VflT T IYVO 1 8 Tfif Entered at Portlhd (Oregon) JLl. L1A JlV. IQi'PO Postofflce as Second-Class Matter PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 1921 PRICE FIVE CENTS LOW BIDS FOR STATE 1 BONDS CRITICISED! FARMERS ARE READY TO END ALL FAMINE WOMAN IS FATALLY INJURED BY AUTO MULTNOMAH BODY HIOTDIPT ATTrDMCVC . 7 uioimoi mi luniNLio WAR ON PUNCH-BOARD COMPLETES STORY GOVERNOR DIRECTS STATE MOT TO MOXEV INTERESTS. CORN FOR STARVING PEOPLE AVAILABLE, FREE. MBS. ROSA PODESTA, 6 5 AXD WIDOW, IS KILLED. COXVEXTIOX ACTS IX SPITE OF j JACKSOX OFFICIAL. LEONARD RETAINS CORK LORD MAYOR SHADOW BOW HOLD GROWN WANTS JO NT LEVY WAITED BY GUARDS Technical Knockout Gives Victory to Champion. SdfilFTY WflMFN AT RINRS1DF Opera Box in New York Is ucbeiicii iui nie nyiu. MEN WEAR DINNER COATS 3Iembers of Fair Sex Observed to Gasp and Press Their Lips aC Sound of Hard Blows. WADISON SQUARE GARDEN. New Tork, Jan. 14. In a spectacular bout which was stopped by the referee in the sixth round at Madison Square Garden tonight Benny Leonard, the yworra a iigmweigni cnampion, acoreu r a technical knockout over Richie Mitchell of Milwaukee, who, despite his defeat, proved himseft a worthy challenger. , The bout was the main attraction at & benefit given by the American com mitted for devasted France. Opponent la Floored. In the opening round Leonard knocked his opponent down three times and injured Richie's right eye ao badly that it was useless to the game western lad during the remainder of the bout. However, toward the end of the tnitia. round Richie surprised the champion and, in fact, the entire house, by hooking a terrific left to Leonard's jaw which sent the cham pion down on his back. Leonard arose slowly and, remaining on one knee waved his hand to his manager and seconds, indicating that his head was Clear and that he was uninjured. Leonard Has Advantage. From this to the beginning of the sixth round Leonard had the advan tage in every session, but many close observers believed that if Leonard had not virtually blinded Richie's eye in the opening round the Milwaukee lad would have given him the fight of his career. In the sixth round Richie tried his best to land a solid blow, but Leon ard's blocking and footwork were al most perfect in defense. Leonard's attack in this round was fierce and he simply battered hia opponent off his feet. He sent Richio to the floor three times and was ready to put over a finishing punch when Referee Haukop intervened and saved Mitchell from further punishment. The men weighed in at 2 P. M. at 134 pounds, one pound under stipulated weight. Roth looked trained to the hour and each expressed his confidence while being prepared for the end. Society omrn Attend. Society women who suddenly have become patrons of the art of fisti cuffs stepped tonight from opera box to ringside to watch the boxers pummel one another for the war stricken folk of France and their own amusement. To Madison Square Garden, where at national horse shows for years un- cumbered Fifth avenue has gathered to see thoroughbreds go through tl eir paces and to observe the latest tylea, a share of the city's men and wutnen of fashion motored through the rain to witness a world's light weight championship contest between Bennr Leonard and Richie Mitchell, staged by the American committee for devastated France in a 20th cen tury drive for funds. Men Wear Dinner Coat a. Perhaps New York society has not made of boxing such an enthusiastic fad as the elect of London and Paris, or perhaps it was the rain which kept many pretty frocks at home, but Macson Square Garden tonight was not rs aglltter with Jewels and fine ilks as the Circe Paris or Royal Albert hall was reputed to have been at icrent important bouts. Most of the women sweated around the ring side were not in evening dress, al though their escorts wore their din ner coats. When the doors trj the great arena were thrown open, men in business suits swept like a wave Into the garden, filling the four gal Kries and much of the level stretches around the ring. When in the vast auditorium, with its flag-bedecked balconies, its bright flghte flaring aloft and its dim haxe of smoke, appeared a flying squadron of women in evening dresses of bright hues. They were fair pro gramme vendors, selling their wares for war-torn France. MBa "' k'-rn-L. , ii And the gallery gods wre on their