VOT, T TV n 18TS1 Entered at Portland (Oregon) YKJIj. 1,J..V J. 13,101 Postofflce Peconrt-Clm. Matter PORTLAND, OREGON, 31 ON DAY, JANUARY 31, 1021 PRICE FIVE CENTS i1 KILLED, 4 HURT BOATS AND BUILDINGS !Dipr WRECKED AT ILWACOinrL 6171 COMMIT SUICIDE IN COURSE OF 1920 TWO DIE, MANY HURT HERO SHUTS FLAMING OIL OFF TO SAVE SHIP THIRD EXGIXEER ALSO RES CUES TWO FIREMEX. IN IRISH AMBUSHES IN HOTEL BLAZE STORM CABBIES CHICKENS 2 MILES FROM HOME. PERCENTAGE OF WOMEX WHO TAKE IrlTES INCREASES. norsE rx raxelagh razed IX MILITARY REPRISAL. DREAM S OVER INSPECT UFJ BUR WTO DEATH N TERRIFIC STORM ERLIfJ OF DEMAND WASHINGTON IE Grays Harbor Section Swept by Cyclone. Is WIND 100 MILES AN HOUR Smokestacks Fall and Crush Building to Fragments. O.-W. R. & X. and County Docks at Xahcotta Are Destroyed by Saturday's Hurricane. BABY BLOWN FROM CART Trains Are Stopped, Telephone and Telegraph Communication Cut Off and Big Damage Done. EFFECTS OF SATl'BDAV'S STORM. One killed, four hurt. In -Aberdeen. Wash., where budd ings were damaged. Wind estimated to have at tained velocity of 160 miles an hour at North head. Wash., where radio station was put out of commission. Steamer Hartwood narrowly escapes wreck off Grays Har bor. Raymond, Wash., reports lumber blown from yards, with considerable loss. Telephone, telegraph and train service temporarily held up all over northwest coast. Trees reported down across roads ail over coast section. Hoquiam and Aberdeen In darkness three hours. New storm warning are or dered np by weather bureau, which reports that storm Is moving south. HOQUIAM, Wash., Jan. 30. (Spe cial.) One man was killed and four were injured, two seriously, during the period of a storm of cyclonia na ture which swept the Grays Harbor country from the southwest yester day afternoon at 4:15 o'clock. Thousands of dollars worth of dam age to buildings, plate glass windows and telephone and telegraph wires resulted. The cities of Hoquiam and Aberdeen were completely isolated for three hours. The Northern Pacific train which left Hoquiam at 2:30 P. M. was stand ing at Montesano until after 8 P. M., while crews of workers were clear ing the tracks of debris. Wire com munication was at a standstill all night. Wind velocity was estimated at from $0 to 100 miles an hour. The dead: Alfred A Brown, chief engineer of the Anderson & Middle ton mill, Aberdeen. The injured: Jesse I McMinn, as sistant engineer Anderson & Middle ton mill; terribly scalded by steam. A. L. Lund, Aberdeen, proprietor of the Harbor blacksmith shop. Ho quiam. dangerously injured by fall ing building. George Goullelis, 23 years of age, several ribs broken when struck by flying roof of building of the North western mill. Unidentified roan hit by falling building. He was treated at the lHoquiam General hospital and latei i was removed without his name being i ascertained. Storm Comes Suddenly. Wind, coming out of a fairly clear cky, at the close of a day which had been partly sunshiny, with occasional gusts of rain, hit the harbor country at 90 miles an hour without warning. Four steel smokestacks one a re- j cently constructed chimney reaching 175 feet into the air, at the Anderson & Mlddleton mill were the first to fall before the terrific onslaught ot the gale. They crashed down on the frame structures of the mill, crumbling them like houses of cardboard. Brown and McMinn were in the engine room. Much of the heavy steel piping fell through this building. Brown was knocked unconscious in front of a four-inch steam pipe which was broken, the escaping steam scalding him to death, according to Coroner O. A. Austin. McMinn was knocked down and dazed, the escaping steam scalding his hands and arms badly. Neither of the men could be taken out until the fire department arrived, and after shutting off the steam, hewed its way through the debris to the im prisoned men. Brown was taken to Elerding and Pinnick's undertaking parlors, while McMinn was rushed to the Aberdeen General hospital. Roof Blows Off Building. A. I Lund was injured when the three-story frame building at Sixth and K streets, Hoquiam the first theater built in the ctiy was prac tically lifted from its foundation and hurled Into the street. Lund started to run out of the building when the roof was taken off, and was caught