K VOL. LIX 0. 18,781 Entered Portland I Ore ton) Pos'offlre Peond-C'ls Mutter POKTLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1921 PRICE FIVE CENTS OATHS WARM UP WIFE SAVES DRUNKEN HUSBAND; MAY DIE PLOT TO KILL 150 MAINE SPORTS BUDS AND KANSAS BLOOMS PROBE OF CONDUCT IN ISLANDS WANTED E BUSINESS INSTINCT SPOILS LEGEND TEST T YET WOMAX ROLLS MAX FROM GRASSHOPPERS HOPPING IX OLD PIXE TREE STATE. AMERICAN' PARTICIPATION IN GOVERNMENT ATTACKED. EXPERIMENTER'S SON ADMITS SELLING GROUNDHOGS. RAILS, IS CACGHT BY WHEELS t ROAD FR0GRAIV1M MAYOR S ASSAILED I OB LEGIONMEN FAILS STARTED I y V Dawes Blisters Critics of Army's Record. WITNESS NOT IN POLITICS Statement Hints Cabinet Post Will Not Be Accepted. DEMOCRATS ARE JOYFUL Testimony to Refute Charges of Waste by Administration; Flaws f Government Brought Forth. WASHINGTON. Feb. 2. After de claring he was not In politics and was net coins in. Charles O. Dawes of Chicago, ex-chief of supply procure ment for the American army In France, attacked today what he charged were political attempts to d.eoredit achievements of the people who won the war. Appearing before a house war In vestigating committee, Mr. Dawes truck hard blows at critics who had tried, he said, to detract from the glory of the great achievement by picking flaws and parading trivial faults 2000 miles away. At times the air was thick with oaths for which the witness frankly confessed he bad litither apology nor excuse. He reiterated an earlier offhand latement as to his own party In politics, which vas accepted to mean he would not become a member of Mr. Harding's cabinet. Mr. Dawes sharply denounced the system of con - ducting the federal gove-nment, an aril of a hundred years' standing, he declared, with which Investigators Blight better afford to deal. Dranrra,CalI Diwm, Mr. Dawes was called by demo cratic members of the committee to rebut testimony relating to waste and extravagance' and particularly witb refereace to liquidation of American accounts In France and sale of sur plus stocks to France. Answering charges that food and clothing sup plies might have brought more than the 1400,000,000 paid by France. Mr. Dawes turned on one of his ques , tioners. Representative Bland, repub lican, Indiana, and shouted: "It Is Just that sort of fool argu ment that forced Great Britain to hold on to its stocks and attempt to drive a hard bargain. The stuff Is there, rotting. There is no use to try and throw mud wheri you were not there to know conditions. Eng land lost billions of dollars by lis tening to that talk. They are raising the devil in Kngland now. because England did not sell." France Charged Too Mock. Mr. Dawes said he thought France was charged too much. Here you come and charge," he said, "that we should not have sold augar. Tbe war department ordered the aale. The augar went with the Junk. Everything was second hand. We got 1400,000.000 for it. We liqui dated every account, and we did it because a lot of big men quit their jobs and-went there to help. "We cleaned the slate and congress today atill has pending claims that date back to the revolution. It was a Dig Jod and we are proud of It. In finding fault and hunting responsi bility you uon't have far to go. Per shing was the commander-in-chief and his . shoulders are big enough, thank God, to bear it." Mr. Bland questioned Mr. Dawes about excessive prices paid for equip ment and material. Civilization Now Secure. -Sure we paid," he said. "We didn't top to dicker. Why. man alive, we had to win. It was a man's Job. We would have paid horse prices for sheep. The man like Johnson, there he said, turning to the chairman. -was standing at the front to be shot at. We had to get him food and am munition. Oh. It's all right now to say we bought too much vinegar and too many cold chisels, but we saved Civilization. "I am no more ashamed to stand up for England than for the United States." he said, jumping from his chair and facing about. "It seems to be fashionable in American politics to attack England. I am not In politics and I am hot going to be. And I thank God that in a crisis like we had there were no bickerings between the English-speaking peoples." Ft-lc Tea Hn Failures. "The