ide. There was no doubt of that. The rows of keen-eyed lads to whom uo motion in the ring was lost, were 1 ii. ...i.w . i w ' " ... ;.:r : . ers. i ne npyiin cneers inti greetea appearance of the girls were followed by si.arp injunctions to "buy them programmes," with hisses ior those who disobeyed. Shortly after Mias Anne Morgan, leading figure in auctioning high priced ringside seats for charity, had seated herself in her box. the garden, filled to capacity, was plunged in darkness, until the great cluster of lights over the ring were flashed on. There were a few preliminary bouts which women cou'.d be seen observing (Concluded on Pag 13, Column 1.) Sale of Securities Above Par by -Smallest Part of Cnion Cited as Example Worth While, f SALEM, Or., Jan 14. (Special.) Why the state of Oregon should be compelled to sell its bonds at a heavy discount, while the little state of Rhode Island disposes of Its securi ties to local banking institutions at prices ranging above par, was the question directed to the money In terests of the state in the statement given out by Governor Olcott here today. "I have noted," said Governor Olcott In his statement, "that the governor of Rhode Island, in his message to the legislature said that the bonded in debtedness of the latter state had in creased last year by the Issuance of $2,500,000 bonds for the soldiers' bonus and for bridge construction. "These were 4H per cent bonds and all of them were sold above par, the greater part of them at a slight pre mium, a fact which indicates the sound financial standing of the state. It also is worthy of note that all ex cept $100,000 of these bonds were sub scribed for by banking institutions of Rhode Island. "I was amazed to find that the tini est state in the union could obtain par and premium bids on 4V per cent bonds, when Oregon has been com pelled to sell its highway bonds, bear ing the same rate of interest, at a discount. Evidently the secret lies in the fact that the bankers of Rhode Island responded to the appeal and took the securities of their own state at their face value or better. "We will have more bonds to sell during the next few years, and I wish to appeal to the patriotism of our bankers to see if they cannot as sist Oregon in equalling the record of Rhodrs Island in the future. Certainly our bonds, backed by a state un paralleled in natural resources, should have as fine a financial standing as the little state of Rhode Island, cov ering a territory barely perceptible upon an ordinary map. I urge th: people of the state to think not only of the financial honor of Oregon, but of the value we will receive in greater returns for our bonded in debtedness." MINISTER Rev. W. B. OPERATED ON Hinson Seeks Relief From Ulcer of the Stomach. Rev. W. B. Hinson, pastor of the East Side Baptist church, underwent a serious operation yesterday morn ing for ulcer of the stomach, and is now at Good Samaritan hospital, where his condition is said to be satisfactory considering the nature of the operation. Dr. A. K. Rockey and Dr. Paul Rockey are In attendance. For sorrf? time past Dr. Hinson has been in ill health, and recently it became apparent that an operation was necessary. He was taken to the hospital Thursday night. Mrs. Hin son accompanied him and has re mained in attendance upon her husband. FEARS FELT FOR VESSEL Mail Steamer Joseph Pulitzer Is Long Overdue. JUNEAU, Alaska, Jan. 14. No trace of the mail steamer Joseph Pulitzer, missing in Alaskan waters since De cember 18. has been found after a week's search by the coast guard cutter Snohomish, according to ad vices received here tonight, and grave fears are entertained here for the safetv of her officers and crew of seven. Unusual severe storms have been sweeping the gulf of Alaska which would add to the peril of the little vessel, now long overdue. The Snohomish is cruising toward Unimak pass. In the far north, : search of the missing steamer. TWO BURIED BY SLIDE Xortliern Pacific Workmen Injured Xear Grays Harbor. HOQl'IAM. Wash., Jan. 14. (Spe cial.) While at work cleaning away earth from a slid on the Northern Pacific tracks a mile west of Grays Harbor this morning D. J. Ferry and S. R. Reno, two workmen, were I buried underneath' and so badly in jured they were brought to a Ho- quiam hospital. This afternoon Ferry was taken to the Northern Pacific hospital at Tacoma. It was reported that no bones were broken, but severe muscular strains i and bodily bruises resulted. 