by the falling walls. His condition early this morning was considered serious by the attending physician. Wl.liam Noble, his partner, made a afe exit through another door. dragged Lund from the wreckage, ir.d had him taken to his home at 411 East Hume street, Aberdeen. A section 100 by 100 feet in size ILWACO, Wash., Jan. 30. (Spe cial.) A hurricane struck Ilwaco and vicinity at 3 o'clock Saturday after noon, leaving in its wake thousands of dollars' worth of damaged prop erty. Boats were torn from their moorings in Bakers bay and dashed to pieces against the bulkhead on II waco beach. Many buildings were unroofed and electric and telephone wires were leveled to the ground. The livery barn belonging to A. T. Samuels was completely wrecked. Considerable damage was done to the new high school building, the ropf be ing carried away. Fire broke out in several buildings and dwellings, but prompt action saved any loss from this cause. Ow ing to destruction of all lines of com munication it is impossible to get ac tual check of damage done. It is known that all docks, fishing stations and boats suffered heavily. Both the O.-W. R. & N. and county docks at Nahcotta on Willapa harbor were blown into the water and de stroyed. The peak of the hurricane Lusted for nearly one hour. One of the large wireless masts at North Head naval radio station was carried away and several houses were wrecked in that vicinity. The force of the wind bulged th heavy brick wall of the keeper's house of North Head light. Practically all roads leading Into Ilwaco are obstructed with falle trees, there being 68 large trees lyin across the road between Ilwaco and North Head. It was undoubtedly th most severe blow that ever struck this section and. while no fatalities o serious injuries occurred, there were many narrow escapes from falling trees and damaged houses. Many women were driven into hys terics and, while the day is calm to day, the community is in a most nerv ous state. While but meager infor mation is obtainable of the effects o me nurricane at Chinook, it was learned early this morning that a poo hall was blown from its foundation many windows were broken, roofs damaged and boats were driven ashore. An amusing Incident of the storm at Chinook was that a canvasback duck was blown through a heavy plate-glass window in Chinno halL The hurricane took particular ven geance on chickens and shingles and the air was filled with flying shin gles and screeching fowls. Some of the Ilwaco chicken fanciers were this morning gathering up their fowls in the vicinity of Seaview, two miles distant. Only Curiosity Declared Aroused by Indemnity. DISILLUSIONING HELD NEAR Revelations in Brussels and London Forecast TAGEBLATT GIVES VIEWS GIRLS FIND FATHER DEAD Revolver and Bullet Wound Indi cate Suicide of Aorth Bend Man. NORTH BEND, Or., Jan. 30. (Spe cial.) Riley McCarthy, proprietor of the Quick Lunca restaurant here, wag found dead in a rear room of the place yesterday morning by his two little daughters, who wen', to the place to see why he was not at work In the restaurant. Beside McCarthy's body was a ,45-caliber revolver with one empty chamber. A bullet hole in his head indicated he had com mitted suicide. Besides the two little girls, Carthy is survived by a stepdaughter. Mrs. William Reed of this city. HARDING IN PIRATE FIELD President-Elect Sails for Island of Florida Keys. MIAMI, Fla Jan. 30. President elect Harding, and his vacation party sailed late today for a two-day fish ing cruise near Cocolobo, an Island of the South Florida keys, 33 miles south. Headquarters will' be established on Cocolobo, occupying a small club house which stands in waters once a favorite field for pirates. It is expected the party will return Tuesday night and that Mr. Harding and his friends will board the Vic toria Wednesday for the return to St" Augustine. MISSING WOMAN SOUGHT Arrest Declared Xear In Investiga tion at Los Angeles. LOS ANGELES, Jan. SO. Investiga tion of the disappearance Tuesday of Mrs. Gladys Witherell. wife of 6. S. Witherell, president of an Investment company, had reached a point where an arrest was likely within "a few hours." Under-sheriff Manning said late today. A posse of 150 neighbors of Withereil's passed the greater part of the day searching for the missing