Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 25, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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Hammer of Red Revolution
Brings Party to Crisis.
Russian Extremist Demands Mod
erates Be Ousted, Armies Under
mined, All Law Be Defied.
NEW YORK. Jan 24 Xlcolai Len
ine's ultimatum to the socialists of
the world, giving them the "21 con
ditions" to which they must sub
scribe before they can be received
into the third or communist Interna
tionale of Moscow, has met with a
widespread, if in many cases nega
tive, response. It indicates a decided
split in the ranks of the socialist
party in many countries. Judging by
reports from abroad.
In the 15 nations where euch opin- j
ions have been expressed, four have I
been unqualifiedly against entering:
the third Internationale, one is un
decided, three are divided and seven
in favor are opposed by determined
Lenine demanded, among: other
tilings, that socialist organizations
must purge themselves of all mod
erates, defy all national laws, under
mine armies, gain control of the press,
throw off the allied '"yoke," promote
a world economic crisis, condemn any
league of nations, aid the soviet gov
ernment and abandon for the blood
and fire of "red revolution" all con
servative social democratic pro
grammes. World Differs In Artlon.
Action on the bolshevik dictator's
terms has been taken as follows:
United States National executive
committee of socialist party in refus
ing to recommend affiliation said:
'We concede to the Russian comrades
the right to formulate their own in
ternal policies without interference
from any other section of the working-class
movement 1 the world.
What we concede to them we wish
for ourselves. Every resolution adopt
ed by our party implies or takes this
right for the American movement."
England Leaders of British labor
arty and trades union congress, in
appeal to socialist and communist
parties of world, j.-ged efforts to "re
constitute the Internationale on a
non-sectional basis."
Italy Executive committee of Ital
ian socialist party voted to adhere to
international principles and appealed
to Lenine for aid, but he warned them
they must first eliminate the reform
at or conservative e.ement. At the
convention of the Italian socialist
party at Leghorn last week, how
ever, the motion for affiliation with
the Moscow organization was de
feated by a large majority.
Germany Independent socialists, at
a conference in Halle in October, vot
ed to adhere to the third Internation
ale programme, the vote being 237 to
156. Great disorder marked the ses
sion and a number of delegates bolted
the conference. A month previously
independent socialists at a convention
in Berlin went on record agaist bol
shevism. Prance Socialists split into three
factions following convention at
Tours on December 2'J, at which a
motion by the left wing to join the
third Internationale without reserva
tions received 3208 votes, winning by
a large majority. The center and
right groups oppose the elimination
of conservative leaders.
Spain Socialist congress . voted in
favor of the bolshevist programme
last June, but no definite action was
taken until September, when Mar
celino Domingo and his followers
pledged adherence to Leniue and bis
rule of the proletariat.
Switzerland Executive committee
of the Swiss socialist party refused
allegiance to the Lenine programme.
The party approved the committee's
stand, but a split followed over the
question of joining the third Internationale.
are characterised In a Moscow wire
less dispatch received her today as
fantastic rumors.
COPENHAGEN', Jan. 24. Reports
of the death of Nikolai Lenine, th
soviet Russian premier, are pers'st
lng. according to a Helsingfors dls
patch to the Berllnske Tidende. and
the anti-bolshevik press says 't has
further evidence of It. These news
papers retard as significant in th
connection, adds the dlspatoh, th
fact that Lenine has not attended
several recent meetings of the soviet
government officials, all of which
were presided over by Leon Trotxky,
the minister of war.
Reports of the death of Lenine and
of armed attack3 upon him mv bee
so frequent in the last three years,
only to be followed by refutation, ex
cept In the case of certain attempts
upon his life, that all such reports
have come to be received with de
cided reserve.
Organization Formed to Put Thugs
on Vessels, ProTide Passes
and Jobs on Board.
NEW TORK, Jan. 24, Smuggling
of stowaways and members of ship's
crews Into the United States Is becom
ing so prevalent that an organization
has been formed which draws lucra
tive fees from European criminals
wishing to escape, it u reported
today by Immigration Commissioner
Wallis at Ellis island.
Ramifications of the organization
which charges $50 to place each stow
away on ships leaving Europe, extend
not only throughout shipping centers
abroad, but also to steamship offi
cials, longshoremen and others in this
country, according to" a detective
agency which discovered the exist of the organization.
The Drincipal methods employed. It
was said, include obtaining jobs for
a certain number om steamships n
these In turn hide others in the holds
nf the- shins. On arrival in this coun
trv the "crew members lend tneir
passes to the stowaways, who thus
escape examination by immigration
authorities. Through collusion wun
longshoremen the passes are returned
to their original holders, wno tnen
come ashore and desert tneir snips.
