THE MORNING OREGOXIAX SATURDAY, JANUARY 22, 1921 SOCIALIST PREMIER SWEDEN'S BULWARK Red Tide Held Back by Level Headed Branting. SERVICE RENDERED WORLD Eight-Hour Day for Labor Ob tained Without Fighting and Vast Upheaval Averted. BT VrrRT W. BARNTTZ. (Copyright by the Ne-r Tork World. Pub lished by Arrangement. STOCKHOLM. Jan. 21. (S p e c J a 1 Cable.) Through her level-headed-nesa and splendid national poise, Sweden has been, during the world turmoil and universal political up heaval of the past several years, one of those mighty bulwarks which have helped to hold back that menacing flood of radicalism that has been sweeping over the earth and threat ening to shake from its foundations the present order of society. She has not sat back in conserva tive mood and prescribed the remedy for reaction, but she has actively come forward with a soundly sensible sort of socialism, and under the leader ship of that master-mind, Brant ing, rendered not only a service of great proportions unto herself alone, but to the entire earth. She has set a wonderful example and put forth a valuable lesson which the world may well learn and profit by. At her very gates is bolshevik Itua sia. not only clamoring to make i conquest of her domains, but actually battering at her walls and attempt ing, in some cases with success, to in vade quarters of her fair land. Al ready northern Norway and all of Ienmarl' have succumbed in large measure to bolshevist propaganda, but Sweden, through the common sense of her well-balanced socialists, has prevented the bolshevists from making direct and serious inroads. Branting KxplalDS All. In an interview which I had with Erantiner he explained how he and his co-workers had kept the bolshe visits from sweeping Sweden off her feet and into the maw of the soviet. He did not have to tell me - of the difficulties which beset his path in accomplishing this task. I was well aware of the strength of bolshevism and the momentum it bad rained up to the moment when he came into power. Branting, when. I called to see him, was bending over a broad-topped desk, going through a pile of letters and papers. When he rose to shake hands I found him a tall, heavy-set man with a large and shapely head. His hair is gray, but still abundant, while his mustache is a full and heavy one. His eyes, deep set and gray, shadow forth a wealth of warm-heartedness and sympathy. "Bolshevism in Sweden never was a great menace, and neer ould be, so long as we let our people learn the truth of things in Russia," he told me. "From the very first we have j had our agents in Russia, reporting the situation there truthfully and clearly. It has been their business to paint an honest picture and to spare no lurid colors where lurid colors were needed, thereby delineating- events la their real lights and shadows. "At no time did we allow such fantastic accounts as those published in France. Germany and England and even in America, to get into our daily press. I repeat that we get bur news concerning bolshevism in Rub eia direct from the pens of our own correspondents, and we allow the propaganda of no nation to distort our view of the whole matter. BotfihevlMm Running Out. "As our laboring man came to see the horror of it all, and as he came to know that bolshevism was not a good thing for him or for his class, he paid little attention to the seduc ing voice and lure of gold which came out of Russia. He realized that he had gained the eight -hour day without violence and he saw the folly of departing from the path of reason to achieve nothing but chaos. Of course, our labor has never been under the yoke as. in Russia, there fore the other. Incentive to revolution was lacking. "But for all of this we had a diffi cult time to prevent minor disturb ances; yet, you know, even though we are next door to Russia, we have had less trouble than any other coun try in the world, so far as I know. Through our socialism, which is dif ferent in many ways from yours in America, we have been able to strike a good, found middle course and keep our people satisfied and out of the domain of wild, impractical ideas. "From surface indications at least. bolshevism is fast burning Itself out in Europe. If you have noticed, the radicals in France and England have been defeated recently at the polls. 1 am quite sure that the working man Is coming to understand that social and industrial reforms of a healthy and enduring kind do not come about suddenly. He has learned that com mon sense dictates other channels lor the progress in the labor move ment." i 8 WESTERN OKEGOX COUNTIES FORM ASSOCIATION". Plan Is to Pool Products and Sell on Co-operative Basis; Funds for Work Raised. ALBAN'T, Or.. Jan. 21. (Special.) Wool growers of eight western Ore gon counties organized the Orison Wool and Mohair Co-operative asso ciation, at a meeting held in the community house in Albany ' this afternoon. The plan is to enlist wool growers in a pool and sell the wool crop on a co-operative basis. While designed primarily for the benefit of the wool growers of the Willamette valley, southern Oregon and the coast coimtles. the associi tion was made state-wide In scop so that owners of small flocks In east ern Oregon could become members if they desire. The large wool growers of eastern Oregon already have an association but the smaller producers of the western section of the state have not been banded together here tofore except through community pools. At today's meeting an organiza tion committee was named and a fund raised ft carry on organization work. This committee consists of J. B. Cornett of Shedd, Linn county, chairman; J. F. Schroeder of Nor way. Coos county; W. L. Wakefield of Eddyville. Lincoln county; J. W. Smith of Clackamas county (resid ing near Aurora); Fred Herron of iledfo.'d, Jackson county; NWll!iaaj j Riddle Jr. of Monmouth, Polk coun ty; R. W. Scott of Corvallis, Benton county, and Loyal Emery of Suther lin, Douglas county. J. B. Cornett of Shedd was chosen temporary chairman and H. A. Lin green of the Oregon Agricultural col lege temporary secretary. Perma nent officers will be chosen when the organization is