woman. Prayers were offered In most of the Hollywood churches today for the re turn of Mrs. Witherell. Pastors asked their congregations to aid in the search. German Press Comments on Gym nastics at Conference, With Figures in Billions. BERLIN, Jan. 30. "The Paris con ference resolved Itself into an aggre gation of pipe-dreamers, doing mental gymnastics with figures In billion. in the same manner thattho oriental seems to delight tn a paradise through opium smoke," said the Tageblatt today, in commenting on the supreme council. . "For Germany." !t continued, "the action excites only curiosity. Ger many will have the, 'opportunity in Brussels antf London to dissipate these grandiose pipe dreams." '.'The treaty of Versailles deprives us of our sovereignty in military matters; we consider that equivalent to the imposition of an exceptive law and are under the belief that such restriction can be of 6hort duration said Herr dossier, minister of de fense, in debate in the reichstag yes terday on the military budget. He said Germany would welcome world wide disarmament. Illuminating Gas, Firearms and Poisons Are Declared to Be Favorite 3Iethods. NEW YORK. Jan. 30 Suicides In the United States in 1920 numbered 6171, including 707 children, members of the Save-a-Llfe league were told today by Dr. H. M. Warren, president. This exceeded the figures of 1919 by more than 1000, he said.. During the year 2604 women, a large increase, d'ed through self-destruction. The increased percentage among women was ascribed to their entry in commercial and political life. The youngest suicide was 5 years of age, while the oldest was 103. More than 300 soldiers have taken their lives, the report stated. Firearms, poisons and illuminating gas were the most usual methods. Classified among the suicides were 75 presidents and managers of large business concerns, 36 men reputed to be millionaires, 25 wealthy women 24 lawyers, eight judges. 51 doctors, 40 stage people, 34 college professors and teachers, 27 college students, 24 brokers, 59 bankers, including 14 bank presidents, 12 clergymen, two evangelists and one Y. M. C. A. secre tary.' x PARIS, Jan. 30. The document signed by the supreme council, by which the reparations and disarma ment decisions of the allies will be conveyed to Germany, was delivered todav to Charles Bergmann. head of the German delegation here, with letter of transmittal marked "ton- fidentlaf Disarmament la DiKCWisrd. The letter of transmittal said: "Sir: The allied conference ha taken lht following decisions: 'As regards the disarmament of Germany, the allied governments have approved the conclusions formulated in the note attached. "As regards reparations, the allied governments have approved the pro posals formulated in that document also attached. "The allied governments have formed the hope that the German gov ernment will not place the allies un der the necessity of envisaging the grave situation which will be created If Germany persists In failing to meet her obligations. 'Qualified delegates of the German government will be invited to a meet ing In London in February with dele gates of the allied governments." The reparations note read: "Article 1 For the purpose of sat- RUN OF SMELT IS LIGHT Fishermen Believe Heavy Catches Are Yet to Be Made. KELSO, Wash., Jan. 30. (Special.) The smelt run Into the Cowlitz river has slackened during the last few days and few fieh have been caught and shipped. Fishermen do not think the main run has coma into the river yet. The smelt that have been caught already are believed to be part of the winter run, which always comes in advance of the main run. A few emelt, forerunners of the great annual drive due almost any time, found their way up the Sandy river as far as Troutdale Saturday and yesterday. They were insuffi cient In numbers, however, to yield the genuine satisfaction to "dippers that is caused by the huge armies which make their appearance in the stream once every year. Many automobiles, equipped with smelt-fishing apparatus, went ap the highway Saturday, and yesterday in quest of the silvery little fish, but the fishermen were disappointed. (Concluded on Page 2. Column 2.) WILSON PREPARING BOOK Data on Peace Conference Being Collected for President. WASHINGTON, Jan. 30. (By the