V THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1921 14 REAL ESTATE. For 6a I -Lota. LALREI.1IURST LOTS. NOW IS YuCR OPPORTUNITY. AUCTION PRICES AND LESS. Fomo as low as $: tome beauties for n.000- all improvemcnfa In ana paia. COMK OUT TODAY. nf'lc on lha IironeMV. E. 39th ST Glisan at., or phone Tabor 34:13. evfr nings E. 77.- Mr. iwianuniy S.-1.I I'Asilt loiv fine lilt 40120. in uod dtock dist.. 1 block from, car. AM WO, Ore-rnnian. tor suit Butne Property. rOENER 12T1I AND YAMHILL. Vnf below assessed value: on third cash, baiance in 1U25. J. W. Strlclt GorcUa bldg. Main 3517 or Broadway FACTORY aitej With traCKae. E. 22d and Gladstone: 4 acres, sale or leas, all or part. Phone owner. East 32-. For Sale Houses. 3 WE WISH TO CALL I ! ATTENTION ! TO nrR NEW HOME DE PARTMENT! Mr. J. R. Halght. mar., ia an expert in ail that is pew In new bungalows, and ho Is always at your service In helping you alone these lines. We have a choice selection of dainty new bungalows in every part of the city. Some lovely ones are ready for you in LAURELHURST, this week. Let him show vou these. ye FRANK L. MeGUlKB To Ruy Your "New" Home. Ablngton bids. ilaia 1068. new bungalow. tunrruimvL. nuiTHIiTT I4.VW. "Voo would never believe it possible to oy such a nome as this for so little snowy. FOLI-OW EVERY WORD Or- THIS AD. We can not impress upon . tn Mmfiv the real value ox tna property: Just think of being able to hnv a mortem 5-room bungalow with tiarxwood floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, plumbing such as one wouio, find in a $10,oo0' bungalow with tile floor, shower bam. receasea m, ' cement basement and wash trays; the irst person showing- ns a better buy will be given $10; you will be surprised at the remarkable easy payments. Let us show you you will be under o wbUgations positively. A. G. TEBPE CO.. CTA- Stark St.. Near 4th. Main 3"!?. CS730 TTPTCAL nobby R. C P. b i tralow; bars wood floors, fireplace, . iurnaco. buffet, living room across entire front; finished In rich Old ivory; garage: full lot; paved st. Greatest ottering of Beason; terms. Alain 4 S0.1. . G. C. GOLDENBERG, Ablngton Bklg. T '"35 Years la Portland." ".MODERN 4-room bunk-alow In Richmond . . a - .ire. Dutch kitchen Jot 60x100. S34W. with $650 cash and . $; month. .,.., I Modern 5-room bungalow ra Alberta ,i k.,m ,.m.nt basement: Karace I Dutch kitchen; close to Broadway. S3250 with ..HJ casn oowa miu m . Including interest ! A. J. Do FOREST CO.. S20- Henry bldg. Bdwy. 550". FINE SCHUYLER ST. HOME. runipR mOvlnO. Ltrlng and dining rooms, finished In beavy oak throughout, breakfast room with beautiful built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, oak floors In all 8 rooms, two henutlfullv furnished bath rooms, laun- mnA fruit rooms in basement : doubl constructed, furnace heat, paved street. good garage: price jio.i" JOHNSON-DODSON CO. "S V. W. Bank hldg. Main S7ST. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Modern residence, large living room, dining room, den, kitchen, 4 bedrooms, bath, maid's room, hardwood floors, fur i.r minds, level lot beautiful hrubs, on paved street and 2 blocks to car: owner going east and anxioua to ell; shown oniv by appointment. POINDEXTER. 208 Selling Bldg. HIGH-CLASS HOME SPECIALISTS. MIN 18Q0. RES. EAST HT71. unnsHIS ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. On East 45th. a beautiful home of five rooms with full attic, basement ana ga ruire: lare-e living and dining rooms, cab inet kitchen, all the bullt-ins; furnace nd firrnlaee. white enamel throughout; Improvements all In and paid; lot Si'x inn. bearing fruit, rare shrubbery; price $5500. $l.mo cash. ELMER F. BENNETT CO.. 318-321 Board of Trade. Main T4S2, 14UUU WE ARE agent for i of Port land's best builders, therefore we can make you this remarkable offer on a. modem 6-room bungalow with hardwood floors, cement base ment, all bulit-tn features; paved streets, sewer In and paid. Jaay terms. J. A. WICKMAV CO.. "Shortest Way Home." Main 83. 264 Stark St. MalnTW4. ' PERMANENT INSURANCE AGAINST WANDERLUST. Close to grade school, a fine 5-room tmngalow; convenient kitchen and break fast nook; mahogany and ivory finish hardwood floors; fine location: special price for quick sale; terms: let ua tell you all about It. Main I ".7.1. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY, 408-11 Couch Bldg.. -If h. bet. Stark and Washington. IRVINGTON. Sast 16th St. N.. between Knott and ' fttanton. strictly modern residence; 3 ' bedrooms, besides maid's room; 1 bed ; room first floor; practically two tiled :l bathrooms; furnace; hardwood floors; I aVirerrtace: garage. I POINDEXTER. Selling Bldg. HIGH-CLASS HOME SPECIALISTS. "MAIN 1S00. RES. EAST 6771. 17500 LAURELHURST HOME. A 7-room strictly modern home, fur--Race. fireplace, ell bnilt-ln conveniences, cabinet kitchen, hardwood floors, sleep ing porch, etc.; full cement basement, -wash trays. ?rxl0 corner, city Improve ments In and paid, large garage. It's wonderful buy: Investigate. Sunday, Thone Tabor 4yi0. Rummell St Rummell. 274 Stark. "HAWTHORNE PCNGALOW GARAGE Modern 6-room bungalow, full cement basement, furnace. Dutch kitchen, book cases, buffet. 50x100 lot. fruit trees, ce ment garage and driveway, only 2 blocks to Hawthorne ave., near 80th t., a rood buy at J420O. terms. HENDERSON-BANKTJS CO., 4? Henry Bldg. Broadway 4754. J4-.00 A REAL SNAP. A g-room partly furnished house, ee nent basement, wash trays, furnace, built-in pantry, fireplace, 40x100 lot. city Improvements In and paid: $son down, balance like rent. Holladay addition, on "Multnomah st. If you are looking for n snap let us show you this. Rummell Rummell. 174 Stark St. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 2-story modern 7-room house; 4 bed rooms: hardwood floors, fireplace, fur nace; 2 blocks csr, 6 blocks Ainsworth school; 100, terms 11100 cash, balance asv. Call Mavfoa, with JPOTNl'EXTER. 208 Selling Bldg. High-Ciase Home Specialist. Mnin 1SO0 Residence Tabor 9401. $5.tsn NEAR LAURELHURST PARK. This should certainly appeal to you; 6-room rambling bungalow with hard wood floors, furnace and fireplace, on paved street, several fruit trees; on easy terms. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 Fifth t. Main BS9. S20O CASH. Balance $35 per month. Including In terest, puts you in possession of a new bungalow In Rose City Park district; fireplace, breakfast nonk. half basement. A re-il bargain at jnjoo. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., 410 Henry Rider. Broadway 4751. 31.-' ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. Four nice rooms and two big porches, double constructed good condition, fire plare. built-ins. good full plumbing, elec tncity, gas. large Dutch kitchen: base ment, fiine lot. fruit, shrubbery, splendid h-cation. street paved; terms. Tabor v..0. 6 RfOMS. modern, fuil cement basement, wash trays; house in fine condition, on Kit Taylor, west of 3Jd; Improvements ell paid, fine location; price K.iOO. good terms. Move right in. C. R. Jordan, !"'! McKav. Phone Main r.fn. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW 1.-..-.00. Corner. 1 blk. to car; 6 beautiful rooms; hardwood floors: furnace, fire piare; laundry. Any terms In reason. A -sonderful buy. Call East 2371, or Main 1T.7 Sl'NNYSrDE BARGAIN. Six rooms, modern, hard surface street. 1 blks. to car: good neighborhood; snap t 3;." Write A. A. Epton, 621 Han- rcrk or phono Fast 7.104 ROSE CITY 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. All built-ins fu'l cement basement, big ettic. fireplace, fruit trees, berry vinee; tree paved: 15000. terms. Owner, Auto matic S:'S-39. 2.'00. Just think! Dandy little 5-room bun galow, S blocks to car; very easy terms. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 Fifth st. Main 9. ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW. View home, every modern requirement, eld ivory finish, attic, garage; price $s.ioo. terms. East 6431. VoR SALE by owner. 