15 THE MORXIXG OREGONTAX, SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 1921 KOR R T f.KK. BENT RANCH 8EL.L PERSONAL. 115 acres, Columbia river bot tom land, about half under culti vation, balance In ffood pasture: 95 acrea in fine crop; fenced and cross fenced; 9-room house, larpe barn. iios and necessary out bufldinfrs; 24 miles from an eouver on Columbia river; 61 eowa. 1 bulL 10 heifers coming 2 year old, com in earlms, 3 calves (7 cows. 4 heifers and bull are all registered), balance of stock are fine gradea. International tractor with full equipment; 7 head hone, aeeder, mower, rake, 3 wagons, harness, hack, 2 buggiaa, 40 tuns hay, ensilage, etc. culti vator, feed grinder, gaa engine, ens. lag blower and cutter, 2 large alios, milk cans and all small tooU. Price only $18,000: cash, balance easy terms. Rent only $m per month. This placet will sell to first party that can handle H. THOMPSON, SWAN & LEE. 2d and Main Sts. Vancouver. Wash. 20 ACRES, house and barn, all In cultiva tion. 1 acre orchard: fruit has paid rent. On paved and rocked road. 13 miles to center of Portland. Call at 4439 70th ave., or phon Main 0500. Ask for Mr Ripley. FOR RENT Ten acrea. on paved highway, near ScaitDoose. 4 acres 5-year-old ap ples, pears and cherries, clov.-r between trees, balance under cultivation; 5-room house, barn, tank house, etc Mrs. M. D.. -'03 Ea.-t Morrison. FOR RENT Fruit and berry ranch near city to experienced gardener; unusua. Inducement to one who will keep up the place; references. Aduress R Mi. ore gon lan. TO-ACRE farm for rent or sale; Call 20" MadLaon st. close In. timri:r ivn. 1VK ri.I.K30.M0 capacity .sawmill, com plete with planers; now operating. Atnpie timber. Situated on railroad. Address A. V. 808. Oregon ian. WANTED A partner with a tract of tim ber; have a goo a, sman mm. a. w. WANTED Hewn ties f. o. b., O.-W. tracks. Any amount. Western Lumber agency, 024 Murgan hldg., Portland. Or. AB'tl'T 40O0 cords wood stumpage, close to railroad. S30OO. Main IUib fiSOo :oKDS stumpage. No. 1 wood. Reed - vllle. J. D. Kennedy. :i Salmon. PILING .-iin:ed aboard S. P.: cedar poles anywhere. O. V. Gamble, Couch bldg. TO E C fl A V f i E K E A I - ESTATE. 1-ACRE BUNGALOW HOME. Neat little 5-room plastered bunga low with bath and toilet. 28 large bear ing assorted fruit trees, raspberries, blackberries, loganberries and black cais; good rabbit house and woodshed, between Ut. Scott and Hawthorne car- line: price fVtOO: $1000 cah or will take small acreage close to car up to ijvmu. See air. Stephens, Fred W. German Co., 7 Chamber of Commerce. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. 150 X100. MODERN -7-ROOM HOUSE. CASH VALUE $9000. House b as ha rd wood floors, furnace, fireplace, etc. Want Improved acres.se and wO assume some If necessary. Kind ly give full particulars first letter. BC 2-1 . Oregonian. 1W-ACUE r&na at Medicine Hat. Canada, bides., all in cult.. $10,000; take exch. city prop, or apt. house, good room.ng house. 160 acres. 80 In cult., bal. timber, $4000, exch. city prop., rood rooming house or apta FRED LAWSON CO., Main 867. 416 Chamtter of Com. V ACRE apple orc.-.ard and garden, good house, near HlllBboro. all under cultiva tion, barn, ch token house, etc., nice place. Will trade 1 4 ".jo equity for house and lot In Portland. NORTHWEST HOTEL NEWS, 714 Couch Bldg. "MA DSEN ACRES" 15 acres (3 5-acre tracts), wonderful soil, at edge of Beav erton, Washington county, for sale or exchange for Denver, Colo., property. Write owner. C C Madsen, Denver Atb lellc club. Denver. Colo. 6o AQKKct Canadian mini in wheat farm ing district, la acres to be cropped lU'.'l rood water, near school and town: ctoa title; to exchange for Portland residence or smait improved 'rm. airs. Green, .'( E Winchell street. . , FOR SALE OR TRADE for Portland prop erty. 160-acre farm In Alberta. Canada. 30 acres under plow, 30 acres clear, good building, plenty of water, fences; 7 miles from R. R. town. Call Tabor 7030. LIST your trades and bualnesa chance with us. We get results. BIHR. CAREY CORPORATION 211 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 74S7 WILL trade my $76O0 modern home for Improved . or tu acres, not over t miles out of Portland: must be on good road and electricity available. Owner, Tabor 31L UNFINISHED Dlenty fruit house aqd -acre lot near Wuodmere school will trade my equity for good used car Phone E. 52 aftor 6 P. M. Automatic 612-31. FOR SALE Large, modern 9-room house, X irtta. on 60th At., heart Mt. Tabor dis trict ; fruit; $8750. Take small place part payment owner, up k. butn at S ACRES lmproed, good 6-room house, barn, rocked road, 7 mites out. for house In Portland, value near $44HM. AH 248. oregunian WILL trade equity In modern seven-room house, west side, ten minutes' walk from Portland hotel, for auto to value $20OO I' 3N". Oregonian. FOR SALE, or trade for auto, lot In West eland. &61 Glenn ave. North. Phone lot, A.borta sL . to trade for e. Owner only. E 384, Oregonian TO K C It A N C. F--M IHC EI.L NEOTS At" i 1 acres, level, fine soil, cultiva tion; clove to Tlgard. Trade for a good team with small cash. W 338, Orego nian. WU-L trade late model Shaler vulcanisim. wachlue for roll-top desk and swivel chair. Call Main 2597. OHIO electric sweeper, value $35. for type writer. Call before 12 noon. 22,7 N. 23d street. exchange Ami-class dental work for -hanging, painting and plumbing. 14. ( regonian. Will trade grafonola or sewlnc i for Underwood or Royal type f 3d st. HK EXCHANGE Large automatic re frigerator for carpenter 'or machinist toola. Call Woclawn 4893. FOR SALE Vehicles, Livestock. FAMILY COW, No. 1 fresh Jersey and calf 3 weeks old; perfectly gentle; gives 4 gallons of milk per day; good condi tion. 6347 84th st. S. E. Phone Auto matic B2&-&6. 10 11 BAD of .TwJ Team Co. horses for ale. god. sound, yonng. heavy horses. Apply at No. 0 Grand ave., stable. W. J.'sW UlYa . TEAM of mulesv wsll -matched. 6 and 7. 2400 pounds; bora 12O0, team 900: harnoes and three farm wagons. $44 17th st.. near Market. KEYSTONE FEED STABLE, horses for sale or hire, stalls for rent. 3.M Water St.. foot Montgomery. Mar. 3513. JViRA GOOD fresh cow and oalf, Jersey Purham. H. Smith, phono S0-J ii.: waukic. 21st and Adams s. Milwauklo. NEARLY new, heavy harness and wagon, half pr.ee. Jack McCormick, Hotel Ore gen HO K6E for sa.e, $70. $14 lbs ; 11 year Id. J. Rauch, box M0, Gilbert road Mount ggatt B HEAD of ht rsf. 4 to 7 yprj old. 120O to 1800 pounds, and some well-matched ttmi. Inquire 564 N'nrthrup st. FOR SALE Fresh young Jersey family cow with calf. Phone J. B. Wetxler. Milwaukee 63 -J Li calf for sale. jrses and cattle nauled away fro. Miiwaukle ttt-J lor service. VETERINARIAN DR- HOWES. TABOR 6566 fOi'R goats cheap, one registered. 