diplomatic system of appoint ing men with pink tea experience In war time." he continued, "was a rotten failure. Sharp was all right, tut the rest of them were utter fail ures. It was all due to the appoint ment of society men pink tea fel lows. Why, we couldn't get any w here. ' We had George McFadden over there and he did in three days what the diplomats could not do In three months. "Let me illustrate. We needed S000 artillery horses. They were In the fields and it was harvest time In France. It was my Job to get them, and it was my argument that we could not get our men to the front without horses. Unless we got them the Germans would break through. We didn't talk prices we Just iCoaciudod on P(g i. Column 4.) Spouse Unhurt; Tragedy Climax to Search by Gir! Wlien Man Site Loved Didn't Come Home. LEXINGTON. Ky.. Feb. 2. (Spe ciaL) A woman It often has been proved, will give up her life for one she loves. The latest demonstration of this, news of which reached here today, is the case of Mrs. Ota Mitchell, 20 years old, who lives at Firstcreek, Perry county. James Mitchell, her husband, be came drunk on bootleg whisky. He did not come home and his wife set out to look for him. Finally she found him. In his drunken wander Ings Mitchell had crawled onto the Louisville & Nashville railroad tracks, had stretched out batween the rails and gone to sleep. A train ran around a curve and bore down rapidly. Mrs. Mltchejl rushed to her husband and began tugging at his body. The engineer saw her and frantically tried to shut off the engine's power. Mrs. Mitchell realized she could not save her hus band and herself, so she placed her own body between Mitchell and the train. With a last despairing push she rolled her husband's body over the rail to safety, but it was too late to save herself and the wheels struck her, dragging her partly under the wheels and mangling her right arm so It had to be amputated. Mrs. Mitchell is in a serious condition from her injuries and the strain she under went in sacrificing herself for her husband. Mitchell was not hurt. EXILES TO RETURN HOME Germans Long Interned In Mexico to Sail From .New York. WASHINGTON. Feb. 2. Permission has been given by the American gov ernment for the transfer through the United States of about 60 German officers and seamen who have been Interned at Guaymas, Mexico, since the beginning of the world war and wnose repatriation nas been ar ranged by the German ministry to .Mexico. The Germans will enter the United States .at Nogales. Ariz., and will go to New York. from, which port they probably will sail for Ger many February 24, on the steamer Manchuria The Germans formed the crews of about JO sailing vessels which by the peace treaty, have been'' turned over to the allies. SPAIN HAS TERROR GANG Band of 15 Organized for General Campaign of Assassination. SEVILLE. Spain. Feb. 2. The gov ernor of the province announced to day -the discovery of a terrorist plan of campaign being carried out by a band of 15 called "chariots." each of whom has been paid 20 pesetas daily. Assassins were chosen by lot, accord ing to the governor, and they executed orders without question. The authori ties claim to be tracking the entire band. The normal value of 20 pesetas In American currency s S3.S0. GANDER BEFRIENDS OX Blind Animal Guided to Water by Quacking Fowl. GREENSBORO, Ala, Feb. 2. A tale of the extraordinary friendship ex isting between a gander and a blind ox on the farm of Braxton Holcroft was brought here today. Each day, so the story goes, a state ly gander leads an aged and blind ox to a pond for water. The gander, walking just in front, quacks now and then, so that the ox may follow, and when the pond is reached, stands guard wh-le he ox drinks. When the ox has finished the gander leads him back. FACE WILL BE RESTORED Baby to Undergo Plastic Surgery Following Record Judgment. OAKLAND, Cal, Feb. 2. Experts In plastic surgery will be employed to apply methods similar to those used in restoration of faces of war vet erans, to restore the face of 19- months-old Delancey Smith Jr., parents of the child announced here today when the baby recovered a judgment for $50,000 against a nurse who left the child