6-room modern . house, large sleeping porch, fireplace, hardwood floors, near car line, 1 or 2 lots: ii.yiQ or I7.VM). Tabor S!44. LKAVING city, will sell my line Portland Heights home very reasonable and give good terms. AK .130. Oregonlan. VoR SALE 7-room modem house. East 1'Jth, near alornson, by owner. Call ut M75. .... REAL KSTATK. For Sale Houses. ROSE CITY HOMB. 10500. TTERB TS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO OWN A HOME IN ROSE CITY: $1000 DOWN BUYS THIS BEAlTIbX'L HOME. BAL, TERMS. MODERN 5 ROOM BUNGALOW. HARDWOOD FLOORS. FIREPLACE. FURNACE. BUFFET. BUILT-IN BOOKCASES. SLEEPING PORCH. BASEMENT AND r.ARAGK: 3 KI-OOKS TO CAR. TH IS A BARGAIN AND JUST WHAT YOU WANT. IT'S BUILT FOR A HOME. ALBERT CLEVELAND CO.. Su0-S Board of Trade Bldg. Phone Bdwy. 1150. Open .Evenings. 14000 HOM H $4000. With 4 full lots Iii0x2i) and 5-room bouse with large attic; this home is In A-l condition. 300 ft. of sidewalks In street graded and will be made clear to you; 5 nice rooms with fireplace and hot water neat: bunt-In buffet and book cases; Dutch kitchen and full cemen basement; plenty of fruit trees and ber riea on the place with garage. To see this home is to buy. For further in formation come In and see us at the of' lice. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO.. SS 4 th St. DEKUM JORDAN. .1500. WALNUT PARK. T rooms and sleeping porch, living room, dining room, kitchen and 1 bed room on first floor, 3 bedrooms and sleep ing porch on second floor: 2 toilets, bath. full cement basement, furnace, laund-ry trays, etc. Lot 5Oxl00 and alley. Garage. feee 11 at lo3 Kodney ave. DEKUM & JORDAN. 823-4 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Fourih and Stark. Main 2233. 4 950 ROSE CITY JEWEL. Six-room artistic home below the bill, near Sandy blvd. ; big bargain. Owne- must sell; has hdw. firs., gorgeous bullt-fns.. furnace end various numerous up-to-date fea tures, terms arranged. Main 4S03. G. C. GOLDENBERG, Ablngton Bldg. "33 Years in Portland." EAST BROADWAY. Fine corner lot. 100x100. with 2-story modern a-room house: entrance nan, living room, library, dining room, kitch en, fireplace first floor: o bedrooms sec ond floor end bath; large attic; fine apartment or garage site; present house will bring In good income, or can easily be changed Into flats end show good returns on price esked. POINDEXTER. 208 Selling Bldg. High Class Home Specialist. Main lMio. Residence East 6771 t-RX. BTJXGALO-W FOR $J654 CASH. Here Is e well-built, attractive rooking home with modem built in conveniences. Cement basement, good lot and shade trees, only H block from car on 20th st. Chicken house, fruit and berries. Price only 3630, 80O cash. 25 month. R. B. Smith. Wdln. 3801. 5 ROOMS, sleeping porch, large attic etory-and-a-half bungalow, with 0 rooms on first floor: up to date in every way; fireplace, beamed celling, bedrooms with large closets, danay bam, wnite enam eled Dutch kitchen, cement basement, 50x100 lot. This house is located In the Kenton district and is e wonderful buy et S3250, with only J.ViO cash, O. A. PEARCE CO., Bdwy. 4S3.1. 201 Oregon bldg. WOODLAWN. 6 ROOMS MODERN $300 DOWN. This storv-and-half house has 3 bed rooms. 2 of them upstairs. All built-in features, best of plumbing, excellent neighborhood. This is e very attrac tive house and in A-l condition. The price is only -.:oo. BIHR CAREY. 211 Railway Exchange bldg.. Third and stark sts. Main 74ST. BARGAIN. FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. S37.V). S10 CASH. Fireplace, hardwood floors, furnace, full concrete basement, laund-ry trays; fine location, near car; in excellent con dition. R. SOMERVILLE, TJ. S. Nat Bank Bldg. Bdwy. 3S3S. Marshall 58. ROSE CITY PARK. Tour every desire Is In this dream bungalow; rooms beautifully decorated In brocade and tapestry paper eggshell enamel, hardwood floors, bullt-ins are different, but of higher class, breakrast nook, fireplace and furnace, large ga rage: on easy terms. Price swoon. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 Fifth St. Main BSfif. ROSE CITY. T rooms, hardwood floors, 1 bedroom and bath first floor, hot water heet, lot 60x100. Price has been $0000. Will sell for $5000 If sold this week, cash or half cash. Call Mr. Mayson, with POINDEXTER. 20S Selling Bldg. High Class Home Specialist. Main lsno. Residence Tabor 9401. IRVINGTON. English Colonial with hot-water heat, eastern thick hardwood floors through out. This grand home was built by day labor and all material selected, being sold on account of leaving; price S9000; would be cheap at $13,000. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANT. 104 Fifth St. Main 689. WESTOVER TERRACES. Fine unobstructed view, strictly mod ern residence, large living room, herd wood floors. 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch; furnace, garage; J15.0O0. at least half cash. Call Mavson, with POINDEXTER. 2os SELLING BLDO. HIGH-CLASS HOME SPECIALISTS. MAIN 1W RES., TABOR 9401. HAWTHORNE. 6 ROOMS $4200. T am offering for sale one of the biggest bargains In the Hawthorne dis trict, located close In near Hawthorne avenue. You would expect to pay $1000 more. Wish to sell et once. Phone Tahor 9311. 7-ROOM FURNISHED HOME NEAR ROSE CITY CAR. Large rooms, cement basement with laundry trays and furnace: this is e well built house and can be bonght for $4500, $1000 down, balance $!0 per month. Ralph Ackley. Main 7141 o Tabor 604 evenings. ' FOR SALE BY OWNER. Modern 5-room bungalow with fire place, hardwood floors, built-in bookcase, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen tn white enamel. French doors, cement basement end trays. 50x100-foot lot. Call owner et 902 E. Madison, or phone Tabor $4200 RICH. dist.. 5-room elegant bun galow, large living room, luruace, oaa floors, fireplace. "Hope you get this." It good. Terms. G. C. GOLDENBERG. Ablngton Bldg. "35 Yrs. In PorUand." Main 4S03. ROSE CITY. A brand new 5-room bungalow on paved street, near car, which must be sold at once: see It and make us en offer; price will surprise you. Hurry 1 THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY, 104 Fifth st. Main 6S69. STUNNING ENGLISH COLONIAL, near itroan-wav canine. Aiamena i-ara. ioiers of SOMETHIXO DIFFERENT SEE THIS. Owner leaving city will sell at cost; easy terms. Xeuhausen. Main S07K. $2630 $500 CASH. WAVERLY HEIGHTS. 4-room bungalow, modern, full base ment, 50x100 lot; Improvements paid; near car; e good buy. Rodabaughy Ta bor 42I9. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW $7000. 6 large rooms and ileeplng porch, full lot. garage; ISth. near Knott. WILL SELL FURNISHED. EAST 419. IRVINGTON ORIGINAL LITTLE HOME. All large rooms, oak noora. ivory iin Ish. garage. First time advertised. DON'T WAIT. THIS WON'T LAST. Neuhausen. Main SQ7S. Fast 304. MOO FIVE-ROOM nirty cottage, seml modern. in Sunnysldo school district: full basement: plenty room for garage: liberal terms. J. P. McKenna Realty Co Belmont at 89th. Tabor 6493. 1230 ROSE CITY PARK district; large living room lxr.'. Duilt-tns, nice bed room, Dutch kitchen. Owner leaving citv; immediate possession; terms. Tabor .i.i9. ROOM furnished house, lot 50x100. bath, electric light, gas, chicken house, fruit and berries; an Ideal place; g blocks to car; $500 cash, terms on balance. Call Tabor 386: evenings Tahor 652. $2250 $3o0 CASH. Near Irv. car. 50x100. 6-rm. modern neat end clean; snap. Main 4S03. G. C. GOLDENBERG, Ablngton Bldg. HOMES DESIGNED. BUILT AND RE- M ODC.LCD. st l-Vt. UUlLd- ERS WOODLAWN 5348. 10-ROOM house for sale; price $1100. $600 cash, . oaiance, payment easy terms. Call East 3"0, apt. 15. CWNER'S sacrifice; cosv bungalow, $2500; lira u-i 1,0,11 1 1 , . , t t-.T-i, -",,; easy terms. 141 Eact 60th North. Tabor 7053. $2OV0 $3v50 CASH: Three-room. bath, lights, gas, 2 lots Call at 417 Spalding bldg or Main inns' BEAUTIFUL 5-room modern bungalow In Hawtnorne: e-to""; terms. see Kigg SOS Boerd of Trade, REAL ESTATE. For hJe ! OWJT YOUR OWN HOMB I SEE FRANK L. McOUIRB To Buy Your Home LARGEf-T HOME SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. 1100 Photographs of Homes For Sale. ,... The McOUIRE SYSTEM HAS WON AN INTERNATIONAL REPUTATION, and established AN UNDISPUTED NA TIONAL RECORD for Home Selling, be cause It is the ORIGINAL. SUPERIOR. SCIENTIFIC, MODERN METHOD. The system of perfect service, safe-guarding your every Interest, and putting you in Immediate touch with the home of your requirements. Every Home PERM'N ALLY INSPECTED AND APPRAISED. If necessary. WE'LL HELP YOU MAKE YOUR DOWN PAYMENT. Open every EVENING UNTIL 8. Open all day and evening Sunday. 