Airmen Completely Destroy Power
of Ruler In Three Weeks.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 24. Complete
destruction of the power of Mad Mul
Iah, native ruler of Somaliland, Africa,
and for 34 years a problem to British
authorities, was accomplished within
three weeks' time by less than !0U
airmen and 11 fighting planes, ac
cording to an official report on the
operation just received here.
Bombed out of their strongholds,
the natives were pursued and all the
leaders except Mullah captured or
killed, the report stated. The air
expedition was sent out in 1919, but
details were kept secret.
It was the last of miny punitive
forces sent to Somaliland where con
tinual uprisings have involved the
British in military operations at fre
quent intervals since 18S5.
Chile Registers Approval.
Chile A socialist party referendum
resulted in majority of socialists reg
istering their approval of the Moscow
dictatorship, but a small minority op
poses adherence to Lenine.
Argentina Delegates to the na
tional socialist convention on Janu
ary 10. by a vote in the ratio of three
to one. rejected a proposal to accept
Lenine's terms and decided not to
send envoys to Russia to study soviet
ism. Sweden Extreme socialists and la
borltes favor world revolution. Inde
pendent socialists in 1919 voted to
join the third Internationale.
Norway Resolutions advocating
creation of a revolutionary regime
Daseu oa ine soviet system were
passed at the last socialist congress.
Scandinavian workers' congress in
session at Copenhagen, however, by a
vote ot 4a to la, rejected the Nor
wegian socialist proposal to enter the
Moscow internationale and denounced
what it characterized as Lenine's
"barbaric terrorist regime."
Dotrh Defer Aetioa.
Holland Dutch socialists in confer
ence on October 27 decided to defer
action on the Lenine ultimatum.
Belgium Socialists rejected the
overtures of third internationale lead
ers and declared their purpose of pre
serving Independence of action.
Austria Extreme socialists after
accepting membership in the third in
ternationale broke off relations with
Moscow on November 8, the social
democrats passing resolutions con
demning the Lenine-Trotzky regime
as designed to "disrupt trade union
ism." Mexico "Communist congress of
the Mexican proletariat" in Mexico
City on September 19 ended in disor
der when plans were started for the
organization of the fourth Interna
tionale. Bolshevism previously had
been indorsed by some of the speak
ers. Radicalism reported spreading
in Yucatan, where property of oppon
ents of bolshevism has been dyna
mited. The Baltic states went on record
against eovietlsm when the social
democratic congress at Riga on De
cember 18-20 rejected adherence to
the Moscow programme by a large
majority. While the socialists of
Strasburg voted adherence to Lenine,
the French Agricultural federation
announced it would expel all those
who pledged allegiance to him.
No official expression of opinion on
the Lenine ultimatum has so far been
made by socialist or communist
bodies in the following countries:
Canada, Australia, New Zealand,
Portugal, China, Japan, Colombia,
Venezuela or Peru.
Moscow Wireless Dispatch Says Re
ports Are Fantastic Rumors.
LONDON. Jan. 24. The reports of
the death of Premier Lenine of soviet
Rcssia and of a recent attempt to
assassinate him by means ot a bomb
Problem of Co-operation of Granges
and Co-operative Stores Faced.
SPOKANE, Wash.. Jan. 24. Repre
sentatives of co-operative organiza
tions in Washington, Oregon and
Idaho, meeting here today, authorized
the appointment of a committee to
work out a selling plan to provide for
the co-operation of granges and co
operative stores.
Other resolutions called for co-operative
organizations to exert their
full political strength, as well as their
industrial and agricultural strength
and opposed ' the establishment of
grange warehouses in towns where
cc operative stores already were sit
uated. More than 30 officials of co
operative establishments were pres
ent William Bouck, president of the
Washington state grange, presided,
Civilian Is Killed in
vere Fighting.
Other Fatalities Occur In Clashes
on Sunday; Mobs Are Routed
in All Instances.
DUBLIN, Jan. 24. Civil attacks on
the police and military In various
sections of the country continued to
day. Early this morning there was a
simultaneous attack by 100 civilians
on the police and military barracks,
which adjoin each other in the center
of the town of Bandon, Countv Cork.
There was severe fighting for nearly
an hour, which resulted in the at
tacking party being beaten off. The
crown forces suffered no casualties
but one civilian is known to have
been killed.
There was a fierce battle Sunday,
when a large body of armed men at
tacked the Glenbower police barracks
near Clonmel. The civilians were
beaten off. No casualties were re
ported as a result of the fighting.