completed. Besides the wool growers, the coun ty agents of Polk, Benton, Lane and Lincoln counties and some instruc tors in the extension service of the agricultural college attended the meeting. . George A. Mansfield of Medford, president of the recently formed state farm bureau federation, who Is here directing the membership drive of the Linn county farm bureau, was a leading speaker at the meeting and expressed gratification tonight at the organization as the first concrete result achieved by the state farm bureau federation. At its recent or ganization meeting in Portland, the state federation named a committee to develop a plan of co-operative wool marketing ana tnis meeting re sulted. This committee proposed a five-year contract plan under which members are bound to market their crops co-operatively for five years and the new association adopted this plan. BEND CLUB BDILS COUNTY SCGCESTIOX" FOB MTSCnUTES . IRRIGATION IRRITATES. Madras Newspaper Denies Report That Crooked River "Would Water Jefferson Land. BEND, Or., Jan. 21. (Special.) Jefferson county is up in- arms against the plan suggested by th Bend commercial club for the ap polntment of a commission to study the most eificient uses for the waters of the Deschutes river. A Madras newspaper attacked the plan, declar ing that it was actuated by Jealousy and a desire to block irrigation de velopment of the 'north unit of the Deschutes project, and maintaining that there is enough water in the Deschutes to take care of all four units in the project. The paper de nied that Crooked river could be used for the irrigation of Jefferson county lands. The stand taken by the commercial club of Bend wag that the develop ment projected by the plan now under way would preclude the irrigation of additional lands in Deschutes county would mean no power development on the Deschutes south of Crooked river, would destroy the scenic beauty of the Deschutes, would re move the possibility of developing industries using large quantities of the water in the section adapted to manufacture, would halt the develop ment of the cattle Industry in this county, and would be an uneconomic use of water. The plan which the club favors and which would be passed upon by the commission recommending was declared by its backers to have none of these drawbacks. In addition to allowing for the ir rigation of 100,000 acres in Jefferson county it would, it is said, permit of the watering of a. like acreage now arid in Deschutes county. In taking water sufficient for the north unit needs to Jefferson county from the proposed Benham Falls reservoir. the commercial club oeciarea, tne loss in seepage and evaporation would be so large as to require a much greater flow than would De necessary u tne acreage near m hand in Deschutes county were watered. IS FXPOSCRE CAUSES DEATH OF JAMES GLASS. Body of Man Missing 2 Weeks and for Whom Search Was Made Is located. GOLDENDALE, Wash., Jan. 21. (Special.) The body of James Glass, a farmer, who has been missing for two weeks and for whom searching parties of 100 men have hunted the country -in eastern Klickitat county, was found today in Big Horn canyon. one mile from his cabin. There were no marks or violence on the body and officers came to the conclusion that Mr. Glass had died from ex posure while wandering about in the woods while he was mentally unbal anced. In the search party that found the body were Earl Zumwalt, Bert Faulk ner and Earl Gaines. The prosecut ing attorney said there would be do inauest. Mr. Glafs, who was BO fears old. disappeared from his cabin two weeks ago. A magpie, flying from the cabin with a piece of meat in its beak, attracted the attention of Jack Ramey, a neighmor, who Inves tigated and reported the matter to Mr. Glass' son. Glen Glass of Roose velt. Evidence of disorder about the cabin led the son to suspect that foul play had been committed, and search parties at once were organized. Color to this theory was lent by the fact that the cabin Indicated the owner had left hurriedly, as a cooked meal was on the stove and property was scattered about the room. Later a shotgun was found on the edge of Gulch creek with the barrels filled with mud. The elder Glass was an early set tler of the Dot district of Klickitat county, nd for many years had large realty holdings and was engaged in the stock business on an extensive scale. He was a member of the Alder Creek Pioneer association. Two chil dren. Glen Glass and Mrs. Hazel Woods, both of Roosevelt, survive him. BANK'S - AFFAIRS SECRET State Superintendent Not Ready to Comment on Failure. SALEM, Or., Jan. 21. (Special.) F. C. Bramwell, state superintendent of banks, has returned here from Klamath Falls, where he made a par tial Investigation of the affairs of the First State & Savings bank of that city. The bank closed its doors recently following orders issued by the super intendent. Bramwell said today that he would have no statement to make relative to the condition of the bank nntil such time as the books were thoroughly examined by his assistants in charge of the institution. TERMINAL JHEARING SET Public Service Commission Orders Inquiry for January 2 8-9. SALEM, Or.. Jan, 21. (Special.) cisss The Oregon public service commis sion, in an order Issued today, set the Portland terminal hearing; for Janu ary 2& and 29. The hearing; will be held In Portland and will be In charge of the three commissioners. This hearing is the outgrowth of orders issued by the Northern Pacific Terminal company to oust -the Great Northern and Spokane. Portland & Seattle railroads from joint use of the terminal privileges. Besides the commissioners, the hearing will be attended by repre sentatives of the city of Portland, patrons of the railroads affected by the ouster order, and members of the interstate commerce commission. The prestige of Oregonlan Want Ads has been attained not merely by The Oregonian's large circulation, but by the fact that all its readers are Interested in OrpernnTan Want-Ads. UNCALLED-FOR ANSWERS A 14. S44, SSI, 346. 3S4, 3SS. 54. 523. 225. B 358. 362. 322, 348. 333. 15. SST. 820, 360. 365. 35. S2. 204. 2M, 379. 86. 