25 salesmen et your service, always. ! A LOVELY LAURELHURST HOME! $6600 In the QUIETEST. LOVELIEST SPOT in all Portland, LAURJ.L - HURST, you'll find your Ideal dream bungalow. 5 airy, sunny rooms with every device to pro mote comfort and please your aesthetic sense. HOM ELOVER! CAN'T WE SHOW YOU THIS ? f vrrtQm cttt TTnVKfl ! tiD-ji -ikomti.v. tiiitv HOLLARS" art the "ones" that Will buy this EXTRA SPECIAL ROSE CITY BARGAIN! They'll have to act auickly, too! 6-room very dis tinctive, beautiful ROSE CITY home on 6.1x1110 corner. E. 30th. HARDWOOD FLOORS: fireplace. furnace, built-ins, in fact, every thing YOUR home snouia nave: DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS! 14250 ARTISTIC Dutch COLONIAL 5 room ROSE CITY BUNGALOW mith l.r.s livincr room : fireplace built-ins; E. 65th. EASY TERMS. THIS IS REAL VALUE! vi e.h Tt.wfhnrnm-Sunnvslde. $4500 RADIANT with good cheer Is tniS HAW TnUftwo BEAUTIFUL! 5 rooms: latest modern built-ins: HARDWOOD FLOORS; gas radiators, fireplace. $3900 VERY ' ATTRACTIVErLY FTjft N1SHED, 5-room HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW COTTAGE: modern; ALL PAVED LIENS PAID. E. Grunt at. $3500 "NEAT AS THE PROVERBIAL i'l, is mis o-room ha w THORNE bungalow; built-in la bor saving conveniences; only blk. to car. E. Sherman st. $1990 $500 down! Comfortable 7-room SUNNYSIDE home on E. 35th. close to car and school. ! ! ALBERTA HOMES OF MERIT ! I $3500 UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE 9 . room ALBERTA BUNGALOW on Sumner st. EXCEPTIONAL VAL1TR ! $2900 HERE'S A NICE ALBERTA! 5 rooms; solid paneled dining room; bullt-ins; TERMS. E. 26th street. $2300 -room neat ALBERTA COT TAGE: white enamel plumbing; electricity; gas, 80x100; E. &oth street. $1600 $500 down! Comfortable 4-room ALBERTA, on E. 18th st.. white enamel plumbing; electricity, gas; garage; $500 down! ! WAVERLY-RICHMOND HOMES ! $4200 EASY TERMS. Beautiful 5-room WAVERLY - RICHMOND BUN GALOW; fireplace; furnace; built-ins: Brooklyn St. YOU'LL LIKE IT. TOO! $2990 DAINTY RICHMOND BUNGA LOW. Pillared COLONIAL STYLE! 6 rooms: bullt-ins; radiant gas fire. Tlbbetts st. AN IDEALLY PLEASANT HOME. $2300 $500 down! RIGHT ON CAR; 5 room neat comfortable bungalow cottage; white enamel plumbing; electricity, gas; Clinton st. 1 NORTH OF PIEDMONT HOMB 1 $500 Down! $2650 $500 down! Attractive large 8 room modern home, convenient to JEFFERSON high school; SPLENDID VALUE. Rodney ave. ! PENINSULA HOMES ! $2700 $500 down! Large 12-ROOM comfortable Peninsula Home; fireplace; white enamel plumb ing; electricity, gas: Syracuse st. $2100 $250 down! RIGHT ON ST. JOHNS CAR. 5-room comfort able cottage: white enamel plumb ing; electricity, gas, $250 down! LOMBARD st, : REAL KENTON BARGAIN ! $2750 HEART OF KENTON ! 7-room attractive and substantial home like home. W. Farragut st. ! MONT A VILLA HOMES 1 $2995 $400 down! Here's an 8-room substantial home bargain; sleep ing porch; garage; $400 TAKES IT! $2625 $500 down! 4-ROOM COSY mod ern bungalow; 100x100: GARDEN TIME IS ALMOST HERE I E. Clay St. YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS ONE ! 11990 $300 down! IN THE "PINK OF CONDITION," attractive neat 5 room cottage, close in! White en amel plumbing; electricity; NO LIENS TO PAY! Minnesota eve. LOOK AT THIS! ! MT. SCOTT HOMES ! $1990 EASY TERMS! Good 8-room modern home close to car; white enamel plumbing; electricity, gas; garage: 46th. $1600 $400 down! 4-room very neat snd practical cottage in LAUREL WOOD ADDITION: built-in con veniences; white enamel plumb ing; electricity, gas; E. 65th. ! WOODSTOCK HOMB SNAP ! $1500 UNPARALLELED BUY! DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS! A neat, modest 4-room homer cottage; that can be had on EASY TERMS Call Main 10B8 et eny time for further details. YOU'LL GO THE WAY OF HUN DREDS OF PORTLAND'S CONTENTED HAPPY HOMESEBKERS. when you see FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. 3d St. bet. Wash, and Stark. $3200 5-rooms and alcove with cement basement. llrep.ace end all built ins, on 46x100 foot lot. located near Jefferson high end only three short blocks to car. You can buy this with $700 as first payment, bal ance Tike rent. Come in and inspect our photos of homes we have for sele. J. A. WICKMAN CO., "Shortest Way Home." Main S3. 264 Stark St. Main 1P4. STRICTLY modem 5-room bunga low in Hawthorne district. $4500, $500 down. Fine brick fireplace, h. w. door. Dutch kitchen, dandy breakfast nook, tapestry papered walla. Full cement base ment, garage with cement drive. Mrs, Lucius. Tahor 30S9. SUNNYSIDE BUNGALOW. 6 ROOMS $4200. Well-built, good-looking bungalow of 5 rooms on paved street, with sewer, one block from car, 2 downstairs bedrooms, one up. Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet. Full cement basement, fireplace, furnace, garage. Price is only $4200. BIHR CAREY. ' - 211 Railway Exchange bldg.. ' Third and Stark sts. Main 7487. I350O 7-ROOM house, located on 50x50 lot. close in. all improvements in and paid; built-in features, cement basement, 4 bedrooms. Thle place Is in perfect condition end can be bought on very easy peyments. Let us show you this. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. "Shortest Way Home." Main 5S3. 264 Stark St. Main 194. iiSOO, $10O0 CASH, $30 per month, 6 per cent interest; new, moaern o-room oun galow, 1 block to car. full cement base ment, wash trays. 5 lots. 52 fruit trees, grapes, berries. 20-ft alley, barn, cement floor, 3 cows, dairy complete and license, 135 hens, garage, cement floor. Fred V. Spear. Phone 619-19. NEW FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW; $4200 $1300. Hardwood floors, fireplace, every built in feature, concrete basement, paved St., near car. B, SOMERVILLE. BROADWAY 3838. LAURELHURST. Btrlctly modern bungalow, fine living room. 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, hardwood floors and white enamel throughout; ga rage. Call Mr. Mayson, with POINDEXTER. 208 Selling Bldg. High Class Home Specialist. Main 1SO0. Residence Tabor 9401. WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS, splendid five room bungalow, large living room with fireplace, dining room. 2 large bedrooms, kitchen and bath; full basement. Fox furnace, laundry trays. 5 fruit trees: good terms: price $4200. Reduction for ell cash. 986 Brooklyn St. Sell. 1660. OWNER leaving city, nice bldg., fur nished; income $150 mo. Price $10,500, half cash. Attractive bungalow near good schools, price $3000, $1000 down. Woodlawn 321! NOB HILL 100x100 corner; beautiful mod ern house. 3 baths; priced right; good terms. Zimmerman, 818 Chamber Com . merce. $400 CASH, neat 4-r. modern cottage, paved St.. big lot; garage; $3000. Main 372. McFarland. Falling bldg. 7-ROOM modern house. 1 acre of land. 30 fruit trees. Mar. 1582. By owner. Port . lend Heights. REAL ESTATK. For Sale Houses. GENUINE SUBURBAN HOME. 12 MINUTES FROM COURTHOUSE. Must be sold" In 10 days, property worth $8000, will sell for $6500 cash or $6X00 on time: place clear of Incum brances, beautiful half acre and home this side of Multnomah; wonderful neighborhood, both public and Catholic schools within 2 blocks 5 minutes' walk to Oregon Electric or by auto out Ter wllliger boulevard, macadam road in front of house, 1-story bungalow, 7 rooms (2 bedrooms), sleeping porch, hardwood floors, gas, electricity, fire place, modern plumbing, wonderful built in effects, full cement basement (8 ft. hlgh). floored ettic and wired, will make 3 more rooms; all kinds of fruit and berries, garage, barn; a real bargain and will not last, so hurry. Inspection by appointment only. See Mr. McQuilkin, with J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 8 Chamber of Com. bldg. Main 208. THE BEST BUY IN TOWN. This is the best-built 6-room house In Portland; new and strictly modern in every way. double constructed, quar tered oak flooring, cut-glass knobs on burtet and bookcase doors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen with hood over range, full basement with cement floor, large attic, 12x20 garage. Come and give this once the look-over and be con vlnced you have seen nothing in Port land to compare with it in a 5-room house. Price $7500. 