14 THE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, JANUARY 20,' 1021 Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms, professional men, manufac turers, repair men, etc., classified for ready reference. Information as to any class of work not listed may be ob- i iainea Dy calling xuain imv, ArCOl'MWTS. JCLH.'S R. BLACK, public accountant, auditor, Inconip tax service. Concord . P'tiS-, 2d and Stark. Phone Main 7413. INCOME TAX .SPECIALIST. BoGks kept to uccoril with la.v; adults. " Artisans' bl ii I h one Hdwy. TnHM. ATTORXtiS. K. W. EASTMAN". lawyer und notary pub lic. V6i Cham, of Com. bldg. AUIllMi .MAtMINKS. Jl'i lil'YS adding Q.achine. adds 7 figures. S18 Curbeft bids, ilarshall 657. ALTKRATIONS. L.AUIES' tailoring: ptrfoct fitting guar. I. Kt-ubin, 4os Bush ft Lane bidg. AS-SAVKBS A.N II AXAL1 1.STS. IIU.NTA.SA ASSAT Ob 'KICK, 14J Second 'ioiil. silver and platinum bouglit. AKMY i(K)US. C 8. AKMY GoOl'S for saie, wholesale and retail; prices reduced. H. lloren- stein. 2oj 21 at., or 2vi 1st t: Main 7373. VIIQ 1'AI.NTINO A.VU t.NAM ELI Mi. ACTO PAINTING AND ENAMELING. "HIGH-CLAFS" FERVICE; RIGHT TRICK; (U Y EARS SAME PLACE;. DO IT NOW." PHONE MAIN HSi OK BUOADWAY 44US. N. W. CORNEK 34TH AND COUCH. NOTE : WE CAN AS.-1ST YOU TO SELL iOUK CAR 'AT P.IGHT PRICE). " ALTO BADLVIOU KKPA1K1NU. ALTOilOlilLH RADIATOKS. Broken, leaky, bent and wrecked r&di ators repaired and made like new at reasonable price. All work iruariLnteed. Portland Auto Radiator Shop, Oai Alder. I uniau way i. A I TO HKl'.WKlNt.. TL'BES FIXED WHILE YOU WAIT. Rear ends ureased. -17 Washington St. AITO. WASHING. IvEI-lAULE AL TO U ASHING k polishing wokks. hashing, polishing and simonizing. .ars oiled, and gXcaed. itdwy. 2ytt. 7th and Airier s;V Portland, Or. It ATil- tilt. AlcAlAHON'S Laths, lortlar.d. Steam snowers, plunges, tubs, all for &-c. le your friends. Fourth and Washington. CHIROPRACTIC, steam baths and mas- age, luth floor, Broadway bldg. Alar' shall 31N7. Dr. Laure E. Downing. Ill 11. DING SIAIKK1AL COLLA1B1A 1' LAST Kit WALL BOARD. Can t buckle, warp, sw ell or ahrink lire retarding; Portland made. uHSFELDT, 41!) Henry Hldg CAKI'tT SWKKPERS. A.LTHOKIZED Bissell carpet sweeper re pairman. o.M Morrison St. Bdwy. -.tog. I.KAN IN). AND DYKlNfi. bOLDlEUS' overcoats altered into civiiia atyle, dyed blue or black, new buttons. complete. $i.0t. Regal Cleaners, tailors, lJi IS. th St., Portland, Or. t KI.l.l I.OI1) 1H TTONS. THE IKWLN-HCDSoN COilPANY. SS7 Washington. Broadway 431. T 12M. CUIKOI'KACTIC. DK. AlcAlAHoN'8 cbiropractic speaks for Itseir. Portland, nth year. Phones. CHIKOPOHISTS. IF YOUR FEET HURT f ?tn. give you instant relief. Dr. Cora Vale Bell, chiropodist, fifth f.oor bwetland bids., rooms 006-7; third year in this building; many years' prac tice in Chicatro. Phone Main 344."), A, M. to 6 K M, Cor. 5th and Wash, its. CCCT UIIDT Come to JJr. Gartner, foot I mtmm I II Ull I specialist : corn?, bunions. foot arches made to order. 311 Swetland bldft.. Fifth and Washington. Mam losl. Dil. O. O. FLKTCHtli Foot troubles sci entifically corrected. L.ady assists 612 Morgan bjdg. Alain blii2. I ltlKOl'i)llTS AKC'II M'Kt l.VUSTS. Wii-UIAM. Kaielle and Florello De Vny The only scientific chiropodists and arch FDeciaiifts in the city. Farlors 3. Oer linger bldg., S. W. corner Second and A !dr. Phone Main 13ni. C IIIM.NKV SVVKKP. Kxpt-rt chimney and furnace cleaner also putters cleaned and painted. O. D. JUNES. 1'hone East 603!. MCTH & CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 17lti. No collections, no charges. Estab. UMKi. DANCING. PROF. PATTERSON DOWNEY'S DANCE STUDIO lWi TTaiihlngton St.. orer Hazelwood. Ballroom, step and various branches of stage dancing taught. Main 5j.".8 bUAI.MKIld' Dancing Acad, my, ballroom and stage dancing; private lessons day and eve; club dance Tuasdav and pub lic dance every Saturday. 804 oth St., near Stnrk. Thpne Broadway 3,"!H. CHOKl'S STEl'S AND FANCY DANCIXO TAUiHT. .MISS PADIK'K. 8.". iTH. NEAR STARK. BUOADWAY 3.-.(i0 illaS DOROTHY RASMlTrSEN Ballroom and stage dancing. 610 Ellers building. AVash . between 4th and ulh. Main 1123. JACKSON DANCINCi room, stage dances. daily. Wd.n. 12ul. 7;l ACADEMY Bali any t le. Open Mississ;ppi ave. DKNTISTRY. DR. B, E. WRIGHT, f 84 Floor Raleigh Bldg., Cor. 6tH and Washington Sts Main aii9 a 211. flFNTITHY mt A- W- KEENK, 351 y, ULitllOlnl Wa.hlr.Kton st. Without Pain. i.atet rerYe-biocklng method. DENTISTRY Dr. Jlarry Semler. 201 A:is t ky bldg.. Third and Morri.on. Main B.ng. DOG AND CAT IIONPITAL. ROSE CITI VETERINARY HOSPITAL. East 7th and Grant sts. Both phones; Cay and night service; 3 veterinarians. WHOLESALERS AND . ENGINEERS AND MM.L SrPPMFS. THE M. L. KLINE CO.. ,s4-'l-S7-8i) Front. GRAIN MKKCH.l NTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO. Board of Trade bldg. HATS AND CAPS. THANHAUSER II AT CO.. 53-55 Front PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER CO.. Front and Morrison RASMLS.SEN i CO.. Second and Taylor 7TEW TODAY. 0 &0 BoXerOCa NTAfLISHED X8SX TODAY AT 10 A. M. GROCERIES THE BI.AXCK OF THE JEWEL TE CO.'S STOCK W il l, HE SOI. II THIS M O It X 1 X I 'I'll I KSU A V (. BHOKEX l.O IS. SI II A III. H KOIl IIOlSKhllLI'UKS, ETC. W. C. BAKER & W. H. DEAN A I CTIOX FERS, YAMHILL AND WEST PARK STS. MensFineShoes AT $3.50 PER PAIR 23 styles of O'DonneH's Shoos In calfskin And kid leathers will be on sale Thursday. Friday and Sat urday at $S.aO per pair. All sizes, all widths. You haven't boinrht shoes of this quality for $8.50 since the war started. See them In tha south window. FUCK SHOE CO. 113 FOl'RTH STREET. Fhone your want ads to the Ore gonian. iLaln 7070, Automatic 560-95. House 4U. I)RC;l.KSS PHYSICIANS. UR. PAMl'EL P (1ROVER. F. drutrleas physician and chiropractic sp ciail.n. Iet equipped office in Ine northwest. Office practice in chronic dipeaai-s. Seventeenth year in practice. Main 7T1. 3lfi Aliskv bldg. Portland. Or. LH. G. K1.G. I. P. Consult nie on any case that sterna incurable. I treat aii kinds of nervous and chronic diabases. One treatment will convince vou. 3' A:iwky bldg., 3d and Morri.'oji. - Main 3217. 9 A. M. to fi P. M . and by appt. KI.KCTKICAL KKPAIKIXi. If. M. IT. ELECTRICAL CO, 1 N. list St.. Portland, Or. Re winding and electric repairing a specialty. New or used mo tors. Broadway 1045. A 1046. MOTORS REWOUND and Repaired BOUGHT AND SOLD. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS, Phone R27-27. 22 Main St. ELECTRIC MOTORS. Bonght. aoid, rented and repaired. Walker- Electric Works, 413 Burnaide, corner Tenth St. Bdwy. 5074. FCRJilTlRE. BROADWAY UPHOLSTERY The Home of D Luxe Upholstery. REPAIRING DESIGNING. EAST L'475. 676 E. BROAD WAT. i HADING AND EXCAVATING. U1UDLVJ AND EXCAVATIN'G. MAIN 6744. MUSIC TEACHERS. U CARROLL DAY, teacher of Piano and voice. Broadway 2555. 148 13th st. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. m1 ' . GLASSES AT A SAVING. I solicit your patronage on the "JxZJS oasis or capable service. Thou sands of satisfied customers. A trial will convince you. Charles W. Good- man. optometrist. 20 Morrison. Mr. 2124 DR. GEORGE RL'UENSTEIN, the veteran optician; eyes tested, glasses fitted, broken lenses duplicated at reasonable Prices. 