FURNISHED I1DOM3 IN PRIVATE FA MIL V. Nice warm room for 1 or 2 persona; bath and phone privileges, close to down- - town, r.rrj 11th tt. SKRV pleasant front room with small con neeting room suitable for 1 or 2 business people; walking distance from business renter; $1K. Phone after 8 A. SI.. Mra. . Hobson, Main ytsio. . NEWLY furnished, largo room, twin beds, beautiful home, parlor, fireplace, piano, home conveniences. Also young man wishes roommate. 61 N. 18th St. 2'ICE, warm front room; modern; for 1 or two gentlemea; reasonable: near II-bra--y. Call after 4:3" P. M. at 22S 10th St.. or phone Main 375S. FURNISHED bedroom, nome privileges, breakfast If desired. 467 23d at. N.. Bear Montgomery Ward. Auto. 524-12. JSEATI.Y furnished room in a modern Irvington home for woman; references. K. 0422. private, business LA HUE furnished Iront oeuroom, suitable for 2. with, privilege of pluns and bath. 100.1 K. Salmon, faoor '.1115. J'OR KENT A furnished room for a gen tleman, close in, furnace heat, and a large room: rent reasonable. East 1162. "VERY desirable Iront room, close in Ladd's Addition; working girl preferred. Call before 7 P. M. East 1 ir!'. LARGE, cheerful front room, suitable two, quiet, refined home, west aide, close in. Marshall 3755. FURNISH El) room, w alking instance; beat. bath and phone; very desirable and re' sonable. Mth. Auto. 521-64. DESIRABLE rooms ou 1st floor In private home. Kast 31.", 1. LARGE, front sleeping room. 591 Wash ington I 1GH T, pleasant room, one block from 12th and Hawthorne, on Ladd ave. Ref erences. East 6.1119. Rooms With Koara. CAMPBfXL HOTEL. 23D AND HOYT STREETS. CAMPHELI.-1I1L1. HOTEL, 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the beet-known residentls fcotels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath. 12 04i a day up; rales by day or znonUl. Ma!s served to transients. J.ORTONIA HOTEL, Portland's downtown high-class family hotel; rooms en aulte or single, with or without board, for families and businesa men and women. We give you all the comforta of a home. reasonable rates. , fcoOM and board lor business girls; all modern conveniences, walking distance; 15 per week. Auto. 210-74. 12 E. 7th at ItOOM and board $35 Per mo. and up; good homo and excellent cooking. Mar. 3374. 452 MORRISON, corner 1.1th. choice rooms and board: modern conveniences; walk- ing distance. , Rooms With Hoard In I'rlvale Family. PLAIN, comfortable room, also share of double room; excellent meals, reasona ble to young workiug men. 127 East 32d st. .Tabor BS7,"i. aOOM and board, modern home, for young man willing to share room with con genial voung man; reaeonable rates. Phone Mar. 27S1. XTIDOW lias room and board for young man with home privileges. Marshall 572. 551 West Broadway IRVINGTON SITTING ROOM, SLEEP ING PORCH EXCEPTIONAL BOAKD, LAUNDRY PRIVILEGE'S. E. 6645. HOOM and board for 2 emp.oyed, in re fined, modern home. 1002 E. Flanders. Automatic 223-23. INCLUSIVE home offers room and board; home made pies and bread; walking distance. Broadway 4314. LARGE front room auitable for 2 or 3 men with board; bath and telephone. Auto. 225-74. No. 3 E. 14th St. No. BY RESPONSIBLE party, child bet. 2 and 5 years, to care for In own home. East 6716. WIFE of traveler wants t care for child in own home; had experience. AF 324, Oregonian. PRIVATE home for children by day or month. 714 Everett. Marshall 2182. CHOICE room, 2 meais If desired, home privileges. va Kins uisiancc. co,,-. BOOM, suitable for 2, with two meals. 320 I un st. .oar. di.. IF YOU want tirst-ciass) table board, can 6S1 Glisan st. WILL care for 1 or 2 children. Alar. 2-95. Near good scnooi. HOME privileges, cozy cook in? Est ,7S. room, first-class EOOM and board for two, easy walking distance. Main 0325. . BOARD a-d room for gentleman. 33'2-lS. ROOM and board. 472 N. 23d. Main .127 Furnished Apartments. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia streets. Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank a tore; good surroundings, strictly mod ern. 2- and 3-room furnished apta. out Bide, with French doors and balcony. Permanent and transient. HIGH-CLASS, legantly furnished 2-room ana Bleeping porch. In exclusive apartment home, also a 3-room furnished In Chinese rugs, em broderies. ailk hangings, white enamel woodwork, electric fireplace: very clean and lots of heat: also room and bath for gentleman or lady emploved. Refer ence requred. Marshall 2S110. . EXCLUSIVE, attractive 4-room apartment overlooking the park and heights; south ern exposure, open fireplace, private hall and splendid closet room; elevator, tele- nhnn. now ITlSia FU. uusst"iui. . new furniture and lease; $1000. 1174. Main Beautifully furnished 4-rm. apt., $.15 month, none better in Portland; Modern, new, clean. The Columbian, 11th nnd Columbia. Main 1911. THE ELM WOOD. 2-room apt. in first-class apt. house; new period furniture, tiled bath, dress ing room, etc. $G5jadults.415 lOth st. ilE UT.FVL furnishings. 7-room duplex apartment In most exclusive apartment houii i i city: Including choice antiques. A p t. sublet if desired. M ar. 5910. LIGHT, airy 2 rooms and kitchenette, cor ner apartment in Irvington; adults. $3j. Tu E. Broadway. East 4S52. THREE-ROOM apartment for rent, steam heat, hot and cold water, for adults only: $35 month. Phone East 6192. juR RENT Three-room apt. in quiet place. 33 Third and Mill sts. Phone 2049. A FURNISHED 4-room apL 62 E. 6th and Davis; sou. NION AVE?, and Klllingsworth, $23.SJ all complete; concrete building. KURNISHEDB apartment. I hone Broad- av t i MODERN' 4-room apt.. 425 East Couch st. 1 nfiimished Apartments. I4U LOVELY 4-room apt., kitchenette and bath: you'll say it is reasonable when you Inspect it; walking aistanee riot exclusive but clean and O. K. 64 1st st . Hawthorne apts. Come and see IONIAN COURT. 18 Couch St.. 4-room modern front apt., adults. $57.50; ref er e n c e sBroadway2i01 j LARGE rooms. 2 large -closets. Kllcnen and conveniences. 807 E. 13th N. Auto. S20-S4. I'RONT apt-, 4 rooms and bath; ences. Broadway 530. WILL rent fiat to party buying furniture which am selling at great sacrifice: must leave city at once. 206 Mason. WILL SELL leae 4-room upper flat, in cluding heat, light, water, phone; rent $.5 ,jt. 311-97. 429 Larrahec. UPPER unfurnished 5 or 6 rooms and bath, electricity and gas. Close in. Adults only. Call East 872. 'OU mav buv furniture and rent 6-room modern flatl 2 rooms rented $10. M 6127. Furnished Flats. 3. BLOCK from car. 2 large, light, clean rooms: phone, light, water and garbage; $40- adults only; nice for couple em ployed. Woodlawn 42S3. 1239 Kerby. l lVE-ROOM flat, sleeping porch, fireplace, furnact, ha.dwood floors, tiled bath. "S8 U.tnn ave. Hawthorne car. Housekeeping Booms. COMFORTABLE 4 rooms and bath, 10 minutes' walk from business center. In cluding light, fuel, phone. 59 Yamhill st . for about 2 months. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall fur nished H. K. rooms. $15 up. Including hot water, electric lights, laundry room. TWO FRONT housekeeping rooms, fur nace heat, walking distance. US ,E. 1-th st. Adults. 2 GOOD housekeeping rooms, suitable tor two or three respectable people. 294,14th St.. corner of Columbia. vu.-0-KOi.iM furnished apartment. first floor $30; also 2-room furnished apt. second floor. $25. 54!t Yamhill st. CINGLE or double furnished H. K. rooms for rent; nice, cieau aim any. w ett St., cor. 20th. FOR RENT Dandy 2-room housekeeping . i '": ill Cue, Kinih apt., neat anu ticu, -j"-" - ,...- at. North. 15 DAYS' STORAGE FREE. Trunks, baggage dellverd downtown district. 25c. Sun. service. Bdwy. 2445. S-ROOM furnlsned apt.. $22. light and bath free. 2-room apt. $L. lf23 Mica' dam. East 5235. Main 6S83. 1S1CE large room a Apply 5S Couch nd kitchenette, close in. st. Main l4t i"ICELY furnished H. K. rooms at 93 N. ltytn St., Cornet it rinii-.-o. ikj. 3 LARGE, furnished housekeeping rooms. 3o oin pi. 1. 2 AND 3 ROOMS for housekeeping: ateam heat, hot and cold water In eacti room; west side; rent reasonable. Bdy. 1S4H. . NICELY lurnlshed. very desirable sleeping and housekeeping room; every conven ience; walking distance; employed pco Ple. 121. N. 23d. CLEAN basement apt. for single man or couple; can cut your rent first mo. by some work. 504 1st. Hawthorne apts. Moiiseaeeplng Rooms in Irlvate Family. TWO 1. K. rooms, rirly furnished, first floor; also large, light front sleeping room, private entrance, ground floor; suitable for two persons: close in. on west side; no objection to babies or amall children. 227 Mont gomery at. 4 FURNISHED 11. K. rooms In modern home for 2 or 3 adults only: white enamel, separate entrance, fine neighbor- nooq. oij rJ. Taylor, xaoorooui. FURNISHED housekeeping room, private family. Clean, light rooms, heat, lights and. gas furnished: close in. oil Union avenue N. . Ml'l-ll.Y fiirnlBhcrt tea ni -heated TOOTH bath and phone with use of Witohen for breakfast.: reasonable. 5S4 Handera u Apt. :15. D d w y. 4.4 5. LARGE double sleeping room, hot and cold water; downstairs II. K. rooms with kitchen; man preferred. 321 6th at., on enr. of Clay. TWO LARGE furnished housekeeping rooms; light, water, phone, ga for cook ing furnished; $24 per mo. 343 10th St., rnr. Market. . , NICELY furnished front housekeeping room. 25. Including phone, gas. 1'gnt and water: west side. Marshall 3023. t:i -riv Hnr.Kk'HRPINTiJ rooms. adults onlv: prefer lady alone: light, water, phone. 484 E. 17th.. cor. Division twii virw ir sr rooms newly papered. ft minutes' walk from Meier t Frank's business people. 229 Fifth at. 2 NICE, roomy housekeeping rooms; water and phone tree; aiso (.man d'"i"b room. 773 Petty-rove. FRONT housekeeping room In private family, walking distance. 40 Union ave. North THREE large rooms, modern, walking u. tanee: one block Broadway car. 3S2 L. r irst stree THR'JW rooms, furnished, II. K-. suitauie for 'our: adults only, -t-O roiirm pi. THREE rooms, well furnished lor nouse k ee p i ng. bath, elec. Ilsh t. 354 Ivy st. LARGE, clean, well furnished housekeep ing, close in. 30S Salmon St. LARGE, clean h. k. room. $20 i ' .100 Jefferson St.. near 14th st. month. CLEAN, cozy H. K. rooms. 365 Williams ivp.. cor. of Broadway. SCENIC LODGE COTTAGES. 524 Heights Terrace. 2 and 3 rooms; most delightful view of mountains and city: 20 minutes' walk to heart of city or Hall St. car. on Mor rison to 13th St.; 2 B. W. See to appre ciate: von don't know what you are missing; spring will soon be here. MODERN beautiful large 7-room bungalow for rent reasonable, and furniture for sale very reasonable. Nearly new with 2 ranges connected, also good ga-den and chicken ard: near Union ave. car service. 419 E. Faeramento st Soliday Bros.' Transfer & Storage Co. Bdwv 4222 FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVLSQ. Long-Distance Hau'ing. Storage, Packing and Shipping. FolidnT Bros' Transfer A Storage Co. CALL BROADWAY .-,Srt FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO. LIGHT POWER HEAT. WASHINGTON AT 10TH STREET. WILL snare my 5-rm. modern bungalow with a reliable couple. Call 30 Albina ave. after 6 P. M. or write Mrs, Webb at snme address. ' UNFURNISHED house. 5 rooms, loll pos ter st. Take St. Johns to Peninsular ave., 1 block north. 1 biock west. 7-ROOM house for rent, very reasonable. Centrally located. Apply 314 Graham avenue. Williams ave. car. FOR RENT t furnished rooms with, elec tric light, gas and bath, reasonable. Call aut. 22S-43. or !08 E. Alder. F. M. Shea. FOUR-ROOM and bath, large lot. 2 o.ks. to carline. $17.50 per month. See Mr. Fisher. 24S Stark St. ISO MONTH S-room house, bath. gas. elec tricity. Call 4004 4Sth at., near 41st ave. S. E. BEST equipped for tocai nd iong-distano hauling and moving Green Transfer Co.. 202 4 Alder St. Main 1261 MOVING Piano, furniture and long-dia-tance lauling a specialty O. W. Truck Service Co.. 40 2d st Phone Bdwy. 51 21. FOR RENT 4-room, modern bungalow, furniture for sale by owner. Phono Wood lawn 5202. FIVE-ROOM modern bungalow for rent, furniture for sale. 1020 E. 15th st. N. 5-ROOM cottage for rent, furniture for sale including piano. .1.".0. 54S Fifth st. HOUSE for rent, furniture for 12'.4 Corbett st. ale. Call Fnrnisned Houses. LEASE 1 year or more. 84S Wasco, o large rooms besides den and large sleeping porch: furnace, fireplace, garage 81xl00 fruit, warden, verv large lawn. 2 large fir trees; piano included; $IK per month. F. Abendroth, MS Wasco, 4!S4. owner. FOR RENT 7-room house, furnished, good supply of wood and fuel: 1 block from car Price $50. Will rent to responsi ble party who can put up bond of $500. Call Mar. 4443. . $4.- 6-ROOM cottage, modern except hard wood floors or basement: nicely fur nished, two bedrooms, wood and electric Ftovas. 641 East 13th St. So. Scllwood 3031. Adults FURNISHED house, 7 rooms, furnace, tenant pav rent use of one room reserved for use of furniture; adults only; Sell wood car. 575 Gideon st. FURNISHED S-room house or 3-room apt. Adults only. First class. 300 E. 22d St. S. Hawthorne car. T-ROOM house with garage for rent to party who buvs my nearly new furni ture at $150 cash. 1135 E. 23d St. N. FOR RENT 5-room house, partly fur nished. 44S E. Sth. Call Bdwy. 2014. Stores and Business Pisces. AVAILABLE about March 1, corner store room 24x76. basement: prominent cor ner east side close in; excellent for retail. East 4726. FOR DESIRABLE space in fireproof ware house phone Bdwy. 3715. Security Stor age & Transfer Co., 53 Fourth St., cor. Pine. FOR RENT Store room 50x110 feet, ce ment floor and walls, suitable for ga rage or storage. Call at 86 10th st. STORE 47 N. 2d St., splendid location for employment agency. Phone East S433, or Broadway FOR RENT Long lease In brick building. Sixth St.. 12x18 feet. 82 Fourth st. Maln 4,122. Mr. Toomey. Offices. DESK room, with teiepnone ana steno- grapnic serviu, iroo.n, "-" curlty Storage Transfer Co. 53 4th street, corner Pine. PART of ground floor office, window space. telephone, typewriter, neat, usui. ex cellent corner location. Bdwy. o044. DESK room in large, light office;: phone, typewriter, ciera. rtroaowajr ot,.