33T. C 18, Ml, 343, 14, 243, 3S3, 33D, 387, 326, 3S1. 27. D 371, 398, 369. 330, 332, 345, S3, 330. 371, 367; 333. 338. 121. E 11, 3S7. 28, 29. 24. 353. It', 298. 320, 9. 86. 330. 322. 317. 371. 372, 379. S23, 304, 220. 274. t.37. 129. 328. 3:11. 320. F 102. 203. 235. 248. 358. 349. 218. 390, 271. 370. 328, 36. 300. 332. 357, 163. 248. C 41, 347, 378, 145, 146, 350. 357, 3S6.' 376, 341. 345. 334. 360. 315. 340. H .137, 250. 5. 319, 209, 274. 254, 255, 365, 371. 332. 360. 154. 273, 154, 329, 331. J 74. 317, 378. 37. 350, 319. 318, 31.1. S80, 217. 310, 276, 230. 274. 277, 311. 376. 325. SSI. K 209, 41. B2, 374, S54. S!, 424. 1S2, 40, 374. 31. 39. 29, 51, 345, 24.1. 951, 339. F. 250. 254. 361. 251. 342. 3.8. M 351. 2M). 334. 348. 332. 84. 539. 4. S45 J .Hi. So2, 3 I . 353, 362. 38i, 34S, 3b: 91.1. 365. 142. 349. 325. 350. O 337, 323. .194, 16. 3S9. 15, 122, 247, 396, 254. 210, 203, 27. 260. 276. 394. P 352. 31. 3SI, 991. 347, 34S, 351. 254, 6, AJ. rijV, Zitt. 551. R .167. 39. 917, 810. 225, 230. 848, 218, 23, 297. 358. 37H, 346. 33. S 269, 361. 325, 327, 361, 310, 300. 268, 295, 341. T 375, 398, 219, 533. 280. 335. 287, 348. 216, JUo. 3,0, Zoo, 32. 329, i;i4, 28. Z I 1. V 342, 343, 38, 344, S37, 373, 29, 220, 201, zoo. W 283. 135, 323, 375, 828. f50. X 344. 3!I9. 394. 177. 40. 337. 142. 242. X ;l.-,0. 347, 231, 358, 34, 337, 253, 398, 370, AB278. 282. AC 330. 337, 282. 322, 844. 23T, 233, 243, 267. 332, 3.'6. 363. 265, 342. B.I IBS. 282. 331. 276. 358. 386. AK 313. 36. 343. 346. S65. 298, 372, 206, -:., Sou, 304. ,lo 361, iiii. AF 223. 3.11, 346. AC. 204. 311, 2P3. AH 3.15, 342, 885, 247, 343. A.I 2S2. A K .164, 269. 853. 850.' 298, 209. 331f AL 344. 228. 272. 221. 273. 811. AM 343. 318. 346. 821. 295. 3.19. AN 281. 322, 293, 322. 32S, 351. 180. 322, AC-10. 851. A V 319, 320. 332. 201. AR .152, 850, 260. 373, 349. BC 218. 259. 211. 221. 217. 259. 219. HI1 207. 201. 206. BF 358, 294, 37, 299, 212. 358. 286, 33, 350. Above answers will be destroyed if not called lor within tlx days. , AMl'SEMFTNTS. BAKER NOT PLATING. The Frisky Fun Play. "KEEP IT TO YOURSELF" PANTAGES M.TI KB DAILY, :30. Alexander Pantajres Present THE IMl'KRIAL QIIN'TETTE, Offering; favorites from the operas and pieasing folk song's Special A t tract ion, THE MO-MOE JAPANESE. In sensational riemonrtration of Jul Jltsu fi-OTHKK BIG ACTS 6 Three shows daily; night curtain T and 9 itktum Mits.15tt75 Mints 15 to $1.26 WILLIAM SEABURY & CO. H IUTRICE MORS nd COMPANY GORDON'S CIRCUS FLO CONROT ins DNA HOWARD FEIST MEMCttsnl MOTHER "SIGNOR FRISCOE" M TODAY NOW PLAYING TONIGHT "BOWER OF HARMONY" "THE WHISPER MARKET" 6 M'I.KM11 Nt'MBKKS 6 Balloon Saturday Send the Kiddles CIRCLE s Fourth at bio g ton. Mabel Normand .In What Happened to Rosa" A:so Fatty Arbuckie in "The Country Hero" and Pat he News. Open from 9 o'clock in the morning until 4 o clock tne following morning. LYRIC Musical Comedy DILLON AND FRANKS EM "The Isle of Ko-Ko" The Rosebsd Chorns In Full Bloom. Matinees at Z; Night. 7 and . Country Store Every Tuesday Night, Chorus t.lrls Content Friday Night. GLOBE Eleventh and Washington Food for Scandal Wanda Hawley DANCE TONIGHT COTILLION HALL 14th mt Washington Portland's finest ballroom where you'll always find the best dancers and a congenial atmos phere, Every Wednday and Saturday Evening Dancintr Taujrht . Professional Instructors Only. Rlnarlrr Unnclna- Academy Broadway 3380 DANCINGtaucht ALL NEW STEPS and POPULAR DANCES guaranteed In S three-hour Jeaeons. Ladles $3. Gentlemen $5 De Honey's beautiful academy. 23d and Washington BprinnM starts Monday and Thursday evening. iivnt masses lurioiy evenings, inter mediate class Friday eve., 8 to 11 :S0 Plenty of desirable Dart n era no mhtl rassment. You can never learn dancing in private lessons from Inferior teachers; you NIGHTS 'Hff " " HIPPODROME Imuxi ne practice LCAKiN IP A HEAL fiCHOOL from professional dancers Phone Main jeii, Privats lesson ail hours. AMUSEMENTS. J LAST TWO TIMES I You Can't Afford to Mt ThU I HEILIG n;iITor SPECIAL PRiCE Mat. Today, 2:15 LAST TIME TONIGHT, 8:15 ADOLPH KI.AI RRR - PRESEXTS BRILLIANT COMEDY SUCCESS Nightie Night WIT IT HARRY MTBHS W. Y. CAST A.VD PRODUCTION 180 LAUGHS s 180 MINUTES Going 0- HIGH" All the Way BIGGEST LAUGH PRODUCER PAST THREE YEARS bve Floor, Balcony, 6 rows Loo, 17 rows l; Gallery, first 7 rows reserved 75c. admission 50e TODAY'S M4T. Floor. 11.50; Bal cony, i; ijaiiery, res. and a dm. sue Ticket Noir Selling MEETING NOTICES. AL KADER TEMPLE, i. O. N. M. S. Ceremonial session Saturday. Jan. 2: Candidates report at the Armory at 1 P. M. Short buainees aession at 1 P. M. Second aection at the Arm ory at 2 P. M. First ectio at the Auditorium at 8 P. M Visiting nobles cordially In vited. By order of tba Po tentate. HUUH J. BOYD, Recorder. OREGON LODGE NO. 101, A.. P. AND A. M. Special ,1 communication today (Satur day) at l:4o P. M. for the purpose of conducting th funeral services of our late brother, Jesse A. Baker. Service at Dun nine ft Mckntee s. 12ih and Morrison sta. at 2:30 P. M.. Interment at Sellwood Cre matorium. Brothers please bring autos. By oraer oi me vv . n. LESLIE S. PARKER. Sec . SUX.NYS1DE LODGE. NO. 163, A. F. AND A. M. Spe clal communication this (Sat urday). Jan. 22. Temple. 39th and Hawthorne. Work in the P. C. decree. Visiting brothers weicome. ay order or w. m. C. P. JENSEN, See. FRIENDSHIP LODGE. NO. 1G0. A. F. AND A. M. East 43d and Sandy bivd. Special communication this (Saturday) afternoon, 3 o'clock. Supper served at 6 P. M. V. ork In r'. 4 decree. Visitors welcome. Order W. M OREGON LODGE. NO. 101 A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication -tonight (Saturday) at 1 o'clock. Work in the M. r Aw. v'la'itin- brethren cordially Invited. By order of .LESLIE S. PARKER. Sec CORINTHIAN CHAPTER, NO 64. O. E. S. -Stated com munication this (Saturday) over-ins- at 8 o clock sharp Degree Official visit of the worthy Tand matron. Visitors we come, liy oraer oi ." worthy matron. Jll IVA . -uu.