2-M Morrison St. OPTOMETRISTS. EYES SCIENTIFICALLY TESTED with modern instruments; glasses fitted at a saving; satisfaction guaranteed. Out of the high rent district. No overhead exp. A. B. HUllWITZ, Optometrist, 225 1st St. , I'AINTS. WALLJPAPER, ETC. WALL, PAPER, PAINTS, ETC. 230 Second St. UHL BROS., IE. PAiNTINV ANI DECORATING. C. li. TERR I LI,, house and sign Dainter. papering, tinting. 4117 E. 37th. Tab. 2B1 1. PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS Our practice has extended over a period of 74 yeara. Al! communica tion, strictly confidential; prompt, ffi cient, conscientious service; handbook free on request. MUNN CQ.f patent attorney's. San Francisco offices. Hobart oicg.. o2 Market St.: Chicago offic room 810 Toner bldg.; Washington of fice, room 13. 62."i F si ; New York ornep. woolworth bldg. R. C. WRIGHT, 22 years' experience V. 3. ana toreign patents. 601 Dekum bldg. I'HVSK IANS. DR R. A. PHILLIPS. Broadway bulldina-. Rheumatism stomach, bowel. Inn? liver kidney, bladder, rectal, prostate, female a.soruers, sain affection, blood pressure, er.larged tonsils, moles, birthmarks. DR. DE III'RALT, 47 Morgan bldg. Dr. wustav na.ru inrrner associate. I'LI MBlMi SI PI'I.IES. PLUM Hi.NG SL I'l'LIES al w holesale prices. .--mrn-iavis q., I 4tn. Jlltm 707. I'KINTIVt;. RINTINfl R VV. BALTICS & COMPANY IIIMIIIIU First and tnk. Mnin 1115. 5U-B5 SEWER CONNECTIONS. SEWER CONNECTIONS. Columbia Construction Co.. 41." Cham- ner or omm erce ni.lg. IKlwy. 11 IS SHIP REPAIRING. SHIP REPAIRS. Wood rnuiking our specialty; efficiency our motto: Darges ouni ana overhauled A. Lessing. Columbia 127.S. STOVE REPAIRING WHY BUY a new stove? We repair all kinds of stoves. g;is ranges, furnaces. B. E. Punn. Etst Siist. TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU. 601 kum bldg. V S., foreign trademnrks. TRANSFER AND STO A G K. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH Thirtrnth and Kearnry GENERAL HAULIXG. Ten thousand square feet varehnu storage ppHfe now available. PHONE BDWY. 3309 SECURIT? STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. Packing Moving Ttoraira. Reduced, Freight Rates. Money Loaned on Warehouse Receipts. IX THE HEART OF THE CITY 03 FOURTH ST.. COR. OF PINE. PHONE BROADWAY 3715. OREGON TRANSFER CO, . 474 Glisan Ptreet. FIVE WAREHOUSES. STORAGE. CARTAGE. PHONE BROADWAY 12S1 niKKKI.US.- REPAIRING AND RECOVERED. 36014 Alder St ' The Surety Shop. MANUFACTURERS HIDES. WOOL AND CASCABA BARK K A H X BROTHERS. 105 Front St. KOfH AND BINDING TWINK Portland Corda se Co.. I4th and Northrup PI.I.M HING SUPPLIES AND PIPE7 THE M. L. KLINE CO.. M-K6-S7-S0 Front" PRODUCE COM MISSION M EH C HAN TS & FAR R ELL. 140 Front St SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. Fuller Co.. Front and Morrison. NEW TODAY. Send Us Your Old Carpets .j ,'vv 03,1 nd Deliver.) m "nd H "' Clothing, we 3lau Reversible. Hand-U oven FLUFF RUGS 1 f"I.,f F,",f Rn Wo H17.50. 1 3x8 ft. Fluff Rne Woven 4.2S , Rlf Ruks Woven. All Slies. I lot lie ( leaning and Dyeinc- Drpts. Mail Ordem Send for Hook let. I" EATHrlKS RENOVATED. Ijirsest Finest Equipped Carpet cleaning and refitting works in ibe blte of Oregon. Carpet Cleaning. Refitting, Etc Kill Rugs. Steam Cleaned. $1.50. EST URN H.IKF Kill Co.. 64-BO Colon Ave. N. Phone: East 6518. Ladies Save your old carpets, rugs and woolen clothing-. Let as make new rugs tor you. n. 1 The oldest nd beat-equipped factory Fluff and rag rugs woven all lies: carpet refitted; 9x12 rus steam cleaned, $1.30. W call and deliver 188 E. Eighth St. Phone East 3580. EdwardLGoudeyCo. MORTGAGE LOWS Caltcd State a Bank. Build ins. NEW TODAY. tlllliiffi " I, ITou-Profit, It result V In a great saving In M both the use of lumber and labor. R . The built 4-foot sections are easy m to handle; easy to ship. The III freight Is low. YOU SAVE! II KKI1MAIE BUILDING CO., IH E. 11th and Market or 803 IH Lewis Bldg. Ihone, East 6114 or V i R A G K S SAHIKL CO.VKLt r.ll ArtUana Bids. Phone Broadway 3810 , CLAY S. MORSE, IXC. Draymen and Warehousemen Broadway 3470 REAL ESTATE. For Sale Flat and Apartment Property. WEST SIDE APARTMENT. .Good location. 4-story brick, BOxlOO ft. lot, 24 apartments, all furnished ex cept one. showing about 15 per cent net. $10,000 for furniture and building. Owner retiring, will take some trade. See Rock, at 403 Couch bldg. EMERGENCY SALE. - I will take $!0(K for my flat building which brings in $135 per month rental. It Is worth a third more, but I need money. A 145. Oregon ian. $18.50(1, WEST SIDE, corner, newly fur nished, modern flat building, walking I distance; clears over 2uO monthly: vestigale: cash and trade. Owner, I w 2S2. oregonian. For Sale Lota. SPECIAL BARGAINS in popular Multno mah nlstrirt, 20 minutes by auto or Ore- I gon hilectric. fare; water, gas, elec tricity: 25x100. $.-0; WlxlOO. $250; 00x200, $550; 50x100. $375; 100x100. $700. by own er, only a few tracts left, leaving city; secure one before gone; cheap lumber now enanies nuuaing at Dig reduced prices: call and learn how others save I rent, living cheaper, little taxes; outside t city with city conveniences. 310 Railway I r.xcnange bldg. Main i3. res. East Insn. EXCEPTIONAL. LOT BARGAINS. $;n0 $;;o cash. $3 monthly; Kenton I district. I jr.oo o0 cash, $10 mo., near Peninsula I park. 11000 Rose City corner, streets pai Terms. $t75 Alameda park, streets paid. I i. erms. JOHXSON'-DODSOX CO.. fi3T X. W. B;tnk b!dg. Main S77 LOTS IN LAURELHURST. A fw choice ones at auction prices. Fee Delahunty at office, E. 3!th and Glfsa. sts. today. It will be well worth your wnne. J aDor 3433. CHOICE view home site on the Alameda j at 3-l st.; reasonable price with terms. sacrifice ror casn. i-'none owner, Broad- way 107.1. Tanor suw. HAVE rich clientele, mountain states, le gitimate Oregon industrials. Call per-1 fonany. imprnai noici, room ai f . S300 FOR good east front lot; sidewalk Included. Rose City district. L. J. Lamb, wf.) commit Diajr. FINE f0xl00 lot. Irvington. Improvements J m ana paid, vanie f luo, trade for car. I Walter. Main ia'-0. 1 LARGE lot 8x20O. on Scnuyler at., be tween b3d and 84th. Owner, 600 E. ilia st. .x. LARGE Jot. close in on Milwaukie St.. im- I provements paid, uwner, lanor 7Q41, NEARLY one acre for .the price of a lot in sniriey court, tsja st. vhj. Aut. 2.-37. ROSE CITY PARK, corner SIM. Hancock streets paved, paid; $l50. Tabor 44L. For Sale Houmh. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. A Lovely Small Homa. "With a View That Is Unsurpassed. Central hall, large living room, dining room, most complete but ler's pantry and kitchen; 3 bed rooms, with large, open porch; Gasco furnace, finest electric range, Radlantfire gas heater, linoleum, drapes and refrigerator. Choice of one or two unusually deep lots; beautiful shrubbery. Aa a sacrifice price. t MRS HARRY PRICE PALMER, .40 East 21st St. X. taut 71)70. IRVINGTON REAL HOME. tUTMO TERMS. blk. to Bdwy. car; 3 blocks to Irv ington club. Beautiful home, central en trance. French doors, hardwood floors. breakfast room. Pullman kitchen. large bedrooms and sleeping porch; wide ce ment driveway and garage. Bargain. East 419. HOME FOR LARGE FAMILY. 9 rooms, bath, gas. electricity. 50x100 I lot. sewer, sidewalks, hard surface street. I on ear line, ail lor .'.rfx only jow casn. now vacant. Tabor 42i9. Evening Tabor 7tioa. . IRVINGTON REAL SNAP. $7000. 11000 CASH. ISO PER MONTH. In heart of best district. 