TIIE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 3, 1921 1G REAL ESTATE. tor aie - Houses. DON'T BE A RENTER ALL TOUR LIFE. See FRANK L. McGUIRE FRANK I McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. LARGEST HOME SELLER OX THK PACIFIC COAST. 11 Oo Photograph of Home, for sale. HOME SEEKERS! Now Is the TIME to buy your home. W hav hundreds or carefully inspected and appraised genuine Home Bargain for sale. The greatest, moat varitd collection of Home lor aal. in the Entire WEST. If you JIAVfc N'T the aown payment, we'll he.p )ou make it. Open Every Evening Until 0:00. Open all day and evening Sunday. 0 salesmen at your service, always. "IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE." $ i 8 DO W HEN YOU'VE SOMETHING THE PEOPLE Want! And they'll S"t. it too. This beAtitiful WIS TERIA AVE N L E HOME In actu ally ROSE CITY'S BIGGEST OF FEP.1NG! Hardwood floors; sleep ing porch : white enfimel finish, built-ins; furnace, fireplace, six rooms fn a p Medici condition. DON'T DELAY. It isn't often you'll find anvthlnir like this! WORTH $0K4 TODAY. $4750 VACANT! 6-room HEART OF 1 KVINGTON home: just like new ; double constructed : every modern convenience; full lot ; garage: E !th: 1 block to car. A TRULY BARGAIN. Hawthorne SunnvsMe Mt Tabor. ' G HOVE I-AND Park. veTy modern, artistic 0-room bungalow; nard wood floors; every built-in Con venience; E. 52d. Terma. $5000 .1-room attractive modern SUN- ! .NiSJDE home; close to car and school, m good home district. E, $2S0O l-rooni home-like HAWTHORNE bungalow, on E. Grant street built-in conveniences; TERMS. PIEDMONT JEFFERSON HIGH. $3lttM cASl TERMS. Convenient to U igh school, park and Library ti-room attractive modern Home. ON W.MS. CAR. No I. FENS OR MORTGAGE TO ASSUME. Will 1; ma avenue. $2600 $0U down: A RARE BARGAIN! -room modern home with sleep . Ing porch; white enamel plumb In?; electricity, gas, garage H.iight ave. WEST SIDE HOMES. $3000 BEAUTIFL'L VIEW HOME! nine airy, pleasant rooms. modern' fireplace, garaee, on carlfne; Cor- bett st. EASIEST TERMS. SEE THIS. ALBERTA. $1000 $000 down! Comfortable 4-room ALBERTA, on E, ISth st. White enamel plumb-in?, electricity fas, Retrace. $04 down. WOODSTOCK HOME FXAP. $1500 UNPARALLELED BUY. DON'T KAIL TO SEE THIS A neat. modem 4-room homey cottage that can be had on EASY TERMS. Call Main 10tS at any time for further detaiiA. TAKE ADVANTAGE. theee splendid Home Bargains that we are offering you every day. It'a im- possioie to advertise them all. The beet way is to com down at any time a-mi ace F R A N K L. Moi I I RE. To Buv Your Home. Abington B?rfg. Main 10AS. 84 St., bet. Waiih. and Stark. Opposite Ladd & Tiiton, on THE BEST BUY IN TOWN. This is the best-built 5 -room bouse In Portland ; new and strictly modern In every way. double constructed, quar tered oak flooring, cut-glass knobs on buf let and bookcase doors, fireplace. Dutch kitchen with hood over range, full basement with cement floor, large attic, 12x2i garage. Come and give th is once the look-over and be con vinced you have seen nothing In Port land to compare w-iih it in a S-room house. Price $700fl. I0i East 20th st. N., cor. 20th and Alberta sts. Take Alberta car and get off at 2ith st. 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE ON 75x100 LOT. $3500 FOR QUICK SALE. 41 EAST S0TH NORTH. NEAR THOMPSON. CAN FELL ADJOINING 70x100 LOT ON CORNER IF DESIRED. LARGE CASH PAYMENT. COME SEE WESTMORELAND. Beautiful snow-capped mountains fn view; 5-room bungalow, almost new, liv ing and dining room, ivory finished, hardwood floors, fireplace, lovely Dutch kitchen, large attic with sleeping porch, east front, block car, walking distance F'.t ground?, excellent location; price $0100. some term?. See it. T. O. Bird, S20 Chamber of Commerce. Mar. 10J2. 30OO 7-ROOM huuje, lucated on 00x00 lot do?e in. all improvements in and paid ; built-in features. cement basvment. 4 bedrooms. This place is in perfect condition and cau be boucht on ery easy payments. Let us show von this. J. A. WM'KMAN CO., Wain 53. 2!4 Stark st. Main 101M. FoR SALE 2 lots, tenc'd. 5-room house, furnished: gas, electricity, hot and cold water, bath toilet, concrete basement. pantxy. wooa nmise. cnicKen nouse. fruit- garden, all for $.nOO. Jli'uo cash, balance cheaper than rent, $20 month, including 1 per cent lntereyt; near Alt. Scott car line. Kern Park station. 6fo4 41st ave nue s E. owner. NEW ALAMEDA BUNGALOW. $OSOO. only JI0OO cash, balance $50 per montn, iimsnea in eolden oak and old Ivory; all the built-lns. double con structed, furnace heat, cement basement. near car and school, street paved, sewer in and pair.. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 33 V. Y. Bunk bidg. Main S77 WEST SIDE BUNGALOW. $ 3; HK $ 0 00 D O W N . Combination living and dining room with Ureplace. line Dutch kitchen. 2 larre bedrooms. bath, white enamel piumoing: in nne snape inside and out; fuli basement. Improved sts.. 1 block to car. .Mar ,:;... 1 H V 1 N ( I T O N BAR G A IN. Want reasonable offer for beautiful 2 atory S-room home on GOxlOO corner, with sleeping porch and garage; best section, near car: od ivory rinish, S;t-ft. living room. plate giass windows throughout; lovely trees and shruboery; easv termsi Tahor 4tt7. $100 CASH WILL HANDLE $20 PER MoNTH AND INTEREST. 5-room house on paved street, full plumbing, email basement, convenient to car and school; price only $2000. with street and sewer paid. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. N. W. Bank bid. Main 377. 0-ROOM BUNGALOW BARGAIN. In Piedmont district; furnace, lireplace, a. I kinds of built-ins in kitchen, good attic, lot fiOxlOO. price $42ou, $1000 cash, balance terms BROWN & GRANT. 201-2 Fenton BIdp Bmadwajr 3222. SNAP NEAR CITY HALL. JO feet frontage, adjoining apartment house and store?; occupied by 7 -room fcoutfe; price f42."0. good terms. BROWN A GRANT. oi 2 Ferton Bldg Broadway 3222. NEAT LITTLE COTTAGE $100. 8 rooms, ceiled and papered in good condition, city water, gits, cement side walks, barn, woodshed, some berries. $2uo cash, $20 monthly. Fred W. Ger man Co . 732 Chem. of Com. la u it e li i u i;s T SN A P. $000. Clafry nearly new lS-story 7-room suima.ow wih sleeping porch; old ivory finish, oak floors. '1 h replaces. 2 baths, 1 bedroom down and 3 upstairs, cay terms. Tabor 407. SlTrKVSIDE COTTAGE. Fine hard-surfaced street, full 50x100 lot. good 6-room home in excellent con dition: garage; price only $30oO. A. H. Bl R R ELL-GILL CO.. 216 N. W. Bank bid?. Mar. 4114. $1700 JUST READ THIS: 6 rooms, plas tered, white enamel plumbing, pas, elec tricity, garage, corner lot, 1 block from Alberta car; $110O cash, balance, ftjoo, long time at 7 per cent. Owner, phone Woodlawn 402. IS YOUR HOUSE FOR SAC.E? Have buven for houses in all parta of ity. If your price is right we caa sell it Bdwv. 3-OH R. SOMERV1LI.E. V 9 Nat. Bank P ! d g IRVINGTON HOME. $7000. Bungalow type. 7 rooms, hardwood floors, full basement and garage, Dutch kitchen and built-ins; a very substan tially built home. By owner. East tisa. FINE 7-room semi-bungalow in Richmond district, ail modern; htj garage, furnace, 1: replace and double floors; street im provements' all paid; a reI bara-aln at $40OO See P.iggs. ."OS Board of Trade. J. W. McKADDEN BULDG. CO. BUILDERS OF FINE HOMES. SO NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION 26S STARK ST. MARSHALL 12 NEAR HOLM AN SCHOOL. Attractive littie bunsalow. 4 rooms: larire floored attic, full basement. Mar. 3: BUY FROM OWNER Six-room, modern, Laure hurst houe; all kinds of built-in conveniences; fine location near car line nnd school. Tabor 3000. 0-ROOM bungalow, by owner, in Rose Crty Park, with pipeiess furnace and electric range at a bargain. Tabor 7o05 orcail 700 E. 67th at. N. $210 RICHMOND BUNGALOW. 4 rooms, bath, full basement; all street Improvements paid; best buy in town. Owner, Sell. 601. large modern bungalow. Paved street, garage; $0oo down. Mar. 3'J.S. REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. 1 00 x 1 00 B U N GALO W $ :1 150. Do you want a. home in the city where you can keep a cow and chickens and have lots of fruit? On 49th St. south east, we have a beautiful white bunga low of 5 rooms, bath and big attic; on the lot are all kinds of fruit trees; on tne rear of the lot is a cowbarn and c hii ken houses. There 1 pasture for your cow close In. You can buy this nice place for $7oO down, the balance only tt pr cent. Call us at once. COMTK & KOHLMAN. Main 6000. 