Associated Press.) President Wilson is having collected and arranged for reference all papers and documents in his possession relating to the Paris peace conference with a view to the preparation of a book, shortly after his retirement. Announcement was made several weeks ago that ex-Secretary of State Lansing, an American commissioner, had prepared a book which takes is sue in several important chapters with the decisions made by the presi dent. This book is to be released March 5, the day after President Wil- i sen retires. Member of Party Attacking Sol diers at Cocbford Also Loses Life; Lorry Is Attacked. BELFAST, Jan. 20. Cullenswood house in Ranelagh was wrecked Sat urday night by the military. The house was owned by the aged mother of P. H. Pearse. once "provisional president" of Ireland, who was exe cuted after the 1916 rebellion. The building had been rented and part of it was occupied by a Sinn- Fein club. It was the only source of income for Mrs. Pearse. It was said the soldiers were seeking Richard Mulcahy, member of the Dall Elreann and the reputed chief of staff of the republican army. The interior was demolished with pickaxes and crow bars. Local opinion seemed to be that the wrecking was in reprisal for the ambuscade at Terenure. A member of the ambushing party, which was surprised by the 'military j Friday at Cochford. County Cork, died today of wounds. Constable Clarke, wounded at Stran donen. County Mcnaghan, when his comrades were killed, also died today. A police patrol was fired on near Virginia last night. The police re turned the fire and three attackers were seen to fall. An officer and one man were wounded seriously and six others slightly when a lorry in wtiich they were riding was ambushed last nignt near Terenure. residential district of Dublin. According to dispatches from Fer-j moy, near Dublin, an American ' woman. Miss Ellen J. Reidy, was kid naped at Fermoy by four armed men, held prisoner three days, threatened and released. She arrived in Ireland recently from America to claim her brother's estate near Fermoy. Her four abductors stopped the automobile in which she was driving to court, she said, overpowered her chauffeur and carried her away. To threats on her life unless she abandoned her mission, she replied that she was under Ameri can protection. Examining and Licensing System Is Too Much. BUREAU OF ENGLISH NEEDED Administrative Code Marred by Split Infinitive. EFFECTIVENESS IS SAFE DINER CHARGE ASTOUNDS 35 Cents Each Charged for Baked Apples, Says Sales Manager. HOOD RIVER, Or., Jan. 30. (Spe cial.) C. W. McCullagh, sales man ager of the Applegrowers' associa tion, who has just returned from a visit to Chicago, where he attended the annual convention of the Ameri can Fruit and Vegetable Shippers' association, declares that the margin between the wholesale price of ap ples and the price asked of the trav eling public on dining cars for baked apples Is astounding. Mr. McCul lagh says the diners charge 35 cents each for baked apples. The price of baked potatoes, he says, is equally at sensational. The dining car charge for a baked potato, Mr. McCullagh says, is 25 cents. Xorthern State Is Considered Prob ably Xo Worse Off With Pa ternalism Than Others. BY RONALD G. CALLVERT. OLYMPIA, Wash., Jan. 30. (Staff Correspondence.) It might have been a happy thought had the framcrs of the administrative code added an eleventh department a department of language, mainly charged with the duty of correcting the English in all statutes and proposed statutes. Such a department would find it a heavy job to ameliorate the cruel and in human treatment accorded by the ad ministrative code itself to that nec essary and often-encountered element of speech, the Infinitive. The split or cleft infinitive is ab horred by most purists, but still It is looked upon with tolerance by some who are careful in their use of English. But the split infinitive is defined by a standard authority as the separation of the preposition from the infinitive proper by an ad verb. Necks Wrong an Well. x Note the article "an." The admin istrative code does more than split Infinitives, according to this defini tion. It wrings their necks. In one Clothing Is Burned Almost Entire ly From Body of Man; Fire at Sea Extinguished. NEWPORT NEWS, Ta., Jan. 