1 block from Irvington car, 3 blocks from Irvington school, tf per cent interest. East 411. FORCED to sell 5-room modern bunKalow; fruit trees, chicken house, basement, nice! corner lot: small payment uown. aee 1 owner, 1125 East 31st North, after P. M. 5-ROOM cottage, modern. Including hot u-ter heatinr DianL on Oregon street. near Sandy. $3,500. on easy terms. John-I son, with Interstate Land Co.. 248 Stark I street. Main 64J0. IRVINGTON MOVE RIGHT IN $S500. Terms; buy this charming home; large I . living room, fireplace. oaK lloors. cabinet I kitchen, garage; located near Knott- East I 3-l. Main 80 18. MR. CAR OWNER. 6 rooms, cement basement, paved St., all conveniences, good location, will take I car as part payment, $3uu0. Mr. Henry, I 305 Oak st. : a.-.ftfl NEATLY FURNISHED 5 RMS. mod. con., high-class, low price. You'd better snap than this. Rose City Park. BRKCK. THE LOGANBBEP.RY MAN. 3S4 E. 4-d et. N. Tabor 2078 except -gun. (J-HOOM HOUSE, near Arleta school: lot 62x1451 apple trees, naruen. etc.; lou: terms. L. E. Steinmetz. 400 Gerlinger bid?. Main mmi or lanor 31-4. IRVINGTON. -New. modern, 7-room bungalow for sale by 'A. c Malmquial, owner and builder, 500 re. Jotn st. nan 22. WHT PAY 'RENT. 3 rooms and sleep.ns porch, corner lot. $4.o will handle. Mr. Henry, 305 Oak bL CAN'T BEAT THIS. 6-room house, 50x100 lot; improvements In: onJv J-'isOO, f.u cash, balance easy. Wdln. 1402. NEED money; wiU sell my J000 equity in 5-room bungalow for $400. bal. 12700, monthly payment $3 including interest. Phone Woodiawn 51 Id 5-ROOM house, clean, on car hne. 50x100 corner, want new 4 or 5-r. bungalow, pay difference. 5S05 4 1st at. S. E. WS car. 1 MT. SCOTT line, 7-room house and lOOx 1.O0; gas, electricity, plumbing; bearing " fruits; near car; for $2O00. See Laurel wood Exchange. 6248 Foster road. FOR SALE t-room unfurnished bungalow, water, lishts, gas. lot 64x100; swer In street, Irvington; price $1250. terms. East 7166. Mr. T h om pson. ATTRACTIVE 6-room Irvington corner; ce ment baaemept and furnace; hrst-clae condition. 744 Clackamas st. Phone fclabt 6750. Owner. 5-ROOM bungalow and garage, fruit, built ins, no hardwood floors; Hawthorne car 400 E. 5Sth st. $1600 WILL buy 3-room house with furni ture and lot 50x100. I block from street car. Inquire at room 304 Gerlinger bldg. IMMEDIATE sale; 6-room cottage. $2W0; rented, $35; also coay bungalow. $2500 Qwnr. 141 B. 6ith North. Tabor 7055 MUST have $1350 cash, will make attrac tive price on modern 6-r. bungalow, near eood schools. Woodiawn 3210. SIX ROOMS and sleeping porch. Rose City. $iS50, term same aa renL Owner, 32Vo! REAL ESTATE. For Sale Honites. $3650 WITH FURNITURE. MISSISSIPPI CAR. ' All carpets, beds, gas range, gas beat er, sewing machine, everything goes with this pretty B-room home. There are 4 rooms and batli down and 2 rooms on upper floor; all rooms beautifully fin ished in white enamel; 3 French doors, good basement. We forgot to mention $75 worth of fuel in the basement that you can have. If you can pay $1200 down you can move in tomorrow. Hurry and see this. It's one of our best list ings. COMTE ft KOHLMAV, Main 6550. 2liS Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ATTENTION"! ROSE CITY PARK BUYERS. We have any number of good buys 111 this popular district. In addition to our downtown office, we maintain a branch office at 50th and Sandy blvd. Most of our salesmen live there we know the history of nearly every house In the dl trict. We are in a Dositlon to serVe vo best. If you want to buy In this popu lar district, see us. Some terms aa little as $;U0 down. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 270 Stark St., near 4th. Main 3092. Branch office. 50th and Sandy. THE S&NSATION IN BUNGALOWS, Brand new. double built, five rooms, garage, ouiit-ins, nardwood floors, base ment. turnace, bedrooms, large u and dining rooms; everything paid: ffn east side location; paving in; only $00 casn, oaiance 4t a month. lou may wait Mil the millennium for better price ana terms; we have othera photo. grapnea. inspected and boiied down price. Houses, houses, and more bouses. iry us. call Main 51'J'J, evenings Aut "o. 'H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY. i.".2-333 Railway Exchange Bidg. WEST SIDE. COHBETT ST.. NEAR IOWA. $2200 $500 DOWX. Double constructed bouse on paved street witn sewer; large living room with wall bed, kitchen, dining room, oearoom, garage. This is an excellen buy. BITTR-CAREY CORPORATION. 211 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG.. THIRD AND STARK STS. Main 7487. SALE IN LAURELHURST TRADE. Beautiful California bungalow, strictly modem, bunt for permanent home; th very best materials used; every con ven-ence built in. hot water heat: lot 75x125, rear of lot face on 25-foot alley very convenient; large garage; has trui trees, berries, imported shrubs; located one block from park and club house. owner wlsnes to trade for less expen sive home In Laurelhurt, lrvlngton, nose city. Buyer to aseume mortgage price si-Miti. tan owner. Tabor 303, HAWTHORNK. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW" $000 DOWX. un paved street with sewer, 3 years oia : o-year-oid bungalow, with Z large bedrooms, built-in buffet, Iutch kitch en, furnace, grarage. Price only $C200. a real Duy. BTHR-CARET CORPORATIOX. 211 RAILWAY EXCHAXGE BLLX?.. THIRD AND STARK STS Main 7487. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Modern residence, la rge li vi ng room. aming room, den. Kitchen, four bed rooms, bain, maid's room, hardwood floors, furnace, large grounds, level lot, beautiful shrubs, on paved street and two blocks to car; owner going east and anxious to sell; shown only by appointment. POINDKXTER. 208 Selling Bldg. Main 1HU0 Residence, East 0771. $4JGO 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $4200. On paved st. and' all Improvements paid for; large livinp room with fire place, paneled dining room; 2 large bedrooms; Dutch kitchen ; full base ment, cement; furnace; stationary wash tubs In basement: six fine large fruit trees. Price $4200; $1000 to nandle. WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO., " 85 Fourth St. $r00 CASH HAWTHORNE. 5-room bungalow,, hardwood floors, fireplace, all built-ins, full cement base nitnt, white enamel finish, paved street. This is a beautiful home In fine condi tion. The price is $4:100. Remember, only $r00 down. Homes in Hawthorne on $.100 down payment are hard to find. See us at ortqe. COMTE & KOHLMAX, Main 65j0. 20S Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Modern -story bungalow type home; four nice bedrooms, large living room with fireplace, hardwood floors, large back view-porch, good furnace, etc. Owner, leaving Portland, will sell at $ttooo; a good buy for somebody. See J. W. Crossley. manager high-class home department, with F. U McGUIRE, Ablngton Bldg. , Main 1068. 1 HHI10 CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW J48O0 rive rooms, xuil attic, garage, ce ment basement, furnace and radiant heat, beamed ceiling in living and din ing room, built-in kitchen, hard-surface street, fully paid; very complete In modern conveniences and desirable In eyery way. on Vancouver ave., near Going. flOOO cash. ELMER F. BENNETT CO.. 31S-321 Board of Trade. Mnin 74"2. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. An atracttve new bungalow of 5 cheer. rul, well lighted rooms, on full corner lot with all improvements in and paid uaK noors in every room, cement base ment with furnace, attic floored, fire place, buffet, breakfast nook : all rooms tastefully finished: a homelike bunga low lor ..oo. terms !iu casn. MacINNES. Broadway 1653, LAURELHURST. California bungalow, strlctlv modern 6 rooms, all on one floor, three bed rooms, hardwood floors, large living room, fireplace, furnace, garage, lot b.ixiuu. uwner anxious to go south, eill make special price if sold at once. call Mayson. with POINDEXTER. 20S Selling Bldg. Main 1800. Residence. Tabor H401 f750u LAURELHURST bungalow, the best Duy ln this district; o large rooms and bath, with 2 rooms finished on sec ond floor: not an inch of lost space modern to the last degree: tiled bath selected h. w. floors, garage. No trouble to show you. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT A TRUST CO. 2S4 Oak Street. Broadway 0:. $0500 IN LAURELHURST. BIG BARGAIN. NOW VACANT. Value $9500; 8-room house, choice location: your opportunity, see It todav kay at Laurelhurst office. E. 39th and Glisan sts. MR. DELAHUNTY. Tabor 3433. MODERN BUNGALOW. GARAGE. PAVED DISTRICT $3L'00. $1000 CASH RENT TERMS. 6 rooms, cement basement, fireplace. bookcases, buffet. Dutch kitchen, garage, paved sts. and sewer In and paid. Call early If you want this snap. HENUEHSOa-ilA.NKtti CO.. 42U Henry bldg. Broadway 4754. ALAMEDA BUNGALOW. Double-constructed and entirely mod ern; finished in old ivory throughout; in excellent condition; all the built-ins. ga rage, paved street: near car and school. Price only tsoo, -u"o casn. Dai. easy. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 37S7. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. Beautiful 5-robm modern bungalow. hardwood floors, fireplace, full cement basement, wash trays, corner lot 100x100. with fruit and berries, and it goes for $3750. $1250 down, balance like rent. East 661 or East 803 S. NEW IRVINGTON bungalow. 6 large. airy rooms and breakfast alcove; fin ished in old ivory, papered and decorat ed throughout; garage: come out and see It, the price Is right; open from 2 to 4 P. M. 651 Fremont St.. near 18th. Turner Winship. Builders IRVINGTON BUNGALOW, $7000. TERMS LARGE ROOMS, SLEEPING PORCH. Full lot and garage. Eighteenth near Knott. Will sell fornihed. EAST 410. ROSE CITY. 5-room new bungalow, fireplace, hard wood floors, all built-ins, paved street; lot 50100. $4S00; will take lot as part payment. RELIABLE INVESTMENT -CO.-. 305 Oak St, Brwy. 41 33. 5-ROOM houi with 1 acre of ground on highly improved county road in the city limits: aif planted to fine -variety of bearing fruit trees; just vacated; wHI sell at $3500 on terms to responsible party. For particulars see owner at 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park St. -LAURELHURST HOME. $700; li -story 7-room modern home with sleepl-ng porch; center entrance, break fast room, excellent condition; In heart of best section near car and Park; price cut from $S5O0. Easy terms. Tabor 407. PIEDMONT. VERY FINE fl-HUOM RESIDENCE WITH MANY DESIRABLE FEATURES CHOICEST LOCATION, 100x100 LOT THIS IS A GOOD BUY AT $0000 $4000 -CASH. WDLN. 1402 ONLY $350 DOWN New four-room bungalow, electric lights, gas and bath, full cement base ment, lot 100x100 and price is $2$.'tu. $350 down, balance very eaay. East 661 or East 8038. ROSE CITY PARK. BY OWNER. Modern bungalow of six rooms, fire place, hardwood floor, usual built-ins, paved street, near car line, immediate possession. Phone Tabor 4057. FOR SALE By owner. 5-room modern house; garage; east front lot. 50x100; crterries. pears and peaches; $3500 value; price $3!00 for quick sale, terms. 1493 Williams ave. Wdln. 5350. WILL furn sh lot and lumber to build. 1105 ii. 30th -. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses, 1100 Photographs of Homes for sale. See FRANTC L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. LARGEST HOME SELLER OX THE PACIFIC COAST. ' The greatest, widest selection of home bargains in the west. No matter what kind of home you want, or price you can afford to pay, we can satisfy you! Every home personal.lv itisDected and appraised before being offered for your consideration. IF NECESSARY WE'LL HELP YOU MAKE YOUR DOWN PAY MENT. 25 Salesmen Always at Your Service. Open All Day and Evening Sunday. Open Every Evening Until 9:00. ROSE CITY GEM. 3750 The door of this LOVELY ROSE CITY is open wide with generous hospitality. Rambling, massive pillared 5-room type bungalow; EVERY IMAGINABLE 20th century convenience; fireplace, furnace, sleeping porch. E. 46th. IT'S EXCEPTIONAL VALUE. Terms. HAWTHORNE-SUNNYSIDE. $1500 HAWTHORNE'S UNDUPLICAT ED HOME BARGAIN. Easiest terms. OWNER MUST SELL AT ONCE. seven rooms, hardwood 1 floors; built-ins, fireplace, fur nace. "Built for a home." East j Main street, $2500 $."00 down. Exceptional 7-room Hawthorne home: fireplace; white enamel plumbing; elec tricity, gas E. Yamhill St. ALBERTA. I32JO HOT-WATER HEATING PLANT. 5-room cosy bungalow; fireplace, bookcases. Dutch kitchen, ga rage, fruit, berries: a WONDER FUL ALBERTA. Terms. Glenn avenue. 12300 $500 down: 80x100. half block to car: 4-room comfortable Alherta cottage; white enamel plumbing, electricity; gas. E. 30th st. J160O 500 down. Cosy and neat 4 room ALBERTA home; white enamel plumbing; electricity, gas fruit; garage. E. ISth. 3o0 down. REAL WEST SIDE BARGAIN. J350O EASIEST TERMS. Beautiful view WEST SIDE home. rooms, modern, fireplace, garage, on car line. Corbett St. LOOK AT THIS. BROOKLYN SNAP, $1750 JOO down: cosy, neat BROOK LYN cottage. white enamel plumbing: electricity, gas. 1 blk. to car. Beacon st. SEE THIS. CLOSE IN. 500 down. 12700 JUST ACROSS THE BROAD WAY bridge, is this splendid home bargain: 5-room bungalow cottage; white enamel plumbing; electricity; gas, all liens paid. Dixon st. CLOSE IN. 500 DOWN. $1800 $500 down: 5-room substantial cottage; white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas, block to car. Morris St. NOTICE. A few minutes spent in our great show room will convince you that the biggest bargains in the citv are here. IF NECESSARY. WELL HELP YOU MAKE YOUR DOWN PAYMENT. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buy Your Home. -Ablngton Bldg. Main 1063. 3d St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. NO. 5328 44TH ST. $1645, $400 cash. 4-room bun galow, gas heat, buffet, en. plumb ing, elect, and gas. water heater, tapestry decorations, 50x100, ga rage, fruit, garden, roses, sewer and walk9 included. H block pavings. 44th St.. 3 blks. east of Woodstock car; a genuine snap for this, the cutest little nest you ever saw. Hurry out today. You can't lose here. G. C. GOLDENBERO. Ablngton bldg. "35 Years in Portland." MOST U15AUTIFUL HOMi -V ESTMORE- LAND. FURNTSHED VACANT MOVE IN. 6-room colonial house, with glass sleeping or sun porch; lovely kitchen, furnace, fireplace, all newly tinted, also newly painted: solid oak furniture, com bination range, brans beds, new carpets and rugs, all complete. Owner left hur riedly for east. This will make someone an excellent home; near car, east front; only $05(0, $1500 cash. . T. O. BIRD. 526 Cham, of Com. Marshall 1022 or Sellwood 2706. FINE SCHUYLER-ST. HOME. CHOICE 100x100. Livin? and dining rooms finished In heavy oak throughout; breaktast room with beautiful built-in buffet: Dutch kitchen, oak floors in all S-rooms, 2 beautifully furnished bath rooms, laun dry and fruit room in basement; double constructed: furnace heat; paved street good garage. Price $0X50. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 613 N. W. Eank bldg. .Main 37S7 $500 CASH. Balance $35 per month, including inter est, buys a new bungalow in Rose City Park, nearly completed, will be ready in a few days; fireplace, breakfast nook, half basement, lot 6LLixllO ft., 4 blocks from Rose City car line. Price for im mediate sale $.12."'0. A. B. Christenson. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., 410 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4751. BABY BUNGALOW. Living:, dining, bedroom and kitchen, in th? finest kind of shape; 'concrete basement; splendidly adapted for a Cou ple; some fruit trees and a biff ?urdr-n; 3 blka. from car; walking distance Jef ferson high ; this is the finest barer an we have in this district; $.350, $5l'0 down. COE A. McKBNNA & CO.. S2 Fourth St. Main 871. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. $ut)o. This is an Ideal 5-room bungalow, near car and school, every built-in conveni ence, breakfast nook, fireplace, hard wood floors, large attic, full concrete baaement, pfpeless furnace, garage, with concrete driveway and floor. RICHARD W. MAST. RITTER. LOWE & CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bidg. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH $3350. FJneiy constructed 4-room bungalow, 50x100 lot, fruit trees and berries con crete basement, all in the fines shape; if you are seeking a bargain, tbia i it, onfy $oo cash. COE? A. McKBNNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. WAVKKLY CORNER. Choice property on E. 36th st., con venient to car line, lot 75xS0, all sts. paid ; good 6-room home, good plumb ing, furnace, cement basement. Price only $5000. A. H. BIRRELL-GTLL CO.. 216 X. W. Panto Bidg. Marshall 4114. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. Want reasonable offer for beautiful 2 story 8-room home on 65x100 corner, with sleeping porch and garage; best section, near car; old Ivory finish; 33-ft. living room, plate glass windows through out: floveiy trees and shrubbery ; easy terms. Tabor 407. STRICTLY modern bungalow of 6 rms. and den. hdw. floors, fireplace, built-in book cases, buffet, full cement basement, fur nace, laundry trays, in Beaumont dis trict, below hill, among beautiful homrs. Price $5000. on very easy terms, or wlii sell furnished. For appointment to see, call Mr. Jesse, Main 7141. LKT US build you a home for less than you can buy one. W e have four beau tiful lots one block off of Hawthorne. 25th and E. Madison.- adjoining Colonial Heights. We are going to build four. You can have one arranged to your liking and pay like rejit. We finance. LAURELHURST. Strictly modern California bungalow; all on one floor; six rooms and break fast room; hardwood floor throughout; hot water heat, garage: lot 75x100. POINDEXTER. 208 Selling Bldg. Main 18QQ. Residence. East 0771. ONLY $2650. $500 CASH. BAL. RENT. 6 rooms, Dutch kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 50x100 lot, good condition inside and out A fine buy. HENDERPON-BAXKUS CO., 426 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 4754. FOR SALE by owner, 5-room hou.se and lot on Alblna ave.. close in; street pavd; one block of two street car lines; $1100. $150 down and $20 per month. Phdne foreunoon, Woodiawn 3S33. All improve ments paid. $ 4 5)Q m ODERN B U -VG ALOW. Six rooms, strictly modern, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, n' everything. $4500. $750 cash, easy terms. Wilson, with Interstate Land Co.. 24S Stark st. Main 5420. NOB HILL SNAP. 7 rooms, 40x100 lot, good condition, property assrsed at $4000. Will sacrifice far $5500. Write A. A. Epton. 627 Han cck. Phone East 7504. 7-ROOM mod-ern house, furnace, fireplace, lets of fruit, lot 100x100. $4250. $UW0 cas-h, balance terms. Jones, with In tersra'e Land Co , 248 Stark st. Main 5429. ' $3000 ONLY $3000. A BARGAIN. Close In. east side, a 3-room bungalow, on a 50x116 lot; get busy: it can't last. 326 Artisan bldg. Broadway 387. OWNER MUST SELL. 7-room Queen Anne bungalow, corner lot. garage, on your own terms. Wileon, with Interstate Land Co., 24'8 Stark st Main 5429.- IF YOU contemplate building and wish to eave 20 per cent on cost phone Broad way 3652. Air. Merrick. 8 A. M, to 5:30 P. M. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. LOOK HERE A MONEY-MAKER. $S0 Monthly Income. Close in, near Belmont, we hare a 2-family flat with baths on each floor, fireplaces on each floor, front and back entrances, full cement basement. Both ' floors are furnished for housekeeping. The price is 4S75. with $1500 cash, bal ance less than rent- Now here's the best part of this proposition: Buy this flat and we'll agree tp rent the flats for $80 monthly, or $H60' a year, or live in one and will rent the other for $40 a month. Talk about a good buy. Better see it to day. It won't last long. COMTE & KOHLMAN. Main 6530. 208 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ROSE CITY. A 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. Large living and dining rooms, library, fireplace, hardwood floors, bedroom and bath downstairs, 2 bedrooms ami sleep ing porch upstairs, evern built-in conven ience, French doors, all finished in old ivory throughout, full concrete basement, furnace, garage with concrete floor and driveway, located on E. 40th street, be tween Sandy and the hill, easy walking distance to Fernwood school; for price ana terms see RICHARD W. MAST, RITTER. LOWE c CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bids. NEAR MT. TABOR CAR. New 5-Room Bungalow, $4500. Now,, folks, we are offering here pos itively the niftiest, the best planned and built bungalow in Portland for the money: tile bath, recess tub, shower bath, hardwood floors, tapestry paper. If you ever expect to get a bargain, here it is. Probably never again an oppor tunity like this one. $800 cash will handle. A. G. TEEPE CO., 2f0 Stark St.. near 4th. Main .1002. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. 8 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. In Laurelhurst; a beautiful little home, Just completed: hardwood floors through- out. all the nifty built-ins. fixtures, hne basement, furnace, trays, garage, every thing right up to the minule. The price is $7750 and we invite your inspection and comparison with others. THE LAWRENCE CO., 212 Corbett B dg. Main 6015. McCT.ELLON, NEAR DELAWARE. NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, $300 DOWN. Two blocks from car line, new bunga low with 2 bedrooms, living room, din ing room, kitchen: full plumbing, gas and electricity. Let us show you this. BIHR-CAREY CORPORATION, 211 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG.. THIRD AND STARK STS. Main 7487. EAST BROADWAY. FINE corner lot, lOtrxlOO. with two story modern 9-room house, entrance hall, living room, library, dining room, kitchen, fireplace first floor, five bed rooms second floor and bath: large attic. fine apartment or garage site; present nouse will bring In good income, or can easily be changed into flats and show good returns on price asked. POINDEXTER, 20S Selling bldg. Main 1800. Residence. East 6771. BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. $2000 cash, balance easy terms, lust completed; 5 large rooms and den; hard wood floors throughout, indirect lighting nxtures. tapestry wall paper In all rms. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, ti.ed bath, window shades, inlaid linoleum in kitchen, furnace and garage, a bargain 'like this will not last. 225 Hazel Fern Place, open from 1 to 4 daily. AM LEAVING CITY AND MUST SELL my attractive new. o-room bungalow at 5iil Shaver street: beautiful corner lot, both streets paved and all paid; house has nice built-ins. two bedrooms with bath between; close to grade and Catholic schools; two blocks from Irv ington car. Price $3250. Will accept $350 cash See this today. NEAR CATHOLIC CHURCH AND Sl'JHOOL. Splendid 8-room modern house In good repair, cement basement with furnace, paved streets, 3 blocks from carline; priee $4000. good terms. R. H. CON1FREY. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade B dg. CLOSE TO 28TH AND SANDY BLVD. Modern 5-room cottage, all on one floor, excellent, full cement basement, hot water heating system, nice lot. 50x 100. with fruit trees and berries, all Im provements in and paid; price :15U0. $500 down, balance to suit. V 38, Orego nian. $3500 BUNGALOW $.'.500. Located on nice corntr lot on E. 12th t., fine view, house has 7 rooms, good plumbing. op-n fireplace, built-in book cases and buffet. This attractive little home is priced right. Trms. Apply A. H. BIRRELL-GILL CO.. 210 X. W. Bunk Bldg. Marshall 4114. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Two-story modern 7-roorn house, four onarooms, naruwooa noors. fireplare furnace, two blocks car, five blocks Ainwortn scnooi; $n0, terms fliK) ca-sn, naiance easy, !l May son. with POINDEXTER, 208 Selling Bldg. Main 1800. Residence, Tabor 0401. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn burden into Income? We design and build apartments, ga rs ges. residences. anything ; furnish plans and finance. Established 10 years We offer SECURITY, SERVICE, SAT lFU'TION. L. R. Bailey Co.. 24 N W Bank bldg. ROOMS, bath and basement, fire-place, heating plant. Dutch kitchen, bul!t-ins. garage, good district, close in, paved st. and sewer in, lots of fruit; price $3100. $54H) cash. O. A. Pearce. 201 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 4S30, after 6 P. M.. Sellwood 1115. ROSE CITY PARK. A tt ractive. modern corner bungalow, half block from car. 6 rooms and den, hardwood floors, fireplace, fine built-in buffet and bookcase : large hawment, good furnace and. laundry trays. Owntr, 3IV-1S. ROSE CITY PARK. Only $5500; modem 6 rooms, hardwood floors' : full cement basement ; all built ins. large livings room : full lot, paved street; near car and school. Terms. JOHNSON-DO D-SON CO . ftm N. W. Bank bide. Majn 37S7 CITY ACREAGE HOME. I own an arre on East 40th st., free and clear. I. will permit you to build a house on It or I will build one for you and sell on easy pavments. W. H. ROSS. 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. LITTLE FARM IN TOWN. 6-room modern bungalow, very best of construction, would cost close to ?50t0 to build; a fine big lot POxi25 feet, has lots of fruit. Price $:i7O0. with SOikO rah. terms on balance. Mar. 3352. TaDor 3r.H. j. b. kock CO. BUILD YOUR OWN HOME. T own several lots in gopd locations. I will permit you to build a house on any one of them and help you finance it if neuassary. W. H. ROSS. 1100 Korthwest Bank Bldg WE ARE 3 live hustlers, if you want to sell your property, list it with us. we will bring you a buyer any part of the citv. give us a trial. Tabor 6403. Bel mont at 39th. Almost 14 years. J. p , McKenna. $1800 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Only 1 block from Peninsula school and car line,- full basement, bath. L etc. : it is an unusually good buy; $700 down, $20 month. COBB BROS.. 263 Onk st. 5-ROOM bungalow, fully modern, one of the nr-tti-- n H""'thorne d!st.. under priced at $4250. $1500 cash. Photo at of fice. 0. A. Pearce. Bdwy. 4S35. 201 Oregon bldg. HOUSE PLANS 'Distinctive Homes. illustrated book of over loo designs-, fi; oiueprtnts 110 DISTINCTIVE HOME? COMPANY. 924 Northwestern Bank bldg. EASY TO BI'Y. New. moaem nome irom owner on terms, or will take lot, small acreage, partlv modern house, car or libertv hond a part pavinnu. ""'"-i, iaor JUST LOOK AT THIS 6-room modern house, fireplace, book cases, bunei. caninet ancnen. furnace: a real nome ior juuu. un terms. Wdin 1402. $2000 BLi. a good s-room west side house, oain. g.is. nennc. an citv imp in and paid; lot 35x100. $500 rash CKARLES HOCCK, 032 C. of C. " ROSE CITY PARKT ' New n-room modern bungalow hdw floors, fine place, everything up to date' all In white, st. paved and paid, close to car Owner. 600 East 10th st. S. FOR SALE 4-room boue. 3 bToTk from Rose City car. ..0x100 lot. near school all assessments paid; terms Ji-ioo vin oown. """"-'- uwner houre. 667 East 4th st North. at 6-ROOM house at sacrifice, fumfched or unfurnished, BY OWNER. Kr25 East Broadway st. East 6S79. evenings. HOMES DESIGNED. SLfLT AND RwT MODELED WOOD & TOLE. BUILD ERS WQODLAWN 5343. U lUU OWNER LEAVING CITY! ' Will sell to best offer around $3500 a modern 5-room bungalow, -Tabor 203 i 6-ROOM cottage. 60x1 1 5. 2 b j k to car"; - only .ww .. . FOR BARGAIN in residence income prou- fti-tvD. W. Gardner. 7626 62d ave. S. E. M KE me an offer: modern 6-room Irvjnjr ton home. Main 186T. 0 FuR 2 'A 4-ROOM HOUSE, two fine lots, $850 Hain 3673. 2d cF AR LA-N I, Failing Bldff. REAL ESTATE. For Sale HouNes. $300 CASH, good 6-rm. Sunnysida home, J3S00: vacant. $4000, 7-r. artistic bungalow, fire . place, buffet, sip. pr., cor. lot. nifty place, worth $5500. Go look. i74 Clinton. Terms. $ 75. $375 cash, 5-r. cosv home, gas, electric lights, bas t., mod. plumbing. 50x100. paved streets, sewer, 3 blks. Irvington car. Go look. 865 E. 12th St. N. $5750 Colonial gem, 6-room. sip. pr., 2 firepl., oak fls., furnace. cement bast, sunroom. brkfst. nook, sewing room, built 1 year. $15iM under cost of house. 100 xlOO; garage; all like new (off paving), adj. Alameda. Terms. G. C. GOLD EN BERG. Abington bidg.. 1061 3d st. , $-.500. Graham ave. and Commercial st. : tine house of 8 rooms, thoroughly modern, furnace, full basement with brlcked-ln .run room, sleeping porch, fireplace, corner lot, nice shrubbery and lawn. Look the city over, you cant find better buy. Terms. R. E. MKNBFRE & CO., 416-417 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 4035. ROau CITY BUNGALOW, strictly modern 5-room bungalow ronme fr!ia!li- lA..tt ... A of 5 room between Sandy blvd. and the hiil. hard- i.oors. oeautnul built-in conveni ences, buffet, bookcases, writing desk, etc., large living room, full length mirror cozy breakfast nook, large attic, full concrete basement, good furnace, large garage with concrete floor and drivewav. finished In old Ivory throughout. This bungalow cannot be built today for the price asked, and the location is the best Price $l800: for terms see RICHARD W. .MART RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trado Bldg. GO LOOK $30I0. Attractive 5-room Ouncalow, with white enamel bath, prettv fireplace, wa.ls all nicely tinted: big cemented basement. 