208 Chamber of Com. Bldg. A BEAUTIFL'L BUNGALOW ADJOINING ALAMEDA PARK. $0000. 674x100 corner fronting 100 ft. on paved street; this is a very attractive bungalow of 0 rooms, sleeping porch, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, full concrete basement, splendid hot-water heating piant. garage, old ivory woodwork, tap estry paptv. etc.; convenient to Irvington. car. See RICHARD W. MAST. RITTEK. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-0-7 Bo a rd of Trade B:dg. fi-KOOM ALBERTA BUNGALOW $2000 JiJUOo HAWTHORNE 13400. Pay. don't overlook this good buy. A really beautiful 14 -story bungalow wit llvine room, oaneled dinine room an larsre Dutch kitchen down and 3 bed rooms and bath on the upper floor; full cement basement, wash trays, paved street. You'll be surprised when you see this buniralow. Y ou d expect pay to $42o for a place as good. Owner vuli take $soo cash. COMTK & KOHLMAN. Main GO00. 20S Chamber of Com. Bids. ELEVENTH. NEAR DEKUM. 7 ROOMS MODERN $001 DOWN. This house Is easily worth $1000 more than we are asking for it. It is doub constructed, has large porches, 4 good sized upstairs bedrooms, glassed-in su porch : fine district, best ot plumbing near car. The price is only $-300. It la easily worrh $30on. BIHR-CAREY. 211 RAILWAY EXCHANGE ELDG. Third and Stark Sts. Main 74S 5-KOOil BUNGALOW GARAGE. tXUM TERMS. Modern 5-room bung-alow, hard woo floors in 4 rooms. Dutch kitchen, buffe bookcases, full cement basemen t. laun dry trays. 50x100 lot. fine garage, bear Ing fruit: located 4 blocks from Union ave. This home la first-class conditio and a real buy. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., 42fl Henry Bid. Bdwy. 4704. S U N N Y SIDE B L" N OA LOW. ft ROOMS $4200. ' Well-built, good-looking bungalow of 5 rooms on paved st., with sewer, one block from car. 2 downstairs bedrooms, one up, Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet. Full cement basement, fireplace, furnace, garage. Price is only J42O0. BIHR-CAREY. 211 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDO. Third and Stark Sts. Main 747. LARGE modern bunealow. built by owne for his home about 8 years ago. Every convenience: over 30 buiit-tns; oeautiiui lot with fruit trees and shrubs, facing bard surface street; ready for your oc cupancy at a minute's notice, as owner is lea vine permanently for the east, Price only S0OOO on exceedingly easy terms. r or particulars call on i.fc.:s RIESLAND. 404 platt bldg. lL'7 Park. MODERN Di: N 1 A LO W ( ; A R A C, K. JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL DIST. S3 ISO 1530 CASH. Modern 6-room. double - constructed bunRalow, full cement basement, fire Dlace. 00x100 lot. Garage, fruit trees located close to car and Jefferson high school. This in a real buy. FENDERSON-BANKUP, CO., 4? Henry Bldg. llwy. 47M. $4000 A REAL SNAP. A 6-room partly furnished house, ce irtent basement, wash trays, furnace. built-in pantry, fireplace. 4oxloo lot. city Improvements in ana pata; mmi noi b.ilance like rent. HoIIaday atldttion. on Multnomah st. If you are looking for a snap let us show you this, ttummeil Rummell, 274 Stark st. HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS 1S73. $100 down, $l1 monthly, for neat little enttace, consisting of 2 rooms, large sleeping porch, all screened; living room Is exceptionally large; good chicken house and woodshed, on macadamized street. A neat little cottage. Fred W. Germ mi Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn burden into Income T TTe design and bund apartments, ga ragea, residences, anything; furnish plans and finance. Established 10 years. We offer SECURITY. SERVICE. SAT ISFACTION L. R. Bailey Co.. N. W Bank bfdg. LOTS OF GROUND. Splendid tract of luOxlOO with S-room cottage and s.eeplng porch, city water. sink, gas, 32 bearing rruit trees, assort ed good double garage and chicken house. Total price $l;i00. $250 down. $5 monthly. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, or com. 6-ROOM house, one block fronj Mississippi car, near .lerrerjon hign school; 3 rooms and reception hall on first floor, 3 bed rooms and bath on second, large attic on third; full cement basement, launory tubs; let ooxiou. paved St.; exceptional good buy for $3oo. terms. See Mr. Boehm. 2'0 Oregon bldg. Broadway IflOS ROSE CITY PARK. $.16.10 New 6-room bungalow, strictly modern, hardwood tioors, ti replace, fur nace, breakfast room. 11 street work in and paid; owner in California, writes tne to sell on anv reasonable terms. HILLER BROS.. APT. 528-03. RAIL WAY EXCHANGE BLDG. A SACRIFICE. A JrtOOO home for $4700; a Inrge fl-rm., all modern; double plumbing throughout, with steam heat, on a lot 100x100, with lots of fruit, located on East Salmon and js being sold at this price to close an estate. 320 Artisan h!dg. Bdwy. 37. 9 ROOMS, 2 -story, fully modern, nice lo cation, not far from JefTerson high ; hardwood floors. 2 bath rooms, white enamel finish, corner lot, 100x100. fruit t rees. This Is a ba rga In at $ t000 on terms. Wilbur F. Jouno, Henry bldg. Broadway 437. LAURELHURST. $6250 A complete home; new 5-room and breakfast nook, everything com plete. Yes, garage, and you can have it for $12?0 cah and balance like rent. HILLER BROS. A I IT. 528-03. RAIL WAY EXCHANGE BLDG. PORTLAND HEIGHTS FINE VIEW. 12 e'egant room. 6 master bedrooms. 4 tiled baths; servants' quarters, 2 baths; large grounds, garage; a perfect home, very reasonable; good terms. Zim merman SP4hjntiher2ommercj WEST SIDE BARGAIN. Cozy 6-room modern cottage; electric lights, modern plumbing, fireplace, base ment, on west oide. within easy walking distance; $2MK. easy terms. Main 27. T AUG ART BROS.. 1102 Spalding Bldg. 7-ROOM furnished house on East 21st. near Brooklyn car. upper 3 rooms rented for $20 per month. Price only $2400. $1200 cash, balance $20 per month and interest. See Mr. Boehm, 209 Oregon bldg Broadway 16.'X. CLINTON-KELLY SCHOOL DISTRICT. 6-room modern house: hardwood floors, plenty built-ins. fireplace, cement wall basement; now vacant; easy terms. Main 27. TAGOART BROS., 1102 Spalding Bldg. "I3K50 $000 CASH, FROM OWNER. 6-room bungalow, very clean; old ivory throughout; cement basement. laundry trays new linoleum; east front: paved street; block car. 1007 E. 11th at. N. Broadway 3136. SIX-ROOM HOUSE. $1000 A fine buy on easy terms; close to car. Bull Run water, gas and elec tricity If you want your money's worth come in and see me. 013 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ipvivcTOV BUNGALOW $7000. 6 large rooms and sleeping porch, full lot. garage; lUh Dear Knott. WILL SELL FURNISHED. EAST 410. . FINE 8-room strictly modern home in Hawthorne district for sale by owner for $7oOO if fOid soon; as'v can ami oai ance in payments to suit purchaser. 310 Qregnn-ian. AR HOUSE PLANS. "Distinctive Homes," illustrated book f over 100 designs. $1; blueprints $10. DISTINCTIVE HOMES COM PANT. 4 Northwestern Bank bidg. $1600 0-ROOM plastered bungalow, lot 4tiX-"e ; nouse m ibi t i.tuuii . v out of city, orders us to sell; $3S5 cash, easy terms on balance. Interstate Land Co., 24H Stark st. Main 5420. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. $;;Timj $700 DOWN. Nifty 5-room bungalow; cement base ment, furnace, Iruit trees, parage; all st improvements In. Mar. 3i'J3. A BEAUTIFUL home in Rose City; 0-rm. bungalow with floored attic; alt modern; garage and located under the Mil. $000o. Call Auto. 62'J-i:S before 9 A. Jl. or after 6 P. M. LOOK HERE 7-room house and lrtxsj. near car. choice location; bearing fruits; gas: electricity; plumbing; going east; sacrificing for only $:wG4). See 6248 Fos ter road. MS car. IRVINGTON 5-room bungalow, complete and modern In every way. nicely io cated and very desirable; $7500. $3400 cah. Tel. E. 6700. Owner. S17O0 CHEAP AND EASY $17o0. 3 rooms, gas. bath, fireplace, etc.: large lot. cor., sewer, sidewalks; Alberta disu; $ ' i to cash. AL 000. Cregoniaff. 4-ROOM bungalow on car line; price $1000. $20O down, $10 a month. Marshall 3003! Larsen. IRVINGTON. 