543. Orr gonlan. AH JKAl horses takeu quickly, cash for dead cows. Automatic CT7-64. CA1.V. 6 weeks old, 1S04 Astor st.. East St. Johns Plnos, Orgs, ns and Musical Instnimeots. TOR RENT Graronoia with .ate sCmpire Transfer. 254 Broadway aiua.c Bdw 153 WAN 'i -Piano; consider player if bar gal nSlam4424;Paycash $175 BUYS fine 1500 piano, easy terms. 3ii Worcester bldg. $;5o LCD WTO, beautiful oak cse, only $300. easy terms. 31 1 Worcester bldg. WANTED To buy used piano at one a Marshal 700. No deal era WK FAY CASH FOR USED PHONO GRAPHS. PHONE BDWY. 2052. fiu WNT; w gt 6ii6. 1 FOR SALE. PiasnoM. Organ and Mughal lntrumrnt- PIANO BARGAIN. WE HAVE A STEINWAT GRAND (LOOKS LIKE NEW) FOR SALE AT A SAVING OF SEVERAL HUNDRED DOLLARS. IT WAS TAKEN IN PART PAYMENT FOR ONE OF OUR FA MOUS XNABE AMPICOS. Terms If Desired. LIP MAN, WOLFE A CO. FACTORT REBUILT AND USED PIANOS. flfM stein way Sons 35 600 Kranich A Bach, golden oak.. 3u 700Conover. golden oak 315 900Stelnway 4b Sons, rosewood.... 34o 1800 Aeolian orchestreUe 35 GO Thompson player 595 &S0 Thompson player, pol. mah 4It. 454 Hallett St Davis, rosewood Ht 250ColIard Collsrd, walnut 275 H. Bord, rosewood 1750 Harrywood orchestrion 10O0N. Y. pianoforte, con. gr 2V6 $15 to 150 cash. $6. 110, to 1- montn ly. Parlor organs, 3S, $45, $48 to $50. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. 101 10th at., at Wash and l'srk sta. USED PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS. All In Good Condition. Small phonograph. 6 used records. .$ lfj Victor, used, 6 used records 60 Victor, used. 12 used records 100 NEW GRAFONOLAS AND RECORDS. Columbia with 10 selections $ SO Columbia cabinet, 10 selections 125 Columbia cabinet, 10 selections Ill Terms $5 to $10 down. $3 to $6 monthly. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. 101 10th St.. cor Stark. KIMBALL PIANOS. Players. Uprights. Grands. Kimball pianos are reasonable. You also know the reputation of Kimball pianos. Let us show you the Kim bal L Eh-v trems. SKIBEKLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO 125 Fourth nt.. near Washington t. SECURITY STORAGE CO.. closing out small upright pianos ....$ 05 and 8 Modern upright pianos ' ' to $34r Modern player pianos $395 to $095 Parlor organs.. (20. $25. $38, $45 and $58 Pianos stored for 75c monthly. 103 TENTH ST.. COR. STARK. $124 COLUMBIA phonograph (40 fine records), $100; $120 Columbia phono graph, new, $108; $600 Chickering (up right. $238; $750 Weber upright (small, like new), $450. Harold S. Gilbert. 364 Yamhill st. WANOa TUNED AND REPAIRED. Phonographs Repaired. Any Make. by experts; work guaranteed. SKI BE RIDING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 Fourth st.. near Washington sL Main 8586 ONE EDISON diamond phonograph for only $40; also 1 cabinet disun lor stu cash; ;;o records for $10. These are all same as new. Call 1292 East Morrison at. Take Sunnyaidtf car to 45th st. BARGAINS IN PHONOGRAPHS VIC TOR. COLUMBIA. SUNORA, PATHJS. STRADAVIH A, MANDEL. PHONO GRAPH AND RECORD EXCHANGE, 62 BROAWAY. A BARGAIN Cabinet Vletrola, model XI. mahogany nnisn, worth 140. wt:n $27 choice records; just like new; $100 cash. 1134 Glenn ave. North. Wood lawn 4456. COLUMBIA phonograpn, like new, cabi net model. 'JO, wun recoras; iern given. Selberllng-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st., near Washington st. MAioN-H AML1N piano, mahogany, plain case, almost new ; mi at nair price ; terms given. SEE IT. fieiberling-Lucas M usic Co.. 125 4th St.. nJar Washington. SOIIMER PIANO, aimoHt new, a very good bargain; sj lerras given. beiberling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th sL, near Washington st. WANTFD Phonograpn records, must be In gcod conuiuoa, nau price cu par ticulars. BJ 300. Orngonian. SPOT CASH PAID FOR Used Phonographs or Records. Newman. 12S First. .Main 44Q5. TOR SALE Ituffet B-flat L. P. clarinet, $50; also A. 00 E. 8th North. Don't call Sunday. FOR SALE Fisher baby grand piano $450. mahogany case, BD 228, Orego nian. , LA KG slxe mahogany Columbia Grafo nola, good condition, 12 records, $o5. Bdwy. 4872. KIM ttALL piano, $2.0; a snap; terms given. Selberling-Lucas Mualc Co.. 125 4th St.. near wasninfiton st HIGH trade 88-note player, Duo-Art or Ampico. Wm give auxlOO lot as part payment, a q. vitiau, PIANO WANT-D irom private parties PAY CASH for snap; can be old. Mar shall 1532. FOR SAL E Good 'cello, very reasonable. East 32M. Furniture for 8ale. CLOSING OUT SALE. MEIER A FRANK STOCK of furniture and draperlee, slightly damaged in warehouse and re moved to 349-351 OAK STREET. between Broadway and Park sL (across from Telephone Co. bldg.). Complete line of mahogany and walnut bedroom, dining room and living room furniture at less than half price; a chance of a lifetime to buy high-grade furniture and draperies at your own price. Come and be convinced. 349-351 OAK STREET. Across from Telephone bldg. FURNISHINGS OF WEST SIDE HOME FOR SALE. 7-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. The complete and practically new furnishings of a house which include. high grade furniture, floor and table lamp, rugs, player piano and rolls, gas rar.ee. suwlnc machln crockery, glnss- ware etc. Will not sell separately. Ar rangements can be made lor renting house. Phone Main 6275. UNIVERSAL ransre, $17; gas range. $10; cock stove, $7; heater, $4; dresser, $1650; chiffonier, 116.50; washstand, $1.50; rocker, $2; dining chairs, $2.50; dining table. $4.50; kitchen table, $2.50; kitchen chalra, $1.25; Uhrary table, $2; bed and springs, $4.50; mattresses, $ up; rugs and carpets cheap. E. 6957. ifil Grand ave. DON" T sacrifice your furniture if going east or to California. We can sav you money on your freight in our througn cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer Storage Co . Ml Pine st. FOR SALE Oak dining room set, com bination Monarch range. Wilton rugs, one mahogany, one ivory, and one wal nut bedroom set. S99 Savler s treat. NEW PROCESS gas range. $15: large Ice box, $10. kitchen treasure. $10; fine con dition. ggSVi Francis ave. FURNITURE stock for sale. 10 per cent under Invoice. Phone Marshall 2427. ask for Mr. Smith. OAS PLATES, bed springs, electric heaters vacuum oleaner, cheap. 163 First su. DINING act. table, chairs and buffet, fumed oak. $60. Tabor W. SMALL amount furniture for sale, house for rent reasonable. Call Aut. 629-72. FURNITURE of 5-room house for sale cheap. 260 N. llh st. " NICE quartered oak dreswr. French plate mirror. ISO. 1555 Division st. Poultry . 