bldg. Phone uroaaway o,s.i2. $400 UAV l HO;;NE BUY. A 6-room Juen Am b-nraldw fur nace, nrepiace. oa no-cs, vtl built-. ns, Dutch kitchen. e:c !epin rorcn. ce ment Dasemen. . wasn inys. s?cewa( and sewer in and paid: :enii, 'UM- M ELL & KUMMi'.M.. 27' 5 ark ?t MONTAVTLLA. 4-room new bungalow, lot 40x125 ft., near car; $iou; 3iiu cash, $20 mo. S-roorn new bungalow, lot 40x125 ft.. near car; $uu; .iuu cash, $J0 month. H. M. UATEWOOl) & CO., 165 Fourth Street. $3100 FOR good 7-rocm. near Union ave.; improved street and sewer; this Is a good 2-story no use and 800 cash, bal ance mommy. F. L. BLANCHARD. 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Marshall 820. IRVINGTON $8250. 8 artistic rooms, sleeping porch, tiled bath, central entrance, French doors, all Ivory; near 24th and Knott- East 419, rose city park $5150 5-room modern bungalow. Furnace. laundry travs. all bullt-ins. hardwood noors. garage. Phone owner, AuL 315-44. Terms. $600 cash. No agents. LOOK AT THIS! $1905, a dandy 4-room bungalow that has two bedrooms and a bath and on a 50x100 lot. half block to carline. for only $500 down and terms. 326 Artisans bldg. Broadway ."7. BUY' FROM owner, good 5-room modern bungalow, half block from Alberta car; paved streets, rood neighborhood ; must have $1500 down or a bargain for ail cash. 1034 E 1.1th N. No a gen ta. KINGS HEIGHTS. An extra modern home of 8 room a wonderful view; priced right for quick sale. Marshall S352. J. B. ROCK. FOR SALE by owner, a 2-story 7-room plastered house, xuu basement, modern plumbing, electric lights and gas; 1 acre, 22 bearing fruit trees, 1 block south of Powell Valley on Buckley ave. NEW MODERN BUNGALOW SPLENDID VIEW; DUTCH KITCHEN, FIREPLACE. HARDWOOD FLOORS ATTIC; LARGE LOT. S4 BROOKLYN ST. NO AGENTS. IRVINGTON. IRVINGTON HOME, SIX ROOMS, $4030; TERMS. EAST 1347. 5-KOO.M bungalow. No. 7o4 Dekum ave.. modern except neat; 10 a month. Go and see this; If you want it come to 822 Kail way Lien a ngo Diag. NEATLY furnished 3 -room bungalow with Data, avreen purcu. eieciric lights and gas; lot 30x100: block to car; ternia Call Woodlawn 4624. $1200 EQUITY in 5-room modern bunga low ior ucuk uio ttou casn. 0044 64th ave. S. E. IK VI NG TO N B UN G A LO W. 842 Multnomah St., between 26th and 27 1 h. For fra'e by owner. Ua .s t 22. ROO - M Laurelhurst home for sale, good as new; price suPi, terms. Call at 1170 Kas t Davis st. 3 MODERN 7-room houses, corner 7. 20th and Taylor. East 41 7S. Terms. 5-ROOM bungalow, 2 lots, garage, chlck ea boue, cheap terms. Scliwood 4i4, i REAL ESTATE. IRVINGTON DISTRICT $37n0. fl nice big rooms In white enamel; living room, dining room and kitchen first floor; 3 nice bedrooms and bath on second; nice big attic; house newly painted inside and out; nice garage In basement; fine 60x100 corner lot: street assess ments paid. No. 467 Kast Oth st.. corner Thompson. Inspection by appointment. Price $3750; $1000 cash will handle. Ask for J. W. Crowley, mgr. High-Clasa Horns Dept., with FRANK Tm. McGUIRE. To Buy Your High-Clans Home. Abington Bldg. Mam 1068. IRVINGTON" HOME HALF PRICE. The charm of its surroundings dwells within beautiful home, living room i!5x 35, dining, library in old Devoe, import ed tapest ry paper, 4 bedrooms, sewing room, hardwood floors, 2 barlts, 3 fire places, servants quarters with bath, 3 lavatories, garage, corner lot lnOxlOO, masked with flowers and evergreen, fir, cedar and holly. Appointment, East 1347. CHOICE SELECTIONS, GOOD VALUES. T-room Dutch colonial, best part of Irving ton, 4 rooms downstairs, 2 fire places, hardwood floor, garatc $10,600. Another. $r230. 5 rooms, strictly mod ern, stairway and room for 2 rooms in the attic, $3730. in choice part of Lau relhurst. Another Alameda drive-Rose City Park. $3030. ,New bungalows In il part of the city. J. R. Halght. COE A. McK KN'NA, 2 Fourth Rt. Main 402 HA n-THiini; "room bungalow, corner lot, paved street, hardwood floors. '2 large plate glass windows, fireplace, bookcases, ery artistic buffet, notch kitchen in white, I oedmnni downstairs, 1! up; 1 block from car: house has cedar siriine. 3 year old : good basement, cement floor, la un dry trays. A bargain for $4730; $1000 win nana ip. FirnxTKHKn hove. 5 rooms, modern, full basement. 30x100 lot, hard surface street. blocK Maw thorne ave. on 41st st,; $3300 for quick saie; terms, C. E. ADAMS, ffoo Cham, of Commerce. Main 1063. Evenings, Wdln. 3433. NOB HILL. Ftrietly modern residence, with en trance hall, fine living room and dining room, 4 bedrooms, sleeping porcn, aiso maids room; hardwood floors, white en amel, all built-lns, 2 fire-places, furnace; large attic, fine basement. 7S2 Love Joy. Do not disturb tenant. Shown by ap pointment. POIN DEXTER, 20R SELLING BLDG. HIGH-CLASS HOME SPECIALISTS. MAIN 100. RESIDENCE EAST 6771. $4 Hio 5 rooms and sleeping porch, bun galow, beautifully equipped with elec trie range and automatic electric hot water heater: furnace, fireplace, newly ' decorated: full cement basemenL bear ing fruit trees and berry bushes; 50x100 lot; 20 minutes from 5th and Washing ton: '.4 block from Rose City car. Prici , includes new Inlaid kitchen linoleum. Wilton hall carpet, living room drapery $1000 down, balance monthly. An ideal mi.