30. Three members of the crew of the steamer Nettuno were landed here today by the Belgian 6teamship Kremlin and rushed to a hospital. They were severely burned when fire broke out in the engine room of the Nettuno off Florida last Wednesday. One of the men, L. Vioganni, third engineer, was not expected to live. A tale of heroism, with Vioganni in the principal role, was told by the Kremlin crew. A feed pipe in the en gine room of the Nettuno, an oil burner, burst and fire spread through the engine room, endangering the lives of two firemen and threatening the ship. Vioganni volunteered to cut off the flow of oil and rescue the firemen. Fighting his way through the flames, he reached the pipe, stopped the oil and assisted the firemen to the deck. His clothing had been burned almost entirely off and his flesh was raw. The Kremlin, answering a distress call, arrived after the fire had been extinguished. JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Jan. 30. The Italian steamer Nuttuno. ei. route from Port Arthur, Tex., to Brindisi, Italy, was towed into this port today by the coast guard cutter Yamacraw. The steamer was afire at sea. Few Victims of Hoboken Fire Are Identified. SEVERAL TAKEN TO HOSPITAL Stream of Persons at Morgue Seek to Recognize Bodies. PROBE IS ORDERED MADE Conduct of Hostelry tn Be Investi gated by Police; Whisky Bot tles found in ltooius. TWO ARE SHOT IN FIGHT One Man Is Killed and Another Is Injured Seriously. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan 30. One man was killed and one was injured seriously in a shooting affray in the St. Francis hotel here late today. The police are Investigating reports that the shooting was the outcome of deal ings in narcotics. The dead man is believed to be M. E. .Brooks. The wounded man gave the name of Carl Hills,, but hotel at taches said he was registered as S. G. Friend. Hills, whose wound is in the chest. fled down five flights of stairs to instance the preposition "to" is I the street after the shooting, walked JAP0-CHINESE PACT VOID Cancellation of Military Agreement Announced by Japan. TOKIO, Jan. 30. Japan has an nounced the cancellation of the Japo Chinese military agreement. The agreement was made in 1918. LITTLE GAME OF BLIND MAN'S BLUFF. i (Concluded on Fas 3, Column S.) LANDIS GUNS FOR CROOKS Judge in Pulpit Promises Warm Session for Game Throwers. CHICAGO. Jan. 30. Saloons made crooks and crooks made horse racing and boxing more than the public would stand, but neither liquor nor crooks is going to spoil baseball. Fed eral Judge Landis, baseball commis sioner, said today in an address in an Evanston church. 'Now that I'm In baseball, lust watch the game I play," he said. "If I catch any crook in baseball the rest of his life is going to be a pretty hot on," 1 a........................ . . .4 wrenched bleeding from its associate and left to hide as best it may behind a comma, while the infinitive proper comes to light 84 words down the line. But doubtless the authors of the code were aware that grammar and good English are not wholly neces sary to the effectiveness of laws. If they were necessary we should get Into a peck ot trouble. In Oregon there is a statute which requires that anybody who pursues the avocation of a barber shall submit to examina tion and take out a barber's license and one of the qualifications is that he must have followed the occupation of barber or barber's apprentice foi three years. One Barber Sells Tires. Perhaps it was intended to require a license of those who practice bar- , bering as an avocation as well as of those who adopt barbering as a voca tion. But there are fine and impris onment penalties imposed and the law must be strictly construed. So it would appear that if the village bar ber raises chickens on the side ot plays the trombone in the silver cor net band no other person may raise chickens or play the trombone in that village unless he obtains a barber's li cense. Happily the law Is not enforced. I know personally of a barber in an Oregon town who mends automobile tires on the side and sells supplies i Secretary Tells Cadets That Strong customarily found in a garage. He a block and hailed an automobile, In which he had himself taken to the Central Emergency hospital. Hills, who registered at