2 6-room bungalow, $0000, terms. East 410. ; FOR SALE Beautiful home of six room; must be sold in next ten days. Apt. 10, CWNER'S sacrifice; cosy bungalow, $2000; also 6-room cottacre. pared. $S00: ab iwm 141 act tmh sorih, Ttbor Jui0 REAL ESTATE. For Hale Houses. IT DOESN'T HURT A FACT TO HAMMER IT." The demand for modern homes at prices 'way below actual cost of reproduction is unusually good. The nearer we approach spring, when apartment house dwellers commence to "shake those stuffy apartments," the more acute will this demand become. The wife man will get busy now, and take advantage of some of the good buys that can be had at present. TOU WILL GET A BETTER SE LECTION, BETTER TERMS and LOWER PRICES bv buying right NOW, Instead of waiting until the rush commences. Here are a few of our high-class homes, every one of which has been appraised per sonally, and every one ia "picked" bargain. IRVINGTON. Beautiful 16 -story bungalow, re plete with every modern conven ience; attractive living room with fireplace, reception hall with mir ror door, wonderful glassed-in sun porch (or sitting room) off dining room, 3 bedrooms and bath. Price $00u0, half cash. East 13th sL WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS COMMANDING AN IDEAL VIEW OF CITY, river and snow capped mountains, is this lovely bungalow home on Willamette Heights; hardwood firs., fireplace, ideal Dutch kitchen with water cooled food cabinets; new electric range, electric automatic hot wa ter heating system (not water all the time), Gasco furnace, etc. Everything goes; floored attic, in which two more rooms could be finished; large Inclosed sleeping porch. Jot 00x120 feet. Price only $0oo. reasonable terms. QUICK POSSESSION. ANOTHER WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Airy 1 -story bungalow, all large pi eat ant rooms, hardwood floors, four splendid bedrooms, BEAUTIFUL VIEW. Price $0000. This is a real bargain. We have a number of bungalows In ROSE CITY PARK. WEST MORELAND, LAURELHURST and other choice residential districts that we can sell at $0000, on terms of $1000 cash, balance very easy. LOOK AT THEM. Ask for J. W. Crosslev. with FRANK L. McGUIRK, To Buy Your High-class Home., Abington Bldg. Main 106. Third St., bet. Wash, and Stark. EXCEPTIONAL PENINSULA BARGAIN. 6 ROOMS' $000 DOWN. This place has lust been reduced In price and is a great buy. There are 3 bedrooms. 2 of them upstairs, all built ins, best of plumbing, full cement base ment, laundry trays, piped for furnace; seven fine bearing fruit trees, good. Good neighborhood, full lot, one block irom car. Price onlv $3000. BIHR-CAREY. 211 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. Third and Stark Sts. Main 747. WEST SIDE WALKING - DISTANCE Corner lot, 53xHG, improved, with two nouvos, one 8-room and one 5-room; the; c-room house has good basement, fur nace, firepiace, bath on first and second floors; could be converted into 2 4-room I flats at small expense ;the 5-room house I has modern conveniences and the base ment can be used lor a garage and will store 3 or 4 cars. The price is right ana .unt wi Handle, balance & years o per cent. BROWN & GRANT. 2Q1-2 Fenton b-ldcr. Broartwray S222. $7000 ALAMEDA DRIVE. If you are looking for a real, classy. trp-to-t he-minute bungalow in a dandy location, here you are. It has 0 rooms, sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, very Imaginable built-in feature, oak floors, breakfast nook. Dutch kitchen, screened In back porch; all finished in Ivory and white enamel; tapestry paper; corner lot, garage; a $120 range, gas water heater, linoleum and fuel included in above price. Terms easy. Rummell & Rummell. 274 Stark st. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. $4200. Very attractive little bungalow only 3 blocks from Irvington car; large double sleeping porch with closet, full con crete basement, furnace, fruit closets, laundry trays, large screen porch, ga rage with concrete driveway; 00x100 lot. terms. See RICHARD W. MAST. RITTER. LOWE A CO., S0t-3-0-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WOODLA VN. 5 ROOMS MODERN $200 DOWN. This story-and-half house has 3 bed rooms. 2 of them upstairs. All built-in features, best of plumbing, excellent neighborhood. This Is a very attrac tive house and In A-l condition. The price is only $2200. BIHR-CAREY, i 211 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. I Third and Stark Sts. Main 74S7. I WESTOYER HEIGHTS HOME. Magnificent new Georgian colonial I home, built of hollow tile and stucco on double lot, with unobstructed view of city, mountains and river; every new feature, includinr brocaded silk naneled wails. hand - painted solarium, hand- I carved fl rep. aces. 12 sets French doors. 3 tile baths, double garage, gas, hot water heat. Terms. R. H. Torrey, ownei. Tabor 4i7. $7000 LAURELHURST HOME. A 7-room strictly modern home, fur nace, fireplace, all built-in conveniences. cabinet kitchen, hardwood floors, sleep ing porch, etc.; full cement basement. wash trays. i.txOO corner, city Improve ments in and paid," large garage. It s wonderful buy: investigate. , Sunday, phone Tabor 49?0. Rummell & Rum mell. 274 Stark. LAURELHURST. Must be sold this week, this beautiful new 6-room bungalow. We will take I your lot In Laurel hurst as part pay ment; price $i.0, $2.t00 cash or your I lot and some cash. You can t beat this I offer. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 212 Corhett Bldg. Main 6015. SPLENDID HOME VALUE. ALAMEIDA PARK. 8 room ami sleeping porch, furnace. fireplace, hardwood floors and all kinds or bunt-ins; the p. an ot tne nouse is ex cellent; 50x100 lot, garage, price $7500. only $2000 required, balance on time. BROWN & GRANT. ?01-2 Fenton B'.dg. Broadway 3222. JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL DIST. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW GARAGE. $3500 $000 CASH. Double constructed, modern 5-room I bungalow, fireplace, full cement base- I ment. 50x100 lot. garage, 1 block tot car, 4 to high school. HENDERSON-BAXKUS CO., 42ft Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. SUBURBAN BUNGALOW. On East 70th st., one block to pave- I ment; a aanoy rooms and concrete base- I ment. 3 full lots, beautiful trees; just I it home you will be looking for thie I spring; cash, balance easy. 'inc. i.AWHr.ALiii iu., . 212 Corhett Bldg. Main 6015. Zvv. iom lami, tov per month, 6 per cent interest: new, mooern 6-room bun galow, 1 block to car. full cement base ment, wash trays. 5 lots. 52 fruit trees. grapes, berries. 20-ft alley, barn, cement floor, 3 cows, dairy complete and license. 135 hens, parage, cement floor. Fred V. Spear. Phone bih-ih. $6S00 ROSE CITY PARK. A 6-room house, full cement basement. wash trays, all built-in features, fur nace, fireplace, oak floors, cabinet kitch en. 50x100 lot. corner: city Improvements in and paid. Terms to suit purchaser. (Corner 4-a ana i nompson.) vacant Rummell & Rummell. 274 Stark st. A REAL BARGAIN. 4 lots, all In cultivation, 4-room house. large attic, bath, toilet, gas and elec tric lights, small chicken house, side walk in and paid, close to car and school, ail ior x-.-rjon. easy terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., :too Oak St. HAWTHORNE CARLINE. Well-constructed, strictly modern 5- room buniralow: hardwood floors, with I every built-in feature; a beautiful home. $4loU, $i casn. R. H. CON" FRET, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-0-7 Board of Trade Bldg FOR SALE BY OWNER. Modern 5-room bungalow with fire place, hardwood floors, built-tn bookcase built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen In white enamel, rrencn noors, cement basement and trays. 00xl00-foot lot. Call owner at v'.r' k. .vanison. or pnone Tabor 7H7S. STUNNING KMiLiH COLONIAL, near Broanwav canine. Alameda Park. Lovers of SOOI ETH ING DIFFERENT SEE THIS. Owner leaving city will sell at I cost; easy terms. iveunausen. Mam I MI7 J. LIST your house with us. We sell a large number oi mem. vv e win give you real I service. BIHR-CARET. 211 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLJG. Third and Stark Sts. Main 747. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, everything the very latest. will be complete shortly. The price is 1 $38UU, ano a ouy; terms. THE LAWRENCE CO., 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 915. 