-a II city home with clean country air. Phone owner abor i0. MR. AND MRS. HOUSEKEEPER. Just what you have been looking for; one of those modern and nicely arranged 7 -room bunga lows, with large living room, fine fireplace, den and bedroom downstairs and 2 up; 50x1 00 lot, nice lawn, close to car and stores, and only ;tK00. I have many others from $25n0 tot $00K each on which I can quote a homeseeker reasoable prices and terms. J. B. HuLBHOOK, 214-215 Panama Bldg. I R VI NGTUN RES1 DENOE. A full 6-room, with sleeping porch, oak and maple floor, large living and dining rooms in mahogany and ivory, with French doors between; furnace, fireplace, mammoth buff ft, 2 toilets, good garage, nice lot, facing east; only $7500; will take small house in ex change. F. L. BLANCHARD, 401-2 Swetland Bldg. ' IRVINGTON. 582 E. 16th at. N., located between Knott and Stanton; strictly modern resi dence: 5 bedrooms, besides maid's room, 1 bedroom first floor, practically two tiled bathrooms, furnace, hardwood firs., fireplace, garage. CALL MAYSON WITH POIND EXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. MAINyKiiO. RESIDENCE TAROR 0401. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. $4000. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 5-room modern bouse, near Sandy, hardwood floor, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, full plumbing, cemeot basement. Full east front lot; fruit and bearing; very easy terms. Buy from owner and save money. Tabor 4706. WALKING DISTANCE. An 8-room house with furnace,, fire place, etc., corner lot, garage; a dandy home, suitable for roomers; city im provements in and paid; located on Third and Wasco sts. ; 15 minutes' walk from business center; price $6000; easy terms. VACANT. Hummell 6c KummelL 274 Stark st, WOODLAWN 6-ROOM BUNGALOW, $2300 Here is a good, comfortable home of 5 rooms and bath, very nice lot with fruit, close to car; price $2300, $1000 cash. O. A. PEARCE CO.. 201 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 4835. After 6 P. M-. Sellwood 1115. IRVINGTON HOME. Who's looking for an attractive two story, 8-room home with sleeping porch and garage on an overslsed corner in beat section. 1 block from car? Old Ivory finish, 30-foot living room, plate glass windows throughout, 2 fireplacea .Your own terms Vacant. Tabor 407. HERE IS A BARGAIN. $3750 for a good 5-room on corner lot 50x100: streets paved on main thorough fare; near Ladd addition; only $1000 cash, balance terms. F. L. BLANCHARD, 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Marshall 820. ONLY $2550 By owner; a rel bargain on a real home; 5 rooms and sleeping porch; paved streets and lawn walks. Yes, you can move in tomorrow ; all furnished. You may have It with or without furni ture. This offer lasts 3 days then the house will be rented. Main 7135. $2250 3 ROOMS, good basement, lot 45x 100. several large fruit treea 39th, be tween Hawthorne and Belmont. $500 cash. Must sell quick. Immediate possession. See J. P. McKenna. Belmont at 30th. Tabor 6403. FOR SALE, by owner, bungalow cottage, like new; 4 rooms, bath, pantry, etc.; im provements all in and paid ; nothing against property: close In; Irvington and Union cars; $1500.30; $800.30 cash; little less all cash. 530 Falling st. $500 DOWN. Rose City Park. 3 rooms and garage, new and modern; a well-planned and well-built house at the right price and on easy payments. Call owner, Marshall 1 753 $2100 FOR a R-room. bath, toilet, con naMemeni: oniy - mucus irom union ave. S. of Killlngsworth; $500 cash, balanc monthly. F. L. BLANCHARD, 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Marshall R?0 ROSE CITY PARK. $0075. Must sell beautiful new coioniai bun galow; hardwood floors, fireplace, all buiit-ins. full basement, wash trays, ga rage; flnlshed old Ivory and white tnrougnout. owner, moor trj-tu. DANDY 6-room plastered house, full base ment; gooa conmuon, iuuxiuu lot; mod ern, $2S50; small down payment, bal ance $25 and 6 per cent; must selL 5012 77th st. S. E. BUY FROM OWNER. Rose City Park 6-room modern home, buffet, etc., garage, fdrnace, paved at.; might consider vacant lot; no agenta Auto. 315-50. ONE OF the finest homes in Sellwood; garage, lurnace, sic. eee fi. h;. Cump ton. 1585 E. 13th. Phone Sellwood 1422. Evenings. Sellwood 3033. $3000 $5O0 DOWN. In a fine part of hawinornf,t raouem eicopi lurnace. It is as good as you can find for the price and terms. Marshall 8103. BUY' FROM OWNER $2600. Just completed, double constructed: 4 rooms and bath, garage. P. o. box ABU N DANCE of fruit of all kinds; 4- room bungaiow. uum-ins; large, cheery rooms, lot loOxlOO. Owner. Wdln. 25(12. MODERN b- room nouse ror cale good location: also 31 music rolls for an note player. ia;i woouiawn 4o IRVINGTON Exceptional bargain, 'worth J6500; price v. i rooms. Owner, East 8015. HOUSEBOAT for sale, furnished. N0 0 Willamette moorage. Some terms Sell 21 tM. WANT to sell or trade for Seattle horn a my seven-room strictly modern home at 861 Tillamook st Call East e-502. NEW 5-RM. bungalow, $3250. Fred G Law-son & Co.. 416 Cham. Com. LARGE room: was, water in bouse; fruit; 40x100. close to M S car: snap; $ 630. ha'f cash. Mar. 1675 6-ROOM modern nouses in Greaham, cheap; terms. Add. Owner. 