- a-rw, ' EUREKA COUNCIL. NO. 204, SECURITY BENEFIT ASSOCIATION Members are requested to attend the funeral of our late brother. Jess A Baker today (Saturday), at 2:30 P M., at the resi dence funeral parlor? of Dunnina MrEntee. Mor rison ai iwelltn. M ,. J Uli.NSO.N, Sec GUL REA2EE GROTTO. NO. 63, M. O. V. P. E. R Annual meeting; Mondav renin-;, Jan. 24. at 8 o'clock. Elec tion and installation of offi cers. By order of the monarch. J. H. BUTLER. Sec. NTDIA TEMPLE, DAUGH TERS OF THE NILE, will hold ceremonial Saturday. Jan. 22, 1 P. M.. Pythian temple. Order of queen. ADDA CELLARS. Recorder. VILLA SOCIAL CLUB will give the 5th umt-er or their (lances Saturday veninK. January 22. at Oddfellows hall. E. both st. and Ulisan. 8:30 to 11:50 P. M. Lunch will be served at 10:30. All Odd fellows, Rebekahs and friends cordially in vited. Good music and a pleasant evening assured.. Committee. ACME REBEKAH LODGE. I. O. O. F meets the fourth Saturday of each month at I. O. O. F. temple. First and Alder sta Oddfellows and Rebekah strangers In city are, welcome EMBLEM jewelry, buttons, charms, pins, new designs Jaeger Bros., 131-3 Sixth et FRIED LANDER'S for lodge emblems, claas pica and medals. 810 Washington at. PIED. AIXEN Tn this clty7Jan. 21., Mary Les ter Harris Allen of Parkdale, Or., aged 71, widow of the late George W. Allen and mother of Harry P. Allen, Mary H. Allen, Grace Allen, of Parkdale, and Edward W. Allen of New York city. Funeral service held at Fin ley chapel, Montgomery at 6th St., Saturday 3:30 P. M. Interment Brooklyn, N. Y. CHANDLER Jan. 20. James Warren Chandler, aged 59 yearn, late of La Grande, Or., father of Mrs. Stella Mar tin of La Grande, .brother of Henry Chandler of Portland. Remains at Finley's, Montgomery at 6th. Notice of funeral hereafter. HOFFMAN In this city, January 20. m2l, Chester V. Hoffman, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hoffman of Forest Grove. Re mains are at the parlors of the East Side Funeral Directors, 414 East Alder. Notice of services in a later Isbuh. MOORE At the family residence, 133 E. 34th st., Jan. 21, 1921. Mattle W. Moore, aged 71 years, wife of Dr. J. S. Moore. Remains at the parlors of Breeze & Snook, Belmont at 30th. Notice of fu neral later. BENNETT In this city, January 21, 1921, Sarah E. Bennett, aged "9 years. Re mains are at tne parlors of the Eaat Side Funeral Directors. 414 East Alder. Funeral notice will appear in a later issue. MONTANPON In this city, Jan, 20. Jules A. Montandon, aged 63 years. Remains re at the funeral parlors of A. D. Ken worthy & Co.. 6802-04 92d st. S. ., in ients. AEMESEGGER John Aemesegger. at his norae in coring, ur., Jan. zu, iu.1, age 19 years. Funeral services at Carlon s eti a pel. uresaam, Ur.. Jan. 22. 11 o clock A. JO.. LB WIS In this city, Jan. 20. 1921, Charles Lewis, aged 71 years. Remains are at the funeral parlors of A. I. Kenworthy & to,, viza st., s. is., in Lents. FLORISTS. Smith's Hower Shop Portlands progressive florist. We spe cialize in funeral designs. 141 Sixth, opposite Meier & Frank's. Main 7216. MARTIN & FORBES CO. Florists, 354 Washington. " Main 2fi. Flowers tor all occasions artistically arranged. NOB HILL FLORISTS. (Estate Alfred Burkhardt.) N. E. cor. 23d and Glisan. Main 1359. CLAKKii BKOS., fluriits, 27 Morrison sc. Main 7"0u. Fine flowers and floral de signs. 1 No branch stores. ncnoi C'C FLORAL SHOP ILUI LL v 245 Alder. Marshall 5922. TOXSBTH FLORA L, CO., 287 Washington St. bet. 4tta and fth. Main B102. A-1101. MONTMKVTS. ' PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS 4th t.. opp. fitr Hall. N'KU BROS. PS BLAESING GRANITE CO. j -r1'r0 WAOI5QN WBErr i the W. M. FUNERAL KOTICES. BLOOMER-At the residence. 733 13. 7th St.. Jan. 20, 1921. Mary Elizabeth Bloom er. Aged 72 years, beloved mother of Tersa A. Bloomer of Lonjt Beach. Cal. Mary M. Hushes. Julia F. Xoonan. Sis ter Olivia of St. Mary's academy, and J. F. Bloomer of this city; Sister Eliz abeth Clare of Seattle. Wash.: James C. Bloomer of East Highland, Cal.; Jo seph N. Bloomer of Blaine. Wash. Re quiem Mass will be offered at St. Mary's church. Williams avenue and Stanton streets, at 9 A. M. today (Sat urday), Jan. 22. 1921. Friends invited to attend. Interment Mt. Calvary ceme tery, please omit flowers. BAKER In this city, Jan. 19. Jesse A. Baker, aged 46 years, beloved husband of Jennie, father of Jesse A. Baker Jr. Deceased was a member of Oregon lodge. No. 301, A. F. and A. M., Se curity council. No. 204. Security Benefit association, ana tne urotnernooa oi Railway Trainmen. Funeral services will be held at the residential funeral parlors of Dunning & McEntee, Morri son st. at 12th, Saturday, Jan. 22, at 2:30 P. M. Friends Invited to attend. Concluding services Portland crema torium. BROWN At the residence. 994 Minnesota ave., Thursday, Jan. 20. John R. Brown, aged 83 years, and native of Portsmoutn, Eng., father of John W. Brown, Stevens Point. Wis., Mrs. George E. Raynicr, Yamhill. Or., Arthur F. Black, Hawk, Ont.. Henry J., Miss A. E. and Walter K. Brown and Mrs. George E. Ijiwrence, Portland. 'Funeral services will be held at 2 P. M. today (Saturday), at the chapel of Chambers company, 248-250 Killinsworth ave. Interment will re at Port Huron, Mich. Pleased omit flowers. PETERSEN At the residence. 17fi4 Portsmouth avenue. January 20. Peter C. Petersen, agod 76 years, beloved father of Ben, of Mankato. Minn.. Mrs. H. Ot tersen of Portland. brother of Hans Petersen of Eugene. Or.. Dr. C. Peter sen of Minneapolis. Mrs. Bensen of Ne braska, Mrs. Boysen of Texas and Mrs. C. F. Therkelsen of Portland. Funeral services will be held Saturday. January 22. at 2 P. M. at the above residence. I-nterment RIverview cemetery. Arrange ments In care of Miller & Tracey. HUMKE-SIMMONS In this city, January 20. Inex M. Humke-Simmons, aged 55 years, beloved wife of Frank Simmons, and mother of Mrs. A. M. Wallaa and Mrs. B. J. Stephens of Tillamook. Mrs. James Case of Marsh field. Or., Mrs. R. J. Wilkes. G. C. and K. R. Humke. ail of this city, and sister of Mrs, Rose Stark of Portland, and Clyde Atkin of Watson vi Me, Cal. Funeral services will be held Saturday. Ja-nuary 22. at 10 A. M. at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. In terment Laurel. Or. CRAWSHAW At the family residence. 