One civilian was killed and one
wounded when an attack was made
upon a small body of police near
Kells, County Meath. The attacking
party finally withdrew, after having
captured a motor car and arms.
Premiership of Province of Ulster
Not Likely to Be- Taken.
LONDON, Jan. 24. Sir Edward Car
son is expected to refuse tne pre
miership of the province of Ulster and
also intimates his withdrawal from
Irish affairs when he receives an
Ulster delegation tomorrow, says the
Daily Mail. He will ccntinue his in
terest in Ireland, the newspaper de
clared, simply as a well-wisher from
Sir Edward will go to Ulster next
month to announce publicly his with
drawal and attend the opening of the
Ulster parliament, which ceremony.
he Daily Mail declared, may be per
formed by King George.
O'Ceallaigh Refuses to Comment on
Report or Paris Visit.
PARIS, Jan.-24. Sean O'Ceallaigh,
representative here of the Sinn Fein,
refused to confirm or deny reports
received here from London that De
alera. the Irish republican leader, is
in Paris.
I have nothing to say about it,"
said, "but it might not do any
harm to have a look around. You
ever can tell whom you might find."
Two Boys Shot by Troops.
CORK, Jan. 24. Two boys were
wounded, one of whom later died,
when troops enforcing the curfew
order fired at some persons in the vi
cinity of Shanon street last evening.
resumably because they failed to
halt when challenged. The curfew.
according to the new arrangements.
begins at S P. M.
Rev. J. A. Irwin Arrested.
BELFAST, Jan. 24. The Rev. J. A.
rwin, a Presbyterian minister who
poke in the united States with
Eamonn de Valera during the latter's
tour, has been arrested, it was learned
ere today.
Subscription Books Opened at 10
o'clock and Closed Immediately.
NEW YORK. Jan. 24. J. P. Mor
gan & Co. and the Guaranty Trust
company announced this morning
that subscription books for the 113.-
000,000 Belgian loan were opened at
10 o'clock and immediately closed.
The announcement was. taken to
mean that the loan had been success
fully floated and that it wa oversubscribed.
Wheeled Platform Pushed in Front
of Auto to Save Baby.
iSlAMI, Fla., Jan. 24 Bob Steele,
who lost both legs in the world War,
saved the life of a baby girl on the
beach here yesterday by pushing his
wheeled platform in front of a motor
car to hurl her out of the way.
The machine knocked Steele over
but he escaped with slight injuries.
Logger Drowned at Camp.
ABERDEEN, Wash., Jan. 24. (Spe-
lal.) Victor Anderson, logger em
ployed at the Hobi camp, on the
North river, was drowned yesterday
morning when he slipped off the
boom stick and was swept through
the gate, despite attempts of fellow
workers to save his life. The river
was running rapidly and the man
was hurled through the gate. The
body was in the water for about an
hour before It could be recovered.
Miss Mary Hall, noted traveler and
geographer, was, in 1905, the first
woman to trek from the Cape to
1 Musical 1
f s Sacrificed
E Free Lessons Given E
z Removal Sale E
f McDougall Music Co.
323 Aider street.
Between Sixth and Broadway.
100,000 Orientals In California.
SACRAMENTO, Cal.. Jan. 24. The
report of the director of the 1920
United States census, showing 100,933
Chinese. Japanese and Hindus reside
in California, has bene made public
here. The report was sent from
Washington, D. C. in response to a
telegraphic request for information
for the use of reapportionment com
mittees oi tne legislature. ' The con
stitution provides that aliens in
eligible to citizenship are not to be
counted in the redlstricting process.
Best grades coal.
f)iamonrt r"na) Co Bdw
Prompt delivery.
ii'J6 I. 1
Reduce Your Fat
Without Pieting
Tus nro the formula for fat reduction
was "disV Vxeroise." Today it is "Take
Marmola Prescription Tablets. Friends tell
friends doctors 'tell their patients, until
thousands know and use this convenient.
harmless method. They eat what they like,
Irve as :h-y like, and stilt lose their two.
three or four pounds of fat a week. Simple,
effective,, harmless Marmola Prescription
Tablets are sold by all drurristf a !re
case for ore dollar. Or If you prefer you
rr.ay wrUc direct to the Marmola Company,
4112 Woodwaifi Ave., Detroit. Mich. Adv.
Cf7 BT fE& TB CCP5
Deep-Curve Lfun
Are Better
Trademark Registered
Thoroughly experienced
Optometrists for the examl
nation and adjustments,
skilled workmen to con
struct the lenses a concen
trated service that guaran
tees dependable glasses at
reasonable prices.