the St Francis as from Portland, Oregon, hotel attaches said, under another name, recently moved there from a water-front hotel. LESTER HUMPHREYS WEDS Miss Evangeline Bard Is Bride of District Attorney. Single lif- apparently palled upon Lester W. Humphreys, United States district attorney, suddenly Saturday afternoon. At any rate, without watiing to announce their plans, he and Miss Evangeline Bard, daughter of Will H. Bard, attorney, 968 East Couch street, went to Vancouver, Wash., and were married. The two then returned to the bride's ! home, where they will stay tempo-1 rariiy. Miss Bard is an ex-Lincoln I high school girl. She came here with I her father 12 years ago. j Lester Humphreys succeeded to the ! office of United States district attor ney following the retirement of Ber Haney. Mr. Humphreys was a majo in the 91st division during the war. NEW VOUK, Jan. .10 (Special.) Twelve persons, five men and seven women, were burned to death and several were ho severely Injured they have but little chance fnr recovery, when fire destroyed the Colonial ho tel at Nos. 29 and 41 Newark street, Hoboken, early today. A stream of persons was at tho morgue today trying to identify bodies of the victims. They met with only partial success, however. The body of 10. O. Snyder, Brooklyn, was identified tonight by his wife. A woman who was with him hud not been identified. In one room a man's body was found, which was later Identified as that of Frank Logan, 3ti, Hoboken. Mrs. Mary Schumacher, 42, Jersey City, was found in tho room. Airs. Schumacker. who was taken to tin) hospital in a critical condition, died later. Another woman who rcftis?d to give her name identified the body of her companion, who was burned to death, as William Smith of Jersey City. She escaped unharmed. Man Uliirie Having? Mxintnr. Later a friend identified the body of Herman Link, 42, of Irvington, N. J. The body of a woman known as Daisy Urey. said to be the divorced wife of Charles May o J.rsey City, was also identified. One man trapped In a room in which were found the bodies of four persons two men and two women according to the police, was turned Into a raving maniac by liis two hours' imprisonment surrounded by the dead bodies and flames. Although badly burned, he still was alive when the fire rescue squad battered down the door and rescued him. Acting on stories told by those sup tosed to have known the plans of the hotel that it was a fire-trap, Mayor Griffin called a ''onferenee following 'ic.li R M. McFeely, director of pub safety, ordered an investigation the police to determine the man ner in which the hotel was conducted. The fire department is to learn how e fire started. DANIELS FOR BIG NAVY has never sought to enforce his rights, for there Is another garage in the town and the proprietor has not ob tained a barber's license. License Department Is Plan. So the administrative code will stand despite its wrenching of in finitives, if it Is otherwise consti tutional, and the department of Eng lish will await the action of a more enlightened generation. But the sub ject of barbers licenses brings up one of the important purposes of the code. The policy of examining and licens ing occupations. professions and privileges has grown to such propor tions in Washington that it is now deemed necessary to create a license department with a director at the head of it at a salary of $5000 a year. Everybody who has to have a license will have to go to the director for It whether it be a license to hunt game, or operate an automoDne or pare corns, or what not. Automobile licensing in itself re quires quite an office force and the number of other licensing require- j ments in Washington make It appear that the director will have plenty "of work to do. Fees Go to Treasury. The director will not personally ex amine applicants where examination is required, but will request of the governor the appointment of an ex amining committee. Fees will be paid to the state treasurer and the director will have all the other administrative functions. There are now state examiners of accountants, architects, barbers, chi ropodists, chiropractors, dentists, em balmers. drugless physicians, regular physicians, miners, nurses, optome trists, osteopaths, pharmacists1 and veterinaries. All of these must seek their right to do business from the director of licenses. Licenses are now required of fish ermen', sportsmen, aliens who carry firearms, corporations, motor ve hicles, for-hire automobiles carrying passengers, and installers of electric wiring. Along with growth of examination Fleet Is Xeeded. ANNAPOLIS, Md., Jan. 30. Ther will be no scrapping the navy in th near future, Secretary Daniels de clared in an address tonight. "There is greater need now for big and strong navy, both- on, ove and under the sea," he said. It was his last visit to the naval academy. ' INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. 