227 Mill sL REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houttea. MARCH 3 FRANK L. McGUIRE offers the following . .NEW LISTINGS; Irvinr'tnn. $6300 Very attractive 8-room modern substantial IRVINGTON home; hardwood floors; ecry conven knee Eat 3Uih U Rose City. $5500 A LOVELY NEW PERGOLA BUNGALOW. 3 rooms; THE BUNGALOW cornplete; glassed,-in porch, garage, iast bum ai. ALBKKTA. $4200 Close to car and school; substan tial 7-room ALdEKTA ULl.a- LOW TYPE Home. V. Simpson, CLOSE IN. n. $4000 Splendid big lot on Gantenbeln ave., b rooms ana garage, on car line; fruit. Pi EDM ON T-JEFFERSON. $5230 B E A U T 1 FL L MASSIVE Jo f f er ton high bungalow ; 5 rum; . leaded art glass outfet; fireplace, furnace; hardwood floors; Cleve land ave. $1230 CLOSE TO JEFFERSON HIGH, on Commercial; attractive 7-roam modern home. Terms. $3200 Here's another popular Jefferyon High Home: o-roum modern, con- vicnt bungalow. J eta up street. JSASi TERMS. Peninsula Homes. $3900106x100. HERE'S A GOOD BUY! Artistic 5-room Peninsula bunga-I low; built-in labor-saving de vices; furnace; fruit. Princeton. $3700 THIS IS ONE OF THE AT TRACTIVE OF OUR NEW LIST INGS! A distinctive, clever PEN INSULA BUNGALOW; 3 rooms and sleeping porch; built-lns; In excellent condition; Burrago st. $3250 Another 5-rooin bungaiow on Burrago. street, 1 block to car. M ON TA VILLA. $2800 M ON TA VILLA'S PRETTIEST BUNGALOW! 5 rooms; bullt-ins; breakfa.st nook; garage; 5uxllol,j. Eat '-d. Wood&tock. $2100 5-room convenient, modern WOODSTOCK. BUNGALOW; built-in?; close to school. OUtU st. , . EASY. TERMS. YOUR HOME IS HERE. . Surelv amonr our over 1M0 home. there's the ONE that wilt fit your re quirements. Every day our new listing? are nosted on a soecial board. COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER. Now's the time to SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. Abington Bldg. Main IOCS, ."fd sl. bet Wash, and Stark. Open Every Evening Until 0:00. PORTLAND HElGlfTS BARGAIN. MODERN HOME ON PROSPECT DRIVE. This Tirortertv was aooralsed for loan at about $14,000 and Is now offered for $8000. House has u rooms ana re ception hall, fine basement, furnace, iMiinrlrv and fruit rooms, solendid fire place in living room and a number of built-in features in the pass pantry. kitchen and den; lot is irregular in shape, contains over 5500 square feet, has a frontage of over 120 feet on Pros pect "drive and a garage; liberal terms can be arranged. BROWN & GRANT. 201 Fenton Bldg. Broadway 3222. $45uO. MT. TABOR BARGAIN. 6 Large Rooms. You don't ge-t a chance like this every day; large 1 -story. 6-room residence in appie-pie order; doume construciea throughout, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, three extra large light bedrooms; large closets, full ce ment basement, laundry trays, delight fully located among homes of distinction, west slope Mt. Tabor, Ifc-blocka car; paved streets and sewer in and paid. Inspection by appointment only; terms. Real value here. Aek for Mr. Mack. LET US SHOW YOU. GEO. T. MOORE, 1007 YeonBldg. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. This thoroughly modern 6-room home , is located on the most prominent street ; of this popular district; no modern de tail lacking hero: fireplace, furnace, hardwood tloors. very beautiful bullet, 3 nice, large, light, airy bedrooms with large closets, whito enameled cabinet . kitchen. lull cement oasement. gooa pa m CO. all Htreet improvements in and naid. Buv this for $5500 and beat the buiiding game; $20(o cash will handle. J. A. HLBBELL. "Stucco Office." j 10f Hawthorne Ave. Tahor SR02. WEST SIDE INVESTMENT. 25x50 lot with an id 7-room house, which i rented for $35 per month, on Jefferson street, near 5th, and lews than two blocks from the corner of 6th and Mad son street, where the iinest apart ment building in the city Is to be erect- j ed. The price of this property is which is $t50 less than the tax assessor considers It worth, but the mortgagee demands sale. Easy terms can bo ar ranged. BROWN & GRANT. 201 Fenton Bldg. Bdwy. 3222. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW $750 DOWN. Strictly modern 5-room bungalow in i the Hawthorne dtst. ; full cement base- i ment with laundry trays; fine white I brick fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, beautiful built-in bookcases and buffet; Ivory finish throughout ; Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook; large floored attic good garage with cement runway; nice ; neighborhood; price only $4500; $750 : down. (Jwner win oe nere toaay. RALPH ACKLEY, 527 Corbett Bldg. Main 714T. ROSE CITY PARK. A dandy 5-room modern bungalow Corner lot, double garage, $2000 cash. Balance easy1 monthly payments. A. N. MIKK'ELSEN CO., 52d and Sandy Blvd. Tabor 23.N0. ' $3300. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. BUILT BY DAY LABOR Five rooms. Owner offers for quick sale at price far below market value. Oak iioors. Tire place, bullt-ins; large attic; modern; age, 2 years; cement oaf-ement, lurnace; assessments paid. E. 51st st. N-, bet. Alameda Drive and Stanton st. STRONG & CO.. Q06 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. LAURELHURST COLONIAL. Not a better built home in city, seven large rooms, sun room, breakfast room, j hardwood floors, Gasco furnace, 78x100 corner lot, double garage; price $12,600, which is less than house cost to build; any terms in reason ; no mortgage on this property. Inspection by appoint ment only, ask ror Air. airck. LET US SHOW YOU. GEO. T. MOORE. 1QQ7 Yeon Bldg. VACANT Move right In; 8 large rooms; full basement; 2 toilets, bath, gas radi ators; house newly painted inside and I ut; is In tine condition; could be re- lodeled at small cost, make a 2-fIat j mod bldg. and would rent for $b0 per month; located near east end Broadway bridge. For quick sale priced down to $6U00; 5;; 500, bal. terms. Gibson, 268 Stark st. Marshall 12. HAWTHORNE AVE. SNAP. SEE THIS. Attractive 7-room bungalow on Haw thorne ave., modern, all built-lns, fire place and furnace; full cement basement, fruit trees and garden spot, lot is 50x120. This house was built for a home, has just been painted; a new steel range goes with tfie house. Price Is $6300, splendid terms, ('all Bdwy. 2054 HALF ACRE MODERN BUNGALOW. FRUIT TREES. BERRIES. GARDEN, CHICKEN HOUSE. A COMPLETE HOME. FIREPLACE, FURNACE, BUF- FET, DUTCH KITCHEN; $500u; SEW- I ERS. ETC.; CLOSE IN, NEAR CAR TERMS. CLEVELAND CO., BDWY. 1150. $3100 $S50 DOWN. 5-room Bungalow. Near Franklin high, 3 rooms, sleeping I porch, fine bath, good basement. 45xlo0 I corner lot. garage, macadam street: nice home, worth the money. Ask for I Mr. Alack. LET US SHOW YOU. GEO. T. MOORE. 1007 Yeon Bldg. BEFORE YOU DECIDE. Let me show you this Rose Citv bun- gslow; block to R. C. car; hardwood Iioors, rine oricK iirepiace, rurnace, built in buffet, china closet and bookcases, Dutch kitchen, large attic; cement base ment with laundry trays; garage; 50x100 lot; paved st. ; fruit trees. Price $5750, on very reasonable terms. Auto. 318-12. MOUNT SCOTT. 1 ACRE $300 DOWN. S-room cottage on 1 acre of land on 77th st. S. E. Price is only $230O. Very easy monthly payments. BTHR-CAREY. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg. Third and Stark Sts. Main 7467. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, Waverly Hts.. - price $3iuo; hard-surfaced streets In and paid; nice lot, house well made, built-in effects, fireplace, furnace, cement base ment, etc. ; a fine home and a snap; terms. Other bargains. H. W. GARLAND. 201 3d. 7 ROOMS. $5000 ON TERMS. On the Richmond car; full lot; garage; furnace and fireplace; basement. 417 Spalding bldg. Main 1036. BUNGALOW COTTAGE 3 rooms, bath, basement, fine corner lot with garage, on paved ftreet and car line, near Lau relhurst. Prce $3330. Terms. B. J. GE1SKR, 417 Chamber of Com. 100x100, 8-ROOM houpe, 2 blocks car; sewer in, gas, water, 10 fruit trees, chicken house, 15 minutes; $1 430, $ 1 50 cash. Lawsou Cp4 416 Cham. Com. bldg:. REAL ESTATE. For ui IRVINGTON. -READY FOR OCCUPANCY. Just completed, the two finest new homes in ail Irvington, each combining the most attractive features of up-to-date home building. One has 7 rooms and breakfast room with tiled bathroom, corner has 0 rooms and breakfast room wtlh 2 fine bathrooms; both have hard wood floors throughout; Ivory enamel finish; walls beautifully papered, artistic lighting fixtures, best quality shade, fniaid linoleum in kitchens and Inclosed back porches; garages; inclosed with colonial fences, lawns to be seeded and finished In ea rly spring ; splendidly lo cated amongst beautiful home sur roundings. Corner 17ih and Brafe, nf-ar car, churches, schools. Prices $11. 500. $u.3O0. Liberal terms given if de sired. These homes honestly built by best skilled day labor, with, strict econ omy consistent with best results; no overhead expense to pay for. Prices cut to conform to latest reductions, which will go no lower this year. East 1875. . - I ROBERT B. BEAT. Owner. Build e r. 110. 10th st, Broadway 110 SUPERB WESTOVER TERRACES. If It's a distinctive and beautiful "Ilnmfi" in the midst of others re nowned for their individuality you want and not just a house." then let us show you tho new homes ju?t being completed on West over now. We will gladly help you build an artistic home to meet your desires. Two -homes eojd last week, so hesitate no longer. For house numbers or othr information you may phone, call on or write HAROLD JUNGCK. Secretary. INTERNATIONAL REALTY ASSOCIATES. 110 Tenth sL Pittock Block. Bdwy. 110. W BSTO V E R IT E I G HTS HOM E. New Georgian Colonial home, built of hollow tile and stucco, on double lot, with unobstructed view of ctt y : all mountains and river; brocaded silk pan- J eled walls, hand painted solarium, hand caived fireplaces and arches. 12 S'-t French doors. 3 eliiborato baths, bil Hard room, doublo garage, gas, hot wate heat. It took a year to build tnis piac and I II sell it for less than present on easy terms. R. H. Torrey, ownei Tabor 407. WRST SIDE. For sal-, reduced to $0500. 