In a bathtub with the hot water running. It is the largest Judgment for a babe in the history of local courts. DEBT GROWS $11,010,714 Treasury Certificates Cause Most of Increase in Bill. WASHINGTON. Feb. 2. An In crease of 111.010,714 in the public debt last month was announced today by the treasury.. Officials said it was due largely to tbe Issuance of treasury certificates of indebtedness. The total gross debt on January SI was $23,993,234,882. ACTRESS TO BE HONORED Sarah Bernhardt to Be Officer of Legion of Honor. PARIS, Feb. 2. The promotion of Sarah Bernhardt to be an officer ot the Legion of Honor will be an nounced shortly. This is in recognition of the famous actress' work in encouraging French art abroad, 26 Sticks of Dynamite Placed Under Building. 8-INCH FUSE FOUND BURNING Man Who Tried Blasting Be lieved Hindu or Japanese. ABERDEEN IS SURROUNDED Police and ex-Soldiers 'of Monte- sano, Hoqulam and El ma In Hunt for Stranger. ABEDREEN. Wash., Feb. 2, (Spe cial.) Twenty-aix sticks of dynamite, wrapped in a copy of the Montesano Vidette and bound tightly with fuses were placed under the American Legion building here tonight In an attempt to destroy it. The building was saved by Henry Lancaster, a painter, who saw a man striking a light under the building. The would-be bomber fled and Lan caster carried the package of dyna mite into the building, pulling from it the spluttering fuse, which was eight inches long. More than 150 cx-scrvlce men were in the build ing at the time, making application for service bonuses. Legionnaire Sees Light. Lancaster, riding by the legion building on a bicycle, saw someone light a match below the corner front ing Market street and adjoining a vacant lot. Dismounting, he stepped across the sidewalk and confronted a short dark man who had Just risen from his knees. Ho asked him jok ingly if he had been hiding mooshine. "No," was the answer. Lancaster said the man trembled and stammered. Peering under the build'ng, Lan caster saw the burning fuse and pulled out the package. The man beside him had hurried away. Mas Hindu or Jupaaeae. Lancaster described the man as be tween 20 and 25 years old, about five feet tall and weighing around 130 pounds. He was smooth shaven with high cheekbones, apparently being either a Hindu or a Japanese. He wore a brown suit, a dark over coat and a black fedora hat. Lan caster insisted that he would be able to identify him. Immediately after discovery of the bomb. . legionnaires in the building, co-operating with the police, formed posses and threw a cordon about the business section of the city to the waterfront. Police at Hoquiam, Mon tesano and Elma were notified by '(. Concluded on Page 6, Column 1.) IT'S THIS TIME OF YEAR AGAIN. . ' J ' : ll i r ) l I Hon Ofcuv III II ' ' J r? ; 1 :ittW A t?T-JE i t i "v a rovA s ififLM n WriA'll I 1 I I i I I I 11 A I x v&ss aim J-J--J u f i,r 1 1 I V-vls-'o - -Z3 I i I i K . . . Wheatfields Green In Middle West. Big Storm on Pacific Coast Now Blowing Over. PORTLAND, Me.. Feb. 2. Maine residents who went south to escape a New England winter may be inter ested in Maine's reports that grass hoppers are being caught in the state. Another correspondent tells of a fruit tree branch with buds showing. Last winter seven feet of snow fell within as many weeks, while weather bureau reports show a total snow fall of two inches in January this year and an aggregate temperature more than 30 degrees warmer than last January. TOPEKA. Kan, Feb. 2. Wild flowers are in bloom and wheat Is as green as In spring-, an almost unpre cedented condition for early Febru ary, says the weekly report issued to day by the weather bureau. ST. JOHNS, N. F, Feb. 2. The Newfoundland coast is icebound as a result of the severest cold of tli winter. The northern bays and Con ception bay. ten miles north of the city, are solidly frozen over and the mail steamers have abandoned their service. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 2. The storm which has been active greater or lesser degree along the Pacific coast for the past nine days has blown over, according to G. H. Willson, forecaster of the United States weather bureau here, who said tonight that indications point to the northeasterly movement of the dis turbance and its passage over British Columbia. It was during the disturb ance that the 150-mile wind velocity was recorded at the weather station at North Head, Wash, at the mouth of the Columbia river, last week, he said. PACT DECLARED BROKEN Germans Said to Have Made Rifles Contrary to Treaty. WARSAW, Feb. 2. The shipment of arms and ammunition being sent from Germany into the Sllesian plebiscite area, seised by the inter allied plebiscite police Monday, ac cording to newspaper dispatches. Is said to have included 500 rifles of the 1920 . model, made in Germany last year, in alleged' violation of the peace treaty. -.'".". . - There were also 100,000 cartridges, 2500 hand-grenades and 6600 gas bombs, the message declared. COOLIDGE COAT STOLEN Vice-Prcsldent-Elect Victim of Thief in X. M. C. A. Building. ATLANTA, Ga, Feb. 2. Atlanta's police department admitted today that Calvin Coolidge's overcoat had been stolen from the T. il. C. A. while the vice-president-elect was visiting hers last week, and that the city's best de tectives could not find it. The public was asked to help. IT'S THIS TIME OF YEAR AGAIN. - I - 77 1 SO(aE. SV)fPEft? - j Johnson Resolution Calling for Reasons for Occupation of Siberia Is Considered. WASHINGTON. Feb. 2. Investiga tion of the participation of Ameri cans, "either civilians or members of the military or naval establishments. In the governmental affairs of the republic of Nicaragua. Haiti and Santo Domingo." is proposed in a res olution by Senator Johnson, repub lican, California, ordered favorably reported today by the senate foreign relations committee. The committee also ordered a fav orable report on another resolution by Senator Johnson proposing an in vestigation into "the sending of Unit ed States soldiers to Siberia; the pur poses of their presence there; their activities and accomplishments, if any, and also the condition and sit uatlon of citizens of the United Slates and the interests of citizens of the United States In Siberia." Senator Johnson asked immediate consideration for his resolutions in the senate, but they went over on objection of Senator Hitchcock. Senator Hitchcock of Nebraska, ranking democratic member, opposed the Siberian inquiry fccforj the com mittee, but did not object to the pro posal affecting Nicaragua, Haiti and the Dominican republic. Republican members of the foreign relations, committee said they did not expect adoption of the resolution dur ing the present session, but that the committee's action was to "serve no tice" of an Intention to go into the subjects outlined at an early date. BERGDOLL'S AIDE HUNTED Legionnaire Who Helped Fugitive Escape Is Sought. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind, Feb. 2. The American legion will take steps to seek out the man who is reported to have aided Grover Cleveland Berg doll to escape from Canada to Ger many, Lemuel Bolles, national ad jutant, said today. Mr. Bollcs said that newspaper re ports carried the statement that de partment of justice agents who in vestigated the case said that Berg- doll obtained his passport in Winni peg by using an American legion but ton and the American discharge papers of a legionnaire. C00LIDGES PREFER HOTEL Vice-President-Elect Turns Down Offers of Washington Houses. WASHINGTON, Feb. 2 Vice President-elect and Mrs. Coolidge will make their home in a hotel here and not in any of the houses offerea them, it was learned today. The hotel is the same one in which Vice President and Mrs. Marshall have oc cupied an apartment. Mr. and Mrs. Coolidge are but fol lowing the custom they adopted in Boston of living at a hotel during bis governorship. They intend, it is understood, to retain their modest house at Northampton. Mass. Absence of Team Work at Salem Serious. FRICTION ALSO INTERFERES Highway Legislation at This Session Questionable. NEARLY FOUR WEEKS GONE Not One Measure in Interest of Road Construction Yet Passed by Lawmaking Body STATE HOUSE. Salom, Or., Feb. 2. (Special.) Lack of co-ordinate functioning between the senate and house committees on roads and high ways, and the failure of some one or more members of the joint committee to take