1081 East 29th st. N., cor. 2!th and Alberta sts. Take Alberta car and get off at 20th st. $3.10 DOWN GRAND AVE. NORTH. On Grand ave., near Mason, we have e b-room home with d rooms down ana 8 bedrooms and bath on the upper floor full basement. 50x100 lot: paved street and sewer in and paid. The price is only $.1150. Fay only $:ioo down ana this home is yours. If you knew how hard It is to find a good 6-room home on e pavea street on a s.iuu aown pay ment you d hurry to see it at once. Comte & Kohlman. Main 6550. 208 Chamber of Com nierce bldg. 7-ROOM. MODERN HOUSE ON 75x100 LOT. ' . $5800 FOR QUICK SALE. 481 EAST 80TH NORTH, NEAR THOMPSON. CAN SELL ADJOINING 75x100 LOT ON CORNER IF DESIRED. LARGE CASH PAYMENT. $7000 ALAMEDA DRIVE. If you are looking for a real, classy. up-to-the-minute bungalow In a dandy location, here you are. It has 6 rooms, sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, eevry imaginable built-in feature, oak floors. breakfast nook, Dutch kitchen, screened ln back porch; all finished in ivory and white enamel; tapestry paper; corner lot. garage; a $120 range, gas water heater, linoleum and fuel Included In above price. Terms easy. Rummell Rummell, 274 Stark St. ROSE CITY PARK. New Bungalow Garage $6300. I am offering this bungalow at e price way below Its real value; 7 rooms, 5 rooms on first floor and 2 above; bungalow Just completed; exceptionally large living room, with hardwood noors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, break- last nook, everything the best; finlsnea in ol-d ivory and white throughout. i!.x penefve paper; concrete porch: garage; M block from Sandy. Phone 326-67 ELEVENTH. NEAR DEKUM. 7 ROOMS MODERN $500 DOWN. This house is easily worth $1000 more than we are asking for it. It is double constructed, has large porches. 4 good sized upstairs bedrooms, glassed In sun porch; fine district, best of plumbing, near car.- The price is only $2SO0. It is easily worth $3500. ' BIHR CAREY. ' . 211 Railway Exchange bldg.. Third and Stark sts. Main 74S7. $4200 HAWTHORNE $4200. You'll not., find a better buy in Haw thorne than this bungalow of 5 rooms, bath, big attic.- fireplace, built-in book cases, full cement basement, furnace, paved street, one block to car. Have you seen anything in Hawthorne as described above for $4200? We know you haven't. If you can pay $1700 down see us today. COMTE & KOHLMAN. M. 6550. 208 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 5-ROOM MODERN ALBERTA BUNGALOW. Nice entrance hall, living room, din ing room: all three rooms have hard wood floors; fireplace in living room, kitchen has everything built-in, two nice bedrooms, also bath, full basement with cement floors; full 50x100 lot with hard surface all In and paid.' Price $4700, $1300 cash. SMITH -WAGONER CO. STOCK EXCH. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. VACANT. (. A splendid home of 7 rooms and sleeping porch, modern In every de gree, finished in ivory enamel and In ABSOLUTELY PERFECT CONDITION, beautiful view, select neighborhood. Call at 650 Ravensview Drive for key. Phone Sunday Main 4000, weekdays ' Broadw ay 2326. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW AND GARAGE. $4250. Exceptionally well-built bungalow of 5 rooms and large attic; thoroughly double constructed; fireplace, buffet, ce ment basement, wash trays, etc. You'll be more than pleased. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark St., Near 4th. Main 3.2. FOR SALE lots, fenced. 5-room house, furnished; gas, electricity, hot and cold water, bath toilet, concrete basement, paMitry, wood house, chicken house, fruit, garden, all for $2800. $1200 cash, balance cheaper than rent, $25 month, including 7 per cent interest; near Mt. Scott car line. Kern Park station. 6804 41st ave nue S. E. Owner. , $500 CASH Buys e modern new bungalow In Rose City Park district, a beautiful home, has nrepiace, xurnace, oreakrast nook and garage, a real bargain at $5250. $500 cash. bal. $.10, Including int. per month. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., 410 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4751. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. Want' reasonable offer for beautiful 2 story 8-room home on 65x100 corner, with sleeping porch and garage; best section, near car: old ivory linish. 83-ft. living room, plate glass windows throughout; lovely trees and shrubbery; easy terms. Tabor 407. -WEST SIDE COTTAGE $3000. Has 5 rooms, is plastered, has con crete foundation, full basement, with cement floor, lot 34x100, located on Sherman St., bet. 6th and Broadway; walking distance; $750 cash, $25 monthly with interest. A very decided Bnap. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. GO IN'? TO BUY OR BUILD IN ROSE CITY PARK OR LAURELHURST? Get In touch with this office. -We can save you money. Any number of exceptiona. buys. A. G. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark St., Near 4th. Main 3O02. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW BARGAIN. lu Piedmont district; furnace, fireplace, ell kinds of built-ins In kitchen, good attic, lot 55x100. price $4200, $1000 cash, balance terms. BROWN & GRANT. 201-2 Fenton Bldg. Broadway 3222. IRVINGTON REAL BARGAIN. $8700, $1800 Cash $60 Per Month. Owner leaving for Kansas, will sacri fice beautiful home, 8 wonderful rooms, hardwood floors throughout, faces east .on 17th St., near Knott; full lot and double garage. East 419. MR. HANDY MAN. 6-r. cottage on 12th St., near Irving ton car. 50x100 ft.: lot paved: a little fixing cup can sell for $2500; only $2000 aked: will take a cheap car as part Mar. 3352. eve Tahor 3000. J. B. Rock. SNAP NEAR CITY II ALL. 25 feet frontage, adjoining apartment house and stores: occupied by 7-room house; price $4250. good terms. BROWN & GRANT. 201-2 Fenton Bldg. Broadway ."22. NEAT LITTLE COTTAGE $900. 3 rooms, celled and papered In good condition, city water, gas, cement aide walks, barn, woodshed, eotos berrlee $200 cash. $20 monthly. Fred W Ger man Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. LAURELHURST SNAP. $S00. Classy nearly new 1-story 7-room bungalow with sleeping porch; old Ivory finish, oak floors, 2 fireplaces, 2 baths, 1 bedroom down and 3 upstairs, easy terms. Tabor 407. IRVINGTON HOME. $72.10. 7 elegant rooms, hdw. throughout, ell modern, garage. Weidler. near 20th. J. ROBB1NS. 301 Railway Exchange. Main 7931. IS YOUR HOUSE F'OR SALE? Have buyers for bouses In all parte, of city. If your price is right we can sell it Bdwy. 3S38. R. SOMERVILLE, TJ. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. IRVINGTON HOME, $7000. Bungalow type, 7 rooms, hardwood floors, full basement and garage. Dutch kitchen and bullt-ins; a very substan tially built home. By owner. East 889. SACRIFICE. $2650, terms; attractive 5-room. double-constructed bungalow: good district, only 20 minutes out. See A. K. Hill, 420 Lumbermens bldg. J W. McKADDEN BULDG. CO BUILDERS OF FINE HOMES. 35 NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION. "68 STARK ST. MARSHALL 12. $2185 RICHMOND BUNGALOW. 4 rooms, bath, full basement; all street Improvements pald; best buy In town. owner, sseii. q. A SPLENDID buy in a 4-room house in Irvington, street improvements paid, close In, $400 down, balance $25 month. Bushuo, 518 Chamber Commerce. EQUITY in 6-room Qpeea Anne bungalow, close la. Last 7170. REAL ESTATE. F'or Sale Houses. POWELL VALLET DISTRICT. 11 ACRES, ALL IN CULTIVATION. High-class modem 6-room bungalow; Included In price, cow, 150 chickens, team. Ford truck, also all kinds of Im plements, fine family orchard, berries, etc. Price . $10,500, half cash, balance 9 years. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 208. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. LOCATED NEAR 4HTH AND SANDY. $52,10 $1000 CASH. I Modern 6-rontn hitn low. less than 2 blocks from Sandy, in the best part of rtose jiiy; narawood floors, nrepiace, bookcases, buffet, cloak closet with full- length mirror door, Dutch kitchen, 3 fine light bedrooms, cement basement, furnace, 50x100 lot, bearing fruit; paved street ana sewer paid. This Is a well built double-constructed, bungalow: i mighty good buy at $5250; only $1000 casn. naiance rent terms. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., 426 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4754 EXCEPTIONAL PENINSULA BARGAIN B ROOMS $500 DOWN. This place has lust been reduced In price and la a great buy. There are 3 bedrooms. 2 of them upstairs, all bullt- ins, nest or plumbing, full cement base ment, laundry trays, piped for furnace seven fine bearing fruit trees, good Good neighborhood, full lot, one block irom car. Price only $.,000. BIHR CAREY. 211 Railway Exchange bldg.. Third and Stark sts. Main 74S7. $21150 WONDERFUL BARGAIN. Two blocks to car on a paved street m the Ai'berta district, we can snow you a 6-room cotta.ge with bath, fun ce ment basement, furnace. The rooms am not large, but they are bright and nicely erranged. Have you seen e 6-room home witn furnace and cement basement ana on e paved street for $2ww? We know you haven't. If you can pay $750 down, see this quick. COMTE & KOHLMAN. Main 65.50. 208 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. CHICKENS WILL PAY THE PAYMENTS. Half acre and 3-room plastered house; house has electricity, gas, water, tele phone: only two blocks from macadam road at Bell station; chicken houses all ready for business. Price $2500, $200 cash, balance $20 per month and in terest. Might accept Ford car or heap lot as Tlrst pavment. SMITH-WAGONER CO. STOCK EXCH, $4000 NEW BUNGALOW $4000. Here Is a" brand-new beautiful bunra low on a 50x100 lot with paved streets an paia. it nas .1 rooms and bath, fire place, built-in buffet, built-in bookcases. Buy this home and builder will allow you to choose your own tapestry paper. Pay $S00 down and this new bungalow is yours. COMTE A KOHLMAN. M. 6550. 208 Chamber of Commerce hldg. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. $6000 $1000 DOWN. BALANCE LIKE RENT. Modern 5-room bungalow, each room attractively designed, includes all the new features, fine basement, good ga rage, all bullt-ins; pleasing in every respect. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main S7R7. LARGE modern bungalow, built by owner for his home about 8 years ago. Every convenience: over 30 built-ins: beautiful lot with fruit trees and shrubs, facing hard surface street; ready for your oc cupancy at e minute's notice, as owner is leaving permanent y for the east Price only $6000 on exceedingly easy terms. ror particulars call on BEN RIESLAND. 404 Piatt bldg. 127 Park. OWNER leaving city, must sell modern 6-room house. 447 Marguerite eve.: ce ment basement, furnace, gas. electric lights, fireplace, built-in buffet, wash. trays, bath and toilet, hot water piped to hath, furnace and range; lot 50x140. family orchard, all Improvements In and paid; $4500, terms to suit purchaser. Call or phone Tabor 1808. 5 ROOMS AND GARAGE. $H2,V). One of La-urelhu-rst's choicest loca tions. A new bungalow, thoroughly double constructed, well planned: truly a gem; modern to the last detafl; very liberal terms, too. A. G. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark St., Near 4th. Main 3092. NEW ALAMEDA BUNGALOW. $5800, only $1,500 cash, balance $50 per month; finished in golden oak and old ivory; all the built-ins, double con structed, furnace heat, cement basement, near car and school, street paved, sewer in and paid. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS $875. $150 down. $15 monthly, for neat little . cottage, consisting of 2 rooms, large 'sleeping porch, all screened; living room is exceptionally large; good chicken house and woodshed, on macadamized street. A neat little cottage? Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. $100 CASH WILL HANDLE. $20 PER MONTH AND INTEREST. 5-room house on paved street, full plumbing, small basement, convenient to car and school; price only $2600, with street and sewer paid. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn burden into Income? We design and build apartments, ga rages, residences, anything; furnish plans and finance. Established 10 years. We offer SECURITY. SERVICE. SAT ISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co.. 924 N. W. Bank bldg. LOTS OF GROUND. Splendid tract of 100x130 with 3-room cottage and sleeping porch, city water, sink, gas, 32 bearing fruit trees, assort ed good double garage end chicken house. Total price $1350, $230 down, $2S- monthly. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. . $0800 ROSE CITY PARK. A 6-room house, full cement, basement, wash trays, all built-in features, fur nace, fireplace, oak floors, cabinet kitch en, 50x100 lot, corner; city improvements In and paid. Terms to suit purchaser. fCorner 42d and Thompson.) Vacan Rummell Rummell, 21 4 stark st. 6-ROOM house, one block from Mississippi car, near Jefferson high school; 3 rooms and reception hall on first floor. 3 bed rooms and hath on second, large attic on third: run cement basement, laundry tubs; lot 50x100. paved St.; exceptional good buv tor mi'hi. -terms, see Mr, Boehm, 20O Oregon bldg. Broadway 1S58 FIVE-ROOM new modern bungalow, large attic, full cement basement, west slope Mt Tabor, two blocks car, short dis tance of school; full lot; $4750; $500 cash, balance like rent J. P. McKenna Realty Co.. Belmont at 89th. Tabor 6493. A SACRIFICE. ' A innOO home for $47.10: a large 9-rm all modem; double plumbing throughout, with steam heat, on a lot 100x100. with lots of fruit, located on East Salmon and is being sold at mis price to close an estate. a-n Artisan oiug. puw.v. o-m 100x100 CLOSE IN, EAST SIDE. FAIR. 8-ROOM HOUSE. Would make fine garage or apartment site; can be rented for expenses umn ready for use. Total price only $4200. with very easy terms. SMITH-WAGONER CO. STOCK EXCH. , $3000. $500 DOWN. Near Franklin High. Classv 5-R. bungalow, double-construction through, garage; M block to car. Big buy. Evenings, call Tabor 5319. J. ROBBINS. 301 Railway Exchange. Main 7031. ROOMS, 2-story, fully modern, nice lo cation, not far from Jefferson high; hardwood floors. 2 bath rooms, white enamel finish, corner lot.. 100x100. fruit trees. This Is a bargain at $6500 on terms. Wilbur F. Jouira, Henry bldg. Broadway 4837. ON SANDY BOULEVARD. 6-room mod. home: fine view; out-of-town owner has reduced price from $7000 to $5000 for quick sale; $1000 caeh, terms. 'Marshall 3332; eve.. Tabor 3090. J. B. Reck. PORTLAND HEIGHTS FINE VIEW. 12 elegant room, 6 master bedrooms. 4 tiled baths; servants' quarters, 2 baths: large grounds, garage; a perfect home, very reasonable: good terms. Zlm merman. 818 Chamber Commerce. 7-ROOM furnished house on East 21st. near Brooklyn car, upper 3 rooms rented for $25 per month. Price only- $2400. . $1200 cash, balance $20 per month and Interest. See Mr. Boehm, 209 Oregon bldg. Broadway 16.18. J1750 JUST READ THIS: 6 rooms, plas tered, white enamel plumbing, gas, elec tricity, garage, corner lot, 1 block from Alberta car; $1150 eash, balance. $600, long time at 7 per cent Owner, phone Woodlawn 4852. $3650 $500 CASH. FROM OWNER. 5-room bungalow, very clean; old Ivory throughout; cement basement laundry trays, new .linoleum; east front; paved street: tt block car. 1037 E. 11th at. N. Broadway rfi.o. $3930 $500 CASH, balance like rent; 8 room semi-modem cottage: lot 75x95; streets, sewers paid; nuts, berries, fruit: Sunnyslde school district, two blocks of car. J P- McKenna Realty Co.. Bel mont at 39th. Tabor 6493. HOUSE PLAN'S "Distinctive Homes." Illustrated book of over 100 designs. $1: blueprints $10 DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY. 924 Northwestern Bank bldg. A BEAUTIFUL home in Rose City; 3-rm. bungalow with floored attic; all modern; garage and located under the hill. $.1500. Call Auto. 629-12 before 9 A. M. or after P. M IRVINGTON 5-room bungalow, complete end modern In every way. nicely lo cated and very desirable; $7500,. $3400 cash. Tel. E. 6795. Owner. REAL F.STATE. For Sale Houses. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH $3750. 