13-room house, good condition, good Investment rents as well-paying lodging house, nea industrial center, 2 b.itn. z separai toilets, furnace: about $1000 down, ba ance like rent, or terms to suit; show by appointment only ; present ter.an would like to remain; no agenta Aiai SH36. ALBERTA bungalow, 5 rooms, bath, fire place, beamed ceilings. large llvin rooms, dining room with nice buffet white enamel Dutch kitchen, cement trays: 50x100 lot. nicely located on 24t at., near Alberta: this Is above the av erage; price $:tin, ?n cash. O. A. PEARCE CO.. Bdwy. 4835. 201 Oregon bldg. ! SPECIAL ! 3MT. TABOR BUNGALOWS 3. On cr5t of beautitul ML labor, nea best carline In the city. I hese are modern, at tractive, snappy homes and excollent values, ranging In price from $4200 to $5775. For appointment to show cail Tabor t'A, mornings or evening.- THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn burden into Income! We design and build apartments, ga rages, residences. anything ; furnish plans and finance. Established 10 yeara We Ofier SECURITY, SKKVICK. SAT ISF ACTION. L. R, Bailey Co., M24 N. W. Bunk bldg. ROSE CITY PARK by owner going to Cal ifornia; 5-room bungalow, built for home, artistic and different; must be sold this week ; full cement basement, Fox furnace, fireplace, bui It-ins, hard wood floors, garage 12x20, concrete floor,, half block north of Sandy. 615 E. 64th st. N. ; $1500 will handle. , JTiMHJ WEST SIDE. SUITABLE FOR SLEEPING ROOM ERS; a i-ronm house; furnace, fire place, cement hnsenient, wash travs. etc. 5oxI00 lot, ganu'H;' city improvements paid. ON OV KHTOX ST.. walking dis tance; price $7000 terms. KUMMELL & Hi: M M El, L. 274 Stark st. s.iomi i or a j-room, w ith lot ioo.2..0. on Heedway; has b;irn poultry house, lots of berries ami bearing fruit trees; only blocks from Sell wood car; or will trade for a 5-room bungalow to $4000. See this. F. L. .BLANCHARD, 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Marshall 820 4 44HI N I FT Y N E W E UNG A LO W. Near 28th and Weldler; largo living room, oait hoots, z rrne Dearooms, ha to, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, nice attic, cemeiit basement, built-in features throughout; street improvements io and pairf; owner leaving city. Call East 6372. St'NNYSlDE CORNER. Only $2650, some terms, y owner; a real bargain for a modern 6-room houne, largo front porch, close to Laurel hurst park. Good neighborhood. If you want a nice cozy home on. a small lot, phone owner, Tahor 7627. 6-RooM AjODERN House on choice- Sunny side corner, close to Laurethurst Park, handy to two car lines; will sacrifice for quick sale, if you want a place on a small lot and a bargain phone owner. Tabor 7027. FOUR rooms, bath, pantry, basement. sewer, gas. electric iignts; io 40x110; fruit, garden, cement walks; good out buildings all paid; hard surface street ; 3 carlines. $1mjo Incumbrance, 7 per cent. $2500. Owner. AN 407. Ore-gonian. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. 5-room bungalow on corner with beam celling, panel living and dining rooms, buffet, full cement basement. wash trays and garage; $3500; less for cash. 1026 E. Lincoln. Tabor 8001. HOUSE PLANS. "Distinctive Homes," illustrated book of over 100 designs. $1; blueprints, $10, DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY, 024 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 3-KOOM cottage, lot 30x1 00. Cash $123. $1200 i-room cottage, lot 50x1 ott Cash $400. Two good snaps. One house is plastered. See Jackson with J p McKenna. Belmont at 30th. Tabor 6103. THE RICE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. Homes built and financed, repairing and jobbing : homes and homesites for sale. A. R- Rice, Mgr.. phone Automatic! 820-85. R. B. Rice, agent. East 2432. " $5500. ' " Irvington six-room corner bungalow, large rooms, fireplace, -furnace and ga rage. M RS. McPONELL. EAST 419. FOR SALE BY OWNER. K.rnom bUHKaloW. lot 05xlO0. rnra chicken house, wired cnicaen run, fruii trees ana oen leu rnu.ie week days Broadway 4330; Sunday, Tabor lsi08. THE FIRST ONE with $2100 cash takes' 5-room cottage, bath, electric lights, ga basemenL; iui a x-.jao pavea streets. East Morrison, near 33d. Tabor 3ft6, evenings. Tabor 385. FOR SALb xy owner, A-rooin modern Hawthorne Dungaiow; narawood floors, lirniace. French doors, buffet. Oi.f.Mi kitchen, laundry-strays; lot 5uxlo0. Call o w n e r. 1 aoor 1 1 ' " BARRETT BUILDING CO Complete plans, estimates and con struction of all classes of building, houses and bungalows a specialty. 614 Panama bldg. Marshall 4262. $3150 5-ROOM modern bungalow. Small lot. close In. Splendid district near Hawthorne. $500 down. This la a sur prise. buy. See Shaeffer w!th J. p. Mc- Kenna. Belmont at HPth. Tabor 6103. "-iOO TERMS, buys two modern cottages of 5 and 6 rooms, in good condition lot &oxlOO. on west aide, within easy walk- tnr distance. TAO-GART BROS.. 1102 Spalding Bid g. $5750 FINE IRVINGTON CORNER Six rooms, modern, all 1n fine shape. Owner rnut sell. Main 11 66. LAURELHURST. - ' " New colonial, eight rooms, breakfast nook, reception huh. uouuis Plumbing, FOR SALE BY OWNER: A 0-room house, close to college cam pus; some fruit; cash or terms. 