4t degrees; minimum, Jo degrees. TODAY'S Rain; southwest winds. Legislature. Port bills debate may be avoided in leg islature. Page 4. Over-Inspection is Washington woe. Page 1. Foreign. Release of Bergdoll trailers demanded by American Judge advocate. Page 2, Two more killed and many hurt In Irish ambushes. 1'a.ge 1, Indemnity demands called pipe-dreams by Berlin Tageblatt. Fags I. National. Wilson spurns gold lure or publishers. Page 3. Domestic. Twelve barn to death In Hoboken hotel tire, rage 1. Hero shuts off flaming oil. to save ship afire. Pago 1. Total of 8171 'commit suicide In United States in 1 1020. Page 1. Hero shuts off flaming oil to save ship. Page 1. Minister who stole $215,000 from mails blames devil for downfall. Page 3. Pacific Northwest. Om killed, four hurt, in Grays Harbor storm- Page 1. Boats and buildings are wrecked at Ilwaco. Pago 1. Groingrowers of Sherman county organize. Papa 13. r Sports. Ail-American track team selected. Page 8. Eddie Coulon is a fighter of world-wide reputation. Page o. It's up to Parkway to beat Spokane quin tet. Page 8. Portland and Vicinity. $5000 for European relief raised by benefit show at Liberty. Page 7. United States National bank plans building to accommodate expansion.- Page 13. Further upheaval threatens police force. Page 14. Episcopal bishop of Alaska preaches ser mon here. Page 14. - Oregon products campaign to be. made at Marshfleld ana Klamath f alls, page 8. Coe A. McKenna predicts great era of prosperity. Page 4. Condition of Virflma Itlnmcd. According to a statement by George Groll, the nisht clerk, the fire started n a guest's room, but the man was out at the time. It is believed the guest left a lighted cigar or cigarette stub where it set fire to the drapery. Fire Chief Giiday tonight declared he believed the failuro of Groil to turn in an alarm promptly, as well as con dition of the victims at the time of the fire, was largely responsible for the loss of life. He declared whisky bottles were found in some rooms. In one of the rooms the police said they found two bottles of whisky and two tumblers. The interior ot the hotel was destroyed by the fire. The walls of the rooms are Intact, however. Brought to the scene by the shrieks of those who were trapped in tho upper floors of the ramshackle hotel. hundreds of persons mingled their cries of horror with the screams of the dying. Several of those on the upper floors tried to Jump. They were overtaken by flames before they cculd reach the windows. Many Escape Without Clothing, Many of the occupants of t.ie rooms in the hotel made their escape minus clothing. Several of them disap peared. One man, who the police say was occupying a room wun a girl about 18 years old, rushed to his home, obtained clothing and was arrested when he returned. His companion was burned to death. He said he had met her a few hours earlier in the night. Tho body of the young woman was re covered, burned beyond all recogni tion. On her charred hand was a diamond engagement ring valued at more than $1000. The hotel register was destroyed. COMMUNISTS HOLD PAPER Trieste Socialists, Dispossessed, fcny Siege to Building. TRIESTE, Jan. 30. Offices of the ocialist newspaper La voratore are still In possession of the communists, who seized the premises several days go. The building is being .besieged by royal guards and occupants have begun a hunger strike. Communists maintain that the ma jority of. the old socialist party ar ow communists and for that reason the paper must be conducted by com munists. The sicialists are continu ing to publish an abridged edition of the newspaper. .(Concluded en Page 4, Coluus ij. J