6-room house, full basement, bath and toilet, extra toilet on first floor; newly painted; 50x100 lot; fruit: chiekep houses: will take light car or lot as part payment. ROSE CITY PARK HOMB FOR $4500. 6-room home, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full basement, furnace, 50xHX" lot; garage; hard-surface street, sewer in end paid for; located on E. 51st st. below the hill; this is some buy, good terms. ALBERTA FURNISHED HOME. 6 rooms furnished with player piano and electric washing machine; all rooms are light and roomy; this place must be sold and we will consider any offer; can give immediate possession. SEE US FOR EXTRA GOOD BUYS AND INVEST MENTS. REVERMAN INVESTMENT CO.. 210 Lewis Bldg. Broadway 2954. MODERN 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. $3800 $1000 DOWN. Typical bungalow, with 5 large, well arranged rooms, on e paved street, with sewer and fine garage; full lot with several fine fruit trees. Double con structed, large living room with tire place, hardwood floors, full cement basement, laundry trays. Close to car. Fine surroundings. BIHR CAREY. 211 Railway Exchange bldg., Third and Stark sts. Main 7487. Suburban Homes. 200 BEARING FRUIT TREES. 76 acres, located 10 miles from center or Portland, west mile from station and school; It mile of dirt road that will be graveled: 2(,'0 bearing fruit trees, prunes, aonlea. nears. nlums end cher ries, all in good condition; 2 acres of timber; 3-room cheap house; good well: only 35 minutes out, good car service and low commutation fare: price $3500. small payment down. Brooks, with John Fer guson, Gerlinger bldg. Over 500 small places near Portland. Get our extensive classified lists. SUBURBANITES: We have hundreds of personally In spected suburban homes In every outly ing district In Portland. We're open every evening and Sunday. If you want a suburban home, see F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. Only $1350. New 3-room bungalow, basement, wired for lights with whole acre of fin est garden soil; right at electric station, 40 minutes out. Terms like rent. See owner, 500 Concord bldg.. Second 'and Stark. RYAN PLACE. $2500 EASY TERMS. Four rooms, electric lights, gas. fire place, water, full basement, 8 fruit trees, 2 blocks to station. Call at 417 Spalding bldg or Main 1038. IF YOU have a few dollars and wien to start e little suburban home, se us. We will furnish the ground, build the house end sell it to you on easy terms. HAZLETON BROS., Evergreen station. 11 ACRES All In cultivation; good five room house, without buildings; on paved road and carline; for quick sale, $3250; can arrange terms. Call Fisher Inter state Land Co.. Main 5429. 248 Stark. 1V1( ACRES heart of Rose City; cow. chick ens, beautiful new house, cottage, ga rage, etc.; snap, $5500. D 325, Orego nian. $''50 WILL buy my 2H-acres located near "s P. electric, suitable for chickens and berries; $25 will handle it. L 914. Ore gonlan $1600 BUYS half acre with new 3-room house near Multnomah station: terms. For particulars see Ben Riesland. 404 Piatt Bldg.. 127 Park st. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES end acreage, well located, near car line, from $1800 up. inquire 3d house north of Fti-ifcv station, on Oregon City car line. Homesteads. Kellnqnishmenis. SEVERAL hundred selected homestead tracts to choose from, covering Oregon's best farming end timbered lends. We cruised end classified these lands for the government and will locate you without wasting your time end money. Most complete land records in the state. Copy government map to date showing more than 1000 open claims, $1. M. J. Anderson. 531 Railway Exchange bldg., Portland. 2 ADJOINING homesteads, valuable tim ber, on driving stream ana norse trail, worth fstxio each, neighbors; mill co. bought joining timber, $300, each loca tion. 301 Corbett bldg. Mar. 4089. 3 HOMESTEADS adjoining, valuable tim ber close to county roaa; some gooa farming land; $300 each. 301 Corbett building. FOR A homestead or relinquishment In the O. & C. land grant, see n. v. neim, 316 Board of Tradebldg. Irrigated Lands. WE ARE leaving again Friday night with another party lor tne ocnoco project Come IP and make one of the party. Lauds sold on easy terms. Bmall pay ment down, long time on the balance. The r?)Mrict is especially adapted for mixed farming. Alfalfa one of the main crops. Call, write or phone Main 4416. Oclioco irrigated Land Co Northwest- ern Bay bldg. F'or Sale Acreage. ALL IN BEARING FRUIT. Nearly 2 acres, 2 blocks east of city limits; Mt. Scott car line: 8000 straw berry plants, some loganberry and rasp berries; also apples, pears, prunes, peaches, cherries, etc.: 4-room house, gas and city water; price $2050 on eaay terms; this is only 20 minutes out from center of city, by auto: inspected by Malone, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg., over 5O0 small places near Port land. Get our extensive classified lists. IS 2-5 ACRES CHEAP. Corner 92d st and Powell Valley road and about 1000 feet from the city limits; all cleared, cultivated, good soil: about 2 acres in family orchard; 2 chicken houses and good well; Bull Run water, electric lights and gas available; price $700 per acre, easy terms. BROWN & GRANT, 201-2 Fenton Bldg. Broadway "222. A BARGAIN WITH STOCK. 5 Mi acres of dandy land, all under cultivation, has 6-room house, barn, chicken house, also 1 acre strawberries, 2 cows, chickens, feed and potatoes. Right at electric station, a real bargain 'Interstate investment, co.. 410 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4751. A BARGAIN. 1 acre, 3-room house, barn end hen house; 1 Ford car; 1 fresh cow and -calf : 2 pigs, chickens, rabbits, wood, furniture, fruit and everything goes. See Mr. Mc Neill, 626 Chamber of Commerce. Main 612 HOME AND SUBDIVISION PROPOSITION 38 acres finest land, no rock or gravel, at Concord station. Oregon City car. 16 acres under plow, balance open and oak timKer K-rnom nlastered house: no pret tier tract about Portland; $600 per acre.' -'5 -i 10-. a T T Aa.D Rlri- 1 J. c uoroin -u., I'lNE FOR CHICKENS, BERRIES, FRUI ot Horcn 11250 monthly buys splendid tract of 2.47 acres. lcated ls roues irum .v. -, splendid creek, some bottom land; total nrioa $550. Fred W. German Co., 32 cnam. 01 v-om. 13 ACRES. CLOSE TO PORTLAND. ir--ontincr on pavement: 3-room bun galow, outbuildings, chickens, cow. Im- nlements: owner hub umci vuaiwcoa. must sell. Auto. 514- GARDEN HOME. FIVE ACRES. Small house; the land is what we are selling; overlooks golf links and near hunt club; about M mile to station. East 419. WRITE for map ol western insuuijuiu showing location, low price end easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma. Washington. j3-(oo TEN ACRES on Powell Valley road. eioxo to electric station; 7-. acres under cultivation: good soil, all tillable; 4 room house, outbuildings, good family orchard; price $3500. Krider & Elking ton. Gresham, Or. 6tt ACRES; 4 Mi acres ciearea, o-rooin house, barn, chicken house, various kinds o? fruit T near Tlgard, Or. Price $4200, $1000 down. . v.!. W O O l-M W . O-l nlil.. L.m. 6 ACRES with flour and feed mill, water power fine proposition: must sell on account of healtn. rnce f ,,n,u miini take some trade. C. P. Jordan, 509 Mc- Kav. Phone 1300. PUT A tent on one of these U-acre tracts. west siae, cnj "" only $350, $10 cash. bal. $0 monthly. M. E. Lee, 605 Corbett bldg. -ROOM house, 14x28: houso, fine location 14 acre; water in price only $1400, 'WOODCOCK, 327 Henry Bldg. 40 ACRES, mostly cultivated, $3000. House barn, orchard. Can sell you 80 acres for $5000. McFarland. 208 Failing bldg. THREE acres, nicely cleared, fl-room house, splendid location; inside city limits; price $9000. terms. WOODCOCK, 827 Henry Bldg. RIGHT AT STATION. 3 acres, west side; gas. water. etc. Owner, 7S2 Patton road. Main 8380. 514 ACRES Sacrifice, close in on Base Line road; absolute bargain for cash. Woodlawn 2111. . BLOCK of ground in fruit, in St Johns. 5-room house with bath and toilet D 323. Oregonlan. t MORTGAGE sacrifice. Ideal 15. near Van- couver; good buildings. $4000, $1500 cash. Owner. 141 East titHU North. Tabor 7055, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. THREE acres in Sherwood, on the red electric. 