8. C WHITE leghorn baby chickens from the famous U :. . strain. Bred to standard stock; good layers. W. S. K --:-ney, 306 W. 16th St.. Vancouver. Wash. 80 YOUNG White Lejchorn hens. SI each. T. B. Rose It us. Marx ave. and Slauson road. Park Ruse, north of Sandy bivd. BAB 7 CHICKS 6 varieties, best stock, prices reasonable; correspondence invit ed. C N. Needham. Salem. Or. 50 WHITE LEGHORN chickens for sale: 9 months old . nearly all laying. 706 East S3d st. THOROUGHBRED White Leghorn cocke- rels for sale. Tabor ggHk 12." WHITE LEGHORN hens and rullets Ph one Au t. 6343 B4th sL S. K. ONE HUNDRED WHITE LEGHORN HENS CALL AUT. 627-73 Dog. Rabbit. Bird- and Pet toek. FOR SALE ALL GREEN AND YELLOW SINGERS. S4 and $9; ALL GREEN FE- ALBS. $3. CALL EAST 674. HIMALAYAN. Flemish and New Zealand rabbits for sale. all evening arid Sun day. 7713 East An ken v. S..O B ). 2 years o.d. flue watch o. Pkona Uroad- way .. X FOR SALE. Dog. Rabbit. Bird and Pet Stock, FOR SALE Airedale pup. 3 menthi old, female, fullbiooded stock $5. Phone Auto, ki'.-ll CHOICE singers and females Call The Studio, Main 468. Lannrhe and Boats. HOUSEBOAT, furnished, 4 rooms, sleep ing porch, bath, gas, electricity, phone and city water, finest view on river. 15 minuter car service, free moorage to Dec. 1. rowboat float, woodshed. $500 will handle. Oregon City car to Harney ave. Sell wood moorage. Manager. LOG FLOAT, two winches. 32 to L 300 feet steel cable. Mallory blocks, com plete nouse logging outnt, siuv casn; 4-cy'inder gas motor, make good launch. 6-5 cash. Come and see before Monday, SS Holgate moorage. McCorkev. HOUSEBOAT for sale. gaa. city water, phone and electricity; best moorage on the river: 15 minutes from heart of city: comfortable and economical home. AO 850. Oregon la n. 16 H. P. HEAVY DUTY marine Palmer gaa engine with x2S-lnch Hyde wheel, $600. Wm. Ellsworth, Parkhurst. Or. Phone Sellwood 1469. F6R SALE: Half share In new 42-foot trolling boat. Call Columbia 732. HOUSEBOAT of 4 rooms, foot of Ver mont st. Automatic 819-57. Machinery. WE WILL MOVE ABOUT FEBRUARY 1 to our new building. 225 Stark st.. cor ner First, where we will have the largest strictly electrical repair shop In the northwest. In the meantime we are making spe cial prices on new and used motors. R. R. POPPLETON. Marehall 410. 71 Front st 6-K" P. FAIRBANKS gasoline engine; horizontal, heavy duty, good condition, bums distillate ; snap at $100. Owner, Main 5534. 706 Board of Trade bldg. DRAG saws, second hand rebuilt. Wade drag saws at a big saving. Fully guar anteed. R. - Wade & Co. 322 Haw thorne avenue. BIG SALE on wire cable, rubber belting, all kinds of tools and supplies at lowest prices In the city. J Levi. 1S'. I'ront st T.vpwx.tn. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES, IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. CASH OR TERMS. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO. 821 WASHINGTON ST. MAIN 5681. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exchange. We are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable, $50 com plete with carrying case. Supplies for all makes. E. W. PEASE CO.. 110 81xth street. Main 2285. DOANE GUARANTEE1 TYPEWRITER SERVICE. All Makes Overhauled; Experts. REPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy. sell, rent and exchange. Main MM . .. Supplies. 124 4th L. bet Wash, and Alder, over Circle theater. NOISELESS typewriter for sale, but little used, $47.50. 624 Morgan bldg. Main 2036. FOR SALE 1 Remington typewriter, No. 10. good as new. Phone E. 6022. Call for Hale. , ALL MAKES rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 04 5th st. Main 8668. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at eu: rates. P D. Co.. 231 Stark af Main 407 Office Furniture. WE HAVE just purchased a large number of USED flat-top and typewriter desks; these are the old type of solid oak con struction at about half the price of new; also a number of modern desks, chairs, flies, taolea, etc., in used. Our NEW LINE is complete and priced low for quick sale. Wax Office Equipment House, 31 North Fifth. Broadway 2739. TWO FLAT-TOP oak desks, bargain; also quant it v post binders. 312 Yeon bldg. Main 2220. HIGH-TOP bookkeeper's desk for sale. In quire 401 West Davis st, Miscellaneous. LENSES. Genuine ZEISS TEiSSAR, 1:4.6, and GOERZ DAGOR 6.8. ranging from 4 to 14-inch focal length; standard mount ings; some equipped with COMPUR shut ters; ail new stock; priced reasonable. Phone East 5049. BLACK PLUSH COAT. SIZE 34 OR 36, $12.50. CALL EAST 6S74. LADIES, The Vogue will sell your slightly used or misfit garments at lu per cent commission ; wonderful bargains In suits, coats, dresses. 403 AH sky bldg., Third and Morrison. Main 3132. FOR SALE. CARPETS. Hotels and lodcinK houses will find some high-grade second-hand carpets at $1 per yard at Hotel Benson. Apply to manager. 1920 MAXWELL sedan, like new; run less than 9000 miles; will trade or soli; what have you? 1102 East 21st N., near Alberta car. FOR SALE One ideal Incubator and mother brooder. 4SOfl 64th ave. and 48th st,, or write Box 151, Woodstock P. O.. city. . APEX electric washing machine, good new, 4nly used a few times; $50 less than cost ; price. $115 cash. 1211 E 23d st. N.. Alberta car. FOU BILLIARD, pool tables, card tables, bar fixtures, showcases, cash registers and store fixtures, see W. J. Quigley, 366 Hawthorne ave. Phone East 123. FOR SALE One rolltop desk and swivel chair, 1 Royal typewriter, 3 handpower cor-crete mixer. Inquire at 810 Spalding building. A BUSINESS course in Alex. Hamilton Inst, at a $30 sacrifice. Buyer gets all privileges. E 386. Oregonian. FOR SALE Dog. cat and chicken meat, 5 to 10c lb. Phone Tabor 4108. We de liver. FOR SALE Heiting stove, good as new; a.o baby buggy in good condition. Tabor 7674. FOR SALE Studio outfit. S lenses. 3 cameras, $100 takes complete outfit. J. B. Bresslrr, Grass alley. Or. POTATOES Good American Wonders, de livered In 5-sack lots. 1892 Base Line road. Tabor 9U33. WE WILL save you money on your auto repairing; all work guaranteed. Wood lawn 5914. OLD-GROWTH fir cordwood, stove length. $11 cord; 4-foot cordwood. $10; 4-foot dry slab. $S .50. Broadway 4110. ONE S-yUART Enterprise lard press. 1 lard kettle, 1 computing scale. 4S0 Bel mont. RESTAURANT TABLES and others, new. with fine turned legs. Pheno 667 L. Vancouver. BICTCLE. almost new, $40; good rug, H-3X1Q-0, $35. 629 East Ankeay st. Eas". 0047. FRESH GREEN ground bone for th chickens for sale. Berry ft Wright meat market. 882 E GItsan. East 193 HAVE your old furnace converted into a pIpeHeaa and save on fuel ; reasonable prices J. J. Mi-'Trea!. 512 Panama hldg STORE DISPLAY COUNTERS. New, strong, turned legs. Phone 667 -L, Vancouver. GASOLINE tanks. 120 to 500 gallons. For res ta! A MacQuaid. 