50x100 lot. right on the car. "'inw, ,io A.Dinglon bldg. ol the Horsrshoe. tSign EIGHT ROOMS AND BATH -I700 jum ine thine-n tut- I.... f-n,;t.. Doaraars. Williams ave., 5 minutes' walk k.hi oroaaway bridge. Hard surface, sewer ail paid; 50x100 lot (alone worth entire price). pay JSOi) cash, balance f oiu.ci (,. LATHKUP, 516 Ab Ington bldg. (Sign of the Horseshoe. ) IRVINGTON bungalow style home, large living room in gray finish, old blue dining room, sun room, large Dutch kitchen; also 1 bed room and bath first floor. 3 bed rooms 2d floor; garage; full' ce ment basement. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER, 440 E. 21st st. N. East 7S67. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. 84x100 $200 DOWN. Substantial 5-room bungalow with 2 large bedrooms. The price is only $1475. which makes it a real snap. BIHR-CAREY rniiPdiiiTiriv TuJJri1 EXCHANGE BLDG.. THIRD AND STARK STS. Muin 7IS7. WILL BUILD 6-ROO.M BUNGALOW iiau b.ock off Glisan, on East 7ilth, 6-room bungalow, double construction, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, trays, separate bath and toi let, paved lot. 50x100. plenty of fruit, 'full floored attic, j:t5O0, tlOtlll cash. This bungalow is very attractive at that price ELMER F. BENNETT CO.. 318-321 Hoard of Trade. Main 74.-." OW-NKR LEFT TOWN. Will sacrifice dandy Rose Citv Park home of t-rooms. big living room with optn fireplace, beamed and paneled din irntf room, hardwood f .oors. 'extra toilet on first flour. 2 bedrooms and ba,h above; full cement ba-scment. splendid furnace, block to car; hard surface ail paid. Price $500, eay terms. SID NEY G. LATH ROP, 51ti Abint'ton bldg jS:gn of the Horseshoe.) $7500. R. C. PK. BUNGALOW of distinction modern to last deta.l. below the hill, too. To see it is to want ic It's HIiH GRADE like Rreck's Loganberry Juice Wve in one and drink the other and be happy. No kick In either one. Let me demonstrate either or both propoMtiona. BKECK THE LOGANBERRY MAN 3b4 East Forty-second Street North. taoor nig texcept Sunday ) . $i0O EAST Broadway. a wonuerful home. 6 rooms and seping porch, large bath. 2 fireplaces, full cement basement with furnace, all butlt-ins. three rooms and den down, 3 rooms, bath, sleeping porch up. Owner has lived in place smct built. Fine condition. You should see it. Some terms. By appointment oni UNION SAFE DEPOSIT TRUST CO., -r ntreei. nroaaivay $250. FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW, WITH GARAGE. t'iasteretl bungalow on a corner lot i-n.Aiw, line conauion: casement; blocks off M. V. car; price included street assessments and gas stove $3050 can ouy w itnout extra lot for $3150 $250 cash, balance like rent. R. SOMERVILLE. BROADWAY 3S38. SUNN YSIDE CORNER. ror seie; Are you looking for a nice comiortuoie modern home and an in come. If so I have 2 modern 6-room houses on choice corner lot. that couid not oe dui'ii toaay ror twice the price x a in as ing. .-eea ine money in my ou3ire5 ana must e;i at once; brokers or agents. Phone owner. Tabor 1 O-i. BY OWNER. Delightful 4-room bungalow in choice location ; neautiiui, large living room ivory finish, real fireplace. furnace lovely rustic porch, etc. On valuable corner, paved streets, near Usurl hurst Park; convenient to Sunnyside-M t. Tabor cars; otsi service tn city. Sacrifice for quicK aeai ; anout itooo cah, balanct easy. Call Broad wa y 421. No agents, SMALL FARM TO EXCHANGE. -M acres, M' under cultivation. Darn, poultry house, nearly new, 5-room bun galow, price $c,(K; will consider houe in Portland. wiH sell 5 acres with im provements. l.l.'IIU. R. II. CONTRRT, RITTER. LOWE CO.. - 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg NEW FURNISHED FOUR-ROOM BUNGALOW. MT. TABOR CAR LINE Attractive, cosy, clean houme. double Constructed; basement; good furniture and in excellent condition ; 1 biock car; price orlv $2200, terms. JOHNSON-IX DSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 37 IRVINGTON. 16th st. N. betwe-m Knott and Stanton, strictly modern residence, five bedrooms besides maid's room ; one bedroom first floor, practically two tiled bath rooms, furnaces, hardwood floors, fireplace, garage. POINDEXTER. 208 Selling Bldg. Main 1800. Residence East 6771. IRVINGTON 7-ROOM HOUSE" $8750 DOUBLE GA RAG E. $2000 cash and $0 a month handles this beautiful hom; hardwood floors throughout, large sleeping porch, break fast nook and sun room; faces east on 17th, near Knott. McDONELL. EAST 4I!. HAWTHORNE 3-ROOM BUNGALOW AND GARAGE, $4400. You would never expect to buy such a home in as good a location for this mon--y. A. G. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark St., near 4th. Main 3092. Branch ot'fice, 5oth and Sandy NICE SMALL INVESTMENT. Corner 50x65. veil located between two car lines, bungalow for two occupancies; this property Is attractive, nicely fur nished and yields income of $45 month. Price only $4250. We csn make terma A. H. BIRRELL-GILL CO.. 216 X. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. 6 ROOMS $3700. Really a bargain ; good comfortable house. riKht on the car. with hot-water heat, good plumbing. 5x.Vi corner lot. E. 24th st. Pay $00 down, then bal ance easy. SIDNEY G. LATH ROP. 51 6 j For Sale Buhlnew Property. FOR SALE: 3-chair Jefferson st barter shop. tMiluirbun flame SUBURBAN homesite. $373. I have V2x 300 with nice grove of evergreens, water, lights. If you love outdoor life this will appoal to you. $33 down. All 330. Ore gonian. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near carlina from $1800 up; inquire 3d houj- north of Rislev station, on Oregon City car- 3-ROOM modern bungalow, gas. electricity, concrete basement, nicely located; Capi tol Hiil station; terms. uwner, Mar shall 1874. SALE by owner on paved highway. 6i miles to center or city. 1 acre of land, 7-room house, all modern ; every city coon venience. Ca II 625-22. ACRES. 6-room house. Cap. highway. $2400. McFAKLAD Failing bldg. 13 Alain 3672. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Home. ONLY $5000. ON TERMS. This one Is good, fully tocked and equipped. 55 acres, 30 In cultivation, bal ance timber and pasture: close to Car re lj. Wash., on Pacific highway; good school, 7 . choice cows. team, harness, tools and machinery; 0 lavir.g li.-ns. Ai: for $5000. terms. See F. C. Marsha'! with FRANK L. McGUIRE, Abmgtun b;clg. M.iln lmiS 3 ACRE.S 2 miles east of city l:m::;i: f.n macadamized road; ail under cultivation' lb . clurry tree; 4 acre strawberry new 4-room bungalow with bathroom comp.e-te whke enameled p.umb.ng. v ment bjsement, garage. Iuun..r ..n ground for large chickJn houre; 2 bli-kt to station, l.-.c fare, fine soil, no r,.ok or gravel: price $,HK. $!5im cl-Ii. Wei' ? 1rlh 3M- Insptrted bv Hrouks. with John lerguron. Gerl.r.ger b:og. IF YOU want to get out of tne citj i.U ' ln. a good town where living is in expensive, can show you M, acre 011 Pa cific highway; 1 hour drive to Portland; good -room bungalow, electric i:K.ilsauJ water in house; small greenhouse, bh kK"ku uit a"u berries, nice lawn and shrubbery; in fact a neat little home. Including, furniture for !70u; on ea.-y &714t. JWe- 527 . REAL ACRE BARGAIN. .. acre, 5 blocks from city limits; lots or bearing fruit trees, some berries 4 room plastered bungalow: complete white enamel pliinilnns. cement bae rnent, firgp.acc. fine garage, witli cement floor, chicken house; price $;."i0 $PKi5 cas-h; well worth :;."nn. pi-p, i-t, ,1 bv Malone. John Fi Aruson. Geriinger bldu Over 500 small places n.