13-ROOM house in HoIIaday addition; ga- j rage, choice lot, best residence section in the city, $7000. For particulars see bKM ItlttSLAKD. 404 Platt Bldg. 127 Park St WILLIAMS AVE. BUNGALOW. Artistic uttie Home that other folks ouiu fi'v 'ur. uur price SovvU, on lrai .Mar. Oyfti. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. A GEM! Possibly here Is the very charming little home you have dreamed or. A per fect darling 4-room new bungalow. lOOx 300 lot, with fine soil. The owner In building this very cozy little home has spared no pains to make -your uremu come true." Larsre living-dining room 1 H Vi a r-H waaiI tiAnra fironlnr.A With Ra- Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, from windows of which is- very pleasing out look on evergreen trees; white enameled laundry trayf gas water heater, bedroom has very large closet witn wmaow; un nlumbinr. orettv electric fixtures ( rears' liirht bill paid in advance); yes, full rmnt hnspment. cement porcn only 4 short blocks to stores, picture show, postomce orancn ; pnw iiv....i A fi--lO nhnut $000 Cash vt ' Tat Woodstock cor to 56th ave.. walk 5 short blocks east to S. E. cor. 46th st. Marshall o, 3750 OAK GROVE. Juat the place for a Urge family, 8 rms. (5 bedrooms). lH-story semi-bungalow, all good size rms.. gas. electricity and garage, 1-3 acre of ground, some fruit treea and berries, good Darn, cait w n.nA,ioKCH Bmnka house, this v certainly the place for a family who wants to reduce the living costs, just the place to keep a cow, chickens and have a garden, place located close to school and only 3 blncka to car line; this place must be a quick sale as the owners are moving on a iarm at once. iwnw balance arranged. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 208. I WE WISH TO CALL ! ! ATTENTION ! TO OUR NEW HOME DE PARTMENT. Mr. J. R. Haight. mgr., is an expert in all that is new In new bungalows, and he is always at your service In helping you along these lines. We have a choice selection of dainty new bungalows In every part of the city. Some lovely ones are ready for you in LAURELHURST. this week. Let him show you these. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buy Y'our "Now" Home. Abington bldg. Main 100S. OREGON CITY EL EC. CLOSE-IN. $280. I acre with good 4-rm. cottage and leeninz norch. 2 blocks to station, on good rock surfaced road. Ideal place for cnlcaens ana garuen ; you can aimosi make your living off of this place, gas, rv- bIho radio heatinsr system. This place is priced so cheap that it shoujd sell to tne rirst party inquiring. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, Mo. 8 Chamber of Com. Bidg. Main 208. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $4000. Don't delay, see this thoroughly mod ern 5-room bungalow with finished at tic and only 2 blocks to the car. Has all the modern features you would ex pect in an up-to-date home; fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, bookcases, buffet, white enameled Dutch kf tchen, full basement, garage. All street im provements in and paid. Price $4000. J. A. HUBBELL, 10S9 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 8892. 'Stucco Office." $40VO WE ARE agents for one of Port land's best builders, therefore we can make you tms remarkable of fer on a modern 5-room bungalow with hardwood floors, cement base ment, all built-in features; pa .ed streets, sewer in and paid. Eaay terms. J. A. WTCKMAN CO.. "Shortest Way Home. Main S-S3. 264 Stark st. Main 1004. BEAUTIFUL WESTMORELAND. MODERN BUNGALOW. $2000. Cosy 4-room bungalow, nice living and dining room, fireplace, built-in bookcases. nutlet, beamed ceiling, lovely wmto Dutch kitchen, large bathroom, nice bed room, good closets, basement with wash trays, excellent condition. Someone is going to "be lucky. Hurry. $1000 cash, no mortgage. Phone T. O. Bird, Mar shall loj, before 5. 6-ROOM bungalow, sleeping porch, fire place, furnace, buffet, beamed ceilings, pretty light fixtures.. white enamel Doit eh kitchen, cement basement. This is an up-to-date bungalow, about five j ears old, newiy decorated and ready to move in; vKtxioo lot. Kenton district; a d-ecided bargain at $320-0, with $000 cash. O. A. PEARCE CO.. Bdwy. 4S3Q. 2ol Oregon Bldg. NEW. FURNISHED 4-RCOM BUNGALOW. MT. TABOR CARLINE. Attractive, cosy, clean home, double constructed ; basement, good furniture, in excellent condition ; 1 block to car; price only $22m. Terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 6X3 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 37?7. AN INVESTMENT. S-room modern bungalow, priced at $0200. with down payment of $000. pay ments of $00 per month, includins inter est. The rental value Is $00 per month. Make the initial payment and let the other fellow pay for it. COOVKR & HOLM AN, 322 FaiIingBldg. Mar. 3903. RICHMOND 5-ROOM" BUNGALOW. OWNER GOING EAST. ONLY $3000. Hurry. Large living and dining room, fireplace, beautiful buffet, handy Dutch kitchen, large bedrooms with good closets, plenty windows, large attic, full basement, wash trays, double constructed, 3 blocks car; $10(H) cash, balance easy. T. O. Bird. Marshall 1022. $00 DOWN. $19.00 MONTHLY. S-room cottage, ceiled and papered, with corner lot 80x100, right on the car line, all in fruit, berries and grapes, woodshed, chicken house and run, brand new roof, but the house needs the serv ices of a man able to do his own re pairs. Total price $1200. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Com. KELLY ST. BUNGALOW. This cosy little home commands a wonderful view of the east side and Mt. Hood : newly renovated inside and out: .nothing like it on the west side for the price we ask: terms to responsible party. COOVER & HOLM AN. 322-23-24 Failing Bldg. Mar. 3003. BEAUTIFUL PIEDMONT HOME. 6-room bungalow, almost new, finished In light gray, enameled fixtures, nice large rooms, furnace, fireplace, east front, 1 block car, 8 blocks Jefferson high; $6000, some terms. This is less than cost; owner must sell. Marshall 1022. T. O. Bird. $3000. East Salmon St.. near 83d St., six- room cottage, one floor; three bedrooms, bath. etc.. a splendid value for the price; excellent car service; Hawthorne and Sunny side lines; small payment oown, $2j per month. Act Quickly. Tabor 3000. NEAR LAURELHURST PARK. Beautiful 9-room strictly modern house on corner with over 2 lots; double ga rage. Have to he seen to be appreciated; price only $i,.-iwi. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 400 Panama Bldg. Main 9404. IRVINGTON REAL BARGAIN. $S700, $1800 Cash $00 Per Month. Owner leaving for Kansas, will sacri fice beautiful home. 8 wonderful rooms, hardwood floors throughout, faces east on 17th st., near Knott; full lot and double garage. East 419. ON SANDY BOULEVARD. 6-room mod. home, fine view, out-of- town owner has reduced price from $7-000 to $3000 for quick sale. SIOOO cash. Mar. 330'2. Eve. Tabor 3iMo. J. B. ROCK. 403 Couch bld-g LAURELHURST. Motor out to 225 Hazelfem Place and Inspect my new bungalow of 5 large rooms and den. up to the minute in every detail. This Is a bargain; open from 1 to 4 afternoons. Owner and builder. Main 3144. OWNER NEEDS CASH. NEAR IRVINGTON, WASCO ST., $3500. 5-room bungalow, fireplace, large at tic, Dutch kitchen, full basement, wash trays, excellent condition, z block car. Marshall 1022. IRVINGTON Moving to Canada, will sell home, furnished or unfurnished, eight rooms, center hall, large living room, hot water heat, oak floors, garage, near ISth and Knott. Nenhausen. Main 807S. East 394. 4 BUNGALOW. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. 50x100 with fine fruit, nenr car and Franklin high. 5 rooms, fireplace, built ins. Owner, Tabor 720!. CLOSE TO 2STH AND SANDY BLVD. 5-room modern bungalow, all on one floor: alt furnished complete, move in todav; all Imps. In and paid. Price $0000. $1000 down, bai. to suit. East 8038. 2-FAMILY BUNGALOW. . block from Hawthorne car line. 2 sets of plumbing, garage: price $0700. very easy terms. Mar. 3003. , 7-ROOMniodern house, 4 rooms nicely fur nished, lot luoxnta; an Kinds of fruit: $2400; good terms. C. W. Millership, Alder hotel. Main 5270. ON THE HEIGHTS. Strictly modern 0-room home, fruit and berries; commands an excellent view of the city and mountains- Mar. 3093. HOMES DESIGNED. BUILT AND RE- MODE LEO WOOL COL.E. UUILD-L ERS WOODLAWN B348. 