2 GOBS -LOST OVERBOARD Bodies of Pacific Fleet Sailors Are Xot Recovered. ABOARD THE U. S. S. NEW MEX ICO AT SEA, Jan. 14. (By -Radio to the Associated Press.) Two men of the Pacific fleet were lost overboard at ;ca in the last 24 hours. They were Edgar Oscar Ecstrom from the U. S. S. Arkansas and Bur- ton r irom tnc uesirujer oiuu- lnelr BO"'"" "" covered. DRY OFFICERS INDICTED Prohibition Agents Charged With Acceptance of Bribes. BOSTON. Jan. 14. Indictments 1 charging conspiracy and the accept ances of bribes were returned by the federal grand jury late today against Samuel M. Beresneck. a prohibition enforcement agent. Daniel Ryan of Worcester, formerly a prohibition agent, also was indicted for acceptance of bribes. Stowaway Asks America to Support Irish. DEPORTATION IS OPPOSED Lawyer Argues 0'Callagtian Is Political Refugee. PASSPORT NOT NEEDED Sailor on United States Vessel Tells of Alleged Abuse by British Troops in Erin. WASHINGTON, Jan. 14. Lord Mayor O'Callaghan of Cork, who reached the United States last week as a stowaway and without a pass port, completed his testimony before the commission from the committee of 100 investigating Irish conditions today, and thereby accomplished the announced purpose of his visit to America. Completion by the lord mayor of his testimony was followed a few hours later by submission to Secre tary of Labor Wilson of a brief arguing that the Cork executive, now in the United States on parole, be permitted to remain here as a political refugee, entitled under the iaw to admission without a passport. The brief was submitted through O'Callaghan's counsel in accordance with a ruling of Secretary Wilson at the preliminary hearing accorded the lord mayor several days f.go. Secre tary Wilson is expected to reach a decision in the matter of permanently admitting O'Callaghan tomorrow after studying the briefs. Burning City Described. Mayor O'Callaghan devoted today largely to a description of the recent burning of Cork and presented an appeal for support of the Irish cause. With the appeal he coupled the decla ration that the United Slates and England alike entered the war pledged to the principle of self-determination for small nations and that since England had shown in her treatment of Ireland the pledge to be "a smoke screen and humbug." tha United States, too. unless show ing a more real interest in Ireland, might be made liable to the same ac cusation. "If ' we are told," he concluded, "that neither America nor any other nation which sees us bleeding to death, despite all that was said about self-determination, meant what they said, and that it Is now admitted to be humbug" in our case, it will not be humbug. We will continue to fight, be the result what it may." Mayor O'Callaghan was followed on (r-rrwiiirirl on Par 2. Column 3.. ' NOT SO BAD OFF. F -ll VflPCmC rllCtSE& B To viOQ tAEOF-KO Kjl f Room is iNCotAt. -i A t i w flWcweo m.o blackMcUi- L?- 'M: Lr. : ; t Producers Will Appease Hunger ol World if Cities and Towns Will Transport Food. CHICAGO, Jan . 14. Tho farmers of America stand ready to give enough corn to appease the hunger all over the -world, if the people of cities and towns will transport it to the starving. President J. R. Howard of the American Farm Bureau Feder ation declared here today. Addressing the Illinois Agricultural association. President Howard de clared he had advices from many states assuring him that the farmers would be willing to donate liberally from America's corn crop in order that no one in the world might starve. The" matter has been taken up with Herbert Hoover, chairman of the European relief activities. "We will furnish any amount the Hoover committee can use," Mr. Howard said after the meeting. "If it wants 10,000,000 bushels we will get it; if it wants 25,000,000 bushels, we'll get that. I talked with the New York headquarters this morning and the matter will be taken up there Monday." .n Iowa farmer had suggested to him that farmers in his county would donate all of their surplus crop over the number of bushels they raised in 1919, Mr. Howard said. The farmers of America, Mr. Howard continued, are willing to donate of their surplus a sufficient amount to save the starving in Europe and China, provided the corn is shipped out of the country