19th and Reserve sta.. Vancouver, Wash. Phone 527. A BARGAIN Gasco radiator, good as new, 430 cash. 1134 Glenn ave. North. Phone Woodlawn 4450. FOR SALE Singer 12W102, 150, 304-i Tailor machine. N. Jersey St St. Johns. 1 MI ST SELL MY $15 SONORA PHONO GRAPH. $98 CASH. AT 62 BROAD- WAY. FOR SALE PAT HE PHONOGRAPH; PLATS ALL RECORDS. BARGAIN; TERMS. 02 BROAD WAT A BARGAIN Used lumber, doors, window weights and brick. Tabor 5856. SMOKESTACK, 32 ft. long. 4u-lneh stack, for sale cheap. Tabor 1715. IF YOU want a coal heater cheap, call Tabor 86Hk FOR SALE Lady' black broadcloth coat, bust 4. 50 Wiiliams ave. BARGAINS -Coat, sul-, evening gown and shoes. Some never worn. East 3015. CONCRETE-BLOCK machine. -D. N wman.aiwaukle, R. 1, box 217. r WARDROU trunk, like new, 45. E4 "TtS FLAT-TOP DESK In good condition. S3 Call wpodlawi pvfringa. OOOD hlinc atovo with coll. and Vulcan gaa range, cheap. H- Paaamjj bidg. CORDWOOD. beat grean old-growth, 10; best dry til. Phone 62.V56 BEAi'i'lFt'l. fur coat, never worn, .-aenfice for 75. Kant 8607. 6-HOLE range, good oven, including hot waur r'l Tabor 1051. trade now cabinet phonograph for pi;ino. Broadway 5gS. ATTuMATlC wood aaw for Bale; 303 a ,i, -.--A ..;re-t. St. Johna. GIRL'S French net graduation dress, silk ailp: bargain. Mar. 3215. FOR BARGAINS in aulta. party gonna. WHITE rotary aewing machine for a cheap. Fhone Broadway "sjl. BEAUTIFUL dark green muslin maternity dress, worn twice: 315 Auto. 315-23. XJpLAND Burbanks. fl.Gu: 5 sacks K.tfU Guivweu. ti uwu... awaj FOR SALE Miscellaneou LUMBER! LUMBER! 4) Leading wreckers of Pacific Coast. DO LAN WRECKING ft CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. Cor. E. 8th and Belmont eta. Yard at E. 8th and Morrison sts. ETJHT MILLION FEET of slightly used timber from the Unite States government being ripped into dimensions. Lumber at the price of new. Come In and see our saws buzzing out your order. We also purchased from UNCLE SAM over 4000 windows and sashes of all d crfnilnn Rnitnhl fnr foundries, chick en houses, residences or garages. Don't miss these low figures on Flooring. Rustle. Siding, Ship lap. Celling. 1-Inch sheeting (rough and dressed). Window sash. Doors. Iinside finish. Shingles. Roofing paper. Plumbing fixtures. Pipe and fittings. Electrical material. Plow steel wire cable. MleVors. Iron raiL SPECIAL OFFER m 1.000.000 feet Of 4x6. 4x8. 4x12. 10x12, and 12x12 $15 per 1000 feeL Everything In the building line bought and sold. D0LAN WRECKING ft CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. 460 Belmont st.. corner East 8th. Phone East 6110. AN ADDING MACHINE in true sense Is the Lightning Calculator which subtracts and multiplies Just as easily; does not cost $300 but positively does the work much simpler and with greater conven ience. The size is 14x4x3H inches, mak ing it portable anywhere and noise; ess. You will like it far better than a $300 machine. See it demonstrated at our of fice; a shipment from factory will be here In a few days and the PRICE is only $17.50 with factory guarantee for five years. Calculator Co., 518 Corbett bldg. Marshall 557. FACTORY SAMPLES. ODD LOTS. ETC. We buy and sell close-out lines. Our Motto Quick Sales. Small Profits. Here are a few specials: Star cut tumblers, set of 6 $ j Plain first-quality tumblers, doz wO Cups and saucers, white, quality, set of 6 I-85 4-qt. aluminum sauce pan, quality 1.00 6-cup aluminum percolator 1.55 And others, all at tremendous savings. L W. Jones Co.. 617 Worcester bldg. 3d and Oak sts SEWING macninee. new and pecond-hand, sold for less; no agents employed; com plete lines of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main 9431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 1P0 Third st.. near Taylor. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices; bought, sold and exchanged; easy terms if de sired. NORRIS SAFE LOCK CO.. 106 Second street, Mf in 2Q45. SINGERS. Whites. New Homes. In fact, almost every make and style, from $lo to $33; all latest new Singers, cash or time; rentals, 13 per month. SINGER SEWING MACHINE STORE, 13 Fourth street.- Main 6833. Office Furniture and Adding Machines. New and uaed roll and flat-top desks, flies chairs, etc; a six bank Burroughs and tOO bank electric and hand drive Dal tons. Wax Office equipment nuuoe 31 North Fifth. Broadway BTHP THAT BKNT Why deprive yourself of proper food and give it to tne lanuioro. j can get a 2-room houseboat completely furnished, machine and phonograph, all for $265? Toot of Flanders hi: v ki .WTRlf1 fixtures at wholesale three light fixtures, $4; $1 light chain r tinp. i ? Hnt Point electric iron. $6 95: Reliable electric store. Union and Russell East 3686V HuT-WATEH tanks, tfu-gal., $7; 40-gaI. $9; tested and guaranteed; stove am .r,r.. ssH n hcfii.'rs Installed, ex nert nlumbinc. repairing. East Side Welding 6faop. 203 Adams st East 8516. win ai tt Half nrirf 10 card tables 15 chairs: counter; cigar and candy mf.at :cr: ftlectnc coi:ee ffrir.a er: email register; computing candy scale. Act; cash or terms. 242 Sa.mon w ii v a V MMtl inc aearavation bv leaky roof? Why not a permanent and comfortable roof 7 We repair, rubber bond and rejuvenate alf kinds of leaky roofs. Work guarantfeq. Main ionu. NOTICE. Th Fur Shoo is closing for this sea son February L as customary. All furs 60c on the dollar. 606 Swetland Bldg., Fifth and Wash COMPUTING scales, cah register, coffee mills, meat choppers and general store fixtures at 226 Stark st., between uirst and Second sts. 5-OALLON Wayne gasoline pump with 280-gallon tank; one 65-gallon lubricat ing oil outfit. Tabor 1987. 538 East 41rt st. N. PRUNES! PRUNES! Italian, bargain. 100 lbs . $4.95; 16 Ids. $1 Mail orders accepted. BEAVER GROCERY. 287 Yamhill st. i p-t T S wash your ruga with the Hamil ton Beach electric carpet washer without removing from floor; work guaranteed e'ean and sanitary. wooa;awn BAKES New and sccond-nana, some witn burirlar chests, at reaaonaoie prices. PACIFIC SCALE A SUPPLY CO.. Broadway 1966. 48 Front at. 42-PIECE dinner sets, white and gold $5.95 42-Dlece dinner sets, blue bird 7.50 L. W. Jones Co., 617 Worcester Bldg. 3d and Oak. liKAl'TlFUL Siberian equirrei coat; never been worn, lomemitis anitirtiii l, win sac rifice far xodU, coat mucn more. jura Goodman. Main 4730. vi ni'H Kjriv. 100-!b. else, washed. Ironed, 11 80 doz.. mail orders filled. Hodes Bros., 290 Union ave.. near Hawthorne. WOGl AND COAL. SMALL ORDERS SOLICITED; MOST AND BUST FOR YOUR MU.MS i . nu'A a o-'i-ao. HEAVY dry cordwood, cut to move length delivered any part yi iu uu jmvea sus.. 112 Der rora. cast ooi. fiii-r.