7-ROOM modern house. 1 acre of land. 00 1 fruit trees. Mar. lo2. By owner. Port-1 land Heigh La. 1 REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. SELLWOOD. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $300 DOWN. This very attractive and exceedingly well-built bungalow has 5 large, well arranged rooms. 2 of them being bed rooms. Pavement and sewer in and paid for. Excellent neighborhood, close to car. rice is only $3000. BIHR-CAREY, 211 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. Third and Stark Sts. Main 7487. $12,000 TO $25,000. HIGH-CLASS SUBURBAN HOME. We have 4 or 5 of the best suburban homes on the Oregon City electric, real superior high-grade suburban home for people who desire the best. bee Mc Qullkin, with J. L. HARTMAN COM . PAN Y, No. 8 Chamber of Commerce1 bldg. Main 208. ATTRACTIVE IRVINGTON HOiLE. 537 E. 1STH X A modern S-room residence: hardwood noors. ure place, every built-in conven ience, 3 large bedrooms, bath and s.eep Ing porch upstairs, exceptionally large cioseis, gas range, fun concrete basement good turnace. hot water colts, etc.. large garage with concrete floor and driveway grounds lOuxloo. Drive by and see this aud for price and terms phone or call on iOUliAKO W. MAST, RITTER. LOWE &. CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. RICHMOND. BEST BUY IN CITY. $4000. Vacant,- can move right in; 7-room bungalow, on paved St., lots of fruit, full cement basement, hot water heating ptant, jots or built-ins; will submit any reasonable offer, and on our own terms. Settling estate and must be sold at once. CUE A. McKENNA CO, 62 Fourth St. Main 6is7l. MALDEN, 7 ROOMS NEAR 11TH. -$700 DOWN. Full lot, paved st., sewer, sleeping porch, furnace; 4 bedrooms, best of plumbing, excellent district. Close to car line. Price only $70. BIHR-CAREY, 211 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. Third and Stark Sts. Main 7487. Jo-'OO FIVE rooms and alcove with ment basement, fireplace and all built-ins ,on 40xl00-fuut lot, located near Jefferson high and only three short blocks to car. You can b'jy tms with $i00 as first payment, ba: ance like rent. Come in and inspect our photos of homes we have tor aale, J. A. WICKMAN CO., "Shortest Way Home." Main 5S3. 204 Stark st. Main 1094 ROSE CITY BUNGALOWS We have a list of splendid bungalows in tms district, every one a good buy. East 48th, new... $0700 iva.st 4tn, new , East 57th, new , East 06th, new , East 40th , East 42d , Sacramento , ELMER F. BURNETT CO.. U00 5000 6000 4700 318-321 Board of Trade Main 7452, $000 CASH PRICE $4200. This beautiful 5-room bungalow Is lO' cated in Hawthorne. Of course it is modern with hardwood floors, fireplace built-in bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitch en, run cement basement, paved street. If you knew how hard it is to find a modern bungalow on a payment of only ouu casn. you d hurry to see this one. COMTK & KOHLMAN, Main 6000. 208 Chamber of Com. Bldg. IRVINGTON, ALAMEDA. LAURELHURST GOOD HOMES. For 13 years our successful buslnesa We have most beautiful bungalows, co lonials and hot-water heated homes. Many of the best are exclusively listed at this Irvington headquarters. Phone and we will show you some of them. R. T. Street, No. 006 E. Broadway. East S04. Residence East 4JS0. , IRVINGTON. East 16th st. N.. between Knott and Stanton, strictly modern residence; 5 bedrooms, besides maid's room; 1 bed room first floor; practically two tiled bathrooms; furnace; hardwood floors; firepiace ; garage. PO IN DEXTER, 208 Selling Bldg. HIGH-CLASS HOME SPECIALISTS. MAIN 1SP0. RES. EAST 0771. HAWTHORNE BUY. We offer today one of the best-buflt 6-room houses on Eat 37th near Lin coln for $4M)0; very desirable and mod ern; garage, street paved and paid; aDout half cash and easy terms. Act quickly on this. ELMER F. BENNETT CO.. SlS-321 Board of Trade. Main 7452. BUNGALOW. $3000. Buy this and save money; full corner lot, both streets improved; modern bun galow with extra sleeping rooms; owner must sell and has reduced price. Terms. A. H. BIRR ELL-GILL CO. 216 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 4114. Suburban Humes. CLOSE-IN SUBURBAN HOME. Over 7 acres, located 14 miles from ; city limits, on a good macadamized road. hi mile from paved road. The finest kind of soil, no gravel or rock; high, sightly location. 1 block from electric sta tion; orchard 6 years old, cherries, pears, apples, quinces and pears; 74 h straw berry plants, some logan and raspber ries, 3 acres of the land in pasture; good 7-room double constructed story and half bungalow, large rooms, full ce ment basement, fireplace, best white enamel plumbing, 17 built-in conven iences. The place has its own electric light plant and water system. Small barn, chicken house 14x30. garage. If fiu'npr will keen norf n the nrnncrtv in t located on a corner, with good road on either side. Property clear. Price ac cording to the amount of land taken John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg,- Main 8029. Over 500 small places near Port land. Get our extensive classified lists 1-ACRE SUBURBAN HOME. $2000 $1000 CASH. New 6-room bungalow with cement basement, Dutch kitchen, buffet, book cases, French doors, beautiful fire place, 20 fruit trees, large garage ; lo cated 4 miles east of city limits; two blocks to car. Better hurry if you want this one. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO. 420 Henry Bldg. LOOK AT THIS! ON COLUMBIA BOULEVARD. 4Yt, acres, mostly all in fine assorted fruit trees. Just coming Into full bear Ing, $2000 of fruit taken off in 1920 A fine 6-room house with bath, electricity. gas and running water, full concrete basement and furnace; 6 blocks from car. This Is a fine country home. $12,000, terms. See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUORE. 205 Abington Bldg. Main 1068 SUBURBANITES: We have hundreds of personally In spected suburban homes in every outly ing district in Portland. Were open every evening and Sunday. If you want a suburban home, see F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. Abington Bldg. Main 1008. PARK ROSE ACRE. 4-room house. 1 acre, all cultivated, all kinds of berries, new chicken house, barn, garage, gravel St., water, gas. 3 cords of wood, 20 chickens, 2 tons bri quettes, all garden tools. All for $2400; easy terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 300 Oak St. ACRE, Just out of city limits. 5-room house, all new Inside, gas, city water, phone, Dutch kitchen, lots of all kinds of fruit and berries in full bearing. 300 roses, other flowers. large chicken house and runs, all for $2700. STEWART & JOHNSON. 310 Northr.-estern Bank B!dg. LISTEN TO THIS. Only $2000, four-room cottage, two bedrooms, living room and large kitchen, storeroom, chicken house: nearly half acre of ground: lots of fruit and berries; close to car, high and grade schools. Main 1106. ONE ACRE close to Clackamas, all under cultivation, 30 fruit and nut trees; 5-rm. house, some outbuildings; place almost Joins the paved road. Price is only $1400, half cash. STEWART & JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. IF YOU have a few dollars and wish to start a little suburban home, se us. We will furnish the ground, build the house and sell it to you on easy terms. HAZLETON BROS.. Evergreen station. 6-ROOM house, barn, fruit. 1 acres cul tivated, S170U. auio roao, scnooi. west side country home for cow, chickens, garden, free wood. Owner, 319 Rail way Exch. bldg. Main 075. Res. East 70 88. OSWEGO LAKE HOMESITE. ONLY $000. Magnificent view overlooking Oswego lake; maple and dogwood; water, lights, rock road. See owner, 500 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. $.10 down. MY CHOICE acre at beautiful Oswego Lake, witn pipea water, eiectric ngnts, and shade trees; $10 will give you possession. Write owner, J 990, Ore- gonian CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near car line, from $lc00 up. Inquire 3d house north of Flflev station, on Oregon City car line. JUST WHAT YOU WANT. Seven-roorn cottage, 100x200 lot, fruit berries, chicken runs, place for cow. Owner must selL Alain 1106. REAL STATE. Sabnrban Homes. SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT. ON OREGON CITY LINE. acre of the best of soil. 6 blocks from Courtney station: house has four rooms, breakfast room and sleeping porch, good cement foundation; new. not quite finished and just the place for a handy mau; price $1000, only $300 down. This will not last. See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L McGUIRE. 