10O9 East Twenty-fourth street North. B. F. Crawshaw, beloved husband of Anna I. Crawshaw, editor of the Pacific I. O. O. F., past grand master of the district of Columbia and a member of Abbie lodge. No. 233. I. O. O F. Funeral services will be heid at the conserva tory chapel of the East Side Funeral Directors. 414 East Alder street, at 2:30 o'clock P. M., Monday, January 24. Friends invited. Interment Mt. Scott Park cemetery. FOSTER In this5 city, Jan. 20, Fodyce Eugene Foster, aged S4 ypars, beloved husband of Ximena Foster. Deceased la also survived by one sister, Mrs. E. J. Fargo of Spokane. Wash. Remains are at the residential funeral parlors of Wilson & Wilson, Killingsworth ave at Kerby st., until Sunday. Friends are invited to 'attend funeral service Sunday at i f. m. at tne iaie residence, Kerty street: concluding services at the Portland crematorium. CA RPY Jan. 20th, at Walla Walla. Wash., IMlIa M.. affed 27 years, wife of Sta-nlev R. Carov. and sinter of Mrs. v. C. Rinehart and Maude Morton of Port land, Mrs. Frank Jolley and H. J. Mor ton of Walla Walla, and Mrs. Alice Gor don of Elgin Or. The funeral service will be held today (Saturday) at 2:30 o'clock P. M. at Finley's. Montgomery at 5th. Friends invited. Concluding serv ice. River View cemetery. HARTMAN Jan. 20. George Hnrtman. age 74 years, late of 35 w linams ave nue, beloved husband of Mary K. nd father of George Jr.. Frank E.. Kathe rvn M. and Sister Francisco. Funeral will be held Jan. 22 at in A. M. from Holy Rosary, East 3d and Clackamas. A. R. Zellar In charge. Interment Mount Calvary cemetery. Wl'RL In this city, January 21. 1921, W llliam Curtis v url, son of Mr. ana Mrsi William Wurl. residing at 5S9 Glen wood avenue. The funeral services will be held from the conservatory chapel of the Eat Side Funeral Directors 414 East Alder, today (Saturday), at 2:30 o'clock P. M. Friends invited. Interment in Rose City cemetery. GARLICK In this city. 315 Syracuse st. Services will be neia at tne nome today (Saturday), Jan. 22, at 2 P. M. Ie- i ceased is the daughter of Darius and ; Lydia Allan, sister of Mrs. L. L. I3er strom and Alfred Allen. She is sur vived by her husband, C. E. Garlick, and two children. Irene and Luther. ROWN In this city, Winfield S. Brown, beloved husband of Mrs. Ora Brown, late of 191 E. 72d N father of Bert L. Brown. Funeral services will be held from the chapel of R. W. Gable & Co., 1973 E. Gliunn, on Saturday. Jan. 22, at 2 P. M. Interment in Riverview cem etery. Friends invited. MACKLIN fti this city. Jan. 19th, Anna Macklin. aged 72 years. B uneral serv ices will be held Saturday. Jan. 22. at 9:30 A. M. from mortuary chanel of A. D. Kenworthy A Co.. .fS 02-04 92d St.. southeast. In Lents. Friends invited. In cineration at Mt. Scott crematorium. BROWN In this cfty. Winfield S. Brown. ate of 191 East 72d st. North. Father of Bert L. Brown. Funeral services will be heid from the chapel of R. W. Gable & Co., 19.3 East Gilsan street, today, Jan. TZ, at 2 if. M. interment Riverview cem etery. Friends invited. ANGE The funeral services of George W. Lange will be conducted from the chapel of the Portland crematorium Fourteenth ann BVbee streets. Sunday. January 23. 1921. at 2 o clock P. M Friends Invitea. Arrangements in charge or fcsast siae r uneral directors. 8 WINK The remains of the late Mrs. Coral Swlnk will be forwarded Saturday under the direction or Miller & Tracey Saturday, dan. 22. a 8 A. M. to Silver- ton. Or., where services and interment will take place. DEAN In this city. January 19, Will M. Dean, aged 37 years, beloved husband of Leo. Dean. Funeral services will be held Monday, January 24, at 2 P. M., at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. JTJXEBAI. CARS. LIMOtTSINKS for funeral service. JONES AUTO LIVERY, MARSHALL 11. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. f . VAULT ENTOMBMENT or Cremation Phone Sellwood 967 Portland Crematorium East 1 4th and Bybee DUNNING & McENTEE Now located In their new residential funeral home. Morrison at Twelfth, west side. Phone Broadway 430. Auto. &4.V&8. The Fnnrral Home of Refinement and Distinctive Service. Note We have no branches nor any connection whatever with any other un dertaking firm. EDWARD HOLMAN & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS, Ihird and Salmon streets. Main 607. Lady Assistant. MILLER & TRACEY, , Perfect Funeral Service for Less. Independent Funeral Directors. . Washington street, between 20th and 21st streets. West Side, Lady aHuistanC Main 2ti&l. Auto. 57a-&5. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with ail the privacy of a home, 10th and Everett streets. Phone Broadway 2133. Automatic 521-33. DOWNING & McJMEMAR The Residential Funeral Home. 441 Multnomah ht.. Irvington dist. East M FINLEY S MORTUARY MONTGOMERY AT FIKTH. MAIN 9. UST Bluli FUNERAL D1KECTOKS. (F. S Xunning, Inc.) "The family seta the price," 414 B. Alder. LERCH. UNDERTAKER. East Eleventh and Hawthorne. Phone East 781. A. R. ZELLER CO. L"8- SKEWES UNDERTAKING CO. Third and Clay. Main 41R2. BREEZE & SNOOK V.tJTiSlS A. D. KENWORTHY & CO.. -04. 2d mL. Lean, Tabor S307. ceo: OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases of alleged cru elty to animals. Offices, room 150 courthouse. Phone Main S7S from 9 A. AL to 5 P. M. The society has full charge of the city pound at its home, 635 Columbia bou levard. Phone any time. Woodlawn 764. Dogs for sale. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary, and stray animals cared for. An dead animals, cows, horses, etc.. picked up free of charge. NEff TODAY. tfan Profit. by the plat of Construction I It results In a great saving; In both the use of lumber and labor. The built 4-foot sections are eay to handle; easy to ship. The frelKht in low. YOU SAVE! KK1MMADK BlILDINO CO.. E. 11th and Market Ktx., or 803 Lewis Bids. Phones, Kant 5114 or Broadway 433a. Send Us Your Old Carpets (We CaM and Deliver.) Old Rugs and Woolen Clothing. We Make Reversible, Hand-Woven FLUFF RUGS 1 8x10 ft. Fluff Ron Woven H7.50. 