the reins In hand and whip a road programme into shape, threat en highway legislation at this ses sion. Then, too, there is some friction between senate and house members. so that the road programme at this late date in the session Is hampered. iMghteen members comprise the Joint committee, but all are too busy with other matters to specialize ; on the technicalities of road problems. Chairman Wright of the house com mittee is doing his best, but the right sort of trained support and informa tion is conspicuous by its absence. Oddly enough, the committee is call ing In the assistance of an outsider, W. B. Dennis, of Carlton, to furnish technical data. Mobilizing masses of statistics and formulas is the hobby of Mr. Dennis, and for the good of the road programme he should have been elected last year. No Bond Money Provided. Nothing has yet been done toward furnishing the state highway Com mission with more bond money. This matter must receive attention before the session- closes .or there 'will not bo" sufficient funds to carry on high way work during the next two years. Nothing has been done about rev enues for maintenance. Nothing has been done about various other high way essentials. The joint committee is simply drifting. Today the house committee decided to amble along under Its own power. Thus far the only important action of the senate committee was to rec ommend the passage of the Roosevelt highway bill, which was carried in the house largely as a compliment to Senator Hall, chairman of the senate committee, who has not asked for anything else. What will happen to the Roosevelt highway measure In the house only time can tell. Indica tions are that the measure will be slaughtered. ' Faetlona Undertake Deal. A dicker now is being negotiated between friends of tbe Roosevelt road, which means the representa tives of the coast counties and the eastern Oregon group. The alleged trade is to exchange votes for the Roosevelt highway in return for sup Dort for irrigation measures. This is a deal similar to the one which carried the Roosevelt highway and the irrigation law when these were approved by the people. Chairman Wright, in relation to providing more funds for the general road programme, favors offering i bill authorizing the highway commis sion to issue bonds up to the 4 per cent limit, or not to exceed $3,000,000 Present policy of the commission will require at least $5,000,000 before the 1923 legislature assembles. Mr. Dennis, in his capacity as a con sultant .for road legislation, is con tinuing to advocate a license based on weight and price of car rather than nn horseDower. as at present. This was his contention in 1919 and 1920, when he was chairman of the house committee on roads and highways. Ha is now working on a plan to make al lowance for depreciation in the value of cars, lack of which has been held an injustice in the- present license system. Views on Tax Varlooa. Opinion is divided on whether more tax should be placed on gasoline. Maintenance of state highways Is be coming an important item. The high' way commission has an agreement with some counties to do maintenance on a 50-50 basis, but this plan has many inequalities, particularly since in the counties where maintenance cost is greatest the counties are the least prepared to share the expense. The highway commission will take over all maintenance if funds are sup plied and a source is suggested. This source is another cent tax on the gasoline. Then there is the quarter-mill levy, which the governor wants abol ished so that the money can be used for the boys' training school. The highway commission oeciares mis quarter-mill tax is essential to the road programme. Chairmain Wright is trying to effect a compromise. The executive office wants money from the quarter-mill tax for two years. This money Is Intended for the boys' training school, the girls' Industrial school, the home for the feeble mind ed and a wing for the eastern Ore gon branch asylum at Pendleton. Members of the road commission who were at first willing to follow the Cucludei en fK 2. Column S.JL Fallicr Walts in Vain for Animals to Appear Before Observation Tower and Tell Weather. MONMOUTH. Kan., Feb. 