Complete Lean Grinding
Factory on the Premises
Nothing Sold to Dealers
Nothing Sold C. O.D.
Nothing Returnable
"Merchandise of cMerit Only
Nothing on Approval
No Telephone Orders
Ever Sale Final
Just Three More Magic Days!
In Which to Save 33, 40 and 50 Cents on EVERY DOLLAR
Spent on Dependable and First Quality "Merchandise of Merit"
A grand three-day finale
to a sale that has brought prices down below what was believed to be the bottom of price deflation.
Many of our entire stocks without reservation
Reduced to HALF PRICE and
Yes, it has been sensational!
-in that in innumerable instances the reduced price was lower than before the war and it will continue to offer sensation after sen
sation every remaining day Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Every department is offering bargains hundreds of them are to be
found on every floor beginning from the Basement up to the Eighth Floor.
And in speaking of the Basement we wish to say that the ECONOMY
BASEMENT STORE-occupies an enviable position. Because its sur
plus stocks are neglibly small, it has been free to make some unexpectedly
fine purchases of new goods, getting full benefit of the recent market de
cline. We are offering these newjurchases every day, and as a result the
ECONOMY BASEMENT STORE has been packed from the time
the store's doors open until they close again at night.
' Generalizing, we wish to call your attention to several of the items. Al
though every one of the hundreds deserve special comment, this is impos
sible. Our sale of Boys' Wash Suits began yesterday. While this is an annual
event that is eagerly looked forward to by hundreds of parents in this city,
we held it prematurely, as it were, in order to make it a part of this magic
readjustment sale, consequently the prices are lower than they probably
would have been had the event been held on schedule time. There are
hundreds of suits at $1.00 and $1.35, and other prices which are half the
regular market price. This event is dealt with more fully on another part
of this page.
Then we are offering our entire stock of high-grade bathroom fixtures at
20 to 50 per cent less. The modern bathroom symbolizes the cleanest,
most wholesome and healthful things of life. No other room in the house
so truly measures the standard of the family. Guests frequently form opin
ions once they step into your bathroom. You yourself have arrived at an
opinion this way when on a visit From a sanitary point, it is obligatory to
have good bathroom fixtures, and here they are: Brackets, Glass Shelves,
Brush Holders, Towel Bars, Soap Dishes and Sponge Dishes, all 20 to 50
per cent less. Then, too, we are selling our fine Bathroom Mirrors at
33 xi per cent off.
'. It seems proper that we should hold in conjunction with this Bathroom
Fixture Sale a sale of handsome Toilet Sets Composition Ivory, Pyralin,
Tusculor at half price. These are original and distinctive sets, beauti
fully decorated, and also so well made that they are useful as well as
There are just a few pieces of our fine furniture left, such as Spinet
Desks, Gate-Leg Tables, Davenport Tables and Overstuffed Chairs
all at half price.
It might interest our readers to know that during the first day of this
sale we sold so many pieces of furniture that our delivery section, even
today, has been unable to take care of them, which is not a reflection on
our delivery section.
Our entire stock of Rugs at 33 '3 per cent off. This announcement
means more when we say it than when it is made by other establishments,
inasmuch as our regular prices were always lower than regular prices else
where. Then there are hundreds of yards of curtainings at 40 per cent off,
such as Marquisettes, Scrims and Swisses, and several thousand yards of
Cretonnes in delightful patterns at half price, and Inlaid Linoleums at
33 y3 per cent less.
Our linen department has been the center of activity the past month,
but never was it so busy as it has been during this sale, and the reason has
. been quite apparent. Irish Linen Table Cloths at 33 per cent off; Irish
Linen Crash at half price. On the same floor we are selling full-size
Plaid Blankets and full-size Comforters and Machine Filet Bedspreads,
all at half price.
Women are profiting greatly by this sale. Our customers know how
exquisite and dainty are the Blouses in our stock. Now we are selling
our entire stock of Blouses and Over-Blouses at drastically reduced
prices Georgette, Crepe de Chine and Satin Blouses at $3.75, and Bur
lingaoie Blouses at cost and less than cost the sale price being $5.98.
Also all our Castleton Blouses at one-third off a Tailored Cotton Blouse
very specially priced at $2.95.
And if it is Gloves that a woman needs, here are Gloves of real mocha
at 33 y3 per cent off, and genuine imported French Kid Gloves at $3. 1 7 a
pair; imported Japanese Embroidered Crepe Kimonos at less than import
cost, $2.95 ; Athletic Suits of cross-bar dimity, crepe de chine and Japanese
silk at half price 75c to $3.98; dainty Gowns- and Envelope Chemise at
$1.45. And we could continue on and on.