1 .1x6 ft. Fluff Hug Woven $4.25 Rag; Rug's Woven, All Size. Clothe Cleaning and Ieing llepts. Mail Orders Send for Booklet. FKATHEKS RENOVATED. Largest and Finest Equipped Carpet cleaning- and refitting; works in the state of Oregon. Carpet Cleaning. Refitting, Etc. 9x12 Kill's Strain ('leaned. CI. 50. W ESTERN EIA FF UL( CO., 64-BU I nlon Ave. N. l'hone: East 6516. SALESMAN WANTED One WHO at the present time IS Call ing on the retail Grocery Stores and desires to handle Peanut Butter as a side line on commission basis. Big opportunity for high-class man to make some good money. Address Peanut Products Corporation. Tacoma, Washington Men's Fine Shoes At $8.50 Per Pair 23 styles of O'Donnell's Shops In calfskin and kid leathers will be on sale Thursday, Friday and Sat urday at $8.50 per pair. All sizes, all widths. Ton haven't bought shoes of this quality for JS.50 since the war started. See them in th9 south window. FLICKSHOECO. 112 Fourth Street Ladles Have your old carpets, rugs and croolen clothing. Let us make new rutrs for jou. The oldest and best-equipped factory. Fluff and rag rugs woven all sizes: carpets refitted; 9x12 rugs steam cleaned. 11.50. Wo call and deliver 188 E. Eighth St. Phone Kast 3580. ALAMEDA BUNGALOW FIVE BOOMS. Model home; living room 17x22. In old ivory, French dors to dining room in ivory: larKe sideboard, very effective. Kitchen with linoleum and garage. corner lot. $6000 Itl.nOO Cnnh, Balance ?.0 Ter Month Now Vacant. Ksmt 1347. MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest Interest .atrsi Installment rr paymrntn If deairrd. Duiiilins loans made. Ao delay la cloalna;. A. H. BIRRELL-GILL CO. Formerly A. II. Blrrell Co. 216-210 Sorthicrstrrs Bank UuJIdlnf. Marshall 4114. Edward E.Goudey Co. MORTGAGE LOA$ T'nlted States Bank Building. CLAY S. MORSE, INC. Draymen and Warehousemen Broadway 3470 Phone your want ads to The Ore gonian, Main 7070, Automatic 560-95. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Flat and Apartment Property . WEST SIDE APARTMENT. Good location. 4-story brick, 50x100- rt. lot, 24 apartments, ail furnished ex cept one. Showing about 1 "i per cent net. io.uuu tor turniture ana Dulldlng. owner retiring, win tawe some trade. See Rock, at 403 Couch bldg. EMERGENCY SALE. I will take 51)000 for my flat building wnicn onngs in ii.m per monm rental. It Is worth a third more, but I need mo ney. A 14. oregonian. For Sale Lota. SPECIAL bargains in popular Multnomah district. 1N minutes by auto or Oregon Electric; water, g-.s, electricity, phone. ouxiuu, toou; juuxiou, iuu; cneap lum ber now enables cheap building. 311 Railway Excuange oiug. Alain o75. Res. East ?oS8. CHOICE view home site on tne Alameda at 3-d st.; reasonable price with termi, sacrifice for cash. Phone owner, Broad way 10T5. Tabor 506$. IRVINGTON lots cheap, on car line. lOOx 100, or sell separately. Owner, Chamber Commerce. 1 LARGE lot 80x200, on Scnuyler St., be tween S3d and $4tb. Owner, 690 E, 73d st. N. ALAMEDA PARK, corner 27th and Ma son streets; paving paia; 9110U. Tabor 6441, A BARGAIN In Walnut .far loL Pho LARGE lot. close iq on MiiwauKie st.. ini- provementH paia. uwner, jaoor o-ii. LOT 10. BLOCK 2o. Beaumont, chfap, make oner. Aaaress Logan. Pasa oVtia. CaL IRVINGTONS BKST. 20 choice home sites. Owner. Fast 322.Y BBAUT1FUL Walnut. Woodlawn SSL Park lut. i'liona REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. 1100 Photographs of Homes for sale. FRANK L. McOTIRB To Buy Your Home. LARGEST HOME SELLER ON" THE PACIFIC COAaT. The greatest, widest selection of flume Bargains in the west. No hat kind of Home you want, or pri?e you can afford to pay, we can satisfy you! Every Home Drnrni: v nsm(r.i nnd appraised, before being offered for vour consideration. IF NECESSARY. WE'LL HELP YOU MAKE YOL'H DOWS PAV- So Salesmen Always at Tour Service, Open All Day and Evening Sunday. Open Every Evening Until k:uu. ,lftrA ROSE CITY! I i 950 DON' T FAIL TO SEE THIS SPECIAL ROSE CITY OFF EH ING! Six-room distinctive, plei didly-consirueted home on ti.", hy 3 00 corner. EVERY BUILT-IX CONVENIENCE; hardwood f!rs ; fireplace, furnace. IT DEFIES COMPETITION! E. 3Jth st. HA W THORN E-SUN N YS 1 D E JioOO H AWT HORX K'a rxni'PI.ICAT ED HOME BARGAIN!! Easiest terms! OWNER MUST SELL AT ONCE! Seven rooms, hardwood floors; built-ins; fireplace, fur nace; "Built for a Home.'' Edt Alain street. $3000 Five-room very attractive HAW THORNE bungalow; built-ins, Tull concrete basement: close to car. Sherman st. Easy terms. ?-00 $2,".0 down! Comfortable, suostan tiai 5-room bungalow cottage; white enamel pi umbing; elec tricity, gas: 115x100. VACANT! ALBERTA HOMES. 3S0O New. vacant, nevor occupied, AL BERTA bungalow; bui!t-ins; breakfast nook: ."iiixlOA. Terms. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Kill ingHWorth ave. $3730 Juct like new, ALBERTA BUN GALOW. 5 airy rooms; built-in conveniences; paneled dining rm.; lvory finish; garage. Easy terms. 13230 HOT-WTER HEATING PLANT! ft-roorn cosy bungalow; fireplace, bookcases, Dutch kitchen; rase; fruit, harries; A WONDER FUL ALBERTA! Termj. Glenn avenue. i $2300 ."AH) down! WxlrtO; half block to car: 4-room comfortable Albert cottage; white enamel plumbing electric tv. iras. E. ;imn st. $1600 J.'.oo down! Cosy arid neat four- room alhkuia home; wnu enamel plumbing; electricity, gas. fruit: garage. E. 16ih. $0u0 aown: WEST RTDR SNAP! $3500 $"(K) down! Seven-room very sub stantial home on west side; white enamel plumbing: electricity, giis, ail liens paid. Northrun t. WALKING DISTANCE! $3050 $.M0 down! Modern 11-ronm house on E. Ankenv carline WALKING DISTANCE Tu THjS HEART OF CITY. K00 down $2950 EASY TERMS! 8-room comfort able home arranged for two families: WALKING DISTANCE E. Oak. This is ft-'.oo less than the lot alone is worth! 2 BIG PENINSULA SNAPS! $1075 JL'.'O down! 5-room comfortable PENINSULA cottage; right ON ST. JOHN'S CAR. White enamel plumbing: electricity, gas. paved St. paid. $2.rt down! Lombard st. MT. SCOTT HOMES. 2350 OWNER NEEDS THE MONEY ! Hres a cnance to gt a nig oar gain! EASY TERMS! Six-room artistic bun Rain w ; built-in c vniences. 