17 miles from Portland. mile to station and school; 500 feet from hard road: 1200 strawberry plants; 300 logan berries. 1200 loganberry tips, over 50 bearing fruit trees, of every variety: 6 room plastered bungalow, on concrete blocks and some plumbing: electric lights, garage, barn and chicken house. A fine home and good place for chick ens; price $3500 on very easy terms In spected by Nelson, with John Fergu son. Gerlinger bide. Over 500 small places near Portland. Get our extensive classi fied lists. 160 ACRES on Col. highway, all in cult., irrigated; $200 acre; sell alt or half. 15 acres 20 miles out: bldgs., stock, equipped; $2400. cash. 46' acres; 20 acres cult, bldgs., or chard; $5000. $2000 terms, or exch. for 10 acres close in. 20 acres 20 miles out: 5-rm. bungalow, barn, chick houses; $4000, $800 down, terms. FRED LAWSON ft CO., Main 867. 416 Cham, of Commerce. 20 ACRES close to Portland; a bargain at $3500, half cash, bal. to suit you. L, J. Umb, 605 Corbett hldg. For Sale Farms. GOOD RANCH. WELL LOCATED. 35 acres, located 15 miles from center of Portland, on fine macadamized road. 1 miies from electric station, mile to school;-fine soil, no gravel; 25 acres unoer cultivation, alt can be cuitlvatea. the balance being tn fir timber; good, attractive plastered bungalow, with ce ment basement: bearing family orchard. Barn .10x60: chicken house, smoke house, hog house: Included with the place: 1 team. 1 cow. some chickens and ceese. 1 plow, 1 harrow, 1 wagon. 1 buggy, set 01 narness. etc.; price siuuu lor every thing; very small payment down and easy terms, or-will consider clear home in Portland to $4000. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. Over 500 small places near Portland. Get our extensive classl fied lists. WELL STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 24 acres, located 20 miles south of Portland, on a good graveled ;od. l1 miles from station and town; between Oregon City and Canby; 14 acres under cultivation. 23 acres can be cultivated 80 bearing fruit trees, berries for family use; 5-room painted house. Darn .4x4u. chicken house, fruit cellar and granary: included with place: 2 horses. 2 good cows, 30 chickens, feed and seed: six acres seeded to clover: school on place price $4400, $20"0 cash. Nelson, with John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. Over 500 small places near Portland. Get our ex tensive classified lists. WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY. - COAST DAIRY STOCK EQUIP MENT. 127 acres black sandy loam, lower Columbia highway, paved, Astoria tfl Seaside: station at place: modern house, electric lights, city water, fine barn and outbuildings; 60 acres tilled, 20 more in grass, 17 brush, 80 fine spruce tim ber: running water: 22 head or stock market at the door; one mile from the grand old Pacific; only sio.uuu. R. P. FEEMSTER, 417 Ablngton Bklg. S400 ACRES. This Is an island In the Columbia river, all above overflow. of this land Is good alfalfa land; 500 acres have been under cultivation: there is a rail road on both sides: this is a first-class proposition and will bear Investigation. This is worth $100 per acre, but I have It for sale for $30 per acre, or will trade for pood Income property, priced at its real value. C. C. HARNESS. K5 E St.. San Diego. Cal. A PRODUCING HOME. 28 acres of fine sandy loam that can not be excelled for berries or garden truck; most all sub-Irrigated; own water system from spring; near Tlgard and halt mile from pavement; good seven-room house with fireplace and bath; small barn; cost $17,000; will sell for 112.OO0: terms. Farms of all sizes in all parts of Oregon. See Mr. Vail. 909 Wilcox bldg. Main 4441. MR. RANCHER AND FARMER, JUST LOOK AT THIS. One ef those 140 acres of rich shot soil with suring water piped to II house. part In cultivation, balance pasture: only S1 miles from R. R.: 7 room house, barn, hog and chicken houses: 1 W acres choice fruit, rural mail route and telephone, and only $50 an acre. J. B. HOLBROOK, 214-215 Panama bldg. 52-ACRE bargain, near Oregon City: here Is a farm snap: all first-class black loam soil; 23 miles from Portland: 35 a. cult.. 3 a. bearing orchard: good 5-room bun galow, large modem barn, chicken house, granary, hog house and other outbuild ings. 7 tons hay in barn and plenty grain for seed; also farm implements, all can be had for only $5500. $2000 down, bal ance your own time at 6 per cent. F. R. Jesse. 527 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. A well improved 45-aere ranch near Roseburg, Oregon, for Portland residence or suburban; 500 full bearing apple trees, Newtowns and Spitz; 500 Italian prune trees beginning to bear: good house, hot and cold water, telephone; near good school and on county gravel road. Address 346 Sherlock bldg., W. O. Fleming. WINTER is gone, spring Is here, robins have come: here Is your opportunity to buy 10. 20, 40, 80 acres, even number. - all cleared, $250 per acre: odd number, part brush, $125 per acre; one-half casn. balance 7 per cent Fine for berrie, small fruit, vegetables and hay; have been on place since '85. In dyking dis trict No. 5. Cowlitz county. Wash. M. P. Whalen. Woodland. Wash. 20 ACRES, within 15 minutes' drive of New berg; all cult, rich level soil; good 3-a. prune orchard; 6-room modern bungalow, plastered, cement basement, fruit house, water piped to bldgs.; good fences, horse, 2 cows. pig. 35 chickens, small tools, strawberries and blackberries: where can you beat this- at $0000? Reasonable terms. Win. Brubaker. 527 Corhelt bldg. 160-ACRE stock ranch with 52 head ol good cattle, mixed ages: farm equipment. llHI tons of hay: ranch produces J00 tons1 and will produce 800 tons: excel lently located in good range country. $18,000. half cash, balance long time at 7 per cent. Ranch alone worth the money. Write JORDAN VALLEY ENGINEERING & LAND CO.. Jordan Valley. Or. S3 ACRES 14 MILES PORTLAND. $33O0. 6 miles Oswego, near Stafford, rooked to paving. 8 acres under plow, little tim ber, spring will furnish water to house; 25 acres tillable: small house and barn: $1000 down. J. C. Corbin Co., 305-6-7 Lewla Bldg. 2V- ACRES, 8 miles from Indvpendence, $rnoo. Lalf under cultivation. 3 acres In prunes, other fruit trees: 6-rnom house, fireplace, good water, good soil, consider property In trade up to $3,100. house or small place; immediate possession: free of Incumbrance, balance 5 per cent A. M. Areson, Canhy. Or. GRESHAM FARM. 40 ACHES. 25 acres under cultivation, 5 acres timber, balance open pasture; good soil, well fenced; 5-room house, good barn, granary, large henhouse, orchard, ber ries: price $.1SO0. KRIDER & ELKING TON. Gresham, Or. SECTION good Montana land, where good crops ere produced, for gasoline filling station, fruit orchard or timber tract, with Improvements and fruit : also Water loo tractor, almost new, with plow, for fruit or improved timber tract J. F. Engle. Rt 2, Billings. Mont. 40 ACRES of the very best Columbia river bottom land In Dyking dist. No. 5: sub irrigated and level, no sand or gravel, all of the very best and richest soil suitable for any crop. Price attractive, half cash, balance at 7 per cent Address owner, M. P. Whalen. Woodland. Wash. TO ACRES ON COLUMBIA HIGHWAY. 18 acres cultivation. 4 acres bottom land, fine 6-room house, spring water piped to house, barn, outbuildings; fam ily orchard, finest of soil, no rock: large trout stream: $4000. good terms C. W. Millershlp. Alder Hotel. Main 5275. CHICKEN AND BERRY RANCH PRICED RIGHT. Near Sherwood. 10 acres, all good tillable land. 6Vi acres cult, small house; 1 J4 miles from station and town: price oniv $16.10. $600 cash. A 71. Oregonlan. RIGHT ON HIGHWAY. 93 acres, 75 in cultivation; house. 2 barns, orchard, 4 horses, 2 cows, all ma chinery: $10,500, $3000 cash, bal. 6 per cent 732 Patton road. Main 8380. 3 MILES H1LLSBORO. 80 acres, 40 In crop, bal. very easy cleared- house, new barn, all stock and machinery; $14,500. $30OU cash. 732 Pat ton road. Main 83S0. 15 ACRES, all in cultivation. 