-.. FRONT office, modern. In Railway Ex change bldg. appiy room oi-. DESK room with phone service. Main 2035. 624 Morgan puiiuiiig. BrSTNF.SH OPPORTUM'I'IKS. 15 HOUSEKEEPING -rooma. Can Main 3469. bought tor pargain. CONFECTIONERY store for sale; corner location. 38 N. 2d. st. WS f 1 i'-i B 1 cy 1.15 1 B & ril 7 smocz,i, - f a Wlh do tot: waxt to SELL YOUR BUSINESS? ITS SOLD IF LISTED WITH ITS. We are In dally touch with HUNDREDS OF LTVK BUYERS for everything in the business line roomirrg houses, res taurants, barber shops, garages, gro cery stores, etc. YOU'LL aave and make money bv calling F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. Abington bldg. Main 1068. 3d St.. between Washington and Star. HIGH-CLASS CONFECTIONERY Must sell by Feb. 1. on the best corner In Grants Pass, so located to command all the tourist and R. R. trade: took in over $15,000 in 1920; good lease to run 7 -years; stock, fixtures and lease will amount to about $13,000. hi cajjh will handle. Don't pass this opportunity by without Investigating. For full Informa tion write Ballmger A Hull, 10 Flaua gan bldg.. Grants Pass. Or. WANTED Partner to invest $2000 in pat en: about to e improved to run by electrkuy; every electric store and hard ware store will sell them: It will be su perior to any machine made. Come and see tn inventor and the machine. Home ail day. Will secure your investment against lose. This machine will clear oO per cent profits for owners, Inven- to.- uvea lK'J. u n i on ave.. stine n-t. EVERYTHING GOES. 1-.-.0 T.T-vr'tr rviiTvnr.n: West side business dist., doing good business; rent reasonable; must be fcold. EVERYTHINO GOES FOR 17.0 CALL BDWY. 2354. J5000 "BEST GROCERY BUY IN PORTLAND." Says Jobber's credit man. Fine eatab. trade, no "cut-throat prices," If you have ability, reliability .and cash, let me ahow this, or some other good store. BECK. The Loganberry Man. 381 E. 42d North. Tabor 267S, except Sunda.y AN A-l OPPORTUNITY for a good hat blocker and dyer to combine with a well established cleaning and pressing Pft-rlor. This will take a man with some equip ment and a small amount .of cash to start on. Steam line to bIockti.fi and dye rooms. This proposition wi:l eeur looking into. Address College Presjery, Corvallis, Or. PARTNER WANTED. To assist me to finance and manu facture new manifold for Ford cars; burns kerosene or any low-grade fuel; now making 33 miles on gallon of kero sene; can be manufactured locally at small cost; $1500 will handle. See my agents. 4ul Dekum bldg! BEAUTY" PARLOR. Near Fourth and Washington ats. : a aweil business and clearing t-0 per day for two people; stock will invoice the price we are asking, JOGSJ. Will teach the business. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK ST. . GROCERY STORE FOR PALE. A GOOD PAYING CASH GROCERY, ESTABLISHED 9 YEARS. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE ON AC COUNT OF ILL HEALTH. WILL SELL REASONABLY. IDAHO GROCERY. 32 6TH ST. BEAUTY PARLOR In down-town office building. Clears IS to 110 a day. win sacrifice for .VH) and teach buyer the business. Investigate this, it's worth while. A. J. De FOREST CO. 320 Henry Bldg. Broad. 55!0. FOR SALE Garage and repair shop, fully equipped, building 32x84 Icel, lot lo.vja feet and a good businesa; price $2500 cash or $3000 terms. Biggs Bros., Mar cola, Oregon. PARTNER WANTED FOR GARAGE. A concrete building 100x100, with fully equipped shop; sell gas, oils, tires and big storage; excellent location; will sell equal half Interest, (1500 handles it. Room 401 Dekum bldg. ' WANT shipbuilder to buy interest in boat and barge building plant. Have long lease with option to buy finest water front In city; also air compressor, band saw and tools. About '$1000 cash re quired. Address P. O. box 640. city. WORKING partner, going furniture fac tory, run 14 years. Takes $5000 to han dle. Ask Mr. Oeder. 211 Railway Ex change Bldg. Main 7487. MUST be sold on account of poor health, ladles' and gents' furnishings, shoes and fancy work store; cheaD lent, long lease; exchange for city property or take late model machine in trade. Phone SlD-ta. Sundays 237-28 A PARTNER WANTED. A concrete garage, gas, oils, tires, auto repairing and 53 cars storage: will sell equal half Interest; $G()U handles it Room 401 Dekum bldg DISTRIBUTOR wanted in Portland terri tory for an exclusive auto necessity; selling fast on the coast; chance to get in a big business. A. J. Granberg. 552 Polk st., San Francisco, Cal. PAHTVRR FOR WOODYARD. Owner of wood and coal business needs a partner; has i auto trucas; proms extra good: small investment required. Room 401 Dekum bldg. POOL hall. 4 tables, lease. $1250. 6252 Scott car. good location and Foster Road, ML WANT 'Jt In office to furnish some cash good business; wages and sfoare of prof its, pnone 2113-11. A COUNTRY garage In a live town on paved highway; large profits; Invoice price. Room 401 Dekum bldg. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean. Sec ond and Morrison. A MODERN garage with fully equipped repair shop; net profits $500 month; $250O required. Room 401 Dekum bldg. FOR SALE SOFT DRINK AND CARD ROOM, doing good businesa located in heart of city. T 340. Oregonian. AUTO REPAIR SHOP, concrete building, lathe, tools, good service car, all for $M.i0. Room 401 Dekum bldg. WILL sell part interest In established re pair business, active or silent; $2000 re quired. Address BP 325. Oregonian. GOOD for $50 a day, grocery, no fixtures to buy; rent $30, Busnue. SIS Cham, of Commerce. AUTO TRUCK hauling, established route on paved road; big profits; $3000 han dles it. Room 401 Dekum bldg. JI500 GROCERY store, with 3 living rooms, rent $30. good location. CHAS. RINGLER & CO.. 225 Henry bldg. GOOD, going bakery. Invoice, nice living rooms, $30 to $35 a day. Bushue. 618 Cham. Com. FOR SALE Up-to-date 3-chalr barber shop In one of the best coast towns. In quire Lewis-Btenger Jaruers ouppiy t-u. $1300 BUYS a dandy grocery, larger apt. house trade, living rooms, rent $22. Bushue, 618 Cham, of Com. SOFT DRINKS, four pool tables, back bar and front bar: good fixtures: corner lo cation. 582 Union avnue. FOR SALE. CHEAP. Poolroom, fixtures, bar and stock. 2S6 Grand Ave. East 7489. NICE corner grocery, 3 living rooma. ga rage rent $20; fixtures $4oO: Invoice or lump. Bushue. 518 Cham. Com. POOL HALL AND BARBER SHOP, west aide: must seil at once. See John Brown & Co , 322 Ry. Ex. bldg. Mar. 3331. DRESSMAKING, fancv work, ladles ap parel shop; reasonable. AN 307, Orego nian. FOR SALE The Princess rest., doing good busiress. 