- Two liaht filing safes, also siual fireproof safe, cheap if taken at onca F 294, Oregonian. t ii Avn s-TON Ice machine, excellent con dition, very cheap. East 6345. Reynolds & Masters, " -" .i-jmr au RUGS washed on your rioor witn Hamilton Beach electric carpet wwner; aiso vau uum cieaniK J-J- inivv EXCLUSIVE USED AFPARBL Coata, suits, dresses, furs, hats, shoes. 1 ft- an, uciij.u. a uur KODAKS We buy. sell, rent and exchange Ko- PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. ean. sec ond and Morrisp , ADDING machine, practical, simple, adds tM 99: more convenient than $300 machine, price IIS 513 Corbett bldg. WOOD Dry old-growth 4-ioot fir. $11 per cord ; special r - - - 7i -toni jots Dhni Auto. 523-40. LICENCED, inaepenueni electrician, wires 3 rooms for 112. o ror s-'u ; a new mate rial used, Woodlawn MIL WE CAN'T do your tinting and painting free, out qui ,r ngni. Get an estimate. Sell. 2007. - ' FREE DIRT. SPLENDID SOIL. CORNER 2STH AND EAST FLANDERS. MAIN 4445. Buy wreckage wooa cneap. moving alao rfnne. Tabor PLLL CHAIN electric focketa lnatailed tor jl each. Woodlawn 3791. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleanon, 24- hour a:i. ot- SjlH w. VACUUM cleaners sold, rented, repaired. .Ychanceq, oo""- ..m... M.m tvvt. OVERCOATS, used Utlie, (or sal; big a lection, low prices. 355 Stark at. yujt ALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, anowcaae. 43 lat. St. near Aah. vn OLO unu. in (.yivunuuu, KISL partly dried Oregnn Fuel. Wdln. 4102. FINE dry wood. iu per cora delivered. C. J. Hewitt. Clackmaa. Or.. Routt 1. ELECTRICAL repairing, repairs cailed for nd delivered. Tabor 390. CORDWOOD. old-growth fir. Phone Wood lawn 8333. VACUUM cleaners for rent. 85c per day. delivers" ann-'e. o.M.,.n Jtuo, SECOND-HAND tent and covers for sale Pacific Tent & Awning Co., 1 No. 1st e,. CUT FLoWERS. planta. no.iy and wreaths Henry treii'rr. .'in auu umaiu FOR SA1.K Cow and Phone Tabor 4 IPS. horse manure. WILL trade new cabinet phonograph for typewriter. Broadway 2553. UAHlXiAXI back 'oar for sals S3 Russell street. I SU-hVV tab bfee tor gala. laior ieii. FOR RALE MisceUan 'uu. PIANO BARCATJ. WE HAVE A STEINWAT GRAND (LOOKS LIKE NEW) FOR SALE AT A SAVING OF SEVERAL HUNDRED DOLLARS. IT WAS TAKEN IN PART PAYMENT FOR ONE OF OUR FA MOUS KNABE AMPICOS. -Terms If Desired. LIPMAN, WOLFE ft CO. WRECKING VANCOUVER BARRACKS. BUILDINGS FOR SALE 350 Vltrous China Toilets. Galv. Ra-ge Boilers, i2es SO, 40, 52, 60, bO-gallon. Steel Tanks, 80 to 000-gaIlon. Pipe. Valve, Fittings, Gasoline Storage Tanks. Pressure Tanks. 4 Steam-heating Boilers. 10,000 ft. Steam Radiators. American Ideal Heater, sixes No. 0, 20, 22, A-30. Junior Ideal Heating Boilers. Kewanae Tank Heater No. 27. Drinking Fountain. F. B. Lip Urinals nj Tanks. Buildings for sale, FORRESTAL-MACQUAID i CO., lUth and Reserve Sta,, Vancouver, Wash. Phone 527. CALL at 406 Vancouver ave. and see Landigan'a gaa hot water system; heats now b rooms with hot water radiator for 3c per hour; heats 35 rooms for 15c per hour; heats any size building; no basement or boiler required; no labor, no dirt, no fumes; just right for green houses, garages, hotels, restaurants, stores, barber shops and factories. Price per heater $40 and $45. DRY CORD WOOD, $5 per cord; 10 miles nonn oi Vancouver, Wash., on the high way ; wood on road, paved. Harry Wolfe, Ridgefl eld, Waah., route 2. SHOWCASES, wallcases. cash registers, computing scales, tables, chairs. 113 2d. FOR SALE: AUTOMOBILES. HANSON'S USED-CAR EXCHANGE. 101 j Ford touring, extras $ 175 1V17 Ford touring, extras 275 1017 Ford touring, new tires 825 191 S Ford touring, new tires 375 101 ! Ford touring, starter type... 400 ISM Ford touring, starter 500 1020 Ford 1-ton truck 435 1W1S Ford coupe 650 1020 Ford coupe 750 Ford 1-ton truck 350 1017 Chevrolet touring 275 1016 Chevrolet touring 375 ltl 9 Chevrolet touring 425 1917 Maxwell touring 350 1920 Maxwell roadster, extras 675 1917 Hulck roadster, extras 850 1915 Overland touring 250 1910 Overland 83 touring 275 111 b' Overland S3 touring, repainted 875 1918 Overland 85 touring 550 391S Overland touring Country Club 550 3910 Grant 6 touring 425 1916 Overland panel delivery 250 1917 Grant tf touring 025 1913 Valla touring 150 1913 Chalmers, mod. K, new tiros 173 1913 Franklin 4 175 191C Oakland 6 touring 475 1919 Oakland 6 touring 800 191SVelle 6 touring 850 1919 Paige. 6 7 -pass., W. W 1550 1917 Hup sedan, new tires 1100 Ford bug, repainted 275 Ford bug, extras, new tlrea 350 VRANSON'S USED-CAR EXCHANGE, East 437G. 150 Union, comer Bolmont. BUT A USED FORD. 1S14 Pord touring- SI 65 1914 Ford light delivery 175 1915 Ford light delivery 165 1913 Ford roadster 165 1916 Ford roadster delivery 225 ly 16 Ford touring 235 1917 Ford light delivery 185 1917 Ford roadster, delivery box.,... 195 1917 Ford touring 235 1917 Ford roadster 263 1918 Ford light delivery 165 1918 Ford roadster 275 1918 Ford touring 350 1918 Ford roadster 385 1918 Ford, worm truck chassis 450 1919 Ford touring 290 1919 Ford roadster 323 1019 Ford light delivery 335 1919 Ford touring, starter, etc 425 1919 Ford chassis 275 1919 Ford, worm truck, express body 4S5 1920 Ford, worm truck, with cab 490 1920 Ford, light delivery 371 1020 Ford touring 395 1920 Ford touring X.. 495 1920 Ford roadster, starter, etc 525 1920 Ford, touring, starter, etc 550 1919 Ford sedan, starter, etc 685 1920 Ford coupe, starter, etc 735 1920 Ford sedan, etc 823 Several Ford bugs. $250 to 475. EASY TERMS. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. USED FORDS EXCLUSIVELY. Grand ave. and East YamhllL PREMIER SEVEN-PASSENGER TOURING CAR. This car will be sacrlfied for $1500; new ones sell for about $5000. this car Is a downright sacrifice and will make the very best family or stage car. Terms will be given. See car at 100 N. Broad way or phone Broadway 4184. 1918 HTJP. One of the very best used Hups we have had and priced real low. See Mr. Mountain at Manley Auto Co., 11th and Burnside sts. 1920 HUDSON SPEEDSTER. 1920 Hudson Speedster, practically new, lots of extra equipment. Cost $3300. Price $2350. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Phone East 3770. Hawthorne at -Grand. 1817 FORD TOURING for $300. has shock absorbers, spotlight, mirror and dash light, foot speed, speedometer, good sldecurtalns. runs fine and has!ots of power: extra good tires. $150 down, $20 per month. 523 Alder. LEXINGTON SPORT MODEL. Four-paseenger sport car in wonderful condition; wili be sold at a bargain price. Cash or terms. If you want a good car at a very low figure, see this one. Call Bdwy. 4i4. OAKLAND sedan demonstrator, latest model, slightly used and fully guaran teed. WILLAMETTE MOTORS CO.. Broadway at Flanders, Broadway 4184. OAKLAND 1921 touring: almost new. good paint and tires. Motor In fine condition and at a price that you cannot afford to overlook. c .OVEK Bdwy. 4184. Bdwy. at Flanders. r-TTg HUDSON 7-pass. touring car, fine running shape, all new tires; will sell cheap or trade for late model car and oav cash difference. See Dressier. SELLWOOD GARAGE. 