4oxl40; fruit. .3d ave. $2250 $:i.o down! Seven-room substan tial home; first story of brick; built-in bookcases; Dutch kitchen 47th ave. 12130 $:t0 down! Good 5-room cot tage; 33x200, with abundance of fruit. Oolu st. $300 dowal NOTICE! A fw minutes spent In our great showroom will convince you that tne bice-pst barrains In the citv are here, IF NECESSARY. WELL HELP YOU MAKE YOUR DOWN PAYMENT. See FRANK L. McGT IRE To Buy Your Home. Ahington bldg. Main 10f8. Third street, bet. Wash, and Stark. $S500 IRV1NGTON. We hflve a fine hrlrk bunralow That we are pleased and proud to show: Eight rooms 'two baths and den or two. Mosiac floors and such for you. FIrep'ace to drive away the gloom Two closets in each sleeping room. You ought to claim this rare good chance Home of impressive elegance. This is a buy to bring no farw Substantial home for a hundred years. Inspect the place soon as you" can Pee Breck. the Loganberry Man. 34 E. 4'M N. Tabor 2U7S (ex. Sunday EAST BROADWAY. FINE corner lot, 100x10.0. with two story modern Jt-ronm hou;e. entrance hall, living room, library, dining room, kitchen, fireplace firHt floor, five bed rooms second floor and bath; large attic, fine apartment or garage site; present house will bring in good Income, or can easily be changed Into flats and show good returns on price awked. POINDEXTER. 20S Selling bldg. Main 1SO0. Residence. East C771. IRVIXCTOX park, on 31st, below Killings worth, strictly modern 5-room bunga low, lot 50x100, fine lawn and shruohery, parage, large sitting room and tUfi.l" room, 2 bedrooms' and bath. Dutch k!trt en and extra built-ins. full floored aitic. full basement, half cement, furnace, sta tionary tub and everything that makes a real home; not forced to sell and not leaving town, but need a larger place; if you want this at J4S0O and can make a substantial down payment, call owner. A. C. Kencall. 117 31ft X. READ THIS. HERE IS A GREAT BLT. Doub.e constructed, cement basement, fireplace, buffet, bookcases. Dutch kitch en, bedroom and bath on first floor, two bedrooms above, garage, sewers, streets In and paid; located on North Mt. Tabor, near 70th s?.. 4 blocks from car: only $:.''O0. $1000 cash. This home is in good condition. Let us show you this one. H KN'DERPON'-B A N'K I'S CO . -lJf Henry Bldg Broadway 47-4. ONE HALF acre high state of cultiva tion; modern 4-room bungalow and ba th; cement basement ; good garage ; chicken house, fenced ; 25 bearing fruit trees: dandy lawn, roses ; 3 blocks to -ar? nea.r school : close in ; 53000 un furnished; $34o furnished, complete new furniture; $.'140 furnished, complete INTERSTATE LAND CO. Main 54J!. IMS Stark street. THAT VACANT LOT. "Why not turn burden Into Income? We design and build apartments, ga rs ges, residences, anything; furnish Diane snd finance. Established 10 year We offer SECURITY. SERVICE. SAT ISFACTION. L. R. Bailey Co.. 9J4 X W. Bank bldg, ROSE CITT BARGAIN". Leaving city, will sacrifice strictly modern bungalow of 5 large rooms. hate menL attic and garage. 5o0 E. 4Gth N $6! M FOR MY 7-room Mt. Tabor noma on ieimont mm vm . wuic i-ousti ucira, hardwood floors. French doors, recep tion hall, all built-ins. full cement base ment, furnace and fireplace, laundry travs, toilet and bath upstairs, toilet down; garage and fruit trees; this is a bargain. Tabor 6S0n LAURELHFRST. Fine corner lot lOOxlOti, fine view. 2 storv modern 9-room house, hardwood floors, hot water heat, double garage; price $16."0O; will consider smaller house part, balance terms. POINDEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. M a t n lfro: Residence. East 77 1 . NEW IRVINGTON buncalow. lar?e, airy rooms and breakfast alcove; fin ished In old Ivory, papered and decorat ed throughout: paraye; come out and eee It, the price is right; open from '- to 4 p M. 6Tl Fremont St., near liith. Turner & Wlnshlp. Builders' IRVINGTON BUNGALOW, $70(10. T FIRMS 6 LARGE ROOMS. SLEEPING PORCH Full lot and garage. Eighteenth near Knott. Will sell fornlshed. KAST 41. PRICE I1S00. If taken before Monday night the big gest bargain In Alberta; 3 large rooms, bathroom with Ruud heater, lare pantry, large clothes closet; 7 bearing fruit trees. 532 Sumner gt. R1CHMON D $3 7a0 K ICHMOXD Owner leaving city: nice iarge rooms, hardwood floors, handy Dutch kitchen; fireplace; near 34th st. 100) cash. T O. Bird, Marshall 1022. Seiiwood 27M evenings SBVKN-KOOM house, five plastered, hot and cold water, gas, electricity and street Improvements paid for; iwo lots; half block to Mt. Tabor ca; ; as is fol t '700 terms. l.ifi E Blst S. ROSE CITY PARK. BY OVVXEK. Modern bungalow ,of six rooms, fire place, hardwood floor, usual bullt-tns, paved street, near car line, immedta'.e noasession. Phone Taopr 4057. FOR SALE iy owner, a-rootn mod. rn hOUSe; garswsw. wsi hwul iui. ottxiuu; cherries, pears and peaches; S.I.Vio value price $3'00 for quick sale, terms. 14U3 Williams ave Wdln. S.L'iH. FOR SAI.Bi 5-room cottage on Kast "3th St. near car gnu scuou,. naru suriace st Price $21 U0. on ea-y terms B. S. Cook. 601 Stock Exchange Bldg. ' TF PORTLAND'S peerless suburb; 7-room, $350U, IV per ceni on lor casn; like rent, move right In. 1371 . Sin st. 'REAL ESTATE. For ale limine. BEAUTIFUL NEW LAURELHURST HOME. SS2MJ. Modern l-siory bungalow, two blocks from Laure.hurft park, bin t for owner, weU constructed ana beautifully finished, with expen sive lighting fixtures, shades and wallpaper; best linoleum In k llch en and bathroom. high-tirade plumbing, hardwood Lours throughout, beveled plate g:.ia mirror door, plate g a.-s window. French doors, attract ,ve fir P-a -e and bookcases, screens on doors and windows, large cement ha-e-ment. laundry tra a, b st fu-nacs and every modern convenience ; garage, solid cement drive ; Ixou tn'ul law n, shi ulibery and shade trees. lot 5o.UM); will sell on reasonable terms and wtil atli furniture If desired. C.tll 1233 EAST PLN E ST. EAST OF FOUTV-FIUST ST. 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. PAVED STREET $700 DOWN. Very well -built, good -a PP'- ring 7 room bunguiow-tvpt hous. with 4 bed rooms, J yf the in upstair. DuK-h kitchen, built-in hnf ft:t. t'eiii'-m basemen . f me.-t of plumbing, ',s block to car. Price ua.y $33.'rt. BIKR-CARKV CORPORATION. 211 RAILWAY EXCHANGE HL1HT THIRD AND STARK SI'S. MAIN 7 4i7. 