114 N. Third street WE GRIND everything, razors, sheara. etc. Portland Cutlery Co.. 86 6th st.. nr. Stark. GOOD chance for some men with $250 cash. 103 N. 10th st. FOR SALE 3-chair barber shop. Jefferson st. FOR SALE Soft drink place at 241 Couch street. V'SA y- y UiAa.VriV-. "3 gr- blTV ajaaaa44 IcgsjeajTjgaw -1 CANNERY FOR SALE. Located at Frultland. Idaho, in the heart of the Payette valley. The Frultland Sanitary Canning Co. a plant and equipment, all real estate and personal property, consisting of 1 build ing 52x26x18 feet, addition 32x26x12 feet, receiving porch 16x44 feet, office 16x8 feet. All cement floors except office: cider press building 2ux20 feet, 1 60 horsepower .steel boiler, 1 40-horsepower horizontal 'engine. 3 open retort tanks, 2 closed steam retort tanks. 1 60-barrel overhead water tank. 1 deep well engine pump, 1 60-gallon copper kettle, 1 5-ton wagon scale, tomato scalder, universal exhauster, pulp machine, string bean cutter, 1 60-barrel capacity hydraullo cider press, several thousand box shook for cans, several thousand No. 2Vz tin cans, over $1500 worth of can labels, tab!, tnnlcs flnri all other things to make a cannery, will be sold to the high est bidder for cash or bankable note. A certified check for $."00 must accompany bid. Sealed bids will be received up until 1 P. M., Feb. 15. 1921, at Frultland State bank, at which time and place bids will be onened. The board oi ui , rectors reserve the right to reject any or an bias. For further Information writ I. E. DALZELL, Frultland, Idaho. A TITO RKPAIR BUSINESS. Want business man or hard worker to buy half interest in the best paying ana eauiDDed renair shon on west side. $5000; must have at least $4000 cash, balance terms. We do a cash businesa and have all the work we. can do all tne time. You are sure of success, because you will be in with the best mechafltc in the city, with a large following. You need not be an automobile man. If you are the man I want I will teach you the business: do not answer unless you can put your time and hard work to the business. W 37, Oregonian. RESTAURANT. GOING! GOING! GONE! Good location, reasonable rent, one year lease; $450 cash will handle; terms on balance to suit; a gold mine for live wire. Fhcne bet. 12 and 1 f. At. lues day. Main 5185. room 107, and deal with owner. Dealers need not answer. TIRE SHOP Vulcanizing and retreading. This shop Is a money-maker. Good eastern Ore gon city, on highway. Write AV i7. oregonian WUItKIN MEN'S restaurant for sale at once. 475"i; good location, west side; equipped for card-roam, soft drink stand and lu-.cn room, can or write to umu- ager, 105 '4 j2th St. CASH rrorerv confectionery and school supplies, a place where you can always miltii monev: can vou beat it for $2500 7 Rent 40. with 5 living rooms; transfer corner. Call Wdln. 244S. No agents. CAUTION. BUYERS Betore closing deal of so-called Interest In estaDlisnea real estate business, get advice of Port land Realty Board. 421 Oregon ouiia- ing. Broadway 1902 GROCERY. West side, furnished living room and fixtures SUUO. invoice Blocs. rim Ahnnt SHOO: corner location, good business. Keipper, with Interstate Land Co.. 248 stark st. AUTO electrical repair shop, located in good town, next door to Desi Known uai- terv service station: 1 year lease building, tools and equipment. $500 cash takes It. Address AV 0l7. Oregonian. FOR SALE $15,000 stock of hardware, furniture and implements, annuo store building, located In a good farming com munity. Sales for 1920 about 4u.ouo. AV 900, Oregonian. ACCESSORY business which will net owner $3000 or better year, new, clean stocK. about $2000 at invoice; 3-year lease at $40 a montn; two ousinesses. must sen one. Address nun s xoy &nop, oatem. kjf- r.HOCERT. good location. $350 fixtures and invoice stock; low rent wun living room. Keipper, with Interstate Land Co., 248 Stark st. REAL estate business for sale; established 12 years, best of references, fine oppor tunity, large listings, city anu. cuuutij. A 648, Oregonian SOFT drinks and card room, good down town location; owner nas otner running business, will sacrlllce. Keipper, wun Interstate Land Co.. 248 htark st. FOR BILLIARD, pool taDies. card tables bar fixtures, showcases, casn regis and store fixtures, see w. J. wuigiey. 3G6 Hawthorne ave. Phone East 123 MAN WITH $250 or $500 take working interest in eoine amusement concern must go to California Feb. 1; wages $5. Phone Bdwy. 1251, Mr. Dick. PARTNER wanted in a west side garage. clearing $450 montn aoove expense's, owner first-class mechanic; price $1250. Room 511 Railway Excnange. TO BUY OK SELL. A BUSINESS REMEMBER. SIMMS SELLS STORES. BDWY. 2872 610 HENRY BLDG. FOR SALE A dandy little cash-and-carry grocery, clean stock, good fixtures: two living rooms; deal direct with owner; aave agent'a fee. 1230 Hawthorne ave PARTNER wanted in large vulcanizing and tire shop, very profitable place; $1250 cash, balance easy terms. Room 611 Railway. Exchange. WANTED Partner with engineering ex perience and small amount, of cash in grading construction work. Apply 525 Railway Exch. bldg. FOR SALE Cleaning and pressing tstab lishment. down town district; A-l loca tion- doing good business; cash or terms, 191 West Park st. Phone Main S243. AUTOMOBILE business; account sickness owner will sell and show you clears $0 day; only $350 required. Room oil Rail way Exchange. POOL HALL Have two good buys. It interested be sure and Investigate these. See Smthpeter, with Interstate Land Co., 248 Stark Ft, AUTOMOBILE filling station .and repair shop very busy corner; it is a money maker: will invoice.- Room 511 Railway Exchange 1 u.-iiTsnrtf &: IMPING rooms, aood furnl ture. White Temple district, nets $100 per month, could be raised. Part terms. Better see this at once. Main 3469. PARTNER moving picture outfit com plete; 17 films; small investment; good towns; with or without experience. 147Mi Broadway, room 47. " stocks and Bonds. A SMALL block of stock in a local cor poration is being offered for sale. This is a paying business, with better profits In sight. If you have a small amount of capital to Invest in a bona fide propo sition, which will stand close Investiga tion, we invite you to Investigate this. AM 323, Oregonian. Bnstness Opportunities Wanted. A CASH BUYER. To sell your business quickly, quietly and without publicity, see or write ALLISON & BILLINGS. 401-402 Dekum Bldg. Established 1904. WANT to buy a confectionery and bakery combined, in good town of not less than 3000 population; give all particulara In your anawer; want to deal direct with owner. H 303. Oregonian. WANTED To leaae, Duy or start a email brickyard In eaatern Wash.. Idaho or Oregon; want good clay and cheap fuel. AV 955, Oregonian. I WANT a small grocery with living rooms; have several customers for such a place. What have you? Harper, Main 7660. LIST YOUR BUSINESS with us and it is sold. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO. 405 PANAMA BLDG. MAIN 9404. IF YOU want to sell your restaurant, for quick results see Morris. 410 Ry.' Exch. bldg. Main 7660. EFFICIENT management and will collect rents, references, labor liu. POLLY AND HE: DCUiT U 7 UP X 40 ALEX SHOWED PLAINLY THE KETD OF SPECIALIST HE NEEDED BT CLIFF STERRETT. WANTED To buy a amall paying laundry or interest in one. cash payment down, bal. in oavments out of business or hear of a good opening to start one: Address p. o. box looo, neilogg. idano.. Hotels and Rooming Honses. BTHR-CARET, . MAIN 7487. OPEN SUNDAY. We have personally inspected these -places and can recommend them as being very desirable buys. SMALL APARTMENT, CLOSE IN. One of the finest locations in city, clearing $215 per month; $3000 cash will handle, small bal ance payable easy installments. 32-ROOM BRICK HOTEL. Business district, steam heat, fine furnishings, long lease; $300 net Income per month; $4000 cash, balance $1250; Al condition. TWENTY-ONE ROOMS. Housekeeping apartments, excel lent place, near White Temple, nets $150 per month: $2200 cash, amall balance payable monthly. FIXE SMALL APARTMENT HOUSE. One of the finest In the city; entire property, including furnish ings, can be had .very cheap; easy terms. Let us show this to you. It HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. In shipyard district, always full, and a money-maker: owner leav ing town and will sacrifice. Price $1700, $1230 cash. SMALL ROOMING HOUSE. Most excellent location, fine fur nishings, net Income $100- per month; sacrifice price $1050 cash. MR. FREEMAN, BIHR-CAREY CORPORATION, 211 Ry. Exch. bldg.. 3d and Stark. Main 74S7. OPEN SUNDAY. 20 ROOMS, steam heat, hot and cold water In ail rooms, 2-year lease, $90 rent, good furniture, all II. K. Nets $165; JoSUO, $2500 cash. JUST LISTED. 13 rooms and sleeping porch, all on 2 f oors. rent $4: furnace or stoves, electricity; nets $132, White. Temple lo cation; clean; price $2400. $1000 Handles. EIGHT LOVELY ROOMS. Near Washington. Nob Hill district; exceptionally well furnished: makes love ly home and income; snap at $1140. jaain 3033. C. E. BOWDEN CO.. 815 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 54-ROOM aHOTEL. Strictly modern brick building: 3-year lease, rent $400; some private Datns automatic elevator; lots of good linen new curtains; clears over $6oO; price $12,500; best oi terms. M. ROOMS. II. K. ' Good corner; close-in location; rent S75: electricitv. furnace and gas heat: extra well furnished; good home and $130 clear; price $2650, $1500 down. MRS. THOMSON. 620 HENRY BI.DO. M. E. LENT COMPAHI. 823-4-5 NORTHWESTERN BANK BDG LEADING HOTEL AND APART MENT HOUSE AGENCY. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL COME IN AND TALK IT OVER; 14 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS IN PORT LAND ENABLES US TO LOCATE YOU RIGHT. WE HAVE SOME PLACES, capable of greatly increased values and incomes bv Dersonal attention and renovation, which can be handled for $500-$60O cash, balance your own terms. Main 6199. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY. 332-333 Railway Exchg. Bldg. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SEL.L business, hotel, room or apartment house of any kind, anywhere, aee F. Rlerdon, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ' We write all kinds of insurance. 63-ROOM apartment house, fine corner, brick building; rent only $250: lease. Don't miss this if you want a real buy. clears $550 "a month. $5000 cash handles. A. J. DeFOREST & CO. 320 Henry Bldg. Broad. 5590. WEST SIDE APARTMENT HOUSE. $12,000 for 22 apts. and 3 alp.: classy furniture and rugs like new, modern ap pointments, N. W. heat. Ind. phones. Rent $425. See Mr. Magoon. 626 Cham- ber of Commerce bldg. A FEW GOOD ONES, White Temple dis trict in rooms, wen luriiisueu. xx. jv. net income $200, $3500: 10 rooms, net income $100, $1500, $900 down: 10 rooms, Nob Hill, nice furniture. 850. $500 down. Mrs. Marble, 509 McKay bldg. Main 13U0. Third and Stark sts. ONE OF THE FINEST APARTMENT HOUSES IN PORTLAND. Lease, furniture and large net income; cash down $6000; new, not hawked. For appointment call Alain oi:9. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY. 332-333 Railway Exchg. Bldg. RESPONSIBLE party wants 5 to 10-year lease on modern hotel building, 40 to ,,,.. :AA. n..u wtnA rant rooms toiwiucicu. ..in va.3 " " -; Please state in first letter name and lo cation of building, number of rooms ana rent wanted. T 341, Oregonian. FOR SALE 34-room hotel, located in heart of Chenalis: steam neat, electric lights, baths, hot and cold water In every room: good lease, rooms occupied steady. John Pitulas. 1011 Chenalis ave.. Chehalls. ' ROOMING HOUSE 25 rooms, mostly housekeeping, working mens place, an outside light rooms: general money maker; close in. Price $1200. GAB M AND. 201 3d st tig 000 HOTEL, downtown, 124 rooms. Clears over eiw iuuih $7500 Hotel, 60 rooms,, brick, long lease, low rent, clears over $400. CHAS. RINGLER & CO.. 225 Henry bldg. SELLING them fast and need help: increas ing business enables us to use one or more capable salespeople with car; fine office: listing and contract; write stat ing experience. AH 332, Oregonian. 15 ROOMS, west side, electrio lights, fur nace rent $3o, an . a., rooms; line basement: will clear. $140. Price $2000, $1000 down. Inquire 12S 14th st. DANDY aiotel. over 50 rooms with 35 baths. Good turniture. auuut tw net iiuni per month: good location. Will be sold at a bargain to a hotel man. Main 3469. 10 ROOMS housekeeping. Good furniture. Running water in apamucuia. luruut, heat, $900 cash: $950 terms, $600 down. East 5.ih2 17 ROOMS, h. k. and sip. rent $67.50: net Income $lu; steam neat, wiiitc icmino dist., all light rooms. Magoon & Spen cer 626ChrnbejfojnmercbJdg ELEVEN H. K. rooms, right down town; good rurniture. eiecinuitj-. This Is a money-maker, $1400; terms. 68 North Ninth st EAVE COMMISSION. Buy from owner, furniture of 9 rooms; rent $37.50; price $750. 741 Hood St., west slde FOR BEST bargain In apartment house see members or me rteaity ooaiu. tu Realty Co.. 245 Fourth St. WE HAVE a complete list of hotels and rooming houses, can ana tais. it over. BARNEY, jutinau.i. im totii st. 11 H. K. ROOMS, on Yamhill street, elec. and gas, always tun, .v. ewv uunu. Main 1011. BY OWNER 22 h. k. rooms; water in all rooms, stove neat. J.-tz nawtnornu ave. SMALL rooming house for sa.e cheap. ClOSe in. West Sloe- an oiuauwoy qqpj. WANTED 20 to 30 rooms housekeeping apartment. Marsnan -on. HER PALS mm r r i i w- asv A EXPECT I A & lAiSXtzocjofi. rl Tnfc O. O. APARTMENTS AND ROOMING HOUSES. We have many calls tor aparuueuta. rnnmine houses, hotels and housekeep ing rooms. If you wish to sell, with us. We guarantee service list and satisfaction. Mr. Freeman. BIHR-CAREY CORPORATION 211 Railway Exchange Bldg. Third and Stark Streets. MAIN 7497. GOING south; will sacrifice 8 housekeep ing rooms. 