5-room bun galow good barn and outbuildings: lots of fruit 2 blocks to station; will sell on easv terms or exchange for a house In Portland. Call Mr. Fisher Main 5429. BUY DIRECT, save commission; anyone desiring an Improved farm. Improved acreage or unimproved acreage will do well to call or write Ward B. Lawton, r No. 1. Oregon City. FOR SALE cheap, slock ranch; will pay to Investigate; sale or trade, will take small car or what you have first pay ment long time on the balance. Inquire 184 Mill st.. city FOR SALE 320 acres. Myrtle Creek. Or., Douglas Co.; two houses, barn, creek; 84 miles to town. IS miles to Roseburg: will take for quick sale $1700 cash. 351 E. 57th St. 7. ivose - MJ a. 1CRES OF GOOD LAND. Tlalf or more in cultivation, good soring water; price $1260. $1.10 down, rffinfr. 07 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark. ',,. icne GOOD BLACK SOIL Half or more In cultivation, spring water; price $600, $150 down Draper. 807 McKay bldg.. Third and Stark. CHICKEN FRUIT, tUKUM near Portland. $50 to $o00 per acre; "asv terms, best soil: farms for sale, all sues. McFarland, 208 failing bldg. RF.AI. ESTATE. For rale Furmn. UNQUESTIONABLY THE LbSl FARM BUY TODAY. 278 acres near Columbia TJver; c.n highway and short distance to 1 orlland. 70 seres finest bottom Innd: nearly all tillable: bal. upland snd fine pasture with some wood and timbrr; buildings would cost about $iiuO(: wonderful off. r by absent owner to sell at $40" down, bal. $.viu on terms; will be worth twice this amount This Is great. tee us about it at once. O. 11. SKOTHEIM COMPANY. 408-lt Couch Bhig., 4th. bet. Washington and Stsrk. 1200 ACRES BEST WHEAT LAND IN OREGON: 200 ACRES PASTURE LAND; ALL IMPROVEMENTS MODERN: WILL PRODUCE FROM 33 TO 40 BUSHELS TO THE ACUK; ON K UP THE BEST RANCHES IN THE STATU OK OREGON: NO AGENTS WANTED; OWNER WILL DEAL WITH PUR CHASER DIRECT. AC 302, OKE UUNIAN. W A N T F. I R K A I. K-MTATK. I WANT a good little 5 or 6-room bungalow, or bungalow-t ype, mod ern; must be In good district will Pay up to $0000; $2,1oo cash, good big monthly payments on balance Seller must look Ht'ter mortgage if any. I will not assume It Prefer to have property clear. W ill not deal with agent Will pay 110 com mission. Give full particulars in letter. P 014, Oreiionian. LARGEST HOME SBLLF-RS ON THE PACIFIC COAST. 119 homes sold to date this year is. your home for snle? ITS SOLD 11' LISTED WITH IS! We Inspect, ap praise and photograph same williln 24 hours after listing. We spend thousands of dollars advertising and are in tout ti with HUNDREDS UK LIVE BUYERS! No charge except the standard com mission of 5 per cent In the event of a satislactory sale; 25 salesmen with anion to work on the sale of onr homo. co FRANK L. McGUIRE. AMncton tilde. Main 1008. WANTED NEAR DURHAM STATION. 2 to R acre tract for chicken ranch; have 2 buvers waiting; give full Infor mation, terms and directions for finding place: must have at h-ast 4-room hml. ; can sell if priced right. See F. 1. Mc Quilkin. with J. L. HARTMAN COM PANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY wmits homes to sell. We can sell your home quick If price is reasonable. Call us up. We will be right out. appraise your homo and take pic ture of same. 8 Chamber of Com merce bldg. Main 208. WANTED A FTVR OR FIX-ROOM BIN -GALOW. EITHER IN ROSE 'l" OR HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. NOW . 1 H M WEEK; WILL rY AROUND "t $.10011; CAN PAY CASH. VllONbj BROADWAY 1150. WANTED IN GREGORY HEIGHTS DIS TRICT. ,, Wo havo readv buyers for homes, all sizes and prices. In this district; Ut your place with us at once. .1. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. .Main 20s . WANTED WAN'TKD WANTED. HOUSES BIG DEMAND. LIST WITH US KUt QUICK SALE. ALBERT CLEVELAA'P Co, 306-;i08 HOARD OF TRADE HLDO PHONE BROADWAY 1150. IS YOUR home for sale? it is Just as good as sold If listed at our appraised price. We call, photo and appraise your home free. Salesmen with BUlim to show your property. Clients waiting J. A. WICKMAN CO., "Shortest Way Home." 204 Stark st. Main IQ'.H and SMS WILL go to H5UO fin room bungalow, mat od ni j.leill .- ace end lias ,-.U-nn.l Hoors- locate,! 11 SOille KOOU district with paved street-, prei.-r 10 uVui with someone leaving cilv. us- I am at hotel and want quick uussissuon. v i 42 . Orei:on;an. THERE is a good demand for hlgli-ciuss homes, restricted districts; if mi liaie one for sale and pil. e is net inf. ate:, call . ,,, , TOINIIK.MLU, -"5 solium iu. High-c-husa Home s Maln ISOO Reslileiut elaliyls. East 0771. WANT good l-rooni lion: good dislnc;. tchuol. Largo convenient to 1 athollc grounds essential. Also 6 rooms, large grounds. Willi fruit; territory tributary to Franklin 11. A. K. HILL. 420 Lumbermens llldg. W NT a West side homo In Weslovcr or Portland Heights; must have 4 sleepln,' rooms and be worth the price; no In flated values, considered; give location, price and terms, with description, lift letter Answer P. O. box Mi. 6-ltOOM HOISE. 50x100 lot, not particular about dis trict' price $301111, $loo cash and 1-alaii.o monthly payments and interest SM1TH-W.VK iNEIt Co. STuCK l-.XCH WANT TO BUY A HOME? Have S-'ssi cash to pay down on a .1 or 6-room modern house: Sunnyslde or west side. Mount Tabor preferred. At' o.i, Oregonlan. w vmm home FOR SALE : Have buvers for all parts of city; can sell at once if price Is right .vr R. SOMERVILLE. V. s. NAT. BANK lil.Dii. HHWV. :is::s. c- a M-i-ri 1 io 5 acres; can pay $.-,0 down and good monthly payments, must have some buildings; near city; stele price and location. F 304. oregonlan. NEED A BOMB ON ssi ' "."'"V."".';. house, modern, on i-n--i .. sider with furniture, or without, sampl ers. Main 1575. . CASH BUYER for home in Rose l.uv or ion in 3o days. Main 1.176; n Irvington; neeu po. For appointment call a gents. v-&V-P ,.1,,,1,-e buiidlllC ioL 111 Ro Citv l.nnre hurst. Uvinsion or uiiuew.i glv Hlld DIoiK Iiiinioer lino uui Ice AK 738. OM-KOtl-att. lowest pr FOR ACREAGE. larnis. noutso. 1, ,0111.1. and housekeeping. buines chances. us. Eastern Exchange. 22. W Wantilna ton, room 302. . WANT 1 or 2 lots In Hay Slack Rock Park. Cannon beach Oregon: gUe price- lot and block number: must be chap for cash. BJ 370 Ciregnnian. WANTED House and lot fur nearly new truck with dump body and hoist; truck Is clear -of Incumbrance. D 342. Oreo- WWTED Lariie home, close i". wet side; 4 bedrooms and toilet upper (lour; room for garage: 10 $12,oo0, liul cash AJ 3o3. Oregonlsn. WXNTED 5-rootn buncalow troni ovwiei; no agent not over $25ou; will pay l""" 1,- t,,oi have iranlen space. . J. Wallace. i;:'0 E. Ilutnsnie I I-I WILL PAY ALL CASH for 50 to 1"0 lots or. 20 acres or nioie; Northeast Portland preferred. AG 3-'n. Oresoni I 1UVK dully applications for acreage near Portland: send the description by mail or call Broadway 3146. WOODCOCK. 327 Henry Bldg. ROSE CITY Have you a In Ca-isjAuto. ::::2-i' Lot wanted. t In Rose City to WANTED To buy a bui-ftf from owner fur about $iooi 373. Oregonla n. , ilirei 1 cash. r 4 oil 5-ROOM house preferred. Phone En Weed; 2 !i K. 2Mb st. WANT a home in He 7oi;;, or Gliomas ose Clly or !rv;ngton location and descrip-Aii-wer 1. o. box 843 around $.ooo; give Hon in first Idle.", WANTED Modern 3 with garage; $loo 01 l-looiu In loii n '." I" r 1110. Ow ncrs plea iver. Marshall ,i.,j., WANTED Hons; for annul -"U. prelei Aibina district, but not particular. C ."40. on-youian. 4-ROO.M bungalow on car line; price 11. $21X1 down. 15 a monlh. Marshall 3:l... I.arsen . WOULD Ilka to buy home direct from owner; will pay all cash. Phone Taboi- 3111. WANT improved acreage farm; giie liou. eo'ultv: aiso three lots Ull flieu m bere Ow ncr. 141 Ka llith North. Tab. u.-ivti,;d I want to buy a house. $:;:,oo to $.1000, 5 or 6 rooms, ill good district; terms or cash. 11 e08. oregonian. WANTED Good residence lot ueit of 2oth. near Broadway car. K. tvt.'il. WANT three to ten acres. Improved; Ore gon Citv car line preferred. Main 5420 WANT a home in Sumiysi'lc or Hawthorne dlt. Call Broadway ::s7. WANT at once. Rose City buimalow 1.: $5000. $10"0 to $1500 cash. Main 480.': LOT IN Walnut I pav cash. Won rk o lawn Piedmont; wi.l 1oc, WANTED Lot in Ladil addition: give lo cation and price. A.l 301. Orecoman. WANTED By hanily man. run-down uouie on very easy term. Tabor 3b25. A A 1 r