2. Be cause his son has an eye for business, John Wilheimcr did not find out to day whether the ground hog knows anything about the length of winter. Wilheimcr has his doubts as to the old theory that if the animal sees his shadow when he comes out of his hole February 2 h knows more cold snaps are in sight and goes back for a six weeks' nap. So he decided a test. Last fall he bought five ground hogs, housed them on tho bank of Lightning creek and built an observa tion tower, to await the day when, tradition has it, the ground hog goes over the top. Early today Wilheimcr went to tho creek to see what would happen. It was an ideal day for the experiment. H& perched himself in his observa tion tower and kept one eye on the sun and the other on the creek bank. After considerable time, when he was no nearer a solution than before, ho began to wonder If his ground hogs were especially late sleepers or vficthcr they didn't know what day it' was. Then his 11-year-old son appeared. "Pop," he began, "I don't think your groundhogs will show up today be cause they are not there. I didn't mean to do anything you didn't want me to. but last fall somo fellows from town came out hunting and wanted 'possums. Sam Willits and I sacked the groundhogs and sold them as 'possums for $2 apiece." Wllheimer went back home. He said he didn't know whether he would try acnln next year. NEWBERRY WINS BY 4334 Ford Loser in .Michigan Klcclio Recount, Just Finished. WAShiwiw, cb. 2. The re count -of ballots in the Michigan sena torlal election qf 1918, finished today by the senate's elections committee left Senator Newberry, republican, with a plurality of 1.134 over Henry Ford. Mr. Ford made a net gain of 323 votes in the recount, but Senator Newberry's original plurality wa 7567. BANKER, 100, IS ON JOB Centenarian Attributes Longcvit) to Work and Simple Life. LANCASTER, Pa.. Feb. 2. Bar Shingler, who is in his 100th year, president of the First National bank at Marietta, and the oldest bank pres ident in the United States, today cele brated with his wife their 74th wed ding anniversary. He is daily on duty. He attributed his longevity to work and siojple rules of health. INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. 02 degrees; minimum, 4- decrees TODAY'S Rain; eouthesterly winds. Foreign. Germany It told how to avoid bis deficit. I'age 3. National. Senate floodgates of oratory opened, but tariff bi!. gets nowhere. Page 2. Colby's Journey cements friendship of South American republics, declare Louis Slebold. Page 4. Dawes warms up house war inquiry with outburst of oaths. Page 1. Figures for show record-breaking growth of foreign trade. Page 4. Levy on German exports Is declared to be device of Satan. Page 2. General Pershing sounds warning against premature disarmament. Page. 4. Investigation of American conduct in Is! anda and Siberia la proposed in senate. Page 1. Palmer rules out liquor wholesalers. Page 6. Domestic. Wife who rescued drunken husband from death on railroad tracks may die. Page 1. Episcopal pastor called on carpet. Page 3. Kon-partisan claim in North Dakota peters out. Page 7. Testimony tends to Involve soldiers In kill ing of Alabama coal miner. Page 13, Maine reports fruit buds showing, while flowers are blooming in Kansas. Page 1. Backwoods combed to get 12 Jurymen. Page 13. legislatures. Idaho governor reduces estimates asked by state educational Institutions. Page 7. Senate favors measure to clip wings ot public service commission. Page 14. Opposition to changes in Washington edu cation system grows, i-age n. Fish fight to enliven senate session on Friday. Pago 14. Senate passes eight bills and approves two measures from house. Page 15. Oregon asks three states to support road bill. Page,J4. Tourist association requests $100,000. Pase 6. Absence of team work in legislature hanf pers road legislation. Page 1. l'arlflc Northwest. Plot to kill 150 legion men falls. Page 1. Sport. Farrell Is wanted to fight in New York, Page 12. Wlllard to meet victor of Dempsey-Car- pentler fight. Page 12. Commercial and Marine. With potato stocks larger than year ago, better prices not expected, fage 21. Wheat affected by estimate of email carry over. Page 