1614 E. 17U st HERE'S YOUR CAR. Snort model Paige, run only 7500 miles, eost!2750. sell for $1600, need Irtoo cash, bal terma. Car in fine condit(4Mi. Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 3281. OAKLAND 1917 touring. One of those re liable sixes, newly painted and motor in beat of shape. A real bargain at $700. R. P. STANLEY, Ttrnadway 4184- Bdwy. at Flanders. tin', BOYS, here la your chance. Chalmers 4-cylinder car, Bosch mag neto 4 good tires, 3 extra, will make good bug or light delivery. 210 Jeffer- son at. OAKLAND touring car, late model, new "tires, many extras, motor in best of ia.De. Will De giaa io nemonsirate u. W. C. MONTGOMERY, Rroadway 41S4. Bdwy. at Flanders. jjrr-r HUDSON 7-pase. touring car fine running awsj " eii cheap or trade for late model car and t.m cash a:iiere"Lc. utrao.er. sVLLWOOD GARAGE. 1614 E 17tl 17 th st OAKLAND SNAP. 1918 Oakland touring car. equipped with 5 new cord tires, engine in A-l con dition Call East 7051, 148 Grand ave.. near Morr son 192) SPEEDSTER TYP.E Moon touring la f ne conamo". "ltRCI i iiwi m , uu. .irei whee's wind deflectors, other extras: co-t 12450. Sacrifice $1550. Need $1500 cash. bal. terms. Mr Argo, Bdwy. 32fl. 1919 CHEVROLET TOURING. PRICE $485. TEP-MS $1S5 CASH. bal. $30 par month. 1921 License Paid. PHONE SELLWOOD 139$ VEILIE SIX. late model, paint excellent condition, privately owneu; o passenger, bargain at $650; no dealers: $450 down, $19 per month. Address G. W. Levins. JOX ul, WUt ni'aici WILLYS utility truck. In good condition. with good boay, caD, top ana tires, mag neto and prestolitee, for sale cheap, or trade for good bug or roadster. 4203 52d St. S. E. A I" TO OWNERS' SALES ROOM. You wish to sell your car? Can get quick action at 168 King at Main 184. ARE YOU figuring on buying a new truck? If so I can save you oou to jnuu on a brand new one Tabor 12ty. SACRIFICE 1920 Ford, must sell $320. seiiwaoq iwra. FOR SALE 1-ton 4-wheel trailer. $75 Pin. tttarujwa i FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. AT THE COVEY MOTOR CAB. COMPANY PLANT. The Covey Motor Car company plant Is so efficiently quipped wfxh its own repair shop, machine shop, upholstery department, top factory and storage batterv plant that great co-operative efficiency is reflected in all Its dealings with the public A rebuilt and refinished car purchased from this firm will probsbly represent a great deal more sterling value than can bo expected from an organization of less proportions. Ability to rebuild and re tinlsh our cars, coupled with the wil lingness to do so, has established a great public confidence In our business policy. DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS. Wo have a complete line of rebuilt and refinished 1916-17-18-19-20 cars in touring, roadster and sedan models, trices are much lower now than they wili be this spring, and It is leas than CO days now until March L 1920 HUDSON Speedster, Grussi shock absorbers $2300 1819 HUDSON" Touring. In excellent shape 1750 1015 HUDSON Six, model 54, wire wheels, cord tires, priced only... 600 1920 MAXWELL Touring, good con dition j "30 3918 DODGE BROTHERS panel de livery 1000 1914 OVERLAND Delivery, a good one '. 200 1920 FORD Coupe 750 1919 PAIGE Touring, a fins car. ... 1300 1918 CHEVROLET Touring, excel lent shape 1920 FORD 1-ton Truck, with cab and body 1817 STUDEBAKER Four, 7-pass., In good shape, 1921 license, only. 500 725 372 The following cars are at the BROADWAY USED CAR BRANCH, 2S-30 N Broadway. 1919 STtDEBAKER, Westinghouse equipped . . $2000 1814 STUDEBAKER Touring, 6-cyl snap 450 1919 FRANKLIN Touring, a beauty. 2000 1018 CHANDLER Touring, new paint, seat covers 1000 11)19 CHEVROLET Delivery 550 1018 CHEVROLET Roadster, In nice shape 500 1918 FORD Sedan, new-ly pslnted.. 650 1919 Model 90 OVERLAND, reduced to 600 CADILLACS. A Cadillac for spring what higher aspiration could an intelligent motor wise car owner have for his bodily comfort and peace of mind? We have an excellent display of the different types and models now on our salesroom floor. We are open Sunday. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Washington St. at 21st. Main 6244. BROADWAY USED CAR BRANCH, 28-30 N. Broadway. Main 6244. REAL VALUES IN USED CARS at the li.tM.ET AUTO CO., Burnsldo st. at 11th. Broadway 217. Thirty standard make cars to choose from, trices are lower now. a sman payment will hold car until you are ready to use it. See Mr. Mountain. REAL BARGAINS. 1919 Chevrolet tour $550 1918 Chevrolet tour 475 1918 Chevrolet del 370 Model 90 Overland 550 Model 83 Overland 395 Model 83 Overland rdst. 375 1018 Maxwell 450 19ir Maxwell 375 Oldsmobile Eight 650 FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Phone E. 3770. Hawthorne at Grand. THREE REAL BUTS IN ROADSTERS. 1919 Hop, Just like new. 1919 Chevrolet. 1918 Chevrolet. MANLEY AUTO CO.. Burnside and 11th eta. FORD TOURING. Late 1917, good condition, demountable rims, shock absorbers, spotlight, etc., will demonstrate any time, leaving city and must sell before Sunday. Owner 892 E. Madison. Phone Tabor 7875. HOST BOICK IN THE CITY. 1817 Light 6, A-l condition, new top, n-nmv h.rk 5 ennd tires, other extras: must sell, $850. C. G. North. 285 E.' Broadway, near Williams ave. East 4062 Auto. 319-35. HUDSON TOURING CAR. 1820 model in fine condition, mechani cally good as new. Accessories complete, making it a wonderful value: will seil at a price to save buyer $1000. Cash or terms. Call Bdwy. 4184. AUTOMOBILE RADIATORS. Broken, leaky, bent and wrecked radl-. store repaired ana maae like new at reasonable price; an worn guara:tieea, Portland Auto Radiator Shop, 535 Aide-. Broadway 641. WE CARRY a full line of auto accesso ries, tires, tubes. Ford parts, light globes etc Also do towing. Open day and night- LONG ft STLVA, Phone East 6841V 462 Hawthorne. FORD roadster and 3-speed Harley-David-son motorcycle and side car: 1921 license for both. Take $350 cash for both, must have money Immediately. Marshall 1002. 1153 Corbett st. 1918 STUDEBAKER. Think of It, a 7-pass. car In A-l shape, good paint and tires, at the low price of $450. Portland Motor Car Co.. 10th and Burnside. ' FORD 1-TON WORM DRIVE TRUCK. Equipped with cab and furniture body. $550. 1921 license paid. MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS. Phone Dunn. Sellwood lo'.l3. OVERLAND MODEL H5-4 TOURING. ONLY 1483 Pay only $185 down. bal. at $30 per no and tne car is yours. rrntuB wian, Sellwood 1393. HERE S your bug! A 1919 Chevrolet 4-90 that has been in an accident but can be made Into a dandy bug. Has new 1921 license 'n' everything. Call Knox at Bdwv 1130. SPECIAL THIS WEEK. 1920 Chevrolet touring. 