310 S. 13th st, Corvallis. Or. "j W McFADOEN BLDG. CO.. BUILDERS OF FINK HOMES, 85 NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION. eH STARK SV. MARSHALL 12. FOR SALE, by owner. leaving city, 7 room modern bungalow, parage, one block from Irvington club. Phone East 400 1. TWO LOTS, 3-room house and cellar, fruits auu ucin", v,v, , v mi, oy own er. Mt. Scott car. 6126 With st. 8, K. FOR SALE by owner, beautiful residence in Cedar Hill addition, price reasooaule. Phone Mam 1734. FOR SALE By owner, i-room house, sleeping porch, near good school and car. O a Ken la. iii'T'i j i'-o. FOR SALE by owner, uve-room house on 13th st.. near Hall st:; price reasonable. Phone Main 1734. SEE E D GOOD CO. complete builair.g service 210 Stock Exchange Bldg. Mar shall 23J0. 10-KoOM house. 3 fireplaces, furnace and half block yard with truit trees; good location. Bdwy. 5200. 6-KOOM house, 5 minutes' walk from city halt lot 0x50 feet; $5800. Blaes Ing Granite Co., 267 Third street. GET A HOME from owner oti terms, o-r. house. 30x100 lot; $330. Address 770 Tib bets st. IRVINGTON HOMES. McDONELL EAST 19. bOU E. 14TH ST. N. RE A L FSTATTL For ale Houses. $1750. 83 STEPHENS STREET. Sir rooms and bath, furnace, fireplace, garage; m lovely sec tion and close to Hawthorns car; hmix elevation. ilRa HARRY PRICE PALMER. EAST 7976T $53vK LAURELH URST. Folks, here is real attractive double-constructed bungalow. exceptionally well built and well planned; living room extends entire width of hoiiM?; hardwood floors, fireplace, buftet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement basement, furnace, elc. Hardwood floors in living room, dining room and 2 bed- rooms. We would like to know where you can find a better buy in Laureluuist. Located within block of beautiful Laurelhursl park. A. G. TEEPE CO., 270 stark St. Main 3092. LF-TO-l.CIE 2 -FAMILY APARTMENT, IN DESIRABLE LOCATION, CLOSE IN ON EAST SIDE. A good solid building with extra large windows; well arranged with modern buMl-ins, coolers and extra conveniences, plumbing and furnaces are excellent. This bui Iding is complete even to the best of screens; tbcre is also a good con crete carace. Five rooms in each flat ren ted for tATt tier month. Price only $7500, Terms. $2u cash. ba,. at 6 per cent. Look this up. K. A. LINDGREN, , Savon Land Co.. !35 N. W. Hank Bldg, WEST SI OK HOME. A beautitul home of 6 large rooms, lo cated on 11th ht.. elone-m. lot is oxl"u this home is the perfection of neatness and refinement. plate-gtass winuows. fireplace, large closets, bei-l of hardware a full basement as clean as many par lors: cement Karage v it h full cement dnvewuv. Price umy $15.0011, hit h about tho assessed valuation. Shown by appointment only. JOHN K. HOWARD, 31 H Chamber "f Commerce. ALBERTA $3K00. STRICTLY A I BARGAIN NEW BUNG. 5 rms., fireplace, bdw. firs., full lot. paved at., V blk. car. Mala 403. G. C. GOLD FN BERG, Abington bid. "35 rs. in Portland." 3-ROOM Bt.'NGALOW. $3500. $500 CASH. Why should ou rent when you can buy a thoroughly well built S-room bun galow on Uieso easy terms? Built -In buffet, white enameled Dutch kitchen, fine plumbing, good garage. Lot 43x100. J. A. HUbBELL. 1089 Hawthorn Ave. Tabor S802. "Stucco OI (ice." $3500 EASY TERMS, rt-r. wonderful modern home, 73 x100. paving pd., near Groely on Lombard. G. C. GOLDEN BERG, Abington Bidg. "S5 years in Portland." Main 4803. SUBURBAN $1500. . 100x125 LoU Very attractive, well built, fi-room bungalow, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, two fine bedrooms, good bath, basement, large attic, 100x125 lot, 16 bearing fruit trees and small fruits, chicken house, ga-rage, near East b2d st. $1000 handles. Ask for Mr. Mack. LET US SHOW YOU. GEO. T. MOOK E. 1oo7 Yeon Bldg. $375 CASH $.1450. 10-rm. fine plastered res., SL John's dist., great snap, owner de linquent, wants to save something, wonderful value, lOOxlOU. Main 4 b 03. G. C. GOLDEN BERG, Abington bid. "35 yrs. in Portland." 11 A WTHORNE. 5-ROOM BUNGA LOW, i Si ill DO V N i 4 1 DO. Close to Hawthorne ave., with all the built-in features, naruwooo iioors. riro plciee. linen closet; a dream of a Dutch kitchen, finished In old ivory; beautitu tapestry paper in living and dining r,.,im : rnncrete basement: new. R. SOMERV1LLK. U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg, Broadway Marshall ALAMEDA. ReMtitlful. modern home with hard wood iioors, hot water heat, large bed- rnrnn. dinin&r Toom. breakfast room, 4 large bedrooms, with built-in cor.. Just what you are loosing ior. icuu J. ROBBINS. 301 Railway Exchange. Main 7031. Tabor 5310. KENIL WORTH, sair.n s7im down. BAL. EASY: 6 ROOM HOUSE. FULL BASEMENT, FULL 50x100 CORNER LOT, FRUIT, GARDEN. CEMENT GARAGE, ON CAR LINE, CLOSE TO SCHOOL. ULbVb LAND CO., BOARD OF TRADE BLDG, PHONE BROADWAY 1150. NEW HAWTHORNE. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, $4000 $600 DOWN. Hardwood floors, all the built-in fea tures, buffet, fireplace, dandy Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook: beautiful tapestry paper; concrete basement; paved street; ever thing paid. R SOMERVI LLE, U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. Broadwav 3r3i. Marshall 5S6.S. $5230 WESTMORELAND Splendid o room bungaiow. Ideally located; hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, ce ment basement, gas furnace, ex pensive tapestry paper. A .horns you would be proud to own. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark St., near 4th. Main 3012. $250 CASH. . Balance $25 per month, plus 7 per cent interest, bus a 5-room bungalow in North Piedmont district. 50x1 00 lot, has garage ; a very a tt ractlve home, and a real bargain atf:t750; $250 cash, x INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., 410 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4751. 6 ROOMS $2500. West Piedmont. substantia! 6-room house, 3 bedrooms, full basement, fine batn. 30x100 lot, fruit, paved street, two blocks car; $1155 cash, balance easy terms. Ask for Mr. Mack. LET US SHOW YOU. G EO. T MOORE. 10n7 Yeon Bldg. $300 CASH 6-r. Sunnyside modern, 1061 E. Yamhill. Tabor 0TO4 Main 4603. MODERN 5-room bungalow, gas, electric ity, full-size basement ; lot 50x 100; young bearing fruit treea nice garden snot, chicken park. 40 rose bushes in park in tc ; sewer in and paid for: terms our eaultv cash, balance due $1660. pay able $20 and interest per month. 1220 Montana ave. S din. JJiO. TA BOR district, fine view, 7-room house with sleeping porcn. aouoie-consiructeu, full cement basement, wash trays, two toilets and modern conveniences; ground lioxl03, bearing fruit trees and orna mental plants. Owner, 5 E. 71st a Li nr. Base Line roud. 2750 6-R. NEAT home, west aide, close in, $300 cash. Main 4803. $750 ONE BLOCK R. C. Park car. fine modern bungalow, 5 rooms and sleeping porch, double constructed, very con venient; hardwood floors, fireplace, all built-lns; cement basement, wash trays; large floored attic. Tabor 6530. HOSE CITY district, 4-room cottage, large living room, water, light and gas; pretty light fixtures; sink; nice full lot, lawn, roses and fruit: everything in fine shape, good little place for the money; $1450, - $500 down. Tabor 7174. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW ISA RUAJ.N. Five ronms. large attic, fireplace, fur nace, hardwood floors, garage. 2 blorks from Laurelhurst carline; only $5.",o, tern: s. John M Payne & Co.. Main 1MH2. PLAN YOUR OWN HOME. "We will build you a bungalow In Lau r!hurst, using your plans, up to 0 rooms, for $6000; $2000 down. H 423, Orego- nian. 1-ROOM bungalow, large hall, built-lns. full cement basement, laundry trays, fur nace, large lot. swell electric fixtures; sacrifice price $100", terms arranged. Tab"r ::6, evenings Tabor "Si. BAROA1N in a modern 6-room bungalow with garage and basement, block from car line; $100 cash. bal. $33 per month. Bl'SHUK. 318 Chamber of ( 'jvinmcrce. $2i, HALF DOWN, 3 rooms. ;tl(2 Fret m out struct; pavement; sew or. Eaal 314. el urn 1 a jo FI FTATE. le lloilrx'n. UNDISPUTED NATIONAL RECORD For Home Selling. . See FRANK U MeGUirtW. FRANK L. MrGLI RE, to buy your home. T- Ant; EST HnMK-SKLl.KR ON THE PACIFIC CASl 1100 Photographs of Homes for bale. DON'T LIVE TV A STUFFY A PA RT MENT ALL YOUR LIFE. You own It to vouryelf and vour children to live in a HO. MM OF YOUR OWN. True happiness cMimot be in a rented houso. Why not take advantago of these balmy spring days and conie down and look over our listings? We protect your ery Interest and put you in immedialo tou h with the home you are needing! lion photographs of personal ly iiiMec(rd and a pp rained homes for sale. If necessary, we 11 hulp you niake your dow n pa ment. 23 salesmen with autos at our service. Open all day and evening Sunday. Open every evening until 0. INEXPENSIVE HOME BARGAINS. RF.AD THIS! SACRIFICE SAUK $9J0 $;,o down. U N DC PLICA TEH VALUE! FORCED TO LEAW BY MARCH 10, owner will sacri fice very attractive 5-room bunga low in-good condition; best white enamel plumbing, electricity, ga. larg douhle g.irago. TOTAL PRICM only $2o:o. $r.no down! INCLUDES FURNITURE, and in this is a juf t-like-new $ g range. K. 7th St. THIS IS Yi Hj R OPPORTUNITY! Soe it today. $4350 NEW! DAINTY 5-room HAW THORN" bunga tow with every thing in it! East Grant Mret. $2430 $500 down. HOvlOO; splendid value in a ft -room modern ALBERTA HOME. East 20th st. $1600 LOOK AT THIS 0 room mod ern ALBERTA HOME! Webster street. ACROSS THE BROADWAY BR IDG W. $2450 Just across Bdwy. bridge, on Til lamook Kt., attractive ft-rootn bungalow cottage; ti-W pntntod outbid" and in ; white euainri plumbing: electricity, gas, con- en lent terms. $3250 UN DUPLICATED! H-ronm PEN INSULA HOME: 1.13 1-3x100. wih u biindunceof fruit, berries, nuts, grapes and flow ers; furnace ; 3 fireplaces. A SNAPPY SNAP. Oa t man. MT, SCOTT SNF $23i0 Defies competittori; $.'.00 down; In Stewart Park. .Ml. Scott's bigg' st ba rgain ; ft -room very aristm shingled bungalow: white numvl plum blur, eie.-tnciiv, gtta, full attic; $5oOdon. 37th ave. Your opportunity. $4tn DOWN, SHLT.WOOn. $1850 $100 dow n ; good ft-room. very neat Sellwood bungalow cottsge; corner lot. clof-n to car and achn-tl; white enamel plumbing, cioc tricity, gas. E. Oib st. These are but a .few of the hundreds ef good buys w have listed with us for sale. It's impossible to advertise them all. We're open every Sunday unt il ( for your convenience. These are tho ideal homo-seeking days. See FRANK 1- MeGUIRE. To Buy Your Homo. Abington Rltlg. Main 106. Third st., bet. Washington and Stark. Look for the Big. New Electric Sign. The Sign of Scientific Service. 