205 Abington bldg. Main 106S. FRONTING HIGHWAY. Between Beaverton and Reedville, very choice 3-acre tract, all cultivated, some fruit; small 3-room house; fenced. $2700. Terms. A. H. BIRR ELL-GILL CO. 216 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 4114, For Sale Acreage. MULTNOMAH STATION. Nearly acre on graveled road, 1 block from paved highway, 3 blocks to school. 5 blocks from station. 5 miles from center of Portland, hi mile from city limits. All under cultivation, lots of bearing fruit trees and berries. Good 4 room plastered bungalow with sleeping porch, Dutch kitchen, white enamel plumbing, city water, gas, eiec. lights, fireolace. Price $4000. $li00 cash. bai. $30 mo. 6, or consider chicken ranch for eaultv of $2000. John Ferguson Gerlinger bldg. Over &00 small places near Portland. Get our extensive Classi fied lists. IS 9.rfc ifRKS PHKAP. Comer 92d st. and Powell Valley road and about lot 0 feet from the city limits all cleared, cultivated, good soil; about 2 acres in family orchard; - cnicnen houses and good well; Bull Run water, electric lights and gas available; price $ 1 00 per acre, easy terms. BROWN &. GRANT, 201-2 Fenton Bldg. Broadway 3222. 5-ACRE chicken ranch with modern bun iralow and outbuildings, fruit and ber ries- Owner eomDelled to sell on account of poor health. The place is being offered nt a boreal n: is on a fine hiKh way, close to the city. For particulars call at 404 Platt bldg., 127 Park st. ANYONE wanting one or more acres close in with Bull Run water ano gas, nara surfaced road, close to car line, who will build on same, can buy with small payment down, balance on easy terms. Main 6015. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 212 Cnrbett Bldg. FINE FOR CHICKENS, BERRIES. FRUIT $25 down, $1.00 montniy Duys a splendid tract of 2.47 acres, located 14 miles from Portland city limits; splendid creek, some bottom land; total price $500. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. 5 BIG ACRES. $1700. Out Powell Valley road; covered with beautiful grove of native trees; splendid berry land; only $200 cash. R. H. CONFREY. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. GARDEN HOME. FIVE ACRES. $4250 $1000 CASH. Small house; the land is what we are selling; overlooks goif links and near hunt club; about 14 mile to station. East 419. . ACREAGE, $10 DOWN, $10 MONTH. Alberta car. Kennedy school ; opening Stokes fine farm; no city assessment or gravel, R. W. CART. 1219 N. W. Bank Bldg. "Main 1643. $3000 TEN ACRES on Powell Valley road. close to electric siawun ; i acres unuer cultivation; good soil, all tillable; 4 room house, outbuildincs. good family orchard; price $:l0O0. Krider & Eiking ton, Gresham, Or. ACRES with flour and feed mill, water power, fine proposition; must sell on account of health. Price $7000; might take some trade. C. P. Jordan, 000 ilc Kav. Phone 1300. WRITE for map of western Washington showing location. low price and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO., Tacoma, Washln g ton. RIGHT AT STATION. 8 acres, west side; gas. water, etc. Owner, 732 Patton road. Main fc380. ACRES 6-room house, barn, orchard, located Just outside of city limits. $4000. Terms. Owner, Tabor 4219. O1 ACRES Sacrifice, close In on Base Line road; absolute oar gain ror cash, Woodlawn 2111. HAVE some splendid acreage for sale, close to Portland; any reasonable terms. WOODCOCK, 327 Henry Buildin g. MORTGAGE sacrifice, ideal 10. near Van couver; good buildings, 4OO0, $1.00 cash Owner. 141 East QOth North. Tabor 7055, :5 A., HOUSE, barn, creek. $2150, worth $3000. M. 3072, McFarland, Failing bldg. Homesteads. 'Kellnp nlwhmems. SEVERAL hundred selected homestead tracts to choose from, covering Oregon's bes iarming and timoered lands. w cruised and classified these lands for the government and will locate you without wasting your time and money. Most complete land records In the state. Copy government map to date showing more than 1000 open claims. $1. M J. Anderson, 531 Railway Exchange bidg Portland. 3 HOMESTEADS adjoining, valuable tim ber, close to county road ; some good farming land; $300 each. 301 Corbet t building. FOR A homestead or relinquishment in the O. & C. land grant, see E. W. Helm. 310 Board of Trade bldg. Irrigated Lands. WE ARE leaving again Friday night with another party ior tna ocnoco project. Come in and make one of the party. Lands sold on easy terms, small pay ment down, long time on the balance. The ?is-trict is especially adapted for mixed farming. Al'alfa one of the main crops. Call, write or phone Main 4410. Ochoco ungated Land Co Northwest ern BanK bldg. ROM 10 to 80 acres of first-class unim proved, irrigated land along main pipe line. 1 ',5 mi. from business section ot Pasco, $70 per acre cash, from owner, who is forced to sell; similar lands fur ther out selling for $125. AM 301, Ore gonian. For Sale Farms. FOR SALE 33 acres of the best kindof farm land in the valley, 30 acres, well drained, in clutivation ; new modern 0 room house, bath, furnace, water sys tem; 1 barn, 2 hen houses, hog pen; hi mile from Wood burn and paved hlgh vy. $10,000, terms. M. J. MELOHIOR, 531 Railway Exchange Bldg. IF YOU want a farm, see us. 30 acres, 10 acres cleared, 6-room ' house, on good road, 7 miles from town, lots of good timber, good well and creek; will sell dirt cheap or trade for a small place up to $2000, close to Portia nd. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 300 Oak St. 25 ACRES EXTRA FINE SOIL. Only 11 miles from Portland on good gravel road, 22 acres In high state of cultivation; 4-room house, chicken house and barn. Price Is" only $4700 and a real bargafn; some terms. STEWART & JOHNSON. 315 North western Bank Bldg. GRESHAM FARM. 40 ACRES. 25 acres under cultivation, 0 acres timber, balance open pasture; good soil, well fenced; 0-room house, good barn, granary, large henhouse, orchard, -berries: price $0SOO. KRIDER & ELKING TON. Gresham. Or. SECTION good Montana land, where good crops are produced, for gasoline filling station, fruit orchard or timber tract, with improvements and fruit; also Water loo tractor, almost new, with plow, for fruit or Improved timber tract. J. F. E n gle. Rt. 2, Billings. Mon L 40 ACRES of the very best Columbia river bottom land in Dyking dist. No. 5: sub irrigated and level, no sand or gravel, all of the very best and richest soil suitable for any crop. Price attractive, half cash, balance at 7 per cent. Address owner, M. P. Whalen, Woodland. Wash. 22 ACRES at Vader for $320"; all good. level land, J in cultivation: ramny or chard, running water, good 4-room house, large attic, barn, outbuildings, $1000 cash? bai. easy terms. STEWART & JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 4 ACRES ON S. P. ELECTRIC. All in cultivation, facing on hard-surface road; only $70 down, long time on ba I an ce Draper. 307 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark. FOR SALE 2i acres, 4 miles from Port land; good roaos at a reai oargain tor someone 'ho wants & bargain; only $4X10, witn terms. M. J. MELCHIOR, Ml Railway Fxch RIGHT ON HIGHWAY. 93 acres. 75 in cultivation; house. 2 barns, orchard, 4 horses, 2 cows, all ma chinery; $1,000, $3000 cash. bai. 6 per cent. 732 Patton road. Main 8380. 3 MILES H1LLSBORO. 80 acres, 40 in crop, bai. very easy cleared; house, new barn, all stock and machinery; $14,600, $3000 cash. 732 Pat ton road. Main b3S0. BUY DIRECT, save commission; anyone riHlrin2 an improved iarm. imnroved acreage or unimproved acreage will do wen to Mom a. jjawion, r. No. 1. Oregon City. FOR SALE cheap, stock ranch; will pay to investigate; sale or trade, will take small car or what you have first pay ment, long time on the balance. Inquire 1S4 Mill st.. city. 25 ACRES or more, ail cleared, with new bungalow, also a barn; a splendid buy for poultry raising or fruit; in Clarke county; very reasonable. By owner. W. Andersdn. 