4 months old. looks and runs like a new one; $700. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO.. Bdwy. 521. FORD SEDAN 1920. Has Ford starter, dein't rims and lots of extras. PRICE ONLY $595, TERMS. Phone Dunn, Sellwood 1393. 1818 4 -CY LENDER roadster, standard make, good salesman's car, $675; need $275 cash. bal. term. Mr. Argo, Bdwy. 3281. LATE 1920 490 ChOTToIet tooring, overslse tires and extra vacuum tank; spotlight. .This car looks and runs like new. Call 'Owner Tabor 58B8. OVERLAND TOURING $395. 1821 license paid, $145 cash, balance $25 per month. Phone Dunn. Sellwood 1303. LATE 1919 FORD TOURING. Starter block, new tires, in fine con dition; a snap; no dealers. Phone Broad way 5711. Mr. Manlet A REAL BUY. Overland delivery, electric lights and starter; 5 very good tires, $350 takes it Phone Jensen. Bdwy. 321. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles w. wreck all makes of cars and se'.l their parts at half price. David Hodes Auto Wrecking Dept., 105-7 N. 11th at DODGE roadster, a completely overhauled lob, line appearance. ii you want a good car cheap, see this. $550, cash or terms. Call East 303. FORD coupe for sale In fine mechanical shape, has been used as demonstrator Call Mr. Fuller, Francis Motor Car Co., Grand ave, and Hawthorne. Ea-st 3770. 1918 FORD touring car. $325. Standard Bug. $125. Pierce-Arrow Chassis. $500. Call 606 Haig St. or Sellwood 346S. ONLY $185 DOWN. Balance $30 per month for 10 months DUVS a MODfciL WJ UVtltbAMJ KUAU' STER Phone Dnnn. Sellwood 1393. 1019 MAXWELL. This car looks new. ex ceptional mechanical condition; good tires and a low price, $600. See Mr. Mountain at Manley Auto Co . ilO Hdwy. CHANDLER Dispatch, run 3000 miles Will sell at liberal discount. 188 Grand ave. REPUBLIC truck, -ton. for only $275. Can you beat It? Phone Jensen Bdwy. S21. FORD delivery in perfect condition; extra seat and new roadster body; bargain 6021 E. 72d st. Tremont station. FORD COUPE 1920 MODEL. Lots of extras, only $075. CaH Jen sen. Bdwy. 321. DODGE car. 1818 model, needs little work done on It- Will sell at great sacrifice. 188 Grand ave. 181S BUICK six, $JJWu. Call dwy. 217. atcUUlA , 1 FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. SALB. USED CARS WILL ALWAYS BE IN DEMAND. . THAT IS, GOOD USED CARS. THERE ARE MANY PEOPLE WHOSE NATURES WOULD NOT PERMIT THEM TO ACCEPT OR USE THE MEDIOCRi: THEY WOULD BE UN COMFORTABLE WITH A NEW CHEAP ! CAR, BECAUSE IT WOULD APPEAR CHEAP, FEEL CHEAP AND BEHAVE CHEAPLY. THEY WOULD FEEL AS THOUGH THEY WERE ON THE SLIDE, SO TO SPEAK GOING BACK WARD; SO WHERE ONLY A LIMITED AMOUNT IS TO BE INVESTED THEY BUY A GOOD LATE MODEL QUALITY USED CAR THAT IN NO WAY SUB JECTS THEM TO EMBARRASSMENT IN EITHER APPEARANCE OR CON DITION. WE ARE SERVING SUCH GOOD PEOPLE EVERY BUSINESS DAY. NOW ABOUT THIS SALE, s FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS WE ARE GOING TO GIVE YOU A CHANCE TO BUY YOUR CAR AT A PRICE THAT MEANS A BIG MONEY SAVING TO YOU. JUST GLANCE AT THIS LIST. YOUR CAR IS HERE. GET IT WHILE YOU CAN SAVE MONEY. OAKLAND SIX AT $475. Puts the "cut" Into "cutting." COME AND SEE THE PRICES ON THESE: APPERSON EIGHT. CHANDLER SIX HUDSON SUPER, ELGIN SIX, GRANT, OLDSMOBILE, OVERLAND, DOME, MAXWELL, CHEVROLET. FORDS. REMEMBER WE SELL SATISFACTION. WELLER MOTOR COMPANY, WASHINGTON AT 15TH. PRICES DOWN, QUALITY UP. Never since we have been In the auto mobile business have we been able to offer such exceptional values In used cars as we have on our floor at the present time. Nearly all of our cars were good buys to start with and after putting them through our own shop, nepainting when necessary, many of them are like new. Compare our prices and you w-111 find that, quality con sidered, they are the lowest in the city: 1917 1918 1915 Briscoe. 5-pass... Elgin, 5-pass Mitchell. 5-pass.. 's-Knight, 5-pasa. Dodge, 5-pass.... Mitchell, 5-pass.. Olds, 5-pass Mitchell, 5-pass.. Mitchell, 7-pass.. Olds 8, 5-pasa . ..$ 475 . . . 750 . .. 350 ... 800 . . . 850 . . . 850 . .. 1250 ... 1100 ... 1100 ... 2100 Willy 1917 1917 1919 1918 1917 1921 And we also have a few Victory model Mitchells and two Jordan Silhouettes, on which we give factory guarantees and Service. Deal with & house of recognized stability. 88 years In business in Portland. We handle our own notes and do not charge for brokerage. MITCHELL. LEWIS ft STAVER CO.. Broadway at Everett. Phone Broadway 4675. USED CAR EXCHANGE. 1920 Chevrolet, like new i Model D55 Bulck. 7-pass 1919 Chevrolet, new paint 1920 Dixie Flyer, like new 1917 Hudson, 7-paS6., new paint. . 1019 Liberty, seat covers 1919 Oldsmobile, 6-cylinder 1918 Studebaker, in good shape... Saxon six, good tires 700 700 450 1300 1100 1 loo 900 45 500 1918 Baby Grand Chevrolet, new all-weather tread tires 700 Packard Twin Six. 1-35 - 2250 Packard Twin Six, 2-35 2850 Packard Twin 81x, 3-38 3800 One-ton Republic 800 PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO 10th and Burnside sts. Bdwy. 52L THIN K OF IT! nnS" Maxwell touring. New tires, new battery, fine mechanical shape: $375. Terms If desired. Sea Macfarland. TALBOT ft CASEY. IWC East 8118. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny sta PIERCE-ARROW LIMOUSINE. This is positively the best high-class used car for sale In Portland. Is me chanically perfect, enameling and ap pointments are in fine shape. This car will serve a private family with the best: it will make a rent car worth riding in. See it at 100 ,N. Broadway. Phone Broadway 4184. TWO PRIVATELY owned trucks, left with us for sale at attractive prices; one 1-ton Federal, one 2-ton Standard, in good mechanical condition, will take small payment down, balance easy terms. Pal ace Garage Co.. 12th and Stark. See Mr. King or Mr. Rouaseau. Bdwy. 1572. 1917 6-CYLINDER STUDEBAKER 3-pass. roadster, a beauty; come and see it. Price $450, $150 down, $25 per month. 523 Alder St. REAL SNAP 1917, 5-paasenger Bulck. A-l condition, cash or terms; party leaving city. Call E. 888, room 311. 3S6K East Morr: sot: NICE little Dodge roadster, will sell very reasonably or take Ford as part pay ment. 523 Alder. 1819 CHEVROLET sacrifice for $475. 178. touring like new. Phone owner. East FOR SALE 1912 Chalmers, good shape, good rubber, $125. See Blank, Washing ton Park garage. 5-PASSENGER OVERLAND, good run ning order, good Urea. top. battery, self starter, $300 cash. 1555 Division. 1920 FORD coupe barualn at $600. Ask for Mr. Reid's car at Talbot ft Casey's or call Mr. Reld at Main 4040. 