and not thrown on the American market further to depress the price. They proposed to the European and Chinese relief committees that the farmers would furnish the corn at shipping stations if the railroad, milling and corn products interests and the public at large will trans port It to the famine victims. Teligrams were read from farm bureru secretaries of the states, of Ohio, Missouri and Indiana indorsing the plan. - F0RO GAINS 1103 VOTES 945 of 2200 Precincts Are Totaled In Senate Recount. WASHINGTON, Jan. 14. At the close of recountfng ballots of 945 of 2200 Michigan precincts today, Henry Ford had gained 1103 vces over Sen ator. Newberry in the senate privi leges and elections committee's can vass of their senatorial controversy. tlenator Newberry's plurality in the election was around 7500. SOLDIER BONUS FAVORED Xon-Partisans Join in Voting for Measure In Xebraska. LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. 14. Thirteen non-partisan league- members of the Nebraska house united in a bill in troduced today to appropriate the proceeds of a 5-mill levy for the next two years for service men. marines and nurses in the late war. Beneficiaries would receive $25 for each month they served. Witnesses Declare Dallas J. Sid well, Driverof Machine, Stopped in 5 Feet After Accident. Mrs. Rosa Podesta, 65, of 189 Grant street, died at St. Vincent's hospital last night less than three hours after having been struck down at the inter section of Jefferson and Front streets by an automobile driven by Dallas J. Sidwell, 456 East Twenty-sixth street. Mrs. Podesta sustained a fracture of the skull in the accident. Witnesses reported to the police that Mrs. Podesta was "Jay walking" when hit by the automobile. Sidwell said she stepped in front of his car without warning. He applied the brakes and stopped In the space of five feet, witnesses said. Mrs. Podesta was a widow and was employed by the Long Fruit Products company on East Yamhill street. She lived with a sister, Mrs. Mary Garba rino. A brother. J. V. Podesta, is em ployed by the Northwest Bridge & Iron company. The body was identi fied by these relatives about two hours after the accident, efforts of the police during that time to identi fy it having been futile. The coroner now has the body and will make an investigation into the accident. HUNGER BRINGS ANARCHY Armenian Refugees Dying for Lack of Food and Fuel. NEW YORK. Jan. 14. More than 200,000 Armenian refugees between Kara and Alexandropol are dying be cause of lack of food and fuel, and anarchy stalks among them, said ad vices from Armenia by way of Paris, received here today by the Near East relief. Cessation of all transportation, coupled with a severe winter, adds to the appalling situation, it was assert ed by M. Ahronian, president of the Armenian delegation to the peace conference. Famine threatens unless steps are immediately taken to con tinue American shipments of pro visions, he said. FLIERS NEAR CANAL ZONE Twelve Naval Planes Reported at Costa Rican Port. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 14. All of the 12 F-5-L naval seaplanes making a test flight from San Diego to the canal zone, were at the Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Kica, last nigh.t, radio messages received today at 12th naval district headquarters said. Ten of them reached there Wednes day and the remaining two arrived last night. SHIPYARD OFFICIAL SHOT Oakland Man Found Wounded, With Revolver Xear By. OAKLAND, Cal., Jan. 14. M. J Waites, .purchasing agent for the Moore Shipbuilding company, was found near here" today with a bullet wound in his head and a revolver lying near him. Physicians said he had no chance to recover. Tax Supervising Commis sion Files Report. CENTRALIZATION LAWS ASKED Defects of Present System Pointed Out to Governor. BROAD BUDGET FAVORED Legislation Applicable to All Cnits of Local Government Is One Recommendation. SALEM, Or., Jan. 14. (Special.) Enactment of legislation centralizing the tax levying bodies of Multnomah county to the end that duplication of effort and expense may be eliminated was recommended in the annual re port of the tax supervising and con tervation commission of Multnomah county, which was filed with Governor Olcott here today. The commission was created under an act of the 1919 legislature, and the report covers the period January 1 to December 31. 