-ar IVrl.aud. t L .N u A l.O W FU UN IS 1 1 E 1 1 $271111. . 4-room bungalow, very mmlern. with Dutch kitchen, built-ins. Kai. citv water and electricity; c..inplct..-;v fur nished; standard lot; on'v 2 blo k." to tapitol Hill station: $7(J0; only $G"0 down. See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. Aoington bid?. .Main 10T..S. 1-I.M. HOUSE, shed, barn, U- acr. s cult : . vated. fruit, $1700, or with 3 acres, $-400; rich soil, running water, garden ing chickens, cow. should supple living ami save wages: plcnlv work In district auto road, school i blo. k: United Klre tric 2 blocks; free wood: owner hinting city. 3111 Railway Exchange bldg. Main bio. Res. East 7ls. HKRE. TOIJ SUBURBANITES, l isten to this. Seven rooms, a fine comfortable home, living, dining, too sleeping rooms and kili-hen, als'i hath on first floor, two bedrooms show, loin -on lot. .plenty of fruit nnd b.-rrifs. chicken runs and pla.-e f,,r cow. one block to car. nil fnr $7:,0. easy terms. Owner must sell. ' Main ll'lil ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW 1 NTiuTTlTT splendid Imme just ouls.ie citv on Paved highway; strictly modern bunga low with furnace, fireplace and Dutch kitchen: one. half acre of ground; KX 1 RA ( HOICK at $0000. Terms. See F. C. Marshall with FRANK L. McGUIRE. AhingtonJ.Uic. .Main W,v high up a"mon; tiii:fiT; ' Only $lsoo. best yel. very large snd Beautiful living and dining room with large llreplace In one end and a beau tiful buffet in the other, fine Hindi kitchen with , nil built-ins. fine batli room ami bedroom, mammoth garage and workshop, two large lots, hnrd road, ..oo cash, balance oasv. .Main tlr.O SUBURBAN HOME Just off Powell Valley road, one aero conreii, nouse and outbuilding. prac- ... o,.. o.-vi, uirpiHce, nam. water system, electric lights pressure a res I o.Miie, once i:mio, sonic erms. Call owner. Auto, litil-ll. A.-k for 5121. SVUV R HA NiTESi W'e have hundreds of personally In spected suourban homes in every outly ing district in Portland. Wer opto e.ery evening and Sunday. If you want a suburhan hime. see K. O. Marshal; wittt FRANK L. McGL'IKE. Abington Bldg. Main 10(1S WEST SIDE N 1 : 1 u I ; It N HUM K. S-rm. houw; electric lights, jja, rruit, garage, chicken house, lot 7."ixlM, oi pavtnl road, just outside of citv limtt.s; price $3500. $4oo cash, balunce like rent. ' JOHN BROWN & CO . ft?? RV KXCH, Bl.lwr MA F 3:.:,1 1 V4 ACRES with 5-room bungilow. on good county road nar MultnunKih Sih., $4000 Thin is excellent value. For par ticulars call on PEN R1ESI.AND 4i4 Piatt Bldg., 1-7 Park St. For Sale Ai-renne. SUNDERLAND ACRES. Bet een Irv in p! on Park and Columbia Boulevard .1 68 acres. K, 20th st N and Dekum ave., four blocks f:nm Alberta or Wood lawn cart; excellent soil, fine condition, no gravel, beautiful view of mounts Ins and Columbia river; price $t75. JUTS cah. balance easy payments. See Mr. 1 Nayicr with J O. EI. HOD, Uwii'T. 517 Corbett bldg. Main 6173. FOR OX'ICK ACTION. 24 -acre ranch in H 1 River dint rid. 5 acres in orchard. II in cu! t b at ion. 7 easily cleared, balance in pa si u re. 4 ronm house, pood barn, well. 3 cows. 3 heifers to freshen tn ppring ; two 7-monttis-o'd heifers, IO Merino pon ts. all for $2000, $mm cash, or will t;i kr? car or truck at first payment, balance can be arranged. Sec F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUl UK, .Ablngton bldg. M a in .H'g D1HKCT FROM OWNKR. A-l ACRKAGK AT BARGAIN. 20 acred bet w een Portland and Hills boro on county highway and near trol ley. Fine for fruit or truck garden. Bought for home jdace but owner nm non-resident and cannot u.se. Will fU for i-rice paid 10 years ago. Write own er at once fnr snap. F. B. ENDER LIN, Palotna Apts., Ven ice. C;i lit ornia 6H ACHES FOR $2100. 3 acres fn cultivation, balance In standing timber of frmn 75 to I "0 cords of wood ; bearing fruit trees and a a riety of berries, r raveled roads; 4 -room papered bouse, near Advent and public acimols; mile from Hartfield. Wash ; LOW PRICE of $2100. term See F. C. Marshal I, wit h FRANK" L. McGUIRE. Ablngton bldg Main 1009. NEARLY 5 acres, ail under cultivation; jyi young heart n.? fruit t rtft, f i ne u i ro fences, good graveled road, level land, fine soil; 3-room houe, barn, chicken house: 1 mile from station. Oregon City car; i mite to school. Tliif is on a corner; fine road on each side; price $2OM0, $.VMt cash. Inpectfd by Marster. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bidg. Over 500 small places near F'Mrt'and 3 ACK E.S on paved n ad. H nil ls Tr.-m Portland; o acres under cult : at ion. ha -a nre in wood; all can be cultivated; 1 miles from Oregon City car; t biock from station on Carver line; finest kind of black loam soi i ; eat of M i I wa uk ie. Price $2520, $770 cash. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. Over 500 small p aces near Portland. 20 ACRES. 5 mi. east of ciiy. in cultivation and clover; gi'Od 5-rni. house, barn, outbuild ings; fruit for family. 6 mwu, 2 hor.-'S, ho-js chickens, spuds, grmn, kale, im -pkments 2't Montgomery t. Phone A n'.otnaTlc 51 4-7 1 A DANDY P.Uif. 1 w. acren with new cottage for only $1200. lies on rock road near S P elec tric, Oswego lake, piped water nnd elec tric lights available; very small payment gives possession. Call 5o0 Concord bldg.. Second and S''rj5j n 50 SMALL FARM HOMES GKKSHAM 1 ) I ST K 1 CT. Wo have eotne excellent b;i rgahiji to offer you in mali farms; suurbm homes, chicken ranches and berry lam's near Gresham K rider & Ellington. Grenham, Oregon. WANTED For client. .1 or 10 aens w.tli buildings, part.y near u. not nv r 2 . nnles; must be close to car; quick ac tion; give full details. UNION SAKE DEPOSIT & TRUST t'O. 24 Oak St. Hroajlway 9 43. JO ACRES Twen ty m n. auti r ,d blvd.: cultivation; 1hih fL. nn bougie: owner e.derly la 2i."i Montgomery st Antm l.-rwil.Jg.. pavement . T iy . nawt it, 514 CHICKENS. BERRIES AND FRITT $25 down, $12 50 niontblv. Imivj. a splen did tract of 2 47 acreg. located 1 rniip. from Vortland; total price ?550 Kred W. German Co.. 732 Ch a m of Com, bid k 15 ACRES. Fronting ou '.'iluinbia high wa v; t vation ; good house, barn ; a aood terms. 205 Montgomery st. Anton 514-71. ' ltd ! 1 tic 1 OR MORE acr-s In tracts to suit. $100 and up p r ocrc: close to school. .; r line, auto road: plenty work in dirtri.-f. owner leaving city. 310 Railway Kxch bldg. Main 075. lies. East 70". VJ. ACRE at Rockw o.Td i ation. .0; YrouL "dale electric; all cleared: only $3nt), terms; can have more land it deslrt-t) Pee Mr. Boehm. 200 Oregon blag. Broau- way 165. WHITE for map of western V at-nutu.i showinn location, low price and ea ttrms offrd to settlers' WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma. Washington. BIGGEST bargain near Vancou ver; l.;. acres; good irnprov ments ; sacrifice . f 40(m; consider residence. fc; flb b North Ta bor 70 .Vk 80 ACRES $1200. 5 acres clear, house, nut- buildinfts. mile from sinaM town, TfM- am 00k county Wooiilayn 2227. morrilngt $75 CASH down. $15 u.ontb'y, 1 'ac t-7, fine soil, level and cu'tlvat-d'. ciofc Tlgard. L 253, rirpyonian. ACRES of land, aiso a houMj-movtrf ouUiU 611 Wlat tt, & Thou. Allen.