1916 PAIGE, good condition; aaarifice $550; private owner. 45 N. 6thN st. Broadway 2168- LATE 1920 PAIGE. 5-pass.. $1450. See this car for a real buy; run 3000 miles. 184 Laurelhurst ave. Owner. Tabor 9116. tgnn EQUITY In new Stevens, any model AH 247, Oregonian. timber to trade for Dodgo or Suick car. B 10. OragaaJtsi FOR SALE ArTOMOBILKS. PRICES DOWN. QUALITY UP. Nertr since w, hays been In the auto mobile business have we been able to offer such exceptional values In used cars as we have on our floor at the present time. Nearly all of our cars were good buys to start with and after putting them through our own shop, re painting when necessary, many of them are like new. Compare our prices and you will find that, quality considered, they ave the lowest in the city: 1917 Briscoe. 3-pass... 1918 Elgin, 5-pass. . . . 1913 Mitchell. 5-pass. WIUys-Kntght. 3-passL 1917 Dodge. 5-paas. .. 1917 Mitchell. 5-pasa. 1919 Olds. 5-pass. 191S Mitchell. 5-pass. 1917 Mitchell. 7-pass. ..$ 473 . . 750 . . 350 . . 800 . . 830 . . 850 . . 1230 .. 1100 .. 1100 . . 2100 1021 Olds 8. 5-p And we also hae a few Victory model Mitchells and two Jordan Elllmuettes. on which we give factory guarantees and service. Deal with, a assnse of recognised stability. 3S years In business In Portland. We handle our own notes and do not change for brokerage. MITCHELL. LEWIS ft STAVER CO.. Broadway at Everett. Bhone Broadway 4675. CARS. CARS. TERMS. TERMS . TERMS. WE HAVE BOTH. YOU WANT BOTH. SEE OUR DISPLAY. SI'PPLE'S DOCK. EAST END MORRISON BRIDGE. New Moon coupe. New Moon 5-pass., disteel wheels. New Moon 7-pass., touring. New Dixie 5-pass., touring. New Dixie roadster. New Skelton 5-pass.. touring. New Maxwell 5-pasa, touring. New Liberty 5-pasa.. touring. Used Overlands, Maxwells, Ford bags. Moon touring, Dixie touring, etc New and used trucks. 1-ton to SVj tons. O'Hlckory. Gary and Atlerbury. AMERICAN WAREHOUSE ft SALES CO. Phone East 3871. FORD OWNERS. CHEVROLET OWNERS. Motors overhauled $20 Rear axle overhauled A Valves ground, carbon removed I Magneto recharged B We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc., which Insures a perfect-running mo tor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. THE REASON, the Ford engine starts hard and the lights are dim is becauae the MAGNETO Is weak. Have It RECHARGED BY EXPERTS. t UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO., 210-212 Jefferson. Main 7644. USED CARS. We are making special prices this week on the following used cars They are all in good condition and If low prices and easy terms interest you It will pay you to see them before buying else where: 1920 Lexington touring. 1920 Lexington aedsn. 1920 Stephens touring. 1918 Velle touring. 1917 Bulck touring. We will consider your old car as part payment on any of the above. OREGON LEXINGTON CO.. 450 Burnside st Bdwy. 486. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. TOU BUT OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE, WIS. FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE OO. 208 XLLINQ BLDG., 2D FLOOR. USED cars of merit at sacrifice prices Oaklanda from $500 to $1350; all In rood condition and our firm stands behind them; also several other make such as Fierce-Arrow limousine. 1 Cadillac 7-paasenger. Premier 7-paaaenger. Locomobile 7-passenger. These 7-passenger cars are Just thv thing for stage or for hire. WILLAMETTE MOTORS CO.. Broadway 4184. Bdwy. at Flanders. USED CAR BARGAINS. Overland roadster. $125. Peerless touring. $200. Buick 4. $250. Mitchell bug. 1250. 3 Ford touring, $275 to $350. 8 Ford bugs. $330 to 4O0. 2 Overlands, $300 and $350. 1 Maxwell. $330. 1 Bulck light six. $850. Money to loan on antos. LONO ft PILVA, 462 Hawthorne. 1920 OVERLAND LIGHT 4. Ftve-psssenger, the most popular of the Overland series. Looks and runs like new. For quick sals $775. See Busch. TALBOT ft CAREY. INC. East 8118. Grand are. and E. Ankeny sts. AUTO SHOW SPECIAL HIGH-CLASS. CUSTOM-BUILT CHEV ROLET SPEEDSTER; SPECIAL JOB THROUGHOUT. IS ABSOLUTELY THE CLASSIEST LITTLE SPORTSTER EVER SEEN IN PORTLAND: WILL TAKE IN STANDARD CHEVROLET OR FORD CAR IN TRADE. PHONE FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. ST. JOHNS BRANCH. COL. 656. 1818 BRISCOE TOURING. Demountable rims, good tlrea. This car looks fine and runs fins. A dandy buy for $450. See Wards, TALBOT ft CASEY. INC. East 8118. . 1 Grand a k STUTZ REAL SACRIFICE 8TUTZ My 1919 model 6-pasa. Stuts touring oar must go this week, sect, leaving the city class A condition; like new; 5 new cord tires. Wire wheels, power, pep. speed and class; just from the paint shop and rearing to go; best offer above 1""50 takes It. Terms. Adklna. Nor- tnnla hotel. Portland. Brdway 1 1 SO. OAKLAND, 5-pas.s., practically brand new; has lots of extras Why pay a new pries when $1325 takes this one? Call Knox at Bdwy. 1130 to see car. A FORD car. 1917 model, good condition. For Information call at 181 17th at., or phone Mar. 2589. A chance for your money TOPS 'EM ALL TOPS recovered. $25 and up. Oregon Auto Top Co., 14th and Couch sta Bdwy. 4408. BIC, USED CARS PRICEB STOCK RIGHT. No Misrepresentation. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. 1900 Ford touring, run about 2000 miles, almost as good as new, no starter, but all equipped for one; a snap at $480 cash 1211 g. 23d St. N.. Alberta car. $1700 DODGE coupe practically new, cost $-'400 with extras; classy bargain. '$750 Dodge touring, fine condltlom. Chae. Rlngler, 225 Henry Bldg. TWO brand new Ford roadster bodies: alas all kinds of Ford delivery bodies la stock. 121 Grand ave. N. $250 BUYS big 6. 7-paas. M.tcheU. We are Belling it for balance due on it. Cook ft GUI Co Ask for Mr Argo. Bd-wy. 3281. FOR SALE 1919 Chevrolet. A-l condi tion, anap. $425; terms. Phone Wood lawn 1178. FOR SALE 1918 Stevens roadster, practi cally new; a snap for cash. Call 20 N. Hroadway or phone Broadway 31 i8"0 FORD coupe, fully equipped; A-l me chanlcally; must sell quick at a sacri flca Tabor 7370 after 6 P. M. WE PUT steel teeth In your old flywheels, crankshaft turning. H. B. Black, may chine shop, 534 Alder at. Bdwy, 268L 18-'0 BUICK 5-pasa.. excellent condition. 5 tires, spotlight. tlr cover, etc, $1500. Main 1IM9 CHEVROLET touring, excellent con dition, spotlight and 5 almost new tires, $40. terms East 1583. $150 MAXWELL, fine condition. 445 Haw- tr.orne. WE WRECK cars, all makes. Portland Anto Wrecking Co, 280 Union ave. pOItD touring car first-class condition. 8176. rnone ioi. .". 1BI7 6-PASS. buick, new paint, rirst-oiasa mechanical condition. Tabor 6478. FOR SALE 1013 Cadiilao lor $2B. Apply Covey aioior v.ar vev OH BVROLET. A-l condition; rlfjce; by owner. Col. 868. LATE Chevrolet, food condition. 4J75J (onuj. 2U , . 71