705 Minn, ave.. city. A GOOD 40-ACRE FARM. Good soil, half or more In cultivation; Sood spring water; only $200 down, raper, 30i McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland. $50 to $500 per acre; easy terras, best soli; farms for sale, all sizus. MtFaxland, 20 Si Failing bids. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. 59 ACRES, located 6 miles from Waldport. In Lincoln county, Oregon, and 2 miles from small town. Property located on the main road from Newport to Wald port; 20 acre under cultivation, all can be cultivated, the balance of the land being in good fir timber. Fine spring and water can be pitted to the house; 3 acres of orchard. Place all fenced with woven wire and fences in good 'con dition. New 2-room painted house. This place Is within y mile of Seal Rock summer resort. Good soil. Price $1000 cash. The place Is clear; if you do not have alt cash, we will finance a loan for part. John Fergoison. Gerlinger blrijff Over 500 small places near Portland. Get our extensive classified lists ACRES, located 22 miles from center. of Portland; east of Greeham; on 2 main roads, as the place is a corner; 33 acres under cultivation, part in crop, all can be cultivated, the land not under cultivation bein . it. pasture; nice, level land; best of loam soil; house, barn. silo, chicken house, granary and machine shed; small bearing orchard; included with the place: 2 good cows, 1 team. 00 chickens and very large line of good machinery; alM seed and feed ; mile to school, H mile to electric station and small town: 4s minutes out from Portland. Offered at a real bargain: no trades considered on this place. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. Over 000 small places near Port land. Get our extensive classified .liMa. 1200 ACRES BEST WHEAT LAND IN OREGON: 200 ACRES PASTURE LAND; ALL IMPROVEMENTS MODERN; WILL PRODUCE FROM 35 TO 40 BUSHELS TO THE ACRE; ONE OF THE BEST RANCHES IN THE STATE OF OREGON; NO AGENTS WANTED; OWNER WILL DEAL WITH PUR CHASER DIRECT. AC 302, ORE GON IAN. 3400 ACRES. This is an island in the Columbia river, all above overflow, of Uiis land is good alfalfa land; 000 acres have been under cultivation; there is a rail road on both sides: this Is a first-class proposition and will bear investigation. This is worth $100 per acre, but I have It for sale for $30 per acre, or will trade for good income property, priced at its real value. C. C. HARNESS. 625 E St., San Diego, Cal. FINE eastern Oregon stock ranch for sale or trade for pood valley farm, 2710 acres, all good bunch grass, joins forest reserve, all fenced and cross-fenced ; 230 acres under ditch, 50 acres alfalfa, all good alfalfa land; creek crosses ranch twice: two sets of buildings, joins town and high school; 118 stock cattle. 14 horses, all farm tools co with ranch at $00,000, about 1-3 time at 5 per cent; give fu l description firwt letter. Owner, box 69, Mitchell, Oregon. A PRODUCING HOME. 2S acres of fine sandy loam that can not be excelled for berries or garden truck; most all sub-irrigated ; own water system from sprins; near Tigard and half mile from pavement; good seven-room house with fireplace and bath; small barn; cost $17,000; will sell for $12,000: terms. Farms of all sizes in all parts of Oregon. See Mr. Vail, 901) Wilcox bldg. Main 4441. MR. RANCHER AND FARMER, JUST LOOK AT THIS. One sf those 140 acres of rich shot soil with spring water piped to the house, part in cultivation, balance pasture; only 3 hk miles from R. R. ; room house, barn, hog and chicken houses: 1 y.. acres choice fruit, rural mail route and telephone, and only $00 an aero. J. B. HOLBROOK. 214-215 Panama hldg, 100-ACRK stock ranch with 12 head of good cattle, mixed ages; farm equipment loo tons of hay ; ranch produces 200 tons and will prod uce 800 tons ; excel lently located In good range country $18,000. half cash, balance long time at 7 Der cent. Ranch alone worth the money. Write JORDAN VALLEY ENGINEERING & LAND. CO.. Jordan Valley. Or. 10 ACRES NEAR THE PAVED ROAD AND ST. CAR LINE. ALL . GOOD BLACK SOIL. House, 3 larsre rooms, good barn; horse, 2 cows, tools and everything for only $2000; $1000 cash will handle It. Phone Main 2011. STEWART fr JOHNSON, 310 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 40 ACRES. 20 clear, 12oo cords standing timber, 6 milk cows, good team, siio, on milk route, 1 hi miles from highway on rock road, good large barn, flye-room house. $7000, good terms. H. Oisen, Beaverton, Or., R. No. 4, box 47. WANTED REAL ESTATE. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY wants homes to sell. We can sell your home quick if price Is reasonable. Call us up. We will be right out, appraise your home and take pic ture of same. 8 Chamber of Com merce bldg. Main 2o. WANTED IN GREGORY HEIGHTS DIS TRICT. We have ready buyers for homes, all sizes and prices, in this district; list your place with us at once. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 208. THERE is a good demand for high-class homes, restricted districts; If you have one for sale and price is not inflater. call POTNDEXTER. 20S Selling Bldg. High-class Home Specialists. Main isoo. Residence. East 0771. WANTED SMALL FAR-MS AND ACREAGE. If you have something good we would like to inspect it and list fur sale. Drop us a line. LUE DDE MANN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce. WANT a west side home in Westover or Portland Heights; must have 4 sleeping rooms and be worth the price; no In flated values considered : give location, nrice and terms, witn uescnpwon, letter. Answer P. O. box SMI. WANT TO BUY A HOME? tt a vp s r4)o cash to Day down on a 0 6-room modern house: Sunuyside or west side. Mount Tabor preferred. Ar 21 Oregon. an WANTED Listings of houses In Ros r--irv Hawthorne, iaureinurst: anu nun nvside district. List with us for quick sale. Roe City Realty Co., 803 Sandy blvd. East l or Taiior ima. IS YOUR HOME FOR SALE? Have buyers for all parts of city; can sell at once if price is right R. SOMERVILLE, V. S. NAT. BANK BLDG. BDWY. 3S3S. HAVE 0oo cash to invest in a home of rn.strifi.r-a.tt nrice in iiawinorne, jiicii mond or Sunnyside district. Must locate in the next ten days. What have you A B 314, Orcgonlan. SMALL comfortable cottage In suburbs or country; must navo kuou iei. cit trie lights preferred; two aduita. AV 00, Oregonlan. WANTED 1 to fi acres; can pay $00 down and good monthly payments; must have Bdme buildings; near city; state price and location. F 304, Oregonlan. wavt choice building lot in Rose City Laureihurst, Irvington or Alameda Park: give lot and block number and your lowest price. Alv 33. Oregonian. FOR ACREAGE, farms, house rooming and housekeeping, business chances, set us. Eastern Exchange. 227, Wast dshln- ton, room A). wavt 1 or 2 lots in Hay stack itock Park r-i.vnon beach Oreson; give price lot and ulock number; must be cheap for cash. BJ 370 Oregonlan. WANTED House and lot for nearly new truck with dump body and hoist; truck Is clear of Incumbrance. D 342. Orego nlan. vc i v T (. 1 1 .'i-rniim bungalow from owner no agent, not over $2000; will pay $1000 cash; must have garden space, vv Wallace 000 E. Burnside E:ist 14S1 I HAVE daily applications tor acreage pear Portland; send the description by mail or call Broadway 5140. WOODCOCK, 327 Henry Bldg. WANT a home in Rose City or Irvington around $"000: give location and descrip tion in Orst letter. Answer P. O. box 843. WANT improved acreage iarm; give houc equity also three lots unincumbered. Owner.' 141 East 00th North. Tabor 7000. WANTED $4000 on Alameda Park cor. neV value $10,000. S. M. Phelps, 027 Corbett bldg. Main 7141. WANT a 0-room strictly modern bungalow in Waverly Heights, or Richmond dis trict. Phone Bdwy. 4S30. WANTED Modern 3 or 4-room house with garage; $400 down. $20 per mo. Owners please answer. Marshall 3320. WANTED Furnished bungalow, 5 rooms, modern; prefer east side. 372. Oregonlan. or 0 BF W-VNTED A good homestead or relin quishment; must be cheap. Apply AC 374. Oregonian WAXT to buy from owner, strictly modern 4 or 5-room bungalow, AE 31S, Orego- nian WILL pay $2000 cash for a livable 0-room house in Hawthorne or Sunnyside dis trict. AB 317, Oregonlan. WVXT to buv small bouse, making month ly" payments. M 300. Orcgonian. WANTED 0 or 7-room modern house on west side; give terms. N 2J2, Oregonlan. WANTED Good residence lot west of 20th. near jgroanway car, r.. n:t. WANT a home in Sunnyside or Hawthorne WANTED Lot in Ladd addition; give lo cation anu priL-e vieguHian. WANTED By handy man, run-down house t on. very easy terms. Tabor 3S2- WANTED REAL ESTATE. LARGEST HOME SELLERS. ON THE PACIFIC COAST. 