1920. Specific recommendations of the commission follow: Competent budget law, applicable to all units of local government, to take the place of present statutes pertaining only to counties and school districts. Supervision la Wanted. Law centralizing tha administration of t ie multiple tax levying and dis bursing functions of Multnomah county and creating a supervisory ad ministrative commission. Law authorizing and directing the county auditor to reject a claim made against any particular county fund or appropriation after said fund has been exhausted. "In the preparation of the budgets." sail the report, "all estimates of of ficials reported for the primary con sideration of levying bodies should show in parallel columns the unit costs of three preceding years, the detailed? expenditures of the last one of said three years, together with the budget allowances and six months' expenditures of the current year. Uniform System Favored. "The tax supervisory body of the county should be authorized to pre pare and issue to the various units all torms necessary for the establish ment of a uniform system, and the budgets as compiled and approved, with the original estimate sheets, should be filed with the supervisory commission noi later than October 1 of each year. This would afford two months (until December 1), little time enough for proper investigation and review by the supervisory board, consultation with the levying boards, publication of the budge'- for the consideration of the taxpayers and final adoption. With the budgets In the hands of the supervising commis sion on October 1 the commission could, not later than December 10. compile and report for publication a comprehensive review of the annual tax problem in the county. Data to Be Compiled. "The supervisory commission should be empowered to compile accurate information pertaining to bonded or other debt, to require any public of ficial to file a statement of the ex penditures of his department during the fiscal year, require from any unit of local government a statement of its annual expenses. Inquire into the management, books of account and systems employed of each unit of government and its various de partments, demand and receive the annual budgets and hold hearings upon them, to approve, reject, modify or reduce the budgets or any items therein, to date the entry of levies in accordance with the findings and con clusions of the commission and to perform any other duties necessary to promote efficiency in the admin istration of government and the con servation of public money. Deficiencies Are Opposed. "The necessity for vesting the county auditor with the "authority suggested in our third recommenda tion is obvious. No department of government should be permitted to create a deficiency. Waste and ex travagance in this direction will be stopped if the auditor is empowered to reject any claim in excess of the allowance for any particular fund or I appropriation. "There are 81 authorities that have power to levy, or direct to be levied, a tax upon the property 1n Multno mah county. All of these with the exception of seven road districts are active. These tax-levying bodies in clude the state of Oregon, through the state tax commission, county of Multnomah, county school fund, through the board of county commis sioners, county high school tuition fund, through board of county com missioners, county library, through board of county commissioners. Port of Portland, Portland dock commis sion. Cities and town (4), union high school districts (2), local school dis tricts (54), road districts (7), water districts (3), and drainage districts (4). "Removing from consideration the state, whose power to levy a tax can- Concluded on Pace 5, Column 1.) Candy Device Declared to Be Vio lation of Law and Stand for Enforcement Is Taken. Over the protest of Rawles Moore, district attorney for Jackson county, who confessed to dropping numerous dimes on cigar-stand counters for the privilege of punching a lucky hole and winning a box of candy and could see no evil in the practice, district attorneys of Oregon in convention yesterday voted to adopt a uniform policy which will mean the suppres sion of punch-board operation in the state. . "If the punch-board Is not in viola tion of the law, and If we feel that it is not, we should permit it to be oper ated without