20. Pacific stocks strong features of Wall street market Page 21. Arthur C. Callan appointed general agent in Portland for Williams mtercoastal line. Page 20. Pacific Steamship company establishes freight feeder service to southern ori ental ports. Page 20. Portland and Vicinity. Baker and labor tilt over Steffens. Page 1. Family of eight held for deportation. Page 10. Pay rise for chief of police la sought Page 10. Twenty-two divorces granted In day. Page 11. East Twenty-ninth street Improvement protested as useless by property owners affected. Page 22. Sir Ernest Oppenhelmer urges better trade relations between Africa aau America. Face 22. FOR STEFFEWS BUN Labor Delegates Call on City Executive. WARM WORDS EXCHANGED Minister's Strictures Arouse Mr. Baker's Ire. VISIT PROVES OF NO AVAIL I'rolcst Bearers Heard Tlironsh, but l'eriui.slon to I'sc Audi torium Is Not Grunlcd. Armed with a copy of a I'envcr labor paper and primed with copious arguments, seven representatives of labor organizations, and Rev. K. K. Howard, chaplain of Good Samaritan hospital, wailed on -Major Raker es tcrday afternoon to demand explana-, tions for his refusal of tho municipal auditorium for a lecture by Lincoln Steffens and Irwin St. John Tucker, socialists. Rev. Mr. Howard, who Is also chair man of the social service commission of the local diocese of the Kplscopal church, distinguished himself from his associates by htating that ho was appearing in his capacity as an American citizen. The auditorium was tentatively rented for thj lectures on February 7 somo timo ago. Later tho meeting was publicly announced and ad vertised as a demonstration ugalnrt the deportation of Ludwig C. K .Martens, soviet propagandist to the UnitL'd States. Sin J or Sends Stinging l.rlter. In a stinging letter to the propo nents of tho meeting, Muyor Laker stated that the auditorium would not bo availablo for that purpose and that meetings of tho nature planned would not be tolerated in Portland, either at tho auditorium or elsewhere. His ac tion followed tho receipt of telegrams from the mayor of iJcnver and the authorities of other cities stating that Steffens' lecture was "very dis appointing from an American stand point." The discussion yesterday waxed ex tremely warm at times, with the min ister and B. A. Gre.en. an attorney representing various organizations, taking the lead In grilling tho mayor. The range of subjects dealt with. swung from the authority of Port land's chief executive to the Irish question and DeVulera's visit to the United States and even back to century-old decisions rendered by the federaiiit Judges. It ended where it started, with Mayor Baker firmly opposed to the use of the auditorium or the dissem ination of revolutionary or radio! propaganda. Several verbal tilts be tween the mayor and Rev. Mr. How ard were precipitated during the de bale. Mayor Oppusrs Aicitator. As a law-ali!Jing citizen," said the mayor, directly addressing Jlr. How ard, "do you think that it is good public policy to allow an agitator the run of the city, to give him every op portunity to Bprend his revolutionary (Concluded on Pi Column 1.) 1 I MOST DELIGHTFUL DIARY EVER PENNED. Critics are more often grumpy than genial, and fre quently they disagree, but for the diary of Margot Asquith, wife of the ex-prime minister of Great Britain, they have unstinted praise alone. Eng land and the colonies caught the flavor of her racy, daring disclosures, and spread the fame of the season's sensa tion. The Sunday Oregonian, be lieving that the diary of Mar got Asquith is a document well worth the reading for the calcium light it casts upon men and atiairs ot tne Brit ish empire, and for its pierc ing wit and sprightly analysis has procured publication rights and will present it as a serial feature, beginning Sun day, February 13, in 13 in stallments. Soci?l and political England are stripped to the buff by Mrs. Asquith the loved and hated Lady Puck of Albion. From Gladstone's day to the present her vivacious yes, valiant reminiscences read many a hitherto unanswered riddle and riddle many a sham. Bigger and Better Than Most - Magazines. THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN JUST FIVE CENTS