125 hom.i sold to date th;s year. Ti your home for sale? IT'S HOLD If LISTED WITH US' We Inspect, ap praise and photograph same within -4 hours after listing. We spend thoutans of dollars advertising and are in touch with HUNDREDS OF LIVE BUYERS! No charge except the standard com mission of 5 per cent in the event of a satisfactory sa.e; 20 saicsnien with autos to work on the sale of vour hornet See FRANK L, McGUIRE Abington b.dg ,V:.!n 1 nK. WANTED NEAR DURHAM STATION. 24 to 5 acre tract for chicken ranch; have 2 buyers waiting; give full infor mation, terms and directions for finding place; must have at least 4-room housn; can sell if priced right. See F. D. Mr Quilkln, with J. L. HARTMAN COM PANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. IS YOUR home for said? It is Just as good as sold If listed at our uppralsrit price. We call, photo and apprauw your home free. Salesmen with autos to shovr your property. Clients waiting. J. A. WICK MAN CO., "Shortest W'mv Home." . 264 Stark st. flam los4 and WILL go to JLkvO fin a good modern 3 room bungalow, that Has :rc;.ace and iardwood tioors; located in home good district with paved street; preler to deal with someone leaving city, a I am at hotel and wan', quick po&iief:on. W 1 42, Or'iron:an. WANT new. ; trade, bala Hotel Port;: ludern furnii-lu'd home, part ce cash. 01. D. Johnson nd. Partus Wanted. SAWMILL WANTED. Wanted, a tie miU, capacity 15.000 to 20,r0 feet per day, ready to run; must own some ntmia':i 1 oca led clu.se to railroad, AL svl . t repni :a I HAVE nvciai clients who want to buy l.irins, from 20 acres to 100; make the price right and write me or call Broad way 0 14 rt. WOODCOCK. 327 Henry Building. anted to Kent Farm. HAVE VOL" A FARM To KENT? LET US RENT IT FOR YOU! W have a waiting ht of cuomera anxious to rent immediately. A.sk for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L McGUIRE, 2"S Abington Plrtg. Main W ANTE D T k'usu on shares by pood farmer who can give btt reference; dairy farm, equipped ; w ill buy later. 312 Bai k St., W a Lace. Idaho. TIMBER LAND. FOR SALE Complete 35.000 sawmi.I, planer, edger. trimmer, filing machine, blacksmith shop, new belling. 2 l mil lion timber; plenty more avuLable; don key and equipment, four good horses and equipment; 2 miles io R. u., ood nia c;u!am road; private dock. This la a ba.rta.in; nothing bet ter: operating. A. Jl. HINKSON, EUGENE. Oiw Phone 910. FOR SALE 1 OF THE BEST EQUIPPED SMALL SAWMILL PLANTS ON Til Pj MARKET; 30 M. CAPACITY SAWMILL AND PLANING MILL COMPLETE; PLENTY OK TIMBER. RED AND YKL LO W KIR; I 'LA N T I .OC ATKD O N RAILROAD AND RIVER. FOR SALB AT A BARGAIN. PLANT NOW RUN NING. OWNEII HAS SPECIAL REA SON FOR SELLING ADDRESS AV HM1, ORE'GONIAN. FOR SALE. Approximately 10.ooo.itOO feet of flna fir timber with mill site on creek, on mile from R. R. station and town; $2oiW will handle. For particulars write the Buxton Commercial club, Buxton, Ore ron. $4000 :t.s a ros curd wood tim ber ; timber alone worth price. Ev.-ninir'. .Main S 1 .: I . PILING wanted aUuui.1 S P., cc-uar polo anywhere. O. V. Gamble. Couch bldg. FOR RENT FARMS. ORCHARD fur cultivation; part crop, part pay, equipment furnished. Handy Bios. S31 Cham, of Com., city. 30 ACRES, liiiL- buildings. paved 2170. must buy equipment. E;is FARM to lt;iKo, Waterloo. Or. 370 acres. W. C. llowtsil. TO EX CI! A CF, It FA I. ESTATE. FOR 40 uci. apple on SALE 8 with hard u (1 EXCHANGE ) acr h well-cared-for tlie h''u commercial out 11 years old; lo- varletk trees j ited about 7 MUh of MohIi r. Or.; good auto i EiifK within a f-w blocks from the pla unalile to take care !. owner physically f the orchard or h ork. Prico $0000; do any kind of nitg. $1300. has long time to run .t 0 per cent int. Submit what you have in Portland property fr the equity. E. A. LINDGREN, Savon Land Co., 030 N. W. Bank Bldg. 1-ACRE BUNGALOW HOME. Neat littie 0-roui plastered bunga low with bath and toilet, US large bear ing assorted fruit tre. s. r:tpberrlt s, b i a tk berries. Intra n ber rW-s and black caps; good rabbit lunme and woodshed, bet, M t. Scott and Ha wt borne cirlim-s, price $:i0oo, $ooo cash or will take small acreage cluse to car up to $'hio. Sue Mr. Stephens. Fred W, German Co., 732 'ha ni. of i'n in. WILL take a well-located lot as first pty- n lent on t his 7-n.nm house in WEST MORELAND. This is one of the best houses iii the dist riet, ni rictly modem, double garage, c;i:-h value 0O0; prefer a lot lu Kobe City Park, Irvington ur LaurelhurL Call Main 203. WALLOWA county grain and slot k ranches, l2o acres tii.-iern Washington wheat ranch, all plow Und, $10 per aire. New S-room bungalow in Irvington, Just being completed, jsooo. Town property in Enterprise. Or. Any of above for nam or exchange by owner. S. A. Goiter, 313 Wlicux bldg. Main 30HO. HOUSE FOR CAR. Walking distance to heart of city; 6 room lions on fractional int. First and Curry streets, on west side; w 11 ; take machine and ome ca.li as first p-'ivm'-nt, balance like renL See F, C. Mai shall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abinfiton Bids. Main HHP. ROSE CITY HI"N( T rooms, large auic, modern, lot 5uxl 0o. 't ;. L w, nat.tge, strictly Idorlt from car, in an (into and paved street; wili take some cash part payment. this at once. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., t. GOoD 0-room house, plutered. bath, large pantry, hall and basement, gas and phone. Lot 20x loo. on pavement (Grand ave. ), 1 block from cur. Occu pied by owner. .Will exchange for small country home or take good Ford or Dodge car as part. Prfee cut to $2200. Phone Woodlawn -1702. RUSE CPTY N"EV BCNGALOW. 5 rooms and attic, nli bullt-ins, hard wood floors, cement basement; will take in a lot or an auio mid some cash hs part payment, balance easy terms. Mr. lienrv, RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 30.. Oak St. SALE or trade 4" acres, mi improvements, on highway. 12 miles to Astoria, 1 i miles to town. Will take good car or rooming house, or resilience property. For quick deal, price $1mio, J. K. Lone, 17tl.'t Denver ave. Plume 3jo-liI. 00 At; RES msir town and ha i d r'vad, 2 acres under cultivation, buildings, lota of stand ing wood, pasture. Would con sider ni oiler n house in cxelui ngs. Price $0oo0; terms. Wilbur F. Jouno, Henry bldg. WILL trad; income property or u a-ruon buniralow, both weij located in citv. fo a 7 or S-room modern home; would pre fer corner lot, Jouxlo). no one Vmt owne need, answer this: will pay different A H 304. Oregon larr 000 ACRES, stocked and euippt d, ready to go on and make money. m in sider good house in Portland or subur ban property n first pavimnL STEWART &- JOHNS-i.V, 31 7 North western! tank Bldtr MODERN 7-room house, full cem. ha... corner lot, pavea st.. ciose ,ierier.-on tuna and cars for improved suburban. eVue to elec. lines. Auto. 324-21. or T 377, Oregonian. DANDY lot. 42d ave. near 4d st.. -j blo-'k from car; lartre pine trees, nne view, good neighborhood; for saie clienp or trade for good light car. -Mr. Peach, Bdwv. 4i0'V ' TO EXCHANGE Newly built 4-room plastered bunga low and four lots at The Dalle?, Oregon, for small Portland home Write W. M, A.. 220 N OC si reel-, Portland $1300 WANTED. 7 per cent, double. Cor el ructed, modern it-room r"tidene, lot 40x 130. .lu.-t so hi for $20o; excellent in-oral risk. 47 E. KIMincKWort h, 3 blocks ea Hi U i) i o nM arsh a l! 740. CHOICE 10 acres near progressive valley town; frame bulldincs. considerable fruit, sacrifice Sli.'uO; want residence; sell, prny terms. 1 4 1 East I'.'.'th North. Tabor 70.'" SA LE or trade, Velie 3 - top truck, on ly used about 3 months; $."iuoO; will taka acreage, farm or house and lot. Eastern Exchange, 227 '4 Wash. FOR SALE or trade for city property, 10 acres of bearing apple orchard, near EuKene Phone fl'"i-40 100 ACRES Canad iau wheat land nenr town and school for acreace or house in city. P. W. Green, 2 23 Henry hi dg 40 ACRES fruit land. $100o and cash for Port, a lid real estate. Owner, Xbar A A