432 Jefferson- - LOST A VP rOFNP. ATTENTION. LITTLE JOIsEK. If the party who took the lady's van ity case, containing bank book, change, etc.. from pocket of cloak hanging in employes' cloakroom at De Honey s danoc hall Sat. night, returns the same they will save themselves a great deal of embarrassment and trouble: you may mail It to the address on bank book or De Hones-'s hall and nothing will be said. I will wait till Thursday npon. 11 it Isn't returned by that time I shall most certainly publish your name and address and will take necessary action, and a little tip. "old dear." don t walk Into a trap next time. Articles have been taken before. THE FOLLOWING articles were found on cars of the P. R.. L. & P. Co.. Jan. 2-: 1 purse. 1 pin, 1 pair gloves. 2 books . nackacea. watch. Jan. 23: 4 umbrellas. y lunMi hnves K nurses. 1 bin. 2 SUit cases, 2 handbags. 2 pairs gloves, 4 single gloves, cult nnK. nairpm, mj, flowers, music roil, kodak. paenasc. hnpbpr bundle clothes. Owners may ob- tain property at First and Alder streets. LOST or strayed. Boston bull puppy. Sun day noon. Alder and Park: answers to name Mickey; companion to nine a'", child heartbroken; generous reward for rteurn to manager Pantages theater. l-aiiv i-, rurn tieket for diamond ring, give name of broker, where located, date nawned. amount obtained. T 320 Ore gonian. LOST Orange Angora cat with amber c,....H rom o7 Fifth street Tuesday night. Reward will be paid for return or information leading to return t -ct A n.ivn- loclfet with initials M. M N.. 1819. April 2: some time Wednesday. No value to anybody but owner: reward Call Mar. 2772 or call East 4S:ij. i 1 nuT tikv KIT CONEY FUR Mil l PIECE. SATURDAY P. M. FINDER PLEASE RETURN TO CASHIER ORL- GON1AN OFFICE T nc-r Tiio,.u unlHlIn fur between t.oium his nnd Jefferson. Sun. eve., valued as gift from mother: reward. Cumberland apts.. 28. Main 1086. LOST Lady's traveling bag containing girl's personal effects, between uswego aou Marylhurst normal scnooi, omo.j - noon: finder please call Columo:.! PARTY who took black and purple silk " rnnbrii'.a f -m Morrlson-st. P. O. Sat. please -eturn to information window at once. LOST A fraternity pin. or.yx surrounded h, rtearl.- Greek letters P. H. D. : valued as keepsake; reward. Mrs. F. J. Strahon, Auto. 22 1 -20. LOST A small package containing silver ond t-ihhnn. in downtown district on Monday afternoon; finder rewarded Call East 7982. LOST New 32x4 Goodrich fabric tire, oontert on Cleveland rim; reward. Phone Vancouver hOnY. LOST Green leather purse in or near Busn A Lane bldg. Mail to Box 4S9, city, need the key. LogT A package containing an unfinished skirt at th Sth and Morrlson-st. P. O Cit T M. Finder please call E. 570. LOST A bunch of keys. Finder call 420 Corbett bldg. Or pnone maionau ov Geo. M. Nolan. LOST PLATINUM PENDANT SET WITH 3 DIAMONDS; REWARD. PHONE EAST 7631. LOST Si..u dog. male, last Saturday; 1 cense No. 1241; please notify H. Hallett, 401 B razee St., by mail. WILL" lady who picked up lady's Madeira handkerchief Monday anernoou can 11 bor 2Q51. t r.c.-r ru- nt fountain Den on Morrison 16th to Park or Park and Washington. Marshall ,,2ii.. newara t -i c T .C,,-Hav a ladV S gold WTISI watch. Gruend movement; reward. Phone East 1846. LOST Saturday green purse containing currency, silver. Address airs. n. x-unc.. 1OS0 Arnold St. LOST One. white and 2 bay horses. Hills dale district in MUitnomau count j. phone Broadwa y 2.ioo. LOST Pearl necklace on Oregon City car or In Oregon City, ounuay. xienaitt. ....... , .-.ct t Valor A- Frank's dairy a sv-t of upper teeth: finder please call cashiers office. Marsnan ram. rx-t.. LOST A box of handmade handkerchiefs in Meier & Frank. Reward-! ar22b3. TlRT Bv working girl. Sat. P. M., wrjst watch: initial m. d. i-ao " - -. ... . -. r. fi,i -M-l., ITU! AMBER ROSARY with initials A. M., 1908 Reward. Tauor ouvi FOUND Silk muffler at Armory eat. ca.i East 8l2.-. LOST Gold wrist watch. B.enri. S. J. C. can penwoou 1. nT Friday, two $20 bills. Reward. Ta bor sous. LOST Link chain and elk tooth. Reward. Phone East 979. . LADY'S black knitted wool sweater with white lace collar. Call E. 574. Reward, jXIST Black fur cuff. Call Marshall ,4b. SPECIAL NOTICKS. COUNTY WARRANTS Notice is hereby even tnat siuitnomau 1"u,'j. Slasses "63." "64," and "4S-B." the same having been drawn upon the general -fund, and that were presented and in dorsed, "Not paid for want of funds, from November 8. 1920 to November 30 1920, both dates Inclusive, will, if -properly Indorsed, be paid on presenta tion at the office of the county treas urer. Interest thereon ceases on and after the date of this notice. Portland, Oregon, January 24. 1J2L JOHN M. LEWIS. County Treasurer. Proposals Invited. $500,000. STATE OF OREGON. PROPOSALS FOR FARM CREDIT BONDS. w Sealed bids will be received by the Btate of Oregon at the office of the atata land board up to 10:30 o'clock A M . February 15. 1921, for $500.000 .20-year 4 per cent Oregon farm credit bonds, dated March 1, 1921. in denominations to suit the purchaser, of $25.00. $100 00, $500.00 and $1000.00; interest payable semi-annually; principal and interest payable at the office of the state treas urer at Salem, Oregon. The bonds will be furnished complete by the board. All bids must be accompanied by cer tified check, payable to the state land board, for 5 per cent of the amount pf the bid, which check will be forfeited to the state in case the successful bidder fails to complete his purchase. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. , . Offers should be addressed to O. G. Brown, clerk state land board. Salem. Oregon, and marked "Bias for Oregon farm credit bonds." Dated at Salem, Oregon, January 15. 19J1' G. G. BROWN, Clerk State Land Board. Miscellaneous. TO W.HOM it may concern: Closing busi ness. I will not be responsible for any baggage or personal effects left at the Amerirtn hotel after Feb. 3. 1921. X. Hori, proprietor. I WILL NOT be responsible for any bills contracted by my wife. Helen Criger Buehner F. Buehner. Jan. 24. 1921. LTT3 l I AiiSX AlLOXmi To AU3 n THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing be'wefi V. Brown and R. Zusman un der the firm same of M. Brown & Co., has been dissolved by mutual consent. January 20, 1921. M. Brown continues the business at 631-631 First street, and will pay all indebtedness of the firm. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY, OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE 1OL. OREGON BOND & MOUTGAl.h, CO., 208 SELLING BLDG., 2D FLOOR. MONEY TO LOAN ' on surplus stocks of merchandise placed In storage with n. Fhjne Broadway 3715. Security Storage & Transfer Co.. f8 4h street, cor: er of Pine. WANT to ge: in touch with promoter v. 110 will reorganize and Incorporate a going manufacturing business at present ' cramped for lack of capital. Apply in ' first instance G 365, Oregonian. FOR SALF Al contract. $3000. at 7 per cent: will discount $200. Tabor 44i or L 381, Oregonian. WILL buy Pac. States Fire Ins. stock or Realty Associates bonds; give price and number of shares. H 20. Oregonian. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate Washli.g'-on. Ore gon. H. E. Noble. 316 Lumhermens bldg. BUY notes, contracts, mortgages, c. Lewis. 302 Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak. $570 FIRST mortgage for sale; gut edge, liis Worcester biag. FIRST-CLASS investments; 7 and 10 per cent. X 326, Oregonian. Money to Loan a:', ileal Estate. TtFSITIF.NCFi LOANS. 7 per cent, five-year period. You may pay $100 or any multiple thereof account principal semi-annually ana reuueo m , terest on loans under $5000. INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan 60 cr cent value house and In at 7 nep ent You D1V Of 1 per cent account principal monthly, tor example, $2000 loan you pay $10 monthly and Interest; you have priv ilege of paying $100 or any multiple thereof monthly. Interest reduced accord ingly. NO COMMISSION. BIJSL ESS LOANS. Five-year period, 6 per cent. Excellent repayment privileges. BRICE MORTGAGE CO., Portland Mortgage correspondent the Prudential Insurance Co. of America. 1210-17 Yeon bldg. Main 83u8. CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSIONS. On improved property or for improve ment purposes. The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $10.17 per month tor 96 months, pays a loan of $1000 and interest. Loans of other amounts In same pro portions. Repayment Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN., 242 Stark St., Portland, or. B. LEu PAGET. MORTGAGE LOANS. In any amounts, at lowest rates, on city or country property. Prompt and helpful service. B. LEE PAGET. 62! Corbett Bldg. Main 8230. MORTGAGE LOANS On residences and Improved farms at lowest rates of Interest. WHITMER. KELLY CO.. 414 Plttock Block. SEE US TODA We loan money on real estate: no commission, 6 and 7 per cent on choice loans, long time, short time; monthly payments, pay as you can; sums to suit; contracts, 2d mortgages; liberty bonds bought. 725 Gasco bldg., Sth and Alder. Cellars-.Miirtnn t o. $60,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit on city, suburban and farms. Building loans a specialty. WILLIAM O. BECK, 215-216 Falling bldg. Third and Washington. MORTGAGE LOANS FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. 6 AND 7 PER CENT. INSTALLMENT LOANS. No commission. UNION ABSTRACT CO., 83 4th ST., HENRY BLDG. $5U0, $10UI), $1500. $21100 AND UP. NO DELAY. QUICK ACTION. REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE LOANS. ON IMP. CITY PROPERTY OR WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS. F H DESHON, 615 CHAM. OF COM. Mi iRTGAGE LOANS on farm or city property. Prompt and helpful service. Liberal repayment privileges. Lowest rates. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 80 Fourtl. St.. Portland. Or. FARM LOANS. insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms; no commission, no ueiays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY. 87 Sixth st., Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repnyment privileges. A. H. BIRRELL-GILL CO.. 217 N. W. H.mk Hide. Mar. 4114. t-ino 141111 $500. $600. $SllO. $1000. $1200, ciknii. S2000 and up. lowest rates, quick action; pay off $100 or more at any in terest date. tioroon .-Mortgage to 001 Cham, of Com. bldg. Main l.ltO. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved farms and city property; favorable repaying privileges; no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD 309 Piatt bldg. Main 5371. "' MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. OP.EGON BOND A- MORTGAGE CO.. "OK SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. J3U0 $400. $500. $760, $1000 AND UP tow r&tes. auick action. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Main 6445. PLENTY of money to loan on real estatt at 7 per cent if security is ample. Edw, p Mall. 309 Cham, of Com. unvp.Y to loan on real estate security a going rate of Interest. Otto & Harkson Realty Co.. 413 Cham, of com. $500. $1000 AND upwaro on improved real estate:: favorable terms; no delay; no brokerage. John Bain. 507 Spalding bldg SEE OREGON IN'V. MORTGAGE CO.. 222 Cham, of com.. tn anu fttara. MORTGAGE LOANS. 0 ana 1 per cenl Saloman & Co., 307 Ry. Exch. bldg. MONEY to loan on real estate, 7 per cent. Geo. P. Lent, ill corpett oiog. Money to Loan 'battels uud Salurles. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTEL. WR LOAN MONEY! On short notice to salaried or worklna men on their own notes; weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments; each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO 1NDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household goods, pianos, etc. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. (LICENSED.) 218 FAILING BLDG MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds, watches. Jewelry and bonds, legal rates; all goods held 1 year vlNHiS J s. w r. 1 r. 1 oiuad. 114-116 Third St Corner Washington. Main 6649. MONEY TO LOAN, on goods placed in storage with us. We an save You money. Low interest rates. Phone Broadway 3715. Security Storage A Transfer Co.. 63 4th aU, corner of Pine. MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds, jewelry legal rates, articles neiu a year; chid lished 18S8. Dan Marx & Co., 315 Wash X i n i r rw . nn vnr: v r.- iv 1 1 Uil'E7 AT LEGAL RATES. yUlCK SERVICE? YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE. PIANOS V1CTKOLAS. RKAL ESTATE. BONDS. ETC. If your payments are too large oa rour automobile or furniture contracts, we wiii pay them up and advanco you more money If needed. We make a spe cialty of these loans and leave the se clalty In your possession, and you can repay us in small Monthly raymenta WB ALSO MAKE SALARY -iOA.N3 to salaried people on their own notea. I.ates reasonable. Private offlcea All busi ness strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY tLICKN-td.) S03-307 Pekum Bldg. Mars'. all -''-SB. S. W. Cor Third and Washington. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. MONET AT 2 PER CENT. ESTABLISHED BY PORTLAND BUSINESS MEN TO PROTECT BOR ROWER! LOAN'S MADE ON DIA MONDS. WATCHES. JEWELRY, VIO TROLAS. PIANOS. LIBERTY BONDS AND FURNITURE. 894 STARK ST. NEAR 10TH. CARRIE MYERS HERMANN. MOR. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. QUICK money to salaried peoplo on un secured note. Conf Klentlal investigation. 316 Cham, of Com. bldg. Licensed. HATHAWAY Loans on pianos and furni ture; legal rates. 