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. $500 DOWN. Handsome bungalow of 7 rooms with 4 bedrooms, 2 of tbem upMairs; macad am street, sewer, 1 block to car, ce ment basement, laundry trays. This house is 3 years old and la excellent condition. BlHR-CARFY. 211 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. THIRD AND STARK &TS. MAIN 74i7. WILLIAMS AVE. CAR. $4750. Close In. half block to Williams ave. car. we have a splendid, modern home of 7 rooms and glassed-in sleeping porch, fireplace, concrete ha semen t. furnace, 50x100 lot, beautiful lot with fruit; there are 4 rooms including breakfast room down and 4 bedrooms and steeping porch up: this is clone to Catholic church and public and parochial schools; if you are looking Tor a one dik nooir- i a low price, don't fall to see this; owner will take $1000 cash down. Com to rffe Knhlman. M. 6550. 208 Chamber of Commerce bldg. t . ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW. $2000. This bungalow is on a corner lot with garage; 2 large bedrooms, dais-enclosed sleeping porch, all built-tns, cement basement. Of most attractive design and very well constructed; $000 will handle. BTHR-CAREY, 211 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. THIRD AND STARK STS. MAIN 74S7. ROSE CITY PARK. On the Alameda: $."i0r.o, A beautiful new 5-room modern home, hardwood floors throughout. You will ay that it Is the best you have ever seen. One block from the car. Good terms. HILLF.R BROS., 514 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. Automatic 52N-0.t. Branch Office: 5't h and Sandy. Open Sun, and Evenings. Tahor H8.L $1750 $000 DOWN. 5-room Bungalow. Well worth the money, 5 large rooms, double sleeping porch, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, attic, full basement, fur nactt 50x100 lot, garage, macadam st., located clow in. This Is a typical bun galow with attractive lines. $U00 first payment. Ask for Mr Mack. LET US SHOW YoU. GEO. T. MQORE. 1QQ7 Yeon B'dg. j(73 3-ROOM bungalow and garage; here is an except ion a I bungalow with Fox furnace. For construction and finish you will look a long while to see anything to compare with it; full lot; fruit trees; $300 or $600 cash will handle; get busy see this at once. A downright bargain. Hurry. A. G. TEEPE CO . 270 Stark St. Main 3QQ2. $300 CASH buvs a beautirul 75xloo, with 21 fruit trees, and a good littla aback, one block to Woodlawn school ; a wonderful buy for little money; must be sold. A re-at bargain at $10oo, $500 cash, balance $75 everv -1 months. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Bdwy. 4751; Henry Bldg. $3150 HA WTHORNE Attractive 5-room bungalow located on a corner lot. 50xm; all street and sewer assess ments paid; you can look the town over and not find a better bargain; truly a good buy. A. G. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark St.. near 4th. Main 3002. DANDY five-room house in Richmond ; block to car line, largo attic, good base ment, 2 hs Ma, many choice rom-a and fine neighborhood; excellent valuo for $3500, with terms. MR. VAN ANTWERP. COB A. McK ENNA A- CO. $J500 ROSE CITY PARK district, 6 rooms and garage, an attractive bungalow with exceptionally large IIvIdk room and a good furnace; very liberal terms. A. G. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark St., near 4th. Main 3002. DO YOU WANT A BEAUTIFUL HOME IN SELL W00D? Have, some real buys; niut be cen to be appreciated. Th rise are going last. T. O. BIRD, 326 Cham, of Com. Mar. 1022. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. BY OWNER. Garage, lot oOxloo, electric washing machine and range; block to school and car. $25o0 cusli, ba lance terms. St. Johns car to Peninsula school. 1550 Knowles ave. yJ'.' 0-large -room bungalow, ' hardwood floors, largo attic, l;ke deeping porch; furnace, Iirepiace, large btiflet, Karawe under bouse, shrubs, school, view, new linoleum, paved street; $0000, part car-h, Tahor 1351. TO BE SOLD AT ONCE. 4-room house on full lot In St. Johns district; 4 blocks to Kenton car; a real bargain at $1700. easy terms. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. 410 Henrv Bldg. Bdwy. 4731. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNG A LOW In old lvorv. 6 rooms, attic, fireplace, fur nace, hardwood floors; f Ouuo, terms. Open today from 1 to 5. 751 Perianoer Ft., near Talbot and Patton itoad. Main lol2. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE. $ 7 V0 ; $ 1 5 uO caph, balance terms1: center nan. I'Tencn doors, oak f loora. art paper. I vnry ftn tan ' near club. Neuhuuaen, L.U o4. M am so" 8. . ' HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. 6 large rooms, strictly modern except ing furnace; hardwood floors in three rooms; corner lM ; easy terms if de sired. Tabor 4200. IRVINGTON ENGLISH COLONIAL. A LIT TLE PKAL'TT; all oak fi ors. Ivnry f iniah, fireplace, garage. Kat 3'4. Main 07V MODE RN 7-room house. Failing, near Union ; owner leaving cliy; bantam for quick fale; terms. 410 (ferllticr biiig. OWNER ofiers cosy hutmalow, $2500 al"o 6-room cottage; pavt-d ; $2Son. TaUor 705i. V E 6-moii chfHp; ter tiodi rn Add. 0. ner, 22 Mill vt. SLK 'I HIS BA RG IN in Uriactio bji 4QW. Price $3000, JiO'Hj. Wd.n. 3J1J.