molestation." declared District Attorney Evans of Multno mah county. "But if it ie, we should stamp out its use and not be back ward about prosecutions. Personally, I believe it is a lottery and in direct violation of the state law and have been proceeding on that theory. It does no good, however, to prosecute punch-board operators in one county if they are permitted in an adjoining county." The question was brought to issue through the arrest in Springdale Thursday of G. W. Smith by Deputy Sheriffs Chrisofferson and Schirmer for stealing the punch-board in his store and the subsequent finding of many punch-boards ready for ship ment about the state in the store room of C. C. Chick company, 609 Up shur street. Moore declared he believed the punch-board to be a harmless sort of diversion. "The question before us is whether or not we desire to enforce the law," declared George Neuner, Jr., district attorney from Douglas county. "If we are weak-kneed about the punch board we will be borrowing a lot of trouble." That appeared to be the opinion of tie majority. BANK LOOT RECOVERED Suitcase Containing Papers Stolen From Safe Is Found. CHEHAXJS, Wash., Jan. 14. (Spe cial.) A weather-beaten suitcase found near Dryad is held at Sheriff Roberta' office. The suitcase when discovered contained a lot of valuable papers that were stolen from the Pe Ell State bank when it was robbed some months ago. Liberty bonds, mortgages, deeds, travelers' checks and other documents were included. No further light has been thrown on the identity of the robbers who cracked the safe, and why they aban doned the loot is pcobleniatical. One theory is that they may have hidden it and later were unable to find the cache. RESTAURANTS CUT PRICES Substantial Reductions Made at Spokane Houses. SPOKANE. Wash.. Jan. 14. Prices were reduced by some of the larger restaurants of Spokane today. Cuts of from 5 to 10 cents an order on ham and eggs, steaks, chops and fish were noted on many restaurant menus. Pie and other pastries were also reduced an average of 6 cents an order. INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS I The Weather. 1 YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. 34 I dtaiees; minimum, 50. l TODAY'S Rain; southerly winds. National. Three amendments to Pordney tariff tacked on by senate finance committee. Pase 2. Big army now obsession of once pacifist secretary of war. Page 2. Lord Mayor of Cork finishes testimony. Faze L Domestic. Home town halis three aeronauts as he roes. Page 3. Farmers ready to donate corn to feed world's starving. Page L Union labor will organize Iron and steel workers against wage reductions. Page 3. Pacific Northwest. Low market for state bonds criticised by governor. Pnge L Seattle starts movement to have state re duce rail freight rates on wheat to off Bet decision favoring Portland. Page 19. Editors of Oregon banqueted at Eugene. Page 13. Leglslatoree. Multnomah tax supervising commission urges legislation centralizing all levy ing power, rage i. Washington Htgulature recesses until Monday, rage B. $100,000 appropriation asked for Idaho ex- tervice men. Page 7. Game code Revision approved in main by house committee, -j-ago u. Second district likely to be left as It la Page tt. Sports. Society women desert opera for prize ring. Page 1. Winged M team short two regulars. Page IS. Langford wallops victory out of Devere In seventh round. Page 12. Wilson is ready to fignt O'Dowd. Page 12. Commercial and Marine. Pooling of valley wools favored by dealers. Page 19- Wbtiat weak at Chicago with lighter ex port demand. Page 19. Easier money and bull pools feature stock sacculation, .rage itf. State chamber committee, urges abolition nt Panama canal tolls. Page 18. Visitor points out Portland's natural ad vantages as shipyard center. Page 18. Portland and Vicinity. Public service commission will back city in demand for union terminal. Page U. Automobile show to close tonight. Page 20. North Portland tract sold for 1400,000. Page 10. Woman Is fatally injured by automobile. Page 1. "Shadow's" threatened blow awaited by vigilant guards. Page L District attorneys declare war on punch boards. Page 1 . District attorneys want strict divorce law. Page 4. Report on traffic streets made. Page 20. Receiver is quizzed by bond house credi tors. Page 4. Ladd and Jenning Homes Closely Watched. ESCAPE MADE IN GUN FIGHT