Come during the next three days!
Rely on Cuticura
To Clear Away
Skin Troubles
op itodauM. Ohtmmt to mOu-Tilem u pnr-
Chas. A. Rusco. Pres. anl
Gen. Mcr.
Portland's La r pest. Most
Modern. Best Equipped. Ex
clusive Optical Establishment
200-10-11 CORBETT BI.DG.
Since 1008.
..3z- g ?,
Apply Zemo, the Clean, An
tiseptic Liquid Easy to Use
Does Not Stain
Greasy salves and ointments should
not be applied if good clear skin is
wanted. From any druggist for 35c, or
$1.00 for large size, get a bottle of Zemo.
When applied as directed it effectively
removes eczema, quickly stops itching,
and heal? skin troubles, also sores,
bums, wounds and chafing. It pene
trates, cleanses and soothes. Zemo is
a clean, dependable and inexpensive
antiseptic liquid. Try it, as we believe
nothing you have ever used is as effec
tive and satisfying.
The E.W. Row Co., Cleveland, O.
Get a small package of Hamburg
Breast Tea at any pharmacy. Take a
tablespoonful of this hamburg tea.
put a cup of boiling water upon It.
pour through a sieve and drink a tea
cupful at any time. It is the most
effective way to break a cold and
cure grip, as it opens the pores, re
lieving congestion. Also loosens the
bowels, thus breaking a cold at once.
It la inexpensive and entirely vege
table, therefore harmless. Adv.
If Mixed with Sulphur it Dark
ens so Naturally Nobody
can Tell.
Grandmother kept her hair beauti
fully darkened, glossy and attractive
with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur
Whenever her hair took on that dull,
faded or streaked appearance, this
simple mixture was applied with won
derful effect. By asking at any drug
store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur
Compound," you will get a large bot
tle of this old-time receipe, improved
by the addition of other ingredients,
all ready to use, at a very little cost.
This simple mixture can be depended
upon to restore natural color and
beauty to the hair.
A well-known downtown druggist
says everybody uses Wyeth's Sage
and Sulphur Compound now because
it darkens eo naturally and evenly
that nobody can tell it has been ap
plied it's eo easy to use, too. You
simply dampen a comb or soft brush
and draw It through your hair, tak
ing one strand at a time. By morn
ing the gray hair disappears; after
another application or two, it Is re
stored to its natural color and looks
glossy, soft and beautiful. Adv.
while you sleep"
Conductor Was Dreadfully
Weak and Rundown
Tanlac Restores Health
Tou are bilious, constipated, head
achy, full of cold, unstrung Your
meals don't fit breath is bad, skin
sallow. Take one or two Cascarets
tonight for your liver and bowels and
wake up clear, rosy and cheerful. No
griping no inconvenience. Utuaren
love Cascarets, too. 10, 25, 60 cents.
r-Ad.V. ;
"My mother got such splendid re
sults from Tanlac that 1 decided to
try It, and it certainly has done the
work for me, too," said II. A. Rankin,
966 Albina ave., Portland, well-known
streetcar conductor.
"I suffered so constantly from con
stipation for the past ten years that
I was continually taking some laxa-
i tive. My appetite was gone and I
lost weight until it just seemed like
all my strength was lost. I had lost
so much energy and felt so tired and
worn out I could hardly take up the
"Well, sir, Tanlac braced me up
from the very start and now I feel so
different I sometimes wonder if 1 am
the same man. ly appetite Is fine,
my digestion perfect and I have
sained eight pounds in weight. I tell
you there Is nothing like Tanlac when
a man is in the shape I was in."
Tanlac is sold In Portland by the
Owl Drug Co. Adv,
Concentrated Heat Penetrates
Brings Quickest Relief.
Hheumatlsm, lumbago, neuritis,
backache, stiff neck. More muscles,
strains, aching joints. When you are
suffering so you can hardly get
around, just try "Red Tepper Rub,"
and you will have the quickest relief
Nothing has such concentrated, pen
etrating heat as red peppers. Instant
relief. Just as soon as you apply Red
Pepper Rub you feel the tinglinp
heat. In three minutes It warms the
sore spot through and through. Frees
the blood circulation, breaks up the
congestion and pain Is gone.
Rowles Red Pepper Rub, made from
red peppers, costs little at any drug
store. Get a Jar at once. Almost in
stant relief awaits you. Use It for
colds In chest. No matter what you
have used for pain or congestion,
don't fail to try Red Pepper Rub.
Phone your want ads to The Ore-
souian. limn 70i0, Automatic 660-Sj.