1RVINGTON buncalow style Tiorre, large living room In gray finish, oid blue dining room, sun room, large Dutch kiirhen; also 1 bed room and hath firt floor. 3 bed rooms 'd floor; fcstrage; fuU ce ment m eat. MRS. HARRY PRIOR PALMER 410 E. 21st sL N. Last TUtti. II A WTHOnXE. 5-ROOM BUN'JALOW 5C0 WTO. On paved street with sewer, 3 yari old; 5-year-old bungalow with - larpe bedrooms, built-in buffet nd Dutct kitchen, furnace, garage. Price oniy JSL'uu; a real buy. PIHR-CAIEET mnpnnATIOV, 211 RAILWAY EXt'H.LNtJK IlLPO THIRD AND STARK STS. MAIN US?. PIEDMONT Bl'NOALOW FOR SA1.K BV OWXKIt. Five rooms and reception hall downstairs, two rooms and store room upstairs: tiydcrn in every way; full cement mint-merit, wash trays, dandy furnace, fiox 1 M lot. alley: paved st. Terms No scents. 1J17 Rodney ave. Wdin, Dili. FIVE-ROOM LirxnALOW. WITH CAUA'.B. P'aMered bungalow on a corner lot lOOx lo0; fine condition; tasmnt : J blocks off M V. car; price includes nil street assessments and gis stove. $::i."iO; can buy without extra lot fur $3100; t-."0 cash, ha ance like rent. R, SOMKRVILLK. HROADWAV 33 S l X N V S I P E (' R X E R, For sale! Are you looking for s nice, comfortable modern home and an In come? If so I have '2 modern fi-room houses on choice corner lot. that ctmjM not be built today for twice the prire I am asking. Xeed the money In my business and must pcil at once; no brokers or agenLa. Phone owner. Tabor 7 0-i7 i rSOO. R. O PK. RUNOAI.OW oT distinction modern to last detail, below the hill, too. To see u is to want it. It's Hliill GRADK like Brerk's Loganberry Juice. Live in one and drink the other and bs happy. No kick in either one. Let me demonstrate either or both propohitious. BKECK THE LOO A X R K R K V MAN. iii4 East Forty-second Stret-t North. Tabor 2I7S (except Sunday). 3. P. U. R. M EX. $3rt(0 6-room bungalow near Brook lyn R. R. (hops; oak doors. fu'I r-tnent basement. lust plumbing., paveti st., ivwer, a!) paid, this Is one of (lie best built bung a lows in th is c.t nd a de cided bartfam: it's vacant and furni.iu-i , furniture t'-'ou; ail for f:tU, easy terms. I'll one owner. E;tst It'JL'.Y 1UVINUTON 7-ROOM HOUSE. POUBLK OARAGE. $200 cah and a month handles thla beautiful home; hardwood floors throughout, large sleeping porch, break fast nook and .sun room; facts u-t ou 17th, near Knott. M v DON ELL, EAST 41JV HAWTHORNE DISTRICT Modern !( rooms and sleeping porh. firplae, bookca.-es. hiirdu ood floors, boautilul buffet. Dutch kitchen, full cement ha-iuetit, 8 bearing fruit trees, lots of roses, an all around beautiful home. Price $ VMM) cash or may con sider exchange for dairy farm. Call owner L"J7-H"'. IRVTXOTOX REAL IIOMF. fK2:rt. Half blk. to Rdwv. car, 3 blocks Irving ton club. Beaut if hi home, central entrance. French doors, hardwood floors, breakfast room, Pullman kitchen, larga bedrooms and sleeping porch: wide ce ment driveway and garage. Bargain, East 4ti. lit V I X Li TON SO M KTI I i X i CHOICE. Ideal small home for particular p?opI. , Original design, extra well-built, years old. beautiful larwe rooms, artist ic f ;n ih. all uk floors, tile bathroom, 'ire. place, garage; in fact. JLST A BOLT PERFECT. Never before advertised. Xeuhausen. Mam s7 East 314. CITY ACREAGE HOME. T own an acre on East 40th st., free and clear. I will perm it you to build a house on It or I will build one for you and sell on easy pdymenta. W. H. ROSS. nnOXorthwcstern Hank BMg. N K W B I fx G A Lo W I ;i 1 .'.0. 4 rooms, bat h, break fa t room ; Csl. model; cement porch, French donr. Dutch kitchen ; an unusua liy a f tractive PtiiaJ home. See It. Woodlaw n car to 1 r h, walk four blocks smith. fl!"' H:gh'and 5t Owner, Main 1 72 Park. m:n.D YOL'It OWN' HUME. I own fvornl lots in Bond !n'iitlonn I will permit you to build a houso on any one of tlictn and help you furnace it if necessary. W. IT. TtOKS. 1 IfW) Nnrthwryt TUtik TMpr WE AR1C !i live hilatlers, if you want t sell your property, list it wilh um, will brlnir you a buyer any part of the city, give us a trial. Tabor 0VXS. Bel mont at 3Uth. Almost 14 years. J. i Mt'Kenna. A 4CH) GITT. Mv equity In a beautiful 5-rnnm fur nished bungalow in Irvinirton; total paid on home and furniture $1014; will take $1."iO0; eerything brand n'-w. ralants easy paymetus. fall Automatic HOUSE PLANS "Distinctive Homes." iJlustrsreil book; of over 100 dcsifrnr. ?1; blueprints. $lu. DISTINCTIVE HOMES COMPANY, 9-4 Northwestern Bank bldg. A MAItGAI.V Lot on corner of i:M and Hancock; 3 room house, basement. Call beTore A. M. and after I'- M. sod Sunday a.l dav. Cen. M Jackson. IRVINGTON URAL SNAP. JTOIIO jionn cash. rF.n month In heart of bes! district. 1 blo k from Irvington car. 3 blocks from Irvineton school. G per cent Interest Kast AMI IK VINUTUN BARGAIN: HLKIIV. Owner moving to coantry, mujH se'l artistic home, i room, down, 4 up. Ivory f nish - nrep aa. c.. .Norm. Kast H',14. Main S"7S JL'ST LOOK at this. Mr. Homi'sci-kcr, oi.e of those pren .- ic i.ttcis, rtcrj loam soil close to electric lint, and town of Beaverton; tlMlO. J. 13. Holbronk, 214 215 I'a nama b'dg. IRVINGTON. New, modern, 7-routn bungalow for sale by A- C. Malmqiilst, o ncr and builder. :0 st. X. KastV2. iVEST SIDE. 4""0. 7 ROOMS. RATtT GAS ELECTRICITY. CEMKNT B KSK MENT. 2 KIREPLACKS. FULL LOT. FOR SALE l-ronra unfurnished bunsamw water, lights, gas. lot Olvloo: newer Iri street, Irvington; price $1250, terms. East 71)tt. Mr. Thompson 5-RdcTMbunga:ow and garaac. fruit, built-" ins. no hardwood floors; Hawthorne tar. 401 E. uMh st $100 WILL buy 3-rootn house with furnl ture and lot 50x100. 1 block from street car. Inquire at room 304 Gerlinger bldg. HAVE modern five-room bungalow for sale furnished; oi'xloo lot; I m movements in and paid. Call Tabnr .'l.i.'il. IKVINGToN J4.HMI. 7 lar,ie rooms, bed room dovvr.sluirs; worth filouu. uwntr East ""l.. $4!t.-0. " ROS'R CITY. SEVEN" ROOMS lit MODERN. CORNER. WPLX. 4 Ills UCMES DESIGNEU. BLrLT A.Y hL MODELED WOOD & (OLE. HVlLLf ER9 WOODLAWN .1348. OWNER LEAVING CITY.- Will sell to best offer around J3r,0l) modern 5-room bungalow. Tabor 2:t.'t4 YOU want a rn hun.a,uw fr nillf cash frm owner see 4J7 Tahor E. iiih tt. ,N. (.ROOM cotl8K. 1 utKai t0 1 A uwuw auaa. A 4