2'S Washington bldg. Loans Wanlen. LOAN FROM PRIVATE PARTY. I want S3750 on gilt edge corner, cen ter city, four lots bungalow und large garage worth $b000. Interest monthly or quart'-rly. I want $3900 on 12 acres. rln-.e in. on Baso Lino road, highly cultivated sev eral buildings worth $10.UUO. Interest monthly or quarterly. Single or a doublo loan will reduce loan in one year If requested. fall Merrill Raymond Auto Co., Bdwy. 5711. 60 Broadway at Ankenv. FRANK L. McGUIRE. wun nis years of experience and expert knowledge of val ues, la In a position to safeguard your every Interest in loaning your money. Hundreds of applications for toant. Of fice of personal service. Let ua loan your money. See J. Logie Rlchardsou, manager of loan department, Abingtoa b.dg Main lmlS. $500. 3 YEARS, If'.'r Bungalow, 5 rooms. 41101 9lith st. S. K. ; value $2:.00. $2090. 3 years, 7"e Bungalow, 6 rooms, full basement; furnace, fireplace; garago. Value $4500; location. 52d st. S. E., near Division. Call Mr. 1'ccK, JBroadway 49Ji. S3 4th Kt. WE HAVE some good l-a. .-s.a:e con tracts and mortgages in iiinouias of $'00 and above, payable in monthly insail luents and bearing 7 per cent Interest, which we will discount 5 per cent. F. E. Bowman & Co.. 210 I'liam. of Com, bldg 2 $1500 LOANS WANTED on modern Hawthorne bungalows: a'J street, imp. in and paid; 1 interest, d years." HEN'DERSON-BANKl'S CO. 4211 Henrv Bldg. Broadway 4754. WANTED Loan of $."UU0 to $7000 by man ufacturer of cood repute to be used as workji.g capitol In business showing un usual .(iivii. AO 33:i. O.-fonian A-! FIRST MORTGAGES KUK SALE ON IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY F. H DESHON, 615 Cham of Com Bldg. Long Established. Reliable Service. WANTED $2000 to $511,0110 to loan on ranches, 8 per cent Interest, one to five years. Salest kin.l of security. M. Fita- maurioe, Condon. Or. LOAN of $12,000 at H ! r cent wauled on west side residence property; Income $2110 per month. Inquire 3011 Platt bids. LOAN of $700 wanted at I! per cent, small flat bldg. Willi garage, easily worth $2000. Arleta slalion,4040olh ivr... TWO-LOANS! $1500 each, 7. improved acreage; prefer principal. Owner, Tabor 705.1. bEE OREGON INV. 222 Cham, of Com. .V- MORTGAGE CO, Fourth and Stark. rKRSONAL. MINERAL STEAM BATHS. scientlfla massage, violet ray and electric treat ments beautify the complexion and build up the svsleni. NERVOUS and CHRON IC diseases a specialty. Uolh sexaS treated Hours 10 to ti. evenings by ap- pointment. M',1 lip; I in, i-o,,i xj. x., 3U4 Dekum bldg. BATHS AND MASSAGE. Graduate nurse gltes bodv massage, steam baths. vibratory and electrio ma-sage. Swetland bldg.. room 215. Main 1705. open evenmKS till 7. Phone for evening appointments. Chiropractic or spinal adjustments If desired. Reasonable rates on courses. WOULD like to know the whereabouts of Mrs VVm Richurdsor.. The last beard of was In Marshfield. Or., but think she Is around Portland now. Anyone knowing where she Is kindly write to 11 T. Hoyt. 3"."1 You st.. SaiTamento. Csl. i TAKARA ANTLSEl'TIC POWDER Is cleansing, healing germlcido and Invig orating douche, a great aid in female disorders: 5oc and $1 per box. Portlund Hotel Pharmacy. , FINEST stock switches, buffs and curls; selling below cost. Shampooing, mani curing massages. Williams & Kablnson H.lr Dressing Parlors. 1012 Broadway building. l'hone Main 105. 4I4RY ELIZABETH SHOT OPEN EVEN INGS' facial treatments, scalp treat ments, shampooing. manicuring, etc. Portland hotel, cuurt entrance. Main 5301. The L 1' IlELH URST BEAUTY PARLORS. Violet rav. scalp treatment, shampoo, racial massage. Jiairdresslng; special work Sundays' nnd evenings. Automatic 234-17 for appointment. Ii.' YOU ARE tired and nervous you can rejuvenate poor circuii scientiiic body massage. Dr Ov-'dia Larsen, 634 Morgan b.dg Main 19110. So It CORNS, ingrowing nans, peuicuung Fand manicuring see Dr. Ethel A Sacry t;u5 Raleigh bldg. 10 A M O P. M. Ap pointments evenings and Sundays. Mar shall 337 11 i.l'TS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton's the , CHIROPODIST and Al.CH Si'LST., who doesn't hurt you; b yrs. here; exam, free. Globe bldg., 11th AWash. Udy. iio-i. CRADUATE chiropodist, manicurist, su perfluous hair permanently removed; fare scalp specialist: ladies and gentle man.' 205 jAUskybldg., 3d and Morrison. VIT-O-NET sweat baths for colds: violet rav treatments for neuritis; bodv mas-"Ke- 10 A. M. to s P. 51. daily. 450 Morgan bldg. .Main 7579. GRADUATE nurse gives treatments foi -v,.,.niiitinm. nervousness, constipation for also lm-ssages. Open evenlnga. 6 to S. 417 and 41S Swetland bldg. DR ETHEL A. GRIFFITH. I). P. Expert masseuie. steam baths, vibration, facial and scalp treatments. Laldes' patronage nr.Vrcd 417-418 Swetland bldg. GOITRE and enlarged glands. Cure your self at home. Unique Process, reliable references. David M. Fahner. successor to A R Rtrachan, 517 Cham, of Com. FEBVET & HANEBUT. leading wig and toupe makers; finest stock human hair goods; permanent and marcel waving. Scalp treatment 349 Alder Main 546. "in PCTR1C CABINET BATHS. Scientific massage, sun lamps, etc. Dr Ironside. 309-14 Broadway building. Graduate nurse assistant. Main 56. CHILBLAINS or ingrowing nails cured without knife or pain, quick relief Write Eusene Eaton, dept. 22. Bandon. Or. -MASSAGES FOR RHEUMATISM. ETC. 415 BUCHANAN BLDG. MAIN K3H6. OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts, removed bv JU-neeuies metnuu, ma. ... Finley. 514 Hush ft Lane bldg. Main H30H. WANTED 125 m-l and women to have ham and eggs a.id potatoes for 25c at Cosy Dairy Lunch, f.ih and W ash sts. SULPHUR steam bath massage, violet ray and vibratory treatment. - vi-. m-i-8359 10 A. M. lo 8 P M. PILES can be permanently cured without operation, can or wruu wm, o-v-ond and Morrison MASSAGE BATHS, kidneys, constipation, rheumatism. -" -.10.- . u.-..- , -.unless phys.. 503 Panama hlrlg. Main 5IISB NO CURE, no pay; falling hair, dandruff: hair grown on oani neaus, .auies gi gent 3H Jiacieay urns- GRADUATE nurse treats luninago. etc. HOUrS 2 TO O or vjf ai.oio imcu t. luuii M a In 1049. Office 30S-C Third st ; SCALP TREATMENT, shampooing and facial, at your resiuenee. tau Alar. ,!-- DENTISTRY Dr. Harry Seinler, 204 Aisky bldg., i niru aoo ..i-iiii-oo. - o ho FOR RHEUMATISM. Dr. cuyukl, D. P., 417 and pweuHuu imuk. PRIMEDA BALM, formerly called Balm of Flgs. e44 c. a.,u. pen. --10 niornin ik. DOESN'T Tom. Dick or Harry pay you? See V lerecK, collections, iicmim oing. SUPERFLUOUS hair removed forever by multiple-needle method. 504 Swetland brt' PILES CAN BE CURED without operation. Free booklet, r. no- 1 1 on. RUPTURE CAN BE CURED without an operation, free noosiet. ru. iiu. WANTED Ladles' combings to luak up Phone vt ooiliawn .mn'. BE INDEPENDENT. Icarn profession; hlropu.ly tau-iu. Aiint nit-g. MARY J. BOBIER: Please communlcaM .wUEL Aua, van o-.y, rtuiu. -ooa. EJNGLE H, lk. room for gentleman. llb. at, iU6 i