Police Twice Outwitted by Clever Blackmailer. MAN NOT SEEN SINCE Police and Detective 1'iikc Pre cautions Against Death Threats Being Carried Out. Extra guards heavily armed with shotguns and rifles were stationed last night about the homes of J. Wes ley Ladd and Henry Jenning Jr. to prevent any possible attempt on the part of Portland's mysterious extor tionist "The Shadow" from carry ing out his threat to murder the famiiies of these two business men. These extra precautions were taken as a result of "The Shadow's" escape from a posse of police, deputy sheriffs and federal operative after a running gun fight In the heavily wooded section on the north side of Base Line road, between Craig road and a country road a half mile west of Taxi inn. Mayor Baker last night announced the posting of a reward of $1000 for the capture of "The Shadow," dead or alive. Every means possible is being taken by the police bureau to appre hend the man whose reign of terror has baffled all efforts of the com bined law-enforcir.g bodies. Man Hunt la Determined. The man hunt staged between 1 o'clock yesterday morning anai day break was one of the most deter mined in which Multnomah county and Portland officials have taken part since the days of Tracy and Merrill. Acting on a third threatening let ter received Thursday by J. Wesley Ladd from the blackmailer, who cloaks his mystery beneath the sig nificant alias of "The Shadow," a j police car equipped with two flash lights and two rear lights set out from Grand avenue and East Stark street promptly at midnight Thurs day to keep a pre-arranged ren dezvous with "The Shadow." As in his former threatening letters, the extortionist demanded that the auto mobile proceed out East Stark street along the Base Line road to a point near Troutdale. Somewhere along this route ho served notice that he would be In readiness with a flash light signal, at which a package containing $25,000 must be thrown from the machine. .signal Seen In Dsrknrss, At the Intersection of Base Llns road with a seldom-used country road, about a half mile west of Taxi Inn, the camouflaged automobile driven by Police Inspector Hellyer and containing deputy sheriffs and detectives saw the signal flash in the darkness about 300 yards ahead. Speeding up the machine, they drove rapidly to the point where the flash light signal had been given and a volley of shots were sent in the direc tion of the elusive fugitive by Deputy Sheriff Christofferson as he stood on the running board of the machine. Within five minutes, four other automobiles crowded with heavily armed officers arrived at the meeting point and guards were Immediately stationed at every possible vantage point- Along the railroad tracks, at road intersections and at frequent points in the heavy, woods officers kept their vigil for more than two Hours, waiting for some sign of "The Shadow." Lunch Box Is Found. Lieutenant of Inspectors Goltz, in examining the ground near where the flashlight signal was given, found a partially empty lunch box which the police are certain had been carried by "The Shadow." This lunch box was lying beneath a fir tree close to the road and within 20 feet from where the flashlight signal was seen. For two hours the hunt was con fined mainly to this vicinity although guards were stationed as far back as East Eighty-second street to prevent the man from getting back Into the city. At about 3 o'clock in the morning. Deputy Sheriffs Mollenhour and La Mont engaged "The Shadow" in a running gun fight along Craig road near the intersection of the interur ban railroad tracks. But lonce more "The Shadbw" ran true to form and name and eluded the pesse. Mollenhour was standing within the shadow of a shelter shed fronting the railroad tracks when he glimpsed the faint outline of a man walking boldly toward him up Craig road, going north. When the man reached the tracks he saw Mollenhour and stopped." Mollenhour walked out to meet him. I'ire Opened on Shadow". "Stick 'em up and be quick abort it," ordered "The Shadow." "I'm an officer," returned Mollen hour as he advanced. toward the fig ure. As the words left the deputy's lips, a gun flashed in his face and two bul lets sang close to his head. Mollenhour, standing but 10 feet from "The Shadow" opened fire, but none of the shots took effect. LeMont, who was standing 20 feet (Concluded on Page 2. Column akr